THE SOUTHERN Devoted to. Agriculture, Horticulture, and the Household Arts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts. — Xenophon. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State. — Sully. FRANK. G. RUFFIN, Editor. F. G. RUFFIN & N. AUGUST, Prop'rs. Vol. XVI. RICHMOND, JUNE, 1856. No. 6. I Communications to the Virginia State Agri- cultural Society. ESSAY ON IRRIGATION. BY "WELLINGTON GORDON, OP LOUISA. \A premium of Fifty Dollars.] Our agriculture has arrived to the insurpassable I state of imperfection of applying its best soil to ' the removal of the worst farther from market. Arator. Nothing has yet been done to wipe from our agriculture the reproach of Arator. The alluvial treasure, annually washed 1 from our forests and badly cultivated soils, 'and floated down our rivers, continues to ' serve no other purpose but to obstruct our navigation and poison our atmosphere. Not one scientific effort has been made to arrest it, in its progress to tide-water, and none to appropriate it below. Of the amount of agricultural wealth, thus neglected, no accurate estimate can be ijmade ;* but if the intelligent people of Vir- ginia would understand and practice Irriga- tion, as, for centuries, it has been under- : stood and practiced by the ignorant peasants 'of China, Egypt, and of Lombardy, they would discover floating through their lands a treasure more valuable than the Chinchae Islands, and requiring only a skilful use of i the shovel and the spade, to be distributed * The Mississippi has been estimated to deposit |i eight millions of solid feet per hour. Estimating 'itbe deposits of all the rivers of Virginia to be one hundredth part of that of the Mississippi, and phat six inches of this deposit is equivalent to a Icoat of stable manure, the annual loss will be gfound to exceed 30,000 acres of fertilizing ma- terial. over their hungry and thirsty soils. They would also learn where Providence with- holds from them the early and the latter rains, that there are summer showers in the running brooks. In dry and arid countries, Irrigation has been coeval with the cultivation of the soil. Famine, to whom more than to science, ag- riculture is indebted for its discoveries, has been its schoolmaster there. It is not a ne- cessity in Virginia, and is therefore sup- posed io be unsuited to our climate. It is also believed to require a skill that we do not possess, and an amount of labour, which we cannot spare. The purpose of this pa- per, in part, is to point out the fallacy of the two last named objections. That of climate might be disposed of, in a more summary manner, but in its consideration an oppor- tunity is presented of portraying the mar- vellous results of irrigation, wherever prac- ticed, and some tediousness will therefore be bestowed upon it. Premising that, in climate and soil, Lombardy, and especially Venetian Lombardy, very nearly resemble Eastern Virginia, the following extract from the reports of the British Board of agricul- ture is worthy of attention. " The waters of the chief rivers of the north of Italy, such as the Po, the Adige, Jhe Tagli- mento and of all the minor streams, are employed in irrigation. There is no other country which possesses an extent of rich water meadows equal to that of the Lombards. The entire country from Venice to Turin, may be said to be formed into one great water meadow, yet the irrigating system is not confined to grass lands ; the water is conveyed into the hollows between the ridges in corn lands, into the low lands where rice is cultivated, and around the roots of the vines. From Italy the practice extended into the South 162 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. of France, into Spain and then into Britain. In the States of Lombardy the waters of all the rivers belong to the State; in that of Venice the government extends its claims to that of the smallest springs and even to collection of rain water, so highly, for the use of the cultivator, is water of every kind valued in the north of Italy. It is necessary therefore in Lombardy, to pur- chase from the State the water taken from the river. This may be taken ljy means, of a canal through any person's grounds, the government merely requiring the payment of the value of the land to the proprietor, and restraining him from carrying his channel through a garden, or within a certain distance from the mansion. The water is sold by the Government at a certain rate, which is regulated by the size of the sluice and the time of the run of water — this is either by the hour, half hour, o? quarter, or by so many days at cer- tain periods of the year. The right to these runs of water is regularly sold like other property. Arthur Young gives an account of the sale of an hour's run through a sluice near Turin which produced, in 1778, 1500 livres. The rent of the irrigated lands in the north of Italy is, upon an average, more than one third greater than the same description of land not watered." The climate of Great Britain, on account of its humidity, would of all others seem, least suited to irrigation, but, under an im- proved practice, its triumphs there have: been most complete. A description of[ some of the most perfect water-meadows, of i England will be found in " Coleman's Eu-, ropean Agriculture " from which the follow- ing facts are gathered : " The water-meadows of His Grace the Duke of Portland at Walbeck at first embraced 300 acres. The value of the land has been raised from the annual sum of §400 (£80) to that of $18,300* (£3660.) The work was undertaken with no view to profit, and was executed in a Princely style of extravagance. The expendi- ture from the commencement to the completion has been §200,000 (£40,000). The profits upon each acre after defraying all expenses are com- puted at nearly $60 (£12) per annum, without taking into consideration the great benefit they are to the adjoining arable land. The land be- fore the improvement was commenced, was in part, a thin, gravelly and barren soil, and in; part a peajt bog or swamp, and full of rushes and aquatic plants. It is now clothed with the most luxuriant verdure, and requires no manure ' beyond the water with which it is supplied. Every acre of this irrigated laud, in its pro-i duce consumed by cattle on the farm, supples * The English pound Sterling is here estimated I at $5 instead of 4 83-lOOths. The same mode of | calculating will be pursued hereafter. manure for five acres of other land. The water here is peculiarly rich in fertilizing matter." " The water-meadows at Audly End, the resi- dence of Lord Braybrook, are on a comparative- ly small scale, but extremely productive. The average produce yielded the last three years has been about thirty-one tons of grass or eight tons of hay per acre. A patch of rye grass measured three feet two inches in height on the 30th April 1844." * The high authority of Phillip Pusey, Esq., is cited in the same work for the follow- " I have known Mr. Roals' farm for many years. It stands alone on the summit of the wild Exmoor range of mountain land. If any one asserted that, for a trifling outlay, he could enable heath-covered steeps to rival in produce or value, the old grazing grounds of Northamp- tonshire, he would be regarded as a dreamer, but if any owners of moors will visit Somerset or North Devon, he will ascertain the literal truth of the statement, as I did five years ago. All that is required is a streamlet trickling down the mountain side, or a torrent descending rapid- ly along the bottom of the glen. The profits of under-draining old arable land appears tri- fling when compared with the profits of thus forming catch-water meadows, which, according to Mr. Roals, is more than one pound interest for two pounds invested. The two pages of this report, which state no more than Mr. Roals has himself done, contain a talisman by which a mantle of luxuriant verdure might be spread over the mountain moors of Wales and Scotland, of Kerry and Cannemara." In the third volume of Ruffin's Farmer's Register will be found a re-print of George Stevens' practical treatise on irrigation, from which, out of many instances, are cited at random the following evidences of the beneficial effects of irrigation in Scot- land and Sweden : " Kirkhouse meadow, in the parish of Traqui- ar, contains nine Scotch acres, and was the first scientifically formed irrigated meadow in Scot- land. The land, in its original state, was valued at 5 shillings per acre of yearly rent. The for- mation cost £4 ($20) per acre ; but the hay crop for the last twenty years has averaged two hun- dred and sixty stone (5720 pounds) per acre,* and the after-grass 12 shillings ($3) per acre, making upwards of £7 ($35) per acre grass pro- duce. About the same time an irrigated mea- * A Stone weight of hay is 22 pounds, and ranges in price from 12 cents to 24 cents, or from 55 cents to $1,00 per hundred (very much the same in Virginia.) THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 163 dow was made at Kirkhope on the Ettrick, and another at Mount Benger Burn, on the Yarrow, which, according to the tenant's own account, pays them better than any piece of land of the same extent on their farms, although the land in its natural state was worth little or nothing." " The late Sir George Montgomery, Bart of Magleiehill, in Peeblephire, commenced irriga- ting in.1798 by forming about one acre into wa- ter-meadows. This little experimental meadow turned out so productive that the baronet con- tinued operations on a larger scale, by collecting the small streams that ran through his property to aid him in procuring as much natural hay as possible by irrigation. He, therefore, in the year 1815 converted the low-lands at the Plew lands into irrigated meadows. They contain 9 acres, and consist partly of boggy and partly of cr0 P s ' but has sometimes resulted in disap- dry soil, worth £2 ($10 per acre in their original | pointment and loss. Ihe exceptions are state. The effect of this improvement, for seve- rare, and have been generally ascribed to ral years past, has been 300 Stone (6G00 pounds) I want of skill or attention, or the presence of very superior hay per acre, averaging 8 pence of some mineral in the water injurious to per Stone, and the after-grass 20 shillings per] ve( r e tation. They nevertheless inculcate a acre which makes the gross produce of the land ]esson of prudence aml deliberation. The quantity of water, furnished by the stream, should be measured, and its fertilizing quali- Northern countries is so very much against the practice, yet the improvement is one of the grea- test that has'been introduced in a district, where it is impossible to procure manure for making improvements in any other way, and that wherc- ever water can be brought to rim over grass land, the benefit will richly reimburse any person for the money laid out. Since the formation of this meadow, several others have been made in dif- ferent parts of Sweden with greater success, they being made on better land." Although the instances cited are not par- ticularly remarkable in their results, it is nevertheless proper to state, that Irrigation has not always succeeded in increasing the worth £11 (§55). These meadows have been sometimes cut twice a year, but, owing to the high climate, he found it more advantageous only to cut them once, and commence feeding off the after-grass earlier in the Autumn. The expense of making those meadows was £5 per acre. By this simple method of improvement, fifteen acres of common sheep pasture-land has given the proprietor from three thousand five hundred (77,000 pounds) to four thousand Stone (88,000 pounds) of hay per annum, averaging 6 pence per Stone." " In the year 1808, I was employed, to sur- vey, with regard to draining, a large tract of boggy land, belonging to Mrs. Grill of Soderfors Iron Manufactory, in the province of Upland in Sweden. After having taken a general view of upwards of three hundred acres, I found about 80, lying nearest the large River Dal, well situa- ted for irrigation ; and although there was no- ties ascertained, by observing its effect on inundated spots before the commencement of any extensive enterprise. Irrigation has long been practised in cer- tain localities of the Valley of Virginia. The plan, pursued, is represented to be rude and primitive, and yet, on reliable authority the writer is assured that the results have been very satisfactory, that the crop of hay is gen- erally doubled by it, and that the value of a farm is much enhanced by the considera- tion of having upon it, a water-meadow ; or land capable of being irrigated. A minute description of the practice, there pur- sued, and results obtained, would do much n attracting to the subject the attention, thing of the kind in the country previously to that time, the proprietress determined to have, at | and awakening in its behalf the interest of any expense, an Irrigated meadow formed com plete in all its parts, for she was confident, that the Agricultural community. In the fall of 1852, on a farm in Fauquier connected with thorough drainage, it would form County, the writer constructed a water- one of the greatest improvements to a country meadow ol 14 acres in the manner recorn- where the Summers are so generally dry, and 1(Jed b Stevens, and in accordance V.,.t- . .- r.s.~~~r. T~ loin +l,~ L„~ A .. A ~ „„ Af\ J hav very scarce. In 1810 the hay crop on 40 acres was 4000 Stone (88,000 pounds.) With- in that year the other 40 acres were formed into water-meadow, and in 1811, the hay crop on the whole was 11250 Stone (247,500 pounds.) In 1812 the crop was damaged by the frost and reduced to 4550 Stone. In 1813 the crop was 11250 Stone, and but for heavy frosts on the 21st, 22d and 23d of June would have been one third more. The hay, since the commencement of the Irrigation is with the best English practice. Attached to it are four acres of dry medow formed of rich red clay, subject to inundation, and ca- pable, without manure, of yielding a good crop of timothy hay. The 14 acres, previ- ous to the improvement, yielded only herds grass hay, and in very scant quantities. Ex- cept in watering, both portions of the mea- dow have received the same treatment. About seven acres were watered in the twice as good in quality. The expense of form ing this meadow was neVly £4 ($20) per acre, by 1 spring of 1854. In the opinion of the men which it appears that, although the climate of who mowed the hay, the crop on the irriga- 164 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ted land doubled per acre that of the dry meadow. It exceeded two tons per acre. The difference in color and growth was ob- servable at a distance of 300 yards. The whole 14 acres were irrigated in the Spring of 1855, though, on account of a drought extending through the previous winter, with an insufficient supply of water. On the fir?t of June, when all the other mea- dows of the neighborhood seemed parched and withered up, this meadow presented a coat of luxuriant verdure beautiful to be hold, and promised a most abundant crop, which however was reduced more than one half by a violent hail-storm on the 20th of the same month. The watered portion, nevertheless, doubled in product the dry portion of the meadow, and yielded over one ton of timothy hay per acre. The result of the experiment is so satisfactory, that 18 acres additional are now being pre ! pared for irrigation, and the improvement [will be extended to every piece of land on I the farm accessible to water. In its construction, forty dollars have been ex- pended for hired labour. The remainder j of the work was performed by the farm I force, at idle periods, which, if charged at 'it full value, would have increased the ex- penditure some $80 or $90. The whole cost of construction has certainly not ex- ceeded $150. It should however be stated that the position of the land was unusually favourable for irrigation. The Improve- ment is believed to have added $75 per acre to the value of the meadow. The crop of hay of 1854 could have been sold on the farm for $300. A sketch of this meadow is annexed. If referred to, it will serve to ex- plain any obscurity- in the practical part of this paper. ■:sr-*ssg Beferences. 1). M. drymeadow subject to inundation, H. M. high meadow too high for irrigation, B. R- Brown's Run, m. c- main conductor, b. c. branch conductor, s. d. slice ditch; d. d. d. d. discharging ditch, a. c. feeder, •vr. f. water furrow, S. 8. Stops, n. n. notches. . ■f > i a- a. flat beds, "W. f. water furrows, s. b. side banks, d. d. end section of flat beds. PLAN OF TWO ELEVATED BEDS. c. c — c. c. two elevated beds, f. f. feeder, w. f. water furrows, h. h. end section of elevated beds 170 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. It has been before remarked, that elevated beds must pursue a straight course, be- cause a bend in the feeders would prevent a free passage of water through them. Flat beds, for obvious reasons, are cramped by no such necessity. They may be either straight, zig-zag or circular. The advan- tage, of thus twisting the bed to fit the ir- regularities of the surface, will in practise be found of the utmost importance. If the meadow have an inclination only one way, flat beds are easily constructed, for all that is necessary is to run them in the direction of the fall, but if there be an inclination two ways, the grading becomes a nice and sometimes a laborious operation. Much may be accomplished by giving a proper direction to the bed. It must take the course by which the lateral inclination will be most reduced. If, for instance, the slope of the ground from North to South be one in fifteen and the slope from East to West be the same, the course of the bed should be exactly South-West. The same rule applied in other cases will determine the course of the bed. The width of flat beds is not a matter of choice, but is de- termined by the lateral inclination of the the surface.* SECTION OF FIVE FLAT BEDS ON A SURFACE HAYING A LATERAL INCLINATION OF 6 INCHES 10 FEET. T 2 — V Vb \ ft-~- '••A r _.e s. s. natural surface of meadow, The rule (from which it is never to depart) is, to lay off at least bed for every six inches of lateral fall ; and the reason is obvious enough. One half of the bed must be reduced and the other half elevated. The upper half must be skimmed of its soil to elevate the lower half. If the rule be observed, the upper half will loose only an average of one and a half inches of soil, which in most cases can be borne ; but, if in an effort to widen the bed, the skimming process be more deeply pursued, the result will be a very thin sod or no sod at all or one of its sides of the bed. Even where only one and a half inches of soil has been removed a dressing of manure should be applied. If there be no lateral inclination, flat beds may be made 30 feet wide except in the case of re- tentive sub-soils, when they should be re- duced to 20 feet. Preparation for Grass. The discharging ditches and the part of the conductor adjacent to the meadow, should be excavated before the land is ploughed, and the earth, furnished by them, used to remove or reduce longitudinal irregularities. The land must then be flushed (not bedded) a., a. flat beds safe one f. f. feeders. b. b. side banks, ted by the middle of March. Seed it then with 2£ bushels of Oats per acre, and make a liberal application of guano whether the soil be rich or poor. The crop of Oats is intended to smother up and destroy the na- tural grasses. It must therefore be as thick and luxuriant as it can be made. As soon as the crop is gathered, the land should be deeply flushed, sub-soiled, rolled and har- rowed, and reduced to the finest tilth. The finer the tilth, the lighter will be the subse- quent labour. On the first of August, the shaping and grading the beds will be com- menced. This work is done with the shovel and the spade. It requires great care, but no greater labour, provided the eye and head of the master is employed upon it. As soon as any one bed is gra- ded, it should be seeded in timothy at the rate of one-half bushel of seed per acre and the seed carefully covered with a rake. Two hundred pounds of guano per acre should be covered in the July ploughing, and all stable or farm yard manure that can be spared, applied on the surface during the winter.. If the soil be naturally rich, the quantity of guano and manure may be re- duced, but it is all important that the sod of and drained by as few "furrows as practica- [the following year should be strong and ble. This work is supposed to be comple-l thick, and no expense must be avoided to * "Where a meadow has a lateral inclination, each bed will be on a different plan, (See plan above.) THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 171 obtain it. Guano acts on timothy as favour- ably as on wheat. Of course no small grain should be seeded with the timothy. Ir- rigation will not create a sod, for water can only be applied to a sod already formed, but will strengthen, thicken, and preserve it. As soon as a good sod is formed, and by the above directions, it can be obtained in 12 months, the water may be applied to the meadow. application of Water. From the 1st of June to stacking time, every water meadow should be laid dry. From the middle of July to the 15th of Oc- tober, an application of water may be made once a week, and oftener if the stream be muddy or swollen .by a rain. From Octo- ber to March the meadow may be almost constantly under water. It will be suffi- cient if it be laid dry two days in every four- teen, but this always in mild and never in freezing weather. A sheet of ice is as warm a covering as a bed of snow. If the soil be cold or retentive of moisture, the water should be applied only one day in fourteen from March to June. If it be san- dy, the application during that period may be once a week. Soils suited to Irrigation. The best are porous soils based on porous sub-soils. Such is the character of the lands in Lombardy and of some of the best water meadows in England. The more water a soil will absorb and digest, the better for irrigation. It is doubtful whether a thin glady soil based on a tenacious sub-soil will be much benefitted by irrigation, except so far as it deposits alluvial matter upon the surface. All other soils will be more or less benefitted according to their capacity of absorbing and filtrating water. Value of meadow and grass lands. A meadow on tide water yielding, without manure, 2 tons per acre would nett $26, and should rent for $20 per acre. So also at any other point accessible to market. From no other crop can the like annual profit be realized. The highest priced lands in Virginia are the grass lands, and this without regard to their distance from mar- ket. The b'est arable lands in England sel- dom rent for more than $25 per acre. The best dry meadows for $40, and the best water meadows often range over $65 per acre. The meadows Edingburg (irri- gated with sewer water,) yield an average rent of $150 per acre, and in years of scar- city have risen to the high figure of $285 per acre per annum. Catch- Water Irrigation Is substituted for elevated bed Irrigation, where the meadow is located on a side hill, or on a plane of a greater inclination than one foot in ten. The conductoi here is planted immediately above the meadow, and in a position to command every part of it. The water furrows are the feeders. They are wound around the hill and graded to a perfect level from one extremity to the other, or where they are divided into sections, from one stop to another. They are gene- rally separated by a bed 40 feet wide. The water is first delivered from the conductor into a water furrow or feeder, over the sides of which it flows and is equally distributed over a bed, from which it is again received into a feeder, again distributed over a bed, and so on to the bottom of the hill. PLAN OF A SIDE HILL OR CATCH-WATEK MEADOW. c. c. conductor. a. a. a. a. feeders. s. s. s. stops. 172 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Catch-water Irrigation, though easy of construction, requires constant supervision, for if the water find for itself the smallest channel, it will soon convert it into a gulley or ravine. Flat bed Irrigation is as appli- cable on a side hill as on a plane of mode- rate inclination. Care, however, must be taken to bend and wind the bed to as mod- erate a lateral inclination as the surface will permit, to execute the lateral grading and side banks with much nicety, and to apply the water in very limited quantities. No sod on a steep side hill can long withstand a strong current of water. Irrigation by Absorption Is designed to supply the soil with the defi- cient moisture. It is seldom practiced ex- cept on land under cultivation and recently pulverized. It is very much followed in Italy in the cultivation of rice and grain crops and could no doubt be advantageously introduced in the cultivation of corn upon the sandy flats of tide water. In Egypt it is of more ancient date than the Pyramids and is still there of common usage, as also in Persia and India. From a passage in Isaiah, the Jews seem to have regarded "a garden that hath no water" as a picture of desolation.* If introduced in our garden culture, vegetable famines like that of 1854 might be avoided. The practice is very simple. The conductor, (which in garden culture need be not much larger than a water furrow,) is constructed as before di- rected. The land is laid off in beds 5 or 10 feet wide, the water furrows graded to a continuous but gentle inclination and stops placed in them 10 or 20 leet apart, according to their rapid or gentle descent. The water is passed from the conductor into the water fnrrows, and absorption and capilliary attrac- tion do the rest. The beds require no grading, but should not at centre be more than one foot higher than at their sides. Irrigation by absorption will not on the same surface consume one- tenth of the water required in Current Irri- gation. The main conductor need not, therefore, be of half the size. Irrigation by Flooding Is practiced only on dead levels, or planes, of very gentle inclination. It is an indif- ferent substitute for Current Irrigation and should never be performed when that may be adopted. The whole art consists in sur- rounding the meadow by tight and carefully * In the book of Genesis we read, " A river went out of Eden, to water the garden." built embankments, and providing sluice gates through which the water may be de- livered 6n or discharged from it, according as it is intended to flood or lay it dry. It may at some future day be found useful in the cultivation of rice, or grass, on our tide water swamps if the problem of reclaiming them, or of appropriating our alluvial wealth below tide water, shall ever be solved. Legislation needed. Irrigation can never be extensively prac- ticed in Virginia, ulitil the privileges, now enjoyed by parties proposing to drain their lands, shall be extended to those intending to construct a water meadow. The head of a conductor, like the tail of a ditch, must be often located in the la.nd of a neighbor- ing proprietor, whose voluntary assent to the entry and appropriation will rarely be obtained. The privileges conferred by chap- ter 124, page 528, Code of Virginia, would seem as necessary in the one case as in the other. The writer would, therefore, in con- clusion, respectfully call to this branch of the subject, the attention ofthe Agricultural Society of Virginia. GAPES IN CHICKENS. My experience in raising chickens teaches me to keep the hen house clean and regularly swept ; to visit the yard and keep that swept out also for the space of five or six yards around the house, taking care that neither grass or weeds grow there during the year, and to smoke the hen house repeatedly during the summer. As soon as my chickens are hatched in the spring of the year, say March, I begin to smoke my young chickens every morning with strong tobacco smoke until they are almost large enough to fry. My mode of smoking is to have hovels large enough for one or two hens and their broods, not more ; I have a trap door at one end of each hovel, and make the smoke close enough to the door 'just so as not to burn the hovel, then you will have room in the other part of the hovel not to burn the chickens. So treated, they will never have the gapes. Your obedient servant, Robert Kent. Fluvanna Co. April 2, 1856. The above remedy of our correspondent may be a very good one ; we have never tried it. We have recently heard of another which is said by a lady who raises more chickens than any one we ever heard of to be completely^ efficacious. It is simply to mix onions or garlick, or wild onions, if the other cannot be had, copiously with their feed. The onions to be finely chopped up. MH^ THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, Fig. 1. 173 **™«ra«33ai5E^^ 1, CIRCULAR SELF-ACTING GATE. PATENTED TO WILLIAM THOMPSON, OF NASHVILLE, TENN., JUNE 19, 1855. The above engraving is a perspective view of the gate. The invention relates to gates for farms, parks, and enclosures of any kind. A is the gate closed. It is perfectly circular in form, and may be made of any proper material, and of any size desired. B and C are the gate- posts, secured firmly in the ground, or to°any proper supports. The left-hand post, B, has a channel, d, entirely through it, from the cap- piece to the bottom. The right-hand post, C, has a channel in it, but not entirely through it, to receive a part of one side of the gate, and re- tain it when the gate is closed. The gate A. re3ts upon a rail, D, sunk in a platform, a little below the road-way, in the middle of the track, but elevated on one side and extending some distance to the left. The platform rests upon a lever, and extends both in front and back of the gate. On the rail, 1», which is firmly fastened to the platform, the gate operates: the fulcrum on which the platform rests is next to the short end of the rail upon which the gate rolls, and the platform has a weight, G, at its edge, suffi- ciently heavy to keep the short end of the rail upon the ground, and consequently the long end, D, in an inclined position, as shown in the above engraving. When a person or carriage shall be on the platform, approaching the gate, the weight will depress the left edge of the platform and the now elevated end of the rail, D, fastened to it, and the gate will roll into the position shown in the dotted lines, A 1 , giving way for the person or carriage to pass ; and when the car- riage or person shall have passed off the plat- form ott the other side, the weight, G, at the edge of the platform, next to the short end of the rail, causes that end to be depressed, and the gate rolls back and shuts itself. It is. seen that the gate, when rolling out of the way, passes between the double fence, F. E is a rail- ing on the side of the platform, which can be used or dispensed with at pleasure. The inside corners of the posts, at the ground, may be extended as close to the gate as possible, so as to fill up the space between the gate and the posts, to prevent hogs, etc., from passing through. These spaces can be readily and neat- ly filled up. Fig. 2. Figure 2 is a catch, or fastening, placed on 174 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, *op, or near the top, of the gate-posts, to be used I gate would roll out of the way ; a in case stock casually open the gate. The string I ^ate shall have passed off the platfo: would have only to be pulled by the carriage driver, or any one else passing, which could easily be done ; and the catch being raised, as soon as the weight pressed upon the platform the and after the passed oil the platform, in rolling back to its position it will lift the catch, which falling in its place as the gate is closed, keeps it shufr, till a passing weight and pull of the string shall again cause it to open. Fig. 3. The operation of the gate, as illustrated in Figure 2. will be at once understood on inspec : tion. It operates in a groove in the beam or platform, D, which is deepest in the centre, C, where the gate rests when it is shut, and rises to both the right and left. It is rolled out of the way by hand, and, when let loose, returns to its position, and shuts itself. It rolls between the double fence, to keep it in plane. Instead of the difficulty of keeping a yard-gate shut, this gate, with fair play, would never remain open. To let the rail and platform be made firm and immovable, the gate, as represented in Figure 1, may be made to operate, when opened by the hand, as does Figure 3. PREPARING FOOD FOR FARM STOCK. In the January number of the Valley Fanner we gave an article under this head, in which we incidentally alluded to one of the most improved mills for grinding corn and cob meal that we have seen ; this has called forth in reply several articles on the subject, from the advocates of, and dealers in other mills. In these articles, .opinions upon the subject of digestion are advanced at variance with science and the natural laws of animal phy- siology. Mr. L. Bollman, editor of the agricultural de- partment of the Indiana Journal, takes the sub- ject up, and in proof of his own opinions quotes Mr. Youatt, and says: "Our authority is best," &c. If our friend of the Journal quotes Youatt correctly, he (Youatt) is certainly in error, as we shall attempt to show ; nor is this the only error Mr, Y., has published, in. his various works on domestic animals. In proof of our argument we will give authority which the scientific world will admit is still better — Dr. Carpenter and Flourens. As the preparation of food for economical feed- ing of farm animals is becoming a matter of great importance to our Western farmers, we will give Mr. Bollman's article in full, and in order to dis- pose of the question in controversy, we shall an- swer at length, although it will occupy more space in our columns than we should feel willing to de- vote to a subject of less importance. The follow- ing is what Mr. B. says on the subject : " The idea here advanced is that corn and meal when eaten by ruminants pass directly to the fourth stomach, unless mixed with coarser food. Will the Fanner give us its authority for this opinion ? But conceding its correctness, we ask whether the gastric juice of the fourth stomach is not a sufficient solvent to digest the coarse meal of the crushers. We know it cannot act upon the whole grain, because it has no power over the sili- cious coating of the unbroken grain. If the corn is ground into "fine meal," can it be chewed any finer ? If not, why the necessity of mixing it with cut and moistened hay ? The process of digestion in ruminating animals as stated in these extracts, did not accord with our recollection, but having killed a beef a short time since, to which we had fed com in the ear, we examined the paunch or first stomach, and found the corn, both the broken and unbroken grains, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 175 and the cob, both in pieces and finely chewed, everywhere mixed with the hay and grass which the animal had eaten. If, then, the corn and cob, after being crushed by the jaws and teeth pass into the first stomach, why will it no£ after being crashed by the iron teeth of a mill ? We proceed to state what is the true digestive process of ruminants, as the ox, sheep, &c, and our authority is the best, Mr. Youatt. The throat or gullet, or as it is technically called, the esophagus, forms a canal from the mouth to the entrance of the fourth stomach. Along the base of this canal are openings into the first and second stomachs. Immediately under the first opening, is the rumen or first stomach. "All the fjod," says Mr. Youatt, "when first swallowed, goes there to be preserved for the act of rumination, and a portion, and oc- casionally the greatest portion, of the fluids that pass down the gullet, enter the rumen." In the calf, this opening "instinctively closes by an act of organic life," when it swallows the milk ; and it is not the form of the aliment or food, or the force with which it descends the gullet, that causes it to pass into the rumen of the older an- imals. After being received into the first stomach, the food traverses every portion of it, without being changed; except softened and covered with some mucous, and as it approaches the opening through which it passed into it, it is forced through another opening into the reticulum or second stomach. The Valley Farmer says that it does not enter this stomach until it is chewed the second time, upon what authority we do not know. The office of the second stomach is to force the food back through the opening into it, into the gullet, which carries it back to the mouth, to undergo the second chewing, or as it is called, chewing the cud. In the process, it is thor- oughly masticated, and being again swallowed, it passes into the many-plus or third stomach. The business of this stomach is to reduce the food to a pulp, in which form it passes into the abomasum or fourth stomach. This last one se- cretes the gastric juice, which digests the food by the feeders, wtio used crushers, have seen the de- leterious efi'ect of the sharp cornered meal. The only grinder which the Editors of the Farmer have seen, that will grind corn and cob meal fine enough, is that of Mr. Straub of Cin- cinnati. They qualify this expression with the phase " at one operation," but what it means we cannot tell — whether at one handling or but one grinding. Have they seen Fetlon's Portable Millf It grinds superfine flour, and superfine meal too ; so fine that a dozen mastications could not make it finer. So we challenge you, Mr. Far- mer, with a Felton against your Straub ; the contest to come off at our next State Fair, which as it has thrown open the premiums to be con- tested by every body, will be an inducement for Mr. Straub " to be and appear." The writer after conceding our first proposi- tion, asks: "whether the gastric issue of the fourth stomach is not a sufficient solvent to digest the course meal of the crusher." To this ques- tion we would first reply, that experience and ob- servation around the barnyard where this meal has been fed, emphatically answers No. But a more conclusive answer is found in the wisdom displayed by the Divine artist in providing the animal with that complicated and beautifully ar- ranged digestive apparatus, no part of which has been formed in vain. Gross food when given to a ruminant in a form that prevents it from pass- ing through all the various processes of digestion cannot be fully prepared for perfect assimilation. The changes which the fluid secreted by the va- rious departments of the digestive apparatus produce on alimentary matter, is by solution and chemical action. Now digestion cannot be per- fect unless the food is given in such a form as to force it to take that course in its downward pas- sage as will cause it to pass through all the va- rious forms of digestion, each of which contri- bute their proper fluids to prepare it for the per- fect action of the next. The first process towards digestion, is mastica- tion; this is not merely to crush the food and reduce it to a pulpy state, but also to imbrue it intimately with saliva. Saliva, so abundantly its chemical action, and converts it into chyme, secreted by ruminants while chewing the cud, The gastric juice, as. we have observed, does, not act on the thin outer covering of the grain of corn. Hence if it reaches the fourth stomach whole, it will not be digested, but must be eva- cuated whole. If it is broken, it will be digested, unless taken in such large quantities that there is not enough of gastric juice to dissolve it. Every feeder knows that many grains are not broken in process ; hence the use of mills to aid mastication. If these mills leave the meal with "sharp and flinty corners," so does the crushing operation of the teeth. This we know from what performs an essential part in the process of di- gestion, being in fact the chief agent in the con- version of starch into sugar, or in other words, its digestion. Modern researches have shown, as fully set forth by Dr. Carpenter in his Human Physiology, that it is by this fluid, aud not the gastric juice, that the amylaceous elements of food are prepared for assimilation. The change which commences in the mouth, is in a great degree suspended in the stomach, to be renewed when the food passes into the duodenum, ('or first bowel) where it is mingled with the pancreatic we observed in the paunch we examined. But juice, a fluid closely resembling saliva in its these sharp corners are softened, they are cov- ered with mucous and are dissolved by the gas- tric juice, and cannot, therefore produce that in- testinal derangement spoken of by the Valley properties. Hence the necessity for thorough mastication ; hence the advantage of mixing the meal with the hay or straw, which secures ita passage into the paunch, or first stomach, aud its Farmer. Improper feeding, colds, or other cau- I consequent rumination. When the corn and cob ses, produce them— if not, then long since would . is merely crushed in the iron mills, referred to 176 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. by us in our former article, it is too coarse and heavy to adhere to the wet hay or straw to be swallowed with it. And when fed unmixed in this form, -or when ground into fine meal and fed either dry or in water in the form of slop, it is not of the mechanical consistence which will cause it to open the passage into the first stomach, but passes directly along to the fourth or true stom- ach unprepared for the final act of digestion and assimilation, just as the milk does in the case of the calf, which comes from the mother al- ready prepared for the final action of the stom- ach. What are the circumstances which deter- mine the direction of the food ? Dr. Carpenter, (Princp. Physiol. Gen. and Comp.) thus describes them : " When the food is first swallowed, it has undergone but very little mastication, it is conse- quently firm in its consistence, and is brought down to the termination of the esophagus in dry, bulky masses. These separate the lips of the groove or demi-canal and pass into the first or second stomachs. After they have been macera- ted in the fluids of these cavities, they are re- turned to the mouth by a reverse peristalic action, the food being shaped into globular pellets by compression within a sort of mould formed by the ends of the demi-canal, drawn together. Af- ter its second mastication, it is again swallowed in a pulpy semi-fluid state ; and it now passes along the groove which forms the continuation of the esophagus, without opening its lips, and is thus conveyed into the third stomach, whence it passes into the fourth. Now that the condition of the food, as to bulk and solidity, is the circumstance, which determines the opening or closure of the lips of the groove, and which consequently regu- lates its passage into the frst and second stomachs, or into the third and fourth, appears from the ex- periments of Flourens, who found that when the food, the first time of being swallowed, was artifi- cially reduced to a soft and pidvy condition, it { passed for the most part along the demi-canal into the third stomach, as if it had been ruminated — only a small portion finding its way into the first and second stomachs." Now, as we have before intimated, if the amy- laceous food passes without mastication into the true stomach, it lacks, not only the condition, but an important element necessary to its digestion, the saliva, and consequently the digestive pro- cess cannot be so perfect. In all probability, the fluids secreted by the paunch, which permeate the alimentary mass, also takes some part in the changes requisite to its assimilation. That there is a necessity in the case of the cow and other ruminants, for the food being temporarily lodged in this great receptacle, is sufficiently proved by the fact that the provision for it exists. The calf requires no such provision, because its food being of a different character, is digested by the gas- tric juice, and not by the saliva. Our friend further asks : " If the corn is ground into fine meal can it be chewed any finer ? If no't, why the necessity (if mixing it with cut and moistened hay?" Wo think in what we have al- ready said, these questions are, or should be very satisfactorily answered. But we will give a further reason ■ The finer the grain is ground the greater surface is presented to the immediate ac- tion of the fluids of the digestive apparatus. Any soluble substance is more readily, acted on when finely pulverized, than when in a solid mass. We have now given our authority for the state- ments made in our former article, and have an- swered, we think, satisfactorily, the question why it is necessary to mix "fine meal with cut and moistened hay." ' No doubt some portion of the corn when fed in the ear will pass into the first stomach for the same reason that other coarse food does. An error of our frjend of the Journal has led us to detect an inadvertence in our ac- count of the digestive organs of the ruminants. The office of the "second stomach," is not, as he states, to force the food back "into the gullet." but to hold the water necessary to macerate the food. " The liquid swallowed," says Dr. Car- penter, "seems to be specially directed into the second cavity, the reticulum. It is here that the peculiar provision of 'water cells' is found, for which the camel has long been so celebrated, but which exists in a greater or less degree in all ru- minants. These cells are bounded by muscular fasciculi, by the contraction of one set of which their orifices may be closed and their contents retained ; whilst by that of another set, the fluid they contain may be expelled iute the general cavity of the stomach." It is said that "necessity is the mother of in- vention." We happen to know that Mr. Straub run for a long time, a corn and cob crusher by the steam power used in his establishment, the meal was fed to cattle and horses, but it was as- certained that the irritation and disease to which we referred, became quite common among the animals fed upon it. He then run the crushed corn and cob through the burr mill, and reduced it to " fine meal ;" but this required extra labor, to save which, Mr. Straub directed his inventive powers and produced the mill which does the work at one operation ; and as our friend of the Journal desires light on this subject, we will briefly state that there are two heavy circular plates of steel, encased within an iron covering, around the spindle ; one plate is stationary and the other revolves with the spindle ; they are so adjusted that they act like a pair of shears and cut and break the cob into short pieces as the ears are passed into an opening like that of an ordinary corn sheller, these pieces fall directly between the stones and are ground fine. In the May number of the Michigan Farmer for 1855, we learn that one of the editors of that paper, after feeding corn and cob meal for two months to his cattle and horses, discovered the irritating effects of the food upon one of his horses, and writes to Dr. Dadd, and alludes to the case as follows : " For the purpose of testing by actual trial, the value of corn and cob meal, after removing upon our farm, we procured a supply at once. Commenced with a full feeding the first of Jan- uary last, and continued two months, giving to horses and cattle. After a month's feeding, feb- rile symptoms were occasionally observed in one THE SOUTHERN PLANTER- 177 I of the horses, such as short and quick breathing, fall pulse, inflame 1 feet, fatigue from light exer- tion and sweating at the breast. At the end of two months, nearly, these symptoms were greatly aggravated ; the appetite failed, and the animal lost flesh. Though well satisfied as to the irritating cause, a note was dispatched, con- taining a short account of things, to our very ob- liging "friend, Dr. Dadd, of Boston, and request- ing his opinion on the feeding qualities of corn and cob meal." In conclusion we will state that we have no ecuniary interest in the manufacture or sale of Jr. Straub's or any mill, but we deem it not only Dur province, but o"ur duty, to recommend to the farmers the best machines and implements that are offered to the public, as well as to give the best modes of cultivation, &c. This we shall aim to do independently, candidly and honestly, and at the same time, when we deem it proper, ex- pose humbuggery and fraud wherever it exists. We must therefore decline the challenge of our Indianapolis friend to take part in the contest •■with a Felton against a Straub." If we have seen the Felton mill, it was but for a moment, and we know nothing of its construction or its merits. If its grinding surfaces are of metal, when new it may grind as fast as the burr or Straub mill, but we are quite sure it is not as durable, nor can it be as readily sharpened by an ordinary farm hand as the bnrr stones can. But we are for improvement, whether in a Straub or a Felton, and we shall be ever 1 eady to chronicle it wherever it is found. Improvement is our motto. I3P Subscribers a requested to remit the amount of their Subscription as soon as the same shall become due. If Subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the Office or place to which they are sent, they will be held responsible until they settle their account and give notice to discontinue. 55^ If Subscribers remove, change their offices, or permit their paper to be sent to an office that has been discontinued, without directing a change of their paper, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they will be held responsible. All Payments to the Southern Planter will be ac- knowledged in the first paper issued after the same shall have been received. EE^" All money remitted to us will be considered at our risk only when the letter containing the same shall have been registered. E^ 3 It is indispen sably eucessary that subscribers remitting their Subscription, should name the Office to which their papers are sent ; and those ordering a change should say from what to what post office they wish the alteration made. A strict observance of this rule will save much time to us and lose none to them besides insuring attention to their wishes. Postmasters are requested to notify us in writing- as the law requires, when papers are not taken from their Offices by Subscribers. , RUFFIN & AUGUST, Proprietors. Office : No. 153, Corner Main and Twelfth Streets. ADVERTISEMENTS. Will be inserted at the following rates ; For each square of ten lines, first insertion, One Dollar; each continuance Seventy-five Cents. Advertisements out of the City must be accompanied with the money, to insure their insertion, Postage on the Southern Planter, (when paid in advance,) to any part of the United States, one cent and a half per quarter, or six cents per annum. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. RICHMOND, JUNE, 1856. TERMS. One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per annum or One Dollar only if paid in advance. Six copies for Five Dollars ; Thirteen copies forTts Dollars — to be paid invariably in advance. No subscription received for a less time than one year. Subscriptions may begin witli any Number, but it is detirable that they should be made to the end of a vol- ume. IzST' Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary on or before the expiration of their yearly Subscription, will be considered as wishing to continue the "ame ; and the paper will be sent accordingly. %3r" No paper will be discontinued until all arreara- ges are paid, except at our option. TO SUBSCRIBERS. We earnestly request that you will read our " Terms" at least once a year, and always before writing us upon any subject connected with your paper. We frequently receive letters con- taining remittances, and others requesting dis- continuances or directing a change to other post-offices when the office to which the paper is sent is not named. Such omissions occasion us a great deal of trouble, and it not unfrequently happens that your wishes cannot be attended to in consequence of your neglect to conform to this standing request. Jpgf" Remember always to name your post of- fice when writing about your paper. to delinquent' subscribers. There are subscribers to the Planter, who owe for some years and cannot be induced to pay. 178 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. There are some who owe for three years, and though applied to, they have neglected to pay. We feel that it is but justice to ourselves to no- tify such delinquents that if they do not settle by the first of July, we shall be compelled to strike their names from our lists. Though we shall continue to send their bills out periodically. We mean no offence to these delinquents, and beg that none may be taken. We doubt not there are many very excellent gentlemen in the list, and possibly some personal friends, whom we should, beyond all things, regret to displease. — ■ We know that nearly all of them intend to pay, but the putting it off is a serious matter to us ; and the rule we have determined to adopt, and hereby give notice of, is a financial measure — one intended to save our money — and not spring- ing from any feeling of irritation against anyone. In adopting the foregoing rule it may happen that we may discontinue the paper of some of our subscribers who have made payment to agents, who have failed to make any return of their agency to us. Should this occur, we will promptly make the necessary amend when noti- fied of the fact. Sale of Deion Cattle, South-Devon Sheep and Berkshire Hoys. It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, last page, that Lewis G. Morris, Esq., of Mount Fordham, New York, intends to dis- pose of his whole stock of the above animals at auction and without reserve. His stock are all excellent, and he is no jockey. Gentlemen who wish to jjurchase may be assured that his stock are, in point of pedigree, what he represents them to be, and in point of form and style what he thinks they ought to be. He has spared no expense in his importations and selections. At least that is our opinion from what we have heard of Mr. Morris. For catalogues contain- ing description, &c, address Mr. Morris, as per advertisement. THE GUANO CONVENTION. If we do not agree with poor Edgar, that " the Prince of Darkness is a gentleman," we yet have very good authority for saying that he is not al- together so black as he is sometimes painted. For somewhat the same reason, we suppose that Mr. Rarreda, that dog with a bad name, ought not to be hung outright, nor even execra- ted as heartily as is the fashion just now with a good many very excellent gentlemen. His ad- ministration as agent of the Peruvian Govern- ment for the sale of the guano of which it holds the monopoly has been more and more censured as the price has risen, until at last a convention ■ of Guano-using farmers is called for the purpose of memorializing Congress to lay a sliding duty on that article, which shall amount to prohibi- tion, when its price shall exceed a certain maxi- mum — we think forty six dollars per ton. We shall not undertake, in objecting to the proposed action of this convention, to defend Mr. Barred a from all the charges that have been brought against him ; nor to hold him up as a model in manners, ethics, or commercial trans- actions. We doubt not he is a bear; not re- markably scrupulous in his dealings ; and with as little of the true spirit of commercial liberal- ity as any other Spaniard. But we shall try and deal him some measure of justice by way of inducing our friends to look at their own inter- ests through a somewhat clearer medium than their present prejudices afford. Of one ground of complaint against this agent, his alleged breach of faith with Mr. Sands of the American Farmer, we think an erroneous view has been taken. The facts of that transac- tion are no doubt candidly and truly stated by Mr. Sands, to whom we would by no means im- pute impropriety. But the policy of such bar- gains, and the interest of farmers in resenting a non-compliancowith them, are altogether different questions. If we understand the case, Mr. Sands agreed with Mr. Barreda to take from himacertain number of tons of Guano, which he in turn was to sell to cash customers at less than the ruling retail rates, and on terms which would allow him less than the usual merchants' profit.. Now we know that the commission merchants who deal in this article advance money to its purchase and extend credit to its sale, no great number of farmers paying cash for it. But this arrange- ment of Mr. Sand's assumes, against the proba- bilities, as the facts present them, that the mer- chant's profit on this venture is exorbitant, and that he can stop it by an arrangement, whose ef- fect, so far as it goes, is to deprive the merchant of his cash customers, and of course to raise the price on time payments ; or drive him from the trade, and deprive the credit dealer of his guano. From this would result a double inj ury : first to the productiveness of our own country, and se- cond, to the Peruvian government through Mr. Barreda ; who, if he could make such a bargain with his eyes open, would thereby prove sense- less to his own interests, and faithless to the gov- ernment he professes to serve. It was an inva- THE SOUTHERN" PLANTER. 179 sion of the regular course of trade, and if per- mitted to continue, which it was impossible it should have done, would not have enured even to the benefit of Mr. Sands's purchasers, who would have been supplied by Barreda with the worst guano he had. The complainants about the high price of gua- no seem to lose sight of some important facts. Granting that the article is monopolized, and that every advantage will be taken of that fact that can be, it does not follow that there will be no limit to exorbitancy. Except in the case of monopoly of articles of paramount necessity — as quicksilver for instance, which was monopolized by the vRothschilds until more recent discoveries of that mineral have liberated the trade — the monopolist has to consider what is the highest price, it will be safe to charge ; since if he ex- ceed that limit, as he easily may, either from mistake or greed, he fails to sell. Here then is a motive to reduction in price; and superadded to this there was in Barreda's case an uncertain tenure of office, which rendered it his interest to sell as largely as possible. That he has not greatly exceeded proper limits may be inferred from the fact that the sales were large even at sixty dollars per ton; larger, in fact, than they ought to have been, as some commercial men now say the price of wheat was last fall. But the rise in price was certainly indepen- dent to some extent of the monopoly, and of the enhanced price of wheat. Until within little more than a year past guano has been brought into the United States mainly as a return cargo in bottoms trading to California. Going out freighted, but for the opportunity that guano af- forded, many of them would have had to return empty or to make a still larger circuit to obtain a back load. Hence moderate freight charges. But since California has come to produce for herself most of the articles that in her infancy she took from the Atlantic, very few ships, com- paratively, trade thither, and as a consequence most of those that go for guano now go out in ballast and charge much heavier freights. Be- sides this special reason, guano, like every other article, must feel the fluctuations in freights; and if from any cause there is a general advance in them, such as the carrying trade experienced in the late European war, it will cost more to transport it from Peru to the United States. To this effect, then, must be attributed a good deal of the rise in price. Another cause no doubt is the general depreciation of the precious metals, and the consequent rise in the level of prices. And a third may be a disposition to extort more from those who were thought able to pay more. But the facts in this latter attributed cause would seem to acquit Mr. Barreda of any unu- sual amount of extortion ; for when wheat had risen from one to two dollars per bushel, guano in the same time had risen from forty five to, saysixty d ollars per ton, so that he, with the above causes to justify him as far as they may be allowed to go, has only advanced 33 per cent, in the face of an advance in wheat of 100 per cent., or in the ratio of one third only. In fact it is less than that ; and strictly speaking guano i^ not so high now as it was several years ago. Assuming, for the sake of illustration, that a ton of guano wil! make 70 bushels of wheat, in a good season, then at forty five dollars per ton, and one dollar for the wheat, the profit on the outlay is 55 per cent. But at sixty dollars per ton, and two dallors for the wheat, the profit is 133 per cent. It is true that sixty dollars is too high for guano on account of the fluctuations in the price of wheat, and the uncertainty of the crop, and the price must fall. Whether the proposed guano convention can reduce it to the desired limit by imposing re- strictions, any better than individuals can by consulting their own separate interests, is very questionable ; and the policy -of the effort therefore debateable. So also is the propriety of Virginia's going into that convention. The use of guano, as is well known, is most profitable on the least fertile lands, the benefits diminishing in proportion to fertility. Of such infertile lands, Virginia has a larger share than any other state likely to be represented in that convention. In many sections of this State guano is the main reliance for the wheat crop; in other more cir- cumscribed districts, and in other states, as also in Great Britain, it is used only as an adjunct to other manures, or as a means of giving the wheat a good start. The relative necessities of the sections then, are very different; and the sacri- fices to be exacted are by no means equal. The region which increases to crop by four or five bushels per acre, and ensures a stand of grass perhaps in addition, cannot pay as much for guano as the region which could make little or no wheat without it, nor will it lose as much by a failure to obtain a supply. Supposing that prohibition may be the effect of the requested 180 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. legislation, one section will thus have given up much more than the other. But it is not intended that prohibition shall be the consequence of the law, and we very much doubt if the convention would have half a dozen members in attendance if it were thought that would be the effect. But it may have that ef- fect, and hoist the engineers with their own pe- tard. The game of restriction is always hazardous, and should never he played by gentlemen in a passion. Bluff itself is not more dangerous. Suppose Congress shall unwisely throw this tub to the whale, and grant the law. Where may we stand? British farmers use a great deal of guano, perhaps as much as we do ; and they pay for it, grudgingly, to be sure, but still they pay it, more than we pay. If the effect of the pro- hibitory duty shall be to reduce the price of guano to $47 per ton, to the British wheat grower when we cannot buy at less than $46, or if Peru, in exasperation, places Great Britain on the foot- ing of themost favored nation, and sells guano to her at $40 per ton, but none to us at any price, can we doubt that the whole of her annual sales will be made to trie English wheat grower ? And how great would be the impetus thus given to our greatest competitors, who in buying all that we now get would kill two birds with one stone : increase • their own product, and cripple ours. But suppose we shall bring Peru to terms. The same of course will be granted to all other na- tions, and thus we shall stand precisely where we were before if the price of wheat abroad de" pends on the relative production of the wheat zone. But again: As Peru stands by treaty stipula- tion on the footing of the most favoured nation, we shall be obliged to impose the same restric- tions on the guanoes of all other countries except our own, if we have them, and so strengthen their competition against ourselves all over the world. And still again : Supposing that none of the above objections apply, as Peruvian guano is the best in the world and outsells any other, it can be taken from Peru to other countries and change hands without let or hindrance ; thence it can be shipped hither, aud will be, with all the charges of this roundabout transaction superadded to the price. So that turn which way he may, the position of the restrictionist bristles with dilemmas. We hear it contended that public opinion is in favour of the Convention and its measure. Perhaps so ; and if inconsiderate declarations be accepted, of course so. But by their acts' ye shall know them. Persons very frequently, and very honestly too, commit themselves to one opinion where their conduct really exhibits another : for what hut opinion steers the course of men in the daily business of life. And what is public opinion but an aggregate of private opinion. Now last fall, every body who could not get guano at less, bought it at $60 per ton, if they thought they could afford it, and the large number who bought at that price shews that they then thought they could. Their aggregate, or public opinion was then, that though guano might be high, it was not too high, at that price. If they shall have been mistaken, as if wheat bringsless than two dollars they certainly willhave been, they will not buy again; and asthePeruvian Government must meet its liabilities by sales of Guano, the price will fall. If it does, the fall will have resulted from "public opinion pri- vately expressed," so to speak; which spring- ing from the great truth that in the ordinary transactions of life each man is a better judge for himself than Government can be for him, will be much more influential on trade, and more salutary to all parties, than a memorial to Con- gress, asking that body to say, in effect, by law that no man can afford to give more than 46 dol- lars per ton for guano, when the fact is directly the reverse. We have heard it gravely contended that that is as much as could be afforded for the article. Why then do people buy it at higher rates ? Are all the farmers demented '? And how can a con- vention of mad men cure the Lunacy ? What people think they can "afford" to give is the measure of price whether under the influence of competition or monopoly: and for a conven- tion of farmers to attempt to regulate the price of any article monopolized or not on any other prin- ciple than-that of individual opinion, will be about as hopeful an effort as for a man to regulate his own breathing, which whoso attempts will find himself short-winded in some ten minutes or less. The talk that we have heard about the neces- sity of combining against monopoly, and claiming this legislative concession to a great interest is like that we hear too often about the necessity of having agriculture represented in the cabinet at Washington, and setting up a department for the THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 181 special benefit of the farming class. "We have al- ready extended this article too far, and must pass by a branch of the subject -which has too little force to make it -worthy of refutation. "We may at some other time, and in some other con- nection, attempt to shew that this policy of class legislation finds its best development and ripest fruit among the barbarous people of India; and that -wherever else it has had even a partial ex- istence and recognition it has been the teeming mother of factions and discords. How desirable it may be to get Peruvian guano at lower rates, and in greater quantity than we now have it, is a complex question, and cannot yet be stated with confidence. On the whole we incline to the affirmative side of it. But the plan which we should advise to accomplish the object would be very different from angry re- monstrance or petulant petition. It would be one whereby the above question would be solved by the experience of those most interested. "We would ask the Government to send an able man, as minister or commissioner to Peru to make a commercial treaty with that country. As we get coffee from Rio in return for the flour we send her, so we could send to Peru the very product her guano makes. The country is barren, and means of subsistence are imported from Chili. Equally destitute is it of manufactures ; and these we could supply in profusion. Here lies the foundation of a new trade, which would grow as the wants of the people expanded, and impel the government to terms of liberality. Once let the people see that their subsistence and de- velopment depended on those three little islands at Pisco, and that by the time they were exhaus- ted, if ever that time shall be, they will have strengthened themselves again for the wrestle with Potosi, and there be no fear of a failure to get guano on fair terms. The true policy of Peru is to sell guano until she is rich enough to resume her natural busi- ness of mining. And it should be our work, our contribution towards her recovery, to con- vince her of that fact; to give her government some great object for the employment of intel- lect which is now frittered away in intrigues, and of energies which are now wssted in Revo- 1 u t ". >ns. This is an enterprize worthy of farmers, broad, generous, national, philanthropic, and far more glorious than railing at a foreign govern- ment. If we thought the convention would give that turn to its deliberations we should hail its meeting with pleasure. USE OF KELP AS MANURE. The Boston Cultivator contains a very inter- esting account of the farm of Mr. Ephraim Brown of Marblehead, Massachusetts, the great fertility of which is chiefly referable to the use of Kelp. The farm contains 240 acres with over a mile of sea beach. The sales of 1854 amount to $7000 ; the sales of 1855 are expected to reach $10,000, at an outlay in production of $3000. The leading crop is onions. But there are only about 8 acres in this vegetable, avera- ging about 625 bushels, and running up as high as at the rate of 1000 bushels. The manure chiefly decomposed kelp at the rate of 8-10, 12 cords per acre with a small quantity of compost manure. Five acres are in squashes, one mea- sured acre of which produced- ten tons. Be- sides these crops are cranberries, hay, potatoes, and some minor productions, 35 acres only are under hoe and plough. Labour ten to twelve men in summer, fewer in winter, boarded on the farm, and paid at the -rate of §90 to §130 per. annum. Have none of our sea-shore farmers availed themselves of sea weed ? "We should be pleased to hear from some of our subscribers in Accomac and North Hampton on this matter. THE NEW ESCULENT ROOT. THE CHINESE OR JAPAN POTATOES. Sometime ago one of our friends sent us a long article in praise of the above root, which was published in the New York Tribune by Wm i R. Prince of Flushing, Long Island. Before publishing it, we applied to our friend Dr. D. S. Green, of Culpeper, now stationed at Portsmouth, who was surgeon in the Japan ex- pedition, to know the value of the thing. He is an enthusiastic farmer, and we were sure would not let anything of Agricultural value escape him. It is unnecessary to publish his letter in re- ply : its substance was condemnatory of the value of the root to the extent stated by Mr. Prince. He thought it might prove valuable as a root for stock, but if it supplanted the Irish Potato, it would do more here than it had done in China, where he had seen two measures of it offered to purchasers in lieu of one of potatoes, and re- fused. Other and independent testimony of competent 182 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. judges who have lftiown the root in China satisfy " us that it is of but little value, and does not promise to prove profitable to any body but Mr. Prince, who is a well known nurseryman and speculator in " garden truck." PRINCESS ALICE MAUD STRAWBER- RIES. Mr. James Guest, Hollywood Nursery, has sent us a specimen of these mammoth strawber- ries. They a^e the largest and finest variety now in cultivation, and are remarkaby fine for ■the season. Mr. G. will have plants of this variety for sale in the fall, and his advertisement will be found in our columns at the proper season. GUANO ATTACHMENT TO THE WHEAT DRILL. We publish below an extract in regard to the disputed claim of Mr. T. P. Nelson of Clarke as the inventor of what is known as the guano at- tachment. So far as our belief goes we freely give the benefit of it to Mr. Nelson. We know him well and respect him highly; he is an hon- ourable gentleman, and for him to assert a posi- tive claim to anything is prima facie evidence with us that he is right. In this particular mat- ter of the guano attachment we are perfectly certain that he is the inventor of it. Not only are we assured of it by himself, but gentlemen from his neighbourhood cognizant of all the facts, and worthy of utmost credit assure, us that there is no doubt of the genuineness of his claim. As there are conflicting claims to the honor of inventing and introducing into Virginia, this val- uable addition to the catalogue of Agricultural machinery, we render but an act of simple jus- tice to a citizen of Virginia, by setting before the Virginia public, the following extract from the report of a committee of the Virginia State Agricultural Society, ascribing to him the honor of having originated this important and valuable implement. The State Agricultural Society in its schedule of premiums for 1855, proposed to award " hon- orary testimonials, to each individual of Virginia, who, previous to 1854, has discovered, or intro- duced, or brought into use any principle, pro- cess or facility, or generally any improvement, by which important value has been gained for the agricultural interests of Virginia." The chairman of the committee of award un- der the %th branch of the society's schedule, N. Francis Cabell, Esq., of Nelson county, Va., re- ported, 1st: That the Rev. Jessee S. Armistead, of Cumberland, is entitled to such honorary dis- tinction for having "originally prepared" a "specific manure for tobacco, &c," an account of which is detailed in the report and will ap- pear in the transactions of the society. Refer- ence is also made to a further account of it in the Southern Planter for April and June, 1853. The report then proceeds to award a similar dis- tinction to Mr. Thomas F. Nelson, of Clarke, for his guano attachment, as the following ex- tract will show: "2. On the first introduction of guano, and for some time afterwards, it was the general im- pression that this manure was so highly stimu- lating in its properties, as to destroy the germ of any seed-grain with which it might come in con- tact, when both were deposited in the earth. Mr. Thomas F. Nelson, a citizen of Clarke county, by experiment, so early as 1849- — and which was continued in subsequent years — satis- . fied himself that this was a vulgar error. As guano was also highly volatile, a further deduc- tion was, that in the usual mode of its applica- tion there was a great loss of useful effect, much of it escaping without having contributed any thing to the growth of the plant; and that a less amount than was commonly used could be made to answer the end if placed in immediate prox- imity to the seed. With this view, he set about devising an implement which should effect this purpose. He invented what he calls a guano at- tachment, which in conjunction with any one of several drills that are now used for seeding wheat, may be made to deposit both guano and seed in regulated quantities and at the required depth — being the snme which he has heretofore exhibited on the Fair Ground of this society. Whatever claims others may have to the inven- tion of a similar implement, the undersigned' has had evidence laid before him. abundantly sufficient to convince him, that Mr. Nelson was the first in that region, and perhaps in the whole State, to prove and expound the principle above mentioned, and that he was the indepen- dent inventor of an implement, such as we have described; and that its employment for the pur- pose suggested, has resulted in the more econom- ical use of that costly article and with equal ef- fect." GARDENING FOR THE SOUTH. We have received the above book, by Saxton. New York, from Mr. Woodhouse, Bookseller, Richmond. It treats of the kitchen and fruit garden, with hints on landscape and flower gardening. Not having time to read this book, we submit- ted it to a lady friend of ours, who is one of the best judges of such things that we know. She says it is the best Gardening Book for our region she ever saw. And we feel no hesitation in en- dorsing her opinion, and recommending the. work to every one who has a garden. Price, §1 25. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 183 MR. WILLIAM G. CRENSHAW'S LAND FOR SALE. We rarely " call attention" to advertisements, and never without a very good reason. We are impelled to do so in the case of Mr. Crenshaw's advertisement, because his farm presents a case in point to the argument and exhortations we have so frequently employed in favour of fine wooled sheep. As he is going out of the busi- ness, we have applied to him for his experience and now give it, premising that he is a merchant and speaks from his books. He began with 325 sheep in October, 1851, in February, 1852, he purchased in New York, 120 more. He has ever since been steadily increasing his flock by retaining all his lambs, and has not sold off any of h.s old ewes. Last summer at shearing time his whole number reached about 1000 head. A good many of his lambs died du- ring the fall, and the past winter, which was an extraordinary one, killed a considerable number. After selling off one hundred and fifty this spring, many of them mutton, at §5,00, his flock con- taines about 800 head. His actual sales to this time amount to' $4 500 His clip this spring will certainly reach, 1 500 say it has improved very rapidly, and it is now beautifully grassed. Those who think wool growing will net pay, may here see that it will ; tkose who have been discouraged by failures, may go and see where the fault was. We wish all could see it, for sooner or later the farmers of Middle Virginia must go into fine wool. It may not be for a generation, but soon- er or later it must be. Guano can never take the place of animal manures. Why sell so fine a farm ? Because the own- er is a merchant, residing in Richmond, and up to his chin in business ! • Gross sales, Deduct cost of purchases and ex- penses from New York, Nett Add estimated value of 900 sheep at average 'cost of his purchases, S4, G 000 1 700 U 300 3 600 Nett profits, $7 900 Every thing fed to them has been raised at home. This shews an average profit of $2 000 per annum from an average number of 600 head of sheep, including old sheep yielding but little wool, and allowing for variation in value of wool, and depressed prices at one time. With 600 picked sheep, it is not unreasonable to say that the profit can be pushed up to $4 per head. This certainly compares well with the profit.-s of wheat for an average of five years. But Mr. Crenshaw also raises # wheat, and now has seeded a large crop, which we are told is very fine. We think a statement of this sort, based on actual sales for four years, shews that wool grow- ing is profitable in Virginia. Several of our friends who have seen the farm, (we never have,) THE WHEAT CROP. From what we leara, the wheat crop in Vir- ginia is not as good as the crop of last year. — We have seen or heard from a great many farms in various parts of the State, and whilst in par- ticular localities, as Orange and Albemarle for example, the crop is better than they have had for several years, and whilst in particular neigh- bourhoods there are prospects of good returns, yet on the whole, the fly, the joint worm, and chinch bug, one or more, and the hard winter, have made sad havoc with the wheat. The drought, too, which at this time prevails in some considerable districts, makes the prospect criti- cal. But we should not forget that all the wheat last year was made after the first of June. Nor should we forget in our speculations that nothing is more uncertain than the yield of wheat, ex- cept the price of it. HARVEST DRINK, DIET AND MEDI- CINE. We cannot do better at this approaching sea- son of hard work, than republish the following, with slight additions, which we first published in the Planter for June, 1854. " Mr. Blair Burwell, of Powhatan, called at our office this morning, and gave us the follow- ing recipe for a harvest drink : Water, - Sharp Vinegar, Molasses, - Ground Ginger, " This will last thirty hands until dinnertime, when as much more may be mixed up to serve until night. It is carried to the field daily in a cart and moved about after the hands, each one of whom is limited to a cocoa-nut full at a time, always without ice — (they drink nothing else). 33 gallons 1 l\ " 1 lb. 184 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. He says that the Yankees fought on this mixture at Bunker's Hill, and he agrees if it kills a man to be indicted for murder. " For our part we see no harm in ice. "We have used it regularly for fourteen years with- out any bad result, but on the contrary, we think, with benefit." We know persons who have used it beneficial- ly for a still longer period. A venerable friend of ours, recently deceased, assured us that he had used it for thirty years or more, and never without advantage. His plan was to carry out a barrel of ice in a cart, and -keep the water tubs nearly filled with it. His theory, and we believe the true one, was that the ice acted as a tonic ; and the hands could never overload their stomachs with it, because the water was kept so cold that they could never drink to distension Strong coffee should always be given at break- fast and at night. No form of spirituous liquors should ever be used; and we who say it are not a " temperance man." "Well cooked black-eye peas, fried onions and rice, the latter cooked in puddings, or in as many forms as you please, are the best vegetables." Raw onions are also said to be an excellent food with those they agree with, and a friend recently mentioned to us a case of a negro who had never been able to stand the heat and fa- tigue of harvest, until he thought of supplying him liberally with raw onions, upon which he went through his work like a well trained four miler. " Salted meats and fish, never fresh, and a plenty of red pepper, in everything that it suits, boiled in the pod. " For physic, the pills recommended two years ago by our friend Charles B. Williams, as fol- lows: Pulverised Opium, 18 grains) Red Pepper, 18 " > Gum Cumphor, 12 " j To be taken when the first symptoms of cramp or diarrhoea appear — one then, and an additional one afterwards if necessary, according to the exigency of the case." We have proved thcefficacy of this repeatedly, and would as soon think of going into the harvest without a basket of tools. •See advertisement of "Board in the Coun- try wanted." HAY COVERS. We insert the following, which we solicited in lieu of an Editorial which we had intended to write to the same effect. Northampton, April 25, 1856. Dear Sir: — I was much pleased to receive your note of the 21st instant enquiring about the hay covers and I now enclose two receipts which I wrote for our village papers. The receipt for hay covers is intended for the million — to bring the cost within the means of the poorest farmers ; but, for those who are able to pay a small additional price, I should advise them to use cloth that is a little wider and to cut the covers about 45 inches long. I consider 40 by 45 inches as the most desirable size. I should suppose a small farmer would require about 50, and extensive farmers from 100 to 200, without regard to the number of acres. My men think that they can make hay two hours sooner with the use of hay caps than with- out them, even if there should be no rain — they protect the hay against heavy dews. The size of a hay cock is in this region, on the first day of raking up, Avhen the hay is nearly green, about 5£ to 3 feet in height an'd about the same in diameter at the bottom — on the sec- ond day nearly double the size. It is now questionable whether any composi- tion is necessary, as the hay cover is not intend- ed to hold water, but to hern it. We know that a cotton umbrella is a very use- ful protection against rain, and such farmers as do not like the trouble of painting the cloth over, might supply themselves with a good brown c6t- ton sheeting and merely sew stones into the cor- ners, which would cost only about 8 cents each. When it was stated that the county of Wor- cester in this State would have saved. §20,000 last year if the farmers had been supplied with the hay covers, it was not understood to what extent their hay crop was — they would have saved, I think, $150,000, as in very many instan- ces their hay was sold at half price and was only fit for bedding for their stock. Resj>ectfully yours, Edward Clarke. Northampton, Mass., Apl.. 25. Hay Covers. — Every Farmer Ms own Manu- facturer. Take a piece or more of yard wide unbleached cotton sheeting that can be bought for 7 or 8 cents per yard and tack it up on the sunny side of the barn or board fence. Then prepare the following mixture, namely: — For one gallon of linseed oil add about two pounds of beeswax, to be simmered together and when taken from the fire add about a quart of Japan. When it is cold, it should be about the thickness of paint. If too thin add more wax, and if too thick add more oil, — then paint the cloth over, on one side only, with a common paintbrush, and after drying a day or two take it down and THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 185 cut it into squares, then pick up stones of about 6 or 8 ounces each and get the females of the family to sew one into each corner and the thing is completed. It -would be an improvement to enclose the stones in a small bag and suspend them a few inches, which would be thought very little more trouble in so good a cause. No hem- ming the selvages is necessary. Cast-iron weights of 6 ounces each would cost about one cent apiece, but it is doubtful whether they would answer a better purpose than stones. Every far- mer should supply himself with these covers at once, as by and by, he will be too busy to attend to this matter. The immense losses sustained last year, by wet weather, should admonish him of its utmost importance. There is the best au- thority for stating thatthe county of Worcester alone, which produces upwards of 145,000 tons of hay annually, would have saved 20,000 dol- lars last year if the farmers had been supplied witn these hay covers. Hampshire Gazette. HALF-BRED SOUTH DOWNS. We have a few half-bred South-Down Buck Lambs for sale at §12.50 each, delivered in Rich- mond. We advise all persons to buy thorough bred stock in preference to half breeds ; and we would rather pay four times the difference. But many persons will not do it, or think they cannot afford it. To all such we offer the above lambs, which will be delivered in Richmond, at the basin, wharf, or any of the depots. WHAT PENNSYLVANIA FARMERS PAY ANNUALLY FOR THEIR HORSES. Messrs. Editors: — I note with much satis- faction that some of your correspondents have commenced a discussion in regard to the availa- bility of steam for agricultural purposes ; and trust it will be continued, as good only can re- sult from its agitation. Of it3 availability for all the in-door operations of the farm, such as grinding and shelling corn, cutting fodder, saw- ing timber, threshing, &c, we have abundant evidence of the most convincing character ; and it is only a few months since the agricultural world was startled by the announcement that Mr. Obed Hussey, of Baltimore, (the inventor of the first successful reaping machine,) had made an effectual application of it to plowing. How the cost of Mr. H's experiment compares with the same amount of labor performed by horses or oxen, we have not been informed, but the mere fact of such an experiment having been made, and having succeeded, at once demands an investigation on this important point — an inves- tigation which it is to be hoped some of your correspondents at yeiirselves will proceed to make. In the meantime allow me to present gome hasty estimates of the amount which Penn- sylvania pays annually for the support of her horse flesh. From some recently published statistics, I learn that there are in Pennsylvania 352,657 horses and mules. Of this number, perhaps 52, 658 are employed in cities and towns for other than agricultural purposes, leaving 300,000 for the use of the farmer. At the present price of horse provender, the average daily cost of feed- ing a working horse would- be fully 33J cents. Assuming this to be correct, the daily expendi- ture for horse feed in Pennsylvania is $100,000, or $36,500,000 per annum. The average lifetime of the horse is about nine years, and the average cost of his keeping for that time $1094,94. Shoeing, medical at- tendance, grooming, &c, not included. The average first cost of the 300,000 horses used in Pennsylvania for agricultural purposes is not less than $50 each, making an aggregate of $15,000,000, dividing which by nine, -(the average term of horse life,) and we have $1,666, 660f , principal and interest, as the annual out- lay for horse flesh in our State, the whole of which is to be charged to the expense account of our agricultural operations. Let us now recap- itulate : Cost of feeding 300,000 horses one year, $36,500,000 Average annual purchases, 1,666,666 Average annual cost of shoeing, grooming, medicine, &c, $20 each, 6,000,000 Making an aggregate of $44,166,666 as the sum total of the amount which the people of this Commonwealth pay annually for horse flesh alone. At even the present high rates of produce, it is equal to more than the entire value of the wheat and oats of the State. From the above statements we find that more than 33',000 horses die annually, the average weight of which may be set down at 500 pounds each, or 26,400,000 pounds of flesh, bones, &c. abounding in nitrogen, the phosphates, &c It is asserted upon authority, that the body of a dead horse, cut to pieces, and mixed with ten loads of muck, becomes, in a single season, com- post of the most valuable character. If this be correct, and I believe it is, we ought to have from the carcases of the 33,000 dead horses, 330,000 loads of compost, or sufficient to manure 30,000 acres annually. Now, if the carcases of all the horses that die were taken care of as above suggested, what a vast addition to the fertilizing material of the State would they afford. Enough manure would be produced by them to add 600,000 bushels to the wheat yield of the State — an item certainly worth looking at. But it is more than probaljle, that not one carcase out of a hundred is ever cut up and mixed with muck, or even buried. Gen- erally, they are dragged to some out of the way place to furnish a banquet for the corn-thieving crows, are more than worthless dogs. These estimates are not presented as being ac- curately correct, but they are sufficiently so to render the enquiry whether steam or horse power is most economical, peculiarly interest- ing. — From the Farm Journal. 186 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Commnication to the Virginia State Agricultural Society. TIDEGATE. [The following is the description of a Tidegate, subniitted to the committee of awards on that subject, at the Society's third annual exhibition, on which was awarded the premium of twenty dollars.] DESCRIPTION OF TIDEGATE. In the drawing, (b. b. b. b.) represents the embankment, which excludes the tide or other back-water, (a.) is the trunk, pro- jecting several feet on the outside of the embankment, and closed by a sliding gate, (c.) is a box attached to the gate, designed to be filled with rocks, so as to regulate its weight and make it sink more readily into the water, (e.) is a horizontal beam, freely vibrating upon the top of the post (d.) by the pivot (h.), and is connected at one ex- tremity, to the shaft of the gate, and at the other extremity, to a float (f.) of light wood. The weight of the float should be considerably greater than that of the gate, so as to overbalance the gate, and make it ascend as the float descends. The float is kept in its place by smoothe stakes (g. g. g.) driven into the ground around it, with suffi- cient play so as to allow it to move up and down readily when moved by the tides or back water. The " modus operandi" of the apparatus will be seen at a glance. The float being suspended at the lowest convenient point, and immediately at the edge of the stream, will rise with the tide or freshet, and the gate, thus gradually losing its counterpoise, will begin to descend by reason of it's own weight, and the weight of the box of stones attached to it. The improvement in this tidegate consists in a long smooth shaft at- tached to the gate, and a horizontal cross bar, just above the gate, through which bar the shaft works, thus giving steadiness to the gate and causing it to descend with pre- cision. In the original, exhibited last year, the gate would lean to one side or the other and its lower corners would thus wedge against the sides of the trunk, thus inter- rupting its free descent. But the improve- ment entirely obviates this defect, for the cross bar and shaft will always keep the gate perpendicular, and necessarily make its motion smooth and regular. The recommendations of this tidegate, are its cheapness, its simplicity of construc- tion, its long lasting, and the ease with which it is kept .in repair. There is only one moveable joint (h.) and this is above the reach of the salt water which would soon render useless all working joints with which it came into contact. This improved gate is believed to be much superior to the ori- ginal, and to be fully adapted to all the pur- poses for which it was designed, and in this belief, is most respectfully submitted to the committee of award by their humble ser- vant, the designer, James T. Redd. Henrico County, October 25, 1855. 187 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. HOLLOW HORN. jMessrs. Editors. — The good example set me by J. W. M., in the Planter of this month, prompts me to write an article on the disease, here called " Hollow-horn," which, in my opinion, is much more appro- priate than "Horn-ail;" for, it at once de- clares the condition of the horn, and all will understand what is meant when it is mentioned. It is not generally considered a disease in itself? but the result of a dis- ease. Let that be as it may, animals often die for the want of attention to — and skill in the treatment of the horn directly. From experience in several cases among my own stock, and particular enquiry made of my neighbors who have had experience in the matter also, I do not hesitate in en- dorsing J. W. M.'s theory ; but must plead for the animal — to save the horns if possi- ble, for several reasons, such, as the excru- ciating pain it inflicts, if a portion of the bone, or pith, of the horn remains ; which, is hard to determine by having only a gim- let hole through which to examine. I have had them thrown into convulsions by saw- ing off horns which were partially hollow ; and, as they are often poor and weak, they cannot well endure the pain, nor spare the great amount of blood that will escape after such an operation ; also, the deformity ; together with an open horn to receive rains, snows, and frosts the remainder of its life, are sufficient, I think, to save the horn if possible. Therefore, I recommend boreing first with an ordinary shingle gimlet into the lower side of the horn about two or three inches from the head ; and if it is found (by using a crooked wire) that the horn is hollow, empty, and dry, let there be a table spoonful or more of finely ground black pepper, and as much fine salt blown into it through a quill. But, if the horn contains matter that cannot escape through so small a hole, enlarge it, even to three fourths »)f an inch in diameter, so the clots can escape, after the horn is emptied of all loose matter, blow in the pepper and salt. If after this treatment the animal does not very speedily improve, remove one horn ; and, if that fails, remove the other in a day or two, or sooner if absolutely ne- cessary. If the blood flows very freely after saw- ing off the horn apply dry horse manure, (first filling up with pepper and salt) which keep to the place by the application of sev- eral thicknesses of cotton cloth well tarred. The horn may be warm, and yet dis- eased ; but, if the horn be cold, and upon tapping it with a hard substance, it sounds hollow, be assured that boreingis necessary. I have always found accompanying the hollow-horn, a soft place in the tail some six inches or a foot from the lower end, a perfect decaying of the bone — it is called here "the wolf in the tail," it should be attended to at the same time with the horn. It is treated in different ways ; one, by cutting off the tail above the diseased por- tion and filling it with pepper and salt and bandaging it — the disease can be detected by squeazing the tail between the finger and thumb. These diseases are not confined to any condition ; fat cattle suffer from them as well as poor. Before I close I would suggest that it is very important to raise all cattle that can- not get up themselves, as soon as possi- ble ; because, the longer they lay, the more discouraged they become, and will lose the use of their limbs. The best sim- ple contrivance that I am acquainted with for the purpose is to procure a piece of strong iinnen as wide as from the fore legs to the hind ones — (the length of the belly,) and twice as long as from midway on one side, to midway on the other side, mea- suring underneath: then, sew the ends to- gether (as a hoop), and place it under the animal, it will be double ; through each end pass a pole front twelve to fifteen feet in length ; immediately in front of, and about three feet from the animal plant a strong stake about four feet high, and then raise the ends of the poles and secure them to the stake, as high, as midway the sides of the animal when standing; then plant a similar stake at the hind end of each pole ; then, raise one pole at a time; or, both to- gether, as the force may be ; and secure each pole to its own stake as a proper height to elevate the invalid so it can stand. It is well to apply a leather strap around the breast from pole to pole ; and, one also behind, from pitching forward or backward. While it is all important not to let it lay too long, it is also necessary to let it down occasionally to relieve its limbs, &c. J. M. B. 188 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. A HERD OF HEAVY CATTLE. For a year or two past there has been a spirited competition between some of the great stock farmers of Illinois. The object being to produce the heaviest herd of cattle of 100 head. In the spring of 1855, B. F. Harris, of Champaign County, sold one hundred head of cattle, the average weight of which was 1,865 pounds. Determined to improve on these weights, but in the generous an manly spirit of com- petition which is always productive of great results, Mr. Rufus Calef and Henry Jaco- by, both neighbors of Mr. Harris, and large and opulent stock farms, joined forces, and shipped in the spring of 1855, one hun- dred fat cattle, the average weight of which was 2,090 pounds, thus leading Harris 125 pounds to the bullock. This put Harris on his mettle, and about the middle of last March, Dr. Johns, the President of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, was called upon to attend the weighing of another herd of 100 head, be- longing to Mr. Harris. The aggregate weight of the herd was 118 3-5 tons, or 2,- 372 pounds each ! Twenty-five of the best and fattest averaged 2,662 pounds each. "The Baby" of the twenty-five kicked the beam at 2876 pounds. They were so fat that three days were required to drive them to the station, 14 miles distant. The average of the 100 is less than five years. Not one has ever been hou ed a day in his life ; a half dozen pairs only have been yoked, and a less number worked. They have been pastured and herded on the prairies in the summer, and in the winter fed on corn in the shock and sound timothy, and yarded along the skirts of the Sanga- mon timber. It is said that Mr. Harris is likely to rale- ize from $18,000 to $20,000 for the lot. [For the Southern Planter. ~\ Number of Members of the State Ag- ricultural Society in the several counties and towns in virginia. The Secretary has completed from the records of his office a transcript of the names of the Life and Annual members of the Virginia State Agricultural Society for each of the counties and towns in the State. These lists are necessarily imperfect, not only on account of omissions, but of the changes which are constantly occurring by reason of deaths, removals and withdrawals. But they are to be submitted to Commis- sioners appointed to superintend elections to the Farmers Assembly in order to obtain and have reported by the 1st of July such corrections and additions thereto as will be at least an approximation to general accu- racy and serve the purpose of a practical and equal adjustment of representation ac- cording to the scale of apportionment con- tained in the amended constitution. Coun- ties or towns having fifty members, will separately constitute an 'electoral district and be entitled to elect one delegate — those having one hundred and fifty ; — two dele- gates ; — and an additional one for every ad- ditional hundred members listed. Other counties and towns having less than fifty members will be united as compactly as may be, so as to form other electoral dis- tricts out of two, or as many more as may be necessary to furnish collectively an ag- gregate of at least fifty members, to entitle such district to elect one representative. Many counties and several towns falling below the number necessary to constitute a separate district, may yet desire to aug- ment their membership to the number re- quired to ensure that privilege, and others having numbers sufficient for the election of one, two or more representatives with a large fractional excess, may desire to obtain the complement of another hundred, by the addition of new members, thereby entitling themselves to an additional representative. To enable all who desire to make such ef- forts, to do it with a correct knowledge of their numerical standing, the following ab- stract of numbers from the general lists, is subjoined, showing first, such counties and towns as constitute separately an electoral district and also the number of delegates to which each is entitled, and secondly, the counties and towns which fall below the number of resident members, necessary to constitute an independent district. It will be seen by reference to this abstract that a little effort only on the part of commission- ers or other zealous friends of the society, will be required to secure the complement of numbers necessary to erect many coun- ties into separate districts which must oth- erwise form but an integral part of one com- posed of two or more counties or towns. It will be also observed that other counties and towns having one or more representa- tives, with a large fraction still unrepre- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 189 sented, may by corresponding exertion in- crease their membership so as to gain an additional representative. But let it be dis- tinctly understood and remembered that these changes must be reported to the Secretary by or before the first day in July next, because at that time he is required to conclude the arrangement of districts with reference to then existing numbers and no new mem- bers enlisted thereafter can change the ba- sis of representation for the present year, although all such, who up to the close of the elections, shall join the Society, will have equal right with older members to vote for as many representatives to the Farmers Assembly as may be assigned to his district in the apportionment to be then fixed and determined. Abstract of members taken from the lists of members of the Virginia State Agricultu- ral Society. Albemarle 495 5 Alexaudria (county and town) 107 1 Amelia 212 2 Au nsta 50.5 5 Bedford 117 1 Botetourt 65 1 Brunswick 100 1 Buckingham 132 1 Campbell, (exclusive of Lvnchburg) 77 1 Caroline 150 2 Charles City 55 I Charlotte 315 3 Clarke 51 1 Chesterfi.dd 292 3 Culpeper 85 1 Cumberland 149 1 Dinwiddie, (exclusive ol Petersburg) 66 1 Fauquier 87 1 Frederick 04 1 Fluvanna 841 Greene 77 1 Goochland 91 1 Halilax 236 2 Hanover, 246 2 Counties in which the me and as yet too few to make Countie*. Member*. Accomac 3 Alleghany 8 Amherst 41 Appomattox 31 Henrico, (exclusive of Richmond city) 466 5 Jefferson 67 1 King William 79 1 King and Queen 75 1 Lvnchburg 144 1 Louisa 297 3 Lunenberg 189 2 Madison 104 1 Mecklenberg 146 1 Montgomery 64 1 New-Kent 50 1 Nottovay 190 2 Norfolk city 79 1 Orange 146 1 Petersburg 374 4 Pittsylvania 118 1 Prince Edward 273 3 Prince George 78 1 Powhatan 167 2 Richmond City 1569 16 Roanoke 78 1 Rockbridge 139 1 Rockingham 106 1 Spotsylvania, (inclu- ding Fredericks- burg) 102 1 Wythe 69 1 inbers under 50 in number, eparate electoral districts : Counties. Members. Monroe 10 Morgan 2 Nanscmond 3 Nelson 45 Barbour 1 Norfolk County, exclu- Bath 19 sive of city and inclu- Berkeley 2 ding Portsmouth) 4 Boone Nicholas Braxton Northampton l3 Brooke Northumberland 2 Cabell 1 Ohio, (including Wheel- Craig 6 ing) 3 Carroll 5 Page 15 DoddriJge Patrick 4 Elizabeth City 19 Pendleton Essex 45 Pleasants Fairfax 28 Pocahontas Fayette Preston Flovd 6 Princess Anne 16 Franklin 22 Prince William 14 Giles 12 Pulaski 19 Gilmer Putnam 1 Gloucester 33 Raleigh 1 Grayson 3 Randolph Greenbrier' 18 Rappahannock 14 Greensville 26 Richmond County 3 Hampshire 4 Ritchie Hancock Russell Hardy I Scott Harrison 1 Shenandoah -25 Henry 18 Smyth 9 Highiand 18 Southampton 10 Isle of Wight 7 Surry 21 Jackson 7 Sussex , 9 James Citv 17 Stafford 21 Kanawha" 7 Taylor 1 King George 14 Tazewell 4 Lancaster 6 Tyler Lee Upshur - Lewis Warwick 1 Logan Warren 9 Loudoun 44 Wayne Marion Wetzel Marshall Washington 19 Mason 5 Wood 1 Mathews 4 Wyoming Middlesex 6 Westmoreland 35 Mercer 5 Wirt Monongalia 1 Williamsburg 9 York 6 Life members 1,465 Non-resident membeis.. 224 Total members of society 10,103 CHEAP OIL FOR KITCHEN LAMPS. "We find the following, says the New England Farmer, in an old almanac, and think that if it will operate as stated, it would be of some con- sequence in our domestic economy. To keep a good light at the present high price of oil is quite an item of expense, any suggestion that will put us in the way of reducing that expense, and of obtaining a good light at the same time, is worthy of consideration. Oil that could be purchased five years ago for §1-25 per gallon, now sells at §5, and the dirty whale oil that was then considered unfit for the most common use, is selling now at eighty or ninety cents, and even one dollar a gallon : "Let all scraps of fat (including even what- ever bits are on the dinner plates) and all drip- pings, be set in a cold place. When the crock is full, transfer .the fat to an iron pot filling it half way up with fat, and pour in sufficient cold water to reach the top. Set it over the fire, and boil and skim, till the impurities are removed. Next pour the melted fat into a large broad pan of cold water, and set it away to cool. It will harden into a cake. Then take out the cake, and 190 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. put it away in a cool place. When -wanted for use, cut off a sufficient quantity, melt by the fire till it becomes liquid, and then till the lamp with it, as with lard. It will give a clear bright light, quite equal to that of lard, and better than whale oil, and it costs nothing but the trouble of preparing the fat. We highly recommend this piece of economy." PEA WEVILS. Few persons (says Dr. Harris,) while indul ging in early green peas, are aware how many of these insects they swallow. When these pods are examined, small discolored spots may be seen within each corresponding with a similar spot on the opposite pea. If this spot on the pea be opened, a minute whitish grub, without feet, will be found therein. It is thewevil in its larvo form lives upon the marrow of the pea, and ar- rives at its full size by the time the pea is dry. The larva then bores a round hole, from the hol- low in the centre of the pea, quite to the hull, but leaves the germ of the future sprout un- touched. This insect is limited to a certain pe- riod for depositing its eggs. Late sown peas es- cape its attacks. Those sown after the 10th of June are generally safe. WOOL— CLEANING AND CARDING. The manufacturing of rolls is a very different business now, from what it was in the days of our grandmothers. Then every farmer made his. own cloth, and carding-machines were as plenty as grist-mills. Now they are scarce and every day diminishes the number. Then, clean wool was an object, now, heft and fineness of fleece is sought. A machine could then card from two to three pounds of rolls per day — now from 40 to 60 is the extent of the capacity of even larger and better machines. The difference is in the fineness and gum of the wool. No Merino wool can be carded into good rolls without cleansing. It is idle to ex- pect it, and be it known that ninety nine cases in every one hundred, bad carding is the result of improperly preparing the wool. Wool is not always clean when it is washed white. Clean- sing wool, is, by far, a more difficult operation than carding. Those who have wool to card had better take it to the machine to be cleaned and carded, when they have conveniences for doing it properly, The charge for cleaning will not exceed a penny per pound. Never grease wool till the day it is carded. Carry the grease to the machine with the wool. Grease on wool soon becomes rancid and then it is as bad as the gum and dirt on the fleece. As some will cleanse, or attempt to cleanse their own wool, it may not be amiss to give some directions upon the subject. Ten years expe- rience qualify me to say, that the following re- cipe will work well, with proper care. To four pails water, add four quarts of salt; heat the solution as hot as you can bear the hand in it ; put in the wool loosely, say 2 lbs at once ; in ten minutes it will be cleansed ; squeeze out the liquid, (which is better than before for the sec- ond use,) and while the wool is warm rinse in plenty of water. Many use soap, pound the wool, or rub it on a wash-board ; this is all wrong, as such a course fulls the wool like a felt hat, and fails to remove the gum. It is difficult to convince such a prac- titioner that cle msing wool is a chemical pro- cess not mechanical. Soap renders wool sticky. No one need fear having his wool " dropped" if it be well cleansed. Clean wool is perfectly white and free from gum. Again, wool must not be left in a pile while wet, till it musts or mildews, if so, no machine I ever saw will card it well. I say again, pick out all burs, sort your wool as you want it, and take it together with the grease to the machine, and say to the carder a cleanse and card." If you do so, the chances "are you will have good rolls. Perhaps others may know of a better recipe than the above. G.'.T Hamptox, April 29, 1856. Mr. Editor, — As the time is at hand for bugs to make their attack on Melon, Pumpkin, and Cymblin vines, permit me to make known, through your valuable paper, a remedy, a single application of which, put an immediate stop to the ravages, a host of them were committing on my vines, last Spring. The vines were sprinkled with water, well impregnated with the oder of coal tar. The bugs instantly rose from them, like a flock of black birds, and never returned. I had my Rutobaga plants, as soon as they came up, treated in like manner, and no insect at- tacked them. Very Respectfully, Yrs. &c. G. W. Semple. Three Tracts of Land for Sale- I WILL SELL AT PRIVATE SALE THREE TRACTS OF LAND, in the county of Bucking- lam; in the lower end of the county, and immediately in the neighborhood of the Female Institute, containing Five Hundred Acres, two hundred of which is in origi- nal forest growth, lies well, well watered, and in an agreeable neighborhood ; one Tract in the upper end ot the county containing Thiee Hundred Acres, about fifty acres of creek low grounds upon the same, nearly all in original forest growth, and well timbered, and un- commonly well watered and abounding in springs of the very best order; one other Tract, containing Seven Hundred and Filty Acres, heavily timbered, well wa- tered, and nearly all in original forest growth.. Presuming that no person would like to purchase without fust viewing the land, I decline giving a de- tailed description of the same — inviiing all persona wishing to purchase to call upon me and judge for themselves, as I am determined to sell, and will sell a great bargain in the above lands. June 1—4: • ROBERT MOORE. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 191 All persons who have made pay-/J P Wilcox, Sept 1856 meats early enough to be entered,? T VV L Fauntleroy, Jan 1857 and whose names do not appear imByrd Rogers, May 1857 the following receipt list, are request-jjas Woodfin, Jan 1857 ed to give immediate notice of the)VV A VVinfree, Jan 1857 omission, in order that the correction'E Boyden, Jan 1857 may be made in the next issue : (T G Peachy, Jan 1859 LIST OF PAYMENTS. VV D Leake, Jan 1858 From 22„ d April to 23* of May ^^VY^oA! 1^7 Jno G Carr, Jan 1860 5 00)j no l Lipscomb, Jan 1857 2 25 S Dandridge, Julv 1856 J T Redd, Jan 185? H M Baker, March, 1S57 Jno A Payne, Nov. 1856 A W Robbins, Jan 1857 W. L. Pannell, Jan 1857 Jas M Adams, Jau 1857 Jas Spindle, Jan 1857 Jno Tarrant, Jan 1857 Thos B Payne, Jan 1857 V Bargamin, Jan 1857 J G Cabell, May 1857 Jno E Jones, Jan 1857 Lem Turner, Jan 1857 Jos T Henlev, Jan 1857 E C Wiugfiefd, July 1857 R D Simms, July 1856 D B Harris, Jan 1857 F Burns, Aug 1857 T C Law, Jan 1857 Geo Taylor, Jan 1857 E Wortham, Jan 1857 H C France, Jan 1857 Jno Keen, Jan 1857 R W Tunstall, March 1857 Thos Cook Jan 1856 J M Stout, July 1857 W Sandidge, Jan 1857 Ja3 W Conway, Jan 1856 W J Barrow, Jan 1857 Jas C Roy, Jan 1857 G Depp, Jan 1857 W H Goodwin, Jan 1857 T C foster, Jan 1857 J R Fleet, May 1856 Wm M Shepherd, Jan 1857 Thomas S Martin, Oct 1856 Boiling Jones, Jan 1856 J N Faulcon. Jan 1856 Lem. Martin, Jan 1857 S B Finley, Jan 1857 W A Scott, Jan 1857 Ja* L Milts, Jan 1857 H J B Clarke, May 1856 M T Campbell, Jan 1*57 R T Jones, May 1857 R Harrison, Jan 1853 Jno W Watkins, Jan 1857 Jno H Watkins, Juu 1857 W Gibson, Jan 1857 W Murray. Jan 1857 Mrs R J Washington, July '56 1 00;VV Hayward,Yan 1856 T J Sorsbv, Jan 1857 T H Walthall, Jan 1857 Jno Ruff, June 1857 F L Taylor, Jan 1861 J D Turpin, Jan 1856 H Harrison, July 1856 W P Braxton, Jan 1857 Dr. G- P. Holernan, Jan 1857 C P Moncure, . " W H Cosby, June 1856 Dr E A Solmond, Jan 1857 T J Ancrurn, Jan 1857 W A Ancram, Jan 1857 T E Graves, Jan 1857 J H Steger, Jan 1857 N Burnley, July 1856 T J McClintock, May 1857 Jno H Winston, April 1859 T T Pettoa, Jan 1857 W Peachy, March 1857 6 00JL J Chappell, Jan 1857 1 00(A H Ferguson, Jan 1857 2 OOtt A B Thornton, Jan 1857 10 00'J A Thomson, Julv 1856 6 00' J S Nicholas, Jan 1857 1 25/Powhatan Jones, Sept 1856 1 0U 7 G C Scott, Jan 1857 2 00'J W Backhouse, Jan 1857 1 OO^W C Terry, April 1856 3 2-VR Sayers, Jan 1856 2 0WV O Witcher, May 1857 2 0O/P St, Geo Cocke, Jan 1857 2 00'Jno W Talbott, Jan 1857 2 25 ; 3aml Holernan, Jan 1857 1 OO^Andw Maxwell, Jan 1857 2 50CJo9 B Traylor, Jan 1857 1 OOYB B Saunders, Jan 1857 5 OU'Jas H Buckley, Jan 1857 1 00'R D Powell, Jun 1857 4 00' J C Crutchfield, Jan 1857 3 75>W Mitchell, Jan 1857 1 00 >Jno Jeter, Jan 1857 1 00 ( Jas D Scott, Jan 1857 2 08 \B B Keesee, Jan 1857 2 50 Jas File. Jan 1858. 2 25VV Old, Jan 1858 2 25 'Jno Aldridge, July 1857 3 00 JJ T Britt, April 1 00 (Jas Hobson. Nov 1856 4 00 Is O Perkins, Jan 1857 5 00 (Sam] M Petlit, Sept 1856 1 00 JA Branch, Jan 1857 1 00|VV B Murray, " 2 00 R VV Griswold, " 1 40 (Joshua Cannon, " " 1 00 P Harrison, 2 25 j L Davis, " « 2 25 N Walton, Sept 1856 6 00 JMaj J Paxton, May 1857, 3 50)WGMaddox,Jan " 4 75 Thos Walker, " •' 2 25 E B Hunter, " « 4 75 >L Blanton, Dec 1856 4 75 p La Prade, Jan 1857 1 25 JG J Gardner, " " 2 25 Geo E Naff, June 1856 1 00 N F Cabell, Jan 1857 4 75 V Phillips, 3 50 jW C Marrow, 4 75 (A A McPheters, '• 3 50'CH McConnick " 4 75 L VV Cabell, " 1S56 3 50 J A Robertson, " 2 00 P Fowlkes, " 1857 5 00 L Osburne, " " 1 00 B Osburne, 1 00 fW D McGuire, « 3 00 B F Garnett. 1 25 B VV Bailey, 2 OOJJordan Harris, Jan 1857 3 50; W C Johnson, Mav " 3 75;WS Jones, Jan 1 25; WH Tunstall, " « 3 50 JO P Gray, « 4 00 (Dr J Trent, « 2 00 iN Qnesenberry, " 2 25 JE J Bates, Dec 1856 3 50 ;B I, Barrow, Jan 1857 1 25 C Wingfield, July 1856 1 OOlWT Blair, J an 1857 2 25 SW Waiden. 2 50 E J Harrison, " 1 25;Wm Henderson, " " 1 00 jT VV White, !T J Boyd, « « (A K Fulton, " '< WO Eubank, « 1858 M Pitzer, « 1356 ,8 00 AT M Rust, July P J Fowlkes, Jan " W P Dickinson, Nov " Thos Whitworth, Jan 1857 R N Neblett, '• 1858 00 00 00 00 ^5 50 00 00 75 00 uu d0 00 uo 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 2 00 i oo 2 00 4 00 3 00 3 50 2 50 1 00 6 25 1 00 3 25 1 00 1 00 75 00 50 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 25 1 00 2 87 3 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 75 2 50 1 00 1 00 2 75 2 25 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 25 2 25 2 25 3 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 1 00 1 00 2 25 2 00 11 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 6 00 1 00 2 25 2 Oo 192 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. T L Preston, Jan 1856 J R Quarles, Jan 1857 J S Perkins, Mav J Ruffner, June '1856 2 50\Vm Kinney, June 1 OOCjno B Avres.Sep 1 00\Hill Carter, Jan 1 50<\Vm Gough, " 1855, 2 50 C S Gay, Jan 1556 1 00 1856 5 00 iB Wiggenton, Jan 1857 2 00 1857 3 00 )T Evans, Oct 1856 1 00 1 00\Wm Hughes, July " 1 25 WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES. WEBSTER'S QUARTO DICTIONARY, WEBSTER'S ACADEMIC DICTIONARY, WEBSTER'S HIGH SCHOOL DICTIONARY, WEBSTER'S PRIMARY SCHOOL DICTIONARY, WEBSTER'S POCKET DICTIONARY. Affording, in thrir various sizes, all that is desirable in a Dictionary for the Library, the Counting Room, the Family, the School or Private Student. The estimation, in which Dr. Webster's Dictionaries are held, .as authority in Definitions, Orthography and Pronunciation, will be apparent from the following among other facts : 1. Nine-tenths of the School Books issued in this country recognize Webster as their general standard, and of the rest very few recognize any particular standard. 2. Ten times as mahy copies are sold of Webster's Dictionaries in the United States, as of any other simi- lar work compiled in this country. 3. Where present good usage sanctions more than one mode of orthography. Dr Webster's works now present usually both forms, thus obviating any honest objection on that score. 4. Nearly every State Superintendent of Public In- struction in the Union, or corresponding officer, where such an one exists, has recommended Webster's Dic- tionaries in the strongest -terms. Among these are those of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu- setts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jer- sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Alabama Louisiana, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Mich- igan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, and inclu- ding Canada, twenty-three in all. These gentlemen, occupying this high educational position, can of course exert a very commanding influence in securing that uniformity in the use of language, and in the orthogra- phy and pronunciation of words, so greatly to be de- sired, and to such a great degree already secured bv Dr Webster's Dictionaries. His conceded pre-eminence as a definer, the convenience, simplicity, and symmetry of his system of orthography, and his scheme oi pronun- ciation, alike free from the extremes of affectation and vulgarity, present the strongest claims for the adoption and general use of his Dictionaries, as well by the scholar and the man of business as the pupils in our common schools and higher seminaries of learning. jjg^ We have the pleasure of appending two or three official State recognitions of Webster, received, as will be noticed by the dates, during the present month. The universality of an uniform usage thns being at- tained, can but be gratifying to every intelligent edu- cator who appreciates the advantage of such uniformity. From the State Superintendent of 'Alabama, Win F. Perry. " Montgomery, Ala., April 10, 1856 } " Office of State Sup. Pub. Instruction. \ "The high opinion entertained by me of Webster's Dictionaries, has induced me to recommend their intro- duction to all the public schools of Alabama. WM. F. PERRY. State Superintendent." From the Slate Superintendent of North Carolina, lion C. H. Wiley. 'Greensboro,' N. C, April 14.1856. 'The Unabridged Dictionary of Noah Webster, re- vised and enlarged by Dr. Goodrich, should be among the first standard literary works bought. It is invalua- ble to the student ; and to all who wish to become good scholars, it is the most important work on the English Language now extant. I find that Webster's smaller works of the kind are much more extensively used, * * * while his Spelling Book is on my list of works recommended, and his Unabridged Dictionary is also my preference among the higher works of this kind. A new aud more convenient abridgement of Webster's large work called the High School and Pronouncing Dictionary, has made its appearance, and hence, there is not now the necessity for recommending a work not so well known to our people as those of Noah Webster. C. H. WILEY. State Superintendent." NEW HAMPSHIRE. The New Hampshire State Board of Education, at its recent meeting in Concord, March 28, 1856, •' Voted, unanimously, that we do recommend * * * * Webster's Series of Dictionaries, as standard text- books in the schools of this State, to the exclusion of all others. JONA TENNER. Sec'y N. H. Board of Education." G. & C. MERIAM, Springfield. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. MASON & BROTHERS, New York. D. APPLETON & CO , New York. J.B. LIPP1NCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. Sold by J.W.RANDOLPH. June 9— It Richmond, Va. GRAIN CRADLEST Cosbys, Grants Wire Brace, and Saunders Superior Grain Cradles, Grass Scythes, and a general assort- ment of Agriculture implements to suit the season. Agricultural Peas of several kinds for sale by June 1— It WM. PALMER. CONTENTS OF SO. VI. Essay on Irrigation, Page 161 Gapes in Chickens, - «.172 Circular Self- Acting Gate, 173 Preparing Food for Farm Stock, 174 To Delinquent Subscribers, „ 177 Sale of Devon Cattle, 178 The Guano Convention, 178 Use of Kelp as Manure, 181 TheNFew Esculent Root, 181 Princess Alice Maud Strawberries, 182 Guano Attachment to the Wheat Drill, 182 Gardening for the South, 182 Mr. Crenshaw's Land for Sale, 183 The Wheat Crop, 183 Harvest, Drink, Diet and Medicine, 183 Hay Covers, 184 Half-Bred South Downs, 185 What Pennsylvania Farmers Pay Annually for their Horses, 185 Tidegate, ■ 186 Hollow Horn, 187 A Herd of Heavy Cattle, 188 Number of Members of the Agricultural Society of Virginia, 188 Cheap Oil for Kitchen Lamps, 189 Pea Wevils, 190 Wool — Cleaning and Carding, 190