" *Q|Q VOL. XVIII. [DECEMBER.] No* 12. Tf* Published Monthly. August & Williams, Proprietors. J. E. WILLIAMS, Editor DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AND THE HOUSEHOLD ARTS, PRINTED AT RICHMOND, Va., BY MACFARLANE & FERGUSSON 1858. SOUTHERN PLANTER.-ADVEHTISI.VG SHEET. CONTENT 8. The Economy of Farm-Made Putrescent Manures— In Reference to their Prepa- ration, Preservation, and best Applica- tion. (Concluded,) - . To Pickle Green Tomatoes, - On the Occurrence of the Phosphates in some of the Tertiary Deposits in Va,, - A Plea for Innocence, - Tobacco, Mr. Winston's Wheat Crop, * " Sorghum Molasses, How to Keep Sweet Potatoes, The Wonderful Nature of the Human Mind, Exhibited in the Power of Mind over Matter, - A Table, Tea, - . . Fat Pork as Human Food, - Hog Cholera, - . 4 > Mr. Everett's Remarks on the Horse at the late Springfield Fair, - . '■ The Preservation of Wine, - _ 'J An Item in Neat Farming.— A Chinese Garden, The Anthracite Coal Trade.— The Best Wealth.— To make Pure Apple Wine, - Humbuggery the Order of the Day.— A Hard and Durable Soap.— The Early Dead, - . . On the Stimulating Properties of Guano— A Reply to " X."— Staunton Nurseries, A Card.— Wool and Woolens, Manuring in the Hill.— Sociability, Governor Banks on the Farmer.— Height of Economy, - . ° The Chinese. — Hope — Work —Wait. — Falling Apples, Awards of Premiums at the Virginia State Agricultural So.ciety, Agriculture as a Profession.— Co-Opera- tion of the Wife.— To Preserve Cut Flowers, Perseverance, - Our Next Volume, The Fairs.— To Subscribers in Arrears, - Nottoway Club, - Hog Killing and Making Bacon, Action of Lime, - Circular, Uses of a Dead Horse, Premium Farm, - Human Life.— Live in Love; 'Tis Pleasant Living.— Ye can Conquer, if ye Will.— " Bv-and-By," Index" to Vol. XVIII., . 763. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER Is published monthly, in sixty-four octavo pages, upon the following Terms i I TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS oer an* num, „„ie SS pajj in advance. P Advance payments as follows : One copy, one year, Six copies, do - * Thirteen copies, one year, - Twenty do do One copy, three years, - * And one copy free to persons sending us the names a 1.lTnn Y f ° r ^J* ° r more new subscribers . All money remitted to us will be considered at onr nsk only, when the letter containing ?he same shall —on bfffin* Thj8 - rU,e '? Ud0pted ™ toour protection, but for the protection of onrcorrespondents and we wish it distinctly understood that we mke he risk only when this condition is complied with $2 10 20 30 5 ADVERTISEMENTS - 734 735 - 736 737 738 740 741 742 743 Will be inserted at the following rates. Business Cards of 5 lines or less, per annum, r. ... (1st insertion, One-eighth J Each continuance, ot a column. 6 months, > without 5 alt« One fourth of a column, One-half ofa column, One column, or Half a page One page, Iteration, ilteration, 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 761 12 1st insertion. Each continuance, 6 months, ) without - *? ." 5« 1st insertion. Each continuance, 6 months, > without - If " 5 alterations, 1st insertion, Each continuance, 6 months, j without - *? . *' 3 alteration, 1st insertion, Each continuance, 6 months, ) without - ,a " S alteration, Advertisements out of the city must be accomp nied with the money or city references to insure insef $5 00 1 00 75 4 00 7 50 1 73 1 25 7 50 14 00 3 25 2 50 14 00 25 00 6 00 4 50 25 00 40 00 10 00 7 50 40 00 70 00 762 •768 MILCH GOWS AND DAIRY FARMING. The new work on this suhject hy C. L Flint S P f rotary of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture; con-" ams the most recent information on all .natters con- nected with the dairy, including a full explanation of Guenon's hiethod of selecting cow,, ,II e .nodes of ma- king the most celebrated English, Dutch and Italian Cheese, he diseases of dairy stock, &c, ed. This has been proved to be correct, by 'rof. Gilliam's recent analysis of this gravel, so far as the qnantity of these coprolites may ;o, they contain as much phosphate of lime as •ones, and add more than half of their weight f phosphate of lime to the olive earth or marl u which they are imbedded — and so much in ,ddition to whatever there is in a finely divid- d state, and reported in sundry specimens from which the black gravel had been separat- ed. But though this gravel in some rare cases lies thickly through very thin layers of the earth, it is never abundant enough to be sepa- rated for grinding — and its extreme hardness, and very slow disintegration ki the soil, as well as the small quantity of all yet observed, will prevent its presence adding much to the value of the whole quantity of the finely di- vided portion in phosphate of lime in the olive earth. EDMUND RUFFIN. Marlbourne, Oct. 7th, 1858. For the Planter A Plea for Innocence. There is a large class of innocent suf- ferers in our country, which deserves more of human sympathy than it is accus- tomed to receive. This is the class of girls, growing up to womanhood, in the midst of that strange process, called edu- cation. Large and costly establishments are constantly being erected all over the country, devoted to this purpose, and the girls of thousands of families, are sedu- lously congregated within them, to un- dergo, for about ten months in the year, the discipline of the boarding school. Many of these girls become proficient in learning to such an extent as to excite the admiration of friends ; and evidences of their success are furnished us in long, newspaper columns, of exquisite speci- mens of composition, and in the ample pages of annual reports. Truly, we must be in a fair way to become a learned people. Our admiration is challenged of so great a good, and while the daily press resounds w 7 ith its praises, we are scarcely at liberty to withhold it. But to the intel- ligent admirer of female excellence, this admiration is not unmingled with commis- seration. He sees and admires mental cultivation, and the requisition of knowl- edge, but he becomes fully aware, at every glance into these institutions, of the inu- tility of mental improvement without its necessary adjuncts, bodily health and vigour. While the former appears to be boastingly secured, the want of the latter inspires him with the deepest compassion. It requires only a modicum of physio- logical knowledge — indeed it requires only a little observation and common sense- — to enable us to place a proper estimate upon the importance of health, and to calculate upon the absolute certainty of 716 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. enfeebled constitutions, resulting from overworked minds in immature bodies. Look at the routine of duty in our best model boarding schools. From early morn till close of day, and many times until bed-hours, the constant requirement is study, study, study. In profound si- lence, seated like statues upon hard benches or chairs, which obsti uct the free circulation of fluids in the lower limbs, with benumbed and often cold feet, with an aching breast and back, and with throbbing temples, girls in these schools are expected to carry on six or eight branches of study at the same time, to be perfect in every lesson, and to send home weekly, or monthly, satisfying evidences of the success of this tread-mill work of an excited brain. Sleep sufficient for the health of growing bodies is often denied them; unpalatable, and therefore unwhole- some food is thrust into the stomach in a given number of minutes ; the calls of na- ture are disregarded, and no effort, no in- tellectual machinery is untried to excite a spirit of emulation, which w T ill impose the heaviest labors upon the mind, while the body is all the while suffering the most marked neglect. Notwithstanding the long established maxim which teaches that sound minds can exist only in sound bodies, no parent asks what is done for health, no teacher thinks of bodily invigoration. In addition to all this, there are many of these schools in the middle and Southern States, in which girls contract and practise the habit of dipping, or the use of tobacco in its most injurious and revolting form — a habit which affords them assistance in their mental labors, but which inevitably destroys the tone of the nervous system, and invites attacks of the most painful diseases to which the female constitution is liable. The results of such vicious school-training are appalling. The vic- tims enter upon the career of adult life, without a single qualification for healthful an vigorous womanhood. Their children suffer with enfeebled constitutions, large, nervous development, and excessive bodi- ly and mental irritability. Generation succeeds generation with constantly in- creasing inferiority, hereditary diseases appear and make sad havoc with human life, and the sturdy couple who begin the married life in great bodily prowess, lose their name and lineage in the extinction of their great grand-children childless. It behooves parents to seek a remedy for such evils. It should be required thatj all schools of this kind devote an equal time to physical and to mental training. If they would have their daughters to enjoy the health, and exercise all the func- tions of womanhood, they must secure for them the advantages of exercise, fresh air, wholesome food, and enlivening and cheerful amusements. These are essen- tial, and it will be found that when one- half their working hours are devoted to these objects, they will learn more, and learn it better than under the vicious sys- tem which I have described. One hour is full long for any youth to be engaged in uninterrupted study, and longer, indeed, than any one can apply the mind closely. Relaxation should follow with bodily exer- cise, in the open air when the weather will permit, and at other times in rooms or halls separate from the school-room. Be- sides walking and running, various forms of celesthenic exercises may be used, among the best of which, are dancing and marching with music. Nothing tends to cultivate graceful movements so much as those exercises which keep time to music, while the muscles of locomotion are brought into more harmonious and health- ful action than bv any other plan of exer- cise. • A.' P. MERRILL, M. D. ■• • o~f~ For the Planter, Tobacco The bane of Virginia husbandry — as will be shown under the three following heads, viz : First, because it requires more 'labor than any other crop. Secondly, it is the most exhausting of all crops ; and, Thirdly, it is a demoralizer in the broadest sense of the term. Under the first head it will be seen at a glance, that it must require more labor than atn 7 other crop, because it is a full year and a half on hand. From seed- time till harvest the wheat crop, in this climate, requires eight mouths and a half — and but ten months, including six weeks, enough for every enterprising farmer to get his crop to market. From corn planting to the end of housing-time — eight months. Oats littie more than half this time — in short, all other crops except tobacco, are THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 717 nade and gathered in within the year — but ;g it takes 18 months from the sowing of obacco-seed to getting the crop to mar- :et, it is evident that for six months of he year the planter must suffer the em- larrassment of having upon his hands at he same time, the old crop and the new. Every practical man will see the trouble ncident to such a state of things as this, nd especially of a crop of the uncompro- mising demand for all the labour it re- hires, like the tobacco crop, and which, 'y an invariable rule of every plantation, ' so long as anything is required to be lone for the tobacco, everything else ;ives way." The history of the agriculture of the porld may be challenged for a crop more laborately tended from beginning to end han the tobacco crop on a Virginia plan- ation — and thus it is, that while full jus- ice is done to it under the rule already nentioned, as fixed and unchangeable as he laws of the Medes and Persians, every hing else is starved. And when we have .dverted to some of the prominent de- nils of the culture of this all-absorbing- abor crop, it will be manifest it will be ustly liable to the charge of being the bane if all good husbandry; and here may be uper-added an insuperable barrier against he attainment of the higher degrees of ural economy in any community where it s a staple crop. To begin aright, we must commence vith sowing the seed. " Plant patch- jround," are household words with tobac- :o planters — and mean the richest virgin ioil; some rich hollow, or piece of branch- )ottom being selected, — the deeper in the brest the better, because less liable to the ly or tobacco flea — other things being equal, branch-land is preferred, as in dry ;easons the branch-water may be used to rrigate the young plants — a work requir- ed more or less every season — and, under he tobacco rule, never omitted at any ex- pense of time or labor. Hickory, walnut, pawpaw and redbud are known to be the growths indicating the richest mould — and jpon some spot where these most abound, ;he work of making plant-beds is usually ;ommenced, the first week in the new pear — though many begin before the Christmas holidays — and thus increasing dy so much this all-absorbing crop. Such spots, in the depths of the forest, as are most densely covered with the heaviest growth are preferred, because they afford the large quantity of fuel required "to burn the plant-beds," a process deemed absolutely necessary to success.* The size of the plant-patch being determined, the timber is not only cut off from its sur- face, and mauled into suitable lengths for burning, but a large margin around is also cleared, experience having proved that the heaviest forest growth does not afford fuel enough to burn its own surface suffi- ciently for plants ; and besides, it is ne- cessary to remove the adjacent forest to let in the sun in order to encourage the early growth of the young plants. It may safely be assumed, that for every given number of superficial yards of land sown in tobacco seed, at least three times more is cleared of its timber, to answer the demands of burning, fencing and let- ting in the sun. This will afford some idea of the consumption of the finest forest timber annually for this item in tobacco- making districts. Although in former times this waste of the material for lum- ber, by reason of its abundance, was thought nothing of — now. in the altered circumstances of the country, leaves to- bacco fairly chargeable with ruinous con- sumption of one of the essential articles of rural economy, and by the nature of things growing annually of more impor- tance, the material of fuel and lumber. The wood being cut into proper lengths, and mauled into convenient sizes, with the brush of the limbs chopped and mixed with it, is laid in a ridge along one side of the proposed plant-patch, 4 feet wide, and about 2 or 2^ feet thick, w 7 ith the inter- mixture of brush — this being green wood, must be set on fire at first with light-wood or seasoned fuel, its whole length and breadth ; and when w T ell fired, adding from time to time fresh supplies of fuel, and keeping the fire up until the surface of the earth is sufficiently burnt, indicated by a reddish appearance or calcined state of the soil. The fire is then moved to the next space of four or five feet — this is * The consumption of large quantities of the finest fuel — for none other will answer, together with the hauling and careful management of the process, composes a large item against the all- devouring staple of labor, time and precious ma- terial. 718 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER done by long poles with iron hooks at the ends ; so that two or three strong hands can take hold of the burning logs and roll them from the ridge of fire to the next place to be burnt; in the meantime the weaker hands have brought brush to intermix with the burning logs, and fresh supply of fuel being added to the mass, the fire is kept up until the process of thorough burning is again completed — and* thus by another and another removal and replenishing the fires, the whole surface of the plant-patch is burnt, and is ready to be hoed up for sowing the seed. This applies chiefly to the plantations of rich, virgin soils, when first brought into cultivation, but since the new impulse given to the tobacco culture by tire high prices and the use of guano — many expe- dients are resorted to to raise plants where the best soil has been long ago used up; but in any circumstances, the time and labor necessary for the plant-patches must be given — and although the recent use of guano has saved something in both — still this plant-patch work must be a large item in the tobacco culture. The ground being ready for seeding, is carefully broken up by hand-hoes about four inches deep, taking out every root- fibre, and mixing the covering of ashes left by the fires with the soil — raked, levelled and marked off into rows three feet wide, and one-half the proper quanti- ty of seed for the whole patch sown, and afterwards the other sown between lines across the first, in order to insure an equal distribution of the seed. Then after tread- ing over the whole surface, it is ready for covering. The straightest brush, free from leaves is preferred for this purpose, and is compactly laid from 18 inches to 2 feet thick upon the ground. This straight and leafless brush is not often found near, and is sometimes a mile off, but be it far or near, it must be had, for no pains are ever spared in whatever concerns the tobacco. All this done, the whole is inclosed with an ample fence — which makes another draft upon the adjacent timber for the ne- cessary fence rails. Thus the choicest spots of virgin soil in the tobacco districts are cleared for making plants, and afterwards left as useless wastes, that but mark the expen- diture of sturdy labor, and vast consump- tion of the finest timber in this first stage of the process of producing this staple of Virginia agriculture. This business of plant-patch making takes up usually from three to four weeks of every winter. The rule is to provide a thousand super- ficial yards in plant-patches for every 100,- 000 hills in the crop — but three or four times this proportion of plant-land is usu- ally prepared ia order to insure success — and after all, we often hear of scarcity and failure in plants. In a favorable season, there are always four times as many plants raised as are necessary to plant the crop — and of course three fourths of the labor and consumption of the timber in raising plants, being thus surplusage, is a dead loss to the planter, to say nothing of the diminished value of his estate by these depredations upon the forest lands, a de- gree of reckless wastefulness incident to no other crop. In an unfavorable season the loss is still greater — for when it is too dry the plants are watered, and when they grow slowly they are stimulated by top-dressing, and when the fly assails them they must be driven off or destroyed by promptly resorting to some of the in- numerable expedients invented by this class of cultivators of unequal vigilance in all the other departments of agriculture in this country or in any other. For, as has been already said, whenever anything can be conceived or imagined likel}" to affect the plant-patch unfavorably, or the tobac- co crop in any of its stages — it never escapes the tobacco-maker, and heaven and earth are moved forthwith on that plantation, until the needful or imaginary remedy is provided — cost what it may in labor — in teams, in vehicles, in manures both liquid and puWerized. If the plant- patch wants watering, it is irrigated, although the water, as is often the case, must be fetched in tubs or pails on the negroes' heads from a considerable dis- tance. Some of the remedies against the fly, a regular pest more or less, are sweep- ing the surface with soft brooms, covering the plants with various powders of sup- posed offensiveness to the insects — shaking a sheet with the lower side covered with some glutinous sizing to catch the hopping insects which stick to its surface, &c, &c, consuming an amount of labor and time hardly to be conceived but by one unac- quainted with the details of tobacco- making. In short, the tobacco is the idol THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 719 jod of the plantation, before which every hing else is thrown down and trodden inderfoot: hence everything else getting mly the leavings of this insatiable con- sumer of labor, manure and time, is starved iterally, and the fatal consequences are ?very where discoverable through the and — as will be further seen in the sequel. Having disposed of the plant-patches or a time, except the unceasing watch tgainst the fly, and to promote early growth by watering and manure, an inter- nal is presented for clearing new ground or the next crop, and when the weather s unfavorable for out-door work, for ear- ning on the stripping process of the last rear's crop. Here we are brought into ull collision with both crops on hand at he same time — the new crop in the plant- )atch and the old crop in the houses. 3ut to proceed in order, we must account or the presence of this old crop now in he houses ; this, of course, the product of ast year's plants, after the elaborate culti- vation by which it has been raised, (the letails of which shall be given when we ro back to the plant-patches now on hand) las been cut when fully ripe, a state vhich requires* a shrewd judge to decide, martially cured on scaffolds, and finished >y firing in the houses. It is then struck lown from the tiers on which it is hung in he houses on sticks rived for the pur- >ose, during some damp and warm day in lutumn or early winter, in proper order or handling, or technically in "case" — aken from the sticks, packed down care- ully and straight, in close bulk, and covered thickly with wheat-straw, to ex- clude the air, and keep it "in case." For the Planter. Mr. Winston's Wheat Crop. Westwood, Oct. 22d, 1858. Ed. Southern Planter : Dear Sir. — I herewith send you a state- ment of my crop of wheat for the present fear. From it, interesting information * It is often threatened, and sometimes lost by 3arly frost, which, from the earliest history of its julture, has been known to lead to the cutting of ;he crop on the Sabbath when deemed necessa- •y to save it from a threatened frost before Mon- lay morning. may be derived respecting the utility of guano as a manure for wheat. The land on which the wheat was grown, was sur- veyed with great care by an accomplished surveyor. Number of acres in wheat, . . llf Wheat used for seed, . . . . 21 bus. Quantity of guano (Peruvian) used, 3000 11)3. " " per acre, 255 " Product of wheat per llf acres, 226 bus. " " per one acre, 19^ " Cost of Production. Preparation of land, sowing and reap- ing, @ $5 per acre, . . . $58 75 Threshing and hauling 226 bushels, 12 00 Cost of seed wheat @ $1 40 per bu., 29 40 Cost of guano @ $60 per ton, 90 00 Total cost, . Proceeds of 226 bus. . $190 15 $140 per bu., 316 40 Net proceeds, $125 25 It is estimated that the same land, with- out guano, would have produced 10 bush- els per acre, or 114 bushels for the whole field. Cost of production same as before, ex- cept as to threshing, hauling, and the gu- ano. Thus : Cost of production, . . . . $ 94 15 Proceeds of 114 bus. @ $1 40 per bu., 159 60 Net proceeds, $65 45 Now $125 25— $65 45=59 70,— the amount of profit due to the $90 outlay for the guano. This is an enormous profit, being about 65 per cent. Mode of Cultivation. Corn land deeply plowed with a two- horse plow ; the wheat and guano being sown broadcast by hand, and put in with a two-horse cultivator. I have taken more than usual pains to test, during a series of years, the value of guano as a manure tor wheat. I have used about two hundred pounds to the acre. I am satisfied, that on land that will bring 15 bushels of wheat to the acre, it does not ordinarily pay a profit ; especi- ally at its present price. The question is often asked, "Is guano an improver of the soil ?" To that question, two answers may be given. Under the clover -fallow system of farming, it is undoubtedly a 720 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. rapid improver. It improves by promot- ing a larger and more luxuriant growth of clover. The introduction of guano, however, has given rise to a system of farming, which deserves the reprobation of every intelligent and dutiful son of Mother Earth. This is the practice of cultivating the same land in wheat, or oats, every year, guano being relied on as a fertilizer. The soil is thus soon exhausted of its proper proportion of vegetable mould, or humus, on which its productive capacity mainly depends ; and sterility must even- tually ensue. And, verily, the last state of such land is worse than the first. I can point to fields that have been cultivat- ed in this way. From once being rich, they do now show unmistakable signs of deterioration. They produced well for the first two years — then there was a grad- ual declension, and the crop of the pres- ent year was almost a total failure ! No soil can retain its fertility long, if it is subjected to a system of cultivation that exhausts it of its proper supply of either mineral or vegetable matter. The one will not take the place of the other. Viewed, then, in this aspect, I unhesitatingly give a most decided negative to the question under consideration. In conclusion, we would ask attention to the following question : Was not the failure in the wheat crop this year most signal on land deficient in vegetable mould, or that have been in wheat and guano several years in succession ? To this question my own observations would give a negative answer. The question is con- sidered important in its bearing on the use of guano, and it is hoped that it will elicit answers of such a kind as to justify the establishment of a general principle. Very respectfully, JOHN H. WINSTON. For the Planter. Sorghum Molasses. Sylvan Villa, Oct. 19th, 185S. To Ed. Southern Planter : Den?- Sir. — Havingexperimented to some extent this fall with the Chinese Sugar! Cane, I feel disposed to give some account i thereof to my brother farmers, through your excellent journal, hoping thereby , if | not to impart, at best to gain information, by drawing out others upon the subject. Last spring I planted some five or six acres of rich alluvial land in Sorghum, ex- pecting to feed it to stock: but this fall, believing I could contrive an apparatus for crushing it, more effectual than the' common apple-mill fixtures used, I had a machine built on the old cotton-gin prin- ciple, at a cost of some ten or twelve dol- lars, which acted so admirably, that I have gone on to make several hundred gallons of the richest, finest syrup I ever tasted. If you or any of your readers doubt it, come up and taste for yourselves, — and if Dame Nature has developed in you the gusto sense, and connected it with a good judg- ment, I fear not your verdict. I am convinced that, properly manag- ed, Sorghum may be made one of our most profitable erops. Corn, you know, in the hands of the aborigines, and our forefathers, was com- paratively valueless for bread, when the ' meal had to be grated on a tin, or pounded in a mortar. Wheat was reluctantly adopt- ed as a staple when it had to be trod out with horses, and wagoned several hundred miles to market. So I fear Sorghum has been decried when it has had to be crush- ed and re-crushed through an old apple-- mill, and then taken to a tobacco prize or cidar press to get its stores of sweet chings ready for the kettle, and indeed I am inclined to believe that it has been too often taken before its time, while yet in an immature state, — the result of which has been the production of an imperfect, ill-flavoured syrup. Nearly all in this re- gion had finished making up iheir cane be- fore I commenced ; and though I have been making about three weeks, I find the ripest cane produces the richest, clearest and best flavoured syrup. It, however, does no yield quite as much. I find on an average about six gallons of the juice will make one of syrup, of proper keeping consistence. After the cane is cut and stripped of its fodder, two hands can crush and boil down about twenty-five or thirty gallons of molasses per day. A sixty gallon ket- tle, fixed in a brick furnace, will boil down in about twelve or fourteen hours, and yield about ten gallons ; and it is near- ly as easy to attend to three or four ket- tles as to one, I prefer greatly cast ket- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. r 21 ties to copper, as they boil after becoming hot much more steadily, and are not half so apt to scorch. Sorghum requires about the same amount of tillage as corn, and one hand could easily till ten acres in addition to ordinary fanning crops. On good land, I believe the cane will yield about one hundred gallons of syrup, — which, at 50 cts. per gallon, would amount to $500 Deduct $100 for expenses, and allowing the seed and fodder to pay for tillage, we have left $400 nett proceeds for ten acres, or $40 per acre. Tobacco, at 4500 hills per acre, and seven plants to the pound at six dollars per hundred, would yield $38 58, and re- quire thiee or four times the labour of the cane, and give no pay above that for its tillage. So if we were to reduce the cane to fifty gallons per acre, it would still " pay better" than tobacco. There may be none of the Sorghum lost, for even the stalk, after it is pressed, if dried and stored away, [ have no doubt would make a fine winter feed for horses and milch cows, by cutting and soaking them, and rolling them in meal or chop. Much saccharine matter is left in them, even after the most effectual pressure, which, I doubt not, would be fine for horses, cattle or hogs. I run them under a pressure of about three or four thousand pounds, and yet my hogs thrive rapidly on them. I have no doubt that the finest quality of vinegar may be made from the juice, and if so, one acre that would make 100 gallons of molasses, would make from 800 to 900 gallons of vinegar equal to the best apple vinegar ; — say 800 gallons, at 12-| cents an acre, would give $100. This, however, is conjecture, for I know not the loss in making vinegar. But reduce this one half, and the ten acres (a hand's crop) would yield $500 ; and the expense of making the vinegar would not be half that ot molasses. I have no doubt it might be distilled into spirits profitably ; but that I shall never tr} r . Pardon prolixity, &c. J. F. E. Good Fritters. — To a pint of good butter rnilk, add a little salt and a tea-spoonful of soda ; stir in flour enough to make a thick bat- ter. Fry in hot lard. 46 For the Southern Planter. How to Keep Sweet Potatoes. Mr. Editor: Having noticed a call for information about the "safe keeping of sweet potatoes," not in yours bui in other agricultural papers, I com- ply at once with the promise made some weeks ago, and which you have perhaps forgotten. From repeated observations, made some fif- teen years since, it appeared that weight and moisture were the only causes of rot among root crops, provided they are sound when stored, and the frost excluded. Roots put away in rainy, damp, or foggy weather, have a poor chance of wintering well ; if bulked under such unfavorable conditions, they should be afterwards dried by the sun and wind*, or by the fire. No damp situation will answer for the safe keeping of root crops. The digging should be effected, if possible, in dry weather: if you must dig them in a moist condition, be sure and dry them before finally storing them away. All sources of moisture being guarded against, half the battle is gained, but in the next place excessive weight must be avoided. The best depth for a heap of sVeet potatoes is about 18 to 20 inches, and the liability to rot will increase in direct proportion to the increase of depth over that limit. So after laying that depth of roots, have boards laid over, sup- ported strongly at each end, not touching the mass below, but allowing two or three inches for ventilation ; this process of shelving, or floor- ing, at every 22 or 23 inches, may be continued to the joists. In very cold localities additional precau- tions become necessary; the frost is there the main enemy, and sawdust, dry chaff', pine leaves, or other thoroughly dry material must be laid under and over the roots to the depth of five or six inches, which will require that the shelves, or floors, be placed 10 or 12 inches farther apart. I have used a structure resembling an old- fashioned cup-board, made of refuse plank, with shelves about 20 inches apart, and found it to answer well, except that a good lock and key would have been a valuable improvement. In constructing a potatoe barn, I find it well to pave w T ith brick, on account of rats ; and to exclude cold, the walls are stuffed with dry chaff, slats being nailed on the inside of the studs, or posts, for that purpose; between the interstices of the slats, or narrow boards, and at intervals of about 20 inches, the shelves, as above described, find support. Other modes of storing roots may answer as well, with regard to frost, but few plans will afford equal security against thieves as the above, which have never failed in fifteen years trial. Respectfully, J. LUCIUS DAVIS. N. B. — The above hints will be found useful THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. and to some extent applicable to the winter storage of every variety of root crop, as well as apples or other fruit. Decay begins at the bottom of the mass, where weight and moisture are greatest. J. L. D. We regret that Col. D.'s letter was received too late for insertion in our November number; but thinking it probable that other engage- ments had caused him to forget to furnish us with an account of his plan, we wrote a short and imperfect sketch of it for that number, which we will now retract, and give our readers the Col.'s own directions instead of our hasty note. This method of storing sweet potatoes has been thoroughly tested, and is no mere item of "book farming" — but may be relied on. — Editor. The Wonderful Nature of the Human Mind, Exhibited in the Power of Mind over Matter. No stress will here be laid upon the mysteri- ous connection between the mind and the body, by which the former controuls the voluntary movements of the latter, because this, wonder ful as it is, does not distinguish man from the brutes. 1 refer to that power, by which man subjects the whole material world, ani- mate and inanimate, organized and unorgan- ized, to his personal use and convenience. There is not a substance in all the earth's con- stituents or productions, which he does not somehow employ for himself; not an animal or an insect which he does not convert in some way into a minister to his real or im- aginary good ; not a principle or law of Nature, which he does not make subservient to some personal purpose, as soon as it is discovered. What are the varied and nameless comforts that belong to civilized societ} 7 , as distinguished from savage, but so many different instances of the mind of man, turning the powers and susceptibilities of matter to accommodate his own wishes? Some of these powers are of terrific energy. But, the mind of man fear- lessly puts them in bonds to do him service; and with an obedience, as amazing for its sub- missiveness as for its efficiency, they act at hi? bidding. Fire and wind, the mighty ocean, steam and the lightning itself, wait, as it were, upon the will of man. The astonishing facili- ties for intercourse between distant places which now exist, and are daily becoming more numerous, and the extreme case and the pro- digious rapidity with which all the utensils and fabrics and multitudinous articles of utility, pleasure and luxury are now furnished to the world, are merely the results of the power oi mind over matter. It is by this controul ovei the most wonderful energies and capabilities of Nature, that man is rendered emphatically, " lord of this lower creation." Thus— * * "Man is one world, and hath Another to attend him;" And here, one cannot help thinking of the fylly and atheism of that philosophy of ancient times, which represented matter as the fatal enemy of man; which loved to discourse of body and spirit as antagonist principles. If they have indeed been foes from eternity as such phylosophy imagined, it is now obvious enough, that the spirit has gained the mastery, and is likely to hold it, and the more the gross things of sense shall resist the supremacy, the more strengh for command will the 'mind gather from the very resistance; since all the resistance that matter can make is, by disclos- ing its own properties and laws, and every new property or law thus disclosed, is instantly con- verted by the mind into a new servant and minister to itself. But it is a more ennobling view as it is the only rational view, which christian philosophy — the only true philosophy —now gives us of the case. This pointsout to us a most striking manifestation of the power, wis- dom and goodness of God the Creator, in so ac- commodating to each other the nature of mind and the nature of matter. The adaptation is truly wonderful, and shows demonstratively, that "God, in constructing the vast mechanism of Nature, overlooked not the humblest of its parts, but incorporated the good of our species with the wider generalities and laws of a uni- versal system." The properties and laws of matter are all fitted to subserve the purposes of the intelligent mind. Every new triumph over external Nature, every new instance of a mastery acquired by man over the elements which surround him, is a new development of this interesting truth; showing more fully how mind and matter have been adapted to each other; " the first endowed by the Creator with those powers which qualify it to command; the second no less evidently endowed with those corresponding susceptibilities which cause it to obey." Now here is the argument: the material world is indeed wonderfully made, and appears especially so in its adapted subserviency to mind; but the mind appears thereby still more wonderfully made, as it is by its own nature fitted for such command. And we must not overlook a peculiar con- sideration, that gives great force to the argu- ment, viz: the fact, that the material world is thus made to contribute to the interests of man, only by his applying to matter the results of long processes of abstruse calculation, the principles of the most abstract sciences, the pure inventions of the mind itself. As for ex- ample, the position of the north star, the incli- nation of the earth's axis, and the polarity of the magnetic needle, are material facts seizei THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 721 by the mind of man and raa but five or gix of the animals, I believed those parasites to be number ha ve died, as far as I have been the cause; but having afterwards noticed ! ab j e to i earn animals affected by the disease, I thought | In some i nstances very many of a lot the diagnosis incorrect, and then obtained j had died> and the rest near , or all sick results from the most minute examinations! when the me dicine was administered, and of many .hat were suffering from the dis-| no more died> j„ another illstance wh en ease as well as those that had died from ' a t were sick and others we „ the sick it, that changed my opinion. | one9 recovered> and the well ones did not The disease is a low, or typhoid inflam- take the disease. In other instances, some ination of the luns:s. Many of the ani- of a lot took the disease after the remedy had been given, but whether those that were afterward attacked, had partaken of the remed}'-, is a little doubtful, as the and amons those From I he American Veterinary Journal. Hog Cholera. Georgetown, Ohio, Sept. 1858. Mr. Editor : — Much has been said in relation to the disease known as " hog cholera,"' and many items published in re- gard to its cause, and the proper plan of cure, and having paid some attention to it for the last two seasons, with a hope of being some benefit to the many raisers and consumers of one of the products of our common country ; believing I may be of some benefit to others, I send you a short article upon the subject. I shall not enter into a lengthy detail for two reasons. In the first place, 1 have not the necessary time to spare; and secondly, for the kind of paper I design writing — being mostly for the use of stock- raisers — it is unnecessary. " Hog cholera " is a misnomer. The disease is not cholera, nor does it assimi- late to that disease. whole stock fed together, mals die without suppuration occurring; and in those cases, the lungs are found in a hepatized condition. Others pass from the hepatized to the suppurative stage, and show abcesses, large or small, in persons who have "fed the remedy to their some instances, almost an entire loss of j stock, are those who most confidently be- one or both lungs, while the intestinal , lieve an animal will not take the disease canal of the small intestines, is studded! if he has taken the medicine for two or with a milliary eruption, which, in some three days. instances, had undergone the suppurative | It has unquestionably been the means of process ; in either stage, no doubt, helping' saving very many hogs in this section of to produce, if not producing, the Diarrhoea country, but I do not suppose it or any is, however, not always present. Some- other remedy, will save all that are affect- limes constipation is an accompaniment, ed ; yet others who have fed this medi- and in such cases the disease usually ter-J cine to their stock believe it will do it. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 731 emarked, it renders the necessary quan- The remedy I ordered is not precisely er se chemically ; but I am not certain hat the decomposition occurring (in the nimal's stomach,) when the different in- redients unite, may not be more benefi- ial, or of some service ; at all events, it as apparently answered an excellent pnr- ose. I herewith annex the formula I have sed, hoping it may be as beneficial to the ">any, as it has been to the few r : — Recipe. — Ferri Sulph. lb. j. (Copperas, pound.) Potassse Nitrates, lb. j. (Saltpetre, 1 ound.) Zingiber Pulv. lb. ss. (Ginger \ pound.) Grind, or otherwise finely pulverize the •on and potash, then add the ginger, rive to each animal a teaspoonful every ay when bad, or once in two or three ays, if used as a preventative. I think it is rather better to give the ledicine in dry meal or bran, than to give ; in slop, although many have thus fed it. t will be of little or no service to small igs, and probably of little benefit to reeding sows, enciente, and possibly an ijury- While speaking of the benefits derived :om Sulph. Ferri and Nit. Potassse to ogs, it may be of service to some of our readers to know that equal parts of lose two substances, given in table- poonful doses, once per day, or once! very second day, to cattle afflicted with! be disease known as " hollow T horn," are f ealth. The disease is readily detected by open- lg the animal's mouth and examining the ondition of the teeth. If the front teeth re found to be loose, so as to be readily loved back and forward — the outer end f the teeth only — there need be no dis- ute about the disease being that generally nown as " hollow horn," and the above emedy will ordinarily restore the ani- lal's appetite in three, four, or five days, nd put it in a good condition for rapidly mproving. Yours respectfully, THOS. W. GORDON, M. D. P. S. — We have men among us who hink paying any attention to the lower nimals, decidedly out of taste, and per- aps out of caste, for a physician. Those nen are usually called physicians, al- though, in many instances, they have not studied long enough to scarcely yet know the names of the bones composing the human skeleton. It is far beneath their dignity to prescribe for any animal whose capacity for knowledge is not fully equal to their own ; and I am inclined to the be- lief that the hogs, horses, and cattle, are really gainers by the self-incumbent digni- ty of such gentlemen, though bipeds may suffer. They laugh at a prescription for a hog; but my motive in life has been, and is, to do all I can to ameliorate the condi- tion of my fellow men, and when I can save their property, never to neglect what to me is a duty. Yours, GORDON. very great service in restoring them to Mr. Everett's Remarks on the Horse at the late Springfield Fair. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : — I believe one of the exploits of the distin- guished person to whom my friend Ash- mun has alluded, is to make the animals that are submitted to him lie down and go to sleep. [Applause and laughter.] I hope, sir, that my speaking, whatever other effect it might have, will not pro- duce that. #?#"#*#.,-# Sir, it is perplexing, it is almost painful to consider what high degrees of intellec- tual and moral power are evinced by ani- mals whom w r e profanely call brute beasts. I suppose it was a reflection on these noble qualities of the horse, intellectual and moral, that led the wittiest, the bitter- est, and, I am sorry to say, the filthiest of the satirists of our language — I mean Dean Swift — in that remarkable romance of his, the most fascinating as the most revolting of books, to represent the horse, under that unpronounceable name which he gives him, as the wiser, the more saga- cious, the nobler animal, and to describe the human race, under the disgusting character of Yahoo, as an inferior order of beings. I don't know, sir, but you will rather think it beneath the dignity of the occasion to allude to such a book as Gul- liver's Travels, and yet it does contain, among many most instructive remarks, one of those passages into which the wis- dom of ages is condensed in a single sen- tence, and which is more often quoted, at least part of it, at all agricultural and rural shows, than perhaps any other in the 732 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. whole compass of literature. "The man," says Gulliver, " who dan make two years of corn or two blades of grass to grow on the spot where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind and render a more essential service to the country than the whole race of politicians put together." [Laughter and applause.] When this is quoted at agricultural meet- ings by patriotic candidates for office, this last part of the sentence is generally omit- ted. [Renewed laughter.], The noble qualities of the horse seem, indeed, to have made an impression upon the most brutalized of our own species. I suppose it is this, if ij were w T orth while to account for the freaks of a mad- man, which led the Emperor Caligula to erect a marble stable for his horse, In- citatus, to provide him with an ivory manger, with housings of imperial purple. a breast-plate studded with diamonds and pearls, and then to elevate him to the dignity of the Consulship. This seems, to be sure, a mere freak of madness, and yet I am inclined to think that at that time it was a better choice than could have been made out of the venal courtiers and factious praetorians of the imperial court; and I believe, sir, had it been put to the vote throughout the Roman Empire, then co-extensive with the civi- lized world, they would have decided that they had a better consul in the horse than in the Emperor. [Laughter and ap- plause.] Sir, they had been too familiar with the rapacity of the tyrants who chased each other over the stage, dagger in hand, not to be pleased with the eleva- tion of a ruler who took nothing but oats out of the public crib [laughter] — a ruler, sir, who, while the reins were with him, would at least have given them a " stable " administration. [Renewed laughter.] I trust, sir, that the beautiful perform- ance of Mr. Rarey, to whicli my friend Ashmun has alluded, may be the means of diffusing some useful ideas in this re- spect throughout the community. Whether there is yet some unexplained means of influence in the possession of this gentle- man not shared by the rest of the com- munity, I know not : but one thing, I think, sir, is certain, that one great portion consists in gaining and keeping the affec- tions of the animal by gentle and kind treatment. For this, if for no other reason, he deserves the greatest credit for what he has done in this respect, ' although I believe he is not the first whci has succeeded by this same treatment in! subduing the wildness, changing even the native instincts of what are commonly called the almost untamable animals. J' often saw in the streets of London — and ] believe the same thing may be seen at' Barnum's Museum in New York — what was called "The Happy Family " a col- lection of animals, in a large wire cage, most hostile in their nature — cats and] rats, hawks and mice, owls and wrens, living together in these close quarters, inj the utmost amity and friendship. I asked! the showman what was the secret of 1 the operation by which he brought about i those astonishing results. He told me itl was persevering kindness. He did not' say, sir, in what particular way that kind- ness was to be manifested. I believe part 1 of it consisted in always keeping them supplied with plenty of the food they were fond of; but it was persevering kindness. My experience led me to think that the amicable relations thus established among the animals did not extend to outsiders; for I rather inadvertently put my finger through the bars of the cage, when a^ large rat sprang at it with such rapidity that I drew it back a great deal quicker than I put it in. [Laughter and applause.] ] assure you that my bosom was overflow- ing with kindness toward every member of that •' Happy Family," not excepting the rat; but alter that demonstration on the part of the rat, I did not think it expedi- ent to persevere. [Laughter.] However this may be, sir, if there is any one who doubts that the horse — the animal that most concerns us on this occa- sion — is susceptible of the kindest feel- ings of our nature, I think he would be convinced of his error by a most interest- ing anecdote of Edmund Burke. In the decline of Mr. Burke's life when he was living in retirement on his farm at Bacons- field, the rumor went up to London that he had gone mad : and the fact that was stated in support of this rumor was that he went round his park kissing his cows and horses. A friend, a man of rank and influence, hearing the story, and deeming it of too much importance to be left un- corrected, hastened to Baconsfield, and sousrht an interview with the view of as- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 733 ertaining the truth of the rumor. Enter- ig into conversation with him, Mr. Burke ead to him some chapters from his " Let- 3rs on Regicide." His friend immedi- tely saw that though the earthly tene- lent was verging back to its native dust, :ie lamp of genius and reason shone with ndiminished lustre. He was according- f more than satisfied as to the object of is coming down, and in a private inter- iew with Mrs. Burke told her what he ad come for, and received from her this athetic explanation. Mr. Burke's only hild, a beloved son, had not long before ied, leaving behind him a favorite horse, be companion of his excursions of bu- iness and pleasure, when both were oung and vigorous. This favorite ani- lal was of course turned out by Mr. 5urke, the father, into the park, with di- ections to all his servants that he should a every respect be treated as a privileged avorite. Mr. Burke himself, of course, n his morning walks, would often stop to aress the favorite animal. On one occa- ion, as he was taking his morning walk hrough the park, he perceived the poor Id animal at a distance, and noticed that ie was recognized by him. The horse Irew nearer and nearer to Mr. Burke, topped, eyed him with the most pleasing ook of recognition, which said, as plainly is words could have said : " I have lost lim, too ;" and then the poor dumb beast leliberately laid his head upon Mr. Burke's bosom ! Struck by the singul- arity of the occurrence ; struck by the ecollection of his son, whom he had lever ceased to mourn with a grief that vould not be comforted ; overwhelmed by ,he tenderness of the animal, expressed n the mute eloquence of holy Nature's universal language, the illustrious states- nan for a moment lost his self-possession, ind clasping his arms around the neck of lis son's favorite animal, lifted up that iroice which had caused the arches of Westminster Hall to echo the noblest drains that ever sounded within them, and wept aloud ! Sir, this was seen, this was heard by the passers by, and the enemies of Burke, unappeased by his ad- vancing years, by his failing health, by his domestic sorrows, made it the ground of a charge of insanity. Burke is gone ; but, sir, so help me Heaven ! if I were called upon to designate the event or the period in Burke's life that would best sus- tain the charge of insanity, it would not be when, in a gush of the holiest and purest feeling that ever stirred the human heart, he wept aloud on the neck of a dead son's favorite horse. The Preservation of "Wine. Wine is sometimes sulphurized as a preservative, and often so excessively as quite to taint it. The sulphur is burnt in the casks and bottles, and then the wine is poured in. If, by chance, the sulphur is arsenical, then a slight dose of arsenic is administered to the public, far too in- nocent to understand whence comes the side-wind which blows them illness and disease. Cloves, cinnamon, lavender, thyme, and other aromatic substances, are used to weaken the influence of the sul- phur, and the combination gives a pecu- liar taste and odour. They are burnt in the casks together with the strips of linen dipped in sulphur, and the whole horrible medley of taste and smell passes for " bouquet" by the multitude, who believe what their wine merchants tell them, and praise ac- cording to price. Jn France, one-thou- sandth part of pulverized mustard seed is put in to prevent any after fermentation ; but the greatest secret seems to be, to pre- serve the wine from any contact with the outside air. Some Malaga wine, which had been buried during the great fire of London — that is to say, in sixteen hundred and six- ty-six — was dug up twenty years ago, and though nearly two hundred years old, was found perfectly good, well-flavoured, and full-bodied. Exclusion of air alone would not have preserved it ; sweet and alcoholic, it bore in itself the elements of longevity ; had it not been poor in sugar and rich in acids, it would have been dug up a vinous skeleton. Wine kept in wood loses much of its water by evaporation ; the same may be said of that kept in leather and skins. By this diminution of water, the alcohol remaining is concentra- ted and strengthened ; but only originally strong wines can be so treated. With weak and acid wines, the very concentra- tion increases the formation of tartaric acid, and that, without the proper coun- terbalance of alcohol, spoils all. This 734 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. e vaporation does not go on in glass bottles, a nd Saint Vincent therefore recommend- ed tliat all bottles should be secured by bladders, not corks, so that evaporation might not be carried on in them. His ad- vice has not been followed. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. An Item in E"eat Farming. There is a slovenly practice among far- mers, and some pretty good ones, of put- ting logs, brush, stumps, &.c, &c, into the nearest branch or gully in the field. Some- times they are put into the fence corners. Now I protest against anything of the kind. They are an abomination to a real neat farmer. If you cannot find time to burn them as they should be, then you had better make them into piles or heaps in the field, and plow round them ; for after awhile you will get tired of going around them so often, and will set them on fire. Better dig pits, like the Florida man, and bury them. Some men suffer bushes, briers and weeds to grow along the branches and thus form a crooked, horrible looking hedge, a fit harbour for snakes, frogs, minks, and other varmints. Clean out those places when you are tending your crops or after harvest. Instead of letting the bushes grow up along the branches, a good plan is to have a strip of meadow on each side. Along the margin of a branch the grass grows most luxuriantly, A strip of meadow will catch the rich soil that washes from the adjacent fields and prevent it from be- ing lost to the rightful owner. This is much better than to try to raise corn in the bends or crooks of the branches, where it is so difficult to plow, and in- finitely better than to have those ugly, crooked hedges. Brother farmer, I move that we repudiate such hedges. Who'll second the motion ? — Valley Farmer. A Chinese Garden. Mr. Fortune gives a curious description of a Chinese Garden in a recent letter, from which we make the following ex- tracts : "The plants consist of good specimens of Southern Chinese things, all well known in England, such, for example, as Cym. bidium sinense. Olea fiagans, Oranges Camellias, Magnolias, etc., and, of course multitudes of dwarf trees, without whicl no Chinese garden would be considere< complete. In the above alluded to then are some nice stone seats, which lool cool in a climate like that of Southeri China. The floor of this building is rais ed a few feet above the ground level, si that the visitor gets a good view of tin water and other objects of interest in th< garden. That this is a favourite loungi and smoking place with the Chinese, th< following Chinese notice, which we fount on one of the pillars, will testify: — 'J. careful and earnest notice : This gardei earnestly requests that visitors will spi betel outside the railing, and knock th« ashes of pipes also outside.' Several fin* fruit-trees and others are growing near th< walks, and afford shade from the rays o the sun. On one of these we read thti following: ' Ramblers here will be excusec plucking the fruit on this tree.' How ex ceedingly polite ! " Near the centre of the garden stand: a substantial summer-house, or hall, nam ed the < Hall of Fragrant Plants.' Th« same notice to smokers and chewers o betel nut is also put up here, and there hj another and a longer one which I musj not forget to quote. It is this : ' In thhj garden the plants are intended to deligh! the eyes of all visitors ; a great deal hail been expended in planting and in keeping in order, and the garden is now beginning to yield some return. Those who come, here to saunter about are earnestly prayecj not to pluck the fruit or flowers, in ordeii that the beauty of the place may be pre-j served.' And then follows a piece of true Chinese politeness: "We beg per sons who understand this notice to excuse it!' Passing through the Hall of Fra- grant Plants, we approached, between two rows of Olea fragrans, a fine ornamental suite of rooms tastefully furnished and decorated, in which visitors are received and entertained. An inscription informs' us that this is called the • Fragrant Ha of the Wooche tree.' Leaving this place by a narrow door, we observe the follow-j ing notice: ' Saunterers here will be ex- cused entering.' This apparently leads to the private apartments of the family In this side of the garden there is some artificial rockwork, which the Chinese THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 735 know well how to construct, and various summer-houses tastefully decorated, one df which is called the 'Library of Ver- dant Purity.' Between this part of the garden and the straight walk already no- iced there is a small pond or lake for fish ind water lilies. This is crossed by a zigzag wooden bridge of many arches, which looked rather dilapidated." Maine Farmer. The Anthracite Coal Trade. Thirty-one years ago the first coal went :o Philadelphia, being ten wagon loads lauled over the mountains by George Shoemaker of Pottsville. Very few per- sons could be induced to purchase it, and nost of these were wholly unsuccessful n their attempt to make it burn. Every- )ody considered it a mere stone. Mr. Shoemaker was denounced in all quarters is a cheat, and measures were being taken ;o arrest him for swindling; but he es- caped arrest by leaving the city by a cir- cuitous road, and did not stop until he had rot thirty miles on his homeward journey, rhe most remarkable feature in this ex- ;raordinary speculation was, that Mr. Shoemaker did not himself know how to make the coal burn. He was therefore jnable to convince the public that it really would ignite. Had he experimented at lome, and brought with him a grate stove in which to kindle a successful fire, the exhibition would have, no doubt, hastened full ten years the development of the coal Dusiness. He reached home disgusted at ;he belligerent temper of the citizens, and heart-sick at the ill success of his adven- :ure. His reputation as an honest man was rescued, however, by an iron master in Delaware county, into whose hands some of the repudiated mineral acciden- tally fell. He tried coal, caused it to burn freely with an intense heat, and was so pleased with it that he proclaimed the fact in the 'newspapers. This led others to try, and they also succeeded ; the preju- dice was removed, and consumption went Dn from this disastrous beginning, until it last year reached the enormous quantity 3f 3,476,862 tons. But up to this date the depression of manufacturing has caused a reduction of $300,000 tons to be sent to market, and the whole year un- doubtedly shows a falling off of lull 600,- 000 tons. — Miner's Journal. The Best Wealth. The great struggle with civilized men in this world is for wealth. This is called the prime good, the one thing needful, the great desideratum of life. So men toil for it ; sacrifice ease, comfort, health for it; give time, strength, and too often good character for it. The truth is, the estimate put upon wealth is too high. Its value, its good is over-rated. It is not the great good. It is not the pearl of great price. It is not the best thing man can have. It does not confer peace of mind, nor purity of heart, heartfelt happiness, nor content- ment, nor home-joy, nor social blessed- ness, nor any of the solid and enduring enjoyments. Wealthy homes are not often happier than those of the poor and comfortable livers. Poverty is always an evil; but a fair supply of the necessaries and com- forts of life is quite as apt to confer real peace, as great wealth. It is not gold nor goods, therefore, that make men really wealthy. The best wealth is of the heart, an enlightened mind, a loyal conscience, pure affections. He is wealthiest who has the largest stock of wisdom, virtue and love — whose heart beats with warm sym- pathies for his fellow men, who finds good in all seasons, all providences, and all men. The generous man who pities the unfortunate ; the pure man who resists temptation ; the wise man who orders well his life; the loving man who clings closely to his family and friends ; the stu- dious man who seeks instruction in all things, are the truly wealthy men. Valley Farmer. To make Pure Apple Wine. Take pure cider made from sound ripe apples, as it runs from the press; put sixty pounds of common brown sugar into fifteen gallons of the cider, and let it dis- solve ; then put the mixture into a clean barrel, and fill the barrel up to within two gallons of being full of clean cider, put the cask in a cool place, leaving the bung out for forty-eight hours ; then put in the bung, with a small vent, until fermenta- tion wholly ceases, and bung up tight, and in one year the wine will be fit for use. This wine requires no racking; the longer it stands upon the lees, the better. — Maine Farmer. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. For the Planter. Humbuggery the Order of the Bay. Mr. Editor: In glancing over the contents of your November number my attention was ar- rested by a notice of "a miraculous corn ;" that being a favorite plant of mine, with which I have been experimenting for up- wards of forty years, with as many varie- ties as years I turned to the page contain* ing its description, when lo, and behold ! I met with an old acquaintance, (from whom I am seeking a divorce,) the " Wy- andotte prolific corn." Some three years since I was presented by a gentleman with an ear of that variety, the most beautiful I had ever seen, and in my judgment promised to rival wheat in the manufac- ture of flour, with a product promised equal to the one certified in the above number. I then considered a desidera- tum obtained, in quest of which I had made so many experiments, and my labors ended in them. A favorable spot in my garden was selected forthe reception of the grain, and that prepared in the best manner my judgment sanctioned. The corn came up, grew apace, and threw out the sprouts as advertized. I awaited anxiously the pre- sentation of ears promised without the fulfilment of ray expectation ; at gather- ing time I received something like a peck very badly matured, with a promise on the stalk of a better yield, should the ma- turing season continue several months longer ; but the season did not delay, hence I was minus the yield. The corn continued to be puffed in the agricultural and political papers, and being loth to abandon it on the above experiment, and finding the "pure seed" advertised in Bal- timore by its agent, I procured a quart of it, which cost at the rate of $240 per barrel, planted it as in the first instance, with a corresponding result. During the present year I have planted the Peabody corn, and from present appearances I shall, gather rather more than the seed planted, of the most unpromising appearance. This is not the extent of my being victimized to humbuggery. A few years since I was presented with the Oregon pea, a beauti- ful one in appearance ( with a promise of an unprecedented yield, on rich or poor land, and an unparalleled fertilizer, in all j of which I was wofully disappointed. The pea was advertized at $80 per bushel, and I advised my farming brethren not tc< make a large outlay in that article, at 40 cents per bushel, for which I received a ca.stigation from a correspondent of the "American Farmer" upon the ground that his experiment had been more successful than mine, and that he had not seen the pea as early as I had made the experi- ment. Supposing from his premises that it was necessary for him to inspect the ar- ticle and pronounce it pure or spurious, Ij yielded him the field, since wiiich time I have heard no more of the Oregon pea or its advocate, as a bearer or fertilizer. Next in course came the Japan pea, beau- tiful in appearance, and highly recom- mended as a fertilizer, but its yield was no better than the Oregon. In its train followed the Chinese prolific, with a worse return than those above named. In view of the above, I am inclined to think I have contributed to humbuggery my full portion, and shall surrender the ground to such as may be as credulous as I have been. Richard Rouzee. Oakland, Essex County, Va. ) November 2nd, 1858. ( A Hard and Durable Soap. A patent has been granted in England for an improvement in the manufacture of soap, by the addition of sulphate of lime to the usual ingredients employed in its manufacture. The sulphate may be added with any of the usual ingredients employ- ed in the manufacture of soap. The pro- portions of the sulphate which it is best to employ, vary according to the article man- ipulated upon, and the quality of the soap to be produced. Thus about twelve oun- ces of dry sulphale is sufficient for one ton of best soap, whereas, in common or highly liquored soap, six or eight pounds may be used with advantage. Soap, made with the addition of sulphate of lime be- comes hardened, keeps dry, and is not lia- ble to ^hrink while in water, its durability is increased, and it does not wear or waste away before its cleansing properties are brought into action. — Scientific American. — . < ♦ » • > The Early Dead. Some one has said of those who die young, that they are like the lambs which Alpine shepherds bear in their arms to greener pastures, that the flocks may fol- low. — Maine Farmer. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 737 For the Planter. On the Stimulating Properties of Guano— A&eplyto "X." Mr. Editor : It has not been B.'s purpose to even seem to disregard so formidable an antagonist as " X." of the Republican, nor to allow him to take to himself " the flattering unction" of having driven his antagonist from the field. Various circumstances have conspired to pre- clude an earlier reply. At the outset " X." will be pleased to call on B. to assure him, that he has written nought with ill will — that he has had no de- sign to *' pitch into him." No, he would not hurt a hair of his head. B.'s aim has been higher than this ; it has been, so far as his feeble powers might enable him. to expose what he regarded as error, both practically and scientifically, and thereby contribute a mite to the advancement of practical and scientific ag- riculture. If "X." has in any way suffered, it has fallen out to him by having placed him- self in a vulnerable position. The taunting charge of " great cry and no wool," and " emp- ty phrase," B. does not suffer to disturb his equanimity — aware that such things not only contain no argument, but indicate the want of it. Ridicule is the weapon ordinarily appeal- ed to when facts and arguments have been ex- hausted and failed to secure victory. If the readers of the S. Planter are such gumps as " X." makes them to be, it might well be regarded as time and labour thrown away to write or print anything for them. Says " X." : " If Mr. B. can prove his asser- tions to the satisfaction of the numerous rea- ders of the S. Planter, they will necessarily infer that I (' X/) am right, and always will be right, and that Mr. B. had no substantial ground for an attack on me. But if he (B.) cannot prove his assertions, then our readers must infer that I am right and Mr. B. is wrong again." Now, it is certainly exceeding- ly disingenuous in " X." to require of B. proof of any assertion, knowing, as he here declares, that the cards are so stocked against him, that the result will be the same whether his assertions are proven or not. To have the " rara avis in terra" of a man, that " always will be right," B. is willing to attempt the proof of any assertion he has made. But, apart from this consideration, there is but one that he cares much to prove, and that is, that Guano does not merely stimulate and impov- erish the soil, furnishes no pabulum for the plant, but does furnish nutriment to the plant and. fertility to the soil. " X." ought to know that th's is the paramount question at issue be- tween him and B. If he has forgotten let him refer to the June No. of the Planter, page 379 ; he will there find written : " Here- in consists the very gist of the question in dispute. If Guano stimulates and impover- ishes the soil, and Rhode's Superphosphate furnishes nutritious materials and enriches, then "X." is right, and B. wrong. But, on the other hand, if Guano applied to the soil will greatly increase the crop, and leave the land greatly improved in fertility, then B. is right, and " X." wrong. " X." takes no notice of this, but mounts his favourite hobby and cries, "I still contend that Guano stimulates the soil." This calls to mind an anecdote heard in years gone by, of two bull dogs and a monkey, kept by a gentleman for his amusement. The dogs were one day observed in hot pursuit of the monkey, who escaped capture by running up a pole standing near by. Pug, though out of pres- ent danger, yet, seemingly, desiring more com- fortable quarters, began to clap his hands, (fore feet,) and thereby got the dogs into a fight ; and while the dogs were fighting, he made good a safe retreat. " X." well knows it mat- ters but little whether " Guano stimulates the soil or the plant," if, indeed, it impoverishes the soil, and Rhode's Superphosphate furnishes solid food for the plant, and substantial fertil- ity to the soil. Says " X." : " That Guano stimulates the. soil, I could have said to the farming commu- nity of the whole globe. Why, then, should I not thus address the leading journal in the 'Great West?' Will Mr. B. face to the music and answer?" B. faces to the music and answers, that a spade should be called a spade because it is a spade and not a broad-axe; so "X." should have written, " stimulate the plant, (if indeed he must have ' stimulate/) and not stimulate the soil, because the soil is not and cannot be stimulated." If, indeed, " X." could have said to the farming community of the whole globe that " Guano stimulates the soil," this gives no right to thus address leading journals in the " Great West," any more than having humbugged ten men gives the right to humbug the eleventh. B. bids a kindly adieu to " X.," wishing him a pleasant airing upon his gallant hobby. And in conclusion, takes leave to say, that he would not willingly prejudice any one against Rhode's Superphosphate. Let it command all its due, but let it not, nor any of its kindred, usurp the throne and reign king over Pe- ruvian Guano. J. D. S. For the Planter. Staunton Nurseries. Staunton, Va., Oct. 16th, 1858. Editor Southern Planter: Dear Sir — I have this day forwarded to your office a box containing 34 varieties of apple and 1 of pear. They are not generally over medium sized specimens, and some are imperfect, the latter part of 738 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. the season having been so dry as to effect the crop very materially ; in ordinary sea- sons all these varieties do well with us. You will see by the specimens sent that some of the Northern sorts are much larger and better here than when grown at the North — a fact that goes to prove the adaptedness of our soil and climate to the growth and perfection of that fruit. I would speak more particularly of some varieties, but time forbids at present. Hoping the box will reach you safely, I remain, Yours, Respectfully, Franklin Davis. "We return our thanks to Mr. Davis for the box of delicious apples, which reached us safely. Among the specimens, we admired greatly the Bellflower, Gloria Mundi, Col- breath's Russett Rambo, Tallawater, Pennsyl- vania Pippin, Spitzenberg, &c. They were all much to our taste. [Ed. So. Pl. H A CARD. Royal Oak, Talbot Co., Md., October 21, 1858 To the Editor of the " Southern Planter,'' Richmond, Va. Sir — I am directed to request the pub- lication, in the Southern Planter, of the following proceedings of our Society, viz: At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Maryland Agricultural Society for the Eastern Shore, held at "Wye Cot- tage," the 30th September, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, As the opinion of this Board, that the operation of the Grain Inspection Law of the State is beneficial to the inter- est of the Farmer, and we therefore ad- vise the said law to be sustained. Resolved further, As the judgment of the Board that, if the said law be general- ly sustained by those who sell grain in the Baltimore market, our next State Legisla- ture will be justified in greatly reducing the present costs of grain inspection. (Signed) M. T. Goldsborough, President. Edm'd L. F. Hardcastle, Sec'y. I am, very respectfully, yours, EDM'D L. F. HARDCASTLE, Secretary. Wool and Woolens. The supply of wool promises to be in- adequate to the wants of the manufactu- rers. The demand for the clip this year was quite animated, and prices soon rose, so as to check purchases. It was found, however, that the supply of wool was really less than there had been reason to expect, since the high prices of the last few years have not induced any increase in production. The high prices last year had, however, induced imports to some ex- tent from England. This year prices have been leas here, but they have risen abroad under the same influences that have im- proved the prospects of the cotton market, viz: abundance of cheap food. The pri- ces here have been comparatively as fol- lows : . ~ roo-*Nom(M^(X)HMoo 3 „• iO -* CO CO ^F CO CO ®3(g)® lOOOWOOSOOMOOO | O t^,h-I o -* ^ CO -* ^ CO CO CO -— I — I I CM lis ®(!)®®®®®®®®S(§>3) K H oooOT»o:ci&o^nt)C^ 0) o S 'Z ~* 9 3 T3 ya p t3 a S 2 « - * fit o-S^ S "S * ' ° | M « o ■ o g 3 S « M 3 O d C «! . =3 S The prices of American have nearly re- covered, but those of foreign descriptions have not. In England and on the conti- nent, on the other hand, prices are rising rapidly. It follows, as a matter of course, that the imports of foreign wools decline. For the nine months to October 1st, they have been at Boston .only 7,171,468 lbs. against 11,270,727 lbs. same time last year, which was a quantity nearly double that of the preceding year. Under the suppo- sition that the quantity of the wool used in the country is, as estimated, 100,000,- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 739 300 lbs., a decline of 4,000,000 in the im- port is a serious matter, being no less than four per cent, of the supply, and the home supply does not increase as the high pri- ces would naturally lead to expect. The low prices which have ruled in the past year will, on the other hand, discourage the receipt of foreign wool, although a sale Df nearly 1,000,000 lbs. Chinese wool, held in New York, last week brought very good prices, higher than the quality (which was low) would warrant for the present state of the market for carpets. The stoppage Df many of the large, factories has greatly reduced the consumption of wool in the past year; probably 30,000,000 lbs. less has been taken by the factories, but cer- tain qualities of wool are yet very scarce. The production of delaines has been large by the three great companies engaged in that description of goods, and their wares were never more attractive. They have produced nearly as follows for the year: Yards. Manchester— Delaines, - 7,000,000 Pacific " - 7,200,000 Hamilton " - 6,900,000 Total three companies, - 21,100,000 This is equal to 2,000,000 dresses for ladies, certainly not a very large supply, since there were in the country in 1850, 9,526,666 females, which would give one delaine dress among four, and if we de- duct females under five years, one dress among three in a year, exclusive of the impoited delaines, which hold their ground with much difficulty against the improved production of the three mills named. The rise in wool and the recovery of the mar- kets abroad for these styles of dress goods makes the American markets far less im- portant this year to the English and French producers. The prospect here, therefore, is certainly favorable to the expectation of a rise in t ho goods equal to the improved value of the raw material. The sale of coarse wools alluded to above went at an advance of some 2a3c. per lb., being in demand for carpets and such descriptions of goods as the fine American wools are hardly adapted to. The quantity of car- peting imported into the country seems to be very small, as compared with the wants of the country. Thus in 1857 the whole quantity of all descriptions — Wilton, Sax- ony, Brussels, Ingrain, &c. — was 1,714,- 393 yards. In the city of New York alone, according to the census of 1855, the number of dwellings is as follows : Stone, Brick, Frame, Other, No. 1,617 29,977 10,395 333 Cost. 132,267,819 211,531,806 28,900,745 781,920 Total, - 42,668 $273,481,811 If we take stone and brick houses only the number is 31,594, which would aver- age an area on one floor only of 20x50 feet, to carpet which would require in this city alone 4,271,300 yards of cloth. The stairs, hall, basement, and upper rooms, are, however, always carpeted, as are most of the frame houses. The quantity really required is not under 12,000,000 yards for the city of New York. In the supposition that the carpets last seven years, the an- nual demand is 1,750,000 yards, or the quantity of carpets imported last year, to supply the city of New York alone. All the carpet demand for the interior of this State, and of all the other States and cities-, therefore falls upon the home production. The carpets are, however, imported in the following proportion : Yards. Price. nto Boston, 276,849 $238,136. Portland, 6,215 4;*Mh New York, 1,072,307 1,242,338 Philadelphia, 239,172 202,316. Baltimore, 25,607 23,285 Charleston, 14,806 12,755 Mobile, 130 191 New Orleans, 37,690 S'8,187' San Francisco, 41,296 21,990- 1,714,093 $1,784,196. The imports at New York averaged a cost of about $1.20 per yard. At Boston under 90c, and at the other ports about the same low prices, except an importation, which seems to have been a special one, at Mobile, at $1.50 per yard. The figures here presented show; how small is the im- port (rade in carpets as compared' with the wants of the country, and reciprocally how large is the interest of carpet makers, who heretofore have suffered under a tax upon the wools they use, while American agri- culture supplies them with none of the necessary quality. For the coarse wools necessary for the making of carpets, the manufacturers are dependent upon the im- 740 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. porters for a supply of the proper mate- rial, which has heretofore been charged with an onerous duty. — U. S. Economist. Manuring in the Hill. A Sausage Story. — An old friend of ours — one sick and tired of the care and bustle of a city life, has retired into the country, and "gone to farming," as the saying is. His land, albeit well situated and commanding sundry fine prospects, is not so particularly fertile as some we have seen — requiring scientific culture and a liberal system of manuring to induce an abundant yield. So far by way of expla- nation. Once upon a time our friend being upon a short visit to New Orleans, was attend- ing an auction sale down town, and as it so happened, they were selling damaged sausages at the time. There were some eight or ten barrels of them, and they were " just going at 50 cents a barrel," when the auctioneer, with all apparent se- riousness, remarked that they were worth more than that to manure land with. Here was an idea. " Sixty-two and a half cents — third and last call — gone !" retorted the auctioneer. " Cash takes them at sixty- two and a half cents per barrel !" To have them shipped to his country seat was the immediate work of our friend, and as it was then planting time, and the sausages, to use a common phrase, " were getting no better very fast," to have them safe underground and out of the way was his next movement. He was about to plant a field of several acres of corn — the soil of the piny woods species — so here was just the spot for this new experiment in agriculture, this new wrinkle in the sci- ence of geoponics. One " link" of sau- sage being deemed amply sufficient, that amount was placed in each hill, accompa- nied by the usual number of kernels of corn anil an occasional pumpkin seed, and all were nicely covered over in the usual style. Now, after premising that several days have occurred since the corn was planted, the sequel of the story shall be told in a dialogue between our friend and one of his neighbours. Neighbour. — Well, friend, have you planted your corn ? Friend. — Yes, several days since. JV. Is it up yet? F. Up! yes : and gone; the most of it. JV. How is that ? F. Well, you see, I bought a lot of damaged sausages the other day in New Orleans, a smooth tongue of an auctioneer saying they would make excellent manure if nothing else. I brought the lot over, commenced planting my corn at once, as it was time, planted a sausage in each hill, and — JV. Well, and what ? F. And felt satisfied that I had made a good job of it. Some days afterwards I went out to see how the corn was coming on, and a pretty piece of business I have made of trying agricultural experiments. JV W T hy, what was the matter ? F. Matter ! The first thing I saw be- fore reaching the field was the greatest lot of dogs digging and scratching all over it ! There were my dogs, and your dogs, and all the neighbours' dogs, besides about three hundred strange dogs I never set my eyes on before, and every one was hard at it mining after the buried sausages. Some- how or other, the rascally whelps had scented out the business, and they have dug up every hill by this time. If 1 could set every dog of them on that auclioneer, I'd be satisfied. [Writer unknown.] From the Boston Cultivvtor. Sociability. It is not enough for us to be wise, but social and friendly also. We have no fac- ulty lavished upon us without design ; even instinct itself is enough to demonstrate this, without the assistance of philosophy. A cold heart, a morose countenance, an indifferent or unbenevolent disposition, though stuffed with all the treasures of erudition, are but'a slur upon human na- ture and a burthen to existence. Happi- ness can only inhabit the cheerful mind ; peevishness embitters resolution. It is the sunshine of a benevolent heart which scat- ters the clouds of uneasiness and electri- fies every human principle. Rational mirth and seasonable diversion give life and spring to every enjoyment. Let the austere stoic frown on sociability and eve- ry amusement, yet he will at times lose his morose temper and mingle with the social circle. Nature, when circumscri- bed by austerity, breaks over those bounds THE SOUTHERN PLANTEK. 741 at times, to enjoy social gratification. I do not speak against this most excellent of all the human faculties, but encourage it in every one with as much ardor as does any divine, nor confine it to so narrow limits as to debar it of the proper influence in society. Virtue neither honors nor needs any limitation. Vice only minds restraint. No generous affection is in the least danger of harming any one, its latitude being never so large. The farther it extends the more i universally benevolence pervades every] grade of society. No one will ever think of restraining any humane desire but he who never harbors a sympathetic emotion in his own breast. It is only the surly child of envy which makes anyone doubt the sincerity of another's friendship. An- gels are the exercisers of friendly affec- tions. Deity, himself, is love ! Shall man then who bears his holy image, shrink from the exercise of it, chill every social affection and freeze every sympathetic emotion with moroseness ? Happiness is the great desire of every being. We were all made and designed for that end ; and society being the only way in which civi- lized beings can hope to enjoy it, let any one who cherishes the inclination, cheer- fully contribute his genial spark to kindle and enliven the social flame, which shall light us all to everlasting felicity ! Philo. Governor Banks on the Parmer. Gov. Banks delivered the address before the Agricultural Society at Amherst, Mass. After speaking of the great general pro- gress of America, and the part which farmers have taken therein, especially dur- ing the past year, when their products amounted* in value to sixteen hundred millions of dollars, he saiJ : — This is what agricultural industry con- tributes to the wealth of the country ! A yearly contribution ; a contribution in dol- lars and dimes merely, and not embracing an estimate of its physical strength, capa- city for endurance, the love of labour and the moral power, with which agricultural industry invests communities wherever it prevails. In this view we confine our consideration strictly to those who make field culture the business of life. Beyond this, how wide the influence which it exerts upon other pursuits? Whence do we de- rive the vigorous intellect of professional life that adorns society with its varied ac- complishments, and protects individuals in the enjoyment of life, health, and their moral and personal rights ? Whence comes that vigorous and exhaustless intellect that revels in new channels of thought, and by new conceptions of power, creates the marvels — miracles almost — that fill the world of invention from day to da} r ? Who supplies the successive races of men that, occupying for a brief hour an obscure spot upon the merchant's exchanges of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Paris and Lon- don, give to the world of finance and pol- itics its law ? Does professional society reproduce itself? Can inventive spirits call up their own successors ? Have the mercantile centres of the world ever re- produced their own financial giants ? Nev- er! The farm supplies all. It is the sale of the earth, and if this earth's salt lost its savor, wherewith shall the earth be salted ? — Maine Farmer. Height of Economy. Old Deacon Briggs is as remarkable for his closeness as Dicken's man Barkis. His name has come to be a proverb in our re- gion for such an economy as ever makes the man the subject of ridicule and con- tempt. One bitter cold morning, a few falls ago, he bade the boys drive together all the pigs that were to be fattened for market, into the little yard just at the cor- ner of the house. A pig was caught by one of the youngsters — the Deacon with a pair of pincers in one hand, a sharp knife in the other, seized the unfortunate by the tail and cut it off close up. So, through the whole herd, leaving not a pig with even a stump of a tail. Cort, who worked for his grandfather, stood by in amaze- ment — his hands in his pockets, his body wrapped into a crescent by the cold, and his teeth jawing against the outrage with a prodigious chatter. At last he stuttered out : "Grandpa! what are you cutting off those tails for ?" Sober and as he replied : " You will never be a rich man, for you do not know what it is to be savin'. You ought to know, my child, that it takes a bushel of corn to fatten an inch of tail." — Maine Farmer. solemn was Deacon Brings, '42 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. The Chinese. Who are the Chinese? What have they done for mankind? Their empire is believed to be the most ancient in the world ; and setting aside all mythical and marvellous accounts that go back into dim and unrecorded ages, good au- thorities name Tehee as their first sovereign, 2247 B. 0. Passing over historic annals, as well as geography, ethnology, population, reli- gions and philosophies of the Chinese, all well known to the world, we take leave to say, that many of the arts and manufactures peculiar to refined life, are here carried to a very high de- gree of perfection, especially in silks, nankeens, and other cottons, and a porcelain that is quite matchless for its peculiarities. The interroga- tory as to what the Chinese have accomplished for mankind, may be answered in a manner alike favorable and honorable to that people — for there can be little doubt that the mariner's compass, printing, gunpowder and paper-ma- king, and many other useful inventions and manufactures have been known to them, pro- bably for thousands of years, whereas in Eu- rope they were all either adopted or compara- tively modern discoveries. x The revenue of China is $200,000,000 annu- ally, showing her vast resources for wealth — while her foreign exports give a yearly average of about $40,000,000 in value — soon we hope to be largely increased, as well as the imports. The trade between the U. States and China in 1856 footed up : $10,454,430 2,558,220 Imports into U. S. from China, Exports from " " " Teas, silks, a few cotton goods, porcelain, fire-works, toys, and minor articles, are ship- ped from China, while she produces in great abundance silk, rice, cotton gold and precious stones. Surely, then, great results will follow, for a wide field is opened by the breaking dewn of the Chinese wall, by which we symbolize the abolition of national exclusiveism. And if, under her old sytem, she could construct that wall, and her grand canal, two of the most wonderful of the works of by-gone days, what may not be expected from the ingenuity of the Celestials, when their prejudices shall be dis- pelled by a free interchange of opinion with the other nations and people of the earth ? — Phila. Enq. Hope-Work— Wait. It is Hope which inspires to exertion and springs to action. Without it but little would be attempted and less accomplished. It buoys us up in adversity, and impels us forward to further achievement if successful. It sustains us when all is dark and gloomy, and when, to all human appearances, all our exertion is la- bor lost. When care and trouble weigh us down in the present, it comes and whispers of the future, and overcomes the spirit of despon- dency. Rut without work, — effort — hope is of little worth. Sitting still and hoping will accom- plish nothing. Hope excites to effort, and when attended by it accomplishes wonders. Work is lightened and toil is sweetened by the luring results promised by Hope. Hope and work in union are invincible, and before them, under heaven, all opposition will be overcome. Inspired by one, and in the un- tiring exercise of the other, we may confident- ly wait for the sunshine and showers which in- sure the harvest. Wait patiently and uncom- plainingly, because,. God has promised bless- ings to those who but use the means to secure them. — Port Tobacco Times. Falling- Apples. Already the apples, pears and plums are beginning to drop abundantly from the trees. If you examine these you will dis- cover not a single sound specimen among them. They have fallen, not by the winds, but quite likely, prematurely from disease. Cut them open, and you find either eggs or grubs already at work upon the sub- stance of the fruit. Every one of these fruit is a pest-house, to be immediately de- stroyed. It is good work for the boys to pick them up and throw them into the pig-stye, where they will be devoured or rot among the fermenting manures. We are persuaded that the destruction caused by the curculio, and by the grubs that prey upon the apples and pears, is caused main- ly by fie neglect of this simple precaution. The fallen fruit is suffered to lie upon the ground and mature its progeny of insects. The next year they swarm in increasing numbers, and the farmer complains that there is something peculiar in his soil and climate ; he cannot grow good fruit. The difficulty is in the man and not his soil. Pick up the fruit. And this reminds us of an apple orchard we visited last season. The proprietor had been accustomed for years to turn in his store pigs, and to keep them through the season, until the apples were sufficiently mature for making cider. Not an apple escaped the pigs from July to September. The consequence of this policy was, that he had fair, handsome ap- ples to sell, while his neighbors were com- plaining that their crop was nearly all per- forated with worms. Shall the pigs have a chance at the fallen fruit ? [Ex. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 743 REPORTS OF JUDGES AND AWARDS OF PREMIUMS, AT THE SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE Virginia State Agricultural Society, HELD IN PETERSBURG, VA., ON THE 2nd, 3rd, Itli, and 5th November, 1858. BRANCH I. Premiums for Experiments. The Judges, on the subject of Experiments, regret to have to report that only one paper has been handed in — that of Mr. Norveli, of Lunen- burg — on the subject of Continuous Cropping. While Mr. Norvell's report is an interesting one, and on an important subject, yet they do not deem his experiment conclusive, not having been carried through a sufficient number of years to entitle it to a premium under the regulations of the Society. BRANCH II. Premiums for Written Communications. Several Essays have been submitted to the Committee on this Branch, upon which — for want of sufficient time for the due consideration of them — no report has been rendered. They with- hold to a future time the rendering of a report, when their awards will be made known. BRANCH III. Class 1st. Best Crops of Different Farms. 86. To Wm, D. West, of Elizabeth City, for the best product of Sweet Potatoes on five acres of land in a body, being an ag- gregate yield of 1987^ bushels, produc- ing $1,412 86, a premium of , $30 00 88. To Leonard Chamberlain, of Hen- rico, for the best product of Irish Potatoes on two acres of land, in a body, yielding 236 bushels per acre, a premium of 20 00 Several Bales of Cotton, very neatly put up, were exhibited by Messrs. Needham Price, John R. Dunn, and Wells Draughan, of N. C. Class 2nd. 92. To Tilghman Foster, for the best Sample of English Shipping Leaf To- bacco, 20 00 93. To A. S. Clarke, for the second best, 10 00 BRANCH IV. Class 1st. Thoroughbred Horses. 98. To John Minor Botts, for his tho- roughbred Stallion, "Revenue," a Certifi- cate of Continued Superiority in lieu of the first premium, that honor having been twice awarded him at previous Exhibi- tions of the Society. 99. To John L. White, for his thorough- bred Imported Stallion, " Fly-by-Night," as the second best, a premium of $20 00 100. To T. D. Watson, for his thorough- bred horse "Mohegan," a Certificate op Merit. 101. To Wm. C. Scott, for the best Brood Mare, (Pauline,) 20 00 102. To Paschal Buford, for the second best, 10 00 103. To J. D. Watson, for the third best, (Mary,) a Certificate of Merit. 104. To Wm. O. Goode, for "Phantom," the best entire Colt foaled since 1st Janu- ary, 1855, 10 00 106. To O. P. Hare, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1857, 7 50 107. To R. N. Neblett, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1855, 10 00 108. To J. Eubank, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January. 1856, 10 00 109. To J. Eubank, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1857, 7 50 Class 2nd. Horse of General Utility. 111. To Philip St. George Cocke, for the best Stallion for useful and elegant pur- poses combined, " Cleveland," 40 00 112. To Leonard Mongan, for the second best, " Orphan Boy," 20 00 113. To John C. Griffin, for the third best, "Young Madison," a Certificate of Merit. 1 14. To W. C. Archer, for the best Brood Mare, "Molley," 20 00 115. To J. W. Dyer, for the second best, "Sally," 10 00 116. To G. S. A> re, for the third best, "Fannie," Certificate of Merit. 117. To G. W. Mowry, for the best en- tire Colt foaled since 1st Januarv, 1855, "Jim Wiley," 10 00 118. To R. A. Willis, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1856, "Young America," 10 00 119. To Baker Mann, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1857, "Ti- conderoga," 7 50 120. To John P. Branch, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1855, "Alice Wood," 10 00 121. To J. Eubank, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1856, "Ellen Carter," 10 00 122. To W. C. Archer, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1857, "Lady of the Lake," 7 50 124. To Isaac Stone, for the best pair matched Horses, " Clipper and Jim." 25 00 125. To John P. Branch, for the second best, 10 00 126. W. P. Cullen, for the best single Harness Horse, Mare or Gelding, "Grav Eagle," ' 15 00 '44 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 127. To T. A. Smith, for the second best, "Bald Eagle," $10 00 Class 3rd. Quick Draught Horses. 128. To Norman Dayton, for the best Stallion, " Kit Carson," 40 00 129. To F. Felton, for the second best, "Paul Clifford," 20 00 130. To E. G. Booth, for the third best, " Young Sherman," Certificate of Merit. 131. To A. M. Aiken, for the best Brood Mare, "Mary Fairbank," 20 00 134. To Win. P. Braxton, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1855, "Virginius," 10 00 135. To W. B. Irby, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st Jan., 1856, "Floyd, 10 00 136. To C. B. White, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1857, "Red Eagle," 7 50 138. To J. C. Baugh, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1856, "Play- Flower," 10 00 139. To Robert Berry, for the best Filly foaled since 1st January, 1857, "Nina," 7 50 141. To Chas. H. Rhodes, for the best pair matched Horses, Certificate of Merit. Being debarred from the premium on ac- count of having been "run in a regular race." 143. To Mr. Harvie, for the best single Harness Horse, Mare or Gelding, "Brown Bill," 15 00 144. To S. C. Ludington, for the second best, "Mountain Hare," 10 00 Class 4th. Heavy Draught Horses. 145. To G. W. Mo wry, for the best Stal- lion, "John Bennett," 40 00 146. To G. W. Ayre, for the second best " Jefferson Roan," 20 00 147. To Wm. B. Sowers, for the third best, "Morgan Frederick," Certificate of Merit. 148. To John M. Davenport, for best Brood Mare, (Bay,) 20 00 149. To John S. Ayre, for the second best, "Bay Roane," 10 00 151. To G. W. Mo wry, for best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1855, "Jim Wiley," debarred from this premium under the 6th Standing Rule. See Horse Gen'l Utility, No. 117. 158. To Robert Bowman, for best pair Heavy Draught Horses, (Iron Greys,) 20 00 Class 5th. Saddle Horses. 160. To N. Berkeley, for the best Stal- Lion, .*• Telegrapkfiay," 40 00 166. To John P.Goodwin, for the best entire Colt foaled since 1st January, 1855, "Ingomar," 10 00 173. To John Dyson, for the best Sad- dle Horse, Mare or Gelding, " John r Bay," $20 00 174. To A.M. Aikin, for the second best, (Grey,") 10 00 175. To Wm. T. Joynes, for the best Pony, 5 00 Class 6th. Mules and Jacks. 178. To Wm. W. Baugh, for the best Jennet, 6 years old, (Mouse Color,) 20 00 179. To Wm. H. Griffiths, second best, 6 years old, (Grey,) 10 00 183. To Thomas R. Cox, for best two year old Mule foaled in Virginia, 10 0U BRANCH V. Class 1st. Durham and Hereford Cattle. 186. To S. C. Ludington, for best Dur- ham Bull, three years old and upwards, "Degalma," 40 00 187. To S. C. Ludington, for the second best, " Scipio," 20 00 188. To S. W Ficklin, for the third best, "Jonathan," Certificate of Merit. 189. To S. C. Ludington, for the best Cow, " Chance;" 40 00 190. To S. C. Ludington, for the second best, "Red Rose," 20 00 195. To S. C. Ludington, for the best Bull between two and three years old, "Triumph," 20 00 197. To S. C. Ludington, for the best Heifer between two and three years old, "Bethia," 20 00 198. To S. W. Ficklin, for the second best, "Tulip," 10 00 199. To S. W. Ficklin, for best Heifer between one and two years old, "Butter Cup," 20 00 200. To S. W. Ficklin, for second best, "Orba 6th," 10 00 201. To S. W. Ficklin, for best Calf or Heifer, one year old, "Melody," 10 00 192^. To Thomas Betts, for best Im- ported Durham Bull between one and two years old, "Langley," 30 00 1S9^. To Thomas Betts, for best Im- ported Cow, three years old and upwards, "Susan," 40 00 197$. To Thomas Betts, for best Im- ported Heifer, between two and three years old "Matchless," 20 0U 186$. To Thomas Aston, for best Im- ported Hereford Bull, three years old and upwards, "Fair Boy," 40 00 195^. To Thomas Aston, for best Im- ported Hereford Bull, between one and two years old, "Grand Duke," 20 00 189|. To Thomas Aston, for best Im- ported Hereford Cow, three years old and upwards, "Dutchess," 40 0(1 197 J. To Thomas Aston, for best Im- ported Heifer, between two and three years old, "Beauty," 20 00 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 745 20 J £. To Thomas Aston, for best Here- ford Calf, one year old, $10 00 Class 2nd. Devon Cattle. 202. To H. J. Standberg, for the best Bull, three years old and upwards, "Nor- folk, 40 00 20 00 203. To Silvester Smith, for the second best, "Romeo." ' 204. To Alexander Garrett, for the third best, "Herod," Certificate op Merit. 205. To H. J. Standberg, for the best Cow, three years old and upwards, "Ma- tilda," 40 00 206. To Alexander G. Davis, for the second best, "Beauty," - 2Q 00 207. To Martin Goldsborough, for third best " Rhoda," Certificate of Merit. 208. To H. J. Standberg, for the best Bull, between two and three years old, "Richmond," 30 00 211. To Alexander G. Davis, for the best Bull, between one and two years old, " Thorn," 212. To H. J. Standberg, for the second best, "Victor," 213. To H. J. Standberg, for the best Heifer, between two and three years old, " Pink," 214. To H. J. Standberg, for the second best, " Cora," 215. To H. J. Standberg, for the best Heifer, between one and two years old^ "Dahlia," 216. To Alexander Garrett, for the second best, " Aggy," 217. To H. J. Standberg, for the best Calf or Heifer, one year old, "Beauty," Class 3rd. Ayrshire and Alderney Cattle. 218. To David Dunlop, for the best Ayr- shire Bull, three years old and upwards, "John Bull," 30 00 219. To M. Goldsborough, for second best, " Monmouth," 15 ' 00 222. To John G. Turpin, for second best Alderney Cow, 15 00 223. To M. Goldsborough, for second best Imported Alderney Cow, 15 00 225. To M. Goldsborough, for second best Alderney Bull, between two and three years old, 8 00 227. To John G. Turpin, for the best Ayrshire Heifer, between two and three years old, 15 00 218^. To John G. Turpin, for second , best Imported Ayrshire Bull, three years old and upwards, 15 00 23I5. To David Dunlop, for best Im- ported Ayrshire Calf, between one and two years old, 15 00 233|. To M. Goldsborough, for best Im- ported Alderney Calf, 10 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 Class 4th. Grade Cattle. - 234. To Paschal Buford, for best Cow, three years old and upwards, "Mary Luck," $30 00 235. To S. C. Ludington, for second best, "Lady Roane," 15 00 236. To S. C. Ludington, for third best, (Brown Cow,) Certificate of Merit. 237. To S. W. Ficklin, for best Heifer, between two and three years old, "Anna," 10 00 238. To S. W. Ficklin, for the second best, "Lizza," 5 00 239. To S. C. Ludington, for third best, (Brown Cow,) Certificate of Merit. 240. To S. W. Ficklin, for best Heifer, between one and two years old, "Hope," 10 00 241. To S. W. Ficklin, for the second best, "Faith." 5 00 242. To Pascal Buford, for best Heifer, one year old, " Polly Ransom," 5 00 Mr. H. Williams and H. C. Britton ex- hibited fine specimens of native Heifers, " Mary" and "Fanny ;" and Messrs. S. C. Ludington and P. Buford, exhibited fine Bull Calves ; for all of wtadch the Com- mittee recommended Certificates of Merit. Class 5th. Dairy Cows. 243. To H. J. Standberg, for best Cow for the Dairy, awarded to "Matilda," but debarred by the 6th Standing Rule from receiving the premium. 244. To Paschal Buford, for second best, awarded to " Mary Luck," but also debarred from receiving the premium by the above Rule. Class 6th. Working Oxen. 245. To Sam'l C. Ludington, for best Yoke of Oxen, over four years old, 30 00 246. To P. Buford, for second best, 15 00 247. To Alexander G. Davis, for best Yoke of Oxen, under four years old, 30 00 Class 7th. Fat Cattle. 249. To James Walker, for best pair aged Fat Steers, 50 00 250. To S. C. Ludington, for second best, 30 00 251. To S. C. Ludington, for best pair Fat Steers, under four years old, 50 00 253. To S. C. Ludington, for best pair Fat Cows or Heifers,. 50 00 254. To Crouse & Irving, for second best, 30 00 255. To S. C. Ludington, for best Fat Cow over four years old, 25 00 259. To Crouse & Irving, for best single Fat Steer, . 25 00 260. To S.C. Ludington, for second best, 15 00 Class 8th. Fat Hogs. 262. To Dan'l Dyson, for best Pen of Fat Hogs, 10 00 74G THE SOUTHER^ PLANTER. Class 1st. Fine Wool Sheep. 264. To S. S. Bradford, for the best Ram, Silesian, $20 00 265. To S. S. Bradford, for 2d best Ram, Silesian, 10 00 266. To Paschal Buford, for 3d best Sax- on, Certificate of Merit. 267. To S. S. Bradford, for best pen of Ewes, 3 in number, 20 00 268. To J. G. Tarpin, for 2d best, 10 00 269. To S. S. Bradford, for 3d best, Certificate of Merit. 270. To S. S. Bradford, for best pen Ewe Lambs 4 in number, 10 00 271 To S. S. Bradford, for best pen Ram Lambs, 10 00 312. To S. S. Bradford, for best impor- ted Merino Ram, 20 00 313. To S. S. Bradford, for 2d best 10 00 314. To S. S. Bradford, for best impor- imported Merino Ewe, 20 00 315. To S. S. Bradford, for 2d best, 10 00 Classes. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. Middle Wool Sheep. 276. To M. Goldsborough, best South Down Ram, 277. To M. Goldsborough, 2d best, 278. To M. Goldsborough for 3d best, Certificate of 279. To M. Goldsborough, for best pen of Ewes, 280. To M. Goldsborough, for 2d best, 281. To M. Goldsborough for 3d best, Certificate of 282. To M. Goldsborough, for best pen of Ewe Lambs. 283. To M. Goldsborough, for best pen of Ram Lambs, 316. To Thomas Betts, for best impor- ted South Down Ram, 317. To Thomas Betts, for 2d best, 20 00 10 00 Merit. 20 00 10 00 Merit. 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 Class 6th. Middle Wool Grades. 284. To John R. Woods, best pen Ewes South Down Grades, 20 00 287. To E. Ruffin, Jr., best pen Ewe Lambs, 4 in number, 10 00 Class 7th. Long Wools. 300. To J. W. Ware, for best Cotswold Ram, 20 00 301. To John R. Woods, for 2d best, 10 00 302. To J. W. Ware, for 3d best, Certificate of Merit. 303. To J. W. Ware, for best pen Ewes, (Cotswold) 3 in number, 20 00 304. To J. W. Ware, for 2d best, 10 00 305. To J. W. Ware, for third best, Certificate of Merit. 306. To J. W. Ware, for best pen Ram Lambs, $10 00 307. To J. W. Ware, for best pen Ewe Lambs, 10 00 Class 8th. Long Wool Grades. 308. To H. M. Fowlkes, for best pen Ewes, 3 in number, 20 00 309. To John R. Woods, for 2d best, 10 00 310. To John R. Woods, for 3d best, Certificate of Merit. 311. To H. M. Fowlkes, for best pen of Ewe Lambs, 4 in number, 10 00 328. To J. W. Ware, for best imported Cotswold Ram, 20 00 329. To J. W. Ware, for 2d best, 10 00 330. To J. W.-Ware, for best imported Cotswold Ewe, 20 00 331. To J. W. Ware, for 2d best, 10 00 Swine. 334. To S. W. Ficklin, for best large Breed Chester Boar, 3 years old. 335. To William Turnbull, for 2d best Chester, 336. To S. W. Ficklin, for best Boar, 1 year old Chester, 337. To R. M. Poole, for 2d best, 338. To Thomas Wood for best Breed- ing Sow over 2 years old. Chester, 339. To John R. Woods, for 2d best, 340. To Peyton Johnston, for best Sow under 18 months old, Virginia Grazier, 341. To Daniel Dyson, for 2d best. Na- tive, 342. To William H. Griffiths, for best lot of 9 Chester Pigs, 343. To John R. Woods, for 2d best 9 Albemarle and Chester, 344. To Paschal Buford, for best Boar, Small Breed, 2 years old Berkshire, 345. To Peyton Johnston for 2d best Hampshire ''Duke," 346. To Peyton Johnston, for best Boar 1 year old, Hampshire "Frank," *347. To Daniel Dyson, for 2d best, Essex, 348. To Peyton Johnston, for best Breed- ing Sow over 2 years old, Hampshire " Princess," 349. To Lewis G. Simonson, for 2d best Essex grade, 350. To John G. Turpin, for best Sow under 18 months old, Suffolk "Sallie," 351. To John W. Hobbs, for 2d best Berkshire grade, 352. To John G. Turpin, for best lot of Berkshire and Essex Pigs, 353. To Peyton Johnston, for 2d best lot of Virginia Grazier Pigs 8 weeks old, Additional Premiums on Premium Animals. The Committee on Premium Animals beg leave to report that they have award- ed Certificates of Merit — the additional 20 00 10 00 15 00 8 (JO 20 00 10 00 15 00 8 00 10 00 5 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 8 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 8 00 10 00 5 00 TI*K fct U T H R'RiN PL A \ T B R 747 Premiums offered by the Society, as fol- lows : 354. To S. C. Ludington, for the best Bull of any breed on Exhibition, for his Short Horn Bull D' Jalma. 355. To S. C. Ludington, for the best Cow, for Short Horn Cow, Chance 2d. 356. To John M. Botts, for thorough bred Horse Revenue. 357. To William C. Scott, for his thor- ough bred Brood Mare Pauline, by Glen- coe. 358. To J. W. Ware, for his Cotswold Ram. 359. To J. W. Ware, for his Cotswold Ewe. 360. To S. W. Ficklin, for his Chester County Boar, Harvey. 361. To Thos. Wood, of Pennsylvania, for his Chester County Sow, Fanny. In making the examination and deci- sion, the undersigned, S. W. Ficklin, the Chairman, retired from the Committee when the hogs were examined and deci- ded on, as he had some for exhibition, and Wm. C. Scott for the same reason re- tired, when the Mares were examined and decided on. [Signed.] S. W. FICKLIN. W. C. SCOTT, ALEX. S. MATHEWS, M. GOLDSBOROUGH, W. S. WOOD. Class 1st. Poultry — Chickens 362. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Cochin China, i 363. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Imperial China, 364. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of White Dorkings, 367. To W. Rowlett, for best pair of Black Poland, 369. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Silver Pheasants, 372. To W. A. Pearson, for best pair of White or Red Game, 373. To Andrew Boisseau for best pair of Brahma Pootra, 374. To R. M. Poole, for best pair of Virginia Game, 375. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Black Spanish, 376. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Indian Mountain, 377. To Andrew Boisseau, for best pair of Wild Indian Game, 378. To Andrew Boisseau for best pair of Sumatra Game, 379. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Ostrich Game, 381. To W. A. Branch for best pair of Sea Bright Bantams, 382. To Andrew Boisseau for best pair of Java Bantams, 2 00 o 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 383. To Andrew Boisseau for best pair of Great Malay, $2 00 384. To W. Rowlett. for best pair of Jer- sey Blues, 2 00 Class 2d. Turkeys. 385. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Common Turkeys, 2 00 386. To Mrs. J. C. Baagh, for best pair of Wild Turkeys, 2 00 387. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of Crested Turkeys, 2 00 Class 3rd. Geese. 389. Andrew Boisseau, for best pair of Wild Geese, 2 00 390. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair of China Geese, 2 00 391. To S. Jones Cralle, for best pair of Bremen Geese, 2 00 392. To Master A. Turpin, for best pair Poland Geese, 2 00 Class 4th. Ducks. 394. To Mrs. J. C. Baugh, for best pair of White Poland Ducks, 2 00 395. To Andrew Boisseau, for best pair of Muscovy Ducks, 2 00 397. To Andrew Boisseau, for best pair of Common Ducks, 2 00 Class 5th. 399. To Andrew Boisseau, for the great- est variety of Poultry by one exhibitor, 10 00 BRANCH VI. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Class 1st. Plows, Cultivators, fyc. 400. To Uriah Wells, for the best three or four horse Plow (Livingston,) 10 00 401. To Wm. Alston, N. C, for the best two horse Plow, No. 23, 8 00 402. To George Watt for the best single Plow, Watt's No. 1, 5 00 403. To Uriah Wells, for the best shovel Plow, 5 00 404. To E. Whitman, for the best Sub- soil Plow, 5 00 405. To George Watt, for the best new- ground Coalter Plow, 5 00 406. To E. Whitman, for the best Hill- side Plow, 5 00 407. To Wm. Alston, for the best Culti vator for corn, 5 00* 408. To J. R. Wood, for the best Culti- vator for Tobacco, 5 00 409. To Sayre & Remington, for the best Cultivator for two horses, 5 00 748 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 410. To Uriah Wells, for the best wood- en-frame Harrow, $ 6 00 411. To Ramsey, for the best iron-frame Harrow, 6 00 412. To A. P. Routt, for the best Drain and furrow Plow, 10 00 Class 2nd. Drills, Broadcast crs, fyc. 414. To Willoughby & Black, for the best Wheat Drill, 20 00 Class 3rd. Wagons, Carts, Harness, fyc. 421. To P. & J. Van Pett, for the best Wagon for farm use, 10 00 Class 4th. Boilers, Clod-crushers, fyc. 429. To Warren & Billups, for the best Smooth Roller, 10 00 Class 5th. Horse Powers, Threshers, Separators, fyc. 433. To E. Whitman, for the best Sweep Horse Power, 25 00 434. To H. M. Smith, for the second best, 10 00 435. To E. Whitman, for the best Thresh- ing Machine, 20 00 436. To E. Whitman, for the best Ma- chine for threshing, cleaning, and separa- ting Wheat at one operation, 30 00 Class 6th. Straw and Boot Cutters, Corn Shelters, fyc. 439. To G. B. Griffin, for best Straw Cut- ter for horse power, 10 00 440. To G. B. Griffin, for best Straw Cut- ter for hand power, 5 00 441. To G. B. Griffin, for best horse power Cutter for cutting Corn-stalks for fodder, 15 00 442. To Uriah Wells, for best Corn Skel- ler for horse power, 10 00 443. To Uriah Wells for best Corn Shel- ler for hand power, 5 00 444. To John Moore, for best Grist-mill for horse power, 10 00 445. To W. H. Tappey, for best Saw- mill for farm use, 10 00 447. To E. Whitman, for the best Root Cutter, 2 50 Class 7th. Fanning Mills, Hay Press, fyc. ■119. To J. Montgomery & Brother, for the best Fan-mill, Certificate of continued superiority in lieu of the lirst Premium be- ing debarred by having twice before re- ceived the first Premium. 450. To E. Whitman, for the best Hay Press, $15 00 454. To E. Whitman, for the best steel Spade Fork, 2 00 455. To G. B. Griffin, for best Horse Rake, (Pratt's,) 5 00 456. To G. B. Griffin, for the best Gleaner, (Pratt's,) 3 00 Class 8th. 458. To E. Whitman, for the most ex- tensive and valuable collection of useful Machines and Implements, 25 00 Class 9th. Miscellaneous. 459. To R. Brittingham Mitchell, for the best Pump adapted to deep wells, 10 00 460. To Wm. Bowden, Jr., for the best Water Ram in operation, 10 00 461. To E.Whitman, for the best Scoop or Scraper, 10 00 464. To J. Wm. Vincent, R. J., for the best Sausage Cutter, 2 00 466. To Wheeler & Wilson, for the best Sewing Machine, 10 00 Class 13th. Beaping and Mowing 3Iachines. 477. To C. Aultman & Co., Ohio, for the best Reaping Machine, 25 00 478. To C. Aultman & Co., for the best Mowing Machine, 20 00 BRANCH VI. Class 1st. Fruits and Fruit Trees. 480. To Joseph Sinton & Son, for largest variety of Apples suitable Southern raising, labelled, 483. To Franklin Davis, for the and largest collection of Apple Trees able for Southern raising, 484. To Franklin Davis for the Pear Trees, &c, 485. To Franklin Davis, for the Peach Trees, &c, 487. To Franklin Davis, for the Grape Vines, 48S. To J. Standbury, for the best St berry Vines, 489. To Franklin Davis, for the Raspberry Plants, 490. To D. E. Watkins, for the bushel of Dried Apples, 491. To D. E. Watkins, for the bushel of Dried Peaches, Class 2nd. Flowers. 493. To James Ayres, of Petersburg, for the largest and choicest collection of Plants, 10 00 the for 10 00 best suit- 10 00 best 10 00 best 10 0u best 5 00 raw- 3 00 best 3 00 best 3 00 best 3 00 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 749 499. To James Ayres, of Petersburg, for the best and largest collection of chrysan- themums, $3 00 500. To Mrs. J. B. Varnum, of Peters- burg, for the best Floral Ornament, 5 00 501. To Miss Anna Joynes, of Peters- burg, for the best hand Bouquet, 2 00 503. To Franklin Davis, of Staunton, for the best and largest collection of Ever- greens, 5 00 504. To Franklin Davis, of Staunton, for the best and largest collection of hardy Flowering Shrubs, 5 00 The Judges also find in this Department an Orange Tree, exhibited by Joseph W. Hobb?, of Petersburg, in a healthy and flourishing con- dition, and exhibiting proofs of skilful and suc- cessful culture, for which no premium is offered, and which they therefore recommend for a dis- cretionary premium of $3. Class 3rd. Vegetables. 505. To L. Chamberlain, for the largest and best assortment of Vegetables, 10 00 506. To B. K. White, for the best dozen long Blood Beets, „ 2 00 507. To L Chamberlain, for the best dozen heads of Cabbage, 2 00 510. To L. Chamberlain, for the best dozen Carrots, 2 00 511. To L. Chamberlain, for the best dozen Egg Plants, 2 00 512. To L. Chamberlain, for the best peck of Onions, 2 00 513. To L. Chamberlain, for the best dozen Parsnips, 2 00 514. To L. Peebles, for the best bushel of Irish Potatoes, 2 00 515. To L. G. Simonson, for the best bushel of Sweet Potatoes, 2 00 Mrs. Robert Dunlop exhibited some very fine Egg Plants, but not in sufficient quantity to en- title her to the premium. BRANCH VII. Class 1st. Butter and Cheese. 516. To E. Cummings, for the best spe- cimen of Fresh Butter, 10 lbs., 10 00 517. To Mrs. McCaw, of Powhatan, for best specimen of 5 lbs., 5 00 Mrs. E. O. Watkins and Mrs. Barksdale ex- hibited fine specimens, but little inferior to those for which the premiums were awarded. Class 2nd. Honey, Bee-Hives, and Bacon Hams. 521. To B. K. White, for the best speci- men of Honey, not less than 10 lbs., 5 00 522. To A. S. Maddox, for the best Bee- Hive, (Phelps' Patent,) 10 00 523. To Mrs. James Ayres, for the best Ham cured by exhibitor, 8 00 524. To Mrs J. C. Howlett, for Second best, $4 00 Class 1st. Household Manufactures. 525 To Miss Emma R. Seay, for the best Bed Quilt, 5 00 526. To Miss C. R. Turner, for the second best, 4 00 527. To Mrs. Van Pelt, for the best Counterpane, 5 00 528. To Mrs. Win. T. Joynes, for the second best, 4 00 529. To Mrs. W. M. Bush, (Augusta,) for the best pair home-made Blankets, 5 00 530. To Mrs. Win. Gregory, for the best home-made Carpet, 5 00 536. To Mrs. A. A. Rowlett, for the best 10 yards heavy woolen Jeans, 5 00 537. To Mrs. Henry Jarratt, for the second best, 3 00 538. To Mrs. R. H. Allen, for the best 7 yards Linsey, 5 00 539. To Miss Eliza Trotter, for the second best, 3 00 Class 2nd 541. To Mrs. J. C. Burton, for the best fine long yarn Hose, 3 00 544. To Mrs. H. A. Morton, for the best specimen of home-made wine, 5 00 545. To Mrs. D. W. Paul for the best specimen of home-made Bread, 5 00 546. To Mrs. Wm. T. Joynes, for the best home-made Pound Cake, 3 00 547. To Mrs. James Ayres, for the best home-made Sponge Cake, 3 00 548. To Mrs. James Ayres, for the best home-made Pickles, 3 00 549. To Mrs. James Ayres, for the best home-made Preserves, 3 00 550. To Mrs. James Ayres, for the best variety of home-made Fruit Jelly, 3 00 551. To Joel Sturdivant, for the best home-made Soap, 5 00 The Committee recommended the award of a discretionary Premium to Mrs. H. A. Morton, for her successful cultivation of the Cranberry. Class 3rd. 552. To Mrs. Maria Gilliam, and Miss A. Du Pre, for best Specimen of Em- broidery, 8 00 553. To Miss Sue Harrison, and Miss S. E. Grigg, for second best, 6 00 556. To Mrs. J. N. Gordon, for best Specimen of Crotcheted Work, 8 00 557. To Miss Maria E. Cook, for second best, 6 00 558. To Mrs. Mary A. Morton, for best Specimen of Wax Work, 8 00 559. To Mrs. James L. Howlett, for 2nd best, 6 00 562. To Mrs. Judith Brown, aged 69, and Miss Cecilia Houze, for best Specimen of Feather Work, 8 00 >0 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 563. To Mrs. Howell, (Sussex.) and Mrs. M. M. Goodwin, for second best, $6 00 564. To Mrs. Toole, (Petersburg,) for best Specimen of Block Work, 8 00 565. To Mrs. Stephen Watkins, for second best, 6 00 56«. To Mrs. D'Arcy Paul, and Mrs. Mildred Campbell, for best Specimen of Knitting, 8 00 567. To Mrs. Gilliam, (Prince George,) for second best, 6 00 568. To Mrs. P. Woolfolk, and Mrs. J. E. Williams, for best Specimen of Netting, 8 00 569. To Mrs. S. A. T. Clay, (Chester- field,) for second best, 6 00 The Committee recommended in their Report the following as worthy of Discretionary Premi- ums, but failing to give to the exhibitors the necessary Certificate in the form prescribed by the Rules of the Society, the subjects were not brought to the notice of, nor were they considered by that Committee. Mrs. Joseph C. Burton, for a skilfully and ele gantly made Gentleman's Shirt. Miss Sarah W. Paisons, ditto, ditto. Miss Susan Maxwell, for a handsome Embroi- dered Bonnet. Miss A. Harrison, for a beautiful Shawl, made by her. Miss Mary B. Roberts, of Petersburg, for a handsome Bonnet and Flowers, made by her. Mrs. A. Cairns, of Petersburg, for a Case of ele- gant Mi li nary. Mrs. Shakespeare Caldwell, of Cincinnati, for a beautiful Specimen of Embroidery, which was entered after the Premiums had been awarded. Domestic Manufactures. Class 1st. 571. To J. O. Dickinson, for the best Flour, made of White Wheat, a Certificate of Merit. 572. To Messrs. Kevan & Brother, for the best Flour, made of Red and White Wheat mixed, Certificate of Merit. Class 2nd. 573. Gilman, Lyon & Broadnax, for best Specimen of Manufactured Tobacco, (Julia Carroll brand,) a Certificate of Merit. 5S7. To Dr. Alfred Whitehead, for Es- tablishing and Maintaining in Virginia, for six months, in successful operation, a Factory for Tubular Draining Tiles, $50 00 58S. To Dr. Alfred Powell, for best SarA'- ple of Tubular Draining Tiles; 5 00 591. To Augustus H. Drevvry, for the best Drained Farm, &c, 50 00 The Special Committee appointed to examine and pass on sundry articles not specified in the Premium List, and some of which were not on exhibition in lime to be examined by other Com- mittees on the first day, submitted the following Report : To Wm, E. Stewart, (Petersburg,) one set Sin- gle and Buggy Harness, first Premium. To Wm. E. Stewart, one set Carriage Harness, first Premium. To Dawson & Wilkins, (Lynchburg.) 1 Ladies' Saddle and one Man's Saddle, No. 1 and 2, first Premium. To T. A. St. Clair, of Petersburg, one Buggy exhibited by him, first Premium. To John Camp, for superior Carriage, made in Petersburg and exhibited by him, first Premium. To Spears & Cole, for a lot of Leather, ex- hibited by them, first Premium. Discretionary Premiums. The Committee on Discretionary Premiums have awarded the following: Thomas Betts, of England, for his Imported Short-Horn Cow, " Blush Rose," $40 00 For his Imported Short-Horn Cow, "Je- mima," 20 00 For his best Imported Hampshire Ram, 20 00 For second best do., 20 00 For his best Imported Ram, a cross of Southdown and Hampshire, 20 00 Second best do., 10 00 Col. Lilly, of Augusta, for his instru- ment for Surveying and Calculating Areas, 20 00 J. W. Hobbs, for his Orange Tree, 3 00 Samuel C. Ludington, for his two year Steer, 20 00 Paschal Buford, yearling Bull, ' 10 q0 Theodore Baily, Dumping Wagon, 10 00 Mrs. A. C. Morton, Asparagus, 2 00 W. H. Tappey, Tobacco Press, 10 00 C. Fisher, three year old yellow Mule, 10 00 E. D. Tannahill, collection of Game Chickens, 2 00 To S. Shell, for collection of Roach Traps, 2 00 Geo. A. Ayres, of Loudoun, a Certificate of Merit, an extraordinary yield of Rye on 13 acres, For Saddle Cloths and Trapping, Miss Cogbill, Petersburg, 2 00 Frame of Raised Embroidery, Mrs. J. C. Walsh, of Lynchburg, 2 00 A worked Piano Cover, Mrs. S. A. Fin- ney. 2 00 Pair of Ottomans, Miss Rowlett, 2 00 do. Mrs. Jarratt, 2 00 B. F. Thompson, slaughtered Mutton, Certificate of Merit Mr. Burton, for Carpet Sweeper, " North Chase, improved Self-Ventilating Refrigerators. " Mr. Burton's Old Dominion Coffee Pot, " Wm. H^. Rodgcrson, specimen, of home made Starch, " Mr. Burton, for his invention of a Car- pet Holder, " Jabez Smith, for his production Hun- garian Grass, " T. J. Clarkson. Shingle Machine, Bayer & Boyle, for Circular Saw, " I John Viles, specimens of Roofing, " Mr. Burton, lor his invention of a Milk Pan, Samuel Sutherland, for collection of Guns, " THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 751 Lundie Ingersoll, for his invention for producing Rotary Motion, Certificate of Merit. Yardly Taylor, for bis Plan and Descrip- tion of a House for Drying Fruit, To Paschal Buford, for Basket, For want of sufficient time to properly investi- gate all of the very many subjects referred to the Committee, it is thought not improbable that some one may have been overlooked, and this explanation is made with the hope of satisfying any reasonable person who may have been neg- lected. From the Lynchburg Virginian. Agriculture as a Profession. At the present time, when we have so many among us who are engaged in agricultural pursuits, a few reflections upon Agriculture as a profession will not be considered inappropri- ate or out of place. Poets have sung of the beauties, advantages and pleasures of this glo- rious life. Statesmen, alter the turmoil and labor of political life, and the contentions of the Legislative Hall, have gladly sought repose and retirement on the farm. Merchants, when the vexations and toils and uncertainties of their calling have worn out their health and energy, longingly hope to spend the remnant of their days in the tillage of the soil. Profes- sional men, harassed with their cares and re- sponsibilities, and their rough contests with their fellow-men, fondly indulge in the same expectation — and who have tried it have found their fullest expectations realised. Agriculture, of course, has its cares and an- noyances. Every profession has these to en- counter. It is fore-ordained that man must live by the sweat of his brow— and industry and care and labor are requisite for success in every employment. We speak by comparison when we say that the culture of the soil com- bines more positive pleasures, with fewer disa- greeable incidents, than any other calling. In the first place, it is the most independent life which any man can follow. While the politi- cian, and the merchant, and the professional man, and the editor must have daily inter- course with men,*and must exercise prudence and forbearance, and must humor this one, and consult the prejudices of the other, and must bear w T ith ill-temper, and ignorance, and unrea- sonable requirements of those w 7 ith wlfbm they have dealings, the Farmer, on the contrary, is independent of them all. When his crop is ready for the market, he has only to sell at the highest price he can get, and here his necessa- ry intercourse with all others ends. He may pursue the even tenor of his way, regardless of the opinions of the world. In the next place, it is the most healthful of all pursuits. The statistics of mortality prove the farmer to be longer-lived, in the general, than any other class. While he has principally physical labor to perform, other professions have mental labors in addition, which harass the mind and w r ear down the constitution. — Farming, it is true, is a laborious life — but this very labor strengthens the frame, conduces to health, promotes longevity, and gives zest to the planter's life. Take it all in all, farming is about as remu- nerative as any other profession. Ten mer- chants fail in business where one farmer does. Professions men rarely grow rich from their professional alone, and politicians notoriously die poor, unless they accumulate wealth by stealing. If the farmer, at the end of the year, has been able only to " make both ends meet/' he has done well — for his property is increasing and accumulating all the time. In fact, it is a much more profitable business than many of those engitged in it are themselves aware of. — True, the farmer has to encounter occasionally bad seasons and short crops, and low prices — but, in the long run, the general average is fa- vorable to him. And what he falls short in one year, he is very apt to make up in another. The farmers and planters of the South, in a political point of view, constitute the great con- servative class of the country. They are not so subject to violent excitement, and are not so easily carried away by passion, as the commer- cial and manufacturing classes of the large cities. Where they are educated and intelli- gent, as most of them are, they are averse to everything like mob-law r and insubordination. "O/fortunatos Ayricolas, si sua bona norint," was the exclamation of the Latin poet nearly two thousand years ago, and the remark may be made with still greater truth at the present day. Co-Operation of the Wife. There is much good sense and truth in the remark of a modern author, that no man ever prospered in the world without the co-operation of his wife. If she unites in mutual endeavors, or rewards his labor with an endearing smile, with what confidence will he resort to his mer- chandise or his farm, fly over lands, sail upon the seas, meet difficulty or encounter danger, if he knows he is not spending his strength in vain, but that his labor will be rewarded by the sweets of home. Valley Farmer. To Preserve Cut Flowers. Procure a flat dish of porcelain, into which pour water sufficient to nearly fill it ; in the water place a vase of flowers, and over the vase place a bell glass with its rim in the water. 752 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Mr. Fitzhugh Catlett is our authorized agent (at Guiney's Depot, Caroline County,) to receive money for us, and to give receipts. New subscribers are requested to leave their names with him, daily, if not oftener. Mr. Geo. C. Reid is our Agent in Norfolk, Virginia. F. N. Watkins, Esq'r., at the office of the Farmers Bank of Va., at Farmville, is our authorized Agent to receive money due for sub- scriptions to this paper and to grant receipts therefor. Our subscribers in Prince Edward and the counties adjacent will please call on him. Major Philip Williams is our authorized agent to receive subscriptions, and give re- ceipts for us. See his card in our advertising sheet. Our subscribers in Washington City, and Georgetown, D. C, will confer a favor on us by settling their bills with him. August & Williams. Perseverance. So various are the vicissitudes of life — so many the disappointments that await alike the sanguine and gloomy — so true is it that " man is born, unto trouble'' — so easy is it for riches to " make unto themselves wings and fly away," that perseverance is not only a quality to be admired in the character of a man, but it is an essential prerequisite to suc- cess in all our undertakings. What a life of ennui and satiety we should lead, did we not have occasion, more or less frequent, for arous- ing all our faculties of both body and mind, to overthrow some obstacle in our pathway, and to cause us to hope. A life with nothing left to hope for, would not be worth the having — trackless as the sea, its voyager would have no goal ahead — leave no mark behind. We should not be contented to fill up our whole volume of life with the ever-present now, but making sure of the right way, " go ahead," leaving behind us a record of indus- try, probity, and charity — carrying with us a heart full of " good will to men," — hoping for the future to abound still more in every good work. Alas ! this is easier said than clone. We are surrounded by every sort of tempta- tion to lead a life of selfishness, and ease, and to forget our duty ; but so much the greater is the necessity for effort, which, being made, brings its reward of renewed vigour to mind and body — the ability and strength for still greater undertakings, and the enjoyment of larger intellectual capacities. How often in our every-day experience do we see what is and can be effected by perse- verance. At school the dull boy who attends to his books, and labours to discharge the du- ties of his position, attains, and retains, a much more respectable rank as a scholar, than the " smart fellow" who lacks perseverance, and easily succumbs to difficulty. So it is in all classes — in every one of man's various pur- suits, the steady, persevering, and industrious win life's prizes. Try again; if failure attends one effort in a good cause, make another. A persevering, determined " I ivill," has helped many a man over difficulties which at first view seemed in- surmountable, and can help many others over as many more. It is as much a duty to work on, even amidst great discouragements, as it is natural to hope when the present is a disappointment of all our brightest anticipations. There is a necessity that we should accept the trials, discourage- ments, discomforts and disappointments which pertain ordinarily to our stations in life — many of which seem to us to be the fruit of fortuit- ous circumstances, since our places are mark- ed out for us by the wisdom of Providence, and there is no such thing as chance. It remains for us, then, if we would secure as mucj| happiness as is presented by the things of the world, to keep in view an object worthy of pursuit, and to persevere in our ef- forts to win success. If it be the acquisition of wealth, let it not be for the sake of wealth alone : but let the longings of a tender heart, keenly alive to human sympathies, and gener- ous principles, (not impulses,) point out to us the means of employing the wealth acquired by the blessing of Providence on our own ef- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 753 forts in such manner as to benefit the needy, and to carry comfort and succour to the afflict- ed and distressed. Every good man will cry, God speed to all effort made for such an object and so good a cause. But the man who toils for money to hoard, or to spend upon himself alone, must be pitied, or despised. We know not which he most deserves, to be despised for his narrowness of mind, and absence of soul — or to be pitied for his ignorance of the existence of so many sources of true happiness, which he has neglected or thrown away in failing to attach himself by bonds of compas- sion and benefaction to the suffering and needy of his race. He is an outsider of the human family ; but is no connexion, and can never come within the circle of affection which sur- rounds the worthy members, and secures jbr each the respect and sympathetic cooperation of his fellows. We must not be discouraged by the pernlex- ties and doubts which often surround us, while Hirsuing the only path which we think duty illows us to follow ; but perseverance in our egitimate calling, cheered on by the approv, smiles of conscience, we will know no such ivord as fear. " Tho' clouds hang o'er us, there's a blessing Waiting for us, we'll not fear : In the right path we're progressing, — We'll trust in God and persevere." Brother farmers, do we not greatly need terseverance in our own profession, at the tresent time of disaster to crops and herds ? ?o our lot it most especially falls to feel the ull force of the fiat, " Cursed is the ground or thy sake.'' Shall we despair? Nay, ather let us redouble our energies, and strive 3 make good our losses and want of success a most of the branches of agricultural indus- ry. Let us improve our lands as much as ossible. So we shall add to our prospective ches, and be laying up a hoard on which we lay draw at some future day. — _ ■* ■» • » * Our Kext Volume. With the present Number, our 18th Volume ; closed, and it is proper that we should at the d of the year speak of what we expect to do ! return for the patronage of our friends, in ir next volume. We trust that the Southern Planter fills the 48 ineasure of expectation of all its friends; nor do we intend that any effort on our part shall be wanting, to improve its pages constantly, and to make it more and more worthy of the support of all farmers. If we can have their co-operation, we know it must improve steadily and rapidly. In this connection, let us say to all our brother farmers, that they have it in their power to benefit themselves as well as us, by sending us as con- tributions to our store of facts and theories, everything worthy of observation in the circle of their own agricultural duties. What inter- ests one must be of interest to many others, in so large a family; while the constant inter- change of opinions through the medium of ag- ricultural papers, helps the paper, helps the farmer, and the cause in which both editor and farmer should bg, deeply interested. We can only pledge ourselves then for an earnest and faithful performance of our part, in the cause of agricultural progress. May we not expect to have support of those who are co-workers with us in " tilling the soil?" We believe it, as it has been said with truth, that when a man has done all in Ms power to discharge faithfully his own duty, he acquires "a right to expect the blessings of Providence on his honest industry?" We have made arrangements to improve the type and paper, and our next volume will pre- sent a neater appearance to its friends. This much for the outside — may ic prove a tempta- tion to many farmers to find themselves in print within. We shall make every honest effort to increase our circulation, and while we regret being too modest to ask a man to subscribe to our paper when we meet him, still, in the quiet solitude of our office, we do not hesitate to make this silent appeal to every man who has two dollars unap- propriated, to subscribe to the So. Planter. We would call the attention of our subscri- bers to the fact that our advertising sheet does not encroach upon the sixty-four p.ages of read- ing matter legitimately belonging to every num. ber of the Southern Planter, and that every page of advertisement is printed upon an extra sheet, which while it costs subscribers nothing, is a very material aid to us. We make this explanation, in consequence of having heard that the enlargement of the 754 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Planter, was believed to be by some of our sub- scribers, only an increase of its advertising bu- siness — the size being doubled by that means. — We hope every one laboring under such misap- prehension, will now understand the matter. The Fairs. The U. S. Agricultural Society held its an- nual show in Richmond, in connection with the Virginia Central Society, October 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, and the Vir- ginia State Agricultural Society united with the Union Society in nn exhibition at Peters- burg, November 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Many of our Virginia readers, we take it for granted, witnessed these exhibitions. If they like, as well as we do, to look at fine stock, and to scrutinize their " points," we are very sure all had a look for themselves who could get away from the cares of home. The show of Short-horns by Mr. Ludington, of Greenbrier, was the best ice ever saw. Among them was a white heifer, a perfect beauty, which was said by some experienced breeders to be the most perfect animal of her Class (fat Cattle) they had ever looked at. Mr. Betts had some imported Short-horns at the Petersburg Fair, which were fine, but were not in our opinion equal to Mr. L.'s Kentucky heifers, which goes to prove that all England can't beat Kentucky "Blue-grass." Indeed, without professing to be much of a judge in these matters, we can't help believing that we have now in the hands of the breeders of the United States as fine stock of most kinds, as any that can be imported from England or elsewhere. The Devons were well represented to the herds of Messrs. Strandburg, McIIenry, Boivie „& Davis. Mr. Aston, of Ohio, had some Herefords which were very fine — these being the first we believe ever exhibited in Virginia. The show of horses was good enough. Fine specimens of every class being on the grounds. We have seen larger collections of stock and machinery on the Richmond Grounds, than was present at the Fair of the U. S. Ag'l Society ; but the quality of the articles ex- hibited was " hard to beat" The number of sheep and hogs and cattle was greater at the Pct:rsburg show than in Richmond, and in this respect was (we think) the best exhibition ever made by the State Society. As to the speeches made, we can say noth- ing of them, as we could not get on the grounds time enough to hear any of them. We had the pleasure of making the acquain- tance of some of our Editorial brethren from different States who were visitors to our city, and regret having missed seeing several others. We hope, however, this pleasure is in reversion for us. We give insertion to the Premium List of the Virginia State Society in our present No. The Premiums awarded to particular animals will call the attention of our readers to them, and to the exhibitors' names also. We have not space for an extended notice of the Fairs, but are glad to say that we have assurance of success from all the exhibitions held in the State this year. We are glad to see it, and from the bottom of our heart we say, let " Old Virginia never tire/' We have been promised engravings of some of the sheep exhibited, which, when we get them in possession, will be inserted in the Planter. To Suhscribers in Arrears. To every subscriber who shall send us before the first day of February next, the amount now due us, together with his subscription, we will send along with the receipt a sufficient number of P. 0. stamps to pay for the postage on the volume for 1859. We hope they will all avail themselves of this offer, as there are so many of them who are in arrears, that we shall be greatly bene- fitted by their compliance. We have the pleasure of adding to our ex- change list " The Wisconsin Farmer and North- western Cultivator," the acquaintance of whoso Editors we had the happiness to make at the late Fairs here and in Petersburg. We hope they may long live to indulge pleasant memories of their brief sojourn in the " Old Dominion," and to reap the well- earned reward of their Editorial labours, which are so favourably represented by their neat and richly stored pages. THE SOU T H E R N P t A N T E H 755 Several " Kossuth" cults took Premiums in Petersburg, which no doubt they well merited; viz: R. A. Willis' "Young America," W. C. Archer's " Lady of the Lake/' W. P. Brax- ton's "Virginius." Nottoway Club. This association of practical farmers is one of the most useful auxiliaries in the cause of agricultural improvement and progress to be found among the many clubs existing in East- ern Virginia. They have a standing rule re- quiring from each of its members a report upon some one or more experiments conducted by him, or other .essay of a useful and instructive character. Some of these reports have been from time to time laid before the readers of the Planter, and we now have to acknowledge the kindness of the secretary in furnishing us with a num- ber of the latest of them, w T hich we shall be pleased to bring out in our next issue. Mean- while, the report of Mr. Win. Irby is publish- ed in advance of the rest, because if its sug- gestions are followed, as we doubt not to some extent they will be, no time need be lost in procuring and burying the chestnuts for plant- ing in the spring. — [Editor. Mr, President: As I have been disappointed in perfecting the experiment which I intended reporting as my annual contribution, I beg leave, in lieu thereof, to offer a few suggestions on the expe- diency and benefits of rearing chestnuts trees on farms deficient in woodland. On my own and an adjoining farm there are several large chestnuts trees, which, I suppose, sprung from the nuts planted. Around these, as far off in some instances as a half mile, (since the land has been enclosed and thereby rendered inaccessible to hogs,) I find there are a great many young chestnuts springing up among the old field pines, from nuts dropped by crows and squirrels, I find these growing thriftily on poor land, from which I conclude that the tree will grow in our section of country on any dry land that will produce old field pine. As wood for fuel and timber is already scarce on many farms, and must become more and more so, it would be wise for the owners of such farms to make preparation for a supply for future generations. It is true the old field pine springs up spontaneously, and grows ra- pidly on land thrown out of cultivation, but it is very indifferent for fuel and rails, which the chestnut is not only admirably adapted for both these purposes, but would also be a great acces- sion for the mast for hogs. As to the mode of rearing I cannot speak from experience, but think it would be well to follow the indications of nature — i. e. to bury the nuts slightly in the fall of the year, and before they germinate in the spring plant them, or they might be plant- ed in the fall where it is designed for them to grow, or a nursery might be made, as I find they will bear transplanting. A very decided advantage which this tree has over the old field pine is, that when cut down, the sprouts spring up very soon from the stump and grow very ra- pidly, which would afford a continued supply of timber on the same land. I am persuaded from my observations that it would not be diffi- cult to have a large portion of our poor land well set in chestnut, which certainly would ren- der it much more valuable than it is, in its present condition. Respectfully submitted. WM. IRBY. P. S. — Although foreign to the subject of the above report, I will state that I am convinced from my present year's experience that a cov- ering of wheat straw on high land plant patch- es is superior to brush. The patch should be covered thick enough to hide the ground, and if found too thick in the spring, a portion of the straw may read:ly be removed with a ma- nure fork. I will also state that I think if our plant patches were thickly surrounded by pine bushes, they would be in a great measure, if not entirely, protected from the ravages of the fly. W. I. August 13, 1857. To Subscribers. In consequence of the change in the Propri- etorship of the " Southern Planter," it is very important that our subscribers should remit the amount of their indebtedness with as little delay as possible. The amount due from each subscriber is in itself comparatively trifling, but in the aggre- gate it makes up a very large sum, and if each subscriber will consider this as a direct appeal to himself, and promptly remit the amount of his bill, it will be of infinite service to us. We commence sending with this number the bill to each subscriber who is in arrear, and shall continue to do so until all shall have been sent out. We ask, as a favor, a prompt re- sponse from all. The bills are made up to 1st January next. The fractional part of a dollar can be remitted in postage stamps, or the change returned in the same. August & Williams. 756 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. To Postmasters and Others. We are satisfied, that with proper exertion, any person who will interest himself for us, will be able to make up a list of new subscri- bers for the "Planter," in almost any neigh- borhood, in this or any other of the Southern States. We offer, as an inducement to those who are disposed to aid and encourage us in our efforts to extend the circulation of this paper, the following premiums in addition to our hitherto published terms: To any person who will send us clubs of 3 new subscribers and $6, — The So. Planter for 1857. G new subscribers and $12, — The So. Planter for 1857 and '58. 9 new subscribers and $18, — The So. Planter for 1857, '58 and '59, 15 new subscribers aud $30, — The So. Planter for 1857, '58 and '59, and a copy of the Southern Literary Messenger for one year. To single new subscribers we will send the present volume, (commencing with the number for January, 1858,) at the low price of $1 50, paid in advance. We call upon every one interested in promo- ting the progress and improvement of agricul- ture, to lend us his aid in contributions of original articles on practical or scientific agri- culture, in order that our paper may continue to be worthy of the confidence and support of those who have hitherto so liberally sustained it, and to whose interests its pages will con- tinue to be zealously devoted. August & Williams. For the Southern Planter. Hog Killing and Making Bacon. Mr. Editor, — Your method of killing hogs and making bacon, is a very good one. I think so because it is very similar to one I success- fully practice. But I would earnestly protest against making one of our great occasions, a mere afternoon piece of work. In this region we regard " hog killing" as a jubilee, second only to Christmas. Having gotten every thing in perfect readi- ness over night, the hands turn in at an earlier hour than usual, to be called at 2 A. M. if fair — if not, the next fair day. At the appointed hour, the overseer, the foreman, or the judge of the weather, repairs to the killing ground, and if the sky indicates a favourable day, with a loud halloo applies the torch, which speedily brings all hands to the ground and the pile to a glorious big blaze. 'Tis an honour to stick the first hog, and a reproach if the half pen is not swung by breakfast ; you then have time to wind up the whole brsiness, and your hogs are in nice condition to handle if the heavens are threatening, if clear they are suffered to hang all night out of doors. My bacon, although in- variably excellent, was never so good as last year, w en I was induced by my overseer to drop each ham, for five minutes, in a strong red pepper tea before rubbing with salt. I find that it is a popular idea in a portion of this county, that a hog should have little or no wa- ter alter being put in the fattening pen, my experience is contrarywise. I give them a liberal supply of pure fresh water. I have a gambrel, which is a great con- venience to one who tins much butchering to do, or who spays his shoats in the belly. It is a simple stick of wood of any size and length — say 2 feet long, and 2 inches in diameter, with 2 holes in each end, 2 inches apart. Thus, with a rope passing through holes 2 and 3 and returned through holes 1 and 4 and knotted, the hind feet are inserted in loops a a which tighten when the animal is suspended on pin b. I first saw this simple thing used by a ne- gro in Caroline county. I have a better contrivance for swinging a beef, and just as simple; it consists of 3 stout poles, 13 feet long, connected just as the three legs of the sheers for hoisting threshing ma- chines. When you are ready to hoist your beef, stretch your tripod on the ground in the shape of a Y, the outside legs on either side of the animal ; pass the ends of the gambrel, (which is a plain stick, passed through the hind legs in the usual way) over 2 stout pins inserted in the outside legs of the tripod, and with a man to each leg hoist away. After THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 757 raising a few feet from the ground, one man can manage it — provided the feet of the tripod are sharp and take good hold in the ground. There should be a number of holes in the out- side legs A and C — that the pins may be rais- ed or lowered according to the size of the ani- mal. A stout pin o, 2 feet long, inserted in leg B, will assist in hoisting. Any negro can make it of 3 stout fence rails, and pack it on his shoulder to any spot you may select to kill. Yours, Loudoun. For the Planter. Action of Lime. Mr. Editor : Before giving you the results of my experi- ments in regard to the action of Lime, (and which I shall always take pleasure in doing,) I must guard you against placing any confi- dence in them, in view of the title with which I have been complimented. My only claim to the distinction referred to, should be credited to the kind feelings of an old and much valued friend. Some years since, I made an application of 30 bushels of Lime to a measured acre of land, by the way of experiment. This acre was similar in quality and character to the rest of the field, the whole being what is termed a clay soil. The field was put in corn ana" fol- lowed by oats and wheat, but no beneficial ef- fect was discernable upon either of these crops. Indeed the effect seemed to be rather injurious than otherwise ; and the same remark may be extended to the three years it remained in grass. When put in corn again, however, this acre could be readily distinguished by the greater luxuriance of the growth, and this superiority was maintained throughout the season. This singular and unlooked fur re- sult, after a lapse of six years, led me to in- stitute a series of experiments to ascertain the precise mode of action of Lime. With this view seeds of wheat, and of other plants, were germinated upon cotton in glasses of water, — and when of sufficient size, were transferred, half of them, to glasses contain- ing pure water, the other half to glasses con- taining water in which Lime in its different forms had been dissolved. From these experi- ments, it appeared that Lime in any other form than that of a neutral salt, rather retarded than promoted the growth of plants. This result seemed to account for the uniformly beneficial effect of Lime in those countries where it ex- ists as a natural ingredient of the soil, and the question now presented itself, why should its action be so different upon clay and sandy soils when artificially applied? While reflecting upon the subject, it oc- curred to me, that the difference might safely be referred, in the first place, to the entire change of properties occasioned by the process of burning; old combinations being thus bro- ken up, and new affinities evolved. And in the second place, to the opposite chemical re- lations of these soils inviting a favourable di- rection of these new affinities. Thus, clay is known to exhibit a slight alkaline reaction, % and hence it may be reasonably inferred, that in these soils new affinities of the Lime will be expended entirely upon the decomposing or- ganic remains; and so long as this process coxi- tinues, there must necessarily be a conflict be- tween the vital powers of the plant, and the chemical action of Lime, both contending for the same element — carbonic acid ; nor will this contest cease until the Lime has returned back to its natural, or original state, — that of a neutral salt. In the instance which ha? been mentioned of the application of 30 bushels to j an acre of clay soil, it would seem to be a fair ! inference that the unfavourable direction of the new affinities continued for a period of sixyears. On the other hand, silex, which is the base of sandy soils, exhibits an acid reaction, and hence it may be supposed that in these soils the new affinities will be, to a considerable extent at least, diverted from the organic matters, and invited to the silex or silica acid, — thus forming a salt of lime which is perhaps more generally useful than any other. Of this fact, the old walls of buildings furnish a striking illustration.* Influenced by the foregoing views, it has been my practice to sow Lime upon the wheat field at the rate of six or eight bushels only per acre, the aim being to secure what I term its physiological in contradistinction to its chemical action, and I am satisfied it is the best mode on soils of which the predominant ingredient is clay. Thus applied, the effect is generally soon visibly in the improved colour of the plants, and a 'permanently healthful green will always insure a yield commensurate with the fertility of the land. The remote ef- fects are recognized in the gradual diminution of the sorrel and running brier, and a corres- ponding increase of the clover family. Becoming infected with the guano fever, my experiments were suspended, much now to my regret. They have, however, been again resumed, and at a future time I may perhaps be able to report progress. In regard to sandy soils, my endeavour would be to secure both its physiological and chemical action, and for this purpose, should think the application of fifteen or twenty bushels per acre would be an ample dressing for a rotation of five or six years. It is well known that plants can take up nothing except in the form of solution, and we have abundant evidence going to show, that the effects of fifty or one hundred bushels of Lime applied to an * Such, at least, seems to be the conclusion de- ducible from the admitted chemical data in- volved. 758 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. acre of land have been distinctly visible for an equal number of years. Hence it would ap- pear that the quantity of rain which falls upon an acre of land annually, is not adequate to » dissolve more than a bushel or two of this sub- stance. If more were dissolved, plants would certainly take up a larger quantity, and the effects would necessarily be less permanent. I have thus indicated the general principles wHich have guided me in the use of Lime, and if they shall contribute in any degree to your benefit, I shall be truly gratified. Very truly 3 r our friend. Ingleside, Goochland, April 13th, 1858. We are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. F. G. Ruffin, the former Editor of this paper, for the communication above, which would have appeared earlier in our columns, but for the fact of its having been accidentally over- looked. — Editor. CIRCULAR. Black Rock, N. Y., Sept. 1858. Editor Southern Planter : Dear Sir — The approbation with which the previous volumes of the American Herd-Book have been received by the Short Horn breeders of this country, together with the large contri- bution of pedigrees to their pages, and the so- licitations of many breeders to have a fourth volume in preparation, have induced me to give this notice, that sufficient time may be given for the full examination which is required by every Short Horn breeder to properly ar- range their pedigrees. Since the compilation of the last volume, hundreds of young animals have been produced, ana new importations made from abroad; and by the time the nest volume can be ready for the press, a further natural increase to our existing herds will be added. I therefore give you this notice, that in case you choose to record your pedigrees, you can have ample time to do so. I ask your attention to the following particulars: 1st. — All pedigrees must be sent in previous to the first day of December, 1858, to allow me time to compile them, and issue the book by May 1, 1859. 2d. — Every pedigree must be made out at full length, after the manner of those in the volumes of the American Herd Book, as I can not encounter the labor and responsibility of making out full pedigrees from short notes, hints and memorandums. The imperfect con- dition of many private records required me to do that labor for my previous volumes, which it is now unnecessary to repeat, with such ex- tensive authorities as those volumes before you will afford. I can not, therefore, accept such imperfect papers, only in cases where your ani- mals or thoir ancestors have not been previous- ly recorded, either in the English or American Herd-books. Another reason for this is, that every breeder ought to be supposed to under- stand the lineage of his stock better than a stranger, and consequently he can give their pedigrees with greater accuracy. 3d. — Let every individual pedigree be com- plete in itself, like those in the published Herd Books. State by whom the animal was bred, (if you wish that fact known ;) the date (by month and year) of its birth ; the name and Post Office, (County and State:) residence of its present owner; its sex, (this may merely say " Bull" or " Cow," in parentheses, by the side of the animal's name ;) the color, whether white, red, red and white, red roan, light roan, or roan, simply, without qualification. In roans, where white is the prevailing color, they are light roans ; where red prevails over the white, they are red roans. By referring to the past volumes of the Herd-book, you cannofc mistake the mode of description, or the tabling the produce of the cows. Do not send mo printed pedigrees from newspapers, hand-bills, or catalogues, &c, unless they are in Herd- book form, and complete ; nor when they are printed on both sides of the paper, as, if so, they must be copied by me for the printers. The names of bulls occurring as sires in the pedigrees, may be referred to by their numbers, when recorded in the Herd-books, either Eng- lish or American. When such bulls are not recorded, let their pedigrees be written and re- ferred to distinctly under the pedigree to which he is a party. Any unrecorded and unnum- bered bull referred to in a pedigree must also be numbered and recorded to properly eluci- date such pedigree, and a charge of fifty cents will be made for such bull or bulls. In cases where uncommon labor is necessary for me to find out the pedigree, an additional charge of fifty cents to a dollar each will be made, of which the owner of the animal will be notified at the time. 4th. — Every animal presented for record must be well-bred ; and where evidence of the fact cannot be traced to animals recorded in an in existing Herd-Book, documentary evidence must be furnished to sustain the fact that they are true Short Horns, and are descended from well authenticated Herd-Book animals. 5th.— Fifty cents will be charged for each animal recorded in a distinct pedigree by name, excepting the animals named in the tables of produce of recorded cows. The re- cord fee, in current money at }'our place, to be remitted when the pedigrees are sent to me. In all cases where a pedigree, for insufficiency, cannot be recorded, such pedigree will be sent bad; if requested, and the fee returned. 6th. — In making out your pedigrees, write only on one side of the paper. Write legibly, and with perfect distinctness, n\\ proper names, as without such writing many names can only ! be guessed at, and important mistakes may | occur. Let your lines be quite half an inch; THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 759 apart, and between each pedigree let there be a space of at least two inches blank paper. When pedigrees are written on both sides of the paper, they will be immediately returned, as one of them must, in all cases, be copied in order to print them. 7th. — If any extraordinary quality of milk- ing, in accurate weights or measures, and times, belong to your cows, or of dead weights of carcases in slaughtered recorded animals, have been made, they may be noticed ; as we claim that the Short Horns are the greatest milkers, and the heaviest beef, of any neat cattle whatever, and such instances carry proof of these facts to the public. 8th. — If there have been any errors or omis- sions in the pedigrees of your animals already recorded, by my fault, please correct them and send them to me, and I will rectify them in proper order in the fourth volume, by name and reference, without charge. 9th. — I will print any number of well-drawn, accurate portraits of animals, fur the fourth volume, at five dollars each for the whole edition of the book; the portraits and cuts to be fur- nished by the owners. This will be done on the best of fine tinted paper. I can not print portraits without charge, as the expense is too heavy an outlay for me, and the main benefit accrues to the proprietors of such animals. In this relation, I am authorized, by Mr. John R. Page, a good artist, whose address is Sennett, Cayuga Co., N. Y., to state that he will proceed to take such portraits, whenever a sufficient number can befurnished to justify it, and that he will superintend the engraving of them by competent workmen. Many portraits in the second and third volumes are samples of his execution. All persons who contemplategiving portraits of their cattle, should lose no time in obtaining them at once, that there may be am- ple time to have them properly engraved. 10th. — The price of the book to contributors and subscribers, will be the same as the last — five dollars a copy — payable on ordering it for delivery. The work to be the same in style and material as the third volume. 11th. — If you have sold unrecorded animals to any breeders whose names are not in the third volume, I will thank you to send me their names, that I may send them a copy of this circular, as it is of advantage to you to let ani- mals of your breeding, now in other hands, be recorded and known to the public. 12th. — I suggest that even in cases where you record by name the produce of your cows, it is still better to give all such produce a dis- tinct record of their own. They become thus more conspicuous, as such produce merely re corded with the cow is not much looked after by inquirers, — the chief advantage in the pro- duce tables being to show that the cow, whose progeny is so recorded, is a successful breeder. This separate record will add an item to the expense, but it is a trifle compared with the value of an animal worth from one hundred to five hundred or a thousand dollars. Address me at Black Rock, N. Y. Respectfully yours, LEWIS F. ALLEN, Editor American Herd Book. Uses of a Dead Horse. Firstly, we have the hair, which may weigh about 1^ lbs., and which sells for 8d. to Is. Horse-hair, we know, is applied to many pur- poses ; it is made into hair-cloth for seatings, colored hair damasks, bags for crushing seed for the use of the oil-crusher, cider-makers and ^others. A consumption of 800 tons of horse- hair a year, of home and foreign production, valued at about £80,000, shows the value of this one item. Next we have the hide, weighing — say 30 lbs., and worth possibly 8s., for converting, when split, into the finest Cordova leather ; or, in its full thickness, for covering the large board-room tables of officers, &c. The tendons weigh probably 6 lbs., and are converted, like other animal tissues, into fine glue, or gelatine. The flesh will weigh about 224 lbs. boiled, and may be used as meat for men, dogs, poul- try, &o. Smile not, gentle reader, at the banquet of- fered — of viands which are just now in high repute on the continent. A society of econo- mists, naturalists and hardy gourmands in Paris, aim at the introduction of horse-flesh in the category of butcher's meat. They set the example themselves, and the example is spread- ing. It is argued that the horse ought to con- tribute to the nourishment of the human race, as well as the ox, the sheep, and the pig. That it does so already in our own metropolis to a great extent, in the shape of nominal smoked "ox-tongues" from Russia, and chop- ped so-called "beef" sausage meat in West- minster, Whitechapel, and other suburban lo- calities. But the penchant for roast and boiled horse-flesh has found adherents even here, and our esteemed contemporary, the "Journal of Agriculture," of Edinburgh, has come out strong in a recent number in its favor. M. St. Hilaire, the champion of this new- addition to our food resources, reasons in this fashion : "Horse-flesh has long been regarded as of a sweetish, disagreeable taste, very tough, and not to be ea en without difficulty. So many different facts are opposed to this prejudice, that it is impossible not to recognise its slight foundation. The free or wild horse is hunted asgame in all parts of the world where it exists — Asia, Africa and America — and for- merly, and perhaps even now, in Europe. The domestic horse, itself is made use of as alimen- tary as well as auxiliary — in some cases alto- 7G0 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. gether alimentary — in Africa, America, Asia, and some parts of Europe. "Its flesh is relished by people the most different in their manner of life, and of race the most diverse — negro, Mongol, Malay, Ameri- can, Caucasian. It was much esteemed up to the eighteenth century among the ances- tors of some of the greatest nations of wes- tern Europe, who had it in general use, and gave it up with regret. Soldiers to whom it had been served out, and people in towns who have bought it in markets, have frequently taken it fur beef. Still more often, and indeed habitually, it has been sold in resturants, even in the best, as venison, and without the cus- tomers even suspecting the fraud or complain- ing of it. " And further, if horse-flesh has been often accepted as good under a false name,* it has also been pronounced good by those who, to judge of its qualities, have submitted it to careful experiment, and by all who have tasted it in proper condition — that it is, when taken from a sound and rested horse, and kept sufficiently long. It is then excellent roasted; and if it be not so acceptable as bouilli, it is precisely because it furnishes one of the best soups — perhaps the best that is known. It is good also, as experiments prove, made by my- self, as well as others, when taken from old horses, not fattened, whose age was six- teen, nineteen, twenty, and even twenty-three years — animals thought to be worth no more than a few francs beyond the value of their skin. This is a capital fact, since it shows the possibility of utilizing a second time, for their flesh, horses which have already been utilized up to old age for the strength; and consequently, of obtaining a further and almost gratuitous profit at the end of their life, after they had well nigh paid the cost of their rearing and keep by their labor." So much for the great champion of horse- flesh. Having disposed of the flesh, we come next to the blood, heart and tongue, weighing about 60 lbs. The former is used, like the blood of other animals, as a decolorizer, for manure, and for making, with other animal substances, the well known salt, prussiate potash. The disposal of the heart and tongue we will say nothing about, as there is somewhat of a mystery resting upon their appropriation. The intestines of the horse, weighing about 80 Lbs., are converted to several uses. When cleaned, they serve for covering bolonies and sausages ; or they are twisted into bands or strings for bowing cotton, or for other purposes. There is seldom much fat to bo got from the horse: probably about 20 lbs. may lie ob- tained ; and this is used, after being distilled, for lamps. We import horse grease largely from the River Plate, but we get better at home. The grease is also worked up by the soap and candle-makers in common with other fats, while the entrails and remnants are given to hogs, to make food for home consumption — at least this is so in the United States, where the porcine race are less daintily fed than our own store-fed pigs. The bones come next; and these weigh, say about 100 lbs., and are sold at the rate of 4s. Gd. per cwt., either to convert into knife- handles, or for making phosphorus, and super- phosphate of lime. They will not do for ani- mal charcoal, because horses being usually killed when aged, the bones contain too great a proportion of phosphate of lime, and too little animal matter. Ground into dust, or crushed into half-inch bone, they make excel- lent manure; while other special manures for turnips, &c, are made from the blood, flesh and bones combined. The Kensington Museum catalogue, com- piled by Mr. P. L. Simmonds, lets us into the secret of cleaning the bones and divesting them of putrid flesh, &c., so as fit to them fbt use in manufactures. To take off the flesh by hand is a tedious and difficult operation. An ingenious Frenchman solved the difficulty. lie noticed that rats were very fond of horse flesh ; so are fowls — other arguments in favor of M. St. Hilaire's reasoning of the wholesome- ness of the food. Our Frenchman advised the authorities to colonize the dead horse-pound with rats. This common pound is an enclosed area of about ten acres, surrounded by a stone wall, to which all carcases, &c, are taken, and among the rest the 400 horses which die or are killed in a week in Paris. The catacombs fur- nished rats by thousands ; and now a dead horse put in over night is picked beautifully clean by morning, and the bones are ready for the bone- dealer. A grand battle is periodically made, to keep under the rats, and they are utilized by making the skins into gloves, and possibly their flesh into ragouts or pies. We have nearly done with the economic uses ef the worn-out hack; there remain but his pedal ex- tremities to deal with. The hoofs, weighing about 8 lbs., are worth 8s. to 10s. per cwt. for gelatine, or for making prussiates. They are not adapted to pressing into the so-called horn buttons, which are made of ox-hoofs, but pos- sibly may turn up in the shape of a snuff-box, capped with silver. The shoes will work up into shoes again, or sell for old iron ; and the nails are much esteemed for making gun bar- rels. We have now used up our " old horse," and this is merely the example of many other ani- mals whose carcases are turned or might be turned to various useful purposes. Such a his- tory points a moral that nothing should be despised, for out of many waste substances money is to be made, and the large profits of scavengers, knuckers, and the dust contractor, are evidences of the utilization of offal and sweepings. — Lecture of Dr. Playfair on Refuse Animal Matter. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 761 Premium Farm. We have already stated that Mr. Robert J. Swan, of Rose Hill, near Geneva, New York, received the first premium of the New Yoik State Agricultural Society, at its last meeting, for the best cultivated grain farm. When the Report of the Vis- iting Committee appeals, we shall proba- bly, for the benefit of our readers, present some of its facts in our columns. We have several times visited this farm, both before and since it came into the posses sion of Mr. Swan. We had the pleasure of going over it last season, while the hay crop was being gathered, and just before the splendid wheat crop was harvested, — some notes of our visit being published in our issue for August 1st, last. But we see by the May No. of the Genesee Farmer, that the editor of that paper had lately visited Mr. Swan's farm, and he gives an interesting account of what he saw there. He mentions a striking fact in regard to Mr. S.'s improvement in wheat-culture, which we do not remember to have noticed ourselves, viz : that the wheat crop the year of his purchase of the farm, 1851, only averaged five bushels to the acre. — Mr. S. underdrained and summer-fallowed six acres that year, which was all that he put to wheat, and it yielded over thirty- three bushels to the acre — more in the ag- gregate than he obtained from forty acres the previous year. Mr. Swan saw that drainage was the first requisite — the soil being mostly .a pretty compact loam, baking hard under drouth — and he laid, the first year, 16,000 tiles, and has gone on till in the language of our contemporary, "there is not a wet spot on the farm," and that there are now over sixty -one miles of underdrains, on the 344 acres comprising the estate, or an av- erage of sixty-three rods to the acre. We wish to call particular attention to the cost of Mr. Swan's drains, because when the subject of drainage was under discussion at one of the agricultural meet- ings at the State House, last winter, most of the speakers estimated the expense at from fifty to seventy-five cents a rod— the latter being the least cost of some drains of three and a half to four feet deep, some of them having cost considerably more. — We took occasion to state at the same meeting, that, as this heavy expense might be considered a great obstacle to drainage, it was proper to mention the fact, that drainage had been done effectually at a much cheaper rate — even in some instan- ces as low as twenty-eight cents a rod. — We alluded to Mr. Swan's operations, but spoke only from memory. Our cotempo- rary before mentioned states, that the av- erage cost of Mr. Swan's drainage has been twenty-eight and a half cents per rod, and that the cost per acre was about $19; that on the higher and wetter por- tions of the farm the drains are twenty- seven feet apart, and from two and a half to three feet deep ; that they were dug by contract at twelve and a half cents a rod; that the cost of laying the tiles and filling the drains with ploughs was three cents per rod ; the average cost of tiles and car- tage, thirteen cents per rod. As before remarked, the nature of the soil of this farm was such that drainage was necessary in the outset, and the re- sult has been entirely satisfactory. But our contemporary well remarks, that " While underdraining has formed the basis of Mr. Swan's improvements, it would be erro- neous to ascribe his splendid crops to un- derdraining alone. The land is thorough- ly cultivated by means of summer-fallows and hoed crops. It is not over-cropped with cereals ; clover is sown with an un- sparing hand ; about nine tons of plaster are sown each year on the pastures and meadows; nearly everything is consumed on the farm except wheat, and, in addition to this, a considerable quantity of oilcake is fed to cattle and sheep. In this way a great quantity of manure is made — and it is good manure — not rotten straw." It is further stated Mr. Swan had in his stables and yards, eighty Leicester sheep, which would average 140 lbs. live weight, or 80 pounds dressed weight. They were fatted on good clover hay and eighteen ounces of oil-cake each per day. There were also eight steers, two years old this spring, whose average live weight was 1,075 pounds each. They had each been fed one quart of ground or crushed oil- cake per day since last fall. The cost of the oil -cake was $27 per ton. — Boston Cultivator. (jrfF'A false friend is like a shadow on a dial ; it appears in clear weather, but van- ishes as soon as a cloud appears. 762 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Human Life. " In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down and wither- ed."— Ps. xc, 6. I walked the fields of morning's prime, The grass was ripe for mowing; The skylark sang his matin chime, And all was brightly glowing. "And thus," I cried, " the ardent boy, His pulse of rapture beating, Deems life's inheritance is joy — The future proudly greeting." I wandered forth at noon: — Alas! On earth's maternal bosom The scythe had left the withering grass, And stretched the fading blossom. And thus, I thought with many a sigh, The hopes we fondly cherish, Like flowers which blossom but to die, Seem only born to perish. Once more, at eve, abroad I strayed, Through lonely hay-fields musing, While every breeze that round me played, Rich fragrance was diffusing. The perfumed air, the hush of eve, To purer hopes appealing, O'er thoughts perchance too prone to grieve Scattered the balm of healing. For thus "the actions of the just," When memory hath enshrined them, E'en from the dark and silent dust, Their odor leave behind them. I Barton's Household Verses. Live in Love ; 'Tis Pleasant Living. Be not harsh and unforgiving, Live in love; 'tis pleasant living. If an angry man should meet thee, And assail thee indiscreetly, Turn not hou again and rend him, Lest thou needlessly offend him; Shew him love hath been thy teacher, Kindness is a potent Preacher ; Gentleness is e'er forgiving, — Live in love; 'tis pleasant living. Why be angry with each other? Man was made to love his brother: Kindness is a human duty, Meekness a celestial beauty. Words of kindness spoke in season Have a weight with men of reason; Don't be others follies blaming, And their little failings naming; Charity's a cure for railing, Suffers much — is all prevailing. Courage, then, and be forgiving, Live in love; 'tis pleasant living. [British Workman. Ye can Conquer, if ye will. Rugged toiler — son of labor — Stoutly battling every day For existence — 0, my brother, Thou shalt triumph in the fray. On life's changeful scene of action, Though defeat may oft appear, Thou shalt win the victor's laurels, If thou wilt but persevere. Though thou art obscure and lowly, Ye may reach the wished for goal, Grasp the prizes, wealth and station, If thou hast a dauntless soul ; If thou hast a resolution That misfortune cannot shake; One on which the angry surges An impression fail to make. Art thou sneered at and derided By the self-styled lofty born? Heed you not the fool's contumely, Or the weak mind's harmless scorn. Art thou friendless — friends will gather, As do courtiers, king around, When thou hast achieved distinction, When thou hast position found. Strong in faith, let naught repel thee, Thou shalt in the end prevail ; In life's trials, and its battles, None but dastard cowards fail ; Noble nature prove ascendant, In earth's mighty contest rang, To renown, from dark oblivion, Robed in glory up they sprang. What if years of fierce endeavor Have been spent by thee in vain? What if thou hast met disaster? Up and take the field again. Wreck and ruin all about thee, Give not up, but struggle still; Stubborn courage is resistless, Ye can conquer if ye will. [Miner's Rural American. "By-and-By." There's a little mischief-making Elfin, who is ever nigh, Thwarting every undertaking;, And his name is By-and-By. What we ought to do this minute, " Will be better done," he'll cry, "If to-morrow we begin it;" "Put it off!" says By-and-By. Those who heed his treacherous wooing, Will his faithless guidance rue; What we always put off doing, Clearly we shall never do. We shall reach what we endeavor, If on Now we more rely; But unto the realms of Never, Leads the pilot By-and-By. INDEX. Agricultural Department of the General Government, . . .29 Adoption of a Dog by a Mare, &c., . 72 A Bill— Donating Public Lands, &c, . 104 Asparagus, Cultivation of . . . 127 Application of Fertilizers, . . 164 Asparagus, Poetry of 238 Agriculture in China, . . .281 Army Worm, History and Habits of the 295 Agricultural Humbug at Washington, . 309 Artichoke — Culture, &c, . . . 316 Asparagus, Receipt for Cooking, . . 362 Albemarle Co., Defects in, &c, . . 432 Agriculture, British . . . 447 Amateur's View on Propagation of New Varieties of Fruit, . . . 448 Air, Invaluable to the Soil, . . 449 Agriculture, English Progress of . 482, 530 Astor House Farm, A Day at the . . 485 Apple Crop, .... 492 Alternation of Crops, . . . 492 Answer to Inquiry of G. G. M., . . 498 Agriculture and Commerce, . . 513 Ashes and the Potato Rot, . . 609 Agriculture, American, of the Old Time, 612 Apples, Falling .... 742 Agricultural Society, Virginia Slate, Award of Premiums, . . . 743 B. Breeding, In-and-in, . . .19 Beauty an Element of Value, . . 59 Butter, To Sweeten Rancid . . 70 Brick Laying, . . . .98 Butter-Making and Butter, . . 139 Blue Grass Sod for Wheat, . . 181 Best Age for Transplanting Fruit Trees, 167 Butter Workers, .... 270 Bourbon Co., Ky., Sale of Stock in . 406 Butter, To Keep Hard and Cool, . . 407 Boiling, Philosophy of . . 481 Bullock, The Heaviest Ever Butchered, . 4S4 Birds, Character and Habits of . . 502 Bones, . . . . 512. 607 Boiling Potatoes, .... 576 Brunswick and Dinwiddie Club. . . 592 Bush and Briery, Reply to . . 609 Black Tongue, . . . .618 Bots in Horses, Brandy, Origin of . Bless God for Rain, "By-and-By," C. Col. Cocke's Proprosed Donation, Objei tions to Cattle Dying from Eating Cornstalks, &c Cold House Grapery, ., . Carrot Pie, Clear Steep Land, . Cheap Board Fence, Cure for Chapped Hands, . Composition of Soils Adapted to Clover, Cape Jessamine, Culture of Domestic Animals, California Soap, Composition of Cake Produced by Press ing Distillery Dregs, Clover Seed, Corn Crop, . Chinese Sugar Cane, Canvass-Back Ducks, Clover, Frozen Out Curious Question, . Corn Crop of the West, Damage to th Coal Ashes, Cure of Itch in Half an Hour, Chemist in the Laundry Washing, Corn, Largest Yield of on Record, Culture of Apple Trees, Clear the Track for Reapers and Mowers Cultivation of Pea-Nuts, Corn Planting, Culture of Sugar Cane, Chinese Sugar Cane a Humbug, . Cleaning Saddles, &c„ Chinese Sugar Cane, Copperas as a Deodorizer, Carrying Weights, . Cure for Garget, Cultivation of Sun Flower, Chinch Bug, Two Remedies, " " Proposed Remedies, Cut Worms, Cooling Rooms, Com, Great Yield in South Carolina PAGE. 699 699 704 762 3 7 21 22 23 33 42 46 61 71 87 93 105 106 129 132 134 136 137 147 160 161 184 199 201 208 209 209 223 225 239 270 286 286 290 294 294 295 307 307 764 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER.— INDEX. Corn, Report on Cut Worms, Cabbages, To Make Cultivating Plants while Dew is on, Cure for Disentery, Cheap Butter Cooler, Cracked Heels, Causes of Bad Wheat Return, 1856, Carbonic Acid in the Soil, Celery Culture, . Cultivation of Corn Crop, . Crops, Seasons for . Court Day at Paris, Kentucky, Cabbage Lice, How shall we Get Rid of Credits and Failures, Clover, Cultivation of . . 476, Capacity of Soil of This Vicinity, Comparative Value of Roots for Cows, Compost, Hog Yard Connection Between Moral and Agricultu ral Improvement, &c, Crops and Seasons, Coffee, Corn, Suckers Among Capped Hock, Cotton Cultivation in Africa, Common Errors of Farmers, Cows, New Way to Bring Up Cider from Sorguin, Card to Members of State Agricultural Society, . Corn, Experiments in Hybridizing Chemistry and its Study, . Clover as a Fertilizer, Calico Printing in the U. S., Cotton Planters, Item for . Corn, Selecting Seed . . 639, Comparative Economy of Spring and Fall Manuring, Com Shucking, Candles, Cows, Winter Feed for Centre Draught, Children, . Cholera, Hog Coal Trade, The Anthracite Card, A Chinese, The Club, Nottoway Circular, Conquer, Ye can, &c, Drilling of Pea Crop- Necessity, D. -Both a Benefit and 307 309 319 320 328 333 333 350 357 361 381 381 405 435 446 590 477 492 496 504 510 517 518 520 524 562 592 592 593 599 603 617 626 627 673 649 6«6 672 691 69S 704 730 734 738 742 755 758 762 .17 Dairy Management, . . .31 Does Guano Stimulate the Soil ? . . 175 DeBurg's Excelsior Libel Refuted, . 260 Dairy Management, . . . 267 Disease of White Oak and Apple Trees, 435 Draught of Plowing at Different Depths, . 442 Dwarf Pear Culture, . . . 508 Do Potatoes Mix in the Hill, . . 522 Ditch Banks, . . . .621 Deep Cultivation, .... 662 Dead, The Early . . . .736 E. Experiments in Feeding Farm Horses, . 20 Yield of Flour from Wheat, 20 Exclusive Use of Guano, . . .39 Essay on Rearing, Management, &c, of Horses, ..... 76 Export of Bread Stuffs, . . .112 Extraordinary Tobacco Bed, . . 144 Excusatory, . , . . 168 Enclosures, Important Amendment to Law of . . . . . 168 Expensive Manure, . . .179 Exports of U. S., . . . . 222 Experiments — Guano, Unleached Ashes, &c, . . . . .258 Experience in Surface Application of Ma- nure, . . . . .263 Earth Worms, . . . .340 English Farming, .... 437 Economy and Order on the Farm, . 439 " of Feeding Roots, . . 442 Exaggeration of Amounts of Growing Crops, , 475 Eggs, The Sex of . . . . 496 Eminent Men, The Lives of . . 554 Early Ripening Wheat, . . . 555 Exports of Wheat to England, . . 558 Experiments in Pulling Fodder, . . 567 Explanatory, .... 567 Economy of Nature, . . . 601 Epidemic Amongst Cattle, . . 631 Embellishments of a Country Home, . 703 Economy, Height of 741 F. Fattening Animals, . . .25 Fowl Establishment, ... 40 Farm Yard Manure, . . . 52 Flowers and Women, . . .56 Fertilizers for Fruit Trees, . . 78 Franklin and Gypsum, . . 257, 109 Flight of Birds, .... 159 Fencing, . 200 Farm House, Premium Essay on . . 226 THE SOUTHERN PLANTE R.— INDEX. 765 1 Feather Beds, Making and Preservin Food Prospects, Fish Fertilizer, New Fruit Trees, Summer Management of Field Pea Fertilizer, Fleas, Remedy foi . Functions of the Leaves and Roots *o Plants, Farmer, The Fruit Trees, Fodder, Reasons for Pulling, Fish Manure, Composition of Food, Economy of . Fat vs. Milk and Stamina, Farmer's Guide, Food, Cooking, for Hogs, &c, Falling Fruit, Farmer, Governor Bankson the Flowers, To Preserve Cut . Fairs, The . Farm, Premium G. 270 271 352 363 371 410 415 558 605 613 622 624 627 640 651 702 741 751 754 761 Gearing Teams According to Princ ;iple, 43 Gas, Lime, Use of . . ' 68 Graining and Grazing Cattle, 166, 108 Great Trees, 144 Geldings versus Brood Mares, 165 Good Gate, A . . • . . 177 Gout in Fowls, 211 Glucose and Syrup, 225 Gooseherry Mildew, 238 Gearing Horses, in Reply to P., . 259 Guano Trade, 284 Gait of the Horse, . . 284 Grass, Proper Time of Cutting, . 348 Grape Culture, . 399 Galls, Saddle or Harness . 516, 401 Guano, Simple Test for . 448 " Trade, a Monopoly, . 462 ' ; Stimulating Properties of 473 " Experiments with . 474 Manipulated . 500 Green Crops for Manure, . . 520 Grape Vine and its Culture, . 526 Garden, Vegetable . 605 Guinea Fowl, . 608 God's Laws Illustrated by Science . 636 Garden, A Chinese . 734 Guano, On the Simulating Propert les of . 737 H. Horn Dust, 16 Hot Beds, How Made 26 How Much Corn or Hay is Requii ed, &c, 27 How to Make Hens Lay in Winter, How Can Setting Hens be Taught &c. Harrowing Wheat, How Does Plaster of Paris Act, Height of Colts, . Hog Cholera, . . . 286. How to Raise Turkeys, Harrowing Wheat, Hedges, Osage Orange How to Treat Peach Trees, How to Make a Sound Shingle Roof, Hogs, Raising . . . 261, Hogs, Large Harvester and Stacker, Hop Growing. New Method of Hogs, Mr. Franklin Minor's 437, 433 Hogs Fed on Bitter "Mast,"' House, Cleaning Horses, To Break Vicious . Horses Running a Mile a Minute Hay Caps, . Hay Caps, . Harness, To Save . Horse, Preventing, Catching Rein Under his Tail, Hogs, Feeding Hematuria in Cattle, Hogs, Good vs. Bad Breeds Horse, The Spanish Horse. Medium Sized Hay. Curing Horse Rake, The Time Test Hew to Kill Dogwood Trees, Horse, The, and How to Use Him Horse, The, and How Concluded Horse, Saddle Horse, Fatal Disease in Hay, Best Mode of Curing Honey Bee and Its Products, How to Manage a Rearing Horse, Hog Cholera, Hogs vs. Dogs, Horse, Arabian Hog Killing, Hints on Farm Improvement, Hints to Farmers, . Human Mind, The Wonderful Nature of Human Food, Fat Pork as Horse, Mr. Everett's Remarks on Humbuggery the Order of the Day Hill, Manuring in the Hope — Work — Wait, Hog Killing and Making Bacon, Horse, Dead, Uses of a 75 17 ; 76 107 120 138 142 143 184 185 191 169 167 176 214 216 264 264 266 285 285 296 297 310 310 335 337 338 339 339 350 372 380 383 401 402 405 414 463 491 617 627 667 687 700 701 722 728 731 736 740 742 756 759 76G THE SOUTHERN PL ANTE R.— INDEX. Molasses, Sorghum I. Interesting Chemical Discovery, Imposition Upon Farmers, Increased Fertility of Land, Indian Corn Experiments, Is Hay Necessary for Stock, Iron, Mountain Ingall's Cow, Improvement in the Threshing Machine, Incrustation of Cereal and Other Seeds, Is Agriculture Declining in U. S,. Is Chinese Sugar Cane Poisonous to Horses, .... Impropriety of Breaking Roots, &c., Ink, Marking, for Linen Influence of Soil and Climate on Ani mals, .... Innocence, A Plea for J. Japan Pea, K. Kitchen Garden, L Long Fence, Lawn, The Lime Applied in Minimum Quantities, Lime Applied in Small Quantity to Red Lands of Madison County, Lime as a Fertilizer, Loves of the Birds, The Lameness in Horses, Letter from Japhet| Locust Trees, How to Raise Lard Candle, How to Make Laying Farm Yard Dung on Clay Fallow &c. .... Long Island Prize Farm, . Lahor a Duty, . . Life, The of a Farmer Lime, .... Lirne, How to Apply Lard Cured with Soda, Library, A Farmer's Lime, Action of Life, Human Love, Live in, &c, M. Merinos at Universal Exhibition, 1857, Mechanism of Steam Culture, Multuin in Parvo, . Mechanical Value of Bones. 720 29 81 141 302 347 353 406 451 453 478 480 569 598 602 715 33 123 22 63 105 131 181 158 213 215 218 236 386 487 497 500 589 604 688 693 757 762 762 7 10 22 24 the Soil, Mulching and Stirrin Mares vs. Geldings, Manure Spreader Wanted, Malie Acid, Mules and Mule Breeding, Machinery to Aid Farmers, Manures, Best Mode of Applying Manures, Artificial Manuring Apple Trees, Musk Melon, Milk, To Prevent Cows from Losing McCormick's Reaper, Milk. Quantity of, to Pound of Butter Musquitoes, Antidote to Moths in Carpets, . Manures, Vegetable and Animal . Milk. Facts About Manures, Economy, &e„ of Music of Labor, Manuring, Fall or Spring . Mules, .... N. Nutrition of Plants, Negroes and Cotton, New Method of Governing Vicious Ani mals, .... North Devon, the Proper Cattle for the South, .... New Process for Preserving Timber, New Plan for Ploughing Flat Land, Nutrition of Plants, Nottoway County, Report of Agricultural Survey, . New Apple, New York in the Light of an Exp tal Farm, Nurseries, Staunton O Ornithology, On Cutting off Large Limbs, of Fruit Trees, Ornithological Sketches, Orchard Grass, Origin of Various Plants, . Ornithological Sketches. — No. 2. Ornithological Sketches. — No. 3, Oats and Other Exhausters of the Oats, Seed . Ornamental Gardening, Onion, Nutritious Qualities of Ox-Breeze Fly, Overseer's Rules, . Overseer's, All About Ocerseers, Short Letters to 68 90 100 112 151 217 237 240 262 320 384 393 408 410 442 495 526, 592 583, 614, 641, 705 640 651 692 34 76 83 83 89 94 193 231 315 514 737 65 88 105 180, 106 122 321, 145 298, 202 . 207 . 207 . 311 . 362 . 408 410, 557 . 411 . 413 Soil, THE SOUTHERN P L A N T E R . — INDEX. 767 Original Domestic Receipts, . . 479 Orchard Grass, .... 596 Origin of the Stocking Frame, . . 606 Ornithological, .... 620 Oil From a New Source, . . • 671 P. Past and Present, . . .23 Potato always uncertain, . . 28 Profits of Fruit Culture at the South, . 42 Produce on hand, . . . .69 Prospects for Produce, . . .69 Present and Past of Implements of Agri- culture, . . . . .91 Projet for the Executive Committee, &c. 113 Poultry, Vermin on ... 134 Paper Money, . . . .135 Papers Communicated by Nottoway Club, 148 Do. No. Carolina Agricultural Society, 161 Proper mode of Gearing Horses, . . 165 Pickles for Market, . . .190 Poultry, In and In Breeding, &c, . 212 Prices, ..... 221 Peabody's Prolific Corn, . . . 252 Par of Exchange, the, . . . 280 Pickled Fodder, . . . .282 Pure Air, ..... 283 Paint, A cheap, .... 283 " Sulphurized Oil, . . . 283 Plantation Roads, . . . 291 Profits on Grazing Cattle, . . 302 Parker, Dr., Against the World, . . 307 Pickles, ...-. 332 Produce of butter, . . . 333 Provisions, Prices, . . . 357 Plugging Trees with Brimstone, . . 359 Practical Hints to Amateurs, . . 358 Potatoes Mealy all Summer, . . 362 Peach Borer plastered up, . . 362 Pruning. Chapter on, . . . 367 Phosphatic Manures for Wheat and Clover, 373 Potato Weavil, .... 409 Premium List Virginia State Society, 6th Exhibition, . 417 Pasture Lands, . . . .515 Preserving Fence Posts, . . * . 523 Plants and how they live, . . 547 Preserving dried Fruit from Moths, . 576 Pig, Seasonable Hints on, . . 600 Propagation by Cuttings, . . . 606 Pedlar Hole and Corner Club, . .513 Progression, . . . 625 Profitable Forty Acre Farm, . . 625 Plough, Premium Essay on, ' . . 655 Poultry, Winter Care of, . . . 660 Progressive Agriculture, . Phosphates, occurrence in some of the tei tiary deposits of Virgina, Potatoes, Sweet, how to keep, Profession, Agriculture as a, Perseverance, R. Recipe for Making Soap, Romain's Steam Cultivator, Roofs and Roofing, Rabbits, to keep from Barking Trees, Raising Hogs, - . Rhododendron Maximum, Reply to Fertilizers for Fruit Trees, Report to Fanners' Assembly, Rhubarb, its culture and uses, Reapers and Mowers, clear the track for, Reply to Roofs and Roofing, Randall Grass, Reply to Yardley Taylor on Soil Analysis Rhodes' Super Phosphate Lime, - Reflections on Fruit Crop present year Root Pruning and Manuring, Robin, Its food and habits, Renovating Wearing apparel, Romaine's Steam Cultivator, Road Scraper, Diagonal, Root Crops for Stock, Remedy for Striped Bug, . Repulsion of yellow Bug from Pumpkin, Rezoil, .... Reapers, Cautions about using, Reply to X of the Republican, Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime, Rain, • . . . Ruta Bagas, &c. . , Rust on Oats, Rainy Days, employment, Rats, To destroy, Rags, Rain, Philosophy of, Royal Agricultural Chester, . Receipts, Domestic, Society's Dinner at S. Southern Literary Messenger, Stock Breeding of any kind, Shall it always continue thus? Shoeing Horses — Good plan of, Surface Manuring, Southdown Sheep, . Sugar from the Sorghum, . Sub Soil, Ploughing in Clarke, Stock Breeders, to, Seasonable Suggestions, Sheep Shearing Machine, Do. Fine, Stallions, Fine, Stock Running at Large and Fenci Shall Apple Trees be Manured, Soil Analysis, Strangles, Remedy for, Swallows Against Flies, . Sassafras, Clearing Land of, Soapsuds for Currant Bushes, Suggestions About the Purchase of Reapers, »?, 703 712 721 751 752 30 40 73 76 111 144 182 170 188 201 201 239 258 264 317 318 327 331 342 346 354 357 360 366 378 434 441 488 499 522 592 598 605 632 702 7 36 61 102 103 105 106 110 111 122 160 167 174 174 178 182 219 220 737 239 246 763 THE SOUTHERN P L A N T E R .— INDEX. Salt, as a Preventive to Rot in Tobacco, 20 1 Spring Chickens, .... 269 Southdown Sheep, . . 377.293 Seed, .... 379-301 Sowing Peas, .... 320 Smoke for Wounds on Animals, . . 339 Soapsuds Effectual vs. Bed Bugs, . . 340 Stacking Hay and Grain, . .34 9 Shepherds of the Pyrennes, . . 355 Sulphur for Insects, . . . 359 Seed, Quick Vegetation of, . . 366 Societies, Virginia State and Central Ag- ricultural, .... 370 Still Chopping the Roots, • . . 380 Stone Fencing, .... 433 Soapsuds, ..... 436 Sheep, Culture of, ... 456 Stacking Hay and Grain, . . . 478 Slaughter that Daily Sustains, the, . 492 Salutatory, .... 497 Soiling Cattle, Green Rye for, . . 498 Spayed Cows, .... 509 Sun" Flower, the,. . . . .512 Striped Bugs, . . . . 523 Strawberries, Chapter on, . . 527 Sugar, Theory of High Prices, . . 536 Swine, Paper on, .... 559 Soils, Difference in, . . . 561 Soil, the, . . . . .575 Stock, Pernicious influence of Watery Food,&c. .... 597 Sheep, Value of, to Farmers, . 611-671 Smut in, Wheat, Remedy for, . .611 Sheaf, the, . . . . .621 Seasons and Crops of Present Year, . 627 Stock Feeding, Winter, . . . 670 " Evils of Over-Feeding, . . 672 Soils, Physical Properties of, . . 674 Sweet Potatoes, .... 694 Sewing Machine, .... 700 Snow Ball Pudding, . . .701 Scatter the Germs of the Beautiful, . 704 Soap, a Hard and Durable, . . 736 Sociability, .... 740 Society, Virginia State Agricultural, Award of Premiums, .... 743 Subscribers, in Arrears, . . . 754 T. Tea Cakes, .... 9 True Principles of Hitching Teams, . 44 Thinning Forests, •. . . .70 Tea Drinking, .... 86 Toinatoc Culture, . . . .89 Tyro Answered, . . . .121 Tobacco Analysis, . . .137 Tribute to the Planter, . . . 147 Trade in the Horns of Animals, . . 206 Tomatoes, . . . . .238 Threshing Machines, Steam Power, . 279 Twins, Free Martin's Enquiry, . . 285 Ton True, . . . . .290 Transactions of N. Y. State Ag'l Soc'y, . 29:: Tobacco Question, . . 387, 400 Tobacco, Fine Sale of . . 394 Trees and Fruit Buds vs. Cold Water, . 396 Tobacco Exchange, . 467, 469, 471, 570 Tulcyries Artesian Well, &c, . 509 Tobacco Prizing, . . . .519 Tobacco Charcoal for Firing, 565, 595 Telegraph, At antic .« 635 Time, Difference of . 636 The Teeth, Keeping Clean . 702 The Tongue of Poverty, . 702 Tomatoes, green, how to Pickle" . : 712 Tobacco, .... 717 Table, a . 723 Tea, .... . 724 u. Utility of Birds and Snakes, . 336 Unhealthy Position of the Body, . . 603 University of Va., 639 Untie t'he Hame String, . 699 V. Veterinarian, The . . 138 Vinegar, How to Make . 332 Valedictory, . 387 Vegetation, Powers of, to Resist Ex tremes, &c, . 397 Vines. How to Protect from Bugs, . 490 Vegetable Physiology, 538 Value of Agricultural Papers, . 568 Vegetables as Fertilizers, . . 577 Volume, our Next . 753 W. Wood sold in Small Quantities, . 82 Wire Fence, . 87 Washing, . ... 88 Western Hog Trade, . 102 Wood, Preserving by " Steeps," . 110 Window Gardening, 160 Wool Trade, . . 211 Wagon Body, 236 Watermelons, Culture in Hanover, 254 Wool, Chapter on . . 273 Wool, .... 276 Washing Sheep, Philosophy of 278 Wheat Prospect, 310 Winter, Preparations for . 328 Wheat Midge, . . . . 341 When Corn Grows, 357 Wine, Currant, . 366 Wash your Fruit Trees, 368 Watering Plants, . . 369 Wheat, White and Red, . 393 Whortleberries, . 395 What is Silica? . . . . 441 What England Eates from Abroad, 491 Wheat Market, . . . * 501 Whitewash, First rate 521 Wonders of Boiling Water, 524 Words to Young Farmers, 573 Wash Boards, War Against, 592 Who would not be a Farmer, 599 Waterproofs, . . . . 653 Water — Its Importance in Vegetation, 653 Wea\ il in Seed Wheat, 663 Wheat, Rust in .... 664 Wheal Crop, .... 687 Wheat Crop, Mr. Winston's 719 Wine, the Preservation of 733 Wealth, the Best .... 735 Wine, to make pure Apple 735 Wool and Woolens, 738 Wife, Co-operation of the 751 SOUTHERN PLANTER.— ADVERTISING SHEET. FOR THE CELEBRATED PREMIUM IRON CYLINDER Grain Drill, iti tie Improved Guano Attachment and Grass Seed Sower. PATENTED IN 1856 AND 1858. MANUFACTURED BY BICKFORD & HUFFMAN, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. rhose wishing this article, and one that is universally acknowledged bv the Farmers of the South, North Itl'JSiy 1 have exam.ned ,t, to be the best ever offered to the public, will bear in mind th,t un- they older early, may be disappointed, as hundreds were last season, by delay I TUBE DRILL, PRICES, Guano Attachment, Grass Seed Sower, $90 00 85 00 " - 80 00 Ml Orders promptly filled and information given, by application to n , „ nn ni 1 o General Agent for the' Southern States, Office, JSio. 90 S. Charles Street, between Pratt aad Camden, Baltimore, Mch ale by CHURCH & FLEMING, Agents, Richmond, Va. $25 00 10 00 CLATTTIOlSf. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern : That this is to forbid all persons making vending- or infringing upon our Guano or Compost Attachment, patented April 22d, 1856, re-issued Mav 18th Any person violating our rights, will beheld accountable. None genuine except manufactured bv here they can be had on application to C F. CORSER, our General Agent, at No 90 S Ch-irlea t, Baltimore, Md., or to agents appointed to sell the same by said Corser. )tember 1858.— ly . BICKFORD & HUFFMANN, SOUTHERN PLANTER— ADVERTISING SHEET. Corner of Grace and Foushee Streets, RICHMOND, VA. The next Session of this Institution will open on the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 18; and close on the First Day of July, 1859. TERMS FOR THE SCHOLASTIC YEAR, For Board, - - - $200 For Washing, - - - 20 For Lights, For English Tuition, For Modern Languages, (each,) For French, when studied exclusively of the English branches, For Latin, --'..-- For Music on Piano, Harp, Guitar, Or- gan or Singing : For one lesson (of an hour) a week, 6 40 20 40 20 40 For two lessons (of an hour) a week, For three lessons (of an hour) a week, For four lessons (of an hour) a week, For the use of Piano, For Drawing, from Models, For Drawing, from Nature, For Painting in Water Colors, For Oil Painting, Primary Department— ^for Children un- der 11 years of age, $ 12) 161 I 2( 4( 41 5« 3( REFERENCES: The Patrons of the School. — Right Rev. Bishop Meade, Right Rev. Bishop Johns, Right Re* Bishop Elliott of Georgia, Right Rev. Bishop Cobbs of Alabama, Rev. Moses D. Huge, D, D., Rev. Charles H. Read, D. D., Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D., Rev. B. Gildersleve. The Cier d of the Episcopal Church in Virginia. HUBEET P. IEFEBVRE, A. M„ Principal. Rev. H. S. Keppler, William G. Williams, a. m. John P. Little, M. D. R. A. Lewis, M. D. Eliodoro Camps, John A. Calyo, C. W. Thilow, W. F. Grabau, Mrs. A. E. J. Gibson, Miss Mary Gordon, MAD'ELLE L. VILLEMET, French Governe All letters to be directed to Hubert P. Lefebvre, Richmond, Va Miss E. Bartlett, Mrs. M. Taylor, Mad'me M. Estvan, Mad'elle Lacy, Charles II. Roseen, [July '58— ly PAINTS. PAINTS. PAINTS. PURCELL, LADD & CO, UOGHSTS, No. 122 Main Street, corner 13th, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Offer at low prices, a large and well assorted stock of articles in their line — embracing PAINTS, COLORS, VARNISHES, OILS, &C. J LEWIS' WHITE LEAD, NEW J. WHITE ZINC, Horsehead brand, CHROME GREEN, VEKDIGRIS. TERRA DI SIENNA, LINSEED OIL, MACHINE OIL, PARIS GREEN, CHROME YELLOW, TURKEY UftlBKE, LAMP OILS, SPTS. TURPENTINE. All Colors for Painters, Coach Makers, and others, Dry and in Oil, Paint Brushes, Sand Paper, and a very large stock of best WINDOW GJ^J^SS, omprising nearly every size made. We are also prepared to take orders for Imported Polished Plate, Sky Light and Ornamental Glass. f^f Particular attention to packing and forwarding all goods— and the qunlitv warranted. PURCELL, LADD & CO, Druggists, June 1853. 122 Muin Street, Richmond.