THE SOUTHERN PLANTER,'" V BcbotetJ to Hgrfculture, Wtovtltultuvt, anti the JUouseiioto ens f I Agriculture is the nursing mother of the j Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts Arts . — Xenopkon of the State.— StiUy. FRANK: G. RUFFIN. Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Proprietor. Vol. XII. RICHMOND, JULY, 1852. No. 7. For the Southern Planter. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. INTRODUCTORY. I design to present a series of short es- says to the readers of the Planter, upon some of the elementary and fundamental truths of scientific agriculture. There are already a number of valuable works upon this subject, and some of them are written in such a style as to commend them to all classes of readers. I have reason to be- lieve, however, that many farmers read the Planter attentively, who would not set themselves down "to the stur'y of a book upon scientific farming. To such larmers I desire particularly to address myself. If by the presentation of plain truths in a plain way, I succeed in awakening an in- terest on the subject of agricultural che- jyiistry in any of your readers. I trust that they will be induced to consult the works of Norton, Johnston, &c and to practise the coarse recommended by these distin- guished authors. Belore entering upon the subject, how- ever, it will be necessary to say something .in relation to the properties of those sub- stances which are most generally found in the soil and in the air, and which take part directly or indirectly in the mysterious pro- cesses of vegetaiijn. But these remarks must be brief, too brief I fear to be of much service to those who have not turned their attention to the study of chemistry. And here let rne recommend to any far- mer who is n*t familiar with the principles of chemistry, to provide himself with a copy of such a work as Silliman's, Fownes' or Johnston's Chemistry for Colleges. He need not set himself down to the regular study of the science at all — let him keep the book by him for reference in his agri- cultural reading, just as many persons keep Webster's Dictionary by them in writing: and I promise him that before he is awaTe of it. he will be chemist enough to appre- ciate any agricultural production. . Vot.XII.-7. Oxygen is the first substance to be con- sidered. This is an elementary body, that is, it contains but one kind of matter, and when not. in combination with other bodies is always gaseous. It is universally dif- fused in nature, and constitutes about one- half of the ponderable matter of the globe Its chemical attraction or affinity for most other elementary bodies is 'very remarka- ble; and there is scarce, one of them with which it cannot be made to unite. When found in the earth it is always in a stale of combination, and the number of these com- binations is almost without limit. In the atmosphere it exists in the uncombined or free state, and very many of the chemical properties of I he air are to be attributed to ' this gas. When oxygen unites with another body, the latter is said to be oxidised, and when the union is sufficiently rapid to pro- duce heat and light, the substance oxidised undergoes combustion, or is burned. The ' decay of vegetable matter consists in the union ot the oxygen of (he air with tile elements of the decaying body, constituting what may be called a slow combustion. Hy'drogen is also an elementary sub- stance, and when not in combinalion with other bodies is always gaseous. It is "j ven oft in bubbles when a piece of zinc, onron is thrown into sulphuric acid, (oil of vitro!) diluted with seven or ei small, they are inva- riably present, and just as necessary to the atmosphere as oxygen itself. It is not sup- posed that the nitrogen of the atmosphere undergoes any appreciable change in quan- tity, or that it takes any part in the many chemical phenomena taking place in the atmosphere, but such is not the case with the other constituents. These substances if 1 may be al.owed to use the term, are always at. work; here one takes pari in an action which removes it there it is replaced; but in all the-e transformations, nature has so fixed her laws, as that nearly the same proportion of each shall be kept up — the balance is never destroyed. Combustion, respiralion. and the decay of organic mat- ter, remove oxygen from the atmosphere, replacing it by an equal volume of carbo- nic acid ; while growing vegetation, as we shall see in our progress, absorbs carbonic acid by its leaves and roots, appropriates the carbon to its wants, and gives oft' the oxygen to be again converted into carbo- nic acid, and again to enter into the circu- la'ion of succeeding races of vegeiables. Water is evaporated from the surfaces of the sea and earth, and returns to them an land which is dry and at the same time easy to travel over,>|si as their size and construction impede locomo- " lion greatly. The size of the flock must be proportioned to the extent of range they will have, most especially wiih the mutton sheep, as they are the most fastidious of all animals in taste, and will suffer great hunger before they will eai anything soiled by the hoof or otherwise. It is impossible to state what quantity of land is necessary to graze one hundred sheep, as everything depends on the quantity of herb- age the land will afford. It is sufficient to say that the muiton sheep requires an abundance at all times to bring him to perfection. MANAGEMENT OF THE MCTTON SHEEP. In i his climate the strict observance of a fevr simple rules is siiffiVieni to ensure success with any of the breeds of thi> variety. For the sake ol convenience I will divide these into summer and winter management; premising as of fir^t impoitance that no huck should he allowed to breed to his own offspring, and therefore il is most convenient to change him every two years. It has been well ascertained that the best economy is to buy the best bred and best formed bucks, wiih little regard to cost, as the prime ci st will be amply repaid in the su- peiiority of the first set of 1 imhs. The time required to bring a flock to perfection, by the I THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1« use of thoroughbred bucks, is less than half tehere only grades are employed. Ihfc Winter management commences with the ^period when the buck should be put with the ewes. Supposing that he has been kept sepa- rate from the ewes the previous summer, and lhat (he lambs had been weaned on the first of September previous, the best time for this purpose, all things considered, is the fifteenth of October. The period of gestation is about five months; the lambs may therefore be ex peeled about the tenth of Ma.vh. A buck in bis prime will serve, on good pasture, seventy ewes in three or fuur weeks; at the expiration of which time he should be removed and put with the wethers in a secure field, until again wanted the following year. A greater number of ewes may be seived by patting them to the buck in small numbers, say four or five at a time, and blacking the breast of the buck with Jampblack and oil, by which means he will teavc his mark. He should be well fed on grain during this lime. Sheep require very little dry food in winter, when the ground is not covered with snow, it they have a clover field or timothy meadow . to range upon. The best dry food is clover hay or corn lodder; the next is oat or wheat straw or chaff. My experience is decidedly against timothy hay, particular!" for pregnant ewes, having found it consn'pating, and there- fere very dangerous. Shelters should be pro- vided nsainst bad weather, and where there are not better, those made with straw, so as to keep off the rain, are all sufficient. Too much Wins cannot be taken to shelter sheep dun'ng iny or snowy weather, more especially those breeds that carry heavy fleeces, which when saturated with water, will freeze, and thereby destroy the constitution of the animal, if not cause its immediate death. I am satisfied that more than three-fourths of all the disease that the sheep is heir to, is referable to exposure in bad weather. When the ground is frozen or covered and access to green or succulent food cut off, it is all impor- tant to supply them with a i'ew potatoes or apples cut up, cabbages, or pine tops. Where ii is practicable, ihey should have the grazing of a wheat or rye field until the ground becomes soft. They will not do the slighesl injury 10 the crop; on the contrary, if th?re is fly in the wheat the grazing will be very advantageous to it. Salt must be given once per week. Summer Managemmt. — The next important period in course is that of yeaning. The flock should now be placed in some convenient field, where they tnav be seen several times during everv day. The fields should be free from ditches or creeks, as they are very liable lo pet into these in so helpless a condition thai ihey will die before relief can he afforded — Hogs must be kept away as they will eat the lambs as fast as ihey are dropped. Crows are al-o very destructive to young lambs by pick- ing out their eyes Ewes frequently require assistance in bringing their lambs, and there- in ■ fore should be watched closely. Yeaning usually requires from three to four weeks; this accomplished, the next thing to be attended to is castration and docking. This should not be postponed, as is usual, till shearing time, the wea.her being then frequently loo warm; be- sides which the lambs should have time to re- cover from the woinds belore shearing season. Castration may be performed thus: The lamb being laid on his back, the person holding him catches one fore leg and one hind leg in each hand the operator places his foot upon the tail; he then cuts off one-half the testicle bag and presses the testicle out, until the out- side skin can be split sufficiently to allow the testicle to slip out; he then separates the skin at the connecting point, and drawing the tes- ticle gently out, scrapes back the outside skin until the cord is reduced to a thread, when it must be severed. When both testicles are thus removed, the wound must be wellsmeaied with a mixture of train oil and tar; a vessel containing which should be previously pro- vided. Thisdone tire lambshotild be removed to a block close by, to be docked— the same person holding him on bis back as belore, lays the tail straight across the block; the operator then lakes an axe and (ays it across the tail, one and a half inches fiom the root; he then strikes the axe with a mallet sufficiently hard to sever the tail at one blow. The oil and tar are immediately applied as before. If the owner uses an ear-ma ik it should be now given; but the writer is decidedly opposed to such marks, {unless marie with a pun.h,) as no- thing is more disfiguring to the animal than cropping the cars. The operation of docking contributes greatly to the featity, cleanliness and health of the animal, and should be per- formed on all the flock in the manner above described. It may as well be omitted entirely as to leave a greater length of tail than one and a half inches. At this time it is necessary 1o perform ano- ther act of mercy to the flock at large; this is lasging, which must be carefully and tho- roughly performed with shears, removing all the wool between the hind legs, in danger of being cloaged with manure, or which has already been saturated with blood at lam! ing, in order to keep off the m?g?ot fly which isever ready to attack the sheep upon the smallest pretext in warm weather. Wash ing sheep reqniies much care and judg- ment. The state of the weather, and the d. n- rliiion of the animal, mu^t be well considered. From the first to the fifteenth of May, we generally have weather suitable for this ope- ration. A vat, t j n feet Uns, three fei t d.'ep, and f>ur feet wide, made like- the fort bay of a mill, with a draw-rate at each end, and fixed in the bank of an ice-pond, will answer the •foni'le purpose of a waste gate and sheep tub. A close pen beine made near the pond, the sheep should be put into it with as little exer- cise as possible, and all pains taken to avoid heating the animal before he is put into the 200 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. water. The hands employed can stand out- side the vat, and wash three at a time, not more than five minutes being necessary for them to remain in the water. They must then be kept on a clean grass field for several days, until quite dry. Shearing is usually performed in a slovenly manner, which is bad economy. The writer prefers shearing on a clean floor; providing each shearer with a bag filled with straw as a cushion, and seating him on the floor, the sheep is taken into his lap with his head under the shearer's left arm, the shearer then opens the jacket along the middle of the belly, up to the cheekbone, carrying his clip all the way every time. This is done until be reaches the backbone, when the animal is turned over, and the operaiion reversed until he again reaches the backbone, and the job is done. I never tie sheep while shearing, find- ing they struggle much less and are more easily handled not tied, after the operation is commenced. The fleece taken off should be removed to a table and spread out (clean side down) to its natural size. The side should then be folded over to the middle; the shearer then mounts the table on his knees, and begins rolling up the fleece as lightly as possible, until he rolls up two-thirds. The remainder of the fleece should then be twisted into a rope by an as- sistant, wrapped tightly around it, and tacked under. Fleeces thus put up, may be very con- veniently handled, and sent a long distance without coming untied. After shearing, a mark may be put on the sheep with a paint brush, which will last a long time. After shearing, the wethers and bucks should be put on the best pasture the farm will afford, while a more inferior one will answer for the ewes and lambs. They require no further at- tention if in good health until the first of Sep- tember, save salting once a week. On the first of September, wean the lambs by placing them in a field where the buck will not have access to them. These lambs are not to be put to the buck until their second fall, when they will be about seventeen months old. The flock of breeding ewes should be picked over every fall, and the oldest and most infe- rior ones sent to market. As a general rule, a ewe should not be retained as a breeder (un- less a very fine one,) longer than five years. As a protection against dogs, I have for six years found bells to answer admirably. At least one-third of the flock and all the wethers should have bells on. Sheep managed well, I consider the most profitable of all farm stock, and will contribute more to the improvement of land, when not allowed to eat off the young clover. With regard to the diseases of sheep, it is far better to rely on the means of preven- tion, (viz: good food and shelter,) than of cure; but for further information on this subject, 1 will recommend Morrell's American Shepherd as containing "all things necessary" to sheep husbandry. My article is decidedly long, and I would fain curtail it, but that 1 do not see where to- do so. It is likewise, "flat, stale and unproti-#t- table" to those who are already informed on the subject; but all are not so, perhaps, who* tead the Planter. C. For the Southern Planter. THE LAW OF ENCLOSURES. Of all the evils which depress the agricuf- tural interest of our State, none are inore se- verely felt than those which have been entailed upon it by the unwise legislation of our fore- fathers; and, yet. if any thing like a general interest could be imparted to the farmers of Virginia, none could be more easily removed. Controlling by its vast majority over all other combined interests in the Stale, the entire field of legislation, it has 'protected every other interest, but its ovni, and whenever, through its repre- sentatives, a statute is originated, having ir» view the protection of " the nursing mother of the arts," those watchful guardians of out- interest have not even the sagacity to give their act of legislation a proper title. Thus, the law regulating enclosures any sane man would have entitled, "an act to au I liorize tres- passes of cattle on neighboring proprietors, and to prevent all indemnification therefor;" and this particular act confirms the justice of the fore- going remarks. Though no intelligent farmer in Eastern Virginia, not a candidate for public favor J/fo denies that the increasing scarcity of fencing- material and cost of labor demands some mo- dification of this law, yet such is the apathy of the sufferers, that no efficient steps have heretofore been taken to abate this evil. By it, all Virginia is declared a common, except such portion of its arable surface as has a line of fortifications around it. The sacred right of property has been brought by it into dispute and contempt. The widow, the orphan and the poor farmer, all especial favorites of the law, have been impoverished by its operaiion. Who can fail to account for the amalgama- tion of so many of the small freeholds, and the consequent loss to the State of its best citizens? Does not every neighborhood contain some large estate in the hands of a weal thy proprietor, composed of these small freeholds which have been worked without profit and sold at a sac- rifice, because the labor of fencing was too greatalax upon their poor proprietors 1 And af- ter the contribution of atleastone-twelfth of the labor of the farm, and the conversion of its best timber into rail?, what is the farmer's gua- rantee against loss? The law directs a fence to be made of a specified height throughout, and in case of his sustaining a trespass from neigh- boring stock, throws upon him the whole bur- then of proof. Admitting that a fence can be constructed from our ordinary materials, every panel of which is sufficiently strong to defy THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 201 vibe most persevering assaults of stock, whose l^energies are quiekened by famine, and capa- 5Jole of withstanding high winds and storms, yet trespassing stock will find their way into his fields, and then what is his recourse? He obtains from a magistrate an order for the sur- vey of his fence, and while this is being made at one end i the owner of the trespassing stock can secretly make gaps in the other, if he is evil disposed, and wishes to avoid the payment of damages. And how is it possible to deter- mine the exact amount of damage which has been sustained by a wheat or corn crop, the dense cover of which may have harbored hogs for days before they have been discovered - ? All the provisions of the law are inoperative, and not one case of trespass in a hundred is tried before a justice of the peace. Unless considerations of mutual courtesy and friend- ship induce farmers to restrain their stock, they are maimed or killed as the only means of protection, thus engendering those deadly an- imosities which destroy the harmony of whole neighborhoods. I find it impossible to con- ceive any better right which a neighbor, who keeps more stock thaD he can feed, has to turn them out to forage upon me, than to pursue the same course with his slaves, and allow them to gain a sustenance by appropriating the sur- plus of his neighbors. And if the Legislature wishes to abolish the right of property, and lend their countenance \o the existence of a system of communism, such as was never conceived of even by the most thorough-going disciple of -Proudhon, let it engraft upon this act concern- ing enclosures, a foither provision, compelling all farmers to keep a certain number of locks upon their corn houses and barns, and prevent- ing him from recovering damages, if lie has left any means of access to rogues. After this Jong summary of the evils resulting from the existence of this law on our statute book, the question will be asked "cuibono?" Some great counterbalancing advantage to so ranch evil lo one elas*, must of necessity result to another. One would imagine that the State so far from having to depend upon the West for a large portion of their supplies of pork and beef, ex- ported largely, and yet in no country on earth, can there be found, such a number of lean, worthless, "praise God barebones" slock, as in Virginia. Were they assessed for taxation underthe ad valorem system the commissioner could not act upon them iw I ivi dually, so small is their value-, but having to depend upon their own resources for a support from their earliest infancy, they will yield to no stock in the world, in point of general information, cunning aud perseverance. As the tide wafer section suffers more than any other portion of Virginia, I suggest that an effort be made to obtain r.uch a modification of the pre-^t law, as will accomplish the objects sotiidn for, to be applied lo that portion of the State first. I am convinced, thatonce adopted in any one county or neighborhood, the f ivo- raide result of wch a modification, as would restrain hogs and cattle, upon the agricultural interest, would insure the repeal of this law in all Eastern Virginia. The importance of this subject will excuse the length of this com- munication. You can give no more effectual aid to the cause you advocate, Mr. Editor, than by encouraging the agitation of this reform, and I hope you will give your subscribers, your own views on the subject. J. B. M'C. Nelson county, May 17, 1S52. From the Cultivator. HAY AND FODDER-CUTTING AND CURING. It may be safely averred that there is not a single operation on a farm that can- not be, and that ought not to be conducted upon scientific principles. Hencetheutility, the necessity of a scientific education of farmers. If the remark be true of farm operations generally, it is more especially so of the subject of hay-making. In this we require a knowledge of vegetable physiology, of chemistry, of pharmacy. Vegetable physiology will teach us the nature and functions of the various organs and parts and juices of the plants with which we have to do; chemistry will leach us the theory, and pharmacy the art of curing and saving the article in the best manner. There is no doubt that a very iarge portion of the nutritive matter of hay, and all kinds of fodder, is lost by a want of knowledge of this kind. The writer of this has never seen a hay-field at haying time, that he was not forcibly impressed with this truth. To illustrate this subject — suppose a pharmaceutist, the Shakers, for example, were to gather their medical herbs, and cure them, and house them in the same way that hay and fodder are usually gathered, cured and saved — what, let us ask, would they be worth? Gathered at very improper sea- sons, cured in such manner as to ferment and evaporate all their intrinsic virtues, and at last housed in a place, and in a con- dition, to make assurance of its destruc- tion "doubly sure," it may well be con- ceived they would not be worth much. There are certain rules to be observed in this, as in all things, to attain ihe highest degree of perfection. Every kind of hay and fodder will be good or good for no- thing, according to the degree of attention to these rules. The grase should be al- lowed to attain the highest degree of per- 202 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. fection before it is cut, and that desrree is found to be at the time of flowering or blooming, just before the seed begins to form. It being a herbaceous plant, ihe whole natural object of it is to make seed, and afl its juices are, at the time of flow- ering, in their richest state. This is the time to cut it. If cut before this lime, the juices are imperfect, and ihe fibrous mat'er immature; and if delayed beyond this lime, more or less of ihe richness of these juices is expended in making seed. If ihe seed is allowed to become ripe, the hay is com paratively worthless. We never saw a load of hay in the market for sale, that did not exhibit unequivocal signs o\' having had a very large portion of its rich quali- ties exhausted, either before it was cut, or in curing. When it is understood, thai if allowed to ripen seed perfectly, ihe grass loses all its rich juices, nnd becomes mere dry straw, woody fibre, a little silicate of potash, and a very trifling quantity of ve- getable extractive matter, the importance of cutting it at the right lime will be apparent. And here it is proper to mention another error of almost, if not quite equal impor- tance. It is that of mixing different kinds of grass together. There are scarcely any two grasses that flower at the same time, exactly, and if two be mixed that flower at different times, one or the other will be greatly deteriorated by being cat too soon or too late. All grasses should, therefore, he kept in distinct meadows. The curing process is. however, of much the most importance. No matter at what times the grass be cut, if it be not proper ly cired, the hay will be worthless, in pro- portion to this imperfection. Two tons of iiay shall be taken from the same field, the one cured properly, the other carelessly — and the one shall be worth twenty dollars, while the other will be dear at any price, except for mere straw. Let us descend to particulars, for the subject is sufficiently important to authorize it. Nearly the whole nutritious properties of the hay are in a fluid, or semi fluid state, highly sus- ceptible of fermentation; and if fermenta- tion takes place, they will be immediately dissipated in vapor. The object to be at- tained is to cure the hay, by evaporating the water only, of these juices, leaving the saccharine and other principles in a solid stat in the body of the grass. But if the juices of ihe grass be altowed to fer- ment, then all these principles are rapidly changed, and pass off' with the water in vapor. The usual n ethod of curing hay, especially in the Middle States, permits th^ green cut hay to lay ir> masses till it gelt" more or less heated, especially the under ponion of it. This heat is produced by fermentation. We usually see the hay- in the swath till the next < ay, and then it is merely turned over, and even thai very carefully. The underside will then be found to be very warm. Now, all this is wrong. The hay should he shaken up lightly, and loosely, so lhat none of it wilt lay in compact masses, and that the at? may pass freely through it. It should be gathered into winrows as late as possible in the evening, and these should he well opened and turned, and loosened, early in the morning, so as to avoid spontaneous fermentation. If ihe weather he fair, the hay cut yesterday will he fit for cocking this afternoon, but it is not ready for hous- ing or stacking. A great error is often committed in cocking hay. in allowing it 1a> remain in these small stacks too long. When cocked, the hay is merely wilted, not. cured, and if allowed to remain in rocks, will ferment there. The}' should he opened and spread about, and re-cocked several times before being permanently stacked or housed. Shaking hay about has a great effeet in curing it, much more than is generally supposed. It exposes ifo to fresh air, which carries off the watef y ' and the ofrener it is shaken up, the sooner and better it will be cured. Many object to shaking up the hay while the dew is on it in Ihe morning. This is an error. A sroood shaking at this time will effectually dry it. G. B. S. For the Southern Planter. D5SEASE IN THE HEAD OF SHEEP. Mr. ErIUnr, — By comparison of views, we may arrive at useful result.-, and (trust your cor- respondent R in your March number, page 85, will not take offence at my expressing through your columns, my impression lhat he is mistaken, as lo Ihe disease of sheep In his communication, he says he nsver saw the sack he mentions, the use of the lenon saw al- ways bursting it. He will never see it in my opinion — nor will he ever see one recovered by the remedies lie mentions as used by the Ruropeans. The disease is what is called in this pari of the country the stretches, and is caused by the conMipaiion of the bowels, brought on by the want of green and succu- lent food. Il mostly atiacks theep in the best THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 203 ^.condition, because of fuller habit, and rarely * (in comparison ai least,) afflicts maiden ewes, ' wethers, bucks, or ewes nursing lambs, but is much more frequent with inlamh ewes. The remedy is to be applied upon the first appear- ance of the symptoms — bleed freely, and get an operation on ihe bowels as soon as possible; a copious discharge will relieve them, if not too far gone; a large dose of flax seed tea, in- cluding Vie seed, is a good medicine — a full pint, if not more. In a very violent ease, 1 should he disposed to givea small dose of cro- ton oil (ihough I have never done so,) as the most active medicine for the purpose. Sails, I am disposed to think, is more active with sheep, given in a dry than in a liquid stale — but prevention is better than cure I am inclined to think R. never saw a case in spring sum- mi-r or fall, when sheep could get grass; it oc- curs only in the winter months, when neither grass or succulent food of any kind could be gathered by them. To keep their bowels in a wholesome state, I have sometimes .succeeded in keeping them in that state by a little Epsom salts, mixed with their salt; but the best preventive is to feed them on turnips, (Ruta Bnga,) cut up; as a snbsiiiute, potatoes raw, cut up; beets, pars- nips any roots, oreven eabbageleaves assmall feed of either every day, or twice a day; if not fancied bv them, sprinkle a little salt over them until palatable. The disease is not known in England, because they use the Ruta . Ba?a there freelv — the manure made by it Pimply remunerates the cultivation of the crop. Valley of Virginia. June 20, 1852. For the Southern Planter. SUPERIORITY OF THE FARMING PROFESSION. Mr Editor, — It is much the habit of most persons to indulge a complaining temper, as it regards their own lot in life, and many are disposed to ihink thai disappointments and untoward events befal them more certainly, and with more oppressive energy, than others who stand around them. This is an unjust complaint against Providence, arising oui of the foet thai we know more of our own trou- b'es than we c^n do of any one else's, and as it is we who are hurl by ihem, we feel them much more keenly than when endured by another. Now, there is no class of our com- munity, who indulge this complaining spirit to a greaierextentthan ihe planter and fanner of Virgmia; and none, I am assured, have less reason for it. L"nk to ihe planter's employment in what aspec you may, whether as to the ef- fect it has on his moral being or social enjoy- ment, or whether as a source of sustenance to a growing family, aod a sure means for the future settlement of that family, and I contend that it stands unrivalled by any of the indus- trial pursuits of the country. Let us examine it in the various views presented, and 1 appeal lo the honest experience and sober reflection of every candid man in the community for the truth of my position. When God created Adam, he placed him, in his state of purity and innocence, in the Garden of Eden, and ordered for his employ- ment the cultivation of the earih as one besi suited and most congenial to his unconupted nature. So long as he remained innocent, his employment afforded him occupation and de- light. When his fall came, the labor in which he before took delight, became a painful bur- den, sent by Providence as a bitter curse upon his transgression And ihough many of the pleasures of agriculture are blackened and marred by man's disobedience and mora! ruin, yet many beauties still cluster around it ; such as a pleasing sense of dependence on a good Providence for the genial rains, and a strong feeling of gratitude when they are sent. His social qualities are cultivated, be' ause there is nothing to interrupt or retard their growth. He envies no one, and is envied of no one. His swelling bulks and replenished garners have taken nothing from his neighbor; hut are the result of his own toil and God's kind Pro- vidence. Not so with other pursuits. The doctor quarrels with his neighbor doctor, be- cause he imagines that the patients placed under his care should have fallen into A?'s hands. The lawyers quarrel over theirneighbors' trou- bles at the rate of fifteen shillings ahead ; and the smooth, smiling, complaisant merchant has a hitter enmity rankling in bis heart, because his neighbor meichant sells a few cents lower in the yard ttan he does. And so on through all the pursuits of life. It will he found that they are calculated to kindle and foster unkind feeling.and to disturb social harmony. From all these the planter is measurably exempt. That it is the best, surest and cheapest means of supporting a family, is so generally con* ceded, thai it has almost become an axiom. Take an instance: Let a man with a wile and three or four children, (by no means a rare attendant on matrimony in these parts) go on a small farm, worih three thousand dollars, work three hands, and the other usual appli- ances of cropping in this country. Say his means reach five thousand dollars, all told— the interest on which is three hundred dollars. If he be industrious and judicious, (aid most of our young men born to small expectations are so,) he will rai~e enoush not only to sup- port his fiimilv, hut to do it in a style of com- fort and abundance, not surpassed by many of thesmall potentatesof Europe. Placeanother individual, like circmsianced, in town; (for you must cut him off" entirely from agriculture to make a fair comparison,) let him pay his rent.ruv his fuel his marketing of every sort, and all the other little drippings resulting from such a situation, and al the end of five years 204 THE SOUTHERN PLATEE, the interest of his five thousand dollars will be consumed, and the principal gone along with it. And during the time his living wilt have been infinitely lesscomfortable and abun- dant than his country friends. But this is too plain a proposition to be debated, and 1 pass lo the next. That it is the surest means for the future settlement of a family is of easy demonstra- tion, if the sound lessons of experience have not faded from the memory of all observing men. Look around through the land, and see who are the aiost independently seabed young men in the commonwealth, and I venture to say, that with an occasional exception, they will be found to be the sons of planters. AH planters who are sober, industrious and judi- cious, more or less succeed in their pursuits. Do all doctors do so? here and there, one by ihe foreeof high qualifications, andsurrouaded by fortuitous circumstances, attain to com- fortable independence, and some to wealth. But when you look at the poor and hungry crowd, which drag out a miserable existence, wailing for their turn to come, we must deter mine against this as a calling for life. Do the lawyers do so? here and there one towers above his humbler brethren, in the career of reputation and wealth, while many, very many of his associates in the profession carry to their graves, and carry only that, the sreen bag with which they first tank their seats in ihe bar. Will this picture do? I think not. Do all merchants succeed in their pursuits? 1 After a long life of labor and toil of body, of anxiety and solicitude of mind, when his exe- cutors are called to make out bis balanee sheet, he is too often found to have passed into a bankrupt's grave. It has been ascertained, by a careful examination of the htistory of the mercantile operators in the city of New York, which city boasisof :i community of merchants, who stand as high for mercantile shrewdness and acumen as any in the world, that a large portion die bankrupts, very many never im- prove their estates, and that not more than five in one hundred die or retire from business with enhanced fortunes. Does this present a picture comparable to that of the Virginia farmer, or one at all calculated toinvite our acceptance? I have selected these as the leading pursuits of life, those to which all our young men are attracted, whohave the means; with what good judgment, if the above statement is true, 1 leave the reader to determine. Why then should agriculture be neglected and despised. The doctors may have their patients, the law- yers may wrangle over their cases, and the merchants may pinch the profits on their yard sticks; but give me a soft, fern'le, generous soil, with all the necessary appliances to make it productive, and a few tons of sruano lo quicken its failing energies, and I will far out- strip them all in the career of contentment, happiness and wealth. South Side. Mecklenburg, Virginia. From the Albany Cultivator. THE DIFFERENT HAY PRESSES. *" Messrs. Editors, — In reply to the inqui- ries of your correspondent in regard to pressing hay, I will give you theexperience of farmers in this neighborhood, (Durham, New Hampshire,) where the raising mar- ket hay is the chief agricultural business. Hay was pressed for the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, marker, in this town twenty- five or thirty years ago, and the first press, and only one lor several yeaFs, was on the farm of N. Woodman. That press was constructed on the model of an old cotton press, then ased at Portsmouth far packing hay. It was an upright bos, eight or ten feet high, with one large wooden screw coming down in the centre through a beam at the top; this was stationary. Next was used an upright box with two smaller screws, one at each end, and abeam across, which was brought down by the screws. This was portable, and was carried about among the farmers, and the only one in town for some years. Either of these presses, with four hands and a horse, usually pua up twelve bales of hay per day, or about two tons. About 1830, a new patent press appeared. The box was horizontal, or upon the side on the ground. The power • was applied with east-iron wheel and pi-£ nion work. About three cog-wheels and pinions were used. It was precisely on the Baodel of the small jack screw, used in loading cotton ships at the south. Next was U3ed the same form of box, with the power of a lar^e rope over pulleys, instead of the wheel works. In both these presses, four hands and a yoke of oxen put up, commonly, from twenty-five to thirty bales per day. or about four tons. Both were portable. Next appeared an upright box, in which the hay was pressed down front the top as in the first two above mentioned. The power was applied by chains winding on axles, turned with same power of wheel and pinion work. This was portable and did good service. Five men turned out thiriy-five or forty baf.« a day, or five ions and more. Next came the presses now in use. One is called the Railroad Press, and patented; the other is called the Elbow Press, and is understood not to be a patent. Both have an upright box, and press the hay from the bottom upwards, and the bale is taken oat above, on a staffing, and weighed, and hoisted away with fackle andfall. The raiiroad press has for its power^ two. heams coining near together i THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 205 under the box, and there attached with a hinge joint to a strong mass of wood, called a "follower," lhai moves up and down the box. The other ends reach out in opposite directions, and rest upon an iron rail on a strong timber, and are made so as to move easily over it, by a solid iron truck at the end. As they stand, they form something like the letter A, only more flat. Then by chains, and a windlass and wheel in the centre, the lower ends are drawn up till | they are along the rail nearly perpendicu- I ]ar to the ground, and parallel to each | other. So the power rapidly increases as it is most required. The elbow press is in the main constructed in the same way, except that the power is applied by two toggle joints, (the joints of iron, and the arms of wood,) standing, when the follower is down, not unlike two V's placed oppo- site. ( <£> ) They are then drawn to- gether by a chain passing round a truck in the arms just below the joints, and wound upon a windlass in the centre, which is turned by a stout yoke of" oxen drawing out a rope wound on the circum- ference of a large wheel attached to the windlass. Five hands, with a yoke of oxen, where the hay is conveniently situ- ated, will usually press from forty-five to sixty bales per day, or from seven to nine tons. Both these are portable. One yoke of large oxen is sufficient to work either, or to move them from place to place over an ordinary road. The elbow press is called the best, and is here preferred to the other. Both are used extensively. Durham is chiefly an agricultural town. It has about fifteen hundred inhabitants. In 1830, about one hundred tons of pressed hay may have been sent to market. In 1840, as much as five hundred tons were sold; and at the present lime, 1852, no less than two thou- sand tons of pressed hay are annually sent to market. Lee, Newbury, Greenland, Stratham, Rollinsford, and other neighbor- ing towns, are largely interested in the same product. To secure the bales, small withes of withewood, gray beach, or alder, are used, about an inch through at the but, and from six to ten feet long. Two, of suffi- cient length, are twisted, and the tops lapped and wound strongly together, mak- ing a band long enough to reach around the bale and tie. Five bands are put on a bale. The withes, trimmed ready for use, cost from thirty to forty cents per hundred. The price for pressing hay is one dollar and fifty cents per ton — every- thing requisite, use of press, oxen, withes, &c. included. The cost of the elbow press is from one hundred dollars to two hundred dollars, according to the excellence of the material and the work. The railroad press may be a little more. If any, among your numerous sub- scribers, know of a better way of pressing hay, or of securing the bales, (for this now takes all the time of one good hand, be- sides the cost of the withes,) we should be glad to have him give us the information through your columns, as any improvement in this matter would be hailed with plea- sure and satisfaction by the farmers in this neighborhood. C. F. W. Durham, N. H. Feb. 1852. CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO THE ME- CHANIC AND FARMER. Chemistry possesses also great interest from its application to the arts of daily life. It is the object of industry in acting upon the outward world to produce two classes of changes in the materials which it em- ploys. The first are mechanical changes, which influence only the forma of matter, as in the operations of cabinet making and cotton spinning; the second are chemical changes, wrought in the nature of the sub- stances used, and altering their properties, as in glass making and tanning. In both these cases the changes which take place, are governed by certain fixed principles or laws, to which the workman must conform if he would operate successfully. The principles cf mechanics, taught by natural philosophy, are quite generally understood; indeed, as this science considers only the relations of masses of matter which readily strike the senses, it was very naturally in- vestigated earlier, and has always been a more popular study than chemistry, which inquires only concerning the relations of invisible atoms. Yet the laws which con- trol chemical action are as unchangeable as those which hold the planets in their places; every kind of matter is subject to them, and no vocation in which they are concerned can be pursued to the best ad- vantage unless ihey are clearly understood. The farmer, the miner, the metallurgist, the paper maker, the bleacher, the dyer, the druggist, the soap manufacturer, the painter, and innumerable other craftsmen, 206 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. vre constantly acting upon chemical sub- st mces — constantly deal'ng with chemical Jaws — and hence, it is clear, require to know what they are. The greatest eco- nomy of process ami perfection of product can only be obtained where ilie. principles of a kiug, with espcial reference to the quantity which may he made per cow, and the mode of doing it, may he profitable, hnd we hope interesting. Those persons who have gone on for years, satisfied with a yield of from one hundred to one hundred and tweniy- five pounds per cow, supposing that about THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 207 the maximum production, may not. thank us f'>r disturbing their repose, and will pro- bably reply that the cases to which we shali refer, are extraordinary ones, or per- chance doubt the correctness o! the state- me-its altogether. To such we have ordy to say, if you are satisfied with your pre- sent doing, others have no right to com plain, beyond the general desire for ati im- proved system of management, and wish to elevate tie character of the New York dairies, to thehighest point of improvement. Twenty years ago, good managers were content with one hundred to one hundrpd aid twenty-five pounds per row, of buttc r Tap standard has been going higher and higher since, until now, the dairymen who mikes less than one hundred and fifty lbs. is rather ashamed to name the quantity. and can seldom recollect exactly how much he did make. He usually has : 'a large family to use the milk and butter," and his "cows are, many of ihern heifers, and he did not expect much from them," or some si niter excuse. In this age of improvements, we insist tint one hundred and fifty pounds should bs ihe minimum, even of poor dairies, while no good dairymen should be satis- fied short of one hundred and seventy-five to two hundred pounds. This proposition may startle some who are slow to believe, but as the doctrine, that what has been done can be done again, holds good in this, as in other matters, there can be no good reason why such results should not be attained. This brings us to a statement of a Cew in-tancesofsuccessful management, which have come to our knowledge, instances which are worthy of being held up as ex- amples, before the thousands who have never reached equal successful results. The instances to which we refer, may not be the most remarkable which have been reached, but they are certiirdy re- spectable, and we will thank any of our readers who have don°, better, to commu- nicate the (acts for publication. VVe chanced a few days ago. to call on three farmers in the same neighborhood, within sight of each other, all of whom have beenquiiesucc.essful in butiermaking. The first was our old friend Lewis Sames, of Lee. who. several years ago, used to make about one hundred and eighty lbs. per cow. from a dairy well selected and well managed. He has however, since let out his dairy, and has not now so good z. Jot of cows as formerly, having pur- chased several to increase the number, to correspond with the increased size of his farm. He last year made (from we think near twenty cows) an average of over one hundred and seventy pounds per cow, to sell, besides the quantity ci.n.-umed in the family. His dairy is now increased to twenty-eight cows. Mr. George Hitchcock, npar by, from ten cows, made to sell over 1,S00 pound? of butter, on an average of a little more than one hundred and eighty lbs. per cow. Among hi- cows, were one two years old, and two three years old heifers. Mr. PL feeds a little meal to his cows in the spring, UMtil the orass affords a full bile, and in the autumn as ihe feed fails, feeds corn- stalks, from corn sown broadcast and cut, and fed green. This he considers a very profitable practice. Mr. Roswell Spinning, also in the im- mediate vicinity, milked last season, four- teen cows, and made to sell an average of one hundred and ninety-seven pounds of butter per cow. He feeds during the spring from two to three quarts of meal, a mixture of corn ground with the cob and oats, per "day, until good feed is afforded in the pastures, and, like his neighbors!, takes good care of all his cows all the year. ~ Here then, are three examples of suc- cessful results in butter making, showing what may he dune with good coWs, good feed, and. good management. Now who will undertake to say that this system is not more profitable than that usually prac- tised. Those who have so successfully tried it have no doubt upon die subject, and they certairdy are the best qualified to judge. Let us look a moment at the value of the products of these cows. There is no ex- act date to shew the amount used in the families, hut taking the average, of these three dairies and the amount made, it is not much, if any less than two hundred pounds per cow. The average sales we<-e about fifteen and a half cents, but we will say two hundred pounds at fifteen cents, amounts to $30. Add value of same same for pork, which is variously estimated, hut which is certainly with good manage- ment, worth three dollars per cow, and we have a total of thirty-three dollars, a re- sult far above that usually reached by dai- rymen, and affording a very handsome profit on the business. If it is asked how this is accomplished, I the answer is given in few words. Have 208 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. none but good cows, keep them well win- ter and summer, and take good care of the milk and butter. The very system which produces such large quantities, also ensures a good quality of butter, and consequently a fair price and ready sale. Such are a few facts, hastily prepared, which may be serviceable to the readers of . the Farmer. That they may at least awa- ken a spirit of inquiry is our earnest wish. [New York Farmer. --■ r J -' ■'. V£-..-s»!S*i THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, JULY, 1852. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum, which may be discharged by the pay- ment of One Dollar only, if paid in office or sent free of postage within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies for Ten Dollars, io be paid invariably in advance. g^T Subscriptions may begin with any No. 3^»No paper will be discontinued, until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Publisher. O" Office on Twelfth, between Main and Cary Streets. §Qf Communications for the Southern Plan- ter, upon other than business mailers, may be ad- dressed to the Editor, Frank: G. Ruffin, Esq. at Shadwell, Albemarle Co., Va., which will in- pure their being more speedily attended to.- Business letters will be directed as here- tofore to "The Southern Planter," Richmond, Va. gjp Postage prepaid in all cases. TIMELY WARNING. All subscribers who do. not order a discon- tinuance before thecommencementof the new year or volume, will be considered as desiring a continuance of their papers, and charged accordingly. WHEAT-THRESHING AND CATTLE- SHELTERS. FOUR THINGS WORTH KNOWING. There are three things which always bother a farmer in threshing wheat: the suffering of himself and his hands from the dust; the wor- rying of his oxen from heat; and the wear and tear of his horses from the constant strain of working the machine. But these three things are easily remedied. 1st. The dust may be entirely excluded from the nose and lungs by simply adjusting a moist sponge, made to fit like a muzzle, to the mouth and nostrils. It is not troublesome or difficult to make — only make a tolerably thick, close fitting muzzle out of a sponge, stuff small pieces of the sponge into the larger holes and stitch them in with a thread, fasten it on by tape strings above the head, (twine strings will cut,) and keep it moist by rinsing it as often as it becomes dry. The philosophy of it is simply this: the pores of the sponge are very crooked and irregular, and the dust in its permeations settles on the moist surface and becomes mud. One can breathe and speak through this new style of respirator perfectly well, and will sustain only the in- convenience of some little increased heat about the mouth, but nothing comparable to the trouble from the dust. Every hand whose business keeps him near the threshing box should have one, and be made to wear it, or — be threshed himself. 2d. The distress of the oxen from the heat may be entirely obviated by working them under covers, like horse covers, kept moist. A piece of coarse oznaburgs, such as come around bales of raw cotton, fitted with strings lo tie to the bottom of the ox bo w, with a rude girth and as rude a crupper, answers every purpose. Wet it thoroughly, put it on wet, and keep it so, as far as possible, by giving the ox a shower bath with a bucket of water, or taking it off and soaking it. It is astonish- ing what relief it gives. At first the oxen may be refractory and attempt to kick it off, but they soon come to understand it and relish it very much. Our friend, Mr. Newman, with whom we dispute the originality of this inven- tion, uses it on his oxen in hauling his wheat, some five miles, lo market, and finds his ac- count in it. Let the skeptical try it on one THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 2G9 ox in a team and see how speedily he will iJake in his tongue. Any gentlemen who has ^fgver had a wet jacket will easily comprehend that a bullock may experience the same cool- ness that he has done from evaporation at the surface. 3d. The wear and tear of horses in working ; the wheat machine may be greatly mitigated by changing the teams; that is, if there are four horses working the machine, and four hauling up wheat, let them swap work every four hours, or about that interval. By doing it the horses will keep up their order and do more work than by the common plan. And their buttocks will not, by distressing and dis- figuring scars, indicate, as they too often do at the close of threshing, how greatly their powers have been overtaxed. The number of consecutive hours that the horse works is a matter of much more importance to his dura- bility, and consequenily, to his health and his master's interest, than is commonly supposed. There is one case recorded, of coal hauling in Scotland, where by the device of breaking up eighteen miles of travel into four stages of four and a half miles each the quantity hauled by each horse in a team of four went up from three tons two hundred weight to seven tons Weekly, a difference of very nearly four tons per horse. Many of our readers will remember the as- tonishing ride of Col. Fremont in California, of eight hundred miles in eight days including all stoppages and nearly two days' detention. This feat, of one hundred and twenty miles a day with the first relay, and one hundred and twenty-five miles a day with the second, was performed by means of frequent changes, each of the parly having for his own use three horses, which were successively caught and put under the saddle at distances of about twenty miles. So much for these three things, as to each of which we speak from actual experience. Now for the cattle-shelter. Most persons, as the straw is threshed, put it up in round stacks or in long ricks on level ground. This should by no means be done, but it should be slacked so as to form a good shelter for cattle, as it may be without diffi- culty, trouble or expense. Select a site on a sloping hillside, if convenient, if not, build ' a wall, (of stone is best,) from east, to west about two feet high: then draw a parallel line about eight feet from it. At proper distances in this line, say ten feet, insert strung posts showing four or five feet above the ground and about two feet in, well rammed: mortise strong plates upon these posts, (the mortising may be done with a two inch auger.) Across this parallel place stout poles, twelve to four- teen feet long, leaving just the intervals that you would in a rack; in fact, you have only made an enormous rack with an upward in- clination of two feet in eight. Upon this ele- vated grating your straw should be stacked, and it will afford your cattle a fine shelter which they can gradually consume without troubling any one to feed them and the straw will at the same time be kept out of the mire. For the back wall a strong double fence to be stuffed with straw may be substituted, but it should be very strong or it will break down with the weight of straw. Of course, where a farmer has been sensible enough to have good shelters for his cattle these remarks do not apply. OUR PROSPECTS. A year ago we took charge of the Planter. Since -then there has been added to our list about 1,400 subscribers, when we should have had in the same time 14,000. About five- sevenths of these we ourselves have obtained in such spare time as we have had and by some pretty hard electioneering, or, in plain words, begging. There is hardly a paper at the North of the same rank which does not boast its 30, COO or 40,000 subscribers, and it is somewhat mor- tifying to see Virginians so backward in this business, to see them require coaxing where Yankees volunteer. But we hope this will be corrected after awhile. It is very desirable to enlarge the Planter, and we have several times been asked why we have not done it. It is evident that with so small a list of subscribers it is out of our power. Some persons have proposed to us to double the size and the price of the paper; we are willing; but we suspect we should lose more than half our list were we to attempt it, and as for new subscribers, they could not be had. It is worth a dollar now in many in- stances to get that amount subscribed, and 210 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, when the price is raised ihe difficulty would be increased in geometrical proportion. That diffifulty will be considerable at all events for some time to come; for are we not just in the beginning of a Presidential elec- tion"? And every farmer will read his Whig paper or his Democratic paper — how few alas! read both — and will read it with as lively an interest as if he was the director and not the puppet of the poliiicians. Happy man, he thinks he rules ihem, at least helps to do it. The Planter is now to be handed to the lady of the house, whilst the husband hastens to see if "those rascals" have succeeded in prov- ing Scotta "Sewardite"orPearce a drunkard. We fear that it will be vain to ask Parmer A to subscribe to the Planter. He has just taken '-The Campaign," a cheap pnper to last during the canvass. You need say nothing now to B about your remedy for the joint worm, for he is on "the committee of vigi- lance," lias no time to attend to such things, and the joint worm wont come again until after the election. Nor ask C about his to- bacco; he has not seen it for a week, having been to hear "a great stump speaker" "give it to" or "catch it from" another stump speaker, and had for several days before been overhauling the file's of "The Crisis" or "The Yeoman," to get "an important fact" f..r the said stump speaker, to wit, how many more editors of newspapers President So and So had appointed to office than President Tims and So: Nor tell D the hogs are in his corn- field, for he will only refer vou to the overseer, he himself being just about to start to "the mass meeting:" Nortalkio E of subscribing two dollars to the Stale Agricultural Society, for he has just come from the great State Conven- tion, has paid his own expenses and subscribed five dollars to the Central Executive Commit tee fund for "circulating documents and for olh-r expenses of the election," and worse than all has found out that his wheat has been heated to the tune of ten cents in the bushel by "the carelessness of my manager:" Nor propose 10 F to join a county agricultural soci- ety, for he is a member of the Democratic As- sociation and has to watch "a clique that are trying to control it:" Nor to G to aid in form- ing a Hole and Corner affair, for he is a mem- ber of the Scott Club, and has to he'p to sing the "glees!" Such impottant business as this, that is to say the business of working in ttaces, with lifi privilege of swelling the while, is destined \ c occupy the time of so many this sumn er and fall, that we hardly expect to do more th: n keep the hold we have, trusting to mend it when "the excitement" is cooled down. And is it not right and reasonable it should be sot For did not the Virginia delegation bring for- ward Franklin Pearce, with rarest concord, each man of said delegation, except two, ori- ginating the nomination? And are not Vir- ginia WhiiS bound todefeal thisman with "the gallant Son of 'the Old Dominion'?' " Poor Old Virginia! Mother of States and of statesmen, and mother too of some chil- dren of quite other calibre, how Ions will these children neglect their own interests and your glory? When will they cease to bow their necks to the yoke of aspiration 1 TOBACCO— ANSWER TO CORRES- PONDENTS. "A Subscriber" from Gordonsville desires to know "if it would do to take a crop of oats from land which brought tobacco the preceding year, and as soon as the oats are gotten offflW plough up the stubble, put in a crop of buck- wheat and turn it under, so soon as it attained its green growth, to serve as a tnantning for a crop of tobacco the succeeding spring; or if it would be better to turn the oats under and let the buckwheat alone." As to the buckwheat we cannot say much, having no experience with the crop; but we shoul I not recommend its use this way, or in any other as a gteen manuring crop where clo- ver will grow, as, we presume, it will all about Gordonsville and Orange C. H. As far as we could venture to advise when we are enliiely ignorant of the quality of the land and the ro- tation pursued, we would say that the better plan in our ju Igment, would be to save the oat crop, then "stubble up" the lot for rye or wheat to be followed with clover, and lake a fresh piece of land far tobacco, to he manuied ' with the ordinary manures of the farmer, or ' with guano ploughed in in the fall. If any buckwheat is to be used as manure for tobacco, let it he on another piece of land. j This latter crop does not bear repetition well, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 211 except on very rich lands; anil if it did, it ftlpuld be bad farming to repeat it. The im- provement of the land is one of the most valu- able features of the tobacco crop when well managed, and the first object after getting the crop off, should be to get the land that pio- duced it well lateen in clover. In thisinstancei it would have been better farming to have seeded clover with the present crop of oats. The most highly improved estates in Albe- marle have been managed in that way. DEATH OF HENRY CLAY. The " Farmer of Ashland" is no more. He Hid in Washington Ciiy on Tuesday, June 29th, at half past tleven o'clock. For monihs past the public mind has been prepared for Ihe painful intelligence, but its realization as necessary to show with what intense feeling of sorrow the uation would receive it. The mournful "minute gun" — the solemn toll of the church bell— the almost entire suspen- sion of business — the weeds of mourning in every mansion — the gloom depicted in every countenance — .he sorrowful throb of every jfcm, speak in unmisiakeable languaee that ' a mighty man has fallen in Israel!" For | half a Cintury he served his countiy wiih a patriot's heart and a giant's mind — and he has gone down to the -'City of the Dead" with the grateful tribute of a nation's tears. Others have filled a higher official position, but none have left a more honorable renown or a more stainless name. It is no part of our duty hereto record his services — the na- tion acknowledges them. His historv belongs to hK country — his fame to posterity. They will judge him by his merits. Peace to his ashes! REPUBLICATION OF DeBOW'S REVIEW. In our adverti-ing columns will be found a pro-pectus of the lepublication of the back numbers of the above review in a condensed foim. As the sole repository of southern and ■western statistics we consider it a work ol value. The greatest want we encounter is the want of josi snch information as is here otTcred. To the large class of formeis in Vir- ginia who look beyond the naked details of their business, and would compare it with other pursuits, we should think this woik, the only one of its kind, must be necessary. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. We call attention to the first number of Major Gilham's Essay on Scientific Agiicul- ture, which will be found on another page. We know loo little of such matters to speak with confidence of Major Gilham's ability to treat this very important subject in a satisfac- tory mannet ; yet, we have confidence in him, because he is Professor of Chemistry in a Slate Institution of high rank, and because v.e be- lieve him to be a thorough gentleman. We again entreat our friends who wish their soils analyzed to send them to him, in preference to sending them out of the Slate. From the Albany Cultivator. INACCURACY IN FARMING. We are unwilling to believe the frequent remark that farmers are less intelligent than other classes of the community, or that their business is less perfect than that of many other professions. A great deal of uncertainly and conflicting views exist, it is irue, with regard lo many points in their practice. But we must not forget that even what are termc', by way of emi- nence, the learned profesek ns. furnish plenty of examples of similar differences of opinion. The 'glorious uncertainty of the law' is proverbial, in spite of the thou- sands of *vise heads which have exerted their shrewdness for centuries 10 establish uniform justice; for even at the present dfiy the most prolound jurist is in some cases at a loss to say whether he may not be actually commiliing a crime against the law; and ihegreaiest giant in legalachieve- ment is he who can creep through the smallest keyhole of techiical evasion. If we look at medicine, we shall hardly re- gard all difficulties! settled, when there are almost as many systems for keeping ihe corporeal machine in repair, as there are in Parisian fashions — while cold water, hot water, steam and red pepper, alternate- ly exert their powers on ihe same disease; and cakes of ice and caniharides, mineral poisons and vegetable poisons, mercury / 212 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. are denounced. J\or snail we, in taking large masses of people together, find more general intelligence among carpenters, tailors, blacksmiths, bricklayers and butch- ers, than in the agricultural community. All of them furnish occasional examples of brilliant mental achievement, and many of singular stupidity. But there is one par'icular in which the farmers are decidedly in the back ground. It is one in which they have no adequate idea of the immense i.iss they are sustain- ing. A thorough reformation in this par- ticular, the country over, would effect as great a change as steam engines have in travelling, or in manufactures. The de- ficiency we here refer to, is the want of rigid accuracy, by weighing and measur- ing, in conducting the various operations on a farm, and recording the results syste- matically. The correction of this evil would imme- diately do more to improve and render profitable this great art of arts, than all that chemistry, botany, geology, s.ubsoiling and tile draining could ever accomplish without it. It would be perfectly astonish- ing what an amount of fog and cobwebs would be cleared away from agriculture in a few years if it could be thoroughly and universally applied in practice. We have heard of a certain Yankee ship-cap- tain who kept his "reckoning" upon a shin- gle; which answered a very good purpose in connexion with some shrewd guessing, until a fellow-countryman on board, in an idle hour thoughtlessly whittled it all away. Yet he possessed a decided advantage over many farmers, who keep no reckoning whatever. They find out perhaps at the end of the third year at furthest, by the amount of their debis, which way their vessel is drifting, or whether they are ma- king any progress; but what ii is that gives the impetus, — whether favorable gales, turned to the best advantage, — or beating against the wind to great disadvantage, — or even rowing with main strength with no wind at all, — they have an exceedingly indefinite knowledge at best. To come a little more to particulars. There is not one farmer in a hundred but will apply his most skilful mathematics in reaching: the precise value of what passes out of his hands — the produce dealer can- not defraud him of a single half-dime. The most accurate balance, and the most correct measure, give the true account of all he sells. But in all the transactions with his own farm — transactions in which it is of the highest moment that he should \ know whether he is gainer or loser — eve#f| ry thing is enveloped in the darkness of un-?', * certainty. He may not know after years of trial whether his profits or losses pre- ponderate in the making of pork, — in the fattening of beef, — in the manufacture of cheese, — in the cultivation of grain, — in deep or shallow ploughing, — in coarse or fine wool sheep, — in rounded Berkshires, or clipper-built hand-pikes, — orinanything else which may be done or managed in two ways. A good farmer informed us that he had found a decided benefit in a dressing of leached ashes to his field; but the measured amount of benefit or the number of bushels applied per acre, were hid in the mists of conjecture; conse- quently be was unable to say whether it would pay to draw ashes for manure two miles or ten. Another had used shell marl under the same circumstances and with a like unknown result. A third had found an increase in his crops from the use of swamp muck, but whether this increase would pay the expense, double or quadru- ple it, remained locked up with the secrets of the unknown. What should we think of a railroad company that should conduct nil their in- ternal arrangements by guesses; whiot/; should spend days at the end of each ha*' 1 year in discussing, arguing and trying to estimate the profits of the road, with a view to declaring a dividend? The ba- lance sheet of a bank or other corporation must not contain an error of a single cent; why should not the farmer know all his accounts with his fields with a faint degree of the same accuracy ? The cotton manu- facturer can tell to a fraction the cost of his fabric; but how few even among our best agriculturists know how much a cer- tain animal, or a bushel of grain, has cost them ; and what seems still more surpris- ing, is, that after numerous premiums have been offered hy agricultural societies, we are still very much in the dark about the comparative value of roots and grain, of ground and unground food, of the best way of raising potatoes, and of a multitude of other points of great importance, and of which weighing and measuring would furnish at least a proximate knowledge. If a single farmer would expend fifty dollars a year in the time and labor re- quired to measure his fields or portions of them ; to reckon accurately the amount of manure applied to each portion ; to record faithfully the quantity of labor expended; THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 213 and the number of bushels yielded ; if he Savould try some of the best modes for the J 'feeding and management of cattle, horses, sheep and swine, in connexion with diffe- rent breeds or fragments of such breeds. he could scarcely fail to possess in ten years an amount of knowledge not at pre- sent enjoyed by one in ten thousand. What then would be the condition of the art, if every intelligent cultivator should adopt a similar course — what an accumu- lation of valuable knowledge would be thrown together; what a sun-light would be sent into every dark corner of doubt, and the dim objects of twilight become clear and obvious in full glare of day. Nearly the whole expense for beginning this proposed improvement is a weighing machine like a hay scale, in which cattle, loads of hay. ccc. may be quickly ex- amined; to which may be added a common grocer's or miller's balance for smaller ob- jects ; baskets of accurate measurement, half-bushel measures, a tapeline for mea- suring land, and cart-bodies and wagon- boxes with accurately estimated contents. Weighing animals once a week during the various experiments in fattening could be quickly accomplished with such conveni- ent scales ; and the small platform balance irould enable one in a moment to deter- ine the weight of a cow's milk or butter, a fleece of wool, or a bushel of grain. It is the want of facilities of this kind deters many from accuracy. If any of our readers wish definite di- reciions how to keep clear and distinct ac- counts, they will find the outline of an ad- mirable specimen on pages 509, 510 and 511. of the last volume of Colman's Eu- ropean Agriculture, which we earnestly commend to their aitention. %5mi Prom the Plough, Loom and Anvil. ON THE REARING OF CATTLE. BY C. W. WOOD, OP WOODHOUSE, ENGLAND. How Cew farmers are there who under- stand the rationale, the why and wherefore of most of their agricultural operations; and what chance is there for improvement •when they are content to follow blindly in the beaten track of their predecessors, with- out inquiring if there be not a better path? What chagrin and disappointment might have been avoided, and how much time saved, by many importers and purchasers of improved cattle, had they read and acted upon the following advice, which we con- sider one of the best, because one of the most practical and comprehensive con- tributions ever made to the agricultural press. The heading of this article formed the subject of a paper read by Mr. Wood at the June Quarterly Meeting of the Lough- borough Agricultural Association. Mr. Wood confined himself strictly to the sub- ject, not of breeding or of fattening, but of rearing stock; treating it under the follow- ing heads: 1. The Constitution and Eco- nomy of Agricultural Cattle. 2. The State and Condition in which they Exist. 3. Their Food and Genera! Management. In the consideration of the substances which compose the animal frame and their qualities, a key may be found to many se- crets in the general management of young cattle, particularly as regards their habits and their lood. Science points out to us a framework of bones, (the principal in- gredients of fibrin and gluten,) to give form, uprightness, stability and strength to the machine; next, an attachment of mus- cle, (composed chiefly of fibrin and gluten) to give motion and activity to the body: and lastly, a respiratory and circulating apparatus, to supply heat, nourishment, and life to the whole, in order to resist the chemical powers from without. Seeing, therefore, that we have a mixed machine to deal with, it is self-evident that mixed or combined means are needed to cany out the first intentions of nature, and without which life could not exist. We must have, first, starch or sugar, to supply carbon for respiration; second, fat or oil, to keep up the fat which exists, more or less, in the bodies of all animals; third, gluten or fibrin, to supply muscle and cartilage; fourth, earthy phosphates, for the supply of bones; and fifth, saline substances, sulphates and chlorides, to replace what is daily rejected in the excretions. The second proposition requires to be clearly defined, viz ; the state or condition of animals. We find this to be three-fold, each of which requires our anxious atten- tion. We have, first, a fcctal state, or one in connexion with the mother, which exists before birth; secondly, a state of growth or development, which comprehends the period from birth to maturity; and thirdly, the state of the full grown animal. We have no control over the condition of the foetal animal, except through the medium of the mother, of the general management of which I shedl speak pre- 214 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. sently. Of the second condiiion, Niture must be closely observed and carefully imitated, in order that the third or ultimate condition may be healthy, full grown and useful — the great object of the farmer, to repay him for all his expense, anxiety and toil. It is a very false economy to stint the allowance of food to a young animal. New milk, or the flour of all leguminous plants, such as beans, peas, &.c. which contain casein, with an infusion of oil-cake,* to promote fat, seems nearly to approximate to the composition of ordinary milk — skimmed milk hei'g destitute of the prin- cipal ingredient required by nature for the support of respiration. Thib, in addition to warmth and cleanliness, will always keep the vital powers predominant over chemical — the cardinal point in the rearing of cattle. I now come to my third position, viz: — '•'their food and general management;" and a more important and profitable sub ject cannot engage your attention. It must he considered in detail. I will begin, therefore, as I proposed, with the foetal condiiion of the animal, and take a calf as a general example. It, like hII other ani- mals, is supported and nourished by the blood circulating from the mother through iisown body, from the moment of its ear- ' quantity ol blood is increased, more oxygen liest formation up to the time of its birth; is taken in the lungs, and consequently which blood contains, ready formed, all the more carbonic acid is given oft. A certain various substances which are necessary proportion of bone and muscle must also for its own sustenance and existence. The be supplied to the voting animal by the cow forms a new and complete animal ; it <™'l given t" the mother, or the bones and also secretes food fbr this new animal, muscles ol the mother herself will belaid which is to sustain and increase it for a under contribution to supply it. This must considerable time after its birth; for the be effected by the quantity of phosphates, milk, line the blood, is the most perfect food gluten, fibrin, or cas< in. which arc and contains every substance of which the and then, forsooth, to expect a fine healthy, ii offspring, with an abundance of milk for/' its sustenance? And if such brilliant ex- '' pectations are not realized, the fault is to lie laid upon the poor beast — "She is not a good milker;" or to the land — "It will not do for rearing, or for dairy purposes;" in short, upon any thing rather than upon their own stupid, ignorant and thoughtless minds. Breeding stock, gentlemen, cannot be kept too well; they are, in truth, feeding stock to others, and ought to have the best a farm affords; the best pastures in the summer, with cabbage and commen tunips in the autumn: Swedes, sweet straw, oil- cake, [corn meal,] and hav in the winter; and in the sprinrr after calving, some man- gel-wurzel, steamed potatoes and hay until the grais time again. To nourish the young animal in the wombofits mother, an additional quantity of food must be given, and this quantity must be increased as the state of pregnancy advances; and the kind of additional food must readily supply the materials of the growing bones and muscles of the foetus, and contain a larger quantity of starch or sugar also, than the mother in herordinary state would require. This is required by the circumstance that the mother must now breathe for herself and her young; the £ quantity of blood is increased, more oxygen^.' bo ly is built. When sucking is at an end, should we not invtate nature, a sure fcnd unerring guide to philosophic truth? Any animal — whether cow, horse, sheep, or pig — having its own existence to support, (I will add in agricultural language, ''in good condiiion ') a new animal to form, given in the (ood with which ihe mother is fed. An animal thus kept, will be in the most profitable condition to rear its young; and bear in mind, that as the calf grows rapidly, the I'od it requires increases da ly with its hulk, and the demands upon the mother every day hecome greater. At this period, therefore, the cow must obtain larger snp- and one also to feed, is, to say the least of pi'" of food to sustain herself and to pro- duce a sufficient quari'ity ol milk tor her calf. If, then, adequate supplies are not it, in a most important and interesting con- dition. Is such an animal to be sent, to feed upon a scanty pasture, io be turned into a miserable and wet farm-yard, or kept, upon straw and an occasional turnip, until she is little better than a bag of bones; * Indian corn, the glory of American agriculture, is more ihnn an equivalent for this main-stay of the British feeder. — Ed. given, a portion is daily laken from her own substance which causes her to be lean and feeble, and heryoungstinted and puny in its growth. What has been said regarding the food given to the cow. will be more or less ef- fective in promoting the growth of the young animal solely on milk; whep richer THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 215 * * in rurd, it will promote more muscle ; when richer in phosphates, more bone; anil in butter, more fat. Milk is a perfect food lor a growing animal; nothing is wanted in it. The mother selects all the ingredients of this perfect food from the substances which are mingled in her stomach from the food she eats; she changes them che- mically in such a degree as to present them to the young animal in a s'ate in which it can most easily, and with least labor, em- ploy ihem for sustaining its body, and all this at a given and appointed moment of time. In due time, the young animal be- gins to feed for itself, and then the mother improves in condition. Warmth, exercise and good food are all that then is required; always bearing in mind that, as nature prepares the food for young animals in a state in which they can most easily digest it, so we should prepare by boiling or steaming all dry food and roots for the same purpose. In the crowing animal, the food has a double function to perform — it must sustain and it must increase the body. Hence, whatever tends to decrease the sustaining quantity, (and cold, exercise and uneasiness do so.) will tend in an equal degree to lessen the value of a m'ven weight of food in adding to the weight of an ani- mal's body. To the pregnant and the milking cow, the same, remarks apply. — The custom of allowing young cattle to remain during the whole winter in straw- yards, exposed to all the variations of wea- ther, cannot be t<->o loudly condemned. — Oil-cake, it is true, which is sometimes given in la rue quantities, makes some small amends by the supply of carbon to the sys- tem; but if a warm, drv and clean shed was substituted, with turnips instead of cake the condition and quality of the ani nial would be very much improved, and a considerable savin? of expense be effected, to j.ay nothing of the improvement of the manure. All vegetables contain, ready formed, (which they extract from the food on which they live.) the Fubsfanc s of which the parts of animals are composed The ani- mal consequently draws, ready formed. the materials of its own body from the vegetable food it eats. The starch, sugar and gum ia vegetables are to supply b n for respiration. Carnivorous animals obtain it from the fat of the food; starving animals from the. fit of their own bodies; and young animals, which live upon milk. by the sugar it contains. In the young animal we find an excess of life; it has to increase as well as sustain ih-elf. In the full grown animal we find the daily waste ol substance, which is carried out of the body in the excretions, made up by the gluten, phosphates and saline s-ubstnticea in the food, and a balance kept up between the powers of life and the bodily struc'ure; it. simply has to sustain itself In the old animal, v\ hen life is diminished', we obst rve a proportionate decrease of bodily sub- stance. It is interesting and wonderful when we j thus trace the existence of the bodily struc- ture of all animals ready formed in the ( vegetable, which property in vegetables is formed during their growth — is derived from sourcts purely gaseous and inorga- nic, by chemical, mechanical and physical j operations. It is the duty of the practical ; farmer to adopt these methods for im- proving the sod; hut this forms no part of my subject. Sheep.— The additional value to your flock by this mode of management, and especially in giving them some dry food, such as hay or corn, before lambing, is very great. It gives firmness rnall quantity of oil-cake, once or twice a day, in addition to turnips, mangel-wurzel, or any vegetable food; fed in this way, many months are saved in time, and vou have the advantage of summer feeding, which, on account of the warmth, is by far the best period for this purpose. Horses. — I need only say that where great muscular development is required, as in the case of race horses which run for the two-year old stakes, they are corned very high as soon as they can eat it; and \ 216 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. it is astonishing to see the strength and activity resulting from such a plan. Early maturity is very profitable here. Give your yearlings plenty of oats and beans, with steamed potatoes during the winter, and you gain a complete year in time, be- sides the increased value you put upon the animal; and in summer feed them upon rye or clover, the best possible iood for horses. The sooner they are broken in the better; their tempers become quieter, and they thrive more. I wish to mention here the great value of salt to all young animals; it destroys bols and worms; it promotesdigestion,and assists thesecretion of healihy bile, the medium through which respiration is supported; this, however, should be given in moderate quantities. Having now spoken upon the general management of the various kinds of cattle usually reared by the farmer, I shall con- clude with a lew remarks upon their food; and I deem you will not consider this out of place. The amount of food, either for man or beast, which a given acre will pro- duce, depends considerably upon the kind of crops which is raised. Thus a crop of thirty bushels of wheat will yield only ahout foruteen hundred pounds of fine flour, while a crop of six tons of potatoes will give about four thousand four hundred poundsof an agreeable,dryand mealy food. It is said, on the authority of the Board of Agriculture, that a crop of clover, tares, rape or potatoes, cabbage, or turnips, will furnish at least three times as much food for cattle as an equal breadth of pasture- grass of medium quality. This, however, being but a hint, I will at once give you a table of the nutritivequalities of the various sorts of food now in common use. It is selected with some care from the various tables published, and has direct reference to the subject before us, on account of the proportion of gluten, starch and oil which each ai tide contains. In the root crops I place — first, carrots; second, mangel-wurzel; third, Swedes; fourth, potatoes; fifth, cabbage; sixth, com- mon turnips. In the green crops — first, dills; second, rye; third, clover; and fourth, grass. In the corn crops — first, beans; second, peas; third, lintels; fourth, wheat; fifth, barley and Indian corn; sixth, oats; se- venth, rye; eighth, buckwheat. In the straw crops — first, pea straw, which is nearly equal to hav; second, oat and barley straw; fourth, wheat and straw; fifth, rye straw; and sixth, bean straw. Three pounds of oil-cake are equal to about ten pounds of hay. ^ THE PHYSICAL AND INTELLECTUAL PLEASURES OF FARMING. We are unable to resist the temptation to transfer to our pages the following communi- cation from Frederick Holbrook, one of the associate editors of the New England Farmer, to the columns of that paper, in answer to the queries of a correspondent. Mr. Holbrook's connected style rarely al- lows of the selection of detached passages. So closely do what precedes and what follows depend one upon another, that a fragment gives as little idea of the whole, as a Philadelphia brick would give of a Chestnut street block. "Good wine needs no bush." So, without any palaver, we let our friend speak for him- self. — Ed. Journal of Agriculture. I come now to a direct practical answer to your question — "In what does the se- cret consist of finding any real substantial pleasure in the operations of farming?" Among other things you name "the mo- notonous business of holding the plough from early in the morning to late in the evening." As too commonly conducted, I grant the ploughing is not a particularly agreeable business, and that you have de- scribed it quite tersely. Too many plough-/)"! men, having little or no thought about the true philosophical principles of their busi- ness, are more anxious to get over the greatest possible breadth of land in a day, than to do proper and the best work. — They cut their furrows too shallow, and as wide as, or wider than the plough can possibly turn them, and what portion can- not be got over with the plough aided by the foot of the ploughman, rolls back into its bed again, and the next time round its "grass sidp up" is put out of sight by the "cut and cover" operation, making a high ridge of earth with a deep hole beside it. The furrows are also very crookedly cut, and, therefore, do not match together at all well. The ploughman twists and turns himself in all manner of shapes, is vexed with his plough, scolds at and whips his team furiously, labors and tugs and sweats away, "from early in the morning to late in the evening," and can show you as big and as mean a day's work as you could wish to see, with hardly a rod square of passably good work in the whole piece. I would not allow such a workman to plough a day for me if he would do the work for nothing and pay ten dollars for THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 217 the privilege. But if properly conducted, 6ay for ten hours in a day, which is all a | /nerciful man will require of his animals of draught, however he may be disposed as to himself, ploughing is one of the finest and most exhilarating employments in the world. Did you ever investigate the accurate philosophy of the plough and of ploughing? Take a highly improved modern plough, and study it. Look at it as a whole im- plement, and at its several parts, and re- flect what a world of profound study it lias cost to produce that same implement. What high mechanical principles it in- Tolves, and how beautifully do they com- bine together to produce an exact and most valuable result. There is the mould- board alone, although an exact mathema- tical combination, yet it is a problem for you, (I speak advisedly,) which, if you have not solved it, its solution will give you a pretty sharp brush, with all your mathematics. Then, too, a combination of mathematics, a little varied to suit each case, will give you the best form of mould- board for sandy and gravelly soils, for clay, and heavy moist soils generally, and for best working stubble land. The plough best adapted to sandy, and generally light, dry soils, will lay flat furrows, accurately • shut in beside each other, thus preventing put, so that you may best adapt the crops to the soil, or if your eoil is deficient in ingredients requisite to the raising of some desirable crop, they must be supplied by proper manures and cultivation. Fruits, for home use and for sale, must be produced, and a world of scientific investigation may be well em- ployed, in finding out their best manage- ment, the character and habits of insects injurious to them, and the best means of preventing their depredations. The wet lands must be properly drained, which re- quires a combination of science wi'h prac- tice. Irrigation produces wonderful ef- fect?, may perhaps he within your reach, and its theory and best management must be found out. The philosophy of breeding domestic animals, a beautiful and interest- ing study, generally poorly understood and miserably practised in our oountry, must be investigated. ****** I have been thus earnest in stating the ca-^e as I understand it, because our agri- culture has been quite long enough cursed with a prevailing sentiment that the farmer does not need much knowledge, and could not use it practically and profitably if he had it. It is claimed by many that the principles of correct cultivation are few, and all found out; that farming is a mere monotonous routine, for physical labor to conduct; that he is the best farmer who can do the b ; ggest day's work with his hands, who can skin his farm the cleanest and put the proceeds of his fertility at in- terest, spending little or nothing for the im- provement of himself and family, and no- thing to make home attractive. Talk to many of our people of the ad- vantages of applying the sciences to the cultivation of the ground, and about better educating the farmer, and they will tell you that it is simply ridiculous nonsense. I I say that these things are a curse to agri- | culture every way; and particularly so because| many of our brightest and most enterprising young men, sickening at the thought of engaging in a pursuit ihus ad- vocated and practised, and unwilling "To drudge through weary life without the nid Ol intellectual implements and tools," go off to other pursuits, when, if they could have had one- half the thorough | training to fit them for farming which they I were obliged to go through to be prepared I for some other pursuit, we should now see much more of correct, profitable cultiva- tion than is seen. I have to say to you, in conclusion, my i young friend, that if you wish for a field | of honorable usefulness, second to no other, for a naturally dignified pursuit where ^ ! cultivated intellect may find full scope,*' I where, by a practically judicious applica- I tion of the natural sciences which illustrate agriculture, you may wield a large influ- ence for good to others then stick to your i farming. True, it will not bring you great i wealth; that is with difficulty attained, by j comparatively a lew; it usually requires | of him who seeks it the devotion of his every energy, while it is not his greatest good, but sometimes proves an evil either to himsell'or children. But an enlightened cultivation of ihe earth will give you a competence, and will prove favorable to mental culture and viitue. Your home, though modest and inexpensive, may be adorned in many little ways which will teml to make it the tasteful and fitting abode of virtue. A moderate outlay will, in these days of improvement, furnish you an assortment of the very best books, so that, seated bef ire your hearth you may commune with the choicest thoughts of gifted men. While abroad in the fields, nature will give you lessons of the deepest import. Your lands will furnish you a laboratory for the testing 1 and practical application of science. These things are THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 219 within your reach — not like wealth, d ffi- cult, and hard to be won, and only .by a few, — they are " No special boon Fer high and not fi>r low, for proudly grace A: d nit fiir meek .■(" heart. The smoke ascends T" heaven as lightly from the collage hearth As r r >m the haughty paUce. He whose soul Tenders this true equality, may walk The fields of earth with gratitude and hope." F. HOLBROOK. PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Fiom Jane blh,, to July 1st, 1852. All persons who have made payments early enough to be enteied, and whose numes do n >t appear in the following receipt list, are requested to give immediate notice ot ihe omission, in order that the correction may he ( made in the next issue: W. F. Lewis, to July. 1854, S3 00 I Mrs. Charlotte Carver, to Jan. 1853, Joseph Ricks, to May, 1853, Div-id H. Claik, to Jdnuaiy, 1854, William P. Ncwliill, to January, 1853, Dr. N. K. Foster, to September, 1853, James Allen, to June, 1853, William P. Forbes, to May, 185?, V. M. Eppes, to January, iS53, James K. Wright, lo January, 1853, William Jeter, to July, 1852, Robert A. Kent, to July, 1852, Samuel Tunstall, to January, 1853, ."j^'^mes Brown, to July, 1851, I ar Rob't Henderson, to January, 1853, Gen'l C. Braxton, to July, 1852, Dr. W. P. Braxton, to January. 1855, Thomas Durrett, to January. 1853, Joseph Allen, to Januatv, 1853, Hush Rileigh, to July, 1852, William Palmer, to July, 1852, William C. Menniss, to January, 1853, Dr B. M. Jones, lo Januaty, 1H52, William H.'nkins, to July, 1852, William S. Dnpree, to July, 1852, James R. Dnpree, lo Julv, 1853, John D. Priddy, to July, 1853, William Hankins, to Julv, 1853 Capt F. Letter, to July, 1*53, William S. Dupree, to July. 1853, George L. Bayne, to July, 1853, Capt.G. A. Wood, to Julv. 1853, C. O Lipscomb, to Julv, 1853, William H Eubank, to J> ly, 1853, J)seph L Watkins, to Julv, l«&3. Capt. R. H. Williams, to July, 1853, P. K Wood, to July. 1853. Lan^sfon Arvin, to July, 1853, Col Alexander Fleet, to Januarv, 1853, Col. M M Millner, to Mav, 1853, Richard E G. Adams, to May, 1853, Je-se H Heath, to June, 1853, C J. Meriwether to Janti?rv. 1853, T. J. Taylor, to January, 1853, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 Oil 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 l 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 3 Oil 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 50 1 y 10 oo i no i oo 1 (10 1 oo i on 4 oo J A S. Jones, to January, 1853, John W. Old, to January, 1853, A. K Yancey, to January, 1853, Nathan Parker, to January, 11-53, James Fontaine, lo January, 1853, James Paxton, to January, 1853, S. B Atvvill, to July, 1853, J W. Scott, to July, 1853, John S. Cowherd, to January, 1853, John H. M'Kitmey, to January, 1&53, Archibald Gills, lo July, 1853, Thomas W. Bradlev, to May, 1853, J H. Eihendge, lo January.1853, William Payne, Sr. to January, 1853, Lemuel Turner, to January, 1853, Thomas W Downer, to July, 1853, Mose D. Echols, to January, 185 S, John G. Hughes, lo September, 1853, John Ituff, Sr. to June, 1853 Peyton Gryrnes, to July. 1853, Ro Morrison, lo June. 1853, Hugh W. Mackey, to June, 1^53, John Currie, Sr. to May, 1853, James H. Bowyer, to June. 1853, John A. Cress, to June, 1853, Robert Allen, lo June, 1853, G A. Baker, to June, 1853, Major J. C Huiton, to June, 1853, Roherl Sterrett, to June, 1853, James A F. Randolph, to June, 1853, • Andrew Lindsay, to June, < H5:s, J. L Campbell, to June, 185.N, William Ackerly. to May. 1853, Reuben Grigsby, to May, 1853, John M'Coiltle, to June. 1853, John G. Pole, to June, 1853, M. H Effinger, to June, l!-53, ■ John W. Hamilton, to June, 1-53, Matthew White, lo June, 1-53, ' Ro. C. M'Clure, lo June, 1853, John F. Harper, lo May, 1853, 1 John C. Laird, to June. 1853, R. C. Noel, to June 1853, John C Bell, lo June, 1853, W. F. Poague, to June, 1853, Joseph Sieele, to June, 1853, Dr. William M. Gold, lo June, 1853, James Montgomery, to June, 1S..3, John Hamilton, lo June, 1853, John G. Hamilton, 10 June, 1853. Dr W. A. Wilkinson, to June, 1853, William Clark, lo June, 1853, Dr. D. S. Morgan, to Jui e 1853, H. M. Bowver, to June. 1853. Ro. B. Moorman, to June. 1853, Dr. John A. Davidson, to June, 1853, Dr. F. E. Luckett, to June, 1853, James T. Marshall, to June, 1853, Samuel W. Marlin, to July, 1852, Jonathan Leathers, to Septeml er, 1852 H. Z Shacklef'ord, to April. 1853, John O. Harris, lo Ja'Uiarv, 1853, | A F. Terrill, lo January. 1853. ■ Edwin Thurnian, to January. 1853, i J^mes W. Twyman, to Julv 1853, Emanuel Gersi, to May, 1853, I Thomas Hardin, lo January, 1853, SI 00 2 OO 1 00 2 00 5 00 5 (.0 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 (.0 1 00 2 00 i to 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 (0 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 (0 1 00 1 00 ] 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 01) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 01) 1 00 220 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. BeBow s s Industrial Resources AND PROGRESS OP THE SOUTH- ERN AND WESTERN STATES, in three large and closely printed volumes, small type, double columns; handsome print, paper and binding,— being a digest and abridgement of ihe 12 volumes of DeBow's Review. Price 5510, or S3 33 per volume. Defirous of supplying the large and conti- nually increasing demand for the complete scries of (he Review, in 12 volumes, now exhausted, and which it would require a very large outlay to reprint, the editor has been induced to make a selection of all the important and valuable papers contained in them from the beginning, condensing, re-arranging and completing to date, and throwing the subjects after the man- ner of the encyclopaedias, into alphabetical order. In this manner everything of interest and importance will be preserved in a conve- nient form for reference ; and the volumes will constitute the only repository for the shelves of the library, of such information, which by means of the monthly numbers hereafter will always be brought down to date. The Volumes will embrace ihe gistof every- thing that has appeared in the Review relating to the Southern and Western Stales. (An im- perfect index of which will be found at the opening of the 10th volume.) To wit: Their History, Population, Ge- ography, Statistics; Agricultural Pro- ducts, of Cotton, Sugar, Tobacco, Hemp, Grains, Naval Stores, etc. etc. — Manufac- tures; detailed accounts, statistics and his- tory of all branches,— Internal Improvements; complete statistics of Rail Roads, results pro- fits, expenses, costs, advantages, miles in pro- jection, construction, completed, etc.; Plank Roads, Canals, Navigation, etc. — Statistics of Health and Diseases, ivealth and progress; rela- tive condition, whites and blacks; Slave Laws and Statistics, management and amelioration of slavery, — origin, history and dcfeiiccs of slavery and slave institutions; the valuable treatises of Harper, Hammond, Dew, on slavery, etc.; Commerce op the South and West in all of its minute particulars, etc. together with an historical and statistical sketch of each of the stales and cities, — the domestic and foreign trade, resources, manufactures, etc. of the United Stales;- the Census Returns from 1790, with the com- plete statistics or the census of 1850. The volumes will be issued in September, October and November, 1852, and orders are solicited in advance, payable on delivery to Merchants, or to the parties themselves. DeBow's Review, of which this is a con- densation, is published monthly in New Or- leans, and other southern and western cities, 112 to 140 pages, small print, fine paper and engravings, and treats of all the great indus- trial matters relating to the Southern and Western Slates, and incidentally of the North and the Union. Terms $5 per annum. The volumes hereafter will be uniform with the condensed series. A few sets of the complete work may be had at the office, in 12 large and handsomely boun£? volumes. Price $42. Single numbers sup- plied to make up sets, and binding furnished on reasonable terms. f^-Orders on Commission Merchants in ci- ties or towns, payable on sale of crops, re- ceived as cash. J. D. B. DeBOW, Ed. DeBow's Review, Merchant's Exchange. New Orleans, July, 1852— 6t PIEDMONT FEMALE ACADEMY. npHE Second Term of the First Session of JL this Institution will commence on the 20th of July. The subscriber is making an im- provement by which he will be enabled to take five or six more young ladies after the 20th of next month. Terms SCO for five months for board and tuition in all the English branches and alsoin the French language. An additional fee of $15 will be charged those who take lessons in music. Address the subscriber at Gordonsville, Orange County, Virginia. July— 2t 'J. W. GOSS. ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &c. THE undersigned is prepared to execute the analyses of Soils, Guano, Marls, Plas- ter, &c. &c. at the Laboratory of the Virginia Military Institute. Packages may be for- warded through Webb, Bacon & Co. Rich- mond, or Echols & Pryor, Lynchburg. m Persons desiring further information wit* please address WILLIAM GILHAM, Prof. Chem. and Agriculture, V. M. I. Feb. 1, 1852. Lexington, Va. DAILY AND WEEKLY DISPATCH. THE Daily and Weekly Dispatch, publish- ed at the office on Governor street, near Main, Richmond, Virginia — commenced in October, 1850— have reached a very astonish- ing popularity. The Daily Dispatch is a penny paper and has an immense circulation in Richmond and contiguous towns. It affords the best medium for advertising. Subscribers in the country furnished with the paper at the low price of Four Dollars per annum. The WEEKLY DISPATCH is published at One Dollar Per Annum, and is therefore one of the cheapest Newspapers ever publish- ed. It is a handsome sheet and contains the News of the Day, together with Literaiy Se- lections from the very best sources. The list is already very large and constantly increasing. No paper will be sent until paid for in advance. Hugh R. Pleasants is the chief contributor to the editorial columns of the Daily and Weekly Dispatch. Address the Proptietor, Richmond, Virginia. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 221 AUSTRALIAN WHEAT-VERY SUPERIOR. ^HE berry of this grain is extra large, and makes the best of flunr. It produces a ater average crop than any other variety now grown in New York. Several years' ex- perience in its cultivation, proves that it is less liable to rust or mildew than other kinds; and as the stalk is large and strong, it is also less liable to blow down or lodge. Price, S4 per bushel. Other varieties of wheat, such as the While Flint, Mediterranean, Black Sea, &c. Also Agricultural Implements of all kinds, and Field and Garden Seeds. A. B. ALLEN & CO. 189 and 191 Water street, New York. June — 3t EAGLE FOUNDRY. THE subscriber having removed to the targe Foundry, just erected by him and fitted out with machinery of the latest and most approved style, is, in addition to the manufac- ture of Tobacco Flattening Mills, prepared to receive orders for Stationary Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Agricultural Machines, Tobacco Presses of every description, and all kindsof Iron and Brass Castings. He pledges himself to execute faithfully, and with dis- patch, all work entrusted to him. and respect- fully solicits a call from his friends and the public generally. The highest cash prices paid for old cast iron, brass and copper. PHILIP RAHM, je — ly Cary, between Pearl and 15th sts. &,>CHIN CHINA AND SHANGHAE FOWLS. THE subscriber has for sale a few pairs of Pure Blooded Fowls, from the above Mock, originally imported by himself, war- ranted true to their name, and not surpassed by any other stock, for good qualities, in the country. Reference given in regard to them if desired. Orders addressed to the subscriber for the same will receive attention. CHARLES SAMPSON. West Roxbunj, Mass. June, 1852.— 2t 2 SOUTHDOWN BUCKS FOR SALE. THE subscriber has for sale Two Bucks of the Southdown Blood. These Sheep are descended from the best Southdown stock in England. They are srrandsired by the buck imported by Bishop Meade from the flock of Mr. Webb, and they are sired by an equally pood and well bred sheep,obtainecl of the late Dr. M : Caulay, near Baltimore. This sheep has a long pedigree of illustrious ancestors. My Lucks are seven-eighths Southdown and ; the remainder Cotswold and Bakewell blood, and are now one year old, and ready for ser- vice in October next. RALEIGH COLSTON, Near Woodville Depot P. O. Albemarle. I VALUABLE .AGRICULTURAL WORKS for sale by NASH & WOOD- HOUSE, Eagle Square. The Complete Faimerand Rural Economist and New American Gardener, by T. J. Fessen- den, in one volume, about 700 pages, cloth, gilt— SI 25. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry — a new edition, in one volume l2mo. cloth, gilt — S' 25. Johnston's Elements of Agricultural Che- mistry— 50 cents. Johnston's Practical Agriculture, one vol. cloth — 75 cents. Buist's Family Kitchen Gardener, cloth — 75 ci j nts. Hoare's Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on open Walls — 50 cents. Sheep Husbandry, by H. S.Randall— $1 25. Stephens' Book of the Farm, complete — $4. Browne's American Poultry Yard, tenth edi- tion— SI. Allen's American Farm Book, one volume — SI. Mail edition— 75 cents. Allen's Diseases of Domestic Animals, on« volume — 75 cents. Chemistry Made Easy for Farmers, paper — 25 cents. Southern Agriculture; or, Essays on the Cultivation of Corn, Hemp. Tobacco, Wheat, &c— St. Dana's Prize Essay on Manures— 25 cents. Miner's American Bee Keeper's Manual — SI- Mail edition— 75 cents. Brown's American Bird Fancier— 50 cents. Mail edition — 25 cents. Canfield on the Breeds, Management, Struc- ture and Diseases of Sheep — SI. The American Architect, the cheapest and best work of the kind published in the world, complete in 24 numbers, at 25 cents each, or S5 for the work complete — So' bound in two volumes. Youatt and Martin's Treatise on Cattle, with one hundred illustrations, edited by Am- brose Stevens, Esq —SI 25. Youatt on the Breed and Management of Sheep, with illustrations — 75 cents. Elements of Agriculture, translated from the French, by F.G. Skinner, adapted for Schools — 25 cents. Gunn's Domestic Medicine; or, Poor Man's Friend in Affliction, Pain and Sickness— $3. mar — ly UNION AGRICULTURAL WARE- HOUSE AND SEED STORE. EALPH & Co. No. 23 Fulton street, New York, near Fulton Market, Dealers in all the most approved Agricultural and Horticul- tural Implements, Imported and American Field and Garden Seeds, Ornamemal Shade and Fruit Trees, Guano, Bone Dust, Poudrette, &c. Wrought Iron Ploughs, Truck's, Barrows, &c. &c. always on hand. Also, the Excelsior, or California Plough. mar 3t 222 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. DEVON BULLS FOR SALE. THE subscribers, having lately entered upon the business of Breeding Devon Cattle, now, lor the first time, offer lor sale some ol their Bull Calves. Their stock is all recently imported from the celebrated herds of Messrs. George Turner and James GLuattly, Devon- shire, England, who are well known as he first breeders of Devons in the world; and being in no way related to the older importations into this country, their bulls will afford a good opportunity for crossing the old slocks thjse we now ofier are Uiicas and Keokuk; the first, c, lived Mtrch 19th, 185! — the other, FeDru.iry 17th, 185 - 2; their pedigree is the same 1 , viz: sire, " Megunticook, : ' grandsiie, "Prince Albert," dam, " Nou-Pareille," by "Lord Lynedock." " Megunticook" won the first prize at the American Institute in 1850, and at the New York State Show in 1851. — " Non-Pareille" won the first prize at Barnsta- ble, Devonshire, in I84ti, and at the New York State Show in 1851. "Prince Albert" and " Lord Lynedock" were both favorite prize bulls of Mr Ct'ianly. Also "Red Jacket, calved May 5th, 1852; sire, " Megunticook," dam, " Meadow L'lly," by " Baronet," grand dam, " Helena," bred by Mr. James 0,'iartly. — " Baronet" has won four first prizes, including that at the Royal Agricultur il Society's bhow, at Norwich, England, in 1849. Several animals from our herd will be exhi- bited at the New York State Show, to be held at Utica in September next, and at the Ame- rican Institute in October. They may all be seen at any time on our place, two miles north of Rhinebeck Landing, on the Hudson river. (As yet we have not any heifers for sale ) W. P. & C. S. WAINVVRIGHT. Rhinebeck, Duckets county, N. Y. je— 3t PILKINGTON'S OR LUCK'S IMPROVED PATENT SMUT MACHINE. THIS Machine has proved itself to be one of unrivalled excellence, it is warranted to answer every purpose of the most complete and expensive machinery of screens, rubbing stones, fans. &c. and will thoroughly clean the most smutty wheat. Il is the best contrivance to take out chess, onions, and heavy grit, that has ever been used hynrllers. This machine is provide! with s»lf-acfing oil feeders io the journals, and requires to he oiled bin once a week. It wholly does away with the small fan. It runs at the rate of one thousand revo- lutions per minute, requiring but little power. We have sold a large number of these ma- chines and they hive in every case given en- tire satisfaction. Price $00. A. B. ALLEN & CO. N:w York Agricultural Warehouse, 189 and 191 Water si reet, New York. Jtine, 13j2 — 3t TO THE AGRICULTURAL PLANTERS OF VIRGINIA C Compound Chemical, Manures. — John fQjft J tlewell's (late Kettlewell & Davison'S, y Agricultural Depot, Baltimore, Maryland Renovator, Generator, Biphosphaies, Mixiurc of Potash and Plaster, Pure Ground Plaster, with every description of Chemical residium for the improvement of Crop and Land. The undersigned, after five years' experience and a very considerable outlay of capital, has finally triumphed over every obstacle of doubt and prejudice, and is prepared to demonstrate that, for Crop and Land, he can present to the public the cheapest and best manure known to the age. His Compounds contain Ammonia, Potash, Diphosphate Soda, indeed every Chemical ele- ment, in a powerfully concentrated foim, which the soil requires. Any one who doubts this tan have his Salts an: lyzed at ihe expense of the undersigned, and if they fail in ihe test, he will return the money, if purchased. In Wheat, he is willing to admit, that so powerful a stimulant as Guano, will, in many jj soils, pioduee a larger first crop, but veiy far less in a third crop, than his Salts. In Corn J and Glass, he challenges a fair trial, upon any soil with Guano or any o her manure — and for any forfeit that would make i lie experiment interesting For Corn and Grass, he avers j tbat ihere is no Manure equal to his from a j first to a fourth crop; and he is able to estab. ! lish it by experimental proof. His " Biphospiiates" are pure, dissolved with the strongest s-ulphuric Acid, and #■> Bones fresh. In England, no manure i.-Pfti higher favor, or more sought after lor Crop and Land. His " liENOVATOit" is a Compound of every Chemical which science and experience have shown to be necessary to renovate worn-out land. His "Generator" is a compound made ex*' pressly for Tobacco, and is wor.hv the most careful investigation of the Planter, His "Plaster and Potash" is also manu- factured for the growih of the Tobacco Plant and when the almost absolute necessity ol Potash is known, for the growth of prime leal Tobacco, th' % value of this article may be tea.- dilv est mated. His "Ground Plaster" is so well known and so eagerly sought from the most distant sections of the Union, that he deems it only necessary to say, that below the standard he has adopted, the undersigned will never permit it to go. There is no article which the Farmer buys ihat he is more imposed upon, than in 1 this one. of universal use. In the January number of the American Farmer, the following reply is made by the ediior of that valuable paper, in reply to the enquiries of a correpondent. ' Were we to plant Corn in land so poor,' that when unaided by manure, would only THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 223 ' wduce five bushels ot' Wheat, we certainly 7ouid not rely upon less than four hundred r".nds ol' Guano, producing a good rrop.' r .sed. In Pennsylvania, the most lasting lanure is called the best — further South, the rst yield is the standard. Now, when these Salts are intended lor Corn, the undersigned ever recommends more than one barrel tothe ere, (three dollars.) if applied in the hill — or wo barrels for the poorest worn-out land. If lie Corn crop is to he followed wim a Wheat rop one harrel in the hill, and one broadcast ? recommended, slightly harrowed in — in this ray, 'he Salts are more efficacious than when pp'ied ivilb the Wheat at seeding lime. For a»ting benefit to Land, these Salts are only '4-iirdinate to fresh lime. As a top-dressing iiey are certain and valuable The price of the triphosphates are four dol- ars per barrel; the Renovator three dollars )er harrel, or twenty one dollars per ton. The price of the Tobacco Generator is four lollars per barrel; the Mixture of Potash and Sronnd Plaster two dollars and fifty cents per >arrel; valuable for anv crop, hut indispensa )le for prime tobacco leaf. There is one dol- ar and fifty cents' worth of Potash in every >anel His Plaster is sold exclusively by Messrs. Deane & Brown of Richmond, and Messrs. Walkin-; & Morton of Peleisburg. Freight from Baltimore to Richmond and Peter^iurg, seventy-five to eighty-seven and a lalf rents per ton — transportation not being more expensive, coaming te; ms and laborers, if as much so. as hauling out barn-yard ma mre. No man need make an extravagant ;xperiment; therefore, no great risk is neces sarv to make a trial. The Agriculturist can Drder from the undersigned, to he shipped to Richmond or Petersburg, and to the care o each particular Agent, upon whom the under signed can draw free of expense All -urns under fif.y dollar*, rash; over fifty dollais, four monihs. over one hundred doi lars, six months, for acceptances, Instead of publishing certificates, which is ' more expensive and less satisfactory, the un- Idersigned begs leave to refer to the following 'names. He has taken this liberty without consul ta lion or permission ot tl e parties named, i but from their intelligence, success and enter- I prise as Agriculturists, and their character as gemlernen of the highest respectability and I honor, he has no doubt but what they would cheerfully impart their experience and infor- mution, many of them having largely used these Salts. The postal direciion of each 1 party is affixed. It may be proper to observe . that the Salts do not produce as heavy a stalk ' in Corn, as Guano. For its yield the farmer ' must look to the grain of the Corn. REFERENCES. Professor Higgins, State Chemist of Mary- | land, Baltimore, for its Chemical constituents; ' Rev. J. S. Armistead, Stony Point post office, Cumberland county, Va ; Joseph W.Twyman, Esq. Earlysville, Albemarle counly, Va.; John M. Dow, Esq. Washington City, D. C ; Dr. Win, Mosher, Catonsville, Bakimoie county, ' Md.; Dr. William Kiikwood, Prince Georges county, Md.; Wm.H Herbert, Esq. Beltsville, Prince Gporires county, Md.; Seih W. War- field, Esq. Sheriff Howard District, Mr .; Dr. Wm. J. Saddler, Saddlersville, Queen Anne county, Md ; W. W. W. Bowie, Esq. Prince Georges county, Md.; George E. Yeaunan, Warrenton, Fauquier counly, Va ; General Henry S. Stiles, Cecil county/Md.; EL E. Bate- man, Esq Easion, Talbot counly, Md.; Arthur M'Court, Baltimore; Dr. Robert Dor.-ey, of Edward, Franklin, Baltimore county, Md.; I John L Stavesberry, Treasurer of Raltimore counly, Baltimore; Peter Gowan, Esq. Laurel, Howard counly, Md.; Col. Horace Capron, ; Laurel, Md ; Carrville S. Stansbury, Esq Bal- timore county, Md., with hundreds of other names, but the above is amply sufficient for all practicable purposes. I he Messrs. Bar- bours of Orange county. Va. have also used the Salts, with what effect the undersigned has never heard. Pamphlets will be furnished to all who feel I interest enough to investigaie; and who are j willing to believe ihat there may be progress J in Agriculture, equal to other branches and enterprises of life. JOHN KETTLEWELL. Office at the Wholesale Drug Store of Ober & M'Conkey,cornerof Lombard and Hanover streeis. Factory, Federal Hill, Baltimore, where, for personal investigation, I inviie all persons lhai take an inierest in Agricultural pursuits, who vi rit Baltimore, and to whom I wi 1 cheerfully explain my whole process. There is no secret in it. Orders addressed to DEANE & BROWN, Richmond. Va. will be promptly attended (o for John Ketllewell. mar 3i \ V 924 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, CONTENTS OF NUMBER VII. PAGE Scientific Agriculture 194 Guano 196 To Stew Ducks 197 Mutton Sheep— Breeds and Management. 198 The Law of Enclosures 200 Hay and Fodder— Cutting and Curing. ..201 Disease in the Head of Sheep 202 Superiority of the Farming Profession. . .203 The Different Hay Presses 204 Chemistry Applied to the Mechanic and Farmer 205 The Dairy— Making Butter 206 Wheat Threshing and Cattle Shelters — Four Things Worth Knowing 208 Our Prospects 209 Tobacco — Answer to Correspondents 210 Death of Henry Clay 211 Republication of DeBow's Review 21 i Scientific Agriculture 21 1 Inaccuracy in Farming 211 On the Rearing of Cattle 213 The Physical and Intellectual Pleasures of Fanning 216 Payments to the Southern Planter 219 WILLIAM P. IiADD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, No. 319, head of Broad Street, Shockoe Hill, Richmond, Virginia. DEALER in English, Mediterranean, India and all Foreign and Domestic Drugs and Medicines; also, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, &c. For sale on the most accommodating terms. §3f Orders from Country Merchants and Physicians iHankfully received and promptly attended to. ja 1851— tf AGENCY FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF IMPROVED STOCK. STOCK Cattle of all the different breeds, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, &c. will be pur- chased to order, and carefully shipped to any part of the United States, for which a reasona- ble commission will be chirged. Apply to AARON CLEMENT, Philadelphia. Referto Gen. W. £i. Richardson, Richmond, Virginia. N. B. — All letters, post-paid, will be prompt- ly attended to. ap— tf BOOKS, PIANOS, MUSIC, &c NASH & WOODHOUSE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Books, Piano Fortes, Stationery, Music, &c. 139, Main St. Rich- mond, Virginia. Constantly on hand, a full supply of stand- ard Agricultural Works. ocj— tf GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF HATS AND BOOTS. J. H. ANTHONY'S FASHIONABLE HAfi STORE, Columbian Hotel Corner. THE cheapest place in the city of Rich- mond to buy Hats and Boots is at the above store, where every article sold may be relied on as represented. By this means he has gained a good run of custom, and his cus- tomers feel satisfied. Below is a list of his prices, which will be strictly adhered to: Best quality moleskin, - - S3 50 Second quality " 3 00 Best quality silk, - - - 2 50 Secor.d " " ... 2 00 Fine Calfskin Sewed Boots only three dol- lars and fifty cents. Also, Caps, Shoes and Umbrellas. J. H. Anthony has made an arrangement ; with one of the best makers in the city of I Philadelphia, to supply him with a handsome ; and substantial Calfskin Sewed Boot, which ; he will sell at the unprecedented low price of < three dollars and fifty cents. The attention of gentlemen is respectfully solicited, as they are the best and cheapest Boots that have ever been offered for sale in this city. He intends I to keep but the one kind, and sell them at one price- se— ly riMIE RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG JL RAIL ROAD COMPANY respectfully inform farmers living on the Roanoke River and on the line of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, that they are transporting tobac* and other produce between Richmond and Y't« tersburg with promptness and despatch, run ning daily trains of eight wheel covered cars, securing tobacco and goods from damage. Tobacco consigned to the care of J. Lynch, Rail Road Agent, Petersburg, will be for- warded, free of commissions, to Richmond. Goods purchased in Richmond and consigned to the Rail Road Agent at Gaston will be for- warded up the river without charge for for- warding. THOS. DODAMEAD, Sup't R. & P. R. R June 24, 1851— tf VIRGINIA AXES. THE undersigned, in connexion with their Rolling Mill, have erected an extensive Manufactory of Axes, Hatchets, and Tools generally, which they warrant equal to any manufactured, and offer at Northern prices. They solicit the patronage of the agricultural community. R. Archer, -^ R. ARCHER & CO. K. ARCHER, -V A. D. Townes, I R. S. Archer, C C. Dimmock. J oct— ly BOOK AND JOB PRINTING executed at this Office with neatness and dispatch. Office South Twelfth Street.