THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Bebote&to Agriculture, ^ortfculture, attU the ^ouscholtr Arts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts. — Xenoplum. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State. — Sully. FRANK: G. RUFFIN, Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Proprietor. Vol. XIII. RICHMOND, MAY, 1853. •No. 5. Communicated to the Virginia State Agricultural Society. REVIEW Of "An Essay on Calcareous Manures by Ed. Rufiin, fifth edition, amended and enlarged : n J. W. Randolph, Richmond, 1853. EY HON. WILLOCCH3Y NEWTON. [Published by order of the Executive Committee.] The farmers of Virginia have just reason to thank both the author and publisher for this enlarged and improved edition of a most va- luable book. A recent biographical sketch of the author, as graceful as it is just, has pre- sented us with some of the incidents of his early life. From these we learn how few ad- ventitious advantages he had for the perform- ance of the difficult task which he has so well executed. At a very early age, with habits of study unformed, we find him leaving the walls of the college for the camp. After a very brief service as a soldier, having just attained his nineteenth year, he entered upon his pa- ternal estate, which he found greatly impo- verished. With an ardent zeal that has never known abatement, he commenced, without knowledge, either theoretical or practical, the hopeless task of enriching it. He studied all the foreign authors on agriculture that came within his reach. He followed with untiring industry the instructions of "Arator," but all to little purpose. His labors, like those of Sysiphus, were never ending, and ever to be performed. He became convinced that some fatal error existed in our modes of culture and efforts at improvement, and he determined, if possible, to find it out. A remarkable talent for observation, and a sagacity almost intui- tive, soon enabled him, without other aid, to find the true path, whilst Young and Sinclair and Peters and Taylor and others, almost equally distinguished for learning and agri- cultural experience, were groping in the dark. In the month of October, 1818, he announced in a communication to the Agricultural So- ciety of Prince George, for the first time, at least in this country, the cause of the general sterility of lands, and the proper remedy. This communication, though unpretending in Vol. XIII.-5. its character, and written before the author had any experience as a writer, is the germ of the "Essay." And whilst it states, with sin- gular clearness, the points insisted on, is dis- tinguished by a force of reasoning and a pu- rity and vigor of style which could only have been acquired by a careful study of the great masters of the English language, whose works at that day graced the library of every Vir- ginia gentleman, and had not then been su- perseded by the cheap literature which now threatens to sweep away all sound learning in its eternal wishy-washy flood. The author in his preface alludes to this communication, an extract from which is pub- lished in the appendix to this edition of the Essay, and vindicates his claim to originality in the four following specifications of disco- very which he was the first to announce: "1. The capacity of impoverished soils for receiving improvement from putrescent ma- nures, being in proportion to their original or natural measure of fertility; and that soils naturally poor (especially in this country) could not be enriched by these manures, du- rably or profitably, above their natural degree of productiveness. "2. The almost universal and total absence of carbonate of lime in the soils of the Antlantic slope of Virginia, and (by inference) of most others of the United States — and even in most limestone soils — while, from all existing tes- timony of preceding writers on agriculture, the very general, if not universal prevalence of carbonate of lime would have been inferred by every reader. "3. The general presence of some vegetable acid in all our naturally poor soils, and this acid acting as a cause of sterility. "4. The application of carbonate of lime to soils deficient in that necessary element, serving to neutralize the acid — and, by that and other stated and important operations or effects, serving to fit the before poor and un- improvable soils for speedy and profitable im- provement." It is unquestionable that our author was the first, at least in this country, to make the dis- tinct announcement of these important truths. And his credit is not the less, even as an ori- ginal discoverer, though it be admitted that the same opinions were contemporaneously ex- pressed by eminent men in other countries, of whose views he was entirely ignorant. Such, i 130 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. indeed, is the usual progress of scientific dis- covery. It rarely happens that to any one man is due the entire credit of first conceiving and successfully carrying forward a great im- provement. Doubtless, many philosophers at the time of Franklin's great discovery were speculating on the nature of electricity, the practical illustration of which has rendered his name immortal. Yet of no other person is it said, eripuit fulmen ccdo sccptrumque lyrannis. The claim for original discovery, as set forth in the first two specifications, is distinctly re- cognised by one of the highest agricultural authorities of Great Britain. J. C. Loudon, the Editor of the "Gardener's Magazine," in the year 483G, used the following language: 'jMr. Ruffin has the merit of first pointing out that there can be no such thing as a naturally j fertile soil without the presence of calcareous earth; but where this earth is present, the soil, however exhausted it may have been by cul- ture, will, when left to itself, after a time re- gain its original fertility; that soils which con- tain no calcareous earth are never found na- turally fertile; and that all that art can do to them, exclusive of adding calcareous earth, is to force crops by putrescent manures; but that when these manures are withheld the soil will speedily revert to its original sterility." And so important did he deem this announcement, that at the close of the year he again alludes to it in the following manner: "In agricul- tural science the only point that we can re- collect worthy of notice, that has occurred during the past year, is the advancement of the principle by the American agricultural writer, Mr. Ruffin, that no soil whatever will continue fertile for any length of time that does not contain calcareous matter. This we believe was never distinctly stated as a prin- ciple, by Kirwan, Chaptal, Davy or any other European chemist or agriculturist." The ap- plication of lime and marl for the improve- ment of the soil has been very extensive in Europe for many centuries, even going back to the time of the ancient Romans, yet it can- not be denied that its use, even by the most scientific agriculturists, has, until very lately, been entirely empirical. The numerous au- thorities, collected with great research by our author, prove beyond question that the pecu- liar qualities of marls were not properly ap- preciated, and that various earths were used indifferently under the name of marl, without the least reference to the amount of calca- reous matter contained in them. In confirma- tion of the opinions expressed and sustained by the numerous authorities cited, we will quote some expressions of Petzholdt from his lectures published in London as late as 1844; a writer certainly of great clearness and abi- lity, though he is charged by his contempora- ries with having propagated some gross errors: "Lime, in its calcined state termed quicklime, is undoubtedly most frequently used in agri- culture with the view to directly fertilizing the soil. It can, however) answer this purpose only to a very slight extent, or in a few rare instances, since cultivated plants will find as much lime in the soil as they require for their growth and perfection, owing to the exceed- ingly profuse diffusion of lime upon the sur- face of the earth; so that an artificial supply of this spbstance would appear to be, in this respect, perfectly superfluous." In regard to marl he says, "So much, how- ever, is deducible from all experience, that the mere application of marl to an exhausted soil is of no use whatever, unless it is carried on the field in such quantities as to constitute a new soil, covering the whole surface to the depth of a foot!" Professor J. F. W. Johnston has given indubitable evidence in his lectures, also, first published in England in 1844, that he thoroughly understood the whole subject, and with the aid of his scientific knowledge has been very successful in its elucidation. Yet no careful and intelligent readercan doubt, from the internal evidence afforded by the two works, that the Essay on Calcareous Manures, furnished the great principles which the Pro- fessor has so successfully elaborated in his lectures on lime and marl. He does not give his views as at all new, or original, yet they had been stated before by no British writer. Of the existence and contents of the "Essay" he could not have been ignorant. Four edi- tions had been published in this country. It was republished in the Farmers' Register, and extensively commented upon, and commended by the agricultural press throughout the United States, and, as we have already seen, noticed with the highest approbation by one of the first British agricultural authors, and also re- published almost literally in the British Far- mer's Magazine. It was also reviewed in a most complimentary manner in Silliman's Journal, a work of high reputation and exten- sive circulation among men of science through- out the world, and which work we find quoted by the lecturer. To suppose that Professor Johnston was either ignorant of this work or that he did not avail himself of its facts and reasonings in preparing his lectures, would be to impute to him a degree of negligence and indolence, in striking contrast with the indus- try, research, and accurate knowledge of facts, affecting the interests of agriculture in all parts of the world, displayed in almost every page of his learned and valuable work. The claim of our author to the discovery of acids in soils, and the first announcement of its injurious effects on agriculture, cannot, we fear, be so easily vindicated. For years after the publication of his views we supposed his claim to originality would never be contested. The fact of the existence of acids in soils was doubted by all, denied by many, and ridiculed as unphilosophical by those who affected to be particularly learned. We find, however, that Thaer, perhaps the most justly renowned of European scientific agriculturists, had either contemporaneously with him or in advance of our author, made a public announcement THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 131 of the same truths. On page 82 of the Essay will be found a note containing the views of Thaer, with Mr. Ruffin's comments. The truth of history constrains us to express it as our opinion that to Thaer is due the credit of : having first presented to the public those im- I portant truths. The first edition of his great work was published in 1812. We have do I evidence that any second edition was published | during his life, which closed after near two years "of illness, on the 26th of October, 1828. A chronological list of his writings accompa- nying his treatise on agriculture, published in ' the Farmer's Library, makes no mention of any publication by him later than 1815, except one on wool and sheep breeding, in 1825. It , is certain, therefore, that the facts and reason- ings in regard to acids in soils, must have been made public before 1833, the period fixed by our author as that subsequent to which he supposed these views were added in a new , edition. We think, moreover, there is internal ; evidence that they were part of the original work. They are so perfectly incorporated with Timer's reasoning on humus that they ' could not be struck out without destroying the unity of the whole. As a mere matter of literary curiosity it would be very gratifying to see the first edition of Thaer's great work, j if more than one edition was published by him, which would be conclusive of the question. We have deemed these prefatory remarks j due to the author of the book under review, > whose labors have marked an era in the his- 1 tory of agriculture, and whose services to Vir- ginia and to mankind cannot, in ourestima-i tion, be too highly appreciated. If the limits prescribed to us would permitwe would gladly enter upon the examination of the entire work, and point out the many striking views of the author, in which we entirely concur. In this respect we must content ourselves with reeom- 1 mending it most cordially to the agricultural public, and especially to the young farmers of Virginia with the assurance that every intelli- gent and careful reader will find in it much instruction and abundant food for thought. Premising that everv reader of this review shall also read "the Essay" with proper at- tention, we think that our task will be much more satisfactorily performed, and the cause of true knowledge better promoted by noticing in a spirit of just discrimination the few points on which we differ in opinion with the author, rather than the very many on which we en- tirely agree with him. We propose, there- fore, briefly but freely to discuss some impor- tant questions, as well of theory as of prac- tice, considered in the Essay; and in the course of our observations we shall suggest for the adoption of the cultivators of poor lands a mode by which, taking the instructions of our author as the basis of their operations, they mav irnorove their farms much more speedily, profitably and cheaply than by the use of cal- careous manures, as usually applied. We enter upon this discussion with great diffidence of our capacity for the undertaking. A learned professor has truly said "that the art of cul- ture is almost entirely a chemical art, since nearly all its processes are to be explained only on chemical principles." How is the practical farmer, who has not entered a che- mical laboratory for thirty years, to be suffi- cient for such a'lask'? He must derive his in- structions entirely from books and his own. unaided observations in the field. Upon many important points of theory and practice some of the most enlightened authors are at issue. And unfortunately, whilst among them ihere are many true disciples who worship at the altar of science with proper docility and hu- mility, always ready to confess the limits of human knowledge, there are others, on the contrary, mere empty pretenders, who either delude themselves with a vain show of know- ledge, or seek to impose upon the understand- ing of the ignorant by unmeaning verbiage. As an illustration of our remark we may mention that to aid us in our present investi- gations, we took up a late edition of Turner's Chemistry, said in the preface, to combine the learning of Turner, Liebig, Gregory and of two American professors. We turned to the process of fermentation for instruction, as to the chemical agencies at work in that ope- ration of Nature, deemed so important by the practical farmer, and to our great edification we were informed: "Now, we can offer no other explanation of these facts of fermenta- tion than this, that when a body in a state of progressive change, the particles of which are consequently in a state of motion, is placed in contact with another body, the particles of which are in a state of unstable equilibrium, the amount of motion mechanically commu- nicated to the particles of the latter from those of the former, is sufficient to overturn the ex- isting equilibrium, and by the formation of a new compound establish a new equilibrium, more stable under the given circumstances." We are gravely told "There is nothing un- philosophical in this explanation, and it is to be considered as the best theory of fermentation yet attempted." [Turner's Chemistry, Rogers, pp. 537-8] If this be philosophy, we beg to be informed what is nonsense. Our reading furnishes no better parallel for this profound disquisition than the very learned discourse of the re- nowned Mr. Jenkinson, in the "Vicar of Wakefield," to which we beg leave to refer the reader, for edification and amusement. It would be well for the advancement of true learning, if professors, whose duty it is to teach the rising generation useful and prac- tical knowledge, would imitate the clear and vigorous style of onr author, whose reason- ings though often profound, are always intel- ligible. Whilst it cannot be denied that in the de- partment of agricultural chemistry much has already been accomplished, yet to the earnest inquirer after truth, it is obvious that much 132 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. more is yet to be done before its claims to the character of an exact science can be success- fully asserted. In its present condition, of doubt and un- certainty, the student of Nature, athirst for knowledge, enters with ardor on the pursuit, and traverses an arid waste, with only here and there a green spot to cheer him on his way, hoping, ere long, to refresh himself at the pure fountain of truth; but finds, at last, that he must be content with the muddy wa- ters of a broken cistern. He cannot reconcile the conflicting opinions of the learned, nor comprehend their discordant facts. To him all is confusion, and he vainly attempts to educe order out of chaos, until weary with the effort, he exclaims, when will another Ba- con arise, who with cautious step and com- prehensive grasp, shall collect, arrange and classify our existing knowledge, distinguish clearly the bounds of the known and the un- Jcnovm, and open anew the pathway of true investigation! Professor Johnson in his lec- tures, which we take pleasure in commending as replete with good sense and sound learning, has the following just remarks: "The history of science shows, by many examples, that those men who adopt extreme views — who at- tempt to explain all phenomena of a given kind, by reference to a single specific cause — have ever been of very great use in the ad- vancement of certain knowledge. Their ar- guments, whether well or ill founded, lead to discussion, to further investigation, to the dis- covery of exceptional cases, and finally to the general adoption of modified views which re- cognise the action of each special cause in certain special cases, but all in subordination to some more general principle. "Thus, if some ascribe the fertility of the soil to the presence of the alkalies in great abundance, others to that of the phosphates, others to that of lime, others to that of alu- mina, and others, finally, to that of vegetable matter in a soluble state, all these extreme opinions are reconciled, and their partial truths recognised, in one general principle, that a soil to be fertile must contain all the substances which the plant we desire to grow can only obtain from the soil, and in such abundance as readily to supply all its wants; while at tlie same time it must con- lain nothing hurtful to vegetable life." ( Page 288.) In speaking of his early labors and of his earnest endeavors to impress his views upon others, our author very happily describes him- self as "an enthusiastic and successful pro- jector." Of his eminent success, the result of his labors in enriching himself and adding vastly to the resources of the Commonwealth, is conclusive evidence, whilst the ardor with which he is known to devote himself to any object which he deems useful or praiseworthy, gives assurance that he has a full stock of that enthusiasm, without which nothing great was ever accomplished, and which indeed is the " open sesame" to success in all important enterprises. This constitution of mind, how- 5e ever, so indispensable to success in all active pursuits, is not the best suited for calm and impartial philosophical investigation. It is very apt to cause an entire concentration of the faculties upon the great end to be achieved, whilst other matters, perhaps equally impor- tant, not coming fully within the scope of the intellectual vision, like objects seen in the dis- tance, lose their just proportions. The Essay on Calcareous Manures, as its title imports, is intended to illustrate the impor- tance and necessity of one special means of improvement. To be scientifically accurate, and to prevent all misconception of his true object, the author has introduced a new term, "calxing," to distinguish the special operation recommended, from the more complex opera- tion, usually termed marling. Under this term he embraces lime, whether quick or effete, and the carbonate of lime, in every form in which it can be presented; whilst sulphate and phosphate of lime are excluded, though having the same base, and possibly in some of their transformations in the earth, the same effect, they might, with propriety, be em- braced under the general head of calcareous manures. This exclusive idea has had a pro- minent place in all the former editions, and although in the present one, the author has very properly availed himself of the new lights afforded by agricultural chemistry to modify such of his views as seemed to him to require change, he has seen no reason to mo- dify them at all in regard to the peculiar value of calxing. He has, on the contrary, found in modem writers new views which have been used with great ingenuity and ability to enhance his esti- mate of the advantages of this peculiar opera- tion. We are, if possible, more and more convinced by every day's experience and ob- servation, of the indispensable necessity of calxing to the improvement of our naturally poor lands. It is indeed the fulcrum on which to fix the lever of improvement, and without it we are entirely powerless. Yet it is to be feared that unreflecting persons, influenced by the earnest reasonings of the Essay, and by the extraordinary success of Mr. Ruffin and his neighbors, may adopt erroneous opinions. Their great improvements, though mainly at- tributed to calxing, are, in a great measure, due to other most valuable enriching materials ex- isting in the Pamunkey marl. And persons who attribute these remarkable effects to calx- ing alone, while themselves using a very dif- ferent article, will certainly be disappointed in their expectations, and perhaps abandon in disgust all efforts at improvement. The marl used, with such striking effect, by Mr. Ruffin and others, in the neighborhood of Newcastle, contains about 40 per cent, of carbonate of lime, and is what fs known as eocene marl, and is confined, so far as yet ascertained, to a few limited localities. It has been applied on com- paratively a few farms, lying on the Pamunkey and James rivers. "We learn, as we now write, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 133 upon the best authority, that Professor Gilham has found by recent analysis that it contains, besides carbonate of lime, a large per centage of sulphate of lime, and also, in particular samples, large proportions of ammonia and phosphoric acid. These marls are almost guano and calx combined, and their effect is not sur- prising, when this fact is understood. The ■miocene marls, on the contrary, are found ab- solutely destitute of these fertilizing ingre- dients, and owe their value entirely to carbon- ate of lime, and are the only marls known or accessible in much the larger portion of East- ern Virginia. We look with interest to the forthcoming report of Professor Gilham, in confirmation of our views.* Deeming this a subject of vast importance in the present stage of agricultural progress in Virginia, we shall present our views upon it somewhat at large in the following pages. The power of calxing has prescribed limits, beyond which it cannot go. We believe there has been no instance in Virginia, or elsewhere, nor do we think it pos- sible that there can ever be one, of the product of any naturally poor farm being brought up to an average on entire fields, from year to year, of more than ten bushels of wheat and twenty bushels of merchantable corn, to the acre, by calxing alone, however long continued, though the operation be aided by the use of all the putrescent manures that could be produced on the farm, and by plaster, clover and peas, and the best possible rotation. This is a strong assertion, but such a farm has certainly never come within our observation. We do not speak of crops, on particular fields, or parts of fields, on which all the putrescent manures may have been expended, but of entire fields, and farms, all brought under cultivation, and the average crops taken for a series of years. From this sweeping remark must, of course, be excepted some of the alluvial lands on James river and elsewhere which are known to have been very highly improved by a judi- cious system of cultivation, aided by lime, clover and plaster, and putrescent manures. The farm at Coggin's Point, of the improve- ment of which, under the management of its two most judicious and energetic proprietors, we have an authentic report, can barely claim exception. And this partial success only con- firms our views when we are informed that a portion of this farm, at least, consisted of ori- ginally rich land, and that the improvements were made, to a considerable extent, by marl not very unlike that of the Pamunkey. We find, from the table on paee 184, that its ave- rage product in wheat for the first fifteen years of marling, was 8.22 bushels per acre, and during the last series of sixteen years was 12.10 per acre — the crops increasing consi- * In connexion with this subject we append to this review an interesting letter from Robert W. Tornlin, Esq. of Hanover county, containing some raluable statistics as to the effects produced by the eocme marl in the neighborhood of Newcastle. derably towards the close of the series, the last crop having been 16.81 per acre. Now it is not denied that these crops are much greater than could ever have been realized from any amount of putrescent manures alone, and with our valuable and effective labor, they were highly remunerative; but as we shall attempt to show, in the sequel, they are not equal to the products that may be reasonably expected from the poorest lands of Eastern Virginia in. one-fourth the time by the use of calcareous manures as the basis, together with other ne- cessary mineral and enriching manures that may be applied with much less labor and ex- pense than have been incurred in making the improvements on this farm. It is impossible, we think, that we can be mistaken in these views, if any reliance is to be placed on our own experience and careful observation, and on those principles of agricultural chemistry that are now undisputed and recognised by ail men of science, of every shade of opinion, as established truths. These admitted truths being the basis of our reasoning, and often referred to, we desire the reader to bear in mind. They are the following: 1st. That all cultivated plants consist of certain organic and inorganic elements, which in all healthy plants, of the same species, pre- serve nearly invariable proportions. 2d. That the organic elements are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. 3d. The inorganic consist of various mineral substances, such as soda, potash, magnesia, lime, phosphoric acid, &c. found in invariable proportions in the ash of the grain and stalks of plants of the same species, varying in plants of different kinds, but deemed essential in proper proportions, to the healthy existence of all plants. 4th. That the organic elements are derived chiefly from water and atmospheric air and the inorganic entirely from the soil. In the twenty-fourth chapter we find many ingenious and plausible arguments in support of new doctrines, in some measure inconsist- ent with the views just indicated, and from most of these doctrines we must, with all due deference, express our dissent. We think that nearly every difficulty suggested by our author is susceptible of easy explanation, on princi- ples first announced in this country by himself, or since ascertained by others, and now ad- mitted to be chemical truths. We shall refer to acknowledged principles, without encum- bering our pages with numerous authorities, taking it for granted that those who follow us in these investigations will not only examine closely the work of our author, but also the writings of the modern agricultural chemists. The chapter discusses "other fertilizing powers and effects of calcareous earth" under the following heads, to wit: "1st. Causing the more rapid decomposition and perfect solubi- lity of vegetable matters, otherwise inert or insoluble; 2d. Enabling either the soil, or the 134 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. plants growing ihereon, to draw from the at- mosphere greater supplies of manuring or ali- mentary principles, namely: 1st. Carbon, to growing plants; 2d. Azote (nitrogen), from the atmosphere, through the instrumentality of leguminous plants; 3d. Nitric acid, and ni- trates, to the soil, and thereby increasing the supplies of azotic principles to growing plants." It is not our purpose to argue in favor of any peculiar theory of vegetation, nor to become the partisan of any particular school of che- mists. Our wish is to reconcile agricultural phenomena with known and established prin- ciples; and when a cause sufficient to account for a given effect is ascertained to exist, we deem it true philosophy to be content with that, without speculating as to other possible causes. Our author in referring to the solvent power of potash and soda, and, by analogy, of cal- careous earth, in reducing inert vegetable mat- ter to a condition in which organic manures may be absorbed by the roots of plants as food, brings into collision two conflicting schools of chemists, maintaining opposite opinions with much show of reason oa both sides; and so far from establishing a theory on solid grounds, only opens a wider field for controversy. The action of carbonate of lime and of the alka- lies and alkaline earths, in neutralizing acids, now known to exist in most soils, and to be generated in the process of vegetable decay, in all soils, and admitted to be poisonous to plants, seems to us to be a key at once to every difficulty. Walk with us into the laboratory of Nature for a few moments, and we will en- deavor to make these matters plain. Observe this new ground; it was cleared three years ago of a growth of oak, hickory, dogwood and chestnut. It is what is described in the Essay as "free light land," capable of producing about twenty bushels of corn to the acre, when first cleared; it has not been limed. Two years ago it was in wheat, very roughly ploughed in after the first crop of corn, and dressed with one hundred pounds of Peruvian guano, and yielded eighteen bushels of wheat to the acre. Observe the stumps, especially of red oak; around each is a vigorous growth of sorrel, interspersed with the decaying fragments of the wood that fall from Ihe stumps as the de- cay goes slowly on. This land, now covered with weeds, would not without lime produce half a crop of wheat; not because it is poorer in vegetable matter than before, for it is, in truth, richer in that respect, but it is decaying, and not decayed vegetable matter, and the acid that arresis the decay also poisons cultivated plants. Observe the adjoining piece of land cleared a year or two earjier — this has been limed — the sorrel has nearly disappeared, and a vigorous growth of red clover has taken its place. Go with us now into that extensive field of black low ground. Ten years ago the larger part of this field was almost destitute of grass, and the little that appeared among the coarse weeds seemed to have no hold on the earth, but might be scraped off with the sole of your boot. It was not then drained, and abounded with slowly decaying but not decayed vegetable matter, and was spongy and puffy. If in wheat, half the crop, at least, would be winter killed, and the remainder would yield a scanty product of shrunken grain on straw with scarcely strength to stand up. It has been drained and limed; you see now every spot is thickly covered with beau-- tiful clover, with now and then, in the wettest parts a sprinkling of sorrel. It is now firm to the tread, and produces heavy crops of corn and wheat without guano. Observe this little peninsula, nearly surrounded by ditches — this was the head of a gum swamp, so shaded that the vegetable matter in it was nearly peat. Upon being exposed to the sun and air it be- came sufficiently decomposed to produce corn. Wheat was attempted but was destroyed by sorrel, the result of the acid generated by the slowly decaying peat. It has not been limed. It will be sowed in oats after corn, and not having lime at hand, we shall dress it with ashes, which will neutralize the acid, and at the same time furnish the potash necessary for the immediate use of the oat crop. Now what is the philosophy of all thisl Decay (or eremecausis) is nothing more nor less than slow combustion, and the dust, which is the final result of complete decay, is precisely the same in its chemical elements with the ash of the same vegetable substances, yielded by burning with fire. And it is not until this process of decay becomes complete that any portion of the inorganic food of plants is fur- nished. Acids of all kinds arrest or retard decay, and water, in excess, has the same ef- fect. Now when the lands, which we have just visited, were drained and limed, the checks to decay were removed, the vegetable matter in the soil, in the presence of heat and atmos- pheric air, proceeded, without hindrance, in the natural process of decay, until the inert matter was reduced, in a great measure, to its ash, and furnished a large portion, at least of the mineral elements required for the perfec- tion of the cultivated plants; and the soil re- lieved of its redundancy has become firm and sound. It does not follow, because reduced to its ash, that all this vegetable matter has been destroyed; its mineral elements, except such parts as have been consumed by the crops, remain still in the soil for future use; and the ammonia, which existed in combination with the vegetable matter, though set free by ihe operation, is not dissipated, but is retained by the absorbency of ihe earth, or enters into new- combinations in the soil, and is preserved until used up by the growing plants, as explained by Johnson in his lectures.— (410-11.) The crops, however, being greatly increased by the process of liming and draining, have con- sumed a much greater amount of the neces- sary elements found in the soil, which must of course be restored, to keep up the fertility of the land. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 135 The remarkable effect of calxing on the rich neutral soils of James river, of which a new explanation is attempted in this chapter, may, we think, be sufficiently accounted for, by the necessity of lime to neutralize the acid generated by the decomposition of (he immense mass of vegetable matter accumulated on these lands under the enclosing system. And if further explanation be required it may pos- sibly be found in the effect of clover acting as a "fibrous manuring" on calcareous soils, to which we shall have occasion hereafter more fully to refer. On the second head of this chapter, "The effect of calcareous manures in drawing in- creased supplies of nutriment from the atmos- phere," our author does not appear to write with his usual precision, or to reason with the clearness for which he is distinguished. Thus he says, page 243, "This qtrestion is, if the atmosphere always contains all the organic constituents of plants in inexhaustible quan- tities — and if plants derive from the atmos- phere -nearly all of their constituent parts — why should they ever suffer for want of a sufficient supply of nourishment, whether growing on rich or poor soils'? The answer is, that the laws of nature forbid some of these gaseous bodies to be taken up directly by growing plants — or, at least, only tinder certain condi- tions; and these conditions are not dependent on the quantities of tjjese gases present in the surrounding atmosphere, and are but slightly under the control of man, limited in know- ledge as at present." We do not see how we are advanced at all in this investigation by reference to the laws of nature, which is a mere re-affirmation of the general fact to be explained, and which fact may be explained with entire satisfaction by referring to another fact, admitted by all agricultural chemists that even though all the organic constituents of plants, were furnished by water and the atmos- phere, the inorganic, though less in quantity, are quire as essential, and must be supplied hi t/ie soil. Nearly all the elements of an egg may be in the food of a hen, yet if denied lime to form the shell, she cannot lay a perfect egg. Again he says, "Thus the smallest but richest element, azote, would seem to be obtained by plants principally, or entirely, through their" roots, and from the soil. Therefore, the supply to plants is in no degree increased by the prodi- gious quantity of azote in the atmosphere." This is plainly a non sequilv.r, besides being directly opposed to the experiments of Bous- sinsrault, detailed under the next head, and adopted by our author; and also, in conflict with the teachings of Liebig, Petzholdt, and a number of modern agricultural chemists, who, ■whilst they deny that the nitrogen of the atmos- phere is ever taken up by growing plants, yet maintain that the ammonia, which is always present in the atmosphere, is the principal,' if not the only source of the supply of nitrogen Cor azote; to plants. (Liebig. Organic Chemis- try, 146. Petzholdt, Lectures, 57.) We do not mean to take sides in this controversy, or to express an opinion as to the source of the azote of plants, a matter, in our view, yet requiring elucidation. Again he says on page 247, "The foregoing views seem to offer the only plausi- ble explanation of that great mystery of vege- table life, that plants on barren land should pine or starve when surrounded by unlimited supplies, in air and water, of their necessary elements." Now this is no mystery at all, if by barren land is meant a soil entirely destitute of the necessary inorganic elements of plants, which can be derived from the soil only. And if by that expression is meant soils destitute of vegetable matter, the statement is not con- sistent with facts, said to be well attested, of soil, rich in minerals, continuing to produce large crops of grain, though destitute of vege- table matter, and never manured; as is said to be remarkably the case with the land in the neighborhood of Naples, which is kept rich, under continual cropping, by the disin- tegration of the minerals of which it is com- posed. Again he says, "If then we suppose that the very small proportions of necessary salts, found in the ashes of plants, are already in the soil (as is generally the case,)" &c. Now" this is a supposition by no means to be made, because not consistent with well established facts, and indeed the contrary has been de- monstrated in the "Essay," in regard to one, at least, of these necessary salts, lime, which has been shown to be almost entirely wanting in the poor lands of Eastern Virginia; and we have no doubt that these lands are equally de- ficient in nearly every other necessary inor- ganic element. The evident confusion of the author, in treating this part of the subject, arises, we think, from his attaching too little importance to the inorganic portions of plants as a necessary part of the vegetable economy. Johnson, who is no disciple of Liebig, speak- ing of the presence of the inorganic elements in different plants, in definite proportions, Re- cording to their different kinds, says, "They are constant on every soil, and in every cli- mate; they must, therefore, have their origin in some natural law." "A doubt can hardly remain that this inorganic matter forms an essential part of their existence and that they cannot live without it." (Lecture, 179 and 181.) Johnson says, again, "If one of these neces- sary inorganic forms of matter be rare, or wholly absent, the crop will as certainly prove sickly or entirely fail, as if the organic food, supplied by the vegetable matter of the soil, were wholly withdrawn. It is, therefore, as much the end of an enlightened agricultural practice to provide for the various require- ments of each crop, in regard to inorganic food, as it is to endeavor to enrich the land with purely vegetable substances." We have been somewhat amused at the seriousness with which our autltr and Dr. Wight have put forth their facts and reasonings with regard to the supposed peculiar effect of carbonate of lime, as enabling plants to draw more carbon 136 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. from the atmosphere. It is only another evi- dence in addition to the great many furnished by the annals of -science of the facility with which even the acutest intellects may be de- ceived by appearances when in the ardent pursuit of desired results. All these facts and reasonings may be conclusively answered by the general affirmation, tliat whatever tends to increase the growth of the plant enables it to draw an increased supply of carbonic acid from, the at- mosphere. For it being conceded that about, fifty per cent, of all plants consists of carbon, and that all, or nearly all, of the carbon of plants is derived from the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, it is obviously impossible that the growth of plants can be materially in- creased by manure of any kind without caus- ing a greater absorption of carbpnic acid from the atmosphere. And the very ingenious and elaborate experiments of Dr. Wight amount to no more than this. Doubtless if he had tried a weak solution of guano or liquid ma- nure from the stable, instead of carbonate of lime, his experiments would have been much more strikingly successful. The facts, stated on page 253, as to the de- terioration in the growth of wheat and other crops in the neighborhood of those, growing on limed and plastered lands, may be ex- plained upon nearly the same principle. We may remark that a similar fact is frequently observed and commented on by farmers who use guano onwheat. So much so, that it has now become a subject of common remark among overseers and others, who say that "the land is insulted by guano," and that rich cow-pens, alongside of guanoed wheat, will now scarcely produce a tolerable crop. We had ourselves attributed this apparent fact to contrast, but it may possibly be literally true. The supply of carbonic acid in the atmosphere is in limited quantity, and the air may be en- riched by adding a considerable portion of carbonic acid, thereby promoting greatly the growth of plants. This process, which, ol course, is artificial and on a small scale, shows that the supply in nature is not adequate to the demand, and as plants consume it in di- rect proportion to their bulk, it must follow that lime, guano or any other manure that in- creases the growth of plants, without increas- ing the supply of carbonic acid in the atmos- phere will, of necessity, enable the plants, thus rendered more vigorous, to deprive the weaker in their neighborhood of some portion of the already insufficient supply of carbonic acid; and thus the smaller would be impoverished by the larger, just as weak cattle, in a lean pasture, are impoverished by those stronger than themselves. The effect of calxing, in the improvement of land, by enabling leguminous plants to draw nitrogen from the atmosphere, as illus- trated by the experiments of Boussingault, requires further examination before it can be adopted as ascertained truth. Johnson ques- tions the certainly of Boussingault's experi- ments, whilst Liebig, as we have already seen, denies the possibility of any portion of the nitrogen of the atmosphere entering into the con- stitution of plants, whilst he affirms that the atmosphere is the abundant source of the ni- trogen of plants in the ammonia which is al- ways present in small quantity and conveyed to the leaves of plants in dew, and to the roots in rain and snow water. The views presented in regard to the power of calcareous soils to attract nitric acid, upon the principle of the artificial nitre beds of France, open a new and interesting field of inquiry, as yet but little explored. The facts, when ascertained, will go far to explain the remarkable manuring effects of shade, whether by clover or other "fibrous" covering. In Al- lan's "American Farm Book" there is an ar- ticle on "Gurneyism, or Fibious Manuring, 1 ' in which most extraordinary effects are ascer- tained, by actual experiment, to have been produced by a simple covering of straw, and the results explained on the authority of a communication in the "British Farmers' Ma- gazine," upon the principle of the formation of nitrates, as is done in the artificial nitre beds of France. It is stated upon this autho- rity that grass, simply covered with straw, yielded six times as much as that not covered, and five times as much as that dressed with guano and other rich manures. These results were ascertained by repeated and most careful experiments, and no dolibt is expressed of their entire accuracy. The manuring effect of clover, which, according to Boussingault, is out of all proportion to the quantity of ve- getable matter contained in it, may probably be also accounted for on this principle. Dr. Robert Baldwin of Winchester, maintains, with great earnestness, that the sole manuring virtue of clover consists in its capacity to shade the land. He has maintained the princi- ple of "fibrous manuring," without, perhaps, ever having had his attention drawn to the facts or reasonings by which it has been sus- tained in Europe. He maintains that clover is in no degree dependent for its fertilizing effects on the vegetable matter contained in the crop, but that it may be removed, root and branch, after it has performed its office of sliade, without any diminution of fertility. Dr. Baldwin's views have generally been regarded as extreme, and we do not mean to endorse them. They have certainly new interest in connexion with these recent developments, and their author being a gentleman of un- doubted intelligenceand observation and a suc- cessful practical farmer, his facts and opinions are at least entitled to respectful consideration. We have now under our view the most striking evidences of the effects, on a large scale, of simply covering fields, in grass, with straw, which are vastly beyond any results that could possibly be attributed to the mere manuring effect of vegetable matter. Havingconcluded thestrictures which, in the ' impartial character of a reviewer, we deemed THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 137 it just to make, on the new doctrines contained in the 24th chapter, we proceed, in the further execution of our task, to offer some observa- tions on subjects, which, if not so Dew or in- teresting, are at least of equal practical im- portance. There are two offices performed by calx in soils now no longer a matter of doubt, which, independent of. any other actual or supposed effects, make it of inestimable value. These are, that it neutralizes acids, now known to exist in all our poor soils, and that it furnishes one of the essential inorganic elements of cul- tivated plants. These alone are sufficient to satisfy any reflecting farmer of the indispensa- ble necessity of calxing his land, and the prac- tical question presents itself, what is the cheap- est and best mode of effecting this operation'! And intimately connected with this question the farther inquirv, what is the necessary and proper quantity of the material to be applied 1 That calx has generally been applied in excess, as well in this country as in England, we have no doubt, and nothing but the very humid climate of England and the large quan- tities of vegetable manures applied in that country, in every form, has preserved it from utter sterility under the enormous dressings of lime that we learn from all her writers, an- cient and modern, have been applied. The later practice of her farmers seems to be tend- ing to a more rational system. In Virginia as small a quantity as fifty bushels of slaked lime to the acre has, in some cases, been found excessive. The Messrs. Harrison of Brandon, as we learn from a communication in the Farmers' Register, found seventy bushels to the acre entirely too much, and in their sub- sequent large operations reduced this quantity to thirty-six bushels. In France, whose cli- mate and soil are very similar to ours, a very small dressing, evan as little as eleven bushels to the acre, as we learn from Puvis, have been found sufficient for a single application. This practice, where the true office of lime is understood, is founded on the principles not only of science, but of common sense. Lime in the soil acts as a food and a medicine. Your horse requires a gallon of grain to-night, you do not put in bis manger a bushel in ad- dition, to save the trouble of feeding him for the next four days. You suffer from a fit of indigestion — you know, from experience, that a few grains of carbonate of soda, lime, or magnesia will neutralize the acid generated in the stomach, which retards digestion and is the cause of your annoyance. You do not take a quarter of a pound, lest some days hence you may suffer from the same cause of annoyance. Now as essential food for grow- ing crops, it is ascertained that a very small quantity of lime is required. A crop of wheat, both straw and grain, producing twenty-five busheis to the acre, consumes less than nine pounds of lime, and one bushel, if it could be applied in such manner as to be all available, is more than would be required as food for all the crops in a full rotation of five years. Its effects as medicine can only be ascertained by close observation; and as the physician watches carefully his patient, and applies his remedies at every recurrence of the symp- toms of the disease, so the enlightened farmer, by carefully noting the indications, may pre- scribe, with success, for his land. These opi- nions are not mere deductions from theoretical knowledge, but the result of long experience and the closest observation. We have had land in our own practice injured temporarily by fifty bushels of lime to the acre, and a small piece excessively dressed with shell lime, entirely effete, so damaged that it has not recovered under considerable applications of putrescent manures in more than twenty years. In the last few days we have walked over ex- tensive fields, limed under our own eye, during the last fifteen years. The quantity applied was fifty bushels on the alluvial lands, chiefly black soil abounding in vegetable matter, and from fifty down to twenty-four bushels, on the ' "forest lands," such as are described in the Essay as "free light lands." The effect has been carefully noted, and but one portion of all this land gives any indication that more lime is required, and that is about twenty acres of the black land, somewhat wetter than the rest, for which, two years ago, we prescribed fifty bushels of lime additional to the acre, which was applied, and now, although well set in clover, a sprinkling of sorrel indicates the presence of some acid. In the "forest lands," where but twenty-four bushels to the acre were applied, we have observed that around the red oak stumps the decaying wood, (which, according to Liebig, contains at least 50 per cent, of humic acid,) has been entirely decomposed, and the sorrel, which was for- merly matted about them, has given place to a firm sod of greensward. We conclude that more than fifty bushels of slaked lime to the acre at one application is never advisable, and that twenty-five bushels are more frequently quite sufficient, and that reliming, even at this small rate, will not usually be required for a number of years. Slaked limeisdelivered on the riversatseven to eight cents a bushel. The cost of hauling so small a quantity as twenty-five bushels to the acre, upon the estimate of marling ex- penses by Mr. Ruffin, presently noticed, would be, even for considerable distances, so trifling as not materially to add to the expense. As a practical matter of great importance we have carefully examined the estimates o marling expenses detailed in chapters 28 and 29 of this work. And whilst we entirely con- cur in the general remarks with which the subject is opened, and have not the smallest doubt of the entire accuracy of the detailed statements, we think the estimate of expenses was much too low, even at the price of labor prevailing at the time they were made; and that they are now farther below the mark, by at least 1 00 per cent, since the late great rise 13S THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, in the price of labor. The results attained by Mr. Ruffin were most extraordinary and are attributable only to his own peculiar energy and exact method, and to the great efficiency of slave labor, when properly directed. With- out being familiar with the peculiar details of marling labors, we venture the assertion, that in no other case, under the most favorable circumstances, has any thing like the result attained by him been accomplished by any other person. By the table on page 351, we learn that his labors on a large scale resulted in hauling one hundred bushels of marl, weighing 105 lbs. to the bushel, half a mile from the pit to the field, at a cost of 24.46 cents; and in- cluding all other expenses, of digging, spread- ing, &c. costing on the field less than 54 cents the hundred bushels. It will be observed that the cost of hauling half a mile is less than one-fourth of a cent a bushel, or less than four and a half cents for 1890 lbs. a full load for two mules. Now we venture to say that in any part of the world, out of the slaveholding States, the same work would cost four times the money, and yet we are constantly re- proached with the inefficiency and expensive- ness of slave labor. We find in Stephen's Farmer's Guide, Vol. II. 669, some estimates of the expenses of marling in England, where wages are said lo be at a very low point. In these estimates the cost of hauling a load of forty bushels of marl one mile is rated at three shillings and six pence sterling, or about eighty cents, or two cents a bushel for one mile, and one cent for half a mile — just about four times Mr. Ruffin's estimate. But, as we said before, we think Mr. Ruffin's estimate much too low for operations, even in Virginia, as they may be expected to be conducted under the best common management. In illustration of this, we append a letter from Mr. Charles B. Wil- liams, Recording Secretary of the Virginia State Agricultural Society, furnishing many valuable statistics on this subject. The cost of marl, if it were fourfold greater than it is, would be fully justified by the profits that accrue from it. Our object is not to dis- suade persons from its use by magnifying the estimate of its expense, but to furnish true data from which the relative cost of calxing 1 1 with lime or marl, may be properly estimated. It is obvious that the advantage of one over the other depends mainly on distance, as the principal expense is incurred in the hauling. When the marl is rich, easily accessible, and not distant, say not over a mile, marling would probably be cheaper than liming. At a greater distance than one mile, unless the marl con- tain some other fertilizer than carbonate of lime, lime would, no doubt, be cheaper. Twen- ty-five bushels of slaked lime, in the state of fine powder, in which it is applied, is, no ! doubt, fully equal, at least, for early effect, to one hundred bushels of marl, containing 80 j per cent, of carbonate of lime, as it is usually found in undissolved shells, and frequently in indurated masses. These observations do not I apply to marl rich, in phosphate and sulphate of lime, and possibly other enriching matters of such value as to bear carriage to great dis- tances. And some of the Pamunkey marl, with even as little as 10 per cent, of carbonate of lime, yet abounding in other valuable mat- ters, may, upon the principles we have endea- vored to illustrate, yet be found of much greater value than they have heretofore been supposed to possess; thus Prof. Gilham of the Virginia Military Institute, is said to have ascertained, by analysis, that some of these marls contain as much as 18 per cent, of sul- phate of lime, besides the phosphate and other valuable matters. We have never seen any farm on which these marls have been used, put under an ameliorating system of cultivation, yet we have no doubt, from what we have ob- served of their effects on farms in the neigh- borhood of Hanover Town, that they would be productive of the highest degree of fertility if a milder rotation were adopted in lieu of the scourging system of cultivation now com- mon in that neighborhood. Indeed if any re- liance is to be placed in an experiment care- fully conducted by Petzholdt, and reported in his lectures, (page 99,) the soil would not only have the benefit of this manure as gypsum, if in that form it has any peculiar value, but the sulphate of ammonia would be largely formed * in the soil, and the sulphate of lime actually converted into the carbonate, so that in this view these marls, even for the mere purpbse of calxing, have a much greater value than has been heretofore attributed to them. We had wished to present some statistical views of the improvement of lands in Eastern Virginia, since the publication of the "Essay," and which are mainly due to truths first pro- mulgated in that work, and enforced by its author and his correspondents in the pages of the Farmers' Register, so long and so ably edited by him. But our limits forbid it; and indeed, statistics are scarely necessary in proof of a fact of which we have evidence on every side. We see it in the renewed hope and en- terpriseof ourpeople; in the increaseof wealth, public and private; in the improved condition, of our schools and colleges, which thirty years ago were like "banquet halls deserted," but now a re crowded with ingenuous youths, chiefly sons of thriving farmers, in earnest pursuit of that knowledge which at once secures and constitutes the true riches of a republic. We see it in the improved aspect of the country — in the old hearths, once desolate, now cheerful i and happy — in the increased commerce of our cities, and in the renewed beauty of our lovely villages. Every citizen who has been induced j to remain — every returning emigrant, whether ; in robust health, with hope revived, to com- mence again his labors among us, or broken by care and disappointment, he returns from his wanderings to lay his bones quietly with his ancestors, is a living witness of this grati- fying fact. The most important part of our duty remains THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 139 yet 10 be performed. We have now to fulfil our promise lo the cultivators of poor lands, to poiot out a plan by which they may speedily, cheaply and certainly render their farms pro- ductive, and themselves, if not rich, at least independent. This, we have the pleasure to say, is an easy task, yet we would not venture upon it, and incur the hazard of being classed among empirical pretenders, if we did not know that the plan suggested is founded in the true principles of nature and of science, and has been sufficiently tested by actual ex- perience. It consists in correcting in the soil whatever is injurious to vegetation, and in giving to it all those elements necessary for the growth of plants, which science teaches, are derived cralij from Hue soil. The prescription is for poor lands, and it applies to all dry lands from the mountains to the sea, let their poverty be ever so extreme, provided they are not precipitous, have a sound subsoil, and do not contain more than 95 per cent, of sand. Alluvial lands are not embraced, for though in many cases unproductive, they cannot be called poor, and their improvement demands a somewhat different treatment — embracing a system of careful drainage. The lands, more particularly within our view, are such as the originally thin and thoroughly ex- hausted "forest lands" of the Northern Neck and the counties of £ssex, Middlesex, King William, part of King and Q,ueen, and Caro- line, and all the counties below tide-water, of similar geological formation. These lands in their most reduced condition, produce scarcely a barrel of com to the acre, and no wheat, and where turned out to rest, are covered with a scant growth of poverty-grass. Few entire farms are in this condition — the most neglected having small spots of improved land. We suppose our plan, however, to be applied to a farm on which there is no spot improved, and all reduced to the lowest possible condition. Yet we would guarantee that in the short space of five years, the average crop of wheat shall be brought up fully to that attained at Coggins' Point in the last sixteen years, of a period of marling alone, extending back more than thirty years; and that all the expenses of the im-, proveraent shall have been paid out of the crops, and if the proprietor has been industrious and economical, the price of the farm paid besides; and that in the next five years the average product in wheat shall be so much greater than that attained at Coggins' Point that the whole expense of manuring and har- vesting shall be paid out of the surplus, and the average crop of Coggins' Point be left as clear profit. And though our experience does not extend thus far, we have no doubt that in another round, or two rounds of'crops at far- thest, the product of this poor land shall be found at least equal to the highest average on the richest and most highlyimproved farms in the State. This seemingly wonderful result is lo be produced by adding to the effects of calcareous manures the still more striking in- fluence of Peruvian guano, aided by a judi- cious rotation, proper culture and due attention to putrescent manures. The arable land should be divided into five equal parts, separated by fences or not, as may suit the convenience of the proprietor, and the fields cultivated in the succession of corn, wheat, clover, wheat on fallow, and pasture: every grain crop to be manured, and the land to be calxed with twenty-five bushels of lime to the acre, or its equivalent in marl, as the fields come successively in corn ; the composts and well rotted manures to be applied to the corn in the hill; and if the supply is insuffi- cient to dress the whole, the deficiency tp be made up with guano, at the rate of one hun- dred pounds to the acre, applied either when the land is broken, or aftfir the corn is thinned, and just before the dirt is thrown to it. The manuring of the corn in the hill is a great saving, and pays a handsome profit on the manure, but is not relied on as a means of improvement. The wheat, on both corn land and fallow, to be dressed with two hundred pounds of Peruvian guano to the acre. The corn-field wheat to be sowed in clover. The surplus straw to be applied as a top-dressing to the young clover, if it can be applied soon after harvest; if not, to the field that had been in fallow wheat, and that will be next in pas- ture. Let no hogs enter the fields, unless for gleaning; and limit the amount of stock of all kinds to the actual necessities of the family. If this plan is strictly adhered to in every round of crops, and the lime repeated, should the appearance of sorrel indicate the presence of acid, we regard- the result predicted as abso- lutely certain. When first taking possession of a farm so poor as to be reduced below the sorrel point, it may with great profit be all fallowed, dressed with guano and put in wheat. Such lands havein the first cropyielded enough to pay all expenses and the purchase money of the farm. But it will not do to repeat the wheat crop without, previous calxing, as the sorrel will destroy it. These results are cer- tain and speedy. They are also cheap. For although the plan requires the annual outlay of money, yet the capital is certain to be re- turned, with more than 50 per cent, profit at the end of the year, whilst the land progressively improves. The beauty of this system consists in the facility with which it may be accom- modated to the circumstances of farmers of every degree. The rich and the poor, the owners of slaves and those who have none, Ithe tiller of fifty and the tiller of five thousand acres may all equally avail themselves of its advantages. All that is necessary to insure success is faith, energy, perseverance and a little capital, or if that be wanting, reputation, for integrity, which, for such a purpose, will certainly command it. We have thus brought our labors to a close, whether satisfactorily or not we must leave to our readers to decide. We have endeavored to avail ourselves of all the lights before us, \ 140 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, and while it has given us peculiar pleasure to do justice to the distinguished merits of our author, we have not hesitated to express, with the candor -which we know he would both practice and approve, our dissent from such of his doctrines and reasonings as we deemed erroneous. It is not at all improbable that in pointing out his supposed errors of opinion upon questions purely scientific, we may have fallen into much greater errors ourselves. Our main purpose has been practical. We believe the team of our author both sure and strong, yet we think he drives rather too slow a coach for this go-ahead age. We desire to accelerate the motion, that agriculture may keep pace with other industrial pursuits. And for this purpose we earnestly recommend the use of such additional means as we feel sure will accomplish the end in view. We wish to see the tide of emigration not only checked, but arrested, by convincing the people of Vir- ginia that there is no necessity to leave the homes of their ancestors in order speedily to better their condition. Some are yet distrust- ful. We occasionally see one who, appre- hending that his family may want, is casting a wistful look towards Texas or California, or what is still worse, towards Washington. To all such we would speak a word of encourage- ment. Be of good cheer; " Put thou thy trust in the Lord, and be doing good: dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." Dilchley, February 21, 1853. Hon. Willoughby Newton: My Dear Sir, — Yours, post marked 12th, reached me on the 18th of this month, and I most cheerfully comply with your request, to wit: "to give you a statement of the improve- ment of my father's land, since the division among his heirs," and also send you some va- luable statistics of marling, attained by one of my immediate neighbors, Mr. Carter Braxton, whose estate lies on the Hanover side of the Pamunkey river, and immediately opposite to my father's land, in the county of King William. My father's estate was divided among his heirs in 1831. At that time, my younger bro- ther, Col. H. B. Tomlin, and myself were minors. Four portions of the estate (all that part lying in the county of King William,) were cultivated as one farm, under the manage- ment of the late most estimable and excellent Gen. Corbin Braxton — our guardian. That the estate, under his direction, was judiciously managed, I need give you, at least, no assu- rance. The land was thoroughly cultivated, and drained as rapidly as circumstances would permit. All the putrescent manure, both stable and barn-yard, that could be made, applied to the land in good time; while the poorest spots, well covered with partially rotted straw and chaff, had the cattle penned on them during the summer months. The farm was cultivated on the usual exhausting three-shift and grazing course of that time. With all the General's known skill and good judgment everdisplayed in the general details of farming, he was only able to keep the corn cropof the farm stationary, while the wheat crop diminished yearly, (even on the highly cow-penned spots the wheat al- ways tumbled and was badly rusted,) until it was a nice question whether the wheat crop paid expenses of cultivation. In the year 1838, the farm was divided into three farms, and each of the three put under the four-shift sys- tem in 1839. Before the year 1838, some marling had been done in spots, at about one hundred and fifty bushels to the acre, which marl proved to, be very poor in carbonate of lime. The scourging rotation of three grain crops in four years proved with us improper, as the wheat on the fallow field, not marled, was so damaged by sorrel as to bring the ave- rage below the yield of the corn-field wheat, and even on the few marled spots, where only a bunch of clover could be found, this was so closely grazed by the stock as to give but a very poor yield in comparison with results since obtained from clover fallow under the present five-shift system. The necessity of having a pasture and the sorrel together drove us into the five-shift system in 1843. Between 1838 and 1843 we made greater exertions in marling yearly from the banks we use at this time— the blue eocene marl; that used prior to 1838 being the grey eocene marl. Not till 1844, did we succeed in marling a whole field in a season. Since 1842, I have never failed to have a good stand of clover, and a good growth sufficient to mow. In 1848, we com- menced sowing the field pea in our corn crop at the last working, and have continued to sow it up to this time. The wheat crop on the land 1 now own, in 1838 averaged 3£ bushels per acre. The wheat crop on the land I now own, in 1851 averaged 24i bushels per acre. The wheat crop on the land I now own, in 1852 averaged 21 bushels per acre, notwith- standing the fresh of the river in the last of April covered two-thirds of the land, and so damaged one-third as to yield only 11 bushels per acre. The corn crop of 1838 averaged 20 bushels per acre. The corn crop of 1850 averaged 55 bushels per acre. The corn crop of 1852 averaged 37$ bushels per acre— damaged by fresli in April, killing my corn, baking my land, had all to be re- ploughed and planted just before harvest. On Col. H. B. Tomlin's farm, wheat crop of 1838 averaged between 2 and 3 bushels per acre. Wheat crop of 1851 and 1852 averaged between 24 and 25 bushels per acre. Corn crop of 1838 averaged 15 bushels per acre. Corn crop of 1851 and 1852 averaged 35 bushels per acre. On my sister's (Mrs. Coulton) farm, man- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 141 aged by Col. H. B. Tomlin, wheat crop of 1838 none sowed — oats substituted. Wheat crop of 1839 averaged 3 bushels per acre. Wheat crop of 1851 averaged 28 bushels per acre. Wheat crop of 1852 averaged 20 bushels per acre. Corn crop of 1S38 averaged I7i bushels per acre. Cora crop of 1852 averaged 40 bushels per acre. Mr. Carter Braxton's estate, wheat crop in 1840 averaged not quite 3 bushels per acre. Wheat crop in 1851 averaged 18 bushels per acre. Wheat crop in 1852 averaged 15 bushels per acre. Some 60 or 70 acres very much damaged — some producing nothing — from the fresh of April. Corn crop of 1840 averaged 19j bushels per acre. Com crop of 1852 averaged 50 bushels per acre. Since 1842 the wheat crops and corn crops have steadily increased on each field in the rotation over the preceding crops. Now, my dear sir, since without marl our lands will not bring clover — since without marl our lands would not yield a growth of pea vine sufficient, in a growing corn crop, to be of benefit to pay for the peas — since with- out marl the five-shift system will not answer, as the sorrel destroys the wheat on the fallow field, am I wrong to give to marl the credit of being the true and only basis of this increase of product'? Before marling, the more sandy soils, when not under cultivation, naked and liable to be drifted by high winds in very dry weather, while the stiffer soils presented little in their growth, save poverty-grass, sorrel and the running blackberry brier. After marling, our fields in winter covered with dark'weeds and in the spring with luxuriant red clover, and when this should fail, (from bad seeding, even on a few feet square,) a certainty of seeing a verdant turf of the white clover. Of marl, and its benefits, I should never have known anything, but for the Essay on Calca- reous Manures, by my much esteemed neigh- bor and friend, Mr. Edmund Ruffin, which you propose to review. In haste, Very truly, you rs, Ro. W. Tomlin. Richmond, Fehrvary 18, 1853. Hon. Willocghbv Newton: My Dear Sir, — I received your esteemed favor of the 11th instant on yesterday, and having availed myself of the means of infor- mation within my reach, I now proceed with pleasure to answer your inquiries. The daily hire of a cart, with two mules and a driver, when engaged in continuous labor in any of the departments you mentioned, is, and has been for a number of years, $2 50 per day, as I learn from bricklayers, dirt diggers, team- sters on the streets, &c. — the driver being an able bodied man, capable of loading and un- loading with facility and dispatch. For re- moving a full load (the standard fixed by City Ordinance at 1500 pounds,) for the distance of half a mile, supposing it to be part of a conti- nuous and large job, the price is 25 cents per load. The price for hauling a load of guano, is 36 cents from Rocketts, say three-quarters of a ton. For wheat there is no price current — the millers having for several years received that article at the landings and depots free of the expense of hauling to the vendor. 1 had a conversation with Col. T. J. Ran- dolph, an extensive railroad contractor, who being requested to furnish for the State Engi- neer an estimate, founded on his experience, of the actual cost per day of a one horse cart — horse and driver, with a yearly addition to the actual expenses of a reserved fund sufficient to reproduce the permanent capital; that is, the horse in 6 years and the cart and fixtures (I think) in 5 years — entered into the following minute calculation, founded on these elements : ESTIMATED COST OF CART, HORSE AND DRIVER. A cart and gear cost about $40. The same, with occasional repairs, will last five years. Allowing 270 working days, 10 cents per day for interest on cost and wear and tear, would be $27 a year; or $135 in the five years to re- pair, pay interest and renew. A horse will cost $120. The same will last six years. 10 cents a day will pay interest on cost and renew in six years. Feeding and shoeing a horse, at 30 cents a day, $109 50 per annum. This amount, for 365 days, is equi- valent to 40 cents a day for the 270 working days. The driver is usually an inferior hand or boy, hired from $50 to $80 per annum. Ave- rage hire never mofe than $70 00 Bread for the same — 4 lbs. of meal, at $3 50, - - - - 14 00 Meat for the same— 4 lbs. a week, at 11 cents, - - - - 22 88 Clothing for the same, - - 18 12 Contingencies, - - - 10 00 270 working days, at 50 cts. per day, $135 00 Summary. 9 Repairs, interest on cost and renewal of cart, per day, 10 Interest on cost and renewal of horse, per day, 10 Feedingand shoeing the same, per day, 40 Cost of driver, per day, - - 50 Actual cost of horse, cart and driver, per day, - - - $1 10 In this connexion I will mention that the daily hire in Richmond for such an equipage as above described is, for continuous labor, $1 50 per day, with a light boy for the driver. Pursuing the line of calculation suggested by Col. Randolph, I have estimated the expense 142 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, of a street, or two-horse cart, and a pair of mules and driver, by the standard of Richmond prices, which may serve pro forma, as a state- ment, applicable, with modifications, to every variety of circumstances, which I annex: Capital Invested. 2 mules, at $125 each, - - $250 00 1 two-horse cart and gear, - - 55 00 ©305 00 Annual and Daily Expenses. Yearly int. on cost of mules and cart, $18 30 Sinking fund to replace mules once in seven years, .... 35 72 Sinking fund to replace cart and gear twice in seven years, . 15 71 Horse and driver $125, clothing, sub- sistence, &c. $60, - - - 185 00 Subsistence of Mules, Shoeing, fyc. 40 barrels of corn, or equivalent, at $3, 120 00 7500 lbs. of fodder,' " $1, 75 00 Shoeing, &c. .... 12 00 Amount of annual expenses, - $461 73 which, if divided by 270 working days, ascer- tains the daily expense to be equal to $1 71. Take the items to be carried to the sinking fund, $35 72 and $15 71, and multiply them by 7, and they will be seen to produce the ag- gregate of $360. Thus it appears that such an establishment as produces a daily hire in this city of $2 50, actually costs in •perpetuity, $1 71 per day. — The cost, as per above statement, is $305; the reserve fund, $360, which reduced by the purchase of a new cart and gear at the end of three years and a half by the sum of its cost, $55, leaves the capital entire, at the end of se- ven years, for the renewal of the operation for a second series of seven years. I hope this will be found useful, however inaccurate it may be in details, as a formulary which seems lo be founded on correct principles, for similar estimates, upon actual expenses. I shall look for your forthcoming review with considerable anxiety, not doubting that it will be a valuable contribution to the cause of agriculture. Ch. B. Williams. For the Southern Planter. LANDS IN AMHERST. Mr. Editor, — My eye is frequently falling upon notices in thenewspapersof Washington and Richmond of sales of land at remarkable high prices, both in the great Valley of Vir- ginia and more recently in some of the counties east of the Blue Ridge. I have just noticed in the Richmond Dispatch, of the 21st of this month, a notice of a recent sale of a farm in Culpeper county at $35 per acre. In the month of November, in passing through the county of Albemarle, I had various farms pointed out to me that would bring from $30 to $60 per acre; and in quite a mountainous part of the county, and bordering upon the Nelson line, there was a farm pointed out to me as a sample of $25 land. The owner, who was near by, remarked that he had re- fused that sum very recently for it. I am well acquainted with the lands from Lynchburg to the Potomac river, and have never yet been able to see why it is that there is or should be such a vast difference in the price of land in the counties of Bedford, Amherst, Nelson, Albemarle, Orange, Culpeper, Fauquier, and Loudoun. In the counties of Amherst and Nelson — and particularly Amherst — land, yes hundreds if not thousands of acres, can be purchased at from $12 to $20 per acre, that was originally, and I hesitate not to assert can now be made equal to any of the high lands in any of the counties I have mentioned, by deep ploughing, fallowed with clover, and a liberal application of plaster. The county of Amherst has and must have advantages that no other county in the State can have, viz: there is now a canal running around two sides of it, and in a few years there will be a rail- road through its centre, connecting Lynchburg and Chartlottesville. And only behold Lynch- burg! It is now a city, with more factories and more capital than Richmond itself— that is trying to draw everything in the way of trade into its jaws. I have been a resident of this old free Stale {as it is familiarly called, from the fact that once upon a time the citizens were so universally in debt that you could not get a single case tried in the couuty court — but this is not now the case; this county is as free from debt as any in the State,) for six years, and well do I remember speaking with a large farmer, who was an intelligent gentle- man, as to my intention of seeding timothy, for the purpose of making hay. He and se- veral others remarked that this was not a grass county, and said if I did seed timothy, I would find that it would grow, but would never get up high enough to cut for hay. February, 1848, I did seed timothy and clover with oats, on flat land—June, 1849, '50, '51 and '52, I cut as good crops of hay as I ever saw cut off of land in the great Valley of Virginia; of the same strength or fertility. All I did after ploughing deep and seeding, was to put on it every January from a bushel to a bushel and a half of plaster, and when I had it, I would add two bushels of ashes per acre. I also seeded English blue grass, timothy and clover upon upland — really red land, and much of it perfectly naked— and in twelve months time I had as nice turf for grazing as you can find in South Western Virginia. This was all ac- complished on rented land. I will also stale that I have found that deep ploughing and cultivating the same land two or three years in succession, with a good ap- plication of plaster to each crop, would cause the land, if left out a year or two, to cover THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 143 itself with the valley or dwarf blue grass and greensward. This has convinced me that all the land in this region wants is deep tillage and some sort of stimulant, and protection for twelve months after seeding, and it will make as good a grass country as any portion of Virginia I have yet seen. If tobacco would get down to one dollar per hundred, and remain at that low price for ten years, Amherst would vie with any county east of the Blue Ridge for grass and stock. But tobacco has been its ruin, and is yet a great drawback to its im- provement. Bushes, briers and broomsedge are the pests of Eastern Virginia. Bui I have found deep ploughing, heavy harrowing with crooked teeth, if there are many briers, followed with thick seeding of clover and a plenty of plaster, and as little grazing as possible, until a month or two before fallowing, then graze until perfectly naked, if you can before you plough, will make more wheat per acre than most farmers believe can be grown on $12 or £-20 land. I had no idea of writing to such lengih, but have been led on from one thing to another until I have spun out quite a lengthy piece. But all I have stated are naked facts, which can easily be proven if necessary. I. I. HlTE. Amherst Co. January 23d, 1853. For the Southern Planter. SEED CORN. Mr. Editor, — Thinking over the little article in your March number, from Mr. IVoland, upon the subject of seed corn, it occurs to me that my own experience is probably "confirmation strong"of the view he takes. When I purchased my farm, eight years ago, I found upon it a very superior kind of white corn, which had been cultivated here, no doubt, upon the old-fashioned system of five feet by two. I have continued to plant it, but much thicker; and whilst making probably dou- ble the quantity of corn upon the eame land which my predecessors did, I have ob- served year after year a manifest deprecia- tion in the quality. Several years since a neighbor of mine recommended and gave me some of his corn, which was very fine — a large, flinty, white corn. He, I know, practised thin planting. Thai, too, I ob- serve, under the thick planting system, though upon first quality river bottom land, has considerably deteriorated. At all events, without these facts, I can but think it a matter of no little importance, and ehall certainly take some pains forth- with to act upon Mr. N.'s suggestion. I should think, however, that a separate patch for seed was more indispensable in your county, where the practice of cutting down corn in the green state is pursued, than in Eastern Virginia, where that is never done, that I am aware of. Apropos of that subject — if you will excuse me for trespassing further upon your time — I should look upon the introduction of that practice into this tobacco growing country as one of the most beneficial results ever brought about, by a mutual interchange of thought among farmers of different sec- tions, but for some little difficulties which, as yet, I have not been able exactly to get rid of. In the first place, to stack the corn on the wheat field, and go upon it with teams afterwards, is out of the question, for many reasons; in the second, to haul it to the barn at the time it is cut, as Mr. Gilmer says he does, it seems to me is rather "too much pork for a shilling;" for I do think, except wet bricks, green corn is about the heaviest hauling I ever under- took. But, sir, I do feel exceedingly inte- rested in this matter, and hope to see in your columns the views of farmers, more experienced than myself, in relation to it; for if the points above alluded to are set- tled satisfactorily, 1 can only say for my- self that I would save twice as much good fodder as I now do, and at least a fortnight of good October weather, and I need not tell wheat and tobacco makers what that is worth. Very truly, yours, G. F. H. Elkora, April 9. 1853. For the SoutheVn Planter. Appomattox Depot, Amelia, April 4, 1 853. Mr. Editor, — If the following can be published in the Southern Planter early enough to guard the farming community against probable loss and disappointment, it will be well to insert it: KETTLEWELL AND GUANO. Hearing from various quarters that the first named article, which has a mixture of guano in its composition, was equal to or better than the Peruvian guano alone, I procured a ton, to experiment with on wheat, last fall. On a field of fifty acres I sowed forward Purple Straw wheat, ap- plying 300 lbs. Peruvian guano to each acre, excepting where an equal quantity 144 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER (300 lbs.) of the Kettlewell was sown in such a manner as fairly to exhibit the dif- ference in the vegetation, growth and ma- turity of the crop. Up to this time, (April 4th,) the prospect and difference in favor of the guanoed part is as two or three to one — the Kettlewell being very little belter than unaided land. Gentlemen who are hesitating on the subject are invited to call on me, two and a half miles south- west of Appomattox Depot, on the Dan- ville Rail Road, any time between this and harvest, and make up their own verdict. Thomas Meaux. P. S. — I omitted to state that the entire guanoed surface is as green as a leek, and would generally hide a hare. T. M. THE MERINO SHEEP SPECULATION OF 1815-'17. The Merino sheep speculation was one of the most extraordinary bubbles that ever was known in America. It had its origin, in the year 1815, soon after the treaty of Ghent; and at a time when thousands of our people were actually under the influ- ence of manufacturing mania. In the sum- mer of that year, a gentleman of Boston imported some half dozen sheep from one of the Southern provinces of Spain, whose fleeces were of the finest texture, as it was said, and such undoubtedly was the fact, though the sheep were so thoroughly and completely embedded in tar and every other offensive article, thai it would have been very difficult to prove it. But the very offensive appearance of the sheep seemed to imbue them wiih a mysterious value, that rendered them doubly attrac- tive. It was said that the introduction of these sheep to the United States would enable our manufactories, then in their in- fancy, to produce broadcloths and other woollen fabrics of a texture that would compete with England and Europe. Mr. Clay was consulted in reference to the sheep, and he at once decided that they were exactly the animals that were wanted. The first Merino sheep sold, if I recollect right, for fifty dollars the head. They cost a dollar in Andalusia! The speculation was too profitable to stop here; and before a long period had elapsed a small fleet sailed on a sheep speculation to the Medi- terranean. By the end of the year 1816 there pro- bably were one thousand Merino sheep in theUnion, and they had advanced to twelve hundred dollars the head. Before the autumn of that year had passed away they sold for fifteen hundred dollars the head; a lusty and good looking buck was worth two thousand! In New England, in the year 1817, the speculation, in consequence of the surplus importation, began to decline; but it stea- dily and rapidly advanced throughout the Western country. Kentucky, in conse- quence of the influence of Mr. Clay's opi- nions, was especially benefited. In the month of August, 1817, I saw a Merino buck and ewe sold for eight thou- sand dollars; and even that was deemed a very small price for the animals. They were purchased by a Mr. Samuel Long, a house-builder and contractor, who fancied ne had by the transaction secured an im- mense fortune. This Mr. Long was actually rabid with the Merino fever; and, in proof of it, it is only necessary to relate a single anecdote. There resided in Lexington — and not more than a mile distant from Mr. Clay's villa of Ashland — a wealthy gentleman, named Samuel Trotter, who was, in fact, the mo- ney-king of Kentucky, and who, to a very great extent, controlled the branch of the Bank of the United States. He had two sheep, a buck and an ewe, and Long was very anxious to possess them. Long often bantered Trotter for the sheep without success; but one day the latter said to the former, " If you will build me such a house, on a certain lot of land, as I shall describe, you shall have the Merinos." "Draw your plans," said Long, "and let me see them." The thing was done, and Long eagerly engaged in the enter- prise. He built for Trotter a four story brick house, about fifty feet by seventy, on the middle of an acre of land; finished it in the most approved modern style, and enclosed it with a costly fence, and handed it over to Trotter for the two Merino sheep! The establishment must have cost fifteen thousand dollars. Months before the establishment was completed the price of Merinos declined gradually, and six months had not passed away before they would not command twenty dollars! Mr. Long held on to them til! they had reached the par value of any other sheep, when he killed them, made a barbecue, called all his friends to the feast, and whilst the "goblet went its giddy rounds," like THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 145 the ruined Venetian, he thanked God that he was not worth a ducat! He was ruined, and soon after died of a broken heart — New Enerland Farmer. tf&fr THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, MAY, 1853. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum, which may be discharged by ihe pay- ment of One Dollar only, if paid in office or seat free of postage within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies for Ten Dollars, to be paid invariably in advance. g5* Subscriptions may begin with any No. 53*No paper will be discontinued, until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Publisher. 5J- Office on Twelfth, between Main and Cary Streets. All communications for the columns of this paper, and all letters of inquiry, to insure prompt attention, must be addressed to Frank: G. Ruffin, Shadwell, Albemarle County, Va. All business letters connected with the Planter must be addressed to P. D. Bernard, Richmond, Virginia. It is indispensably necessary that subscribers ordering a change, should say from what, to what post office they wish the alteration made. It will save time to us and lose none to them. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We have a good many articles on hand which are crowded out by want of room or prior communications. REVIEW OF THE ESSAY ON CALCA- REOUS MANURES. We make no apology for the length of this able paper. To us, as to many of our readers, no doubt, it is the more accepta- ble on that account. Subjects of such in- terest as it treats of cannot be compressed into very small limits without injustice to the public. We cannot better gain a fair hearing for it than by stating that it is the production of the Hon. Willoughby New- ton of Linden, in the county of Westmore- land, of whom it may truly be said not only that he is a very worthy gentleman and a true, though retired patriot, but what is, perhaps, more to the purpose in hand, that "A better farmer ne'er brushed dew from the lawn." Thoroughly practical, he has in his pro- duction, as on previous occasions, given evidence that a knowledge of books and theories is not at all inconsistent with the highest skill in husbandry. VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. We respectfully invite the particular at- tention of our readers to the schedule of premiums proposed to be awarded by the Society at its first annual exhibition. We hope there will not be wanting among the farmers, manufacturers and mechanics of Virginia the spirit of generous rivalry and active competition which is essential to the successful attainment of the ends proposed by the Society in offering their premiums upon a spale so liberal and comprehensive. For it is by such means they seek to pro- mote the development of our agricultural resources — to cherish and diffuse the spirit of improvement in all the departments of rural labor and household economy — to foster enterprise and skill in procuring and rearing the best breeds of live-stock — to encourage useful inventions adapted to facilitate and economise the labor of agri- 146 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. culture — and though last, not least, to se- cure an annual convocation of the friends of improvement from every section of the Commonwealth, by which the contact of the members in kindly social intercourse and public and private discussions with each other may elicit important truths — correct prevailing errors in opinion and practice, and above all, cement in bonds of enduring friendship and confidential brotherhood those who have hitherto been sadly deficient in V esprit du corps which ought to signalize them as a class, and whose common interest should incite them to hearty cooperation in securing to them- selves the manifold benefits of associated action. The rules and regulations to be observed in conducting the exhibition, with such other matters as may be deemed per- tinent by the Executive Committee, will appear in the June number of the Southern Planter. The Fredericksburg Herald says, "To the untiring energy of Dr. E. P. White of Caroline, is Tide Water Virginia chiefly indebted for the agricultural organization now in existence. With an inflexible will which knew no surrender, the Doctor worked on in this labor of unrequited re- ward until a Society was formed, which has quite recently been placed upon a firm looting." And we have heard from others that mainly, if not entirely, to his exertions do the people of his district owe the existence of this Society. He is succeeded by a gentleman of known skill, zeal and public spirit; and seconded, as we hope he may be, by his colleagues of the Executive Committee and others, we must anticipate success to the Tide Water Agricultural Society. TIDE WATER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY We have received the proceedings of the above Society, which met at Port Royal in the county of Caroline, on the 2d of April, and organized by the election of officers and the adoption of a Constitution and By-Laws. The former President, Dr. E. P. White of Caroline, resigned and was succeeded by Col. Ed. T. Tayloe of King George, President, and James P. Corbin, William P. Taylor, Richard Baylor and Rich'd Royston as Vice Presidents; Rich. H. Garrett, Recording Secretary; John Taylor, Jr. Corresponding Secretary; and R. S. Catlett, Treasurer. The retiring President delivered a short address, touching upon the benefitsof Agri- cultural Societies, the advantages of the peculiar region, Spottsylvania, Caroline, Essex and the Northern Neck, in agricul- tural point of view, and the necessity of the farmers of that region keeping up with the spirit of the age in agricultural im- provement. VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Executive Committee met at the Exchange Hotel on Thursday evening, the 21st of April, 1853. Present P. St.^Geo. Cocke, President; Harvie, Overton, F. G. Ruffin, Irby, Peyton and Williams. Mr. Irby, from the Committee to revise and enlarge the scheme of Premiums for the first Agricultural Fair, made a report, which was laid upon the table for the pur- pose of conferring with the Committee of the Common Council of the city of Rich- mond. Messrs. M'Cance, Anderson and Has- kins, the committee above referred to, were then introduced and announced to the Ex- ecutive Committee the liberal propositions they had unanimously concurred in as fit to be recommended to the Common Hall for its adoption in respect to the furnishing grounds, fixtures and certain accommoda- tions for the first Fair, if the Committee should decide to hold it in Richmond. Mr. Harvie, from the Committee ap- pointed to confer with rail road and other transportation companies, reported that the Directors of the Danville Rail Road Com- pany had agreed to transport live-stock and other articles designed for the Society's exhibition to and from the place thereof, to the extent their road might be available for that purpose, free of expense for trans- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 147 portation, and that the members of the So- ciety might in like manner pass free. Mr. Irby made a similar report respect- ing the action of the Directors of the South- side Rail Road Company, so far as that Road might be used in facilitating the transit of members And of subjects for ex- hibition to and from the place of holding it. Mr. Cocke reported that the Directors of the James River and Kanawha Com- pany had agreed to remit toll on all sub- jects for exhibition transported on their Canal, and also on members of the Society going to and returning from the Fair. Similar proposals were directed through different members of the General Com- mittee to be made to other rail road and transportation companies, but no reports have yet been received. Resolved. That the Executive Commit- tee will hold monthly meetings on the third Thursday in each month, the place and hour of meeting to be from time to time designated. The report on Premiums was taken up and after considerable progress in the con- sideration thereof it was again laid upon the table, and the Committee adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Friday morning, 22d April, 1853. The Committee met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Present P. St. George Cocke, Pre- sident; F. G. Ruffin and C. B. Williams. The report on Premiums was taken up and adopted, per schedule annexed. Adjourned to meet at the Exchange Hotel on Thursday, the 19th of May, at 4-£ o'clock, P. M. Ch. E. Williams, Rec. Sec'y. SCHEDULE OF PREMIUMS To be Awarded at the First Annual Fair of tiie Virginia, Slate Agricultural Society. PARTICULAR SOEJECT3 AND PREMIUMS. Branch I. — Experiments. — For each of the eight best experiments, or series of experiments, on any of the following sub- jects^ a premium as follows: let. Effects (in profit or loss} of the usual mode of saving corn fodder, by stripping the green blades and cutting off the tops, - $20 2d. Cost and effects of subsoil plough- ing, under different circumstances of soil and subsoil, - - - 20 3d. Action or non-action of lime as manure, above the falls of the tide- water rivers of Virginia, on different soil, - - - - - 30 4th. Action or non-action of gypsum, below the falls of the tide-water rivers, and on soils respectively originally rich and originally poor; and on the latter, alter as well as before their being made calcareous, - - $20 5th. Cost and effects of bone-dust, (or phosphate of lime,) as manure, - 20 6th. How late, in reference to the growth, the last tillage (by plough or cultivator) should be given to corn for its best product ; and whether the said last tillage should be shallow or deep, 20 7th. Best series of comparative ex- periments in the cultivation of corn, 20 Sth. Benefits and products of guano, compared to costs; to be tested by not less than three different experiments, made under different circumstances, 20 9th. Benefits or profit of preserving and applying human excrements as manure, whether prepared for sale and distant transportation or other- wise, but the whole operation to be in Virginia, - - - - 20 10th. Tide marsh mud, or swamp muck, or peaty soil (either kind to 'be accurately described and character- ized) as manure, in compost with lime or other materials, or otherwise, - 20 11th. Value of charcoal as an aid to fertility, - - - - 20 12th. Value of sulphate of barytes as a manure, especially for clover, - 20 13th. Tobacco. — Culture, cost and profit of cultivation, and comparative S fleets on production, from different istances of planting, modes of prim- ing, topping, &c. — comprising at least three different experiments, - - 30 14th. Culture, cost and profit of cul- tivation, and comparative feeding va- lue of rye, - - - - 10 Branch II. — Essays or written Commu- nications. — For each of the best five on any of the following subjects, a premium, a3 follows: 1st. On improving and enriching poor land — whether naturally poor or naturally rich, or good, and subse- quently exhausted by severe cropping, 2d. On draining, - y - 3d. On rotation of crops, - 4th. On the accumulation, prepara- tion and application of stock yard and stable manure, - 5th. On the "green sand" or "gyp- seous earth" of lowerWirginia as ma- nure — and the facts, and causes of ef- fect or non effect, - - - 20 20 10 20 148 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 6th. On the properties and value of the Southern pea (or "cornfield pea" of any variety,) and the culture there- of; whetherforsavingthe peas ripened, or ploughing under the growth, green or dry, for manure, and as a prepara- tion for wheat, or other grain crops, $20 7th. On the comparative profits of planting and farming, and of the two combined — improvement of land being considered, - - - - 20 Branch III. — Best Farming in Virgi- nia — Having reference as much as may be to all the territory of the State. Hono- rary testimonials for the twelve best farms, which have been managed to greatest be- nefit and profit in reference to the follow- ing great objects of cultivation: improve- ment of soil-fertility or production; increase of farming capital — sufficient annual pro- fits; and general arrangement and proce- dure tending to best secure profitable and enduring results. Greater superiority in one or more of these requisites may com- pensate for deficiency in others. Branch IV. — For the best product ave- raged to the acre, of each of the following crops raised in 1853 on a bona fide farm and for an entire shift of the farm accord- ing to its usual or designed rotation— a premium of - - - $20 1st. Best average product of Indian corn. 2d. ,'.."■ " wheat. 3d. " " clover. 4th. " " tobacco. A premium for the best average product of each of the following crops, of $10 5th. Oats. 6th. Peas (Southern, or cornfield, either among corn or separate,) in grain or in green manure. 7th. Sweet potatoes. 8th. Irish potatoes. 9th. Turnips. 10th. Carrots. 11th. Parsnips. 12th. Pumpkins. For the largest yield on one acre of the following crops, each a premium of $10 13th. Tobacco. 14th. Corn (not less than 100 bushels per acre.) 15th. Wheat (not less than 30 bushels per acre.) 16th. Hay (clover or grass, not less than 2 tons per acre.) For the best varieties of the following crops, to be raised and samples exhibited by the individual raising them, a premium of . ... $5 17th. Corn. 18th. Wheat. 19th. Tobacco. 20th. Oats. 21st. Clover and grfcss seeds. 22d. Turnips. 23d. Parsnips. 24th. Carrots. 25th. Pumpkins. 26th. Peas. Branch V. — Live Stock Exhibited. HORSES. 1st. For the best thoroughbred stal- lion, $30 2d. For the second best thorough- bred stallion, 15 3d. Forthe best thoroughbred mare, 15 4th. For 2d " " " 8 QUICK DRAUGHT AND SADDLE HORSES. 5th. For the best stallion for quick draught, ... $30 6th. For 2d best stallion for quick draught, 15 7th. For best brood mare for quick draught, - - - 15 8th. For second best brood mare for quick draught, - - - 10 9th For best stallion for the saddle, 30 10th. For 2d best " " " 15 11th. For best brood mare forthe saddle, - 15 12th. For 2d best brood mare for the saddle, - - - 10 13th. For best pair matched horses, 15 14th. For 2d " " 10 15th. For best saddle horse, mare or gelding, - - - 15 16th. For best pair draught horses, 15 17tb. For the best team of draught horses, not less than four, - 20 18th. For best 3 year old colt or filly, 15 19th. For best 2 year old colt or filly, 10 20th. For best 1 year old colt or filly, 8 HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. 21st. For the best stallion for heavy draught, - - - 30 22d. For 2d best stallion for heavy draught. - - - 15 23d. For the best mare for heavy draught, - - - 15 24th. For 2d best mare for heavy draught, - - - 10 MULES AND JACKS. 25th. For the best jack, - 30 26th. For the 2d best jack, - 10 27th. For the best jennet, - 20 28th. For the 2d best jennet, 10 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 149 Short . 29th. For the best pair of mules, $20 30th. For the best team of mules, not less than five, - - 30 CATTLE. Short Horns or Durhams and Hereford's, three years old and upward. 1st. For ihe best bull, - $30 2d. For the 2d best bull, - 15 3d. For the ,3d best bull, - 8 4th. For the best cow, - 30 5th. For the 2d best cow, - 15 6th. For the 3d best cow, - 8 Short Horns or Durhams and Herefords, under three years old. For the best bull between two and three years old, - - $15 8th. For the 2d test bull between two and three years old, - 8 9th. For the 3d beet bull between two and three years old, - 5 10th. For the best bull between one and two years old, 15 11th. For the 2d best bull between one and two years old, 8 12th. For the best heifer between two aqd th ree years old, - 15 IStiii For the 2d best heifer between two ana three years old, - 8 14th. For the best heifer between one and two years old, 15 15th. For the best heifer between one and two years old, 8 Devons and Alderneys, over three years old. 16th. For the best Devon bull three years old and upwards, - $30 17th. For the 2d best Devon bull three years old and upwards, - 15 18th. For the 3d best Devon bull three years old and upwards, - 8 19th. For the best Devon cow three years old and upwards, - - 30 20th. For the 2d best Devon cow three years old and upwards, - 15 21st. For the 3d best Devon cow three years old and upwards, - 8 Alderneys same premiums as Devons. Devons and Alderneys under 3 years old. 22d. For the best Devon bull be- tween two and three years old, $15 23d. For the 2d best Devon bull be- tween two and three years old, 8 24th. For the 3d best Devon bull between two and three years old, 5 25th. For the best Devon bull be- tween one and two years old, - 15 26th. For the 2d best Devon bull between one and two years old, 8 27th. For the best Devon heifer be- tween two and three years old, 15 2Sth.'For the 2d best Devon heifer between two and three years old, $S 29th. For the best Devon heifer be- tween one and two years old, - 15 30th. For the 2d best Devon heifer between one and two years old, 8 Alderneys same premiums as Devons. Ayrshires and Holsteins over 3 years old. 31st. For best Ayrshire bull three years old and upwards, - $30 32d. For the 2d best Ayrshire bull three years old and upwards, - 15 33d. For the 3d best Ayrshire bull three years old and upwards, - 8 34th. For the best Ayrshire cow 3 years old and upwards, - 30 35th. For the 2d best Ayrshire cow three years old and upwards, - 15 36th. For the 3d best Ayrshire cow three years old and upwards, - 8 Holsteins same premiums as Ayrshires. Ayrshires and Holsteins under 3 years old. 37th. For the best Ayrshire bull be- tween two and three years old, $15 38th. For the 2d best Ayrshire bull between two and three years old, 8 39th. For the 3d best Ayrshire bull between two and three years old, 5 40th. For the best Ayrshire heifer between two and three years old, 15 41st. For 2d best Ayrshire heifer between two and three years old, 8 42d. For the best Ayrshire bull be- tween one and two years old, - 15 43d. For the 2d best Ayrshire bull between one and two years old, 8 44 th. For the best Ayrshire heifer between one and two years old, 15 45th. For 2d best Ayrshire heifer between one and two years old, 8 Holsteins same premiums as Ayrshires. Natives or Grades. 46th. For best bull three years old and upwards, ... $30 47th. For 2d best bull three years old and upwards, - - 15 48th. For 3d best bull three years old and upwards, - - 8 49th. For best bull between two and three years old, - - 15 50th. For 2d best bull between two and three years old, 8 51st. For 3d best bull between two and three years old, 5 52d. For best bull between one and two years old, 15 53d. For 2d best bull between one and two years old, 8 150 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 54th. For best cow three years old and upwards, - $30 55th. For 2d best cow three years old and upwards, 15 56th. For 3d best cow three years old and upwards, 8 57th. For best heifer between two and three years old, - - 15 58th. For 2d best heifer between two and three years old, - 8 59th. For 3d best heifer between two and three years old, - 5 60th. For best heifer between one and two years old, 15 61st. For 2d best heifer between one and two years old, v - - 8 Working Oxen. 62d. For best yoke of oxen over four years old, - ,- $30 63d. For 2d best yoke of oxen over four years old, 15 64th. For best yoke of oxen under four years old, 30 65th. For 2d best yoke of oxen under four years old, - - » 15 Fat Cattle. 66th. For best pair of fat steers, $30 67th. For best fat cow, - 15 68 th. For best fat heifer, - 8 SHEEP. Fine Wools and Middle Wools. 1st. For best buck — fine wool, $20 2d. For 2d " " 10 3d. For 3d " " 5 4th. For best pen of ewes, not less than three — fine wool, - - 20 5th. For 2d best pen of ewes, not less than three — fine wool, - 10 6th. For 3d best pen of ewes, not less than three — fine wool, - 5 7th. For best pen of ewe Iambs, not ■ less than four — fine wool, - 5 8th. For best pen of buck lambs, not less than four — fine wool, - 5 9th. For best buck — middle wool, 20 10th. For 2d " " 10 11th. For 3d " " 5 12th. For best pen of ewe lambs, not less than four — middle wool, 5 13ih. For best pen of buck lambs, not less than four — middle wool, 5 Long Wools and Natives. 14th. For best buck — long wool, 20 15th. For 2d " " 10 16th. For 3d " « 5 17th. For best pen of ewes, not less than four — long wool, - - 20 18th. For 2d best pen of ewes, not less than four — long wool, - 10 19th. For 3d best pen of ewes, not less than four — long wool, - $5 20th. For best pen of ewe lambs, not less than four — long wool, - 5 21st. For best pen of buck lambs, not less than four — long wool, - 5 Natives or Mixed Blood. 22d. For best buck, - -' 20 23d. For 2d best buck, - 10 24th. For 3d best buck, ' - 5 25th. For best pen of ewes, not less than four, 20 26th. For 2d best pen of ewes, not less than four, 10 27th. For 3d best pen of ewes, not less than four, - 5 28th. For best pen, of ewe lambs, not less than four, ' - - 5 29th. For best pen of buck lambs, not less than four, - - 5 Imported Sheep. 30th. For best imported buck, of any description, 20 31st. For best imported ewe, of any description, 20 32d. For 2d best imported buck, of any description, 10 33d. For 2d best imported ewe. of any description, 10 34th. For 3d best imported buck, of any description, - 5 35th. For 3d best imported ewe, of any description, - - - 5 Swine — Large Breed. 1st. For best boar over 2 years old, 20 2d. For 2d " " " 10 3d. For the best boar one year old, 15 4th For 2d best boar one year old, 8 5th. For best boar six months and under one year old, - - 15 6th. For 2,d best boar six months and under one year old, - - 8 7th. For best breeding sow over two years old, 20 8th. For 2d best breeding sow over two years old, - - - 10 9th. For best sow, not less than six months and under 18 months old, 15 10th. For 2d best sow, not less than 6 months and under 18 months old, 8 11th. For best lot of pigs, not less than 2 and under 5 months old, 20 12th. For 2d best lot of pigs, not less than 2 and under 5 months old, 10 The large breed includes Chester, Berk- shire, Russia, Bedford, Woburn, Grazier, Duchess County, and their grades. Small Breed. 13th. For best boar over 2 years old, $15 14th. For 2d « " " 8 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 151 15th. For best boar over 1 year old, $15 16th. For 2d " " " ' 8 17th. For best boar 6 months old, 15 18th. For 2d " " " 8 19th. For best breeding sow over 2 years old, 15 2fith. For 2d best breeding sow over 2 years old, - 8 21st. For best sow, not less than 6 months nor more than 18 months old, 15 22d. For 2d best sow, not less than 6 months nor more than IS months old, 8 23d. For best lot of pigs, not less than 2 and under 5 months old, 15 24th. For 2d best lot of pigs, not less 2 and under 5 months old, - 8 The small breed includes Neapolitan, Suffolk, Chinese, and their grades. PREMIUM ANIMALS. 1st. For best bull of any breed on exhibition, ... $40 2d. For best cow of any breed on exhibition, 40 3d. For best stallion of any breed on exhibition, 40 4th. For best brood mare of any breedfcn exhibition, - - 40 5th. For best buck of any breed on exhibition, 20 6th. For best ewe of any breed on exhibition, 20 7th. For best boar of any breed on exhibition, 20 8th. For best breeding sow of any breed on exhibition, - - 20 9th. For best pen of fat hogs, not less than twenty, - -30 10th. For best pen of fat hogs, not less than ten, 20 11th. For best pen of fat hogs, not less than five, - - 10 POULTRY — CHICKENS. 1st. For best pair of white Shang- haes, - 2 2d. For best pair of Cochin China, 2 3d. For best pair of red Shanghaes, 2 4th. For best pair of yellow * 2 5th. For best pairof Imperial China, 2 6th. For best pairof white Dorkings, 2 7th. For best pairof red Chittagong, 2 8th. For best pair of gray " 2 9th. For best pair of black Poland, 2 10th. For best pair of white Poland, 2 1 Ifh. Forbestpair Silver Pheasant, 2 12th. For best pair Golden " 2 13th. For best pair spangled Ham- burg. - - - . 2 14th. For best pair of white or red Game, - 2 15th. For best pair Bramah Pootra, 2 16th. For best pair Virginia Game, $2 17th. For best pair black Spanish, 2 18th. For bestpair Indian Mountain, 2 19th. For best pair of Wild Indian Game, ... - 2 20th. Forbestpair Sumatra Game, 2 21st. For best pair Ostrich, - 2 22d. For best pair of Bolton Greys, 2 23d. For best pair of Sea Bright Bantams, ... 2 24th. For best pair Java Bantams, 2 25th. For best pair Great Malay, 2 26th. For best pair Jersey Blues, 2 27th. For bestpair of common Dor- kings, .... 2 28th. For the best pair of any other breed, .... 2 TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS, &C. 29th. For best pairof common geese, 2 30th. For best pair of wild geese, 2 31st. For best pair of China geese, 2 32d. B^or best pair of white Poland, ducks, ... . 2 33d. For best pair Muscovy ducks, 2 o4th. For best pair common ducks, 2 35th. For best pair common turkeys, 2 36th. For best pair wild turkeys, 2 37th. For the greatest variety of poultry, 10 Branch VI. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Class No. 1. Ploughs, Cultivators angL Rollers. 1st. Forthe bestsingle horse plough, $8 2d. For the best shovel plough, 8 3d. For the best cultivator, - 6 4th. For the best harrow, - 8 5th. For the best subsoil plough, 5 6th. For the best gang plough, 5 7th. For the best hillside plough, 5 8th. For the best corn planter, 5 9th. For the best roller, - 10 Class No. 2. Drills and Broadcasting Machines, Wlieat or Grass Rakes by Horse-Power, Cra- dles, Carts, Wagons, Wagon Gear, Cart Gear, Ox Yokes, $c. 1st. For best broadcasting and drill- ing machine for grain or grass seed, $30 2d. For best broadcasting machine for sowing grain, r 30 3d. For best broadcasting machine for sowing lime, - - 30 4th. For the best corn planter or drill for depositing seed at regular distances, 10 5th. For best wheat drill, - 30 6th. For best horse rake, - 5 7th. For best set of wagon harness, 5 8th. For best ox yoke, - 4 152 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 9th. For best grain cradle, - . $4 10th. For best wagon for farm use, 10 11th. For the best frame or body for hauling wheat in the sheaf, hay or straw, 10 12th. For best ox cart with body for hauling corn in the shucks, - 8 13th. For best ox cart with body for hauling wheat in sheaf, hay or straw, 8 14th. For best horse cart, - 6 15th. For best set of cart gear, 4 Class No. 3. 1st. For best sweep horse-power, 30 2d. For 2d best sweep horse-power, 10 3d. For best railway horse-power, 30 4th. For the best threshing machine without separating and cleaning ap- paratus, 15 5th. For best machine for threshing, separating and cleaning grain at one operation, 20 6th. For the best separator or straw carrier, - 5 Class No. 4. 1st. For best hay and straw cutter for horse-power, - - 10 2d. For best hay and straw cutter for hand-power, - - 10 3d. For best corn sheller for horse- power, ... - - 10 4th. For best grist mill for horse- power, - - 10 5th. For best grist' mill for hand- power, 10 6th. For best saw mill for farm use for horse-power, - - 10 7th. For best corn and cob crusher, 8 Class No. 5. 1st. For best fanning mill, $15 00 £d. For best churn, - 5 00 3d. For best hay fork, - 2 50 4th. For best hay or straw knife for cutting down stalks, - 2 50 5th. For best dung fork and hoe, 2 50 6th. For best brier blade, - 2 50 7th. For best stump machine, 10 00 8th. For the best water ram in operation, - - - 10 00 9th. For best draining tile, - 5 00 10th. For best scoop or scraper, 5 00 11th. For best hay press, - 30 00 AGRICULTURAL STEAM ENGINE. 1st. For the best steam, (portable) applicable to agricultural purposes generally, as a substitute for horse- power, - 2d. For the most extensive and va- luable collection of useful machines and implements exhibited and made at any one factory, whether including subjects for other premiums or not, a premium of $25 PLOUGHING MATCH. 1st. For the best two-horse plough, as shown by work actually performed and the test of the dynamometer, 20 2d. For the best 3 or 4 horse plough, as shown by work actually performed and the test of the dynamometer, 20 3d. For the best ploughman with horses, - - - - 10 4th. For 2d best ploughman with horses, - 5 5th. Forbestploughmanwithsteers, 10 6th. For 2d best " " 5 WHEAT REAPER AND MOWER. For the best wheat reaper and mower, to be tested in such manner and at such place as the Executive Committee shall designate, a premium of .... 50 Branch VII. FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES. 1st. For the best and largest variety of apples suitable for Southern raising, each labelled, • - - - M 10 2d. For the best and largest variety of pears, ... 8 3d. For greatest number of choice varieties of different kinds of fruit, 10 4th. For best and largest collection of apple trees, suitable for Southern raising, 10 5th. For best pear trees, - 10 6th. For best peach trees, - 10 7th. For best grape vines, - 5 8th. For best strawberry vines, 3 9th. For best raspberry plants, 3 VEGETABLES. 1st. For the largest and best assort- ment of table vegetables, - 10 2d. For best dozen long blood beets, 3 3d. For " head of cabbage, 3 4th. For " carrots, - 3 5th. For " egg plants, 3 6th. For best peck of onions, 3 7th. For best dozen parsnips, 3 8th. For best bushel Irish potatoes, 3 9th. For best bushel sweet potatoes, 3 10th. For three finest pumpkins, 3 11th. For best sample of beans, 3 12th. For best sample garden peas, 3 Branch VIII. DAIRY AND HONEY. 1st. For the best specimen of fresh butter, not less than 5 lbs. - 5 2d. For 2d best specimen of fresh butter, not less than 5 lbs. - 3 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 153 3d. For best firkin or tub of salted butter, not less than six months old, $6 4th. For 2d bestfirkin or tubof salted butter, not less than six months old, 3 5th. For best cheese, not less than 25 lbs. 6 . 6th. For best ten pounds of honey, 5 The honey to be taken without destroying the bees, and the kind of hive used, and management of same to be stated by com- petitors. Also the methods of making and preserving the cheese and butter to be stated. BACON HAMS. 1st. For the best ham, cured by ex- hibitor, $10 2d. For 2d best ham, cured by ex- hibitor, - 5 Manner of curing to be described by the competitors, and the hams exhibited to be cooked. FLOWERS. 1st. For the largest and choicest variety of flowers, - - $10 2d. For the 2d largest and choicest variety of flowers, - - 5 3d. For the best and greatest va- riety of dahlias, - - 5 4th. For the best and greatest va- riety of roses, - 5 5th. For the best floral ornament, 5 6th. For the best and largest va- riety of greenhouse plants, - 5 HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. 1st. For the best quilt, - 5 2d. For the 2d best quilt, - 4 3d. For the best counterpane, 5 4th. For 2d best counterpane, 4 5th. For the best specimen of em- broidery, ... 3 6th. For best specimen of worsted work, .... 3 7th. For the best hearth rug, 5 8th. For the best pair home made blanket?, ... 5 9th. For best home made carpet, 5 10th. For best piece, not less than 7 yards, of home made negro shirting, 5 11th. For best piece, not less than 10 yards, winter clothing for negroes, to be woven by hand, 5 12th. For best piece heavy woollen jeans, to be woven by hand, - 5 13th. For 2d best piece heavy wool- len jeans, to be woven by hand, 3 14th. For piece best linsey, not less than 7 yards, to be woven by hand, 5 15th. For piece 2d best linsey, not less than 7 yards, woven by hand, 3 16th. For best fine long yarn hose, 3 17th. For best home made bread. $5 18th. For best home made pound cake, .... 3 19th. For best home made sponge cake, .... 3 20th. For best varieties home made pickles, ... - 3 21st. For best varieties home made preserves, ... 3 22d. For best varieties home made fruit jelly, - - - - 3 23d. For best sample of home made soap, the process of making to be de- scribed by the exhibitor, - 5 HOUSEHOLD IMPLEMENTS. 24th. For the best sewing machine, 15 25th. For the best apple peeler, 3 Branch IX. — Honorary testimonials to each individual of Virginia who, previous to 1853 has discovered or introduced or brought into use, any principle, process or facility, or generally any improvement by which important value has been gained for the agricultural interests of Virginia. Branch X. — Special premiums for any useful subjects not embraced under any of the foregoing heads. let. Discovery in Virginia of mineral phosphate of lime in sufficient quantity to be valuable for sale and distant transpor- tation as manure, a premium of $20 If more than one claimant, the most va- luable discovery to have the award. Branch XI. — Premiums to be proposed of not less than $20 value by any public spirited individual or association of indi- viduals, who may thus desire to induce experiment or investigation on any parti- cular subjects of inquiry which shall come under the general design of the Society. In any such case the premium shall be offered in and by the name of the indivi- dual donor, or association, but shall be awarded, as all other premiums, by the Executive Committee, acting under the general instructions of the Society. Of- fers under this branch may be made at any time, admitting of sufficient public notice thereof being given previous to the day of award. Under this branch, and subject to the regulations above referred to, Edmund Ruffin, Esq. offers a complete set of the 'Farmers' Register," ten volumes, well bound in calf, and to be lettered suitably to the destination, and to be denominated the Ruffin Premium, for the most valua- ble series of analyses, conducted by, or under the particular direction of any one chemist, of* different kinds of marl of lower 154 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Virginia, or of the accompanying beds of other earths supposed to contain manuring ingredients. In deciding upon the relative superiority of claims of competitors for this premium, regard will be had to the number of ana- lyses, the diversity and importance of the particular subjects, the accuracy of the methods used and described, the proper direction of investigation, and especially the probable utility and benefit of the re- sults, in their application to agricultural practice and improvement of soils. It is understood that the award of this premium shall not invalidate or lessen any claim which the receiver might otherwise proper- ly present upon some of the same grounds for any other premium offered by the So- ciety on subjects of scientific investigation, useful discovery, or of communications or essays thereupon. Prom the Richmond Enquirer. ACTION OF GUANO ON TOBACCO. A subscriber furnishes us with the fol lowing interesting letter, relative to the importance of guano in raising heavy crops of tobacco. The letter, at this season, par ticularly, cannot be otherwise than inte- resting to all growers of tobacco. Cumberland, Feb. 8, 1S53. My Dear Sir,— Yours, of the 10th ult., did not reach me until last Saturday, in consequence of having been directed (o Farmville, instead of Stony Point Mills; and I take the earliest opportunity to reply to it. My experiment in growing such a heavy crop of tobacco last year, has attracted a great deal of attention, and I take plea- sure in detailing it for the benefit of the planting interest of the State. The ground was pretty liberally dressed with home made manures, from my stables, farm-pens and pits, as I think ought always to be done, if we would grow tobacco profitably. When I was going to bed the land for hilling, or rubbing down, which I prefer, I sowed on each acre the following mixture: 2 bushels sifted Peruvian guano, weighing, ] judge, about one hundred pounds, inti- mately mixed with one bushel ground alum salt. 1 then mixed 2\ bushels Mexi- can guano, weighing, I suppose, one hun- dred and sixty or one hundred and seventy pounds, and \\ bushels of Ketllewell's mixture of potash and plaster; or about one hundred and sixty pounds; and sho- velled them all well together, and sowed the mixture broadcast. The cost of the i whole was about $6 25 per acre. The I crop that was planted in good time — I was | scarce of plants, and the seasons very dif- ! ficult — I am sure, gave me two thousand I pounds per acre. The tobacco was topped j from eighteen to twemy-five leaves, ripened remarkably well to the top leaf, without firing. The tobacco was cultivated for the manufacturers, and is of very fine quality, and remarkably sweet. My reasons for this mode of cultivation are few and simple. Our old lands in this j region, and, I doubt not generally in mid- dle Virginia, are more deficient in phos- \ phates and potash than any other of the mineral manures; and the tobacco plant must have these elements in order to ripen it well. The Peruvian guano has but a small part of its value in phosphates — only about one-sixth, and five-sixths of its mo- ney value, or near forty dollars to the ton, in ammonia, which powerfully stimulates the growth of tobacco, without causing it to ripen, or without giving it the healthy growth which will secure it against firing. The Mexican guano is the richest that has been brought to the country in phosphates, containing 57 to 60 per cent, of ammonia; consequently about five-sixths of its money value is in the phosphates, and about one- sixth in ammonia. This suggested the idea of mixing the two. The salt was put with the Peruvian to fix the ammonia, and to furnish the muriates and the soda. But the tobacco plant specially needs potash, especially in its ripening process, the outer coat of thestalk and thestems beinglbrmed principally of silicate of potash. Thus, you see, at a glance, what I aimed to ac- complish by my mixture. The success was beyond my expecta- tions. It was the heaviest crop of tobacco I ever saw, and so said every one who saw it. The Mexican guano»can be had at Bal- timore at $25 per ton, of 2240 lbs. Ster- ling & Ahrens deal in it. The potash and plaster, Mr. Kettlewell of Baltimore, jpre- pares, and sells at $2 50 per barrel, of about 320 pounds. I lost, I may say, no tobacco by fire, while every one of my neighbors had to cut their crops for fire. With high regard, Yours, very truly, J. S. Armistead. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 155 COLLARS AND BACK BANDS. Select a good piece of cotton bed-tick, cut strips ten inches wide and of sufficient length— double this strip lengthwise and sew the edges together — turn up and sew the ends loop fashion for the traces to run through, and the back band is finished. Rip up an old leathern collar, wet it and beat the leather out flat; cut from this a pattern in brown paper, then cut out the bed-tick by the paper pattern— sew up the work with strong double thread; fill the case thus made with clean sound wheat chaff, well packed in with a stick— join the upper ends of the collar by means of a bit of sheep skin, and you have as good a collar as can be bought for $1 25. Try it. PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, From 15 th March to 25th April, 1853. All persons who have made payments early enoazh to be entered, and -whose names do not appear in the following receipt list, are requested to give immediate notice of the omission, in order that the correction may be made in the next issue: Joseph C. Cabell to January 1854 $1 00 Samuel Haldeman to March 1854 Samuel Watkins to March 1854 A. Cheatham, Jr. to July 1853 M'Kpwn Johnstone to January 1853 Col. E. Rowe to July 1854 Thomas Young to January 1854 Robert Hill to January 1854 Capt N. L. Paleske to January 1854 Dr. H. Harris to January 1854 Edward J. Burton to January 1854 ■William Gough to January 1854 Col. R. F. Parker to January 1854 Dr. A. S. Hall to January 1854 Dr. Geor?e C. Scott to January 1854 Wm. O. Fontaine to January 1854 Dr. W. A. Christian to January 1854 1 00 A. M Hobson to January 1854 1 00 John D. Hobson to January 1854 1 00 Winston Sutherland to July 1851 2 00 Dr. R. E. Haskins to January 1854 1 00 Josiah Smith to January 1854 1 00 Beverlev Randolph to January 1854 I 00 Randoph Harrison to January 1854 1 00 Wm. H. Brown to January 1854 2 00 T. B. Hamlin to January 1854 1 00 H. M. Nelson to January 1855 1 CO John S. Henshaw to January 1855 2 00 Col. Genrsre W. Harris to July 1853 1 00 Col. J. J. Bowcock to July 1853 1 00 William Patterson to March 1854 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 John D. Craig to March 1854 James A. Patterson to March 1854 S. S. Gresham to March 1854 Dr. R. C. Mason to March 1854 Rd. W. Barton to March 1854 Martin M'Ferran to March 1854 Charles M. White to March 1854 F. H. Mays to January 1855 Dr. C. W. Wormley to January 1854 Shanklin M'Clintick to January 1854 P. T. Lomax to March 1854 H. Bynum to January 1854 Dr. J. B. Harvie to January 1854 Wm. E. Meade to March 1854 W T illiam Brittingham to January 1854 Gilderoy Yeates to March 1854 James Hill to January 1854 Smith Petty to January 1853 David Fry to January 1854 Balaam Osborne to January 1854 John Scott to January 1854 Ananias Hancock to January 1854 Wm. H. Barksdale to July 1853 Joseph Hightower to January 1854 H. H. Ferguson to January i854 James Burton to January 1854 Moses D. Echols to January 1854 H. M. Kirby to January 1854 Bird Dodson to January 1854 Stephen C. Townes to January 1854 T. O. Soyars to January 1854 Isaac T. Oliver to January 1854 Thomas Chaney to January 1854 William Wilson to January 1854 Joel H. Tanner to January 1854 Dr. T. J. Pretlow to September 1853 Rev. B. Devany to March 1854 Dr. Joseph Watkins to January 1854 H. A. Sydnor to January 1854 William Logan to January 1854 William Turnbull to January 1854 William Webb to April 1854 Edw. Friend to April 1854 T. W. Lowry to January 1854 Milton Garnett to January 1854 Daniel M. Tucker to April 1854 Thomas L. Pleasants to January 1855 W. Sutherland to July 1854 Thomas Perkinson to April 1854 R. A. Weaver to July 1854 Thomas A. Fox to January 1853 Dr. Carr Bowers to January 1854 Dr. Thomas Meaux to January 1854 Michal P. Moyers to April 1854 Wm. Pope Da'bney to July 1853 B. T. Winston to January 1854 W. P. Shepherd to January 1854 James S. Bristow to January 1852 T. W. Fauntleroy to January 1852 Capt. E. R. Puilen to January 1852 R. C. Belfield to January 1853 Dr. W. A. Brockenbrough to Jan. 1851 J. C. Mitchell to July 1849 W. M. N. Crabb to January 1853 Estate of J. A. Palmer (in full) Samuel Gresham to January 1852 Thad. Forrester (in full) $1 00 1 00 1 00, 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ±G 66 1 00 1 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 3 50 1 00 50 158 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Eppa. N. Dunaway (in full) $6 00 James P. Flippo to January 1852 1 00 John A. Chappell to April 1854 1 00 Dr. Thomas W. Neal to January 1854 1 00 Thomas O. Dearen to January 1854 1 00 Joshua Gannon to January 1854 1 00 Samuel T. Miller to January 1854 1 00 Thomas R. Marshall to January 1852 5 00 Thomas G. Burks to January 1854 1 00 Joseph Gilmore to January 1854 1 00 James L. Siringfellow to January 1854 1 00 Itussel J. Dickinson to April 1854 1 00 Charles B. Bullard to January 1854 3 00 Andrew Hart to January 1854 1 00 Henry Duerson to January 1854 1 00 John Lackland to January 1854 1 00 John A. Brilton to January 1854 1 00 Richard L. Rudasille to January 1854 1 00 John Patterson to August 1853 1 00 Thomas G. Tinsley to January 1854 1 00 Powhatan Jones to September 1853 1 00 Thomas H. Sharp to September 1853 1 00 Elsey Fogg to January 1854 1 00 Bev. Douglass to July 1853 3 00 B. F. Garrett to April 1854 1 00 Jas. B. Newman to September 1853 1 00 A. W. Womack to January 1854 1 00 Joseph T. Priddy to April 1854 2 00 Thomas Arvin to January 1854 1 00 John Hughes to January 1854 1 00 J. C. Rowe to April 1854 1 00 James A. Snell to July 1853 1 00 H. A. Kite to January 1853 1 00 James C. Cook to April 1854 1 00 "Wm. L. Pannill to January 1854 1 00 A. W. Nolting to January 1854 1 00 George W. Carter to January 1854 1 00 John R. Gilliam to September 1S53 1 00 John A. Ratliff to January 1854 1 00 James H. Cox to January 1854 6 00 B. T. Williamson to April 1854 1 00 R. H. Field to January 1854 1 00 W. S. Dulaney to January 1853 1 00 William Warren to January 1853 1 00 A. P. Rowe to January 1854 1 00 James M'Dowell to'January 1854 1 00 Dr. J. R. Taylor to January 1854 1 00 John R. Taylor to January 1854 1 00 Henry Taylor to January 1854 1 00 James W. Moorman to April 1854 1 00 John S. Groseclore to April 1854 1 00 Dr. W. J. Hawkins to January 1851 2 00 Dr. B. Dennis to January 1854 1 00 Dr. Wm. Gwathmey to January 1854 1 00 Hervey Handly to April 1854 1 00 William Webb to January 1854 2 00 Capt. Thos. E. Haskins to April 1854 1 00 John Goodwin to January 1854 3 00 Edward G. Sydnor to March 1854 1 00 Wm. D. Haden to September 1853 1 00 Dr. John A. Michie to July 1853 1 00 J. E. Smith to January 1854 1 00 K. S. Nelson to January 1854 1 00 George Carr to January 1854 1 00 Absalom Rowe to March 1854 1 00 T. K. Miller to July 1853 1 00 John S. Hightower t ss H Q Pti H S> O M O -s) fe 63 B H & O •a u S •= c .2 ■" ■** = .!=•- S/Jcca-eO* ^i — ^ — '-- hn Sns2 c — h te b a a p- >>j5 ; — c~ Pel) «2i£' = -a a> •- u- X o qj < a; r 5" ..2 K " £-= g?=: — 01 P QJ O ■5 C re c.5 ca f v «=,„ c— bo" a? - c^ o o S .£ x! 2 — o IIS. H BUS «»«;*" >-."3 £=j=-=a.c-co C t?" S f" to r^T ^ <— ' 8 £ « bB«*"1 &S-J§> » Si g 2 ^ s QJ ., 5J T3 y c u „ x-c - g™ a S "> V Z a 2^ ^^' OJ . lis o aj