THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Heboteti to Slgrfculture, horticulture, att& the gjousenotti girts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the I Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts Arts. — Xenoplion. of the State. — Sully. FRANK: G. RUFFIN, Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Proprietor, Vol. XIII. RICHMOND, JULY, 1853. No. 7. For the Southern Planter. LIMIT OF IMPROVEMENT FROM THE USE OF MARL. IN REPLY TO MR. NEWTON'S REVIEW, &C. Mr. Editor,— In the very able and interesting review, by the Hon. Willoughby Newton, of the Essay on Calcareous Manures, which ap- peared in the May number of the Planter, I notice an opinion stated which I think calcu- lated to do harm to the progress of improve- ment, at least in our low country. It is this: l; We believe there has been no instance in Virginia or elsewhere, nor do we think it pos- sible that there can ever be one, of the product of any naturally poor farm being brought up to an average on entire fields, from year to year, of more than ten bushels of wheat and twenty bushels of" merchantable corn to the acre, by calxing alone, however long continued, though the operation be aided by the use of all the putrescent manures that could be produced on the farm, and by plaster, clover and peas, and the best possible rotation." These views are altogether opposed to our belief and experience hereabouts, and coming as ihey do from a gentleman who is a most successful practical farmer, and whode*ervedly has great influence with the agricultural community, they require further examination. Mr. Newton admits the above assertion to be a strong one, but says that such a farm has certainly never come under his observation, and quotes the case of ihe Coggin's Point farm (the improvement of which as shown by the increased crops is treated in the Essay,) in support of his position. He thinks this farm supports his position, 1st. Because a portion of it at least consists of originally rich land; 2d. The improvements were made to a considerable extent by eocene marl, wfiieh he thinks equal to a corribination of calx and guano; and, 3dly. Because the average of crops of wheat for the first fifteen years of marling was 8.22 bushels per acre, and during the last series of sixteen years was 12.10 per acre. I will concisely notice these reasons in the order in which they occur. 1st. This farm does contain a small amount of what wa<* originally good land ; but so little that it constitutes only one-half of one of our present six fields, or about one-twelfth of the Voi. XIII.-7. arable land, and does not in my opinion coun- terbalance the desperately washed and gullied slopes as found throughout the farm before marling. Even this small portion of originally rich land had been so exhausted that a gentle- man, who was an intimate friend and neghbor, when he heard that this farm had been left to my father, pronounced it a curse to any man. who might inherit it. 2d. The eocene marl on the farm is found immediately on the river bank, and has been from its vicinity applied alone to the field containing the little originally good land. The great improvement on all the originally poo? acid soils has been effected entirely with mio- cene — and this improvement, without doubt, exceeds Mr. Newton's maximum effect cf marl. 3d. The average crop of wheat per acre for the six years preceding marling was 6.75 bushels per acre, and- that on the best portions only of the fields, at least one-half the arabje land being considered even at that time too poor for wheat culture, and accordingly omitted. I might add that all the putrescent manures, which an active and zealous farmer could make and apply, were necessary for even tht^ poor return. The average crop of wheat for the last twelve years, viz: from 1841 to 1852 in- clusive, was 13.60 per acre, and that on all the arable land, exceeding Mr. Newton's estimate of maximum product by 3.60 bushels per acre. (It is more than probable that were the com- parison confined to the portion of the farm cultivated in wheat before marling, the product would be found to be three or four times 6.75 bushels per acre.) This series of years in- cludes three in which the crop was greatly curtailed by serious disasters — one year by a late frost in April, which cut down all the fal- low and the most forward parts of the corn- field wheat; another by a wet spell, in which it rained almost every day during the harvest operations, and some days all daylong, caus:'n;; the wheat to sprout as it stood in the field ; and a : third, when the -effects of Hessian fly ej- ceeded any thing I have ever witnessed before or since. Our crops are frequently subjected to these heavy losses, which when they occur, greatly reduce the average for a series of years, and thus apparently diminish the capability of the land. This capability, I conceive, m3y be exhihited by the crops of single years, when no unusual means have been used. I 194 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. have had an average of twelve bushels of wheat after com, of twenty after clover, and of thirty-five bushels of corn on entire fields — originally poor acid lands brought about solely by the use of miocene marl and the partial manuring which the resources of the farm enabled us to do. But why, it may be asked, were not these crops, or the above average of 13.60 bushels of wheat per acre sooner attained'! I admit that the progress of improvement on this farm has been slow and in some cases unnecessarily expensive, and that we have not attained so large an average as we ought to have reached. By turning to chapter XXI of the last edition of the Essay, I think this question is there sufficiently answered to satisfy any one just beginning the system of marling that he can now do greatly better than has been done on the, Coggin's Point farm. The author states as causes of his slow rate of improvement, 1st. The badly washed and galled state of the land when he received it, on many and exten- sive slopes, all the soil having been carried away; 2d. The fact that he had everything to learn about marling and "to prove by actual trial, without any light from either experience or the prior or cotemporary operations of other farmers, much of his labor was lost uselessly in wrong procedures, or was worse spent in exces- sive applications of marl, which subsequently proved to be injurious." As late as 1839, twenty years after the beginning of his marl labors, one of the best fields I now have for corn had been omitted under com culture for eight years or more, on account of too heavy a dressing of marl, and some limited parts of the farm have not entirely recovered to this day; 3d. "The fitness given to the before acid soil by marling, • to produce clover, was not found out until se- veral years after that best auxiliary to the first improvement ought to have been in full use;" 4th. The want of sufficiency of labor for both manuring and marling; 5th. The culture of cotton for five successive years on all the best land, to its detriment; and lastly, The want of the personal attention of the owner, who for twelve years, from 1827 to 1839, did not reside on the farm. The importance of this last cause every practical farmer will at once appreciate. I will farther add as an additional reason the fact that this farm lies in the fork between the river and Powell's creek, and is intersected by numerous wooded ravines mak- ing up from both. The margins of every field are thus most seriously affected by shade, and the general average of crops reduced thereby. In later years, too, the crops, both of wheat and corn, have fallen below the actual capacity of the land, on account of the presence of two vegetable pests, which I admit after a hard struggle of more than a dozen yea^s, I have been unable to subdue. My fields are tho- roughly infested with wiregrass and partridge pea, the former a great impediment to the pro- per culture of corn, the latter very inimical to the successful growing of wheat. The part- ridge pea comes up in the fall about the time we are sowing wheat, and the only way that I know to diminish it, even for a single year, is to permit the pea first to vegetate and then destroy it in the process of getting in the wheat. This requires late sowing of the wheat, and can only be done at great risk to the crop. At this time, (the middle of May,) 1 can observe a marked superiority of the wheat sown in October over that sown in November, and yet 1 am compelled by the partridge pea to sow my fallow wheat — the fallow, too, the main chance for a crop— in November, a time too late for the best yield. I have thus given the reasons, why I think the Coggin's Point farm, even with its slow rate of improvement, does not authorize so low an estimate of the maximum effect of calxing, with the usual aids of manure and green crops. I come now to the more agree- able duty of showing what has been actually done by a few of my neighbors. I shall limit myself to four or five cases, two of which are those of gentlemen I happened to meet just after reading Mr. Newton's review; the others are facts collected some two years ago for another purpose. 1. On the stage road from Norfolk to Peters- burg and within about five miles of the latter, immediately on the ridge between James river and Black-water, is situated a farm of several hundred acres which a few years ago was re- marked for its extreme poverty. This land was originally acid poor land, growing pine and whortleberry. Mr. Birchett, its present owner, in reply to my queries, says " I purchased my farm in 1845. It was in a very dilapidated condition. There were only about 100 acres of open land. The plantation had been cultivated so badly that all the rest had been turned out and had grown up in small pines. In 1845 I cultivated 30 acres in corn and made 35 barrels. 1 then sowed ten bushels of wheat on the best part of the land and made 27 J bushels. The next year, 1846, I cultivated in corn likewise 30 acres, 17 of which I had marled. The 30 acres brought me 75 barrels of com, and I sowed the 17 acres marled in wheat. The yield was 120 bushels of wheat. I now have my farm in five shifts, with about 60 acres to the shift. The shift I had in corn last year (1852) was entirely marled over at the rate of 300 bushels to the acre. The 60 acres made 300 barrels or 1500 bushels of good corn. I sowed peas broadcast at the time of laying by the corn and put it in wheat the same fall. The wheat now promises well. The smallest estimate put on it by any of my neighbors is a yield of 15 bushels per acre, although it has been some- what damaged by fly. The turn-out of my wheat crop for the last two years, 1852 and. 1851, was 12 bushels per acre. My force be- ing too weak both for manuring and marling, not much manure was applied, so nearly the whole improvement has been from the use of marl." THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 195 The marl used by Mr. Birchett was mio- cene — got with difficulty, lying below water, and hauled some distance. 2. Dr. Dupuy, who resides on the originally poor highlands to the south-west of Peters- burg, writes: " I purchased my farm in 1837. It was poor in the extreme. The last portion of land to which marl was applied, and that to which your inquiries are directed, was marled in 1842. At that time it was covered with po- verty grass and dew-berry vines. I do not think it would have produced more than one and a half or two barrels of corn to the acre, nor more than three bushels of wheat. Indeed no man in his senses would have put it in wheat. I used putrescent manure raised on the farm, moderately applied, owing to its scarcity. The field in question never had an application of guano on any portion of it till this year. I was compelled to cultivate, in not more than three, and often in only two shifts, owing to the want of arable land for my force, thereby depriving myself of the ad- vantages to be derived from clover. In 1851, I reaped my first and only fallow wheat from this field. The yield was within a fraction of twenty bushels to the acre. Two years before it had produced about sixteen bushels after a corn crop which it was supposed would have measured seven barrels. It is again in wheat after corn, with a light application of guano, and promises to make 15 or 16 bushels." I regret that Dr. Dupuy's occasional use of guano on the rest of his farm, prevents my citing the very great improvements from marl- ing which he had made, despite his hard crop- ping and slight use of clover. 3. Col. R. M. Harrison, who has greatly improved his land, says, "My average crops, before marling, have been about fifteen bushels of corn and six of wheat on the best of the land, about one-third of the field being consi- dered too poor for wheat, and consequently left out. My actual crop of good corn in 1850 was 2,000 bushels, or between twenty-two and twenty-three bushels per acre; and in 1851, 2,300 bushels, being twenty-five bushels per acre. My crop of wheat in 1850 was about 1200 bushels, being eleven and a fraction bushels per acre; in 1851, 1150 bushels, or thirteen bushels per acre — all the land being now put in wheat except two or three acres." 4. Mr. H. W. Harrison states, "Before marling, my land brought fifteen bushels of corn and six of wheat per acre. In 1840, I made 300 bushels of wheat on my field of fifty acres — six bushels per acre. In 1851, my crop of wheat was rather over twelve and a half bushels per acre." 5. Mr. E. A. Marks states, "Before marling, my land brought fourteen bushels of corn and five bushels of wheat per acre. In 1850, my crop of com was, 525 barrels, or over twenty- one bushels per acre; wheat, 1320, or twelve bushels per acre. In 1851, 535 barrels of corn, or twenty-two bushels per acre; wheat, 1393 7g bushels, or 13.65 bushels per acre." Good merchantable corn is meant — the refuse corn of the above crops not taken into consideration. The last three gentlemen all own lands which are high ridge lands, and were originally poor acid lands. They deserve great credit for their improvements, which they have ef- fected in comparatively a short time, wilk miocene marl, aided partially by putrescent manure. I say partially, because, like nearly all the rest of us, their force was limited, and they did nothave enough labor to marl, manure and make their crops. Where all could not be done, they preferred neglecting what was deemed at the time the least important. But the foundation having now been laid, by calxing the soil, I hold the great improvement, on these and most other of our farms, is yet to be built up by the making and applying putrescent manures, by the use of plaster, by sowing peas and clover, by a proper system of grazing, and by adopting a more extended system of ro- tation. With the above facts before me, I think I am warranted in differing with Mr. Newton as to the maximum limit of improvement of poor lands to be effected by the use of calx and the ordinary resources for manuring. He would put that limit at twenty bushels of corn and ten bushels of wheat per acre. I would put it at thirty bushels of corn and eighteen bushels of wheat, to be reached in three courses of crops, of five years each, provided the im- provement be conducted by aid of all the lights we now have, and with judgment and skill. Not half the land that has been marled in lower Virginia has had half a chance. Our farmers, originally as poor as the soil they cultivated, were in debt, and with the first appearance of increased fertility of soil, they were in a mea- sure forced to take additional crops from it: But our people have now generally, by the aid of marl, worked out of debt; in fact, many- are rich, whose fathers were poor, and I look: forward to more rapid improvement in our lands. This, 1 verily believe, would, to a great extent, be effected merely by more leniency in its cultivation ; but would, of course, be greatly advanced by more extensive manuring, &c. I would not be understood as discarding the use of guano. On the contrary, I think Mr. N. has rendered an important service to the community in giving his practical directions for the improvement of poor lands. Such improvement is difficult enough to induce us to use all the means with which a kind Provi- dence has endowed us. I have always advo- cated light dressings of marl and lime, to be repeated as occasion required, and I have no doubt that guano is an important auxiliary in the good work. My own experience in its use is very limited, this being the first year that I have used it on wheat, (and certainly it does not now promise to pay expenses,) but I have heard doubts expressed by practical men here- abouts and those who have used it — 1st. Whe* it wjjl pay on lands which have reached 195 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER twelve or fifteen bushels per acre; and 2d. Whether it ought to be used on lands contain- ing much vegetable matter, on clover fallows for wheat for example. If these views be correct, they would materially interfere with the progress of improvement promised by Mr. N. after the two first rounds of crops. While, therefore, I would use guano in the early stages of the improvement, I would in its progress rely more particularly on putres- cent manures of the farm, on clover, peas and plaster. I am somewhat surprised that Mr. N. in his practical directions omitted to recom- mend the use of plaster. After the land is limed and set in clover, so impressed am I with the importance of the use of plaster that had I to choose to-day between guano, at a cost of four dollars per acre, and plaster, at fifty cents per acre, I should undoubtedly take the latter. • In conclusion, permit me to say, Mr. Editor, that it is with no small degree of diffidence that I find myself differing with Mr. Newton on any point of practical farming. I read his review with the greatest pleasure, and I hope with profit. One of the benefits to the cause of agriculture, to which the Essay may here- after lay claim, will be the having elicited Mr. Newton's review. E. Ruffin, Jr. For the Southern Planter. NOTTOWAY AGRICULTURAL CLUB. Mr. President, — At a previous meeting of our Club, the following subject for discussion was selected: "What changes should we make in our present system of farming, and what system is advisable^for us to pursue — having in view present profits and the speedy and permanent improvement of our farms; and also having in view the peculiar adaptation of our climate and soil to the production of our present great staple, tobacco; and our expected low rate of transportation of that and other products to market!" The subject is too comprehensive to be i reated in all its bearings, with the minuteness it deserves, in a paper like the present, the ob- ject of which is only to make some suggestions ro facilitate the change from one system to another— a transition frequently readily as- sented to in theory, but often presenting obsta- cles in the practical operation sufficient to deter many from the attempt— from one you have unanimously condemned, to the one a large majority of the Club have approved. The question recited above would be covered by the following: What system of cultivation ■would be best adapted to the improvement of our farms'? 2d. What crops would be most profitable on that system'? The first has been so fully and ably discussed in our Club that I will not reiterate the argu- ments used on previous occasions, but consider it as settled, by a large majority of you, in fa- vor of the "five field system." That being agreed upon, the next important point is how to effect the change from the "three field" (the one in general use) to the "five." The impor- tant difference between them, as their names indicate, is the number of fields in cultivation, and consequently the relative size of the "fields" in the two systems. The difficulty at once presents itself to the farmer, "that if it requires one-third of his cultivated land to pro- duce a sufficient supply of corn for home con- sumption, (which is generally the case,) how would he be able to get on with the product of one-fifth, at least for a short time, untij be might expect some improvement in the land from the system he was adopting 1 ?" If he could bear the loss of a portion of the crop for a few years, or manufacture manure to make up the deficiency, the difficulty could be very easily gotten rid of; but, unfortunately, he frequently cannot submit to the first, and he requires all the manure he can collect for a tobacco crop, to meet his necessary expenses. The alternative is therefore presented to him of following the old system by which he can, for the present, at least, manage to pay ex- penses, or try a new one which necessarily brings debts accumulating for several years, and looks to future years for its profits; then probably to be delayed longer by unfavorable seasons and low prices. Thus many who would give their assent to the ultimate success of the theory, from present difficulties or ex- treme prudence are prevented from carrying it into practice. The plan I am about to sug- gest I think will lessen these difficulties, both by causing less risk of curtailing his crops- necessary for home consumption — and requir- ing a moderate and short loan to establish him safely, and in a short time, on the improving and more productive "five field system." The intermediate step by which I propose to accomplish this is the four field system, with some modifications— thus, "to begin with com the first year; the second year half of the corn field of the previous year to be seeded to wheat, and the other half to oats, with one hundred and fifty pounds of guano per acre; the last to be fallowed as soon as the oats are taken off— one hundred pounds again applied and seeded to wheat, together with half of the corn field of the present year. So that each year one-fourth will be in corn, one-fourth in wheat, one-eighth in oats and three-eighths in grass— one-fourth for two years and one-eighth for one year." I will now compare it with the other systems. It has one-fourth less in corn than the three field; but saves one-fourth of the labor, which if applied in collecting ma- terial for compost, &c, and better cultivation, will reduce the deficiency at least to one-eighth. A full compensation for which would be found in the oat crop, which (a good season) would be at least double. Usually oa the three field n THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 197 system about three-fifths of the corn land is seeded in oats — on this, one-half; but the addi- tion of the guano would make the half, at least, double the three-fifths, (I have oats at this time with one hundred and fifty pounds guano, which I think will make five times the quantity the land would have made without,) and more than equivalent to the deficiency of one-eighth of corn. The quantity of land in wheat would be about the same the first year. The second year the surface in corn and oats would be the same, and the wheat would be double. The wheat on the oat fallow might, with great cer- tainty, be expected to pay for both applications of guano. 1 last spring applied one hundred and forty pounds of guano per acre for tobacco (by miscalculation,) and again one hundred pounds last fall, when it was seeded in wheat, which at this time looks as well as corn land, on which I applied two hundred pounds at time of seeding, and promises well to pay for the two hundred and fifty pounds of guano and more wheat than the land would have made before it was put in tobacco. The only outlay would be the loan of the cost of guano, which would be returned with probably a handsome profit, by the additional wheat, straw, grasses, &c, and a rapid improvement of soil. Although only one-eighth would rest two years, yet I consider the double application of guano fully equivalent to one year's rest. If there should be a difference between the two por- tions, they might be changed at each rotation. Grazing on this system would be limited to the portion rested two years, except the glean- ing of the wheat field by hogs. A great ad- vantage over the three field system is the op- portunity of seeding clover, herdsgrass. &c, lor hay and improvement. Compared with the four field system, as at present adopted, it has the advantage of one-eighth more land in cultivation, which doubles the crop of wheat; the other crops being about the same, and is fully equal to it for improvement. Compared with the five field system, it has one-fifth more in corn and one-fifth more in oats, but one-sixth less in wheat, and superior to it for rapid im- provement. To give a better comparative view, I have arranged them in tabular form — taking a farm of three hundred acres of cul- tivated land. a in w 13 40 a O 100 O GO 100 C3 3 field system, corn. 4 « /. C. T. Hempstone, Leesburg, ) results. Yardley Taylor, Purcelville, Correspond- ing Secretary. William Fulton, Leesburg, Recording Sec- retary. John B. Wildman, Leesburg, Treasurer. Yardley Taylor, Cor. Sec. Loudoun, Gth mo. 23d, 1853. MORRILL'S IMPROVED DITCHING MACHINE. This engraving is a perspective view of a ditching machine, patented by Jonathan W. Morrill of Hampton Falls, New Hamp- shire, May 10th, 1853. A A are the wheels; B is the axle of the same, across which the beam lever, C, is secured. The cutters for ditching are placed and secured in this lever. D D D are the cuttere for cutting the sides and front edge of the sod3. These cutters are united together and are braced and sup- ported by the stirrup brace, E, which has a vertical bar, F, secured to the front edge, and passes up through the slot, G, in the lever, C. This bar, F, has a slot, H, cut in its upper end with a pin, I, passing through it to make it fast to the lever. As the cutters are raised and lowered, the slot in the bar, F, admits of the lever, C, being depressed and raised. J is a spade, cutter, 206 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. or scooper; it has a bent handle, K, L, which turns on a fulcrum pin, a, which passes through the bar, F. The part, L, is eecured to a link, M, which passes up through a mortise, tV, in the beam, and it is loosely secured in the same by a pin, c, \vhich it allows to move back and forth, as the cutters, D D D, and spade, J, are de- pressed or elevated. O P are thin plates of metal for guiding the sod as it is raised up, and for throwing it out at the side of the ditch. The plate, P, is only to incline the sod to one side. Two men take their position at the han- dle of the lever, facing the wheels. They press down the lever, which causes the spade to fly out, at the same time cutting the sod on three sides; then, raising the lever (without changing their hold,) forces the spade in, cutting the sod off at the bottom. The machine being now at the surface, swings forward seven inches, when the same operation is repeated, one sod pressing out the other, throwing them upon the side of the ditch. Or the lever can be extended across the axle, a man working at each end. The machines can be made to cut ditches one, two, or three feet deep, and seven inches wide, or fourteen or twenty-one inches wide, by going over the ground twice or thrice, or wider by repeating the operation. It is comparatively easy work for two men. It is fitted to the large wheels of a single horse wagon. Tt may be used to good advantage with- out the wheels and lever, by having at- tached to it a piece of wood two ffeet long, with handles, as represented in the small cut. It cuts a ditch smooth on the sides and bottom. Applications for machines or rights may be made to the patentee as above. For the Southern Planter. SHUCK MATTRESSES, &c. Mr. Editor — I wish to become a subscriber to your paper, lo commence with the January number of this year, and will thank you to send it to me at Smithville Post Office, Pow- hatan. Please direct it with my lull name, as I have a near neighbor with the same ini- tials, which might cause some mistake. I will endeavor to send my dollar in a few weeks. Yours, respectfully, Josiah Smith. Powhatan county, March l8iA, 1853. P. S. — Since writing the above, I have thought it might be well to give you my plan for preparing shucks for making mattresses — I have very little doubt but some of your read- ers may have seen them prepared in the same way, still, there may be some, like myself, who have had to resort to the tedious operation of hackling with the flax hackle, for the want of something better. Being very fond of a shuck mattress, and not having patience with the hackle, I was induced to try some shorter plan. I have the shucks pulled or cut off from the nub, and when I have as many as I need for present use, I pass them through my wheat machine twice, and have them well prepared at once, though not as fine as the hackle would make them, but sufficiently fine to make a first rate bed. If you think this worth a place in your valuable paper, you can publish it, if not, consign it to the flames. J. S. COST AND PROFITS OF GUANO. A correspondent of the "Edinburgh Quarterly Journal of Agriculture," in allu- sion to the fact, that the fixed price of gua- no has settled to $45 per ton, states that it is a curious coincidence that the returns of the crops manured with it amount to just about the cost of its application. For ex- ample, three. hundred weight per acre, the usual quantity, amounts to thirty shillings, (sterling,) which has been found on an average to increase the whole crop six bushels. This, at forty shillings per quar- ter, is just thirty shillings, the exact ex- pense of application. The amount consumed in that country, in consequence of no profit being made by its use as a manure, he thinks is very mo- derate, when compared with the extent of farming territory, and will continue to be so until the price of guano is lessened. By reducing the duty on this article to one pound per ton, the price would immediately become so low that farmers would find its use eminently profitable, and the trade THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 207 would increase so rapidly that the Peru- vian revenuewould be actually augmented. "The British creditors of the Peruvian na- tion have not allowed them to make that reduction;" the chief difficulty in the way of which, appears, at present, to be want of sufficient proof of the extent of the de- posits — some distinguished persons having declared that they could not hold out twenty years, at the present rate of consumption; while others assert that there are no less than thirty millions tons in the beds al- ready explored, to say nothing of others. It must be a very superficial examination that would lead wise men so far apart as this in their estimates, unless interest has led to gross misrepresentation, as there is some difference in twenty years and seve- ral centuries. Cannot some of our pow- erful governments afford to send a compe- tent person to examine these beds accu- rately, and to furnish a true estimate of the number of cubic yards? From the Northern Parmer. THE BIBLE A TEXT BOOK FOR SHEEP 1 HUSBANDRY. A gentleman who has had much experience in sheep raising in Virginia, writes thus: " In the year 1840, while reflecting upon mat- ters of stock and sheep breeding, it occurred to me, that the Bible contained information of a practical character upon this, as it does upon most other subjects; and I turned over its sa- cred leaves to see what the great successful shepherd, Jacob, had left on record with regard to this department. I soon found that he had designated the number of males and females which constitute a flock for breeding to advan- tage, in his present to his brother Esau, to whom he gave "two hundred ewes and twenty rams." — Genesis, 32d ch. 14th v. ,: The proportion being one ram to ten ewes, I suppose this relative quantity was designed to keep up the equality of the sexes; and af- ter a careful examination of my own flock of about forty ewes with two rams, and finding it to hold nearly true, I commenced with the ad- joining farms of greater extent. Without in- forming any one of my motive, I requested all the overseers to give me at shearing time, the number of ewes and rams in their flocks, and the number of ewe lambs and ram lambs of the season. You may judge of my surprise, when in every case out of seven farms with large flocks, the facts confirmed the theory. In all cases where the proportion of one ram to ten ewes existed, the sexes of the lambs were about equal — in some cases, where there was a great disproportion from this rule, either way, there was a corresponding disproportion of the sexes of the young. One man had a ram for every four ewes, and nearly all of his lambs were rams — anotherhad one ram to fifty ewes; the result was nearly all were ewe lambs. "For several years I continued my inqui- ries, and the Jacobian rule was satisfactorily vindicated in nearly every instance." From the Boston Cultivator. TUMID JAW IN CATTLE. Messrs. Editors, — T have reason to be- lieve that every attempt to cure the tumid jaw in cattle, after — as your correspondent Frank expresses it — (see Cultivator for April 16th) it has become a "sit fast," will be found abortive, at least, I have never yet known a cure effected by the most skilful treatment; it ie satisfactory, however, to know, that unless the animal thus afflicted has an extraneous value, its intrinsic worth might be secured by feeding for the butcher, commencing at the time when the evil is first discovered, between which and the period when the creature begins to lose condition, the season will prove lomr enough for common purposes. I very well remember that a remarkably fine short- horn cow, selected in England, and brought to this country in company with the Bates' bull, "Yorkshireman," by Joseph Cope, of Westchester county, Pa., was thus dis- eased, but her extraneous value forbade the sacrifice of her life by the butcher; yet, with all the care of the owner, and skill of the medical professor, I have no idea that her life was long spared. At this time, too, there were several other cases' of the same nature in the neighborhood, one, es- pecially, at Allerton Farm, the owner of which being desirbus to know if the disease had ever been cured, made inquiry to that effect through the Farmers' Cabinet, and was answered in an article that appeared in the next number, written by a medical practitioner of the highest standing, and from which I beg to make a few extracts, and remain your subscriber, John Marks. The Tumid Jaw in cattle, is essentially the same disease which surgeons call osteo- sarcoma or bony cancer, in the human sub- ject. It is a disease of the bony system, and is common to man and the lower ani- mals. Although the jaw bone, and espe- cially the inferior one, is the most frequent seat of this terrible malady, yet it may in- 238 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. vade any part of the bony fabric. No sa- tisfactory cause has yet been assigned for osteosarcoma. Sometimes it may follow contusions or other injuries of the bones; or when seated in the jaw, it may appear 10 proceed from the irritation caused by a decayed tooth; but there is reason to sup- pose that in those cases there must have been a constitutional predisposition to the disease. This supposition is rendered more probable, since it has sometimes at- tacked successive members of the same family; at other times, it has appeared al- most simultaneously in distant parts of the body, and when the affected member has been removed, the disease has been repro- duced elsewhere. The seat and commencement of this malignant disease, is obviously in the spongy cellular substance, formed in the interior of most bones. As the disease is developed, the bone swells, and its healthy structure becomes entirely changed. The following graphic description of the ap- pearances of the tumor, is drawn by Dr. Gibson, (Surgery, vol. i. p. 40S.) "The bone will be formed smooth on the surface, and either uniform and regular, or else dis- posed in lobulated masses of different forms and sizes. Sometimes these are extreme- ly regular, of a rounded form, and resem- ble very much a cluster of grapes. At other times, several large masses are pined together, and present the appear- ance of an artichoke or a protuberant po- tato. When the bony texture of these tu- mors is cut, forcibly separated, or crushed, a number of irregular cells are brought into view, containing either a thick, cheesy, lardaceous, medullary matter, or gelati- nous, or semi-transparent fluid, which oozes. out of its own accord, or can be re- moved by mechanical means, or by mace- ration — leaving the sides of the cavities lined by a very fine and delicate membrane. The morbid tissue of bone will then be found to consist of innumerable spicula, disposed in endless variety of ramifica- tions, and shooting out in fantastic forms, resembling some species of coral, or as- suming the shape of some vegetable pro- ductions." The same writer continues, "I have in my possession a very fine specimen of ostea- sarcoma of several pounds weight, taken from the upper jaw of an ox. In this spe- cimen, the cells which I have described, and the arrangement of the bony spicula, are uncommonly well displayed, owing to the magnitude of the tumor, and the ori- ginal texture of the bone upon which it is reared;" In the more advanced stage of tumid jaw, more or less suppuration takes place; the tumor bursts in one or in many places, and pours forth an ichorous and corrosive discharge, which soon excoriates and con- taminates the adjacent soft parts. From this time the disease puts on more and more the appearance of malignant cancer, until the poor animal falls a lingering prey to suffering and exhaustion, or is kindly released from further torment by the hu- mane interference of its owner. It may readily be perceived, that a dis- ease such as I have described, will prove intractable and difficult to cure. In its in- cipient stage of tumid jaw, while the tu- mor is small, it ought to be rigorously at- tacked by oft-repeated blistering — or by opening a constant drain from the immedi- ate neighborhood by means of a rowel, or the application of strong caustic. If these means fail to avert its progress, an opera- tion for its entire removal should not be too long delayed. With this view, the whole of the diseased mass must be laid bare, and by the bold-and dexterous use of small saws, gouges and chisels, every vestige of unhealthy bone must be cut away. As we are by no means certain that success will attend even this dernier resort, I would by no~means recommend it in ordinary cases. Where there is no extraordinary value at- tached to the animal, perhaps it would be more prudent to put it off, before the dis- ease shall have progressed so far as to in- terfere with the process of feeding. Nei- ther is it likely that any lasting advantage would accrue from the operation, after the tumor has become a corroding cancerous sore. Medicus. CURE FOR ROSE BUGS. A subscriber wishes to know if any one can suggest a method of preventing the yearly in- cursions of the rose bug, and having heard considerable complaint among our neighbors of having their cucumbers, grapes and other fruit destroyed by these insects, I will suggest a remedy. Plant in the centre of your garden damask rose bushes, and they will never light on any thing else. We have a large garden with almost every kind of fruit, vines, shrub- bery, and flowers, with several kinds of roses, and in the centre we have four bunches of da- mask rose bushes, and I never saw in the whole garden a rose bug on any thing but the damask rose. Whea th'ey are in blossom 1 go THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 209 iDio the garden once a day with a pan of hoi ■water, and get about a pint at one time; this I practice for a few days, and then they will disappear. — Boston Cultivator. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, JULY, 1853. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum, which may be discharged by the pay- ment of One Dollar only, if paid in office or sent free of postage within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies for Ten Dollars, to be paid invariably in advance. ,f3= Subscriptions may begin with any No. I^*No paper will be discontinued, until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Publisher. U- Office on Twelfth, between Main and Cary Streets. All communications for the columns of this paper, and all letters of inquiry, to insure prompt attention, must be addressed to Frank: G. Ruffin, Shadwell, Albemarle County, Va. All business letters connected with the Planter must be addressed to P. D. Bernard, Richmond, Virginia. ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENTS. "A Subscriber" wishes to know if the Me- diterranean wheat is affected by joint worm, and what are the remedies for it generally. We shall touch the latter question in August, and can only reply now to the first, that the early wheats are somewhat less affected than the later varieties. But even this very slight exemption is modified by season and other circumstances, and is liable to exceptions for which no cause can be assigned. POSTAGE ON THE PLANTER, When paid quarterly or yearly in advance. To any part of the United States 1| cents per quarter, or 6 cents per annum. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AND BADLY WANTED, At the office of the Southern Planter, four thousand dollars due by a portion of the sub- scribers, who are now receiving the paper. This money is wanted to enlarge the paper, to improve it, to pay debts already contracted in its publication, and to live on. It cannot be a burden to any one to pay the small price asked for the Planter, and we have no doubt of the inclination of our friends to pay us. But it is so small a matter that they put it off from time to time, to our loss, and, in view of what might be done with the money, to the loss of the agricultural community. We hope our friends will attend to this at once. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. We are happy to state that our work goes on very well. Genl. Richardson, the Society's agent is in- dustriously employed,, as will be seen by his let- ter below, in getting members to it, and engaging contributions to its fair. We feel well assured that if any man can succeed, he will. Tb re- markable conscientiousness and zeal in what- ever he undertakes, he adds a devotion to agri- culture, sufficient of itself, to carry him over impediments much more serious than any, we hope, he is likely to encounter in his travels. For we will not permit ourselves to believe that Virginia will be backward or slow in the for- mation of an Agricultural Society. Like our patriotic friend of the Dispatch, from whose columns we copy the letter, (and only regret that we have not room for the hopeful editorial which introduces it,') we think that there is material among us for a first rate society, not only in respect of ability of members, but, also, of articles for a good exhibition. All our far- mers want is public spirit to induce them to show both themselves and their commodities, and if Genl. Richardson cannot infuse that into them we know no one who can. 210 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. The following letter is a mere outline sketch of what Genl. R. has seen, which he has pro- mised to fill up for the Planter when he gets time, and to continue as his travels extend. We confidently expect from him a series of articles on the agricultural resources of Vir- ginia, as interesting and instructive as any which has yet appeared in our pages: Richmond, June 15th, 1853. Dear Sir, — 1 have been so constantly on the wing of late, that it has not been prac- ticable to keep you "posted up" in the pro- ceedings of the State Agricultural Society. It may be truly said that this Society has now tor the first time, an organized and vigorous existence. "The union of the" farmers "for the sake of" the farmers, be- ing of vital importance, the Society has taken measures for canvassing the State as thoroughly as practicable with that view, and also for uniting with it the mer- cantile and industrial classes as incidentally interested in the cause. It has made the terms of membership low enough to ena- ble all to become members, and has re- ceived a prompt and liberal subscription from the merchants and mechanics so far as they have yet been applied to. The Executive Committee has deter- mined upon holding the first great cattle show and fair, in the city of Richmond, early in November, immediately succeed- ing that at Baltimore, and we have ascer- tained that there is within convenient ac- cess to this place, as much fine stock owned in Virginia, as can be produced any where — and which if sent forward as is promised, will do 'credit to the State. But the Society is anxious also to have the contributions of our worthy mechanics from every section of the State, and there- by to show, as we think can be shown, that Virginia is unnecessarily and culpably tri- butary to other States, for what her own artisans can supply as cheap and as good as any in the world. We not only do not appear to know what we can do — but we do not know what is actually doing in the State. Our cities are instinct with enterprise — have each of them their great lines of railroad in progress — population rapidly increasing, commerce and the mechanic arts 1h riving — life, en- ergy and activity pervading every thing. You are familiar with the state of things in Richmond, and therefore I need not Btop to speak of it — but in Petersburg — in Nor- folk and in Alexandria the evidences of enterprise, induslry and prosperity meet one at every step. In Norfolk, I saw among other things, some of the handsomest spe- cimens of coach making in the extensive establishment of Mr. Thomas A.Mayer — and upon jocularly remarking to him that an amphibious population had not, I sup- posed, much occasion for riding carriages, was surprised to learn, that in addition to the local demand, he had several depots for the sale of carriages, one of them in Richmond. I saw there also, as in other cities, beautiful specimens of saddlery and other branches of the mechanic arts. Petersburg — the gallant Cockade city — ■ always in the van, appears to be in a rapid and healthful state of improvement. She has made a strong impression upon the subscription list of the Society, and need not — will not, I am sure, fall below any of her sister cities in the exhibition. I had not until last week, been in Alex- andria for more than twenty years — of course not since she got back to our old Mother — and so great has been the im- provement there, that I should never have known the place. The old church was the only object recognized, and even that bears the impress of an improvement which seems to be universal. Passing through one of the streets, I saw just ready to be run on board a vessel at the wharf near by, the largest locomotive engine I had ever seen, just completed at the extensive establishment of Smith & Perkins, in Alex- andria, for the Hudson River Railroad. It w'eighs, I was told, 60,000 lbs.— cost $10,- 500, and is constructed for burning coal in- stead of wood. A friend introduced me to the public spirited and intelligent proprie- tors of this gigantic establishment, which far surpasses my power of description. I therefore send you as better than any thing I could give, a slip cut from the Alex- andria Gazette. It is worthy a place in every paper in this and the States South, and I hope you will find room for it. Ex- tensive, additionsare in progress by Messrs. Smith & Perkins — and another large fac- tory of the same character will ere long be in operation, under the direction of Mr. Jamieson, a native of that city. In addi- tion to this, a large steam mill is building on one of the wharves — which will, when completed, be equal to seven or eight hun- dred barrels of flour per day. I also saw the extensive cabinet factory of Messrs. James Green & Son, which employs from one hundred and forty to one hundred and fifty bands, and turns out as beautiful fur- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 211 niture as the hand of man can produce. Indeed, Alexandria seems destined to be a great city, and by means of her Railroads and fine harbor, cannot fail, I should think, to command a large trade which heretofore has gone out of the State. As regards the state of agricultural im- provement, it seems to have awakened to a new life. So far as I have yet had op- portunities of observing, especially on the South side of James river, it is great and growing — moving steadily onward to a point of excellence never before reached, or even dreamed of. I have seen this spring, in the course of my excursions, some of the best cultivation I ever met with any where, and I much regret that want of time put it, out of my power to collect agricultural statistics, which in some places, especially in the country above Norfolk, must be seen to be believed. The farmers there operate upon a quick and kindly soil, easily cultivated, with the markets of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, by means of the lines of first class steamers — now at their very doors. The amount returned to Norfolk for spring and early summer crops — as feas, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, rish potatoes, &c, must be immense. A view of the truck farms, as they are called, in this (to us) terra incognita, would amaze the planters and farmers of our great tobacco and grain growing regions. Farms of twenty-five, fifty and one hun- dred acres returning thousands to the pro- prietors, within the first six months of the year, and producing besides, the requisite supply of corn and forage as succession crops — and this, in what has been gene- rally regarded as the very poorest section of the State!! On the farm of Lieut. Wier, of the Navy, I saw fifteen acres in strawberries; one hundred and ten persons employed in pick- ing them, and was told that two hundred pickers was the requisite number while the crop was in full bearing. On other farms, I saw acres and acres in tomatoes, cucum- bers, potatoes, &c, all for the Northern markets, and a gentleman of the highest character told me of one farmer, upon re- claimed land, in the vicinity of the Dismal Swamp, who planted 1200 bushels of Irish potatoes. Occasionally, some good crops of wheat and clover were seen, and several very fine graea lots. Indeed, it eems evi- dent, that under-draining and liming would infallibly produce good crops of grass on these lands generally. Very fine farming lands are to be found in this region, adapted to the growth of corn, wheat, oats and grass, as the opera- tions of intelligent and improving proprie- tors will very soon show. I was more than gratified by visits to the farms of Captain James Cornick, Mr. Richard Walke and Mr. John Petty, in the county of Princess Anne, from five to seven miles distant from Norfolk, and saw at Capt. Cornick's varie- ties of corn and oats, (crops of last year,)' superior, I think, to any I ever saw before. These oats, I learned, may be seeded in the fall, and stand the winter as well as wheat or rye. This farm — four hundred acres — under cultivation, is in the highest state of improvement, with admirably ar- ranged farm buildings, good stock — "a place for every thing, arid every thing in its place." Mr. Walke's farm of 1000 acres, lately purchased, lies beautifully, has quite a paradise of a homestead, and cannot fail to yield a handsome return upon the im- provements he is making. Mr. Petty's is a large estate, 1700 acres, a considerable portion virgin forest, rich enough to produce as much corn per acre as any land in the State. The crop last year, on some of it, reached fifteen barrels. His attention having been chiefly devoted to other pursuits, he is but at the commencement of a system of improved farming — with his industry, intelligence and zeal, he cannot fail of success. He, too, has a most beautiful residence in Kempsville, where, as at other places named, the old style Virginia hospitality is dispensed in perfection. I am indebted to these gentlemen for two of the most plea- sant days of my life. Want of time deprived me of visits to Mr. Herbert, Mr. Garrison, and other gen- tlemen in that region, whose kind invita- tions it was not in my power to accept at the time. I hope to avail myself of them hereafter, in company with a strong de- tachment of the Executive Committee. Passing through almost every portion of Virginia, from the mountains to the sea- board, especially upon tide water, it is a subject of absolute wonder that there should be so much unoccupied land, capa- ble, as may every where be seen from the small portion in cultivation, of yielding profitable returns to the industrious culti- vator. Cheap, too — cheaper, probably, than any of equal value to be found else- where. No portion of the United States presents such advantages to the farmer of 212 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. limited resources. Can no means be de- vised for calling the attention of the thou- sands who are seeking locations, to the vast and varied extent that Virginia can pre- sent to them"? Where for $5 to $10 per acre, (doubtless, in many instances, for much less,) land may be purchased 'which now has wood or timber enough to pay for it, and which when brought into cultivation, with the aid of a few dollars worth of gua- no, can be made to pay for itself from the first year's crops. Of the number of Vir- ginians who have abandoned their native State to seek fortune in the South and West, how lew have prospered by the change ! Probably there is not one of them, who, if he could now be reinstated in his patrimony, with present facilities for im- provement, would not be substantially richer, and, in point of social comfort, im- measurably "better off." But I have spun out this hasty sketch too far — it may serve, however, for you to pick out the information you want. Would that I could render any substantial aid to your zeal for the Society. An extensive tour is before me, and I have little time to write. Yet, full of hope for the great cause, any information I may collect shall be at your command. The Society wants, and must have, the influence of numbers, as well as of mind and skill — it wants, not 1500, but fifteen or 20,000 farmers in its ranks, be- sides the merchants and mechanics; and, therefore, it calls upon the cultivators of the soil every where in Virginia to be just to themselves, in giving each and every one his personal aid and influence. Let us hope that the call will not be unheeded. I write in much haste. Very respectfully, yours, &c, Wm. H. Richardson. To Hogh R. Pleasants, Esq.. mixed with some of his daily food for the space of ten days or a fortnight. We read in another place that an ounce is the common dose for a full grown animal. Will some of our readers who have tried it state the proper mode of using crude antimony and what is its value 1 ? If we have a Tennessee subscriber who will do it, we shall be much obliged to him. CRUDE ANTIMONY FOR HOGS. Mr. A. H. Davies, of Columbia, Chicot county, Arkansas, in a letter to a gentleman, who has forwarded it to us, asks how to use crude antimony in fattening hogs. We can only say that we have no experi- ence in its use, either as a medicine or a pro- moter of fat. And we find it only generally stated that it is used for this latter purpose. As a medicine, we read that it may be given to each hog according to its size, from half an ounce to two ounces, properly pulverized and RESOLUTION OP THE BRUNSWICK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. At a regular meeting of the Brunswick Agricultural Society, held on the lGth of March, 1853, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Corresponding Secretary be instructed to inform the Editorof the South- ern Planter, and the Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society that the action of its delegates, in the late meeting at Rich- mond, was cordially and enthusiastically ap- proved by this Society; and request that this resolution bepublished in the Southern Planter. FALKIRK TRYST. Instead of bringing their cattle and sheep on in separate lots and selling them all along the road, as is^the case in the grazing districts of the Valley, the drovers*of Great Britain con- centrate their stock in immense hordes, at par- ticular places, whence they are distributed over the whole kingdom. One of the greatest of' these places is Falkirk, which is the main market for the cattle, sheep and horses raised in the north or more mountainous part of Scotland. The following account of the 'business done there will be read with interest by cattle men: The earliest trace obtainable of this leading market is in 1701. In 1772 the number of cattle exposed there for sale amounted to 24,000. " By the year 1812, the number of cattle ex- posed for sale had increased so much that Dr. Graham, the agiiculturist, informs us that at the August trvst, about 6,000 head of black cattle were exhibited; at the September tryst, fully 15,000 cattle, and the same number of sheep; and at the October tryst, the number averaged from 30,000 to 40,000 cattle, and 25,000 sheep. 'It appears,' says this writer, 'that there are annually exhibited at the trysts above 50,000 black cattle, together with about THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 213 40,000 sheep. Taking the former at the mo- derate average rate of £8, and the latter at that of 15s. each, the value of the whole will amount to £430,000. An intelligent friend, who lives near the spot, calculated that 50,000 black cattle are exposed to sale at the last two trysts alone; and he estimates, on good grounds, that the total value of the cattle bought and sold at these trysts must amount to half a mil- lion sterling.' Within the last forty years, the business has immensely increased, and at a single tryst there is now a larger number of sheep and cattle than at all the three in Dr. Graham's day. At last October (1852) tryst, which was one of the largest that have ever taken place, there were probably not fewer than 80,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep, not in- cluding between 20,000 and 30,000 sheep sold before the market. The tryst of the previous October was about the same size, and there were as many cattle, at any rate, though per- haps not so many sheep. For some years pre- vious to the two last, a falling off had been no- ticed, but this was no doubt owing to a dulness of trade, which seems now, fortunately, to have passed away. Good times have once more returned to the sheep farmer and the cattle grazier, and with them the trysts have revived to all the activity which they mani- fested some eight or ten years ago. The only permanent loss has been in fat cattle, which are now sent to London direct by steam con- veyance, for the feeding districts on the east coast, instead of being brought to the trysts. But it is chiefly as a market for young grazing beasts and sheep that Falkirk Tryst is cele- brated, and in these kinds of stock an increase rather than a falling off may be anticipated, as the capabilities or the islands become more developed. Meanwhile, let us endeavor to estimate the amount of business at present transacted. The following may be taken as a near approximation to the numbers and prices of cattle, sheep and horses for the last two years. In the absence of any exact ac- count, the following estimate of the numbers has been formed, with the assistance of the most competent judges, while the prices have b?en calculated from correct averages of the different markets: AUGUST. 30,000 cattle at £5 a-head, £150,000 1,000 horses at £15 " 15,000 £105,000 SEPTEMEER. 50,000 cattle at £5 a-head, 250,000 100,000 sheep at £1 " 100,000 2,000 horses at £15 " 30,000 380,000 OCTOBER, 80 W0 cattle at £5 a-head, 400,000 120.000 sheep at £1 " 120,000 2,000 horses at £15 " 30^000 550,000 For the year, £1,095,000 Of this large sum, probably the greater part is paid by English dealers, who individually make by far the largest purchases of any dealers frequenting the trysts; for while Scotch farmers who wish to stock their lands in most cases attend and buy for themselves, it is the usual custom of English farmers to intrust their orders to agents. The business that thus passes through the hands of a single individual is sometimes very extensive, and we have heard of sums paid away in the course of a forenoon by a single commission agent which would make no paltry figure beside the great business transactions of Glasgow and Liver- pool. Turning from the buyers to the sellers, we find the state of matters equally creditable to the enterprise of the Scotch farmers and salesmen, whose transactions are not so very far behind those of the Australian sheep own- ers as most people imagine-. At the tryst in September, 1852, one dealer sold upwards of 10,000 sheep. In October, he brought forward nearly 15,000, but sold them all before the tryst commenced, owing to the great demand; and another dealer sold about 10,000 sheep at the same tryst. In fact, nearly one-half of the entire sales of sheep are made by some ten or twelve individuals. The most extensive sheep owners in Scotland at present are Mr. James Scott, of Hawick, and Mr. John Kennedy, of Kirkland, better known by the title of one of his Highland farms, Fasfern, on the Lochiel estate. Mr. Kennedy is said to possess from 40,000 to 50,000 sheep, a patriarchal number, which only two or three of the Australian magnates can surpass. Adjoining Fasfern is the iacm of Locharkaig, which is rented by a gentleman who is tenant of upwards of a thou- sand acres of arable land in the county of Roxburgh, and has several othersouth country farms in his hands. Locharkaig contains, we believe, somewhere about 100,000 acres; it was stocked with 22,000 sheep, and, like his neigh- bor Mr. Kennedy, the tenant can ride twenty- five miles on his own farm. But the patriarch of Scotch sheep farmers and cattle graziers is Mr. John Cameron, of Corrychoillie, who can boast of having brought a greater quantity of stock to Falkirk Tryst than any man living; and no wonder, for, besides the extent of his flocks and herds, he has attended the market for nearly half a century. His transactions are not now so great as they were, but at one time Mr. Cameron used to institute a compa- rison, not very far out of the way as regards the numbers in either case, between the Duke of Wellington marshalling his army at Wa- terloo, and his own achievements in leading his sheep and cattle to Falkirk Tryst. Mr. John Patterson, of Skinnet, whose death we observe recorded in the newspapers within the last few weeks, was another leading sheep farmer, and one whose prosperity was entirely owing to his own industry and perseverance. He commenced the world without a shilling, and before he retired from business he had nearly sixty miles of sheep-walks in the county of Sutherland alone. 214 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. In a recent work on the wonders of the southern hemisphere, we read of a Mr. Jeely, who, besides an estate of 50,000 acres, has 'hundreds of thousands of acres of pasture rented from the crown, 25,000 sheep, 3,000 cattle, and some 300 horses.' This is a very tolerable establishment, certainly; but about a dozen years ago, Corrychoillie — by which name Mr. Cameron is well known throughout the country — sent more sheep and cattle to Fal- kirk, in the course of a single season, than Mr. Jeely possesses altogether. Of course, these great sheep farmers cannot be present to super- intend all their own farming operations, like the agriculturists of the Lowlands, but the sheep walks do not require the ever-watchful over- sight which is essential on an arable farm. A steady shepherd can do all that a master can do, and the care of the flocks may be much more safely intrusted to him than the manage- ment of any other business to a deputy. It is this which makes it possible and profitable for one individual to hold farms in different parts of the country; and the practice is accordingly very general, and is necessarily followed by all the leading farmers, many of whom reside in the Lowlands, and do not visit their farms oftener than once or twice a year. — Hogg's Instructor. For the Southern Planter. IS SHADE A SUBSTITUTE FOR BARN- YARD MANURES? Mr. Editor, — In the April number of the Southern Planter the question "Is barn-yard manure indispensflble to the preservation of the fertility of cultivated lands?" is answered with much confidence in the negative; and with equal confidence the writer farther asserts that "even impoverished lands may be made exceedingly fertile without the application of manure of any kind whatsoever." The remedy prescribed, as universally applicable and in- fallibly certain, both in its conservative and restorative results, savors much of the charac- ter of the many nostrums of the day. These promise to cure all diseases, and, save fatal casualties and old age, to bar all the avenues of death. The wonderful panacea "shade" is made to promise even more; not only to exclude death altogether, but by its wonder- working power, to generate a vitality more vigorous and recuperative than that infused by the Creator. Now, sir, I apprehend there is a natural or inherent constitution of things that will forever modify the action of all agents brought to bear upon them. Two things, dif- ferently constituted, may be equally susceptible of improvement; and yet, with equal improve- ment, the original difference remains. Gra- nite and marble may be subjected to equal operation of the artist, and both be greatly changed in outward aspect; yet they remain granite and marble. Lands, in their original constitution, poor and sterile, may be artifi- cially supplied with abundant aliment for plants; and lands, originally fertile, may re- ceive, artificially, an equal increment of fer- tility—and yet the primordial distance, in the scale of fertility, will remain undiminished. They have approximated seemingly only ; sub- ject ihem to equal culture, and the results will soon show the extent of improvement. The one feeding liberally, soon exhausts its limited, borrowed stock, and future plants become sickly and dwarfish, from want of food. The other, with equal borrowed capital, backed by ample hereditary stores, produces abundantly, and at the same time, retains a surplus at in- terest, to supply the current waste; and so, with occasional rest, may hold on without exhaustion. I apprehend the writer is mistaken in the declaration that "The observation and expe- rience of practical farmers establish, beyond Ihe possibility of a doubt, the important fact, that if the surface of the earth be closely covered with any substance whatever, it be- comes exceedingly fertile, no matter how poor' originally, nor what the deficiency in its mine- ral constituents." It will not be denied that covering land will, to some extent, enrich it, and it may be conceded that if the covering be continued long enough, the land will be fertilized to the full extent of its capacity to attract and appropriate fertilizing principles; but it may not be conceded that this fertiliza- tion will advance to a state of "exceeding fer- tility," no matter how poor originally, nor what the deficiency in its mineral constituents. If mere shade be the wonder/ul agent, why is not the surface covered with stones as much enriched as that covered by straw or hay? Why is the surface shaded by the walnut tree always richer than that shaded by the oak?' And why are not fields shaded with hen nest grass or broomsedge as speedily restored as those covered with clover? That lands, originally rich, by a judicious system of rest and shade, with clover, &c, may be kept in good tilth for remunerating crops, is readily admitted; but it is quite ano- ther thing to restore these lands, when ex- hausted of their fertility by excessive culture, to their virgin richness, and greatly more dif- ficult to render lands originally poor "exceed- ingly fertile." I should like to be certified of an example, where a poor Spanish or chestnut oak ridge of land, with a soil scarcely an inch deep, and that resting upon a subsoil of tena- cious clay, has been made "exceedingly fc?-tilc" by mere shade. I would as soon expect to see an individual of a depraved, scrofulous and consumptive habit raised to a state of health, exceedingly robust and elastic, by any of the thousand cure-alls of, as that lands, originally poor, shall be rendered "exceed- ingly fertile," and kept in a condition to pro- duce remunerating crops by mere shade. Conceding that shade is the remedy, the THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 215 question comes up wilh what material and how shall we shade"? For lands adapted to the growth of clover, peas, &c, and in suffi- cient tilth, the remedy is plain; but for lands too poor to produce a covering, what shall be the remedy 1 ? A part, I suppose, may be covered with straw, another with leaves and brush — stones, when at hand, plank, logs, &c, may also come' in for a benefit. What time is re- quired to aecpmplish a state of exceeding fer- tility is an item of important consideration, as the time consumed in the accomplishment may outweigh the benefit or render it unavail- able. If the writer, upon farther consideration, shall see no good reason to withdraw his con- fidence from the remedy he has prescribed, it will become a desideratum of no small mag- nitude that a prescription shall be furnished, by which, such as are unskilled in its use, by adapting its administration to the varying cir- cumstances of constitution and disease, may secure to themselves the beneficial results of exceeding fertility. It may be that the writer has drawn his conclusions from observations made exclusively among the rich limestone lands of the Valley, and concludes that all others possess equal recuperative properties. This, however, would be scarcely less unwise than to conclude that because an individual of sound, robust and elastic constitution, pros- trated only by excessive labor, had been re- stored to wonted health and vigor by mere rest and ordinary food ; therefore the emaciated hectic of depraved constitution may be restored to a state of exceedingly vigorous health by similar means. Doubtless the writer's purpose in writing was to contribute what he could to the general stock of agricultural knowledge— actuated and controlled by similar motives in making the above animadversions, I trust he will take in good part the liberty taken. It may not be inappropriate just here to ad- vert to the fact that opinions, whether derived from observation or experiment, are often published to the world with a lamentable want of discrimination and specification as to the attendant circumstances. This has been a fruitful source of disappointment to many who read agricultural papers, and attempt to apply practically the eonclusiods they form. Ano- ther and perhaps not less evil, is the tendency to foster in the minds of ihose opposed to what they call book farming, all their pre-conceived prejudice. In this way, the march of agricul- tural improvement has been greatly retarded. The speculative genius too often conceives and frames a theory, plausible and specious it may be— then makes facts and experiments bend, so as to furnish props to sustain the bantling; while the more practical man, dis- carding all means of learning except actual experience, confirmed and fixed in his oppo- sition to all new notions and plans, adheres the more obstinately to the old beaten track. B. Charlotte county, 20lk June, 1853. For the Southern Planter. TRIAL OF REAPING MACHINES. Mr. Editor, — Presuming that the public gen- erally and the farmers of Virginia especially, would be pleased to hear the result of the trial of reaping machines at Curie's Neck on the 2lst and 22d of June, the undersigned, Chair- man of the Committee appointed by the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Virginia State Agri- cultural Society to award a premium of fifty dollars to the "best and most effective ma- chine," feels authorized to announce that re- sult to the public in advance of a more full and minute report to be made to the State So- ciety at its meeting in November next. The following gentlemen, composing a majority of the committee of award, viz. Messrs. Richard Irby, Robert M. Taylor, Edward O. Watkins, John P. Royal and the undersigned, met at Curie's Neck, the estate of Mr. Wm. Allen, on the 21st ult. and found in the field, ready for the trial, three machines, viz. M'Cormick's, Hussey's and BurralPs. The committee ap- pointed to make all the necessary preliminary arrangements for the contest having executed their office the machines commenced their operations about noon on the 21st ult. The weather was excessively hot and dry, the wheat shattering ripe, (the Maryland Blue Stem variety, very tall, and averaging, I sup- pose, some twenty-five bushels per acre,) the land mostly level, but a sufficient portion of it undulating to test the machines on that kind of land. Without extending this communication — which I desire shall be brief— I will only add that the committee of award, after following the machines closely through the day of the 2lst and again on the 22d with a sincere and anxious desire to award the premium to the "best and most effective machine," upon com- paring opinions were utterly unable to agree, each member of the committee expressing his great difficulty in deciding between machines all of which had operated so beautifully and effectively for two entire days. Upon taking the vote of the committee it was found. that Messrs. Watkins and Taylor gave the preference to the machine of Mr. Hussey, Mr. Irby to Mr. M'Cormick's, and «■ Messrs. Royal and Garnett to Mr. Burrall's. Under these circumstances the committee, of course, could award no premium, and they will report the above facts to the State Society in November next. John R. Garnett. July 2, 1853. Core for Founder. — Thisbeing theon- ly piece I shall give you for the Cultivator this year, I will bring forward from the 1st volume of your journal a valuable recipe 216 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER for founder — more correctly speaking, a water founder: Bleed the horse from the neck as long as he can stand up; then make him swallow one pint of salt; anoint well around the edges of his hoofs with spirits of turpentine; keep him from drink- ing too much water, and he will be well, I think, in a few hours. — Farmer <$• Planter. For the Southern Planter. a S3 o w o it" Mr. Editor, — In the March number of the Planter I notice an article from the pen of Jo- siah Wm. Ware in relation to French Merino and Cotswold sheep, in which I was much in- terested, although I must differ with him in the comparative merits of the two breeds un- der consideration. The first point I shall notice is in reference to their breeding. He is of the opinion that they will not, or are not allowed to breed be- fore they are three or four years old. "You say the owners of the French Merino keep the ewes until three years old, the buck four, before they are permitted to copulate, and say it approvingly, most probable, that is desirable, if not necessary , to that breed of sheep." THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 217 Now, as I have had some little experience in breeding French Merinos, I would inform your correspondent that it is not necessary to wait three or four years before they will breed, but on the contrary, they are inclined to breed before they are one year old; nor is this all — many of them have twins, and will, if well kept, breed twice a year". These are "stub- born facts," but I would not be understood to think it advisable to either let them breed so often or so young. But am of the opinion that ewes should come well nigh to maturity* before they are allowed to breed. Young bucks should be used moderately. With proper at- tention "a ewe of the improved Cotswold breed in three years, at the lowest calculation, with a single lamb each year, will have given in that time, in muttODS alone and independent of three additional fleeces, $24, and it might be (twins each year) $48." Now, sir, the French Merino will give at least as many lambs, which, at the lowest cal- culation, will sell at §100 each— $300— and if twins, $'600, besides a fleece of at least 25 per cent, more value than the "improved Cots- wold." " How will the French Merino ever catch up with this start - ?" A wonderful start this, to be sur#. "The French Merino can only sell his mutton once in three or four years." Here, again, Mr. Ware is clear off of the track. Why, sir, I have seen many a lamb in Mr. Cugnot's or Leroux's sheepfold at six months old that would weigh from 80 to 100 lbs. and so very fat would tickle the palate even of the most fastidious epicure. It is no uncommon thing in France for sheep at 18 months old to weigh 200 lbs. At present the French sheep cannot be sold for mutton on account of the high price of them, but when the time comes that the market is supplied ibr breeding purposes (which, by the way, will not be very soon,) I see no reason why they will not be sought for as a mutton sheep. I do not know but the Cotswold will grow larger than the French, but they cannot be more docile or fatten more readily. One of our French ewes that did not breed last season got so fat by grass that she was said to be worth $20 for the New York butcher. I do not wish to overrate the French sheep, but for wool and mutton combined I consider them a valuable animal, but for wool alone I believe there are other breeds of the Merino that will be quite as profitable to the wool- grower. * It i9 a well established fact lhat in order to de- velop the highest degree of perfection in breeding domestic animals the sire and dam should be al- lowed to arrive to maturity before breeding. It is rny belief that if the breeders of the Cotswold sheep pursue the course which your correspondent has adopted, they will deteriorate in size, and they ■will be under th« necessity of resorting to new im- portations in order to keep up their present good •ies. I send you a cut of our French buck " Match- less," with a short description of him, and leave the French sheep for the present. "Matchless" was selected by myself from the flock of Mr. Cugnot in April, 1851. He is now four years old and weighs 280 lbs. His wool is thick, fine and good length. His stock is of the highest order, and he is considered by all who see him to be one of the best of his kind. I have lately sent a buck lamb, sired by him, to Dr. Win. L. Wight of Dover Mills, which is a fair specimen of his stock. Geo. Campbell. West Westminster, Vt., April 22, 1853. For the Southern Planter. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Mr. Editor,— We could charge ourself with no task more agreeable to our feelingsj^or render, as we would fain hope, a more accept- able service to your readers, than that of in- troducing to their notice the "Premium Essay on Agricultural Education, submitted to the Executive Committee of the Southern Central Agricultural Association, by Edmund Ruffin of Virginia." This Essay, on a comparison with four others, each exhibiting "considerable merit in regard to this important subject," was in the opinion of the Committee of Award considered " as decidedly entitled to the premium." Indeed, so "valuable a document" did they es- teem it, that they accompanied the report of their award with a request, involving a de- parture from the course usually adopted by the Executive Committee in regard to other prize essays, namely, that it might "be pub- lished at once and spread out before the agri- cultural community, without waiting for the publication of the Society's transactions." — The premium awarded to the author is in the form of a beautiful silver pitcher elaborately ornamented, appropriately emblematized and tastefully inscribed with the following testi- monial : "Awarded by the Southern Central Agri- cultural Society at their Glk annual exhibition in October, 1852, to Edmund Ruffin, Esq. of Virgi- nia, for Hie best Essay on Agricultural Education." The typographical execution of the pam- phlet containing this essay is lamentably de- fective, both in artistic skill and in the failure to detect numerous errors which greatly mar the sense, or entirely pervert the meaning of the writer. We may venture to hope, in dis- missing this part of the subject, that when this essay (with the necessary corrections) shall again appear, in the transactions, above re- ferred to, justice will be done to the good taste of the Society and ample amends made to its distinguished author for the mortifying garb in which he has been made to appear before the public. We pass on to the examination of the contents of this valuable essay* The name of Edmund Ruffin, standing, by 218 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, common consent, "primus inter pares" on the list of distinguished worthies, who have sig- nalized their patriotism by the devotion of themselves to the work of aggrandizing their country, would secure for it a passport to public favor. But it needs not the prestige of a name. Its claim to public consideration may safely be left to rest upon the basis of its own merits. It is written in the happiest style of its author. Clear and precise to a degree which admits of neither doubt- nor obscurity, its arguments carry with them the force of demonstration, and its conclusions are attested with the sig- nature of truth. The design of the essay is to show (he pa- ramount necessity of knowledge to the attain- ment of any degree of success in agriculture, and to suggest a plan for supplying the exist- ing destitution of the means of instruction in agriculture and its cognate sciences. This general principle, — the necessity of knowledge, — is applicable alike to the opera- tions conducted under the guidance of the most scientific principles and most enlightened skill, or to the ruder processes of the most ig- norant and unskilful, who rejecting, as fatally pernicious, the dogmas of "book-farming," aspire to no higher attainment than a know- ledge of the routine of practice "received by tradition from their fathers," whose code of agriculture maugre their contempt for "books" was embodied in the almanac, and who, by erroneous induction, ascribed the success of every process and operation to the causation of the moon! Their proceedings in agricul- ture were, therefore, commenced or forborne agreeably lO the moon's phases— its changes — its increase, or decline, and they regulated the "times and seasons" for all the necessary ope- rations occurring in the husbandry of the do- mestic animals, according to the moon's appa- rent motions and position within the twelve signs of the Zodiac rudely configured on the pictorial frontispiece of the almanac aforesaid. But to return. Knowledge — the indispensa- ble motive power to the whole machinery of agriculture in all its complicated parts and multifarious relations, is discussed by our au- thor under three grand divisions. 1st. In its relations to agriculture as an art; 2d. In its relations as a science, and 3d. In reference to the administrative ability (natural or acquired) necessary in proper com- bination with the skill and science referred to under the two preceding heads, to secure the most perfect success in agricultural improve- ment and practice. The views of the author on these several particulars are clearly and concisely expressed in the following extracts: "Regarding agriculture merely as an art, it " is no small matter, that the cultivator shall " know how to order and conduct the nume- " rous mechanical processes, all of which are " essential to success, of ploughing, hoeing, " draining, reaping, preparing crops for mar- " ket, &c; and to keep in good working order " all the implements, machines and appliances " for all farming processes. There are not " many employments which require more of " this merely mechanical capacity and skill. " Yet this one is but the lowest grade of the " three great departments of agricultural know- " ledge required; and which one, however gen- " erally and greatly deficient on nearly all " cultivated lands, is more usually operative " than either of the other and still more im- " portant requisites for agricultural success. " The highest skill and perfection in the prac- " tical operations referred to, which belong to ".the art of agriculture, would be of little use, " if the cultivator is not also directed by the " science, which would direct why, when, how, " and under what circumstances, each and eve- " ry mechanical labor or process shall be either "performed, modified or wholly omitted. It " is not necessary, indeed, that every indivi- " dual farmer shall be a scientific agricultu- " rist— and it may be that many may do well " in practice with scarcely any acquaintance " with the science of agriculture. But, never- " theless, it is essential, not only for the greatest " success, but for even a moderate degree, that " all practice in cultivation shall be directed, " as in fact it always is directed or influenced " more or less, by the theories and reasoning " which constitute the science of agriculture. " An ignorant individual cultivator may not " reason at all. But he is not, therefore, the " less directed in his practice by the glimmer- " ings of light derived from the experience of " better informed farmers, who themselves de- " rived their knowledge from some source of " scientific instruction and reasoning. The " sound scientific knowledge of one individual, " in some cases, might serve to diffuse light to " thousands of merely practical cultivators, " and to influence and direct successfully the " general practice throughout an extensive re- " gion. Still this aid and direction would not " be the less furnished by science, even though " most of those who were benefited by the aid, " were totally ignorant that its source was in " scientific reasoning and research. All the '' success of merely practical cultivators is " due to their availing themselves of such " lights of scientific instruction as are readily " accessible and available. And all of those " who deem themselves the most perfectly in- " dependent of the aid of scientific agricul- " ture — who indeed scorn and denounce it un- " der the contemptuous epithet of 'book-farm- " ing' — are, in fact, directed in their almost " every labor and process by doctrines which " were derived indirectly from scientific agri-j " culturists. But the great drawback from the " benefits so derived is, that the sources of in- " formation are so imperfect, or so remote, and " the channels through which the instruction " flows are so circuitous and so clogged with " errors, that the lessons so received are greatly " damaged in their truth and value. "Further: A planter may be so fortunate as " to be able to avail himself (through his sub- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 219 " ordinate agents) of every proper appliance '■ of art and skill — he may also be well versed " in the science of agriculture — and yet his " results may be unsuccessful, and his labors " and capital be unprofitable, for want of still " another requisite. This is administrative " ability — or wha't, in common parlance, is " understood as a man's having 'a turn for " business,' and habits of business. It is to " little purpose that both the art and science " of agriculture may direct and accompany " all the operations of a proprietor, if he does " not also know how to govern and direct his ,: subordinate agents and laborers, to manage " his teams and all their equipments, to eco- " nomize his provisions, and to guard against " the manifold evils of waste of means in " every department. It is this all-important " capacity fbrgood general management, (more " usually a natural than an acquired faculty) " which enables many cultivators to thrive, " though greatly deficient in the other requi- " sites of knowledge and skill. And it is the " want of this business capacity, or of its pro- " per exercise, which has produced to so many " other cultivators loss or failure, even though " exercising more than ordinary knowledge of " the art or the science of agriculture or of " both in proper combination. "There are but few, if indeed any persons, " who have attained an eminent station in all " three of these departments of knowledge, " which are required to make a perfect agri- " calturist. But there are many farmers or " planters who, however falling short of these " highest claims to distinction, have acquired " more knowledge, and exercised more talent, " in conducting their humble business, than " have served, and will again serve, in many " cases, for the whole intellectual capital of " renowned commanders of armies, and rulers " of nations! " Wliea so much study and research is re- " quired for attainments in the science — so " much skill and judgment for the art— and so " much ability and varied talentforthe business " in general — it scarcely needs proof, that no " other pursuit more needs instruction for its "young votaries than does agriculture. Yet " it is almost the only business or profession " which is without any regular and ordinary " instruction, and in which every learner is " without a teacher." In ourforegoing remarks, and with the above extended extracts, whi'ch could not be abridged without injustice to the author, in our humble effort to afford what at best must prove but a very imperfect representation of his views, in respect to the importance of agricultural know- ledge and the enormous destitution of the means for obtaining it, we have left ourselves within the space allotted for this review but little room for the introduction of but a mere outline or skeleton of the plan, proposed in detail by our author, to meet this great public necessity. Referring the reader to the essay itself, which we hope to see published and ex- tensively circulated through individual enter- prise, we can only glance at some of the more important features of the plan, leaving details entirely out of view. 1st. Then, in an agricultural State, agricul- tural education should be provided for at the cost of the treasury, because directly or indi- rectly, agriculture pays all the taxes — and also because through the enhancement of agricul- tural profit, by reason-of the increase of agri- cultural knowledge, a large return would be made to the treasury in the great increase of taxable values, and also a great amount of additional means be acquired for the promo- tion of the general objects of education. 2d. That the proposed institution, in its en* dowment at the public expense, should be fur- nished with ample means to provide for the necessary buildings and appurtenances for thorough instruction in scientific and practical agriculture, for the payment of the salaries of the professors and for the instruction on elee- mosynary principles of a select number of young men of good character, promising ta- lents, and of suitable age, and also for the education of a larger number whose instruc- tion should be conducted at private expense. 3d. That such an amount of manual labor should be performed by each student without regard to the profit thereof, as should be found necessary for his instruction in experimental and practical agriculture, and yet so limited as not to interfere with or disturb the course of his scientific studies, but rather promote them by its healthful effects and its salutary influence in promoting a vigorous physical development. 4th. That a farm should be provided, "cul- tivated regularly and continuously, and upon a proper system of rotation and general ma- nagement." 5th. "The discipline of the whole establish- ment to be strict to the degree of military pre- cision" — the pupils required to dispense as much as possible with domestic servants, and to conform in dress and every thing else to strict economy. With this brief and very imperfect outline of the proposed Agricultural Institute we must conclude, not, however, without expressing the hope, as the plan is of Virginian origin, though first recommended for the adoption of a sister Commonwealth, that Virginia will be the first to adopt and reduce it to practical operation. , Ch. H. Williams. To Keep Horseradish.— If you want to keep horseradish, grate a quantity while the root is in perfection, put it in bottles; fill the bottles with strong vinegar, and keep it corked tightly. You may thus have a supply at all seasons. — Exchange piper. 220 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. oo 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 00 PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, From 1st to 15lk June, 1853. T. J. Michie to April 1854 $1 00 Dr. William Gvvathmey to Jan. 185-1 Thomas J. Shepherd to April 1854 Col. J, M'Clanahan to April 1854 Madison Pitzer to January 1854 John W. Mead to January 1852 "N. duesenberry to January 1854 Samuel Turner to January 1855 C. H. Harrison to April 1855 E. Valentine to January 1854 Judge P. V. Daniel to January 1854 William B. Murray to April 1854 William R. Mosely to April 1854 D. M. Wood to April 1854 R. N. Trice to January 1854 Cain J. Gaines to January 1854 Col. B. Davenport to January 1854 George Isler to April 1853 John Willis to July 1853 Dr. D. C. Winfree to May 1854 Ronald Mills to January 1854 W. M. Bowie to January 1854 Andrew J. Carper to January 1854 R. T. Pleasants to April 1854 Thomas Wiley to January 1854 t, James S. Yarbrough to April 1854 H. B. Hunter to July 1854 G. A. Hancock to July 1853 J. T. Hammer to January 1854 1 00 David N. Patterson to April 1854 1 00 S. D. Boyd to September 1853 1 00 Maj. R. Thrift to September 1854 1 00 William O. Ohambliss to April 1854 1 00 J. A. Womack to January 1854 1 00 William Payne, Sr., to January 1854 1 00 Granville C. Owen to July 1853 1 00 Lewis Bailey to January 1854 1 00 Thomas H. Boswell to April 1854 1 00 S. C. Shelton to January 1854 1 00 John White to January 1854 1 00 Robert Gibbony to January 1S54 1 00 Dr. N. K. Foster to April 1854 1 00 Powhatan B. Sledge to January 1854 1 00 William M. Shepherd to Sept. 1853 1 00 H. P. Pope to September 1854 1 00 Richard Payne to July 1854 2 00 Orris Moore to January 1853 1 00 C. C. Burton to April 1854 1 00 Samuel Tunstall to January 1854 1 00 James S. Walker to January 1854 1 00 William K. Fry to July 1854 2 00 A. W. Cousins to January 1854 1 00 Col. Wm. A. Sheffield to January 1854 1 00 George W. Waller to January 1854 2 00 Thomas W. Mathews to April 1854 1 00 John A. M'Craw to January 1854 1 00 Wm. Appleberry Jr., to January 1854 1 00 T. J. Taylor to January 1854 1 00 Dr. George Field to January 1854 1 00 A. S. Jones to January 1854 1 00 John H. M'Kinney to January 1854 1 00 W. S. Major to January 1854 1 00 John A. Montague to January 1854 1 00 Elbert F. Redd to May 1854 * B. J. Jordan to June 1853 Capt. W. E. Britton to January 1S54 John Jones to January 1854 R. H. Abbott to January 1854 William Woodson to January 1854 Estate of M. Clements (in full) Dr. H. L. Jeffries to January 1854 George L. Bullock to July 1854 John H. Montague to October 1854 John G. Pole to January 1854 William C. Terry to April 1854 SI CO 00 00 00 00 CO 00 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO AN ESSAY ON CALCAREOUS MANURES, BY EDMUND RUFFIN, a practical Far- mer of Virginia from 1812; founder and sole editor of the Farmers' Register; Member and Secretary of the former State Board of Agriculture; formerly Agricultural Surveyor of the State of South Carolina, and President of the Virginia State Agricultural Society; fifth edition, amended and enlarged. Published by J. W. Randolph, 121, Main street, Richmond, Virginia, and for sale by him and all other Booksellers; fine edition, 8vo., printed on good paper, and strongly bound , library style $2: cheap edition, l2mo. $1 25 — copies sent by mail, posupaid, to those who remit the price. A large proportion of this publication con- sists of new matter not embraced in the pre- ceding edition. The new additions or amend- ments serve to present all the new and impor- tant lights on the general subject of the work, derived from the author's later observation of facts, personal experience and reasoning found- ed on these premises. By such new additions the present edition is increased more than one- third in size, notwithstanding the exclusion of much of the least important matter of the pre- ceding edition, and of all portions before in- cluded, that were not deemed essential to the argument and necessary to the utility of the work. "This work is from a Virginia gentleman, whose contributions to agricultural science have already given an extensive popularity. Mr. Ruffin is a practical farmer, of great in- telligence, and is eminently competent to im- part information on the subject, which has for so many years engaged his attention." — Methodist Quarterly Revicio. The Southern Planter, in speaking about the cultivation of Irish potatoes and liming, says: "But for the details of that business, we would refer our correspondent to a book, which if he has notnow, we beg for his own credit that he will get as soon as he goes to Richmond. We mean the final edition of the Essay on Calca- reous Manures." "The farmers of Virginia have just reason to thank bctfh the author and publisher for this enlarged and improved edition of a most valu- able book." — Hon. Willovghby Newton. je— tf THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 221 TO THE FARMERS AX D AGRICUL- TURAL, COMMUNITY OF VA. THE subscriber is desirous to make known to the above, an article of manufacture of Chemical notoriety, namely, SUPER-PHOS- PHATE OF LIME, allowed to be one of the most efficacious Manures ever yet adopted in this or any other country, for its well known properties of regenerating and fertilizing the barren and worn-out soil. Its first introduction was into England, some ten years since, when from its then pronounced magic effect, a pa- tent right was granted to its inventor, the cele- brated Professor Law, of London, who stands now unrivalled as one of the first Chemists of the day. Having had the honor of graduating under him, and together with some years of practical experience in the manufacturing of this article with him, gives a sufficient confi- dence to state that the A No. 1 of my present manufacture cannot be equalled in this vast continent, being the sole inventor and intro- ducer of it into this country. Should there be a doubt as to its truthfulness, my Diploma, re- ceived from the New York American Institute, will fully attest of the correctness of my state- ment, together with a host of the highest tes- timonials from the Farming and Agricultural consumers of my Manure for the last twelve months while there. I can al=o state with pleasure having re- ceived many kind letters from mere stratigers to me, requesting of me to refer any one who may feel skeptical of the powerful influence it has over the most barren or useless land that can be found — in a great many instances, par- ties were dubious of buying more than some 50 or 103 pounds to make trial; the same par- ties nowjaurchase in Tons, and feel proud in making it known to their surrounding farming neighbors, who seemed quite astounded at the crops produced by the application of this mi- raculous process, which enters into the com- position of all plants, and the importance of invaluable constituent to the agriculturalist will be easily understood, when the reader is informed that no plant will grow upon a soil denuded of it. Phosphates of lime is being continually removed and abstracted from the soil, and taken up by the plants in solution for their nourishment, and unless such an equiva- lent be returned, diminution of fertility must naturally be the issue. I apprehend the effi- cacy of ground or crashed bones on the soil is well known to the American farmer. I will presume to point out the advantage Super-phosphate of Lime has over bones. Bones are insoluble in water, and have first to be decomposed before they can be incorporated with the soil — such decomposition taking a bng time. From authenticated writers and scrupulous experimenters, it has been acknow- ledged that twenty bushels of Super-phosphate of Lime, will have the desired effect of 100 bushels of unprepared bones. The reason of such fact is on account of its being in a state of solution shortly after having been applied to the soil, and taken up by the plants, which derive their strength and growth from the soil in no other form. The subscriber offers his manufactured Su- per-phosphate of Lime as a chemically pure and genuine article; a perfect Super-phosphate, with the addition of guano and other fixed salts, &c, only known to himself— containing ammonia and other constituents necessary to furnish to the soil that which it has been robbed of by previous growth. It is quite as effective as Guano, but much more durable as a manure, and less volatile than any other. To be obtained in bags or barrels, of C. B. De BURG, Agricultural Chemist, Williamsburg, L. I. Where purchasers. may rely upon obtaining a warranted, pure and genuine article, styled A No. 1. To prevent deception being practised hence- forward, all packages will be branded with the manufacturer's name. C. B. De BURG. Affixed are the names of gentlemen of ac- knowledged celebrity and standing as Analyti- cal Chemists, who have passed their judgment upon it. JAMES R. CHILTON, Esa., M. D., THOMAS ANTISELL, Esa., M. D., WILLIAM W. ELLETT, Esa., M. D., ISAIAH DECK, Esa., M. D., JOHN H. CURRIE, Esa., M. D. P. S. — My representative, Mr. J. P. O'Neil, shall do himself the pleasure of visiting Vir- ginia on a tour of business, when he shall be most happy to receive orders and impart such information as may be required of him rela- tive to this matter — he shall also bring on with him a supply of Pamphlets, with full particu- lars, which will be found most essentially use- ful to the agricultural community. PRICE— ffi45 for 2,000 lbs. from the manu- factory. Williamsburg, L. I. . S. M'GRUDER & SONS, July— 3m Agents, Richmond, Va. EAGL.E FOUNDERY. THE subscriber having removed to the large Foundery, just erected by him and fitted out with machinery of the latest and most approved style, is, in addition to the manufac- ture of Tobacco Flattening Mills, prepared to receive orders for Stationary Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Agricultural Machines, Tobacco Presses of every description, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. He pledges himself to execute faithfully, and with dis- patch, all work entrusted to him, and respect- fully solicits a call from his friends and the public generally. The highest cash prices paid for old cast iron, brass and copper. PHILIP RAHM, je— ly Cary, between Pearl and 15th sts. 222 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ATKINS' SELF-RAKING REAPER. THIS machine is now offered to the public and warranted to be a good self-raking reaper. It is also believed to be a good mower, but not yet having been sufficiently tested in grass, (though it soon will be) it is not war- ranted to be equal to a machine made mainly or wholly to mow. The raking apparatus is of novel and very simple construction, and not liable to derange- ment, and every farmer who has seen it in the harvest field, says it performs the raking better than a man can possibly do it. Price of machines at Chicago, $175, of which, $75 must be paid on giving the order, $50 upon successful trial, and $50 in note pay- able 1st December. The machines are thoroughly built and warranted. §£§=■ Descriptive circulars, with cuts, sent to post-paid applications. J. S. WRIGHT, " Prairie Farmer" Warehouse, Chicago, June, 1852. July— 3t ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &c. THE undersigned is prepared to execute the analyses of Soils, Guano, Marls, Plas- ter, &c. &c. at the Laboratory of the Virginia Military Institute. Packages may be for- warded through Webb, Bacon & Co. Rich- mond, or Echols & Pryor, Lynchburg. Persons desiring further information will please address WILLIAM GILHAM, Prof. Chem. and Agriculture, V. M.I. Feb. 1, 1852. Lexington, Va. CHOICE POULTRY. THE subscriber offers for sale the following varieties of pure blooded FovjIs, viz: Cochin China or Canton Fowls; Black, White, Buff and Brown Shanghais; Chittagongs or Gray Shanghais. 'The above are the largest and best variety of fowls bred in, this country, and are from stock originally imported by the subscriber. Gentlemen, Poultry-keepers and others, desir- ous of procuring choice Poultry may depend upon the above stock being purely bred and warranted true to their name. Address CHARLES SAMPSON, West Roxbury, Mass. The different varieties of these beautiful fowls may be seen at my residence on First Street, between Main and Cary Streets. W. A. BUTTERS, 139 Main Street. Richmond, Nov. 1, 1852— ly BOOKS, PIANOS, MUSIC, &c. NA SH & WOODHOUSE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Books, Piano Fortes, Stationery, Mdsic, &c. 139, Main St. Rich- mond, Virginia. Constantly on hand, a full supply of stand- ard Agricultural Works. oc— tf FOR SALE. — A fine farm near Marysville, Buckingham county, Virginia; well tim- bered, has good drinking water, fine grass, and is a desirable location for health and comfort. Farms in Talbot county, Eastern Shore of Maryland, on the salt water, in healthy sec- tions. Also, in Baltimore county, within 12 miles of the city. Cotswold Rams, Ewes, Ram and Ewe Lambs from the best flocks in the United States. Also, Southdown Ram Lambs from fine flocks. Shanghai Fowls from different importations, and as grown by Professor James M'Clintock, for which, I am the only Maryland agent. Moor's Patent Premium Wheat Drills, on more accommodating terms, with the improve- ments. Letters of inquiry and orders, post paid, will receive prompt attention. MARTIN GOLDSBOROUGH, Agent, HarrisonvlUc, Baltimore' Co., Maryland. July— tf THE SUBSCRIBER has for sale yearling and two year old BUCKS, of the New Oxfordshire or Cotswold breed, which he will sell any time when called for, and has no hesi- tation in saying this breed of sheep are superior to all others, for large carcass, heavy fleece, early maturity, constitution, and defies all other breeds for profit. This flock has been bred from the best ever imported, the sire hav- ing clipped eighteen pounds of well washed wool; and a' small amount of wethers, slaughtered in Philadelphia, in February, weighed as follows: Live weight, 374, 309, 307, 285, 271, 254 lbs. Dead " 269| 213, 203, 201, 181, 160J " No. 1 being the heaviest sheep ever slaugh- tered in the United States. I^T Persons are invited to call and see for themselves, or communicate by mail to WILLIAM REYBOLD, July — 3t Delaware city, Delaioare. FOR SALE.— A thoroughbred Bull of the Ayrshire and Durham breed, in fine health and vigor — color, rich red, with slight white spots in the flank, characteristic of the Ayr- shire breed. Said Bull is immediately de- scended on both sides from Imported Stock. For testimonials of stock, &c. enquire of the Editor. oc— tf THE DAILY EXPRESS, published at Petersburg, Va. is the cheapest daily pa- per published south of James river, Virginia. It is devoted almost entirely to news matters of every description, and eschewing politics, maybe emphatically styled a "Newspaper." Three hundred and twelve copies, which em- braces the whole year(Sundaysonly excepted,) will be furnished at the unprecedented low price of four dollars per annum. Address AND. F. CRUTCHFIELD & Co. ap— tf Petersburg, Va. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 223 PLANTATION BOOK. JW. RANDOLPH, Richmond, Virginia, • has just published the Plantation and Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record, Inven- tory and Account Book, for the use of ma- nagers of estates, and for the better ordering and management of plantation and farm busi- ness, in every particular, by a Southern Planter. Order is Heaven's first law — Pope. Price $2, or six for S'10; a larger edition for the use of cotton plantations, price $2 50. Contents. — Actual number of pounds to a Bushel of Wheat, Articles received for use of Plantation, Brick-Kiln, Births of Negroes, Balance Sheet, Cows, Cultivation, Contents of a Corn Crib, Clothing to Negroes, Diameter of a Horse Mill, Deaths of Negroes, Directions how to use this Book, Expenses and Sales for the Year, Form of a Contract with Manager, Force of a Draught Horse, Horses, Hogs, Instructions to Managers, Implements, Jour- nal or Daily Record, Medicines, Manure Ta- bles, Mechanical Power, Effect of the Labor of an Active Man, Inventoryof Negroes, Oxen, Washington's Letters to his Steward, Planta- tion Management, Police, Ploughing Rules, Planting Distances, Physicians' Visits, Quan- tity and Value of Produce Made, Quantity of Work of a Man and Two Horses, Rules for the Government and Discipline of the Negroes, Rotation Tables for Cultivation of Crops, Rural Economy, Sheep, Steam Engines, Stock and Implements, Tools, &c. used by the Ne- groes, Weight of Materials, Weights and Measures, Wind Mills, Water Wheels, When a Horse Draws to Advantage, &c. &c. There are extra sheets for monthly and yearly reports, for the use of those who do not live on their farms. The Book will be sent by mail free of postage to any one who will remit the price in money or postage stamps. This Book is by one of the best and most systematic farmers in Virginia; and experi- enced farmers have expressed the opinion, that those who use it, will save hundreds of dollars. "Every fanner who will get one of these Books, and regulate all his mover/tents by its suggestions, cannot fail to realize great bene- fits from it. We cannot too highly commend it to the consideration of agriculturists." — Richmond Whig. "It will prove a most valuable assistant to the planter, manager or overseer, and a work that will facilitate them greatly in the trans- action of business." — Richmond Dispatch. "The Book we should suppose to be indis- pensable to any one having the management of a large estate." — Richmond Republican. " We hope many farmers will buy the work, and make an effort to keep things straight."— Southern Planter. " It is fnll of useful information and is well calculated to induce a methodical system, in- dustry and energy especially vital to a suc- cessful and profitable cultivation of mother earth." — Richmond EnqvArer. june — tf TO AGRICULTURISTS. MORRIS & BROTHER have received the following valuable Books, pertaining to Agriculture: Elements of Scientific Agriculture, or the connexion between Science and the Art oi Practical Farming. This was the prize essay of the New York State Agricultural Society; by J. P. Norton, M. A. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology; by Jas. F. W. Johnston. American Agriculturist, for the Farmer, Planter, Stock Breeder, and Horticulturist; by A. B. Allen; numerous plates. The 8th and 9th volumes of this most valuable work are received, also complete sets. Every farmer should have this work. American Farm Book, on Soils, Manures, Drainings, Irrigation, Grasses, Grain, Roots, Fruit, Cotton, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Rice, and every staple product of the United States. — This is a perfect fanner's library, with upwards of 100 engravings; by R. L. Allen. Farmer's Manual, with the most recent dis- coveries in Agricultural Chemistry; by F, Faulkner. A Muck Manual for Farmers; by S. L. Dana. Farmer's Land Measurer, with a set of use- ful Agricultural Tables; by Jas. Pedder. American Husbandry. — Series of Essays on Agriculture, with additions; by Gaylord" and Tucker. Farmer's Encyclopaedia; by Cuthbert W. Johnson. Productive Farming, with the most recent discoveries of Liebig, Johnston, Davy, and others. European Agriculture, from personal obser- vation; by Henry Coleman. This is a very popular work. Johnson's Chemistry and Geoldgy,with their application. Johnson's Dictionary of Gardening; by Da- vid Landreth. London's Gardening, for Ladies; by A. J. Downing. Squarey's Agricultural Chemistry, Bonssin- gault, Rural Economy, Buist's Kitchen Gar- dener, Landscape Gardening,, and Rural Ar- chitecture; by A. J. Downing. Fessenden's American Gardener. American Fruit Book, with full iustructions- by S. W. Cole. Downing on Fruit Trees. Theory of Horticulture; by Lindley. Florist's Manual; by H. Bourne; 80 colored engravings. Bridgman's Kitchen Gardener. In addition to which, Morris & Brother have all of the late Works on Agriculture, Horti- culture, and Raising Stock, of any celebrity. Richmond, March 12, 1851.— lv 224 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, CONTENTS OF NUMBER VII. PAGE Limit of Improvement from Use of Marl. . 193 Nottoway Agricultural Club 196 Manures 197 Taming the Honey Bee 199 The Mineral Manure Theory 200 Subsoiling . . - 202 The Lois-Weedon System of Wheat Cul- ture 202 Report on the Use of Lime in Nottoway. .203 Atkins' Automaton, or Self-Raking Reaper. 204 Cotswold Sheep 204 How to Get Rid of Mosquitos 204 Loudoun County Agricultural Society 205 Morrill's Improved Ditching Machine. . .205 Shuck Mattresses, &c 206 Cost and Profits of Guano 206 The Bible a Text-Book for Sheep Hus- bandry 207 Tumid jaw in Cattle 207 Cure for Rose Bugs -... 208 To Correspondents 209 State Agricultural Society 209 Postage on the Planter 209 Four Thousand Dollars Wanted 209 Crude Antimony for Hogs 212 Resolution of the Brunswick Agricultural Society 212 Falkirk Tryst 212 Is Shade a Substitute for Barn-Yard Ma- nure 1 214 Trial of Reaping Machines 215 Cure for Founder 215 French Merino Sheep— with a Portrait of Mr. Geo. Campbell's buck "Matchless". 216 Agricultural Education ' 217 To Keep Horseradish 219 Payments to the Southern Planter 220 THRESHING MACHINES, REAP- ERS, &c— The Subscriber continues to manufacture Stationary and Portable Thresh- ing Machines, with or without horse-powers, mads in the most substantial manner. He | would call especial attention to his new porta- ble horse-power, made to suit four, six and eight horses. The Eight Horse Machine can be moved with a common farm wagon without changing the common body, and can be loaded or un- loaded by three hands. I am manufacturing the following valuable machines: Bamborough Wheat Fans, Behel's Patent Wheat Fan, and common Fans of dif- ferent sizes— Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, &c; and have for sale the usual variety of Agricultural Machines. Hussey and M'Corrnick Reapers and Mow- ers, both highly approved and extensively used. Information furnished in respect to either on application by letter or otherwise. H. M. SMITH, je— 2t Corner Main and \%Lh Sis. SCHOOL FOR SMALL BOYS. HAVING employed a competent teacher to educate my children, 1 wish to get five or six boys, not more than twelve years old, as boarders. The whole number of pupils will not be allowed to exceed twelve or fourteen. The teacher is a good classical and mathema- tical scholar and a gentleman in whose capa- city, fidelity and high character I have entire confidence. The school will commence the first of October and terminate the middle of August, with a short recess at Christmas. . Terms— £130 per annum for every thing. FRANK: G. RUFFIN, July, 1853. Shadwell, Albemarle. RIDGWAY SCHOOL.— -The next ses- sion of my school will begin on the 15th of August, 1853, and end on the last Friday of June, 1854. There will be a vacation of three weeks at Christmas. The expenses of a whole session, including all charges for tui- tion, board, lodging, washing, fuel, lights, &c, are $200. If a pupil is engaged for less than a whole session, I charge for the time he at- tends, at the rate of $22 a month. My whole time and attention are devoted to the school. I have two assistant teachers, Mr. W. N. Bronaugh and Mr. T. A. Minor, of whose qualifications I have the amplest assu- rance. Greek, Latin, French, German, Ita- lian, Mathematics, the rudiments of Chemis- try and Natural Philosophy, and all the branches of English are taught in the school. My Post Office is Charlottesville, Va. je— 2t FRANKLIN MINOR. ANALYTICAL LABORATORY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SOILS, &c— The undersigned announces, that through the liberality of the Planters of the adjacent counties, there has been established, in connec- tion with the Department of Chemistry in Ran- dolph Macon College, an Analytical Labora- tory, for the analysis of soils, marls, plaster, guano, minerals, &c, and for instruction in Analytical Chemistry. The Laboratory will be furnished with the' most approved appara- ratus and choice re-agents, with every desira- ble facility. He has associated with him Mr. William A. Shepard, who was recently assist- ant to Professor Norton, in the Yale Analyti- cal Laboratory, and who comes with ample testimonials of skill and capacity. Young men can ^pursue any studies in the College they may wish, while they are receiving instruction in the Laboratory. Copious written explana- tions will always accompany the reports of analysis. The charges for analysis and in- struction will be moderate — trie design being to make the Laboratory accessible to the peo- ple at large. Packages left with Messrs. Wills & Lea or Smith & Dunn, Petersburg, Virginia, will be forwarded, free of charge, to those who send them. For further information, address CHAS. B. STUART, • Professor of Experimental Sciences, Randolph Macon College, Va, oc— tf