Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/southernplanterd113sout THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Beboteti to .ftgrfculture, horticulture, an* the ©ottseftolti girts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the I Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts A r ts . — Xc iwplbon . I of the State.— Sully. Vol. XI, RICHMOND, MARCH, 1851 No. 3. R.B. GOOCH, Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Proprietor. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents p3r annum, which may be discharged by the pay- ment of One Dollar only, within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies fot Ten Dol- lars, to be paid invariably in advance. §rj=- Office on South Twelfth Street. PETITION. To the General Assembly of ike Commonwealth of Virginia-: The petition of the undersigned, committee of the State Agricultural Club, respectfully sjhoweth: That the undersigned have been directed by the aforesaid association to ask of your hon- orable body the enactment of some proper measures in aid of agricultural instruction and improvement. To this end, we beg leave to report (marked A) general education in nearly all its various branches. For this purpose, about the sum of $100,000 is now annually paid oul of the treas- ury, or otherwise diverted from its income. Other large amounts of funds, as clearly drawn from the public wealth, though in a different manner, (as in the cases of William and Ma- ry and Washington Colleges,) would correctly extend the statement of the annual cost to the treasury, in aid of education, to the amount, of $ . The items which make up this gross sum are the income of some fixed endowments to institutions of learning, the annuities to the Primary Schools, the University, the Military Institute, and in the suspended interest of no- minal loans, but real gifts, to the Medical College of Richmond, and some other colleges. Thus, the government pays to aid education and instruction in the lowest elementary learn- ing — in the dead, and also living foreign lan- guages- in all the sciences usually taught in colleges — in military tactics— and also in law and medicine; but nor a dollar of all this ex- penditure is directed to instruction in agricul- ture, or for aid to agriculture in any way. -It is far from our design to object to the amount of State expenditure for education, so far as exhibit the accompanym of a previously acting committee of the State j it is properly directed, or to even double the Agricultural Club, prepared by the general in- j amount, with the same condition of proper di- stinction, and which was favorably received j rection— but this we will say, that any portion by that association. But neither in the con- of the said expenditure, whether one-tenth or tents of this paper, nor in the additional re- marks which the undersigned may here offer, is it presumed to be urged upon your honora- ble body the adoption of any specific or pre- cise manner of action for attaining the great and important object sought. Other plans may be more efiicienf than any we can recommend at this time; and all friends to the great cause of agricultural improvement will be content to leave the plan and its details to to be ar- ranged as may seem be'st to the General As- sembly, provided they are chosen by the wis- dom and discretion of that body, with the de- sign to further the great' cause and objects to be so promoted. But as the whole subject of aid and instruction to agriculture unfortunately is unknown to the legislative action and go- ' vernmental policy of this commonwealth, the undersigned beg leave to offer some of the one-half, would be not less beneficially and profitably bestowed in judiciously aiding agri- cultural instruction and improvement. The direct and earliest effect of such promotion of agricultural knowledge would he to increase the profits and wealth of every farmer so in- stiucted,and to that extent the general wealth of the whole community. But this would not be all. The increase of means, so produced to numerous individuals, would permit and in- duce a large addition to their previous expen- ditures for the scholastic education of their children. And thus it might well be, that the parents would return to the use of scholastic education itself, much more than any amount which they had before received from 'the tie; s- ury as aid for agricultural instruction. Some facts in support of this assertion probably a?e known to, and can be adduced as proofs or ex- many grounds of just claim for such action amples by every person who is acquainted and aid It has long been the established policy of the government of this commonwealth to aid :« Vol. XL— 3. with any locality where recent and great agri- cultural improvement has been produced. W r hen by such improvement of soils and crops, .„» ^fJ-?L^**~oaty i per- il one i ami lore r ersa- ii ex- lseful ii not v ilie jneral :ies in [lilies, sou of iCOttl- meet- rkin?, i.;ao!e line ot icolio- oiiaf- tijects, ded.— ail i» all ber m " ,T[ieul- jiatf tiff 19 uh the more important mailers discussed in these meetings. Thus, without any expense to the commonwealth except the commissioner's sal- ary, much interest might thus be created, and much useful agricultural information be elicit- ed and widely diffused. But however useful and cheap this service, it would be the most humble and most easy of attainment. Higher and more important ac- tion will now be considered. One kind would be in inducing the permanent organization of county agricultural societies. Than these, with a subsequently instituted general agri- cultural society for the whole State, nothing would be more conducive to agricultural im- provement, with proper procedure of the so- cieties. Yet, because of useless or misdirected effort and procedure, nothing has been more useless in operation than nearly all the nume- rous agricultural societies which have had an existence in Virginia — indeed, in the general condemnation of uselessness might be included all the agricultural societies in the United States, with some temporary exceptions made by the peculiar zeal, energy and intelligence of some leading and active members of par- ticular societies. But the plans of operation have been so universally faulty, and the con- sequent inaction, or wrong action, so general, that the partial relief and contrast caused by individual intelligence and zeal, have been of little operation and value to agricultural im- provement. This occasion does not permit the stating in detail the generally prevailing errors and defects of agricultural societies, or the different procedure deemed proper. But auch general course of procedure as may be deemed best for useful results, should be re- quired of all agricultural societies connected with the government, and receiving its bounty in aid of their operations. With such proper requisitions, and a proper and uniform general plan, agricultural societies might render the most important services for the improvement of agriculture. In furtherance of their opera- tions, we propose the (possibly) heaviest ex- pense of the general plan. For every agri- cultural society established upon the plan re- quired as the condi.'ion, and which annually raised and paid out in premiums for suitable subjects, the sum of $200, the commissioner should have power to add thereto, for like pre- miums and subjects designated by himself,., S100 to be drawn from the treasury. Thus, if 100 county or district agricultural societies were so established, and put into useful opera- tion, it would cost to the 'treasury $10,000 a year— and which, by individual subscriptions would be increased to $30,000 a year, all ex- pended usefully to elicit and diffuse agricultu- ral knowledge and promote improvement. It is probable that the offered co-operation of the State, and still more the appeal made to the public spirit and zeal of individual farmers, would soon induce the establishment of, and put into useful operation, many county agri- cultural societies. As a further inducement, it might be well for the commissioner to direct his other subsequent operations mainly or en- tirely to the counties in which such societies were established. This would not only be good policy in furtherance of the general object of agricultural improvement, but there would be no injustice to the omitted localities. For if the people of any county would not give enough of individual effort to establish a society, or to do anything of themselves for their benefit in this respect, it is not to be supposed that they would duly appreciate or profit by other means for instruction forced upon their notice. If deemed advisable that the valuable aid of operative chemistry shall be given lo agri- cultural investigation, the commissioner should be authorized lo employ such aid for analyzing soils and manures, &c. to a stated limit of ex- pense. There is no man in this country, (if there is in the world,) who combines the dif- ferent kinds of knowledge of both a good prac- tical and scientific farmer, and a good opera- tive chemist. Of course, to secure both these attainments in the commissioner, would be hopeless. The question then arises, whether the commissioner should be merely an agricul- turist, or merely an operative chemist. We entertain no question of the former alternative being far the best. An enlightened agriculturist, though but generally and slightly informed in chemistry, would know much better than any mere chemist to what subjects chemical inves- tigation would be required and important to agricultural knowledge. Good operative che- mists can be as well directed and as well em- ployed to make particular analyses and inves- tigations by an agricultural survey, as by a geological surveyor — and gentlemen who have conducted geological surveys at public ex- pense, have had their reported analyses either mostly or exclusively conducted by hired ope- rative chemists, whose names were not even mentioned in the report of the geological sur- veyor. There would be this difference in the two cases: The agricultural surveyor, in re- sorting to the chemical knowledge of another person, would, (whether so choosing or not,) of necessity acknowledge the aid, and would have to pay for it the whole amount allowed by law for the purpose; and it should be further required, that every chemical investigation and report should be ascribed to its author, by name, so that he should have all the credit due, and also incur the responsibility for error. For the proper selection of competent and faithful chemists, the commissioner would be properly responsible. A Professorship of Scientific Agriculture should be established at the Uni- versity of Virginia. The advantages of such an institution, for teaching the theory and prin- ciples of agriculture, need no illustration or argument. For teaching the practical process of agri- culture, it would be a valuable extension of this general scheme, to establish one or more experimental farms. We do not mean anything like what have been termed "model" or "ex- 72 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ample farms," on which it would be designed to exhibit examples of the best farming prac- tice. We have no faith in any good and pro- fitable farming being by possibility conducted upon state account, and it can rarely be done by agents for any distant individual proprietor. The object of a government experimental farm should be to try experiments, to decide disputed questions of agricultural practice, the value of new manures, new processes, machines, &c. All this would of course cause loss to the farm, though conferring great value, in correct in- formation, to the agricultural community. Of course the farm should be kept under regular and good culture, both to lessen its annual ex- penses, by the crops raised, and to employ the necessary laboring force at all times. On such a farm, every farming process, suitable to the locality, might be performed in the best man- ner; and young farmers might there learn to execute these labors, either by serving for a time as laborers, or by mere inspection. There would be no difficulty'in trying and using the best im plements, and in the best manner. And if by such examples a young farmer could there see and learn the best implements and processes by which to execute ploughing, sow- ing, reaping, thrashing out grain, manuring, burning and applying lime, draining, &c.^ it would be no lessening of the value of the in- struction so afforded, that the whole farming operations were of more expense than profit to the treasury. All the proposed measures, if carried into operation, would help to furnish much interest- ing matter for publication in agricultural jour- nals, and induce much more demand for such publications. We might expect, from this alon^, a great extension and improvement of this excellent means (and almost the only means heretofore existing) for diffusing agri- cultural knowledge. But still greater would be this gain, if a certain amount (say $2000) a year were authorized to be paid to one or more such journals for the publication of a certain amount of matter, to be furnished by the commissioner, which should be additional to the matter otherwise furnished by the pub- lication to its subscribers. In this way the publication of the reports of and to the com- missioner might be made most cheaply to the treasury, and most widely diffused to the read- ins: agricultural community. This occasion does not permit more than general reference to two other means for pro- moting agricultural improvement. One of these would have the merit of costing nothing to the public. It would be, in inviting and in- ducing, upon considerations of public good, some of the best farmers in Virginia, whose larms are truly examples of model culture and valuable improvement, to receive young men as pupils or apprentices. Such an invitation would be an honor to even the already distin- guished and best farmers, which might induce their compliance, so far as convenient. And any young men, so received and instructed in practical farming, though not paying a fair consideration to their instructor and hosr, would derive a very far greater balance of be- nefit. If by such a system fifty pupils were so instructed every year, and then settled on their farms in various' parts of the State, practical agricultural knowledge would be diffused in much the same manner as is now done for mili- tary and scholastic instruction by the opera- tions of the admirable State Institute. The other measure would cost money to the State, but might return more, and also produce other benefits of much greater value than either the cost or profit in money. This is, to publish in very large impressions, and thereby at very low cost, the books for primary and other English schools; and, so far as suitable, to make the reading books vehicles of agricul- tural instruction. In this manner might be superseded (by being undersold,) the Northern publications which are used in all our Southern schools, and which, for the matter contained, are not always merely useless and worthless. Some of these books for young children have been artfully directed by northern abolitionists against our institution of slavery, and have even been introduced into schools as well as made subjects for recreation. Some portions of books proceeding from this source contain articles absolutely infamous for falsehood and indecency, and which, though perhaps not made school books, are purchased by or made presents of to children by unsuspecting parents and friends. If the State would contract for large editions of any desired printed matter for school books, they can be furnished at least as low as the prices for which the religious tracts of the northern tract societies are sold. And why the societies publishing these tracts should not make clear profit by the sales, instead of re- quiring the vast amounts subscribed by pious and benevolent persons to aid the good work, cannot be explained, except by reference to the bad management of all joint-stock opera- tions, and also the fat salaries given lo the numerous agents of all such societies. In submitting this plan, it might be deemed much wanting in completeness, if not embrac- ing an estimate of the total cost. The agricultural commissioner, who, in dis- charge of his duties, would necessarily be generally travelling, 'or otherwise from home, and at various places, for short limes, suppose a salary of $2500 and his necessaiy expendi- ture in travelling, or for all, $3,300 Payments to 100 Agricultural Socie- ties, (if established,) - - - 10,000 Payment for chemical services, (the operator not being required to be from home or his laboratory,) sup- pose, - - - - 1,500 Payment to agricultural journals for publishing extra matter. - - 2.000 $1 6,800 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 73 If to these were added the further mea- sures of a Professorship of agricul- ture, ------ 2,000 Two experimental farms, suppose in- terest on capital and annual loss on operations of each $2,000, - - 4,000 $22,800 The two latter subjects are not essential parts of the general plan. Of the other parts deemed essential, much the larger amount, $10,000, would be expended for the one subject of Agricultural Societies. That expenditure would necessarily obtain $20,000 more from in- dividual contributions. It can scarcely admit of a doubt, that ihe whole $30,000 so expended (in premiums for useful objects) would produce of general value to the commonwealth much more than the whole cost. Then the govern- ment will gain of benefit to the commonwealth more than the value of $30,000 for the expendi- ture of $10 000. The other subjects of charge would be scarcely less productive of benefit in proportion to the expense. Altogether, upon this or any other judicious plan for govern- mental aid to agriculture properly executed, there can scarcely be otherwise than a pecu- niarvgain to the commonwealth, and that gain may be even tenfold greater than the cost to the treasury. Edmund Ruffin, Chairman of the Committee. Read before the State Agricultural Club, and unanimously adopted, January 30, 1851. From the Lexington (Va.) Gazette. GItASS SEEDS. The red cl wer justly stands at the head of the list. It was in use in the State of Pennsylvania, it is said, pi ior to the Revo- lution, and was probably introduced into this portion of the valley, by the descen- dants of the Scotch Irish who came hither from Pennsylvania. Its use has become general throughout the Northern and Mid- dle States. It is but little cultivated in the more Southern States, inasmuch as it is a grass that does not stand the burnintr sun of the South well. In some parts of East- ern Virginia, it does not grow readily, but, it is no longer the great desideratum with the farmers of that section of the State, that it has hitherto been, as a fertilizer, because they get that most powerful of all fertilizers, guano, with so much facility. Apart, how- however, from the fertilizing properties of clover, it has enough to commend it to the use of even farmer in thisregion. Itscwr- rent benefits in the shape of luxurious pas- ture and capital hay, are in themselves enough to induce its general use; yet, strange to tell, there are many in our own portion of the Valley who do not sow clover. Every one in this part oi" our country, ought to cultivate it, and mainly as a fertilizer. If he does, and steadily adheres to his pur- pose, he will be very apt to have the de- lightful collateral benefits just enumerated. But, it is not intended to enter into details upon this topic. Let us say a word as to the quantity of seed to be sown per acre, the time and the manner of sowing. An altnost universal error, is the sowing all i seeds too lightly. In former days, one I bushel of clover seed was put upon ten acres; more recently, one bushel to eight acres. This last quantity dees tolerably well in favorable seasons, but, in order to ! make more sure work of it, and get its full ! benefits, the sowing ought to be one bushel | to six acres. When a man sets apart a ! portion of his farm to remain in clover for j two or three years, is it not manifest that I he should guard against contingencies as 1 far as possible, by sowing with a heavy hand, and thus have his land completely covered? There is a prevalent error upon this point. It ought to be corrected. Lay it on — lay it on, and you will be the better pleased with results. The last of Febru- ary or first of March is an approved time for sowing. Until within the last few years, I was in Ihe habit of sowing in the early part of April, postponing it thus late in order to avoid frosts upon the young clover, but it was an error. It suffers more fre- quently from droughts in summer than from frosts in the spring, and when sown as late as April, it is too feeble to resist success- fully severe droughts. When sown upon wheat, as is mostly the case in Rockbridge, if the soil is loose and open by the action of frost, or if such be its natural condition, the roller ought immediately to follow the sowing of the clover seed. Three years ago, I had wheat upon such a field. I did not use the roller then. The clover was heavily sown, but proved a total failure, except upon a line across the field, where I had been under the necessity of running the wagon repeat- edly. Upon lhat comparatively beaten track, the clover was good. If wheat is sowed upon corn ground, and clover then sowed upon that wheat, it will not be ne- cessary to sow clover again, provided ihe land is not pastured closely, and this course adhered to as a system. It is a most ex- cellent system of rotation. 74 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. A very successful farmer of Rockbridge is in the habit of sowing his clover seed upon bis corn-field, putting on the seed just as soon as the last ploughing of the corn is finished. As to orchard grass. It is not equal in qualify to some of the other grasses as pasture, nor is it as desirable for hay, as timothy or clover — but stock eat it very well when cut early, and, especially if salted when put up. As a pasture, it is more du- rable than any other — hence, it is desirable to have some of it, particularly as winter grazing for sheep. Two bushels of the seed should be sowed upon an acre — two and a half is a better quantity. The senti- ment that prevails extensively, respecting orchard grass, does not do justice to it. — The seed that we buy is not freed from its chaff. In a bushel measure, we really have but little, if any more than a peck of seed. When putting down two or two and a half bushels per acre, at one dollar per bushel, a man is very apt to think he cannot do more, for, even at that rate, it is about three times the cost of clover seed. There is, therefore, in most cases, really but little seed put upon an acre. It comes up in de- tached tufts, with coarseness of fibre, and requires, then, a long time to spread itself over the entire surface. No wonder that there should be some degrees of dissatis- faction under such circumstances. When sowing the seed put it down heavily. Un- less we are certain we have the seed itself, divested of its chaff, belter sow three than two bushels to the acre — the grass and hay will both be more abundant and of better quality. It is probably the most permanent of the grasses, and furnishes a more dura- ble pasture than any other. Every farmer ought to have some of it. It seeds abun- dantly, and, if it is to be cut for the pur- pose of seed, the stalk should be cut with the cradle and high up. That portion which is below the cradle may then be cut and cured for cows. Timothy is with most of us an old ac- quaintance, as it is the common meadow grass of the country. It will also grow upon most uplands, but it is not to compare with orchard grass, as an upland pasture. It yields but little pasture when sowed alone upon upland, and is soon supplanted by other grasses. Clover and timothy sowed together, are said to furnish a most valuable pasture. The best time for sow- ing timothy seed is last of August or first of September, and, the surest chance is to sow it without grain, harrowing or brush- ing it in. The old rule was 1o put one bushel of seed to every six acres. It ought to be one to every three or four. If farmers would regularly sow plaster upon their timothy meadows, they would be well re- paid for it. The green sward is a beautiful grass {'or a yard, and fine for grazing also. The I common blue grass is one upon which ani- mals fatten readily, but it is not desirable for other purposes. I The Kentucky blue grass made some noise in this part of the world for awhile. I have not tried it, but, from what I hear my neighbors say who have tried it, I do not think I ever shall. "Hampton." FARMERS' STATE CLUB. At a meeting held in the Senate chamber I on the 20ih Febiuary, Gen. Corbin Braxton, President, in the chair: Subject for discussion, Cultivation of Wheat. Upon questions propounded by the Presi- dent, Col. Wright, of Loudoun, said that in his county the time to commence sowing is from the 20th to 25th of September; clover ley is preferred to a naked fallow; do not re- fallow; commence harvesting so soon as the j 1 grain is in the tough or dough state and before it becomes hard. By J. R. Edmunds. Esq. of Halifax. Do you tie up in bundles'? large or small shocks'? Col. W. It is tied up in sheaves and about fourteen to a shock, which yields about a bushel. It is usually hauled to the barn to be threshed. Col Tomlin, of King William. The size of our shocks is such as to average about three and a half bushels each. The President. Do you use the reaper? Col. W. Some farmers do; six horses are generally employed, three at a time, so as to change ; their gait a fast walk. Average work about eight acres per day. Col. Tomlin. How many hands required? Col. W. A driver, one to let it off the plat- form, five to bind, two boys and one man to shock. These will not be sufficient in rank wheat; more than five hands required where the crop is fifteen bushels to the acre, or more. The President. Does it cut wheat clean? THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 75 Col. W. Generally it does-, but not if the straw be damp. President. Does the blue grass interfere with your tallowing'? Col. W. There is a blue grass which is a serious obstacle to fallowing; do not think it would answer to drill in wheat where such grass exists. But this is entirely different from the Kentucky blue grass, which is valuable. Col. Tornlin. Have you any wire grass 1 Mr. Carter, of Loudoun. There is no such thing amongst us. Col. Wright. Sheep sorrel is the worst thing we have to contend with; injures the corn crop by growing around the corn hill. Col. Tornlin. Do you hoe corn? Col. Wright. No; never. Mr. Carter thought it not advisable to dis- pense with the use of the hoe; hoe labor is paid for according to his experience of Lou- doun farming. Mr. Edmunds had never seen but one man who did not hoe corn; regarded it as an indis- pensable operation in the tillage. Col. Tornlin. How far apart do you plant corn - ? Col. W. Three and a half feet, and two stalks to the. hill. It does not "fire" thus planted. Usually cultivated on a level. The five field system is more generally prac- tised in Loudoun, taking off' one crop of corn and two of wheat. Average crop of wheat ten to twelve bushels per acre. Mode of put- ting in is first to plough, then harrow, then sow and cross harrow. Have sowed broad- cast, and have drilled; see no difference in the yield. Col. Tornlin. Do you broadcast or plough your land in beds'? Col. W. Broadcast; no necessity for beds with us. The President. Does the drill facilitate your operations'? Col. W. Yes. One hand and two horses will sow eight acres a. day; a saving in the quantity of seed and one horse and seedman. Col. Tornlin would regard five acres as a good day's work. How long does it take one hand and two horses to prepare an acre for seeding'? Col. W. About a day. The harrow used is large and heavy. Mr, Carter. There is a material difference between harrowing after the plough and har- rowing in the grain, which should be taken into the estimate. Col. T. Do you lap in seeding 1 ? Col. W. We do not where we cross harrow. The President inquired as to the difference in the time of seeding different varieties of wheat. Col. W. The 20th to 25th of September is the usual lime for commencing; with the Me- diterranean and earlier vaiieties, some com- mence as early as the 8th. We commence {"allowing from 25lh July to 20th August— im- mediately after securing our hay. Use the large three-horse coulter-plough; some use the left handed plough. Mr. Edmunds. On which side of the furrow do the two horses walkl Col. W. On the land not ploughed. Col. Tornlin. Width of your furrow % Mr. Carter. About ten inches. Mr. Boulware, of King & Queen. I never saw a left hand plough. Ours are alt right hand. Col. W. A farmer once came to my re- gion of country who had never seen a left hand plough, and was persuaded to take one. He now refuses to use any other. The President. I presume you have no sin- gle-horse left hand ploughs. Col. W. None single. President. What time do you thresh'? Col. W. Immediately after we have finished seeding— in October usually. We are not in- terfered with by the weevil. President. Weight of your wheatl Col. W. Ranges from fifty-two to sixty-four pounds. Mr. Carter. Fifty-eight is merchantable. President. The same here. Col. W. When the wheat is dry, with six to nine horses we thresh two hundred to two hundred and fifty bushels per day; general average two hundred ; fourteen hands required to serve the machine; this includes the first fanning. Col. Tornlin. Do you put away chaff and stack your straw 1 Col. W. Yes. The straw is carried off from the drum by a wire sieve about four and a half feet wide. It is composed of three lea- ther thongs connected by a number of wires. The wires are placed three-quarters of an inch 73 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER to one inch apart. By the revolution of this sieve the straw is carried out of the way of the drum. The spiked machine, not long since introduced, we consider a great improvement. Mr. Edmunds. We do not use it; the beater is, however, very much used. President. Do you salt your straw ? Mr. Edmunds. Some do. It saves the trou- ble of salting stock. Col. Tomlin. Do you plough your land dry, Mr. Carter'? Mr. C. I never saw land too dry to plough for wheat. It is hard work, but beneficiak There are many varieties of wheat sown with ns. The white blue stem is much appreciated, but the red purple straw holds its own in op- position to all others. Mr. Edmunds. Much spelt in if? Mr. C. I have noi seen it. (Here a con- versation ensued about darnel, cockle, spelt, &c.) I have lost more by heavy, beating rains than by cheat, spelt and all other causes combined. Harvest time is about the first of July. In 1845, a very remarkable year, it was over before t l at time. Twelve bushels is about the average produce per acre. I do not mind the quantity of straw, so I have a good season. Col. Tomlin. Difference between corn and fallow land? Mr. C. Eight bushels from corn land, and fifteen from fallow. Loudoun is deeply in- debted to clover and plaster. In 1800 her lands were valued at one dollar and fifty cents per acre; in 1850 at twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. Mr. Edmunds. When did the use of plaster eommencel Mr. C. About the year 1810. We apply in the spring one bushel to the acre. Col Tomlin. Do you cut your clover? Mr. Carter. Rarely. We haul out little manure, except upon our meadows. President. What do you do wiih your im- mense heaps of manure? Mr. C. Since stock grazing has become profitable, we find it advantageous to apply it to our meadows. Col. Tomlin. Use lime? Mr. C. No; cannot get it; would cost in small quantities eighteen or twenty cents per bushel. (Related anecdoie of a widow on the subject. ) Our favorite lands are red— not what are called the red lands of Albemarle — but more of a chocolate color than those lands. Mr. Edmunds. Is it a close soil? underlaid with rock? does water sink in it? Mr. C. There is no base rock. Water does not interfere with our cultivation. Never been analyzed that I know of. Mr. E. What is your market? Mr. C. Alexandria, except as to those near the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Cost is seventy-five cents a barrel for flour; fourteen to sixteen per bushel for wheat. Some haul to market themselves. I ihink nothingis saved by it. Mr. Edmunds said that in Halifax, tobacco was the chief crop. Not a large crop of wheat made, though it had increased of late. The custom is to thresh early— July and August — from shocks or dozens. Cost of gelling it to market twenty-two cents per bushel— one dol- lar per barrel for flour. Manure not applied to any extent to wheat, but mostly to tobacco. Lime has not been much used except by Mr. Bruce. Our wheat liable to lodge; tried all varieties; red May, once the favorite, but the "Ward" white bearded is at this time pre- ferred; early purple straw is beginning to be introduced; the Mediterranean lodges and is liable to be killed by spring frosts, President. What is the product in your couniy? Mr Edmunds. Eight to ten bushels on the large farms; cannot say as to the county gen- erally. Some of us use plaster. Col. Tomlin. When do you sow wheat? Mr. E. Whenever we get ready. We ob- serve no particular rotation of crops. President. What is your best soil? Mr. E. The chocolate, or mulatto soil, is preferred. Mr. Boulware, of King and Queen, called on. After apologies, Col. Tomlin asked what had been his ex- pense in the use of the drill. Mr. Boulware said he had been much dis- appointed in it; had felt much interested and gave much attention to it; after experience, had found that the points would accumulate little masses of grass as they passed along the prepared ground. The result was that the wheat came up in bunches. This evil was partially removed by elevating the tines, so as THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 77 to prevent them from penetrating so deep.— The shallower they went into the ground, the less was the quantity of grass aceumulated. But this did not remove the evil. The drill was made by Sinclair, of Baltimore. Mr. Edmunds. How deep do you fallow 1 Mr. B. Should say about eight inches; sometimes with the chain in front. [Some conversation about the advantages of covering wheat deep and shallow.] Mr. Edmunds. I sow the same amount, whether i plough in or harrow in. Mr Boulware. In using the drill, I consi- dered uniformity as its greatest advantage, although I did not succeed. Mr. E. What advantage have you derived from the use of plaster! Mr B. None whatever. Iknowofnoman in King & Queen who has gained anything by the use of plaster— not even after liming. I am not on tide water, but not far above the head of tide water. Mr. Edmunds suggested that the sea breezes might have some effect favorable to its use. The Ptesident confirmed this suggestion. — He knew that on the Eastern Shore of Mary- land, plaster did operate beneficially ;«*hree crops of clover had been cut in one season, where it was used in that locality. Mr. Boulware said he had seen a statement, by a British writer, to the effect that it would not act where there was salt water, but did not believe it. Dr. Maupin, of the Richmond Medical Col- lege, was requested to make an explanation of his views, which he did briefly. The action of piaster in promoting vegetation was attri- butable to its affinity for ammonia. By at- tracting the ammonia of the atmosphere, thai was carried to the roots of plants and their growth promoted. [Conversation between Messrs. Maupin, Boulware and others.] President. What would be the effects, Dr. Maupin, of a combination of the carbonate with the sulphate of limel Dr. M. The carbonate of lime would have no effect on the sulphate of lime. But it might have effect upon the other constituents of the soil. It would hnve considerable effect upon the vegetable matter of the soil. Mr. John Seddon, of Fredericksburg in- quired of Mr. Boulware, how long, after he first limed, was it before he saw good results'? Mr. B. said he had limed for ten years. It was five before he experienced its benefits. Subsequently, Mr. B. stated that there had been two opinions as to the relative value of oyster shell and stone lime. Once, the pre- ference had been given to stone lime; now oyster shell is preferred as the more valuable. Mr. Gooch. Mr. Carter, of Shirley, says he has not been able to perceive any difference in their effect on the land. Their relative va- lue to the farmerconsists in the relative cheap- ness and convenience with which he can pro- cure them. Mr. Seddon said he had seen sorrel grow on limed land. After conversation between several mem- bers — Mr. B. referred to what Col. Wright had said about there being an abundant growth of sorrel in Loudoun where plaster had been used freely, and lime to some extent. Some gentleman here remarked that it would often grow for a year or two after the applica- tion of lime, and then disappear from the land. Mr. Edmunds. We have not much sorrel in Halifax. Mr. Seddon. You have broomstraw, which is a sort of acid. Mr. E. Yes, limestone is everywhere. Mr. Warner Taliaferro. It is Gn the best lands in Gloucester. Col. Wright. We have very little in Lou- doun. Mr. Carter. We have, in Loudoun, sorrel to a great excess occasionally, and then it dis- appears for years. It is preceded generally by a dry season. ■ Mr. Taliaferro gave some interesting state- ments as to the use of lime in Gloucester. — Plaster is rejected, as its effects are regarded as preearious. Experiments had, however, to be made wiih that which was old, since there were no mills for grinding it. Mr. James Roy always mentioned its efficacy, and wasenabled to apply it fresh by making his plantation force beat it up, on rainy days. Both clover and plaster are used only on small lots— nothing being sown with the small grain crops. Col. Wright (in answer to a question pre- viously asked) said he had no particular lime _ 78 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. for sowing clover. The months of January, February, March and April were Ihe season. He preferred to sow in January; had tried fall seeding, and failed; does not harrow in the seed; sows on corn-land which has been put in wheat; does not sow orchard grass; sows timothy for grazing, and we graze heavily. Mr. Edmunds. Has any one tried harrow- ing wheat in the spring? President. I have. It has no effect except on the clover. Half a sralfon of clover seed, dragged in, is better than a gallon not. Mr. Seddon recommended the rolling of clover seeded on corn-land wheat, in prefer- ence to harrowing. The President stated his practice of grazing his sheep upon his wheat in the spring; found it beneficial. Mr. Edmunds. Will grazing with sheep in the fall be a preventive against fly? President. Cannot say. Some of my neigh- bors do it, and think it has that effect. A subjeet for next' meeting was selected, one of the members appointed to commence ihe discussion, and the Club adjourned. Prom the German town Telegraph. SETTING POSTS. Posts in fences should never be cased. The durability of timber depends exclu- sively, either upon the free, unrestricted circulation of the air, or upon its entire ex- elusion. It is not unfrequently the case that to induce a more finished and elegant appearance, the post of ornamental fences, in the .immediate contiguity with houses, offices, &c. are " cased;" a practice which results in the unavoidable deterioration of the posts unless, indeed, the operation be remarkably well performed, and the exte- rior carefully protected by paint, or some impervious coating, capable o^ resisting the action of the atmosphere, and exclud- ing, utterly, the wet In this way, tho- roughly seasoned wood will endure a long time, while wood that is wholly green, or but partially or imperfectly seasoned, will, by the deleterious action of confined air which cannot escape in consequence of the insolating casing, decay more speedily than if openly exposed. Charring posts, adds greatly to their durability. For the Southern Planter. WHEAT AND CORN. Mr. Editor,— As I do not like to be idle nor behindhand, and the new year has made its appearance, I take this opportunity to inform you that I have been greatly gratified in read- ing the Planter the past year; there is a magic in the Planter; it always puts me in a good humor, if I am not in one when I receive it, and I would advise all who are in the habit of being out of humor, to take the Planter. And as I have been so well compensated for my dollar, I enclose your dollar for the present year in order that you may have the use of it as I use the paper. By your permission I will suggest a few thoughts on the culture of wheat and corn and their comparative value to the grower, and I do this because it is often said that wheat is our dependence and corn is an unprofitable crop. It is not so with me; I always do best when I raise the most corn. Land that will make ten bushels of wheat will make twenty bushels of corn. Well, we will commence the statement. One acre for wheat, 1 bushel of seed, Preparation of land, seeding, harrow- ing, &c. Cutting, raking, hauling, threshing, fanning, &c. 20 cents per bushel, Yiel^per acre 10 bushels, ai One acre in corn yield 20 bushels, at 50 cents per bushel, Cultivation, per acre, $3 00 Seed com, 12 , SI 00 1 50 2 00 $4 50 10 00 S5 50 $10 00 3 12 $6 88 The fodder and shucks will amply pay for saving corn and fodder, and according to the above statement we have in favor of corn one dollar and thirty-eight cents. For fear of not being fully understood, I will give the gross proceeds of one acre of corn, say yield 20 bushels, at 50 cents per bushel, $10 00 At 10 hills to the bundle of fodder we have 500 bundles, worth 2 50 Tops and shucks, worth 1 00 Now allow S'3 50 for work and S3 50 for saving, and we have 813 50 00 $G 50 But we all know that it will not take seven hundred dollars per acre to cultivate and save one hundred acres in corn, and I am, therefore, brought to the conclusion that corn is more profitable than wheat. C. C, Snow. Promised Landman. 3, 1851. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 79 FRUIT. In no way can delicions and yet luxuri- ous food be eo abundantly, cheaply, and universally obtained as in ihe cultivation of fruit. However billy, rugged and rocky the land, although it refuse the plough and the scythe, there is scarcely an acre in our country which will not produce good fruit of some kind. The marsh which bids de fiance to cultivation without expensive drainage, yields whortleberries and cran- berries, each highly valuable in its way. — The glen and mountain side may easily be made prolific in the cherry, pear, peach and apple; and on the more favored por- tions of the soil, where wheat, corn, and grass are easily and abundantly produced, will fruit repay the room and labor in a rich reward. It is believed that a good I fruit tree will yield more real market and < nutritive value than any other crop that I can be procured from the soil. No labor Of the farmer, and no use of the soil pay j more abundantly than when applied to the culture of good fruit. As a tree of choice fruit covers no more land than a poor one, ! it is of the first importance to make the best selections, and render the most faithful attentions to its full development. Man does not use one half the quantity of fruit that he should do as an article of food. — i Thousands of farmers live mainly on salt beef, pork, and fish, who might have the luscious luxury of fruit, at every meal, every I month in the year. Besides, man is adapted in his nature to subsist principally on a ve- ! getable and fruit diet, and would be far : more healthy, happy and long lived for so ! doing. As an article of general food, fruit in its vast varieties is without a parallel. — Our friends, at a distance from cities, will : find it a source of profit, as railroads now bring them so near the market as to enable them to compete with farmers in the sub- i urbs of cities. We have felt keen regret in travelling in different portions of the country to see so little attention paid to the subject of good fruit — and have been still more pained to see orchards forests of miser rable sour, rusty apples, only fit for vine- j gar. Let fire- wood be made of such mise- 1 rable trees. The Spaniards have a maxim, that a man is ungrateful to the past generation that planted the tree from which he eats — and deals unjustly with the next generation unless he plants the seed of that fruit, that it may furnish food for those who come after him- Thus when a son of Spain eats a peach or pear by the road side, wherever he is he digs a hole with his foot in the Ground, and covers the pit or the core. — Consequently, all over Spain by the road side, and elsewhere fruit in great abun- dance tempts the taste and is ever free. — This is an easily wrought charity, and an evidence of a noble soul. Let this prac- tice be imitated in our own country, and the weary wanderer will be blest, and bless j the hand and liberal charity that ministered to his comfort and joy. We are bound to ! leave the world as good or better than we j found it, and he is a selfish churl who basks under the shadow, and eats the fruit of I trees which other hands have planted, if he will not also plant trees which shall yield 1 fruit to coming generations. No young man should vote or marry until he has planted [ at least one tree as an evidence of good J citizenship. Who planted the elms of Boston Common, and of New Haven, so justly celebrated? Surely not the present J generation. Let fruit trees in like manner be bequeathed, that unborn generations Vnay be grateful to this. — Phrenological 1 Journal,. From the Genesee Farmer. VIRGINIA LANDS AND FARMING. Every one who aspires to be an intelli- gent cultivator of the soil, should know something of the climate and agricultural capabilities of all the great farming Sates of the Union. Among these — from its central position, its noble rivers, fine har- bors, and being on the Atlantic — Virginia, which has been the mother of so many States, has peculiar claims to the study of every American. It contains 6 1,352 square miles, or within a fraction of 40,000,000 acres. Vessels drawing fifteen feet of wa- ter, come up the Potomac to Washington and Georgetown. Vessels of considerable tonnage are seen at the Cities of Richmond and Petersburg. The canals up the James and Potomac rivers are already completed far into the interior, and are still being ex- tended. From steamboat navigation on the Ohio to Norfolk, through (he James river canal, will bo about 500 miles. Every body knows that Virginia lies in the valley of the Ohio, as well as on the Atlantic ocean. A loaded canal boat at Portsmouth, which is the southern terminus of the Ohio canal, is over 1000 miles from the City of New York, via Cleveland, Buffalo and the 80 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER Erie canal; and its cargo must be re-ship- ped twice in crossing Lake Erie. By as- cending thd Kanawha and descending the James rivers, in Virginia, the ocean is reached in half the distance, and without breaking bulk. This canal is not yet com- pleted. The canal from Cumberland to Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, will be in operation all the way by the first of August. There are several important lines of rail- way now being constructed in Virginia, to facilitate travel and the transportation of agricultural produce to tidewater; but we need not stop to name them. It may not be amiss, however, to. remark that Norfolk has one of the finest harbors in the world; and that the Potomac, up to Washington City, is more of a haij or arm of the Che- sapeake than a river. Tide rises and falls some four feet, and the river above the bridge is two miles wide. On the Virgi- nia side of the Potomac is the farm of George Washington Parke Custis, the step-son and adopted child of the illustrious Pater Patrije. This farm contains 1100 acres. We shall take another occasion to describe this fine estate and its farming operations. Its extensive meadows yiekl two tons of hay to the acre, an article which sells in Washington at from $15 to $20. — Think of land within a few miles of the metropolis of the United States, (which is growing rapidly and must soon contain 100,000 inhabitants,) selling at from $7 tu $12 an acre I Every acre of this land, with northern husbandry, will yield $30 worth of hay a year. The question may be asked why farming lands are so low in the "An- cient Dominion." This we will answer without fear or favor, according to our own views of the subject. Forty years ago slaveholders in the State of New York had learned that ne- groes were worth more to grow tobacco in Virginia and Maryland, than to raise grain in the now Empire State. Obeying the laws of trade, thousands of slaves were carried south, and slaveholding ceased in New York and New Jersey. Now, two- thirds of the slaveholders of Virginia have learned that negroes are worth more to grow cotto.i, rice, and sugar at the south, than tobacco and grain further north. — Obeying still the law of demand and sup- ply, thousands of sluves are annually leav- ing Virginia and migrating south to grow cotton, sugar, and rice, for the civilized world. Constantly hearingof the fortunes made in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Texas, the most enterprising planters of Virginia are leav- ing their partially exhausted estates for the El Dorado of a warmer climate, where slave labor is worth two prices. Can it be otherwise than that (he millions of deserted acres in the Old Domini >n should be offered to the enterprise of free labor ai mere nominal prices? If all the won. en in the world insist on having twice as many yards in each calico dressas formerly, and twice as many dresses in the course of a year, who, pray, hut Virginia slaves, are to raise cotton enough to supply the incalculable demand? The cotton mills of England alone exported over thirteen hundred million yards of cot- ton cloth last year, and one hundred and fifty million pounds of cotton yarn. Let the men of fifty who read this article, caU to mind how sparingly sugar was used when they were boys, and ihen reflect a moment on the way in which poor people, as wtll as rich, now consume this product of slave labor. So rapid has been the ex- tension of commerce, and so great the im- provements in the machinery for ginning and the manufacture of cotton, that the world wants, or affects to want a world of cotton fabrics In short, the day is near at hand when all the slaves in the Republic will either cease to be bondmen, or be em- ployed in the culture of the three great southern staples, cotton, sugar, and rice. — Who, then, are to cultivate the northern* slaveholding States? Who plant thou- sands of wealth-giving orchards? Who grow wool and hemp, mules and horses, cattle and hogs, and make butter anct cheese, wheat and corn, in the best elimate in America? It will be Ireemen, happily exempt from all the peculiar cares and un- told vexations incident to, and inseparable from, the relation of master and slave. It is a great mistake to suppose that a farmer is thought the less of at the south, in any State, if perchance he tills his fields with his own hands. Mr. Toombs, a mem- ber of Congress, from Georgia, and him- self a worthy planter, says that one-fourth of all the cotton grown in that State is planted, hoed, picked, ginned, and put up for market, by free, white laborers. It is a law of Providence, and one not easily evaded anywhere, that man, whether bond or free, "shall eat bread in ihe sweat of his face." Citizens that care not to own slaves, but seek to realize an independent living by their own industry, or by hiring help, may do so in Virginia quite as we.!ii THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 81 as in New York. As a general thing, the soil in the former State is not rich, but it is susceptible of easy improvement. It lacks lime more than any other element of crops. There are, however, extensive dis- tricts offair wheat lands, and corn is grown inall parts of* the State. Rotation of crops and the art of making money by the dairy business and wool growing, are little thought of, and less practised. The cli- mate and the almost spontaneous growth of the best grasses, favor sheep-husbandry and stock-growing of all kinds. Thefinest sheep that we have ever seen are brought into Washington from Virginia. Colonel Ware, of Clarke county, has left with the writer, in the Patent Office, samples of wool from an imported ram, which clips 18 lbs. of wool a year, and weighs 420 lbs. His fat wethers sell readily from $25 to $35 a head. Being a gentleman of for- tune, he buys, regardless of price, the prize rams and ewes at the Royal Agricultural Fair in England, nearly every year; and seeks mutton sheep and long, combing wool. The demand for good roadsters, not race- horses, is most encouraging to the breed- ers of this noble animal. To the man of small means, fruit cul- ture promises the largest and surest profit. From the Potomac to the Rio Grande, the consumption of good apples will be limited only by the supply. Pears, peaches, grapes, quinces, plums, cherries, and berries of all kinds, are scarce and high. The annual expenditure of several mil- lions in this District, (Columbia) by the General Government, and the drawing to a focus of so many gentlemen of wealth, and their families, from so vast an empire, operate, greatly in favor of skilful farmers and gardeners in this neighborhood. Both land and manure are cheap and abundant. It is said, (we know not with what truth,) that the one hundred square miles, or ten miles square, do not contain over one thou- sand slaves, and these are nearly all house servants. Instead of migrating- to the far off out- skirts of the Republic, her enterprising eons had better come and settle down near her pulsating heart, and reap all the ad vantages of the best markets on the con- tinent. A thousand dairies cannot sup ply butter and cheese to the cities of Bal- timore, Washington, Alexandria George- town, and to the planters engaged in grow- ing tobacco and other crops. Why bring butter five hundred miles south, when it can be better made within an hour's drive of the consumer? We have seen better butter sold in Ohio at six cents a pound, than sells for thirty-one cents in Washing- ton. On the 4th of July potatoes sell at a dollar and a half a bushel. In this climate they should be abundant at a third of the money, at this season of the year. Garden vegetables are abundant and generally good ; but the supply does not hist as skill in the keeping of them would effect, pro- vided skill was possessed by the growers of these perishable commodities. How to keep potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, tur- nips, onions, apj les and other fruits, is a science of great importance to all house- keepers. The warmer the climate, the greater the difficulty, and the larger the profit to those that study and master the art. It is knowledge, more than land, that we all lack ; although we are apt to crave many acres, while we begrudge the appro- priation of a few dollars to purchase the most useful books. In Virginia, agricultural skill and rural science may command a liberal reward, because the field is large and the laborers few. Prejudice alone keeps honest, enter- prising farmers of small means, from grow- ing hay at fifteen dollars a ton on land worth from five to ten dollars an acre, which is now vacant. Potatoes and butler sell at three prices, because it is too small bu- siness for planters to produce them. Such defective tillage and husbandry can not long endure, and those that make judicious selections of land in Virginia now, may do better than the best did in New York forty years ago. Negroes are going where their labor is most profitable. For the Southern Planter. GRAZING WHEAT. Mr. Editor,— Those who wish toguard against injury from fly in their wheat and wish to «row three heads where they would only have two, and wish to make a field of wheat head out evenly and ripen all about the same lime, can do so by putting a large flock of sheep on their field the 15th of February, or between that time and the 25ih of March or 1st of April, lei ting the lateness of the spring govern as to time of taking off. The closer the wheat is eaten off, and the qnk-ker it is done, the better. It is a good plan to put on sheep at night when the ground is frozen, or partially so, and keep them off in the day when the ground is soft. This may be done at any time _ »■ 82 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER during the winter. Whenever wheat looks badly no matter whether it is from the effects of fly or worm, it maiters not, grazing will be found to improve the crop. But it must be done with proper judgment on the part of the farmer. If you graze too late in the spring you will injure your crop. Two or three trials, with close observation, will satisfy any one. I. I. HlT£. Buffalo Springs, Virginia. For the Southern Planter. AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENT. Mr. Editor, — My two former communica- tions occupied as much space as I am entitled to for some time, and I should regard it as only justice to others if this should be excluded or postponed to make room for their productions. You were very fortunate in deciphering my chirography as well as you did, though its ille- gibility caused some of the sentences to read awkwardly and rather unintelligibly. My object has been to excite amongst the agricultural community increased interest and communication, being satisfied that the desti- nies of our proud old Commonwealth impe- riously require it. Some of the topics were touched so slightly as to require further illus- tration and explanation. I am thoroughly con- vinced, by observation and consultation with the most judicious and enlightened indivi- duals, that it is almost impossible to perfect any general and extensive system of improve- ment, without a greater approximation to the farming, in contradistinction to the planting system. I stated in a former part of these ar- ticles that a temporary residence in a portion of country which had passed through this change, and consultation with the most en- lightened citizens, had enabled me to collect materials and form conclusions more valuable than my own; and my frequent allusion to others is for the purpose of imparting more importance to my remarks, and if 1 should unintentionally err I shall deem it fortunate if it has the effect of eliciting a correction. I was struck forcibly with the remark of Mr. B. W. Harrison, the former sensible delegate from Loudoun, who, in an extensive law cir- cuit had enjoyed an opportunity of ocular ob- servation of the effects of a transmutation from the planting to a farming system. He stated that the mere fact of the change caused a rise in the price of lands in consequence of the increased profit and income from the labor employed. An individual will tell you that he cannot reduce his surface for corn because he does not make enough with it. And the reason why he does not, is that the number of ploughings, and increased cultivation other- wise, is such as to require so much labor of horses and hands that one crop is necessary to make another— not to speak of the liability of the land to wash and deteriorate. The first thing which excited my astonishment in travelling through the farming region (Fau- ; quier, Loudoun, Clarke, Frederick, Jefferson, | &c.) was the small number of hands employed | on the farms. 1 think, Mr. Robert E. Scott \ told me there was scarcely a farm in Fauquier with more than ten hands on it. This is ac- \ counted for, in part, that it is, to some extent, I a grazing or stock country. But this is not j the chief reason. I was told by some that the hands performed more labor than in other sec- tions. This I did not believe. I was told by others that it was the relinquishment of to- bacco; and this at first did not fully satisfy 1 me. Notwithstanding the paucity of laborers, ! the fences were in better condition; branches I better cleaned up and ditched; every thing, in fact, indicated greater amount of labor be- stowed on such matters; and I could not ac- 1 count for it, or see where it came from, or why our large number of hands could not exhibit ! even more beneficial results I became satis- fied that it was the immense amount of labor J required by the tobacco crop chiefly, and the ! sustenance required to sustain it, that was the ; true solution. I confess that, though born and laised on a tobacco plantation and accustomed to it every year of my agricultural experience, I had not formed any accurate idea of the amount of labor expended on a tobacco crop. ; It is a fact, almost incredible on its first an- nunciation, that from the time you first com- mence the preparation of the land to the cut- \ ting of the plant, the hands pass over the \ ground not less than fifty times, in the various | operations of preparing the land, planting, '■ working, topping, priming, worming, sucker- ing, &c. &c. One of my most judicious and attentive neighbors told me he counted fifty times, and remarked that no person who would do it, would ever make another plant. An- other gentleman said he went over his fifty times and ought to have gone over ten times more. I heard several gentlemen, who at first \ were incredulous as to the number, count over upwards of forty times hastily, and the remark was made by one of the most sensible, judi- , cious and successful, that the labor after cut- tins: was as great as before. This review is sufficient to establish the great amount of labor < required and which is withdrawn from other i operations, and also the quantity of provisions essential to its support. Now, if a man in- tends to keep the same number of hands on a ! farm, they might as well be employed unpro- ' fitably as to be idle. The first thing to be ! done in giving up the tobacco crop, is to re- duce the number of hands in a corresponding decree, or which is the same thing, enlarge the surface of cultivation, particularly for grain, or such as requires no cultivation from seeding to reaping (wheat, oats, rye, various grasses, &c.) To illustrate, I will suppose fifteen hands to be engaged on a tobacco plan- tation, and there is frequently double this num- | ber. Relinquish the tobacco crop, and nine THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 83 hands, or perhaps less, can cultivate the por- tions usually allotted to grain, and aho fallow and sow in wheat the surface generally re- served for tohacco. They can do more than this. The question occuis, will not the hire and expense of these six hands fully compen- sate for the loss of the tohacco crop under or- dinary circumstances? Then you have the wheat on the land usually reserved for tobacco, additional forage, less consumption of corn, additional pasturage, improvement of land, &c. relief of most unpleasant operaiions, such as burning plant-beds, cutting and firing to- bacco, frequently requiring night work, &c. Notwithstanding all these considerations I am not, by precept or example, urging its aban- donment, particularly while the high prices continue, but I deem it of vast importance to discuss the subject now, preparatory to future action. I will again revert to the fact that I have never yet seen an estimate of a large per cent, on capital invested wherein tobacco was an ingredient. I regard the lands in the tobacco-growing region as originally the most fertile in the State, and if they had been cul- tivated on the improving system, would have been the most valuable and high priced; still they can be bought at from five to ten dollais per acre, while inferior lands in other sections sell for five times the amount, corroborating the remark of Mr. Harrison, previously al- luded to. I am aware that many will ascribe the difference to the peculiar adaptation of other sections to the system I advocate; but it is a well known fact, that the whole tobacco region is peculiarly adapted to clover and mea- dows, properly managed, grain, &c. When the different improvements are completed for the transportation of grain and introduction of manures, some change of system will be imperiously demanded, and it is not now too soon to discuss the subject. I will, in this connexion, again refer to the obstacle growing out of the exposure to cheat on the fallow system without the intervention of a hoe crop. Since hearing of a calamity similar to my own, (I mean wheat turning to cheat,) sustained by Mr. Lewis E. Harvie, of Amelia, I am satisfied such occurrences may happen under the most judicious system of preparation and management. My ground was well fallowed, the wheat then turned in with a single turning plough, and the surface then well harrowed; the seed wheat clear of cheat; indeed, it w 7 as procured from the limestone country, on account of its peculiar excellency as seed wheat. It is with much reluctance that I touch the controverted question, as to the transmutation of wheat into cheat. But it may be a subject peculiarly important to the accomplishment of my object to find a corrective. 1 am aware that the most scientific farmers contend, with ingenious, theoretical arguments, against the change. But it is one of those subjects in which an ounce of fact and observation is worth ten founds of argu- ment. I will first relate what has occurred on my own plantation under my own particular inspection. The year after wheat was reaped from a field the volunteer wheat came up so thickly that it was carefully guarded, with the expectation of securing a fair crop of wheat, but when it headed eveiy spire produced cheat. Again: while hauling up my wheat a bundle "fell by the wayside. ' : The grains shattering out on a hard surface there was a growth of vegetation resembling wheat in all respects, except that the entire product was cheat. The band was still visible on the decayed straw. Precisely this occurrence was communicated some years ago by Mr. Richard K. Meade, Sr. then of Brunswick. I will also refer to a communication of this fact: that a hillside was sown in wheat, and soon after a washing rain carried portions of earth and wheat on the un- broken surface below, which produced cheat, while that above was wheat. Again: a writer states that he deposited twelve grains of wheat in his garden; that after it was several inches high his riding horse bit it down, and that there were eleven spires of cheat and one of wheat. My scientific friends must excuse me for my incorrigibility on this subject. I only discuss it as a means of ascertaining a correc- tive so important to the system I regard so essential to the permanent improvement of the country. Mr. Harvie, whose opinion as to the transmutation accords with my own, (and with whom alone I could make a confident stand,) recommends, 1 believe, hard grazing preceding the fallow. One effect of this, I suppose, i* to make the land closer and more compact, and a better protection to the wheat from freezing, &c. As I remarked in a former communication, a crop of oats or peas imme- diately preceding will accomplish the same object. It is essestial first to ascertain the cause as the best avenue to a remedy. 1 think where wheat succeeds wheat some shattered grains may remain in an imperfect state, or the cavities in the fallow may injure the roots. Indeed any thing which impairs the strength of the root or stem may produce the result. My friend, Mr. Boiling, has promised to watch that portion of the Sandy Point estate owned by the son of Mr. William B. Harrison, on which there was a fallow for wheat immedi- ately after harvest, not from choice or judg- ment, (for I do not suppose he has ever had an opportunity of learning any but good farm- ing,) but because the whole open land pur- chased by him had just been in wheat. If no cheat comes there I shall ascribe it to the su- perior manner in which it was sown, and agree that in that instance my theory fails of an argument to support it. The next material for agricultural improve- ment which I shall notice and enforce' is the formation of agricultural clubs, fairs, &c. It would be impossible to devise a greater stimu- lus for owner, overseer and negroes, than the knowledge that their crop is to be examined by a number of judicious farmers who are to criticise the management of it in all respects, 84 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER its condition, &c. They are said to infuse new spirit into every ramification and depart- ment, fully compensating for any trouble or expense they may occasion. 'I here may be some who may dislike any criticism on their j management, and prefer a concunence ii: all | their notions and practices As for myself, while a concurrence may imparl more confi- dence in my own impressions and practices, I still do not feel that 1 gain really anything by it. It is only when my management is ob- jected to, and substantial and convincing rea- j sons uiged for a change, that I feel ready bene- j fited; and it is by this intercourse and inter- change of views amongst farmers that each one has the benefit of the experience and ob- j servations of all. There seems to be at this time some enthusiasm on the subject of a lair, j in Petersburg or Richmond, during the present year, and it will he very discouraging if it is permitted to subside. It is not only a proper occasion for the assemblage of farmers in dis- cussion of the various subjects of their avo- cations; but the best opportunity which can be afforded of examining the best collection of agricultural implements and exhibition of various descriptions of imptoved stock, &c. Having procured some of the full bred Ox- fordshire or Cots Wold sheep, I have no hesita- tion in uniting in the general current of re- commendation, judging from appearance, as I have not had them long enough to afford any other evidences. I have for many years had no other kind than the "Frederick'' sheep, said to have been formed by judicious cross- ing by the late R. K. Meade, of Frederick, and superior to any one breed. I have regarded them as very far superior to the ordinary thin wooled sheep, as it is reasonable that a thick fleece is a better protection from the inclement weather, and I do not think I have ever known one to lose the wool and become naked, as is usual with some. The different kinds of cat- tle have been so extensively tried as to need but little remark. 1 have preferred a cross of the Durham, both for working and lacteal qualities. The largest collection of highly improved Durhams in this region I suppose may be found on the highly improved faim of Mr. Corbin Warwick. It is impossible to view them in the same pasture and precisely under the same treatment with other catile, without being convinced of their vast supe- : riority. Indeed, he has succeeded, in a re- I markable degree, in the improvement of all j kinds of stock, as well as every thing else he i has undertaken; and if a premium is ever of- fered for the highest product per acre on fertile lowgrounds combined with hillsides recently galled and gullied, 1 would be glad of the pri vilege of entering Beaver Dam against ihe field, or fields Upon the subject of stock, I feel great hesitation and doubt concerning hogs. I have tried different improved breeds; nearly all, however, require grasses, slops, Ac. and to be kept near the house, which is incom- patible with raising fowls. When turned off to "root or die," the result frequently changes the form of the expression to "root pig and die." It cannot be doubted that a lean hog, fed in the ordinary way, will consume eight bushels of corn after being put up to fatten; and considering what is previously requited, the operation is a source of loss as well as trouble; siill it will not do for faimers to buy all their bacon. It is, however, a subject whicli should engage the serious consideration of all farmers, and some plan should be devised to afford a supply at a less ruinous sacrifice. — Mr. David G. Williams, whose unsurpassed judgment and success in all such matter^ are acknowledged, is in the habit of fattening his hogs altogether on meal made into a kind of mush in trough*, and, no doubt, derives much advantage from the grinding process, and I have no doubt that the crushing operation, formerly described, would be highly advan- tageous. Col. George W. Townes, ;he late estimable representative from Pittsylvania, once described to me vei bally (and I hope will publish it,) a system which he said would en- sure an abundance of pork on favorable terms. I think the general outline was to devote the labor of one inferior hand exclusively to the cultivation of vegetables and attention to that especial object. I have no doubt that the practice of sowing oats or rye for them will be found highly advantageous. I know no sub- ject more in need of the consideration and discussion of farmers than this, and I refer to it with the hope that it will command them from persons qualified to do it justice. From what I understand, Mr. John B Harvie, of Powhatan, would give valuable information on the subject of raising and fattening hogs, as well as other depaitments of judicious agri- cultural operations. I desire to invite attention to the most highly approved agricultural implements as a subject meriting much greaterimportance than it com- mands. There is scarcely any subject on which greater diversity may be expected, not on'y because there are so many possessing rare advantages, but because different soils require different implements It would be difficult in this region to command general use for any plough costing more than six dollars; and from my observation and expe- rience I shou'd not hesitate to give the pre- ference to Mayher's No. 19 or 20 for two horses. It is generally sold under the appellation of the ,c Premium Plough." I am strengthened in this preference by the concurrence and de- cided testimony of Mr. Old, of Powhatan, and the Messrs Irby, who think there is a difference in the amount and quality of work in six weeks, compared with other improved ploughs, to pay the cost, and who would not probably accept of anv other double plough, with the obligation to use it. Indeed, one of them remarked to me, a short time since, that the effect of run- ning them in the field with other ploughs was to break the gr^nd irregularly. My overseer undertook to point out the furrows made by THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 85 this plough in connexion with others some time after the operation was performed. Al- though heavy, it turns well an unusual sur- face with ease to the ploughman ami horses, and is remarkable for durability. 1 have or- dered some castings for double and single ploughs, with what I regaid impiovcments, dispensing with rods wheie they are apt to break under heavy pressure, providing loops for handles, &c. I am satisfied that the sub- soil plough is entitled 10 much more attention than it commands. When following a turning plough it breaks the ground verv deep without burying the surf ice mould, ; nd is the most effectual remedy for drought — the most formi- dable antagonist of co>n. I was struck with an expression of Mr. R. B. Boiling, (who pre- pares all his land for corn in this way,) that he scarcely knew any thing about the effects of drought, It would require a very long dry spell to evaporate ihe moisture from a soil so deeply penetrated and pulverized. J have pre- viously alluded to its advantages in breaking up roads, cow-pens, and indeed, any hard ground Land is not so apt to wash when thus ploughed, and a much larger area is thus pro- vided for the sustenance of the crop; and I think we had belter be satisfied with less ex- tent of surface, thus prepared, than a greater, without it. I regard the folding harrow as'an important and useful improvement, as it ac- commodates itself to the concavity or con- vexity of the surface, and is peculiarly va- luable amongst stumps, as one half Vice Presidents. 1. William Old of Powhatan. 2. William L. Goggin of Bedford. 3. William P. Taylor of Caroline. 4 Alexander Brown of Nelson. 5. Robert E. Scott of Fauquier. 6. Samuel Hansbarger of Augusta. 7. E. B. Jacobs of Warren. 8. William G. Brown of Preston. 9. Edmund Ruffin, Jr. of Prince George. 10. James C. Bruce of Halifax. 11. Thomas M. Bondurant of Buckingham. 12. Francis Mallory of Elizabeth City. 13. John Willis of Orange. 14. Josiah W. Ware of Clarke. 15. Charles L. Crockett of Wythe. 16. William G. Caperton of Monroe. 17. William Campbell of Nottoway. 18. George Townes of Pittsylvania. 19. Hill Carter of Charles City. 20. Willoughby Newton of Westmoreland. 21. Robert Grattan of Rockingham. 22. Charles James Faulkner of Berkeley. 23. G. D. Camden of Harrison. 24. John M. Preston of Abingdon. 25. John C. Crnmp of Nansemond. 26. E. P. Scott of Greensville. 27. William Boulware of King & Gtueen. 28. Richard Sampson of Goochland. 29. Robert L. Wright, Wheatland, Loudoun. 30. George R. Taylor, Big Lick, Roanoke. 31. Hanson W. Chapline, Wheeling, Ohio. 32. P. H. Steinbergen of Mason. Executive Committee. — William H. Richard- son, Chairman; Bernard Peyton, William F. Gaines, Joseph Sinton, James M. Morson, Jos. Corbin Burton, Charles B. Williams. Corresponding Secretary. — Chas. Carter Lee. Recording Secretary. — Anthony Robinson, Jr. Treasurer. — Lewis D. Crenshaw. On motion of Mr. Lee, the following reso- lutions were adopted: Resolved, That we deem it essential to the success of this Society to have annual exhibi- tions of agricultural products and implements, and to distribute prizes thereat for the best specimens of each sort— and that to procure the means of doing so, the members of this Society, and especially the officers thereof, be required to exert themselves to procure, as speedily as possible, the enlargement of its numbers, and that the Executive Committee be instructed to procure subscriptions from the citizens of Richmond, or such town as it may be resolved on to hold these exhibitions in, to aid in discharging the expenses thereof. R'solved, That the Executive Committee be authorized to hold an exhibition as early as next November, and to notify the Society of the precise day thereof— and to make use of any of the funds of the Society which may be in its treasury to defray the necessary expenses of such exhibition. On motion of Mr. Williams, it was Resolved, That copies of the proceedings of the Society be published under the direction of the Executive Committee in a supplement to the Southern Planter, at the expense of the Society, for general circulation. On motion, the Society then adjourned. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The State Society "to Improve the Condi- tion of Agriculture, Horticulture and the Me- chanic Arts," held its annual meeting in the Hall of the House of Delegates on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, February 18th and 19th. It was opened with a very interesting and impressive address from Mr. Stevenson, the President. A copy was requested for pub- lication, and if our readers do not see that, we shall endeavor to give them "some of the points." The meeting was better attended than any we remember to have seen in the capitol, and we are sure that the best feeling prevailed. A common desire to advance the agriculture of the State seemed to animate all who attended. It was the universal conviction, however, that the aid of the State Legislature is essen- tial to adequate success. Accordingly, mea- sures were taken to petition that body on the subject. A charter, with an annual appropriation, to be paid pari passu with the contributions of members, is absolutely needed, and further assistance, as presented in the projet of Mr. Ruffin, for the appointment of an Agricultural Commissioner, would repay the treasury and the tax payers tenfold on the outlay. The details of that and other plans were not dis- cussed in the general meeting. The truth is, a better arena for considering the minutiae of systems of husbandry and its improvement is to be found in the familiar Farmers' Club, where all may speak without restraint. It is for the General Society to recommend plans and to concentrate opinion upon the modes of culti- 88 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. vation best adapted to different soils. It ought to be a nucleus around which fanners can rally, and which the public who are not far- mers may look up to with confidence. That our Society will become such, we feel satisfied. We invoke for it a helping hand from all of our community who are not contented at see- ing their means go to foster societies else- where—societies at the North, but too often made the medium for selling trash implements, or yet more trashy cattle. For the Southern Planter. APPLICATION OF PLASTER. Mr. Editor, — As the lime approaches forap- plying plaster upon clover, it seems to me ap- propriate for the agricuhural papers to inform those interested in the subject how plaster acts as a stimulant upon the grass. I have before me a number of the American Agriculturist, of New York, for February, 1851, on p.ige 44, the writer says that plaster acts beneficially upon clover, except in a small dist;ict near the sea: and then goes on to say that ammonia is brought to the earth by dews, rain and snow, aud the plaster acts as collector of this fertili- zing agent. The language of the Agriculturist .seems to ma too general. How does the plas- ter act as a collector of ammonia? and why should it not collect the ammonia as well in the neighborhood of the sea as at a distance from it? If the above queries can be answered, perhaps the farmer might proceed understand- ing^ to apply the plaster. I take it for granted, that the writer could not have meant that the plaster acts chemically by forming a new set of combinations, to wit: that the sulphuric acid of the plaster, leaving the lime free, unites with the ammonia, forming a sulphate of am- monia; if this be so, then the affinities of sul- phuric acid are mis-arranged, for ordinarily the works on chemistry give them in the fol- lowing order: 1st Baryta, 2d Srantia,3d Lime, 4th Ammonia. Unless the above arrangement is wrong:, the sulphuric acid can never leave the lime in plaster to form suphate of ammonia. I have dwelt somewhat upon this matter, be- cause it is no unusual thing to see plaster re- commended as very proper to be used in sta- bles to arrest the ammonia evolved from stable dung. Now, according to the list of affinities above alluded to, the plaster must he inert in arrest- ing ammonia in stables. The reasonable de- duction seems to me to be, from the above stated facts, that some salt of sulphuric acid should be used, in which the acid has a weaker affinity for the metal w alkali, forming the base of the salt, than it has for ammonia, say for instance, sulphate of iron, (copperas,) the acid will readily yield up its iron lo form a new compound with ammonia. I am perfectly sa- tisfied that plaster is a most valuable applica- tion on clover,and this from actual experiment; but how it acts is unintelligible to me; will you or some of your correspondents give infor- mation on this subject. Again, says the agri- culturist, it (plaster) does not act beneficially near the sea the first question that naturally arises is, is it true that plaster does not act well on the sea coast? if this be a fact, per- haps it may furnish a hint as to how plaster^ acts upon clover I should suppose that there is as much ammonia in (he dews, rains, and snows upon the sea coast as in the interior— I see no reason for a contrary opinion The above is penned to draw out such information on the subject of applying plaster to clover, as any person may feel disposed to contribute. — In touching upon the subject of chemistry, I can but congratulate the agricultural commu- j nityupon the action of the Visatorial Board of William and Mary College, they announce that agricultural chemistry will constitute a portion of the collegiate course at that institu- tion, in mv humble judgment this is the most judicious move made by that body for some time past; at least the practical effect for such training, will be to send out scientific farmers to till the earth. I cannot but believe that the visiters will be sustained by the farming com- munity; their effort at least ought to meet the approbation of those who desire lo see the ag- ricultural interest of this State duly attended to. In conclusion, Mr. Editor, I would suggest that in some future number of your valuable paper, you would publish an analysis of the main agricultural products of this State; if your friends know what is in the crops raised by them they will understand what to put in the land to make them. Myself, I have been often at a loss what to apply to my crops not knowing what was in them. Another suggestion and I shall bring this communication to a close; it is this, when yon: subscription is due, adopt the plan pur- sued atone time by an Editor some time since, in this State just print over the top of the co- ver the following words, "you owe dollars to the Southern Planter." It will be an easy matter to fill up the blank with the proper sum. I do not know whether this plan u onld 1 e any violation of the post office law, of this nuttier perhaps you have better opportunities to know than the writer. The advantage of the above plan will be this: judging others by myself, we only wish to know or raiher to be reminded, of what we owe, and we are ready to pay it. And n- w I bring this communication to a close, wishing | you gieat success, which you, in my opinion, j most richly deserve. c. » * Gloucester C.H. Feb. 3, 1F51. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 89 For the Southern Planter. HORTICULTURAL REMARKS FOR MARCH, 1851. « PREPARED BY A. D. ABERNETHY, FLORIST, GRACE STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Admit air freely to greenhouses, pits, &c. giving a larger supply of water to the plants, most of which will now be growing rapidly, and syringe the foliage frequently during dry weather. Roses, geraniums, verbenas, and other plants, which may be in vigorous growth, should have plenty of light and room given them, and tied neatly to stakes. Plants in bloom, such as camelias and azaleas, should have a conspicuous situation in the greenhouse to show them to advantage. Cactus, if they are showing flower buds, should be more plen- tifully watered to enable them todevelop their flowers. Tender roses, &c. may now be un- covered and trimmed. Flower beds and bor- ders, if not previously done, should be spaded and raked over. Trim and finish planting out evergreens and box edgings. Towatds the end of the month, sow annuals, plant out ver- benas, carnations, pinks, roses, &c. &c. lay gravel on walks, after all the ground opera- tions are finished. As a substitute for gravel, (where it can be obtained,) tan bark may be used. The walks in our gardens are laid with ii, and it is found preferable to gravel, inas- much as no weeds grow upon it, does not wash with heavy rains, is found more agreeable to walk upon, and lasts almost as long as gravel without requiring to be renewed, it would also answer well for private carriage ways where not much travelling is done. In the kitchen garden most vegetable seeds may now be sown except snaps, beans and the cucumber tribe, which should be delayed till the beginning of April. Plant out early york cabbage and lettuce from the hot bed. Clean off asparagus and strawberry beds, covering the latter with straw or pine beards, to keep the fruit clean. PROFESSOR JOHNSTON, OF DURHAM. The Durham gentleman who was in this country last year and lecturing (by invitation from various associations,) upon agricultural science, has returned to England, and, like some other tourists, has published his notes on American agriculture. Professor J.'s reputa- tion had preceded him. His work upon agri- cultural Chemistry was well known and highly appreciated. He commanded large audiences and much applause. We have not seen a copy of the "Notes;" but some of the press are handling the Doctor without gloves in connex- ion with them — some of the press who could find no adjective too complimentary whilst he was here. He has certainly fallen into some grievous errors in regard to our agricultural statistics, if these papers quote him correctly, and in nothing more than in his remarks upon the Southern States. We will not, however, prejudge, but wait for the book itself. FARM MANURES AND THEIR MANAGE- MENT. There is nothing connected with the agri- cultural interest of so much importance as the manufacture (if the expression be allowable,) of manures. This will be admitted by all far- mers; and yet, how many opportunities for the accumulation of manure are allowed to pass unnoticed, and how little care is taken in the best and most efficient use of those, which are thrust upon us. Good ploughing is most as- suredly of vast influence upon the fruitiulness of your fields; but good manuring is a sine qua nen. The human body requires food for its nourishment and health— so it is with mother earth. Over work and no food will as surely exhaust the one. as it will kill the other.— Again and again, have the readers of the Planter been advised and entreated to make use of all the means in their power to the pro- duction of larger quantities of rich manures, than they have hitherto been in the habit of making; yet, we greatly fear, that our efforts have resulted in exerting too little influence. None, no not one of the vast number of far- mers in the world, will be found to dispute the soundness of the position heading this article, and yet, (we will lay a wager on it.) there is not a farm of one hundred acres in Virginia, on which hundreds of cart loads of manure are not annually wasted and lost, for the waDt of a little energy and a little care. Is there a reader, who, at comparatively small expense, cannot double the quantity and quality of his manure'? If there be one who doubts, we would say to him try it— try it faithfully, ho- nestly, and if the result of his labor does not enable him to answer the question in the affir- mative, we will knock under and confess that we know nothing about the matter. In connexion with this subject, we most cor- 90 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER dially recommend the following chapter on " Manures from Domestic Animals and their Preservation" taken from Professor Norton's work, entitled " Elements of Scientific Agricul- ture" and with the permission of our readers, we will continue the subject of manures in our next number. "The manure of various domestic ani- mals is, in this country, most commonly employed as a fertilizer, all other manures being used in comparatively small quanti- ties; and yet even these are seldom pre- served and applied so carefully as they might or ought to be. "The principal varieties are those of the ox, the cow, the hog, the horse, and the sheep. Of these, that of the horse is most valuable in its fresh state ; it contains much nitrogen, but is very liable to lose by fer- mentation. That of the hog comes next. That of the cow is placed at the bottom of the list. This is because the enriching substances of her food go principally to the formation of milk, the manure being there- by rendered poorer. "The manure of all these animals is far richer than the food given them, because it contains much more nitrogen. This is for the reason that a large part of the car- bon and oxygen of the food are consumed in the lungs and blood generally, for the purpose of keeping up the heat of the body. They are given off from the lungs, and also by perspiration and evaporation through the pores of the skin, in the form of carbon and water. u From animals led upon rich food, the manure is much more powerful than when it. is poor. In England, for instance, where they fatten cattle largely on oil-cake, it is calculated that the increased value of the manure repays all of the outlay. This is the reason why human ordure is better than manure from any of the animals men- tioned above, the food of man being rich and various. "All these kinds of manures should be carefully collected and preserved, both as to their liquid and solid parls. The liquid part, or urine, is particularly rich in the phosphates and in nitrogen. This part is, by very many farmers, permitted, in a great degree, to run away, or evaporate. Some farm-yards are contrived so as to throw the water off entirely; others con- vey it through a small ditch upon the near- est field. The liquid manure which might have fertilized several acres in the course of the season, is thus concentrated upon one small spot, and the consequence is a vegetation so rank as to be of very little use* Spots of this kind may be seen in (the neighborhood of many farm-yards, j where the grass grows up so heavy that it I falls down and rots at the bottom, and has to be cut some weeks before haying time, producing strong, coarse hay that cattle will scarcely touch. "The proper way to save this liquid is to have a tank or hole, into which all the drainings of the yard may be conducted. If left here loni/, this liquid begins to fer- ment, and to lose nitrogen in the form of ammonia, which, it will be remembered, is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. To remedy this, a little sulphuric acid, or a few pounds of plaster may occasionally be thrown in. The sulphuric acid will unite with the ammonia, which will remain unchanged, not being liable to evaporate. Others prefer to mix sufficient peat, ashes, sawdust or fine charcoal with the liquid in the tank, to soak it all up; others still pump it out, and pour it upon a compost heap. One point is to be noticed in the management of a tank. Only ihe water which naturally drains from the stables and yards should be allowed to enter it; all that falls from the eaves of the build- ings should be discharged elsewhere. Re- gulated in this way, the tank will seldom overflow, and the manure collected in it will be of the most valuable and powerful description. The tank may be made of stone, brick or wood, as is most convenient, and need cost but very little. "While the liquid manure is actually, in many cases, almost entirely lost, the solid part is often allowed to drain and bleach, until nearly every thing soluble has washed away, or is exposed in heaps to ferment without any covering. In such a case am- monia is always formed and given off, — it may often be perceived by the smell, parti- cularly in horse manure. The fact may also be shown, by dipping a feather in mu- riatic acid, and waving it over the heap. If ammonia, in any quantity, is escaping, white fumes will be visible about the feather, caused by the formation of muri- ate of ammonia. This escape of so valu- able a substance may be, in a great meas- ure, prevented, by shovelling earth over the surface of the heap, to a depth of two or three inches. If this does not arrest it entirely, sprinkle a few handfuls of plaster on the top; the sulphuric acid of the plas- ter will, as before, unite with the ammonia, and form sulphate of ammonia. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 91 "Manures containing nitrogen in large quantities are so exceedingly valuable, be- cause this gas is required to form gluten, and bodies of that class, in the plant; this is particularly in the seed, and sometimes also in the fruit. Plants can easily obtain an abundance of carbon, oxygen and hy- drogen from the air, the soil and manures. Not so with nitrogen. They cannot get it from the air; there is little of it in most soils, and hence manures which contain much of it, produce such a marked effect. Not that it is more necessary than the other organic bodies, but more scarce; at least in a form available for plants. The same reasoning applies to phosphoric acid. It is not more necessary than the other in- organic ingredients, but still is more valu- able, because more uncommon in the soil, and in manures. "In all places where manure is protected from the sun, and from much washing by rain, its value is greatly increased. "Horse manures, particularly, should not be left exposed at all ; it begins to heat and to lose nitrogen, almost immediately, as may be perceived by the smell. It should be mixed with other manures, or covered by some absorbent earth as soon as possi- ble. Almost every one who enters a sta- ble in the morning, where there are many horses, must perceive the strong smell of ammonia that fills the place. I have seen, in some stables, little pans containing plas- ter of Paris or sulphuric acid, for the pur- pose of absorbing these fumes, and form- ing sulphate of ammonia. The liquid which runs from barn-yards and from ma- nure heaps, is shown, by analysis, to con- sist of the most fertilizing substances; and it is calculated that where this is allowed to wash away, as is the case in many in- stances, the manure is often reduced nearly one-half in its value. I have seen yards where it was almost worthless, owing to long exposure. " The farmers of this country need awak- ing up on the subject of carefully preserv- ing their common manure. In Flanders, every thing of the kind is saved with the greatest care, the liquid manure of a sin- gle cow for a year, is valued at ten dollars; here it is often allowed to escape entirely. Either they are very foolish, or we are very wasteful." Bean straw should not be wasted. It is good feed for sheep, and they are very fond of it. For the Southern Planter. POUDRETTE. Mr. Editor, — \ purchased two barrels of the Lodi Manufacturing Company of New York, last spring, and used it by the side of guano on corn. 1 found it to be a perfect take-in. I think it coniained a good portion of glass and ground shoesoles, of which we can be supplied without going to the North. One bushel of ashes is worth two of poudrette, judging from the experiment I made. 1. I. Hite. TO CORRESPONDENTS, &c. The publication of the present number has been delayed by causes beyond our power im- mediately to remedy. With much regret, we have been compelled to lay over much valua- ble manuscript matter furnished by correspon- dents and to cut short our own remarks. The interesting proceedings of the Club meetings; the proceedings in the Legislature and Con- vention on agriculture, with staustics, &c. are omitted necessarily. Essay on Guano, by George W. Read, Esq. was received too late for the March, but shall appear in the April number. Joel Younger has also been received, and shall have a place in the April number. For the Southern Planter. REST TO LAND. Mr. Editor, — As there seems to be much in- terest at this time manifested throughout the world upon the subject of agriculture, and as no part of it, perhaps, needs it more than our good old State of Virginia, I have thought proper to say a few words upon the subject, taking into consideration an old saying that a "fool may ask questions which will require a wise man to answer." As my letter may, upon the whole, be considered rather a "point no point" communication, yet I wish to draw from some of your experienced and scientific cor- respondents something upon the subject of rest to land, or as I believe it may be called fallow, in the first signification of the term. I have for many years been a close observer of the progress of agriculture in some of the mid- dle counties of our Siate, or I might more properly have said, the downward progress. — Perhaps for more than a thousand years agri- culture was divided into its art and science. Thea?f of agriculture has not been much im- proved upon until very recently. The same 92 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER may be said of the science. In the region of country alluded to all that was known (in fact but little more now) in relation to the improve- ment of the soil was rest and manure. The idea of rest was the same as ihat attached to a weary or broken down horse or ox; and no doubt the term arose from the supposed simili- tude. And however agricultural chemists de- nounce the simile, I cannot but believe our forefathers were not as ignorant upon the sub- ject as has been imagined. They surely were not silly enough to believe that rest entirely re- instated the exhausted land to its origin at state of fertility; for they saw evidently set forth before them a gradual and sometimes rapid decline of their best lands, notwithstanding the rest they were enabled to give them. That they saw after rest, or fallow the next succeed- ing crop better than the last preceding, we cannot doubt, nor can the agricultural chemist deny the fact upon tin' most scientific theory. Our worthy progenitors knew, from expe- rience, the ameliorating effecis of many ma- nures upon such exhausted lands. Yet they knew not the theory of their operation, nor knew they the theory of exhaustion better than that of the worn down horse. Leaving the land to rest, with nothing more than the sup- plies of nature, was discovered to improve its production; leaving the jaded animal to rest, with nothing more than the usual artificial supplies of food, &c. it was discovered that his weary limbs received strength and his next efforts would greatly surpass those preceding his rest. The simile did not stop here; it was, no doubt, observed that the fresh cleared or virgin soil, when first beginning lo give way, would, upon rest, much more evidently show its benefits than the long tilled and exhausted soils of the same original quality. So of the noble young steed; when first broke to the harness, if wearied by excessive and constant exertion, sooner recovered by rest than the same animal encumbered with years and toils of the most unremitting labors The compa- rison was carried a little farther; they both, after so long a time, even under the rest sys- tem, wer. 1 brought to the same denomination, "dead" The earth being exhaust d of every thing which could afford subsistence to man or beast, with the necessary labor and expense of cultivation, was turned out and considered dead to all the benefits of mankind; just so with the horse. Now comes the difference. The animal at first, for a time, might be con- sidered dead, in the same sense of the ex- hausted land, yet by rest and a suitable supply of nourishment was revived and restored to usefulness and profit. But from the nature of the animal this could not last always. The ani- mal dies not only to usefulness but becomes ex- tinct; then there is an end to the comparison. But the soil a Her being con^iderrd dead may not only be revived for a time, but, under proper ma- nagement, rendered profitable, and so coniinue to the end of time. Of this fact, too, our forefa- thers were not ignorant; they knew full well, from experience even with the limited amount of science connected with agriculture, that could they keep up on all their lands a suffi- cient degree of manuring with the materials known, they might k; ep them in good condi- tion ad infinitum with the rotation then prac- tised; at least they had no reason to doubt it. I Yet a crisis has come with the land as well as the horse. If the traveller on his wearisome I journey breaks down his aged horse, rests him ! and feeds him, rubs him and nurses him, and 1 at length after all his appliances, cannot keep him up, he dies! what must he dol Without the means of purchasing another, "he takes to his heds!" the journey must be completed. ; Just so with the owner of our lands yeais aso; : he has gone on clearing and cultivating, wear- \ ing out and killing, until he finds, with a large 1 company around him, his land is dead, that ! his resting and manuring, (such as he has done,) will not enable him to support his fa- ;mily; he takes to his heels, also; he leaves for the West. Now for the moral. If you will ride about I our countiy you will find a vast majority of our lands "dead;" our farmers are living upon I these lands by the application of such manures |as they raise upon their faring and they in | very small quantities. Large fields are culti- ! vated, and but little made over a support; and ! but for the tobacco patch, which exhausts most of the manure, and the hire of negroes on public works, their situation would be much wofse. A few, however, from reading agricul- tural papers and other agricultural works have began to think the "dead land" may be re- I vived, and that even the less evanescent prin- ciples of the "dead horse" may aid in resus- citation, and perhaps the very gases of his J body may be brought into requisition. But to return to "rest" for land in its worn out state for improvement. The writer once tried "rest" on an old farm, naturally poor, for eighteen years, and found but little benefit ! from it. A worthy 4'armer of my acquaintace tried it as long, and in disgust, at last divided ! his land into shifts, by fences, and grazed i closely as long as he lived, that he might in his latter days make some amends for the loss j of milk and butter for so long a period. Now, my fellow farmers, let us attend to the lights springing up from agricultural chemis- try; let us avail ourselves of them The first ray of light — true light, I mean, I ever saw, was " Ruifin's Essay on Calcareous Manures." I may say the next was "Edward Stabler^ Prize Essay on the Improvement of Worn Out Lands." I might say much more on matters and things in general, but lest I might show more of mv ignorance by trying to be thought wise, I will draw to a close', hoping, if my commu- nication does no oiher good, it will excite some one to criticise, pick to pieces, and ex- pose my blunders, and if light and knowledge be thereby increased, my end will be gained. Aricola. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 93 TO PREVENT MOTHS GETTING UN- DER HIVES. Pound a handful of peach leaves and sail them well and strew them over the bench under the hive. In two or three days, repeat the operation. The flavor of peach leaves is offensive to the moth, but not to the bees. Another Remedy — Raise the hive about an inch upon four little pebbles. Take a piece of half-inch pine board from three to six inches wide and a foot long; cut. one side full of creases about a quarter of an ! inch deep; lay this creased side down un- der the hive and you will find all the mil- lers will use it to raise their broods undor; because it is a secure place from the bees, but not from the bee keeper. If he chooses to watch and kill, he will finally destroy the larvae and save his honey. — Am. Agri- culturist. OHIO AND ITS PROGRESS— THE HAR- VEST—THE PEOPLE AND GROWTH. The present year is one of unprecedented I prosperity, in this State, taken as an entire community. The epidemic cholera has, in- | deed, prevailed at three or four points, but the great part of the people have remained in j health, and it is doubtful whether the ordinary mortality of the whole people has been at all increased. In the meanwhile, ihe harvest of this year has been most extraordinary. Not one of the various crops have failed, while the principal ones have been greatly above the average. The wheat harvest of Ohio has un- questionably exceeded thirty millions of bushels! Fifteen millions, or one-half the crop, is a most ample supply for the inhabitants of the State. Ohio, therefore, has fifteen millions of bushels of wheat, or three millions of barrels of flour for export. When the reader recollects that in the last commercial year, the emire export of flour, and wheat reduced to flour, from the United States, was but 2 500,0. barrels, he will realize the magnitude and importance of the wheat harvest of O.io. The export of grain and flour from Ohio alone will exceed half a million of barrels, the entire export of those articles from the United States! In other words, Ohio has furnished the entire ex- port of flour for the nation, tie entire consump- tion for herself, and half a million of barrels for other States! No other State can render such an account for any article of produce. — But, this is not all. The corn or maize crop is not less than fifty millions of bushels, which furnishes a surplus to fatten thousands of beef cattle for the Atlantic cities, and tens of thou- sands of swine to furnish pickled pork for the Commercial Marine, for the Southern Negroes, and for the epicurean appetite ol those who love good hams. Such is the agriculture of Ohio, specimens of whose splendid products we recently saw exhibited in this city; an agriculture which has grown up within half a century, amidst forests and prairies, ;ind which in that brief period has a comparative growth, unequalled by that of any State in this, or any oiher country. But the growth of Ohio, in the last year, great as it is, does not perhaps exceed the average growth of this State since 1800, just prior to the State organization. We have received details enough of the census, now being taken by the General Go- vernment, to feel assured that the population of Ohio will reach 2,200,000 people— pei haps exceed that. We had estimated it, when the census was commenced at 2,250,000, 50 per cent, on the last census. Assuming, however, the former number, let us glance at the growth of this state: In 1800 Ohio had 45,305 1810 " 230,700 1820 " 581,434 J 830 " 937.903 1840 " 1,519,257 1850 " 2,200,000 The ratios of increase have been as follows, viz: From 1800 to 1840 400 per cent. 1810 to 1820 150 1820 to 1830 61 1 " 1830 to 1840 72 " 1840 to 1850 45 " By a comparison with other States, it will be seen that the growth of Ohio from 1820 to 1850 exceeds, by far, in its ratio of increase, that of any State in the American Union, where population was as great as at the start- ing point. And, we may add, that from the census returns, there is no probability that the growth of any of the new States will equal the ratio attained by Ohio, during the last twenty years, when they shall attain as large population as Ohio had twenty years ago.— New York has been the largest and most flou- rishing State; yet, in the last ten years, the increase of population in New York will not exceed much, if any, one-half the increase in Ohio; and with the rapidly decreasing ratio of growth in New York, Ohio must pass by New York within the next twenty years, and become the first State of the Union' There is an historical fact connected with the growth of Ohio, which should never be for- gotten. Ohio is eldest daughter of Virginia; being cutout of the Territory which she ceded to the Union. Virginia, however, yielded by that act, to the necessity of free institutions. At the end of half a century, we find Viiginia containing less than half the white population of Ohio, and to be presented in the first Con- gress, under the census of 1850, by half only of the representation of Ohio! Thus we find 94 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER the mother of the Southern States, falling far behind her daughter, and passing into the rank of secondary communities. This fact is equal to a volume of philosophy. It is far more pow- erful than all the speeches made, or to be made on the difference of Institutions. We publish the foregoing from Cist's Ad- vertiser more to show the self-applauding spirit of the Buckeye and his ungracious reproach- ing of the ' Mother of States,' than because we admit the truth of the statements, or believe in the rationality of the predictions it contains. If the writer is to be credited, Ohio is to be- come a world of herself. The assertion that Virginia yielded to any necessity, or in other words was coerced, when she gave up her North Western Territory, will be news to some of her gray headed sons. NOTICES— PUBLICATIONS. Downing' 's Horticulturist.— We have received the January, February and March numbers of this elegant Magazine, and again call the at- tention of our readers to it. The present vol- ume is more beautifully printed and illustrated (if possible,) than any of its predecessors.— We will take pleasure in showing this work to those who wish to see it. Elements of Scientific Agriculture; by John P. Norton, A. M.—We have received from our friends, Messrs. Morris & Brother, a neatly printed copy of the above work, comprising 208 pages. The attention of the reader is in- vited to an extract from its pages, "on the Ma- nures of Domestic Animals, and their Preserva- tion", in another column of this month's issue. The Farmers 1 Guide, by Stephen's, has reached its 15th number. That now before us contains much valuable information about the soiling of stock, shearing of sheep, and management of wool, hay-making, &c. Ac- Seven more numbers will complete the work, J which is for sale by Nash & Woodhouse, of this city. The Working Farmer has commenced its 3d volume. It continues to be conducted with conspicuous ability by Professor Mapes. A. Longet,25, Cliff street, New York, has recently become its publisher. The Stethoscope and Virginia Medical Gazette, edited by P. Claiborne Gooch, A. M. M. D. Secretary of the Medical Society of Virginia; $3 per annum, pp. 64. This is the title of a new Medical Journal just commenced in Richmond, and the first thing of the kind ever undertaken in Virginia. Three numbers have been issued, and they do great credit to the press of Ritchies & Dunna- vant. Our contemporaries everywhere speak well of the work, and commend it to the warm support of the Medical Faculty. HUSSEY'S REAPING MACHINE. FARMERS who are desirous of procuring Reapers to cut the coming harvest, are re- spectfully reminded of the advantages of send- ing their orders early. If the demand at har- vest time should be equal to what the high reputation of the machine appears to justify, it cannot be supplied. The subscriber will use every effort to accommodate every cus- tomer, but the earlier the orders are sent, the less chance there will be for disappointment. Orders must be sent to the subscriber, at Baltimore. OBED HUSSEV. Baltimore, March 8fh, 1851. — It AGRICULTURAL DEPOT OP KETTLEWELL & DAVISON, BALTIMORE, Manufacturers of Simple and Compound CHEMICAL MANURES FOR CROPS AND LAND," THE undersigned respectfully call the at- tention of the farmers and planters of Virginia to the successful results which have attended their enterpries. In the language of Mr. Irby, of Nottoway, they present no " hum- bug" to the agriculturist. They have outlived such suspicion, as is amply attested by the constantly increasing demand which each suc- ceeding season flows in upon them. Their Renovator or Chemical Salts, a com- pound of "Biphosphates," "Potash," "Ammo- nia," "Soda," "Sulphuric Acid," with various other residiums, they contend, has been de- monstrated by experience and practical results. to be the best manure for corn, oats, and grass, that now attracts public attention. They will in the March number of the "American Far- mer," challenge guano, to this test, under the auspices of the Agricultural Society of Mary- land, or its President, if they will agree to ap- point a suitable person to superintend the ex- periment. This article, independent of its prompt ac- tion, is composed of elements which gives to the soil a permanent and lasting benefit, subor- dinate only to lime. Let those who doubt, try the experiment, at least to such an extent, that even failure wont injure them! Price, $3 per barrel, or $20 per ton. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 95 " Pure Biphotphatcs." — This article, to all who have taken the trouble to investigate, or acquire information, has entirely superseded the use j of bone dust. It is bone dust dissolved with Isulphuric acid, and mixed with a proper pro- portion of "ammonia." One bushel is com- puted to be equal to five bushels of bone dust; it is far more prompt, equally lasting, recom- mended by every distinguished chemist in Eu- rope or America, and lias been susiained by every experiment. f^r See experiment (which will appear in the Planter for April,) upon the land of the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, under the direction of Dr Wm. O. Wharton and Dr. D. Stewart, the former one of the best farmers in Maryland, and the latter perhaps inferior to no chemist in the Union. Mr. Johnson used 150 Darrels of this article upon his land last fall. The price $4 per barrel, or $28 per ton. One to two barrels to the acre. To Tobacco Planters, they offer their "Generator," a chemical compound made ex- pressly for the growth of this plant; and they also call particular attention to their combi- nation of ground "plaster and potash," this latter element being almost necessary to the growth of tobacco. This compound has at- tended universal attraction, and is daily rising in popular favor. One to two barrels sown broadcast, is the proper mode of using it.— "Generator" $4 per barrel. "Plaster and pot- ash" S2,50. Ground Plaster. — This article appears to be at one universal price, and because of its cheapness the impression seems to be, that plaster is plaster, forgetful, or not informed, rthat in no article is there so great a variation 5>f quality, and consequently of value. Its value to the crop being one element, and that varying from 30 to 90 degrees, the farmer who buys the former, pays at SI a barrel, just three times as much as the one who gets the latter; and yet neither is the wiser, with this exception, that one praises it as a manure, and jhe other condemns it. The attention we pay to this article is now generally known, and every barrel sold by us will be stincelled with our name. Every description of chemical residiums^p- plicnble to agricultural purposes, can be bought of us. To all who feel an interest upon so interest- ing a subject, we will, upon application by mail, forward one of our pamphlets, contain- ing explanations, mode of using, and certifi- cates from the most accomplished farmers of Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. — Among others, Col. Horace Capron, Dr. Ro- bert Dorsey, Joseph Crosby, Esq. F. P. Blair, Carville and John Stansbury, Gen. Stiles, Dr. Wm. Mosher, Isaac C. Anderson, Esq. and a score of others unnecessary to enumerate here. KETTLE WELL & DAVISON. f^- Office at the wholesale Drug Store of Ober & McConkey, corner of Lombard and Hanover streets. Factory, Federal Hill, Bal- timore, mh— It TO AGRICULTURISTS. MORKIS& BROTHER have received the following valuable Books, pertaining lo Agriculture: Elements of Scientific Agriculture, or the connexion between Science and the Art of Practical Farming. This was the prize essay of the New York State Agricultural Society; by J. P. Norton, M. A. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology ; by Jas. F. W. Johnston. American Agriculturist, for the Farmer, Planter, Stock Breeder, and Horticulturist; by A. B.Allen; numerous plates. The 8th and 9th volumes of this most valuable work are received, also complete sets. Every farmer should have this work. American Farm Book, on Soils, Manures, Drainings, Irrigation, Grasses, Grain, Roots, Fruit, Coiton, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Rice, and every staple product of the United States. — This is a perfect farmer's library, with upwards of 100 engravings; by R. L. Allen. Farmer's Manual, with the most recent dis- coveries in Agricultural Chemistry; by F. Faulkner. A Mi;ck Manual for Farmers; by S. L. Dana. Farmer's Land Measurer, with a set of use- ful Agricultural Tables; by Jas. Pedder. American Husbandry. — Series of Essays on Agriculture, with additions; by Gaylord and Tucker. Farmer's Encyclopaedia; by Cuthbert W. Johnson. Productive Farming, with the most recent discoveries of Liebig, Johnston, Davy, and others. European Agriculture, from personal obser- vation; by Henry Coleman. This is a very popular work. Johnson's Chemistry and Geology, with their application. Johnson's Dictionary of Gardening; by Da- vid Landreth. London's Gardening, for Ladies; by A. J. Downing. Squarey's Agricultural Chemistry, Boussin- gault, Rural Economy, Buist's Kitchen Gar- dener, Landscape Gardening, and Rural Ar- chitecture; by A. J. Downing. Fessenden's American Gardener. American Fruit Book, with full iustructions: by S. W. Cole. Downing on Fruit Trees. Theory of Horticulture; by Lindley. Florist's Manual; by H. Bourne; 80 colored engravings. Bridgtnan's Kitchen Gardener. In addition to which, Morris & Brother have all of the late Works on Agriculture, Horti- culiure, and Raising Stock, of any celebrity. Riclnnond, Ma rch 1 2, 1 85 1 .— 1 1 96 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER CONTENTS OF NUMBER III. PAGE. Petition of the State Agricultural Society to the General Assembly of Virginia G5 Grass Seeds 73 Farmer^' State Club 74 Setting Posts ,. 78 Fruit 79 Virginia Lands and Farming 79 Grazing Wheat 81 Agricultural Improvement 82 Castration of Colts 85 Green Crops .85 Meeting of the Virginia State Agricultural Society . .86 Application of Plaster 88 Horticultural Remarks for March 89 Professor Johnston, of Durham 89 Farm Manures and their Management. . . .89 Poudrette 91 To Correspondents 91 Rest to Land 91 To Prevent Moths Getting Under Hives . .93 Ohio and its Progress — The Harvest — The People and Growth 93 Notices — Publications * . .94 COMMERCIAL RECORD. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT, Reported for the Soutliern Planter by NANCE & G00CH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Tobacco— Market firm -no material change in prices during the last week — supply equal to the, demand. Our inspections, compared with the same period last year, show a falling off of about 800 hhds. in Richmond. We quote New Lugs $4 to $7. Middling Leaf $8 to $11. Fine $ll" 50 to $16 25 The crop received thus far, poor and in good order. We would advise planters to prize in bad keeping order, should the crop prove less than expected, prices will probably advance. Holders cannot avail them- selves of an advance unless they prize in keep- ing order. Flour— Dull Sales. Richmond Canal has been made on the bank at $4 3~£. Scottsville Si 5G to a limited extent. Holders are not disposed to take less than $4 50 for the former, and $4 G2£ for the latter. Wheat— Red 90 cents to $1. While $1 05 to SI 10. Corn— 66 cents per bushel. Oats— 45 to 50 cents per bushel. Bacon— City cured is worth 10 cents. Bal- timore sides (new) 9 cents; shoulders 7i cents. Lard— In barrels 9\ cents— in kegs 9| cents. Guano— Peruvian $50 per ton of 2000 lbs. Pa t agon i an $40. Clover Sekd— $5 to $5 50, and wanted. Flax Seed— Sales $1 25 to $1 35. Bees Wax— 23 cents per lb. — in demand. Feathers— 35 cents per lb. Lime— $ I 37£ from store. Richmond, March 2Uh, 1851. NEW STYLE MEDALLION DA- GUERREOTYPES IN COLORS. This splendid improve- j ment must be seen to bej appreciated. Ourlriends. are invited to call at thej original Virginia Sky-; I Light Daguerrean Gal- By| lery, wheremay be found Jl Kr 1 all the latest "lmprove-i ments, consisting of thel CELEROTYPE, by which infant children may be taken in one se-l cond; TALBOTYPE, or Daguerreotype on Pa- per, and HYALOTYPE, or Daguerreotypes on Glass, which, with every o her improvement, may now be obtained at the Gallery, No. 139 Main street, above Go- vernor. N. B.— Their NORTHERN COMBINA- TION SKY LIGHT is now open in full op- eration— it is the largest in the State. WM. A. PRATT & CO. Proprietors. MEDALLION DAGUEREOTYPES IN COLORS.— We have inspected the a; ove style of Daguereotypes, lately and so success- fully introduced here by Messrs Pratt & Co., 132 Main street. By this process, a relief al- most magical, and a variety highly pleasing, is obtained. In some cases, the picture so closely resembles an enamelled miniature, in its ivory tone, as to deceive even an artiste; in others from the midst of a dark back ground, appears the "human face divine," in all the vividness of life; then, by still another process, the picture appears entirely upon a brilliant white ground, surrounded by wreaths of flow- ers. But, we feel our inability to do full jus- tice to these beautiful medallion Daguereo-^ types, and must, therefore, request the curious in such matters, to call and judge for them- selves. Messrs. Pratt & Co. claim to be the first to introduce the sky-light system into the State, and appear to be constantly inventing something for the improvement of "the art. Re- pair to their gallery and "secure the shadow ere the substance fades."— Richmond Times. WILLIAM P. LADD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, No. 319, head of Broad Street, Shockoe Hill, Richmond, Virginia. DEALER in English, Mediterranean, India and all Foreign and Domestic Drugs and Medicines; also, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, &c. For sale on the most accommodating terms. O* Orders from Country Merchants and Physicians thankfully received and promptly attended to. ja 1851— tf