Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/southernplanterd18sout THE SOUTHERN PLANTER; 29cbotetr to ^Qvicxiituvt, ?Bortfculture, anlr the JL^ouseftoltr ^rts. A^ric ulture is th e nursing- mother of the Arts. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State. Xertuphon. Sully. C. T. BOTTS, Editor. Opposite Merchants' Coflee House, Mail) Street. Vol. I. RICHMOND, SEPTEMBER, 1841. No. 8. GRASSES. From a discourse recently delivered by Dr. Darling- ton before the class of the Chester County Cabinet of Natural Science, we glean some important information upon the interesting subject of grasses. Dr. Darling- ton is a gentleman whose reputation for practical and scientific knowledgeicntitles his opinions to the very highest consideration. It will be perceived that in his estimation our favorite red top or herds-grass is ranked as low as No. 7, the next to the last in value of the cul- tivated grasses enumerated by him. Such an estimate, backed as it is by the opinion of many of our most ju- dicious farmers, of the lightness and inferiority of the herds-grass should certainly incline us to examine its pretensions to the place it holds in our meadows. Are none of the grasses pointed out by scientific investi- gations, as more valuable, equally adapted to our soil and climate? Or is this inferior article forced upon us by our indolence and ignorance, rather than by any of the provisions of nature. We are not content to stand so low in the scale of grass cultivators, and shall not cease our exertions to amend our condition until we are satisfied that the evil is irremediable. The extract to which we have alluded is as follows; " In an agricultural point of view, the superior value of the grasses as materials for pasture and hay, is owing to the large quantity of saccharine matter with which they abound about the time of flowering ; and which is the source of that rich, sweet odor, observable in well-preserved hay. This saccharine matter, which pervades the whole plant before flowering, and is most perfectly elaborated at that epoch, is designed to be ultimately concentrated and deposited in the seeds, chiefly in the form oi farina; and hence we find the herbage of comparatively little value after the fruit is fully matured. The skilful agriculturist, therefore, .when he wishes to have good haij, cuts his grass at the moment when the nutritious juices are most perfect, and while they are diffused throughout the plant. But when his main object is the seed^ as in our culti- vated grains, he of course postpones his harvest until the career of vegetation is finished. It is needless to enlarge on the importance of the herbage of the grasses, in supplying the food of our domestic animals, and, indirectly, the animal portion of our own food. I will, however, men- tion those species which are deemed of chief value in our meadows and pastures, naming them in what I consider the order of their ex- cellence. 1 The meadow, or green grass, er- VoL. 1—18 roneously called ' blue grass,' in Kentucky {Poa pratensis^ L.) 2. Timothy, or the ' herds-grass,' of the northern States {Phleum pratense^ L.) 3. Orchard grass, [Dactylis glomerata^ L.) 4. Mea- dow fescue, {Festuca pratensis, L.) 5. Blue grass, {Poa compressa, L.) 6. Ray grass, {Lo- lium perenne, L.) 7. Herds grass, of Penna. of- ten called 'red top,' — the 'bent grass,' of the English, {^grostis vulgaris , L.) — and 8. Sweet- scented vernal gr3LSs^{Anthozanthum odoratum, L.) There are a few other grasses — native, or par- tially naturalized — to be found on our farms, — and which are more or less eaten by cattle, when the better ones are wanting ; but thej'- are of comparatively little value, and good farmers are always desirous to supersede them, as soon as possible, by some of those above named. It is remarkable, that all the grasses here enumerated, are believed to have been introduced into our country. They are all more or less extensively naturalized ; but some of them require to be re- gularly sown, to insure a full crop ; and are therefore known as artificial grasses. I'hose generally cultivated here, are the timothy and orchard grass, — and occasionally we see the ray and herds-grass, or red top ; though these last are not so much esteemed. The others are com- pletely naturalized ; and when the soil is either originally fertile, or adequately improved, the best of them, viz. the meadow grass and the fescue, soon appear spontaneously in our pas- tures, and supersede the artificial ones. ]\ow and then we hear of attempts to introduce new grasses to the notice of our agriculturists, ac- companied by exaggerated statements of their value, such as the Taller oat-grass, {Avena ela- tior^ L.) sometimes called 'grass of the Andes;' and a few years since, one of our coarse indige- nous grasses, called ' sesame' or ' Gama grass,' {Tripsaclim dacty bides ^ L.) was so extravagantly lauded in the journals, that many lovers of no- velties were induced to try the experiment of cultivating it, in place of the old approved plants ; but, like some other 'experiments' that we wot of in our day, it resulted in a total failure. It is indeed exceedingly doubtful, whether anj' other grasses are so well adapted to our climate and our wants, as those old and long-tried acquaint- ances of our farmers, which I have already enu- merated." 154 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER For the Southern Planter. My Dear Sir^ — I have seen and examined, with much pleasure, the 'June number of your Planter, and my attention was particularly di- rected to a communication written by E. W. on the use of leaves and wood offal for compost. Notwithstanding I am young and inexperienced in the farming system", and in some respects agree with your experienced correspondent, yet in others, I regard him quite discouraging and rather defective than otherwise. 1st. He informs us, that he is satisfied of having completely im- poverished a valuable piece of wood-land by the annual removal, for several years, of the fall coating of leaves. Of this fact no doubt can exist in the mind of any practical or scientific man, inasmuch as a correct knowledge of the gaseous properties of vegetable matter, as 'well as experience, fully demonstrates it. 2d. He proceeds to give us his present plan, which is to remove the undecomposed vegetable matter from the land that he is clearing. None perhaps will call in question the utility of this plan. Now, I presume that E. W. intended his piece on this subject for practical purposes, and so ought every communication to be on the science of agricul- tural pursuits. So far as the plan of hauling leaves and litter into the farm pen is concerned, from land just cleared, none will disapprove. But has he told us how much land he clears annually, or whether he clears annually or not ? And the number of loads of litter he carries into his farm pen during the fall, winter, and spring, from the land he has cleared? I think not. Also, has he told us the number of loads of ma- nure made, and the number of bushels to each load, by pursuing his plan, and how, or in what way he appropriates this manure, and the benefit resulting therefrom to his land or crop? These are the facts that we wish to know as farmers, and this is the kind of information that we trust your experienced correspondent will give us in future. Again, Mr. Editor, it seems to my mind that E. W. has given us a one-sided view of this subject, and that too, connected with his own interest and peculiar situation in life. How, I would like to know, is the plan to be pursued by those farmers, who perhaps have not one- half or one-tenth part of the forest land to clear that he has. My own limited observation, both in Virginia and elsewhere, has long since taught me that many farmers cannot judiciously clear their forest land, nor cut down one stick of wood, except for timber or to burn. If this statement be doubted by E. W. I invite him to take a short excursion from home, and pass through central Virginia, and I will vouch for it, that he will see scores and hundreds of farmers, who are worth from one to fifty thousand dollars that are situated as above stated. What must they do for wood ofFal and leaves on his plan ? I will now, sir, present a case, through your excellent paper, for his disposal. A farmer has but two hundred acres of land — one hundred and fifty of which is ordinary land, and the re- maining fifty acres forest land. Of course it would be unadvisable in him to cut down and clear up the fifty acres, or any portion of it for the sake of the litter upon it, and yet the expe- rience of your correspondent has not suggested any plan for him to pursue, nor many others, in rather a worse condition. Herein I regard his communication deficient and still wanting much more of that experience of which he speaks. He has thrown the young farmers of our coun- try into a wide sea of uncertainty, without a helm to guide them, and without a bottom or a shore. I for one trust, that he will in future give us a better outfit, rather better accommodations, and direct us to some more certain and safer har- bor. I, Mr. Editor, do not set up any claims for having much experience in farming or improving land. Of this you are informed from the outset of my remarks, and yet young as I am, I will propose a plan to be pursued by those farmers, whose situations in life are not so enviable as E. W.'s is ; and if convinced in future that I am wrong, and a better plan is proposed, I will abandon it, as it is my purpose to elicit informa- tion on this, as well as many other subjects, and not controversy. Divide the above named fifty acres of timbered land into five equal parts. The result will be ten acres for each year during five years. The first year the farmer may haul into his farm pen the leaves and litter from the first ten, and the second year from the second ten acres, and so on for five years, until he gets over the fifty acres. Let the compost be annually applied to his comiuon land, and no doubt he will soon discover his thin land improving, while his forest land has not sustained any in- jury. This practice may be kept up in rotation for twenty years, (that is) taking off the litter every five years from either of the ten acres, without injury. These are facts that have been demonstrated by some of our judicious mana- gers and will be demonstrated again even if E. W. never does it. Now, Mr. Editor, as I am a friend to you and to your laudable and praiseworthy undertaking, in supplying the southern farmers and planters with such a valuable desideratum, let me sug- gest to you the propriety and importance of in- sisting on your numerous correspondents com- bining practice with their theory — to give de- monstrable proofs, stubborn and undeniable facts upon the different agricultural pursuits of the day. When your columns become filled with such communications as these, then I endorse for it, that your paper will have a wider and more extended circulation than any other of the. kind in the nation. Regard not this suggestion as being dictatorial on my part, as I am using THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 155 my small influence in removing objections to your paper, and hope in less than one month to give you a stronger proof of my attachment to it, by swelling the number of your subscription list. I hope, sir, that the time is not distant when the Southern Planter is to find a warm and cor- dial reception in the house of every farmer and planter scattered over the length and breadth of this great republic. I remain, with high consideration, Your friend and obedient servant, A Young Farmer. We have a word or two to say upon the above. Like "A Young- Farmer" we desire to "elicit information not controversy." And we, therefore, sug-gest to our friend E. W. that there is no room here for the latter. We see no discrepancy whatever between the views of E. W. and our correspondent. E. W. asserts that his experience justifies the reasonable conclusion, that wood-land will be injured by an annual robbery of the leaves and ofllal, and "A Young- Farmer," ag-recing- with him, recommends, very judiciously, that the wood land for this purpose be divided into five shifts, so that no portion will be robbed but once in five years. Where a farmer is clearing- as much land as he needs for litter, as we suppose E. W. is, no such arrangement is neces- sary, and his course, we presume, is exactly what "A Young Farmer" would recommend. We do not know that "A Young- Farmer" has any rig-ht to find fault with E. W. because he did not g-o farther and tell us, as he has done, what would be the most judicious plan under other circumstances. What we most covet, is precisely the kind of com- munications to which "A Young- Farmer" alludes, plain, practical results of actual operations, as free as possible from all taint of abstract theories. We desire to make the Planter a record of such. DRILLING WHEAT. The following is entitled to the gravest con- sideration, not less from the importance of the subject than from the source from which it is derived. Drilling is the favorite mode of culti- vating wheat in England, but has been discarded here because of the supposed increase of labor. But if Mr. McClean, who seems to have con- ducted his experiments with great care, is right in concluding that thi^e times as much wheat may be made by only the additional expense of drilling, instead of sowing broadcast, a hundred contrivances, in these days of improved imple- ments, may be found to obviate any difficulty from this source. We had heard of the wonderful result of this experiment, and put ourselves to some pains to obtain an authentic statement of the particulars. When a fact so important is vouched for by such authority, we cannot permit ourselves to imagine that the farmers of this great wheat growing province will rank it with the numerous experi- ments that are hourly detailed, only to be for- gotten. We hope that thousands of farmers in this State, deeply interested in the production of this great staple, will, this fall, repeat this expe- riment for themselves. We will pledge ourselves, if it is successful, to furnish them with an im- plement by which the trouble of drilling shall be entirely obviated. This is the age of agricultural improvement, and we doubt not that we are on the eve of re- volutions, which are to enhance an hundred fold the profits of husbandry. What a noble exampie to the agricultural so- cieties of the State is afforded by the conduct of Dr. Archer. As the President of the Society for Elizabeth City he obtains and forwards to an agricultural paper a statement of an experi- ment, made by an individual in his district, that it may become common property. How much might be effected by this interchange of infor- mation, and to what more valuable purpose could an agricultural society be devoted than to the collection and publication of such important facts ? ''Old Point Comfort, Aug. 22, 1841. " Dear Sir, — I enclose you a copy of a letter received from Mr. McClean on the subject of drilled wheat. His experiment is a very inte- resting and important one, and deserves to be prosecuted farther. I saw this wheat, and think I never saw a more luxuriant growth or one that promised a greater yield ; but Mr. M. omits one important fact — it suffered somewhat from the rust. " The objections urged to drilling wheat in this country, where land is cheap and labor high, are first, that the drilling is expensive, and se- condly, that to secure any advantage from drill- ing, the crop must be worked ; or in other words, that drilling is only to be resorted to, as it en- ables 3^ou to work the crop. If this were the fact, I should say, that no Virginia farmer would be justified in drilling his wheat: but the fact is the reverse ; for drilling is attended with no increased expense, (other than the cost of the drill) and the labor of working the wheat would be thrown away. The increase of product, therefore, arises from the more equal distribution of the seed, the uniform depth at which it is co- vered, the free circulation of air through the drill, and the better condition in which the land is left by the operation of the drill plough. Very respectfull}'. Your obedient servant, R, Archer." ''Elizabeth City County, Jlug. 17, 1841. "Dr. Robert Archer, President A. Society Elizabeth City County: ''Dear Sir, — Late in October ult. I thought I would experiment a little by drilling two-thirds of an acre of wheat, believing that drilling a full crop would pa}^ me much better than a crop sowed broadcast. 156 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. "In this two-thirds of an acre, the rows fifty I to sixty yards long, there were sixty-three rows ' seven inches apart, and seventy-four rows four- ' teen inches apart. I "If any difference in quahty or quantity of, wheat in these rows, it was in favor of those I seven inches apart, where five pecks were drilled to an acre. "At the rate of ten pecks, were drilled on two beds drills seven inches apart : this I found by far too thick : the wheat did not produce so well, and looked sickly from the time it first came up. " The wheat came up well, but looked no better than my crop in general, until it began to | head. Early in April I ran a large harrow over | it ; thought it improved its appearance ; latter j part of April or first of May I ran a cultivator j between the drills (fourteen inches apart) on two | beds ; but at reaping time I found no material difference between that worked and that un- ■worked. The weeds were completely kept un- der where the drills were close; not so with those fourteen inches apart. " On this two-thirds of an acre I made four- teen bushels, and had it all been drilled seven incites (which produced as well or belter than the fourteen inches) I would have made twenty- one bushels, a yield of thirty-one and a half bushels to the acre — three times as much as my general crop averaged. " I am so confident of the success of drilling, that I intend to drill thirteen acres this fall. I have a machine made by Mr. Jabez Parker, of Richmond, invented by Mr. Andrew Bartle, of this county, by which wheat can be drilled with less trouble than it can be sowed broadcast, pro- vided the wheat is to be ploughed in. " This drill can in a few minutes be attached to any plough by any common hand. " I shall be able, after my crop of thirteen acres is reaped, to give more on this drilling system. I am, most respectfully, yours, A. B. McCl.EAN." HAY. We commend the following to the attention of our hay makers. To the community in this neighborhood, it woujd be unnecessary to speak of Mr. Sydnor's character for judgment and ge- neral intelligence. To those to whom he is un- known we undertake to say, once for all, (for we hope to bear frequently from him) that it is un- disputed. He is by profession a hay maker. fie cuts probab more blue than herds-grass, ?ind is therefore uninfluenced by interested mo- tives in his view of the subject. Mr. Sydnor insists that the herds-grass of the Rprth is arj entirely different article from the one we cultivate under that name. This may ma- terially affect the conclusions to be drawn from Dr. Darlington's estimate, noticed in another place. The greatest confusion, we know, pre- vails upon this subject, soon to be dispelled, we hope, by the laudable efforts of Mr. Curtis and the Editor of the Farmers' Register. To the Editor of the Southern Planter: Sir, — In looking over the table of contents to the July number of the Planter, my attention was drawn to an article headed Hay — and as a school boy's notice is first directed to the pictures in his book, so I, invariably, read first in every agricultural work I meet with, every thing that has any connection with this valuable crop. In- deed, sir, I consider hay as a " sine qua non" to the farmer — an article, absolutely and indispen- sably necessary for the comfort and well being |j of his stock, for the purpose of making manure, ! and, as a necessary consequence, the improve- ment of his land. Having premised thus much, I will proceed to review, in my plain and rude manner, the ar- ticle alluded to, signed " Chickahominy" — and I hope by so doing, to induce some one, over his proper signature, who is more skilled in farming, as well as writing, to come out on the subject, and give his views of the facts. Your corre- spondent, after speaking of the immense quan- tity of Chickahominy bottoms and their rich soil, proceeds to compare the different kinds of hay, usually cultivated on these bottoms, as to their value and adaptation to the said lowlands. It seems that your correspondent forms his con- clusions not from actual practical knowledge, but from casual observation and the opinions de- . rived from others. Were I not well acquainted j with the different kinds of hay cultivated on these bottoms I would not dare express any opi- nion, much less make assertions in opposition to the opinion of Chickahominy ; but having lived on this creek or river (as it may be termed) for the last eight j^ears, and turned my attention almost exclusively to the cultivation of hay, I feel privileged to say something, inasmuch as I conceive Chickahominy to be in an error, and may possibly lead others into the same. Chickahominy, I have no doubt, is correct in his opinions as to the extent and value of these lowlands; but as to the comparative value of blue grass, herds or red top and timothy, and their adaptation to Chickahominy lowgrounds, I must beg leave to differ with him. My expe- rience in the matter satisfies me that as fine timothy and herds- grass can be raised on Chicka- hominy bottoms as on any other unmanured lands in lower Virginia, and that three, four, and sometimes many more heavy crops have been and may be token from the land without re- seeding. As a general thing, however, it wjll THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 167 be found best to fallow up and re-seed about every fourth year. I have some herds-grass meadow, now eight years old, which yielded this year a fair crop, at least between three and four thousand pounds to the acre — and the quality, at any rale, merchantable. True it is, there are many spots on the river, and some I have no doubt on every farm, which are better adapted to blue grass than either of the others under contemplation. Blue grass delights in low, moist, and indeed wet situations, where the other two would not live, and it will not grow well any where else — whereas a large portion of these bottoms, so far as they are now cleared, are sometimes too dry even for herds-grass. On such places as blue grass seems to flourish, I would recommend its encouragement^ not cultiva- tion, for it requires none ; and all that is neces- sary to encourage it, is to cut it down twice a year — not with the expectation, however, of getting three tons per acre at each cutting ; but about half that quantity, I suppose, may be calculated on with some certainly. 1 would here observe that blue grass, when growing, and even when being mowed, is very apt to deceive one not well acquainted with its growth. Like fodder when green and growing, it makes a large show, but when cut, cured, and secured in a stack or barn, the bulk as well as weight is most materially lessened. Indeed, it loses more in curing than any other hay I have ever seen, not excepting clover. Admitting for one moment that a blue grass meadow will yield annually as much per acre as herds-grass or timothy, a fact which I have never witnessed, and supposing the lands to be better suited to its growth, a part of which only is in reality, the harvesting is double, the qua- lity inferior, (salt or no salt*) and the price in market about one-fiflh less than any artificial hay within my knowledge. W. B. Sydnor. For the Southern Planter. SLAVERY. NO, II. My Dear Sir, — With your permission I will resume my observations upon the subject of slave labor. I have endeavored to show that it is in general the cheapest labor that this country af- fords, both because of its effectiveness, arisingfrom subordination and continuance, and also because its price is victuals and clothes of the cheapest kind. I have said that labor obtained for mere food and clothing was the cheapest that could be afforded in any country. Hence unless there is labor in Europe (which it is not to be doubted there is) worse fed and clothed than our negroes, we have the cheapest labor in the world : cer- ♦ Chickahominy says it should be salted. tainly none can be afforded in our own country at so low a rate. This is true in ihe general, but is very dependant upon the management of those who have charge of this particular species of labor. It is always to be fed, and must be always at work. This a good manager will effect. The advocate of white labor contends that the farmer only wants labor occasionally, and that the expense of supporting the slave when he is not at work more than compensates for the additional price of white labor. This argument points out most strongly the manner in which alone it can be refuted, viz. to provide work for every day in the year. A good ma- nager will take care that no hand on his farm eats the bread of idleness for a single day, and if our farmers would only calculate upon each rainy day the clear loss upon the hands not at work, such contingencies would be more gene- rally provided for. A little system will readily obviate this dithculty. Good management consists not only in pro- j viding work for your laborers but in the manner ' in which the laborers themselves are controlled. Upon this important point, there is much error ariaing, either from ignorance or want of sys- tem. Negroes are like any other ignorant men in a state of subordination : they re- quire to be managed with kindness, tempered with the greatest firmness. The m.ost exact discipline is as necessary as in a school or on board a ship. Too much attention cannot be paid to their necessities, and the humane master will find a thousand opportunities of exhibiting the kindness of his disposition to his slaves. But his orders, which should not be variable, must be obeyed, or punishnient must follow. With a strict observance of this rule, punish- ment will soon be unnecessary, because there will be no disobedience. Under such a system, the negro is the most cheerful, grateful, and faithful laborer upon the face of the earth. It may be argued that few men are calculated ta command and control others, to the greatest ad- vantage. This is true ; it is no common qua- lity, but one extremely valuable to the southern cultivator, and where it is not possessed by na- ture, it is often obtained by study and practice. System, order, and management are every thing upon one of our large landed estates, and call forth, in their exercise, no ordinary powers of mind. I would by all ineans advise our farmers to eschew hired labor, under our system. The habit of permitting the hireling, at the end of the year, to choose his own home, leads to a change of labor, that renders a slave at least twice as valuable to his master as to an indivi- dual hiring him. Besides the change of mas- ters, from the subjection to a variety of systems, renders the slave unfixed in any ; moreover, the pride of ownership on the part of the slave (a 158 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER southern man will understand what I mean) is lost, and the power of changing his place gives him a degree of independence incompatible with necessary subordination. I once heard a very learned gentleman, who had very little expe- rience, descanting very eloquently upon the dif- ference between white and slave labor. I asked him whether, in speaking of slave labor, he al- luded to hired slaves, or such as were owned by the operator. He replied that he had never heard of such a distinction, and did not know there was any difference. Although I did not tell him so, his reply satisfied me that he had very little practical information upon the subject on which he was talking so learnedly. I conclude by asserting that under the con- trol of good and judicious men, the southern master and slave should neither desire to ex- change situations with any other similar classes upon the face of the earth. Yours, J. S. For the Southern Planter. MANURING. Mr. Editor, — I have seen much in your va- luable periodical, which, by the by, I hope will soon be in the hands of every practical farmer in Virginia at least, on the subject of manuring ; a great deal that I think very excellent, and some things that I do not entirely approve. You well remarJc that the subject is all-important, and as any statement of facts may be desirable, I will give you some that have induced me to dif- fer with the generality of farmers upon the use of long provender. I was at one time in the habit of passing all of this through the stomach of cattle, to be con- verted into manure, and actually undertook to winter other people's cows for the benefit of their offal. A very shrewd, unlettered old neighbor used to laugh at me a good deal for supposing, as he said, that 1 could give some to my neigh- bors' cattle and have more left ; which he called working subtraction by the rules of addition. Moved more by the ridicule than the argument of my old friend, I at length, to show him how absurd his theory was, carried out several stacks of straw in the fall, and spread them upon my corn land. In the following summer, I turned it under, and sowed my wheat upon it in the fall. Since that crop, I have never wintered other people's cattle, and any of my neighbors may take as many of mine as they please. 1 do not know that I ever would have been induced to admit that my neighbor's practice was better than mine, notwithstanding the in- crease of my crops under the new system, had I not discovered that he had attributed the effect to the wrong cause. The improvement is not so much owing to my turning in the whole of my straw, as to the covering it affords the land. Now, I am not exactly philosopher enough to account for this well known fact, which I have never seen explained, but certain it is, that the mere covering of the land makes it wonderfully productive. A galled spot, upon which a few planks are laid, will become extremely fertile ; and the places over which our fodder stacks are placed are proverbially productive. So it is with the land covered with straw, and I am inclined to think, this principle, well exaniined and car- ried out, would lead to a great revolution in our methods of improvement. At any rate, I was highly gratified to find, that if I had erred, it was not so much because I worked arithmetic badly, as my neighbor maintained, as that I was ignorant of a fact unknown to him. 1 am now thoroughly satisfied, that, if any one will try the experiment fairly, he will reduce his stock to the number absolutely necessary for his purposes, and haul out all his extra fodder, straw, leaves, &c. as a covering for his land. It is worth three times as much to him, used in this way, as when it is digested in the stomachs of other people's cattle, or even cut to pieces in his ow^n farm yard ; for although, in the latter case, he may get as much of the nutritive properties of the straw, eventually, he loses the benefit of the cover, which is infinitely more valuable, in the meantime. Yours, W. W. This we look upon as a very important suggestion of our correspondent. We have often had our atten- tion called to the fact he mentions, the well known va- lue of a cover to land. We think with him the princi- ple is worthy of investigation. He is a practical and successful farmer, whose name is at the disposal of any one who chooses to make private inquiry for it. CHARCOAL. Since the publication of Dr. Liebig's" late work upon " Chemistry applied to Agriculture," some very interesting experiip.ents have been made upon the fertilizing powers of powdered charcoal. That from the pine, used in our black- smiths' shops, has so far proved the most valua- ble. Mixed with the soil in difierent proportions, it has been found to promote the growth of healthy, and to restore the drooping powers of sickly plants. This article is so readily obtained as to offer an inducement to our farniers and gardeners to try some most interesting experi- ments for themselves in this comparatively un- explored field of agriculture. SALTPETRE TO PEACH TREES. Mr. Littleton Physick, in a late com- munication to the " Cultivator," states, as the result of experiments continued for the last five years, that he has found an application of salt and saltpetre to peach trees an effectual cure for TEIE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 159 the canker worm. Mr. Physick applies a half pound of the mixture, in the proportion of one- fourth or nnore of saltpetre to the surface of the soil, in contact with the trunk of the tree, about the month of April, and if there are indications of the worm, he repeats the process with about two-thirds of the quantity again in June and September. Every second or third year he sows the mixture, broadcast, over his orchard, at the rate of about two bushels to the acre. By this means, he restored, to the surprise of himself and neighbors, an orchard full of worms, which he was advised to give to the axe. He finds not only renewed vigor imparted to his trees, but increased flavor given to his fruit. When he sets out young trees in the spring, he applies, as soon as he is done planting, about one ounce of the mixture, and repeats it in June and September. Mr. Physick thinks that this application in the spring will retard the developement of the bud, and thereby save the fruit from frost. Mr. P. lives in Maryland, and of course as to the periods of time specified, allowance must be made for the difference in climates. With a plate of this delicious fruit by our side, we cannot refrain from pressing upon the attention of our orchardists any thing which has a tendency to ensure us the grateful refreshment of its luscious juice, during the exhausting heat of our summer months. In addition to its value as a most acceptable luxury, it is well worthy of regard as a source of profit. To satisfy our farmers of that fact, it is only necessary to state, that fine peaches are readily bringing, in our market, from two to four dollars a bushel, and that large quantities might be annually sold to our city ladies for domestic purposes. low priced articles, made for sale, without suffi- cient regard to the workmanship ; thus offering a premium to the workshops of the north to slight their work. To fit and finish well requires time, which always commands money, and wc have often seen articles in this market that we knew could not be well made for double the price at which they were offered. Still they sold rea- dily, because they were loio^ and no doubt gave rise to such complaints as we have received. There can be no economy in a cheap tool. If you cannot afford to buy a good one, wait until you can. You never can afford to buy an in- different one. PLASTER OF PARIS. A writer in the Farmers' Cabinet strongly re- commends the use of powdered plaster of paris on stable floors. It has been found, as stated by Professor Liebig, to absorb the ammonia arising from urine and thereby to render stables where cattle are confined perfectly sweet, health}', and inodorous. Without it the ammonia that arises is not only lost, as far as vegetation is concerned, but is productive of weak eyes and other dis- eases arising from the stench of foul stables. One bushel per month is considered sufficient for this purpose, though much more might be used to advantage, as there is no better way of pre- paring the plaster for the purposes of vegetation. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We have received a complaint, well founded, nodoubt,of theserious inconvenience experienced by farmers from the neglect of the m.akers of agricultural implements generally, especially of ploughs. Our correspondent points out the ex- cessive delay and vexation of being compelled to go to the shop tq repair a bolt, imperfectly made or fitted, to open a wrench too small in the eye, and a thousand other imperfections, arising from the carelessness of the manufacturer. There is no doubt that our farmers suffer ex- tremely from such slight causes, and that from the fact of their not being mechanics, they are egregiously imposed on by the makers of these implements ; but w^e think they themselves are somewhat to blame, and that they have the re- medy in their own hands. If they want good work, they must be willing to pay fair prices, and they may be assured whenever they pur- chase a low priced implement they have gotten an indifferent one. They jump too readily at For the Southern Planter. BERKSHIRES. My Dear Sir, — I have seen and heard much of the Berkshires and have no doubt that for some purposes they are the most improved hog now known to the agricultural world. But I maintain that they are not calculated for this particular region. My objections are that they fatten too easily and arrive at a heavy weight too early. With the exception of a few jockey pigs, raised about the house, we must continue to range our hogs, and hence they must ever be exposed to depredation. Now a round fat sleek Berkshire presents a temptation that the pilfering propensities of our negroes cannot resist. Our only safety is in your long legged lean and hun- gry alligator, w^hich he could not catch if he would, and would not if he could. If any man attempts to keep a large number of Berkshires iu this neighborhood, he must house them every night under lock and key. Again, as to the bacon they make, t am old fashioned in my taste, and prefer a Virginia ham to any other eating in the world. Now I do not believe that a prime ham can be made of the true flavor out of any hog less than two years old, or from any except a poor hog just fattened up. But your Berkshire never gets poor, and at the end of two years is an overgrown mass 160 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. of grease, well adapted probably to making gross meat for negroes, but totally unfitted for the de- licate highly flavored table ham. That new- flesh affords the most delicate food is no new idea, but one well recognised amongst beefeaters, who all admit that the most delicate eating is obtained from an old worn down ox just fat- tened up. Remember, sir, I am speaking of the delicacy of bacon without regard to the expense of making it, which by the by no true lover of bacon will ever regard. My devotion to the article may make me over particular, but I must confess I look upon one of your overgrown Berkshires with great distrust, and set down to my favorite ham with a melancholy foreboding that its deli- cate sweetness is destined to yield to the greasy rankness of the new breed. An Amateur Bacon Eater. JS'eio Kenij Virginia, BREEDING. Many of our farmers seem to consider that it is suflficient for them to purchase a good stock, and that the system of scientific breeding is much too complicated for them. We assure them that they may continue the plan of importation until all their means are exhausted — their stock will continue to degenerate unless they learn to sus- tain and improve it by judicious crossing. To assist them in effecting this object we quote the following remarks from a work of Mr. Cline's, who was one of the most celebrated anatomists and authors England ever produced : "Although the form of domestic animals has been greatly improved by selecting with care those possessed of the best shape for breeding, yet the theory of improvement has not been so well understood, that rules could be laid down for directing the practice in every case ; and al- though the external form has been much studied and the proportions well ascertained, these are but indications of internal structure, — the princi- ples of improving it must, therefore, be founded on a knowledge of the structure and use of the internal parts ; and of these, the lungs are of the first importance ; it is on their size and sound- ness that the strength and health of an animal principally depend, the power of converting food into nourishment being in proportion to their size, an animal with large lungs being capable of converting a given quantity of food into more nourishment than one with smaller lungs, and therefore having a greater aptitude to fatten. The external indications of the size of the lungs are, the form and size of the chest, but a deep chest is not capacious, unless it be proportionally broad. " The pelvis is the cavity formed by the junc- tion of the haunch-bones with the bone of the rump, and it is essential that this cavity should be large and capacious ; its size is indicated by the width of the hips and the breadth of the twist — which is the junction of the thighs — the breadth of the loins being always m proportion to that of the chest and pelvis. The head should be small ; the length of the neck in proportion to the height of the animal ; the muscles and tendons large, the strength of the animal de- pending more on the muscles or tendons than on the bones : many animals with large bones are still weak, and those that are imperfectly nourished during their growth, have their bones often disproportionately large. A compact, round made body, a deep, full chest, a broad loin, full flank and straight back, a small head and clean chaps, with fine tapering neck, limbs and bones not coarse and large, a soft but not thick skin, with soft and fine hair, are amongst the chief marks of a good kind. 'It has been generally supposed, that the breed of animals is improved by the largest males : this opinion has done considerable mis- chief, and probably would have done more, if it had not been counteracted by the desire of se- lecting animals of the best form and proportions, which are rarely to be met with in those of the largest size ; experience has proved that crossing has only succeeded, in an eminent degree, in those instances in which the females were larger than in the usual proportion of females to males, and that it has generally failed when the males were disproportionately large. If a well formed large buck be put to small ewes, the lambs will not be so well shaped as their parent ; but if a good small buck be put to larger ewes, the lambs will be of an improved form : the improvement depends on this principle, that the power of the female to supply her offspring with nourishment, is in proportion to her size and the power of nourishing herself from the excellence of her constitution. The size of the foetus is generally in proportion to that of the female parent, and, therefore, when she is disproportionately small, the quantity of nourishment is disproportionately small, and her oflfspring has all the disproportions of a starveling: but when the female, from her size and good constitution, is more adequate ta the nourishment of a foetus of a male smaller than herself) the growth will be proportionately larger; the larger female has also a greater quantity of milk, and her oflfspring is more abundantlysupplied with nourishment after birth. To produce the most perfectly formed animal, abundant nourishment is necessary from the earliest period of its existence, until its growth is complete. " To obtain animals with large lungs, crossing is the most expeditious method, because w^ell formed females may be selected from a variety of a large size, to be put to a well formed male THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 161 that is ralher smaller ; by such a mode of cross- ing, the lungs and heart become larger in con- sequence of a peculiarity in the circulation of the feet us, which causes a larger proportion of the blood, under such circumstances, to be dis- tributed to the lungs than to other parts of the body, and as the shape and size of the chest depend upon that of the Lrngs, hence arises the remarkably large chest, which is produced by crossing with females that are larger than the males: but this practice must be limited, for it may be carried to such an extent that the bulk of the bodj' might be so disproportioned to the size of the limbs, as to prevent the animal from moving with sufficient facility, so that, where activity is required, this practice must not be ex- tended so far as in those which are intended for the food of man. 'I'he kinds of animals selected for cross-breeding ought never to be of very dif- ferent habits and sizes, for notwithstanding the confessed advantages derived from cross-breed- ing, yet, great or sudden changes are highly improper, that having oflen been found injurious to the health and character of the stock: the use of bucks of the pure Dishley or Bakewell stock has, with several coarse flocks of sheep, been attended with no sensible advantage, owing to this cause, the characters and habits of the breeds being so widely dissimilar. Whenever, then, cross-breeding is attempted, care ought al- ways to be taken to do it gradually, and to rear the progeny in a proper manner ; and when the matching is conducted progressively, and with due attention to the diversity of habit in the ani- mals, it succeeds well ; the chief art being, to begin gradually at first, and in process of time, as the blond of one family is diminished, that of the other will be increased, till improvement to the degree wished for be attained by gradual approximation. "The great improvement of the breed of horses in England arose from crossing with those diminutive stallions, Barbs and Arabians ; and the introduction of Flemish mares was the source of improvement in the larger breed of cart horses ; the form of the swine has also been greatly improved by crossmg with the small Chinese boar: but when it became the fashion in London to drive large bay horses in carriages, the farmers in Yorkshire put their mares to much larger horses than usual, and thus did in- finite mischief to their breed, by producing a race of small-chested, long-legged, large-boned, worthless animals ; and a similar project v.^as adopted in Normandy, for the purpose of en- larging their breed of horses, by the use of the Holstein stallion, by which the best breed of horses in France would have been spoiled, had not the farmers discovered their mistake in time, by observing the offspring much inferior in form, to that produced by their own horses." Vol. 1-19 TREATMENT OF COWS. A writer in the New England Farmer asserts, that experience has satisfied him of the impro- priety of high feeding before parturition. It leads, he says, to swollen bags and difficulty of labor. On the contrary, by a more meagre diet for several weeks, these difficulties are avoided, whilst an equal quantity of milk can be pro- duced by a generous after keep. BUG— TO DESTROY. We are informed, upon good authority, that a certain preventive against the striped bug, so in- jurious to vines, has been discovered by the wa- ter melon growers of " old Hanover." An onion button placed in each hill produces a plant at which these gentr}^ turn up their noses, and walk off. Th\s\suo humbug. Remember, next year, to plant onions and save your vines. SILK. Mr. John Fox, who in a letter to the Editor of the Western Farmer speaks knowinglj^, de- clares, that there, are, already, silk machinery and fabrics in this country equal to any in France or England. He alludes particularly to the su- perior brilliancy of the American silk. The chrysalis, he says, should be killed with a fumi- gation of sulphur ; great injury is frequently done by baking and steaming the cocoons — the former draws out the staple from the silk, the latter causes it to flake off when reeling. He recommends Dennis' silk manual and the Bur- lington feeding frame above all others. CLOVER— A RENOVATOR. We extract the following- from a long lettei from Mr. A. Beattv to the Editor of the Farmers' Register on the Preservation and Renovation of soils: "Soils which have beeen reduced by cultiva- tion, where they have not been injured by wash- ing rains, may be easily renovated. This must be done by again suppl_ying them with those fertilizing ingredients of which they have been deprived by bad husbandry. This may be ac- complished in part, by the application of manure ; but it is to the atmosphere we must look as the great storehouse whence we are to draw ihe ne- cessary supply of vegetable food. To this end, those green crops should be freely cultivated, which derive most of their food from the atmos- phere. In soils adapted to it, red clover is the most suitable for this purpose. It is by far the most convenient and the cheapest method of re- novating exhausted soils. It not only supplies a great deal of vegetable matter to soils that have been much reduced, but it is admirably calculated to pulverize and reduce its component 162 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. parts to a finely divided state, and thus to pro- duce a condition favorable to a connbination with those elementary principles which are furnished by the atmosphere ; and also greatly increases its capacity for absorbing- moisture. Care should be taken also to suffer as few weeds to ripen their seeds as possible. These, previous to the time of ripening their seeds, derive nearly the whole of their nutriment from the atmosphere. By destroying them before ihey seed, nearly their whole product of vegetable matter is a net gain to the soil. Exhausting grain crops should be sparingly cultivated till the soil is completely renovated, and then should bear only such a proportion to the green crops as the soil will heuY without deterioration. It should be a fixed principle never to suffer the soil to deteriorate, for as it costs as much to cultivate a soil pro- ducing only half or two-thirds of a crop, as if it produced a full crop, it is perfectly clear that it is the interest of the cultivator to keep his land always in good heart. Besides, it is less diffi- cult to keep land in a state of fertility than to renovate it after it has been exhausted by care- less husbandry. But it is time to bring my de- sultory speculations to a close." SWEET POTATO KEEPING. The following- is the sequel to a communication, on the subject of the sweet potato, published in the second number of the Planter. The article at the time at- tracted g-rcat attention, and was extensively circulated. The keeping- the potato is attended with more diffi- culty probably than tlie cultivation, and we will only repeat here that Mr. Bernard is as remarkable for his success in the one as the other. SWEET POTATO KEEPING. J\ly Dear Sir^ — In compliance with the pro- mise I made last winter, I now proceed to detail for the Planter my method of keepino; the sweet potato. I beg here to repeat my unshaken con- fidence in the superiority of this vegetable over every other root I have ever known as a food for man and beast. The popular objection, viz. the difficulty of making and keeping was for soiTie time an in- superable one with me, and it was not imtil after years of experience and trial, in which I was sustained by a consciousness of their great va- lue, that I was enabled to succeed to my satis- faction in either. I now find no difficulty in either the one or the other. ' I will premise a few words as to the proper mode of harvesting. When my potatoes are fully matured, which is generally about the 2Cth of October, I commence digging them. My first operation is to cut off" the vines upon the tops of the ridges, (see p. 18) with an instru- ment not unlike a reap-hook, with a sharp, smooth edge. These vines I deposite in the centre between the rows. I then proceed with a single plough to run deep furrows on the sides of the ridges, turning the earth over on the vines. Then, with a broad hoe, set a little slanting, I strike at the bottom of the ridge containing the potatoes, and raising the earth on the hoe seize the top with one hand, when with a little exer- tion all the roots are disengaged from the earth, frequently in a cluster. The same day they are assorted ; the small ones saved for feeding, and the large ones separated, to be packed away for winter use. At all times, great care is taken to prevent their being bruised. - To preserve potatoes a warm, dry atmosphere, in the strictest sense of the word, is absolutely necessary. The warmth cannot well be ob- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 163 tained out of a cellar, and I found for some time great difficulty in obtaining the requisite dryness in one. To effect this object, the walls must be protected from the dampness of the earth lying against them, otherwise, the water oozes through and produces dampness, in spite of you. After trying drains of every description without effect, I fully succeeded by sinking a narrow ditch alongside of the wall and puddling it well with good clay, intermixed with a little coarse gravel. This method I would strongly recommend to all, whether in town or country ; for, a dry cellar is not less conducive to health than convenient for domestic purposes. My cellar is provided with windows for the admission of light and air, and with a fire-place to warm and dry the atmosphere when necessa- ry. In this cellar I have two wooden bins, four- teen feet long and seven feet wide, with a con- venient passage between ; the sides are four and a half feet in height, next the wall, from which they are distant three or four inches. The front, next the passage, is reduced to fourteen inches. The floors are made of plank and raised a few inches from the ground. The bottoms are strewed with well dried rye straw, and a coating of the same is interposed against the sides, as the bins are filled. I handle the potatoes one at a time, and commencing at the back part of the bin, place them on end, with the stems upwards, as they grew in the earth. This, from experience, I believe to be the best way of placing all vege- tables that it is intended to keep. The figure at the head of the paper will more clearly exhibit the position of the potatoes and the shape of the bin. By this means, openings are preserved from the top to the bottom, by which they are completely ventilated, whilst a sufficient warmth is created by the bulk to prevent their freezing. 1 am careful to keep a good fire burning in the cellar, with the windows open, whilst I am sorting and packing, that I may drive off the dampness created hy the potatoes themselves. After the bank is completed, and begins to heat, I cast over the top a little sand, which soon be- comes dry from the heat of the bank, when 1 move a broom lightly over the top, displacing the sand and causing it to fall into the bank. This is repeated three or four times, as the heat- ing may require, after which, I leave a thin coat on the top as a winter covering. I am aware that many who may read this article will come to the conclusion, that my me- thod of packing is difficult and tedious : the cor- rectness of which I am ready to admit, but the vegetable is delicious and valuable. I myself, however, can pack about a hundred bushels a day after they are prepared to my hand. I know of no other method by which they can be pre- served with as much certainty. I wmII mention for the benefit of those who may not have cellars suitable for keeping vege- tables, that I have succeeded remarkably well, by putting iheiTi in small parcels in a hill, out of doors, made in the following manner. 1 chose high ground for the location, and raised the plat of the hill a few inches above the surface by the use of a broad hoe. Upon this plat 1 laid corn- stalks, and upon them straw or pine beards, on which J. placed my potatoes, raising them in the shape of a sugar loaf, as steep as I could, then covered them over well with straw ; upon the straw I then placed corn-stalks, up and down, thick enough to prevent the pressure of the dirt upon the potatoes, and then I covered the whole with a light coating of earth ; after which, I set up planks around the hill to ward off the rain and prevent the dirt from cracking or washing. It so remained until the weather become cold, when I added as much earth as would secure the potatoes from freezing, and replaced the planks. In this manner I have kept them free from injtuy, but it should be borne in mind, that large parcels would be apt to spoil from the heat they themselves would generate. Your obedient servant, Joseph Bernard. FRUIT. The season for setting out young trees is ap- proaching, and we desire most earnestly to im- press upon the minds of southern farmers the advantages of a good orchard. We have in this vicinity nurseries of the most thrifty trees, of every variety. We know the proprietors of two at least, upon whose honesty the most implicit \ reliance may be placed. AVe shall be happy to attend, personally, for a small percentage, to any i orders that our friends ma}^ forv/ard. We hope I that they will not let the season pass wi;hout 'obtaining a supply from some source. It may, undoubtedlj'-, with great advantage to health, be ' substituted for more expensive food, both for man I and beast. Upon this subject we extract the following from an address delivered by Mr. I. 1 Breck before the Westboro' Agricultural Society: " There can be no doubt in regard to the pro- ! fit which may be derived from raising good fruit. I " The best policy is to have none but the very finest varieties of fruit on the place, such as will I find a ready sale at the best prices. The wind- , falls and unsound fruit should be fed to the swine j or converted into cider for vinegar. C'rchards may be set out expressly for the use of swine and other stock. We know of a number of fine, thrifty young orchards of sweet apples, set out by men who have long used them to great advantage for feeding their swine, and who con- sider a bushel of them equal to a bushel of po- I tatoes : they are valuable also for cows and , horses. I " One great advantage arising from the culti^ 164 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. vation of fine fruit is, that a free use of it is fa- vorable 10 health. In the Annals of Horticul- ture, the advantages of it are set forth in the following language: " ' One of the best aliments and the best adapted to the different ages of life, is that which our fruit affords. They present to man a light nourishment, of easy digestion, and pro- duce a chyle admirably adapted to the functions I of the human body. Thoroughly ripe fruit eaten \ with bread, is perhaps the most mnocent of all ali- 1 ments, and will even insure health and strength. ; " ' There are fruits which when perfectly ripe, can be eaten to excess, without inconvenience, such as grapes, cherries, and currants ; the other kinds never occasion dl consequences, if they are eaten only to satisfy the demands of nature.' | "As fiir as my own observation goes, 1 fully | agree with the above writer. For, not having had the taste vitiated by tobacco or ardent spirits,^ I have always retained the high relish for fruits, which seems to be inherent in our natures, and have habitually used it freely when it has been in my power to obtain it. When toiling in the sun in our warm summer days, I have found there was nothing so grateful or refreshing as fruit. A plate of strawberries, currants, cherries, or a melon, with a little bread and cheese, for a lunch, taken under a tree, fanned by the pure country air, is a luxury indeed ; and will be found more effectual in recruiting the exhausted frame and quenching the parching thirst, than any thing else that can be named, even were the whole list of aliments or stimulating drinks called over. With fruit, a very little drink, even of cold water will be found necessary. Flaving had an abundance of cherries for a number of years past, 1 have eaten them in their season almost to excess, and found that health was improved by the use. I have eat them in the morning as soon as 1 have risen and could get to the trees, and at all times of the day. I have frequently made my breakfast on bread and cherries, or strawberries, with a little milk or coffee, and found myself equally refreshed as if I had taken more substantial food ; and it is my candid opi- nion that if fruits were more generally raised, and formed a part of every meal, it would be found by all to be beneficial to health and at the same time a saving to the purse. A writer in the Medical and Surgical Journal says, ' That instead of standing in any fear of a generous consumption of ripe fruits, we regard them as positively conducive to health. The very mala- dies commonly assumed to have their origin in a free use of apples, cherries, melons, and wild fruit, have been quite as prevalent, if not equally destructive in seasons of scarcity. All natural- ists will testify to the importance of fruit seasons to the lower animals, particularly birds. When there is a failure or an insufficient supply, the feathered tribe are less musical, less numerous, and commence their migrations much earlier than when amply supplied with the delicate nu- trition designed for them at certain periods of the revolving year. " ' There are so many erroneous notions enter- tained of the bad effect of fruit, that it is quite time a counteracting impression should be pro- mulgated, having itsfoundation in common sense, and based on the common observation of the in- telligent. " ' We have no patience in reading the end- less rules to be observed in this department of physical comfort. No one, we imagine, ever lived longer or freer frorr. the paroxysms of dis- ease by discarding the delicious fruits of the land in which he finds a home. On the con- trary, they are necessary to the preservation of health, and therefore 'caused to make their ap- pearance at the very time when the condition of the body, operated upon by deteriorating causes, not always understood, requires their grateful renovating influence. Tj^ssot, in his advice to people upon their health, says : 'There is a per- nicious prejudice with v;hich all are too generallj^ imbued. It is, that fruits are injurious in the dysentery, and increases and produce it. There is not perhaps a more false prejudice. Bad fru its and those which have been imperfectly ripened in unfavorable seasons, may occasion cholics and sometimes diarrhoea, but never epidemic dysen- tery. Ripe fruits of all kinds, and especially those of summer, are the true preservatives against this malady.' He farther says, 'that whenever the dysentery has prevailed, I have eaten less animal food and more fruit. And I have never had the slightest attack. Several ^ physicians have adopted the same regimen.' i "'I have seen eleven patients in the same house; nine were obedient and ate fruit ; they recovered. The grandmother and a child which she was partial to, died. She prescribed to the child burnt wine, oil, powerful aromatics, and forbade the use of fruit: it died. She followed the same course, and met the same fate.' { " The strawberry is considered by many me- 'dical men as a valuable medicine in many dis- eases ; particularly for putrid fevers and pulmo- nary consumption. A free use of strawberries, it is said, will both prevent and cure the rheu- matism. The celebrated Linnaeus cured himself of the gout by persevering in a regimen of straw- berries." FREE MARTIN. Our readers are aware that this term is ap- plied to the female twin of a cow when the other is a male. It has been universally received as a singular fact in natural history that in the case of such a twin production, although the male grows up to be a perfect and productive animal, the female is invariably barren, and medical THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1G5 writers have used many exertions to remove the prejudice which, reasoning from analogy, has sometimes unjustly attached lo members of the human family similarly related. An instance, probably the first upon record, has happened in this vicinity of a "free martin" being the mother of a calf The mother and offspring are both doing well, and she is probably destined to be the progenitor of a long line of descendants. We have this fact, which is worth}^ of record, from the owner of the cow, a gentleman of the high- est respectability, for whose verticity and parti- cularity we are ready to vouch. We invite particular attention to the following- com- munication. We hear on all hands that Mr. Turner has every thing connected with his stock in apple pie order, and we promise ourselves, as soon as our avoca- tions will permit, the pleasure of a visit to his piggery ; when, perhaps, we may be able to supply the deficiency indrawingof which he complains, and thereby treat our readers with a view of some of his " beauties." To the Editor of the Southern Planter. Dear Sir, — In pursuance of my plan, I now proceed to treat of the accommodations, which I conceive are best calculated to insure success in the rearing of the hog — for although the ani- mal of which I treat is a brule, and that brute a poor degraded hog, still I think oar own interest, is concerned, in providing for him comfortable accommodations. And here I will frankly state that I have been induced to pay considerable attention to this subject, from the fact that I have embarked in the rearing of the hog, as a matter of business and profit. After reading therefore all that I could command on this subject, and after reflecting much more, I ultimately fixed upon a plan, with which, upon trial, I am very well satisfied. In arranging my pens, I had two distinct objects in view — the first was the comfort of the tenants, and the second was, my own profit in keeping them. With these two objects in view then, I erected two lines of pens parallel to each oiher^ which of course formed a lane between them. This lane may be of any width that fancy dic- tates, but I find that 20 feet is wide enough. At one end is a gate communicating with one of the common highways through the farm — at the other end is another gate leading into the farm-pen, and thence into the woods. VV^hen the gates are shut I have a space completely enclosed 88 feet long and 20 wide. This place answers a great variety of valuable purposes. By keeping it constantly covered with litter, I here raise a considerable quantity of manure. It is at all times a play-ground for the pigs, and when thirty or forty, (as is often the case,) are sporting their mock fights, or indulging in their playful gambols, it presents a scene of very lively interest. I also use it, more or less every day, as a place of exercise for the larger hogs. Here also the cart passes along loaded with lit- ter, which is distributed to the right and left, and thus the pens are supplied with this very neces- sary article. In the same njanncr the manure is removed, when it has accumulated to a suffi- cient quantity. And here I will remark, that by frequently putting in fresh litter, and thereby removing the whole, as soon as it is converted into manure, there is never the least ofi"ensive smell issuing from the establishment. Lice and flics, and vermin of avery sort, are completely banished from the place, by frefjuently strewing small quantities of tobacco trash in the beds, and after answering this purpose, the tobacco makes the very best manure. But to return to the pens — each pen is fur- nished with a door opening into the lane, by which I let in and let out the hogs. And this I find a great convenience, for by it I avoid the vexatious trouble of catching and lifting them when I wish to change their position. My doors are all hung on hinges and fastened with an iron hook on the outside, but a sliding door to slip up and down will be cheaper and answer the purpose nearly as well. I have often regretted, that in the little edu- cation which it was my good fortune to receive, I was not instructed in the beautiful art of draw- ing. Were I competent to the task, I \vould with much pleasure present a sketch of my pig- gery. As however I have no talent in this way, I must content myself with a simple description. In constructing my pens, I used strong boards 16 feet long. You will then conceive a square 16 feet in diameter both ways. This is divided in one direction by a partition running the whole length of the square. We now have two pens each 1 6 feet long and 8 wide. These are again divided by another partition running in the con- trary direction so as to form two other smaller pens, the one, (which I call the outer) 10 feet by 8 — the other (the inner) 8 by 6. Thus the whole original square is divided into four departments — two outer, each 10 by 8, and two inner, each 8 by 6. Between the outer and the inner there is a hole about 2 feet square through which the hogs pass in and out at pleasure. The outer and larger pen is uncovered. Here I feed and water the hogs, and this is their workshop in making manure, here also they bask in the sun and otherwise enjoy themselves when the wea- ther is pleasant. The inner and smaller pen is covered with a roof sloping to the outside. Here the hogs retreat when the weather is cold or otherwise bad — this is also their chamber; ' and here they find a shade when the sun shines ' hot. I will observe further, that all the pens are furnished with a floor made of pine poles laid close together and covered with dirt, and in con- structing them I was careful that the floor should j slope to the lane, so that all the liquid of the 166 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. pen is conveyed to the lane and there absorbed by the litter. My practice is when I wean the pigs (which ought not ordinarily to be done under two monihs old) to put about twelve in one of these pens and there they remain together until they become so large as to incommode each other whilst eating at the trough. Six are then removed to another pen, and this I find is about the proper number to keep together, I close my account of the pens, by stating that the whole establishment is wa- tered from a cistern, situated about midway of the lane, and this is supplied with water from a well at no great distance from it. These small pens, occupied by a small num- ber of hogs, have, as I think, a decided advan- tage over pens of larger dimensions. Every thing is here brought into a small and conve- nient compass. Your litter is concentrated, and therefore more speedily wrought into manure. The hogs are all divided according to age and condition. The sow with pig, and the sow suckling her pigs, are kept apart from the rest. The small and w^eak are put by themselves, and thus are not annoyed by the large and strong. You feed some more, and others less, according as they need it. And in one word every thing goes on with system, economy and comfort. Now go to a large pen and mark the differ- ence. There the boar and the sow, the full grown hog, and the suckling pig, and all the variety of grades between them occupy one common promiscuous place. In eating, the fat and strong get more than they need, whilst the poor and weak are stinted in that which is ab- solutely necessary for them. It follows there- fore, that whilst the fat become fatter, the poor will constantly decline and thus become poorer. Besides as these large pens are never floored nor covered, they become in wet weather intolerably filthy, not from manure which might be removed and turned to good account, but from the mud which is not worth removing. I have known hogs kept for several months and even fatted, in a large pen, from which no more manure was obtained, than I get, as I verily believe, from one of my small pens. I have now detailed my plan for accommo- dating my hogs, and I can say from experience, that thus far it works well. But were I in a different situation ; that is, were I further from market, I could adopt a plan, which 1 doubt not would work still belter. It is this — 1 would have just such fixtures as I have described above, but attached to them should be clover lots, or other lots well set in grass of some kind, with a stream of water passing through them. And then to complete the picture, I would have a grove of shady trees (a fruit orchard would be a most invaluable addition) to which the hogs might have access at pleasure. In the day (say from the first of May till late in the fall) I would suffer them to luxuriate on the grass j and fruit, or bathe and cool themselves in the water, or lie under the shade, just as they were inclined. In the evening after regaling them- selves all day, I would collect them in their lane, and thence distribute them, according to age and condition, in their respective pens. Nor let it be objected, that the hog cannot be reduced to ^ this state of discipline. A little patience on the part of the hog-herd, and a few lessons given to his charge, will make the whole easy. John Taylor, of Arator memory, has said in one of I his essays that " pigs are as tractable as pup- pies." When I first read this, I really thought that this pioneer of improved farming was jest- j ing. But a further acquaintance with the sub- ject of my essays, has convinced me that there is much propriety in the remark. Every morn- ing, before leaving their pens, and every evening after returning to them, I would give the hogs a plentiful feed of such things as I could com- j mand, of which, corn in some form, should as j often as possible, form a considerable part. I think it of great consequence, that the hogs I should be regularlj^ herded in their pens every , night. Several important objects will be found to result from it. 1'hey will thus be rendered j more quiet and tractable; and above all, they will thus contribute largely to the stores of ma- nure, which are of so much value to the farmer. They will thus also be maintained continually ] in a good thriving condition. The young will ' grow rapidly, and the older will be found to have I made great progress towards becoming fat ; so I that comparatively little corn will be needed to complete this important but usually expensive process. The remainder of the year, that is during the inclement season, I would confine them, closely to their pens, merely allowing them the indulgence of occasional exercise for the sake of their health. Now contrast what I have said with the mode in which hogs are usually treated. In summer no food whatever is given to them, nor have they vexy frequently an}^ pasture of any kind, but are turned out to pick up what precarious subsistence they can find. Can it be wondered at then, that thej^ are the thievish wretches we often find them to be ? In winter they fare still worse. With food enough barely to keep soul and body together, without shelter, without comforts of any kind, they drag on a miserable existence, mere objects of loathing to the owner and terror to the neighborhood. But I am making my paper too long for practical pur- poses, I will therefore stop. In my next I pro- pose to consider the profit of the hog. Yours, &c. J. H. Turner. HORSE SHOEING. My Dear Sir, — I observed in the last Planter THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 167 an article upon horse shoes, that puts ine in mind of a circumstance from which I derived a good deal of benefii, and which I will relate for the good of 3^0 ur readers. I happened, several years ago, to be at the blacksmith shop where I get my work done,when an old gentleman of the neighborhood rode up, accompanied by a negro man with several horses, who wanted shoeing. The smith had been very lately introduced into the neighborhood and had great reputation. I offered to defer to the old gentleman, although he was the last comer, but he was too managing for that ; he insisted upon it that I should have my horse shod while he looked on. Accordingly, the smith proceeded with his operations. The old man seemed to be pretty well satisfied, until the smith, having fitted the shoe and driven the first nail, began to twist the end off. This he protested against, and by ocular demonstration, showed the diffe- rence between wringing the nail off and break- ing it by bending backwards and forwards. In the former case, the part of the nail in the hoof is twisted, and a round hole is cut, which is filled only with its own dust: no wonder the nail in such a hole would soon work loose. Moreover, in twisting the nail, the corner edge is frequently presented to the hoof, and does not clinch half as well. From that time to this, I have never permitted my sniith to " wring a nail," and I as- sure you I have found my profit in it. This to be sure is a small matter, but there is not one smith in fifty who is not guilt}^ of the error here exposed ; and small errors are some- times productive of serious evils, especially, as we all have heard, in the matter of a horse shoe. Yours, H. T. From the Kentucky Farmer. HORSE DISTEMPER. It is an inflammatory disease, and shows it- self in young horses b)^ the want of appetite, the dull, languid look of the animal, his cough, and then a running at the nose. This disorder always affects the head more or less ; it is dis- tinguished into the false or genuine, and the ma- lignant ; the first is less a disorder than a puri- fying of the humors, necessary to all young horses. When the running of the nostrils is not abundant, a tumor is formed under the lower jaw that opens, sooner or later, and discharges a great quantity of matter. That is the genuine or benign distemper ; the false or malignant is derived from the first, when it has not been well cured, and re-appears, and is a malady of the same kind, with the same symptoms. If it is not cm-ed thoroughly, it turns infallibly into the glanders, very seldom cured, and devotes the animal to a certain death. The malignant dis- temper is accompanied with a high fever, a swelling of the head, hard breathing ; and the running at the nose is so thick that it comes with diiTiculty ; the animal must immediately be bled, in order to abate the inflammation. The nostrils must be injected with mullen or flax-seed tea, or both combined ; it prevents the ulceration of the inside of the nose, and facilitates the running of the matter, particularly if a fumiga- tion is added to the above. It is made in the following manner; boil oats in the mulkn lea, or flax seed, or bran, or any other substance which, when thick enough, retains long a sufli- cient degree of heat ; put a small quantity of this wash into a bag two and a half feet long, and large enough to admit part of the horse's head ; a thong of leather or rope fastened to the bag goes over the head like a headstall. The wash must not be too hot as the horse could not bear the steam ; much less too cold, or it would have no effect. When, after a certain time, it is partly cooled, take off the bag, and begin of- ten the same operation again during the day, ob- serving to take the bag off to let the horse snort out the matter, if he is so inclined, and put it on again if still warm enough. If the tumor under the lower jaw opens of itself. It should be rubbed with the following ointment: beat one or two yellows of eggs with spirits of turpentine, and put some of it on a bunch of tow, held fast by a sort of covering or bandage to keep the cold from the sore; it is ne- cessary to observe that any open sore or wound should be covered to exclude the external air and all kinds of msects. This dressing must be done every day exactly. When the horse is cured, he must be purged once or twice, in or- der to carry off the remains of any venemous matter. Care must be taken to water the horse out of a bucket, if during his sickness he could not stoop his head to drink as usual ; as he is feverish, the want of water would increase his sickness and his sufferings. During the horse's sickness, he must be dieted in the following manner: cut straw and bran ; his drink, mullen or flax-seed tea, with a handful of bran, sorrie- times a little salt given milk warm. If the weather be cold, a sick horse ought to be cover- ed, if possible, or at least sheltered from the cold. Grass-founder or melted fat is an inflamma- tion of the inner soft membrane of the bowels, lined with a mucous substance that lubricates them in that disease, and looks like melted fat ; it is most common in summer after too much fa- tigue and over feeding, or too strong a physic. It is the dysentery of horses ; the animal dungs with effort, and the excretions are mixed or co- vered with a sort of jelly, and sometimes slight- ly bloody; the animal is very thirsty, looks to- wards his sides, which beat violent 1}^ ; loses his appetite, grows poor, and may lose his life if not cured in time. As soon as the disorder is known, the best remedy is injections of mullen, bran, or flax-seed ; very little hay, no grain. Bran and 168 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER water, injections and drinks of slippery elm, if the first injection could not bo procured. Boiled barley, mixed with honey in small quantity, makes a cooling diet and is used with success. I am, with esteem, yours, M. Mentelle. MANGE IN DOGS. The tollowing- recipe comes from an old sportsman, one well skilled in all that pertains to horse and hound. My Dear Sir, — A love of that faithful ani- mal, the dog, induces me to send you the fol- lowing remedy for the mange or scratches, as it is sometimes called, a disease with which he is very often grievously afflicted. Give 50 grains of arsenic twice a week ; mix equal quantities of red precipitate and venice turpentine in hogs lard, with which he should improvements are lost to the world, barely for the want of publicity. Oihers may have dried the tomatoes wiih a recipe, however, less suc- cessful. Very respectfully, H. L. Ellsworth. Hon. J. S. Skinner. Take six pounds of sugar to one peck (or 16 lbs.) of the fruit. Scald and remove the skin of the fruit in the usual way. Cook them over a fire, their own juice being sufficient, without the addition of water, until the sugar penetrates, and they are clarified. They are i hen taken out, spread on dishes, flattened and dried in the sun. A small quantity of the syrup should be occa- sionally sprinkled over them whilst drying; after which, pack them down in boxes, treating each layer with powdered sugar. The syrup is after- wards concentrated and bottled for use. They be anointed two or three times a week. Repeat | ^.^^P '''f .^^'^"^ y^^' '^. l^^'^ ^''^ '^'^^^ ^^/P^-i- the arsenic and the ointment, takin- care to rub N'"^'^^ '\^'' flavor, which is nearly that of the the latter in well, until the do- is cured. This , best quality of fresh figs. The pear-shaped or r single tomatoes answers the purpose best. Or- dinary brown sugar may be used, a large por- will be evidenced by the healthy appearance his coat, and the increased liveliness of the ani- mal. It will generally be effected in two or three weeks. I have after much practice found it infallible. Yours, Joshua Goode. POTATOES. Mr. Albert Hobson, of Henrico, called on us to state, that, last spring he planted two parcels of potatoes under exactly similar circumstances, except, that one was several inches deeper than the other — the shallower being about 4 inches deep. He found the deep planted to stand the drought, and turn out in every respect, much better than the others. tion of which is retained in the syrup. The following' recipe has been going- the rounds, and as the season for this valuable fruit is not yet over, v^^e copy it from the American Farmer either to be used now or remembered for another year. TOMATO FIGS. Patent Office, July 10, 1841. Dear Sir, — The medicinal qualities of toma- toes have greatly increased their cultivation, and every new preparation of the article is deserving consideration. A sample of "tomato figs" have just been deposited at the Patent Office of a very superior qualit3^ From the taste, I should sup- pose all the good qualities of the fruit are re- tained. In appearance the drum of tomatoes resembles one of figs so nearl}'', that they might be easily mistaken for the same. The sample is deposited by Mrs. Steiger, of this city, and the recipe transmitted with it is enclosed for publication. It is deeply to be re- gretted, that since the periodicals of the day are open to communications, that so many valuable PRISON LABOR. We see that the New York mechanics are stirring upon the grievance they sustain in the application of convict labor to mechanic arts. This has been a subject of loud complaint in this metropolis. The subject is the more inte- resting to our agricultural community, because the convicts in our Penitentiarj'- are devoted chiefly to the production of agricultural imple- ments. Two grounds of complaint are urged by the mechanics. First it is contended that the honest and industrious citizen is driven out of the mar- ket by the cheaper labor of the worthless convict, and, secondly, that their profession is degraded and corrupted by forcing into it the lees of so- ciety. The first objection would seem to enure to the advantage of the agricultural community. The mechanic can only be driven out by means of cheaper labor, and of this cheaper labor, the farmer, here at least, gets the benefit. I'his, however, is a pecuniary view, and if the far- mers of Virginia thought that this system benefitted their pockets only at the expense of the morality and independence of their bro- thers, the mechanics, we do not hesitate to say for them, that they would spurn it indig- nantly. But are they benefitted ? "VVe think that, upon closer examination, it will appear that their interests are materially injured, and that they should wage common war on this subject with the mechanical profession. What is the effect of a system, which enables the slate, by means of convict labor, to come into successful competition with the laborious arti- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 169 san? It is to remove hiin beyond the baleful inliuence of the system, and to bnild up a mo- nopoly within it. Fair competition, which en- genders skill, iugenuiiy, and activity, is lost, and in these arts a stationary if not retrograde posi- tion is produced. The quick-sighted, vigorous and sharp-witted artificer is exchanged for the inert, listless, and unpractised convict. From the changeable nature of the labor too, which generally is retained too short a time to become perfect, the workmanship is that of unwilling apprentices, and with such, the communit}^ must be satisfied. These facts we know are fully ex- emplified in our own community. There are one or two mechanical trades, especially that of wheelwrights, that has been almost driven from our city. Our metropolis, which should be the focus of the arts, can hardly furnish a road wagon, except such an one as may be found at the store-house of the Penitentiary. The con- sequence is, that our farmers sutfer for many improvements in hubs, axles, &c., known and used to the north, and are compelled to drag the heavy, cumbrous, and unimproved vehicle that killed up the horses of their forefathers. We do not mean to underrate the work of our own in- stitution. We believe that none could he in better hands, and are sure that the people of the Commonwealth are highly indebted to the ener- gy and management of its worthy and ingenious superintendant. We only mention these facts as inherent difficulties of the system, as it at present exists. But this difficulty is easily re- medied and we maintain that the remedy is loudly called for by both the mechanical and agricultural interests. Let the Legislature, at its next session, fix a scale of prices at which articles manufactured at the Penitentiary shall be sold, without regard to the cost of production : and let those prices be such as will afford a profit lo the out-door manufacturent equivalent to the ordinary profits of mechanical pursuits. And if the institution be brought in debt, be it so — better that the State bear the whole expense, than that the great mechanical or agricultural interest of the country suffer the least jot or tittle of injury. The second objection, viz. the swelling the ranks of any particular profession with the con- victs of the country, is one of much greater dif- ficulty. We respect the feeling which induces the mechanic to spurn the imputai ion thus thrown upon his caste, and to scorn the alliance thus forced upon him. But these convict gentry must be made to work, and they must have given them the means of making an honest livelihood, for the want of which, perhaps, they were led into temptation. Now, if their occupations should be changed, any other branch of industry would have the same right of complaint, and we should be driven either to abandon the sj^stem of labor, or tolerate the evil complained of. Vol. 1—20 EVERLASTING PEA. In the course of conversation, a few days since, Gen. Overton, of Louisiana, formerly of Virgi- nia, informed us, that he thought a pea, culti- vated in his State, would be a great acquisition to this country. He says it is called the ever- lasting pea, that the vine is so luxuriant that it frequently runs lo twenty feet, and the pea so hardy, that it will lie either on, or under, the ground for the whole v; inter without rotting, thus affording a continued and most luxuriant pas- turage. Its fertilizing properties are such, that two crops turned in are found to make the land too rich for the cultivation of cotton, anil one, even after it has been pastured, is sufficient to restore the original fertility after the cultivation of the most exhausting crop. We should be extremely obliged to any of our subscribers in Louisiana, who will contrive ug a few of the seed of this valuable plant. For the Southern Planter. RYE. Mr. Ediioj'j — How very fond of novelties we are, and how apt to neglect things, with which we have grown familiar, for others that are pre- sented under the imposing recommendation of being neio. For many years I have never failed tocultivate a crop of rye, and I haveoften thought, if I could only give this old fashioned article a new name, with half ihe recommendations to which it is entitled, that I could sell the seed for three dollars a bushel, or, possibly, for five dol- lars a head. Suppose I w^ere to advertise it as a new variety of gi'ain, called " Siberian rye," which yielded a great product on poor land, its straw the most nutritious ever used, and its grain one of the very best articles for horse feed, and invaluable in raising pigs — "price five dollars a bushel." Wouldn't I make a fortune before it was discovered that it was an old thing with all the properties described ? I have heard some object to it that their horses would not eat it. It is true, that horses greatly prefer it ground and mixed. I have owned a variety of horses since I commenced using it, but I have never found one that refused a mess of rye straw cut and well mixed with rye meal. My own opinion is that those crops that perfect their seed, although they require more labor, and are more exhaust- ing, are more profitable too. The grain obtained will always afford the means of restoring more than it takes away. Therefore, I prefer rye and oats, as crops, to hay and clover. "Alanure highly, and crop closely" is my system. Yours, Arator. OATS. The Editor of the Farmers' Visitor records the fact that during a severe drought this spring 170 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER he made twelve tons or three hundred bushels of oats from four acres, which he ascribes princi- pally to their being thinly seeded. He says : "Land which yielded less than half a ton of hay to the acre in the summer of 1839, was ploughed np in the sward about the 20th of May, 1840 — about forty loads of manure were spread to the acre ; a portion of it was turned under the sod — a portion was ploughed in to the depth of four inches, and a portion was simply harrowed under; and the land produced a very decent crop of Indian corn and potatoes. The original sod was hardly disturbed either in the last year's cultivation or the ploughing of the present spring. The land was simply ploughed once the present spring, and six bushels only of oats sowed upon four acres. The oais came up so thin that several persons pronoimced there would be nothing of them early in June: they branched and spread in the course of the sumujer so that they were as heavy upon the ground as if double the quantity had been sowed. Some of them were five feet in height, and the straws of the size of pipe stems. The whole piece, with the exception of the tramping and rolling over in some spots by three unruly boys upon the Sabbath, stood np well — much better and stronger than it would have done had the blades been more numerous." THE EFFECT OF UNDER DRAINING. There is a field on the estate of the Earl of Leicester, at Longford, in this county, which some years ago was occupied by Mr. John Sher- ratt, and brought forth rushes in such abundance, that the occupier gave leave to any body to carry them away who would be at the trouble to mow them. Three 3^ears ago the field was drained, under the direction of Mr. T. Harper, of Foston ; and this year, we are told, the present occupier, Mr. T Robinson, has cut three tons an acre of as nice herbage as ever grew. Derbyshire Chronicle. ASPARAGUS. The New^ Genesee Farmer gives the follow- ing method of cultivating this popular vegetable : "An observant neighbor proposed to us, the other day, to recommend plantmg asparagus in a single row, each plant two feet apart ; in beds, the plants crowd each other, and as if surrounded by weeds, send up more slender stems. These remarks agreed entirely with our own observa- tions ; for though we have been at the expense of mnking deep beds of the best materials, our finest asparagus grows in common soil where the seed was accidentally dropped. In beds it is difficult to remove such seedlings as spring up, without injuring the roots of the older plants^; but from a row this may be easily done ; and all plants that intrude on them should be treated as weeds. " To raise the plants : separate the seeds from the berries, and sow ihem in a bed late in thefall^ (not in the spring) covering them with fine earth half an inch deep. If put in rov/s, so that the hoe can pass between them the next season, they may be kept clear of weeds more conveniently ; and when one year old, if they have had plenty of room, they may be transplanted. One long row may be the best. And be careful that not more than one plant is set in a place. "The cropping that asparagus endures, is very severe ; and it seems reasonable that the plants should be strengthened by the growth of three years before they are molested. To cover the stools in the fall with stable manure, and to rake off the coarser parts in the spring, is an old and excellent practice : it protects them from the frost of winter and manures them at the same time. Strewing salt over them liberallj^ in the spring, also adds to their vigor. In a few years, an as- paragus plant, neither crowded on by others nor over-cropped, will form a stool from twelve to eighteen inches across." The lovers of sweet flowers may derive ad- vantage from the knowledge, that sandy or gra- velly soils promote the secretion of aroma. Those flowers of the richest perfume, are natives of sandy lands, Persia, Arabia, &c. and those in pots should, therefore, be supplied with a portion of sand or gravel. — Western Farmer. PEACH TREE BORERS. Our readers will remember to look to the roots of their trees at this season for eggs and young worms which are preparing to make their entry. Boiling water, strong ashes, lie, or lime, applied to the bod}^ near the root, will destroy all that have been there deposited during summer; and we ma}^ trust to Providence to convert all the old worms in the tree to batches of flies, in which state they do no harm to the trees. Boston Cultivator. CORN STALKS. A correspondent in the S. C. Advocate writes as fol- lows: "JVfr. Editor^ — I have often wondered, that farmers have not more generally adopted the plan of using corn stalks, after the fodder is ga- thered, as foo<] for horses, mules, and hogs. I have followed the practice for many years, and aiPi convinced that it has effected a saving of not less than a hundred bushels of corn annually. And yet I am persuaded, that if I could get my overseers to attend m.ore particularly to my di- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 171 rections, that I could save double what has been done. The on\y danger in their use with horses or mules, is the tendency to produce colic or lax- ness, which may be easily prevented by brining the stalks after being chopped up, and mix oats or some other dry food with them. But in feed- ing hogs with them, no precautions are necssa- ry. It is well known that corn stalks, when near maturity, especially if grown upon manured lands, contain a considerable portion of saccha- rine matter, the property which renders the su- gar beet so valuable as a food for cattle; and it is supposed that molasses will fatten hogs faster than any other food ; and hence it may be ac- counted, why the corn stalk proves to be a va- luable food. It is, however, not useful for this purpose, until about the time the fodder is ripe, and then, not longer than until about the time the stalk begins to become dry. Yet, as plant- ers generally cultivate fields, or lots of different ages, they may always have a supply for the months of August and September. " My plan for using the green corn stalks for horses or mules, is to cut down the corn stalks even with the ground, and chop stalk and ear about two inches long, with a hatchet, upon a block of wood, brine them, and throw them in | one part of the trough, and chopped oats in an- i other part, and to keep a constant supply of the | green corn stalk by the horse or mule. U they | are worked, to give them a little old corn at 12 | o'clock. This plan will keep a horse, not worked j hard, fatter than old corn and fodder. I estimate j a stalk of corn, with its ear made upon manured | land, equal to three ears without the stalk : and, if the summer is dry when produced, to four or five ears ; because, when the ear is injured by drought, the stalk is always more saccharine and nutritious. " To feed hogs, it is sufficient to cut stalk and ear after the fodder is pulled, and throw them over the fence whole, and let them eat them at leisure. One stalk each day in a crab-grass field, if the stalk is from manured land, will keep an old hog fat, if the stalk is in its juicy sac- charine state." Our attention has just been broug-ht to the following- in the July nunnber of the Farmers' Cabinet: CURING OF BACON. The Editor of the Southern Planter says, in his number for May, that everybody in Virginia knows how to make good bacon, and if any of his northern friends will cross the Potomac, he will satisfy them that the art is confined to the south. What a happy law of our nature it is, that we are all pretty sure to be endowed with enough of self-complacency to make us con- tented with our own ways! But did the 'Planter' ever cross the Delaware — did he ever eat of a real Jersey ham, fed, cured, and cooked in old Gloucester? Why there is as much difference between the rich delicacy of its taste and flavor and those of a Virginia ham, as there is between veal cutlet and fried sturgeon — between a young capon and a five year old rooster ! Did he ever taste real Jersey pur/c ? We do not go the whole hog here, in relation to bacon, as they do down south ; they smoke all — we cure the side differ- ently from the ham, shoulder, and jowl ; these we smoke, the side we eat as pork. I remember being once very seriously asked, if it was true that we Jerseymen ate a part of our swine's flesh without smoking? and the answer was received with incredulity ! But this is a digres- sion, I started to give friend Botts, through the Ca- binet, the Jersey mode of curing hams; and if it is once properly tried, he may lay that of his correspondent ' D.' quietly oi} the shelf; but as ' D.'s' recipe will accompany this, the readers of the Cabinet can choose between them. The Jersey mode is, to every 80 lbs. of haius, take 4 ounces brown sugar, 3 ounces saltpetre, and one pint of fine salt ; pulverize and mix them tho- roughly ; .rub the hams well, and lay them on boards for 36 or 48 hours ; then pack them in casks, adding two quarts fine salt to every 80 lbs. of hams. In 15 days they may be hung up to smoke. The Virginia mode is, " Put to each joint a large tea-spoonful of saltpetre ; rub each piece well with salt on both sides, and pack them away in a hogshead with holes at the bottom, to let off the brine ; let them remain for five or six weeks; then take out, brush off the salt, rub well with hickory ashes, and hang each piece in the smoke-boi:ise so as not to touch each other. Smoke eight or ten daj^s, successively, and oc- casionally in damp weather ; use small chips, but avoid pine." In my opinion, small chips of green hickory or apple-trees, form the best ma- terial for smoking; and the best mode of keep- ing through summer is to tie up in bags with a little hay on the flesh side, suspending them out of the way of rats and mice. If the ' Planter' would come over about new- year's, we should be able to show him some real Jersey hogs — like those thirty which were slaughtered last year at the Burlington County almshouse, averaging over 4( lbs. each ; or those of which Homer Eachus speaks in the number of the Cabinet for May, one Aveighing 9665 lbs. after being neatly butchered, and the three averaging 925 lbs. which, although not exactly what we are in the habit of calling " lovely creatures," yet well deserve this special notice. T, Z. We have heard and seen a g-ood deal of the assurance of mankind, but tliat anyone could be found with ef- frontery enoug-h to deny the supremacy of a Virginia ham, we had never dreamed ; and then to oppose to its delicate pretensions the gwes properties of greasy 172 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Jersey Pork, faugh! '"The oftence is rank." But "'an ounce of fact is worth a pound of assertion." If this unlinown T. Z, has a name, he has a palate also. Now if he will g-ive us the one, we will tickle the other with a ham of our correspondent's curing, that shall induce him to abjure fat Jersey Pork for the balance of his life. Thus the creation of anew desire, which he will not be always able to gratify, shall be his punishment for tlie treasonable doubts he has dared to express. With great pleasure we comply with the request of the Hanover Agricultural Society to give circulation to the following report of their proceedings with respect to their spring exhibition. We hope to have the pleasure of recording many similar ones in other parts of the state before the period arrives. HANOVER SPRING FAIR. At a meeting of the Hanover Agricultural Association held at Negrofoot, on the 12ih of August, 1842, the meeting having been called to order by the President, the Executive Conn- mittee reported the following schedule of pre- miums which was adopted. PREMIUMS; ^or the best Saddle Horse, $5 00 (( (C Span of Farm H orses, 5 00 u a Brood Mare, 5 00 l(. u Colt 2 years old, 2 50 u (1 Filly do. do. 2 50 (( " Bull, 5 00 (( « Milch Cow, 5 00 (( (C Yoke of Oxen, 5 00 C( (( Boar, 5 00 (C (( Sow and Pigs, 6 00 (( a Buck, 6 00 (( (( Lot of 6 Ewes, 5 00 u (( Domestic Carpet than 25 yards. not less 5 00 " Domestic Sewing Silk not less than 1 lb. 2 50 " Domestic Cloth not less than 7 yards, 2 50 " Domestic Counterpane, 2 50 " Do. Silk Hose, 2 50 " Do. Flannel, not less than 7 yards, 2 50 " Blotter not' less than 5 lbs., 2 50 Jack, 5 00 " Pair of Mules, 5 00 " Plough, 3 00 " Wheat Fan, 5 00 Churn, 2 00 2. Every competitor for any premium, shall file with some member of the Executive Com- mittee, his intention of competing for any pre- mium, at least sixty days before the lime of ex- hibition ; and those who enter for the different stock premiums, shall at the same tmne furnish the pedigree and age of the animal, as far as practicable, with a schedule of its keep, and all other particulars calculated to afford any know- ledge interesting or beneficial to the Society. 3. The different Committees in awarding pre- miums, shall take into consideration the age, keep, form and size of the different animals en- tered for premiunris, and award the premiums to those which are best, relatively considered. 4. Should the Committee or any of them deem the slock or articles entered for a premium unworth}^ of a premium, it may be withheld. On motion, the Committees for awarding pre- naiums were chosen as follows: Committee on Cattle — N. Cross, W. D, Wins- ton, Edwin Snead. Committee on Horses and JMiiles— George N, Clough, Wm. L. White, Boling Vaughn. Committee on Siuine — Moses Harris, Carter Berkeley, Jas. T. SiUton. Committee on Sheep — R. B. Hendrake, Edw. Sydnor, Albert S. Jones. Committee on Dom. Fabrics — Jos. Tally, Jas. Winston, H. M. Wmgfield. Committee on Farm Implements — Jno. Haw, Jos. Hooper, Chas. Vest. Committee on Products of the Dairy — C. B. Jones, Thos. H. Godwin, Wm. H. Howard. Committee on Essays — Edmund F. Wickam, Jno. D. G. Brown, Edm. Crenshaw. Committee on Wine — Wm. Carter, Jno. P. Harrison, Roscoe Lipscomb. On motion, Resolved^ That Jesse Winn, Hen- ry Robinson, Richard F. Darracott, Wm. H. Howard, Jas. T. Sutton, C. W. Dabney and Jno. D G. Brown, act as Delegates from this Association to the Henrico Agricultural Fair, to be held the 20th October next. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet again on the 28th day of September next, at Hanover Court House, court day, at 11 o'clock, to consider matters interesting to the Society, and especially to fix on the place of holding the Fan- next spring. Richard F. D.\rracott, Sechj. " " Specimen of domesticWJne, 1 gal, 2 50 " " Essay on Root Culture, 5 00 " " Essay on Making, Preserv- ing and Applying Manures, 5 00. The Committee further reported the following rules which were agreed to. 1. No one but a member of the Society or iheir household shall be allowed to contend for any premium. From the Farmers' Cabinet. THE TARE CULTURE. At a late meeting of the Philadelphia Agri- cultural Socieiy, a member inquired if any one present could speak experimentally on the cul- ture and value of the tare or vetch, which is in such very general use in England, where the summers-oiling system is adopted j remarking, that from all accounts the plant must be aston- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 173 ishingly productive as well as nutritious. Hav- ing myself employed it for that purpose very largely, and for many years, I would say, its productiveness has never yet been overstated, or its value overrated, as food for all kinds of cattle. Horses, milk cows, fatting beasts, sheep, and hogs, will grow fat while feeding on it, and the older it grows the more valuable it becomes, as the seed when formed in the pod, is far superior to oats or SLny other grain for the purpose of cat- tle feed ; the seeds are black, and the size of very small peas. The crop is used for soiling by cutting while green and taking it to the stables ; it is sometimes fed off by sheep, confining them on it by means of a temporary fencing or hur- dles ; cattle are not liable to become hoven while feeding it in any stale of its growth; on good land it has been known to reach the height of three feet and even more, producing as much as twelve tons of green food per acre, which, when well dried, will yield three tons of the most valuable hay on the farm. The first sowing takes place as soon after harvest as possible in England, upon land designed for the wheat crop the next autumn, with the winter variety of seed, which can easily be distinguished from the sum- mer tare, as it is smaller, rounder, and blacker; these will bear the severity of the winter ; rye is often mixed to enable the crop to stand up, when it attains a considerable height, but a sprinkling of wheat has been found best for this purpose, as it remains longer succulent in the summer. The crop from this sowmg will be fit for cutting for soiling in May, and the stalks if left in the ground will afford a second growth for sheep feed ; but as the tare is a fallow crop, it is the best management to cut all off and plough the land deep as soon as the crop is re- moved, well working it and cleaning it during the summer, preparatory to wheat sowing, early in the autumn, after a dressing of well prepared compost, if this has not been given to the tares — a far better arrangement for both crops. The next sow^ing is with the summer variety of the tare, as early in March as the season will admit, on land that has been ploughed preparatory in the autumn or winter; again in April another crop is sown, and, if ^necessarj^, two other sow- ings might take place, the last so late as the end of Jime, that so a succession of this most va- luable crop might be secured for the >hole of the summer, and until the end of September. Such crops produce im.mense quantities of ma- nure, which is carried from the sheds and com- posted for dressing others ; turnips, for instance, which may be sown on the land from which the first crop of tares had been carried, and fed off in time for wheat sowing in the autumn. It must not be forgotten that the richer the land, the greater will be the crop of tares, and none will pay so amplj' for manure; but when the crop is very heavy, there is less chance of ob- taining good seed, and if that be the object, it is recommended to mow the first crop early for soiling, and permit the second growth to stand for seed, which is sometimes a precarious busi- ness, nothing being more uncertain ; I have pur- chased seed at a guinea and a half a bushel, and sold the next years produce obtained from it at six shillmgs a bushel! When the price of seed is moderate, the quantity sown is two bushels or two and a half per acre, but what- ever the price may be, it will be repaid in the crop, if the land be in good heart. As much as thirt}^ bushels of seed per acre has been obtained, but fifteen bushels, and often half that, is more common. Under a heavy crop of tares, the land will be found perfectly clean and mellow, and will turn up like an ash heap: and there is no question wi'h me, that the crop may be raised with success in this country, if well cultivated on good land, rather stiff in its nature, and lying cool. With regard to the value of the tare for soil- ing, it had been calculated that ten tim.es more stock might be kept on them than on an}^ other commonly cultivated crop; horses require no corn or any other food, and cows give more but- ter while feeding on them than on any other food whatever. Is it not strange, that no regular experiment on an extensive scale has yet been made on such an invaluable crop in this country? Can any of our readers tell us of any experi- ments made on the cultivation of tares? The following is the recipe of Dupuytren, the celebrated French physician, to prepare a poma- tum to prevent baldness, and promote the growth of the human hair. It is much esteemed by the medical faculty, one of whom furnished it for the columns of the Planter. Since its re- ceipt, it has been applied, with great success, to an inveterate tetter on the head of a little boy in the Editor's own family. Take of Beef Marrow, (well tried,) 8 oz. Sugar of Lead, (well pulverized,) 1 drachm. Old Brandy, 1 oz. Oil of Cloves, 15 drops. Tincture of Cantharides, (Spanish Flies,) 15 scruples. Mix intimately^ and rub the bald part, or that likely to become so, every evening. M. D. THE FARMERS' ALMANAC. We have received from the Editor of the Western Farmer a little work of an hundred pages to which the above is the most appropriate title. Instead of the comic foolery which is usually added to the necessary details of an al- manac w^e have here a capital fund of agricul- tural information illustrated by a number of ex- 174 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER cellent engraving's. The work is very attractive in appearance and could no doubt be extensively sold in this market at the low price at which it is afforded. NORTHERN SEEDS. It is generally known that plants from seed brought from northern latitudes will mature much more rapidly, at a given southern latitude, than plants from seeds produced in the same souihern latitude; and, vice versa, that seed brought from the south to north vegetate and mature much slower, than the seed of the same description produced in the north. We this year planted muskmelon seed from South America, and watermelon seed from Palestine ; and the latter were about three or four weeks later in ripening than the watermelons from the seed of this latitude, while the muskmeJons, we should judge, are full five or six weeks later than those from the ordinary seed. Wheat from the Black Sea escapes the rust much better than our na- tive wheat and the reason assigned is, that, being from a cold climate, it matures before the hot and rainy weather which produces rust sets in. We advise the formers in the west and south to get their seed wheat as far north as possible. Wheat from Maine, New York, Michigan, or Wisconsin, would be almost certain to escape rust in the more southern States, and would not be troubled by the fly in the spring. Irish po- tatoes for seed should also be brought from high latitudes. The produce will be earlier and better than from the potatoes of the neighborhood. Louisville Journal. TO KEEP BUTTER. A majority of butter makers are opposed to washing their butter in water soon afier it is churned, and fancy they would injure it by the operation; they therefore endeavor to separate the butter-milk by working the lump of butter, by repeatedly changing the position of the par- ticles of matter so as to let it run off. Some beat pound lumps in their hands ; others use little shovels and fear to let the butter come in contact with the warm hand, for all melted par- ticles are found to be injurious. Salt is mixed in, and much precaution is used to exclude this matter which is so liab'e to sudden putrefaction. But a far better mode of casting out this foul matter is now practised by those who best un- derstand how butter should be prepared to be kept. The Dutch know it, and the Scotch have excelled in it ; and butter has been so put up that it has been for 3'-ears kept sweet. It must be admitted by all who consider the subject, that as oil, or any thing oilv will not unite with wa- ter, we need not fear that we can wash out any of the goodness of the article. We may use water enough to wash the butter away, but we can wash no goodness out of it. When the butter is first gathered in the churn, the butter- milk must be turned off and cool fresh water turned in, and then the butter should be dashed again in order to get out all the particles of milk that remain in the little crevices or eyes of the butter. This water may be then turned out and a fresh supply substituted for it. This must be dashed hke the first, and you will find but little milky matter in it. This dashing in two wa- ters will be found sutficient, though more will not hurt the butter. Now, as this operation has taken place while the butter was soft, all parts of the butter have come in contact with this flood of water, and if any moist particles are still left in the crevices, they will consist chiefly of water. Then salt the butter, and this water becomes brine. You have brine, therefore, if anjnhing, as a substitute for that milky matter that soon grows putrid if left among the butter ; and brine, made well, is the best thing with which butter comes in con- tact. Yet, as this brine is not always perfectly free from the milk, it can be wholly absorbed by any other substance, we feel more sure our butter will keep sweet. We, therefore, make the salt as dry as possible. We let all the moisture evaporate from it, either while we place it in the sun or let it stand by the fire. This salt will then absorb all the remaining moisture in the butter, and leave us nothing but purity and sweetness. As the cream before churning may not have been well tended or stirred every day as it should be, or as some sour particles may adhere to our lump of butter, it is prudent to use a very small quantity of saltpetre and of sugar in our salt. One tea-spoonful of saltpetre and two of loaf sugar will be sufficient for a dozen pounds of butter, and these will tend to correct an}^ acid or impurities that may have intruded. Cultivator^s Almanac. A CERTAIN CURE FOR FOUNDER IN HORSES. Take a large kettle of water and make h boil. Lead the horse to the kettle, if he be able to walk ; if not, take the water to the stable. Commence with a swab and wash the left fet- lock before, then the right, then the fetlocks be- hind, then wash the legs in the same manner, then the shoulders and body, rub the horse dry and he will be well in a few hours. There is no danger of scalding the horse, if the above direction be pursued. This remedy is on the authorit}'- of one of the best farriers in this place, and is worth lo every firmer double the price of his subscription to this paper. Jacksonville Jllinoian. We have used hot pot-liquor as above directed with prcat ctTcct, and think it very probable that the virtues of the remedy are to he attributed to the warm bath rather than to any peculiar properties of the liquor. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 176 APPLES FROM THE SEED. The g-eneral opinion has been that there was no cer- tainty of obtaining- a particular apple by planting- the seed. We extract the following- singular statetner.t on this subj( ctfroin Deane's Georg-ical Dictionary, a scarce work of very g-reat and deserved celebrity: "It is a general complaint, that the finest ap- ple trees of this country have degenerated, and that many of the best sorts have entirely disap- peared from our gardens and orchards. It would not be difficult to show that every successive grafting deteriorates the part engrafted ; or to point out an effectual method of retaining good apples in this country without the trouble of grafting, as in every perfectly ripe apple there will be found one and sometimes two round seeds; the others will have one or more flatted sides. The round ones will produce the improved fruit from which they are taken, and those with the flatted sides will produce the fruit of the ciab upon which the graft was inserted. It requires not a long time to ascertain the difference; for if a circle is drawn in rich ground, and the tlat- sided seeds planted therein, and the round seeds in the centre, the variation of quality will be discovered in two or three years. The first will throw out the leaves of a crab, and the latter the leaves of an improved tree, distinguished in shape and fibre, and with a woolly appearance; and in due time the fruit of each will put every thing beyond doubt. It is observed that the seeds of crabs (being originals) are mostly if not altog-ether round.'''' MISCELLANY. TOBACCO. We collect the following curious account of this celebrated plant from a history published by Mr. Thos. Harriott, who made a voyage to Vir- ginia, along with Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1586, It is a little singular, that tobacco, which is now considered so injurious to the health, should have been recommended, at that day, for its medicinal qualities. It only proves that then, as now, no- velties were invested with charms, for which they were indebted to the imagination of the first discoverers, rather than to their intrinsic merits. It is a curious fact that when the civilized man met the savage, the result should have been a mutual interchange of one great inebriating stimulant for another. In exchange for our gift of " strong water," they returned us the curse of tobacco. The following is the extract to which we have alluded. "There is an herbe which is sowed apart b}' itselfe, and is called by the inhabitants uppowoc: in the West indies it hath divers names, accord- ing to the several countries and places where it growethj and is used : the Spanyards call it to- bacco. The leaves thereof being dried and brought into powder they use to take the fume or smoke thereof, by suckmg it through pipes made of clay into ihryr siomack and head : from whence it purgeth superfluous fleame and other giosse humors, and openeih all the pores and passages of the body: by which means the use thereof not only preserveth the body from ob- structions, but also, (if any be, so that they have not beene of too long continuance) in short time breaketh them: whereby theyr bodycs are no- tably preserved in health, and know not many grievous diseases, wherewiihall we in England are oftentimes afHieicd. "This uppowoc is of so precious estimation amongst them, that they thinke theyr gods arc marvelously delighted therewith: whereupon sometime they niake hallowed fires, and cast some of the powder therein for a sacrifice: be- ing in a storme upon the waters, to pacific theyr gods, they cast some bj^ into the ayreand into the water: so a weare for fish being newly set up, they cast some therein and into the ayre: also after rfn escape of danger, they cast some into the ayre likewise : but all done with strange gestures, stamping, sometimes dancing, clapp- ing of hands, holding up of hands, and staring up into the heavens, uttering therewithal, and chattering strange words and noises. "We ourselves during the time we were there used to suck it after theyr manner, as also since our returne, and have found irany rare and won- derfull experiments of the vertues thereof: of which the relation would require a volume by Itselfe : the use of it by so many of late, men and women of great calling as else, and some learned phj'sicians also, is sufficient witnesse." FATTENING. The influence of food in promoting extraordi- nary growth is not confined to the inferior ani- mals as was proved by the cruel experiment of Dr. Berkeley, bishop of Cloyne. He selected an orphan child of the name of Macgrath, and by dint of feeding, at the age of sixteen he had grown to the height of seven feet, and his weight was in proportion, but his organization, says our author, had been so exhausted by this forced process, that he died in a state of moral and physical decay at the age of twenty. ELEGANT REPROOF. The rudeness so well reproved in the following: anec- dote is not yet banished from the convivial board, and often affords an opportunity for a repetition of the story. Lord Kelly, celebrated in the last age for his love of music, was "not only witt}^ in himself, but the cause of wit in others." Mr. A B , a Scotch advocate, a man of considerable humor, accompanied by great formality of man- 176 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. ners, happened to be one of a convivial party, when his lordship was at the head of the table : after dinner he was asked to sing, but absolutely refused to comply wiih the pressing solicitalion of the company ; at length, Lord K told him he should not escape ; he must either sing a song, tell, a story, or drink a pint bumper. Mr. B , being an abstemious man, chose rather to tell a story than incur the forfeit. "One day," said he, in his pompous manner, "a thief, in the course of his rounds, saw the door of a church invitingly open ; he walked in, thinking that even there he might lay hold of something useful: having secured the pulpit cloth, he was retreat mg, when, lo ! he found the door sh«t. After some consideration, he adopted the only means of escape lefi, namely, to let himself down by the bell rope ; the bell of course rang ; the people were alarmed, and the thief was ta ken just as he reached the ground. When they were draging him away, he looked up, and em- phatically addressed the bell, as I now address your lordship. " Had it not been," said he, " for your long tongue^ and your empty head^ I had made my esca-peP TIGHT LACING. We congratulate the female world upon the dawning prospect of their emancipation from the cruel shackles of the tyrant Fashion. We congratulate Beauty and Health upon the great victory they are about to achieve, through the aid of science and reason, over the ogres oi Distortion and Disease. Let us lend our feeble aid to our mothers, daughters and sisters, in the mighty effort they are making for emancipation. At least, let us cheer them on in the glorious struggle. The Citadel of Paris, the stronghold of Fashion, has already surrendered. A correspondent of the National Intelligencer writes from that city, " The artists of taste in Paris have resolved to leave Dame Nature to her own discretion, and from this out the fair sex are to breathe freer and easier. The most cruel bondage under which the sex have so long groaned is broken ; the female lungs can now run riot in the room which is left them to play, and the heart has 'scope enough and verge to beat.'" The march of freedom is onward, and we hope soon to see her bright face dispelling the thraldom of our own dear and beautiful coun try women. EDITORIAL. We must beg to plead the indisposition of our en- graver as an apology for the paucity of cuts in the pre- sent number. On this account wc have been com- pelled to lay over several interesting communications requiring illustration. Richmond Markets, September l^rlh, 184:1. Brandy. — Otard, Dupuy & Co. Si 75; A. Seignette Si 35 to SI 40; Imitation 25 a 28 cents; Virginia Ap- ple 55 a 60, Slock light, demand fair; Northern Apple 29 a 32; Peach dull at 75 cents a Si 50. Butter. — Mountain Butter, wholesale 12 1-2 a 16 c. for firkin ; 20 cents for roll. Cattle Market. — Cattle on the hoof, $5 a 87 per hundred pounds according to quality; Rough Fat 5 a 7 cents per lb. Mutton S3 a S6, according to quality. Fish.— Mackerel, No. 3, S7 ; Herrinsrs, No. 1, N. C. S3 50; No. 2, S2 87 1-2; Potomac cut $3 25; Shad, $8 50 per barrel. Flour. — No recent sales of City Mills. Holders ge- nerally ask S7 for country — light sales yesterday and to-day at S6 75. Grain. — Wheat, Si 30 a Si 35 per bushel; Corn 65 cents per bushel; Oats, 42 cents per bushel. Lumber. — Clear white pine S3G ; refuse clear S32 ; merchantable $22; refuse, last sale at Sl4 ; flooring Sl5 a S25 per M. Meal 75 cents per bushel. Provisions. — Bacon, Smithfield, of good quality, is scarce, and would command Scents; Todd's 7 1-2 a 8; Western, of good quality, 6 1-2 a 7; Extra sides 6 a 7; shoulders 4 a 6 cents. Demand fair and supply not large. Lard, Baltimore, No. 1, 8 a 9 cents; retail de- mand only. Virginia cured 8 1-2 a 9 cents. Plaster. — Last sales at $3 50. Tobacco. — Market very heavy, with decline in prices. Clover Seed S7. Orchard Grass S2 75. Timothy $4 50. Heeds Grass Si. CONTENTS OF NO. VIII. Grasses — Dr. Darlington's estimate of, p. 153. Leaves — Recommended for manure, p. 154. Wheat — Result of an experiment in drilling, p. 155. Blue Grass — Objected to, p. 156. Slavery — Essay on. No. 2, p. 156. Manuring — Recommended lo spread straw and long offal, p. 158. C/iarcoai— Experiments with recommended, p. 158. Canker Worm — Destroyed by Saltpetre, p. 159. Implements— No economy in cheap ones, p. 159. Plaister of Paris — To be used on stable floors, p. 159. Berkshires — Objected to, p. 159. Breeding — Principles of, p. 160. CoxDs — Treatment of, p. 161. Bug — To deter from vines, p. 161. Si7A'— American, superior, p. 161. Clover — Best renovator, p. 161. Siccet Potatoes — Mr. Bernard's mode of keeping, p. 162. Fruit —Healthy and economical food, p. 163. Free Martin— An instance of being productive, p. 164. Hog— Essay on by J. H. Turner, No. 3, p. 165. Shoeing — Proper mode of, p. 166. Distemper — Treatment of in horses, p. 167. Mange — In dogs, to cure, p. 168. Potatoes — An experiment with, p. 168. Tomatoes — To make into figs, p. 168. Prison Labor — Essay on, p. 168. Pea — Everlasting, a fertilizer, p. 169. i?»/e— Highly recommended, p. 169. Oats — Large crop by thin seeding, p. 169. Draining — E fleet of, p. 170. Asparagus — Method of cultivating, p. 170. Peach Trees — To destroy borers, p. 170. Corn Stalks — Value of^ as food, p. 170. Bacon — Answer to T. Z. p. 171. Pair — Hanover, announced, p. 171. yarcs— Reconunended highly, p. 172. Farmers^ Almanac — Reviewed, p. 173. Seeds — Northern, earliest, p. 174. Butter— To keep, p. 174. Founder — To cure, p. 174. Apples— To raise from seed, p. 175. Miscellany, p. 175.