THlTsOTJTHEEN PLANTER, 3csotrt to aavicultuvc, Kottfcultuvc, an» the JgousthoUians Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts. — Xenopkon. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State. — Sully. FRANK: G. RUFFIN, Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Proprietor. Vol. XIII. RICHMOND, JUNE, 1853. No. 6. For the Southern Planter. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. BT PROFESSOR GILHAM. NCMEER V. Continued from page 68, Vol. XIII. ON THE SOILS PRODUCED By PARTICULAR GEO- LOGICAL FORMATIONS. In our last number we discussed the subject ot the general origin of soils, the chemical conditions necessary to fertility, the most fre- quent causes of barrenness, &c, and alluded to the fact that the diversities in the composi- lion and other characters of the rocks which form the outer crust of the earth, give rise to great diversities in the character of soils. We are now prepared to consider this branch of our subject a little more in detail, and show what character of soils iesults from particular rock formations. There are two great classes of rocks: the stratified and the unstratified, or the aqueous and the igneous rocks. The stratified, or aqueous, wereoriginally deposited from water, at the bottoms of oceans, lakes, seas, &c; at first they were simple deposits of sand, clay, rnud, marl, &c, which were brought into the water by rivers, or removed from the shores by waves and tides, and spread over the bot- tom in successive layers or strata; or else they were' deposits of calcareous matter, which re- sulted from the breaking down of the shelly coverings of countless numbers of shell-fish ■ which inhabited the oceans, or of coral reefs, such as are found at this time in the seas of warm climates. These strata in the course of I ages became solid rock; longstanding, added to the heavy pressure of the ocean, sufficed to harden some, while others were cemented to- gether by mineral matter, such as carbonate of lime, oxyde of iron, &c, contained in the waters.' Thus deposits of sand became sand- stones, those of clay and mud became shales and slates, while the calcareous matter, whe- ther it was a confused mass of shells or broken coral, or of fine mud, in which all traces of its origin were obliterated, assumed the va- rious forms of marble, common limestone, or chalk. These deposits, which were made Voi. XIII.-6. and solidified long before the creation of man, were at last thrown out of the waters, to fur- nish by their disintegration the soils which supply food for him and the countless other animals that inhabit our globe. This being the origin of the sedimentary rocks, it will not be a difficult matter to determine the ge- neral character of the various soils produced by them. It must be remembered, that since most of these rocks were deposits made in the bottom of the ocean, they must all of them contain small quantities of all the substances found in the waters of the ocean. Sandstones necessarily yield sandy soils. When they are composed almost exclusively of silicious particles they produce very barren soils, little else than drifting sands; but if the sand is mixed with more or less foreign mat- ter, then the soils are fertile. Some sand- stones contain larse quantities of carbonate of lime : in such cases the soils are always more or less fertile— sometimes they are very much so. Dark colored sandstones get their color from the presence of oxyde of iron, which we have before seen is useful to the soil in va- rious ways. Sandstones are comparatively soft, and yield readily to atmospheric influ- ences; hence sandstone soils are generally deep. Shales and slates produce clay soils, which are sometimes very stiff and wet, and conse- quently cold and hard to work. But since these rocks were formed by the deposition of sediment, which must have been derived in most cases from a variety of sources, it fol- lows that the soils which result from them should contain every thing necessary to fer- tility. That such is the case is shown by the fact that some of these stiff soils are, by pro- I per management, such as draining aDd careful I cultivation, made very productive. Limestones produce soils of almost every shade of fertility. Some limestones are soft, and break down readily, forming deep soils, while others which are hard wear away very slowly, and produce very thin soils. They are, however, of pretty good quality generally, and are well suited to pasturage. Some lime- stones disintegrate as other rocks do, forming soils in which the carbonate of lime is abun- dant; and at first sight it would seem as if all limestones should yield soils rich in calca- i reous matter, or be true calcareous soils; bu I such is not the case. Many limestones ar- 162 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, reduced to soil by the entire removal of all their carbonate of lime by running water charged with carbonic acid. The carbonate of lime being thus removed, the soil results from the clay, sand and other impurities of the rock. This explains how it is that lime- stones often produce very stiff clay soils, in which not a trace of lime in the form of car- bonate can be found. Most limestones, par- ticularly those which are impure, contain more or less lime in combination with silica, as silicate of lime, which is left in the soil after the carbonate has been removed by \cater; so that many limestone soils, which will not effervesce on the application of an acid, are nevertheless abundantly supplied with lime. This is the case with the soils of the Valley. Limestone soils are, as a general thing, well adapted to grazing and the dairy; this is because the grasses are lime plants, and always succeed best where the soil is well supplied with lime. As limestones re- sult from accumulations of the shells, &c. of marine animals, they generally contain a :.inall percentage of the phosphates, which of course are left in the soil when the rock is reduced. There is still another class of stratified rocks deserving of notice in this connection, as large areas in Virginia are covered by rocks of this class : we refer to what geologists call the primary stratified rocks. These rocks are often very hard, are crystalline in their structure, and are evidently a class of rocks which were originally deposited from water, as those we have been discussing were, but have at some subsequent period been sub- jected to great heat, by which they have been very much altered. This heat, while it was not sufficient to melt the rocks, was sufficient to soften them to the extent necessary to allow the particles to assume new .combinations, producing as they cooled a great variety of minerals, some of which are very beautifully crystallized. These rocks produce almost every variety of soil, from the most fertile to the sandy waste ; and a knowledge of the pre- dominant mineral substance or substances in the rock, will enable us in most cases to arrive at a pretty fair estimate of the quality of the soil, and will serve to direct us to spe- cific deficiencies. The first of these rocks in the ascending r.cale is gneiss, more commonly called granite. It is a combination of the three minerals, quartz, felspar and mica, cemented together, as it were, and differs from true granite prin- cipally in this, that it is a stratified rock, altered by heat, while granite is a true ig- neous roctt, one that was once in a state of fusion. _ The different minerals which com- pose this rock may be readily distinguished from each other; the quariz occurs in the form of hard transparent crystals, embedded in the felspar, which is softer, opaque, and usually of a whitish or light pink color; the mica, generally known through the country under the name of isinglass, appears in shining scales of various colors, as green, black, &c, very soft and easily picked out by the point ofa knife. Two of the constituents of gneiss, quartz and mica, are scarcely acted upon by the atmosphere; but the felspar, which is a combination of silica with alumina and po- tassa or soda, is slowly acted upon by the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, and the rock is gradually decomposed. The carbonic acid decomposes the silicate of potassa or soda, and forms the carbonate of one or both of these bases, which is very soluble, and re- moved almost as rapidly as formed, while the silicate of alumina is left in the form of clay. When the felspar is decomposed the quartz and mica fall apart, and are mingled with the soil, the former making it more or less sandy and gravelly, the latter sometimes ap- pearing in fine shining scales, producing what is sometimes called isinglass soil. If the coun- try is mountainous or hilly, the sides of the hills will be sandy, while, the valleys will be fine, stiff and cold clays. Soils formed from gneiss rocks generally have a sufficient sup- ply of the alkalies, but are almost invariably deficient in lime. Above the gneiss we have a series of slates, such as hornblende slate, mica slate, talcose slate, and clay or argillaceous slate, together with epidolc rock,' quariz rock or gnessoid sand- stone, and primary limestone. Hornblende slate derives its name from the predominance of the mineral hornblende, a dark colored or black mineral, which is com- posed of silica, alumina, oxyde of iron, mag- nesia and lime; its varieties contain quartz, felspar, mica, &c. This rock, when it disin- tegrates, leaves its alumina, lime, magnesia, and oxyde of iron in the soil, which make it very fertile, the oxyde of iron at the same time giving it a deep red or brownish red colof. In the disintegration of rocks contain- ing hornblende, some of the mineral usually escapes decomposition, and breaks down to fine black sand. The presence of this sand in the soil is, to those who have carefully ob- served it, a sure evidence of fertility. The mica slates are composed of quartz and mica principally; from what has been said in relation to gneiss, it is plain that they must produce most unpromising soils. The talcose slates owe their name to the presence of talc, a mineral which splits into thin, inelastic laminre, has a peculiar greasy feel, and is composed of silica and magnesia. Steatite, or common soapslonc, is a variety of thjs rock'. Soils from such rocks are apt to suffer from an excess of magnesia, and are at the same time deficient in several important particulars. Epidotic rock owes its name and color to the presence of epidote, a mineral of a light green color generally, which resembles and has been taken for copper ore; it is composed of silica, alumina, lime and the oxyde of iron. The proportions of lime and alumina are THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 163 usually more than in hornblende; the soils produced are of a rich red color, plentifully supplied with lime, and often more fertile than those from hornblende rocks. Quartz rock, or gncissoid sandstones, and primary limestones, produce soils very much like those produced by some of the sandstones and,Jimestones already discussed. The rocks which compose this primary se- ries may all be regarded, with slight excep- tions, as combinations of quartz with other minerals, which, when examined chemically, are found to be silicates of one or more bases. When it is a simple silicate of but one or two bases, as in felspar, the resulting soils are apt to be deficient in some one or more consti- tuents necessary to fertility; but when the si- licate is one of several bases, as in horn- blende, and when, as is most generally the case, there are small quantities of some of the other silicates present, the soils produced are fertile, and some of them eminently so. As a general thing, those rocks of this class which contain a sufficient quantity of oxyde of iron to give the soil a dark red color, also contain a sufficiency of lime, magnesia and the alkalies; while those that are so destitute of iron as to leave a light colored soil, are almost invariably deficient in lime, and not unfrequently in the alkalies also. There are a few rocks which form exceptions to the first of these rules, the minerals which compose them containing some combination of iron, with no lime, or at most mere traces of it; of some of these we will speak further on. There is but a very small portion of Vir- ginia covered by true igneous rocks, still it may not be amiss to say a few words in rela- tion to them and to the soils produced by them. These rocks are of two kinds: the primary igneous, including granite, sienile, &c, and the trap rocks. The granites #e composed, like gneiss, of quartz, felspar and mica ; the felspar in these rocks, as in gneiss, is attacked by the carbonic acid of the air, and in time stiff cold clays occupy the valleys, while the hill sides are poor and sandy. Sienite is a rock com- posed of quanz; felspar and hornblende, or granite passes into sienite by the substitution of hornblende for mica. Sienite is generally taken for and called granite, but by careful examination the hard black crystals or grains of hornblende may be distinguished from the scales of mica. In the decomposition of the sienilic rocks, the hornblende as well as the felspar is decomposed, producing dark colored fertile soils. Some of the primary igneous rocks of Vir- ginia contain very considerable amounts of the mineral epidote before described, which by their disintegration yield soils which are often very fertile. The trap rocks differ materially in compo- sition from ihe primary rocks ; they are com- jMMd principally of felspar and hornblende, the latter mineral giving them a dark grey or 6 r green color usually. The proportions vary- considerably, giving rise to several varieties, such as basalt, greenstone, &c. ; the soils formed from these rocks are generally very fertile, and some of them are unsurpassed. From the above brief description of the roeks which compose the crust of the earth, and of the soils which they produce, it will be seen that a knowledge of the rocks of a par- ticular district is of the utmost consequence to the agricultural community, as it points di- rectly to the cause or causes of infertility, wherever they exist, and also serves as a guide to judicious improvement. Many of the States of the Union have had complete geological surveys made, and have published detailed reports, with maps, sections, &c, so that every farmer may become familiar with the geology of his own neighborhood. In. our own State, surveys, and very complete ones, have been made, but the legislature does not see fit to complete the work by appropri- ting money for the publication of the final re- port upon our geology. In this connection, it may not be amiss to close with a few words upon the distribution of the various geological formations over the State. Commencing with the tide-waler region, we find this to belong to what is known as the tertiary period of geology, or the period which immediately preceded the placing of man upon the earth. Instead of a formation of solid rock, we find a succession of strata of sand, clay, marl, &c, and find them almost horizontal in position. The strata contain the remains of many shell-fish, sharks, &c, which show that the strata were depositions at the bottom of an ocean, which must have had its western shore somewhere in a line with the falls of the large rivers, as the James at Richmond, the Rappahannock, at Freder- icksburg, &c- Before any solidification took place in these strata they were raised out of the waters, and so gently raised as scarcely to disturb them in the least. The soils of this entire region are, we be- lieve, uniformly light, and from the great benefits experienced from the use of lime and marl, must, as a general thingf, be greatly de- ficient in lime. The entire country, from the falls of the large rivers, or from the head of tide to the Blue Ridge, is covered with the primary stra- tified roeks. We must, however, except a few patches of igneous rocks, and two or three belts of fossiliferous rocks of a much more recent date than those they are found to overlie. Over the different parts of this widely extended area we have every possible variety of primary stratified rocks, producing soils of every degree of fertility. Many coun- ties are covered almost Entirely by gneiss, or rocks of a gneissoid character, and their soils are rarely productive, being generally very light colored, deficient in lime, magnesia, &c. Some varieties of gneiss contain very 164 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. considerable amounts of the bi-sulphuret of iron, which appears as bright yellow specks in the rocks; this undergoes decomposition, and communicates a more or less red linge to the soil, furnishing an exception to the rule that the presence of iron in the primary rocks is an evidence of the presence of lime, mag- nesia, &c. in the soil. Large areas are also covered by the various slates, and with rocks which partake of the characters of two or more of them, each and every one giving rise to a soil which is characteristic of the rock which produces it. In this primary region there are large extents of country, covered by soils of a dark red color, which, as we have before stated, result generally from the dis- integration of rocks containing hornblende or epidote, and such soils rarely fail, in their vir- gin state, to be abundantly supplied with lime, magnesia, and the alkalies. But if the dark color of the soil results from decomposed snl- phuret of iron, or from other minerals than hornblende or epidote, the soil is apt to be sterile, although it would be thought rich from its color. In various portions of the primary district we have protruded patches of granite, sienite and trap rocks, and wherever they occur the character of the soil is modified more or less. We also find in several places a series of si ratified rocks, of a much more recent date than the primary, and overlying them. A beit of this formation commences in Orange, and, continuing parallel to the Blue Ridge, runs up into Maryland ; another occupies a part of Chesterfield, Hanover, &c, running nearly parallel to the one first mentioned; there are also detached portions of this for- mation in Buckingham, Campbell and Pitt- sylvania. Much of this formation is sandstone, which produces by its disintegration the most sterile soils perhaps that are to be found in the state. The formation changes somewhat in its cha- racter as it approaches the Potomac, but we are not able to say whether the soils are ameliorated by the change. The Blue Ridge itself is, from one border of the state to the other, composed of igneous rocks. After what has already been said, it is not necessary to speak of the soils pro- duced by their breaking down. After crossing the Ridge, we come upon a succcessiqn of stratified rocks, embracing al- most every variety of sandstone, limestone, slate, &c. ; in proceeding westward from the Ridge, we come upon them in regular suc- cession, commencing wi,th the oldest, which flanks the Ridge, and terminating, after cross- ing the Alleghanies, in the great coal forma- tion, the last in the series. The first in the series is a fine white sandstone, which occu- pies a narrow belt on the western slope of the Ridge; it produces a light, sandy, and gene- rally a poor soil. The second formation in the series, and one of great consequence, is the limestone, which occupies the entire length and most of the breadth of the valley ; it produces clay soils which are generally fer- tile, and some of them are eminently so. From the Valley westward, until the Alle- ghanies are crossed, there are great great di- versities in the rocks, caused by their being turned more or less upon their edges, or dip- ping very much to the west. The ridges are frequently sandstones, while the valleys are often occupied by limestones, producing soils well fitted for grazing. West of the Alle- ghanies, the rocks, which, as we have before stated, belong to the great coal formation, are spread out more nearly in a horizontal direc- tion, producing greater uniformity in the soils. The immense forests of Western Virginia very plainly indicate what the character of her soils must be. The following article was written previous to the adjournment of the Legislature, and has been long in type. It may be now not well-timed, and perhaps some of the remarks may be less appropriate than they were then : For the Southern Planter. THE INSPECTION LAWS. Inspections were originally established to facilitate trade and to guard against frauds, but they have been perverted in some instances so as to operate just the reverse — to obstruct trade and to legalize fraud. The appointment of inspectors, instead of being vested directly or indirectly in the local auihorities, who can best judge of the respectability and qualifica- tions of candidates, and who are, as members of the community, interested in sustaining the character of their inspection, is placed in the hands of an Executive, elected on political grounds and expected to exercise his patronage accordingly. Consequently the criterion of qualification of an inspector is apt to be, noi whether he is well versed in the quality of the article he is to decide on — not whether he is a man of high moral character, but whether he is a Democrat or a Whig, accordingly as the one or the other party happens to be in the ascendant, and how many voles he can in- fluence for his party. All other, and most es- sential qualifications are but secondary. Is not this felt and known by proprietors of some large establishments, erected at great expense for public purposesl The requirements of the inspection laws in some cases are not or cannot be carried out — for example, all fish barrels are required to be of the capacity of not less than twenty-eight gallons to pass inspection. They are now brought to market of less capaciiy, and do pass inspection with the qualification of "un- der size" — how much or how little, the buyer must judge for himself. The very process of THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ]65 inspecting pickled fish is objectionable, be- cause the exposure and loss of brine causes thein to spoil the sooner, and as the month and year of inspection is not branded on the barrel the inspection is worse than useless, and is a tax on the consumer. In fact, the purchaser relies much more on the representation and respectability of the vendor than on that of the inspector, however correct he may be. Witboul inspection, he would have recourse on the vendor if he sold him an unsound or inferior article as a sound or good one; and the old adage that honesty is the best policy is applicable to the great mass of dealers who wish to, retain their customers, if they are not influenced by higher motives. The recent introduction of guano was seized on to constitute another inspection. The par- ties most interested do not desire it, and are unnecessarily taxed — for what"? A cargo of 2000 or 3000 bags arrives from Baltimore or New York, where they were filled under in- spection on board ship direct from the Chincha Islands or some other designated place, as re- presented and guarantied by the importer and the sub-vendor. The continuance of the de- mand and success of the trade depends en- tirely on these representations being correct. The article cannot be adulterated on board ship, nor even on shore without detection; nor is there any inducement on the part of large dealers to deteriorate the quality, if it were practicable, and thus destroy their traffic. The inspector calls and takes a sample from two or three or more bags — decides on the quality of the 2000 or 3000— has his mark placed on the whole, and pockets his fee. Now if fraud was intended, dees this pre- vent it? Does it not legalize if? If the in- spection of one bag is necessary, so is that of ail — and if adulteration is intended, it can as easily be effected after inspection as before it. Wherever done it would betray itself. The inspection to be useful, should test every bag correctly. That the inspection of guano and plaster, as ai present conducted in Baltimore, is worse than useless is shown in the following extract from the Report of the State Chemist of Ma- ryland, contained in an article published in the Baltimore American, embracing also some other interesting paragraphs, which are here inserted: "State Chemist's Report.— We have re- ceived, through the attention of B. D. Danels, Esq. of the House of Delegates, a copy of the third Report of Dr. Jas. Higgins, State Agri- cultural Chemist, to the Legislature of Mary- land. The report occupies one hundred and sixty closely printed pages, and abounds with informaiion bearing on the agricultural inte- rests of the State. The contents of the re- port are thus classified by the author: " ' I shall in this report first consider the ori- gin and the mode in which soils have been formed; 3d, Their composition; 3d. The con- ditions on which the fertility of the soil depend s; 4th. The nature and mode of action of differ- ent manures; and under this head shall offer such suggestions as the nature of the case de- mands, in relation to their inspection; 5th. The analysis of those soils, from different parts of the State, which are of general utility; 6th. A particular description of the various soils, limestone, marls, and other economical advan- tages of Washington county.' "The subjects discussed under these gen- eral heads are minutely sub-divided, and whilst the leading idea of the necessity of a close connection of chemical 'science with agricul- tural labor is preserved throughout, a mass of well-attested facts is presented that must be of great practical use, even to those who may dissent from some of the conclusions arrived at. In relation to the necessity for experi- mental farms, to show where careful analyses of soils are made — applied manures carefully analyzed, and the crops carefully measured -and weighed, — and the results frankly and truthfully given, Dr. Higgins makes the fol- lowing gratifying announcement: " 'I am happy to inform your honorable body that all, and more than all, which can be ac- complished by an experimental farm, at the public expense, I have made arrangements to accomplish, by the aid of several public spirited gentlemen of our State. Dr. Maddox of Washington county, Hon. F. P. Blair of Montgomery, Mr. T. S. Iglehart of Anne Arundel county, James Wallace, Esq. of Dor- chester, T. S. Holliday of Talbot, Dr. J. H. Turner of St. Mary's, have each agreed to set aside a portion of their farms for a series of carefully conducted experiments with different manures on different crops. These experi- ments will embrace: The analysis of the soil — the analysis of the manure — the time and mode of its application — the mode of cultivation— the exact product of the land, and the stale o»: the season. These facts will be most impor- tant to the people of Maryland, — they will form the first and only experiments yet made in our State, or elsewhere, where all the causes influencing the production of a crop will' be. estimated, and the separate value assigaad to. each. "'The well known intelligence, cars, and integrity of these gentlemen are guaranties that their statements can be implicitly relied on — whilst the different variety of soils owned by them will make their observation of ex- tended public utility.' '■'The present system of guano inspection is closely examined, its defects pointed out, and, remedies proposed. On these points, the re-. port says: '"So manifestly inferior has some of our No. 1 guano been to a practiced eye, that it has been returned to the merchant, as was the case of a part of the Howard's cargo. It was bought by several gentlemen of Kent county, and returned to the merchant, because deemed by them very inferior, by whom it was sent back, and a supply sent from another cargo. 166 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Yet it bore the mark No. 1, and by that mark was sold to somebody else, ignorant of its de- fects, who thus paid for an inspection, and on account of that, paid at least $16 per ton for an article worth only $33 75. I need not point out all the defects of the present inspection; to many of you they are already known. From the above it will be seen that it has fulfilled none of the requisites of an inspection; it has not been "an impartial umpirage between buyer and seller;" it has been no arbitration between producer and consumer; it has not shown the quantity of valuable matter in the article inspected; it has, instead of protecting the consumer, misled him to give a high price for an inferior article. It has, by not showing uniformity in that bearing the same mark, de- prived him of the benefits of his experience; for, though a particular quantity might be ap- plied with profit one season, the same quantity might be useless in another, though bearing the same mark, because of very inferior qua- lity. It has prevented the purchaser from in- vestigating for himself— exacted his money and given him less than nothing in return. The question, then, is, ought the inspection be modified as proposed in a bill which passed the House of Delegates, and whose principle was not objected to in the Senate, making the inspection show the quantity of valuable mat- ter in the article inspected"? or ought it to be abolished"? I refer to my last report for rea- sons for the inspection laws which I then re- commended. If it be abolished, the agent has stated to me that he will separate the damaged from the undamaged guano. Certainly, no change will be for the worse.' "The objections against the inspection of ground plaster are thus stated: "'First, That it is no umpirage between buyer and seller. "■'Secondly. That it is partial in its opera- tion, and acts with discrimination against those who are obliged to dealin Baltimore. "'Thirdly. That it does not show in any manner the quality of the article inspected; that it does not show, nor pretend to show, the quantity of plaster which is contained in the barrel. " 'It, therefore, does not fulfil any of the re- quirements of an inspection in its operations, is unjust, inefficient, and partial, and ought to be abolished. " : The quantity of ground plaster annually sold in Baltimore is about 30,000 barrels, and steadily on the increase.' . "We commend the report to the attention .of the agriculturists of the State; and we hope that the Legislature will make provision' for its liberal distribution." • Lime is another article taxed heavily and uselessly by inspection — about three per cent, on its value in casks, and more if loose. The inspector is to brand on each cask "slacked" (meaning slaked) or "unslacked," and 1st, 2d or 3d, but as no date is required to be branded on it (which might be simply done with a few figures, as 12, 3, 3, for 12th March, 1853,) the purchaser has to depend on his own judgment, not that of the inspector, to see if it is slaked or unslaked. The size of the cask in this case, as in that of fish, is prescribed by law, but the Thomastown folks consult their own interest or convenience, and here again, per- haps, the indefinite "under size" has to be adopted. Is it not presumable that every builder and other purchaser looks to the qua- lity and condition of the lime he purchases'? and it is well known that the lime brought from the north in bulk for agricultural pur- poses is not submitted to inspection — which would be a tax of 14 to 16 per cent, on the cost. If it be necessary to inspect lime and plaster of Paris, why not also to inspect each sack of salt that arrives from Liverpool and bacon from the west and north, and nails and licorice as well as tobacco, of which it now constitutes a large component in the process of manufac- ture. Why not inspect every article in general use! A more important article than any yet men- tioned is obvious to remark. The inspection of flour embraces many useless and injurious requisitions — and the only parties exempt from their evils are the bakers and consumers in the State. They may buy their flour on their own judgment, without having the barrels bored and an air hole made through the con- tents. An inspection of flour is, no doubt, neces- sary, but where the buyer and seller choose to dispense with it, they should be permitted to do so, as in New York. It is well known that Virginia flour, and particularly that of the mills at Richmond and of several others up James river, is preferred to any other for ship- ment to Brazil and to all markets on the Pa- cific, which have of late become very impor- tant. The United States Navy Department, in procuring flour for the Pacific squadron re- quires that the barrels shall not be bored, but as the inspection law says they shall, it be- comes necessary to seal up and cover with tin or lead the inevitable auger hole. Shippers to all these ports would prefer the same course, and would rely on the miller for the quality. Nor could the character of the inspection suf- fer when there was no inspection mark. But according to law the flour must be rendered liable to injury on a long voyage by having a hole bored in the barrel and a certain quantity of flour extracted from it. Since the opening of the California market, it has been found advantageous to put flour up in bags of 49 lbs. and 98 lbs. — equal to one- fourth or one-half barrel, for the convenience of transportation into the interior and moun- tainous region— but here the inspection law puts in its veto and relinquishes this advantage to the millers of New York and Boston — for Boston now has its mills. The practice has been introduced and allowed for the inspector to draw forth one augerful of flour, which he THE SOUTHERN PLANTER i& does not look at, but retains as a perquisite, and then to draw a second, by which he judges the quality, and also retains that. Query — would not one be all sufficient 1 The inspec- tions of flour in Virginia have generally been well conducted, but the parties who deal in the article should be allowed to exercise their own judgment and to keep their packages perfect if they prefer it. As to the inspection of tobacco, it is ante- diluvian, when the present state, of that trade is coDsidered. It was very well formerly, when the buyer looked only at the inspector's receipt, and which could be issued only for sound 'merchantable leaf or stemmed tobacco^but now the purchaser sees the tobacco itself, or a sample of it, and does not care a jot for the opinion of the inspector, who is now bound to give a receipt for all sorts, good and bad. Leaf and lugs and ground leaves — primings and succors — distinguishing them as "passed" — "refused," or "too high" — which has no in- fluence on the buyer, nor does it prevent the exportation of the very worst trash. Of what use is such qualification'? If tobacco, brought from any western State, is offered for inspection in Virginia, the words "western tobacco," in large characters, must be marked on the cask, by way of stigma, that it may not degrade Virginia, to which, in a majority of instances it is probably superior, as it does not embrace primings, succors and the meanest trash which would not bear the expense of transportation. But the impolicy of this dislinction is most obvious. We are now authorizing the expenditure of millions to open a communication with the great west that we may attract its products to our market and we endeavor to degrade one of those pro- ducts, the very one most likely to seek a mar- ket here. What a vast and useless expenditure of oil and lampblack and of time also is wasted in painting four times on each cask in characters large enough for a sign board, "refused," "too high," "western tobacco." There is another requirement of the law which shows a degree of meanness, if not injusiiee, unworthy of legislative enactment. Tne hogshead of tobacco must be weighed before it is inspected, so that the planter has the full benefit of the weight of all the dirt that may adhere to it, of the surplus hoops, if any, and of any wet or damage, unless the inspectors are so very careful and particular as to note all these, which is almost impracti- cable. This injustice is of recent adoption, as are sogae of the useless requirements, al- ready mentioned. But these are all dispensed with if the tobacco is sent to market in a box or a crate, or a bundle or entirely loose. Then the inspector passes no opinion on it, but it is bought by the manufacturer and prepared for market, as cotton or wool may be. All that is now necessary for the regulation of the tobacco trade is that the inspector should receive, book and store the hogsheads as they are brought to the warehouse, and when re- quired, should sample, weigh and mark each hogshead, issue a receipt for it, and when re- quired, deliver it in good order. That he should store tobacco brought from other in- spections and sample them if required, stating on all receipts "sampled," with the date. If there is damage perceptible on any hogs- head inspected or stored, the receipt should mention it — leaving to the buyer and seller to ascertain the extent — and when tobacco is damaged in the warehouse, by exposure or carelessness, the inspector should be respon- sible for such damage. In some cases it is desirable to export leaf tobacco in bales or smaller packages than hogsheads, but the inspection law prohibits it, and, therefore, New Orleans and New York have the advantage of such trade. Again: a planter living on navigable water is prohibited from sending his tobacco to mar- ket in a vessel, but he may send it in a wagon. If, however, he chooses to pack it, in twists, in boxes or kegs, he can send it where and how fre pleases. Richmond, March 15, 1853. For the Southern Planter. DR. BALDWIN'S SHADE THEORY. Mr. Editor, — In the last number of the Southern Planter is a communication from R. T. Baldwin, headed with this question : "Is barn-yard manure indispensable to the pre- servation of the fertility of cultivated lands"'' The Doctor takes the negative side of this question, and urges his favorite theory of "shade" in justification of his opinion. While this side of the question may be sustained by science and practice, 1 consider that this the- ory of "shade" is sustained by neither; 5n other words, while the Doctor's practice as an agriculturist is good, his theory is wrong. This may seem hardly worth contesting; but truth loses nothing by investigation, and sci- ence, the more it is looked into and examined, the more it will be found to correspond with good practice in agriculture, and the more it may be made to promote it. And though we maybe told that "the practical farmer" "need give himself no concern about the modus ope- randi," yet there is an inquisitiveness abroad that wishes to know the why and the where- fore of things, believing that when scientific agriculture is properly understood it will con- firm and promote good husbandry. In discussions upon any subject it is im- portant that there should be a correct under- standing of the meaning of the terms used. The Doctor, in assuming the negative of the question proposed, asserts that "even im- poverished land may be made exceedingly fertile without the application of manure ot 168 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. any kind whatsoever." And in supporting his views he states that he considers it a ■'scientific truth" "that there exists in the soil previous to cultivation a principle of fertility termed mould or humus, indispen- sable to the growth of all plants." Tttis is a truth that cannot be disputed; and if so, then this principle must be continued in the soil, if cultivation is to be continued success- fully. Let us understand what is meant by the term humus. Johnson, in his Agricul- tural Encyclopaedia, says, "Woody and vege- table fibre in a state of decay, constitutes the substance called humus," and this no doubt is the "principle of fertility" existing "in a soil previous to cultivation," that Dr. Baldwin considers a "scientific truth," yet he after- wards seems to be of a different opinion. He says, "In several numbers of 'The Plough, Loom and Anvil,' I have published the facts which induced the belief that this important fertilizing substance had been erroneously defined by scientific agriculturists. I will not now recapitulate those facts, but will merely remark, that a substance which can be readily formed in an impoverished" soil, to- tally independent of vegetable matter, cannot be correctly defined to be the residue of vege- table decomposition." Now, what is meant by "a substance which can be formed in an impoverished soil, totally independent of ve- getable decomposition V Is it humus, as ge- nerally understood by "scientific agricultu- rists," or is it something elsel This should be explained and understood, as an uncer- tainty in terms often makes a difference where none need be. If this "principle of fertility," acknowledged to "exist in the soil previous to cultivation," is not. the "residue of vegetable decomposition," what isitl I have not had the pleasure of reading the numbers of the Plough, the Loom and the Anvil, referred to by the Doctor, except partially, and may not have seen all the "facts" there presented in support of his theory; but what I have seen may be explained on known principles, and does not appear to me to support the- theory of shade at all. Some of these facts, if I remember rightly, were, that if "the surface of the earth be closely covered with any substance whatever it becomes exceedingly fertile," such as piles of stones, brush, leaves, boards, or any such substances. That land so covered will be en- riched is certain; but is it not as certain that this enrichment is the product of the decom- position of vegetable matter^ Look at a heap of stones for instance; this is a receptacle for vegetable matter carried there by winds, by small animals and insects that harbor there. These latter convey an amount of vegetable matter that would astonish many to see, arid would, if continued two or three years, supply an amount of humus sufficient to enrich the ground beneath, even if before impoverished. So with a covering of brush, leaves, boards, or any such substances. Where does the young angler resort to to find bait for his hook 1 He resorts to a moist place, and turns up a stone, board, piece of wood, or some such thing, knowing that worms harbor there; and these little insects do more in enriching the soil than many are aware of or are willing to admit. The fact of rich earth having been found in caves is considered by the Doctor as support- ing his theory, and may be what he alludes to in the Planter, where he says, "the earth itself experiences a similar change in loca- tions where vegetation never could have ex- isted." That vegetation never could have existed in such caves is more than probable; but it is not only probable and possible, but certain, that veeeiable matter is carried into such places. The great limestone valley of Virginia is known to be cavernous, and du- ring every heavy shower may be seen quite large streams of water running upon the sur- face, carrying with them earthy and vegetable matters, and precipitating themselves through the cavities of the rocks on the surface into the caverns below. These matters, settling into these caverns, would, if ever they should be brought to the surface, present just such a richness of soil as the Doctor alludes to in. support of his theory. Indeed he need not have gone so deeply into the earth; for the same thing is met with in mill ponds and places where earthy and vegetable matters are thrown together, and become enriched even without shade. If I understand the Doctor, he advances the opinion, and considers it "beyond the possi- bility of a doubt," that "if the surface of the earth be closely covered with any substance whatever, it becomes exceedingly fertile, no matter how poor originally, nor what the de- ficiency in its mineral constituents." It is the belief of "scientific agriculturists" that a fer- tile soil must possess certain organic and in- organic substances. The quantity of each substance is not material, so that a sufficiency of each is present; but here the assertion is made that "no matter how poor or deficient in its mineral constituents," a soil may be made "exceedingly fertile,"by merely "closely covering" it. The theory, if I understand it, is, that the earth, in such a situation, goes through a fermentation, and thereby becomes enriched. That soil having a proportion of vegetable matter in it, may, by being placed in such a situation, produce fermentation, is no doubt correct; but that it would produce fermentation without the presence of vege- table matter, is doubtful. The^ would no doubt be a disintegration of the mineral con- stituents of such soil, but this disintegration goes on in the surface soil without shade, and is not what I understand by the term fermen- tation, that precedes the putrefaction of or- ganic matter. The decomposition and fermentation of or- ganic matter in the soil accelerates and pro- motes the disintegration of mineral substances, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 169 and as both are necessary in the growth of vegetables we see the beauty and harmony of Creative goodness in making this earth the abode of intelligent beings. The first pro- moting the second, and that accelerating the firsthand so on .in succession indefinitely, I have no doubt that the soil of our country may be made to produce an amount of pro- ducts far beyond what is now realized, and what would be now considered almost in- credible. If Dr. Baldwin will now give his practice in farming through the columns of the Planter, he at least will«gratify one, and may enable us to say that we can see good reason to con- clude that his practice is good, while we may be allowed to condemn his theory. Yabdley Taylor. Loudoun Co., Va., mo., 1853. For the Southern Planter. ACTION OF GYPSUM ON ORGANIC MANURES. EY PROFESSOR CAMPBELL, OF N. C. Certainly one of the most important ques- tions with the farmer, especially in the older States, is this — "how may fertilizers be best obtained, and made most profitable'?" Soils that have been long under cultivation, must necessarily become deficient in many of the elements of fertility, unless the exhausted I supply be restored from time to time by proper I applications. Without this restoration, farm- I ing would soon become a profitless business. | Labor cannot bring from a soil what is not | there. When you wish your horse to do long ! and faithful service, you feed him well; if you I do not, his strength soon fails, and whip and spur are insufficient to revive his drooping energies. So, plough and hoe are equally in- | efficient in reviving the energies of a starving field. Economy in sustaining or restoring the strength of soils, is no less important than eco- nomy in feeding horses and cattle. But, as an abundance of such nutritious food as may arise from the products of home culture is most eco- nomical in feeding slock, so the free applica- tion of home made manure, well collected and well kepi, ft the most economical of all fertili- zers. The farmer who goes abroad to buy guano, while he leaves at home masses of ma- nure, from which wind and rain are rapidly carrying off some of the very same elements that give to guano its value, is not acting more wisely, than he who leaves his hay to be drenched with rain and bleached by the sun, while he goes out to buy oats or barley to lake i he place of hay in bis next winter's feeding. Let what you have be made as available as -: then, if more is needed, it will be time to begin to look abroad for it. After all proper means have been resorted to for collect- ing and preserving your barn yard, stable and hog pen manures, ashes, soapsuds, &c, you can better afford an occasional ton of guano for the sake of an extra crop of wheat, and a succeeding "fair set" of clover. In collecting fertilizing materials for farm- ing purposes, two leading objects should be kept in view: 1. To prevent, as far as possible, any loss of value in the material during the interval elapsing before it can be conveniently applied to the soil. 2. To increase its value, if this can be done profitably. My present wish is to state briefly, that which others have stated before, but in a dif- ferent form — what careful experiment dictates as the most efficient means of attaining both these objects. I am well aware how little confidence far- mers, generally, place in chemical theories and laboratory experiments, before their claims have been fully established by the un- erring test of practice . Hence, for the satisfac- tion and benefit of those whom it may concern, I have just concluded an experiment independ- ent of laboratory, crucible and retort — an ex- periment, involving nothing new or remarka- ble in the eye of one familiar with the princi- ples of chemical science, yet, important in its practical bearing. It was conducted as fol- lows: A barrel was filled with fresh scrapings from the stalls of horses. Over the manure, as thrown in, a little ground plaster was sprinkled from time to time. After the barrel had been compactly filled, it was allowed to stand some weeks, until it had gone through the heating process, found always to take place when newly collected manure is thrown into heaps. Butduringthis heating or fermentation, (as it may with propriety be called,) there was none of that "vapor" of strong odor which ordinarily arises from fermentimg manure heaps. When the mass had become coo), clean rain water was passed through it and collected at the bottom of the barrel. This water was found to contain one of the ele- ments* of plaster, and one of the volatile sub- stances (carbonate of ammonia) above alluded to. On emptying the barrel, a white powder, looking very much like plaster was found mingled with its contents. But, when tested, this powder was found to contain only one of the elements of plaster; while it contained also one element of the volatile carbonate of ammonia just mentioned. In order that those who are not familiar with the principles of chemistry may under- stand the foregoing experiment and fully ap- preciate its results, a little explanation is necessary. The volatile matter which escapes so ra- pidly from heaps of manure, and the presence of which is perceived by its odor about sta- bles where horses are fed, is called by chemi- * "Element" is not used here in its strict chemi- cal sense. • 170 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. cal writers "carbonate of ammonia," consisting of carbonic acid and ammonia combined. Plaster (gypsum) is, according to chemical nomenclature, a sulphate of lime; i. e. sul- phuric acid and lime combined. Liebigsays, "carbonate of ammonia and sulphate of lime (gypsum) cannot be brought together at com- mon temperatures without mutual decomposi- tion. The ammonia enters into combination with the sulphuric acid, and the carbonic acid with the lime, forming compounds which are not volatile; and, consequently, destitute of all smell." Thus, we get two new compounds; namely, carbonate of lime in very fine powder, and sulphate of ammonia, which is not vola- tile, and of course not liable to be lost in the same way as the carbonate of ammonia. This sulphate, however, is readily dissolved in water. Hence, in the experiment above de- tailed, it was carried out in solution by the water passed through the mixed mass of plas- ter and manure. What points, now, are illustrated by the re- sults of this experiment'? First, that ground plaster sprinkled about stables and over fresh manure, as it is collected into heaps, will ar- rest the escape of a most valuable portion of the fertilizing matter. Secondly, that if this manure be left unsheltered from the rain, the sulphate of ammonia generated by the action of the plaster will be washed away; and, thus, the sulphuric acid and ammonia, both of which are highly valuable as fertilizers, will be lost. What has been said above applies equally to all animal manures, and all decaying orga- nic matter from which carbonate of ammonia is set free. The proper course, then, to be pursued in the management of such manures, is entirely obvious. They should be thrown together in a convenient place— sprinkled with plaster as they are thrown up, and carefully sheltered from the rain until they can be conveniently applied to the soil. If the farmer who buys guano while he leaves his stable and yard manures exposed, would expend the cost of a single ton of guano in constructing shelters for these manures, he would, in a few years, realize in their in- creased value, the worth of ten tons of the imported manure with all its remarkable properties. For the Southern Planter. FALL OF RAIN. Mr. Editor,— 1 send you for the Planter the fall of rain during the last year. The quan- tity is so great and the number of days on which it rained so remarkable, that I send you my table in detail. In June, July and August, there was rain on 31 days. In the whole year, on 93 days. In 1850, it rained on 79 days, the quantity being nearly equal in each year. In 1851, on 70 days with about 11 inches less of rain. It will be observed, that the rains of last }>ear fell at times most unfavorable to the hus- bandman, delaying very much his planting, reaping and threshing. They damaged the corn crops on low, wet lands — and a great deal of wheat was sprouted and lost in the fields. Respectfully, your ob't serv't Ed. F. Tayloe. Fall of Rain in 1S52 at Poiohalan Hill, King George County, Va. 4.42b inches. 'inches Jan'y 3, 0.01 snow June 29, 0.805 G, .355 ' ' 30, .72 18, .34 ' ' 31, .095 ' July 13, 0.105 0.80 14, 1.495 Feb. 6, .02 11, .435 ]5 j 2.55 12, .02 25, .165 13, .035 26, .08 21, .51 30, .075 28, .825 1.845 A Mar. 4, .54 5, .535 G, .08 8, .135 17, 1.31 10, .62 20, .02 snow 11, .195 24, .07 12, .09 26, .01 17, 1.85 27, .135 21, .42 31, .255 23, .025 2.42 25, .055 April 5, 1.965 26, .535 8, .545 28, 1.16 11, .01 12, .19 Sept. 3, .06 15, .31 10, .13 18) 11, .86 19 } 2.495 16, .065 20) 22, .035 Oct. 10, 1.35 23, .005 12, .025 25, .035 14, .75 5.59 30, .37 May 1,0.045 12, .145 15, .085 Nov -6Ji.38 17, .025 12, .27 19, .135 18, .44 23, .015 22, 1:01 27, .035 g}.055 gjl,6 0.64 Dec " I \ .585 June 4, .135 8, .93 9, .075 16, .82 11, .315 17, .045 16, 1.25 18, .135 21, .145 19, .015 25, .525 21, .065 , !&* 22, .225 23, .01 . 24, .52 4.47 6.045 1.015 2.495 4.7G 3.215 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 171 In January, February, March, - Inches. - 0.80 I - 1.845 - 2.42 q July, - - August, September, October, - November, December, inches. Snows. n. 6, 3 to 4 ii 18, 14 Inches. 4.47 i 6.045 1.015 April, - May, - June, - 5.065 - 5.59 - 0.64 - 4.425 11.53 2.495 476 3.215 10.655 10.47 Total, - In 1850, - 1851, - 1852, - 37.72-100 - 37.95 - 26 93 Ja - 37.72 ' I. deep. u For the Southern Planter. THE EFFECTS OF GUANO. Mr. Editor, — By way of whiling away the tedium of a rainy day, I have taken up my pen to add another laurel to guano. No section of our country has been more benefited by guano than ours; and no where has the face of Nature been more improved by its t»se. It has, indeed, come among us as a balm in Ci- lead, binding up and healing the wounds and bruises of our dyinsr mother earth, and giv- ing fresh vigor to the discouraged energies of us — her sons. Away in the interior, far from rivers and rail roads, and beyond the reach of lime, what could we do without guanol Surely, surely, it is a God-send to us. A. few years ago, groups of scrubby pines stared us in the face, from the highways, on one side— whole fields of sassafras and broom straw were waving gracefully to the breeze on the other side and all around, the jetty blackberries were glistening, beautifully, in the sun. As the traveller jogged slowly along our roads he was often wont to ask — how live this people on such lands'? And how did they live'? They were the sons of sires made rich in olden rimes by the sale of tobacco and brandy; and in the heedless exhausting sys- tems of cultivation, were fast consuming the patrimony of their fathers. But guano has come, and wrought a change; and such a change. Where once the scrubby pine grew, the broom straw waved, and the jetty black- berry glistened, the luxuriant corn now grows, the golden wheat now waves, and the beauti- ful clover now blossoms. Where once were seen the single plough, the scythe cradle, and the wheat ring, the triple plough, the wheat reaper, and the threshing machine are beheld. We have been roused up from our slumbers, and induced to practice systems of rotation, good ploughing, good hoeing and good guano- ing, in place of the slovenly and excessive systems of old. As to the various modes of application, the subscriber has tried all, and finds guano to answer well in spite of the mode. But, as moisture is indispensable to its solution and absorption, by the roots of crops, in deference to this principle of nature, it is best to harrow for winter crops, and plough deep for summer crops; the rationale being that there is absence of moisture at the surface in summer, when it may be present below. Harrow for wheat, plough deep for corn, is my motto. Did it ever occur to you, Mr. Editor, that guano ele- vated the small farmer with small means, to the level of the large farmer with large means'? Let us see. There are a few farmers with us, as yet, sceptical, as to the profit arising from guano. Some of these own farms worth eight thousand dollars, and the average of their wheat crop is four hundred and fifty bushels; the cost of this crop to them, is one-third of the interest of the value of the farm, (because, the wheat crop is all of any crop that can be obtained from one-third of the farm, annually) which is one hundred and sixty dollars— four hundred and fifty bushels of wheat, then, will cost these farmers one hundred and sixty dollars, inte- rest, on that portion of the farm producing the wheat crop. How is it with the small farmer and guanoisf? One hundred and fifty acres of land at five dollars per acre^ seven hundred and fifty dollars — interest on one-third: fifteen dollars — three tons of guano, at fifty dollars per ton— making one hundred and sixty-five dollars, cost of the wheat crop of the guanoist. on one-third of a farm, of one hundred and fifty acres. And what is the product of such a farm'? Is it ever less than four hundred and fifty bushels, the product of the eight thou- sand dollar farml No, never; but oftenerfive hundred, and five hundred and fifty bushels. Thus, without any allowance for extra seed wheat and labor to the small farmer and guano- ist, his riroduct is equal to the large farmer. In view of this profit arising to the guanoist; in view of the improved face of nature, and in deference to the call of mother earth, yet crying aloud, from a few galls and gullies, for food for her hunger, and raiment for her nu- dity — should not we all use if? A. M. B. t Nevj Toion, King df- Queen, Va. For the Southern Planter. SHEEP. Mr. Editor, — I have read with very much interest a late communication in the Southern Planter, from Josiah W. Ware, of Clarke county, Virginia, upon the subject of sheep, and particularly the comparative merits of the "French Merino" and the Cotsv/old breeds, and am most wonderfully pleased with the ac- count which he gives of his astounding suc- cess with the improved Cotswold. If what he says be true — and I have no right in the world to question, even, a word he utters upon the 172 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER subject, they are certainly, by far, the most profitable stock a man can have upon his farm. Now, so far as my limited experience goes, the business of sheep raising is not at all profita- . ble, for if we, in this region can get two pounds of wool upon an average, and fifty pounds of meat from a mutton, at any age, we are pretty well satisfied with the yield— whether satisfied, however, or not, it is about all the most of us get. I should like to trade my whole flock to Mr. Ware for some half dozen of his im- proved Cotswold.' Will he be so kind as to inform the readers of the Planter what the comparative expense of keeping them is, and what he can afford to furnish lambs at next fall: and how we, in Buckingham, are to get them from Clarke county. By giving the de- sired information, he will very much oblige one who read with much pleasure, and I trust with some profit — his very valuable commu- nication. M. L. A. Buckingham, Va., March 281 h, 1853. For the Southern Planter. THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF AGRICULTURE, EXPLAINED BY "WAY OF Q.UESTION AND ANSWER. Lesson Second. NUTRITION OP PLANTS CONTINUED. Question. What are the organic elements of plants? Answer. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and ni- trogen. "With these four elements has a ' bountiful Providence composed the beautiful ^ volume of the liviug world 1 ?" Q. From what source do plants derive the three last named elements'? A. They obtain their oxygen and hydrogen from water and from the atmosphere, and their nitrogen from ammonia and animal matter. Q. Which element forms by far the largest proportion of the vegetable world? A. Carbon. Q. Whence is this obtained? A. From carbonic acid. Q. What are the sources of carbonic acid? A. Decomposing animal and vegetable re- mains, the breathing of animals, and the pro- cess of burning. Q. How is the carbon separated from car- bonic acid? A. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the roots of plants, and transmitted to their leaves. When exposed to the light of the sun, it is here decomposed; one of its constituents, oxy- gen, being disengaged, the other, carbon, being retained for the purposes of the plant. Q. Is any one ray of light more energetic in this process than another? A. The purely green ray is known to° be so much more potent in promoting the growth of plants that the simple announcement of the fact is all that is requisite. Q. Is the reflection of any of tie colored rays the result of any quality inherent in plants? A. The natural and general impression is, that color forms a component part of natural objects; but it has been incontrovertibly proved that such is not the case. Q. To what individual are we indebted for the discovery that color is not a specific pro- perty of bodies? A. To Sir Isaac Newton. Q. Will you give a familiar example evinc- ing that color is not an inherent quality of plants; but that it is constantly varying, in obedience to the forces which act upon them? A. During a long continued spell of wet and cloudy weather, the color of plants will be observed to pass from a more or less pure green to a yellowish shade. When the weather be- comes dry and clear, they gradually resume their original tint. Q. Do not the colors of plants vary also with the varieties of soil? A. The deeper verdure of. the foliage, in limestone districts, contrasted with the paler tint of granite formations, furnishes a striking illustration of this truth. Q. Since then color is not a specific property of plants and the green ray of light so far sur- passes the others in energy of chemical action, have we no means by which we can impart this very important property when deficient, and thus secure the uniform and permanent influence of this particular ray? A. We have; in every instance in which ashes, lime, plaster of Paris, or any of the al- kaline salts, have given evidence of their action — this evidence has been visible in the uniformly deeper green of the growing plants to which they were applied. Q. Is this fact generally known and ad- mitted? A. It is the common proof— the test, by which their action is determined. Q. Why then has not the principle to which these results so clearly point, been recognized? A. "It not unfrequently happens, that the results of experience are extensively acted upon by practical men in reference to particu- lar operations, long before the principle con- cerned in the arrangement be distinctly recog- nized, or its application to objects under other circumstances be deemed either possible or expedient. On the other hand, the scientific naturalist frequently receives the first hint of his generalizations from those who have con- fined their attention to effects merely, and who have marked those under peculiarly confined limits." Thus it is that science and practice become mutual contributors to the march of improvement. Q. What does Dugald Stewart define to be THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 173 the highest, or rather, the only proper object uf philosophy"? A. To ascertain those established conjunc- tionsof successive events which constitute the order of the universe, to record the phenomena which it exhibits to our observations, or dis- closes to our experiments, and to refer these phenomena to their general laws. Q. How is this mode of proceeding illus- trated in the case before US'? A. When we cast our eyes over a field of clover, or other growing plants, there is exhi- ! bited to our observation a certain appearance, a certain shade of color, and this particular! tint characterizes the field. If we now scatter j over a portion of this field wood ashes, or lime, or plaster of Paris, there will soon be disclosed to our experiment a striking difference of ap- pearance, a marked change of color — the plants have assumed a richer and purer green. The conjunction of these successive events has been long observed; it is indeed established by general consent. This being ascertained, the next step is to refer these particular phe- nomena, until the argument ends in the most general. Now there is no fact which has been more clearly ascertained, from observation and experience, than that the green color far exceeds every other in promoting the growth of plants. We have thus arrived at a principle — a general law, because our references cannot be carried any farther — in other words, it is 1 the generalization of a fact. Q. Why do we, not unfrequently, miss ' science"? A. From a misapprehension of its proper ! aim and end, we either stop short of it or look beyond it. Q. Will you now recapitulate the series of events which appertain to the law of light in j respect of plants'? A. First — the known absence of any quality I in plants which would enable them to reflect, j per se, either of the colored rays of light. — Secondly — their uniform tendency in all the primary soils, where the available alkalies are unequal to the demands of too frequent culture to reflect one of the colors, intermediate be- tween green and yellow. Thirdly — the equally uniform tendency to reflect the pure green through the medium of the alkaline salts, either artificially applied, or naturally present in the soil in sufficient quantity. Fourthly — higher results under the third event in the se- ries than under the second. Q. How would you define the law? A. The law is, that in the order of the uni- verse, it has been so arranged by Creative Wisdom that the color of plants should be green — "the course of Nature, truly and pro- perly speaking, being nothing but the will of God, producing certain effects in a continued, regular, constant and uniform manner." We further learn from observation and experience that with the reflection of this ray of light is constantly and uniformly associated the high est activity of their functions. Hence, it fbl lows that every deviation from this color, whether inclining to the blue or yellow end of the spectrum, is the result of a disturbing force, which it should be our endeavor to pre- vent or to correct, and thus promote the great and beneficent design of the Lawgiver. Auauis. For the Southern Planter. EFFECT OF AGRICULTURAL CLUBS ON PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT. Mr. Editor, — One of the By-Laws of the Prince George Hole and Corner Club requires that some article, selected from its proceedings or original, be sent to you monthly, for publi- cation. We, the Committee, whose duty it is now to act under that resolution, send you the following, to be succeeded by Experiment Ac- curately Tested, Reports upon Farms, and Es- says, if you may deem them worthy of a place in your mos> valuable paper. We believe this the oldest Club in the State, and that several others have been formed upon its plan. Our Constitution is very similar to that of the Albemarle Club, published in your March issue; therefore we will spare you the trouble of its publication. We meet once a month regularly, and as we have only twelve members, each farm is visited annually; upon such occasions, the farm is minuteiy inspected. Fences, stables, farming implements, stock, team, ploughing, sowing and reaping, all pass under review. After this close inspection, the Club return to the dwelling, and the, President then appoints a committee of two members to write a report, which is to be handed in at the next meeting, upon all they saw, in which they freely criticise all mismanagement and applaud whatever they may deem worthy. If the members generally concur in this report, it is copied by the Secretary in a bound book. In our walk over the farm, the members suggest any improvement, and make any in- quiries and censure and approve "ad libitum." We also discuss some agricultural topic in a conversational manner, and no other subject of conversation is allowed. Thus, you see, these meetings act as a grand stimulant to each member of our Club, and not only to him, but through him to his neighbor, who may not be a member; as we frequently find those not members betraying their rivalry by expressions like these: "Why, I beat any member of your Club in the yield of my corn." "None of you beat me farming, but so and so," naming one or two of our Club. But to give you more substantial proof of the benefit that has been derived from our association, we will cite the crops of the three members who offered last year for the premium. The first gentleman showed a profit per hand of $302; the second, of $285; the third, of $283; after deducting 174 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. cost for all manures used during the year. Now we will contrast this report of crops for the year 1852 with the year 1845, (the year in which the Club was formed,) and also with i their crops in the year 1850, at which time our President, in his annual address, stated that the gain in the crops of the Club had been 166 per cent. The wheat crop of the three farms mentioned above are as follows: Crop of 1845, 1850, 1852, No. 1. 957 bush. 2,396 bush. 4,000 bush. No. 2. 450 " 1,100 " 2,100 " No. 3. 400 " 480 " 1,000 " Showing an increase on No. 1 of 3,043 bushels; on No. 2, of 1.650 bushels; and on No. 3, of 600 bushels. The gain being upon the Nos. 1 and 2 much over 400 per cent, and on No. 3, 250 per cent. Now, do you not con- cede that these statistics are proof positive of the benefit of an enlightened system of farming'? Now, on the largest of these farms no guan,o had been used; on the next largest, only two tons. This we mention not to underrate guano, as it is becoming in general use with all our members, but to show you that the increase has been obtained by substantial, permanent im- provement of the lands of our Club, and not by any quick and powerful stimulant, and that the capital in the lands of our Club have in- creased "pari passu" wilh our crops. In a social point of view, our Club meetings have been equally felicitous— nothing having transpired to hurt the feelings of any one during the eight and a half years of our existence; but on the contrary, the bonds of good fellow- ship and neighborly love have been drawn closer and closer, until we are a band of bro- thers, consulting, advising and sympathizing in all our daily labors. We send you this, Mr. Editor, as the pre- cursor of other matter, which would be deemed by many of more practical and important use; but if we succeed by this communication in inducing others to unite in like associations, we kwjv) we would have achieved great good, and we fear your praiseworthy and laborious efforts to form a permanent and useful State Society will prove vain unless you can first induce the formation of these practical neigh- borhood Clubs, as we are a people who must either be made to feel the cash in our own pockets, or know it to have been in our neigh- bors', before you can get them to join in any- thing new to them; though the scheme may have proven ever so beneficial to others; for, alas! all the old book-farming haters have not passed away yet; but, we are thankful to say, that they are fast disappearing from our midst. Fabian Armistbad, William F. Bowden, Josuh M. Jordan, Charles Friend, Publishing Committee. For the Southern Planter. CULTURE OF CORN, &c. Mr. Editor, — I have been promising myself for some lime to write you a short article on the culture of corn and the prospects of the wheat crop in this region. Corn land should be broken up deep, say from seven to ten inches, and made fine with harrow, and if very cloddy the roller may be used to advantage. Corn rows should be four and a halforfive feet wide. Seedcornshouldbe wet and rolled in plaster, and if the land is rich, should be dropped from twelve to fifteen inches apart, three or four grains in a place. As soon as the corn gets three or four inches high, com- mence the cultivation as follows: run a one horse mould board plough, with the bar next the corn twice in a row; follow with a stroke on each side of the corn near the edge of the furrow made by the bar of the mould board plough, with new ground coulter, then thin and brush away the clods and small grass with the hoe, and put a hoefull of fine moist earth on each side, leaving one stalk in a hill. If the crop should be threatened with the cut worm, it would be best to leave at least two stalks in a hill for a week or two. After cul- ture, should be as follows: run four times in a row wilh a wing coulter and throw the dirt to the corn, follow with hoes for the purpose of straightening up the corn, brushing about it, and putting a little dirt to it. After going over your crop in this way, there will be a list left in the middle of each row, which was made by the mould board plough in the first working. The next working, which I generally do after har- vest, run about four furrows with wing coulter, so as to finish the middle of the row, and the work is done and the land left nearly level. The wheat crop in this vicinity will be cut short more than one-half by the depreciations of the millions of fly and joint worm that are now preying upon it. This is the third time we have been visited by the joint worm. I have seen some fields that a scythe will not be put into. But for the guano, many farmers would not make seed. Even this has failed to resist the attacks of the enemy in many places. Yours, &c, S. B. J. Fluvanna, May I8lk, 1853. LOSS ON STOCK DRIVEN TO MARKET Several days used formerly to be occu- pied in driving to the London market from the county of Norfolk only, and it was found that, on an average, a sheep lost seven pounds weight, and three pounds inside fat, and a bullock twenty-eight pounds. These weights were ascertained by a series of trials — average animals THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 175 being killed and weighed on the farm and I compared with the weight of similar ani- ; mals when slaughtered in London. This difference of weight was waste, entirely ! lost to every body. On the quantity of] stock annually sent out by Mr. Hudson, of Castle Acre, a distinguished Norfolk far- ; mer, the loss was equivalent in value to I upwards of £600 a year, nearly the whole amount of which now finds its way to the ' market, as the stock are put into the trucks I in the morning, and reach London in the ! afternoon without fatigue! — CairaVs Agr. I The above, says the New York Farmer, j is upon a subject of vast importance to the i stock growers and graziers of this country, j and one which attracts the attention more especially of drqvers and dealers in cattle, j It doubtless affects the agriculturists of; this country to a far greater degree than ^ in England and Scotland, to which the : above extract applies, on account of the j great extent of country, and the long dis- j tance over which the cattle have to be | driven or conveyed to market. In years bask, before the construction of railroads, j the driving of cattle was a large and te- dious business — the journey often extend- ing over hundreds if not thousands of miles, j From this State they are generally driven to New York, Brighton or Philadelphia. (*n the old turnpikes, during the fall, the droves used to extend for miles, and public farms, with pastures for cattle as well as food and drink for the drivers, were to be found within sight of each other. The loss on the cattle driven to market, depended, of course, very much on the travelling, the quality and quantity of the feed, and the care exercised in driving. But these old times have passed away and the occasion for long journeys, either for men or cattle by land, no longer exists. The railroads now supply the facilities for conveyance to market from all the New England States, New York, Ohio, and se- veral of the other States. They are con- veyed with great expedition and facility from the most remote sections of the coun- try, and arrive at their destination in good condition and without the loss of flesh es- timated above at seven po€nds for sheep and twenty-eight pounds for cattle. Thi3 in another of the many profits ac- cruing to the agricultural interest of the country from the very general construction of railroads, benefits which the agricultu- rists are seldom the first to acknowledge, but must sooner or later appreciate. — Wool Grower. Prom the Kentucky Cultivator. \ PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS. FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES. • The sense of the beautiful, in every be- holder, receives an exquisite gratification in gazing upon the foliage, the mantle of living green, in which the vegetable world is arrayed during the season of growth and development. Few, however, are aware of the important functions which those countless leaves perform, in the growth of plants. To the common eye they but ap- pear as the lavish ornaments which beau- tify the vernal landscape, and invest each tree and shrub with a garment of !oveli+ ness. Their secret but vital functions are disclosed only to the eye of science. They are to the plant what the lungs, the stomach and the skin are to the animal. It is through them that the important functions of breathing, digestion and perspiration are accomplished. Plants, like animals, breathe, digest their food, and throw off their surplus moisture, and perhaps a por- lion of the substances contained in their fluids, by perspiration ; and those vital operations are all performed by the leaves which adorn them. The sap, which is absorbed by the roots, constantly ascends up the vessels of the plant, during its growth, to the leavep. Here it undergoes a change analogous to that effected in the food of animals, in the process of digestion. The superfluous wa- ter is thrown off by the perspiration of the leaves, while that which remains is con- verted into the juice called the true sap, which, like the blood of animals, in its after circulation, furnishes the various substances found in plants. The leaves, as intimated, are the per- spiratory organs of the plant. The office of perspiration ortranspiration is performed by the under side of the leaf, and may be almost entirely stopped by spreading var- nish on that surface. The quantity of moisture thus thrown oft' is much larger during the day than during the night. Dr. Hales found that a cabbage transmitted daily a quantity of water nearly equal to half its weight. The leaves of plants absorb from the atmosphere carbonic acid, in the form of gas. This acid is a combination of car- bon or charcoal with oxygen, one of the constituent gases of the atmosphere. The acid is decomposed, the carbon being re- tained by the plant, ajid composing a large 176 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, part of its substance, while the oxygen is emitted. The absorption of carbonic acid takes place in the light, the influence of which is essential to the process. This l^ict explains the phenomenon that plants cease to grow, and that they languish and perish when deprived of light. It is as- certained that trees derive a large portion of their carbon or woody substance from the carbonic acid absorbed by their leaves from the air. Van Helmont planted a wil- low which weighed 5 lbs. in a pot contain- ing 200 lbs. of earth. This he watered j for five years, and at the end of that time the tree was found to weigh 169^ lbs. while the earth in which it had stood was found ! to have lost only two ounces. From whence j did the tree derive that large mass of car- bpn which constituted the chief portion of j its increased weight? Undoubtedly from j the atmosphere, — the carbonic acid ab- ! sorbed by its leaves — the waler with which it was supplied, holding a portion of carbon . in solution, may have furnished a part of; it; but the carbonic acid of the air must have been the chief source of supply. Plants during the day emit oxygen, the vitalizing element of our common air, through their leaves. This is derived from the carbonic acid, as it is decomposed; for vegetables are found not to emit oxygen, unless carbonic acid be present. During the night the leaves of plants absorb oxy- gen, and form with it carbonic acid, a part of which they emit, and a part is retained. By this process of absorption of carbonic acid by the leaves of plants the atmosphere is purified of that portion of it which, in the form of gas, is so noxious, and when concentrated, so fatal to animal life, it being the noxious air found in deep wells, and which arises in the fumes of burning char- coal. Thus is this substance in Nature, breathed into the atmosphere from the lungs of myriad animals, and diffused from the decomposition of animal and vegetable substances, and which, if not diminished, would render the air we breathe unfit to sustain life, absorbed and converted into the firm substance of innumerable trees and shrubs, while its oxygen is returned to the atmosphere to revivify it. Finally, the leaves of plants absorb wa- ter, as well as carbonic acid and oxygen. It is found that a plant which is dying for want of moisture at the root, will revive and grow when a branch, with its leaves, is placed in a vessel of water. A beautiful illustration of this fact is also beheld, in the renewed greenness of the leaves, after a summer shower; the parched landscape appears to smile with gladness, as if con- scious of the blessing it has received. For the Southern Planter. GRAZING. Mr. Editor,— In the interesting communica- tion from Mr. R. T. Baldwin in the last number, he asks the question, " Is barn-yard manure in- dispensable to the preservation of the fertility of cultivated lands'?" I will ask him another question: Is not judicious grazing indispen- sable to the preservation of the fertility of cul- tivated lands'? I well remember a conversation of some old farmers when Col. Taylor's Aralor made its appearance. The late Gen. Henry Young observed that Hochneck, a farm on the Matta- pony, then belonging to the late Col. L. Smith, had been inclosed for a number of years, and grew less and less productive ; and he thought the non-grazing system would impoverish any land. Hochneck has been grazed of late years, but it is to this time the most unpro- ductive farm on the river. It will not produce wheat after corn, and only very poor crops of rye. There is very little doubt that we can in- jure land by grazing too much and also by not grazing at all. Such has been my own experience and that of some others in th« light land of Eastern Virginia. What say you, Mr. Baldwin, on the subject"? Yours respectfully, Temple Walker. King rf- Queen, May 2, 1853. For the Southern Planter. BLACKBERRY WINE. Mr. Editor, — It may not be known to many of your subscribers that they possess in the blackberry, grown so. unwillingly by them in their fields, the means, at once, of making an excellent wine and a valuable medicine for home use. To make a wine equal in value to Port, take ripe blackberries or dewberries and press them, let the juice stand thirty-six hours to ferment, skim off whatever rises to the top, then, to every gallon of the juice, add a quart of water and tlfree pounds of sugar, (brown sugar will do) let this stand in open vessels for twenty-four hours, skim and strain it, then barrel it until March, when it should be care- fully racked off and bottled. Blackberry cordial is made by adding one pound of' white sugar to three pounds of ripe blackberries, allowing them to stand for twelve hours, then pressing out the juice, straining it, adding one-third part of spirit, and putting a THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 177 'easpoonful of finely powdered allspice in every quartof the cordial, it is at once fit for use. This wine and cordial are very valuable medicines in the treatment of weakness of the stomach and bowels, and are especially valua- ble in the summer complaints of children. As this is the season of such disorders, and as the blackberry will soon be ripe, 1 have thought it necessary to make known these recipes. Yours, &c, Economist. We have given up all our space to contri- butors, leaving no room for ourselves. We do not know that this is to be regretted, but some persons thinking much more highly of the Editor than he does of himself, do not be- lieve they have got the worth of their money unless he "states his views" in every number. For the benefit of such we make the expla- nation. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, JUNE, 1853. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum, which may be discharged by ihe pay- ment of One Dollar only, if paid in office or sent free of postage within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies for Ten Dollars, to be paid invariably in advance. IBr Subscriptions may begin with any No. 0*No paper will be discontinued, until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Publisher. JS* Office on Twelfth, between Main and Cary Streets. All communications for the columns of this paper, and all letters of inquiry, to insure prompt attention, must be. addressed to Frank: G. Ruffin, Shadwell, Albemarle County, Va. All business letters connected with the Planter must be addressed to P. D. Bernard, Richmond, Virginia. It is indispensably necessary that subscribers ordering a change, should say from what, to what post office they wish the alteration made. It will save time to us and lose none to them. WHEAT AND TOBACCO CROPS. From what we can learn the wheat will not be first rate any where, though generally it is a fair crop. But we are sorry to say, that in regions infested with the joint worm, it is very little if any better than last year, whilst the area of its depredations has sensibly widened. From that cause and fly combined, we learn that there will not be half a crop of wheat made in the Valley from the lower part of Rockbridge to Shenandoah; we hear also that it has done great harm in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg and has doubtless crossed the river and got into the Northern Neck. We know from actual observation that it has got into tide water on James River, for we ourselves saw it — gathered three heads of it — ai Whitby, six miles below Richmond. It is just possible that the insect may have been in our crops always, and from its rarity may not have been noticed, though always apparent to close observation; but we think not. We fear it has just begun to migrate from the infected districts. The farmer who searches now may easily find it. On the outer edges of the field, most probably near an old stubble, a hedge row, a ditch bank, a fence, or woods, it may first be observed. It gives the wheat, at a little distance, the appearance of being slightly pulled down or bent by partridge pea, but on examination it will be found that it is bent by a knot at the joint, in which, at present, no maggot can be discerned. But this is only an evidence of the harm that has been done, and of itself constitutes a very small part of the injury. We are sorry to say, that so far we have been unable to hear of any remedy for this thing. Several gentlemen in Albemarle and Orange wrote to Dr. Harris of Cambridge and offered him 8100 to come on and investigate 178 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. the habits and history of the worm, or fly ra- ther, and point'out a remedy; but he declined coming, on the ground that Dr. Cabell and himself had ascertained precisely what insect it was, and that no other remedy than those he had previously indicated could be adopted. Of those remedies the simplest was to burn the straw and stubble. This will not answer. The straw can't be spared, aud the stubble won't burn. The prospect for the tobacco crep is not a good one. There has never, we believe, been so great a scarcity of plants. In many eases they have been entirely destroyed by the fly, or bug, or, more properly, beetle; and many of our best planters have not yet begun to plant, and cannot begin until their more fortunate neighbors have secured "a stand." This has induced many to curtail their crops very con- siderably; and afew have planted theirtobacco land in corn. This state of things exists as far as we can ascertain, over the whole to- bacco region of Virginia and Carolina, and also in the tobacco districts of Kentucky. We therefore feel very confident that the Planter who has good tobacco still on hand, can afford to keep it until next season. If put up in keeping order it is bound to be a good specu- lation. SAVING CLOVER SEED. The correspondent who asks us to slate the best mode of saving clover seed, including the threshing, is referred to the August number of the Planter for 1851, volume 11, p. 22G. He will there find the whole subject fully and ably treated by a friend whom we engaged to do it. The article is well worth republishing, but the crowded state of our columns forbids it at present. As our correspondent says he has been a subscriber to the Planter for years, we hope he has preserved the numbers. If not, we shall be glad to hear from him again under his proper name. ERRATA. the State Agricultural Society, Branch VI., Class No. 2, for best broadcasting machine for sowing "grain" read for sowing guano. Class No. 5, for best straw-knife for cutting down "stalks" read stacks. In the letter of Mr. Williams, published in our May number, for "4 lbs. of meal," read four barrels, and for "Horse and driver," page 142, read hire of, fyc. In the premium list of For the Southern Planter. VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. To the. Farmers of the United Stales: The first Cattle Show and Fair of the Virginia State Agricultural Society, will be held in the city of Richmond, on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th days of November, 1853. By the enlightened and public spirited liberality of the Common Council of the City of Richmond, the Society will be pro- vided with mosteligibleand ample grounds within the corporate limits of the city, and with every requisite fixture for the accom- modation of the Exhibition and Fair. These fixtures will be arranged in accord- ance with a well digested plan and design, so as to combine the utmost accommoda- tion and convenience, with a tasteful and pleasing architectural effect. The premium list of the Society here appended, will be found to contain a very extensive range of prize subjects, and the premiums offered are believed to be fully equal to those of any other society in this country, whether regard be had to the ag-* gregate amount of these premiums, to the value of prizes assigned to individual sub- jects of competition, or to the variety of subjects embraced in the list. The Soci- ety throws open the field of competition for its prizes to the citizens of every sec- tion of the Union, and designs thus to in- vite, a free, spirited and generous rivalry in every department of the exhibition; on the sole condition that competitors shall pay the small fee required to place them on the fooling of members of the Society, and that they otherwise conform to the regulations of the Fair. Great care will be taken in the selection of judges or committees for awarding prizes; with an eye single to having the most competent and impartial persons to discharge the delicate and difficult func- tions of those offices. The accommodation upon the grounds, will be ample and commodious for the use of exhibitors in every department. Hay and straw (subject, however, to regulation) THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 179 will be furnished gratuitously, for the use of all animals on exhibition. We have reason to believe that the vari- ous rail road and other transportation com- : panies, in this and the neighboring States, j will extend their usual liberality, in pass- ing free of charge, all animals and articles I to and from the exhibition, and that their charges for persons going and returning will, also, be reduced. Manufacturers of agricultural machines ' and implements of every description, are : invited by a liberal scale of premiums, to | join in the Exhibition and Fair: besides, there can be no better mode of bringing their various inventions and improvements to the notice of the public, and of insuring the reward due to their skill and enterprise. Farmers of Virginia! we appeal more particularly to you, as a matter of personal aDd professional, as well as of State inte- rest and pride, to prepare for this first Exhibition! Come from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South of our j glorious Old Dominion. Come with your wives, with your sons and your daughters, j Come with your horses, with your cattle, with your sheep and with your swine, with your implements of agriculture and with the products of* your soil. Rally in mass, and come up one mighty host of farmers, inspired by the progressive spirit of the j age. Come prepared to show what the; agriculture of our State now is, and what you design it to be in that splendid future, I in which, sloth will be a crime, mediocrity , a reproach and ignorance a disgrace; and ■ when knowledgeand virtue, industry and abundance, wealth and happiness shall cover our goodly land "as the waters co- ver the great deep." Ladies of Virginia! we call upon you to show forth your handy works in the va- 1 rious departments of household economy j and manufactures, in horticulture and \ floriculture — in short, in all the domestic ! and rural arts which you know so well how , to cultivate and to adorn; and above all, ' we crave your fair presence to impart the moat potent charm, and to add the greatest ; splendor to our assemblage. Philip St. George Cocke, PresH Va. State Agricultural Society. \ The Executive Committee met at the Exchange Hotel on Thursday, the 19th of' May, 1853. Present, Philip St. George! Cocke, President; Eooth, Frby. Boulware, Overton, F. G. RufTin and Williams. Wm. Allen, Esq. of Claremont, having obligingly tendered to the Virginia State .Agricultural Society the use of his fields at Curie's Neck for the trial of Reaping Machines in the coming harvest: Resolved by the Executive Committee, That Messrs. D. W. Haxall, E. Ruffin, Jr., A. P. Crenshaw, Robert Douthat, W. A,. Selden, James B. Jones and Henry Cox be appointed a Committee to superintend the trial of Reaping Machines at Curie's Neck, on James river, during the coming harvest, and that the makers of all such machines be, and are hereby invited to send their machines 1 here, and have them ready punc- tually at the time, to be hereafter more particularly designated. Resolved, That Messrs. Wm. F. Gaines, M. D., John R. Garnett, M. D., Richard Irby, Edward O. Watkins, Ro. M. Taylor, Samuel Ball, and Baylor of Sandy Point, be a Committee, with power to fill vacancies occurring in their own body — (not less than five of whom to act) — who, after testing, by a full and fair trial, the comparative merits of the different ma- chines offered for such trial, on a plain and on an undulated surface, on wheat of a tall and luxuriant, as well as of a shorter and thinner growth, and also, if practica- ble, on wheat of a lodged or a tangled condition, shall award the premium of fifty dollars, offered by the Society, to the in- ventor whose machine, under the varied circumstances of trial, shall prove, in their judgment, the best and most effective in its operation, and that they make report to the Executive Committee of their award, setting forth the principal reasons which shall have influenced them in the premises ; which report shall be read publicly, with the other reports on premiums at the Fair proposed to be held by the Society in No- vember next. The Common Council of the City of Richmond having, with commendable libe- rality and enlightened public spirit, ten- dered to the Virginia State Agricultural Society the use of eligible and commodious grounds within the limits of the City, and having likewise offered to erect the build- ings and fixtures which may be found ne- cessary for the accommodation of the Fair proposed to be held by the Society next fall, Resolved, That the Executive Commit- tee, on behalf of the Society, gratefully accept the generous offer of the City Council, and that the first Annual Cattle Show and Fair be, and it is hereby ap- 180 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. pointed to be held in the City of Rich- mond on the first, second, third and fourth days of November next. Resolved, That the President be re- quested to correspond, at discretion, with gentlemen eminent for knowledge of prac- tical and scientific agriculture, for the pur- pose of enabling him to appoint a suita- ble person who will engage to deliver the Annual Address before the Society in general meeling at the Fair. Resolved, That the supplemental report of the Committee appointed to enlarge the Scheme of Premiums, &c. on Rules and Regulations for the Fair, be, and it is here- by adopted, arid that the Recording Se- cretary be directed to publish the same in the Southern Planter and the newspapers of this City. Ch. B. Williams, Rec. Sec'y. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. All members of the Society, and all persons who shall become members, pre- vious to or at the Fair, will be furnished with badges which will admit them and their families to the Exhibition at all times during its continuance. 2. All exhibitors at the Fair must be- come members of the Society, or else be required to pay an entrance fee of three dollars to entitle them to that privilege, and, also, the privilege of admittance to the Exhibition at all times during its con- tinuance. In every case, exhibitors must have their animals or articles entered at the Secretary's office before taking them into the inclosure. 3. All those who intend to compete for the premiums at the Fair, should have their animals or articles on the ground on or before Monday, the 31st day of Octo- ber, so that they may be arranged and in readiness for examination on Tuesday morning, the 1st day of November. This regulation must be strictly adhered to, otherwise the Society will not be respon- sible for the omission of any animal or arti- cle on the lists. 4. No animal or article entered for exhi- bition can be taken away before the close of the Fair, except by permission of a mem- ber of the Executive Committee; and no premium will be paid on animals or arti- cles removed in violation of this rule. 5. Animals or articles intended for ex- hibition, will have cards attached with the number as entered at the Secretary's office, and exhibitors should, in all cases, obtain their cards previous to placing their animals or articles on the show grounds. 6. All persons who intend to exhibit horses, cattle, sheep or swine; or who in- tend to offer stock for sale, should notify the Secretary of such intention at least ten days before the commencement of the Ex- hibition, and furnish a list and description of such stock, in order that suitable ar- rangements may be made for their accom- modation. 7. On the first day of the Exhibition, none but members and their families will be admitted, in order that the Judges may have suitable opportunity of viewing sub- jects of exhibition, and when anything is exhibited to the Judges which they shall deem meritorious, but beyond their power to award a premium to, they shall furnish a note of the same to the Committee on Discretionary Premiums for their conside- ration and action. 8. On the succeeding days of the Exhi- bition, an entrance fee of twenty-five cents will be charged for persons not entitled to badges of free admittance, and for chil- dren under twelve years of age, under pro- tection of their parents or others, half price. 9. Editors and their families will be ad- mitted free. 10. The Agricultural Societies of other States, and District and County Societies within this State are invited to send dele- gates to the Fair. Such delegates will be furnished with a badge and admitted free. 11. The Annual Address will be de- livered at 12 o'clock, M., on Friday, the 4th day of November, and immediately after the address, the reports of the Viewing Committees or Judges will be read and the premiums awarded and distributed. 12. The Executive Committee will take every precaution for the safe keeping of articles exhibited, and will be respon- sible only for loss or damage that may oc- cur during the Fair from want of due care on the part of its officers, agents or ser- vants. They desire exhibitors to give at- tention to their articles, and give notice to them of anything they may see amiss. 13. A marshal shall be appointed at a salary to be agreed upon, whose duty it shall be to see that the committees act on the arti- cles belonging to their respective depart- ments, to keep order, and execute the com- mands of the Executive Committee. He may call to his aid as many deputies as may be found necessary to give efficiency to his department — to whom reasonable THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 181 compensation will be allowed by the Exe- cutive Committee. 14. Chairmen of viewing committees are requested to be in attendance on Monday, the 31st of October, and report themselves to the marshal. 15. No premium shall be awarded unless the animal or article exhibited shall be deemed worthy. 16. No person shall be allowed to inter- fere with the judges while examining and comparing animals or articles submitted to them for adjudication. Any competitor so doing, with a view to unduly influence or bias their decision shall be excluded from receiving a premium. This regula- tion, however, is not to be so construed as to prevent competitors from freely giving to the committees any information which they may think proper to ask for. 17. The marshal and his aids shall give parlicular attention to the proper arrange- ment of all articles exhibited in their re- spective departments, point out the differ- ent articles or animals to the judges, and attach prize cards or flags to the successful animals after the judges' reports shall have been made up and delivered to the secretary, and duly certified to by the sdme. 18. Hay and straw will be furnished gratis for all animals entered for premiums, and grain will be provided at lowest cost price for those who desire to purchase. , PLOUGHING MATCH. 19. The ploughing match will take place on Thursday morning, the 3d of Novem- ber, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on the most eli- gible ground which can be procured near to the place of the exhibition. 20. All Experiments submitted for pre- miums shall be compared as to merit, whether they relate to one or to different subjects._ The superiority of merit or value of any experiment, or series of experiments, in comparison with others, will be decided in reference to the nearest approximation to the following conditions: 1st The com- parative extent and completeness of the processes of experiment, and the apparent accuracy of the procedure; and 2d. The clearness of the report. 21. Essays. — The form and manner of each is left to the discretion of the writer. The award of superisrity will be made in reference to the probable utility of each writing to agricultural interests, as well as to the ability of the treatment of each subject. In matter designed to instruct or to guide practical labors, clearness and fulness of details, will be deemed a high claim to merit — and next, conciseness. — Nothing necessary for direction should be omitted, and nothing included that can be omitted without injury to the value of the instruction. 22. Best Farms. — Competitors for these honors must furnish a sufficiently minute, yet concise general statement of the former and present condition and products, the mode of improvement and course of gene- ral management, so that the statement may be instructive to other farmers, who can avail themselves of the like means of improvement. '23. Heaviest Average Product of Crops. — To compete for these premiums it is re- quired that the field producing the crop shall have been accurately measured, (by survey) and the crop also, if of grain, by cubic contents, or otherwise. Crops of grass, &c. may be estimated by the actual weight of a small measured space, not less than one twenty-fifth part of the whole field. The general management of the crop in preparation of the soil, manuring and til- lage, should be stated concisely in writing. 24. Live ■ Stock.— The judges will be expected in all cases in making their re- ports, to give the reasons of their decision; embracing the valuable and desirable qua- lities of the animals, to which premiums are awarded; and in,the case of fat cattle, which wiiy>e required to be weighed before they are placed upon the show grounds, they will take measures to give the super- ficies of each, as it is believed that all other things being equal, those are the best cat- tle that have the greatest weight in the smallest superficies. 25. Machines and Implements. — In judg- ing of comparative merits, regard will be had not only to the effectiveness and im- portance of the operation, but also the du- rability and the cost of the machine or utensil. , 26. Any animal, machine, or utensil, which shall have a premium awarded it once, as being thebestof its kind exhibited, shall not thereby be debarred from claim- ing and obtaining the like distinction, eo long as the particular subject shall still be deemed the best at subsequent exhibitions of the Society. But in such cases, after two premiums, in different years, may have been awarded to the same subject, any sub- sequent honor to the same may be a testi- monial only of its continued superiority. 182 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. No other subjects except the above named shall obtain a premium more than once. 27. The kind of admissible testimony in the case of farming crops, experiments, &c. can not be described in ad vance. The committees for examining claims for pre- miums on subjects of this class, must judge of the value of the testimony offered, as well as of the value of the claim in other respects. As no other witness is usually available in such cases, the claimant must testify in his own case, unless he has ob- tained and prefers to differ the testimony of others also. For the Southern Planter. REPORT ON THE FENCE LAW, Read before the Brunswick Agricultural Society at its meeting lQth March, 1853. Your Committee, to whom was referred the resolution of inquiry, "Whether any change or modification of the present law of enclosures was necessary, and if so, what are the best means of effecting the passage of such change or modilication by the Legislature," have had the same under consideration, and beg leave briefly to re- port, that they have had reference to the various statutes upon this subject as far back as our Colonial House of Burgesses at Jamestown, under the reign of Charles I. in 1631-2, to the present revised statute of 1850. That in 1631-2 it was simply declared "that every planter should have a sufficient fence around his cleared land, or plant at his own peril." This mere de- claration seems to have been regarded sufficient, and remained without amend- ment until 1646, when it was enacted that this sufficient fence should be 4 -J- feet high and close down to the bottom. When proven to be in that condition satisfaction for trespass and damage might be reco- vered, and to be awarded by two honest men appointed by a commissioner. If not in accordance to the statute, then damages to be recovered for injury done to stock, and if killed the offender to be assessed in double the amount of then- value. No material change seems to have been made until about 1819, when a fence to be legal, was required to be 5 feet high, or a ditch 2 feet deep and a fence upon that 2 feet high, which is the same as the present law. The important fact is hence pre- sented that for upwards of two centuries the only material change which has been made is the elevation of the fence six inches, or the substitution of a ditch, that in all other essential particulars the colo- nial law may be regarded in force, and certainly as summary in the recovery of damages as the present. That in 1646 was passed when the arable lands, or plan- tations, were mere specks in the wide hea- vily timbered forest every where present- ed to view, when necessity and interest prompted the laying waste of that forest; when there was no value attached either to wood or timber, and when, too, popula- tion and stock were few in numbers. That now a totally different state of the country is presented. That wide forest has well nigh yielded to the destroyer's axe, leaving in many parts of the State large, tracts of land with but little, if any, durable mate- rial of enclosure. What remains is, for the most part, indifferent, perishable, and has often to be transported at long dis- tances, with a remunerative value, for all sorts of timber and wood, and with an im- measurable increase of population and stock. • Your Committee cannot regard it either in accordance with the principles of sound legislation or with the dictates of reason, that almost identically the same law, passed in totally different states of the country can or ought to be relied on as efficient for the protection of that interest, now as extended and varied as a compa-* rison of the two different conditions of the country. Nor does the present law, in the judgment of your Committee, with all the guards which legislative wisdom has sought to throw around it, answer the object of its passage. It is difficult, nay, almost im- practicable, under its provisions, to secure an award of damages for trespass and in- jury. It is at variance with any improve- ment in the different breeds of stock, as it imposes little or no barrier to the ingress or egress of any lawless animal. It is the cause of numberless feuds and broils in neighborhoods, and often of long, vexatious and expensive lawsuits. It renders many tracts of land valueless because of the want of the material of en- closure, and in its hard exactions, secures often the injury, if not the ruin, of the widow and orphan.. It is subversive of any extensive im- provement of our soil, as it admits the right of commons to all lands except en- closed by a 5 foot fence. It imposes an annual drain upon our scanty forest of the THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 163 best timber, now every where an article of profit and extensive and growing demand. It entails the heaviest expense upon agriculture, in the labor of making and repairing fences, and especially afflicts the poor man in the difference of expense and labor in enclosing a large and small piece of land, and fixes upon him the certain destiny, as all experience and observation prove, of having to buy provisions for the greater part of the year, whilst in its ex- actions it robs him of a just remuneration from his labor to pay for them. It reverses the natural order of things, because it demands an enclosure of that which is armed with no property or power of injury, and turns loose with its only feeble barrier every warring enemy to the interest and labor of agriculture. And, finally, may not a question of the unconstitutionality of the law itself arise in. the mind of the enlightened jurist, inas- much as this statute mainly repeals the great fundamental principle of the right to enjoy entire and undisturbed possession of property Iegally«acquired, condemning, under certain contingencies, much of our lands to common use without any equi- valent? Your Committee are of the opinion that the present law of enclosures ought to be modified or repealed, and further believe if ir/should be totally repealed and no sub- sequent statute enacted, that the principles of the common law would afford a much better protection to the agricultural interest than it now enjoys. Your Committee in closing their labors under the first part of the resolution, though not regarded as their duty, cannot forbear the expression of an opinion which they believe to be founded in truth, that if the present law of enclosures was examined in connection with taxation, the following results would Be shown: 1st. That it imposes a quadruple tax on the planting interest. 2d. That the whole of that interest in- vested in fences cannot be less than fifty millions of dollars, requiring an annual outlay of six or eight millions to keep them in repair, amounting, in the aggregate, to more, it is believed, than all the houses in the State have cost. 3d. That if all the timber and labor in making and repairing fences were annually entimaied, an amount would be shown suf- ficient to construct all the public works and educate all the poor in the State, and if! applied to the payment of the State debt, I would extinguish it sooner than the most perishable panel of fence would rot down. That these facts ought to be sufficient to arouse the indignation of the people to de- mand of the Legislature redress from this onerous tax and grievance. Your Committee approach the second part of the resolution with no little diffi- dence, inasmuch as many of the ablest minds in Eastern Virginia have been en- gaged for nearly half a century, in endea- voring to procure for the agricultural in- terest some amelioration from the hard- ships of this statute'. Yet no desirable result has crowned their efforts. History presents no parallel to this question. It can no where be shown where freedom of the press and liberty of speech exist, that a measure practically embodying the highest interest of that best, noblest and most im- portant occupation of man, aided, too, and pressed forward by the talents and influ- ence of a country, should in this long time have made no advance towards suecess. Essay after essay has been thrown to the public through our agricultural and politi- cal journals, and numberless petitions have been sent to our Legislature, and yet no responseever made that even echoesa hope of success. It»is not the purpose of your Committee to review the many causes which have at- tended the failure of this important mea- sure. The radical error, in their opinion, has been a too great reliance upon the Le- gislature, and a neglect to disabuse the minds of the sovereign people of the pre- judices and misrepresentations with which this subject is surrounded. It will every where be conceded that the enlightened mind of Eastern Virginia has long been made up upon the necessity and utility of this measure, and the present condition of the question must be due to that neglect. Why then write essays when they are not read? Why send petitions to the House of Delegates when they neither command attention or receive respect? Your Com- mittee believe the only way to treat the question is by constant agitation, and re- commend that efforts be made through our Corresponding Secretary to secure the aid and cooperation of all the Agricultural So- cieties and Clubs throughout the State — 1st. To the establishment, in the city of Richmond or Petersburg, of a cheap penny paper, monthly published for gratuitous distribution, pledged to the modification or repeal of the present law of enclosures. 2d. That emissaries be sent out by the 184 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, different Societies and Clubs to address the people wherever an opportunity offers. 3d. That at a proper time candidates be brought out for a seat in the Legislature pledged to the passage of such a law as the friends of agriculture may require. All of which is respectfully submitted, H. B. Worsham, J. Ravenscroft Jones, William B. Price. For the Southern Planter. DRAINING. Mr. Editor, — The spring has arrived, and so far, brought but little promise to the farmer. For the continued rains, reaching from the close of the fall, through ihe winter, into the opening of spring, throws a damper on the spirits of all who derive their support from the soil. Who has looked upon the year as being so far fraught with promise'? May we not want in vain some of the water we have been so surfeited with this past winter before the summer is over'? However, it is unwise to grumble, though the best of us do. Let us rather hope that with a yet propitious season, the help of marl, guano, and other stimulants, the yield may not be so bad after all. But here again, some may complain that the ex- cessive wet has stopped all marling operations. That is true; but maybe from necessity they have cut ditches where none were ever cut before, and thus "love's labor" has not been "lost." On the contrary, a wonderful deal of good has been done, to the surprise of those who thought they were working for the benefit of the elements. Men are more slow in awakening to agricultural improvement than any other of the time; and for some strange reason, are more tenacious of what their fa- thers did before them on this subject than any other. Because one's father never ditched a certain piece of land, they thought it useless— "The old man always got on very well." Granted. But how much better may not you do by opening your ditches, and arousing your energies. Because your ancestor drove a coach and four, and worked on his broad es- tate wooden ploughs with one miserable horse, and so died, leaving you debts and mortgages, is that any reason why you should not put four horses to a twelve inch iron plough, ride in a debts," without selling the old acres'? Why, sir, that is what some have done; and more, let us hope, will do. These four horse ploughs amongst those who believed the "past better than the present," are as troublesome as were the ploughs of "Triptolemus Yellowly" amongst the Hebrides a century ago. A few years since, a young man came into possession of a farm, on which was a large proportion of flat land and some swamp land. A certain piece of meadow, which for half a century had been held exclusively by the muskrats and sora, also was the source of much malaria, he drained, and after a time, commenced to break it up with a four horse M'Cormick plough, which did fair work. — When an ancient neighbor or two heard of it, forthwith they came to see the "marsh" ploughed. One said "you may try it, sir, but it won't answer." The other thought "the beds might be ploughed;" but at the next, the owner of the team "would wish them on high land." The result was that neither of them proved a prophet; but they went home angry. The landed proprietors of the past gave more, or as much, per cask for wine as we, their de- mocratical descendants, pay per ton for guano. They of old improved their cellars. "\Ve,like the importers of the waltz into Britain, im- prove "ourlifing'stock." So that although we are not quite as aristocratical as they were, yet in real merit we are a shade ahead — and so hope we to progress. Now, in a moral point of view, can't say we are at all ahead ; but as far as understanding things aright, and in making use of them, we are their superiors. Where they once had indigo mills, we now excavate and elevate mail, exhume fossil re- mains of animals antecedent to Adam — when reptiles inhabited this earth of a size and shape not found in the Zoological Gardens, unless some of the denizens of the Nile are there— which would puzzle the anatomist to classify, as some of the super strata of earths do our chemists to analyze. Nevertheless, to get them (the earths) but of the way, they are put on the fields, and generally improve— the most satisfactory analysis to the farmer. It would be gratifying to know though, how much to put; if valuable, not to waste; and how far such would pay the hauling. Jupiter bid the clown, when his cart mired, to help himself — and so we must, too. Only the remoteness and inaccessibility of distinguished chemists is such, one would lose a crop before they could receive an analysis. We want enlightenment amongst our agriculturists, an agricultural science and mechanics. Go amongst the far- mers of the tide-water, and you will find them shrewd, well informed on politics, and some highly educated men; yet you find them com- paratively witless to improvement. The most highly educated as frequently as the unin- formed, careless of, or doubting the applica- tion ,of science to agriculture. This should not be— yet it is. They are alive to steam on their rivers, and daily read the reports of the magnetic Telegraph in the papers. But any new manure, or improved mode of drainage, or labor saving farm implement, they croak about, and say it suits some parts, but here it will not answer. Why 1 ? Because your pre- judices won't let you use it. When any " ism" or "ology" comes on from the North, they laugh, but they listen. A "table moving" will collect a neighborhood, a St. Lawrence trot- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 185 ting pony stop a court green. But a new machine will have some few curious ones to pry around, whilst the rest either laugh at the examiners, or pass unheeding on. 'Tis said "when things get 10 their worst, they sometimes mend." The time for mending has come in agriculture, and every good citizen should contribute his mite, in some way or other, to shove it forward. W.A. B. March. JO, 1853. For the Southern Planter. For the Southern Planter. TO KEEP TIRES TIGHT ON WHEELS. Mr. Editor, — I wish to communicate to the public a method by. which tires on wheel carriages may be kept tight. I ironed a wagon, some years ago, for my own use, and before putting on the tires, I filled the felloes with linseed oil; and the tires have w r orn out and were never loose. I ironed a buggy, for my own use, seven years ago, and the tires are now as tight as when put on. My method of fill- ing the felloes with oil is as follows: I use a long cast iron oil-heater, made for the purpose, (a pattern of which I have left with Messrs. Taylor & Sowell, of Char- lottesville) the oil is brought to a boiling heat, the wheel is placed on a stick, so as io hang in the oil, each felloe one hour, for a common sized felloe. The timber should be dry. as green tim- ber will not receive oil. Care should be takeD that the oil be made no hotter than a boiling heat, in order that the timber be not burnt. Timber filled with oil is not susceptible of water, and the timber is much more durable. I was amused, some time ago, when I told a blacksmith how to keep tires tight on wheels, by his telling me, it was a profitable business to tighten tires; and the wagon maker will say, it is profitable to him to make and 'repair wheels — but, what will the farmer, who supports the wheelright and smith, say? If you think the above worth communi- cating to the public, you can do so; if not, throw it under the table. T. H. Brown. Brown's Cove, March 23d, 1853. Our good friend, Thomas H. Brown is well known to us as a man of very fine mechanical genius. He can make anything he pleases oat of wood or metal, and whatever he advises is worth doing.— Ed. So. Planter. HORIZONTAL PLOUGHING AND THE HILL-6IDE PLOUGH. THEIR ORIGIN IN VIRGINIA. Mr. Editor, — I received your note yes- terday, enclosing a communication from Mr. N. T. Sorsby, of Alabama, asking in- formation respecting the invention or intro- duction among us of the system of hori- zontal ploughing and the bill-side plough. With respect to the former, Ihe late Col. Thomas M. Randolph first practised it among us early in the present century — at least as early, I think, as 1810. He aban- doned it for a time ; beaten from its use by the storm of ridicule which the innovation encountered. In a few years, perhaps five or six, he resumed its practice, and perse- severed thenceforward in its use, till it gradually gained ground, and is now uni- versal, I believe — at least through Eastern Virginia. This period will bring about the date mentioned by Mr. Jefferson, and quoted from "Plough, Loom and Anvil," by your Alabama correspondent. I have tfften heard Col. Randolph make this state- ment. While he was a member of our lately defunct county agricultural society, 1 think during his presidency of that body, he addressed a memoir to it on the subject of horr/ontal ploughing, embracing these facts. What has become of the memoir. I do not know, as the early records of the society, during the secretaryship of the late Peter Minor, have been lost. I am under the impression that he did not claim to be the inventor of the system, having, I think he said, witnessed the practice in Scotland, while in that country attending the medical lectures at Edinburgh, under the auspices of Cullen, Black, the Munroes, &c. Be that as it may, he certainly de- serves the credit of having introduced it into Virginia, and the agricultural society of Albemarle recognised the fact by an unanimous resolution awarding him a piece of plate, with an inscription commemora- tive of it, and acknowledging Ihe great benefit conferred by it on our agriculture.* Perhaps you can ascertain among his fa- mily what has become it. It will speak for itself. * I was myself the mover of the resolution, and with the late Th. K. Randolph and Th. W. Maury, constituted the committee to carry its object into effect. I mention this as giving some ground for a reasonable confidence in my statements, which, depending on a consciously failing memory, may stand in need of it.— F. C. 186 THE SOUT/HERN PLANTER. With respect to the hill-side plough, I never have heard that he (Col. R.) claimed for himselfj'or any one for him, that he was the inventor. I am under the impression that the invention is due to one of the Rhodes' of this county, (perhaps Ryland Rhodes.) Of this, however, I know nothing. If I have been able to give you any in- formation at all satisfactory, make use of it in any form you may see convenient. Frank Carr. Albemarle, May 20th, 1S53. For the Southern Planter. JOINT WORM. Mr. Editor, — The Planter is just to hand, and so is the joint worm ! Non nos- ceaturasociis, say 1; (is that the grammar for it?) Our early wheat was unusually promising, all headed; and behold! the de- stroyer is upon it! At present, to make a rough guess, I should say from six to eight stalks to a square yard, bent at right angles, with as pretty a knee joint as you ever saw; the proportion may be greater — it is cer- tainly not less in my crop. But I have examined many of them, opened the knot and split the straw, and can see nothing in the shape of egg or fly; and the circulation and general condition of the whole plant, so far, seems to be perfectly healthy. I see no evidence as yet that guano is any safe- guard, as our friend Barbour thinks; except so far as that the application producing a heavier yield, of course more is saved, unless all fell before the monster. I have a lot guanoed with upwards of two hun- dred and fifty pounds to the acre, where the destruction seems to be about the same in proportion 'as elsewhere. I enclose you a joint. I hinted to you that I intended to "prent" some "notes" on the subject of Kettlewell's Renovator. I see Dr. Meaux has antici- pated me, and as my own experience tallies so beautifully with his, I give it to you at once. In the fall of 1851, I applied five barrels of the renovator — which cost me at my landing twenty dollars — to about four acres of very poor land. By the'side of it, I applied guano upon about ten acres, at the rate of two hundred pounds per acre. I did not measure, but am very confident that the four acres did not yield more than it would have d6ne "on its own hook" — say five or six bushels of wheat to the acre; whilst the ten guanoed averaged at least fourteen or fifteen bushels. There is now a stand of clover upon the whole: that from the guano greatly superior to the other. And I will mention here, though not properly belonging to the subject, that of the ten acres guanoed, there were six upon which I applied the guano mixed with plaster. I could not see much difference, but I thought there was a little in favor of the plaster — the clover on the plastered portion is certainly more vigorous than the other. Well, so much for the renovator per se. In the fall of 1852, 1 purchased a ton of the renovator, costing me twenty- five dollars, mixed it with half a ton of Peruvian guano, and sowed the mixture at the rate of three hundred pounds per acre. The difference between the crops now growing where this application was made and that produced by guano alone, at the rate of two hundred and two hundred and fifty pounds, is what, any farmer, at all familiar with the effects of guano, would readily expect to see from the respective rates of one hundred, two hundred and two hundred and fifty pounds of guano. So, Mr. Kettlewell having pocketed some fifty dollars of my money, for which I have received nothing, he can take my hat. My old acquaintance, Dr. Meaux, has supplied him with a coat, and the rest of your sub- scribers can follow suit, if they (shoes) choose. (Excuse the pun, ladies.) While my hand's in, I'll mention that I've taken one share in the "Artificial" Guano stock. The prospect of a dividend is very slim. I purchased the materials this spring for a ton; manufactured it ac- cording to directions, with the addition of another barrel of plaster and one of ashes. I sowed two-thirds of the ton on less than three acres of worn-out broomstraw sand}" land, (about double the rate prescribed by Dr. Valentine.) By the side of it guano, two hundred pounds per acre, on three or four acres, same quality of land. The whole sowed in oats about the 20th of April. At this time, (May 14th,) the artificial is no more like the Simon Pure, "the stuff/' as a neighbor of mine calls it, than chalk's like cheese. But I'll give you the result when I get it. Till then, I am yours, truly, G. F. H. Elltora, May Uth, 1853. Merit, like a virgin's blushes, will be most discovered when you most try to hide it. — Ex- change paper. * THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 187 PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, From 25th April, to 1st June, 1853. All persons who have made payments early enough to be entered, and whose names do not appear in the following receipt list, are requested to give immediate notice of the omission, in order that the correction may be made in the nest issue: $1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 W. Landrum to January 1854 Benjamin Vaughan to April 1854 Wm. W. Eustace to January 1854 James C. Roy to January 1854 Dr. J. Duval to January 1854 James Hart to January 1854 Charles D. Peitus to January 1854 Fendol Chiles to January 1854 James H. Chowning to January 1854 Green Hill to January 1854 John T. Mills to January 1854 Simeon Allen to July 1854 1 00 Richard Cauthorn to January 1854 1 00 Tucker Coles to January 1851 1 00 Michael Whitmore to September 1853 2 00 William M'Corkle to June 1853 1 00 Dr. J. B. Garrett January 1854 1 00 C. J. Meriwether, Jr., to May 1854 1 00 Col. J. S. Dillard to April 1854 1 00 Edmund Townes to January 1854 1 00 S. Gonldin lo January 1854 1 00 John W. Gouldin to January 1854 1 00 John Currie, Sr., to May 1854 1 00 John Fray to July 1853 1 00 Thomas Wood to July 1853 1 00 Archibald N. Douglas to July 1854 2 25 John Massie to January 1854 1 00 John R. Jenkins to April 1854 1 00 Gideon Flippo to July 1854 1 00 Washington Swoope to July 1853 2 00 Waller Holladay to January 1854 2 00 George I. Gardner to January 1854 1 00 C. J. Craddock to March 1854 1 00 Dr. W. J. Pendleton to January 1854 1 00 Hon. Willoughby Newton to Jan. 1853 2 00 William S. Williams to April 1854 1 00 I^aac T. Brette to April 1854 1 00 William S. Graves to January 1854 1 00 R. W. Goodwin to January 1854 1 00 Col. Thomas Loyall to January 1854 1 00 Thomas L. Page to January 1854 1 00 J. C. Lupton to September 1853 1 00 William D. Lumsden to May 1854 1 00 R. W. Lewis to January 1854 1 00 Col. William Crawford to January 1854 1 00 J. II. Barksdale to January 1854 1 00 William G. Clarke to January 1853 1 00 Rev. Charles Wingfield lo July 1853 1 00 William A. Dickenson to January 1853 1 00 Garrett C. Trevillian to October 1853 1 00 Dr M. L. Anderson to July 1853 1 00 Edward Coles to September 1853 1 00 Rev. A. B. Davidson to January 1854 1 00 W. P. R. Leigh to April 1804 1 00 Ed. M. Andenon to January 1854 1 00 John D. Hunt to May 1854 1 00 L. C. Tirnberlake lo January 1854 1 00 Rand. Keatts to January 1854 $1 00 J. D. Howie to May 1854 1 00 J. C. Clements to May 1854 1 00 Richard T. Green to January 1854 1 00 Dr. C. Whitaker to January 1854 1 00 John H. Marshall to January 1854 1 00 Dr. D. W. Mosely to September 1853 2 00 Joseph Farrar to January 1854 1 00 Robert A. Kidd to January 1854 1 00 A. L. Anderson to January 1853 1 25 P. S. Smithson to May 1854 1 00 Joseph S. Payne to May 1854 1 00 John Walker to May 1854 1 00 John T. Childrey to January 1854 1 00 Col. Thomas Perkins to January 1854 1 00 William B. Jenkins to April 1854 1 00 Peter D. Lowry to January 1854 1 00 Preston Lipscomb to January 1P54 1 00 Ambrose White lo January 1854 1 00 Capt. James H. Cook to January 1854 1 00 James S. GLuesenberry to January 1855 2 00 Jolin.Steuart to January 1854 1 00 George Keyes to February 1854 1 00 John Wight to January 1854 100 Dr. Miles George to January 1854 1 00 R. D. Warwick to January 1854 1 00 James Chesher to May 1854 I 00 A. W. Gray to May 1854 1 00 John A. Mosby to April 1854 1 00 Jared Chamblin to July 1853 1 00 Col. William A. Dozier to Jan. 1855 2 00 Charles E. Kent to January 1854 100 James W. Walker to July 1854 2 00 Alvin L. Jude to January 1854 1 00 Rev. John Cook to January 1854 5 00 Capt. Thomas Hardin to January 1854 1 00 Thomas H. Perkins to January 1854 1 00 Samuel G. Burnley to January 1854 5 00 Dr. J. M. Hurt to January 1854 1 00 Gen'l Alex. Brown (2 copies) to Jan. '54 2 00 William S. Ligon to January 1854 1 00 William W. Dickinson to July 1853 1 00 Boling Vaughan to May 1854 1 00 John B. Crenshaw to Januarv 1854 1 00 Rev. Porter Cleaveland to Jan. 1854 1 00 E. B. Hunter to January 1854 1 00 Thomas J. Blake to January 1854 1 00 James H. Madison to April 1854 1 00 Thomas W. Garrett to January 1854 1 00 John G. Norvell to September 1853 1 00 James Neblett to June 1854 1 00 J. P. Taliaferro to January 1854 1 00 S. S. Lea to January 1855 10 00 George E. Welsh to January 1854 1 00 Capt. Wm. F. Wilkinson lo Jan. 1854 1 00 William C. Bell to January 1854 5 00 James Howison to January 1854 1 00 Allen Howison to January 1854 1 00 E. M. Jones to January 1854 1 00 James T. Jones to January 1854 1 00 Dr. B. F. Terry to January 1854 1 00 Estate of B. Boisseau, dec'd, (in full) 6 00 Rev. Alfred F. Carlton to January 1854 1 00 Edward Carter to January 1854 100 Thomas J. Stevens to May 1854 1 00 Robert Tinsley to January 1854 1 00 Z. D. Tinsley to January 1854 1 00 18S THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. $i oo J. H. James to April 1854 Francis Modena to July 1854 Nathaniel W. Ford to January 1856 Dr. E. F. Gunter to January 1854 Dr. W. A. Smith to January 1854 William Murray to January 1854 James Woods to July 1853 C. P. M'Kennie to April 1854 Col. John R. Jones to January 1853 Charles G. Goodman to January 1853 R. W. Anderson to March 1854 M. B. Jarman to January 1854 James M. Wright to January 1854 A. M. Boulvvare to January 1856 Frank Fry to January 1854 C. R. Boulware to March 1854 Charles L. Ruffin to April 1854 Sam'l W. Somerville to Sept'r 1854 John Hendren to April 1854 Francis Thompson to January 1856 S. B. Jones to January 1853 J. Warwick to January 1854 Dr. W. R. Nelson to January 1854 F. L. Royall to April 1854 J. D. Ligon to May 1854 Thomas Betterton to May 1853 Rev. E. W. Roach to January 1854 J. deVlaming to January 1854 H. E. Sipes to January 1854 William M. Smith to July 1852 R. D. Simms to July 1853 Dr John R. Woods to July 1854 Joseph Alsop to January 1853 John Fernevhough to July 1854 F. T. Forbes to May 1854 Thomas J. Massie to January 1854 William Fretwell to April 1854 Howson C. Fowlks to January 1854 A. L. Anderson to January 1854 Dr. Charles Brown to July 1853 Allen W. Hawkins to January 1853 THRESHING MACHINES, REAP- ERS, &c. — The Subscriber continues to manufacture Stationary and Portable Thresh- ing Machines, with or without horse-powers, made in the most substantial manner. He would call especial attention to his new porta- ble horse-power, made to suit four, six and eight horses. The Eight Horse Machine can be moved with a common farm wagon without changing the common body, and can be loaded or un- loaded by three hands. I am manufacturing the following valuable machines: Bamborough Wheat Fans, Behel's Patent Wheat Fan, and common Fans of dif- ferent sizes — Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, &c; and have for sale the usual variety of Agricultural Machines. Hussey and M'Cormick Reapers and Mow- ers, both highly approved and extensively used. Information furnished in respect to either on application by letter or otherwise. H. M. SMITH, je— 2t Corner Main arid 19th Sts. 2 00 5 00 1 0(1 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 i 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 n 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 i 00 NEW PLASTER AND BONE MILL. THE subscriber offers for sale fine Ground and Calcined Plaster, both of the best and purest quality; he has also a Bone Mill attached, and intends to keep a supply of Ground Bones, fine and pure. Farmers and others are invited to call and examine for themselves. His prices shall be as low as the same quality articles can be bought for, North or South. The highest cash price will be paid for dry bones, delivered at his Mill adjoining the Paper Mill. \ oc— tf R. R. DUVAL. DR. VALENTINE'S RECIPE FOR MAKING ARTIFICIAL GUANO. No. 1. Dry Peat,* - - 20 bushels No. 2. Wood Ashes, - - 3 bushels ]No. 3. Fine Bone Dust, - - 3 bushels No. 4. Calcined Plaster, - 3 bushels No. 5. Nitrate of Soda, - - 40 pounds No. 6. Sal Ammoniac, - , - 22 pounds No. 7. Carb Ammonia, - - 11 pounds No. 8. Sulph: Sodas, - - 20 pounds No. 9 Sulph: Magnesia, - 10 pounds " 10. Common Salt, 10 pounds * If peat cannot be obtained, use garden mould, or clean virgin soil instead. Directions for Mixing. — Mix Nos. 1,2, 3, together — mix Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, in four or five pails of water, or enough to dissolve the ingredients. When dissolved, add the liquid to the mixture, (1, 2, 3,) and mix as in making mortar. When thoroughly mixed, add No. 4, (the calcined plaster,) which will absorb the liquid and bring the whole to a dry state. Mix under cover in a dry place — pack so as to ex- clude air — observe the proportions in making small or large quantities. The above receipt will make one ton, which will manure seven and a half acres of land. Having furnished the above to a number of farmers who have tested its qualities— many thinking it equal to natural guano — the sub- scribers have made arrangements to furnish any quantity during this season, and will sell the ingredients exclusive of the Peat, Wood Ashes, Plaster and Salt, (articles on every farm,) at the low price of $10 per ton. One sugar hogshead will hold ingredients enough for five tons. All orders will be carefully and promptly executed, and sent to any part of the Slate. R. R. DUVAL & BRO. Chemists and Druggists, Bank Square, Rich- mond, Va. oc — tf WILLIAM P. LADD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, No. 319, head of Broad Street, Shockoe Hill, Richmond, Virginia. DEALER in English, Mediterranean, India and all Foreign and Domestic Drugs and Medicines; also, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Dye- Stnffs, Window Glass, Putty, &c. For sale ou the most accommodating terms. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, ISO TAYLOR'S PATENT HAMES. PUBLIC attention is called to this valuable improvement in Hames, which is both simple and effective in design, from which numerous advantages result, both to the owner and driver of horses, being a saving of expense as well as time, as they can be fastened as readily in the dark as light, and can be done with gloves on. If a horse falls down or gels entangled in harness, by this improvement he can be instantly relieved. A boy, female or any one that is able to throw harness on a horse, can fasten the Hames very readily. £^" This improvement can be attached to hames now in use at small cost. These Hames were exhibited at the Maryland and Pennsyl- vania State Fairs and were universally ap- proved of, and a premium was awarded them. These Hames and fixtures can be had only oi the subscribers, MOTT, LEWIS & Co. Sign of the Plough, 3 doors below City Hotel, Richmond, Va. fe— 3t ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &C. THE undersigned is prepared to execute the analyses of Soils, Guano, Marls, Plas- ter, &e. &c. at the Laboratory of the Virginia Military Institute. Packages may be for- warded through Webb, Bacon & Co. Rich- mond, or Echols & Pryor, Lynchburg. Persons desiring further information will please address WILLIAM GILHAM, Prof. Chem. and Agriculture, V. M. I. Feb. 1, 1852. Lexington, Va; CHOICE POULTRY. THE subscriber offers for sale the following varieties of pure //boded Fowls, viz: Cochin China or Canton Fowls; Black, White, Bltp and Brown Shanghais; Chittagjngs or Gray Shanghais. The above are the largest and best variety of fowls bred in this country, and are from stock originally imported by the subscriber. Gentlemen, Poultry-keepers and others, desir- ous of procuring choice Poultry may depend upon the above slock being purely bred and warranted true to their name. Address CHARLES SAMPSON, West Roxbury, Mass. The different varieties of these beautiful fowls may be seen at my residence on First Street, between Main and Cary Streets. W. A. BUTTERS, 139 Main Street. Richmond, Nov. 1, 1852 — ly BOOKS, PIANOS, MUSIC, &c. NASH & WOODHOUSE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Books, Piano Fortes, Stationery, M<;sic, &c. 139, Main St. Rich- mond, Virginia. Constantly on hand, a full supply of stand- ard Agricultural Works. oc — tf ANALYTICAL LABORATORY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &c— The undersigned announces, that through the liberality of the Planters of the adjacent counties, there has been established, in connec- tion with the Department of Chemistry in Ran- dolph Macon College, an Analytical Labora- tory, for the analysis of soils, marls, plaster, guano, minerals, &c, and lor instruction in Analytical Chemistry. The Laboratory will be furnished with the most approved appara- ratus and choice re-agents, with every desira- ble facility. He has associated with him Mr. William A. Shepard, who was recently assist- ant to Professor Norton, in the Yale Analyti- cal Laboratory, and who comes with ample testimonials of skill and capacity. Young men can pursue any studies in the College they may wish, while they are receiving instruction in the Laboratory. Copious written explana- tions will always accompany the reports of analysis. The charges for analysis and in- struclion will be moderate — the design being to make the Laboratory accessible to the peo- ple at large. Packages left with Messrs. Wills & Lea or Smith & Dunn, Petersburg, Virginia, will be forwarded, free of charge, to those who send them. For further information, address CHAS. B.STUART, Professor of Experimental Sciences, Randolph Mo con College, Va. oc — tf AGENCY FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF IMPROVED STOCK. STOCK Cattle of all the different breeds, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, &c. will be pur- chased to order, and carefully shipped to any partof the United States, for which a reasona- ble commission will be charged. Apply to AARON CLEMENT, Philadelphia. Refer to Gen. W. II. Richardson, Richmond , Virginia. N. B. — All letters, post-paid, will be prompt- ly attended to. ap — tf R IDG WAY SCHOOL The next ses- sion of my school will begin on the 15th of August, 1853, and end on the last Friday of June, 1854. There will be a vacation of three weeks at Christmas. The expenses of a whole session, including all charges for, tui- tion, board, lodging, washing, fuel, lights, &c, are $200. If a pupil is engaged for less than a whole session, I charge for the time he at- tends, at the rate of $22 a month. My whole time and attention are devoted to the school. I have two assistant teachers, Mr. W. N. Bronaugh and Mr. T. A. Minor, of whose qualifications I have the amplest assu- rance. Greek, Latin, French, German, Ita- lian, Mathematics, the rudiments of Chemis- try and Natural Philosophy, and all the branches of English are taught in the school. My Post Office is Charlottesville, Va. fe— 2t FRANKLIN MINOR. 190 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. MCCORMICK'S VIRGINIA REAPER AND MOWER. I AM now proving practically that in every respect Hussey's Machine is inferior to mine, as the question appears now to be be- tween these Machines. Some of the important points are, lightness of draught, speed at which the horses in Hus- sey's must be driven to insure efficient working of the machine, superiority of cutting appara- tus and performance in damp grain or grass or other adverse circumstances, side or back delivery, &c. Mr. Crenshaw, near Richmond, (to whom I am authorised to refer,) got rid of Hussey's Machine to get mine, with which he has now cut some 60 acres of clover, and is still mow- ing in a very satisfactory manner. Wherever opportunities offer, I design prov- ing in this way the superiority of my machine, as I have done in the West, where machines are sought for more of necessity, and where mine are sold by thousands to the almost en- tire exclusion of Hussey's, although Mr. H. went to Chicago, (my place) and with his partner established a large factory, from which he pretty soon made his escape, leaving only his name in large capitals on the building. His partner having abandoned Hussey's prin- ciple, is now (in a small way) infringing my principle. Mr. H. M. Smith, of this city, has a few of my Machines for sale, and 1 should be glad to take half the field, (rough, and smooth) and begin in the morning dew, and have an occa- sional Utile shower, and each of us a pair of good horses, and see how McCormick's and Hussey's Machines will compare, with as much variety as we can find. Farmers on James River who can afford good opportuni- ties for such trials, will do me a favor. My Machine and Hussey's worked nine days in the same hands upon the "Royal Agri- cultural farm," England, last season, resulting in a complete triumph in my favor. I will in this connection remark, that Manny & Sey- mour & Morgan, who are now offering Ma- chines to the public, infringe my patents, and I now caution the public against these pirati- cal concerns. I have now a large verdict against the latter. I may be addressed at the Columbian Ho- tel, Richmond. WM. S. McCORMICK, for C. H. McCormick. June 1st, 1853. P. S. Since writing the above, I have seen Hussey's handbill, in which he refers to the " Earl of Zetland," of the Cleaveland Society, England, with a great flourish, as one of his Patrons. Lord Zetland is a distinguished man and agriculturist, and Hussey knows that last year his Lordship was so sick of his (Hussey) Reaper, that he applied to me to re-construct it, and ordered one of mine — Mr. Hussey and I both in the field at the time— Mr. H. beiDg armed with his certificates as usual. Should Mr. H's. memory net serve him, I can furnish a copy of my pamphlet, widely circulated in England, a copy of which 1 sent Mr. H., con- taining Lord Zetland's testimonial in 1852— one year after Hussey quotes him. When in England last year 1 challenged Hussey repeatedly to a trial by the day publicly, and invited him privately, but he was too cun- ning as well as too "modest"' for such a trial. Finally, the Royal College (which had two of his machines) made the trial referred to of nine days. je— It W. S. McC. AN ESSAY ON CALCAREOUS MANURES, BY EDMUND RUFFIN, a practical Far- mer of Virginia from 1812; founder and sole editor of the Farmers' Register; Member and Secretary of the former State Board of Agriculture; formerly Agricultural Surveyor of the State of South Carolina, and President of the Virginia State Agricultural Society; fifth edition, amended and enlarged. Published by J. W. Randolph, 121, Main street, Richmond, Virginia, and for sale by him and all other Booksellers; fine edition, 8vo., printed on good paper,and strongly bound, library style $2: cheap edition, 12mo. SI 25 — copies sent by mail, post paid, to those who remit the price. A large proportion of this publication con- sists of new matter not embraced in the pre- ceding edition. The new additions or amend- ments serve to present all the new and impor- tant lights on the general subject of the work, derived from the author's later observation of facts, persqnal experience and reasoningfouhd- ed on these premises. By such new additions the present edition is increased more than one- third in size, notwithstanding the exclusion of much of the least important matter of the pre- ceding edition, and of all portions before in- cluded, that were not deemed essential to the argument and necessary to the utility of the work. "This work is from a Virginia gentleman, whose contributions to agricultural science have already given an extensive popularity. Mr. Ruffin is a practical farmer, of great in- telligence, and is eminently competent to im- part information on the subject, which has for so many years engaged his attention." — Methodist Quarterly Review. i The Southern Planter, in speaking about the cultivation of Irish potatoes and liming, says: "But for the details of that business, we would refer our correspondent to a book, which if he has not now, we beg for his own credit that he will get as soon as he goes to Richmond. We mean the final edition of the Essay on Calca- reous Manures." "The farmers of Virginia have just reason to thank both the.aulhor and publisher for this enlarged and improved edition of a most valu- able book." — Hon. Willoughby Newton. je— tf THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 191 PLANTATION BOOK. JW. RANDOLPH, Richmond, Virginia, ■ has just published the Plantation arid Farm instruction, Regulation, Record, Inven- tor}' and Account Book, for the use of ma- nagers of estates, and for the better ordering and management of plantation and farm busi- ness, in every particular, by a Southern Planter. Order is Heaven's first law^Pope. Price $2, or six for §10; a larger edition for the use of cotton plantations, price $2 50. Contents. — Actual number of pounds to a Bushel of Wheat, Articles received for use of Plantation, Brick-Kiln, Births of Negroes, Balance Sheet, Cows, Cultivation, Contents of a Corn Crib, Clothing to Negroes, Diameter of a Horse Mill, Deaths of Negroes, Directions how to use this Book, Expenses and Sales for the Year, Form of a Contract with Manager, Force of a Draught Horse, Horses, Hogs, Instructions to Managers, Implements, Jour- nal or Daily Record, Medicines, Manure Ta- bles, Mechanical Power, Effect of the Labor 'of an Active Man, Inventory of Negroes, Oxen, Washington's Letters to his Steward, Planta- tion Management, Police, Ploughing Rules, Planting Distances, Physicians' Visits, Quan- tity and Value of Produce Made, Gluantity of Work of a Man and Two Horses, Rules for the Government and Discipline of the Negroes, Rotation Tables for Cultivation of Crops, Rural Economy, Sheep, Steam Engines, Stock and Implements, Tools, &c. used by the Ne- groes, Weight of Materials, Weights and Aleasures, Wind Mills, Water Wheels, When a Horse Draws to Advantage, &c. &c. There are extra sheets for monthly and yearly reports, for the use of those who do not live on their farms. The Book will be sent by mail free of postage to any one who will remit the price in money or postage stamps. This Book is by one of the best and most systematic farmers in Virginia; and experi- enced farmers have expressed the opinion, that those whouse it, -will save hundredsof dollars. "Every farmer who will get one of these Books, and regulate all his movements by its suggestions, cannot fail to realize great bene- fits from it. We cannot too highly commend it to the consideration of agriculturists." — ffichmond Whig. "It will prove a most valuable ss^istant to the planter, manager or overseer, aDd a work that will facilitate them greatly in the trans- action of business." — Rickmiad Dispatch. "The Book we should suppose to be indis- pensable to any one having the management of a large estate." — Richriwrul, RcpvMican. "We hope many farmers will buy the work, and make an effort to keep things straight." — Hovihern, " It is full of useful information and is well calculated to induce a methodical system, in- dustry and energy especially vital to a suc- cessful and profitable cultivation of mother earth." — RvJimonrt Enquirer. jane — tf TO AGRICULTURISTS. MORRIS & BROTHER have received the following valuable Books, pertaining to Agriculture: Elements of Scientific Agriculture, or the connexion between Science and the Art of Practical Farming. This was the prize essay of the New York State Agricultural Society: by J. P. Norton, M. A. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology; by Jas. F. W. Johnston. American Agriculturist, for the Farmer, Planter, Stock Breeder, and Horticulturist; by A. B.Allen; numerous plates. The 8th and 9th volumes of this most valuable work are received, also complete sets. Every farmer should have this work. . ' American Farm Book, on Soils, Manures, Drainings, Irrigation, Grasses, Grain, Roots, Fruit, Cotton, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Rice, and every staple product of the United States. — Thisis a perfect farmer's library, with upwards of 100 engraving?; by R. L. Allen. Farmer's Manual, with the most recent dis- coveries in Agricultural Chemistry; by F. Faulkner. A Muck Manual for Farmers; by S. L. Dana. Farmer's Land Measurer, with a set of use- ful Agricultural Tables; by Jas. Pedder. American Husbandry. — Series of Essays on Agriculture, with additions; by Gaylord and Tucker. Farmer's Encyclopaedia; by Cuthbert W. Johnson. Productive Farming, with the most recent discoveries of Liebig, Johnston, Davy, and others. European Agriculture, from personal obser- vation; by Henry Coleman. This is a very popular work. Johnson's Chemistry and Geology, with their application. Johnson's Dictionary of Gardening; by Da- vid Landreth. London's Gardening, for Ladies; by A. J. Downing. Squarey's Agricultural Chemistry, Boussin- gault, Rural Economy, Buist's Kitchen Gar- dener, Landscape Gardening, and Rural Ar- chitecture; by A. J. Downing. Fessenden's American Gardener. American Fruit Book, with full instructions- by S. W. Cole. Downing on Fruit Trees. Theory of Horticulture; by Lindley. Florist's Manual; by H. Bourne; 80 colored engravings. Bridgman's Kitchen Gardener. In addition to which, Morris & Brother have all of the late Works on Agriculture, Horti- culture, and Raising Stock, of any celebrity. Richmond, March 12, 1851.— lv 192 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, NOTICE. To those who have recently subscribed for the Planter, and requested us to send the back numbers from January, 1853, we are sorry to say, it is out of our power to do so. The back numbers (January, February and March) are entirely exhausted. CONTENTS OF NUMBER VI. PAGE Scientific Agriculture, No. 5, by Professor Gilham 161 Inspection Laws 164 Dr. Baldwin's Shade Theory 167 Action of.Gypsum on Organic Manures, by Professor Campbell of N. Carolina. . 169 Fall of Rain 170 Effects of Guano *.-171 Sheep 171 The Science and Practice of Agriculture Explained by way of Question and An- swer jA- • • -172 Effect of Agricultural Clubs on Perma- nent Improvement. .> 173 Culture of Corn, &c 174 Loss on Stock Driven to Market 174 Phisiology of Plants 175 Grazing 176 Blackbeiry Wine 176 Wheat and Tobacco Crops 177 Saving Clover Seed 178 Errata 178 Virginia State Agricultural Society 178 Report on the Fence Law 182 Draining 184 To Keep Tires Tight on Wheels 185 Horizontal Ploughing and the Hill-Side Plough 185 Joint Worm 186 Payments to the Southern Planter 187 PURE BRED MALE STOCK At Private Sale at Mount Fordham, Westchester County, 1 1 miles from City Hall, New York. I WILL sell and let from 10 to 12 Short Horned Bulls and Bull Calves, 4 Devon Bulls and Bull Calves, and from 12 to 15 Southdown Rams. The annual sale by auc- tion will be omitted this year, as I wish to re- serve all the females, having recently pur- chased another farm to enable me to increase my breeding esiablishment. My Hog stock, including all the spring litters, are engaged. Catalogues, with full description and pedigrees of above Bulls and Southdown Rams, with the prices attached, can be obtained by the 15th April inst., from the subscriber or at any of the principal Agricultural Stores, or from the Editors of the principal Agricultural Jour- nals. L. G. MORRIS. April 1, 1853— 3t AGENCY. I AM willing to assist gentlemen in purchas- ing and selling farms, stock, and poultry of every description; to attend to receiving and properly forwarding animals; also, to procure suitable overseers and laboring men for farm- ers and planters: all of which will be attended to for a small commission. My position as Marshal of the Maryland State Agricultural Society gives me advantages of knowing ma- ny men, and most good stock, which with my genera] knowledge of land induces me to ex- tend the agency to land, men and stock. I have some fine farms to sell in Talbot county, and several in Baltimore county: subject to my order a number of prize animals, saddle and other stallions, and a few fine mares; Durhams, Devons, -Alderney, and Ayrshire; pure long wooled sheep from the best"fiock in the United Slates; Chester and Suffolk pigs; Shanghai and other new and large fowls; also", two fine Jacks. All letters post paid, will re- ceive prompt attention. MARTIN GOLDSBOROUGH. HarrisonviUe, Baltimore Co., Md. Refer to C. B. Calvert & C. Hill, Washington City; G. W. Hughs, West River, Md ; J. N. Golds- borough, Easton, Md.; R. McHenery, Emer- ton, Md.; S. G. Fisher, Philada., Pa.; C. P. Holcomb, Wilmington, Del.; Col. J. W. Ware, Berryville, Va.; I. G. Wright, Wilmington, N. Carolina; J. W. H. Brownfield, Charleston, S. C.j McGill Robinson, Louisville, Ky.; Wm. A. Lake, Vicksburg, Miss.; Dr. Henry M. Robinson, Huntsville, Ala.; T. Hayward and Maj. R. Hayward, Tallahassee, Florida. mar — tf CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. RUMFORD ACADEMY, KING WIL- LIAM, VA.— This school is about two miles from Sharon Church, on the stage road between Richmond and Tappahannock. So healthful is the location, that but few cases of serious sickness have occurred in the school since its establishment in 1804. No expense is spared -in providing for the physical com- forts of the pupils; treated in every respect as young gentlemen, they are required to conduct themselves as such. The subscriber, who has been engaged eight years in guiding and instructing youth, will be aided by competent assistants. The usual English Course, including Che- mistry and Philosophy, an extensive course of Mathematics, and the Latin, Greek and French Languages will be taught. A recess of one week will be given at Easter. Terms.— For board and tuition, with every necessary except lights and stationery, from 15th of January to 1st of July, &84; payable one-half 1st of May, the other half 1st of Jul v. JOHN H. PITTS, ja— tf Ayktl's P. O. King William.