THE Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and the Household Arts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts. — Xenophon. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State. — Sully. FRANK. G. RUFFIN, Editor. F. G. RUFFIN & N. AUGUST, Prop'rs. Vol. XVI. RICHMOND, VA., NOVEMBER, 1856. No. 11. IMPROVEMENT OF LAND FROM ITS OWN RESOURCES. [From the papers of the Nottoway Farmers' Club.] Every farm, has within itself the means- of its own improvement, unless there is deficiency of the calcarious element. Mr. President : The subject of manure being incidentally connected with the one under discussion to day, I shall make some observations on it. Manure forms the basis of all rational agri- culture ; and, in proportion as its manufacture and application is understood, and practiced, is the measure of its success and perfection. There is no country, whatever may be its natural fer- tility, that can long suffer neglect in this par- ticular without detriment ; unless, like lower Egypt, it is enriched by periodical inundations; as there is none, however sterile, even though a drifting sand-heap, that may not, 'by its judici- ous application, be so reclaimed as to minister to the sustenance of man. Virginia is now a melancholy instance of the former position. Possessed, naturally, of physi- cal superiority equal to her geographical position, and with an amount of labor and capital at her command fully equal to the development of her vast resources, she has neglected the improve- ment and preservation of her soil, and having given to politics the talents due to agriculture, is now bleeding from a thousand wounds inflicted by improvident husbandry. It is not my purpose to speak of manures specifically now — I may do that hereafter — but to impress their general importance on your attention, and to urge you to a more diligent use of the means about you, to augment in every judicious manner their quantity and quality on your farms. In every other employment there may be some doubt as to the means adopted to an end, but here the law which governs them is as immutable as Nature herself; study her laws, husband her resources, imitate her ex- ample, and we shall scarcely fail to be more thrifty, wise, and better. Manure may be made of everything once endowed with vegetable life ; animals and mine- rals also add important elements. The bones scattered over the farm are rich in phosphate of lime ; and there never was a seed destitute of phosphates ; every ditch bank is rich in potash and earthy salts ; every waste bottom in humus and vegetable remains ; every rag, leaf, stick, and plant, is sufficiently supplied with azote and early salts to contribute, by its decay, to reproduction. The laboratory of Nature is greatly to be preferred to that of the chemist; the one de- stroys, the other constructs ; the one, by its analysis, furnishes the elements of which plants are composed ; the other applies these elements, under the wonderful principle of life, to the production of the plant itself. I would not dis- parage agricultural chemistry, it is an infant science just struggling into being, and one from which, when further matured, much good may be expected ; butthat in this department there are now great errors, confusion, and uncertainty, it would be uncandid to deny ; gifted minds, how- ever, are at work in this noble field the world over, to whose united labors we look with inter- est and hope. And whilst it may be regarded next to impossible ever to understand the proxi- mate principle of vegetable life, its physiology, and nutrition, any more than the origin, es- scence, and ultimate destination of any thing, there is much that it may do as the handmaid of practical agriculture, to lighten its burdens and speed its course. All plants require for their growth a certain degree of nourishment, derived either from the soil or from the atmosphere, or from both ; and those are considered best for fallow, which fix the greatest amount of the ammonia of the atmosphere with the least exhaustion of the soil ; of these, the leguminous plants, such as clover, peas, beans and the like, are regarded best. The former of these, however, takes up about eighteen per cent, of lime, which, if re- moved, must be supplied by artificial means in I quantities sufficient to meet the wants of the 326 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. cultivated crops, or a diminished production must follow. This is to be found in leaves, ashes, and in vegetable mould, as well as in the vast deposits of gypsum and limestone of our mountains. Rye, buckwheat, corn, or any other green crop, from their powers of fixing, are alike valuable as fertilizers ; so that Nature herse'f may, by judicious management, be made to ad- minister to her own wants by fixing the gases of the air, by searching out the hidden minerals of the soil, and by combining and giving form to the elements of vegetable decay about her, so as to give a new and constantly increasing vigor to her productions. It may reasonably be asked, if this be so, how happens it that we behold every where around us stunted vegetation, scanty crops, poverty of soil, and innumerable gullies and galds? I answer, they are the result of a system not only of the most grinding tillage, extending through a series of years, but of the most reck- less and wasteful disregard as well of the soil itself as the means scattered so profusely around them for enriching it. The earlier settlers of our State found it covered with an unbroken primeval forest, rich in the alluvium of a thousand centuries forma- tion; they transmitted it to us covered with pines and broom-sedge — a comparatively low degree of vegetable 'production — without them- selves being enriched in proportion to the ex- haustion, thereby giving to the branches, rivers, sounds, bays, and to the Atlantic itself, the priceless inheritance due to posterity. It is our duty, as it is to our interest and honor, to repair these long accumulating' injuries and not fly from them. I believe we have the means and the spirit to do it. Had other countries the facilities and incentives we possess, judging from what they have already accomplished, there would be no room to doubt. Are we less enlightened, energetic, and patriotic than they? j The Indians on the coast of South America were found by the earlier Spaniards using fish- offal as a manure ; the Peruvians, for centuries, have used guano ; and in Italy, from remote antiquity, leguminous plants have been resorted to as fertilizing fallow crop ; and among the inhospitable steppes of the Alps, the hardy Swiss has learned the art of using liquid manures, so concentrated and rich in azotic compounds, as to push vegetation rapidly to maturity during the short season of their sum- mer, and thereby redeem their country from the frowns of Nature herself, bj wisely directed energy and skill. In the more genial provinces of France, extensive and costly establishments are used to manufacture both solid and fluid manures ; and in England, great expense is in- curred for oil-cake, for the same purpose. So that with all these lights before us, and with every advantage over them of government, soil, ' climate, and taxation, we have but to will suc- cess, and its full horn will crown our labors. Respectfully submitted by J. M. HURT. [From the papers of (lie Nottoicay Farmer's Club.] FEEDING HORSES. I regret very much that owing to causes which I need not here mention, I failed to make a spe- cial experiment, the result of which I could report to the Club. I will, endeavor, however, to give in place of that the result of my expe- rience as to the best mode of feeding horses and the provender best adapted to their marts. In the course of my farming I have tried seve- ral kinds of provender for horses, such as corn, fodder, oats, shucks, clover and rye. For seve - ral years I dispensed with oats to a great extent, not because I did not consider them good food for horses, but on account of the uncertainty of the crop. I attempted to substitute them by rye, and so productive was the first crop, that I was induced to hope it would prove a valuable crop. But the yield continued to decrease, un- til I gave it up as unsuited to our climate ; and moreover, the provender itself was not as good for the horses as I had hoped it would be. Du- ring my discontinuance of the oat crop, my horses did not keep in as good order, and I do not think were as healthy as when I used oats. Last year I had the good fortune to secure a fine oat crop, and I have had no difficulty in keeping my horses in good order. So marked has been the difference that I am determined hereafter to use extra efforts to raise a good crop of oats. To do this I intend to put my moist and flat lands in oats, and the dryer and higher lands in wheat. As to the other . kinds of provender, I think well-cured clover hay, can be made to take the place, to a certain extent, of corn-fodder, as I think when properly cured it is equal to it. The great difficulty is in finding time at the proper season of securing it, to attend, to it. 'In order to feed shucks to horses to advantage they should be cut very fine and mixed with meal. To cut them so fine is a difficult matter and Sin- clair's Straw Cutter is the only one I have found that would answer a good purpose- They may be as nutritious as fodder, but being of a tough fibrous texture, they are better suited for cud- chewing animals than for horses,' and therefore had better be used for them than horses when other provender is plentiful. Respectfully submitted, * RICHARD IRBY. Large Hogs. — Mr. Butler Hamlin, of Ham. linton, Wayne county, Pa., slaughtered in De cember last, two pigs, eight months and ten days old, weighing respectively 339 and 314 pounds. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 327 From Sir Francis Head's Fat/got of French Sticks. SLAUGHTERHOUSE OF MONTMARTRE. About half a century ago there lived in a country village in England, as maid-servant, a pleasing-looking young woman, of such delicate sensibilities that, to use her own expression, "She couldn't abear to see a mouse killed." She married the batcher. At about the same period, Napoleon, who cared no more for the ef- fusion of human blood than the stormy petrel cares for the salt spray of the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, from similar sensibilities, de- termined to cleanse Paris from the blood of bullocks, sheep, pigs, and quadrupeds of all sorts, by suppressing every description of slaughterhouse within the city, and by construct- ing in lieu thereof, beyond the walls, five great public abattoirs, besides smaller places of exe- cution for pigs, and also for horses. The largest of these is that of Popincourt ; but as the greatest quantity of cattle are slaughtered at Montmartre, I drove to the avenue Trudame, where, on descending from my cabriolet, I saw before me a rectangular establishment, resembling cavalry barracks, surrounded by walls 389 yards lengthways by 150 yards breadthways. On entering the iron gates, I found on my left a small bureau, which looked like a guard- room, and from which, on expressing my wish to go over the establishment, I was very civilly furnished with a conductor. In front of the entrance-gate was a space shaded by trees and bounded by a barrack-look- ing building of fifteen windows in front, the residence of the principal officers. On the right and left, in three parallel rows, were six sets of buildings (twelve in all) separated from each other by broad roads which isolated each. Af- fixed to the walls of this enclosure were other buildings, the purposes of which will be conse- cutively described, as also two " abreuvoirs," or watering-places for cattle, and one fountain. The- officers of the establishment consist of An inspector of police, whose duty it is to see that the whole interior of the abattoir is clean and in a state of '.'salubrity;" that there are no disputes among the people employed ; and that the animals are not beaten ("qu'on ne frappe pas les animaux"). A principal inspector of the " Boucheries." A sub-inspector of ditto. Four guardians (surveillans) of the oxen, sheep, calves, &c, to be slaughtered. Two superintendents for skinning, "triperie," &c. Four men for cleaning the paved streets, &c, of the interior. One porter. One gate-keeper (concierge). The slaughtering department is composed of 64 slaughterers, each of whom has his slaugh- terhouse, his " bouverie," or stable for cattle, his loft and granary for hay and corn, and his chamber for [dressing and undressing. On walking to the space in front of the entrance gate, and between it and the garden belonging to the barrack-looking residence of the officers above named, I found within it, in two separate divisions called " parks," lying under the shade of lilac and laburnum trees in blossom, several sheep and bullocks just ar- rived. Immediately adjoining to these enclosures, common to all the 64 boucheries, I entered a lofty " bouverie" 150 feet long, admirably venti- lated by windows above on all four sides. Down the middle there ran before me a broad passage, on each side of which were a series of square compartments, 25 feet long by 15 broad, sepa- rated from each other by wooden railings. In those on my right I saw, lying on straw as clean as that in the show-stables of a London horse- dealer, a quantity of bullocks, two, three, or four in each cell. In corresponding cells on my left were standing or lying, separated from each other by a low partition, a number of sheep and calves. In the first of these cells, on the back of one of a small flock of sheep, I saw, lying fast asleep, a shepherd's dog. The bullocks and sheep were eating hay ; the calves, my con- ductor told me, had " soupe." "What is it made of?" I asked. " Meal, eggs, and warm water," was the re- ply ; and he added that throughout the " bou- veries" there was warm water for the calves. Every cart-load of calves, the heads of which are never allowed to hang outside, is obliged to leave half of its straw for their use in the abat- toir. There are eight bouveries such as the one above described. Above each line of cells for bullocks and calves is a loft to supply them with hay, and ad- joining, are, open to the air and protected by iron wire, a series of large rooms, containing each a table and a chair, in which are to be seen, neatly arranged, the clothes and boots of the butchers, who, even if they had the inclination, are not allowed to offend the citizens of Paris by appearing in the streets in their professional garb. Passing the four working yards, containing the 64 slaughtering-houses, I was next led to a large building, in which the blood of the ani- mals slaughtered is subjected to a scientific chemi- cal process, under which, after lying for sometime in clean, round, shallow tin pans, it is poured into barrels: first, for the purpose of refining sugar ; and secondly, for manuring the earth. The entrails, after being carefully emptied into a pit constructed for the purpose, and emptied every day, are well washed by an abundant, supply of water*. On entering the " triperie" department, I found a number of women employed in boiling, in a series of coppers supplied by three large vats of water, sheep's heads and calves' feet. 328 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ) An adjoining building appeared nearly full of sheep's feet, neatly tied up — not as Nature had arranged them, in fours, but — in dozens. On entering a range of 48 melting-houses, admirably ventilated, I was astonished to find that, although they were nearly full of pails of tallow, there was no unpleasant smell. Above are a series- of apartments, in which reside the women and men employed in this operation, which I had always incorrectly fancied to be unavoidably very offensive. In proceeding towards the 64 boucheries ar- ranged in the middle of the entrance, I went into one of the bouveries, to look at a bullock that my conductor told me was just going to be slaughtered. It was a beautiful morning, and, although the sun was hot, the atmosphere, where I stood, felt quite refreshing. He was lying in a cell by himself, perfectly tranquil,' on clean straw, and, with his fore-legs doubled under him, was chew- ing the cud. His great black nose, which al- most touched the white litter, was wet and healthy ; his eyes were bright ; his tail quiet, for, as the air was cool, there was not even a fly to tease him. As we were gazing at each other, a butcher, carrying a short rope, followed by a boy hold- ing in his right hand a stick, in which I par- ticularly observed there was no goad, walked up to him, and gently putting the noose over his horns, and then making him arise, he quietly conducted him to his doom. The poor creature walked slowly through the hot sunshine with perfect willingness, until he arrived at the threshold of the broad door of the slaughter- house, where suddenly stopping, he lent back- wards, and stretched out his head, evidently alarmed at the smell of blood. The butcher now slightly pulled at the rope. Without bark- ing of dogs or hallooing of men, without the utterance of an imprecation or of a single word, four slight blows on the right hock with the boy's stick made him, after looking for a second or so fearfully to the right and left, hurriedly enter, after which he instantly appeared to be- come quite quiet. The rope from his head was now gently passed under his oif fore-leg, and, on its beinj; tightened, a couple of men in wooden shoes, clattering towards him over the wet slippery pavement, by a sudden push on his near side tumbled him over. He was scarcely down when one blow of a mallet made him completely senseless, two others were given him for precaution's sake, and a butcher then, forcing his knife into his broad chest, instantly withdrew it. There was a dead silence for some seconds ; notwithstanding the color of the knife, the blade of which I observed pointing to the ground, no effect was produced. At last out rushed a stream or river of blood, which, first black and then bright red, flowed in little waves along a gutter into a receptacle made to contain it. As the great creature lay lifeless before me, I felt very forcibly how extraordinary was the fact, that while the Demon of War — Napoleon Buonaparte— had, it 1811, established in Paris the merciful arrangements I had witnessed, it had taken the Goddess of Peace upwards of six- and-thirty years to prevail upon the inhabitants of England in general, and upon the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London in particular, to abolish a system not only of barbarous cruelty, but which, by creating feverish excite- ment, amounting occasionally to madness, has rendered more or less unwholesome the meat of every wretched victim that has been killed in a metropolis (consuming annually 240,000 bul- locks, 1,700,000 sheep, 28,000 calves, and 35,000 pigs) whose inhabitants, as if in satirical ridi- cule of themselves, delight publicly in singing, when in large congregations they sit down to dinner — " Oh, the roast beef of old England, And oh, the old English roast beef!" Several calves were now driven into a yard containing four or five tressels, upon which, one after another, they were placed on their sides by men in wooden shoes, who held them down, while butchers — also in sabots — not only cut their throats, but their heads quite off; thus in a few seconds most effectually combining death with the operation of bleeding, which, in Eng- land, is cruelly made to precede it. The blood of each calf was caught in a pan by the men who held it down. As fast as the animals were killed, skinned, and cleaned, their carcases, by means of ropes and pulleys, were hung up, ar- ranged in lines, and then wrapped up in linen cloths as white as snow. Observing to one of the butchers, who had rather a red-republican-looking countenance, that some of the sheep appeared to be very thin:— "Ah!" said he, with a slight shrug and a gentle sigh, "there are fat ones and lean ones, for we must have meat for everybody." "And yet how does that agree," said I to my- self, " with your fraternity and equality? As the hours for slaughtering were now nearly over, I had an opportunity of seeing the simple process of sluicing, by means of an abundant supply of water from a cock in each of the 64 boucheries, the red slippery floors of several of the slaughterhouses, which in the course of a few minutes were made as sweet and clean as the flags of a wash-house. As soon as this was effected, the butchers, washing themselves, and then slipping out of their wooden shoes, walked to their rooms to assume the decent dress in which they had entered, and in which they were about to return to their respective homes. The charge at the abattoirs for killing cattle is from one franc to one and a half per head ; besides which the butcher claims, as his per- quisite, the blood, brains, and entrails. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 329 If, when the animal is killed, its flesh is found to be diseased, or even bad, instead of be- ing converted, as in London, into sausages for the rich, or into pies and patties for the poor, it is confiscated by the Inspector of Police resid- ing within the establishment, who instantly sends it off to the Jardin des Plantes, to be eaten by the wild beasts, — by lions, — tigers, — bears, — by eagles, — by vultures, — and by other birds of prey. The meat for the inhabitants of the city is usually sent out at night only, but animals to be killed are received at any hour. The number slaughtered per week at the single abattoir of Montmartre amounts to about 900 oxen, 400 cows, 650 calves, and 3500 sheep. On leaving the establishment I walked com- pletely round the lofty walls that enclose it; but neither to windward nor to leeward could I detect the slightest smell indicative of the bloody business transacted within it. MORRISON'S REAPER. Brunswick, Va., Sept, 30th, 1856. Editor of the Southern Planter. Dear Sir; — In the July number of the Plan- ter you express a wish to hear from the perfor- mance of Morrison's Reaper in the wheat field, one of which you had seen, cutting clover-hay, on the farm of Mr. Allen. Having witnessed a trial of one of these ex- cellent machines in a field of light wheat on the farm of Mr. J. R. Jones of this county, I do not hesitate to say that its performance was every thing desirable in a first class Reaper. Although, on the occasion referred to, it la- boured under some disadvantages, yet it was perfectly evident that it was a perfect imple- ment and could not be easily surpassed in the execution of its work, by any other Reaper that has yet been presented to the inspection of the farmers in this region of country. I am not mechanic enough to describe, intelligibly, its different parts, but it struck me as no little ad- vantage to have the blades so constructed as to cut both above and below like a pair of shears ; this is a great improvement. Another excel- lency is, that the wheels are protected by a cov- ering, which secures it against any disadvanta- ges arising from dirt and grit, accumulating on the cogs ; and its easy draft is a great recom- mendation — two horses drawing it with the f'eatest imaginable ease. All the Reapers that have seen, seemed to me to be drawn with too great difficulty, — requiring three horses to give them sufficient motion. In Morrison's Machine this difficulty is obviated. It is built of the best material, in the most substantial manner and cannot be otherwise than very durable. Its performance in the field is admirable — cutting a clean and wide row with great rapidity. Mr. Morrison, I think, has in this Reaper supplied the wants of the wheat grower in a very essential particular — giving him a machine of rapid and faithful execution, of easy draft and unusual durability, and there- fore deserves the thanks and patronage of every one interested in saving a wheat crop. You cannot too highly recommend it. Very respectfully, Yours, &c, D. T. POYNFR. THRASHING BY STEAM POWER. E. S. Judd, of Stevens' Point, Wisconsin, in- forms us, that last spring he and his brother, H. A. Judd, purchased a four-horse power steam engine, of Hoard & Son, of Watertown, N. Y., which they had applied with much success to thrashing grain. They first tried it with a com- mon thrasher and separator, usually driven by four horses, but finding it more powerful than they expected, they applied it to an eight-horse thrasher, which it worked with ease to the as- tonishment of those who" first witnessed it, and who were so well pleased with its performance that they threw up their hats, and gave three cheers for steam. He informs us that compe- tent judges assert, that their four-horse steam engine drives the thrasher and separator with greater ease than eight horses. The farmers all like it, as it is twelve per cent, cheaper than horse power for thrashing. It is mounted on wheels ; the farmers furnish them with wood and water, and they go from place to place thrashing by steam. This portable steam thrash- er is a- great acquisition to agriculture, and he thinks that the farmers of Illinois should devote their attention to steam thrashing as well as steam plowing. With a four horse thrasher, they have thrashed 100 bushels of wheat per hour. — Scientific American. TRIAL OF REAPING MACHINES IN ENG- LAND. A trial of Reaping Machines, under the direc- tion of the officers of the Royal Agricultural Society, took place on the 13th and 14th of last month, near Colchester, England. Four ma- chines were entered to cut a field of wheat, con- sisting of 54 acres. The machines were a Mc- Cormick's by Burgess and Key ; a Bell's by Croskill ; a Hussey's, by Deane & Dray ; and a Palmer's. All the machines were severely tested, on level and rolling ground, and on furrowed land, and worked well the whole time. The Judges awarded £20 to Bell's ; £15 to Hussey's, and £15 to McCormicks. In making the awards, the Judges said : " From the results of these trials, we regret to observe that very little importance has been made in this class of machines since last year." They consider that for general harvest purposes, the machines of Croskill (Bell's), and of Messrs. Burgess & Key (McCormick's), are to be preferred ; but for reaping only, they think Dray's (Hussey's) de- cidedly the best machine." — lb. 330 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. COMPARATIVE PRODUCE OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF WHEAT. A correspondent of the London Farmers' Magazine furnishes the following compara- tive statement of the produce of ten quarters (eighty bushels) of different kinds of wheat : 1 Wheat DESCRIPTION. per bush'l. Whites. House- holds. Seconds. Middl'gs. Offal. Waste. lbs. St. tt)S. st. ft>s. st. lbs. st. lbs. st. lbs. st. lbs. No. 1. Norfolk red, sprouted, 52"J — 147 4 • — 70 2 81 3 1 4 2. White Dantzic, fine, 57 — 244 6 .17 2 — 58 10 4 2 3. Revetts, 59* — 200 10 — 83 2 56 6 — 4. Rostock, 60 — 248 8 — 27 64 12 2 6 5. White Whittington, CO 217 2 48 2 13 2 — 59 2 4 12 6. Essex, 6tt 250 13 11 21 1 2 2 58 1 7 5 7. Essex and Suffolk, mixed, 6H — 272 10 — 20 59 10 Inclu'd. 8. "Petersburgh, hard, 62| — 225 10 — 85 10 47 2 ditto. 9. Ditto. soft, 63 — 247 2 — 64 4 47 2 ditto. 10. Talavera, fine, 63 233 5 39 7 15 10 — 69 3 2 2 11. White Norfolk, • 63 265 15 4 10 10 — 63 6 12. Spalden's ditto. 64} — 243 53 2 — 64 8 7 12 13. Spanish hard, 64f — 115 2 — 229 10 24 8 8 14. Old Red Norfolk, 65 J — 280 11 11 20 7 59 1 3 15. Cape of Good Hope, white, 66 277 2 35 10 — 10 51 6 2 12 I shall now proceed to make a few obser- vations upon these specimens, taking them seriatim as they stand in the schedule, ac- cording to their weight per bushel. • No. 1. I have introduced this sample in- to the table in order to illustrate the differ- ence in produce between a wet and dry harvest. It was grown in the memorable year 1800, when there was not a sound sample of wheat harvested in the whole of Great Britain. It was of the same species as No. 14, with a difference of 13 lbs. per bushel in weight — the consequence of being sprouted. This, however, does not repre- sent, by far, the difference in product of flour, as the following statement will show : — Flour, per quarter, Middling, do. -, Offal, do. , No.l. st. lbs. 14 10 7 6 2 No. 14. st. lbs. 29 3 2 1 6 Thus the sound dry wheat produced just double the quantity of flour of the sprouted, the middlings from the latter being so infe- rior as not to be worth grinding into se- conds ; whilst those from the former pro- duced good seconds, and residue were still available for coarse biscuit. Thus a wet harvest not only produces a damaged and inferior quantity of wheat, but lessens al- most incalculably the quantity of produce by exhausting the substance of the grain To such an extent was this the case in 1800, (as the above specimen will prove) that the people were driven to the necessi- ty of substituting barley, oats, peas, &c, in the making of bread ; and all the quality of the bread thus made Was so loose in tex- ture as to be eaten with a spoon instead of being cut in slices with a knife. No. 2. The weight of this fine Dantzic is only 57 lbs. per bushel, and the produce about 25^ stones per qr. ; whilst the offal is nearly equal to that of No. 14, being 5 st. 12 lbs. per quarter. It is evident that this wheat, which always bears a high price, is not a profitable article to grind alone; but it is exceedingly useful for mixing with other wheats in small proportion, imparting both strength and color to the flour. This wheat is chiefly brought down the Vistula from Prussian Poland. No. 3. This coarse wheat is chiefly used in the making of flour for the London mar- ket, where the bakers use it in dusting their kneading-boards. For breadstuff is seldom purchased, except in very dear seasons, when the working classes want a cheaper article of flour. The millers, how- ever, do not scruple to mix a small propor- tion of it in their households. No. 4. Rostock, like the Dantzic wheat, chiefly used for mixing; but the quality is THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 331 very inferior to it, and the price propor- tionate. No. 5. The Whittington wheat was for- merly grown extensively in Norfolk and Suffolk England, where it was a great fa- vorite, and deservedly so, with the mill- ers.; but not being a profitable wheat to the farmers, they have discontinued its growth. The quality of this species was very superior, as will be seen by the large proportion of whites and households it produced. Indeed, the quantity of flou? it yielded in proportion to its weight was greater than any of the others, except No. 15, and the quality appears to have been equal to that. No. 6. This is well known as a profita- ble wheat to the miller, and it always com- mands high price, every particle containing flour being available. No. 7. This mixed sample is of the same weight as the last, the produce in flour rather greater, which probably arose from its being converted into households instead of whites. It is a profitable wheat and the quality excellent. No. 8. This hard wheat is too steely to be profitable to the miller, unless at a low- price, and for a coarse description of flour. The quantity of the middlings proves this: but the strength of the flour makes it use- ful for mixing with weaker qualities, and for this purpose it is generally used. No. 9. This is a much better description of corn, producing about twenty stones more flour to the ten quarters, and an equal quantity less middlings, the offal and waste exactly the same. This wheat is chiefly grown in the Russo-Polish provinces No. 10. The Talavera wheat is now al- most extinct, being quite out of repute and favor with the farmer on account of its li- ability to sprout when ripe in the field. It is also less productive than many other kinds under similar culture, and therefore less profitable.- These facts are much to be regretted, for certainly there is no other species of wheat that can compare with it in quality of flour, or profit to the miller and consumer : as it will yield a large amount of the finest flour per quarter, and the largest amount of bread per sack of any kind of wheat I know of, with the ex- ception of No. 15, of which but little has ever been imported. No. 11. This can scarcely be called Norfolk wheat, as the constant changing of the seed of white wheat by the Norfolk farmers render it difficult to trace the ori- gin of a particular sample. It was, how- ever, grown in that county, and whether of Suffolk or Essex origin was of excellent quality, yielding a very large proportion of the finest whites, with but a small propor- tion of offal. No. 12. This appears to have been a good yielding grain that worked up into flour very closely, the proportion of offal being small. No. 13. This hard Spanish wheat does not appear to have met with proper treat- ment from the miller, otherwise the mid- dlings and the flour would have exchanged figures. I have known this description of wheat yield a greater weight of flour than that of the grain before the process, whilst the weight of offal was incredibly small. As it is probable that we may have some quantity. of hard Spanish wheat this year, it would be well for the millers to make themselves acquainted with the best modes of manufacturing it, being peculiarly adap- ted to coarse flour. No. 14. The old Norfolk red, which may be considered the very original stock in- troduced by Romans at the time of their occupation of Britain, will never be ex- celled for profitableness to the farmer or miller. It is peculiarly adapted to the dry light soils of Norfolk, but does not lose its chaiacter when transported to other soils. In the latter case however, it requires to be occasionally renewed, otherwise it is li- able to be inoculated with the fallen from the fields, which would deteriorate its qual- ity, or, at least, change its character. In Norfolk it has maintained that character for ages, and will probably continue to be a favorite with the farmers'of lhat coun- try, on account of its adaptation to the soil. No. 15. This is a species of Avhich we obtain but a small quantity. The weight was very great, and the produce of flour in proportion. The enormous quantity of the best whites shows the fine qualityof the wheat, whilst the very small propor- tion of offal illustrates the advantage of heavy over light wheat. There is, in fact, no comparison : and whilst heavy wheat cannot be purchased (in reason) too high, a light quality almost always fetches more than its worth. 332 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1 MR. BARRY'S ADDRESS At the Fruit Growers' Association, Burlington, Iowa. Let us look at the list of our best foreign pears. The Bartlett is supposed to be Eng- lish, originated in 1760, and it is certainly the best variety ever obtained in that coun- try. Gunsell's Bergamont is the next best, but it is uncertain, and a poor tree while voung. Dunmore, one of Knight's, stands next — a large fine fruit, but too uncertain. These, then, are about all the English va- rieties admissible to our list of select sorts. White Doyenne and Brown Beurre are old French sorts, supposed to date back almost to the days of the Roman Empire. The Louise Bonne de Jersey originated as a chance seedling, at Longueval, in France, in 1778 — originally " Bonne de Longueval." The Flemish Beauty, originally called " Davy," originated by chance in a Flem- ish village called Deftinge. The Duchesse d'Angouleme sprung up by accident, in a garden, in 1809. It bore iii 1810, and the year before, the gardener had ordered it cut down, and only changed his mind after it had received several blows with the axe. The Urbaniste was raised by the Comte Coloma, in 1783. Beurre Diel was found on a farm, near Brussels. Doyenne Boussock is an old Belgian sort, called " Double Phillippe, " Beurre de Merode," etc., origin not known. * Belle Lucrative was one of Esperin's seedlings, one of the first and best; he called it Seigneur, the French renamed it. His method was, I believe, to sow the seeds of good pears. Beurre Capia-mont was raised at Mons, in 1787. Winter Nellis, at Malines, some seventy or eighty years ago, and called Bonne de Maline ; Van Mons Leon le Clere, was raised from the seed by Leon le Clere ; the seeds sown were said to be Easter Beurre, d'Aremberg and St. Germain. Beurre d'Aremberg was a chance seed- ling, at Enghein. Easter Beurre, known as Pastorale, Ber- gamotte de la Pentacole, Doyenne d'Hiver, etc., was found at Lourain, in an old gar- den of the Capuchins — the original tree was standing in 1825. Glout Morceau, by M. Hardenpont, in 1789, and called to this day " Beurre Har" denpont." Napoleon, at Mons, in 1808* Beurre Superfin, by Goubault ; Buerre Clairgeau, by a man named Clairgeau, at Nantes, in 1850 or 1851 ; so we might pro- ceed with Berrue Giffard, B. Goubault Beur- re Gris de Hiver, B. LangeJier, Triomphe de Jodoigne, Jalousie Frontenay Vanlee, Epine Dumas, Kostizier, Vicar of VV inke- field, and, indeed, all the leading foreign varieties in our catalogues. B. Bose, Be- u'rre d'Anjou, and Doyenne d'Ete, are said to be seedlings of Van iMons, but the facts concerning theirorigin are not very clear ; so that, although the world is greatly indebted to Van Mons for his devotion, through long years, to what he regarded as the rengen- eration of fruits, upon philosophical prin- ciples, yet his seedlings, so far. have not yielded, any great treasure. The Belle Lucrative, of Esperin, is perhaps the finest pear, all in all, produced in the last cen- tury. Esperin, in it, left a noble monu- ment to his memory, and his seedlings have produced many other fine fruits. At his death, he placed them in the hands of his friend, Mr. Berckmans, who has them now planted, in New Jersey, and we are in hopes to hear from them in a few years. Knight's attempted improvement in Eng- land, by hybridization, but produced only a few good fruits. His pears, with the ex- ception of Dunmore, which I have already mentioned, are of no value in this country. He gained the Black Eagle, Elton, and a few other good cherries. Dr. Brinckle, of Philadelphia, has attempted the same thing in this country, and has already a large number of very promising seedlings in the hands of Mr. Berckmans, for trial. They are all grafted in strong stocks, and will soon bear The learned doctor has great faith in this method. He believes it to be as cer- tain to raise a good new fruit by crossing two good ones, as it is to raise a good ani- mal on the same principle. The art of hy- bridization of fruits, however, is a very nice one, and requires time, labor and pre- caution, that few people can or will under- take and execute with accuracy. In this country, as in Europe, our new fruits have either sprung up by accident, or have been produced from the sowing of the seeds of good varieties, Thus we ob- tain nearly all our peaches, all our hardy grapes, most of our best plums and apples. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 333 Of pears we have already a noble list ; all of them either picked up wild in hedges, or from the seeds of good pears. The whole of Europe has not produced a pear so fine as the Seckel, nor one which succeeds over a wider territory ; and then we have the Brandywine, Tyson, Sheldon, Howell, Lawrence, Onondaga and many others nearly as good as these. There are, at this moment, many thousands of seedlings from our best fruits on trial, and we may reasonably anticipate some im- portant acquisitions. Indeed, I believe that before the end of the present century, our best pears, as Mell as our apples, will be those originated on our own soil. The facts which I have stated concerning the origin of our best fruits, both native and foreign, hold out great encouragement for the prosecution of this work. My advice to you, here in the West, is to sow every good seed you can get. ] mean the seeds of those fruits which succeed b«st here. When your seedlings have made one sea- son's growth, you can bud or graft the most promising on strong stocks or bearing trees and test them in three or four years. For several years we have been sowing in this way, and if we get one good one in five hundred, we shall feel satisfied; we may get twenty. The interest and excite- ment which the work awakens, is no mean recompense in itself. No other fact connected with fruit cul- ture is more fully substantiated by every day's experience than this, viz : To in- sure successful cultivation, we must have varieties that are adapted to the peculiari- ties of our soil and climate. Many of your most valuable apples for this country prove utterly worthless with us, whilst many of our best fruits fail entirely with you. This Society, and others' of a simi- lar character, are collecting information on this head, of the highest value. This fact is well established, that the fruits which succeed best in particular lo- calities, are those which originate there, or in others slightly different. I believe the Baldwin, Hubbardson' s Nonsuch, and Por- ter apples, are no where quite as good as in New England. The JVevjtown Pippin, Swaar, Esopus, Spitzenburg, and Northern Spy, are scarcely anywhere so good as in New York. Our northern apples are of little value in the south, and the very fin- est southern apples are utterly worthless in the north. The reason why those seed- ling fruits obtained in cortain localities are more successful there than elsewhere, can- not be that the climate and soil exercise such an influence upon the seed or the seedling, but because, when the seedlings show fruit, those only are preserved which possess qualities that are desirable there. The R. I. Greening would not have been preserved in Georgia, nor the Raules Janet in Massachusetts. The true way to ad- vance in this matter will be for the culti- vators of each district to sow the seeds of those varieties which succeed best, or which possess the most important quali- ties. Every successive generation will be more and more acclimated, and thus, in time, fruits will be obtained capable of re- sisting all the changes and severities of cli- mate, and peculiarities of soil. In the hurry of our first planting, this experimental culture has been neglected, but it is now high time that it should be taken up in earnest. It may be said that our varieties are already numerous enough, and so they are ; indeed we have far too many, but who will say that even the best are good enough, or that improvement is not necessary or desirable ? No, indeed ; the work of improvement has scarcely be- gun. The reform which has within a very few years, been effected in the nomencla- ture of fruits, is not the least important part of our progress. What a labyrinth of error and confusion the names of fruits were in, some dozen years ago. Not more than seven years ago, full one-half of all the fruits exhibited were incorrectly named, or not named at all. The speci- men trees which v>e collected between 1839 and 1843, were full one-half-incorrect, and they were obtained from the most re- liable sources then in existence. Of thirty or forty specimen peach-trees from one es- tablishment, scarcely one proved true to name. In the course of my business as nursery- man, and during my connection with hor- ticultural journals, I have often been sur- prised, of late, at the number of persons who are particular and discriminating One man writes, on reception of some trees he has purchased, such and such a variety has dark shoots — the books say they ought to be light. Another says the habit, or the foliage, or the flowers, of his 334 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. trees do not answer the description. A third says his strawberries are staminate — they ought to be pistillate ; and so on. These are all indications of that spirit of inquiry and observation which is a sure presage of intelligent and successful cul- ture. The time has come when nursery- men must be observing and accurate, or they will lose their business character and customers both. They must plant speci- men orchards, test and compare their va- rieties, read and study, attend exhibitions and meetings, such as this, and by these means acquire such knowledge of their profession as will enable them to prosecute it successfully and honorably. The facili- ties which dwarf trees now offer for test- ing a large collection rapidly on a small plat of ground, and at a moderate expense, leave no excuse whatever for the neglect of this work. The cultivation and management of trees in orchards and gardens are improv- ing rapidly, but much yet remains to be done before we attain even mediocrity. The loss which the United States sustains annually in the careless and unskillful planting and management of trees, if ac- curately summed up, would be almost in- credible. At the Fruit Growers' Meeting in Wes- tern New York, a few days ago, the ques- tion was raised ; What becomes of all the trees that are propagated and sold in the nurseries of that section ? The opinion of the meeting expressed in the discussion, was, that although many trees were lost and worthless from defec- tive or improper treatment in the nursery and many from damage sustained in trans- portation, yet more were lost by unskillful planting, and neglect afterwards than from any and all other causes combined. This I believe to be the case. In all my observations of travel, I think 1 can safely say that I have not seen one orchard or one garden in a hundred even tolerably managed. By far the greater number look as though the proprietor had abandoned his trees to ruin. Blown over to one side, anchored in a tough grass sod, buried up in groves of cornstalks, torn and broken by cattle, barked and bruised with the plow, pruned with an axe — thus they perish in their youth, or become old, deformed, covered with lichens, and a prey to swarms of in- sects, before they have yielded their first fruits. What folly it is in men to invest their money in trees, and then wilfully ruin them in this way ! In Western New York, where cultivation is about as good as in any other section, a man who cultivates his orchard or his garden thoroughly, whose trees are healthy and handsome, making vigorous growth, and yielding fine fruit, is talked of as rarity — and so he is. The specimen trees in the establishment with which I am connected, are but tole- rably well managed ; the ground is -kept clean around them, and is occasionally dressed with manure or compost ; so that, in all seasons, we get a fair growth and a fair crop — but amateurs might have theirs vastly better. Yet we are daily asked what we do to our trees ? and many seem to think that we have some secret art — some system of" terraculture"— with which the world at large is unacquainted. We need a complete revolution in these matters. I cannot now detain you to go into the details of planting and mulching; but I beg you who understand these mat- ters, to constitute yourselves missionaries, and preach this doctrine of high cultiva- tion zealously in your respective parishes, and give examples of it in your own grounds, that your practice may correspond with your precept." — Miner's Rural Amer- ican. PORTRAITS -FROM THE FIELD AND FARM-YARD. BY WILSON FLAGG. THE OWX. In my portraits from the field and farm- yard I must not omit the Owl, which is one of the most remarkable of the feath- ered race, and in one way or another fa- miliar to all persons. There are about fifty species belonging to this tribe ; but I shall select for my sketch the common lit- tle brown owl, (strix neevia) which is one of the typical owls, and affords a fair spec- imen of the race. The owl has been, by naturalists, compared with the cat, to which he bears a strong resemblance in his face, in the capacity of his vision, and in his predatory and nocturnal habits. Like the cat, he sees most clearly by twi- light, or by the light of the moon, seeks his prey in the night and spends the great- er part of the day in dozing. He has a THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 335 large head, round, full and glaring eyes, set wide apart, and partially encircled by a disk of white feathers, adding a peculiar and significant expression to his face. His hooked bill turns downwards, so as to re- semble the nose in a human face, the gen- eral flatness of his features, and his up- right position, yield him a singularly grave and intelligent look ; and it is undoubtedly on account of these appearances, that he was selected by the ancients as the emblem of wisdom, and was consecrated to Minerva. After his nocturnal foragings, he rests quietly during the day in some secluded retreat, where he is not likely to be inter- rupted. His fear of disturbance and his wish to escape the intrusion of other birds has accustomed him to make his abode in desolate and ruined buildings, and with these solitary haunts his image is strongly associated. In such places he resides du- ring the day, and there in company with his mate he builds his nest and rears his young. In thinly settled countries he se- lects the hollows of old trees and the clefts of rocks for his nest- and his retreat. All the small species of the owl, however, seem to multiply with the increase of hu- man population, living upon the rats and mice that accumulate in old barns and gra- naries. The habit of seeing the owl in these desolate haunts which are supposed to be the abode <*f wicked spirits, has caused many superstitions to be attached to his image. His voice is supposed to bode misfortune, and his spectral visits are regarded as the forewarnings of death. The owl is remarkable for the acuteness of his hearing, which enables him to dis- tinguish the slightest sounds ; and the plu- mage of his wings is extremely soft, caus- ing him to fly with so little noise as to be scarcely perceptible. Hence, while he is silent in his own motion, he can perceive the least motion or sound from any other object, and is able to overtake his prey by coming upon it silently in the darkness. The stillness of his flight is one of the cir- cumstances that adds mystery to his char- acter, and has undoubtedly contributed to render him an object of superstitious dread. When the owl is forced from his retreat in the daytime he is singularly defence- less, and is at the mercy of his enemies, who seem to be aware of his helpless con- dition. On such occasions many of the smaller birds assail him and annoy him in various ways, while his purblindness pre- vents him from defending himself. This is no more than just retaliation upon an enemy who selects the hour when other birds are sleeping, to attack and devour them. . It is probable that while sitting upon the branch of a tree .or on a fence, after having been driven from his hiding place, he has formed a subject for paint- ers, who have always delighted to intro- duce him into their pictures, to add ex- pression to a desolate scene — an old de- serted house, a ruined tower or an ancient belfry. Hence the owl deserves in a spe- cial manner to be named among those ani- mals which are called picturesque. I will not enter into a speculation con- cerning the origin of those agreeable emo- tions which are so often produced by the sight of objects that are suggestive, of ru- in or desolation. Nature has beneficially provided that many an object which is ca- pable of communicating no direct pleasure to our senses, shall send joy to the heart through the medium of sentiment. The figure of the owl is closely allied with the sentiment of ruins, and to this feeling of the human soul we may trace the pleasure we derive from the picture of this bird in his appropriate scenery. Two doves upon the ragged branch of a tree in a wild and beautiful sylvan retreat, are not more sug- gestive of pleasing fancies to the mind, than an owl sitting upon an old gate-post near a deserted house. I have often listened with peculiar plea- sure to the distant sounds of the wings of night birds, on a summer evening in the country, while they are flying over short distances in the woods. There is a mys- terious feeling excited by these sounds, that seems to heighten the pleasure derived from the delightful influences of the sea- son. But these emotions are nothing in intensity to the scarcely perceptible sound attending the flight of the owl, as he glides by in the dusk of the evening, or in the dim light of a summer moon. Similar in its influence is the dismal voice of this bird, which is heard most frequently du- ring the latter part of summer and in the autumn, when the young ones are out, and use these cries for purposes of mutual sal- utation and recognition. These notes in the species which is the subject of my remarks, are singularly wild 336 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. \ and not unmusical. They are far from be- ing disagreeable to my ear, though they have a cadence which is expressive of dreariness and melancholy. These notes might be correctly represented on a C flute by commencing with D in the octave, and running down by semi-tones to one octave below, and constantly repeating this per- formance, for the space of ajjout a minute, with occasional pauses and slight varia- tions. The owl does not slur the passage, and the separate notes in the scale may be distinctly perceived, with intervals of about a semitone The owl is not usually regarded as a useful bird. Perhaps the generality of the tribe deserve to be considered only as mischievous birds of prey, and no more deserving of mercy and protection than the hawks to which they are allied. Not so should we regard the little red owl, or his congener, the barn owl of Europe, or any of the smaller species. The red owl is very serviceable as a destroyer of ver- min ; and I have no doubt that were the species to be domesticated, one pair of owls would keep our enclosures almost en- tirely clear of rats and mice. The owl flies low, because his prey consists of those small quadrupeds which are generally out by twilight. It is probably on account of his low flight that he is so seldom seen when on the wing. He is said by those who have observed his habits to be re- markably diligent and expert in taking his prey, and to be in the habit of destroying and carrying to his nest a greater amount of provision than is necessary for the sup- ply of his family. The reader may form a conception of the usefulness of the owl from the follow- ing remarks of Mr. Waterton : " He says that " if this useful bird caught its food by day, instead of hunting for it by night, mankind wonld have ocular demon- stration of its utility in thinning the coun- try of mice; and it would be protected and encouraged everywhere. It would be with us what the Ibis was with the Egyptians. When it has young, it will bring a mouse to the nest every 12 or 15 minutes. But in order to have a proper idea of the enor- mous quantity of mice which this bird des- troys, we must examine the pellets which it ejects from its stomach in the place uf its retreat. Every pellet contains from four to seven skeletons of mice. In six- teen months from the time that the apart- ment of an owl on an old gateway was cleaned out, there has been a deposit of above a bushel of pellets. * # * When farmers complain that the barn owl des- troys the eggs of their pigeons, they lay the saddle on the wrong horse. They ought to put it on the rat. Formerly I could get very few young pigeons, till the rats were excluded effectually from the dovecote. Since that took place, it has produced a great abundance every year, though the barn owls frequent it and are encouraged all around it. The barn owl merely re- sorts to it for repose and concealment. If it were really an enemy to the dovecote, we should see the pigeons in commotion as soon as it begins his evening flight ; but the pigeons heed it not; whereas, if the sparrow hawk or hobby should make its appearance, ihe whole community would be up at once ; proof sufficient that the barn owl is not looked upon as a bad or even a suspicious character by the inhabi- tants of the dovecote." The English barn owl alluded to by Mr. Waterton, is likewise indigenous in America, though not so common as the red owl. Few persons are aware of the vast amount of mischief which may be com- mitted in our fields by field-mice, which, without some such check as that of the owl, would multiply with incredible rapid- ity. Mr. Jessie remarks in his " Glean- ings" that " an extraordinary instance of the rapid increase of mice, and of the in- jury they sometimes do, occurred a few years ago in the new plantations made by order of the Crown in Dean Forest, Glou- cestershire, and in the New Forest, Hamp- shire. Soon after the formation of these plantations, a sudden and rapid increase of mice took place in them, which threat- ened destruction to the whole of the young plants. Vast numbers of these were killed, the mice having eaten through the roots of five year old oaks and chesnuts, generally just below the surface of the ground. Hollies also, which were five or six feet high, v. ere barked round the bot- tom ; and in some instances the mice had crawled up the tree, and were seen feed- ing on the upper branches. Various plans were devised for their destruction ; traps were set, poison laid, and cats turned out ; but nothing appeared to lessen, their num- ber. It was at last suggested that if holes THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 337 were dug into which the mice might be enticed or fall, their destruction might be effected." These holes were made in Dean Forest about twenty yards asunder, and from eighteen to twenty inches in depth, hollowed out much wider at bottom than at the top ; so that the animal when once in could not easily get out again. In these holes at least thirty thousand mice were found in the course of three or four months, and it was calculated that a much greater number were taken out of the holes by weasels, owls, magpies, &c. The food of the field-mouse is exclusively vegetable, and hence it is highly important to the farmer to prevent its increase. — JVew Eng- land Farmer. TREES. • A tree is one of the most elegant objects in nature. Beautiful in its youth, luxuriant and graceful in its growth, majestic and noble in its later years. The mighty oak having withstood the storms of many centuries, still otfers its un- bending head to the tempest. It has seen the rise and fall of many of the human race, and man's most magnificent works have crumbled, but still it flourishes, and every returning spring clothes it with fresh verdure. The same olive trees which, in the days of our Saviour, gave name to the Mount, are still believed to exist. What interesting historic scenes have they witnessed . " The cedars wave on Lebanon, But Judah's statelier maids are gone." Napoleon in laying down the plan for his great road over the Simplon, is said to have di- verged from a straight line to avoid injuring the great cypress of Somma, in Lombardy This tree is treated by the inhabitants with great reverence, as it is supposed to have been planted in the year of the birth of Christ. But an ancient chronicle of Milan proves it to have been a tree in the time of Julius Caesar, 42 B.C. It is 123 feet high, and 20 feet in circumference at one foot from the ground. Much larger trees are known to exist, but their age, although sup- posed to be greater, is not known. But if trees are so beautiful as well as use- ful, and so enduring, why do we so much neg- lect their cultivation ? Do we expect they will spring up around us without being planted ? Magnificent forests have till so recently covered our whole country, that we have not looked upon trees for mere show and beauty than thirty feet. with wide extending branches. Were more attention given to the cultivation of trees for adorning our residences and afford- ing us their fruit, it would make home more pleasant, and tend to check our roving propen- sities. In the language of the lamented Down- ing, " Our peculiar position in a new world that requires a population full of enterprise and energy to subdue and improve its vast territory, has, until lately, left but little time to cultivate a taste for rural embelishment. But in the older States, as wealth has accumulated, the country become populous, and society more re- fined in its character, a return to, and fondness for, those simple and fascinating enjoyments to be found in country life and rural pursuits, is witnessed on every side. As they require some years for their growth, it seems very iwacertain whether we shall ever live to enjoy the fruits of our la- bors, and as we are such a moving people, might we not ourselves, or at least our descendants, be in Iowa or Oregon before trees of our planting would attain a moderate size, and they would pass into the hands of strangers. An old gentleman, who has within the last ten years set out a number of trees, repeated to us the old story that " he never expected to live to enjoy the fruits of his labors." But upon inquiry he admitted that he was amply repaid for his trouble, not only in the pleasure of see- ing them grow, but by the fruit which they an- nually produced. We even now begin to look with some self-congratulation on the success of our own labors in this department. To this innate feeling, out of which, grows a strong attachment to natal soil, we must look for a counterpoise, to the great tendency to constant change, and the restless spirit of emi- gration, which forms part of our national char- acter, and which, though to a certain extent highly necessary to our national prosperity, are, on the other hand, opposed to social and domes- tic happiness. The love of country is insepara- bly connected with the love of home. What- ever, therefore, leads man to assemble the com- forts and elegancies of life around his habita- tion, tends to increase local attachments and render domestic life more delightful, thus not only augmenting his own enjoyment, but strengthening his patriotism and making him a better citizen. And there is no employment or recreation which affords the mind greater or more permanent satisfaction than that of culti- vating the earth and adorning our property. " God Almighty first planted the garden ; and indeed it is the purest of human pleasures," says Lord Bacon. And as the first man was shut out from the garden, in the cultivation of which no alloy was mixed with his happiness, the desire to return to it seems to be implanted by nature more or less strongly in every heart — while there is no more rational pleasure than that derived from these pursuits by him who "Plucks life's roses in his quiet field." The enjoyment drawn from it, unlike many other amusements, is unembittered by the after 338 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ' recollection of pain or injury inflicted on others, or the loss of moral rectitude. In rendering his home more beautiful, he not only contributes to the happiness of his own family, but improves the taste and adds loveliness to the country at large. There is perhaps sornetihng exclusive in the taste for some of the fine arts. A collec- tion of pictures, for example, is comparatively shut up from the world in the private gallery. But the sylvan and floral collections, the groves and gardens which surround the country resi- dence for the man of taste, are confined by no barriers narrower than the blue heavens above and around them. The tastes and the treasures gradually but certainly creep beyond the nomi- nal boundaries of the estate, and re-appear in the pot of flowers in the window, or the luxuri- ant blossoming vines which clamber over the porch of the humblest cottage by tha way side. Exchange. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TOBACCO INSPECTIONS AND STOCK. We are indebted to Messrs. John Jones & Co.> of this city, for the following comparative state- ment of the inspections for the two last years, and of the stock now in the warehouses of this State. The inspections are official and of course accurate. The statement of Stock is conjectu- ral ; but from the experience and information of Messrs. J. & Co., may be relied on as not far from the mark : Tob'co inspections Estimated Stock, in Virginia. in Warehouses. Sept. 30th, 1855. 1856. 1856. Richmond, . 29,458 hhds. 36,695 hhds. 5,000 hhds. Petersburg, . 13,348 " 15,675 " 1,400 " Lynchburg, . 9,511 " 8,720 " 800 " Ciarksville, . 3,122 " 2,126 " 200 " Farmville, . 2,211 " 2,106 " 200 " Tye River, . 227 " 15 " Danville, . 20 " 57,872 hhds. 65,359 hhds. 7,600 hhds. 1856 — October 1st — Stock for inspection at Rich- i inond, . . 66 hhds. " " — Stock probably held for sale at Richmond, 900 " State of the Market. — An active demand for all qualities. Prices have advanced in a week, on an average, one dollar and fifty cents per hundred. Probable production of the crop in Virginia the present year, 40,000 or 45,000 hhds ; more than half cut unripe, or injured by frost. John Jones & Co. Richmond, October 1st, 1856. We gather from the estimates of Mr. Jones some further facts which are of interest to the public generally. The Tobacco manufactured in this city, and elsewhere in Virginia, and shipped through this place — say from the 1st of October, 1855, to the 30th of September, 1550— including loose parcels, may be estimated at 36,- 000 hhds, yielding in packages of manufactured tobacco 324,000 lbs., of average value per pack- age of §20, or a total of . . $6,480,000 Stems from Tobacco manufactured 8,500 hhds, at $25 per hha., 212,500 Realized by manufactured Tobacco and Stems, .... $6,692,500 Foreign exports of strips and Tob'cco in hhds, for one year (1855-'i>G,) 20,500 hhds, at an average value of $120 per hhd, . . . 2,460,000 Coastwise exports of Leaf and Lug Tobacco, 10,000 hhds, at an ave- rage value of $100 per hhd, ' . 1,000,000 Total estimated value of Tobacco shipped from this port for one year, $10,152,500 This is a handsome exhibit for the Tobacco trade of this city. There is much Tobacco man- ufactured in the Dan River valley, that is wag- oned off to the Southern interior ; and there is a portion of that manufactured in and beyond Lynchburg, which passes by Petersburg. It is a moderate estimate to assume that this great staple, which is used in its different forms by all civilized and nearly all the barbarous na- tions of the Globe, brings into this State annu- ally $15,000,000. This is a very respectable re- sult from one staple of a district of country not very large, lying partly in North Carolina, but chiefly in Virginia. — Richmond Dispatch. WAGON COVERS— EVERY FARMER HIS OWN MANUFACTURER. Take about eight yards of Hadley Falls un- bleached 5-i sheeting, which can be bought at about 13 cents per yard, cut it into two pieces and sew it firmly together, as for a sheet — this kind is mentioned because it is very strong and thick, — then tack it up on the sunny side of the barn and paint it over with the same mixture as for the hay covers stated in your paper last week, When dry take it down and sew stones into each corner of proper weight, say about one pound or more each, and it is completed. By throwing this simple affair into his wagon, on leaving home in the morning, the farmer would be able to load up his hay if he saw a shower coming, and might stay to help his men rake up the balance instead of driving off his horses at the top of their speed and perhaps not reach home before he is caught in a pouring shower, and is obliged, the next day, to back his load out to dry his hay over again. One such instance would pay the cost of a cover, which need not cost over $1 25 to 1 50. The same cover would enable him to take his grist to the mill on rainy days, which is a great saving of time, as safely as if he owned a covered wagon. C. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 339 KHAIN CATTLE AND THEIR CROSSES. Holkham, Albemarle, Sept. 26, 1856. Dear Sir, — A considerable number of the readers of your paper requested me to give my views of the Khain Cattle and their crosses, after I had Rested them sufficiently to form a correct opinion. The imported bull, very soon after his arrival at my farm, became impotent, and I got from him but four calves, two half- blood males, which I have exhibited at our State Fair, and two females, one full blood, the other half blood. They produced each a very fine male calf last summer by Hon. Wm. C. Rives' thorough bred Durham bull, Red Rover, from Mr. Morris's of New York— all of which I intend to exhibit at our next Fair. The full blood is what would be considered a fair milker, giving now, ten quarts of milk per day. The half blood sixteen quarts — a large amount for a heifer with her first calf. This heavy flow of milk may possibly be acci- dental, but I am inclined to believe that the calf with any good milk stock will turn out well. Dr. Davis, who selected the cattle for Lieut. Lynch, told me that they were almost invariably good milkers, in a climate intensely warm where they subsisted, the greater part of the year by browsing. The full blood, though very active, are two slender, not having sufficient strength. My half blood bulls I have broken to work, and they perform admirably, possessing enough power combined with remarkable activity — moving with the speed of horses. Their red colur, which they generally impart to their off- spring, is also quite a desideratum with the lover of the " beautiful." Mr. Philip St. George Tucker and others who procured from me bull calves at the last Fair, speak in high terms as to their thriftiness, hardiness, &c. Crossed upon good stock the progeny must prove all we can desire in oxen for work, and if they possessed no othergood quality, this alone would sufficiently recommend them. I will have at the Fair a few calves for sale. Faithfully yours, JOHN R. WOOD. Frank G. Ruffin, Esqr., Richmond. IMPORTANT TO WHEAT GROWERS IN NORTH CAROLINA. At the meeting of the Scientific Association in Albany, this summer, some private conver- sation ensued upon the comparative merits of the grains grown in the West, North and South. It was observed that Southern flour had largely the preference in the West Indies and South America, on account of its being dryer and keeping better in hot climates. A gentleman who attended the World's Fair in London, at once remarked that the finest flour he ever saw was made of North Carolina wheat, and ground at mills in New York. Be- ing solicited to submit the observation to writ- ing, Dr. Elwyn, of Philadelphia, well known for the interest he takes in agriculture and every thing connected with the useful arts, at once drew up a certificate, of which the ensuing is a copy: " I have been desired, by Dr. Gibbon of North Carolina, to record the following fact as inter- esting to the wheat-growers of that State, While acting as chairman of the committee 'on articles used as food,' during the exhibition at the Crystal Palace, I was struck with the quality of the bread offered for examination by Hecker & Brother of New York. It was the whitest and best I ever saw. I asked — being a farmer — the very natural question, as to where they pro- cured their grain ; and was told that the bread was made of flour from North Carolina wheat ; and to my further astonishment, was also in- formed that, in their opinion, the best wheat in the United States was that of North Carolina. (Signed.) A. L. ELWYN. Albany, N. Y., August 25, 1856, BLANKETS FOR NEGROES. " One blanket, such as planters usually buy for negroes, will cost %\ 40 and will last about one year. Six yards of kerseys at 28 cents per yard, (§1 68,) will make a warmer blanket and will last five years. I know this from experi- ence. Other reasons besides economy recom- mend kerseys as a substitute for blankets. The former are manufactured in the South, and of one half cotton and mostly of Southern wool, while blankets are made at the North and of Northern and Western wool. — American Cotton Planter. THE GROWTH OF THE WHEAT PLANT BY CUTHBERT W. JOHNSON, F. R. S. On some former occasions, we have examined together many of the phenomena which attend the growth of the wheat plant. In the last num- ber of the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, Professor Buckman has pursued the same interesting research; and at no period of the year can we, perhaps, again examine the subject more usefully than on the very verge, as it were, of wheat seed-time. The choice of the 'seed is a primary question; it is here that in our cultivation we deviate, as we too often do, from nature. The seeds of the wild wheat, except in a few instances, are sown where they are ripened ; unless carried by the winds or by animals, they are reproduced for a series of years on the same soil ; in consequence, the plant yields small seeds — perhaps degene- rate. The farmer avoids these ill results by changing the soil ; by carefully manuring his land ; and by varying his seed. He notes, too, that in this alteration of seed, certain facts, with regard to the new wheat, are beneficially to be regarded. In his prize essay, thg Professor has alluded to some of these, and especially to tlie 340 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. * practice of the Gloucestershire farmers ; he ob- serves (p. 183,) "That seed wheat should al- ways be chosen from a poor soil for the seeding of a richer one, and from a cold climate for cul- tivation in a warmer ; by acting contrary to this rule, we induce disease and a shortness in the yield. In Gloucestershire the hill farmer chooses seed from the exposed chalk Wolds of Wiltshire, while the vale farmer procures his seed wheat from the hills. But in the same manner as spring wheat may be cultivated into a winter variety, so may any kind of wheat be- come acclimatised by careful cultivation ; this, however, sometimes entails a slight change of form ; and hence have arisen tall and dwarf va- rieties, early and late forms, and numerous others. " New varieties of wheat," adds Mr. Buckman, " are constantly becoming the fash- ion with the agriculturist ; but it must not be concluded that this is the result of caprice, as it is the nature of derivative plants to lose some of their qualities after a long career of changes, and hence varieties are always useful as achange, and the more distinctive these are, if adapted for our soil and climate, the better." The variety of the seed wheat, however, is not the only very material consideration ; the pre- vention of disease in it has long engaged the farmer's attention. He strives, and commonly successfully, to prevent blight, by immersing the seed wheat in brine, or solutions of sulphate of copper, &c- ; the beneficial effect of which he is used to attribute, perhaps with correctness, to the fact that these substances kill the minute sporules or seeds of the fungi which have at- tached themselves to the seed wheat, and are the origin of the parasitical fungi which consti- tute blight. " But my own experiments upon this subject, together with careful investiga- tion," remarks Professor Buckman, "seem to warrant the conclusion that the beneficial ac- tion of these steeps depends upon their destroy- ing the germinating power of malformed and diseased seeds ; and he recounts some experi- ments which, he thinks, show that the pickling of wheat destroys the seed so as to prevent ger- mination when the seed is diseased or ill-formed ; but that if perfect seed were always employed, no pickling is at all necessary, it being perfect- ly true that a diseased progeny must result from an imperfect stock in plants as well as in animals. The depth at which- the seed is most benefi- cially placed, is a question not in general very carefully regarded. If we follow Nature here, we shall find her seeds mostly dispersed or ger- minating at, or close to, the surface ; and it has been shown, in the case of some kind of seeds, that if shaded from the direct rays of the sun, they germinate, when thus placed, better than in any other situation. As, however, with our field operations, it is not possible to leave seeds thus exposed to their various enemies, and as it is necessary to cover them with earth, the next enquiry that promises to he interesting is (still confining our attention to the wheat plant) what depth from the surface happens to be practical- ly the best? Now the experiments of Buckman and of Petri seem to concur in placing the depth at from one to two inches, as that possess- ing the maximum advantage. The result of the experiments of Petri will be seen in the fol- lowing table, which gives the result of sowing given quantities of wheat at different depths: — Seed sown to Came above Prop'n of plants the depth of grou ad in that came up. £ inch. 11 days. 7 8 1 " 12 " all 2 " 18 ct 7 3 " 20 * 2. 4 4 " 21 a , i 5 " 22 " i 6 " 23 a i Here we may observe that the number of seeds which produced plants decreased in number, as the depth beyond one inch increased ; and we well remember some experiments by which it was shown that some barley followed a similar progressive rule, until when sown at a depth of twelve inches, it entirely ceased to produce plants. And if the depth materially influences the growth of the seed, so also, as the farmer is well aware, does the period of the year in which they are sown. But although we possess this general knowledge, yet, until the experiments which I am about to describe, we had none which gave the result of sowing the same wheat on the same soil in each month of the year. In the trials by Professor Buckman, he sowed in 1851 and 1852 red Lammas wheat in plots, on the 14th of each month, from June 1851 to May 1852 ; the results he has thus tabulated : — Height. Length of head. Remarks. 1851. ft. in. June. . 3 5 3 Clean straw. July. . 2 10 2 Ditto. Aug. . 4 1 4 Ditto. Sept. . 3 11 4 Ditto. Oct. . 3 10 4 Rather blighted. Nov. . 3 9 4 Ditto. Dec. . 3 10 3i Much blighted. 1852. Jan. 3 10 3£ Ditto. Feb. . 3 6 4* Ditto. March . — ] Failed as a crop, April . — > but some ears May — J ripened. The summing up of Mr. Buckman I have ab- breviated in the following paragraphs : — The winter was mild and wet — all the sam- ples were gathered in August. One chief dif- ference between winter and spring wheat is, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 341 that winter wheat sends out new roots and fresh fibrils in the spring, and at the same time til- lers, and forms tufts, each shoot of which also roots like the central blade, and all this second growth occurs just when spring wheat is com- ing up. In spring wheat there is little disposi- tion to tiller : as the growth is quick, the root has no period of rest, and therefore its fibres and fibrils are developed regularly, and have no fresh impulse of growth like wheat that has stood the cold of winter, and is prepared to meet the milder season of spring with an invitr- orated constitution, and an appetite that re- quires new' roots and fresh rootlets to supply. It is on this account that winter wheat can be transplanted in spring with hut little check to its growth, and even the tufts can be divided into slips, which is indeed a useful mode of aug- menting our crop in experiments upon new and rare varieties. The seed having been sown as evenly as possible at the required depth, the following changes- take place : — ■ The grain he- gins to obtain moisture from the soil, and con- sequently enlarges its size. In a few days the embryo shows a great change; it has hecome enlarged — the lower part soon protruding as a rootlet — the upper as a bud, which will quickly develop leaves. Coincident with this proceed the chemical changes in the cotyledon, from which the germ is supplied with its food, until the roots on the one hand, arid the leaves on the other, become capable of acting— the one as purveyors, and the other as eliminators of that fool with which the plant may be surrounded, in the soil and in the atmosphere, and upon which depends its after welfare. If wholesome food for the plant be in the soil, it progresses favourably : if the reverse, disease or death will be the result. If the supply of these be insuffi- cient, the produce is small : if too great, we get blighted leaves and ^traw, with too small a pro- portion of corn. If bad seed be sown, we have a diseased and malformed plant, resulting in their diseased and consequently blighted grain. All this, however, depends upon the air the plants get to breathe : if full of noxious vapour, they die; a small quantity of such gases as sul- phuretted hydrogen, sulphurous-acid gas, and muriatic-acid gas, acting as a poison, and thus preventing wheat from being grown in the vi- cinity of some chemical and manufacturing works. The nature of the food which the wheat plant derives from the soil, is known to materially in- fluence the composition of the plant and the seed. Thus Hemb s taedt long since found, by some experiments with wheat dressed with dif- ferent manures, that when wheat, which was grown on land without any manure, yielded 9.2 per cent of gluten, that it yielded, when dressed with Vegetable matter, . . 9.6 per cent. Cow dung, . . . 12.0 " Sheep dung, . . .' 32.9 " Night soil, . . . 33.14 " The constituents of these decomposing applica- tions are assimilated by the plant either in the gaseous form, at the moment of their extrica- tion, or when they are dissolved in the moisture of the soil. It would seem, then, that a more extended and varied examination of the mois- ture of the same soils in their simple state, and when dressed with various manures, might be productive of useful results ; and this has been, although but partially, accomplished by Profes- sor Way, when he was examining the drainage waters from the rich hop-grounds of Surrey and from other lands ; and if we regard the compo- sition of such drainage waters as affording a tolerably fair view of that of the moisture re- tained in the surface soil, and from which the wheat plant derives at least the mineral portion of its food, then it is interesting to compare the composition of the mineral substances or ash of the wheat plant with those contained in land drainage water. Now in the following table will be found, — I. The substances found in 100 parts of the seed ; II. of the straw and chaff of some Hoptoun wheat (Jour. Boy. Ag. Soc., vol. vii, p. 631) ; and III. and IV. the matters (given in grains) contained in an imperial gallon of two (previ- ously filtered) drain waters, from two fields on the land of Mr. Paine, at Farnham, in Surrey, (ib. vol. xvii, p. 133) : — I. II. III. IV. Silica, . . ,. 5.63 69.36 0.95 0.45 Phosphoric acid, 43.98 5.24 trace 0.12 Sulphuric acid, 0.21 4.45 1.65 5.15 Chlorine, . . — — . 0.70 1.10 Lime, . . . 1.80 6.96 4.85 7.19 Magnesia, . . 11.69 1.45 0.68 2.32 Peroxide of Iron, 0.29 0.73 " Alumina, — — 0.40 0.05 Potash, . . . 34.51 11.79 trace trace Soda, .... 1.87 — 1.0 2.17 Here, then, we find all the chief mineral con- stituents of the wheat plant, in the water of a cultivated soil ; and in the same land-waters were found, in each imperial gallon (ingrains): Soluble organic matter. Nitric acid. 7.0 7.40 7.17 14.74 Ammonia. 0.018 0.018 It is one satisfactory result of the examina- tion of these drainage waters, that the substan- ces they carry away from the soil are not so very material in amount as at first sight we might be led to suppose ; for as Mr. "Way re- marks, "It is to be remembered that, as the drains are at a depth of from four to five feet, all the soil to that depth is concerned in furnish- ing the substances which we find in the water. Assuming that a superficial inch of soil over an 342 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. acre to weigh 100 tons, and that the drains lie at only 40 inches from the surface, we shall have 4,000 tons of soil subject to the solvent ac- tion of the water ; and we shall find by calcula- tion that the quantity of potash removed from the soil in the year by drainage, would be rep- resented by the decimal - 00001 per cent, that is to say, that if the whole of the soil were ana- lyzed before and after this quantity (71bs. per acre) was removed, there would be found no greater difference in one hundred grains of soil than the one hundred-thousandth part of a grain. These examinations will hardly fail to interest those of my readers who have considered the mode in which plants absorb their food from the soil or the atmosphere by which they are surrounded ; and all such laborious steps, by which we increase our knowledge of the move- ments of organic bodies, assuredly tend to place our most practical efforts on a better, since upon a more intelligible foundation. Farmer's Magazine. £2?° All money remitted to us will be considered at our risk only when the letter containing the same shall have been legistered. [51P It is indispensably necessary that subscribers remitting their Subscription, should name, the Office to which their papers are sent; and those ordering a change should say from what to what post office they wish the alteration made. A strict observance of this rule will save much time to us and lose none to them besides insuring attention to their wishes. Postmasters are requested to notify us in writing as the law requires, when papers are not taken from their Offices by Subscribers. RUFF1N & AUGUST, Proprietors. Office : No. 153, Corner Wain and Twelfth Streets THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, NOVEMBER, 1856. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum or One Dollar only if paid in advance. Six copies or Five Dollars; Thirteen copies for Ten Dollars — to be paid invariably in advance. No subscription received for a less time than one year. Subscriptions may begin with any Number, but it is desirable that they should be made to the end of a vol- ume. J^W Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary on or before the expiration of their yearly Subscription, will be considered as wishing to continue the same ; and the paper will be sent accordingly. 1^° No paper will be discontinued until all arreara- ges are paid, except at our option. ISP Subjcribers are requested to remit the amount of their Subscription as soon as the same shall become due. If Subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the Office or place to -which they are sent, they will be held responsible until they settle their account and give notice to discontinue. I3P If Subscribers remove, change their offices, or permit their paper to be sent to an office that has been discontinued, without directing a change of their paper, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they will be held responsible. All Payments to the Southern Planter mill be ac- knowledged in the first paper issued after the same shall have been received. ADVERTISEMENTS. Will be inserted at the following rates; For each square of ten lines, first insertion, One Dollar; each continuance Seventy-five Cents. Advertisements out of the City must be accompanied with the money, to insure their insertion, Postage on the Southern Planter, (when paid in advance,) to any part of the United States one cent and a half per quarter, or six cents per annum. TO SUBSCRIBERS. We earnestly request that you will read our " Terms" at least once a year, and always before writing us upon any subject connected with your paper. We frequently receive letters con- taining remittances, and others requesting dis- continuances or directing a change to other post-offices when the office to which the paper is sent is not named. Such omissions occasion us a great deal of trouble, and it not unfrequently happens that your wishes cannot be attended to in consequence of your neglect to conform to this standing request. gggT' Remember always to name your post of- fice when writing about your paper. GENERAL NOTICE. In accordance with the notice given in a pre- vious number of this paper, we commenced with the July number to drop from our list, all subscribers who are in arrears for three years or more, and shall continue to do so until the first of January next, at which time we intend to drop all who are then in arrears for two years and upwards. But in doing so we do not intend to relinquish our right to collect our dues from such delinquents, but shall send out their accounts regularly or place them in the hands of Agents for collection. We do not de- sign to adopt strictly the casli system, but we desire to approach as near to it as possible, and wish our "Terms," which are printed conspi- cuously in every paper to be understood by all , our subscribers. They are as follows : THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 343 TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum, or One Dollar only, if paid in advance. Six copies for Five Dollars ; Thirteen copies for Ten Dollars — to be paid invariably in ad- vance; and to them we mean strictly to adhere, ■with this variation only, subscribers who owe for two years, or $2 50 and remit, §5 will be credited for two years of arrearages and three years in advance. "We think no one who intends to pay can object to this arrangement. "WANTED January and September numbers of the Plan- ter. Subscribers who do not preserve their pa- pers for binding, and who have either or both of the above numbers will confer a great favor upon us by forwarding them to this office. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER BOUND. In reply to numerous enquiries on the sub- ject, we state that we can furnish the " South, ern Planter" bound, at SI 50 per volume, post- age included. FALL PLOUGHING. There are some sorts of land that do not re- quire to be ploughed in the fall or early winter. Sands or sandy loams that crumble under the operation of the plough, are of this character. So are undrained clays ; especially those pipe clays that " run together," as it is termed, or become glazed after every spell of freezing and thawing. In the case of the sandy soils, their free, open texture is supposed to expose them to the injury of leaching rains on the one hand, and to the ill effects of evaporating winds on the other. In the case of the undrained clays, the water penetrates and bakes them, at the same time that it is more easily admitted through the ploughed surface to the subsoil, where, below the reach of evaporation, and only capable of being removed by the slow process of capillary attrac- tion, and the still slower one of filtration through an almost impervious medium, it remains until a late period, keeping the land moist and cold, retarding the spring's operations — including a second ploughing, — and inviting late frosts. To plough this latter soil undrained, is in fact to increase the labour of cultivating it, and dimin- ish the amount of crop it may be capable of yielding. But on well drained clays, or on clays which reouire no draining, on all lands, in a word, which the owner's observation has taught him crumble down into fine pulverization under the action of frost, there is no operation more im- portant than a winter or fall ploughing. To talk of manuring a whole cornfield at the South — where large breadths of land are annually culti- vated — with all the accessories the most fortu- nate or most skilful can command, is an absur- dity: it cannot be done. But on pulverulent clays remunerating crops may always be had in tolerable seasons, if an early ploughing and a favorable winter shall operate to produce the finest tilth. Without going into the question, which Jethro Tull is said to have raised, as to whether proper culture would not supersede ma- nure, we may assume as within every practical clay farmer's observation that it is almost equal to a manuring, at least for the time being, of his whole field, to get it thoroughly disintegrated. This affords an infinitely multiplied extent of superficies in the pulverized mould to the chemi- cal action of the gases we call " the air." If this be true, then it is plain that ploughing may, to a certain extent, substitute manure. But this is only one of the benefits of winter ploughing clay lands. "When they are properly bedded, and gripped, and ditched, it drains them ; and each judicious repetition of the pro- cess is a step towards this important object. We were somewhat surprized to see lately in the Genessee Farmer, — a paper whose editor is gen- erally a safe guide — and always reliable — an ex- tract from an address of a Mr. Denton, an Eng- lish draining Engineer; in which he said that land could not be drained by water furrows and grips, inasmuch as he had seen water standing some few feet from one of these surface drains. So he might : and so have we ; but on land drained in that way, we have also seen some of the heaviest wheat crops at harvest, and some fine corn at midsummer. AVe have also seen water enough running from a few grips to turn a mill, on land that but the year before was so ponded that boys could skate on the ice that was forme! ; and we have seen the growth on this same land changed from broomstraw, hengrass, and running briars to hog-weed, (or carrot-weed,) careless, and, in a few places, Jamestown weed, without the application of any other manure than two hundred pounds of guano to the crop of wheat which followed the first draining and ploughing. Now if taking off a two inch fall of rain in sluices like mill tails is not draining-, we 344 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. don't know what is. To plough land in the fall or early winter then, is to drain it : provided it be propely bedded and gripped. To perform these operations properly it is necessary, we think, (though on this point, as being under experi- ment with ourselves, we would speak guardedly, ) that where bedding is required, the lands or beds be not less than twenty feet wide, that they be twice gathered up from the flat, and that, if once properly located, they should never be reversed ; but, when of sufficient height, be ploughed across, sweeping out each water furrow with the plough, cleaning out the grips with the road scraper, so as to deposit the excavated earth some distance from the graded margin of the grip, and leaving the field in precisely such condition as if a crop of wheat had been sowed on it. In the case of beds of sufficient height, when it is intended, as on such land it generally should be, to cultivate corn with the plough, to the ex- clusion of the level mode of culture, it will an- swer perhaps as well to throw up the corn beds in high narrow ridges of five feet in width, or less, according to the desired breadth of the corn bed. But a still better plan, when practicable, is to throw it up into steep and narrow lists like the roof of a house and just as steep as the plough will make it : thus, A A A A A A A This will necessarily give a more thorough pul- verization than any other means, and we believe is well worth any extra labour it may be suppo- sed to require. Thoroughly worked in this way in winter, the lists pulled down in the spring by a cultivator drawn deeply across them, with oats harrowed in or drilled, or, in the case of corn, a second list formed with three furrows and the corn planted on the top of it, the cultivator of clay land will be astonished at the superior pro- duct he will have gained. Supposing one or more of these processes to have been complied with, we shall find, as ano- ther resulting benefit, that we can plant such land earlier in the spring, because it will be drier, warmer, and freer from frosts. The economy of work too, will be even greater than its forwardness. A good stand of corn is much more apt to be secured, always a difficult matter on cold clays, and a great deal of replant- ing will be saved ; the crop will have been half worked when planted ; and with a good corn planter, of which there are several, (Emery's, made in Albany, and sold by Branch & Sons, Petersburg, and by Palmer in Richmond; or Sinclair's, made best, by Baldwin & Cardwell in Richmond, we will Warrant in good hands,) with a good corn planter, we repeat it, or two if need be, a few hands may plant the crop, whilst the balance may be hauling out manure, fencing, or doing any other of the many things that crowd upon us at that busy season. The depth at which the land should be ploughed, is a matter that must be left to the discretion of the judicious cultivator. It is ob- jected sometimes to a deep furrow that it brings up to the surface noxious substances •which the subsoil has contained, and mixes them with the soil ; or that it covers the mould that may exist on the surface with the barren subsoil. If the land be properly ploughed we do not entertain much dread of either. In clays there is al- most always a homogeneous constitution of soil and subsoil, with, sometimes, an amount of fil- trated matter in the latter, that is an improve- ment to the surface. As to the barrenness of the subsoil, that cannot be an objection if the land be not turned over in flat furrows so as to place the mould at the bottom. Ploughed so as to lay such furrow slice on edge, or at an angle of forty-five.degrees, the subsequent preparatory tillage will mix them thoroughly, whilst the frosts will have opened, and the air have mel- lowed and enriched, the bottom of the furrow. ' The advantages of deep ploughing have been too often discussed to need repetition here. Suffice it so say that unlike wheat, the constitution and habits of corn require a deep, moist, mellow soil, and that the reason of its growth being in the heat of summer, when moisture is too readily evaporated, and when any excess is taken up and appropriated by the large, greedy, evapora- ting blades, it is hard to plough too deep for it on clay lands that are well drained. Lands thus cultivated will, of course, stand a drought much better than those ploughed in the spring, when it is impossible by any .amount of harrowing, and rolling, and clod crushing even, to reduce the clods to the fine tilth that the expansive properties of freezing water, pen- etrating the whole mass and opening every pore, are obliged to give. Every atom of soil is in a condition to absorb and supply moisture to the thirsty plant, to absorb it not only from rain and dews, but from the air which in sum- mer is always surcharged with vapour. And finally, not only is the crop benefitted, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 345 but the land is also in the best condition to im- prove, to receive besides moisture, the air and the gasses, as we have remarked ; and thus to undergo those changes in its condition if not its constituents, which make, what we call, im- provement in soils, changes which science had not yet been able to explain, to follow, or to im- itate. It is hardly necessary to add that when manure is applied to a tillage crop, the above condition is the best possible to receive it. We say then, to the clay land farmer, plough your land early enough for the frosts to act ful- ly on it; plough it deep enough to secure the present advantages of frost and aeration, and the future ones of a reservoir for moisture, and a capacity for continued amelioration ; and drain it by bed furrows and by grips well cleaned out a little deeper than the bottom o* the plough furrows. What number of inches make deep ploughing is not yet a settled point. We hear of twelve and fifteen inches much oftener than we see it. We think from seven to ten inches, rarely as much as the latter, is as deep ploughing as is usually accomplished, or as is desirable. The subsoil plough in such lands as require surface drainage is an implement which we con- sider so dangerous, and of whose benefits after a review of the experience of many practical men, there is so much doubt, that we would ad- vise a cautious, and, for a few years, an alto- gether experimental use of it. If the above shall be considered hard work, remember that it is labour saving in the end ; and if your teams are not sufficient, get more of them. There is not one farmer in twenty in cismontane Yirginia, who has mueh more than half horses enough. THE AMERICAN FARMER. We take occasion to say in reply to the Ame- rican Farmer for October, that the failure, to give credit for its excellent article on Free Acid is Soils was accidental, and the fault of the printer. Whether there be or be not free acid in soils, is, we think, a distinct question from the theory that free acid in soils produces or promotes the growth of sorrel. To that the- ory we have been a convert ; for we have seen on some of the best lands in Jefferson, that had failed to shew any improvement from lime, a luxuriant growth of this very plant : and the land on our late Shad\rell farm from which, [when it was in tillage, we prefered to save our I seed wheat, from the superior sample it always i gave, was a river hill which' never failed to pro- duce a growth of sorrel when the clover did not take. In two other matters we are sorry that we cannot agree with the editors of the American Farmer, to wit: the Agricultural Department at Washington, and their views on " An impro- ved system for a Cotton Plantation." The first of these it is unnecessary to notice now, as Mr. Fremont may be elected, and ren- der the discussion unnecessary at any time. As to the second, it may be very true, and in many places at the South, it, no doubt, is true, that one luxuriant crop of peas may restore the waste of the three preceding tillages. Potatoes — sweet are meant — are not an exhausting crop, but rather an improver as far as our information extends ; and oats, so far from impoverishing land, in the majority of cases where we have heard of their being fairly tested, are likewise rather an improving crop, and will bear suc- cessive cultivation on the same land for several years without diminution of product. This may contradict theory, but it is fact. The fact that land has " five regular plough- ings in three years," is not necessarily adverse to good farming, or a proof of defective rota- tion. The Editor's remarks occur on page 123. On page 124, they extract from The Southern Farmer the very interesting account of Mr. E. R. Turnbull, of Brunswick's, farming with pea fallow, in which it appears that he has ploughed his land eight times in four years, or sixteen per cent oftener than the case treated, with manifest advantage. We ourselves publish- ed, last summer twelvemonth, an account of the results obtained by Mr. Mathews, of Chickahominy near Richmond, who had plough- ed his land twelve times in six years, i. e. twice annually, and by a pea fallow on the stubble, in six years' successive cropping, without ma- nure, rest, clover, lime, or any other appliance whatever, had run up by steady annual in- crease from seven bushels per acre to twenty five, being an average annual increase of sixty per cent. Mr. Mathews gave $25 per acre for his land, und has recently sold it for $50 ; so he had not hurt it much. The subject of this experiment, about the poorest land he had, besides paying a handsome dividend intermediately, gave back 346 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, < double its price in the sixth year. We have lately passed through his corn field, a portion of similar land, which had been " laid by" with peas for the last three years of successive cul- tivation, and though it has not escaped the com- mon disasters of drought and chinch bug, the growth of stalks showed that it had " cut out" for an eight barrel crop. We have heard a case of a farmer in a tide water country, who cultivated the same land in corn every year of his long life, making an an- nual average of six barrels per acre, whose only peculiarity was sowing peas at the last working. We know a gentleman who, on stiff land, culti- vated a lot in corn for eight years with peas sowed at the last working, in the baulk, and turned in when in full bearing, and made fine crops all the time. Instances to the same effect may be seen in Mr. Edmund Ruffin's account of the pea culture of North Carolina in his essay on peas. This may be bad " rotation," but it is good farming, if profit be the test. It is a rotation we do not pretend to recommend, because it will not suit all lands, because economical con- siderations, very distinct from principles of ro- tation, may and will interfere to modify this or any other system. We state these facts as cases in point, to prove that we should not conclude that " an improved system for a cotton planta- tion" is necessarily bad because it makes one crop of peas pay for three years' exhaustion, and requires "five regular ploughings in three years." i ABANDONMENT OF FARMS IN NEW ENGLAND. The following extracts from two letters lately written by Mr. Brown, the editor of the New England Farmer, and published in a late num- ber of that paper, exhibit a state of things with which the agricultural prospects of Virginia contrast most favourably. Here we are an- nually opening up and improving thousands of acres, and restoring fields — not farms — that have been exhausted and abandoned. All we want is an additional supply of negro labour to make the whole of lower Virginia blossom as the rose. The rise in price of improved farms has kept pace with the progress of improvement; and we have already, instances in the interior, where no contiguity to city or market could produce speculative or factitious value, in which, the estimate of the commissioners of assessment has risen 800 per cent, in fifteen years. " It is an incontrovertible fact that there are thousands of acres in Massachusetts, and tens of thousands in New Hampshire, upon which the energies of man should never be wasted. There are acres enough without them. There are acres without original fertility, on mountain tops, or sides, away from streams, or good roads, swept by rains, and scorched by summer suns. They are difficult of access to plough, manure and plant, or if, providentially, a crop is grown, to secure it. Tu persist in their cultivation is a contest between man and the powers of nature, in which the former will certainly come off second best. It has been going on now between one and two hundred years. The axe and fire has swept the noble forests from the hills, while innumerable crops of rye have taken up the virtues of the virgin soil, to which nothing has been returned. By removing the forests, the springs that ran among the hills have disap- peared, and gradually, year after year, the rich, leafy mould has been taken up, until nought but a scanty and innutritious vegetation is left springing from a bleached, thin and inactive soil! " Man, here, is yielding to natural, but inex- orable laws. The gloomy records of his defeat are left upon the land. All along the way, oc- casionally in the valley, sometimes on the nar- row plain, but mostly on "the bleak hills, stand dreary monuments not only of his defeat, but of his retreat, also, from the unequal contest. In a brief travel of only one day, stand more than fifty deserted mansions to attest this fact ! These are not the tenements of the first settlers, but the re-buildings of their descendants, never to be repeated : one, only, mostly demolished, showing the log structure of the pioneer. Here and there some careful hand has removed the dilapidated frame work, and the cellar only marks the spot of the habitation. In the other cases, no herds stand in their stalls, no smokes curl from their chimneys, and the grass — nature's beautiful covering where man mars — has overspread the pathway to the doors." * * * * * * * "All around these once fair representatives of civilization, Nature is rapidly making encroach- ments ; and there are unerring tokens of her impending approach. The clang of the anvil has ceased ; the mill grinds not, nor saws, and the mountain stream babbles or roars along its unimpeded course. The majesty of State laws compels to a good condition of the public roads, though there are few to travel them. But Nature is on»her triumphal march, and trenches upon these as well as the garden and the field. First comes the grass, like the atmosphere, de- termined that there shall be no vacuum in nature. It covers the fallows of husbandry, the deep cuts made for the avenues of trade ; THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 547 spreads over and obliterates the art or skill of the landscape gardener, and claims a place or even superiority, -with the exquisite flowers of the parterre. It is universal. Cattle graze and enjoy it, and minister to the wants of man. 1 But as the lion reigns supreme in the lo not check its career. Large portions of Massa- chusetts soil, and immensely larger of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont will grow up to forest, in spite of furnaces and locomotives. England has passed through the same process. Even now, some of the old towns of Massachusetts, cality which he has inherited or selected as his ] already settled more than two hundred years, own, and levels contributions over still wider circles, so there is a power behind the grass which shall not only supplant, but drive it from its realm. The forest approaches. Here and there where the decaying rock yields up its potash or its lime, fit food for the embryo plant, appears the pine, ash, oak, maple, beech, birch or walnut, and soon assumes the form and comeliness of a tree. Various shrubs mingle with them, whose innumerable leaves extract from the atmosphere its nutritive properties, and these cast annually, cover and protect the sur- face and supply nourishment to the roots of all. Forest trees take the lead, and as they gain have a great many more acres covered with wood than they had fifty years ago. In the in- troduction of scientific principles to his fields, the farmer's head now performs much that was once required of his hands. He tills less land, but the cultivation is more systematic and thorough, and when his crops are secured, they are expended with an economy little understood by his predecessors. " Our travelling companion, Jacob B. Farmer, Esq., of Concord, Mass., is a gentleman of rare powers of observation ; he confirms the views we have expressed, — states that he has travelled over the various routes we have now taken, more superiority, the lesser plants yield, laying down than one hundred and fifty times within forty their lives — a sort of vegetable martyrdom — for j years, and that he has noticed these desertions the general good ; they were useful in life, and when done with that, still continue to sustain the living growth. Here is a new state of things. Man and his ways have disappeared. Nature has assumed the sway, and again clothed the earth in her primitive dress. The forest is everywhere, covering hill, valley and plain. Silence is ia its dark courts, save when the thunder bi'eaks over it, or the tornado prostrates it with its ferocious breath. ■ "Such is the course of Nature — to contend with her is worse than folly, being no less than a sacrifice of health, prosperity and comfort. Let her have these lands, and use them as she will. In thirty years they will be covered with trees fit for timber and fuel, and return a profit to their owners. "In the mean time, if the proprietors of the more level and fertile lands wish to keep the native population at home, they must invite the mountain-men and cobble-stone-knoll-men into. their districts, and give them employment in the numerous manufactories T)f one kind and another, or divide their rich lands with them for a fair compensation. These lands, under a higher state of cultivation, will produce well nigh as much as the whole do now, while the products of the forest will be a clear gain ; an immense expense of fencing and road-making will be saved, the sparse population will be gathered into more compact communities, taxes of all sorts decreased, and the facilities for the transaction of business and the general welfare and happiness of all greatly promoted. If these things are not regarded, the emigration West will continue until scarcely a type of the origi- nal New England stock will be left, and the Shylocks who hold on to the better lands with penurious grip, will find themselves surrounded by those speaking other tongues, and in whose veins runs not a drop of their ancestral blood. " The fiat has gone forth, and puny men can- f the original homesteads through the whole time, — but that a large majority of them belong to the latter half of that period." ^ "X" "& ■& -A- 7<- -Jf " Iii my last I spoke of the tendency of New Hampshire lands to go back, first to grass and then to forest lands. A fellow-traveller, detained here, from Hillsboro', states that twenty farms in that town have been deserted, and probably will never again be occupied by man ; while a resident of this place informs me that on a single mountain tract in this neighborhood, ten farms are deserted, and the buildings -are in ruins ! Such are the striking features all over this region of country." TO DESTROY FLY IN WHEAT. If any of our readers - have fly in their wheat this fall — a risk, by the way, which all good farmers run, as such will have their wheat sowed early if they possibly can — let them not forget to try the remedy proposed by our friend, the late Jas. A. Cochran, of Augusta, and sanctioned by his experience for several years. It is simply to apply from one to two bushels of water-slaked — not air-slaked — lime per acre .to the wheat when the dew or other moisture is on the wheat, so that the lime will readily make a ley which will run down the groove of the blade to the nidus of the fly, or, as it then is, maggot. The same application, made in the spring, if not found fully effective in the fall, Mr. Cochran found to rid him almost entirely of this pest. The hands that apply the lime, may handle it with impunity if they will only keep their hands well greased. Mr. Cochran used small 348 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. tins, like the dippers used for sugar and coffee by the grocers, to scatter it. But on land that will bear the tread of horses a broadcasting- machine ""will answer much the best purpose. KEEPING SWEET POTATOES. The best plan we have ever tried to keep sweet potatoes, for family use, is to pack them in la}"ers in goods boxes of dry sand — dried, if necessary, on the kitchen floor. This will ab- sorb the moisture from the roots and preserve them sound until early summer vegetables can be produced. A layer of dry sand and a layer of potatoes on that, with sand strewed among them ; then another layer of sand supporting a layer of potatoes as before. The whole to be kept in a dry place. The principle of keeping all roots is to ex; elude the pile from wet, and from rapid thawing after a freeze, to ventilate it partially, and to disturb it as seldom as possible. A dry bottom, a plank flue with holes bored in its sides and lightly stuffed with straw at top, a straw cover- ing and about eight or ten inches of dirt loosely thrown up and not patted smooth with the spade, would seem to iill these conditions. GRAYEL WALKS. A correspondent of the Rural Intelligencer gives the following result of his experience and observation as the best way to construct Gravel Walks : "First, dig the soil or lawn to the depth of six or eight inches ; perhaps in deep soil ten or twelve. Second, iill in one half of the depth with small stones gathered from the surround- ing grounds. Third, fill the remainder to the surface with sand and coal or wood ashes, leach- ed, and near the : surface spread an even thin coat of salt. ' Make use of the stone or iron roller as soon as convenient, but more particu- larly after every shower for two or three months. Your correspondent will in this way obtain a clean, and handsome drive. The salt is very im- portant in the mixture of sand and ashes. An- thracite coal ashes would be preferred, but the purpose can well be answered by making use of wood ashes, after leaching." — Culticator. BREADSTUFFS. ' Comparative trade of Richmond, in Bread- stuffs for the years 1855 and 1856. The following is a comparison of the receipts of this city in the three leading articles of the breadstuffs for the months of July, August and September of the present and last year. It will be seen that the receipt of Wheat the last thi ee months exceed that of the same months last year by the large amount of 231,485 bushels. Last year the farmers generally held back their crops for higher prices, and this accounts in a great degree for fhe excess the present year ; but the crop this year is no doubt larger than that of last year. The amount of Flour brought in during the three months is 1935 bbls. less than of last year. This may be owing to the want of water to ena- ble the country mills to grind ; but it is the opin- ion of some conversant with the subject, that the facilities of transportation, the demand for grain for the city mills, and the high prices paid by them, are taking the wheat from the country mills and diminishing their operations. July, 1856 Aug. " Sept. " July, 1855. Aug. " Sept. " Wheat 68,210 415,980 245,680 729,870 25,547 352,737 120,101 Flour. 2,056 13,614 15,639 Corn. 14,667 28,772 29,313 31,319 3,287 14,827 15.140 72,752 7,830 13,931 6,620 33.254 93 498,385 The following is a comparative statement in the inspections of Flour, in Richmond, during the quarter just ended,' and for the. same period of the three preceding years : 1856. 1855. Family, bbls. 1,897 2,294 Ex. Superfine, do 6,356 3,032 Superfine, do 117,835 110,681 do. half do 5,075 5,260 Fine, bbls. 3,158 2,478 Middling, do 14,348 8,045 Condemned, do 1,451 1,620 1854. 1853. 2,004 2,033 2,510 2,883 95,933 84,614 3,287 4,175 3,137 3,433 8,856 4,732 1,462 1,180 150,120 183,410 113,544 101,063 1\ ich mond D ispa tcJi . From the Genesee Farmer. THE CULTIVATION OF ASPARAGUS. The asparaginous class of esculents, (Doudon says,) may be considered as comparatively one of luxury. It occupies a large proportion of the gentleman's garden, often an eighth part, but enters but sparingly into that of the cottager. A moist atmosphere is congenial to the chief of them, especially to asparagus and sea-kale, which are sea-shore plants, and are brought to greater perfection in the British Isles than anywhere else, except perhaps in Holland. In the neigh- borhood of London it is cultivated to a greater extent than in any other place in the world ; chiefly at Deptford and Mortlake. Some grow- ers at these places, and especially Mortlake, have above one hundred acres each. Asparagus officinalis is the common kind. There is, properly speaking, but one cultivated variety, although we frequently see other names given, as Giant, &c, which is said to be larger THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 349 than the common kind ; but its increased size is owing, I believe, entirely to cultivation. I can- not see why asparagus should be a vegetable of luxurv ; it is one of the most wholesome, and ought to be one of necessity. It has other good qualities to recommend it. It is so easily culti- vated, and when once established it requires only to be kept clear of weeds ; though no plant is more susceptible of good treatment. It is also one of the earliest and most delicious of spring esculents, and lasting in season from the first of May to the middle of June, after which time none ought to be cut. In Paris it is much re- sorted to by the sedentary operative classes, when they are troubled with symptoms of gravel or stone. It is needless to say that the young, green stalk, when about six inches high, is in the best condition to be cut. To Make the Bed. — Choose a deep, light, san- dy, loamy soil, in the most sqpny situation of the garden, yet sheltered from cold north east winds, if possible, and in a place where it can remain, for if well done it will last good fifteen or twenty years. It must not be shaded by any large trees. "When the spot of ground is fixed on, draw on good rotten stable manure, at least six inches to one foot thick, for remember this is the. only opportunity you will ever have to manure the bottom part of the bed. When the manure is spread, begin at one end by digging out the soil the whole width of the bed, and for four feet in length, and at least two feet or two feet six inches deep ; when this is done, continue the operation by digging down the soil and man- ure to the same depth, turning and mixing them into the space from which the first was thrown, and so on the whole length of the bed. When you have worked through to the Other end of the bed, there will necessarily be a hole left ; wheel in the earth which was thrown out first at the opposite end, and that will fill it up. When this has lain a fortnight, if there be time, turn it all again, well mixing it as before ; when this has had for a dollar per hundred, or in quantities, cheaper. Two beds five feet wide and thirty feet long, will supply a family of five or six with a good dish every day. There ought to be none cut the first year, and but little the second, and none at any time after the 20th of June. The best time for making the beds and plant- ing, is October ; but if very fine weather, No- vember will do, or even early spring, providing the bed has been prepared m the fall. After all is planted, if in the fall, just before severe wea- ther is expected, cover the bed all over with long, littery manure or leaves, eight or ten inches thick. In spring, when all the bad weather is gone, rake oil' the covering and fork up the sur- face of the bed lightly, being careful not to touch the plants. Rake the surface of the bed smooth, t sow on a little salt and keep clear of weeds. Rochester, N. Y. J. Salter. THICK AND THIN SOWING OF WHEAT. This is a subject on which much has been said and done, but that is still open for dis- cussion and on which one could hardly ex- pect ever to find an agreement in opinion, so much depending- upon soil and situation, the state of cultivation in which it is found, the season, late or early, and the manner of depositing the seed, whether by drill, broad- cast, or dibbling, or planting by hand by single grains: the mode in which the seed is covered; whether by heavy drag or li