Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/southernplanterd161sout $lc. . J ' THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Seboteti to agrCculture, jgortfculture, unit the j^ouseholti arts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts.- Xenopkon. ' % t Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of live State.— SyMy. P. G. RUFFIN & N. AUGUST, Propr's.— FRANK : G. RUFFIN, Editor.— T. BAILIE. Publisher. Vol. XVI. RICHMOND, JANUARY, 1856. No. 1. TURPENTINE.^- HinU for those about to engage in its Manufacture. SITUATION. Select your plantation as near a distillery as you can ; bat you may do a very profitable business six or seven miles off, if the country is favorable for bauling. If the distillery is on a river, turpentine may be bauled two or three miles and rafted clown forty or fifty miles, cheaper than to haul to the still over six or seven miles. Yet persons already set- tled on thin pine lands, can do better to make turpentine and haul it ten or twelve miles, than at anything else they make for market. TIMBER. The best trees are young, thriving, on pretty good sod, of quick growth, having the most sap-wood. If found on low, level or moist lands, they will yield all the better. 'Dry sea- sons are unfavorable for a large orop of tur- pentine, and, of course, trees on lands that suffer easily from drouth, are least profitable. Old yellow pines run badly, and arc only worth boxing when standing amidst better timber. The thicker the growth stands the better, as close forests are less injured by hard winds than those more open, while the hand has less ground to walk over in attending his task. Forests that will not afford a task of 12,000 boxes on 200 acres or less, are hardly worth working, unless they are very near the still, or water carriage to it. BOXING. As the future profit of the business depeads chiefly on doing this part of the work well, let it be carefully attended to, observing the fol- lowing instructions : 1st. In our climate ^(Florida and South- western Georgia) this work must be done be- tween the 1st of November and the 1st of vol. xvi. — 1 March, or a little later if the spring is back- ward and cold, and the turpentine does not begin to run. 2d. The boxes must be cut lovj down — in small trees within six or eight inches of the ground, and ten or twelve inches in large trees. This will be at the swell of the roots, where the sap-wood is deepest, and the tree least weakened by the cut, and because the drip is more certain to fall into the box when it is cut in the projecting wood. And for this last reason, when the tree is not upright, a box must never be cut on the side to which it leans. 3d. The box should be from eight to fifteen inches long, measuring across the tree, accord- ing to its size. The lower edge or rim of the chop must be a level cut, very smooth, and have a down slope inwards of two or three inches below the outer edge. The depth from three to four inches, capable of holding a quart or more, unless in a small tree. As a general rule, the cut should extend very little into the heart-wood. 4th. The size of the tree determines the number of boxes it will bear and keep healthy. Trees under a foot thick should have but one box; those from twelve to twenty inches thick two boxes, and never more than three in any tree. Of course where the trees are scat- tering it may be better to cut more boxes, even if the trees do not last as long, than to lose too much time with your hands. 5th. The task for prime experienced hands is from 450 to 500 boxes a week, or 75 to 80 a day. And some expert hands will gain a day and do their work well. Such hands should be encouraged by receiving pay for extra work. But most beginners will not cut at first more than 50 boxes a day, and thejf£^^ is nothing gained by tasking them too^mglij until they have got well used to the proper shape and size of boxes. •V THE SO'UTHERN PLANTER CORNERING. As soon as you stop cutting boxfes, the hands should be set to cutting corners to them. This is done by a straight cut four or five in- ches up the tree from each corner of a box, and is usually done with two blows--of the axe, talcing out a chip half or three quarters of an inch deep, which makes a channel to catch the "turpentine at the corners of the box, and serves as a guide for the chipping afterwards. A hand will corner 500 to 600 boxes a day. The turpentine from the faces and corners of new boxes will fill them, without further work, for your first DIETING. This part of the business generally Begins about the 1st of April, a little earlier or later according to the season. jggg" But before proceeding to dip, or even to corner your boxes, each task, where there are no Datural boundaries, should bo marked off by blazing a line of trees. And every task should be further divided by rows of stakes, fifty yards apart, crossing it both ways, from side to side, which will cut it up into squares of about half an acre. Without this the overseer of several hands cannot possjj iv inspect their work with any accuracy ; nor can the hands, however faithful, avoid skipping a great many boxes in cornej \ Tpig aQ d dipping, 1st. Before you begin ' i ■' plage your empty barrels, thirty-live or forty to the task, at convenient distances, all ready to receive the turpentine. 2d. Each hand will require two backets, holding foui^or five gallons, so that while one is dripping into the barrel he can work with the other and lose no time. The implement for dipping is made of iron or steel, i • li I j • •■ like a trowel, with a wooden handle, the blade flat, six inches wide and nine or ten long, with a rounded point, thin at the edges, and a quar- ter of an inch thick in the centre, and job ing the handle. 3. Dipping must commence as soon as the boxes are pretty well filled, charging the hands to watch ' them while going over their tasks to cut corners or to chip, as trees run very unequally, and many will overflow before the rest are full. 4th. The number of dippings in a season vary from four to seven as the extremes. Be- low five, during the first two years, is looked poor, and six as very good. An early skward spring or fall — long droughts duril^ysvhich the trees almost stop running — ■ flftV^iy driving rains which fill the boxes with water aid float out the turpentine — all have their effect on the number of dippings — which depend otherwise on the frequency and care with which chipping is d.inu}. As the plantation grows older, and the chipping ex- tends higher up the tree?, you get fewer dip- pings of soft turpentine, and a greater propor- tion of hard or scrape. 5th. It is not usually necessary to gather the scrape separately, until the second winter, after the bo*ses stop running. It will then be nearly equal in bulk to two.dij pings After that it must be gathered every' winter, the bulk increasing the longer the trees are tended. 6th. For collecting the scrape, instead of buckets it is better to use a box 1 5 or 16 inches square and 10 inches deep, supported on two short legs, so as to rest against the tree. The best implement for gathering scrape is a socket spade, so that the length of handle can be va- ried with the height of the work. The hard scrape will require to be trodden into the barrels. 7th. A hand should dip 1,800 to 3,000 boxes a day, or fill five or six barrels, so as to get over his task in six or eight days. It will requite more time to collect- trip hard tur- pentine. Next to careful boxing, the length of time that your trees will continue to yield, will de- pend upon the manner in which chipping is done. 1st. The instrument used is called a :1 bark- er" or " shave," from its resemblance to a cooper's round shove, only that the cutting part should be shaped to a rounded point an inch or three quarters in diameter, and be supported on a strong spike, to be inserted in a handle of convenient length, according Kb the height of the chipping. 2d. Take care that the chip extends. across the tree no wider than the box, and for new or awkward hands it will save much waste to have perpendicular lines drawn up the tree from each corner of the box. Va. From each of these lines the chip should be cut in a down elope towards the cen- tre of the box. Each fresh chip to be cut at ■the upper edge of the old one, about a quarter of an inch deep into the wood. A narrow- chip or cut will bleed as freely as a wide one — half an inch is sufficient, And by this means your trees can be worked longer. If trees are skilfully chipped they will last eight or ten 4 th. A good hand will chip over his task once a week. And, as it is important to have THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. itjdone by the strongest and most expert hands, these should be kept a-t it regularly through the season — while women or inferior hands can dip very well. One hand can dip four tasks, while the three best hands are kept busy chipping, and should go over the whole four or five times between each dipping. On this plan the boxes first full can be attended to without interrupting the chippers HAULING. One hand strong enough to load, with a pair of good mules and suitable wagon, will haul the turpentine dipped by teu hands, an average distance of three miles — with spare time for hauling provisions, empty barrels, &c ; and in the winter can be employed in hauling barrel staves, ploughing in oats, or preparing ground for early peas and potatoes — so as to provide a large part of their own forage for himself and team. BAR-EELS 1st The barrel is made 32 inches long, in- cluding the chines, and the head about .17 inches across, with a little bulge in the middle. The staves and heading of piue. to be three quarters or seven-eighths of an inch thick, secured with six strong wooden hoops 2d A barrel of turpentine must weigh 2S0 pounds, and any over or under-weight is added or taken off, as the case may be, in calculating all sales Nu allowance for weight of barrel 3d. A cooper'^ ta«k, when working by the day or month, is live barrels. His price is twenty -five cents a barrel for making when all materials are found him — and when he finds all, from thirty-one to thirty-seven cents a piece.! 4th Heading and staves of heart pine are worth $5 a thousand Sap staves one-fourth less, as they are only fit to hold the hard tur- pentine or scrape They should be got out and hacked up and dried two or three months be- fore being worked up. Hoop poles, about six feet long, of hickory, white oak, or water oak, are worth twenty to twenty-five cents per hun- dred delivered. 5th. In a gang of hands getting turpentine, every fifth man may be a cooper and will be employed the year through in providing his own materials and keeping the others supplied with barrels. GUARDING AGAINST FIRE. The evil consequences of getting a turpen- tine plantation on fire are so great, as to justify the labor of hoeing around the boxes, so as to clear away all the grass and pine straw to a distance of four or five feet. This will employ a hand four or five weeks in the 'winter. The State ought to protect this important interest by enacting severe penalties against those who set out fire where it can extend among trees boxed for turpentine. GENERAL L1EMAEKS. The turpentine business is considered a very healthy employment for hands. It may be carried on with little capital, on lands too poor for cultivation, and is, therefore, well suited to persons of small means. If there is one hand, in the poorest family, able to cut boxes and chip them afterwards, the dipping can be done by women and half-grown children. A poor family living near a still or river may make something, even if they hire the hauling. On the other hand, no business makes better returns for common labor, take one year with another, not even the culture of cotton and tobacco, especially when the amount of capital employed is taken into consideration. A prime experienced hand, in a plantation newly opened, has gathered $600 or $?00 worth of turpentine iu a year, leaving a nett sum of $100 or ijj.vOO, after all deductions for barrelSj hauling, provisions, &c. Two hundred dollars per hand, clear of all expenses, including wages to an overseer, is a very moderate result for an average lot of hands. The usual price for cutting good boxes is $1 per hundred, and food for the hand. Twelve thousand boxes are an average task, in chipping and dipping. Extra prime hands have tended as.Jiigh as fifteen or sixteen thou- sand, but ordinary hands will not do justice to more than ten thousand. Good trees wiil yield about three barrels to the thousand boxes at each dipping for the first three years, one-sixth of this being hard or scrape the second year, and one-fifth the third year. The proportion of scrape in- creases as the chipping extends higher up the tree, until it makes half the crop, while the dippings or soft turpentine will be reduced to three or even two a year. It will, therefore, be necessary to add some new boxes to the task every year, after the fourth, to keep up the profitable business. In young, thrifty trees this may be done without increasing the bounds of a task, if the number of boxes was limited at first, as previously directed. Virgin dip is the name given to all turpen- tine gathered the first year from new boxes. The first three dippings make much the brightest and best rosin, and on this account is worth fifty or seventy-five cents a barrel more than Yellow dip, which is the name of all soft turpentine taken from the boxes after the first year. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Hard or Scrape is the name for the turpen- tine which hardens on the face of the chipping and never reaches the boxes This makes a pretty fair rosin, but yields not more than a third of the quantity of spirits, and is worth about half price. The evaporation of spirits from all soft tur- pentiue is very rapid in hot, dry weather ; and this makes it important to dip and deliver it at the still without unnecessary loss of time. Virgin dip will yield about five and a half gallons of spirits to the barrel (of 280 pounds,) for the first three dippings, and from five and a half to six gallons later in the season Yellow dip, if delivered early, will turn out six to six and a half galloLs. The scrape rarely makes as much as three gallons, very often not more than two or two and a half to the barrel. Oil an average, all kinds will make two bar- rels of rosin from three of raw turpentine. The distiller, therefore, will have one-tliivd of his barrels surplus, which, with slight re- pairs, will serve as well as new ones for future dippings. When Virgin dip is worth $2 50 or $2 75 a barrel, yellow dip is worth about $2, and the scrape about $1 25 a barrel To justify the distiller in paying the above prices, spirits of turpentine should be worth 40 cents a gallon in the New Orleans market, upon the supposition that the entire expense from the still does not exceed eight cents a <*allon on spirits, and. 40 cents a barrel on rosin. When spirits are selling in New Orleans at 36 cents, the raw article is worth 20 cents a bar- rel less, lit the still, at the same rate of ex- pense in sending the manufactured article to market The distiller incurs great expense in the single article of spirit barrels. These must be iron bound, made iu the best manner, of seasoned wiiite-ouk, and well coated within with glue., to prevent evaporation. They should contain from 40 to 45 gallons, and when ready for use cost little short of $2 a piece. As there must be one spirit barrel provided to every seven of soft turpentine, the demand for these barrels will of itself open an extensive new branch of business. Let these, by all means, be made at home A word more at the close It is said above that a turpentine plantation will last eight or ten years This is meant for Florida and Southwestern Georgia. In North Carolina, with careful wroking, it lasts 12 or 1 4 years. And then begins the business of making tar from trees exactly prepared for it, by this pre- vious culture. This ie nearly as profitable as making turpentine, and will furnish employ- ment for several years longer Remarks. — We are under particular obliga- tions to John M. Potter, Esq., of Decatur county, Ga , for a pamphlet containing the foregoing information. We do not know who is the author, but doubt not the article will be acceptable to many persons seeking information on this impoitant subject — Eds So. C'uh. RIDGING UP GROUND FOR WINTER. The following is from the Agricultural wri- ter of the N. Y. Daily Times, and well wor- thy of consideration by those whose spot of land is small, showing what can be done by deep tillage and a thorough cultivation of the soil : " We know a gardener, residing near a country town, who devotes his whole time and labor to a single acre of ground, and he raises for the market from this limited space fully enough to sustain a large family in comforta- ble circumstances, besides ' laying by' a little every year. His invariable practice is to throw the whole plot into high, narrow ridges every autumn, and let it lie thus until spring. These ridges are from three to four feet high when first thrown up, and are as narrow as they can well be made. " During the winter the sides crumble down so as to partly fill up the intervening hollows ; but the ridges are still elevated two feet or more at the close of winter. " We can readily perceive the effect of such an arrangement. Owing to the narrow- ness of the ridges the frost penetrates to the centre of each, while in the bottom of the fur- rows it goes down as deeply as it would have done from the undisturbed surface, and by this means the whole soil undergoes the freez- ino- process to a depth of nearly three feet. It is thus mellowed and fitted for the recep- tion of the roots of future crops. The air is admitted to that depth and oxydizes or de- stroys the poisonous compounds that abound in all soils not subjected to its action. " The air also circulates freely through the ridges, and deposits its rich stores of ammonia and other nutritious gases. The supplies of organic plant-food from this source saves one- fourth to one-third of the manure that would otherwise be required. " The ground is much sooner freed from water in the spring, and more quickly warmed by the vernal sun, so that spring planting and sowing can be commenced several days earlier than on flat land, as abundantly proved by the fact that the cultivator of the above garden is always first in the market with pota- toes, tomatoes, peas, and other vegetables. a THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. JAPAN PEA. Several years ago we received this bean, •THE COMING CROP. The Danville Republican of Thursday says : (wrongly called a pea,) from a correspondent j j Q Pittgylvauia there ha8 been rather over m in Europe, who spoke of it as something new| a e 80 wn, and in Halifax a very Since then it has | abimdant one , In Henry county the famer8 have sown unusually heavy crops; Franklin been distributed by the Patent Office, and highly recommended for domestic use and as food for stock. This season we have grown it has about an average crop, and the same is the case with Patrick. A farmer from Caswell, in sufficient quantity to test its value for either j N c inform8 u8 that 80 fer ag hig observa , purpose. Unless it possesses hidden virtues tiong g0) which are quite oxtengivej tbe ^ of it is not worth cultivating, and may be classed with the number of horticultural humbugs lately imposed upon the public desire for novelty. • The Japan beau grows 2 to . 3 feet high ; tbe stalk is quite woody, with very few side branches ; the legumes or pods are produced in twos and threes at the axles of the leaves ; each legume contains two or three small round beans the size and shape of a ,: Tom Thumb Pea," and the flavor is not unlike that pea when fully ripe ; the legumes are covered over with a stiff fuzz. Although this bean may be planted early in the Spring, it will not mature before late in the Fall, showing that our sea- sons are too short for its growth. It is totally unSt for food while green, and not superior to the common pea when' ripe. Animals have no especially after the fruit Caswell has never contained a larger amount of seed wheat. Taken altogether, the wheat crop in this region will be unusually largej and if the season should be propitious for its growth the next yield will be greater than was ever known before. CHICAGO BEEF PACKING-HOUSE. When September month begins to wane and cooler days are ushered in, the drovers be- gin to assemble together their fatted herds, and the roads leading to Chicago are sudden- ly alive with bellowing droves. We will se- lect one herd from the many that we see in tardy movement around us, and watch its pro- gress through the various stages until it is rolled on to the dock transformed into " Extra Mess Beef." We have alighted then relisn for the stalk.-, ■ i , r . i -., •. • . upon a drove ot some 300 and when we consider tnac it is a great i *.. . , c , „ is ripe : head, raised, we t^'^TIwill suppose, in La Salle County, and con- rmpoven.-her ot tne soil, it is an miury to cul-- , , rr ' . . , . . ... -., J TT , ,. r , ., 7->-,w 7 tta / tt tracted, some time past, to the Messrs. Hough, tivate it as a crop. — P Ut so urgh Western liar- \ , ,, ,. n * „ ' , , , .=, > ticrullurht. at the rate of five dollars per hundred weight for the beef — the offal being given in. By much whooping and chasing, the mounted dro- vers have brought the bewildered herd to the strong brick wall that incloses the yard ; the wide gate is swung open, the cattle thrust in, and there suffered to remain awhile to collect their wandering senses. The following morning their slaughter corn- Half a dozen noisy fellows, with DESPISING HOUSEHOLD DUTIES. From a variety of causes, nothing is more common than to find American women who have not the slightest idea of household du- ties. A writer thus alludes to this subject : " In this neglect of household cares Ameri- ' can females stand alone. A German lady, no ! niences. matter how lofty her rank, never forgets that j poles in their hands, present themselves in the domestic labors conduce to the health of body 'yard, and, detaching about fifty from the herd, and mind alike. An English lady, whether : drive them into a closer yard. This is a nar- she be a gentleman's wife or a duke's, does not | row inclosure separated from the main yard by despise the household, and even though she j a gate, and communicating by means of sli- has a housekeeper, devotes a portion of her | ding doors with four close pens, where the time to this, her true and happiest sphere. It j animals are ultimately roped for the slaughter, ig reserved for our republican fine ladies to Having driven their cattle into the smaller yard, the men continue their pursuit, and further detail four or five of the slithering be more choice than even their monarchical or aristocratic sisters. The result is a lassi- tude of mind often as fatal to health as the j brutes into each of the close pens. A door neglect of bodily exercise. The wife who : is now withdrawn from within, a powerful ne- leaves her household cares to tie servants, | gro presents himself, and lassoes one of the pays the penalty which has been affixed to | cattle ; two men then haul upon the windlass, idleness, since the foundation of the world, and and, in spite of the most violent bovine re- either wilts away from ennui, or is driven into all sorts of fashionable follies to find employ- ment for her mind." sistance, they draw the struggling wretch down to the bull-ring. There is some peculiar dread communicated from this negro to the 6 THE SOUTHERN P L A N T E 11 cattle, which renders the dangerous process of roping a work of comparative ease to him. But, at the other extreme pen, four white men are attempting the same task, and it is abso- lutely unsafe for them to show themselves within reach of the animal's horns. The axe is applied, and the animal is blooded. To each pen there is a bed, as it is called — that is, a place to dress the bullock, and one is now lying prostrate upon each of the four beds. Now the butchers take the cattle in hand; for those we have been witnessing at work are only laborers. These uutchers are a select corps — each an Achilles in his peaceful way. Accustomed to this wholesale mode of slaugh- ter, where time is economized to the utmost, they have acquired a dexterity and a breadth of cut that would astonish some of our Fulton Market worthies,. The cattle are poised on their backs, ( pritched is the technical term,) and three butchers fall to work upon each One man flays tiie head and decapitates the animal, a.nd one strips each side ; the haunch- es are then cut asunder, and the bullock is raised to his ;l first hoist." It is a treat to see these fellows work. They are great brag- gadocios, ami numerous pints of whiskey are pending between the rival hands upon the num- ber of cattie each can respectively put up. Their work is of a repulsive eharacter, but they evidently like it. " The lianl of little employment hath a dainter seu e.' : and Providence lias wisety designed that, whatever his occupation, a map shall find plea- sure in it. They are working against time; very little talk is indulged in, and the fast workmen keep the less skilful travelling, in or- der to maintain pace with them. There is no drinking except of beer — and then at a clan- destine hour, when the master's eye is turned — and the work goes on with excellent deco- rum. The first hoist is worked oft', and the animal is again raised until lie is landed upon the balks. These are two parallel beams with polished surfaces, running longitudinally through the building. Two laborers swing the suspended carcass back out of the way of the beds, and the butchers follow it up to fin- ish dressing it, while the negro and his white satellites prepare another bullock for each va- cant bed. This process is repeated until the day's work is achieved, and 150 carcases are suspended by their heels to stiffen until the fol- lowing morning. The next stage is in the cutting room, which is on a level with the slaughter-house, and only separated from it by the forest of the sides of beef which intervene. Here the beef is weighed, cut, cured and barreled. Immense vats arc sunk on each side the building, each capable of holding twenty carcases of beef; and the pumps and the machinery for the sup- ply and withdrawal of the brine are fitted up underneath the building. When the day's work begins, a force of men, armed with knife and saw, make an attack upon the stiff- ened beef, and reduce it into (quarters as rapid- ly as they can ply their instruments. When cut down each carcass is weighed — the owner being generally present — and the beef is de- posited' upon two immense racks. The demo- lition of the quarters then begius. There are two qualities of mess beef — the extra and the prime. The extra is composed of the select- cattle — the heaviest and the choicest — and it is reduced to component pieces with the knife and saw. It is packed in tierces containing 304 lbs., having 33 pieces of 8 lbs. each to the tierce. This is chiefly packed for the East India market, and particular care is bestowed upon the preservation of it. The second qual- ity — consisting of " Prime Mess'/— is made generally from a less choice quality, and is cut into pieces of no precise weight with a heavy cleaver. • This beef is packed in barrels containing 200 lbs., the pieces not being enu- merated, and is principally disposed of for the supply of merchant vessels. As the cutters reduce the beef to pieces, porters are employed in removing it to the vats, where it is allowed to purify itself by a stay of one or more days in brine. When ready for the packer it is withdrawn frour the vat and again removed in barrows to the scale. Here it is weighed off in drafts, and stowed compactly in barrels ; a layer of dry salt is then spread over the head, and the barrel is taken hold of by the cooper and in a few mo- ments headed up. A. removal to the brine- yard, where the interstices of the contents are filled in with brine, and the barrel is fiually rolled on to the dock, where it is ready for transportation. We remarked that great care was required in the cutting of the tierce-beef, since no variation is admissible in the number of pieces packed in ; if the weight is deficient, the tierce would be condemned by the inspec- tor, and if the weight overruns, the surplus- age is a loss to the packers. "Wo were grieved in walking through this immense " manufactory" of beef, to see the many hogsheads going to waste which would rejoice so many of our needy community, could it only be transported to them. Out- side of the slaughter-house we remarked a small ship-load of the livers and hearts of the THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. cattle, thrown | aside as valueless ; the hogs were putting them to use certainly ; but there are many industrious fellow-creatures in New He should have considered that the profitable- ness of keeping animals depends not upon the absolute amount tbey consume, but upon the York who would be tempted to dispute their | greater or less product of flesh, wool, &c, oh- meal with them. Inside the building we saw|tained from a given amount of nutriniei.t. Had shanks and waste fragments enough to supply he weighed his animals in the fall and divided soup to the indigent for the whole season. If the laws regulating the interchange of com- modities could so be improved as to facilitate them, keeping one part in close warm sheds or stalls and the other part in the cold, situation, he would have found that the protected ani- the transport of them directly from the pro- inals, while consuming less food, gained more dueer to the consumer, we might procure our | in weight than the others, and in May or necessaries at rates nearly approximating to (June would had been in superior health and western prices, and the chief cause of hunger ! heart. In the ease referred to it was found in the cities be removed. THAN FODDER. that has been writ- SHELTER CHEAPER Notwithstanding much ten during a few years past, especially in the agricultural journals, on the true principles of winter protection and feeding of domestic ani- mals, there is still .'9 great amount of costly ignorance on the subject. Last winter we chanced upon the farm of a man who possessed a fair share of intelligence upon general matters, and we were not a little- surprised to find him still clinging to the old opinion that his stock wintered better when ex- posed to coll than |f warmly housed He kept no account of the amount of food consumed, but his observation Lad taught him, and truly, that his sheep, for instance, consumed more, food in a cold winter than in one of moderate temperature ; and he reasoned that if they ate more it indicated better health and a faster growth of flesh and wool, and of course a greater profit. Following out his opinion, he kept a flock of sheep in an open field, exposed to bleak winds and pelting storms. In this field he had placed a number of small stacks of bay, to one after another of which they had free access, and upon which they made rapid inroads. Their only shelter was afforded by the leeward side of these hay stacks and by the stone walls that surrounded the field, to- gether with a grove upon the northern side that served to break off the wind from that direction, but from entering which they were prevented by the intervening fence. He was quite sure they ate better when thus exposed than if housed or allowed a warm shelter around and under the barn. His other stock were treated in a similar manner. Instead of warm sheds or stables, they fed and slept in a cold open yard. He said it kept them in bet- ter " heart," and gave them a sharper appetite. As to the latter ho was doubtless correct. _ But he, like thousands of others, had drawn his conclusions from a false theory, which a few careful experiments would have corrected. necessary to give the sheep a dose of tar, by [applying it upon the uoses, in the spring, to .operate as a tonic, and to counteract the ' ; running at the nose" produced by colds, which sheep " catch'^ as well as men. There is a principle or two involved in feed- ing and nutrition which, if well understood by all who. have the care of animals, would ren- der their labor doubly profitable. The food consumed by animals serves a double or treble purpose. It supplies the waste of the system produced by the natural wear of the various organs, and keeps up respiration and the re- sulting heat. What is left after these ends are served goes to increase the flesh or weight. The wear depends upon the amount of ex- ercise taken ; hence the more' quiet animals are kept after allowing just enough exercise to preserve the organs in a healthy state, the less will be the amount of food required to supply the waste. The heat cf the body results from the con- sumption of carbonaceous food, especially the oil}' and starchy portions. The union of the carbon in a tallow candle or oil lamp wich the surrounding air, producing the heat and the flame, has an exact counterpart in the lungs and blood t ) the animal, when the air drawn in at respiration unites with the oily or fatty matter in the blood and gives heat to the sys- tem. On a warm day not much heat is removed from the surface of the body, and the animal breathes less rapidly and fully, and less fat is consumed to supply wasted heat. If the same amount of oily food is con- sumed and digested as on a cold day, there will be a larger surplus to be stored away as fat. As a matter of course the colder the wea- ther the less surplus fat or profit will be ob- tained from the food. Another point usually overlooked is this : In the coarser substances, such as hay and straw, consumed by animals, there is but a small proportion of oily or carbonaceous mat' THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ter, and to get at this it is necessary to digest a prodigious quantity of food. This over taxes the digestive organs, and results in more or less debility. We have here an explanation why a smaller quantity of meal, which supplies oil and starch, (both of which are rich in carbon, the chief heat-producing element,) will keep an animal in so much better health. The principles above indicated, which are fully established by both scientific theory and oft repeated experiment, lead to the certain conclusion that, for all kinds of animals, whether kept as stock or for fattening, it is most profitable to furnish warm shelter. We repeat, a flock of sheep or a drove of cattle will without doubt eat much less food and gain much more weight if kept nearly at sum- mer-heat during winter than if left exposed to our inclement weather. — N. Y. Times. White Post P. O., Clarkk Co., Va., j> Dec. 15, 1855. $ Mr. Ruffin : Dear Sir: — We have had no rain for snow) to do any good, since the latter part of October. The wheat six weeks ago looked remarkably fine, but the rich worm — a large white worm — and the largest kind of dark, ash colored cut worms, have thinned it in rich land. I have, during the fall, heard complaints from up the valley of the chinch-bugs, destroying the early sown wheat. The cold, dry weather is cer- tainly doing injury at this time. A smail ap- plication of ground alum salt, where the large white worms were eating up my first sown wheat, so effectually stopped them, and the wheat grew off so finely, and continues to look so well, that I am now about to make an appli- cation of the following compost, the material for which happened to be corneatablc just at this time, viz : 50 bushels of plaster, 55 bushels slacked lime sifted, IS bushels of ground alum salt, and 78 bushels of sifted ashes, about half of which have not been dripped. I shall apply this to 100 acres as near as I can by hand. If this application benefits the wheat much I shall apply it with a larger proportion of salt next fall. I think it should be one-fifth salt, and the remainder of equal proportions of plaster, lime, and ashes. If the ashes are n->t to be had, I should use the other thre'e without it. I think it would be one of the nicest things for corn, to be applied on the hill just as the corn was com- ing up, that was ever tried. There would be no danger from bugs or worms of any sort. I have no objection to your using the above in- formation if you desire to do so. Very respectfully, J. J. Hitk. P. S. — Since writing the above, we have had a shower that wet the ground two inches deep. I have sown my compost, but did not spread ii over more than 70 acres. The proportions mentioned in this letter amounting to 200 bushels, after being well mixed three different times, measured up 222 bushels. I account for this from the fact that the ashes were damp, and the plaster was very compact. After it was well mixed it was light and nice for sowing as any thing of the kind could be. I had lands laid off 12 feet wide, with a plough in different places, that I and others may see if any effect can be produced by home-made compost. Yours, &c. J. J. H. STALL-FEEDING SHEEP. THE i-ROFITS OF STALI.-f'EKDING MERINO* AN'D SAXO.VS FOR TIIF. BDTCHKK. Mr. J W. Colbourne, of Springfield, Ver- mont, writes to the editor of The Country Gen- tleman, at Albany, N. Y.. that he, being stimu- laied by what he had read in that paper of what ene of his neighbors had done in the way of stall-feeding, tried his hand at it last winter, and kept an account of the results. In reading the items of the cost of the feed given by Mr. Colbourne to his sheep, it will be seen that he reckons the'eost of his hay at $10 per ton, and his corn at nearly double what it is wonh in this State under ordinary circumstan- ces. Bui we regard the fact of these fine- wooled sheep being brought to market in such fine condition, as proving that they may be kept with profit for their mution as well as for their wool, and showing that there is not the least excuse for any farmer in this State to raise a poor coarse- wcoled sheep unless he is so careless and unambitious that he is willing to let everybody else get ahead of him. This intelligent Vermont farmer says: — "I culled one cow from my limited number of four, and dried her 1st September; fed with pump- kins and short grass uniil 20th November; then with corn-stalks, hay, and corn in the ear (ground) until the 22d March, when I sold her to go to Brighton market, with the following results : Value of cow on 1st September - - - - $15 00 Grass $2, three cart-load pumpkins, $2 - 4 00 Hay and other coarse feed through winter, - - 7 00 Corn, with expense of carrying 3 miles to mill, ------.... 24 00 Total cost of cow when fatted $50 00 Estimated to weigh 1,000 lbs.; sale on foot at the barn, $72; profits, $22. Her blood was three-fourths Native, one- fourth Durham. She was large, and very fat; worth at Brighton, $7 50 per 100 lbs., which left $3 for drift, by railroad — just a fair compensa- tion. 1 also stall-fed 123 wethers, all of my own raising, four years old last May and June — a cross between the full-blood Spanish Merino and Saxony ; very fine quality of fleece — a race which all wool-growers know never attain to a large size. I was offered $2 per head for them I in November, and my neighbors considered it a very generous offer — it was all they could have brought at that time. I commenced feeding I them with corn (except in quantity) until the THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 9 29th of March, when they went to Cambridge market, with the following results: Sale of 133 head at $6.50 per head - - $811 80 Valw? of sheep in November - $246 00 20 tons English hay of good quality 200 00 200 ba. corn at 80,'the market price 1G0 00 Cost setting them to market by r. r. 44 28 050 28 Profit - - - $101 62 Or a fraction over $1.31 per head. It ie a satisfaction to the grower to be ena- bled to say that these sheep, considering the superiority of blood for wool-growing purposes only, the fineness in texture of fleece, and the number raised and fatted in one flock, were deemed by the sheep dealers at Cambridge equal, if not superior, to any ever taken to that market, from any one flock in Vermont. And now a word as to the manner o! feeding. My sheep and cattle-yards have open sheds, with a southern or eastern exposure. Cattle are stabled of nights, and mostly stormy days S sheep go out and in at their pleasure; pure aqueduct water in each yard, with a box of St. Ubes' salt constantly supplied, which I consider quite as essential in winter as in summer ; yards and sheds kept dry by straw and other coarse litter. A large stable connected with my sheep- yard enablesme toshutthemoff whenputtinghay into their racks or grain into their troughs, so that they all go to their feed together and share as equally as possible. I commenced this flock of wethers with 20 qaarta of corn per day, and from time to time increased gradually as they would bear it, without producing the scours, until they would take 70 quarts per day, with as much good hay as they would eat without waste. It will not pay the cost and trouble to grind any kind of grain for sheep, though it always should be done for cattle or hogs. So whole grain passes the stomach of a sheep undigest- ed. The ewes belonging to this flock of wethers (thoee of the same year's growth) were sold when two years old to go to western New York, where I have no doubt they will contri- bute to the improvement in fine wool. — N. E. Farmer. bly make half a crop. So tender did they ap- pear when I first saw them, I had hoped the cold weather would destroy them, but as yet they are on the increase. 1 wonld inquire what they are, whence they came, &e. ? ^Iftfft'lrS a joint worm in a new form, I shrewdly suspect. Will you or some of our experiencea farmers give us more light on the subject? Moet respectfully, E. P. Goodwik. A correspondent from Buckingham speaks of a new pest to the wheat in that county, which we suppose to be the same as that referred to above. A small, round brown bug is mentioned, and on the stalks from 10 to 20 very diminutive animals, resembling; plant-lice. What connex- ion there may be between them is not known. The plant-lice, a species of the aphide, are self-propagating wretches. We find the followiog notice of them in one of St. Pierre's works: " The aphide has the strange property of re- producing alone — although there are males, which have wings to fly where they please. Bonnet received an aphide at the moment of iU birth and reared it alone. The latter, without having communication with any other being of its species, produced its little one ; one of these, sequestrated in the same way, produced a new generation, and Bonnet thus obtained five con- secutively, without the assistance of any male, during the space of five weeks in the course of a summer. He concluded that these nine suc- cessive generations kad been begotten by the same mother by the male which had fecunda- ted in n'utiunn the eggs from which she issued the following spring ; for it is remarkable, that the aphide, viviparous in summer, becomoe oviparous in winter." — Richmond Whig. THE NEW ENEMY" OP WHEAT. Lociwa C. H., Dee. 8, 1865. To ILk Editor of the Examiner: I write to inform you that my wheat crop has been attacked by myriads of small bugs that are likely to do considerable damage. They are connaed principally to the blade, though as the weather grows colder I have noticed them most plentiful below the surface of the ground. In their first stage they are of a pale green color, and much resemble the Rose Bug ; in their second stage the color is changed to a dark brown, and finally they become winged. I am unable to inform you at what time these differ- ent changes take place. I discovered them in my wheat some two weeks ago ; it has now the appearance of being ecalded. and can't possi- ToMh. F. G. Rupfin: My Dear Fribnd : You cannot imagine how thankful I am for your having published Mr Franklin Minor's speeeh. My thankfulness is deepened by the fact, that 1 know you were in- strumental in prevailing upon Mr. Minor to ad- dress the Agricultural Society. I believe I have read most of the agricultural speeches that have been published in this country, and I do not hesitate to say, that in my humble judgment, this is the most appropriate one I have ever read ; and better calculated to do good than any other. Its boldness, originality, and truth, is but a reflection of the strong and pure mind that gave it birth. There is one suggestion of Mr. Minor's, that I earnestly beg our brother farmers to adopt, and that is, to communicate to each other, through the press, all thingd useful that we may learn from expe- rience, pertaining to our high calling, and thus create a fund of knowledge, from which future generations may draw, if the farmers heed this advice, it will be your duty, in part, my friend, to winnow the contributions, and pre- serve the grain. I will promise, for one, to eon- tribute my mite. Your friend, G, B, 10 THE SOUTHERN PL ANTE It. Small Houses. — The arguments may all bo in favor of great size, but the facts ore all the other way. Large hones are more liable to stumble and be lame then those of the middle size. They are clumsy, and cannot fill themselves so quick. Overgrown animals of all descriptions, are less hardy than those of a smaller size. If theory is to be resorted to in order to determine such ques- tions, we suggest to the lovers of overgrown ani- mals the following: The largest animals of class are of unnatural growth. They have risen above the usual mark, and it costs more to keep them in position than it would were they on a level with their species. " Follow natu-e,"' is a rule not to be forgotten by farmers. Large men are not the best for business; large hogs are not the hogs to fatten best; and large hens are not the best to lay eggs. Extremes are to be avoided. We want well-formed animals rather than such as have large bones. Odd as it may he to the theorist, short-legged soldiers are better on the march, and officers say they endure hardship longer than those of longer limbs. On choosing a horse take care by all means that his lezs are short. If they are long, and split apart like a pair of dividers, never inquire the price of the dealer. Make no offer 1 . — Iud. Farmer. For the Southern Planter. Mr. Editor : — The State Agricultural Society offe>el a premium for "some efficient and reliable reniely, such as mav judiciously be used by far- mers, to secure the wheat crop against the ravages of the jo'nt worm,, to be tested ill such manner as may be satisfactory to the committee, and to be pie-:e;ited in time to be tested in the nest'crop, or longer, if necessary.". The liberality of several members of the. executive committee, by indivi- dual contribution, very largely increased the amount offered and made this premium the largest ever proposed by the Society. The size of the premium, together with the im- portance of the subject to which it related, caused the committee to feel the full weight of the re- sponsibility of their position, and led them to give to the communications referred to them their most careful consideration. In interpreting the con- cisions upon which it was offered, the committee decided that the remedy proposed should, 1st, be effectual as a, remedy against the ravages of this insect; 2d, be within die reach of wheat growers gensraiiy as regards cost and character and should not materially curtail the wheat crop of the State nor interfere . with the cultivation of the other staple crops of the country. Acting under this conception of their duty, the committee were un- able to award the premium, but as several of the communications contained suggestions which in their opinion might prove useful to wheat growers in mitigaM ig the ravages of our enemy, they in- structed their chairman to publish in the Southern Planter such a report as would give the public the benefit of these suggestions. In discharging this duty I regret that the limits of a newspaper article •will confine me to the remedies proposed, without drawing upon the communications before me for much of interest in the history and habits of the joint worm, which I find some of them to contain. There were five papers laid before us, one of which was withdrawn upon the author finding that he had mistaken the insect. 1st. Mr. James-Hogue, of Goochland, recom- mends an application of forty-five wagon loads of manure, twenty-five bushels of lime, and two bushels of salt per acre, with thorough preparation of land by proper drainage. 2d. Mr. J. R. Pugh, of Fairfax, recommends the consumption in the barn-yard" of all wheat and rye siraw, before the month of March, at that time th. 1 careful collection and burning of all waste straw and stubbie left in the field. He asserts that after ths winter's frost, the stub- ble may be raked up clean, at an expense. of 25 cents per acre — one hand raking from four to five acres per dj.y. He uses iroa-tooth rakes with heads 3£ feet long. 3d. Dr. Thomas W. Merrhvether handed in a paper, already published in the Southern Planter, the essential point of which is the early maturing of the crop to a cer;ain sta.ee. before the period arrives for the ravages of the insect, and the means to attain this aie, early and thorough preparation, and reeding early kinds of wheat, with guano and othermanures, except where the fertility and favorable exposure of the land are such as not to require them. He •' begins seeding the middle oi'Septemher, sows for the first week pure Mediterranean wlifat, then one-ihird purple straw mixed with it, and finishes wih purple s'raw alone. If any l'oland or late wheat at all, it should be sowed earlj in Octobi r, on tobacco land, or the most favora- ble spots as to fertility and exposure." ^4ih. Mr. B. Johnson Barbour, of Orange, disclaims any intention of competing fur the premium, (as his communication does not meet the requirements of the conditions proposed) hut avails himself of the opportunity logive his brother farmers the benefit of his experience and observation. His communication gives an interesting sketch of the " rise and progress" and habits of the joint worm — reviews and dis- cusses some of the remedies already proposed, and gives what he conti lers the only sufficient remedies and safe-guards for individual farmers and for large farming communities. As regards " burning stubble" Mr. B. shows its u'ter inefficiency, by staling the fact that the stubble of the injured crop is generally so light and sparse, that fire will not spread in She dry- est weather. The plan he asserts was inef- fectually tried in the intense drought of 1854. In ordinary seasons the green vegetable matter (springing up the more quickly and rankly from the failure of the crop of wheat,) and the fre- quent wet spot--, particularly low grounds, will arrest the fire. Fall and winter burning of stub- ble is ineffectual, because there is a fall as well as spring depos ; t of eggs by the joint fly. But even if the stubble would burn at any lime, ex- periments Mr. U. has made, show that a rapid fire only consumes the light filamentous por- tions of the stalk, leaving the hard joint in which the trrubis reposing unscathed. Gnano, early seeding and early vurieties he considers "valuable auxiliaries," but gives the following statement of facts to show that they eannot he confidently relied upon: i: In the fall of 1852, in one field I commenced sowing wheat THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 11 (Mediterranean and early purple straw) on the) lot lor'drove entile, and so rich that it would be ISih of September, and finished on the 28ih. a waste of nwnure to apply it, as completely applying guano liberally everywhere, and ye> destroyed by j iiut worm as any crop around it. after a fine promise it made not more than hall' When the joint worm is in "lull blast." you a crop, because it was touched on two sides by fc&n't make wheat upon a small scale. Extent the stubble of the past year." AlWr throwing doubt upon the promises held oat by entomologists, that a parasite will appear, which will destroy the joint-worm, and express- ing a fear that we " shall be overwhelmed before Blucher comes up," Mr. B. proceeds to offer the following remedy : ' ; To the individual farmer I would recom- mend stubble fallowing — 10 plough his land deeply, turning the furrow slice as flat and cov- ering the stubble as perfectly as possible. As auxiliary to this, that the wheat should he sown early, (say Irom September loth to the 5th, or at latest, the 10th October,) and in as large and compact breadths as the circumstances will al-. low, for the reason that the joint worm does of area is all important in guarding against the ravages of joint worm. Mr. Push's recommendation in theory sounds well, but 1 question the practicability ol cleans- ing the stubble field of all the infected straw by any process short of picking it up by hand. Dr. Merriwetber's remedy is knocked in the head by Mr. Barbour s experience, and Mr. Barbour's remedy, it appears, has failed in rid- ding the people of Massachusetts of an insect very similar to, if not identical with, joint worm. Dr. Harris, in his work on insects being inju- rious to vegetation, says : "It has been found in Massachusetts that ploughing in the stubble has little or no effect upon the inseeis, (eury- torna hnrdei.) which continue alive and utiin- tnost damage on the edges. Long strips of j'lred under the slight covering of earth, and wheat should be especially avoided, as they I easily make their way to the surface when they are almost inevitably destroyed. Guano, ol course, should be liberally applied, and early- varieties of wheat sown. I have found the early purple straw, or RniTin's improved purple straw, or the little red, (for it has as many aliases as a n old ro_'ue,) in be the safest and sure-t variety. 1 would farther recommenu the use of a heavy roller in the spring, for the double advantage of settling any loose wheat, and of so closing the soil as to cutoff' every avenue of escape from the joint worm buried in the ground." Alter mentioning the fact that we are always exposed to the ravages of ihe inserts bred in o'ir neighbor's stubble fields, Mr. Barbour urges '-combined action throu h out the whole region infected bv the joint worm," am! suggests, that if practicable all the wh?.at land throughout thai regidli should be BtubbLe-fa'lowed, a* much as possible put in wheat with guano in the fall, and the balance in oats in the spring. One effect of the use ol guano, Mr. B. supposes to be ihe enabling of the plant to take up silex freely, which hardens the Stalks, and prevents the joint fly Irom pier- cing it wiih its oviposited, I have thus given you. Mr. Editor, all the remedies proposed in the papers submitted to i'.: ■ ao nmttiee. A- I have paid some attention to the subject myself, and as this paper is in tended rather as a eonirilnlion to the Planter. Tor the benefit of parties interested than a com- mittee'., report, 1 take the liberty of adding a few remarks of my own. To yon who have the misfortune of an acquaintance with the joint worm, I need hardly say, that none of the recommendation'- here made can he considered as a remedy for the evil we labor u i<]er. The means proposed by Mr. Flogue, if effectual, would ha impracticable, on account of the ex- pense an- nding the application. But in my opinion, even the heavy manuring he proposes would n-j. make n crop without the observance of other precautions. I have seen in my own have completed their transformation.' Not- withstanding this authority, 1 am satisfied that the suggestion is a good one, and that very many of these insects are destroyed by this process, whi'e ihe period of transformation in others is delayed until th" straw. becomes. too hard to he pierced by ihe ovijositer. This re- commendation, with early -eedirig and early varieties of wheat, free u-e of guano, ihorpu&h preparation of land, sowing lar^e and cninpa_t bodies, burning all places of vegetable hnihor and all waste straw, and r< (raining Irom gra- zing or otherwi.-e retarding the grow'ufi rd the wheal, is all ib'al man can d.rt to piotecl himself against the ravages' of ihis insect. The rest lie must leave wnh Providence. And It -t n e say, Mr. Editor, notwithstanding Mr. Barlxui's sneer at parasitic insects, thai in my oj ininn the race nf the joint wotm is well nigh inn in this neighborhood. Last fall I ol served a most marked increase in ihe numbers of | aiasitcs compared with the joint worm. In my own .-nibble i Ibund almost as many of the former as the latter, and the consequence was, that my crop was not materially affected by join,! worm. I don't think I lost one per cent, of my crop from this cause. The two insects are readily distinguished from each oilier b} the itp.l.etl eye, both in the larva state and as )cil»ct in- sects. The larva of the join! worm is about one-tenth of an inch long, is of a j ale ycllow- i-h white color, with an internal dusky streak, and is destitute of hairs. The larva of the parasite is ol inferior size, much whiter in color, and is sparingly covered with hairs. 3 give you Harris' description of the two insects in their perfect state, which accords w,iih my ob- servation of them. The joint fly is ■'•jet black and slightly hairy. The head and thorax are opaque and rough, with dieted punctures. The hind body smooth and polished. The thighs and (daw-joints are black. The knees and other joints of the. leet are. a na'e honev voile w: neighborhood a wheat crop upon a half acre I the lore shanks pale yellow, faintly tinged witn, k*t, which lor years had been used as a Jeedmg '' black only or. the outer edges, -in a lew tndi- i id ui- It THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. viduals. The females are twelve or thirteen hundredths of an inch long. The males rather smaller, and distinguished from the females by the following characteristics : They have no piercers; the joints of the antennae are longer, and are surrounded with whorls of little hairs ; the hind body is shorter, less pointed behind, and is connected with the thorax with a longer stem or peduncle." " The head and thorax" of the parasite "are of a dark metalic green color; the abdomen i3 slightly depressed, pol- ished, purplish black above, bright copper colored beneath. The antennas black, except the basal joint, which is of a brilliant copper color. The thighs are pale yellow; the shanks and feet blackish, the hind pair with a broad, pale ring around the bottom of the shank and the contiguous part of the foot. The length of the body is ten hundredths of an inch, being somewhat less than the eurytoma." Upon this latter insect I hang my hopes, and although I don't feel at liberty to vote him the eociety's premium, 1 promise him most faith- fully my profound thanks should he do his work as completely as I believe he will. I would apologise for the length of this arli- e!e, but that an apology will add to its length. Yours, truly, R. W. IS T . Noland. Man v. Horse.— Some interest was created lately in the sporting world of Paris, by the an- nouncement that Genaro, a Spanish runner, had wagered £2000 that he would run against any number of horses on the race course of Longchamps, which is 229G yards round— the hordes to trot or gallop, but not to walk, and Q-enaro not to be allowed to walk either — the winner being the horse or man who should go round the course the greatest number of times. Ten horses came to the post. In the third round Nobbier and Miss Grinaway were put o,ut of the race for having fallen into a walk ; for the same reason Penman was beaten the fifth round, Scavenger in the seventh, Pacha m the thirteenth, Coquette in the fourteenth, Taurus and Sultane in the twenty-third. In the twenty-third round Genaro was also beat- en, and fell fainting. The two horses that re- mained (Mr. Powers' Lolo and Mr. Jacob's Old Ireland) are known as steeple-chasers, and their owners divided the stakes. Profit in keeping Fowls. — An intelligent farmer lately published the following result of his experience in keeping fowls: He kept thirty-six hens last year, that yielded him three dozen eggs, besides one hundred and twenty- five chickens. The net proceeds of the sale were $59 37, the family haviDg had, of course, what eggs and poultry thoy wanted for their own consumption besides. The whole cost of the grain for kcepiny the hens yws a fraction over $4, leaving a clear profit of $55. AGRICULTURAL PROFITS. The Leesburg (Va.) Wasliiiigtonian states that Captain George Kephart purchased a tract of land in Loudoun county, Va,, four years ago, which cost him five dollars per aftro ; from a field of this land, containing 100 acres, last fall he got 400 bushels' of corn, worth at least five dollars per barrel. After cutting off the corn he put in wheat, sowing two tons of guano on it, which yielded him 2,100 bushels and some pounds last harvest, worth two dol- lars per bushel. In two years, on this field, which cost two years ago five hundred dollars, he got upwards of six thousand two hundred dollars. Important, if true. — A citizen of Orange firmly believes and maintains the theory that the Chinch Pugs are eating up the Joint Worms ! If this be so, then there is good rea- son to hope and expect that the Chinch Bugs will, in their turn, die of dyspepsia ; for they are by nature vegetable feeders, and animal food will hardly agree with them. It is to the farmer a delightful operation truly, if the Chinch Bugs eat up the Joint Worms, and get poisoned by doing so. It would be another version of the game played by the cats of Kil- kenny, which, according to the story, fought until they had eaten each other up. — American Sentinel. HELLS ON SHEEP. Mr. Editor: — Bells worn by sheep, may and doubtless do. to some extent, prevent dogs from attacking them. The correspondent of the 1'rairie Farmer, (article copied in your July number,) places much more confidence in bells than is generally done by sheep own- ers in this region. Some believe that flocks carrying bells are more likely to be destroyed than those that do not, as the bells give notice to dogs where the sheep may be found. Cer- tain it is, that flocks carrying bells have been frequently attacked, and the sheep carrying the bells have been killed. I place bells on my sheep, not so much witb the expectation of deterring the dogs, as with the hope (if they should be attacked,) that some one on the farm, some neighbor, or pass- er by, will be attracted by the noise of the bells, and go to the relief of the sheep. And for that purpose, I put on each flock of sheep ten or twelve large bells, known in the New York market a3 Oregon cow bells, Nos. 35 and 3G, the sizes next to the largest size cow bells. I use a few No. f> east bells,'.to produce va-i ncty of Bound, but rely mainly on the Oregon THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 13 bell. The heavy, dull sound of the wrought bell, can he heard much farther than the sharp shrill tone of the cast bell. A flock of sheep carrying ten or twelve large bells, suddenly aroused by dogs at night, will give a wild cry of alarm, rivalling the fire bells of a city. I would prefer bells that could be heard a mile ; such bells may answer two purposes — they may alarm the dogs attacking the sbeep, and if not the dogs, the owner or some enemy to sheep-killing curs. Small cast bells I consider entirely worth- less. In a windy day, they cannot be heard two rods from the sheep, and not far at any time. The useful bell is a large wrought one, with a dull heavy sound. It should be well strapped, and properly adjusted to the neck of the sheep ; if hung too loose, it will make but little noise, and impede the motion of the sheep. Neither should it be buckled too tight. A ytrap 18 to 20 inches long, 1| to 2 inches wide, with a buckle and keeper of the same width, sewed to one end of it, will be found a very convenient fastening. I cannot see that the weight of a bell makes any difference in the condition of the sbeep; those carrying bells thrive quite as well as those that do not, and if it was not so it would be better to supply the ewe flock with a few weth- ers, for the bells, or that a few ewes should be worn oat carrying them, rather than have the flock run and partially killed by dogs. A flock badly torn, or scared by dogs, seldom thrives or does well after. •James Slocum. Brownsville, Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 1855; Remarks. — We fully concur with Mr. Slo- eum in his views on the subject of bells for sheep. The kettle bells are quite too small to make much of an alarm. We have used the small bells, not so much as an alarm for dogs, as for the music. A few of different notes in the flock will produce a pleasant sound and pay one for the trouble. The be!!s got lost after a time, and have not been renewed though often threatened. The cow bell mixed with the other bells would be of service no doubt, but powder and ball, expended in the right direction, and with good aim, would be more safe. A good, strin- gent dog-law works wonders in driving out the irresponsible owners, for as a general thing those doing the most damage can generally be traced to owners too poor to keep them from starving unless they do kill their neighbors' sheep. « A tax of fifty cents en every dog, and two dollars for .'very bitch; faithfully put Cib and collected, will get rid ot all dogs that m Dot roalltr useful. By the law of this State the counties have the power of enaoting dog-laws through their supervisors, and many have availed themselves of the law, with very happy i results. — P. — [ Wool Grower.'] MULES VERSUS HORSES. Mr. William Ebbets, the superintendant of the Sixth avenue railroad stables in this city, gives us the experience of that company, leading to the conclusion that for lahor at or- dinary rates of speed, mules are preferable to horses These hybrids may be put to labor younger than horses, being as fit for service at three years old as horses are at five. They are less liable to the accidents of disease, so that on an average they wear one-and-a-half times as long. The amount of feed they re- quire is at least one-third less than that of horses of the same weight, performing the same work. The horses and mules of the company do an equal daily labor — the average travel is 16$ miles. Of hay they receive the same- daily allowance, eight pounds — but in the ad- ditional feed of meal, the mules receive but half as much as the horses, yet, as any one may observe, keep in better order. For this reason the company are substituting mules for horses as fast as may be. They pay, on an average, $300 per pair for mules, while the average for horses is not over $^25. The i expense of raising mules is no greater than that of other costs. To offset economy in feed, mules can not compete with horses in point of -peed. This is due in part to their smaller size, but mostly to difference in composition. The material of which a mule is made seems to be tougher, and less given to motion, so that with the ef- fort a horse uses in making four miles an hour, a mule makes not more than three. Over- sized mules, as over-sized horses, do not wear well. The most economical weight for either animal is about eight or nine hundred pounds A mule will draw a heavier load than a horse of the same weight. The meal fed is composed of equal parts, by the bushel, of maize and oats ground to- gether. Of this a horse gets one hundred pounds a week, and a mule fifty pounds The drivers prefer the horse-teams on account of their more stylish action. — Rural N. Yorker. TRAINING HORSES. We copy the following from Jje London Sporting, Magazine : Let it never be forgotte • that with beasts, as, men, fhe lensmi imniirreit by kindnesM in far mare rsadiiy ioarnsu ana distinctly lumetu- 14 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER bered than that which is forcibly instilled into a pupil, cowed by severity and confused by fear. Some meu are sufficiently fine horse- men and blessed with such nerves, as to be ea- pa'ule of instructing young horses while on their backs, without interfering with their heads, or otherwise withdrawing the attention of the animal from the immediate business in hand; but such riders are indeed uncommon; and therefore it is that I conceive the leading system to hi so judicious a method, the beast being left entirely to his own resources, whilst the man's courage and patience run no chance of being over taxed and failing at the critical moment. Nothing but practice will make a horse a superior timber-jumper. It is a description of leaping which, more than any other, requires coolness and confidence, for it must be done with energy, but without hurry; and to obtain the requisite amount of practice, I conceive a leaping bar to be absolutely necessary. The single bar is only better than none at all ; but jt is by the double bar that the horse learns to raise himself to his hind legs, and what is termed flinging himself in the form which dis- tinguishes all the besi timber-jumpers. The plan I have always adopted myself, and have found successful, has been to enclose a space of six feet in width, (in fact narrow enough to prevent a horse from wishing to turn round,) and some twenty or twenty-two feet in length, between two strong rails, six feet high in the middle, and sloping gradually down to the two extremities. The upper sur- face of these rails is made smooth, 60 that a rein slips easily along them, and the man lead- ing the horse runs uuteide, where he is in per- fect security, and out of the animal's way. In the centre of the lane, so call it, are placed the two leaping-bars, from six to seven feet apart, that being, in my humble opinion, the most effective distance to prevent the scholar from attempting to clear the whole thing at one ef- fort, whilst at the same time it is narrow enough to force him to bend and fling himself to double it cleverly. I generally commence by laying the bars upon the ground or rather on the tan or other soft substance, on which all such tuition should take place, and walk the horse backward and forward over them till he ceases to feel any alarm at the novelty of his position. After this, I raise them some six inches from the ground, and so by degrees get them higher, till he finds it less trouble to make a slight spring and cant his hind letea af- tcr him than to knock hi" shins asratest the unyielding wood iu trying to stop over. When this is aeeomplished without touching, I con- sider the lesson over, and that we have done well for the first day. The great thing is not to disgust the pupil at the commencement of his studies; if we can only make him fond of them our task is easy indeed. When a cer- tain degree of confidence has been acquired t and the horse begins t j jump freely and will- ingly, a stage at which some reach much soon- er than others, I begin to instruct in real earn- est, putting up the first bar (which I only use to break his stride, and teach him to raise him- self on his hind legs,) a foot from the ground, and the second (which represents the fence and requires all his energies) about three or three and a half feet. He comes into the lists star- ing about him, and would, if a high-couraged horse, perhaps jump the height of a turnpike- gate, without becoming one bit the wiser; but the low bar compels him to look where he is •joins:, and bring him so near the further one that he must draw himself back as he rises, to keep clear of it. This it is which teaches him to jump as timber should be jumped; and when he can do this cleverly at the height of a common table, he is not very far from being perfect. They get on wonderfully when they have once captured the knack ; and although it may take weeks to raise the bar to three feet be -not disheartened — a very few lessons will get it up to five. When the horse has acquired dexterity and confidence, we must vary the performances, placing both bars a good he'ght from the ground, and watching how cleverly he will go in and out without touc'iing; and I think it always advisable, after the first two or three times, to conclude the lesson with a jump at the single bar, which he may be allowed to swing over as fast as he pleases, in order that we may not too much cramp his efforts by con- tinued pracH;e in doubling. Most horses will be found to get quite fond of the amusement, and eager for the exertion ; nor would any one believe, who has not witnessed it, the height over which they will bound with the greatest apparent case: five feet and upward being within the. compass of any auiina.l whose hind- quarters are qualified for the hunting field. Although I would deprecate all attempts to "get them down,'' I must insist upon the bars- being fixed so strong that they will turn a horse completely over rather than give way. I am one of those that think the fewer falls horses have the greater is their courage likely to be : but in case of extreme idleness or awkwardness, it is far better that the animal should sustain a tumble which he will not soon forget, than feh&i ha should acquire the idea,, so" dangerous to bis. rider, that timber niay fefc THE SOUTHER^ FLAN TEH > r attled -with impunity; and upon the same principle a young -horse, till he is perfect, should never be ridden at a weak place. The smaller the fence the better; but - k little and good" should be the motto with the tyro. Above all, make the lesson short, and send him home directly when he has done what you required of him. By this means he takes a pleasure and pride in his peformanee, and ac- quires a docility aud readiness which all the severity of a Lycurgus could never inculcate. Any man with good hands, mild temper and a pair of spurs, can do all that is necessary in the open holds; hut to teach effectually, it is absolutely essentially to consider the temper, disposition aud previous habits of the pupil. If he is an eager, impetuous horse, take him out by himself, and get thoroughly acquainted with him before you bring him into company; when there, let him go in front, and at ease, till he loses hh restlessness, and can be coax- ed into dropping back to his companions. It he has a heavy boring mouth,* ride him in a severe bit with a light hand, till he finds it far pleasanter to champ and play with it, than to inflict pain on himself by hanging on the in- strument ; if so sensitive that he will scarcely bear his mouth to be touched, put on thick smooth snaffles and running martingales, till he is no longer afraid to ask for that support to which ho is entitled at his rider's hands. — In short, in those days of '-bridles ',' there is no excuse for any horse being improperly bit- ted; aud when we have got the key to his mouth, it is our own fault if we put him out of tune. PRATT S I>ITOH DIGGER. We copy the following account of the above recent invention from the New York Tri- bune : Mr K. (J. Pratt, of Oanandaigua, patent- ed in July, 1853, a machine for digging ditches, which proved one of the best things exhibited at the late State Fair. By its aid one man and two horses have frequently dug 150 rods of ditch three feet deep in one day, and from 50 to 150 according to the nature of the soil) is considered a day's work. The machine consists substantially of a scoop and revolving wheel— the scoop scraping and the wheel carrying up the dirt until at a sufficient height it is tumbled out upon the sides, at a little distance from the ditch. Several repe- titions of the operation arc required be- fore the ditch U sunk to sufficient depth. The specimen exhibited at the late Fair was all wrought iron, and weighed between 700 and 80ft pounds. The diameter of the main wheel was five feet, and the breadth of the diggers or lifters fixed thereon, and that of the scoop or curved channel in which they rise, is about nine inches. Although the lift- ing apparatus is thus .narrow, it is practicable and indeed desirable, to make the small plows or cutters which pare the side cuts somewhat wider, so that a ditch of any width, from nine to fifteen inches, may be excavated by -the same machine. ... The weight of the dirt which is being lifted, the curved channel, and in fact of the whole machine, rests on the diggers, which, like the aoats of a paddle-wheel, project from tho periphery of the main wheel. As the ma- chine is drawn forward by the horses, the dig- gers are successively forced into the earth and compel the wheel to rotate— thus throwing up and discharging from the top all the earth caught by the scoop, which is in immediate contact behind. On the extreme rear of the whole is adjusted two cutters or small plov.s, which pare the sides and tear the earth to a suitable distance below, ready for the next passage of the machine, so that after the first passage the diggers are always pressed down into the ground already loosened, to a depth • if from two to tea inches, which loosening may be supposed to regulate the depth to which they will tje likely to sink. The wheel aud its accompaniments being of considerable weight, great muscular exertion would be rc- quired of the attendant to prevent its falling on one side, but for a simple and very effectual provision for its support. The stout iron shaft on which the main wheel freely revolves, is prolonged some two or three feet on each side, and provided with a light carrying wheel mounted loose, as in a common carriage axle, to run upon the ground. These wheels are to maintain the upright popition of the machine ; but the wcight.inust. at all times, when in ope- ration, be allowed to rest on the diggers. In short, the main wheel and the whole machine must be allowed to sink down into a ditch, or rise to the surface, while the carrying wheels simply run lightly on the surface at the sides. This end is accomplished by bending the axle into the form of a large crank at each side and releasing it from all connection with the machine, except that of passing loosely through the centre. A catch is provided by which the attendant (who. is supposed to be grasping a pair of handles in the rear) may make the connection a fixed one at pleasure, and when desiring to leave the field and travel the road the weight may, by this means, be thrown en- tirely upon the carrying wheels. JV", York Tribune, THE SOUTHERN PLANT hit THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, JANUARY, 1856. TERMS. Oni Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum, which may be discharged by the payment of One Dollar •ely, if paid in office or sent free of postage within six months from the date of subscription. Six copies for Five Dollars; thirteen copies for Ten Dollars, to be paid invariably in advance. I5P* No subscription received for a less time than one year. ™* Subscriptions may begin with any number. ' No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages •re paid, except at the option of the Editor. "Office corner Main and Twelfth steets. ADVERTISEMENTS. A limited number will be inserted at the following rates: 9ot each square of ten lines, first insertion, One Dollar; •act) continuance, Seventy-five Cents. Advertisements *ut of the City must be accompanied with the money, to Ueure their insertion. 1 It is indispensably necessary that subscribers or- dering a change should say from what to what post office »bey wish the alteration made. It will save time to us and lose none to them. 8J|P" Postage on the Southern Plnnter, (when paid in adrancej to any part of the United States one cent and half per qnarter, or six cents per annum. FARMERS' CLUBS. Wk do not know that our friends can commence a new year more auspiciously than by the formation of farmers' clubs. We havo once or twice pub- lished the constitutions of such associations, and there is no need to do so again. They possess two main features, and almost any machinery can put them into play. The first is, a review of the farm- ing practices of each individual member of the club. The second is, the conducting of experi- ments i;i the whole of that part of husbandry ■which is within the scope of the particular com- munity in which the club may happen to be situated, with a vie* to adopting improved ma- chinery and implements, of commencing new modes of culture, and correct theories. From having been, during some six or eight years, a member of :he first club, so far as we know, that was formed in Virginia, (formed, let us say, in justice to the founder, at the instance of Franklin Minor, Esq., of Albemarle,) wo know somewhat of the advantages it conferred, especi- ally as respects the first branch of our subject. By it we have seen a complete revolution effected in the management of particular farms, and great improvements wrought in special instances in al- most all. We have seen the diffident encouraged, the rash checked, the doubter confirmed, the lag- gard quickened, the sloven brushed up, the care- less rendered vigilant, the despondent cheered, the ignorant informed ; and we can without effort now call to mind particular cases of each of the above. Not that any member was obnoxious to any such implied charges as characteristic traita, but as occasional defects, needing correction by friendly hands. This correction is best rendered by such a criti- cism of, and consultation over, the farming prac- tices of each as is afforded by the machinery of such neighborhood clubs. To this the most obstinate will yield, even while contending against it, and the inexperienced or the uninformed will thank- fully receive it. How shall it be rendered? To our apprehension, the best mode is by an extempora- neous discussion at first, led by a special commit- tee appointed for the purpose, and a subsequent written report by the same committee, who shall pass under review the whole system of manage- ment pursued on the farm, and shall introduce such incidents of the discussion as they may think worthy of notice, and such additional topics of criticism and commendation as they shall see fit. But to do this effectually the committee must pay a second visit to the farm, and thoroughly re- inspect it. In this way, in some three or four years, the management of each farm will be well known, and the defects of each farmer so fully and clearly and repeatedly pointed out, that it will bo his own fault if he shall continue to adhere to them. This is one of the greatest benefits a club eaa confer ; but unfortunately most of them stop just here, and gradually wear out as this purpose becomes accomplished, or interest flags from re- petition. During this period of its highest usefulness, If not its whole life, the club conducts many valu- able experiments ; but they are for the most part few and simple, such as can be decided iu one or at most two seasons, and take up but little atten- tion and less time. They are generally confined to an accurate account of existing operations, or to a few observations on the culture, growth, ripening or harvesting of such staples as now form the main subjects of tillage, or to slight variations of present practices. It is true that " these elicit some incidental good, and wheu even one in a thousand of them is completely successful, it may confer Upon the whole community lasting and in- calculable benefit. 'One happy result which catt generally improve the methods of cultivation, 1 re- marks Sir Humphrey Davy, 'is worth the labor of a whole life ; and an unsuccessful experiment, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. « well observed, must establish some truth, or tend to remove some prejudice.' " It is as well, perhapB, that another and very va- luable class of experiments is not undertaken generally by farmers : we mean experiments in agricultural chemistry, or the phytology of agri- cultural plants ; for these, "even when conducted upon principles of penetrating and far-sighted theory, are subject to so many mistakes, oversights and disturbances, and make appeals to the joint agency of so many recondite forces and ill under- stood agencies, that they very often prove utter failures.'' The expense of such experiments is so great, and the conditions are so numerous, and, to a mind untrained to philosophical investigations, so vague, obscure and perplexing, that very few can afford the time and money, and fewer still have the talent, to prosecute them. But in the matter of introducing new and im- proved implements, there is great room for useful- ness in Farmers' clubs, and a field for wide, active and noble enterprize. What is the farmer without machinery 1 and how many times is he multiplied by means of it ! The greatest impediment to til- lage now is the fact that so much is lost in time ; whereas raachineiy saves it in accumulating power and in spreading the action of a force exerted for a few minutes over a large time. We have proved on another theatre, that the introduction of the threshing machine, whereby the flail was dis- placed, has saved annual millions to the farmers of Britain, and added ju.it that much time, which is labor, to the productive capital of the country. But the limits of invention were hardly entered on, when a machine was made by which eight common men could in one day do what it formerly wonkl have taken one stout man sixty-eight days to accomplish. Of all the improvements that are now making in Agriculture, none is advancing at greater pace than the application of machinery, and none is more important, if any can take precedence where all are indispensable ' i :he developement of the art of husbandry. 6t.e::m is begiuing to force its way into the farm, not in substitution, but in aid of the laborer and the beast, and the changes it heralds will increase the dignity of the vocation, because it will require more capital and more sense to conduct the business. Ultimately, how- ever it may be meanwhile, the landed interest will be at the top of society for this reason, and imall farms will go to the wall as surely as the spinning wheel and hand loom have done. The "factory system," as it is called, will prevail in the economy of landed property, and the operative take the place of the slave. It is true that none of this generation will wit- ness that result, but it is not less true that we most contribute our part, will yo nill ye, towards its advent ; and that we will do so most sneeeae- fully if we willingly yield to the law of progress* and ride with, and not against, the tide of time. There are now agricultural implements of wbi*t but few of our people have heard, and in which many cannot believe, which have wrought great revolutions in the saving of time elsewhere, and should be tried, and adapted, if practicable, to oof system. Many of these are beyond the reach of individual enterprize, but perfectly within the means of an association of a very few public spi- rited individuals. Crosskill's clod crusher, for in- stance, not to weary the reader with an enume- ration of other implements, a powerful contrivance for crushing clods and pulverizing the surface by the aid of four to six strong horses, which we late- ly imported frorr. England through the agency of the State Agricultural Society at a cost of $140, has been proved by a friend of ours — who tried one last fall made after our model — to save up- wards of one hundred per cent, in the labour of putting in a crop of wheat on stiff clay, besides an advantage in getting the land in better order than any other means can effect, and a forwardness of work worth probably at least twenty five per cent more ; and the same implement is, at the same time remarkably adapted by pressure to oonsolidat* light lands, and thus improve the crop of grain and ensure a stand of grass. The smallness of ite cost divided among many would not be felt even were the implement itself found, or deemed, en- tirely worthless by the' experimenters. Another branch of subjects for experiments «£ great importance is the improvement of our exist- ing breeds of animals by importations. Some time ago we showed how easily, by system and perae> verance,this could be accomplished to a very con- siderable extent, and adduced in proof how the sagacious Bakewell, leading his associates of Dish- ley, had stamped his name upon the most valuable breed of long wooled sheep, and brought them well nigh to perfection from an unpromising stocky and advanced the inferior longhorned cattle of Lan- cashire to the level of the almost matchless short horn. Without rehearsing the argument or going into a repetition of details, we now reassert that few worthier and no more practicable scheme ©f improvement can engage the attention of clubn whether viewed in the light of pleasure, profit, or usefulness. The time must come for the introduc- tion of improved stock into all those portions of Virginia now destitute of it. The railroads are breaking up innumerable pastures, not only with us, but throughout the west. With our own cities as a market for wheat and corn, at such prices as must long continue, the regions which furnish Virginia with stock will shrink into dispropor- tionate dimensions, and the consequent high prices of horses, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs, will both stimulate and compel the production of them in other places. Already the prices of these articles are affected throughout the confederacy by thk cause ; for it will be found that the Great West has increased her area for wheat much more than for grass. In truth, at the present prices, distant inlands cannot afford, or will not think they can, to keep their lands in grass, and we may look for somewhat the same atate of things which took place in Great Britain during the war of ttt» THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, French Revolution, very much to the injury of their agriculture. Experiments are wanting too in the introduction nes in the Ticinity of these beds are highly silicious, and Sometimes the beds of limestone contain konistoiie Concretions in gicat numbers. The limestone formation of the Valley, in an economical point of view, is second only in im- portance to the great coal formation of Western Virginia ; it is largely developed in every county of the Valley, and where ever it is found, it in some way contributes to the comfort and prosper- ity ofthe inhabitants. Some of tl.e rocks compos- ing this formation, it lias been before remarked, take a high polish ; they are in fact true marbles. Borne of which are beautiful, and valuable for most ofthe purposes to which marble is applied. Many -Others again are hydraulic in character, and when "burned and ground, furnish a cement equal in quality to the best northern cemc t; while in al •most every neighborhood are to be fouiid inex- haustible supplies of limestone, of such purity as to yield lime of the best quality for architectural ami agricultural purposes. An attempt has been made to show that the adaptation or nonadapta iion of any particular limestone for making lime or cement may be determined from the color, and cci tain other appearances, but I am satisfied that no uniform rule can be given on this subject. In selecting a limestone for a cement an actual trial of a sample, or an analysis should be made, and in case the stone is wanted for common lime, tho only sure way is to have a careful analysis made. ! know of an instance where a beautiful while iimestone, apparently pure, was largely «sod for making lime for sale to the iamiers, of Eastern Virginia, which proved on analysis to be highly magnesian in character. But important as this formation is in supplying building stones, marble, cement, and lime, its principal importance after all results from the fact that the disintegration, or wearing down, of the limestones produces soils, which, while they pre- sent great differences in quality, are on the whole very fertile and well adapted to general cultivation. Of the composition ofthe limestones, and their influence in the formation of the soils ofthe Valley, I shall speak, after presenting a very brief sketch of the formations which bound the Valley on the u est. Formation No. 3. — This formation consists of a series of slates and slaty sandstones of a bluish black color, sometimes running into lead color and yellowish brown ; their structure is laminated and fissile. Occasional bands of carbonate of lime, containing organic impressions, are met with, and sometimes the slates themselves are somewhat calcareous, particularly the lower strata near the Valley limestones. Sulphuret of iron, iron pyrites, is very generally diffused through the rocks of this formation-, giving ri. e 10 numerous miueial springs •>f a sulphurous character. These slates frequently resemble the slates of the coal measures, hence many persons have been led to believe that coal must be near, and some have gone so far as to expend considerable sums in searching for it. No coal has ever yet been found in any formation of such ancient date, and therefore, much as tl e appearances ofthe for- mation may indicate it, there can be no leasoua- ble grounds for expecting to imet with it here. This f); mation is developed to a very consider- able extent in a- number of places in the Valley, resting, upon and covering up the upper beds of t.ie Valley limestone ; it is also displayed all along the ft uiks ofthe several ranges of mountains which firm the western boundary of the Va ley. A wide belt of this formation extends from the Potomac ti the base ofthe fttassaiiutten mountains; a uar- ow zone of it encircles the bai-es of this range ■in 1 the Peaked mountains; and from the southern extiemity of the latter, a .belt.of varying width runs through Augusta into Rockbridge, Near the Potomac, the belt is divided into two branches, a strip of limestone occupying the interval between them. It also underlies the House mountain, the Short Hills, Purgatory mountain. Tinker, Catawba, Fort Lewis, Draper's, and Lick mountains; and ap- pears a belt of varying width skirting their bases. It also appears in other places in the Valley cover- ing minor areas. Along the tvestern margin of the Val ey we find this formation extending along the base "ofthe Little North Mountain from the Poto- mac to its termination in Rockbridge county ; thence after a slight inflection to the west, it extends along the base of I he main North moun- tain, and its continuation the Purgatory mountain, to its extremity, whence it turns, taking the wes- tern flank of this mountain. It also extends along the flank of Caldwell's mountain, and continues to skirt the North or Brushy mountain to its termi- nation in Washington county. Formation No. 4.— This formation is composed principally of beds of hard . massive, white or greyish white sandstone. This formation, resting upon the slates of No. 3, constitutes the principal mass of the mountains, such as the ItlassanuUeu, House, Short Hills, &c, which rise up jn the Valley, and, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. is extensively developed in the North and other mountain ranges which bound the Valley ou the west. This rock, from its hard and unyielding na- ture, and from its frequently dipping into the sides of the mountains under a steep angle, gives rise to the long lines of bold white cliffs which form so remarkable a feature in these, as well as in many other mountains of Western Virginia. Low down upon the flanks of the mountains, which are com- posed principally of this rock, and at their bases, the debris from above, consisting of sand, pebbles and large weather-worn fragments, forms a deposit which sometimes entirely covers up the slates of No. 3, and extends over upon the limestones, pro- ducing various modifications in the limestone soils. So also on the banks of streams that flow from or through this formation, the soil is in many cases materially modified by the mingling of detrital matter from the mountains with the soils produced from the disintegration of the limestones. The other formations of the series, with one or two unimportant exceptions, where one of them caps a mountain in the Valley, are all found in Western Viriinii beyond the Valley, therefore I need not make further mention of them. In all the formations of the Valley there are ex- tensive beds of iron ore of good quality ; lead is found in No. 2 ; manganese in No. 3, &c ; but as these exert no special influence agriculturally, 1 pass them by. Composition r.f (he Valley Limestones. Let us now enquire into the composition of the limestones of the Valley, and after we have settled that question wo shall be piepared to discuss their influence in toe formation and mo- dification of soils. It will be readily inferred from what has already been said in relation to these rocks, that they must present great di- versities in composition, otherwise we should not meet with so many different varieties. Yet while they do differ greatly in composition, this uiffeicnce results fiom the difference in the proportions of the materials present, rather than from differences in the substances themselves. Thus we find a limestone taken from one section of the Vali ey, contains the very same substances that are found in one taken from any other local- ity , but when we make a comparison of the pro- portions of the various constituents present, it is then that differences in their composition become apparent. Many of these limestones were analy- ized by the chemist attached to the geological servey : I have also examined quite a number, but as my investigations may be said to have com- menced, where the gentleman above named left off I shall for the present make use of his resuHs alone. The substances which he almost invari- ably fonnd associated with carbonate of lime in these rocks are, carbonate, of m&gnesia, silica, alu- mina, and the oxide of iron. For the better illus- tration of this subject. I present a few examples of composition, taken from the repor-ts of Professor Rogers to the legi -lature. 1. Hydraulic limestone from Shepherdstown, called ,; Grey cement." In one hundred parts there were, of — Carbor:a.te of lime, .... 38.60 '' of magnesia, - - - - 9.50 Silica. ------- 42.50 Oxide of iron and alumina, - 2.60 Water and loss. -* 6.74 100.00 2. Limestone from near Charlestown ; hydraulic.. Carbonate of lime, - . - - - , 38.66 " of magnesia, - - - - 9-50 Silica, - - - - - ■ - - 42.50 Oxide of iron, - - . - - 2.00 Alumina, - - - - - 1.50 Water and loss, ----- 5.84 100.00 3. Limestone four miles from Harpers Ferry, on the road to Martinsburg; color light grey : Carbonate of lime, - • - - - 95.86 "# of magnesia, - -'.,. - 1.46 Silica, - - - - - - 1.8* Oxide of iron, alumina and loss, - - .85 100 00 This limestone is one of great purity and admi- rably adapted for making the best quality of lima. 4. Limestone from near Christiansburg, Mont- gomery county; color greyish blue : Carbonate of lime, - - - -• 52.50 of magnesia, - - - 34.34 Silica, - 6.84 Oxide of iron and alumina, - - 0.84 Water and loss. - - - - 5.48 100.00 5. Limestone from Natural Bridge ; hydraulic; color blackish blue: — Carbonate of lime, - - - - 53.70 Carbonate of magnesia, - 41.00 Silica, ------ 2.84 Alumina and oxide of iron, - - 0.80 Water and loss, ... - 1.64 100.00 6 Limestone from Wythe county ; colour yel- lowish grey : — Carbonate of lime, - 54.36 Carbonate of magnesia, - - - 44.30 Silica,. ------ 0.20 Alumina and oxide of iron, - - 0.9S Water and loss, - 0-27 100.00 In every single instance reported by Prof. Rogers, with the exception of two only, we find this very same substances; in one of these magne- sia was wanting, and in the other the bi-sulphurefc of iron was present, in addition to all the others enumerated above. I would remark, that I have examined quite a number of limestones from this formation, ayd without a single exception I have always found all the substances contained in the above examples. Whenever the limestone con- tains a large per-centage of magnesia and silica, together with moderate proportions of oxide of iron and alumina, with a comparatively small per centage of carbonate of lime, it is almost invari- ably hydraulic in property. A limestone which contains a very considerable per centage of mag- nesia, with but little silica, alumina, or oxide of iron, may make a beautiful lime- in appearance, but would never produce one of first quality for building or agricultural purposes. Those lime- stones, however, which, although magnesian to a small extent, contain but small proportions of this 24 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER substance, at the same time that the silica, i pk&spkoric acid; the process adopted in the ex- amination of the limestones for this substance, it is not necessary to explain here, suffice it to say that it is the best yet discovered. I have analysed quite a number of specimens from different local- ities, comprising almost every variety of limestone to be found in the Valley, and in all, with one sin- gle exception, I was enabled to detect phosphoric acid without any difficulty; in most of them it ex- ists in decided and determinate quantities, while in a few only the proportion is reduced to what we term a " trace," a quantity too small to be ac- curately determined. As a general thing, this acid is present in greater quantity in the impure or decidedly magnesian varieties, than in those that are purer, the former of which I have before remarked greatly predominate in the Valley. With regard to sulphuric acid, I found no diffi- culty in recognising its presence in almost every instance, yet I uniformly found the proportions present exceedingly rmall, not more generaJly than what might be termed "decided traces." In an example quoted by Prof. Rogers in his report, the bisulphuret of iron was present, and I myself have met with a similar one; in the.e cases du- ring the disintegration of the strata, the sulphu- ret of iron would become oxidized, with the for- mation of sulphuric acid, so that the soil might contain an abundant supply ol this acid when the limestone from which it was formed did not. Bntex- amples of this kind are, I am satisfied, rare in the valley, the limestones generally being remarkably free from sulphuret of iron. The limestones it will be remembered are va- riously colored, most of them being some shade of blue, running into black; these colors are mostly due to the presence of a small portion of organic matter, which contains ammonia, as 1 have proved by actual analysis in a number of instances. The specimens that 1 have examined for the al- kalies, potassa and soda, 1 have found do coniaiB the substances, but invariably in exceedingly small proportions, little more in most cases than mere traces. Finally there is no difficulty in detecting I paces of chlorine in any of the limestones. Formation of Soils from the Lime stone & The truth of ray assertion that the soils of the Valley have their origin in the wearing down of ihe limestones, caused by the action of air and wa- ter upon them, is so plain lo any one who chooses in give the subject a little attention, as to render it unnecessary to offer more than a few word* of proof in this place. In exposed sections that have been recently made, such as in railroad cuts, cuttings for common roads, &c an observer will meet with frequent ex- amples in which the hard limestone, which is found low down in the cut, goes through several changes in appearance, texture, &c until when near its ter- mination in the soil or subsoil above, it has, with- out its planes of stratification becoming obliterated, merged into clay, which only wants stirring t* make it identical with the soil or subsoil, which rests upon the rock. This phenomenon is of very common occurrence in limestone of a fissile or slaty structure. This gradual running of the rock into soil is frequently noticed by quarymen, who seeing i he connection between the rock and the soil, refer in most cases, the origin of the rock to to the soil, rather than the soil to rock, or say they have seen the rock growing in the soil. Frequent examples of this gradual formation of clay from the decomposing limestone may be found in certain Valley limestones, which, after being re- moved from their natural beds, are exposed to the action of the weather. At first the whole stone is hard, and has throughout a uniform color; in Ibe course of a few years, sometimes only two or three. the outer surface becomes weathered, change* color, and on being examined closely proves to be fine yellow or whitish clay; while, if the s:one is broken, the central portion only will be found t» retain the original color and hardness of the stone, all the rest being m^pfied in both respects in pro- portion to the distance from the surface. I hare met with similar examples in stone fences that have stood long * the whole, mass of stone has a weathered look, but occasionally a stone is found in which every stage of decomposition may be traced from plastic clay on the surface, to bard limestone in the centre. A rock of frequent occurrence in the valley, call- ed by most farmers soapstone, furnishes a case ia point. This stone, all farmers know, when mixed with the soil in ploughing, &c. as it frequently is. soon disappears, or crumbles down in the soil, and of course becomes pnrt and parcel of it. Now this is an impure limestone, weathered by exposure, which gets its name from the fact that, the calcare- ous matter having*been removed from the surface, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. as the latter has the peculiar feel attendant upon the presence of fine clay. Again, the numerous changes that are found to take place in the color, texture, and fertility of the soils of the Valley, within very narrow limits sometimes, must have their origin in changes of composition in the underlying rocks. Let any one who doubts this, observe the very marked differ- ences between two soils in close proximity to each other, one resting upon limestone, the other upon the chert, or hornstone formatiun, which it will be remembered is associated with the limestones in the Valley, and then let him explain how it hap- pens that one is clayey and the other light and gravelly, or one fertile and the other sterile. The manner in which soils are formed from lime- stones, I conceive to be as follows. All water that comes in contact with the rocks, whether spring, rain, or river water, is charged with a certain pro- portion of carbonic acid, which gives it the property of dissolving carbonates of lime and magnesia in a small quantity. It is to the presence of this gas in water that the lime which is held in solution in all spring and river water of limestone regions is due, and it is to the long continued action of water charged with this same gas that the removal ol the carbonates ol lime and magnesia frcm the lime stones is due, leaving the silica and alumina in combination with each other in the form of clay, which forms the bases of these soils. The other sub- stances present in the limestone, are retained in greater or less quantity in the clay, and together with it make up the entire inorganic portion of lime- stone soils. The rapidity with which this process goes on depends, in a measure, fcn the exposure, but mainly on the composition and structure of the limesione. The very impure slaty varieties, having a fissile structure, yield, as a general thing, more readily than any others; there is, in the first place, less lime to be removed than in the purer varieties and the easy access of air and water to them, to very considerable depths, sometimes hastens the operation and causes the production of deep soils. In the same way the harder and purer limestones, if the strata are quite thin, yield with compara- tive ease. The compact, massive limestone:-, fiow- ever, exposing their upper surfaces only, wasie away very slowly, so slowly, that some cannot be induced to believe that they have any thing at all to do with the formatfon of soils; they, nevertheless, do eventually yield just as all the others do. It will be remembered that silica and alumina are invariably present in the limestones, and in very considerable quantity in the mostof them; these sub- stances are in combination with eachothergenerally in the rock, under the form of clay, which owes its presence to sedimentary deposition, which went on during almost the entire period which was so pro- ductive in calcareous and magnesian matters. The materials for these deposites were of course carried into the ocean by rivers, &c, and consisted almost exclusively of the finer particles of clay and mud which remained suspended in the waters until carried far from the shore. The limestones being composed then of these deposites, together with the calcareous and magnesian matters, the removal of these two last from the rocks in the way mentioned above, necessarily gives rise to the formation of soils, mostof which have a fine, even textured clay for their base As the clay first falls, it of course contains but litllft organic matter; soon, however, plants suited to such a soil, and '..<> constituted as to derive most of their organic sustenance from the air, spring up; these in dying leave their roots, leaves, &c, and thus a small addition is made to the organic matter of the soil. This process continuing from year to year, the soil each year, from previous additions to its organic matter, being capable of sustaining a more vigorous growth than the preceding, it finally acquires sufficient organic matter to render the clay light enough for successful cultivation, for all the purposes of nutrition, &c. Plants too send down their roo:s into the subsoil to the depth of severa, leet, and from it draw supplies of inorganic food such as the phosphates, the alkalies, etc., which, in. the fall of the leaves, the fall and decay of trees, branches, etc., are returned by the decaying organic matter to the surface soil, so that the latter, when cleared for cultivation has stored up for use, not alone its own supplies of inorganic food, derived from the rock from which it was formed, but very considerable and valuable additions that have been drawn from the subsoil below. Composition and peculiarities of the Soils of the Valley. In relation to the composition of the soils of the Valley, 1 would remark, that 1 have made but few analyses, and these were partial ones, and only undertaken to satisfy myself of the truth or falsity of the conclusions that I had arrived at from a careful examinational' the limestone. These soils are usually clays of various shades of yellow, and modified materially, both in texture and color, by the presence of organic matter; in the vicinity of the other formations of the Valley, or when the limestone becomes highly siltcious, they become light and sandy, sometimes gravelly, but more frequently they are clay with but little admix- ture of sand. An examination of a subsoil taken, from almost any locality in the Valley, where (he soil rests upon limestone will show this, while the surface soil will show how much the naturally tenacious clay has been modified and improved by the gradual acquisition and admixture of organic matter. The vellow color is, of course, due to the oxide of iron, which it has been shorvn is almost univer- sally present in the limestones, and is therefore present in the soils. Where it is present in large quantities, the soil, or rather the subsoil, is of a dark yellow color, running into red, and when it exists in but small quantity the color is light, and sometimes, though but rarely, almost while. Where organic matter is very abundant, the color of the surface soil is different from, and darker than the subsoil. From the great abundance of lime in the rocks from which these soils are derived, we should at first sight take it for granted that lime is abundant in them ; but if what I have said in relation to their formation be true, that is, that the calcareous prin- ciple is entirely removed from the rock before soils can be formed from them, it follows that if they contain lime it must be in the forms of sulphate, phosphate, and silicate, and not as carbonate, iVloreover, since it does not occur in the soil in the form of carbonate, the probability is that the soils of the valley taken as a class, contain but little lime. The fact that they do not contain calcareous matter, or lime in the form of carbonate, has long been known, and its absence from them is regarded as a remarkable peculiarity. From what has been said above, v/e see that the absence of calcareous matter, is a necessary consequence, resulting from the peculiar manner in which the soils are formed. I have made a number of careful analyses of valley soils for the purpose of testing this question, and have never found a single soil that was at all calca- reous, except in a very few instances where small fragments of limestones, generally in the form of £6 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. fine gravel, were diffused ihrough the soil; and even in these cases, alter ihe gravel was removed, the soil proper gave no indication of more than mere traces of carbonate of lime. Soils taken from the immediate vicinity of the limestones gave the same results as those taken from points quiie distant; calcareous matter is absent from all, and the proportion of lime which exists in oilier forms of combination do not seem to be influ- enced by the position of the soil wiih reference to the rock. The actual amount of lime present in the spils is, judging from the examinations that i have marie, generally small. The proponion rarely exceeds one per cent.; generally it i* far less, many very fertile soils containing only from three or lour hup dredths to one-lenih of one per cent.; proportions which arc much less than are frequently lotmcl in soils which owe their formation to nen-calcareous rocks. Bui if the soils of the valley are rie-tituie of lime in the form of carbonate, and contain it in other forms of combination in small quantities, ler-seven than in many other soils, I he question naturnll} arises, how is it that they are .-ti peculiarly suited to the growth ol the grasses, which are well known to be lime plants, livery on$ who is an observer of nature at all, is struck with the difference be- tween Eastern Virginia and the Valley in this re- spect. Jn the Valley the limestone hills are clothed with verdute to the very lop, and if a field is turned out or left uncultivated for a year or two, it becomes beautifully set in the native grasses, while the soils of Eastern Virginia are rarely found well set with native grasses, and when turned oui, a . growth of good nutricious grass is generally she last thing tu make its appearance. The explanation of ibisisto be found j I conceive, net in any peculiarity, of the soil itself, but in the fact that the soil rests upon calcareous rocks, which, aciingas it were independently of the soil, yield abundant supplies of calcareous matter to the grow- ing grasses. All food enters the roots of plants in solution in water, and no matter what a soil may contain, the proportions of ihe virions substances ■ which rue taken up byirthe roots wiil depend upon the solvent powers of water upon them. Now it is well known that all water that flows from the springs, in the brooks, or the rivers of the valley, are calcareous, made so, of course, by comingt n contact with, or flowing over limestone rocks; in the same way water finds its way through the soil to the limestones, draws a very minute, yet a suffi- cient supply of lime from the rock, and by capillary attraction, in connection with evaporation at the surface, it rises to the roots of plants, yielding its lime to them as they require it. As a confirmation of the truih of this explanation, 1 would refer to the condition of old pastures, or virgin soils that are interspersed with protruding masses of lime- stone. It is a well known fact, that in almost all such cases, if the sod be turned up in various places, the richest, darkest earth, is found in close proximi- ty to the limestone, showing that there a more vig- orous growth of grass must have taken place than in other portions of the soil. Now how shall we explain this, unless we assume that the close prox- imity of the roots of the grasses to the limestones, ensures a constant, and far more abundant supply of calcareous matter, than they could meet with in oilier situations'? If this view of the action of the limestones be correct, that is, lhat they furnish direct supplies of limeto vegetation, independently of any lime thatihe soil itself may contain, we can readily understand w*iy the limestone hills of the valley may be clothed with verdure, and yet the soils be destitute, or al- most destitute of carbonate of lime. It is a question of no liitle interest and impor- tance to the farmers of the valley, to know whether ihe direct application of litre to their soils is desi- rable, or would be attended with beneficial results. I regiet that I can say nothing of a very positive character upon this point; at the same lime I shall present a few facts which, if they do no more, rray lead to some experiments of a positive character, calculated to settle the question definitely. Some time since I was applied to by a farmer living in my own neighborhood, to analyse a store that he had found upon his farm, which disinte- graied very readily when thrown out upon the land, and had produced such inaiked effects upon vege- tation, lhat he had had some ground and applied like plaster to the land, -and, as he thought, with veiy decided beneficial effect. This stone proved an analysis, to be nothing more than an impure fiss'ill limestone; hence the beneficial action must have been due to lime. A gentleman who had been experimenting with sulphate of baryta as a fertilizer, brought some to me lor analysis, together wiih a supposed sample from another localiiy, that had been ground and used with decided success. This proved to be a compact limestone, of sufficient purity to be burned for 1'me. Other examples of similar applications of lime- sione, supposed at the time of their application to be plaster, and attended with beneficial resulls, have been reported lo me. 1 have been informed too, by a very observing and successful farmer, that ihe farmers who live upon the great valley Macad- ized road, f:om Staunton to Winchester, are satis- fied that their land lor one or iwo hundred yards on. each side of ihe road, is benefited by the continual top dressing of calcareous dust which it receives from ihe road. Again, it is well known in the Valley lhat the diffusion of small fragments of limestone through the soil, or of trie so called soap stone, which is nothing more than impure weatheren yimeslone, instead of being objectionable, results in most cases in actual benefit to the soil. These facts render it highly probable, to say t r.e least ol it, hat. the application ot lime in the for of carbon a e, or mild form as it is called, woa.d prove advantageous to most of the soils of the val- ley ; nevertheless, we have a right lo conclude, from what was said in relation to ihe direct action of ihe limestone, that the very inaiked benefits, which result from applications of calcareous ma- nures in many parts of Eastern Virginia _ woijld never follow similar applications to these soils. As to applications of caustic lime, which have very frequently been made, the facts lhat I have been able- to collect are most conflicting; some cor. tend that it is a beneficial application, while others are as positive in asserting that they have never been able to discover any improvement whatever in lands that have been limed. Now these dis- crepencies do not result, in my judgment, so much. from differences in soils in this respect, as from want of care and close observation on the part of those who use lime, coupled wiih ihe fact, lhat in no case can the effects of lime be very marked. Lime, when applied to these soils, does not act as a disin- tegrating agent, to set free alkaliesy-&c., from their combinations in undecomposed minerals, as it does in many soils, the mode of formation of these soils forbids such an idea; neither is it necessary to neu- tralise hurtful organic acids, &c, except in rare in- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. fa siaDces, and ihereloie we must luuk lor lime to be mainly beneficial after it has assumed the mild form, and precisely in the same way that the car bonaie is. Hence its beneficial action, when it exerts any, cannot be immediate and can only he properly judged of, after careful observation of the soil, for a number of years succeeding its applica- tion. Magnesia, although present in the form of car- bonate in all the limestones, is never in the soils ol the Valley in that lorm, and for thesame reason that lime is not. Carbonate of magnesia being soluble in w;.ter charged uith carbonic acid, it is removed in the formation of the soil, jus as the carbonate ol lime is. The quantity of magnesia present in the soil is usually small, but sufficiently abundant for all the purposes of vegetaiiun. li is found in all spring, river waier, &c., in the form of carbonate derived from decomposing limestone; and like lime may be, and 1 llavelio doubt frequently is, directly sopplied to vegetation from i his source. It will be remembered thafit was staled when dis ensuing the composition of the limestone, the alkn- les, potassa and soda, were present, but .invariably in very small quantities ; hence ihe>e substances, although always present in ihe Valley soils, as is ar- tesiel r.y ihe latter producing plants con'ia'ining them are necessarily in very small proportions — so small that hardly any valley soil would not be benefitted by the application of manures containing ihem. especially, potassa:. and so small so as to amount to an actual deficiency in very many instances-; When we consider the manner in which, ihe limestones w?re lormed; that they weredeposiis of calcareous mailer associated wiih fine sedimeniary matter ol an almost exclusively argillHcious character, which we kn ) v rarely contains more than traces o! the alkalies, we hare no right to expect to meel v.'ith abundant supplies of the-e substances in soils formed Iron ;!.em, but should raiher be led to the inference, that one of ihe chief defects of those soil< would lie ihe result vt' a limited supply of ihe alkalies. That ihe soils of ihe Valley aie, i,;ken as a class, deficient in ihe alkalies, iber? can be no doubt at alf; hence tiie use of manures rich in these substances, particularly potassa, cannot be loo. strongly urged upon aJI farmers of ihe valley who wish to improve iheir soils. The only ma- nure rich in the alkalies, and at present available lo the farmers ol the valley is wood ashes. It is greatly to be regretted that even the supply of ashes is quite limited. Some of the very best farmers o"f the valley in- form me that they have found applications of aihes fully as efficacious as siable manure; others 1 know who have superior land, but who never fail to use ashes upon their young corn whenever they are to be had ; and so marked are the benefits resulting from their use, that the negroes are sometimes afraid to omit applying them to all parts of the field, because they say the corn will tell on them It may not be amiss 10 mention an instance corning under my own observation in which the beneficial effects of an accidental top dressing of ashes was very apparent. In passing over a fine field of wheat just as it was about lo joint in the spring, a part of which was light, in consequence of the soil having been badly prepared the preceding' fall, 1, observed a small area in the lighter portion upon which the growih of the young wheat was particu- larly luxuriant. On enquiry I learned, that in the centre of the small area in question, an old tree had been burned the fall before, and the ashes scattered around. Wood ashes, although more valuable fur their alkalies than for anything else, contain, ii will be remembered, a number of other fertilizing substan- ces mostly insoluble, but which gradually assume ■ he soluble form in the soil, and hence become use- ful additions to it. It is partly on this account that leached ashes are useful for manure; they are, how- ever, still more valuable for the alkalies they con- tain, for analysis shows that after ihey have been used for making ley they still contain no inconsider- able amount ot these substances. Judging from ihe results obiained in my analyses of the limestones there can be hut litt'e doubt that phosphoiic acid is very generally diffused in the soils of the Valley, and in proportions sufficient fur all the icquirments of a vigorous vegetation. U must be home in mind, however, that throughout ihe Valley 'he grain crops are e.xiensively cultiva- ted, and thatot the inorganic matter removed by th* grains, about one half is composed of phosphates. Again these crops are mostly laken lo a distant mai kei, or a re fed lo slock, much of which is driven • >ut of ihe Valley lor sale, .so that a comparatively small proportion of ihe phosphates removed from ihe soil ever find their way back to it. Hence al- i hough ihe pliosphaies may be, and are no doubt, m most instances, abundant, in i he Valley soils, when they are first broken up, we may look (or ihese salts to diminish more rapidly lhan ihe other constiiuenis, and unless spieial care is laken lo guard against such a siaie of things, they must eveniually become so much reduced in quantity as 10 impair fertiliiy. Wiih regard to the sulphates, the ir.eviiable con- clusion is, that ihey aie present in ihese soils as a general thing, in exceedingly nii.'iule proportions. I have already meniioned ihe fact, that ihe limestones contain only traces of sulphuric acid as a general ihing, which would go far lo show, that the soils funned from them must contain it in very small qnan iiies ; I mighi also mention the fact that, while in ihe analysis of some of the limestone water of the valley, I found no difficulty in detecting ihe phos- phoric acid, even in a small quantity of water, it required the evaporation of four or five times as much wajer to show that sulphuric acid was pre- sent also This almost univeisal deficiency of the valley soils explains ihe aciion of plasier, ihe sul- phate of lime, upon them, which is known io be very decidedly and almost universally beneficial. The action of plaster is not entirely understood in many cases ; its great rneiit in ihe present in- stance is due, I apprehend, to ihe fact, that the val- ley soils being deficient in sulphuric acid, the defi- cient element is supplied in the plaster; ihai is, the beneficial action of the plasier is mainly due to the sulphuric acid that it supplies. This view of ihe action of plaster on these soils receives strong confirmation in the fact, that trials having been made wiih sulphate of baryta as a fertilizer, it has j been found just' as efficacious as plaster. In this case, there can be no doubt whatever that the | beneficial effects are solely due to the sulphuric jacid, since baryta takes no part whatever in vege- tation. The proportion of chlorine in the valley soils must be exceedingly small generally; but since growing vegetation requires ii only in very small quantity, there is, no doubt, a sufficient supply most of them Carefully conducted experiments in the use of common salt, would show whether ad- ditions of manures containing chlorine would be desirable. There are some soils of the valley which contain ' very considerable proportions of manganese as- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. sociated with oxide of iron, and there is but little tloobl that most of them contain it in small quan- tity, derived originally from the limestones But as this substance does not seem to be necessary to Ibe cultivated crops, I have not sought for it either in the limestones, or in the soils. The soils which contain it in quantity are darker in color than most of the other soils, even though they may contain much oxide of iron, and are known in the middle counties of the valley as " mulatto soils." From what has been said in relation to the man- ner in which the valley soils have been formed, it will be apparent that the origin of the sub and sur- face soil is the same ; the difference in composition, texture, color, &c, resulting from causes already- explained. The clay «f the surface soil is made lighter by the annual addition of leaves, the pene- tration of roots, the action of frost, &c, while the bobsoil, not being modified by any of these causes, is osually a hard, stifl clay, altogether unsuited to cultivation. The surface soil is usually of a good depth lor cultivation; when it is not, it is readily made so by careful management. The subsoil clays, resting upon the limestones at moderate depths generally, and the strata of the latter dip ping in most cases under a very considerable angle, the soils have sufficient natural drainage to prevent injury from excessive moisture. At the same time, as must always be the case in close, clay soils, such as most valley soils are, the soil drains slowly after long rains, thereby impeding farm operations, and sometimes retarding vegetation by excluding air and warmth. These soils are well adapted to the general pur- poses of agriculture. Of the grain crops, they are, on the whole, from their peculiar texture, bett" in which the green crops, and particularly clover, have a place, aided by the use of plaster, ashes, whenever they can be had, and all the manure of every form that the farm will produce, will eventu- ally bring up the poorest Valley soil. The chert or hornstone rocks, which it will be remembered are associated with the limestones ia various parts of the Valley, being almost exclusive- ly silicious, and very hard, form light sandy or gravelly soils, which, seen in their virgin state, with a heavy growth of chestnut upon them, and with supplies of organic matter that have been accumu- lating for ages, promise abundant harvests as re- wards for cultivation. For the first crop or two after they are put into cultivation they do very well, but soon the store of mineral lood that long agee of forest growth had brought up from below, and deposited in the surface soil, is exhausted. From the light nature of the soil, much of the organic matter too is soon dissipated, so that they become prematurely worn out and unproductive, affording a striking contrast to the stiffer, yet for more dura- ble clay soils of the limestones. Formations Nos. 1 and 4, being composed almost exclusively of hard silicious sandstones, the soils resting upon them are necessarily very unpromising. Fortunately they are only found upon the borders of the Valley. The slates of formation No. 3 are said to produce [fertile soils. I have had but little opportunity to study then), and still less to study the soils formed I from them, I am therefore unable at p esent to dis- cuss them, or compare them with the limestone soils. April '20th, 1855. adapted to the growth of wheat than any other, at 1 p . YM p N to Tn TUf SOUTHERN PLANTER the same time, they rarely fail, with proper manage- r/UlYltmo IU inc ouuincnn rLHllftn, men*, to produce i:ood, and very frequently superior,'! crops of the other grains. I have already had oc- casion to refer to their peculiar adaptation to the cultivation of the grasses, a fact which ought to place the Valley in the first rank as a grazing dis- trict, and for the products of the dairy. In the lat- ter respect it equals in capacity to produce, both in quantity and quality, the most favored portions ol Xew York, ttnd it is no fault of its soils, that it is not now celebrated for its dairy products. In connection with this subject of the grasses, 1 would mention irrigation as a most valuahle aid to the farmers of the valley in the cultivation of the artificial grasses. It is practiced to a very consider- able extent at the present time, mid with great suc- cess; at the same time there are many, very many, hillsides in the valley around which might be car- ried a stream of water thai would more than double the yield of good nutritious grass. The undulating outline of the country, its numerous springs and small precipitous streams, all of which are charged with the carbonates of iron and magnesia, with more or less of several other valuable constituents, all conspire to render the Valley peculiarly favor- able to this means of improvement. The limestone soils of the valley, while they all have certain points of resemblance, resulting from a common origin, differ from each other materially in many respects. These differences are mainly due to the differences in the limestones themselves, al- though there are a variety of other causes to the ac- tion of which minor differences may be referred. The poorest of them are rarely so poor as not to be improvable, and at the same time remunerative, if ^proper attention is paid to them. The adoption of a rotation in which the soil shall not be taxed, as i: too often is, with a succession of grain crops, and P Edge, July '55 $1 00 J A Walker, July '56 1 00 W Rodes, " '55 1 00 Dr J B Anderson, Oc '56 1 GO R W Lewis, Jan '57 2 00 J H McKinney, Jan '57 1 00 Maj D C Carver, " '56 2 00 LH Taliaferro, Jim '56 1 00 J H Maddex, Sept '55 1 00 O PMoncure, Jan '56 1 00 CaptLRRailey,Jul'56 2 00 Dr H Hunt, July '56 2 00 GeoM TerrilI,Sept'54 1 00 Col McClanahan, Ju'562 00 W Hall, July '55 1 00 N H Duval, Nov '56 1 00 P Rainey, Nov '56 1 00 W C Daniel, " '56 2 00 J A Washington, Ja '56 10 00 Jas Huff, Jan '56 - 1 00 W Hackworth. " '57 I Otl H H Cocke, " '56 1 00 Saral J Ayers. '■ " 1 00 D S Greene, Sept '56 1 00 Ales Johnson, " " 1 00 G D Scales, Jan '56 1 00 L D Kennett, " " 1 00 Jno B Smith. Aug '56 1 00 J Hall, '• " 1 00 J B Lucas Jan '56 1 00 John Johnson, " " 1 00 B Brown, " '57 1 00 C Heptenstali; " " I 00 B W Leigh " '56 2 00 B Wright, " " 1 00 J Pucyear, July '56 2 00 J Goad, " " 1 00 D Y Pankey, Oct '56 1 00 W H Robert, " " 1 00 W H Roper, July '56 1 00 W C Knight, " " 1 00 J M Royal, Oct '56 1 00 WWDownnian," " 2 00 CPHarriso pril '57 1 00 E Page, Nov '56 1 00 J S Henshaw, Jan '59 3 00 G T Harrison, July '57 2 0C Dr W Pendleton, Ja '57 1 00 G H Nnrtham, Oct " 5 37 Dr J R Baylor, Oct '56 1 00 GeoBouton, July '56 1 n0 P Cobbs, July '56 1 00 J H Evans, Nov " 1 00 B A Curry, " '56 1 00 P Habbard, Jan " 1 00 Col W BDain, Jan '56 2 0» PWMerideth, " '57 1 00 R H Timberlake, " '57 2 00 W E Clopton, Nov '56 1 00 W B Harris, Sept 'Gfi 1 0» Ro Pollard, Jan '57 1 00 S J Tibbs, Jan '58 1 Ot P P Nalle, " " 2 00 J R Mann, " '57 1 0* Wm R Myers, Nov '56 1 00 T G Bumpa's, June '56 1 0* S F Ambler, Jan " 1 00 F F Jones, Jan '68 2 0»- John Burr, Sep '56 2 00 H A Kite, " '57 2 0» A W Hans-end, Sep '56 1 00 N Berkeley, " '60 6 ©• R Chew, Oct '55 1 00 J Patillo, March '57 3 S* E Lightfoot, June '58 1 00 Jas Miller, Jan '60 1 QO THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 90 Jas Milter, Jr Jan '56 1 00 Isham Trotter, " " 1 00 RLWrifjht, July '56 1 00 WB Randolph," " 1 00 A H Clark, Pec '55 1 25 N K Foster, Apr '56 1 00 B P Carter, " " 1 25 Jno T Sawyer, Nov '56 1 00 P W Hairston, Oct '56 1 00 A T Maxey, Jan '57 1 00 J Hargrove, Jan '57 1 00 Wm Maxey, " " 1 00 PASpottswood,Nov'56 1 00 H H Forbes, " '55 1 00 Geo Wikon, Jan '57 1 00 Dr J Stewart, " " 1 00 Jas H Bowyer, June '56 2 00 R \V Barton, Mar '53 3 00 D M Wharton, Jan '57 2 00 R S Farmer, Jan '56 1 00 C C Baldwin, July '56 2 00 Sam Drake, " '57 1 00 C B Baldwin, Nor " 1 00 Geo Swan, " " 1 00 N Cunningham, Jan " 1 00 Ccl C Blue. " " 1 On W B Gates, Oct '56 1 00 T Eraskaden, " " I 00 W Y Mordecai, Nov '56 1 00 Capt D Pugh, " " 1 00 R P Graves, Jan '57 2 00 RCarmichael, " " 1 00 HChamberlavne,De'56 1 00 John Smith, July '56 1 00 J H C Jonesj Jan '57 2 00 W L Hopkins, Mar '57 2 00 Zach Shirley, July '56 1 00 R B Hunter, Jan '56 2 00 JT Vandeuien, Jan'57 1 00 T C Robins, " " 1 00 3 M Bennett, " '56 3 00 G C Dickinson, " '57 1 00 W E Morrison. Dec '56 1 00 W Halladay " " 1 00 T T Tredway, Jan '57 1 00 E Brown, ' " '57 1 00 D B Hancock, " " 1 00 J E Hughes, Dec '56 1 00 D Coleman, " '56 1 00 Dr L U Mayo, Jan '57 1 00 C Wingfield, '• " 1 50 J W Scott, July '56 1 00 T C Reekes, Sep " 1 00 P W Dudley, Nov '56 2 00 J S Kemper, July '56 2 00 A RLx, Jan '57 1 00 Joshua Miller, " " 1 CO H W Latane, Jan '57 1 00 J Haraway, Sept " 1 00 L A Hart, " '56 2 00 Bev Lindsey. Dec " 1 00 G H Lewis, " '56 1 25 R C LMoncure. Nov '56 1 00 N N Mantiply, Nov '56 1 CO John H Suttle, Jan '57 1 00 Yardley Taylor, Jul '56 1 00 Sam S Brooke, " " 1 00 Th..s Brown, Jan '57 1 00 P D G Hedgman, Ja '57 1 CO T J Wooluridge, Se '5G 1 00 P D Lowry, Jan '57 1 00 A N Douglass, Jan '57 2 50 John Schooler, " '57 1 00 Peter Copland, " '57 1 00 B Davis. " « 100WP Jordan, Jr " '57 1 00 J M Conway, " " 1 00 James Campbell, " '56 63 Wm R Sma'rt, " " 2 00 C C Baker, Sept '55 5 00 CONTEXTS OF NO. I. PAGE. Turpentine 1 Ridging up ground fur Winter 4 Chicago Beef Packing House 5 Shelter cheaper than Fodder 7 Small feeding Sheep 8 The r.ew Enemy of \Theat 9 Small Horses 10 The Joint Worm 10 Agricultural Profit- 12 Bells on Sheep 12 Mules rcrsus Horses 13 Training Horses 13 Pratt's Ditch Di jger ' 15 Farmer-/ CJnlw 18 Yam, a fact worth knowing 10 A Profitable Crop '. 19 The Soils of the Valley of Virginia 20 LIME-LIME-LIME. TO FARMERS. BRICKLAYERS, AND OTHERS. Having made arrangements for a regular supply of "-hells, ] am prepared to famish any quantity of well burnt Shell Lime, as low or lower than can be procured elsewhere. It will be delivered to farmers at any of the railroad Depots, and to customers in Ifce City wherever they may desire. Application to be made at my Lime Kilns, oppo- site Tredegar Iron Works, at Vr John G. Wenh's office, comer 10th Street and Basin bank, or at Messrs. Smith and Harwood's Hardware Store, Main Street, Richmond. Jan !y WILLIAM SMITH. WHAT THE NEW YORK CITY FOLKS SAY OP DR. M'l ANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE. New York, August 25, 1852. This is to certify that I am well acquainted with a man fifty years of age, for many years a resident of this city, who has been at times extremely ill, but could not tell from what cause, unless it was worms. His son then mentioned Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge, and asked him if he would lake it; his reply was — 1 must take something to get relief, or die. They at once procured a battle of Dr. M'Lajje^s Celebrated Vermifcge, and took one half at one dose, the result was he passed upwards of three quarts of worms, cut up in every form. He got well immediately, and is now enjoying most excellent health; and like the good Samaritan of old, is en- deavoring to relieve his unfortunate neighbors. He makes it his busir.ess to hunt up and select all cases similiar to his own that may be given over by the regular physicians, and induce them to try Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge. So far he has induced more than twenty persons to to take the Vermifuge, and in every case with the most happy results He is well san'sfied that Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge is far superior to any other known remedy and that more generally known would not fail to save many valuable lives. For further particulars inquire of Mrs. Hardie, 121J Cannon street, New York City. P. S. The above valuable remedy, also Dr. M'Lane's celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States Purchasers will please be careful to ask for, and take none but DR. M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE. All othets in comparison are worthless. jan THE POETRY OF PHYSIC. AyeiVs Pills, glide sugar-shod over Ihe palate,, but their energy, although wrapped tip, is there, and tells with giant force the very foundations of dis- ease. There are thousands' of sufferers who would not wear their distempers if iheyknew ihey could be cured lor 25 cts. — Try Ayer's Pills, and you will know it, Purify the blood and disease will be starved out. Cleanse the system from impurities and you are already ^-ured. Take this best of all Purgatives, and Scrofula, Indigesiion, Weakness, Headache, Backache, Side-ache, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels, all derangements and all diseases which a purgaiive remedy can reach, fly before them like darkness before the sun. Reader, if you are suffering from afcly of the nu- merous complaints they cure — suffer no more — the remedy has been provided for you, and it is crim- inal io neglect it. That Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best medicine for a Cough in the whole world, and that Ayer's Pills are the best of all Pills, is known to those who have used them. Prepared by Dr J. C. AYER, Lowe), Mass., and sold by Druggists everywhere. AGENCY FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OP IMPROVED STOCK.— Stock Cattle of all the differ- ent breeds, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, &e. will be purchased to order, and carefully ehipped to any part of the United States, for which a reasonable commission will be charged. Apply to AARON CLEMENT, Philadelphia. Refer to Gen. Wm. H. Richardson, Richmond, Virginia. N.TJ. All letters (post-paid) will be promptly attended »». •p 63— tf THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. THE LITTLE GIANT FAR IN THE LEAD OF ALL COMPETITION. sss?*^ SCO i"i yv _',ST LITTLE i ■■ CORN AND COB MILL Has undergone a trial and lest for nineteen months and better, and testimony is daily coming in from innumerable witnesses speaking from ex- j>erience, an"! confirming what the public press has already said in its behalf, proving that after a con slant use for the above period of time, it kxhibits no psrcf.ptiele appkarancb or wear. In view of these facts we are prepared to say to our Iriends and customers generally, that we will give them a full and unqualified guarantee, and as a proof otour earnestness in the matter, we ask permission to give you one upon trial, and if you are not perfectly satisfied after thirty days Use of the same thai it is far superior to, and will last much longer than any other Mill for a like purpose now in irse , you are at liberty to return it and the money will be refunded without one cent of discount or deduction. The particular properties and qualities of the Little Giant, which place it far in the lead of all ■competitors, have been claimed for some of the lat- ter in a sort of quack nostrum advertisement, upon the principle, we suppose, that it is quite as proper to trade on borrowed merit as on borrowed capital. The same advertisement has stated that Cast Iron Mills for grinding Corn and Cob will not last more than two years, and that the cost for keeping them in repair lor ten years will be equal to four times their original cost. Very possibly this may be the case with some Cast Iron Mills, hut it certainly, is not so with the Lillle Giant, as the following facts will make apparent to every reader of ordinary intelligence. Mr, Scott the patentee has secured by letters patent a d.ouble set of =srms in the top of the mill (or what he terms a driver and arms,) for the purpose of more effectually pulverising the Cob and preparing it lor the centre of the Mill, which very materially lessens the strain on both Mill and ieam. In the citfiimon. Mills- ngtv in use— such for instance as wsfind in borrowed, plumage in culprtise'- ■meats — this double set of arms, or driver, cannot be used 'without a direct infringement upon Scott's Patent, consequently the strain is so very great upon the periphery and fine grinding surface of the Mill, that it will last but a very short time and necessarily requires a ring (or some additional part) to keep them in working order; and if they re- quire one ring which is upon the shell of the Mill, they will just as surely require another upon the .awe (or burr) which is more liable to wear out than the shell. Again, in some of these common, mill* the legs are made very slight and cast fast to Ike Mill ; hence in the event of a leg being broken, it requires an entire new shell to replace it, which will be one half trie price of a new Mill. Not so however with the Little Giant. Mr. Scott has also secured by letters patent what he terms a pocket on the side of the shell of the Mill, so that in the event of a leg being broken either by accident or design, it can be im- mediately replaced by the most ordinary farm hand and at a very trifling cost; hence we are prepared to prove beyond all controversy, that the expense to run the Liule Giant for ten years will not be as much fur repairs by one half as any other Mill now in use, fiom the fact of the simplicity attending any repairs that it might require, added to the du- rable properties of jts inner arrangement with its double set of arms and immense grinding surface. The amount of work it can do with a comparatively small power, the superiority of its work when done, and its capability of being managed by the moat unskilful farm hand, places the Little Giant a head and .shoulders above any similar invention, and entitles it to be recognized as the Got/ah among Corn and Cob Mills. Conductors of public journals who have seen it in operation by the side of others, and all farmers who have had it in use for any time, proclaim it to he the only effective and reli- able Mill. for grinding Corn and Cob ever invented. At a lime like this when the products of our farms and fields command a high ptice. and when it is important that the farmers shnirld save as mi. eh grain as possible for the maikets of the country, no one encased at farming, or who may have stuck t« feed, should be withoui one of these Mills a single week. A trial is all that is necessary to show lhat it possesses advantages over all other similar Mills now in use. and to commend it to universal favor. Manufactured and fur sale In ROB rt INS & BIBB, Warehouse 39 Light street, Baltimore, Maryland, or by THOMAS BRANCH & SONS.' and ROULETT & BARDY, Petersburg, Va. CERTIFICATE. Philadelphia, December 13, 1855. Messrs Savds & Wor.tiiingto.\\ American Farmer, — Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen : — We notice in the columns of your very valuable paper, an interested one sided state- ment of the Trial of Corn and Cob Mills at the late Fair of the Maryland Agricultural Society, and thinking it hardly lair that the impressions which are intended to be conveyed by the author of the advertisement, should go broad cast to the entire farming community without some comment, we have taken it upon ourselves to give what we deem and what dozens of disinterested persons will bear us out in asserting to be a fair and disinterested statement of that trial, and we call upon the exam- ining Committee, Messrs. M. T. Goldsborough, and E. B. Calbert to confirm our statement. The first thing that drew our attention to the trial was the appearance of the gentlemen (committee) at the location of the Excelsior or Leavitt's Mill (which we must admit ground very prettily) having two horses attached; the committee then went to the Scott's Little Giant (or Messrs. Robinson & Bibb's Mill) which required one minute and a quar- ter longer to produce the same amount of meal some one present lhat the trial was hardly fair with but one horse. The remark was then made by inasmuch as the Excelsior was grinding green corn with two horses, and the Liule Giant was grinding hard flinty corn with but one horse : the commitiee having satisfied themselves of that fact, requested Mr. Leavitt to try the hard corn, which was assen- ted to, and the hard corn put in, and at the second THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 31 revolution the sweeps titw all to pieces, the corn being entirely too hard Tor it. This induced the comminee to postpone their examination until the next morning, with the reque-t that each Mill should be tried with :he same corn. Then came the trial referred to, ar.d feeling some curiosity in the matter we made our appearance upon the ground in good lime to witness it. The commence- ment was with Mr. Maynatd's Champion Mill which produced a half bushel measure halt lull ol meal in five minutes, requiring twenty revolutions with but one hor^e. Then came the Excelsior, which produced about the same amount of meal in three minutes an-', a quarter, requiring !0 revolutions with two horses. Then came the LitileGian;, which pro- duced afjout the same quantity in four minutes, re- quiring fi i ; ten revolutions with but one horse. Then came Mr. Colhurn's Mill, which produced ihe same a morn t of meal in eight r.r.d a quarter minutes, requiring thirty-two reyoluytins also wiih one horse. We were under the impression that the Little Giani led the van, bat there is the statement and a tfis- interestetf community can judge for themselves. jan tf EDMUND MAKER. THREE TRACTS OF LAXD) On the Danville Railroad in Amelia, 36* miles fom Richmond, .'or sale. rihave for sale three tracts ol' Ian 1 in Amelia County. One, the tract on which 1 reside, con- taining 310 acres, with excellent Dwelling, 7 rooms, newly- paimed, and in excellent order, with all ne- cessary hntnobses, abovie two thirds cleaied, the other ir. limKer. One o'her tract. 150 acres with a new house. 3 room-, and a large ;• • B6ut the same proportion of cleared bin I as the Above. An- other tract, 7(>0 acres, with all ihe necessatsy i ui houses, including a first rate granary, 8 tobacco barns, an rtverseer*!*hoosc, with four roorrfs, with five servant's houses, all new with brick chimneys: the granary well paint.- . Each tract is good to- bacco and wheat land. I ■ it tra^t tbousht to be amr-ne the best il'not the bes'l quality of soil iir this p^rt ol Virginia, with one hundred acres o I first rate Creek and Branch low grounds. This tract is within two miles of Amelia Ct. House Depot: the other tracts-, one three the other four miles from said Depot 1 wish only to sell two of the above Ira • g one for myself, pur- chaser ? choice of ihe three. Prici- i. wiil be reasonable] as 1 am deter- mined to sell. For any further particulars address me at Amelia Court House Post Office! jantf JOHN G. JEFFERSON. With ihe first nion'ii, (January) Number, 1S56, will commence the sixth Volume of THE FAR 31 JOURNAL, & PROGRESSIVE FARMER, A Monthly Periodical of Thirty-two eclavo Pages devoted exclusively to the best interests of the Farmer, the Gardener, the Fruit-Grower and Stock Breeder. Datid A. Wells, A.M. A. M. Spangler. In presenting our friends with a«prospectus for the coming volume, we reject the hackneyed style of puffing our paper, in saying that it is a miracle of ebeat t --,-. We merely ask that they shall try it for one year, leaving them -to be their owh judge-, of i; worth. Our object 'and aim is, to publish a Journal, which shall be of real in trinsie value to the Farming Community, and sub- servient io nothing but the great intertst of American Agricultural progress and discovery. . We recognise no local orsectiona! feelings; we have no prejudices to overcome or smother, or collateral interests to encourage; and our desire is, to make the Journal and Faimer a National Work. — Arrangements of of the most compbte character have been made in : regard to Illustrations ; and our descriptions of An- imals, Plan:s. Agticulturnl Implements, &c. &c, ltwill.be. handsomely illustrated by engravings ex- ecuted in the best style of the ait. We have also secured, (in addition to cur editors) the services ' ol gentlemen eminently compete!;! both in science and practice, who have k ndly consented to become rtgular contributors; in the various departments. We intend publishing condensed portions of the Prize Essays from "The Journal of the Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland," which are not accessible to many in this Couniry, and which are considered ol the greatest value to ihe Agrjcut- tuii.-t. AKo, selections from the R.oya) Agricultural ■Society of England, the Gardener's Chionicle and Agricultural Gazelle, in which alone are to be found reliable reports of the celebrated experiments nnd researches;!' Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert, at Roihamstead, of which reports, the whole series will be published in the forthcoming Lumbers. An 1 as we are determined to leave nothing undone which will in any way tend to' improve the charac- ter or appeaianee of the Journal, we will issue the next volume in an entire new dress, by which its typographical appearance will'tegreaily improved. It must also be remembered that no part of the body of the work is taken up with advertisements, which is an important feature where the numbers are kept i'or binding, and as !i.r conundrums, childish jokes, idle tales, and trashy poetiy, if these are wanted they must be sought elsewh SOW IS T;;F. 31MB 10 . SjCXSCKIBE. Our terms place the Journal within reach of ail, Single Copy, - - , - $1 00 per Annum Five Copies, - - - 4 CO ■' Ten Copies, - - - 7 50 " Twenty Copies, - - - 14 00 ,! Cash, invariably in advance. SAMUEL EMLEN & CO, Publishers, N.E. Corner 7th and Market Sweets; Philadelphia.. Specimen numbers sent gratis to those requesting it,. Jan It PURE GAME FOWLS FOR SALE. Bred from the best stock of English black breast, Lord Stanley. Suwarrow, English Blue Breast, Earl of Derby, English Game, Sumatra, Red and Black Mexican and Creole Game. Fowls sent to any part of the United States in good order prices ranging from $2 50 to S 15 00 per pair. Fowls naid for when ordered. Add res J. M. L. ANDERSON, jatf Ruther Glen P.O. Caroline county, Va. BRAINING TILE. . The subscribers have constantly on hand any quati- li'-- of Draining Tile of the most approved pat- terns, which they will dispose of at the following prices:— 1J inch, bore Sl2 per thousand, about one foot bore each; 2| inch bore $ 15; 4 inch bore ©35; Gutter Tile ©20. They also keep on hand the best Sand Press Brick, .$15, and Fine Brick, $25. Samples can be seen. Orders left at the office ol American Farmer, or direct to the subscribers RITTENHOTJSE & CRAWFORD, Brick Makers, W Pratt St., near the Cattle Scale3, jan tf Bait., Md » THE SOUTHE-RN PLANTER. — DR. M'LANE'3 CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS. A singular combination but very effectual, as the firflowiug will show: New York, November 20, 1852. Knowing, from experience, the valuable qual- ities of DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS, I have for some lime back considered it my duly, and made it my business, to make those articles known wherever I went among my friends. A short time ago I be- came acquainted with the case of a young girl, who seemed to be troubled wilh' worms and liver complaint at the same time, and had been suffering forsome two months. Through mv persuasion she purchased one bottle of DR. M'LANE'S VERMI- FUGE, and one box of LIVER PILLS, which she took according to directions. The result was, she passed a large quantity of worms, and thinks that one box more of the Pills will restore her to perfect health. Her name and residence can be learned by calling on E. L. Thea), Druggist, corner of Rutger and Monroe streets. P. S. Dr. M'Lane's celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills can both be obtained at any of the res- pectable Drug Stores in the United Siates. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for and take none but DR. MC'LANES VERMIFUGE and LIVER PILLS. There are other vermifuges and Pills now before the public, but all compara- tively woilhless. j an M«CONNELL & BURTON. DENTISTS, Main Street, between 9th and 10th Streets, Richmond, V*. JOHN M'CONNELL. W. LBIOH BUBTOK. ap — tf rTUIE FARM, CALLED LILLY VALLEY, ON I THE OSBORNE TURNPIKE, AND ON JAMES RIVER, SIX MILES BELOW RICHMOND, FOR SALE.-'-The subscribers are authorised to sell the above valuable farm, now owned and occupied by Mr. B. O. Aikin. It contains 335 acres, of which 210 acres lie on the west side, and 125 acres on the east sice of the Osborne's Turnpike, G miles below Richmond. The improvements on the place are new, and though small, are sufficient for the accommodation of a moderate sized family. The place is very healthy. Besides a well in the yard, there is an excellent spring near thereto. The land is of excel- lent quality. The portion to be put in wheat will be pre- pared so as to be ready for fall seeding. Those disposed to purchase are requested to view the premises. Teems accommodating. Apply to Mr. Aikin, or to GODDIN & APPERSON, oct tf Auctioneers. THE VIRGINIA SUBSOIL PLOW. Shovel Plow and Coulter, which took the pre- mium at the Virginia Slate Fair 1655, can be pur- chased of the inventor at $10. or of Meade & Eaches, Alexandria. Having been thoroughly tes- ted is believed to be ihe only reliable Subsoil Plow in use. Patent applied for. Address ISAAC I. HITE, White Post P. O.Clarke county, Va. Jan. 1st, 1856 ja3m TO FARMEBS. WOODBURY'S Lever Mounted Horse Power Thresher and Cleaner, capable of threshing and cleaning one bushel of wheat per minute. .This machine received a first premium at ihe Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey and Delaware State Fairs, and numerous County Exhibitions, where it has been brought in competition with other machines. This machine need only be seen to be properly appre- ciated. Manufactured and for sale by C. B. ROGERS, Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, deel— 3m No. 29, Market st., Philadelphia. C. M. SAXTON. & CO.'S AGRICULTURAL BOOK ROOMS, 140 FULTOn STREET, NEW YORK. C. M. Saxton & Co. have removed lo their new and commodious Rooms, No. 140 Fulton Street, where, in addition to their large stock of Agricul- tural Books, may be fouud a FARMER'S READING ROOM, supplied with all ihe Agricultural Journals of the United Slates, and the best Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Periodicals of England, France and Ger- many ; the free use of which they lender to all their friends. janlt SUPERIOR IMPROVED SWINE, &C. MY breeding stock of Essex and Suffolk Swine is now large, (having been selected by myself with great care and particularity,) so that I expect to be able to supply a considerable demand for Pigs next Spring, for which I solicit orders. I also breed the pure Chester County Hogs, and crosses of the China, wilh the above varieties. I have now for sale an Essex Boar, and Sow in pig, four years old; /bur young Sows, 8 to 15 months old, ihe older ones in pig; two Boars, 8 months old, and 12 Pigs two lo four months old, most .of them males ; a very superior imported Suffolk Sow, G years old; a Chester County Boar and Sow rather over a year old, and five pairs good Chester 'County Pigs and Shoats. Also, two grade Bull Yearlings and one Calf, (Devon and Durham;) one very fine pure Devon Bull Calf out of my best cow, and sired by my bull Ben Bolt; and eight young Cotswold Sheep, two of which are Bucks. TH. A. HARDY, decl-4t Norfolk City TO AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICUL- TURAL SOCIETIES. We would particularly invite the attention of those Socielies, who are about to make up their Premium Lists for 1856, to our large collection of Agricultural Books, which are peculiarly adapted for Premiums. The awarding of Agricultural Boohs instead of small Money Premiums has been extensively adopted, and has given the highest satisfaction. ADVANTAGES OF THIS PLAN. Il promotes the dissemination of much needed in- formation among farmers. It combines the advantages of a Diploma with a premium of Intrinsic Value. It substitutes a permanent and expressive To- ken of Honor for the pittance which is frequently humiliating to the recipient. It avoids the fostering, of a mercenary spirit a- mong Competitors,' and better comports with the dignfty of an honorable emulation between Friends and Neighbors. We will take pleasure in furnishing to applicants a Catalogue of our Publications which we consider appropriate for Agricultural Societies for Pre- miums, on which a liberal discount will be given. C. M. SAXTON & CO., Agricultural Book Publishers, 140 Fulton St., N. Y. janll.