SOUTHERN PLANTER (1841) Vol. 12 1852 Missing: no. 10, Oct, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Se^oteo to Slgrfculture, Jgortftulturt, rutti tlte gjottsdtolfc Bvib. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the I Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts Arts. — Xenophon. I of the State. — Sully, FRANK: G. RUFFIN, Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Proprietor. Vol.xil RICHMOND, NOVEMBER, 1852. No. IT, For the Southern Planter. COMMUNICATED TO THE VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, exclusively and continuously, and without omissions or additions. Among the best recent essays on this sub- ject were two by practical farmers, Edward i Stabler and Horace Capron, of Maryland, On July 16/A, 1852, and ordered by 'the Executive ; which were published in the American Far- Committee for publication. THE PROFITABLE IMPROVEMENT OF POOR LAND, AND EITHER MAINLY OR ENTIRELY FROM ITS OWN RESOURCES. BY EDMUND RUFFIN. mer of 1848, and to which were awarded the first and second premiums offered through that publication for the best instructions lor the improvement of poor and exhausted lands. However much the particular and more espe- cial recommendations of these pieces varied from each other, and from any others on the same subject, these, and all others of any ex- | tensive practical value, or worthy of consider- For nearly or quite half a century — or as '■. ation for their main object, have concurred in long as essays on agriculture have been writ- one of. the various means proposed for secur- ten and published in this country— the subject ing the improvement they arrived at. This of enriching poor or exhausted lands has been j was liming — or in more general terms, the ap- under discussion, and seems still to be an open ; plication of calcareous manures. This, as I question. In latter times premiums have been ! think, was the indispensable part, the very offered for the best plans — and some very good j foundation, of each of these instructions — as papers have been written by men who were both ' it must be of every useful scheme for enrich- | practical and intelligent farmers— and in all i ing naturally poorlands, at least. And though the time referred to, many other articles, wild ! to many of the readers of all such pieces, (and or foolish, by writers who were merely theo- ' perhaps also to some of the writers them- rists, or but closet agriculturists. I have not i selves,) the one feature of liming may have before undertaken to discuss this question in- appeared less prominent than some others in dependency and exclusively. Still, a large company, as for example, deep ploughing, portion of the contents of my various agricul- 1 trench or sub-soil ploughing, gypsum arid tural writing? bear more or less directly upon | clover, guano, grass or root husbandry, stock this subject; and a large portion of my prac- j management, compost manures, &c. &c. — and tice and labors, as a farmer, and improver of although each and all of these, may have been soil, (or nearly forty years, have been directed ! very useful auxiliary means — still, I maintain especially totheobject of enrichingpoorlands, ! that all these, if without liming, would have and, except in the earlier attempts, always j effected but little, or nothing for profitable fer- with more or less of successful and profitable : tilization; and that liming would have effected issue. Upon these grounds, I will presume ' much, even if without any unusual or expen- lo offer my views and instructions, in addition , sive aids. Therefore, for my plans for im- to the many preceding, as to the improvement ! proving poor lands, with profit, I also must and fertilization of poor lands — and in the ! not only require calcareous manure, but claim manner that will be supposed of least cost in ! it as essential means. But except this, if a proportion to the benefit to be gained — and ' purchased commodity, and for the seeds of a the most effectual, and durable, and also pro- : portion of the green-manuring crops, nothing fitable, for the condition of the land and the will be required for the great and profitable other capital employed. I shall recommend i improvement of a poor farm, under usual cir- no means which I have not (ested and found | cumstances,otherthan the labor and resources successful, and in long and large practice— I of the farm itself. Other foreign or expensive (unless stated otherwise — ) and therefore may ' aids are not therefore deemed unadvisable or venture to claim, in advance, that every in- 'unprofitable. If judiciously used, such aids, struction and every statement to he offered . doubtless,, would add much to the profit to be will have been fully tested by experience — j derived, or to the quickness of attaining it in although not in connexion, as parts cf one large measure. But they may be postponed, entire and regular plan of operations, pursued ! or substituted, or even dispensed with alto- Vol. XII.-11. 330 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. gether; neither of which can be done as to lime. The whole system of instruction which I propose, or the directions comprising every rule essential to improvement, fertilization, and production, may be stated generally in a few short sentences, thus: 1. Drain all arable land that greatly needs it — or if the draining would be too costly, cease to cultivate that portion. Lands suffering much from excess of water, cannot be enriched by manures of any kind, are cultivated with great difficulty, and produce crops much below their grade of fertility. 2. Apply marl or lime, properly, and not excessively or unequally, on all giound not naturally calcareous. 3. Let the fields have enough respite from tillage, and from bearing market crops, and also from grazing, so that they may derive from their own growths, left on the ground, added to the farm-made putrescent manure, more enriching matter than is abstracted by the crops of the rotation, and thus removed from, or lost to the farm. 4. So far as may be cheaply and profit ably done, add to, or substitute the natural growth of weeds, &c. by clover or other and better | manuring growth— and collect and apply as | manure all available supplies of other vege- | table or animal matters, which are not already j diffused over the lands, as is the case with j grass, weeds, stubble of grain crops, &c. 5. Plough well, prepare for and till crops carefully, and especially pursue a judicious rotation of crops and culture, suited to the existing conditions of the locality, and the wants of the farm. I shall not attempt to argue or adduce evidence in support of these opinions. Nor will the directions be extended into detail, j The occasion forbids both. Deeming that my i views will be made more clear, and perhaps the instructions be the more impressive by the novel manner of illustration in which they will be presented, 1 will suppose and describe a particular case of land and its conditions, and also the general but sufficiently precise method and procedure for its improvement, as \ illustrative of my opinions, and the results of j theirapplication. But the conditions supposed will be similar in all essential points to those of thousands of farms and their proprietors. Folly or quackery only would recommend one system of improvement as suitable to or pre- | ferable for lands in all situations and under all different circumstances and conditions. As it is not designed to embrace any condi- tions with which I am not practically and well acquainted, let it be supposed that the farm in question is in the tide-water region of Virgi- nia, (or below the granite range which forms the'falls of the rivers—) and. (for convenience of reference,) that it contains 300 acres of arable land, in three fields, heretofore enclosed separately by dividing fences. There is enough wood-land to supply the farm with fuel and fencing timber — and also enough to have before permitted the usual former prac- tice of clearing some acres of " new-ground" every winter, to add to the space cultivated- or, more generally, to supply the place of as many acres of the most exhausted and worth- less old land, which then would be "turned out" of culture. The land does not require drainage, except such as the ploughing in ridges may serve for. Or if otherdraining is required for some parts, it is either so easily done as to be executed by the farm laborers, among the other labors an- nually recurring of preparation and tillage — or, if more costly, that the returns increased thereby are rich enough to repay the cost with profit, and so reimburse, as a separate mat- ter, the extra expenses and profits of drainage. The surface of the farm is not so hilly as to add much to the difficulty or disadvantages of ploughing and culture, or to produce much injurious and unavoidable washing by rain- torrents. The soil is not too clayey for corn, nor too sandy for wheat culture. But little of the land was rich naturally, and much of it was poor at first, and all had been much re- duced by exhausting tillage. The rotation latterly had been the usual and very exhaust- ing one (though formerly the mildest in use,) of three-shift, J. corn, 2. wheat on as much uf the land as could bring say 3 bushels to the acre, (or oats instead — ) and the still poorer part left without a crop— and 3. grazing by as many lean cattle as could find bare subsistence. The products might be 10 bushels of corn to the acre, on an average through the field, and 4 bushels of wheat on the 50 best acres of the 100 in each field — the other 50 being too poor to bring even 3 bushels. The tew cattle supported by the unfilled field, with the aid of the woods' or outer range, served to furnish a scanty supply of milk and butter, to keep up one or two pairs of poor oxen, and rarely to supply a middling beef. The cattle consumed, as food and litter, the offal of the crops, and converted the remains to manure. The few sheep were as ill pro- vided with food, and of as little profit as the cattle. If hogs enough were kept to provide bacon for the family, whether on the pasture field or the woods' range, they generally cost as much in the corn they consumed, and were kept poor upon, and that required afterwards to fatten them, as the meat obtained was worth. Such was, 30 years ago, the condition, (if not still worse,) of much the greater number of farms in the old settled parts of lower Vir- ginia. Of the few exceptions, some were so because of containing more or less land origi- nally fertile. But the greater number of ex- ceptions were caused by still more exhausting tillage than that supposed above — orstil! more exhausted fields, and smaller products. Now suppose a new proprietor, by inherit- ance or purchase, to become possessed of the farm, and to determine to begin its improve- ment. His predecessor had, by the former THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 331 course pursued, barely supported his family each year — or barely avoided making absolute loss on his farming, and diminution of his ca- . piial. The present occupant might continue to do the same. So we will suppose the former tillage to have been barely remunerative — causing no actual loss of capital, and yielding no profit. bevon -° «•- xi S ■» -c re «- S3 re o t; r- t- O < 53 to o O O 7 Z At rest, iri weeds. Marled. Corn, G7 a. (15 b ) 33 a. pea-fallow. Wheal, 07 a. (0 b ) 33 a, wheat, (10 b.) At resi, in clover. 50 acres fallowed. 1 w 7 Not marled — 100 acres in corn— (10 bushels the acre.) 50 acres in wheat, (4 b.) 50 acres at rest. At rest, in weeds. Markd. 07 a. in corn, (15 h.) 33 a. pea-fallow. 3 --> *i « :o t o H ~ O o2 W QJ *-H V* cc . ^3 fe T3 o o 10 5 OJ ^~* r C a. bTi§ .c £ w cS.js o ©JE ^ 1 ~ . CM -J .' w _° "n *° 3 w t2 « £ ™ 0j - — «*- > a t oj > cu > E"a o S ra c ~ O — o — > O ^ .a I 6 ! CQ ^2 ""* . *3 — -o .22 SK O to T3 3 » H S- .■« = o re -= 5 CM ^ id r ■X. 3 - re a, ,_ J-> 1 " ji T=" O _• £2 (U ""* « QJ o S IS - to CT J3 £ !N 5 ,re Q "f T "=0) = ^ T IH ° 5 Sj; ^.^s S CJ > 2 > = • 2 > fc"| o ~ o - ts-c c O ■ o 1 £,£" M |s C=2 rQ a S3 — ° i^2 O - in c r; aj o — m 15 "o ~ c "X a & a § — S <" o S « 5 CM * ^ k| QC O c_ -S ^ I ^ o c^^ SJ ■* ? aj tfl qj ^.to • . > a^ > c . CC ra ra £ ^ o r ra _c -"o£oo£ ^ 1 "" J3 M C ' l« a i- 23-3 ^ O A O gi ^.S2^2 c 2 ° ,to en n> tt oj cz O Cm ~ tu > q tO X O "= O -7 re — _£ 4, K, _ [J, _ O a, f'j>'JO 0j ^ r^ 1 ** .a 1 CO o to . £2 _o P C 0J /^ IT3 S n 5 .G < 0J > c &4 2 - re-c G 43 O 5J |> — > ~ C c ^2 j: a jd j2j~-2 -£<=; — j ^ •a to t^ooS 1-1 — u o .0 re fcD C .. '5 6 D ^ & 0J o *^ 0j e _a o _ re t, GJ ^ t4-i 0j o S. CD'S •5 S •c St) QJ QJ a *** -J QJ ■= a tj 3 O >H .2 oj « rt o •"• a ^h P CD ? p CJ OJ g 10 O y, qj "qj OJ o^ a (Tj Q c a, O -r T3 a re CO B a -a a a T3 QJ 6J3 t>0 _>> re a. — a c a "- a, K tc fcX3 oj a Qj Qj B T3 CO Oj ~- qj -= a S bc re 3 c a c 13 n 'S "J s 13 f 3 Oj gas g & ho J- o.S re * > £ m S ?l| . § I 1 Eh £■ CO g-SS re cj -t3 E . re O QJ o >r to bjo-a ^O QJ j- QJ oj o 'C 5 >° re p. g k _, « re S'S-a S §s83 ft 5 .o CO *7 LI 2 ra C i- c ^r re P- re p jo cu v ~ P „ w 0J co~ S ' £0 re o re o i p. t<- rt - r> — re qj 1—. OiS ° o> ; re .^ c o w QJ tJ K Cu ' P ■? S P - 2 jj S re gW ra „ CO « v. . — CU -* K O - -c_, "2 reO bc« cu On .5 & QJ r^ qj .- re s >- -= Cu s ■£ bfl CC qj CO T3 CI cfi £> CD O " "3 h J" ™ « S iig^ ^^ * SS B » J o ^o^«2l Or— ,t 0; t± r > c:^r-\ c«w O fe .S c - - ■-" "r <-" >-" t 2 s 2 -. ^ C C rt Cv rf m.CJJ ffl H cu re ^ .5 k" - - t-" fc- £■ tT Jr » a g cu CD cu P ^^ ^^.J3 £ J3 J3 C0J= g;~ BO ^9 02 33C THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. This will make the total crop of wheat as follows: On 17 acres after corn, G, - - ]02 On 33 acres after pea-fallow, 12, - 396 On 35 acres, clover fallow, 12, - 420 On 15 acres, of same field, manured, 16, 210 Bushels, .... Fifth Year— Farm Dr. Balance due at end of 4th year, - - $872 66 Interest, - - 52 36 1158 $925 02 Cost of force formerly marling, and now mostly otherwise engaged, 360 00 Clover seed, 5 bushels, (none sown on wheat or clover fallow,) - 25 00 Additional seed wheat, 50 bushels, 45 00 Total debits, $1355 02 Farm Cr. Increase of wheat crop of 1158 bushels over the former 200, or 958 bushels at 90 cents, - - 862 20 Debits, .... 1355 Q2 Balance due, ... «^if>-2 82 Operations of the Sixth Year. This will be the turning point, or crisis, of the farmer's labors for improvement. Though as yet scarcely any clear annual profit has been obtained, and the debt incurred has not been discharged, still the great difficulties of improvement have been overcome, and the heaviest costs have been paid. No clear or disposable income has yet been enjoyed. But the productive powerof the farm, and its gross products, are already much more than doubled; and the net products increased in still greater proportion. But the labors and consequent expenses of the new rotation, and of the better and more extended tillage, are also now increased great- ly, though much less than in proportion to the increased production. One half, (or more) of the ©360 before charged annually for marling, has already been given toother labors — and now all will be so diverted except one-fourth annuallv, (or $90) which will be ample for all continued marling for the next. 10 years. The growth of clover, by this time, will have greatly increased the products of live- stock, without the additional grazing having materially encroached on the manuring value of the vegetable products. Trampling the land, to some extent, will now be useful to compress the too loose soil— and also, close grazing, for short times, will do good in cleans- ing the land of both weeds and insects. Thus the clover field preceding corn might be grazed from April to June or July, and the two wheat- fields after being cleared of the wheat— and both with advantage to the next succeeding grain crops and to the clover. The increase of .stock products may, for the present, balance any additional amount of increase of labor re- quired for tillage, and not already provided for. For the remaining five years of this first round of the six-shift course, there will he no further increase of crops claimed, beyond the before stated rates of 20 bushels of corn, 12 of wheat for both pea and clover-fallow, and 16 for the manured clover-fallows, now ex- tended to 20 acres annually. At these rates, the Cth year's account will stand thus: Sixth Year — Farm Dr. Balance due at close of 5th year, - - $492 82 Interest, - - 29 57 $522 49 Other debits as before, - 430 00 i Total debits, £952 49 Farm Cr. Increase of wheat— present crop, 50 acres pea-fallow at 12 bush. 600 30 do. clover-fallow at 12 " 360 20 do. do. manured at 16 " 320 1280 Deduct former product 200, leaves 1080 bushels at 90 cents, - - 972 Debits, .... 95-2 Balance in favor of farm. SI9 51 At the end of 6 years, the farmer has now- discharged the whole debt incurred, and paiiv , all the expenses of so far enriching his farm. Under the mild rotation prescribed, the im- provement will be permanent; and even pro- gressive, as inferred, to a much higher mark of productiveness. The account stated for one more year will show the beginning of this new condition of things, which is supposed to continue, (or be thus averaged) through the current course, or to the end of the 10th year of the fanner's occupancy and improvement. Seventh Year — Farm Dr. Additional expenses as before, viz: Force formerly engaged in marling, and now mainly at other farm labors, $360 CO Clover seed $25. Additional seed wheat $45, - - . 70 00 Total debits for additional labors, 5430 00 Farm Cr. Increased product of wheat, over the the 200 bushels at first produced, 1082 bushels, at 90 cents, - 972 00 (Dropping the last year's balance due the farm of $19 51.) Debits, - - . 430 00 On improvement operations— balance in hand, ... $542 00 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 337 Thus, the operations of the year, after sup- | plying §130 to pay for increased labors of tillage, leave a clear and disposable surplus of $542. The like (average) products will ; be obtained in each of the three succeeding years of the same first round of the new rota- ; tion, and reaching to include the 10th year of the farmer's labors. It is useless to con- ; tinue to state the account for these years, and ; would be improper to treat the annual disposa- ble surplus (of $542 at present) as an accu- ! mnlating fund. The farmer has earned the risht to expend this annual surplus for the ?reater comfort and benefit of his family, or may use a portion of it for any auxiliary means for obtaining still greater improvement and production of his farm. The general re- sults of such means will hereafter be slightly touched upon. But without counting anything from such additional means— and only from those already employed, and the system in progress— looking to' the still gradually in- creasing effects of marl (as usually expe- rienced) lor some 10 years after the applica- tion—the still growing supplies of prepared putrescent manures, and of enriching matter in the two green manurings in the course of crops— it will be moderate enough to suppose that with the second course of this rotation, and beginning with the 11th yearof the whole labors of improvement, the farm will have reached (for the next round of crops,) the i average production of 25 bushels of corn, and \ IK of wheat, both on pea and clover-fallow. j Then the grain products will stand thus, for the 11th year(as noted in the preceding table) van .1 the course of the rotation reaching to the | • lGth year: ] 50 acres of corn, at 25 bushels, 1250 b. at 50 cents, - - $625 00 Former crop (on 100 acres) 1000 b. - - 500 00 Increase, or surplus, 250 b. at 50 cts. $125 00 100 acres of fallow wheat (pea and clover) 18 bush- els, 1800 b. at 90 cents, $1620 00 Former crop, 200 b. 180 00 Total annual increase, 1410 00 $1565 no If, of this increase, $565 be added to the $360 before allowed for increased labor, mak- ing $925 in all, there will still remain an in- crease of clear annual profit of §1000. If the allowance for increase of tillage and other ordinary farm labor was too small before, the present increase (to $925) is large enough to compensate all deficiencies. Still another large and new charge should now be made against the surplus products. Until the 7ih year, the farmer received no re- muneration for his personal labors and super- intendence, except the subsistence of his fa- mily for the time, as in all previous time for the proprietor and his family. Since the 7th year, the whole surplus in- come of $542 has gone annually to the farrne without charge; and now suppose the same amount continued to be allowed, as the annual compensation for the farmer's personal ser- vices. This large deduction from the present annual surplus products of $1000, will still leave (1000—542=) $458 of clear profit, after paying every expense of past improvement of regular culture of the farm, and $512 as wages to the farmer, which is just as much as that whole amount more than the total sur- plus which the farm produced before its im- provement— there having been then no surplus, after barely supporting the farm. Having al- lowed these liberal deductions, the actual in- trinsic value added to the farm by its recent improvement may be fairly estimated at the sum which as principal would yield the an- nual interest of the entirely clear profit $458; which would be $7666. This amount, is the least possible fair appreciation of the in creased intrinsic valueof the farm, as capital invested, without regard to the present or the former market price. Doubtless, if the case supposed actually had existed in all its parts, the market value (or estimated selling price) of the land when improved would be as much below the intrinsic or productive value, as the foimer would have been rated above the latter in the first unimproved condition. Whether the farm then would have sold for the ordinary price of $5 the acre, or 5 cents only, (the last being as 1 estimate more than the then intrinsic value—) or whether it would now sell for but $8, or would command $30 the acre— will not affect the estimate of the amount and value of the annual gross and net products, and of the in- trinsic value of the actual improvements al- ready made. All conjectural estimates are necessarily uncertain and doubtful. Of these, of course, I cannot prove their being sufficiently moderate for reliance on the conclusions. INo one has yet gone through precisely such a full and un- mixed course of labors for improvement, so that the entire scheme can be pronounced to be fully tested by experience. But there is no one application of labor, and no improve- ment, herein stated, with its costs and its pro- ducts, that I have not found sustained in some parts of my own practice— and the results are not contradicted by any other experienced facts. The costs are put higher (for reasons before given,) and the profits of results lower than I have found in all judicious operations of this description. In the foregoing state- ments, it was a condition (which is not to be found in any actual practice,) that the farmer's labors for improvement were always judi- ciously directed, and were never omitted or suspended. Many omissions, and some inter- ruptions of proper effort, many errors of in- experience, accompanied and impaired my like operations, and lessened or postponed the otherwise certainly available results. But i however disjointed and injudicious may have 33S THE SOUTHERN PLANTER been the labors of myself and all other im- provers by marling, I am confident that none of the means supposed in this writing, upon the like premises, or in proportion to the mea- sure of other premises, have failed to produce particular benefits equal to those here de- duced — and in most cases, more benefit, and in less time. Hundreds of the most judicious and experienced laborers in this still recent mode of improvement, by marling or liming, will sustain this opinion by their concurrent testimony.* In the foregoing scheme of improvement, my directions in sundry particulars have been swayed from what was deemed the best course, by the supposed constraining circumstances of the farmer — and in others, to better preserve simplicity and clearness of description. To meet the most general objection of "want of money to pay for improvements," a case was supposed of a farm that could not spare for sale a bushel of corn, and a proprietor who had not a dollar more than would maintain him and his family through the year's labors. If these restraints had not existed, perhaps some more costly or more hazardous means for improvement might have been added, with great benefit, in increasing or forwarding the * After these estimates were prepared, I submit- ted thein to the careful scrutiny of three of my friends, who are judicious farmers, and well ac- quainted wiili the operations and results of improv- ing land by marline or liming. One of these far- mers was John A. Selden of Westover, whose tes- timony I am authorized to use thus in this case, and whose name will command respect as a voucher for any agricultural facts or opinions. There was not one of my supposed results of the premises stated — or of the rates of increased production from the previous applications of marl and other treatment of the land — that each of these farmers did not deem full low enough for the means employed. Each of them thought that in some particulars the supposed increased production was put too low. 1 am confident that the same general opinions would be concurred in by the great majority, if not by all, of the most judicious and experienced marling and liming firmers in lower Virginia. For the estimated costs of means for improve- ment supposed to be used, I should be glad to refer to others' testimony also. But I know of no farmer, other than myself, who has taken the pains to care- fully estimate the expenses of marling, and there- fore, I could not have the desired aid of correcting censorship on this score. I am then solely respon- sible for the correctness of the estimates of ex- penses. Those of the costs of marling labors were carefully prepared, and are believed to be very correct. But the other subsequent and ordinary farm labors, growing out of the improvements caused by marling, were of amount and expense so much more conjectural than anything else assumed, that these particular subjects may have been estimated very incorrectly. But this is the least important particular of the general estimate — and also the one in which every practical farmer is qualified to judge as well as myself, and to detect and allow for any errors of my estimates. amount of fertility to be gained. In some other cases, some of the supposed means may be wanting, and may be supplied, though to A less advantage, by other means. Some of " these different circumstances will be hastily noiiced. If marl had not been accessible, lime would have done as well, at more or less greater cost. On all corn land designed lo have wheat next in succession, it would have been profita- ble to sow peas among the corn, as a manure crop. If gypsum had been found effective, after marling, the small expense of its application ought regularly to have been given, for the leguminous manuring crops, clover and peas. Guano might have been used on every wheat crop, and probably to great profit, at least so long as the land remained poor. Bone dust in small quantity would probably have been profitable as manure. These means I leave for others to estimate, either by their own experience, or the pub- lished and well-authenticated reports of ex- periments and practice of other farmers. I have but little personal experience of any of these manures which are commercial commo- dities. While not at all doubting the great benefit and profit of their use, I choose to limit my own estimates to subjects of my own ex- perience. . For the Southern Planter. JOINT WORM. Mr. Editor, — I ask permission to occupy a small space in your forthcoming number with a postscript to a short notice of the joint worm, published in the September number at page •271. My principal object is to comply wilh a request made to me by Dr. T. W. Harris, the distinguished author of the "Report im In- sects Injurious to Vegetation in Massachusetts." Being informed, by means of a special com- munication which I had addressed to him, of the conclusions to which I had arrived with respect to the habits and true nature of the joint worm, he has done me Ihe honor to ex- press an interest in the result of my observa- tions, and 10 offer very valuable suggestions as to the most efficient way of prosecuting my inquiries with a view to the confirmation or correction of those conclusions. As it hap- pens that there is much confusion in the old nomenclature for this department of entomo- logy, Dr. Harris is anxious that I should em- ploy the names used in his published work. He requests, "In case you should send an ac- count of the joint worm to Mr. Ruifin, or to any other person for publication, that you will be pleased to adopt the nomenclature for the gall- flies and their parasites, or supposed parasites, (whether all be so or not,) which you will find in Cuvier's Animal Kingdom and most other THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 339 modern books on entomology, instead of that originally proposed by Geoffrey, which I find in your communication. Geoffroy introduced much confusion in the names which he gave to insects, especially to such as these under consideration, and Latreille, himself, (who wrote the entomological part of Cuvier's great wort, and who will long continue to be our principal authority,) saw fit to reject Geoffrey's names for these two tribes of insects, restoring to the gall-flies the name Cynips originally ap- plied to them by Linnaeus, and giving to the " Ichneumones minuti" of the latter (including several genera and sub-genera, such as eury- toma, &c.) the Fabrician name of Chalcis. Hence Mr. Westwood and other distinguished European naturalistsdenominatethe gall-mak- ing hymenopters Cimipidt£,a.nd theotherfamily Cholcididcc, and thi's nomenclature I have fol- lowed in my work. If you have occasion to speak of the gall-flies, your readers, who may perhaps have my book, will readily understand yoa, if you refer them to the genus Cynips, and will perceive no contradiction between us; and in like manner if you speak of the "joint worm" as a chalcidian larva (whether you adopt the name Eurytoma or Chalcis) you will avoid the danger of having it confounded with the true Cynipidee from which it differs essentially in structure in its winged state. I am the more urgent on this point because any discrepancy in regard to names will be likely to mislead those whoare notfamiliarwith them." The intelligent reader, by comparing the foregoing extract from Dr. Harris' letter with my communication published in your Septem- ber number, will easily make the necessary correction of the nomenclature adopted in the latter. He should substitute forthe term Diplo- lepis therein used as the generic appellation of the true or plant-sucking gall-fly. the old term Cynips, which had been originally applied by Linnceus to both the true gall-flies and their carnivorous parasites, but which Geoffroy and Lamarck had restricted to the latter, in- troducing the new name Liplolepis for the for- mer. Latreille, on the contrary, followed by all later entomologists, has rejected the name DifloUpii altogether and has transposed the terms Cynips and Cynipidee from the section of parasitical to that of plant-sucking gall- flies. In this connexion it is to be observed that in ibe first part of my communication I used the family name Cynipidmm the Linnman sense, as embracing both tribes of gall-inha- biting hymenopters, whereas according to the now accepted nomenclature it should have been restricted to the tribe which originally make the galls, the term ckalcidid;e being adopted for those minute parasitical hymenop- ters which lay their eggs after the galls have been produced by the Cynipidee and whose larvae prey upon those of the latter. To this tribe of Chakidiamox parasitical gall-flies the eurytoma of the barley and wheat would ap- pear to belong, if the classifications of natu- ralists founded on artificial characters be cor- rect. The point I have made is this: the his- tory of the joint worm, as far as it has yet been investigated, seems to show both that it feeds on the juices of the plant and that it is the larva of the Eurytoma hordei. In other words, this species of Eurytoma is not exclu- sively, if at all, a carnivorous parasite, and consequently the classifications of entomolo- gists in respect to this group of insects must undergo a modification in order to be recon- ciled with the natural characteristics thus as- certained. The Eurytoma, or at least this spe- cies of the genus may, after all be a Cynipian, but then the artificial tests of this family will be somewhat different from those now gene- rally assigned. The same opinion has, as I learn from Dr. Han is, been heretofore advanced by Professor Nees Von Esenbech, but on grounds which were declared to be unsatisfactory by Dr West- wood and Dr. Raizeburg, both of whom con- troverted his statement "that he had become acquainted with some Eurytomas which were phytophagous," and, therefore, "more properly belonged to the Cynipidee." Dr. Harris is him- self now strongly inclined to adopt my con- clusions. I have recently forwarded to him several specimens of the fresh and living joint worm, the examination of which by himself and Dr. Jeffries "VVyman has served to confirm my account of the mandibulate character of the mouth of this worm. He is, thetelore, satisfied that neither the yellowish white worm found in a large majority of the galls, nor the less common white, hairy worm, can be the larva of a Cecidomyia. "There still remain, however," he says in his latest letter to me, "some points in the economy of the insect that require to be settled before a complete account of its history can be written. We find that a large proportion of the winged in- sects are evolved in the spring, having sur- vived the winter in the larva (or pupal) state. Of course they will soon afterwards be en- gaged in laying their eggs in the young wheat that had been sown during the previous au- tumn. In this same wheat,during the autumn, we are not to expect to find any larvte ol the Eurytoma, or at most only a very few in a small number of cases. The young plants ought to be examined before winter to deter- mine this point, namely whether they are much affected by the joint worm. If many of these worms are found in the plants it would lead to the suspicion that the larvee so found were not those of the Eurytoma; and on the other hand, if their occurrence in the young plant in the autumn is rare, it would afford addi- tional ground for belief that the "joint worm" was the larva of the Eurytoma. When the in- sect is engaged in laying its eggs opportunity may be found to watch the process, to mark the plant, and to examine carefully the spot where the Eurytoma had been at work. If I this spot be found not to contain larvae already I it will give further evidence that the Eurytoma 1 is not a parasite." 540 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER I have given this passage at length in order to invite the co-operation of any of your read- ers in the infected region who may feel an in- terest in determining the history and true na- ture of these destructive insects. If any indi- cations of the disease be perceived in the young wheat during the fall or winter I would he glad to receive specimens. My present very decided impression is, however, that none will be found, and that the first signs of the disease in the new wheat appear in the spring coinci- dentlv with the emergence of the winged Eu- rytoma flies from the straw and stubble of the previous year's growth. J. L. Cabell. University of Virginia, Sept. 24, 1852. For the Southern Planter. DEWS AND FROSTS. Mr. Editor, — So intimately connected with agriculture are dews and frosts — the one favoring, the other opposed to the growth of plants — that 1 have presumed to trouble you with a short communication in regard to them. I write in order to in- duce your readers to disregard the scho- lastic aspect in which their connexion with science would seem to place them and to persuade them to investigate dews and frosts as the results of simple natural laws, as well as to assist them in their investi- gations. As the earth is not only the thea- tre of action for those laws, but also the observatory for ourselves of this action, we ask your indulgence while we premise a few facts, more or less connected with the matter before us. As the temperature of the earth is the prime agent in the forma- tion of dews and frosts, we will observe that, apart from any result of chemical de- composition, temperature has two sources. One the heat radiated from the sun, the other "sui generis" and a peculiar pro- perty of this ball of matter. The surface of the earth, for the depth of forty feet, is warmed by the radiated heat of the sun, and its temperature is subjected to the control of atmospheric vicissitudes. At that depth, there is a stratum called the stratum of invariable temperature, that is to say, the heat is the same at that distance below ground both winter and summer. Here the influence of the sun on the earth's temperature ceases, and here commence the operations of a peculiar law, known only by its effects; for we here find that in proportion as we go deeper, in like ratio the temperature increases; and philoso- phy has determined a point in the bosom of our common mother, in which it is im- possible for anything to exist as solid, and has taught us the interesting fact that we live on the hardened crust of a vast bait of liquid fire. This Tact we now lay aside, having mentioned it for the purpose of separating it entirely from the other source of the earth's heat, viz: the sun. But be- fore we go farther, let us be understood as to the meaning of radiation, a term we have used, and for which we expect to have farther use. Radiation, as we use it, is that property by which a healed body gives off its heat to another contiguous body without contact with such body. It differs from reflection in this: that radiation requires that the body radiating shall itself be heated, while reflection is as complete from a cold body as from a body of raised temperature. Now the law governing ra- diation is this: "All bodies radiate or give off heat to surrounding bodies, and in re- turn, receive heat from contiguous bodies." For example, suppose two bodies, A and B, to be placed contiguously; A will give off its heat to B and receive heat from B, while B will give off its heat to A and re- ceive heat of A; if these two bodies be of equal temperature in the commencement, they will continue so; B giving to A as much heat as A gives to B; but should there be, in the commencement, an unequal temperature between the two, for instance, should B have more heat than A, then "as the radiation is always in proportion to the temperature," B would radiate to A more heat than it receives from A, and thus an equality of temperature would be esta- blished. We have been thus minute in regard to this law, because on its right understanding, depends the proper appre- ciation of all that follows. The sun, we have said, is the main source of the heat of the surface of the earth. Its rays radi- ate from it as from a common centre all over the earth, and in return, the earth ra- diates its heat back; but the temperature of the sun being so immensely higher than that of the earth, obediently to a law before mentioned, the earth receives more heat from the sun that it gives in return, and thus its temperature is raised ; this goes on during the whole day — to the greatest ex- tent when the sun is at meridian, for then the rays strike the earth directly and very few are reflected. Towards evening, as the rays fall obliquely, some are reflected, that is, thrown from the surface of the earth into space. The earth continuing to give off its heat more abundantly than THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 341 before, (because its temperature being: raised, its radiation is greater,) neccessa- i nlv has its temperature lowered ; and when | the sun has gone down, receiving no heat and continuing to radiate, its temperature is at last so reduced that it is lower than that of the superjacent air, which condens- ing as it comes in contact with the earth, deposits its vapor, held before in solution, upon those bodies which, being the best radiators, have parted with the most heat, and consequently are the most reduced in temperature. That vapor condensed, is known under the common name of "dew.'^ Having thus mentioned the principles of its formation, we beg your indulgence while we shall name some of the peculiarities of its formation. As the most superficial ob- server cannot fail to have observed that often on one morning we have not a drop of dew, and on the next, have it in abun- dance, and may have wondered at this seeming mvstery as he thinks it, we will use the = principles we have just inculcated to explain this simple, yet often perplexing fact. Let us lay down some law as a cri- terion by which we may judge the excep- tions; in other words, let us state those conditions of air, earth and sky most favor- able to the forming of dew in order that we may belter be able to detect any de- viations from those conditions. A clear, & hot day, followed by a clear, calm night, is the most favorable condition for the for- mation of dew. And why? Because du- ring a clear, hot day, the rays of the sun have nothing to prevent their direct pas- sage to the earth, and a clear, calm night offers no impediment to the rapid radiation from the earth. These being the most fa- vorable conditions for the formation of dew, we can well see how there is no dew on a cloudy night For this there are two rea- sons: first a canopy of cloud prevents the heat, radiated from the earth, from rising; second, the clouds themselves radiate heat towards the eanh at the same time that the earth is giving out its heat, and receiv- ing heat in return for that given out the earth has not its temperature sufficiently lowered to cause the. formation of dew on its surface. It is observed that no dew fills in windy nights. Why so? Be- cause as the earth gives up its heat, it ab- sorbs heat from the atmosphere to a suffi- cient extent to lead to the deposition of dew. provided the atmosphere be still. If, j however, the air is in motion, the dew is evaporated, in other words, absorbed by the air as fast as it is formed. And thus | it is all of radiation and absorption on the part of the earth ; nothing of condensation on the part of the air. Another reason why a hot day is favorable to the formation of dew is that evaporation goes on most rapidly on such a day, and the atmosphere receiving more vapor more easily con- denses it. Again, it has been noticed that a calm nisht preceded by a windy day is favorable"or not to the formation ot dew as the wind has blown over a dry plain or a body of water. If the latter, then bung- ing a bountiful supply of moisture, it places the atmosphere in the best state for con- densation. If over the plain, it not only does not bring any moisture, but deprives the atmosphere of a large portion ol its vapor. Having thus noticed a few pro- minent facts we cannot refrain adverting to the. beautiful harmony and order dis- played in the operations of Nature. It is a universal law, so far as we know, that the property of absorption and radiation exists in a corresponding ratio. And how beautifully is this law exemplified and prac- tically improved in Nature. What needs the most heat on the earth's surface? Growing vegetation. What the most dew? The same. And we find plants absorbing more heat and having more dew deposited on them than any other objects. And herefrom we deduce an unanswerable ar- gument in favor of close, deep and perfect tillage. For in proportion as we make our soils' porous, their power of absorption is increased. The power of absorption and radiation existing in a like ratio, in the same way their power of radialion is in- creased; and the deposition of dew on a surface being proportionate to the amount of radiation, as close tillage promotes ab- sorption and radiation, it likewise causes the deposition of dew, and he who wishes this grateful drink for his thirsty plants must plough and break completely. Frost is frozen dew. and as the above are the laws of its formation, I need say nothing more of it. Wm. Hening. Richmond, August 31, 1S52. To Keep Out Frost.— Saw-dust, tan- bark, or chip-manure, either are better than any kind of soil to keep out frost. Straw and old hay of any kind are better for banking around houses in winter than loam or sand or gravel.— Massachusetts l J loughman. 342 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER Prom the Richmond Whig. FINE VIRGINIA "WOOL. I am sure, Messrs. Editors, that what- ever contributes to the improvement or honor of this "old Commonwealth of ours," will be a source of gratification to you, who have so seduously labored for her welfare for so many years. And to show that we can, in some respects, and in some of the branches of industry, rival our sister States, 1 hand you an extract from the United States Economistof the 2d October. The editor of that paper says: "We have seen a lew bales of Saxony fleece (wool) at H. A. Petiibone & Co's. Beaver street, from the farm of Mr. Dox, of Nelson counly, Virginia, superior to anything we have before seen. Duchess county, New York; Washington county, Pennsylvania; and Summit county, Ohio, will have to be up and doing, or Virginia will carry the flag. We hope our Virginia friends will improve the hint thrown out some time since, (referring, I believe, to the scarcity of provender,) and come North and make a selection from some of our flocks, where the drought has destroyed so much of the fodder it will be difficult to winter them." This was a lot of twenty-five hundred pounds of wool, sent from Nelson county to our friends, Messrs. Deane & Brown, to be sold here under limits. Forty -five cents per pound was offered for it, in cash, being '•Buck Washed." That price not being equal to the expectation of the owners, it was shipped to New York, where it was seen by the editor. The sheep from which this wool was taken was a flock of nine hundred, I understand, driven from New York to Nelson county, and proves most conclusively that, there is scarcely any in- vestment so safe and profitable to our mountain farmers as the raising of sheep. No animal can live upon as little, and re- quires less attention than a sheep, if it has a dead pasture to roam in, or the woods of the mountains. t Richmond. We know Mr. Dox very well, and saw him only a few days ago. He has been here now several years with his sheep, and thinks since they have become accustomed to our climate that they are quite as good as the Merino, commonly supposed to be a more hardy sheep. We hope that in some short time he will give us an article on the subject, drawn from his own experience and observation, both here and in New York, and as we endorse him in every way, we can promise in advance a good jH and reliable article on the subject. The following communication was received sometime ago. We did not think the season a good one to publish it in, and we reserved is until the present lime, when we hope every one can follow the advice given by the writer without interfering with other arrangements; For the Southern Planter. MANURES. Mr. Editor, — This is truly an importani subject with theagriculturisl; in proof of which we have only to bring to mind the imposing ' fact that thousands of dollars are annually expended for that active, generous,- master- piece, guano. Again, refer lo the numberless advertisements of artificial " Manufactured , Manures." A with his "Artificial Guano"— B and K have the "Prepared Guano"— C his "Fertilizer," anwiialty improved — K and D ' bring out their "Highly Valuable Chemical Salts"— W C the "Highly Approved Pou- ! drette" — T his "Fertilizing Compound. 1 ' To carry out the list would fill the greater part, if ! not every page in your valuable journal. All of those above can be obtained for the hard . I cash; but, alas! the farmer often finds himself | in a "sad predicament" — money gone— no : benefit derived from the^-e "highly valuable I manures," which are declared to contain every , ingredient necessary for the production of re- ! numerating crops; and better still, enough of these beautiful invaluable ingredients are to ! be left in the soil to secure a "good stand of the grasses and clover on the poorest soils;" I nothing remains to carry out the improvement I but the application of plaster and lime, thereby I btinging the soil to a high state of fertility. It is unnecessary to affirm that these manures j do not invariably give these results, as the past j conclusively proves that failure asolien attends i theirapplication as success. The first, guano, ', has especially been a source of great improve- mentand profit to the farmer; but tothe agents, speculators and manufacturers there are no failures; their profits are sure and, enormovs. The farmer's hard earned capital is frequently lost to him, whilst the vender and manufac- turer secure Iheir gains. The nostrums for impoverished soils are as plenty as those for the restoration of the health of the human fa- mily, and in too many instances as worthless. As farmers are engaged in the liberal use of guano and manufactured manures, the question naturally arises, have the farmers of Virginia, diligently and carefully husbanded every ma- terial that can be converted into manure? THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 343 We frequently see Yankee "axe helves" and "Northern hay" advertised in our daily papers. k Have we not a sufficiency of good timber that " can he worked into axe helves'? or are we too lazy"! or is it the beautiful crook of the Yankee helve that "takesoureye?" Have we no soils suitable to the production of the grasses and clover 1 ? or are we deficient in energy, that we have not only to purchase axe helves and ha)', but manures from the North? The writer has made experiments with guano, resulting in complete failures and again returning remunerating crops. With fifteen dollars worth of "C. Fertilizer" I made nothing. I consider it a perfect humbug. Whilst far- mers are engaged in the liberal use of these manures, let them not forget the quantity ot materials on their right and left, that if pro- perly collected, intimately mixed, carefully husbanded, and judiciously applied, will not only add greatly to the fertility of their lands, but fill many an "empty purse." Manures are the riches of the fields, and as stable ma- nure contains all those substances which plants need, and as it is a settled point in ag- riculture that it never fails, let us first consider the means necessary to increase not only the bulk but secure and improve the quality. Horse dung rapidly accumulates in our stables; do not permit it to remain until it is two or three feet deep, and then fork it out in front of the door exposed to the influence of sun and air, to be drenched by every fall of rain, and then cart it to the soil almost a worthless thing; but provide liberally good bedding for your horses and mules, remove every morning the -«fc dun? and wet straw to an adjoining shed, erected for the sole purpose of securing your manure, there deposit it, dusting the daily re- movals with plaster, thereby securing the vo- latile panicles. When you have a sufficiency to put up a good compost heap, commence it immediately wider your shed, by placing alter- nately mud, woods-mould, manure arid plaster, a ■itliri" a strung dose of good brine (composed of one gallon of salt to eight of water,) to each layer of manure and "plaster; complete the heap by covering with mud or scrapings; per- mit it to remain so until a slight fermentation takes place, then cut down the heap with sharp hilling hoes, (hereby intimately mixing the materials, cart it on the land intended for cultivation, covering it with the plough as fast as it is regularly spread. An excess of fermen- tation should be avoided in the heap; ihe soil is the place I ur u l0 ta,le 'P lace < as the volatlle and soluble particles are there secured for the wants of the crop. The mud and mould add to the bulk whilst they do not injure the quality of the heap; the plaster arrests and fixes the es- caping ammonia; the brine will destroy the enemies of our crops. Manure of this kind should be laid on moist, tenacious soils, the faults of which it corrects, while at the same time the soil checks the too violent action of the manure; on the other hand, if applied to dry sandy soils, it then forces and stimulates the growth of plants so much in the early stages of their development, that when the action ceases, the process of vegetation becomes feeble. Barn-yard Manure.— Many farmers barely secure the droppings of their cattle, whilst others, with an eye to the comfort ot their stock, and the securing and increasing ot the manure, erect good sheds, liberally provide bedding, by carting corn-stalks, leaves, straw and scrapings in the yard; frequently applying plaster, with a heavy hand, over the contents of the barn-yard, this manure is peculiarly adapted to dry warm soils. Sheep Dung— Alas! how few of the farmers of Virginia make any provision whatever for increasing and securing this truly valuable fertilizer. The sheepfold should have regu- larly carted in either straw or leaves, good sheds erected, open to the south; here use plaster, salt, or pulverized charcoal over the litter. This manure is exclusively adapted to moist, cold, tenacious soils, as it often proves injurious to dry, warm soils, if applied in laroe quantities; yet it may be laid on moist, tenacious lands 'in large quantities without occasioning any inconveniences whatever. Ho* Manure.— What a vast quantity is to be seen completely thrown away. To render the hog more valuable, he should be either kept in a close pen, which should be regularly littered and cleansed through the year, or it the farmer prefers his "having the range, lay off and fence in one or two acres in your field at fallow, cart in leavesandscrapingsregnlary, here feed your hogs, shut them up at night, let them remain a few hours in the morning after feeding and you will not only secure a goodly number from the clutches of the rogue but you will also get a great deal of excellent manure. When laken up to fatten, put up in ~ood floored pens, provide plentifully mud, scrapie, litter, leaves, &c.; clean out weekly; put up a compost by mixing with woods-mould and plaster. When your hogs come to the knife they will nearly have paid in good ma- nure for the food consumed. This manure acts more advantageously on warm soils Now secure the contents of the privy; cart woods-mould and leaves to a log pen at every ne-ro cabin, and require them to empty all the dis'h water,' contents of chambers, soapsuds, ashes, sweepings of the houses and yards, spreading with a bountiful hand plaster two or three times a week on the contents of these pens and if you cannot secure enough manure to apply liberally broadcast to every acre of cul- tivated' soil, then purchase, if you have the capital. Always remembering that lime most form the basis of all improvement, without which no permanent improvement can be effected. Your obedient servant, Sussex county, Virginia. T. E. B. 344 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. For the Southern Planter. DIALOGUE. Ma. P. D. Bernard: Dear Sir, — One of the oldest subscribers lolhe Southern Planteroflers his congratulations on the prospect which appears 10 be opening, of a living reward to your patient and faithful labors. I rejoice to see that the agriculturists of Virginia are awakening (slowly though it be) to some sense of justice to you and to themselves. But your subscription list is yet ten or fifteen thousand short of what it ought to be; and the farmers and planters of the State will, I trust, esteem it a duty and a pleasure to add speedily as many more names as can be obtained. If each one of them will do what he can, the work will soon be accomplished. Circumstances not necessary to mention, have made me acquainted with every promi- nent agricultural journal published in the United States, and I do not hesitate to say that the Southern Planter is now worth more lo us than all of them together. Yet more money is sent out of the Stale every year to pay subscriptions to them than would support your paper, which has probably not one dozen subscribers north of the Potomac. We com- plain of being tributary to the North; but in this as in other things the tribute is voluntary. When will our people be true to themselves'? Not long since, I met with a young farmer and we were joined soon after by an old far- mer — one of the best too, and one of the best men in the county — when the following con- versation ensued: Young Farmer. "Good morning Mr. A.; I am glad to meet with you — having reflected much on your maxim that every farmer should aim first at producing all that the consumption of his farm requires, as far as may be, and amon? other things am endeavoring to raise my own pork. What was the paper you ad- vised me to take to aid and improve me in this and other matters of farm management'? Old Farmer. The , by all means (nam- ing a Northern agricultural journal.) Subscriber. Why, Mr. A. I thought you took the Southern Planter, and so must have yeen the excellent article entitled "A dollar's worth about hogs." It is well worth twenty years' subscription. Old Farmer. I did take the Southern Planter. You were kind enough to subscribe to it for me some time ago, and I liked it very well; but somehow I let the subscription run out, and afterwards the other paper was recom- mended to me, and I took that; consequently have not seen the article you refer to. Subscriber. Well, Mr. A. permit me to in- quire whether you have found your advantage in the change of papers'? Old Farmer. I don't know, never thought much about it. Those Northern folks are so smart, and their papers have so many little articles about every thing, it is quite enter- taining. Subscriber. But have you found any of those amusing little articles, or anything else in the paper of practical value 1 has it improved your system of farming, your land, or your crops'? Old Farmer. Can't say that I have, never thought much about it. Many of the things recommended are not calculated fur us — have tried some of the experiments, but did not get paid for it — have sent on and bought some of their famous ploughs and other implements, but have not found them better than those we have at home, though they cost me a good deal more — so I am just jogging on in the old track. Subscriber. You are not aware then that the Southern Planter is now edited by a practical Virginia farmer — sustained by contributions of the ablest and most distinguished agricul- turists in this State or the United States. That every page of it contains maiter for home consumption, together with whatever can be gleaned from Northern journals of any value to us; and yet that it has probably not as many- Virginia subscribers, and send their money out of the State for other papers'? Old Farmer. No, I know nothing about it, never thought of it; but I feel that 1 have not done justice to my State, the paper, or myself, and when my subscription runs out, I'll go back to it. Subscriber. Why not do it nowl one more dollar will not hurt you — you have sent many out of the State; keep them in future here, and get the benefit as soon as possible of the valuable articles in the Planter. Old Farmer. I will do so, and without delay. Subscriber, to the Young Farmer. Let me now, as a friend and neighbor, appeal first to your interest and then to your State pride, in the choice of a paper. I am going to Richmond and will be the bearer of your dollar to the Southern Planter; and farther, if at the end of the year you are not more than satisfied with it, I pledge myself to refund the subscrip- tion I have induced you to make. Young Farmer. I thank you. and will do what I now see is the duty and the interest of a Virginia farmer — here is my dollar without condition We have so long paid tribute to our Northern brethren that the habit has be- come a sort of second nature. II' they were to "offer us wooden negroes for sale, I verily believe onr people would bay them." I have given you substantially what occurred! with three Virginia fanners, and have no doubt that like the old one of the party, most of those who give a preference to the Northern journals — never think about it. An Old Subscriber. Henrico, October, 1852. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 345 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, NOVEMBER, 1852. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents psr annum, which may be discharged by ihe pay- ment of One Dollar only, if paid in office or sent free of postage within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies for Ten Dollars, to be paid invariably in advance. §^ Subscriptions may begin with any No. Q-No paper will be discontinued, until all arrearages are paid, except at the option ot the Publisher. . ^■Office on Twelfth, between Main and Cary Streets. POSTAGE ON THE PLANTER. The following are the rates of postage on the Planter, per quarter, for the distances an- nexed— to be paid quarterly in advance: Not over 50 miles, U cents. Over 50 and not over 300 miles, 2i cents. Over 300 and not over 1000 miles, 3| cents. Over 1000 and not over 2000 miles, 5 cents. Over 2000 and not over 4000 miles, Gj cents. Over 4000 miles, 7J cents. f^- Communications for the Southern Plan- ter, upon other than business matters, may be ad- dressed to the Editor, Frink: G. Ruffin, Esq. at ShadweU, Albemarle Co., Va., which will in- sure their being more speedily attended to. Business letters will be directed as here- tofore to "The Southern Planter," Richmond, Va. !3f Postage prepaid in all cases. TIMELY WARNING. All subscribers who do not oider a discon- tinuance before the commencement of ihe new year or volume, will be considered as desiring a continuance of their papers, and charged accordingly. PREMIUM CROPS OF WHEAT. When we read in the " Rural New Yorker" the annexed statement of the premium wheat crops of its Slate, it occurred to us that our friend John Marshall, Esq. of Fauquier, had exceeded the two last crops mentioned. It will be seen by his letter, which follows the extracted article, that we were right in our supposition, and that when the very much less expense of cultivation and harvesting is considered, he will appear not to be far behind Mr. Hotchkiss himself, whose crop is truly said by the Editor of the Rural New Yorker to be one of the most remarkable and profita- ble on record, though undoubtedly made at a very heavy expense. Mr. Marshall says that he does not consider his crop at all remarkable for his section of country— a very fine district it is— and we do not cite it as such, but only to show that what ! our good farmers regard as good cropping seems to be rewarded with second and third premiums at the North: "Wheat Culture. — Premium Crops. — Those of our readers who have not ready ac- cess to the last volume of the 'Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society, may be benefited by a summary of the pre- mium wheat crops therein reported, and a condensed account of the valuable statements of the mode of culture which resulted in their production. And, to none of our farming iriends will it be without interest to review the practice pursued by several of our most j successful farmers, in growing the great staple ! crop of this section of the country. "The first premium of S20, was awarded to William Hotchkiss of Lewiston, Niagara county, forsix and three-fourth acres of wheat harvested in 1850, averaging sixty-three and one-half bushels per acre. The soil upon which it grew is described as mostly blacK loam; the remainder, from one to two acres of a gravelly soil. The previous crop raised on the field was wheat, harvested in 1848, yielding about twenty bushels per acre— no manure was given lor several years previous, except what was furnished by breaking up the clover meadow which occupied the ground, and the wash from the public road which lies above it. "This field was first ploughed in the fall of 1818 then cultivated and harrowed in June, 1849^ and cross ploughed and harrowed again in August. Then upon two and a half acres at the west and gravelly part of the lot, fifty loads of well rotted barn-yard manure were applied and ploughed in, in six-pace lands the last of August. Forty bushels ol slaked 346 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. lime were ihen spread over the field and tho- roughly harrowed in. The quantity of seed sown, was two bushels per acre. It was drilled in on the seventh of September, and the field was then furrowed out and the water courses kept clear through the season. The yield, as before stated, was 63| bushels per acre, or 385J bushels for the whole field. The net value of the wheat was $1 per bushel, and the expense of cultivation, exclusive of ma- nure, lime and seed, is estimated by Mr. H. at 847 05, and at a wide estimate for these, a profit is shown of more than $250 on the whole crop. The Soule's variety of wheat was grown in this instance. "This, on the whole, is one of the most re- markable and profitable crops of which we have any record. "The second premium of .$15, was awarded to S. L. Thompson of Setauket, Long Island, for forty-four bushels and twenty-four quaris per acre of Australian wheat. The field (of two acres) was a sandy loam, somewhat ex- hausted by previous cropping. The crops previous to trie wheat were two crops of corn manured in the hill, followed by oats without manure. Thirty loads of barn-yard manure, and one hundred and fifty pounds of Peruvian guano, were applied per acre; and a bushel and twelve quartsof golden Australian wheat, sown broad-cast, on the 23d of September, 1819, and harrowed in. The yield was as above stated, but a measured bushel of the grain weighed 63^ pounds, and the estihiate is made by weight. The expense of culti vat- ins: the crop, seed, manure, &c. included, was $19 82$ per acre. The wheat was sold for seed at $5 per bushel, and the straw was worth $5 per acre. At the market price, $1 25 per bushel, the profit on the crop would amount to only about $20 per acre, but an al- lowance should be made for unexhausted ma- nure which would benefit succeeding crops. "The third premium of $5, was awarded to Justus White of Jefferson county, on four acres of Genesee Bald wheat, producing forty and one-half bushels peracre. His land was a black, sravelly soil, ploughed three times and well harrowed, — manured with twenty-five bushels of barn-yard manure per acre, ploughed in at the second ploughing. Two bushels of seed were sown per acre on the 4th of Septem- ber, 1819, broad-cast and harrowed in, har- vested on the 25th of July, and yielding at the rate above stated. The expense account is rather imperfectly made out, so that we cannot found any calculations of comparative profit on the result. "The wheat drilled in gave the largest yield. The limed land gave the greatest product. Here is one argument in favor of drilling in wheat, and of the application of lime to thesoil, and many other instances could he brought to substantiate their value. Rich, well manured soils, and thorough preparation and culture, are required to produce large and profitable crops of this, or any other agricultural pro- duct. Let the lesson be heeded by those who would live by the plough." Oak Hill, Fauquier, Oct. 8, 1852. F. G. Rupfin, Esq.. — Dear Sir, — I owe yon an apology for delaying so long to answer your communication of the 2d of September. While it affords me pleasure to furnish you a statement of the yield of my crop of wheat to which you allude, permit me to say that 1 do not consider it remarkable for this region of country, and that I deserve no particular commendation for the result. Without fur- ther preliminaries, I proceed, in as few words as possible, to the subject in hand. The field (a good clover lay of two years' standing) was broken in August, 1850, with heavy three-horse barshare ploughs which turned the ground to an average depth of from 7 to 8 inches, throwing a beautiful furrow of 14 inches width. The ground, without having been previously harrowed, except in a few cloddy places, was then laid off in 18 feet pa- rallel lands at an acute angle with the original ploughing, and the wheat put in, — the north- western sides of the hills with keen double shovels, — and the residue with heavy harrows and carefully lapped. The wheat sown upon about thirty-four acres of the field was nicely cleaned blue-stem white. That sown upon the remaining six acres was the old fashioned purple straw; — both at the rate of two bushels to the acre. The seeding was finished on the 11th, having been commenced on the 8th of October. The following year, as soon as practicable after harvest, it was ricked carefully; and in the fall, upon being threshed, it was lound that 34 acres of blue-stem white wheat yielded, in the rough, that is, after running it once through the fan and heaping the half bushel, just 900 bushels of beautiful bright wheat which weighed in the mill, after one more cleaning, 64 lbs. to the bushel. The yield of purple-straw wheat, from the residue of the field, estimated years ago, by my father who was an accurate practical surveyor, at six acres, was 2G7 bush- els, in the rough, (or 47* bushels of sixty pounds weight.) It is proper to remark here, however, that this six acres was some of the richest land in the field, but had had only a few ox cart loads of stable manure put upon it immediately preceding the seeding of the crop. The aggregate yield, therefore, (1167 bushels on 40 acres) will be found to have been about 29 bushels to the acre; but owing to the fine quality of the wheat, it turned out, in the m\\\,by weight, a fraction over 29 J bushels to the acre. The field was not sleaned. I think I may safely put the yield, therefore, at 30 bushels per acre for the entire 40 acres. As to the previous treatment of the land, I will add that it had been in a regular course of cultivation for years; — that no guano had been applied to it; and only about one hun- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 347 dred ox-cart loads of stable and farm-pen ma- nure previous to the original ploughing. The clover-lay was allowed to mature itself pro- perly before any stock at all were turned upon it; and then a sufficient number of cattle were put upon it to trample the clover and consolidate the ground in a lime much shorter than would have been required for the same number to have grazed it off. Three pecks of plaster of Paris to the acre had been sown on the land ] in the spring of 1850; but none was sown either , vrilh the wheat, or upon it. I have now given you, according to your j request, a statement of the yield of wheat on i the field you allude to, and of the course of i treatment and cultivation which conduced to , its production; and when at will j give me pleasure to communicate with you, again, upon agricultural subjects. Very truly, yours, John Marshall. AN EXPERIMENT IN STALL FEEDING. A friend in Loudoun has requested us to re- publish the account of an experiment in stall feeding made by us in 1848, and reported to the Hole and Corner Club of Albemarle. We give it below; and will add to what is there stated that we have other records of similar experiments carefully conducted which sus- tain the conclusions of the one here given in j) regard to the comparatively small quantity of food required to fatten animals so treated.— We will further state that on one occasion we selected the best ten of a lot of thirty-two i beeves, and put them in an open enclosure \ with the choice of a good shelter in the month I of November, they being intended for imme- diate consumption, two a week. The balance were housed as usual. When we had killed out six of the ten the order of the remainder had become so inferior as compared with the house-fed beasts, that we were compelled to resort to them for our supply ; putting in a pair of the four once a week in place of a pair removed from the house. And, what may be deemed very remarkable, and a conclusive proof of the superiority of house-feeding over field-feeding, the four, though "tops" when I separated, had so fallen off as to be unfit to I kill until the middle of March, and were even then very decidedly the "tail" of the house- : fed lot. We do not say that this mode of feeding is \ the best under all circumstances. Cattle are said to ''drift" more in consequence of the I confinement, though we are not certain of the fact; and the price of labor, the distance to which the corn has to be hauled for grinding, the expense of getting out the manure and other more or less obvious considerations must decide the question for each man. But we do not hesitate to affirm that it is >he mode to make the most beef out of the least food, and well worth trying by the stall-feeders in Lou- doun and Fauquier. A REPORT ON THE FEEDING AND SALE OF EIGHTEEN BEEVES, Made to the Hole and Corner Club, No. 1, of Albemarle, by request. Stock cattle were so high last year in the Valley and the mountains beyond, that I de- termined to procure my supply at home. 1 bought accordingly thirty-three bullocks, of various sizes anrf ages, at prices ranging from 358 to JJ24, the whole averaging $13 2£. Be- sides these, 1 had six of my own. making a total of thirty-nine. One I killed, and se- lected eighteen of the rest to stall feed for the early spring market. I averaged the eighteen at $16 lCj. I could not afford to pay for building the stable to accommodate them; and owing to the backwardness of my wheat seeding, and to an unusually heavy crop of corn, on a much larger surface too than I commonly till, it was so late before I could commence building it with my own hands, that it was not finished till the 15th of De- cember. So that my cattle ran out until that lime, and when housed they were all losing flesh, a very unfavorable circumstance; some of them were quite thin, and only a few fat enough for my purpose. But 1 was encouraged to feed them by the cheapness of grain and the low price at which they were bought, and by confidence in the mode of feeding I pro- posed to adopt. In stall feeding I consider that perfect quiet is necessary; that each bullock should have a spacious stall to himself, which, when once put up, he should never be permiited to leave, until two or three days before setting out to market; that light and cold should be ex- cluded; an abundance of fresh water be al- ways at hand in a trough; the most rigorous punctuality both as to time and quantity ex- acted in feeding; the stall kept well littered, both for warmth and cleanliness, ar.d to make manure; the food removed as soon as he has finished his meal; and the trough kept sweet and clean. I complied with these requisites except in one particular; the plank of the stable was nailed on perpendicularly, and being green large cracks were left between each plank, and there was no loft: this made it much too light and cold. At the end of eighty-four days nine of them 34S THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, were sent to Richmond and sold at $7 50 per cwt. net; they weighed 647 7-9 lbs. Twenty- eight days afterwards the other nine were sent to Washington and sold at the same price; they weighed 556J lbs. Classing them in lots, as they were sold, I submit the following statements— first, of their consumption; and second, of the cost and profit of the whole operation: IA to _Q~ ~ - - - a XI " s S is o >•>. -T0rl(0 fi — to «7o , J 3 ei T co — ** — =o s~ »— r* f*^ 10 *^ CO *# t" © *, CO xso — r-, CJ 00 CO C> CO Oil X 0> in >* - .n CO CO c CM a 2 „-<- 8 w S o °- "£, 53 ■a a - CD — re 1 1 1 • 1 8 5 e 2 u ^ u n Ct = - 3 a T3 „ v « « « t, — " c = - °- o ' Kjs" O O co C « « 5 1 aT t> £t 1 re - CO ~ ca ■v. S'~ o „ C j- 6 %™ S.JS c£, re be . b JQ >> — ™ a fe _Q ft) "J = = = i, **"* 7! "* CO » jc — « to* ■g S, .S ~ — — ^2 g « re a. 1 cu >i a! 5 1 h5 f corn meal p flax seed me corn meal flnx seed me wheat bran turnips, pum to each, odder and wh eaf oats per d "ft. 2? £ 5 £ * O re OtC) c _ CO " 31 -3 ir ' — .0 re c 2 v n fe f rt C w a; £»- hi 'SI «« ; J3 "■3 _o g to to J* (O S3 (O O -= _n c^-H- 10 M „* c o « in co «w© — < — — ' i— i o 10 Ci r-t -ad r* < iaisaos'4<«j< tO X 00 x x x to (OO--00I ■W CO 01 05 OJ OJ 01 The shucks, tops and chaff are not charged against them, because they are worth no mo- ney. The labor of having the corn ground is4 offset by the difference in favor of the meal; and that of making the turnips by the superior tilth of the land that produced them, its better take in clover, and the probable increase in the crop of oats now growins upon it. The pumpkins grew in my corn field, and cost no- thing; and enough were fed to hogs to pay for gathering and storing. The value of the cab- bages is estimated according to the supposed product of the land in corn, say 12 barrels, worth 824, less the value of cabbages sold, or S15, which makes them worth $9, which sum, for convenience, I shall divide between the two lots. The hand that attended them I have charged at a hire of $6 per month, a reasona- ble rate for the season of the year. With this explanation, 1 proceed to state an account with each lot. First lot of nine beef cattle in account with F. G. R. 1848. April 1. To gross sale at Richmond, $429 30 To 44 loads (ox-cart with 4 steers) manure, at $1 per load, - - - - 44 00 I kept no account of the long food given them except the oats. Not having any hay, it consisted entirely of shucks, tops and chaff, for forty-six days, when I commenced giving them sheaf oats, gradually at first, and in- creasing it as they showed less appeiite for the shucks, &c. The oats were somewhat damaged, and I have charged more than I think they ale, because in making a statement which may influence oihers, it is proper to make it against myself. Their long food was chopped fine and sprin- 1 kled with the meal and bran in the trough. The green food was cut up also. The meal and flaxseed were ground together in the pro- portion of one to seven. The remnant of each feed was given to my work oxen, and paid them for hauling the litter. By purchase money, 35183, and interest from 1st of October, 1847, five months, ©4 57i, - - - $187 57i By expenses attending sale, 26 45 By 130 1 1-16 bushels, say 27J barrels corn at $2 per bhl. By 20 bushels flax seed at 90 cents per bushel, By 84 bushels wheat bran at 6i cents per bushel, - By 507 bushels green food, explained above, By 3420 lbs. oats at 40 cents per cwt. - By salt, By hire of hand at &6 per month, half paid by this lot, .... $473 30 55 00 18 00 5 25 4 50 13 68 1 25 214 02ij 9 00 106 63 To balance, 8153 591 Second lot of nine beef cattle in ace' I with F. G. R. April 24. To gross sales at Wash- ington, - - - $375 3S To 65 loads (size as above) of manure, - - 65 00 By expenses attending sale, $52 92 By purchase money, $108, and S3 24, six months in- terest on same, - - 111 24 $440 38 164 16 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 349 By 175 7-16 bus. say 35 1-10 barrels of corn, at £"2 per ^ barrel, - By 25 bushels flax seed, at 90 cents per bushel, By 112 bushels wheat bran at (IJ- cents, - By 59-10 lbs. of oats, at 40 cts. per cwt. ... By 756 bushels green food, B'v hire of hand as above, "half of last month given to other cattle, By salt, .... To balance, 870 20 22 50 7 00 23 76 4 50 12 00 1 75 141 71 . SI 34 51 Thus it appears that I have made $288 clear money on the whole operation, or £177 (an j avera'ee clear profit of 59 28) over and above the manure, which is generally considered to be of itself a sufficient remuneration for stall feeding. This large balance is partly due to \ the low price of grain, and partly to the cheap- ness of my cattle. The feeding 1 think was j heavy, but rendered necessary by the incom- pleteness of the house, the comparatively low | order of the cattle, and the short time I had to get them fat. I believe that if I had put. them up fat, and fed them from the 1st of No- vember in a warm house, that I would have I had better beef, and saved cne-third of their food. The whole lot was in fine order, and 1 3?]earned, accidentally, that the butchers thought 'they had much less offal about them than usual— a fact doubtless attributable to the mode of feeding. In conclusion, I will say, that to sell well we must not rely upon good luck or an open market. The only safe reliance is on the order of our stock. They must be fat enough to anwmamd their value. All which is respectfully submitted. Frank: G. Ruffin. May 20, 1848. For the Southern Planter. GRASSHOPPERS-MANURES-SUB. SOIL PLOUGHS. Mr. Editor,— I desire to occupy a corner of the Planter, to make an inquiry and an observation or two. Some of my neigh- bors' farm3. as well as our own, have suf- fered to a most serious extent this summer with gras-hoppers — vegetation on some bein? = entirely stripped off. and the roots of much of it killed. Have you ever read or heard of any remedy for this evil? I have observed that they make their ap- pearance generally about, that part of a farm nearest to wood land, where I am inclined to think the egg is deposited and protected by the leaves from the cold ; they hatch early in summer, and commence their forrays on the neighboring fields. I have believed that some protection might be had, to select a suitable time in the sprins, and have the leaves carefully raked from the fencing, and set on fire for a space into the woods deemed sufficient. The eegs, or it may be the young insects, might in this way be destroyed — at any rate the experiment is worthy of a trial. On the subject of manures, I beg leave to say my observation concurs with the experience of I. D. in the June number of the Planter, of the greater benefit to be derived from the application of fresh ma- nures to the surface, whether of grass or wheat. It does not matter either in my opinion as to the season at which the ap- plication may be made, whether in mid- summer, fall or winter. The fertilizing properties of the manure seem to be ab- sorbed by the earth, and their effects are very soon visible on the crops. There is less loss by evaporation than the casual observer might suppose. How much we might do to add to the quantity of manures, if we would take a moderate share of pains. I have for some time believed that the very best expenditure any farmer can make would be to employ a reliable hand with a horse and cart all the year, in collecting materiel for the manure heap. How many hundred loads, thinkyou, could bt; collected in this way? I think that eight cart loads per day could easily be on a farm of three or four hundred acres. Allowing three hundred and ten days, you would have two thousand four hundred and eighty cart loads— or four cart loads to an ordi- nary two-horse load, you would have twelve hundred and forty loads worth, may I not safely say, one dollar per load. But for the sake of perfect fairness in the esti- mate, put it at three shillings, you will have_ six hundred and twenty dollars' worth of manure. Now put the hire of the hand, cost of horse and cart, board of hand, and feed, &c. of horse at the most liberal sum you choose, and say three hundred dollars, and see the profits derived. But it is not in the intrinsic value of the manure made in this way, but in the effects it will have, not only on those and about your own farm, but on others, in seeing the benefits resulting from economy of small things that are all wasted about our houses and on the farm — viz: the soapsuds, the brine, and chamber 350 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER lye, the ashes, the scrapings of the hennery, the noxious weeds taken off in time and put in the heap, the night soil, the scrapings of the hog-stye, of fence corners, ditch banks, leaves, rotten wood, residue of coal pits, and an innumerable variety of other sources, would amount in the aggregate to a bulk that would stagger belief. I in- tend, Mr. Planter, to try it, and Providence permitting, will at the end of the year (jive you the result of my labors. Query, What are the cheapest acids todecompose bones? Is there anything will act upon old leather to render it a food for plants? The clean- ing of our saddler and shoe-maker shops accumulate much in a year. Permit me to say that in my humble judgment the subsoil plough is destined to do much in the Valley of Virginia to im- prove our lands. Will our farmers try it? It is the cheapest plough, at double the cost, of any other. There is no doubt of it. I have tested the ''Cast Steel Extending Point" Subsoil Plough of C. B. Rogers, of Philadelphia, and can honestly recom- mend it as a most admirable one — and with its extending point, the cheapest that I have seen. I would advise the use of the wheel. I have recommended to him to have them made heavier for our region. The No. 1 size is preferable. I did not intend to say so much when I look my pen. With my best wishes for your success in improving Virginia agriculture, I am, very truly, your friend, J. Marshall M'Cue. Augusta County. Grasshoppers. — The means of destroying them are somewhat too refined for our agriculture, and would be useless unless more than one person should adopt them. The fields are sometimes drawn over with a sheet elevated at the hinder end, and the insects thus caught are let into a bag every few rods, or as the sheet gets full, and killed by letting the bag into boiling water, which cooks them very nicely for the hogs. But with us they will rarely so abound as to make ii necessary to resort to this plan; and their natural enemies will generally destroy them. All birds and fowls, particularly turkeys, are very destruc- tive to them. To decompose bones, sulphuric acid is the cheapest. It sells by the pound, is very heavy, and the price is much greater inland than in any of the large cities. It will probably cost in Augusta about six cents per pound, though worth in Baltimore only two or three cents. ^ Professor Norton, as good authority as any, gives the following mode of applying it: to ! every one hundred pounds of bones, about fifty or sixty of acid are taken; if bone dust is used, from twenty-five to forty-five pounds of acid is sufficient. The acid must be mixed with two or three times its bulk of water, because if applied strong it would only burn and blacken the bones without dissolving them. The bones are placed in a tub, and a portion of the previously diluted acid poured upon them. After standing a day, another poriion of acid may be poured on; and finally the last on the third day, if they are not already dis- solved. The mass should be often stirred. The bones will nltimatelysoften and dissolve to a kind of paste. It is then mixed sometimes with water, but preferably with a large quan- tity of ashes, peat earth, sawdust or charcoal dust, or even common earth, and it is then applied with or without other manure at the rate of three bushels per acre of the dissolved bones. If other manure is applied it is esti- mated that half the usual quantity only will be required. • THE SIX SQ.UARE-BUTTER MOULD. The above cut represents D. Perry's latest improved Six-Square Butter Mould. This mould is larger at the top than at the bottom, so that the butter leaves it easily, a part being turned out on the outside, making it smaller in diameter and better to hold in the hand; and by turning out the three screws in the lower end a little, as legs to stand on, it is made to hold exactly one pound of butler. In using this mould never let it be washed in wa- ter, but soaked in strong brine, kept in a clean vessel for that purpose Have your buiter as hard as it will work well; place the stamp in the bottom, on the end that has the screws in it, put it one-quarter lull, and press it down THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 351 on everv square wiih the handle; repeat until full, and turn the mould the other end up — ,plaee the handle on the stamp and press out the butter. IVore butter can be packed in a round box with six-square lumps than in an}' other shape, and ten pounds can be put up while one could be without it. Sold wholesale and retail by D. Prouty & Co. 19 North Market street, Boston, with a new article for making and stamping butler for family use. We procured one of the above described butter moulds from D. Prouty & Co. and think them well adapted to their purpose. They are above five inches high by three wide, and those who send butter to market would do well to get one. At least we have obtained one for that purpose. They can be had through Mr. James P. Tyler, Family Grocer and Com- mission Merchant, corner of Cary and Twelfth streets, who is one of the largest butter dealers of this city. For the Southern Planter. JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE. Mr. Editor, — Some inquiry having been made as to the value of the artichoke as food for hogs, I will, at your request, freely give my observation and experience (though limited) ^m the culture and mode of feeding. B The Jerusalem artichoke has been long Irnown in this part of the country as an escu- lent, and I have known it planted in our sea- board country as food for hogs; bui whether found profitable or not, I am not able to say. Some twelve or fifteen years since, Mr. William D. Meriwether, Sr. obtained from Tennessee three bushels of artichokes, differ- ing from the root we had known before, in form, color, and productiveness. This root was long, (like the strings of the sweet potato) of a pale yellow color, and amazingly produc- tive. When first planted, the land was pre- pared as for corn, and planted early in April The drills being laid off three and a half feet apart, and the roots laid along the drills with- out much regard to distance, only taking care to have them near enough, and covered with a light plough; the plant soon came up and was ploughed once in May with a one horse plough — a cnltivatorwas used some time after to smooth the surface left by the plough, and no other cultivation. I saw a part of this plantation dug sometime during the succeeding ■winter— many cart loads were hauled off and placed on a plank floor to be fed to the hogs. After all were gathered that could well be collected by ploughing the ground and using rakes after the plough, the hogs were then al- lowed free access to the lot. It was found, how- ever, that the digging and housing did not an- swer well, as the loss was very great in shrink- age from so succulent a root. So much for my observation. I will now give my experience on the same subject. I used the artichoke lor several winters, and I thought wiih good pur- pose to aid in keeping my stock of hogs. The second year after planting I found the roots extending throughout the rows. The hogs had a range of wood land and were permitted to go into the lot at all times afier the first of Decem- ber, except when the ground was very wet; as I soon found if they were allowed the use of the lot in wet weather, that they packed the ground and made it more difficult afterwards to get at the roots with their snouts. I also found that they were much aided in their feeding by coultering ihewhole lot nowand then when it seemed to be getting too close for their opera- tions. Planting once I think will answer for anumberof years. The hogs should betaken off by the middle of March, and it will be found that the young plants will begin to ap- pear towards the latter part of that month, should the weather be mild. Soon after this the ploughs may be used in breaking up the land, leaving strips unbroken and in rows as they were first planted. In this way the same lot may be used for a number of years. I do not think it is an exhauster, as the stalks and leaves areall returned to the ground trampled and well broken up by the hogs during the winter. My habit is "to have my hogs fed twice a dav during winter, (morning and even- ing,) and I think when I used the ariichoke, about half the usual quantity of corn was given them, and their condition was better than it had been in previous winters with the double feed of corn. It was said when I first used this root that it would not answer for the sows suckling pigs— this idea, however, is not confirmed by my experience, as I tried them on the lot and they were improved in condition. It has been urged as an objection to the ar- tichoke, that once fixed in the ground it could not be eradicated. 1 have not found it so. The cattle are fond of the tops at all times before the frost kills them; and with the hogs at the roots and the cattle at the tops, they can never prove a pest. For a year or two past I have not kept up my lot, and the only reason I can give for it is, that everlasting excuse, too much trouble. F. K. Nelson. Albemarle, October 11, 1852. As a feeding crop, the artichoke has been compared with the potato, producing about double as much in weight per acre, and it has been a question how far it may be substituted therefor since the rot has proved so destructive. From an analysis of it by Dr. Salisbury, which we find in the Transactions of the New York Stale Agricultural Society for 1850, it seems that "the artichoke contains much less starch than the potato, but is richer in sugar, dextrine) 352 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, albumen and casein. Its power for fattening, perhaps, would not equal that of the potato, but in muscle, nerve, &c. forming products or nitrogenous bodies, its composition would place it quite equal to that of the potato. The analysis shows it to be even richer." If this be so, it would be a very good thing on the proper sort of land for store hogs, or those kept through the winter for the next year's killing. What that sort of land is we cannot in all cases determine, but would think them a suitable crop on soils that will not bake from being rooted up in the winter. Such for in- stance as the sandy flats of the Mattaponi and the sandy lands of King and Queen, Essex, and other counties in that region. We made trial of them several years ago, but as our land changes to glue when it rains we aban- doned the crop after one season. Boussingault tried them as a food for horses, and found by two well conducted experiments that, in the proportion of thirty pounds of ar- tichokes for eleven pounds of hay, they were a full equivalent for half the usual feed of hay. As they are very watery, containing some eighty per cent, of water, which is more than potatoes do, it would not do to give them in larger proportion, if in our country it would do to give them at all. FORMIDABLE LOSSES. Every farmer who understands common arithmetic, may amuse and instruct himself with great advantage by a few interesting calculations. Successful tillage, as every- one knows, consists in three important par- ticulars, namely, a good soil — its fertility made accessible; and the entire monopoly of that fertility by the crop intended. A soil may consist of* the most valuable in- gredients, but if these are kept immersed in a subterranean basin of water, as in many undrained soils during every wet season, they are as inaccessible to the plant, as if encased in walls of masonry. A hard, uncrumbled soil is little better. But the greatest absurdity in farming, is to expend five or ten thousand dollars in the purchase of land, some hundreds more in fitting it for prolific crops, and then permitting one- fourth, one-third, or even one-half its costly value to be drawn out and destroyed by the growth of useless weeds! We have known men who were exceed- ingly jealous of "their rights." Rather than be defrauded of a half dollar, they would rush into a law-suit costing twenty times that sum. Rather than lose "the I best end of a bargain," they would resort to a great many very inconvenient and troublesome expedients. Rather than sub- mit to furnish a neighbor's lawless hog with a single meal of undug potatoes, they would incur perpetual resentment. But strange things have not come to an end, for these are the very same men that sub- mit with most admirable patience to the invasion and waste of thousands of elder bushes and burdocks, tens of thousands of mulleins and horse-thistles, and a hundred thousand Canada thistles, and a million red-root plants. Now, the calculations we are about to propose, as above alluded to, are these: Let every land-owner, whose fences are lined with a belt of elders, burdocks, and briers, ascertain by weighing, the precise amount of vegetable growth yielded by these three plants on a square yard of land; multiplying by thirty will give the weight on a square rod. Then let him make a fair estimate of the amount of land thus occupied along all the miles of his fence, and he may soon know how many tons of elder bushes, briers and burdocks, his costly land grows in a year. It would of course be quite as well for him to have this growth* in clover, timothy, or Indian corn — but' before throwing the calculation aside, let him ask himself, if he would not feel some- what indignant should his neighbor's cattle fall upon and devour an equal number of tons from his meadow or corn field. Now, cannot he contrive to get up a like amount of indignation against the weeds? The same kind of calculation may be applied on the same farm, to the Canada thistles, horse-thistles, Johnswort, pig-weeds, mul- leins, mustard and fox-tail grass, which grow in various degrees of denseness broadcast over the fields. We cannot but think that on some farms it would present rather startling results. It would be an interesting inquiry to look intotheactual losses sustained through the whole country by the growth of weeds. How many tons on an average are grown by each of the million farmers of the United States? Three— five— or ten? If the former only, the aggregate crop would be enough to load a continued train of farm wagons three thousand miles long — or twenty thousand canal boats — or more than ten times all the whale ships belong- i TEIE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 353 ing to the country, with this useless herb- age. A single weed — the red-root — has • been estimated to have occasioned greater loss in some counties than if every dwelling THE SUBSOIL PLOUGH. There is one important consideration always to be kept in view in subsoiling; house had been consumed by fire. Is not and that is that the soil be first thoroughly the subject one worthy of some attention? drained. It should be drained one year Nov. there are two ways in which all ! ^°^ the operation of subsoiling is com- this evil comes upon us. The first is by menced so that the cold spring water may the increase of seeds; the second, the want ! have had time to pass off from the subsoil, of prompt destruction when once the evil Almost every garden will aflord an illus- has commenced. The increase by seeds, : tration of the benefits of deep culture.— under favorable circumstances, almost ex- > Trenching is a more thorough operation ceeds belief. We have counted the grains ! than subsoil ploughing, as it exposes the on a single moderate sized plant of chess, \ ^soil to view, breaks every portion to a and found over three thousand. An equal , greater depth and mingles the two soils increase the second year would produce ; more intimately. Nonedoubtthatdeepdig- nine millions; the third year, twenty-seven png in the garden is profitable, and none thousand millions; the fourth-but we will vyho try it under proper circumstances vvill let some of our young arithmetical readers i doubt that deep ploughing in the field is so. carry out the reckoning for ten years, and £ " only a few years since the first sub- see if there is not enough seed by that soil plough was introduced into this conn- time to turn the whole wheat crop of the ' 'y, and was purchased in England tor globe to chess. A full grown, adult pig- Messrs Rugg les, Nourse, Mason & Co.; weed will yield eight thousand seeds— * cost forty dollars which may increase in a few years tol Now, superior subsoil ploughs may be countless myriads, just because, as Prof. ' had in this country for one-fourth of the Lindley says, the cultivator was unwilling ; cost of that in England; and they are of to make "a single flexure of this vertebral : greater strength, for that plough was used column," in extracting the first youn g ; only a short time before it was twisted so weed from the soil. There are certain ! that a common observer could hardly tell weeds, troublesome and costly in the high- 1 Tor what purpose it was intended est deo-ree in some regions of country, I Th e subsoil plough is a valuable imple- Bwhich are entirely unknown in others- ! ment on many soils, by deepening the til- " simply because no seed have ever been de- 1 lage and giving sufficient room for the posited there. Then again there are other \ descent of the roots of plants, and to pro- localities which were once plentifully in- mote the ascent of moisture,in dry weather, fested, which have been completely eradi- cated, and not a single representative left. We could name several farmers who have succeeded in driving from both soil and seed, the last vestige of that insidious in- truder, chess; and several others who by vigilance and industry, had exceedingly lessened the annual weeding of red-root. Such examples are worthy of imitation; and at the present season, when weeds are about preparing to form their millions of germs for increase, we hope the subject may receive the special attention of culti- vators. — Albany Cultivator. A Simple Wayto Pack Eggs. — Seeing frequently in our markets the great trouble many persons go to in packing eggs to bring to town, I would recommend them to try putting them up simply in a basket packed in soft hay closely up to the handle. I have tried this frequently and found it to answer just as well as any other way. By the use of this plough the subsoil i3 loosened deeply, mixed with the soil and gradually brought !o the surface, where, by changes from the air, snows and frost, it becomes improved, and restores in some measure many fertilizing substances that have been lost on old lands. Numerous examples have been given to the public, showing the great utility of this implement. Yet, in some cases, it has been reported that there was no percepti- ble advantage from its use, while in other cases, the crops have been increased fifty per cent. Where no advantage has been found from the operation of subsoiling, the cause may undoubtedly be traced to the want of proper preparation of the ground by drain- ing. — N. E. Farmer. Never be idle. If your hands cannot be usefully employed, attend to the cultiva- tion of your mind. 354 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Ploughing and Seeding. — 1 wish you would encourage our agriculturists always to seed their grounds as last as they plough. The amazing advantages will at once^be apparent to the reflecting farmer. To those who will not think on the subject enough to see its importance, I recommend to '-try a patch." It is lamentable to see so many farmers ploughing for a week, and then when the whole field is done, and the weeds and grass seed pretty well germinated, begin to put in their crop. The moisture and mellowness of the earth, when first turned, create immediate vegetation; delay loses this to the crop, and gives the advantage to the weeds and grass that are in the soil. Only look at it! PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, From October Ilk to November 1st, 1852. James Jameson to June 1853, $1 00 James Bowen to September 1853, 1 00 Garland T. Wheatley to Sept. 1853, 1 00 Puehard B. Baptist to January 1853, 3 50 J. Wallace to January 1853, 1 00 P. W. Boyd, in full, 3 50 C. P. Warner to July 1854, 4 00 Lewis Mabry to October 1853, 1 00 James Fitch to July 1853, 2 00 Samuel P. Wilson to September 1853, 1 00 Jones G. Green to June 1853, 1 00 W. A. Wiglesworth to September 1853, 1 00 W. H. Cousins to January 1857, 10 00 E. R. Turnbull to January 1854, 2 00 Walter Tttrpin to September 1854, 2 00 Capt. Joseph Phillips to January 1853, 6 00 Mrs. Susan H. Powell to July 1853, 1 00 Robert W. Fox to July 1853, 1 00 H. L. Jeffries to January 1853, 1 00 William Carter to January 1855, 2 00 S. T. Barclay to January 1854, 2 00 John H. Montague to October 1853, 1 00 George W. Pollard to July 1853, 1 00 J. L. Cabell to June 1853, l 00 George W. Ball to September 1854, 2 00 Simeon Gibbons to July 1854, 1 00 John P. Resor to September 1853, l 00 Charles Bruce to September 1H54, 2 00 George Whiilocke to January 1853, 1 00 Dr. Faulcon to January 1853, 1 00 W. H Harrison to January 1854, 1 00 Maj. B. Craig to September 1853, 1 00 Stafford G. Cocke to September 1853, 1 00 Robert Wilson to July 1853, 1 00 John Lewis to January 1854, 3 00 B. Franklin Carter to September 1853, 1 00 Norborne Berkeley to September 1853, 1 00 Addb-on Carter to September 1853, 1 00 R. EL Dulany to September 1853, l 00 Robert T. L. While to September 1853, 1 00 A. H. Clark to September 1853, 1 00 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &c- The undersigned announces, that through the liberality of the Planters of the adjacent counties, there has been established, in connec- tion with the Department of Chemistry in Ran-I dolph Macon College, an Analytical Labora- tory, for the analysis of soils, marls, plaster, guano, minerals, &c, and for instruction in] Analytical Chemistry. The Laboratory will be furnished with the most approved appara- ratus and choice re-agents, with every desira- ble facility. He has associated with him Mr. William A. Shepard, who was recently assist- ant to Professor Norton, in the Yale Analyti- cal Laboratory, and who comes with ample testimonials of skill and capacity. Young men can pursue any studies in the College they may wish, while they are receiving instruction in the Laboratory. Copious written explana- tions will always accompany the reports off analysis. The charges for analysis and in- struction will be moderate— the design being: to make the Laboratory accessible to the peo- ple at large. Packages left with Messrs. Wills & Lea or Smith & Dunn, Petersburg, Virginia, will be forwarded, free of charge, to those who send them. For further information, address CHAS. B. STUART, Professor of Experimental Sciences, Randolph Macon College, Va. oc if 2 SOUTHDOWN BUCKS FOR SALE. THE subscriber has for sale Two Bucks of the Southdown Blood. These Sheep are. descended from the best Southdown stock it* | England. They are grandsired bv the buck : imported by Bishop Meade from the flock of [ Mr. Webb, and they are sired by an equally jgood and well bred sheep, obtained of the late Dr. M'Caulay, near Baltimore. This sheep has a long pedigree of illustrious ancestors. My bucks are seven-eighths Southdown and I the remainder Cotswold and Bakewell blood, and are now one year old, and ready for ser- vice in October next. RALEIGH COLSTON, Near Woodville Depot P. O. Albemarle ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &c. THE undersigned is prepared to execute the analyses of Soils, Guano, Marls. Plas- ter, &c. &c. at the Laboratory of the Virginia Military Institute. Packages may be" for- warded through Webb, Bacon & Co. Rich- mond, or Echols & Pryor, Lynchburg. Persons desiring further information will please address WILLIAM GILHAM, Prof. Chem. and Agriculture, V. M. I. Feb. 1, 1852. Lexington, Va. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING executed at this Office with neatness and dispatch. Office South Twelfth Street. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 355 WILLIAM p. ladd, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, h. 3!9, head of Broad Street, Shockoe Hill, Richmond, Virginia. .. "~vEALER in English, Mediterranean, India ;, J and all foreign and Domestic Drugs and i ledicines; also, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Dye tnffs, Window Glass, Putty, &c. For sale D. the most accommodating terms. J^p Orders from Country iMerchants and hysicians 'hankfully received and promptly ttended to. ja 1851— tf GENCY FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF IMPROVED STOCK. JfTOCK Cattle of all the different breeds) J Sheep, Swine, Poultry, &c. will be pur- biased to order, and carefully shipped to any art of the United States, for which a reasona- e commission will be charged. Apply to A ARON CLEMENT, Philadelphia. Refer to Gen. W. H. Richardson, Richmond, irginia. N. B. — All letters, post-paid, will be prompt- f attended to. ap — tf VIRGINIA AXES. rHE undersigned, in connexion with their Rolling Mill, have erected an extensive ianut'aetory of Axes, Hatchets, and Tools enerally, which they warrant equal to any jjgjufactured, and offer at Northern prices. nBly solicit the patronage of the agricultural omm unity. L Archer, -v R. ARCHER & CO. I. ARCHER, -\ L D. Towses, f I. S. Archer, I ), Dl.MMOCK. J oct — ly SOUTHERN FRUITS. HOPEWELL NURSERIES, Fredericks- burg, Virginia. — The Proprietor offers or sale a large slock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Roses, &c. Having wit- iessed the evil of circulating numerous North- rn Fruits, without proper regard to proving heir quality an 1 adaptation to a Southern cli- nate, the proprietor has looked more to the South for his Winter Apples, and has intro- [nced many superior varieties, perfectly idapte.i to our long hot summers; and keep- ng l''te in the Spring. Also a large stock of Pears, Cherries, Peaches, Plums Apricots, Grapes, Strawber- ries and other Fruits — a fine stock of Roses ■md other Flowers. His prices are low. For particulars sec Catalogue, which will be sent o all post-paid applicants. Trees packed in he best manner, and shipped according to or- lers to any part of the United States. oc— 2t* HENRY R. ROBEY. NEW PLASTER AND BONE MILL. rpHE subscriber offers for sale fine Ground JL and Calcined Plaster, both of the best and purest quality ; he has also a Bone Mill attached, and intends to keep a supply of Ground Bones, fine and pure. Farmeis and others are invited to call and examine lor themselves. His prices shall be as low as the same quality articles can be bought for, North or South. The highest cash price will be paid for dry bones, delivered at his Mill adjoining the Paper Mill, oc— tf R. R. DUVAL. DR. VALENTINE'S RECIPE FOR MAKING ARTIFICIAL GUANO. No. 1. Dry Peat,* - - 20 bushels No. 2. Wood Ashes, 3 bushels No. 3. Fine Bone Dust, 3 bushels No. 4. Calcined Plaster, - 3 bushels No. 5. Nitrate of Soda, - - 40 pounds No. 6. Sal Ammoniac, - - 22 pounds No. 7. Carb Ammonia, - - 11 pounds No. 8. Sulph: Sodce, - - 20 pounds No. 9. Sulph: Magnesia, - 10 pounds j "10. Common Salt, - - 10 pounds * If peat cannot be obtained, use garden mould, or clean virgin soil instead. Dirf.ctions for Mixing. — Mix Nos. 1 , 2, 3, together — mix Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, in four or five pails of water, or enough to dissolve the ingredients. When dissolved, add the liquid to the mixture, (1,2. 3,) and mix as in making mortar. When thoroughly mixed, add No. 4, (the calcined plaster,) which will absorb the liquid and bring the whole to a dry slate Mix under cover in a dry place — pack so as to ex- I elude air — observe the proportions in making small or large quantities. The above receipt will make one ton, which will manure seven , and a half acres of land. Having furnished the above to a number of [farmers who have tested its qualiiies— many thinking it equal to natural guano — the sub- 'scribers have made arrangements to furnish I any quantity during this season, and will sell I the ingredients exclusive of the Peat, Wood : Ashes, Plaster and Salt, (articles on every : farm,) at the low price of 310 per ton. One sugar hogshead will hold ingredients enough for five tons. All orders will be carefully and promptly executed, and sent to any part of the Slate. R R. DUVAL & BRO. Chemists and Druggists, under the American Hotel, Richmond, Va. oc— tf FOR SALE.— A thoroughbred Bull of the Ayrshire and Durham breed, in fine health and vigor — color rich red, with slight white spots in the flank, characteristic of the Ayr- shire breed. Said Bull is immediately de- scended on both sides from Imported Stock. For testimonials of stock, &c. enquire of the Editor. oc— tf 3 50 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. DAILY AND WEEKLY DISPATCH. THE Daily and Weekly Dispatch, publish- ed at the office on Governor street, near Main, Richmond, Virginia— commenced in October, 1850— have reached a very astonish- ing popularity. The Daily Dispatch is a penny paper and has an immense circulation in Richmond and contiguous towns. It affords the best medium for advertising. Subscribers in the country furnished with the paper at the low price of Four Dollars per annum. The WEEKLY DISPATCH is published at One Dollar Per Annum, and is therefore one of the cheapest Newspapers ever publish- ed. It is a handsome sheet and contains the News of the Day, together with Literary Se- lections from the very best sources. The list is already very large and constantly increasing. No paper will be sent until paid for in advance. Hugh R. Pleasants is the chief contributor to the editorial columns of the Daily and Weekly Dispatch. Address the Proprietor, Richmond, Virginia. BgBow's Industrial Resources AND PROGRESS OF THE SOUTH- ERN AND WESTERN STATES, in three large and closely printed volumes, small type, double columns; handsome print, paper and binding, — being a digest and abridgement of the 12 volumes of DeBow's R.eview. Price $10, or $3 33 per volume. Desirous of supplying the large and conti- nually increasing demand for the complete scries of the lieview, in 12 volumes, now exhausted, and which it would require a very large outlay to reprint, the editor has been induced to make a selection of all the important and valuable I papers contained in them from the beginning, condensing, re-arranging and completing to J J- mers to this improved Drill, as a machine, date, and throwing the subjects after the man- • durable, simple in construction, and effectual ner of the encyclopcedias, into alphabetical [ m ' ts operation. order. In this manner everything of interest ! At the last Baltimore Fair, it was pro- and importance will be preserved in a conve- J nounced to be the best Drill that was exhibited. nient form for reference; and the volumes will Price $G5. constitute the only repository for the shelves I Those in want of a superior Wheat Drill of the library, of such information, which by are_ requested to give this a trial, and send in means of the monthly numbers hereafter will J their orders early, as a small number only always be brought down to date. The Volumes will emhrace the gist of every- thing that has appeared in the Review relating to the Southern and Western States. (An im- perfect index of which will be found at the opening of the 10th volume.) To wit: Their History, Population, Ge- ography, Statistics; Agricultural Pro- ducts, of Cotton, Sugar, Tobacco, Hemp, Grains, Naval Stores, etc. etc. — Manufac- tures; detailed accounts, statistics and his- tory of all branches,— Internal Improvements; complete statistics of Rail Roads, results pro- fits, expenses, costs, advantages, miles in pro- jection, construction, completed, etc.; Plank live condition, whites and blacks; Slave Laws I and Statistics, management and amelioration \ of slavery,— origin, history and defences of slavery and slave institutions; the valuable treatises ojlj Harper, Hammond, Dew, on slavery, etc. *! Commerce or the South and West in all of its minute particulars, etc. together with an historical and statistical sketch of each of the states and cities,— the domestic and foreign trade, resources, manufactures, etc. of the United Stales; the Census Returns from 1790, with the com- plete statistics op the census of 1850. The volumes will be issued in September, October and November, 1852, and orders are solicited in advance, payable on delivery to Merchants, or to the parties themselves. DeBow's Review, of which this is a con- densation, is published monthly in New Or- leans, and other southern and western cities, 112 to 140 pages, small print, fine paper and engravings, and treats of all the great indus- trial matters relating to the Southern and Western Slates, and incidentally of the North and ihe Union. Terms $5 per annum. The volumes hereafter will be uniform with the condensed series. A few sets of the complete work may be had at the office, in 12 large and handsomelv bound volumes. Price $42. Single numbers sup- plied to make up sets, and binding furnished on reasonable terms. O^Orders on Commission Merchants in ci- ties or towns, payable on sale of crops, re- ceived as cash. J. D. B. DeBOW, Ed. DeBow's Review, Merchant's Exchange. New Orleans, July, 1852— 6t J. HUNT'S PATENT WHEAT DRILL. ryiHE subscriber invites the attention of far- will be made, and warranted to perlbrm equal to any other. H.BALDWIN, sep— It 148, Main Street, Richmond. COCHIN CHINA AND SHANGHAE FOWLS. THE Subscriber has for sale, choice Fowls of the above variety, pure blooded irom stock imported direct from China, warranted trueto their name, and not surpassed for beau- ty, size and good qualities, by any other breed. Reference given in regard to them if de- sired—Address CHARLES SAMPSON, West Roxburry, Mass. or W. A. Butters, at Nash & Woodhouse's, Richmond, where a Roads, Canals, Navigation, etc.— Statistics of, pair of each can be seen. Health and Diseases, wealth and progress; rela- \ sep — tf THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 357 CREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF HATS AND BOOTS. .H. ANTHONY'S FASHIONABLE HAT STORE, Columbian Hold Corner. rHE cheapest place in the city of Rich- mond to buy Hats and Boots is at the ibove store, where every article sold may be elied on as represented. By this means he as gained a good run of custom, and his cus- amers feel satisfied. Below is a list of his rices, which will be strictly adhered to: Best quality moleskin, - - S3 50 Second quality " 3 00 Best quality silk, - - - 2 50 Second " " 2 00 Fine Calfskin Sewed Boots only three dol- ar? and fifty cents. Also, Caps, Shoes and Umerellas. J. H. Anthony has made an arrangement rith one of the best makers in the city of Philadelphia, to supply him with a handsome ind substantial Calfskin Sewed Boot, which le will sell at the unprecedented low price of hree dollars and fifty cents. The attention of rentlemen is respectfully solicited, as they are he best and cheapest "Boots that have ever )een offered for sale in this city. He intends o keep but the one kind, and sell them at one )rice* _ se— ly LIVINGSTON COUNTY PLOUGH. THE subscriber having greatly increased his facilities for manufacturing the above Ploughs, will be able to supply orders for Ploughs or Castings on a larger scale of the Rowing numbers and sizes: Kb. 1. One Horse Plough \ No. 2. Light 2 Horse Plough / No. 21. " " " " ) No. 3. Heavy" " " \ No. 4. Three Horse Plough > No. 4. Heavy 2 Horse Plough No. 5. Three Horse Plough No. 6. Four Horse Plough; but generally used for 3 horses. ) These Ploughs are now displacing all others in many counties in Virginia. They are com- posed entirely of cast iron, with chitted points, &c. From the simplicity of their construction, and the ease with which they are kept in order, they are peculiarly adapted to lave labor. Persons desirous of further information con- cerning these ploughs are referred to the fol- lowing gentlemen, who now have them in use: Wrn. A. Woods, Esq. Charlotte County, G. S. Harper, Esq. Appamattox County, David Anderson, Jr. Louisa County, F. G. Rufrin, Wm. Garth and P. H. Goodloe, E^qr> Albemarle County, Virginia. Per-Wis disposed to deal in the Livingston County Plough, in neighborhoods where they are not already introduced, and on sale, will please address M.BRYAN, Steel's Tarern, Augusta Co. Va. ap— if Right Hand. Left Hand. VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL WORKS for sale by NASH & WOOD- HOUSE, Eagle Square. The Complete Farmerand Rural Economist and New American Gardener, by T. J. Fessen- den, in one volume, about 700 pages, cloth, gilt— $1 25. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry — a new edition, in one volume, 12mo. cloth, gilt — $1 25. Johnston's Elements of Agricultural Che- mistry — 50 cents. Johnston's Practical Agriculture, one vol. cloth — 75 cents. Buist's Family Kitchen Gardener, cloth — 75 cents. Hoare's Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on open Walls — 50 cents. Sheep Husbandry, by H. S. Randall— ©1 25. Stephens' Book of the Farm, complete — S4. Browne's American Poultry Yard, tenth edi- tion— SI. Allen's American Farm Book, one volume — SI. Mail edition— 75 cents. Allen's Diseases of Domestic Animals, one volume — 75 cents. Chemistry Made Easy for Farmers, paper — 25 cents. Southern Agriculture; or, Essays on the Cultivation of Corn, Hemp, Tobacco, Wheat, &c— SI. Dana's Prize Essay on Manures — 25 cents. Miner's American Bee Keeper's Manual — SI. Mail edition — 75 cents. Brown's American Bird Fancier— 50 cents. Mail edition — 25 cents. Canfield on the Breeds, Management, Struc- ture and Diseases of Sheep— SI. The American Architect, the cheapest and best work of the kind published in the world, complete in 24 numbers, at 25 cents each, or S5 for the work complete — S6 bound in two volumes. Youatt and Martin's Treatise on Cattle, with one hundred illustrations, edited by Am- brose Stevens, Esq. — SI 25. Youatt on the Breed and Management of Sheep, with illustrations — 75 cents. Elements of Agriculture, translated from the French, by F.G. Skinner, adapted for Schools — 25 cents. Gunn's Domestic Medicine; or, Poor Man's Friend in Affliction, Pain and Sickness — S3. mar — ly UNION AGRICULTURAL WARE- HOUSE AND SEED STORE. RALPH & Co. No. 23 Fulton street, New York, near Fulton Market, Dealers in all the most approved Agricultural and Horticul- tural Implements, Imported and American Field and Garden Seeds, Ornamental Shade and Fruit Trees, Guano, Bone Dust, Poudiette, &c. Wrought Iron Ploughs, Trucks, Barrows, &c. &c. always on hand. Also, the Excelsior, or California Plough. 358 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. PLANTATION BOOK. JW. RANDOLPH, Richmond, Virginia, • has just published the Plantation and Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record, Inven- tory and Account Book, lor the use of ma- nagers of estates, and for the better ordering and management of plantation and farm busi- ness, in every particular, by a Southern Planter. Order is Heaven's first law— Pope. Price $-2, or six forftlO; a larger edition for the use of cotton plantations, price $2 50. Contents. — Actual number of pounds to a Bushel of Wheat, Articles received for use of Plantation, Brick-Kiln, Births of Negroes, Balance Sheet, Cows, Cultivation, Contents of a Corn Crib, Clothing to, Negioes, Diameter of a Horse Mill, Deaths of Negroes, Directions how lo use this Book, Expenses and Sales for the Year, Form of a Contract with Manager, Force of a Draught Horse, Horses, Hogs, Instructions to Managers, Implements, Jour nal or Daily Record, Medicines, Manure Ta- bles, LVlechanical Power, Effect of the Labor of an Active Man, Inventoryof Negroes, Oxen, Washington's Letters to his Steward, Planta- tion Management, Police, Ploughing Rules, Planting Distances, Physicians' Visits, Quan- tity and Value of Produce Made, Quantity of Work of a Man and Two Horses, Rules for the Government and Discipline of the Negroes, Rotation Tables for Cultivation of Crops, Rural Economy, Sheep, Steam Engines, Stock and Implements, Tools, &c. used by the Ne- groes, Weight of Materials, Weights and Measures, Wind Mills, Water Wheels, When a Horse Draws to Advantage, &c. &c. There are extra sheets for monthly and yearly reports, for the use of those who do not live on their farms. The Book will be sent by mail free of postage to any one who will remit the price in money or postage stamps. This Book is by one of the best and most systematic farmers in Virginia; and experi- enced farmers have expressed the opinion, that thos? who use it, will save hundreds of dollars. "Every farmer who will get one of these Books, and regulate all his movements by its suggestions, cannot fail to realize great bene- fits from it. We cannot too highly commend it to the consideration of agriculturists." — Richmond Whig. "It will prove a most valuable assistant to the planter, manager or overseer, and a work that will facilitate them greatly in the trans- action of business." — Richmlnd Dispatch. "The Book we should suppose to be indis- pensable to any one having the management of a large estate." — Richmond Republican. " We hope many farmers will buy the work, and make an effort to keep things straight."— Southern Planar. " It is full of useful information and is well calculated to induce a methodical system, in- dustry and energy especially vital to a sue cessful and profitable cultivation of mother earth." — Richmond Enquirer. June — tf TO AGRICULTURISTS. ORRIS & BROTHER have received the following valuable Books, pertaining to Agriculture: ; Elements of Scientific Agriculture, or the connexion between Science and the Art of Practical Farming. This was the prize essay of the New York State Agricultural Society; by J. P. Norton, M. A. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology; by Jas. F. W. Johnston. American Agriculturist, for the Farmer, Planter, Stock Breeder, and Horticulturist; by A. B.Allen; numerous plates. The 8th and 9th volumes of this most valuable work are received, also complete sets. Every farmer should have this work. American Farm Book, on Soils, Manures) Drainings, Irrigation, Grasses, Grain, Roots> Fruit, Cotton, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Rice, and every staple product of the United States. — This is a perfect farmer's library, with upwards of 100 engravings; by R. L. Allen. Farmer's Manual, with the most recent dis- coveries in Agricultural Chemistry; by F. Faulkner. A Muck Manual for Farmers; by S. L. Dana. Farmer's Land Measurer, with a set of use- ful Agricultural Tables; by Jas. Pedder. American Husbandry. — Series of Essays on Agriculture, with additions; by Gaylord and Tucker. Farmer's Encyclopedia; by Cuthbert W. Johnson. t Productive Farming, with the most recen discoveries of Liebig, Johnston, Davy, and others. European Agriculture, from personal obser- vation; by Henry Coleman. This is a very popular work. Johnson's Chemistry and Geology, with their application. Johnson's Dictionary of Gardening; by Da- vid Landreth. London's Gardening, for Ladies; by A. J. Downing. Squarey's Agricultural Chemistry, Bonssin- gault, Rural Economy, Buist's Kitchen Gar- dener, Landscape Gardening, and Rural Ar- chitecture; by A. J. Downing. Fessenden's American Gardener. American Fruit Book, with full iustructions; by S. W. Cole. Downing on Fruit Trees. Theory of Horticulture; by Lindley. Florist's Manual; by H. Bourne; 80 colored engravings. Bridgman's Kitchen Gardpner. In addition to which, Morris & Brother have all of the late Works on Agriculture, Horti- culture, and Raising Stock, of any celebrity. Richmond, March 12, I85L— Iv * ;. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 359 nHHE RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG JL RAIL ROAD COMPANY respectfully Inform farmers living on the Roanoke River lnd on the line of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, that they are transporting tobacco ind other produce between Richmond and Pe- :ersburg with promptness and despatch, run ling daily trains of eight wheel covered cars, securing tobacco and goods from damage. Tobacco consigned to the care of J. Lynch, Rail Road Agent, Petersburg, will be for- warded, free of commissions, to Richmond. Goods purchased in Richmond and consigned to the Rail Road Agent at Gaston will be for- warded up the river without charge for for- warding. THOS. DODAMEAD, Sup't R. & P. R. R. June 21, 1851— tf EAGLE FOUNDRY. THE subscriber having removed to the large Foundry, just erected by him and fitted out with machinery of the latest and most ' approved style, is, in addition to the manufac- ; ture of Tobacco Flattening Mills, prepared to j receive orders for Stationary Steam Engines, I Saw and Grist Mills, Agricultural Machines, • Tobacco Presses of every description, and all ] kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. He pledges himself to execute faithfully, and with dis- patch, all work entrusted to him, and respect- iully solicits a call from his friends and the public generally. The highest cash prices paid for old cast iron, brass and copper. PHILIP RAHM, je — ly Cary, between Pearl and 15th sts. CHOICE POULTRY. • The subscriber offers for sale the following varieties of purr, blooded Fowls, viz: Cochin China ot Cawton Fowls; Black, Whits, Buff and Brown Shanghais; Chittagongs or Gray Shanghais. The above are the largest and best variety of fowls bred in this country, and are from stock originally imported bv the subscriber. Gentlemen, Poultry-keepers and others, desirous of pnearino choice Poultry may depend upon the above stock being purely bred and warranted true to their name. Q-Address CHARLES SAMPSON, West Roxbury, Muss, The different varieties of these beautiful fowls may be seen at my residence on First Street, between Main and Cary Streets. Riffimmd, Nn. 1, 1852. W. A. BUTTERS, 139 Main Street, 360 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. CONTENTS OF NUMBER XI. PAGE Communication to the Virginia State Agricultural Society on the Profitable Improvement of Poor Land, by Ed- mund Ruffin, Esq 329 Joint Worm 338 Dews and Frosts 34n To Keep Out Frost 341 Fine Virginia Wool 34 Manures 342 Dialogue 344 Timely Warning 345 Premium Crops of Wheat 345 An Experiment in Stall-Feeding 347 Grasshoppers, Manures, Sub-Soil Ploughs. 319 The Six-Square Butter Mould 350 Jerusalem Artichoke 351 Formidable Losses 352 The Sub-Soil Plough 353 A Simple Way to Pack Eggs 353 Ploughing and Seeding 354 Payments to the Southern Planter 354 KAS2B FOWLS FOR SALS. COCHIN CHINA AND SHANGEUE FOWLS.— The subscriber has for sale some very superb Fowls of the above species. They have been raised near this city from the best imported breeds, — exactly the same with those that have been sold in this city for $15 and $20 per pair. The Cochin China Fowls are among the most valuable of domestic birds. At full maturity — that is, after the se- cond moulting — a cock and hen of this species will weigh over twenty pounds; and this is large enough for all useful purposes. The hens are very prolific, being fine layers and good sitters; they are also very hardy. In form, they re- semble the best bred Shanghees, though they are clean legged, while the Shanghres are feathered to the toes. The two are believed to have sprung from the same stock — and they are no doubt cousins german. The Cochin Chinese birds cannot be excelled. They will be delivered in this city at from FIVE to TEN DOLLARS per pair. Letters postpaid will meet with prompt at- tention if addressed to PHILIP DOUGHERTY, At J, W. Randolph's Book Store. Also, for sale a few pairs of that excellent and much admired fowl, the Black Spanish. They are about five months old — price Five Dollars per pair. oct — 2t THE NEW YORK AGRICULTOE. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, IN LARGE NEWSPAPER FORM. Devoted (, the interests of the Commercial as well Practical Faimer and Planter, the Stock Breeder, the Rural Architect, the Fruit and Arboriculturist, the Market and Kitchen Gar- dener, and the Florist; together with a com- plete summary- of the most important Fo- reign and Domestic News. Published every Thursday. TERMS PER ANNUM. One Copy, Three Copies, Five Copies, $2 5 Ten Copies, Fifteen Copies, Twenty Copies, $15 20 PEN NOCK'S DRILLS. HAVE a stock of Pennock's Improved . Wheat Drills of different sizes for sale. be increased product of fifty acres of drilled a " broadcast seeding will pay for a Drill. H. M. SMITH,