THE 23ebotefc to SSsrfcalture, horticulture, anU the ^ouseliolts &vu>. culture is the nursing mother of the Arts. — Xenophon. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State.— Sully. iFRANK: G. RUFFIN, Editor and Proprietor. T. BAILIE, Publisher. Vol. XV. RICHMOND, JUNE, 1855. No. 6. AN APPEAL TO the AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS OF VIRGINIA. To the Editor . Observatory, Washington, April, 1855. Pray lend me your columns for an appeal :o the agricultural interests of the country. About thirteen years ago I was placed in charge of what was then called the " Depot of Charts and Instruments," but which since has been expanded out into the " U. S. Naval Ob- servatory and Hydrographical Office." The luties of the Office, as it then existed, left me spare time, bo I sought and obtained leave to toverhaul the old log-books that were in the $avy Department. The object of this supere- rogation was to collect from these musty re- cords the observations that had been made km board of our men-of-war concerning the winds and currents of the sea. I thought it probable that by comparing and discussing these observations, information which would be valuable to the commerce of the country (might be elicited. The conjecture proved correct. Old sea journals grew into demand, and an appeal was jmade to sea-captains for co-operation. They were requested, whenever they returned from ■a voyage, to send me an abstract of it. I had no money, power or patronage to tack this appeal ; but it was made to men of enlarged views — the merchants and seamen of the country; and soon there was a volun- teer fleet of a thousand sail actively and gra- tuitously engaged in co-operating with me, md in making observations day and night in ill parts of the sea. Solomon's exchequer could not have equipped and sent to sea such a of observers. The system of research thus commenced has grown and expanded and horne fruit until ail the maritime States of Christendom have agreed to send laborers into Vor,. XV.— C. the field, and to collect, each under its own I flag, all the observations required for the fur- ther prosecution of the work. Private ship- owners and masters of all countries do the same; and I am now in receipt of sea journals kept under every commercial flag, and in di- vers languages — French and Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, English and Rus- sian. The observations thus transmitted are made according to one uniform plan, which has been adopted after free consultation and full discussion in the celebrated Maritime Conference of Brussels. So the work is placed upon such a footing, that an observa- tion that is now made in any part of the world upon wind, weather and sea, on board ships of any flag, may be compared with like observa- tions made in all other parts of the world, and under all other flags. The co-operatiag nations did not content themselves by merely appointing delegates to the Conference, and then leaving them to pass resolutions, and come home and do nothing, but they took hold of the matter in good earnest. Spain and Portugal, England and Holland, Dan- mark, Norway, Sweden and Russia, have taken steps each for the establishment of an office for the discussion and publication, for the benefit of the world, of the observations to be made on board their vessels, both public and private. The Holy See has, if possible, gone a step further, and established an Order of Merit, or Decoration, which none can reach except those who may go on distant voyages, and keep an abstract log according to the form prescribed. In evidence of the benefits which commerce and navigation have already derived from. the wind and current charts, which are the fruits that have been already gathered from this field, I cite from a Report submitted 29th January 1855, by Mr. Senator Mallory, from the Committee of Naval Affairs, and other 162 THE SO UT HERN PLANTER. official papers referred to by him, for the following : " The immediate result of Mr. Maury's labors is, that ocean voyages under sail are shortened from ten to twenty per cent. ; and if this result be followed out to its legitimate consequences, who can undertake to prescribe a limit to the benefits they confer ? Who will undertake to estimate the mere pecuniary saving to the navigating interest in the de- creased expenditure for outfits, provisioning and manning ships; the decrease in ocean risks, not only to ships and cargoes, but to lives of seamen and passengers, and the en- hanced value of merchandize by a more speedy delivery? " Before the publication of these charts a voyage from our eastern ports to San Fran- cisco, under canvas, occupied, on an average, one hundred and eighty days ; but now, the average voyage of vessels using these charts is one hundred and thirty-six days ; and in seve- ral instances it has been performed in less than a hundred, -and in one case in eighty- eight days. In those passages between these ports which have been performed in half the time for- merly occupied, the vessel's course through the sea has been precisely that which is traced for her upon the chart. " The ' Melbourne Argus,' (Australia,) pub- lishes a list of all the arrivals at that port from Europe and America, from December 31, 1853, to July 7, 1854, by which it ap- pears that the average passage of all vessels without the charts was one hundred and twenty-four days, while the average of those (from the same ports) using the charts, was ninety-seven days." Mr. Dobbin, the Secretary of the Navy, speaking of these charts, says, " They have not only added to the honor of the country, but saved thousands of dollars to its citizens." President Fillmore, in his annual message of December 2, 1851, says, "that by these charts the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ports of the country has been short- ened by about forty days. " The achievements on sea quietly and gra- dually effected by Lieutenant Maury, although not attracting the admiration of the multitude nor dazzling the beholder with sudden flashes of triumph, have reflected honor upon himself and his country, have brought remote nations in comparative proximity to each other; have promoted commerce by pointing out to the mariner new paths on the great deep, where favorable winds and currents le7id friendly aid. His ' Wind and Current Charts' and 1 Sailing Directions' are saving millions of money by shortening the voyages of merchant vessels freighted with treasures. " I am officially informed that it was stated in a paper read before the British Association last year, that it was estimated in India that a set of wind and current charts for the In- dian Ocean, like those that have been con- structed at this office for the Atlantic Ocean, would produce an annual saving to British commerce, in those seas alone, of not less than $1,000,000, (£250,000,) and for British com- merce in all seas of $10,000,000 a yeasf This estimate was based on the coudition of shortening the voyage only one-tenth, (whereas the average length of the passage to all places beyond the equator has been shortened much more;) and the estimate was again repeated at the last meeting of the Association in Liver- pool. It has also been estimated that the value of these charts to the commerce and navigation of the United States is equivalent in the saving of time to several millions a year." (Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December 4, 1854.) ■ Now the beauty of this plan is, that all this has been accomplished without any ex- pense to the General Government, save the office expenses necessary for the discussion of the observations and publication of the re- sults ; which expenses amount only to some' $15,000 a year. Every shipmaster provides himself with instruments at his own expense, and then makes, records and transmits the ob- servations to this office for the use of the go- vernment, without charge of any sort save for postage. But this system of research, with its teem-, ing results, is confined to the sea ; therefore! it may be asked by some farmers, What havfi we landsmen to do with it ? I say, in reply., that by extending it to the shore results alto-' gether as important to landsmen may be ob-i tained, and that too by means equally as sim- ple and as unexpensive. The germination of the seed and the growth of the plant are but the display of a meteoro I logical force, the expression of atmospherical laws, which, when rightly understood, cannol fail to confer upon agriculture and the well being of States benefits as signal as the study of the movements of the same grand machine ' at sea has conferred upon commerce and navi 'l gation. I appeal therefore to the farmers, and al who are interested in the matter on shore, td follow the example of the sailors, and puJ their shoulders to the wheel, and help alomjj the undertaking. Man by nature is a me' teoroiogist, and everybody, whether ashore o| THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 163 afloat, has. even if he have not the intelli- gence to perceive it, an interest in it. Should this appeal be heeded, I shall have more to say as to details ; for I am prepared to submit a plan by which as much may, I think, be done for agriculture and the sanitary cause by meteorological co-operation and ob- gervatio»s on the land, as has been done by them at sea for commerce and navigation. Suffice it for the present to say that it will cost nothing more than willing minds and a trifling amount of money, to be expended under government auspices, to give the plan a trial. Respectfullv, &c. M. F» Maury, Lt. U S. N. For the Southern Planter. IMPROVEMENT OF LAND IN THE PIEDMONT REGION OF VIRGINIA. Mr. Editor : — I know not how to apologize for my seeming temerity in venturing to dis- sent from the present very popular teaching on the subject of composting manures as a means of renovating worn-out land in our por- tion of the State. Notwithstanding all I have read in the Planter and elsewhere on the sub- ject, from what I have observed of its results I lean to the opinion that composting will never bring about any speedy or general im- provement here. The system so long preva- lent among tobacco growers, of concentrating all the manure the plantation would afford upon the strips of branch land for that crop, has worked out its natural consequences, viz : the decrease of the annual production of grain crop, by increasing the proportion of worn-out land, till we have many of us but the skeleton of a once noble heritage. To recommend to such a people the compost heap appears to me cruel to the last degree. As well attempt to storm Gibraltar with a pocket pistol. 1st. It is impracticable for want of material with which to commence, and from the undu- lating and even mountainous state of our country. 2d. The relative value of land and labor here is such that it cannot be afforded. 3d. The span of human existence and human patience is too short. 4th. The improvement of land can be done more cheaply, speedily and profitably in another way, viz : by making the land furnish the materials, perform the labor, and pay a profit at the same time. An all-wise and beneficent Creator has placed within reach, in most parts of the State, the means of enriching it, and to us he has given, with a delighful climate and abundant springs of living water, a soil whose natural product is grass. Grass, therefore, I believe to be the only reliable basis for improvement. I think gentlemen who commend compost for- get that labor here, as in most Southern States, has now become the real estate of its owners, and that its comparative value with land is altogether different from what it is in densely populated States at the North. We are not therefore ready for that system, and I hope never will be. The dogma so often published in Northern newspapers, that a farmer may be measured by his manure heap, has no terrors for me. Now, sir, suppose the case of a young far- mer coming into possession of an estate in Central Virginia of 1000 acres, 700 of which is cleared, but worn out, covered with broom straw, briars and sassafras, with galls and gullies in abundance, no fencing, and buildings in a dilapidated condition, and with a weak force of hands and teams He writes to you for advice, how to make a living first, and then a fortune. Would you send him your last number of the Planter, with the article on Compost, advising him to make compost enough to cover his corn-field at the rate of forty-nine loads per acre, as a panacea for his troubles ? Would he not inevitably surrender before the Herculean task, sell out, and move to the West ? I believe hundreds have done so, driven by this hopeless undertaking. I am quite sure this would not be your pre- scription. Supposing myself in this forlorn condition, (which by-the-bye was not far from true four years ago,) I will endeavor to sketch , a plan which I deem entirely feasible and applicable to a tract of land of any size capable of di- vision into at least seven fields. Let it there- fore contain seven fields of 100 acres, more or less. I would select the corn-field of the pre- vious year for oats, flush with three-horse ploughs, sow in March, harrow in seed well, and sow plaister, half bushel to the acre, as soon as they are up. I would take a broom- straw field, clean up, burn off, fill gullies with log dams and brush, secret ditch, if neces- sary, and plough thoroughly with three horses for corn, and fence it in. I would buy fifteen tons of Peruvian guano for my fall crop of wheat, and break up all my oat field, and the poorer half of my corn- field ; sow all this in wheat with 200 lbs. of guano. On the oat field I would sow one gal- lon of timothy seed per acre, and cover the galls with brush ; and if there be any steep hill sides liable to injury from washing rains, I would give them a double dose of guano, 164 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. and sow herd's grass and orchard grass with the timothy on them, and leave them for per- manent meadows. The next spring sow one gallon of clover seed and one bushel of plais- ter per acre, on the same oat field. I would here remark, that in these days of joint worm I think that wheat should all be sowed by the 15th of October, or it will hardly make a crop which will pay expenses. The next year I would take up another broom-straw field, and treat it as before, and in summer, my second oat field, with the part that was in wheat, plow up, 'sow 200 lbs. of guano, and wheat and grass seed as before advised. This system I would continue until the whole farm had been subjected to it. I think I shall find that about one-third of my oat fallow fields will be too poor to sprout clover, and that perhaps the guano may fail to ensure a stand if the summer be a dry one. Nothing daunted, I will resow the galls with timothy, and select this field upon which to winter my plantation stock, (except hogs,) and feed on the thinnest land all my fodder and straw, in as great profusion as the supply will allow. Here will be rapidly formed a thick turf of timothy and blue grass, which the action of the guano, aided by the hoof of the stock, will be sure to produce over the whole field. Each succeeding oat fallow I would treat in the same way, allowing no stock to go on du- ring the first year till November. The feed- ing of cattle on the grass land would be my application of manure. The perfect tilth pro- duced by three consecutive crops, aided by the briar scythe while in turf, will effectually cleanse the land of foul growth. These turf fields must have an annual dress- ing of half a bushel of plaister in March. In the fall of the third year I would commence grazing by purchasing thirty head of thrifty western cattle. The turf field having been sa- credly reserved for them (and the grass seed allowed to mature and fall,) will give them such a wintering as will make them ready for a June market. Every succeeding year will bring on a new turf field, until there are four, and as each came in I would increase the number of cattle thirty head, until I got 120, which would be the grazing capacity of the farm. In case there should be corn to spare, it would be found advisable to divide the lot of cattfe, and feed about two barrels per head on one turf field, which will make them extra early, and command a fine price. This is the only plan by which corn can be profitably fed at the price it usually bears here. Supposing the farmer on such a tract to start with the equivalent of ten good men hands, three plough teams, and two pair of oxen, he can make an additional crop of to- bacco, say about 7000 hills per hand. He can select fifteen acres of land from his corn field, suitable for this crop, apply to it what manure he is compelled to make at his stables, and finish out with guano. This land will be a portion of the corn field previously advised to go in wheat the succeeding fall. Now let us review his progress at the end of seven years, when he has performed the entire circuit of his farm. I will give only what I believe would be a fair average of crops for that length of time, and will only give gross sales. The expenses would vary with differ- ent farmers, therefore each one can best calcu- late them for himself. There would be 1 50 acres in wheat annually, which would average ten bushels per acre. The tobacco would be about 12,000 wt., worth $5 per cwt., and the cattle would yield a profit of $10 per head, without corn feeding. The corn and oat crop I will allow entirely for consumption on the farm. For the first three yeare he would stand thus : For 3 years annually — 1 ,500 bushels of wheat at $1, 12,000 weight of tobacco at $5, 1500 600 $2100 Fourth year — 1,500 bushels of wheat at $1, 1500 12,000 weight of tobacco, 600 Profit on 30 cattle, at $10, 300 $2400 Fifth year — 1 ,500 bushels of wheat at $1, - 1500 12,000 weight of tobacco, 600 Profit on 60 cattle, 600 $2700 Sixth year — 1,500 bushels of wheat at $1, - 1500 12,000 weight of tobacco, 600 Profit on 90 cattle, 900 $3000 Seventh year — 1,500 bushels of wheat at $1, 1500 12,000 weight of tobacco, 600 Profit on 120 cattle, 1200 $3300 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 165 I have no doubt that any tract of land of this productive capacity will readily command |40 per acre, woodland included, when in its first named condition it was worth not over $20. The proprietor will therefore have doubled its value, or made $20,000 in this item. Now let us try one year in his second rotation. His crop of wheat will rise to an average of 15 bushels per acre. 150 acres wheat, 2,250 bush., at $1, 2250 12,000 weight of tobacco, - 600 60 cattle at $10. - 600 60 do. corn fed, at $20, - 1200 50 acres of oats, 20 bushels, at 25 c, 250 30 hogs fed with the cattle, at no cost, 225 $ 5 1 20 You will call me an enthusiast, but, Sir, J have seen more accomplished than I have (described, though requiring longer time. The troduction of guano has greatly facilitated he improvement of land by almost ensuring he stand of fall grasses, and hastening the growth of blue grass and green sward. Nor is there anything new in the theory of im- provement of poor land by grass, for it has been the practice of the counties in the Nor- thern part of the State for more than 30 years, arrying wealth and prosperity with it where- 3ver practised. The wonder is, that it pro- gresses so slowly toward the central portion, here the land has an equal natural capacity for grass. This communication has so little of novelty >r originality to many of your readers, that I im quite ashamed to send it, but there is yet large portion of the Piedmont region to which the grazing of cattle would prove an nestimable blessing. Albemarle, April 21si(, 1855. C. whether the bolting of flour is advantageous was very early agitated, as early, indeed, as the reign of Louis XIV. ; for an ordinance issued by him in 1658, prohibited, under cer- tain penalties, the regrinding of bran, and its mixture with the flour. It is not always easy to ascertain how much bran a bushel of wheat contains, as different specimens of wheat give very different results. That bran is not an entirely worthless or innutritious article, is fully demonstrated by the results of an anal- ysis made by M. Millon, of France — the sam- ple being from a soft French wheat grown in 1848 : — Starch, dextrine and sugar, 53.00 Sugar of licorice, 1.00 Gluten, 14.90 Fatty matter, 3.60 Woody matter, 9.70 Salts, 50 Water, 13.90 Incrusting matter and aromatic principles, 3.40 BROWN BREAD— WHEAT BRAN. Mr. Editor — It is said by those who are amiliar with the statistics of the bread trade n our principal cities, that there is a rapid- y increasing prejudice against brown bread ,mong all classes. Why is this ? Brown wear] — that from good maize — if properly md honestly manufactured, is certainly far onducive to health and longevity than »read from wheat flour, especially if the latter ;d, arid only the finer parts kneaded nto the loaf. It may not be altogether so jfistocratie an article of diet; but of its su- perior value and cheapness there can be not Lightest doubt. In France tHg question 100.00 The logical inference deducible from the foregoing tabular exhibit is, that bran is a nu- tritive substance, and of course, as such, should not be thrown away. Every pound of bran which we sift from the ground wheat di- minishes the value of the mass, and conse- quently is a clear loss to the consumer, and indirectly to the nation. The economical sug- gestion, therefore, which springs from these views is, some method should be adopted to economise every particle of the alimentary matter contained in the product of the wheat field, and that if regrinding is necessary to the accomplishment of this result, it should be performed. The mania (we can call it nothing else,) so universally prevalent at this day for flour " white and fine," and for bread so light that it can be seen through, is hurrying thou- sands into the dyspepsia, and from dyspepsia into the grave, to say nothing of the pecuniary distress to which it gives rise as a legitimate result. The more simple, or, in other words, the coarser our accustomed food, the more certain we are to escape disease. The ancients, if we may credit the most authentic historians, were far less addicted to luxury than the moderns. Galen asserts that he had seen butter but once in his life. Anciently, the Greeks and Romans used no alcoholic beverages, they being wholly unknown, as were tea, coffee and chocolate. They were also ignorant of the tropical spices — mace, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, pepper, curry and pimento. The bean in common use was a variety indigenous in marshes, and of which they were excessively 166 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. fond. Spinach, buckwheat, sago, tapioca, sa- lep, arrowroot, and even the potato, were un- known, as likewise the orange and tamarind. Their .usual daily food consisted of articles now almost universally unknown or neglected. Among their favorite dishes, we find enume- rated the following : the mallow, the ox-tongue (herb), sweet acorn, and lupine. Radishes, sorrel and lettuce were held in the highest esteem. The flesh of wild asses, of young- dogs, of the dormouse, the fox and the bear, was considered a luxury, and eminentlv con- ducive to agility, health and strength. They partook also habitually of the flesh of lizards, of paroquets, and other rare birds, and were remarkably fond of the Crustacea and testacea, employing as seasoning rue and assafoctida. Philadelphia. Jan. 15, 1855. B. Remarks. — The above is a valuable and an interesting article, from a high source, and such as is not often found in the " House- keeper's Department" of a newspaper or pe- riodical. The statements made are, in our view, mainly correct, and deserve the serious attention, not only of housekeepers, but of the whole community. It is undoubtedly true that the wholesome, highly flavored, substan- tial bread that we formerly enjoyed, is gra- dually passing away, and the unwholesome innutritious article, as white as starch itself, has taken its place. This cannot last. The high qualities of maize, too, for human con- sumption, must shortly be recognized; and the almost totally discarded, but to us deli- cious rye bread, must again assume its place at the family board. Germantown Telegraph . GUANO. In the application of guano it is necessary to keep in view its powerful properties, and to exercise great care to prevent its coming into immediate contact with the newly sown seed or the foliage of plants and flowers. It never should be placed in contact with seeds ; for all seeds, in the process of germination, give off a greater or less quantity of carbonic acid and vinegar; and these acids, having strong af- finities for the ammoniacal portion of the guano, are apt to attract it so powerfully as to check and even destroy vegetation. [ Union Flour in New York has declined some 50 and 62 £ cents per barrel, this week; and it is stated that several parcels for June deli- very have been sold as low as $8 75. SORE SHOULDERS IN HORSES. In reply to an inquiry as to the best treat- ment for a horse of tender skin, whose shoul- ders get chafed by the collar from the shortest work, the editor of the N. Brit. Agriculturist gives some directions, of which the following is the sum and substance : He says, when a sore is actually formed by the chafing of the collar, the horse should either be laid off work, or the collar stuffing should be removed so as to prevent pressure on the wound. A mixture containing half an ounce of sulphate of zinc to a quart of water should be continually applied, by means of a soft rag saturated with the mixture and laid upon the sore. This plan of keeping the part constantly wet tends to abate inflammation and soreness, and rapidly induces the healing process. If the horse cannot be allowed to rest, the collar must be eased as before di- rected, the sore well bathed with water, and then dressed with the above mixture before going to work and on coming from it. If the skin be unbroken, and merely tender or some- what thickened, and perhaps rather knotty, a strong solution of common salt in water is a very excellent application. It may be applied by means of a rag saturated in the solution and laid upon the part affected. The same treatment is applicable to bruises by the sad- dle as well as to those by the collar ; it being essential to the cure in both cases that the collar or saddle should be made to fit pro- perly. The strong solution of salt may do some- thing towards toughening the skin where it is tender, and easily chafed or bruised ; but we should expect a still better effect from a strong decoction of white oak bark, or a solution oi tannin in water. By the application of eithei of these before the skin has actually beeonw broken, or as soon as any signs of tenderness make their appearance, galls and sores from saddle or collar may usually be prevented. A few trials of the oak bark decoction with a little alum, as well as the property it has U\ tan and toughen, incline us to expect moro from it than from a solution of common salt. Alb. Cul FAMILY JARS. Jars of jell}', jars of jam, Jars of potted beef and ham, Jars of early gooseberries nice. Jars of mincemeat, jars of spice, Jars of orange marmalade, Jars of pickles, all home made. Jars of cordial elderwlne, Jars of honey superfine : — Would the only jars were these That occur in families. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 167 3EFUL HINTS FOR VIRGINIA GARDENERS. For the Southern Planter. BY E. G. EGGELING, FLORIST. June is usually a very hot month, and ings comparatively little work for the kitck- . garden. If there should not be much rain ithing will do the land so much good as fre- lent hoeings. This will not only promote e growth of the vegetables, but will destroy e weeds and grasses, which are likely to errun the garden, unless they be guarded ;ainst. Cabbages. — Seed for fall use may still be wn. If any of those heretofore sowed are rge enough, they may be transplanted during e month. Observe, that those which are t out now, and which have to stand a long ne, should be put in the poorer soil, else ey will grow off rapidly and mature too on to be kept through the winter. Cabbages ly be transplanted so late as August, and len set out late should have rich soil to Lrry them on. The result of my experience iwever is, that cabbages raised in poorer ound keep much better through the winter an those raised in richer soil. Melons and Cucumbers. — This is an ex- llent season for planting melons and cucuni- rs. Some have already been planted, but e weather has continued so cool and unfa- irable that they have made but little pro- ess. It will therefore be advisable to plant full crop now. Peas. — Black eye, or corn field peas, should : planted ; and in order to have a constant pply for the table through the season, let em be planted at intervals of a week apart )m each planting, throughout the month. Strawberries. — Immediately after the nit is off the vines the bed should be tho- ughly cleaned of all weeds, and hoed and aded, that the runners may easily take root, id make strong and healthy plants, to go to the new plantations. In every well regu- ted garden a new bed is made every year, as e plants wear out every three years. The rlier the plant3 are put out in the fall, the ore fruit they will bear the ensuing spring. The Detroit Democrat states that the sight ' the wheat fields in the northern part of e State is perfectly glorious. The breadth wn is tmusnally great, and the staple is a ;ep green, almost to blacknes , rank; i fcfon ick and high. With all allowance for ca- it may be most confidently predicted eat crop aallj mt and excellent. SHEEP BREEDING. Breeders of sheep, no matter of what va- riety, should be cautious in selecting their bucks, and look not only at the good qualities of the individual, but also to his adaptation to the ewes, choosing an animal that will amend any imperfections in wool or carcase which may be observable in the females. The requirements of their flocks of ewes should be particularly noticed, and a careful separation of them made, so as to ascertain more accurately their precise defects, and to point out with greater certainty the peculiar kind of buck necessary to rectify these de- fects. This should be done before procuring the buck : not to buy first, and then try and suit the ewes to him afterwards. Never purchase a buck from an unknown flock. An inferior buck from a flock of well known repute will produce better stock than an accidental good one from an inferior flock. By all means keep to a "good strain;" adhere to flocks of well known and deserved celeb- rity; you are far more certain as to the re- sult. It is always better for a breeder to hire a buck than to buy one. Bucks now-a-days are so highly kept, so pampered, that the vast number of them are defective stock-getters. A yearling buck is generally supposed to be fully equal to serve seventy-five to eighty ewes; but a two-year old buck should not have more than seventy to .seventy-five. In making choice of a buck to suit the ewe flock, regard should be had to every require- ment. Neither wool nor mutton ought to take precedence — both must be held of equal value. If any quality is to be discontinued or of necessity given up for the time, let it be beauty or symmetry, or some minor point. These are truly good in their places, but never give up the main qualifications — a good fleece, a fat buck, and a full symmetrical pro- portion of great substance. As far as pos- sible, put a short-legged buck to a long-legged ewe ; a full-chested buck to a narrow-chested ewe; a heavy wooled buck to a light wooled ewe ; and so on, as judgment dictates, endea- voring to obtain from- the male what is want- ing in the female. In breeding what arc termed " half breeds" or "grades," great care should be taken to ob- tain bucks from good flocks, or the end will be defeated. The very best bucks should be used, possessing every good qualification of wool., mutton and symmetry. It is quite a mistake to suppose that any buck will do for half breeds; No such thing. If half breed p are to retain favor with the grazier they must be bred with every care and atteatiou to the many qualifications. I'd any breeders use 168 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. buck lambs for this purpose. This is wrong : no breeder can tell what a lamb is to make in his future life. In all cases use the best buck, or the best kind of a buck you can obtain, and be not too nice about the price. I have known many flocks to make from seventy-five cents to a dollar and a half per head more than others of the like size, solely from better and more correct breeding; and the difference is far greater as they grow up and are fattened. [London Farmerh Wag. American Pickles. — Do not keep pickles in common earthenware, as the glazing con- tains lead, and combines with vinegar. Keep pickles only in stone and wood ware. Any thing that has held grease will spoil pickles. Vinegar for pickling should be sharp, but not the sharpest kind, as it injures the pickles. If you use copper, bell metal, or brass vessels for pickling, never allow the vinegar to cool in them, as it then is poisonous. Add a table spoonful of alum and a tea-cup of salt to each three gallons of vinegar, and tie up a bag with pepper, ginger root, and spices of all sorts in it, and you have vinegar prepared for any kind of common pickling. Stir pickles occasionally, and if they are soft ones take them out and scald the vinegar, and pour it hot over the pickles. Keep enough vinegar to cover them well. If it is weak, take fresh vinegar, and pour on hot. Do not boil vinegar or spice over five minutes. Test for. the Expediency of Drainage. — John Johnston, of Seneca county, N. Y., gives in the American Agriculturist the fol- lowing plan to ascertain whether land needs draining : " Dig holes about two and a half feet deep in different parts of the field ; put a cover over the holes so that rain water cannot get into them, and if they fill with water until within a foot or so of the surface in ten or twelve hours, then the land requires and will pay well for draining. I think I hear F. I. B. and many others say, that those holes will fill up on any land, if the ground is wet at the time ; but I tell them it is not the case. You may dig as many drains as you please on dry lands, and they will never run water unless the snow is melting on the surface. If P. I. B. had stood over the making of between forty and fifty miles of drains, as I have done, he would be a better judge of what was wet and what was dry land. To the unpractised eye, land that looks dry is gorged with water six inches below the surface." ARE LARGE OR SMALL SHEEP MORE PROFITABLE. Ever since the days of the far-famed Mr. Bakewoll, of Dishley, Leicestershire, ther< have been two opinions, whether large oj small sheep are the most profitable. The breeders of small sheep say, that an anima may be good and not great, and great and noi good, and that size has nothing to do witl profit. It is not what an animal makes, s< much as what , it costs in making ; and that j larger number of small sheep can be kepi upon a given number of acres than largei sheep, the lesser sheep not consuming so mucl food per head as the larger. The breeders of large sheep say that thei can produce more wool and mutton per acri by breeding large sheep than small ; and tha Mr. Bakewell lived when fat, flesh or tallow made as much per pound as lean flesh. Sine that time, through the gas, one pound of leai flesh has made as much as two pounds of fa when pared off as tallow, and that there i more lean flesh in proportion upon large sheep such as Lincolns and Cotswolds, than upoi the true bred Leicesters, that are now am have been famous for fat flesh, small bone, am a great propensity to fatten at early maturity Many people have an idea that the sheep ar all small that are bred in Leicester, which i erroneous. Last year I traveled through several coun ties to find wool, mutton and size combinec I found at Drayton on the Welland, in Leices tershire, four miles from llockingham castk 140 rams belonging to Mr. Byran Ward, a: eminent grazier, who feeds yearly upon gras from 500 to 600 oxen, and shears 2000 sheej Mr. Ward's rams have plenty of wool, siz< and lean flesh, clifted all through their back with small, fine, thin heads, which denote well-bred animal, and a propensity to fatte: at an early age. Mr. Ward's sheep are style' by many " Old Leicesters," because they hav more wool and size than the pure-bred " Ws Leicesters," and have a great resemblance t the best long-wooled Lincolns. There are now many flocks in the county c Leicester that have been crossed with Lincolr and Cotswolds, to increase size and wool ; an there are many flocks left of what they sty] pure-bred New Leicesters. By the ram sak at the Petersborough Fair, last year, th Lincolnshire sheep seem to be gaining gvouuc as they made more money than any other kin of long-wooled white-faced sheep. Mark Jjine F,.qrrc$ THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 169 From the Maine Farmer. MANURE FROM THE SEA. The ocean seems to be a vast reservoir of products, from which may be taken an almost unlimited supply of material, by which to re- plenish the exhausted fertility of the earth. — Notwithstanding those dwelling on the sea- board have been so conversant with it, they, in fact, know but little about it. We have never had a doubt that its waters, saline and nause- ous as they are, might be used advantageously in some kind of compost. A series of experi- ments, however, would be necessary to test its merits and demerits in regard to such use. Sea weeds have been used for manure for centuries, but the use of them is confined to the vicinity of the shore. Fish have also been used for dressing near the shores where they are caught, but generally in such a way as to make them a nuisance, on account of the nau- seous stench they send out, rather than by a proper and suitable preparation of them, so as to be transported to a distance and used at pleasure. It has more thanonce been proposed by men who have thought upon the subject, to adopt some method of a cnemical character, by which it could be put into a suitable shape for ma- nures. To so prepare them as to save their pe- culiar ingredients, that make them valuable for dressing land. Within a few years, experiments have led to the adoption of a mode of manufacturing a sort of guano of them, which may be barreled up and sent to any distance. Perhaps an account of this fact may be of service to those of our readers and friends who live on the seacoast, if no others. In 1851, Mons. De Molon, a Frenchman, es- tablished a manufactory of fish manure in New- foundland. He has since in company wiih Mons. Thurneysen established a similar man- ufactory on the coast of France. The Central Agricultural Society of France, have had their attention turned to this last manufactory, and appointed a committee to visit it and examine its products. This committee have made a report in de- tail, and we are indebted to the Rural New Yorker for the following extract from it : " The apparatus used in the manufacture consists of a steam engine of ten horse power, and a steam boiler of eighteen horse power, two double coppers, hung on gudgeons, for eooking the fish by heat ; twenty-four lever to press the fish after cooking ; a rasp similar to those used in beet sugar manufacto- ries ; -a large stove, heated by one of Ohausse- not's calorifiers ; and a conic mill, similar to a coffee or gypsum mill. "The fish or refuse is first put into the inner receptacle of the boiler, which contains about 1000 lbs. The change being completed, and the copper hermetically sealed, a jet of steam is introduced between the outer and inner sides, heated to about 3£ atmospheres. The steam circulates between the two sides of the boiler, which are only about two inches apart, arid into a tube eight inches in diameter, placed upright in the inner boiler. An hour suffices to complete the cooking ; when, by an easy movement, the copper is made to turn upon the gudgeons, the steam escapes, and by the removal of the lid the cooked fish falls on the floor. It is then pressed, and afterwards rasped up as fine as possible, and the pulp con- veyed to the drying room, which is of peculiar construction ; but our space forbids a descrip- tion. After drying, it is thrown into a mill, by which it is reduced to a powder, ' perfectly dry and fine,' ready for transportation and use. "The personnel of the establishment consists of six men and ten children ; the consumption of coals 506 lbs. per day. The amount of manure made per day is about five tons. The water pressed out of the cooked fish is allow- td to cool, when the oil which rises to the sur- face is skimmed off. One hundred pounds of fresh fish afford two and a half pounds of oil, which sells readily at about ten cents per lb. The price charged for the fish manure is thirty-four dollars per ton. It contains 12 per cent, of nitrogen, (equal to 14| per cent of ammonia,) and 22 per cent, of phosphate of lime. Good Peruvian guano contains say 16 per cent, of ammonia and 25 per cent, of phosphate of lime, and sells in this country at present, for $.50 per ton. English authori- ties agree in estimating the value of phosphate of lime in guano at two cents per lb. (In co- prolite, apatite, animal charcoal, &c, it can be purchased for less than one cent per lb.) The 25 lbs. phosphate of lime, therefore, in 100 lbs. of Peruvian guano is worth only 50 cents, consequently we pay $2 for 16 lbs. of ammonia. This would leave the ammonia worth 12| cts. per lb. Applying these figures to the fish ma- nure, its value per 100 lbs. would be 22 lbs. phosphate of lime at 2 cts. per lb. 14i lbs. of ammonia at l2J cts. per lb. SO 44 1 81 82 25 "Or, when Peruvian guano is worth $50 per ton, this fish manure is worth $45 per ton. It will be seen that we have allowed nothing for ingredients of guano other than phosphate and ammonia. The fish manure would contain as I/O THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. much of these as the guano, and, therefore, in These menhaden fish were very plenty. Coi estimating the comparative value of the two manures, we may leave them both out of the calculation without affecting its accuracy. If Peruvian guano is worth $50 per ton, this fish manure is worth $45 per ton, and therefore is much the cheaper fertilizer, since it is sold at $34 per ton. "Messrs. De Nolan and Thurneysen propose to establish factories similar to that at Concar- neau on other points of the French coast, as well as on the coast of Newfoundland, and on coasts in the North Sea, which they estimate will furnish upwards of three hundred thou- sand tons per annum, or ' at least equal to that which is extracted from the Peruvian Islands in the form of guano.' The factory at New- foundland, in its present condition, can make, it is said, 10,000 tons of fish manure per an- num." The question now arises, are there not situa- tions on the coast of Maine, where menhadens and the refuse of more valuable fish can be manufactured into valuable manure, in the same way, — what says our friend " Amon," who dwelleth by the sea side ? A fish manure factory has been started in Rhode Island by Mr. Halliday. In the Mas- sachusetts Plowman of the 10th inst., is a re- port of the discussion at one of the Legislative Agricultural meetings in Boston, where we find Dr. Chas. F. Jackson discoursing, among other things, of fish manures, as follows : — Tons of fish, containing animal matter, were annually thrown away on our coasts. It was surprising, for all this was better than guano. — Mr. Halliday has established a large factory in Rhode Island for the manufacture of an artifi- cial guano from the menhaden fish, of which there was a great supply. They were soaked in a mixture of one- twelfth sulphuric acid and eleven-twelfths wa- ter. In effect they were pickled. Then they were dried, ground up in a mill and mixed with gypsum, peat, chalk, or pulverized mar- ble. The oil of the menaladeu is valuable. The fish are steamed slightly and pressed in cakes. After the oil is saved the refuse makes in the way described, a manure as good, if not better than Peruvian guano, and we have ample means of making it on our own coast. Mr. S. B. Halliday, of Providence, said he had used from one to six or eight tons annually. He had been experimenting carefully and found it cheaper to buy guano at $55 per ton, than to cart stable manure. He had found the lat- ter te be rather costly. Three years ago he began to use the fish. — procure them to almost an unlimited extent. In a few hours they were changed into a s< of paste. They must be composted and p: pared scientifically as described, because 1 cause decomposition takes place so soon wi them. They would in a very short time smell badly they could not be carried inland. Yet this pickling process the smell was at once i rested, absorbed and retained in the compo There is an incorporated company in whi Mr. Halliday stated he was interested, and wished others to join and take shares. For the Southern Planter. PEACH WORM— PEACH TREES FROM SE1 —SIZE OP TREES FOR TRANSPLANTING VARIETIES OF APPLES, &C. ' I am pleased to see that fruit culture beginning to attract public attention. A gd orchard is a luxury and a source of profit, doubt much whether any portion of an on nary farm contributes as much to comfort ai profit combined as that devoted to a good ( chard. , As the peach worm is one of the mc formidable enemies to the peach tree, I ta' the liberty of calling the attention of the pu lie to a remedy published in the Anieric; Agriculturist, May, 1842 : " L. Physic, Philadelphia, says, a mixture of one ounce saltpetre and seven ounces of salt, applied < the surface of the ground, in contact ai around the trunk of a peach tree seven yea old and upwards, will destroy the worm, pr vent the yellows, and add much to the produ and quality of the fruit." I suppose a small quantity would be sufficient for a tree wh< first planted out, I made the experimei myself some years since, and found it an effe tual preventive of the worm. I do not kno whether it will destroy the worm where it a ready exists. It is a matter of some importance to kno whether trees raised from peach stones ma be relied on for producing good fruit. Yot correspondent a few months ago gave son: instances in which persons had been succesi ful in raising good fruit in that way. I nr self have known some instances of good fru raised by that mode, but I have also know a much larger number of instances in whic it has proved an entire failure. The lat Major K. of Prince Edward, being muc pleased with the Heath peach, procured large quantity of the seed and planted thei in a nursery. On planting them out he gav THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 171 a few of the most unsightly to a favorite ser- vant. The only Heath peach among them was one of those planted out by the servant. H. F., Esq., of Appomattox county, in- formed me that he planted a large quantity of stones, saved from some very fine peaches, which he purchased in Richmond for that purpose. Every tree proved worthless, not one producing fruit fit to eat ; and after the loss of several years by the experiment he pur- chased budded trees from a nurseryman. Dr. P. of Lunenburg, states, that being much pleased with the White and Black Heath, (by the latter I presume is meant the Reorgia peach) , he procured about a peck of [he seed, half of which was planted by him- self and half by his neighbor. There were mt two trees which proved true — one of each rariety. These cases show that the seed cannot be •elied on ; and unless a man would run the •isk of losing three or four years in getting an Orchard, he had better buy budded trees at face. A prevailing error in planting orchards, ac- cording to my observation, is the idea that r ery large trees are preferable to those of niddling size. The late A. J. Downing, one if the most experienced fruit culturists in the Jnited States, in his celebrated work on fruits tnd fruit trees has the following remarks : : It is a maxim, equally well settled both mong theorists and the best practical men, hat health, immediate vigor, and duration, ,re all greatlyfpromoted by transplanting fruit rees of small size — from three to six or seven eet. "We are fully aware with what iinpa- ience the beginner, or a person who knows ittle of the culture of trees, looks upon trees f this size — one who is eager to stock a gar- len or plant an orchard with large trees, hinking to gather a crop the next year. The atter may indeed be done ; but the trans- ilanting so affects the tree, that its first scanty rop is followed by a long season of rest and eeble growth, while the plantation of young rees is making wood rapidly, and soon comes ato a healthy and long continued state of pro- luctiveness — often long indeed before the arge trees have fairly arrived at that condi- ion. The small tree, transplanted with its ystem of roots and branches entire, suffers ittle or no check; the older and larger tree, osing part of its roots, requires several years o resume its former vigor. The constitution if the small tree is healthy and unimpaired : hat of the large is frequently much enfeebled. \. stout and vigorous habit — what the nursery nen call a good stocky plant — is the true criterion of merit in selecting trees for trans- planting. Trees intended for orchards, being often more exposed than those in gardens, should be somewhat larger : not less than six nor more than eight feet is the best size." My own observation corresponds with the ideas ©f Mr. Downing. Large trees seem to be stunted by their removal, and seldom grow off as well as smaller ones after transplanting. This is particularly the case where they have stood too long in the nursery, and their growth has been already checked by standing too close together there. I well recollect that the late Mr. Tazewell Morton (a most acute observer,) many years ago, in illustration of the idea that trees should be transplanted small, pointed out to me two trees growing near each other in the street of Farmville — the one which was much the smaller at transplanting being then nearly double the size of the other. I prefer a vigorous tree two years old, and from five to eight feet high, to any other size. As it regards varieties, I tnink Mr. Jones, in your February number, has made them al- together too few. There is as much differ- ence of taste about apples as any thing else. Many do not like either Rawles' Jeanette or the Winesop, though both are favorites of mine. The flavor of the Winesop I do not admire ; but it is an early and full bearer, and keeps well. The Royal Pearmain, Prior's Red, Golden Pippin, Summer Pippin, and common Russett, are, I think, not inferior to any of the varieties mentioned. Northern varieties of apples do not generally do well in Eastern Virginia. Their fine, late keeping winter varieties generally prove fall apples here, though their peaches usually preserve their reputation in our climate. But " far- away birds have fine feathers," and many thousand trees were purchased last year from Northern agents at just double the price at which trees of as good size, and of varieties better adapted to our climate, could have been purchased of nurserymen in Virginia. And yet we shall probably see or hear some of the purchasers figuring at meetings for promoting southern interests by purchasing goods only of merchants who have imported directly from Europe. It must be admitted that our nurserymen and implement makers are rather deficient in enterprise in effecting sales. They are either too high minded or too indolent to travel themselves or send agents through the coun- try ; while agents of northern mechanics and nurserymen are scouring the country, and selling more threshing machines, wheat fans, 172 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. reapers and fruit trees to Virginians, than are sold by all their own mechanics and nursery- men. S. P. S. — Since writing the above I have seen your March number, in which Mr. Jones has extended his catalogue of apples, and added one of other fruits. His Drap d'Or is here called Summer Pippin, and is one of the best summer apples. The varieties of peaches which he mentions have, I believe, all been fruited in my neighborhood, and are highly esteemed. I have most of them. I must be permitted to add to them the Red Rareripe, (not Prince's, which is a late variety,) which ripens here the first of August, and has no superior at that season. The best Peach for all purposes which I have ever seen, goes here under the name of Pure Yellow Cling — its nursery name being unknown. S. To the Editor of the Southern Planter. In several trips, which I have had the plea- sure to make recently through the counties of Charlotte, Prince Edward and Nottoway, I have been pleased to notice the revival of interest on the subject of agriculture which prevails through that interesting section of our state. This degree of interest is, without doubt, to be attributed to agricultural societies and publications. Whenever it has been my fortune to be cast among the citizens of these counties, my admiration has been excited by the high state of moral and intellectual cul- ture which is found among them. With the soil, except for planting purposes, I am frank to confess I have never been much pleased. In the county of Amherst, from which I write, the revival in agriculture has been felt to a li- mited extent only. In order to aid in the promotion of this good work, I propose to improve a few leisure moments in making to you a statement of my mode of the cultivation of Indian corn — the most important crop cultivated in Eastern Virginia ; but being so common, its real value is often overlooked. In making this state- ment, as it will be only an outline of a system of cultivation adopted by me, and pursued with success for several years, I shall be com- pelled to speak of myself. The practice of the farmer must vary with climate and soil. My lot is cast in one of the Piedmont counties of the state, " the red land district" — a deep red clay soil, a vein of the Green Mountain land of Albemarle. In the preparation of the land for corn we plough and harrow; depth of ploughing the object aimed at, without reference- to fine tilth as in the cultivation of wheat and other crops. Rows laid off four and a half to five feel wide, with the shovel plough ; hills eighteer inches to three feet, in proportion to the stoul land. In the bottom of this furrow we run i two horse trowel poiut coulter as deep as the team can draw it. This furrow of the coultei we consider of great advantage, collecting anc retaining moisture at the roots of the plants and giving depth to the roots. Seed con soaked twelve hours, rolled in plaster ; soake< simply to soften the grain, that more plaste: may be retained. Plaster and ashes, twi thirds ashes one third plaster, table-spoonfu applied to each hill. Stable and barn yan manure applied broadcast. Cover \vith singl horse trowel point coulter, one furrow on eacl side of the corn. The corn up, as soon a large enough to escape the birds and insects let the cultivation commence ; and now is th time for the exercise of industry — a very im portant qualification for the good farmer. Let the corn be cultivated while young We go over first with single horse trowel pom coulters, breaking the whole row thoroughly running as close to the corn as we can, weed ing and thinning together, one stalk in th hill, after the coulter, leaving the land level. The second and third times we plough th whole row deep, with the old fashioned sing] shovel plough ; follow each time with the hoe avoid hilling The deep cultivation with th plough and hoe should cease some time befoi the shooting or tasseling commences. Th land to be kept clean, even until the coi shall be matured, by any process the faruu may adopt ; we chop with hoes. The open tion of gathering the fodder, (if gathered i all,) to be delayed six or eight days later tha usual. By this delay some loss will be su tained in the value of the fodder, but the h jury to the corn almost entirely avoided. This, you discover, is a brief outline of m own system, to be varied of course accordin to soil and other circumstances. But for a the clay lands of Eastern Virginia I am sati fied it will be found well suited. Respectfully, Amherst co., Va. J. B. L. William March 28th, 1855. For the Southern Planter. GUANO. Has any one in Virginia plowed undi guano with a three horse plow in the sprit for corn, at the rate of one or two hundr< pounds per acre, or has any one used it on tl plowed surface and harrowed it in ? Auswi through the Planter. A. Subscriber. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 173 For the Southern Planter. A BRIEF EEPLY TO MR, RUFFIN. Facts closely observed, and experiments carefully conducted and often repeated, are items of information which the farmer every- where most needs, as the basis of a rational and enlightened agriculture. Theories, in agriculture, are a sort of bagatelle, with which scientific men may occasionally amuse them- selves, and farmers of a speculative turn, but seldom much to the edification or profit of any one ; and in no pursuit to which the men- tal and physical energies of man have been directed is the practice of theorising to be so much deprecated and discountenanced as in agriculture. There are in farming, as in every other science, many so called false facts and much false experience ; and the former has often been made the basis, and the latter tho props, of many a plausible and beautiful, but fallacious and hurtful theory ; the fallacy and evil of which are well illustrated by an anecdote I have heard told of the " facts and experience" of a young Englishman, a medi- cal student, who went to Paris to complete his professional education, when it so hap- pened he was called to attend a Frenchman with typhoid fever. The disease was treated scientifically, and the man of course drugged secundem artem and to his heart's content, but without any apparent abatement in the fever, and death seemed inevitable. One day however the patient expressing a wish to eat some salt herring, he was humanely gratified, and, post hoc sed non propter hoc, the man, much to the surprise of his physician, soon got well, who immediately recorded in his note book as follows: "Typhoid fever — a Frenchman cured by eating salt herring." Soon after this he went back to England, and there encountering the same disease in a ro- bustious Englishman, he confidently adminis- tered his new remedy — salt herring — and this patient in a little while died. A note was now made as follows : " Typhoid fever — an Englishman ate freely of salt herring and soon died;" and immediately following was a N. B., to this effect : " In* typhoid fever salt herring cures a Frenchman, but kills an Englishman" But in this place it is proper to remark, that the undersigned does not wish, in any thing he may say, to be regarded as the "censor," of Mr. R., nor indeed of any one else ; and it is to be regretted that Mr. Ruffin should have felt himself personally aggrieved at having his theoretical opinions respectfully and modestly controverted; and unless, in- deed, he applies the epithet of " censor" to any one who may venture, in any manner, how- ever deferential, to question his views,-! can see no appropriateness in his application of the word. It will be manifest to every one familiar with Mr. Rufiin's ".Essay on Calcareous Ma- nures," and who has ever read the article by the undersigned, above alluded to, that in his two articles recently published in this paper Mr. R. has not only retreated from his own original position, but endeavors to place me in a position I never occupied. It will be recollected that he consumes many pages of his book in the labored but abortive attempt to prove by dint of ingenious logic, that all soils growing sheep sorrel, broom grass, and old field pines, etc., are poisoned with an acid, and upon this assumption, which is only so much mere guessing on his part, he proceeds to state and establish the monstrous proposi- tion, that such a soil " cannot be durably and profitably improved by putrescent manures, without previously making it calcareous?'' These are the plain and naked propositions I attempted to controvert ; but now Mr. Ruffm, as if conscious of his inability to maintain these positions, very adroitly shifts his atti- tude, throws himself behind a battery of some thirty odd farmers in Prince George, and then, backed by his friends, challenges me to assail or deny his position that "liming in the proper manner and quantity will destroy sorrel and prevent its return' 1 ' 1 ! Why, don't Mr. Rufnn, and every one else who read my article, know, that so far from denying this fact he so defiantly proclaims, I did in the outset admit this peculiar action of lime on sorrel soils, in indirectly (though not by neu- tralizing acidity,) eradicating sorrels, and in these explicit words : " it is not to be doubted that liming causes sorrels to disappear," &c, for which a brief but clear explanation was given ? These thirty odd gentlemen ail agree in their testimony that lime destroys sorrel — or, in other words, that it causes it to dis- appear ; but do they render Mr. Ruffin any assistance in the dilemma his hypothesis, that " sorrel soils are acid," involves him in ? Will they depose m his behalf that lime destroys sorrel by simply neutralizing free oxalic acid in the soil, when they have no sort of proof from Mr. Ruffin, or from any one else, that there is any acid in such a soil ? but on the contrary, the positive assurance from the most reliable chemists, that in point of fact it does not exist in this or any sail? These are the questions, and the only ones, I was con- troverting. And Professor Johnston, who is 174 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, considered good authority on all questions in analytical chemistry, speaking of the acids of sorrers, (and he makes no distinctions) says, " It (oxalic acid) is not known to exist in the soil, or in the waters, which reach the roots of plants, when it is found in living vegetables, therefore, it must like the other substances the// contain-, have been formed or elaborated in the interior of the plant itself. Just so — and Dr. Dana, and others also testify much in the same way. And Mr. R. himself admits as much ; and lie even goes further, and says one of the sorrels (wood sorrel) " will groAv on a soil "calcareous to excess," but seeing that this fact conflicts with his acid theory, next sets about explaining it away. And how do you suppose he does it? By showing that wood sorrel is botanically a different plant from sheep sorrel. Still the fact remains that both plants abound in one and the same acid ; and I submit, that the mere circumstance that one " is a trefoil and pod bearing plant" and the other has leaves like " narroio and barbed arrow points," is quite immaterial; and since according to Mr. Rufhn's own showing, one of them cannot by possibility obtain any acid directly from the soil, neither by analogy is it at all probable that the other does; and whilst the assertion of Prof. Johnston that the acids of all the sorrels " are elaborated in the interior of the plants themselves,' 1 is doubtless entirely correct, it is probable that all other vegetable acids, the various sugars, and the other organic compounds in general, are " ela- borated in the interior of plants" by a process purely vital and peculiar to the plant, with which the soil has nothing directly whatever to do. Mr. Ruffin seems to have a mortal hatred for the old field pine. It is in his opinion an everlasting and special breeder of acid; as soon as it springs up it begins to " pour its leprous distilmcnt" on the soil, and speedily the whole earth becomes surcharged with the deadly poison. Alas ! into what fatal mis- takes does an erroneous theory often involve us ! Many of these very soils, where the pines have accomplished their work of reno- vation, are the finest tobacco lands we have, as thousands would testify ; and there are not many, I incline to think, who will admit that the beautiful arrangement by which pine soils annually enrich themselves from the falling of the leaves of the pine, is merely one for acidifying and poisoning the soil. But to return to Mi - . Ruifin's theory for a moment : will any one in middle Virginia en- dorse Mr. Ruffiu's assumption, that a soil which permits sorrel to grow "cannot be du- rably and profitably improved by putrescent manures, without previously making it calca-i reous," when there are hundreds of farmers in Virginia and elsewhere who know the con- trary to be true, and that without liming, as Mr. Ruffin proposes, or the use of any other anti-acids, they have been able to bring their soils up to a very high state of impreve- ment. Facts like these, in the possession of thousands, are sufficient to settle this ques- tion forever ; and really I had thought it so settled an axiom in logic, that one single well established fact is sufficient to discredit and overthrow any mere hypothesis, however in- geniously constructed, that Mr. Ruffin would yield this point. But in justice to him it is proper to state, that he objects to having extended the appli- cation of his theory to other soils than those of tidewater Virginia. Yet I must contend, that if it is necessary to the growth of sheep sorrel in his section, that the soil shall con- tain oxalic acid, there appears no good reason why the same kind of sorrel should not re- quire the same kind of acid in soils else- where. It would be easy to give a somewhat plausible explanation of this peculiar action of lime, in eradicating sorrels from the soils of tide-water Virginia, without having to assume hypothetieally the presence in such soils of any free oxalic acid, which it is not probable exists there any more than it does elsewhere. It is known, for instance, that the acid in sheep sorrel and in other sorrels is in combination with potash, and that such plants do not particularly require a calcareous soil. Clover, however, must have a good deal of both potash and lime, or it will not flourish. It is known, moreover, that when sorrel grows to the exclusion of clover, it indicates a soil somewhat deficient in available lime. Now good quick lime in many ways, and better than carbonate of lime or ordinary lime, readily supplies the salines necessary for the vigorous growth of clover ; and it being a more hardy plant than sorrel, soon, as a necessary consequence, eats out. as we sometimes say, the sorrel. But after all it makes no sort of difference, practically, I confess, with him who resides in the lime region, whether Mr. Ruffin's theory be true or false, since the result of liming there is uniformly satisfactory, and that is all that concerns the farmer, (and this may account for the ready reception, in that locality, of Mr. R.'s theory.) But if the farmer of middle Virginia, where no marl can be had, and good slacked lime in many localities costs from 25 THE SOUTHERN PLANTEE. 175 to 30 cents per bushel, is induced to believe that his sorrel soil is acid, and "cannot be {durably and profitably improved by putrescent (manures without previously making it calca- jreous," he would assuredly do one of two J things, either of which would show a bad judg- ment : he would either cease altogether to im- prove his land by applying putrescent ma- nures, and by many other available and cer- tain means of improvement, or he would incur such an expense in liming, (and often when his land did not need it) as would bankrupt him for life. The foregoing remarks conclude all I have to say on the subject under discussion. If they fail to convince any one, perhaps I should fail even were I to write more ; and besides, your readers are by this time, Mr. Editor, chemically speaking, super-saturated with lime. P. B. Pendleton. Louisa Co., Va., April 23, 1855. HOW WE KEEP OUR HENS. Hen-house, in the appropriate sense of that word, we have none. We have no doubt of the utility cf those structures, and that some- thing very much better than our contrivance could be get up, with a little leisure to plan it and money to build with. But we have had eggs and chickens enough, for the last five years, to satisfy our editorial ambition, with- out the trouble of putting up a hen-house. Our barn stands on the south side of a hill, and under a part of it we have rofits arising from the traffic in this very uncertain species of property ! For the Southern Planter. Mr. Editor — Being desirous of procuring a wheat drill in time for seeding my crop of wheat next fall, and wishing to gain all the information which I possibly can ere purchas- ing, as to the best implement and propriety of using it, will such of your subscribers as have given the " drill" a fair trial give us the bene- fit of their experience through the columns of the Planter ? An extensive and skilful wheat- grower, who resides in Sussex county, re- marked to me, that having given the drill a trial, he could not bo induced to sow another crop broadcast, save in stumpy land, where the drill would not operate. I saw a wheat drill at the State Exhibition last fall, with which I was much pleased, from the hasty examination which I was enabled to give it. There was a guano attachment, by which as small a quantity as fifty pounds of that ma- nure could be sown, if desired. As the drill to which I allude was manufactured in this State, I have eagerly scanned the advertising pages of each succeeding number of the Planter hoping to see it advertised for sale, but have been disappointed. Apropos to advertising — it has often been a matter of surprise to me, that persons having articles for sale, such as implements, animals, &c. &c. should be so remiss in advertising. Are not such penny wise and pound foolish ? And many of those who do advertise fail to name their prices, which I think they always should do. h* #### . We see it mentioned that the locusts lliave ap- peared in great mirnbers in parts of Alabama and Mississippi. 184 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Castle Hill, March 25, 1855. My Dear Sir : — An absence of several days from home has prevented me from sooner ac- knowledging the receipt of your favor of the 19th instant. I can very well conceive that the few lines I wrote to you, to accompany Francis' letter, should have been regarded by your compositor as private. I am very much obliged to you for the prompt manner in which you have taken measures to repair the omission accidentally made by him. The delay to which you refer in making our re- port on the Essays offered for General Cock's prize has been owing to difficulties inherent in the sub- ject, as well as the difficulty of personal communi- cation among the members of the committee. I hope we shall be able to send it in to you very soon. I do not know whether you take the "Spirit of the Times." In the No. of the 10th instant, there were some remarks of the Editor, (a high author- ity on the subject of Horses, ) respecting the Black Hawks, and the necessity of size for the most fashionable and profitable class of horses, and the prices given for each in the New York and North- ern markets, which I think it would be desirable to be known to our Virginia breeders, as timely corrections of an error to which, I think, there is now great proneness among them. I enclose these remarks, and if ,5-011 should not disagree with me as to their practical value, I think you would ren- der a service to our brethren by publishing them in the next No. of the Planter. I remain, my dear sir, with great respect very truly and faithfully, yours, F. G. Ruffin, Esq., W. C. Kites. VERMONT BLACK HAWK, LADY SUFFOLK, ETC., THE MORGANS AND BLACK HAWKS. Boston, Feb. Z2d, 1855. Dear Sir: — * * * As friend " Acorn" wrote you a short time since in relation to Lady Suffolk (as being at D. Edgar Hill's, Bridport, Vt.,) I would inform you that I have quite recently sent an artist to Vermont, for the purpose of painting Black Hawk and Lady Suffolk. I am happy far- ther to inform you, that he has returned, and has a very beautiful portrait of Black Hawk, (taken alone in his stable,) and also Black Hawk and La- dy Suffolk in one convass (as being in an open field). It was taken at great expense, and is now in the hands of the Lithographer ; I am promised, and I expect it to be, the best Lithograph (of hor- ses) ever taken in this country. As soon as it is printed (which will be in three or four weeks) I shall he most happy to send you a copy of each, with my compliments. Very truly, &c, N. H. H. The following communications on the subject of " Black Hawk Horses" appeared in the Boston "Cultivator," of the 24th ult. :— Messrs. Editors : — I have noticed the articles lately published in your paper on the origin of Black Hawk, and am glad the facts relating to that subject have been put in an authentic form. I have not much acquaintance with the Black Hawk stock, but have seen several with which I am well pleased. A friend of mine residing in a distant State, writes me that he saw something in the "Spirit of the Times" of Oct. 14th last, in re- gard to the stock having been made " undersized' by breeding " in-and-in," — and that they lackec " height," &-c. As he has some idea of attempt ing to improve the horses of his section, he wishe to be informed as to the correctness of this state ment. Any information through the " Cultivator' will be gladly received. Roxburt. Feb. 17, 1855. Yours, T. A. In-and in, as applied to breeding, is an arbitrar term, but perhaps all agree that it means couplini animals of some degree of affinity. It is not ver clear what is to be understood by Black Haw] stock having been bred in-and-in. The progeny Black Hawk have not^ been bred together in bu very few instances, and" those few have occurrei mostly within a year or two. The statement allc ded to could not, therefore, apply to this course breeding, and there is but one other way in whicl what any one pretends to call in-and-in breedin; could take place, and that is by coupling mares c Black Hawk's get with him. The first instance i: which this lias been done, was with a mare ownei by S. W. Jewett, of Wey bridge, Vt. Theoffsprin, of this union, of course three-fourths Black Hawfc is a mare, coming five years old, of good siz< with ample bone and muscle, and remarkable fo speed in trotting. Her weight at two and a ha] years old, was 910 lbs. ! So much in reference t her size having been lessened by the way in whic' she was bred. She is now in foal by Black Hawi which will make the issue seven-eighths of hi blood. The next season after this mare was pre duced, her dam brought another foal by Blac Hawk. That was a colt, and he is now in Wester New York. These two are all that have been bre in this way, except one foal in 1853, and four i 1854. It is evident that the two first mentione> are the only animals of sufficient age to justify foi ming an opinion in regard to their size or othe properties, and though they certainly exhibit n deficiences, it would not be right, whatever the might have been, to judge the whole family by on or two specimens. We have seen several of th three-quarter blood yearlings, which are ver promising. As to Black Hawk stock wanting " height," the have generally as much ( fifteen and fifteen and half hands) as most of the horses which have bee highly distinguished, either as roadsters, fast trol ters, or racers at long distances, and it might b asked, what would be the utility of more 1 Notes by the Editor. We transfer the communications above to th " Spirit of the Times," in the first place to oblig the writers, secondly to reiterate the expression c our opinion (as expressed in our issue of Oct. 14t last,) that the Black Hawk stock of horses in Vei montare " under-sized" from having been so Ion " bred in-and-in." The same was the case wit the Morgan stock. It is the fashion in New Eng land to measure horses by their weight — to com pare a " chunk" to a Bucephalus ! Has there bee bred a pair of Black Hawk carriage horses in al New England, sixteen hands high 1 Is not the 01 dinary height fifteen hands or thereabouts 1 The; have a fine turn of speed, great endurance, an good tempers, but lack height, length and style- As superb carriage horses, they are quite out c the question. The elegant turn-outs of our prir THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 185 cipal cities are purchased by dealers from Western New Fork, Illinois, Kentucky, and Missouri. With carriages almost as heavy as an omnibus, fine size is required, with beauty, spirit, and action. The Black Hawks are game and gay little fel- lows to ride or drive, but fashionable people who keep carriages — especially in the Atlantic cities — require horses that, as the dealers express it, " can look over a two-storied house !"' For such, the most extravagant prices, are paid, and there is a ready sale. There are two pairs in this city which cost S'2,800 to our knowledge, and a third for which $3,000 has been refused. There are probablv more than one hundred nairs which cost from SL200 to $1,500. Is it not the fact that the Black Hawks have I generally as much height (fifteen or fifteen and a half hands,) as most of the horses which have been highly distinguished either as roadsters, fast trotters, or racers at long distances 1" No such thing ! The Black Hawks are not "generally"' any- where near "fifteen and a half hands." Moreover, the best horses which have appeared on the Turf. in this country, whether as racers, trotters, or road- sters, have had height and length; with few excep- tions. We could name hundreds, but Peytbna (nearly 17 hands), Grey Eagle, Monarch, Lecomte, Lexington and Paul Pry, Dutchman. Trustee(trot- ters,) will suffice. " There appears to be no end to the Black Hawk and Morgan Stallions in New England ; the mania for them has only been equalled by the Hen Fever. It is high time the breeders there should turn their attention to the subject serious- ly. By breeding ony large roomy mares to the Black Hawks the present evil may be partially obliterated ; but, gentlemen, you want a nciv strain of blood. I See what the importation of a few stal- lions from England has effected in this ceuntry within twenty years ! Why, the Turf has been completely revolutionized. The great "cracks" in the times of Eclipse and Henry, and for ten years afterwards, could hardly save their distance with the horses of the present day. The descendants of Leviathan, Glencoe. Margrave, Trustee, Sove- reign, and other popular imported stallions, have improved our stock to an almost incredible extent. We have always, and very naturally, been fond of the Morgans and the Black Hawks, but we deem it our duty to express our opinion that the stock has been so long "bred in and in," that a remote cross is absolutely necessary to give height, sub- stance and action. More than every thing, we want size combined with beauty for splendid car- riage horses. Look at the horses employed by Adams & Co. in their Express wagons. Most of them came from Vermont, but they are not Mor- gaas. Why one of the little Black Hawks would only be "the big dog under the wagon." and Tennessee there is a large deficiency. The falling off in number is 349,403 head— and in num- ber and pounds equal to 463,066 head — being about 20 per cent. With reference to the product of lard, we have found it impossible to arrive at any satis- factory conclusion. The yield of leaf lard is unquestionably less than last year, by at least five pounds to the hog ; but in many cases sides were rendered into lard to a considerable extent ; and thus the deficiency in the former will be made up to some extent ; still, taking the entire West, the. average yield per hog, of all kinds, must be less than that of last year." We omit the figures in detail, but give the fol- lowing recapitulation as all that is really necessa- ry to publish at this point : States. 1853-4. 1854-5. POP.K TRADE OF 1854-5. The Cincinnati Price Current on the 7th March last, published a partial statement of the number of hogs packed in the West during the season of 1854—5, expecting to be able in a week or two i .■ fcer to present a full exhibit. It how pre- sents a pretty full statement, embracing all the principal points, but first remarks : "It will be seen that the Western States show an increase in 'lie aggregate, while in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky Ohio 718,650 Tennessee 50,880 Indiana 611,820 Kentucky 502,925 Iowa 48,060 Illinois 344,047 Missouri 130,025 Wisconsin 50,900 Detroit, (Mich.).... 7,500 Buffalo, N. Y 8,000 571,165 6,000 505,830 337,997 102,131 413,946 128,261 39,272 5,000 15 000 Grand Totals . 2,473,807 2,124,404 2,124,404 Deficiency in number 349,403 In Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana hogs fell considerably short in weight. This deficiency we estimated, in publishing a partial statement a few weeks since, at 8 per cent. This is rather a low, but upon the whole, a fair estimate. The to- tal number of hogs packed in those States, as above, is 1,420,794 ; and 8 per cent, deficiency on this number is 113,663. Adding this to the de- crease in number, the total falling off is 463,066, as follows : Number 349,403 Decrease in weight equal to 113,663 Total Deficiency 463,066 In Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin, the hogs averaged about the same as last year. In some portions there was a falling off, but in others an increase, thus bringing up the average. In our statement made at the close of the sea- son of 1853-4, we estimated the average weight of hogs packed in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Ten- nessee at 208 lbs. Deducting 8 per cent, from this, the average for the past season would be 192A lbs. In other States the average last year was 218 lbs, and this year we estimate it at the same. Taking these figures as the average, the crop, reduced to lbs, compares as follows : 1853-4. 1854-5. Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee 391,956,200 273,502,845 Other States 128,515,796 153,486,980 Total 520,445,996 426,989,825 Showing a deficiency of 103,457,171 lbs., being a trifle over 20 per cent. The increase in pounds last year over- the preceding year's crop was 22 J _r per cent. The product of this season is, therefore, 20 per cent, less than that of 1853-4, and 1\ per cent, greater than that of 1852-3. 186 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. STATEMENT Exhibiting the financial condition of the Virginia State Agricultural Society on the 1st day of March, 1855, " stating generally the sources from which all funds have been derived, and particularly what portion belongs to the Permanent Fund and what portion to the Contingent Fund of the Society" prepared and published in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee, With November, 1854 : I)h. C&SH. Contingent Permanent Fund. Fund. To cash balance in Treasury Old Society, paid over by L. D. Crenshaw to Gen. B. Peyton, lcte Treasurer. To cash received from B. Peyton, on account annual members To cash received from B. Peyton on account of 49 life members To cash received from Gen'l W. H. Richardson, General Agent : On account of 64 life members On account annual members.. 2,876 00 Less commissions on the whole amount ■ 1,539 00 To cash received from Wm. H . Richardson, Jr : On account of life members On account of 935 new annual members.. 1,870 00 On account of old me rubers 16 00 On account of other sources 56 00 Less commissions on the whole amount- 1,942 00 545 50 To cash received from Prank: G. Ruffin: On account of life members On account annual members. To cash received from Chas. B. Williams: On account of 31 life members 620 00 On account of donation Edmond, Davenport & Co. 40 00 On account of donation new Virginia Steamboat Co. 25 00 On account annual members.. 3,750 00 On account balance J. Ravenscroft Jones' county pledge 62 00 On account of donation Mad Sontag • • ■ LOO 00 On account of gate fees, first exhibition. 1,947 17 On account of rent of booths, second exhibition 200 00 To cash received from John A. Graves, Amelia county : On account of 8 life members On account of 1 annual member, $2, less commissions 20c. To cash received from Alex. & Jas. M. Donnan, Petersburg : On account of 222 annual members 222 00 Less commissions 22 30 To cash received from Ed. D. Eacho, Richmond: On account annual members. • 1,216 00 On account of badges sold 4 25 Less commissions- 1,220 25 122 00 To cash received from J. T. Childrey : On account annual members. Less commissions, ■ 57 00 . 5 70 To casii received from Sheriff of Brunswick : On account annual members Less commissions 67 00 • 6 70 To cik1i received from Sheriff of Nottoway: On account annual members $10 less commissions $1 ■ • To cash received from Edmund Ruftin, late Commissioner: On account of life members On account of Wm. Carter's donation •360 00 •200 00 To cash eived from city of Richmond (certificate of stock) to pay expenses of polic &c , . econd exhibition : To ca li received in office of the Society: On account of be members.. 22,860 00 On unl of contributii ns, donations and county pledges. 15,294 90 $ 139 50 1,052 00 1,387 00 1,396 50 121 00 6,059 17 1 80 199 70 1,098 25 51 30 60 30 9 00 1,000 00 12,575 52 42,159 90 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 187 Contingent'! Permanent Fund. Fund. Amouats brought forward To cash received in office of the Society: On account annual members. $5,622 00 On account badges sold 693 95 On account of entrance fees, 2d exhibition. 3,439 75 On account of entrance on tobacco W. Crampton 3 00 On account interest, less difference in premium on Stocks, and interest paid-- •• 1,878 88 On account over payment by Gen. B. Peyton 1 25 On account over payment by Gen. W. H. Richardson 1 00 Ce. Cash. By cash paid on account premiums, first exhibition (1853)- ■ By cash paid on account premiums, 2d exhibition, (1854). By cash paid expenses, 1354 ■■ By cash paid expenses, 1955- By eash paid to balance • 3,047 00 3,165 00 3,853 37 5,876 28 12,575 52 11,139 8! 42,159 90 $23,665 35 $42,159 90 6,212 00 9,729 65 7,723 70 $23,665 35 42,159 90 $42,159 90 In city of Richmond stocks at par, invested in the corporate name of the Society ! Loan on city stock • Balance in hands of Treasurer Balance to credit of Society- 45,250 00 4,500 00 133 60 >$49,883 60 The act of incorporation of the Society is as follows : An act to incorporate the Virginia State Agricultural Society, Dec. 13, 1853. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Virginia State Agricultural Society is hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the "Virginia State Agricultural Society," with a capital of not less than five thousand nor more than two hundred thousand dollars, and with the right to hold lands not exceeding one thousand acres. 2. The said Company shall be subject to the provisions of chapters fifty-six and fifty-seven of the Code of Virginia, as far as the same may be applicable. 3. This act shall be in force from its passage, and shall be subject to any alteration, amendment or modification at the pleasure of the General Assembly. ADDENDUM TO THE STATEMENT OP THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OP THE VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. -Statement of amounts received by Wm. H. Richarpson, as General Agent of the Virginia State Agricultural Society in 1853, viz : From 1470 new members at two dollars each -._..__ 2,940 00 From old members, annual subscriptions, and from new members (not life) who have paid more than two dollars: viz: Dr. M.L. Anderson, Albemarle, (old) ....... j H. Baldwin, Richmond, (old) ........ j Bondurant and Elliott, (subscription) -_---__g Benjamin Harrison, Prince George, (new member) ---.-. 4 Randolph Harrison, Cumberland, (new member) - - - - 4 E. B. Jones, Brunswick, (old) ....... _ 1 Keen, Chiles & Baldwin, Richmond, (subscription) -- - - - - 5 Andrew Keysc-r, Page, (new member) - ------ 3 Lttdlam & Watson, Richmond, (subscription) ------- 5 Frankfin Minor. Albemarle, (old) .---...] Miner, Albemarle, (old) -.--....] .Patterson & Cooper, Petersburg, (subscription) ------ 4 Wm. C. Rives, Albemarle, (subscription) ------ 5 K. B. Spence, Richmond, (subscription) ----- 5 I i 1. ley & B;yant, Richmond, (subscription) .... 4 Taylor, (old, withdraws) - - ------ j 50 00 IRfi THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. LIFE MEMBERS. Jos R. Anderson, Richmond, Adie & Gray, Richmond, Win. Allen, Surry, - - Wm. J. Barksdale, Amelia, J. P. Ballard, Richmond, (had paid two dollars,) Breeden & Fox, Richmond, Boyd, Edmond & Davenport, Richmond, Robert B. Boiling, Petersburg, Robert Beverly, Fauquier, Nathaniel Burwell, Clarke, Geo. H Burwell, Clarke, Thos. A. Ball, Jr , Fredericksburg, Richard H. Cunningham, Culpepper, Jos. H. Crenshaw, Richmond, Wm. W. Crump, Richmond, Dr. C. C. Cocke, Fluvanna, W. G. Cazenove, Alexandria, Dr. Wm. C«le, Prince George, Jos. B. Cocke, Prince George, Jas. Dunlop, Richmond, - - Ro. J. Dunn, Petersburg, [- David Dunlop, Petersburg, Henry Dangerfield, Alexandria, William Fowle, Alexandria, James Green, Alexandra, Wm. B. Harrison, Prince George, Dr John B. Harvie, Powhatan, (had paid two dollars,) Edward H. Herbert, Princess Anne, Kent, Payne & Kent, Richmond, Wm. H. Macfarland, Richmond, Mitchell & Tyler, Richmond, Gustavus A. Myers, Richmond, Nicholas Mills, Richmond, Jno. C. Major, Culpeper, Hugh M. Nelson, Clarke, Thos. R Price, Richmond, C. W. Purcell, Richmond, Wm. Palmer, Richmond, (had paid two dollars,) Robt. Powel Page, (a youth,) Clarke, O. N. Pemberton, Culpeper, Thos. D. Quarles, Richmond, Jos. W. Randolph, Richmond, Philip Rham, Richmond, E. Ruffin, Jr., Prince George, Frank G. Ruffin, Albemarle, (had paid three dollars,) Thos. J. Randolph, Albemarle, (had paid three dollars,) Judge Jno Robertson, Richmond, Wm.B. Randolph, Henrico, J. Milderberger Smilh, (American Hotel,) Richmond, Gen. E. P. Scott, Greensville, Jno A. Seldon, Charles City, John Stuart, Henrico, Jas. Thomas, Jr. Richmond, • - Geo. W. Turner, Jefferson, Warwick & Barksdale, Richmond, A. S. Wooldridge, Chesterfield, D. Ward & Co , Columbian Hotel, Richmond, - Jno. P. Willcox, Prince Geerge, Dr. Wm. N. Wellford, Culpeper, Commission to Agent for the first 1000 members, 1 dollar ead» Commission on balance 2,198 — 25 per cent- Balance, Paid as follows : To B. Peyton, Treasurer, To Wm. G. Crenshaw, Treasurer, 20 20 20 20 18 20 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 17 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1,000 00 549 50 1,258 08 4,198 00 1,649 50 2,548 59 The above is the rate of commission proposed to Gen Richardso Committee. , id subsequently confirmed by the Executive PHILIP ST GEO COCKE. GH. B WILLIAMS. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 189 THE JOINT WORM. New Market, Caroline Co. • April 13th, 1855. To the Editor of the Southern Planter : Dear Sir — As the season of joint worm and its ravages approaches, suffer me to invite your atten- tion to a few reflections on the extermination of this pest, partly the result of my own observations. I have examined with some care and diligence the 1 habits of this insect, since its first appearance af- forded me an opportunity of studying its history and instincts, with the hope that a remedy might be discovered or plan devised which would afford a prospect of protection against what is inconceiv- ably the worst enemy the wheat crop has ever had to contend against. That the crop will be entirely destroyed if the increase of this pest is in propor- tion to its past reproduction, no one can doubt who will look with a little attention into the matter. Two years ago it made its appearance in this neighborhood for the first time, and it will be within the bounds of reason to assert that the in- crease in that time is a million-fold ; and judging from the innumerable almost developed flies now to be found in the stubble where it has not been burnt or ploughed in, the ratio of increase will be kept up. It strikes me forcibly, that in view of the present and prospective value of the wheat crop, particularly to Lower Virginia, where we cannot make up the loss by grazing, as our lands are not adapted to grass, that this subject of joint worm and its remedy is one of paramount impor- tance. I do not presumptuously suppose that I can contribute aught on this subject which will be new to you, nor do I wish to accomplish more than toexcite your wonted energy and endeavor, if you think with me, to convince the farmers of Virginia, all of whom must act in concert, that it is ex- tremely probable, at the least, that this terrible enemy of our prosperity can be destroyed, if with one accord they will it. Can the joint worm, (which by the way is not the proper name, as it is never found in the joint,) be destroyed sooner •than the appointed time when nature will accom- plish that desideratum, either by the production of some other insect or parasite at war with it, or by some inscrutable process which she will never di- vulge, even to the keenest observation 1 The solu- ^tion of this question involves another : Has this rinsect special habits and instincts 1 Does it breed exclusively in the wheat or cereal family 1 Mr. Kowiand, of Albemarle, who has studied the habits of this insect very closely, with care and atten- tion, and with natural fitness for such research, assured me, in a conversation I had with him, that he had failed to find the little worm, the initial state of the fly, in any of the grasses, and that he believed it was to be found nowhe-j in the vege- table world, except in the cere^ ' .amily. My own observation and research^ ead me to the same conclusion, which anai- y likewise strengthens. Certain insects have habits and instincts as cha- racteristic as we note among the members of the Higher creation, and by which we always know their,. They form the abode of their young, des- ''■■ pre erve and perpetuate the species, in Obedience to a law of nature which they cannot ■ tnd their instincts, obeying this law, drive them to certain plants which supply the proper : - on for their development. Any one who will take the trouble to examine, will find that the worm, from which the fly, the perfect form of the destroyer, is evolved, always lodges through the winter in a cell invariably formed in the same part of the wheat plant. Pull up an old plant in a last year's stubble field, where the vast reproduction is now silently going on, and you may almost tell by the touch the number of larvag or little worms it contains. Each cell or nodule slightly projects with one worm in it, and lies in close contact with or by the side of, another, with distinct septa be- twixt them, two worms never being found in one cell. The cells without exception are found in the foot stalk or petiole of the blade, between the point where it falls off from the straw and its in- sertion around the margin of the joint. The pre- sence of these cells on the straw impeding the circulation, prevents the evolution and filling of the head, when the plant is not advanced to that state which our farmers call " in the boot," ard when advanced to that stage, as the injury is - o- nerally more on one side than on the other, an ?x- crescence is the result, and a bending down marks the presence of the enemy. The early attack pro- duces what we term " sedging." Betwixt the outer and inner cuticle of the petiole or sheath of the blade is a pulpy cellular substance, very ap- parent in the corresponding part of the blade of the Indian corn, and precisely similar in structure in the wheat — which a common lens will display. In this cellular substance the fly always deposits its eggs, and the cells develope here by what .ap- pears to be a separation of the inner "and outer cuticle of the said petiole which attaches the blade to the straw. These minute details may appear trivial and of no practical importance ; but I respectfully sub- mit that they are by no means useless or con- temptible in the settlement of the question upon which the destruction of joint worm hinges : that is, whether or not it is peculiar to wheat, oats or rye. Observation fails frequently from the mi- nuteness of the object ; and here every naturalist knows analogy steps in oftentimes and supplies the proof, otherwise imperfect. I have heard that the fly came out of broom sedge, from the woods, and from many other sources, but have failed to find any evidence of a positive character that this famine-producing development is going on in any grass or weed which I have inspected— and I have looked with great interest for such evidence. Admit that from the minuteness of the object sought it may escape the closest scrutiny, still, in the absence of one single unmistakeable worm lodged in other plants or weeds or grasses (which has not been found,) analogy and the laws of na- ture assert, that as certain physical traits charac- terize the reproduction of this fly, it must of ne- cessity come from where the proper conditions of its _ well-being and reproduction are supplied ; which we have seen, as to locality and structure' are so uniform. Many believe that the supply comes from woods, &c, from the fact that the edges of fields are most injured. This may be accounted for in two ways : the fly evidently seeks the shade, for it is almost always, while depositing its eggs, found under the blade", to one side; and hence the deformity in some cases. Or it may be driven by winds against fences, and stopped by woods which border fields, from whence it gets - back to its work of mischief. These, however, are mere suggestions, and nothing more. Some other cause may determine its work to the margins ISfi 190 THE SOUTHEKN PLANTElt. of fields; but it is almost certain, however, that it has only the one source which I have indicated. Well now, it will be asked, how educe the reme- dy, the all-important practice, from what you will perhaps consider theory in great part 1 I answer, that in my opinion the establishment of the one fact, that joint fly invariably and of necessity comes from the same source, and that the stubble or old straw, the remedy is available. Let every wheat-growing farmer change his system, if it be necessary, for a few years, and put the wheat land of the year before in corn, or at all events let it be ploughed soon enough for the cells containing the worm to rot, when they must of necessity perish. All straw should be passed through the farm pen, hauled out and ploughed in by the 15th of April, the stack yard raked, and residuary straw burnt, relying even on leaves for bedding for horses. With the present value of wheat, which must rule high while the war in Europe lasts, is it not worth the expense (if there be any) and pains of the farmer to adopt these precautions for a few years 1 When the fields can be burnt in very dry weather, so as to destroy all the diseased stubble, it would doubtless be equally as effective ; but this cannot be done ; for where there is least cover generally there is most joint worm, and this plan cannot therefore be effectual, for there are always spots which will not burn. The plough in time is the remedy. The farmers in my neighborhood pro- pose to change their system for this object ; but to be effectual it must be universal. I repeat ear- nestly that the remedy is practicable, and in most cases the plan will give little additional labor, and will not be more exhausting. Those who have time and teams may fallow the stubble, as I have done this spring, and sow peas for another crop of wheat the following fall. Several systems might be indicated by which little additional labor will be entailed and the land improved, which your practice will suggest. To cause such a plan as I propose to be generally adopted would perhaps re- quire some action on the part of the Agricultural Society of the State, the Executive Committee of which might induce committees in the different counties to urge the farmers of their counties t® act with one accord in this all-important matter. Let the effort be made, at all events. To make the ploughing more effectual, a roller should pre- cede the plough to make the stubble flat. I find whenever the diseased straw lies on the ground in a depression, where it is in contact with water for a few days, the worm perishes. I therefore infer that it is not very tenacious of life. I have given you these reflections for whatever ihey are worth ; such thoughts, and more valuable, may have occurred to you, and doubtless have come to you from many intelligent sources. My aspirations reach no further than to urge you, if this skeleton of a plan be deemed of any practical value, to lend your energies to the task and con- vince the farmers of Virginia, if it can be done, that joint worm shall be destroyed. Very truly your friend, Jno. Roy Baylor. May 8th. P. S. — You will see by the date of the above letter that it was written several weeks ago, and not sent, because I fancied in my daily examina- tions of these insects that a change was in pro- gress which I thought might be the result of the ."ry, warm weather at that time, likely to rid us of this nuisance without any agency of man • ' alas ! the three or four days past dispel the f< hope, for they have come upon us in numb far exceeding my gloomiest forebodings. '. worm has passed through the latter stages of development more slowly however this year tl it did last. I saw the fly hatched out in the o air last year the 23d of April : the first evol : this year came out on the 10th of May. W the injury to the crop of wheat from the vast roads of myriads of these flies at a time when plant is enfeebled by the protracted drought, i be, is really disheartening to anticipate. Sincerely, J. R. B SOAP, WHITE LEAD, AND OIL. It is not so generally well known as it should that a mixture of the above named ingredie makes an excellent coating for gates and fen and outbuildings. The addition of the soap (s soap only is to be used,) considerably diminis the expense of the paint, without in any deg lessening its durability, or the facility of lay it on. I have a house, the north-west side of which i painted with this mixture nineteen years ago, ; the paint is now much more brilliant than that ; upon the other sides at the same time, though latter was of the best quality of white lead ; oil, and four heavy coats applied, while of soap paint I applied but two. Fences pain with this mixture, as well as the roofs of bui ings, for which purpose any coloring matter pigment may be substituted for the lead, end much longer than those painted with pure oil pa The alkalescent qualities of the compound tend indurate the fibres of the wood, and render th impervious to those atmospheric influences wh are the chief cause of decay and rot. The qu tity of soap to be used can be best ascertained experiment ; on this point no definite rules can prescribed. — A r . E. Farmer. Accounts from the northern part of Georgia r resent that many people in that section are with corn or the means to procure any. Horses ; mules are turned out into the wilds to wait grass or starve, so that no plowing can be done, ( planting must be done with the hoe. RICHMOND MARKETS, MAY" 29, 18« Apples — Va. $5 per bbl. none in market. Bacon — City cured, none in market; Western Si (new) held at 10c, new Shoulders, 8|a9c, Hams, lOJa c, Smithfield ho2 round, 10£c. Queen City Hams, 13 Butter— Mountain 24 to 25 cts., Roll 20 to 23 cts; Goshen 25a28 cts., old and inferior, SalOJ cts. Beeswax — 25J-a26§ per lb. Cotton — 9}a9J cts. per lb. Cotton Yarns — 17al8 cts., cash. Cotton Cordal cts., per lb. Corn — We quote 105all0 cts., per bushel. Corn Meal — $1 15. Coffee— Rio lOialli cts, Laguyra llf c, Java c, Mocha 15 c. Flour — We quote country superfine at S'lHa) extra $12, family $12Jal3. Stock very light and I little arriving. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 191 Flaxseed — We quote at Si 62J per bushel. Feathers — Live geese 40 cts. per lb. Fish— Herrings, N. Carolina, clipped, $7 25 per bbl., Halifax, clipped, No. 1, S5J; No. 2, f5. Shad— Last sales Sll ; Mackerel, No. 1, 821 per bbl., No. 2, $12 50, No. 3, mall, 35 50a5, No. 4, S4 50a5, medium 5 50a6, large 9 25 i9 50. Ginseng — 30 cts., per lb. Grass Seeds — Clover 86 75a7 per bushel, Timothy ?4a4 25, Herds' Grass §1 25al 50 per bushel. Guano — We quote 850 from wharf, S50 50 delivered, "or Peruvian, Mexican Guano S30aS'35. Gunpowder — Dupont's and Hazard's Sportin?, P, PP, ind FFF, S4i, Blasting, S2,75aS3 per keg. Hoop Poles — We quote at 87 per thousand. Hides — Slaughtered 6} cents per lb., green weight; calf ;kins, green, Si. No Spanish Hides in market. Hat — Sales from store 81 50. Iron and Nails— Pig Iron, S32aS40, Swedes 8107 50, English refined and Tredegar 895, Common English 30, American country 835. Cut Nails 4a4Jc. Liquors — Brandy, Otard, Dupuy & Co. $3a5 per gal.; V. Seijnette, 82 25aS4; Sazerac, 83 25a 84 50; Hennessey, S3 95aS5; Peach, scarce at SlaSl 25; Virginia Apple, 60c. 85c; do. o'd, 75c.a8l 50; Northern do, 55a75c; Imitation, ; 5a47ic. Rum, New England, 45c. Gin, Holland, 8la Si 50; American 45 cts. Lead— Pig 6Aa6jc, cash and time. Lard — Prime Lard, inbbls. 11 allic, in kegs, llalljc. a pails, 13c. Leather — Good stamp 20a22c, per lb., damaged 18c, loor 15al~c, upper leather 81 50aS3, as in size, weight .nd quality, the latter price only for superior heavy sides, ikirting and harness Leather is more plenty with less lemand. We quote 20 to 29c, as extremes, principally ales 22a26c. Lime — 81 50 in store, 81 37J from vessel. Molasses — New Orieans 30a33c per gallon. Cuba, »7a28. Porto Rico, 33a35. Oats — Stock very light — sales at 65a66cts. per bush. Offal — Bran, 27 Jc per bushel; shorts, 50c; brown stuff', iOc. shipstuff", 100c. Potatoes — We quote 81 25 per bushel. Plaster — Lump sells at 85 25 on the wharf, ground !9 per ton, calcined 82 50 per bbl. Rye— 81 30 per bushel. Rice — New 6|a7 cts. per pound. Salt — Liverpool fine 81 60 per sack from wharf. Sugars — Pair to strictly prime New Orleans 5a6j cts., toffee Sugar 7|a8f , refined loaf 9f alO}, crushed and lowdered 8Ja9§ c. Shot — 7a7£ cts. per lb. Teas — Imperial and Gunpowder 55ca8l 20. Tobacco — The inspections of Tobacco continue large; l*o the receipts. We notice in the past week some drv hipping Tobacco which sold atSlO,50al2,87i ; all Tobacco £ good quality and in dry order, is a shade higher. We uote inferior Lugs at 84,75a5,2o ; good, 85,50a6,75a7. n/erior Leaf S7,50a8,50 ; good S9al0 ; fine stemming >ll,50al2,50; fine manufacturing 8l2,50al8,50. Wheat— A lot comes in occasionally, which brings !2 40aS2 55 per bushel. Wikes Port, Burgundy, gla2,50,Tort Juice S2,50a Madeira, Sicily, 45a8l,75, old Madeira, 82,50a4, Sherry, 'ermartin, Buff Gordon and Amontilado, 82a4,50. Wood— Oak 83 50 per cord, $2a2 25 for Pine, retail 4 50 for Oak, $3a3 25 for Pine. Wool. — The following quotations are for sales of about 0,000 lbs., made at Crenshaw & Co.'s Wool Depot in Ms city, all of the wool having been previously graded ccordin^ to quality and condition : Extra fleece Saxony nd Merino, 53c; No 1 do. do., 50; No. 2 do. part blood, 06. ; No. 3 do. do., 35c; No. 4 do. do., 33c'.; No. 5 do. ative, 30c Tub washed, No. 3, 29c; do., No. 2, 30c; lo., No. 1, 32c. Unwashed 20 to 25 per cent, discount as i condition. Beep— 85 50.aG.33i- per cv.t. gross, which isSllal.3 net. Hoor-:— 87J- per hundred, supply moderate. Sheep — Mutton :-;<;l!.; f-,r 83a7 a piece for ordinary and tpeiiot Sheep, Lamb) . : 50 I ■ "Oeach. Stocks — Va. 6 per cents, (34 years) no sales; Va. 6 per cents (25 years) $99; State Coupons $97; Bonds guaranteed by the State, $96; Richmond City Bonds, (Si- years) 897; Va.Bank stock 75 ; Farmer's Bank stock 106; Exchange Bank stock 810G; Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroatt stock, 95 dol. ; Va. Central Rait Road stock 35 dol.; Richmond and Petersburg Rail Road stock 45 dol.; Richmond and Danville Rail Road stock, 50 dol.; James River and Kanawha stock 13 dol. PAYMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, To the 29/A of May, 1855. All persons who have made payments early enough to be entered, and whose names do not appear in the following receipt list, are requested to give immediate notice of the omission, in order that the correction may be made in the next issue : R. Hawes to July 185'5, F. Moden to July 1856, F. D. Wheelwright to January 1856, Ro. H. Dudley to January 1856, E. Jacob to January 1856, Col. T. Bronaugh to January 1855, Mrs. Susan J. Jones to April 1856, Edmond, Davenport & Co. to January 1855, John F. Wren to January 1856, H. O. Gill to January 1856, C. Dillard to January 1858, Dr. Geo. Field to January 1856, Samuel Woods to July 1855, W. A. Jones to January 1856, P. Quarles to January 1856, N. H. Turner, jr., to May 1856, Dr. Thos. Latand to January 1856. Nat. Peggott to January 1856, Dr. S. F. Christian to January 1855, E. S. Russell to January 1856, E. Cunningham to January 1856. J. A. Ferguson to January 1856, B. Boyken to January 1856, G. Watt to January 1856, J. T. Van Dueson to January 1856, W. Ballard Preston to January 1856, Ro. Tinsley to January 1857, T. W. Bradley to May 1855, G. Yeatt to March 1855, W. B. Slaughter to June 1856. A. Ellis to April 1855, E. Stabler to January 1856. W. Landrum to January 1856, R. H. Gilliam to September 1855, R. Jones to January 1856. C. J. Merriwether to May 1856, Capt. John T. Coffee to January 1856, P. W. Farmer to January 1857, R. E. Meade to January 1856, T. C. Baytop to January 1856, Thos. L. Trower to January 1856, J. East to May 1856, ~j G. H. Adair to May 1856, A. D. Upshur to May 1856, Dr. A. W. Downing to January 1856, A. G. .ishby to January 1856, ' Dr. J. B. Floyd to January 1856, J S. Melvin to .January 1856. 1 00 0. A. Scott to July 1856, 2 00 H. A. Clark to April 1855, i 00 J. F. Rice to January 1856. 1 00 J. Cannon to January 1856, l 00 T. Coles to January 1856, 1 00 f' 00 00 1 00 2 25 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 25 7 50 1 00 4 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 84 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 25 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 Oj 2 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I \ 5 oo 192 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Dr. W. J. Pendleton to January 1856, John Poe, sr., to March 1856, Dr. A. L. Brent to January 1856, W. S. Battle to January 1856, John Colgin to January 1856, John Wingo to May 1856, B. Sneed to January 1856, R. J. Gaines to January 1856, Dr. R. F. Taylor to January 1858, Dr. P. P. Southall to January 1856, P. Reynolds, jr., to January 1856, G. Boulard to January 1856, A. J. Carper to January 1856, T. J. Garth to January 1856, W. Overton to January 1856, E. Hardy to July 1856, W. M. Gill to September 1856, W. Ward to September 1857, J. Rose to January 1856, J. Woolfolk to January 1856, P. G. Ellett to January 1856, T. I'erkenson to April 1856, E. Porter to January 1856 W. M. Tredway to May 1856, W. Eddins to April 1856, M. Riddle to July 1856, Geo. C. Ellis to January 1856, Col. B. L. Barron to January 1856, Ro. Kent to January 1856, Jos. S. Perkins to May 1856, G. A. Hancock to July 1855, David Hancock to January 1856, Rev. S. D. Stuart to June 1855, J. C. Dejarnett to Jauuary 1856, A. J. Kuhn to September 1855, Dr. B. F. Randolph to July 1857, Jas. C. Hayter to January 1856, J. C. Greenway to January 1856, Jas. K. Gibson to January 1856, John Sherman to January 1856, Geo. J. Gardner to January 1856, Jas. P. Corbin to January 1860, T. P. Devereux to May 1856, P. J. Haskins to June 1856, L. D. Horner to January 1856, Prof. W. K. Pendleton to January 185C, W. Hollatlay to June 1856. Dr. R. Richardson to January 185G, Dr. P. B. Pendleton to October 1856, Gen. S. A. Williams to January 1856, W. C. Marrow to January 1856, B. Bur well to January 1856, Juo. W. Goss to January 1856, J. H. Spears to January 1856, W. Puryear to January 1856, .1. W. Lester to January 1856, V. Markham to January 1856, A. H. Rainey to April 1855, W. B. Taylor to January 1856. H. R. Baird to Nov. 1855, Dr. W. Briggs to November 1855, W. S. Thornton to October 1856, J. D. Howie to May 1857, J. J. Prince to January 1856, E. W. Poindexter to Januarv 1856, D. M. Tucker to April 1856, W. Hughes to July 1855, M. Tutwiler to July 1855, W. S. Ryland to January 1856, .). C. Norwood to January 1857, Rev. J. McDonald to January 1850, Capt. W. J. Barrow to January 1856, 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 O 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 9 20 i 00 i 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 O 00 1 00 2 00 9 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1-00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 4 75 1 00 2 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 o 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1. 00 i 1 . 00 1 00 1 00 D. H. Nash to January 1856, 1 W. W. Wood to May 1856, 1 G. Flippo to July 1856, 1 J. E. Harnsberger to January 1856, 1 M. Fuqua to July 1855, 1 J. W. A. Saunders to January 1856, 1 R. Hendrick to January 1856, 1 McLaughlin & Carter to January 1856, 1 J. G. Woodson to January 1856, 1 J. T. Dunham to January 1856, 1 Jas. Faris to January 1856, 1 Jos. D. Cross to January 1856, 1 A. M. Stratton to June 1856, 1 Jno. Sclater to January 1856, .1 N. Talley to January i856, 1 J. R. Bryan to January 1856, 1 C. P. Moncure to January 1855, 1 D. H. Hatton to December 1856, 1 Thos. J. Massie to January 1855, • 1 Dr. E. Powell to January 1857, 3 R. H. Dickenson to May 1855, 2 G. D. Graveley to January 1856, 1 Wm. P. Vanness to January 1856, 1 T. T. Withers to January 1856, ' 1 Wm. E. Taylor to Januarv 1856, 1 Rich'd D. Walke to April" 1856, 2 Chas. S. Lacey to November 1856, 2 E. J. Rosenberger to July 1856, 1 D. Stickley to July 1856, 1 N. A. Powell to January 1856, 2 E. P. Chamberlayne to January 1856, 1 T. F. Wilson to Juae 1856, 1 Scott Jeter to June 1856, 1 CONTENTS OF NUMBER VI. PAG An Appeal to the Agricultural Interests of the coun- fty, by Lt. Maury, .• ■ 16 Improvement of Land in the Piedmont region of Vir- ginia 16 Brown Bread — Wheat Bran 16 Sore Shoulders in Horses 16 Useful Hints for Virginia Gardeners, 16 Sheep Breeding 16 Test for the Expediency of Drainage 16 Arc large or small Sheep more profitable 16 Manure from the Sea 16 Peach Trees, Peach Worm, 17 Culture of Indian Corn 17 A Brief Reply to Mr. Ruffin, •' 17 How we keep our Hens 17 The Prospects of the Crops in Virginia 17 Sowing Peas as a Preparation lor Wheat 17 Fine Wool 17 A Test for the Profits of Woolgrowing 17 Curing Clover Hay 17 The Poultry Man* 18 The Morgans and Black Hawks 18 Pork Trade of 1854-55 18 Statement of the Financial Condition of the Virginia State Agricultural Society 18 The Joint Worm 18 Soap, White Lead and Oil 19 Richmond Markets 19 WHEAT GLEANERS. THIS implement will pay for itself in half day, if used after the cradle. Price S10, whic will be lefunded to any person who is not satisfie with it on trial, tf B. H. SMITH.