f ^ VOL. XIX. [AUGUST.] Published Monthly. August & Williams, Proprietors J. E. WILLIAMS, Editor. TH E AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND THE HOUSEHOLD ARTS. PRINTED AT RICHMOND, \ BY MACFARLANE & FERGUSSON. is: SOUTHERN PLANTER.— ADVERTISING SHEET. CONTENTS. London, or Central Farmer's Club (No* 1.) - London, or Central Fanners Club (No. 2*) - Ventilating Hats, - Slaves, The Effects of High Prices of, Upperville Union Colt Club, Straw. Manufacture of Paper from,- Timber, Means of Preserving,- Ornithology,- - The Influence of Salt upon the 1 Growth and Health of Cattle, - Tobacco the Bane of Virginia Husbandry, (No. 4.) - Transplanting,' The Philosophy of, Straw and its Waste — Its Growth per Acre r Soil, Improvement of the, Summer Grazing — Grazing of Cattle, Practical Men. - J Sounding Shells .... On Curing Tobacco Yellow, Lime, Super-Phosphaite of, Ploughing, - House-Keepers, Items for, - Phosphates, ...--• To Our Subscribers and Friends, - - The Vi le Virginia Mi lits aiy Institute, Messrs. B. M. Rhodes & Co. Rural Register, Cosmopolitan Art Journal, The Latey Thomas Nelson of Hanover, American Institute, New York, Campbell's Manual of Scientific and Practi- cal Agriculture, Tobacco Culture, ------ On Some Points of Agricultural Science, - Useful Information, Virginia State Agricultural Society, 449 400 471 472 477 479 479 460 481 482 484 486 488 489 491 491 492 492 494 499 500 501 501 502 502 502 502 502 502 503 504 513 514 ALEXANDER GARRETT, 38 Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. Genera! COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN GEOCERIES, PERUVIAN AND SOMBRERO GUANO®, PIASTER, &c. WILLIAM G. MILLER, Who is associated with him, devotes his partic- ular attention to the sale of Saddles, Harness, &c. I manufacture a superior COLL All which I warrant not to chafe or gall. I have always on hand a good assortment of all articles in my line, which I will sell, vrholesale or retail, as cheap as thev can be procured anywhere. North or South. CHARLES I. BALDWIN, Franklin St., 2d square above Old Market. Sept — ly AYER'S J. R. KEININGHAM, DEALER IN BOOKS & STATIONERY, 211 Broad Street, between 4th and 5th, RICH- MOND, VA. March 185<). I* Cathartic Pills^ FOR ALL THE PURPOSE^ OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely "withstand Or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and elealnse, and invigorate every portion of the hum^n Organism, correcting its diseased actiony and restoring its healthy vitalities,; As a conse- quence of these properties, the invalid who is' bowed down with pain or physical debility i& astonished to find his health Or energy restored* by a remedy at once so simple a'nd inviting; Not only do they cure the Cvery-day cohi'- plaints of every body, but also many formidable' and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furuish gratis my American 4 Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following com- plaints: Costiveness, Heartburnj Headache arising from disordered Stomachy Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency; Loss of Appetite; Jaundicej and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Insipient Consumption, and. for the relief of Consumptive Patients in ad-? vanced Stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness, and s-6 1 numerous are the eases of its cures, that almost every se'etion of country abounds in .persons publicly known, who have been restored from! alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When Once fried, its superi- ority over every other medicine of its kind i-; too apparent to escape observation, and Where? its virtues are known, the public no longer hesi- tate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to Our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the com- munity have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits" on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro- duced cures too numerous and too remarkable' to be forgotten. PREPARE* BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL^ MASS. &old by PURCELL, LADD, & CO., Richmond. And by all Druggie Aug. 1859— Cm. TH E Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and the Household Arts Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts. [Xbnophon. 1 Tillage and Pasturage are the two the State. — Sully. jreasts of J. E. WILLIAMS , Editor. AUGUST & WILLIAMS, Prop'rs. Vol. XIX. RICHMOND, VA. , AUGUST, 1859. No. 8. From the British Farmer's Magazine. London, or Central Farmers' Club. THE PROGRESS OF AGRICULTURE. The usual Monthly Meeting of the Mem- bers took place on Monday evening, April 4, at the Club-house, Blackfriars. The subject for discussion — "The Pro- gress of Agriculture," was introduced by Mr. R. Smith, of Emmett's^ Grange, South Moulton, Devon. After a few introductory remarks from the Chairman, (Mr. Thomas, of Bletsoe,) Mr. Smith said : Gentlemen, — When we speak of " the progress of agriculture," I feel that every link in the chain of agri- cultural events forms a theme in itself, alike expressive of the progress which the " art," the " manufacture," and the "commerce" of agriculture have made during many past centuries, and down to the present time. Indeed, the subject grows upon me, when I reflect that our island was once a " common waste," and that the industry of man has redeemed it from century to century as population increased. Thus agriculture has been fostered from the earliest dates, and we live in a century in which the art has made a degree of progress hitherto unprece- dented. * * * * The progress of British agriculture has long been a leading 29 subject in the history of our island, and has been dilated upon alike by the historian, the politician, and the poet. It is common ground for every citizen; it is a nation's question, involving the supply of food for an increasing population upon a given space of land — an island. Indeed, the first want of man is food, and his natural resource for it must be the ground. Hence the tillers of the soil share no small responsibility in the general wealof our national progress. Agri- culture is the parent of manufactures and commerce; hence it is not only the most useful of arts, but that which requires the greatest number of operators. The early invention of tillage would be coeval with the discovery of the uses of the cereal grasses, and may thus be considered as the grand step in the invention of aneient hus- bandry, and the most important as leading to the establishment of property in terri- torial surface. The early practice of agri- culture was confined to men of humble sta- tion, who pursued it as a matter of business for daily livelihood. In the last century the occupation became more extended, and it has been engaged in by men of rank and capital, together with some other amateur practitioners, as a matter of taste and recre- ation. It is both curious and interesting to refer to some early writers upon agricultu- 450 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August nil affairs, who, be it remembered, lived in I the days of seclusion; but nevertheless they' had their wits about them. In the time of, the Romans, we find Cato recommending al farm and situation " where there are plenty ' of artificers and good water; which has a fortified town in its neighbourhood; is near to the sea, or a navigable river, or where the roads are easy and good." To these requisites Varro adds — " a proper market for buying and selling ; security from thieves and robbers; and boundaries planted with useful hedgerow-trees." The arable land preferred by Columella is the " fat and free, as producing the greatest crops and requiring the least culture." Again : the occupation preferred by Cato is that of " pasture, mea- dow, and watered grass-land, as yielding produce at least expense." When speaking of plantations and buildings, Cato recom- mends men "to plant in their youth but not to build till somewhat advanced in years." Another author says — " Take care in the making of your buildings that they are equal to the farm, and the farm equal to the buildings." On the arrival of the Anglo- Saxons, this island, according to Fleury's history, abounded in numerous flocks and herds, which these conquerors seized and pastured for their own use. The rent of land in those times was established by law, and not by the owners of the land ! Very little is known of the implements or opera- tors of husbandry during that period. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries agri- culture rallied to a considerable extent, and was carried on with vigour. Sir John For- tescue, in a work in praise of the English laws, mentions the progress that had been made in the enclosure of lands, the planting of hedges and hedge-row trees, before the end of the fourteenth century. During the greater part of the fifteenth century Eng- land was engaged in civil wars, and agri- culture, as well as other arts, declined. Soon after the beginning of the sixteenth century agriculture partook of the general improve- ment which followed the art of printing, the revival of literature, and the more settled authority of Government. The first Eng- lish treatise on husbandry now appeared, being written by Sir A. Fitzherbert; and it contains directions for draining, clearing, and enclosing a farm. Landlords are there- in advised to grant leases to farmers who will surround their farms by hedges and improve the lands. We have then a short information "for a yonge gentylman that intends to thryve;" and a prologue for the wives' occupation. Among other things, the wife is to "make her husband and herself some clothes; and she may have the "lockes of the shepe, either to make blanketts and coverlettes, or both." Further, it is recorded that "it is the wives' occupation to wynowe all manner of cornes, to make malt, to go or ride to market, to sell all manner of cornes," and faithfully to bring back the money to her "lord and master." The seventeenth century is distinguished by some important improvements in agriculture, among which are the introdution of clovers and turnips in England. That the agriculture and general prosperity of this country have been greatly benefited by the Revolution of 1688, is an undisputed fact. But the general pro- gress of agriculture in Britain, from the Revolution to the eighteenth century, was by no means so considerable as from the great exportation of corn we should be led to imagine. The gradual advance in the price of land-produce soon after the year 1760, occasioned by the increase of popula- tion, and of wealth derived from manufac- tures and commerce, gave a powerful stimu- lus to rural industry, augmented agricultu- ral capital in a greater degree, and called forth a more skilful and enterprisng race of cultivators. A brief glance at a few of the early practices, before the eighteenth century, may be interesting, and possibly useful, as showing that, even in early times, many good principles were laid down by the hus- bandman of old. - The modern rush for " things new" certainly creates a lively inter- est, and leads men on to enterprises that their forefathers thought not of; but have we not unfrequently estimated too lightly ancient practices, and especially those that relate to provincial warnings? Amongst the earliest subjects that claimed attention may be mentioned those of draining, irriga- tion, the effect of climate, the trying of ex- periments, and so on. With regard to drain- ing, I find, on referring to some old authors, that in the time of the Romans, Cato gives directions for draining wet-bottomed sands: "To make drains four feet deep; to lay them with stones; and if these cannot be got, to lay them with willow rods." Columella directs "that the drains be deep, and nar- row at the bottom." Pliny says that "flint or stones may be used to form the water- way, filling the excavation to within eighteen 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 451 inches of the top/' Of irrigation, Cato says, "as much as in your power, make water-meadows." Of climate, an early au- thor writes: "Whoever would be perfect in this science, must be well acquainted with soils and plants; and must not be ignorant of the various climates, that so he may know what is agreeable, and what is repugnant, to each." Varro writes: "The ancient hus- bandmen, by making experiments, have es- tablished many maxims; their posterity, for the most part, imitate them." This saying is referred to by Pliny, who says that "there were sent to Augustus, by his factor, nearly 400 stalks, all from one grain; and to Nero 340 stalks." He says: "I have seen the soil of this field, which, when dry, the stoutest oxen cannot plough; after rain, I have seen it opened up by a share, drawn by a wretched ass on the one side and an old woman on the other." Among the leading features of practical agriculture during the eighteenth century, we may enumerate the gradual in- troduction of a better system of cropping, since the publication of "Tull's Husbandry," and other useful works from 1700 to 1750; the improvement of live-stock, by Bakewell and others, about 1760; the drill-system of growing turnips; the use of lime and marl in agriculture; the tapping of springs; the revival of the art of irrigation, by Boswell; and the publication of the Bath Agricultu- ral Society's papers, in 1780. The intro- duction of the Swedish turnip, about 1790; and of spring wheat, about 1795; and the reports of the Board of Agriculture about this time, also contribute to increase the products of agriculture — as the enclosing of common fields, lands, and wastes, and the improvement of mosses and marshes con- tributed to the produce and salubrity of the general surface of the country. The pro- gress of the taste for agriculture about this time is shown by the great number of agri- cultural societies that were formed; one or more as a beginning in almost every county. Amongst these the Bath and West of Eng- land Society, established in 1777, holds the first rank. We are indebted to this society for the "Bath Papers," of which sixteen volumes were printed; they were the first agricultural periodicals of England, and were the precursors of the " Journal of the ; l Royal Agricultural Society." The establish- ! ment of the Board of Agriculture, in 1793, was looked forward to with considerable interest; and ought to have commenced a new era in the history of the agriculture and rural economy of England at that date; but the country was evidently not prepared for so bold and comprehensive an undertak- ing, and it consequently effected little be- yond the publication of the "County Sur- veys;" still it may be said to have raised the "art of agriculture" amongst the higher classes. This brief, and yet I fear too length- ened, sketch of the early ages, brings us down to the 19th century. The more mod- ern improvements date from this period; still it had been the early province of such men as Jethro Tull, Arthur Young, Marshall, Sir John Sinclair, Lord Somerville, the late Duke of Bedford, Mr. Coke, Sir Humphrey Davy, Bakewell, Loudon, Cully, Cline, Col- lins, Blakie, Parkinson, and others, to en- lighten the path of agriculture before the nineteenth century. These and other good men, true patrons of the art, laid down principles which have rarely been excelled by the modern improver. A field of enter- prise was now opened up, and "men of many grades" became interested in the more popular occupation of cultivating and en- closing the broad acres of our island, which had so long required this stimulus. The late Lord Leicester and the late Duke of Bedford did much towards making agricul- ture a popular pursuit. This was accom- plished by their festive gatherings at the Holkham and Woburn meetings. These animated and dscriptive gatherings -went far to enlighten the many visitors who assem- bled from distant counties. These, on re- turning home, propounded the advances that had been made, which ultimately resulted in the establishment of local societies for the exhibition of native produce, and the discussion of their future prospects. Then followed the suggestion that a National So- ciety should be formed, for the collection and display of the English breeds of live- stock in a prepared state for the shambles of the metropolitan purveyors. The re- sources of our English breeds of fat stock had not hitherto been developed; and it was suggested that such a gathering of business men and breeders at a national exhibition in London must be productive of good, and gradually lead to the diffusion of improved ideas amongst the general body of breeders and agriculturists. Then followed the es- tablishment of the Smithfield Club, in 1798 — about sixty years ago. To show the early popularity of this new society, I may 452 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August mention that in 1800, his Majesty George III. was an exhibitor. In 1806 the Duke of York gained a prize, and of late years the Prince Consort has obtained many prizes with Devon cattle. Experiments in the qualities of vegetable food were instituted, and an exhibition of rude implements now formed an adjunct to the Club's display of fat animals. To this successful institution, English agriculture has been mainly indebt- ed. It promoted the gathering of influen- tial men, breeders of live-stock and others, who were eminent for their literary attain- ments; the one finding practical matter, and the other diffusing it to au advancing class of men; for the sons of agriculture had made a start. It is to this institution that we stand indebted for the parentage of the Royal Agricultural Society. The enrolment of this Society was first mooted at the Smith- field Club Dinner, on the 11th of Decem- ber, 1837. In this the late President of the Club (Earl Spencer), the late Henry Hand- ley, the late William Shaw (Editor of the Mark Lane Express), and the present Presi- dent, His Grace the Duke of Richmond, took the most prominent part. This society has now held its twentieth anniversary for the exhibition of our English breeds of live stock, has collected and tested thousands of implements, has published about forty jour- nals of English agriculture; and not only has it collected information, but it has been the source from which practical and scien- tific knowledge has been disseminated by every channel, through the length and breadth of the English counties. From the formation of this justly national society, English agriculture derives its modern type. Before this period of our history, who ever heard of a steam threshing machine, a reap- ing machine, or a steam plough ? How many parts of England had never seen specimens of our established herds and flocks? What breeders anticipated a foreign trade for their produce? Who had manured his lands with portable manures from a guano bag, the pro- duce of foreign birds? Who had thought of reducing a hard, bony substance to a soluble food for the immediate use of the root crops ? or, lastly, who had anticipated the publica- tion of such an agricultural work as the Journal of this society ? These are results, of which we as Englishmen have a right to be proud. But in the field of our progress we have had another hand-maid at work for us — I mean the press and agricultural litera- ture of the present day. Such men as the late Philip Pusey, Wm. Shaw, Loudon, Sir John Sebright, Bayldon, Youatt, Young, Marshall, did good service in this depart- ment. Amongst the other names familiar to our ear are those of Professor Liebig, Way, Nesbit, Voelcker, Lawes, Gilbert, Thos. Dyke Acland, Thompson, Johnson, Morton, &c. In former ages but few books were written upon agricultural subjects. The first " Farmer's Journal" was published in 1808. This old and methodical paper, as- sisted by occasional agricultural pamphlets, formed the agricultural press and literature of the age. Such was the drug in the reading market, the distaste for new inroads, and the aversion to theorists, that this one journal had but a limited circulation. More- over, owing to the state of the roads in those days, and the lack of post-office facilities, it is doubtful if the farmer always obtained the journal when he expected it. I will not enumerate the periodicals and newspapers which are now circulated amongst the agri- cultural community, except by way of illus- tration. I would ask who in this room would now relinquish his paper? Who, in- deed, could keep pace with the progress of agriculture without the "Mark-lane Ex- press/' "Bell's Weekly Messenger," and other journals now directly devoted to the cause of agriculture? What member would now yield to the suppression of this club's monthly reports? On the contrary, are they not treasured up as records of passing events ? These are gratifying results; but how have they been brought about? True it is that the Smithfield Club and the Royal Agricul- tural Society have been mainly instrumental in the development of the art of agricul- ture ; but what could practically have been done without the aid of steam and railways? Steam and railways have conveyed our speci- mens of live stock and implements, our ex- hibitors, and also the inquiring public, to the national gatherings : they have conveyed our corn to market, and brought back port- able manures: they have deposited our sup- plies of fat cattle and sheep at the best markets, free from loss of weight, and have brought in return ready cash within a few hours. This is a mighty change from the old and dreary time, when animals walked slowly to market, wasting the food of the consumer and the profit of the grazier. These new aids shorten the space of time required for certain operations; produce certainty of 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 453 of transit, and thus not only increase the food of the people, but materially aid in equalizing supplies and prices. In fact, if far removed from railways, we may be said to be deprived of the chief facility for our onward course; for they are daily spreading the intercourse between mind and mind, and are creating new markets and new demands for knowledge. With a view to illustration, if indeed it be wanting, I may mention the occasion of this evening's gathering. I have myself travelled 230 miles by railway to be present at this meeting. How many miles have the members of the club col- lectively travelled within a few hours? Even the thought of old " coaching days" makes one shiver. It may be interesting to mark the important progress in agricultural me- chanics as another branch of industry, called forth by, and ministering to progress in agriculture. In the time of the Romans, Pliny tells us, "the corn being spread over the area of a threshing floor (a circular space of from forty to fifty feet in diameter) in the open air, a foot or two thick, it was threshed or beaten out by the hoofs of cat- tle or horses driven round it, or by dragging a machine over it." Again, we are told by the same authority, "corn was cleansed or winnowed by throwing it from one part of the floor to the other." This ancient picture presents a marked contrast to our present practices of threshing, dressing, and sacking corn at one operation, and leaving it in a fit state for market. Indeed, it is to steam power that we are so much indebted for the magical progress that has been made ; and it is to steam power that we have yet to look for a much further development of the art of agriculture. Mr. Mechi has happily chosen this subject for a paper to be read at our next meeting, and I will not anticipate his remarks, which will no doubt be very interesting. In the early part of the present century, English agriculture had warm and justly-eminent patrons, and none more eminent or patriotic than the culti- vators of our established breeds of live stock. It is to such men as the late Earl Spencer, Lord Ducie, Bakewell, Quartly, Stubbins, Bennett, Buckley, Burgess, Ell- man, Chapman, Price, Booth, Whittakcr, and others, that we are indebted for the production of our best breeds of live stock. With a view to show how great is our debt of gratitude to these men, I may observe that our beautiful breeds of cattle, sheep, and horses, have alike been cultivated from indigenous animals. If we examine the history of the sheep, we shall find that he has ever been an inhabitant of every «lime, from Iceland to the regions of the torrid zone. Our English breeds were chiefly of a horned class; for instance, the Dorset, Ex- moor, Norfolk, Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Shrop- shire, Welsh, Scotch white face, and Scotch black face, all had horns. Several of these breeds, which inhabit the yet uncultivated wastes, still remain, and are designated "horned sheep." I have said that Britain, in the earliest periods of her history, re- sembled all other countries under similar circumstances. There was nothing but bleak hills, undrained plains, and wild com- mons ; but in the course of time, desolation gave way to husbandry, and with it came a corresponding improvement in our breeds of live stock. Thus it is that the old and un- profitable animals have given way or been transformed into the established breeds of the present day. We have had as an ele- ment those beautiful principles, which are laid down by Nature's laws, of the animal and vegetable kingdom to instruct us. These embrace a standard which man cannot alter; neither can he understand the object, with- out great scientific research and practical observation of the varied elements which compose the whole. It devolves, therefore, upon the husbandman to watch the laws of Nature, and to found his plans upon Nsture's dictates. The principles of these laws, worked out by proper rules, govern and di- rect the successful practice of the art of agriculture. I may best illustrate these re- marks by mentioning a few of the princi- ples recognized in our practice. First, there is the maxim that it is to the principle of steam that we must look for deep cultiva- tion. Warmth is one of Nature's laws: hence " the principle of warmth" is good: " warmth is an equivalent to food." Ani- mals consume or burn away carbon in their lungs, and waste heat. Vegetables store up the means of warmth. But every vegetable requires its own particular mineral food; and if this be deficient, the plant sickens. Vege- tables also need fresh air: they imbibe food by their leaves. Each vegetable has its own "heat mark," below which it stands still. The drier the soil in winter, the warmer. A rough surface causes heat to radiate, and therefore keeps down temperature; there- fore moisture is retained in summer by 454 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August roughening the surface of the land. And in mechanics there are certain laws as to the balance of action and reaction; as the re- lation between power used and space travel- led over and time consumed, the connection between speed and resistance or friction j from which laws there is no escape. We may sum up thus : Our Creator has given us nature to subdue. In the struggle with nature we learn our strength and our weak- ness. We find our strength increased by every effort; but the further we advance the more certainly do we know that there is something which cannot be done. In a word: the first condition for mastering nature in detail is to understand her general laws, and to submit to them. These laws then become living principles of science, and bear fruit in consistent practice. JFor- merly the handicraft of the husbandman was looked upon as the standard of success, without which he could not be classed as a "practical man." If he ventured to read or to act upon new designs, he was at once branded with the stigma of a doomed man. This state of things reminds me of an anec- dote. A certain farmer, in the good old days, decided upon giving up his farm to the elder son. To effect this it was thought best to see "The Lord" in person. Accord- ingly " father and son" set out for the " Hall." Then came the familiar story — * "The soil I now hold, on your honour's estate, Is the same that my grandfathers tilled." This over, it was found a good opportunity for reviewing the farm. The dialogue ran thus : " You see, my Lord, we have all ploughed the ' Barn Close' for years, until 'tis tired out, worn out, and grassed o'er. We have been thinking, my Lord, that as we have all mowed the i top Woodfield' for years and years, and it grows nothing but weeds, your Lordship would let this ere boy of mine change the system a bit, so as to let the ' Barn Close' lay down, now it has grass- ed o'er, and plough up the ' top Woodfield' that won't grow grass." His Lordship, not quite seeing the drift of the argument, sum- moned his agent from " Chambers" to the country, who proceeded to view the fields ; subsequently agreeing that as the fields re- presented the story told, and the good old man could have no interest in placing his son in a false position, the change should be allowed. Tne ride was prolonged and all went well until the London agent dived into matters "purely agricultural," by remon- strating with the son as to his not taking " two white crops" in succession, saying this he could not allojr. The old boy at once came to the rescue, and quaintly replied, "Quite right, your honour, quite right; there's nothing like a change. It has always been our custom to sow wheat, and then black oats between it and the barley ; and I wish the boy to do the same." Whereupon the agent apologized, and agreed that the black oat crop between was an excellent thought, and evidently constituted what he had heard so much about, viz., " the alter- nate husbandry!" (laughter). Such was the state of things when the "handicraft" of the husbandman was looked upon as the only standard of success. Happily for the increasing population of the present day, this handicraft state of things is passing away, and we have in exchange not only the modern practices of the art, but the free discussion of all subjects which relate to the "progress of agriculture." More espe- cially is this the case at the Central Farm- ers' Club. In reviewing this auxiliary I feel bound to give praise where praise is due. The happy formation of this Club on the 28th June, 1843, at once announced a new era in the annals of our agriculture, inasmuch as our very excellent and intelli- gent friend, Mr. Baker, of Writtle, was in- vited at the outset to introduce the subject of "Artificial Manures," for the free dis- cussion of the members. Since that period this interesting topic has been discussed ten different times, and there have been up to this date no less than one hundred and ten subjects discussed by the members, each of them relating to agriculture. The question of "Tenant Right" has been before the members ten times. The agricultural la- bourer and his education seven times ; and draining and root crops five times each. The important subjects of geology, diseases of cattle, agricultural statistics, agricultural ma- chinery, waste lands, food of cattle, farm leases, sewage manures, the breaking-up of grass land, carts and waggons, deep cultiva- tion, the influence of science, the rotation of crops, weights and measures, allotment system, and the education of the farmer's son, have also shared the attention of the Club. This is a result which may be writ- ten upon the broad pages of our history, in the book of agricultural progress. Well may it be asked, " What should we now do 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 455 without this Club J" What would the five hundred members think if their Bridge- street sessions were terminated, and the Club disbanded? Let us rejoice that "union is strength ;" let each contribute to the cause by introducing new members — only one — and our strength will be increased twofold. I have noticed that this Club has now dis- cussed some hundred and ten subjects re- lating to English agriculture, none of which have convinced me so much of our growing position as the one recently introduced by Mr. Bond, upon education. That gentle- man has well reminded us of the necessity of keeping pace with the times; and that it is to man's mental powers that we have to look for the future advancement of agri- culture. The sons of agriculture must have an improved education, an education that will now grapple with advancing science. Formerly the mere routine practices of the year were sufficient to make a farmer's son a "practical man/' and the country school- master was an ample teacher for the age. But now, thanks to advanced education and scientific men, we live in an age of progress, and have yet a new era before us. And if this be a truism, then I may ask, who shall hold his own without steadily embracing the improved facilities for education that are daily being opened up ? The great point to be kept in view in the farmer's education is not to cram knowledge into the boy's head, but how to give him a good strong head; and I must add also, how T to keep his heart warm. It is true that a great deal of scien- tific knowledge is required for a perfect theory of agriculture. But is it necessary for perfect practice ? Is scientific training in early years the best means of preparing the man for the exercise of sound judgment? A perfect mastery of our own noble lan- guage is essential to express our own ideas clearly, and to understand those of others. It is generally understood that the best way to acquire a knowledge of our mother-tongue is to learn another language, ancient or modern. The great principles of mathemati- cal knowledge lie at the root of all sound mechanics, and prepare the mind for accu- rate calculation, for winnowing out the real point at issue, and blowing away the chaff. I have it on the authority of a schoolmaster, whose success in recent examinations is well known, that such an education as I have referred to is appreciated by no class more decidedly than by the leading yeomanry. I may also call the attention of this Club to the fact that one of the first steps towards the improvement of the general education of England was taken at the council of an agricultural society, and is recorded in the filth vol., page 431, of the Bath and West of England Society's Journal, to this effect: At a meeting of the Council, held at Taun- ton on the 28th of March, 1857, it was re- solved unanimously, " That the Council fully assent to the opinion that skill in business generally is best acquired by practice, and that the best preparation for practical life is a good general education; that the co- operation of some independent examiners, with a local committee, appears well calcu- lated to secure confidence in the results of the examinations." On these two resolu- tions were founded the measures for univer- sity local examinations now adopted in til parts of England. The spirit of commerce or gain urged men to an examination of substances which by their application will enable the farmer to raise larger crops, and continue their culture, without exhausting the soil to the prejudice of succeeding ones. This search for extraneous matters seems to have been pursued as an art, for science at the time had not extended her researches in this direction; though as early as about 1600 many substances now used as manure were mentioned as enriching the ground, to wit, the dung of oxen, sheep, or pigeon ; sea- kelp, see-tangle, and other sea-weeds, for arable and pasture land ; and the dregs of beer and ale, brine of the strength of 1 of salt to 18 or 20 of water, the soot of chim- neys, and the refuse from the refining of petre. Shavings of horn are mentioned as making productive a most unfruitful plot of ground ; as also waste soap-ashes, malt-dust, and oat-husks. We may remark that Virgil even says he has seen husbandmen wet their seed with nitre and the lees of oil, that the grain might be larger. Gypsum was used as manure in 1770, and crushed bones in 1775. Now, in the foregoing we recognize many of our manuring principles ; but these were not generally known and used, or, when used, they were only applied as specific substances without any but fanciful ideas respecting their mode of fertilizing, and their use was therefore empirical. It was reserved for the science of chemistry to point out the connection between these fertilizers and their produce, to discern the presence in the two of certain elements which were 456 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August the true cause of their manuring qualities, and thence to teach us that wherever the same principles could be found we might rely upon a similarly happy result from their employment. In 1790 a professorship of agriculture was founded at Edinburgh, the Highland Society having been instituted in 1784. The Board of Agriculture was es- tablished in 1794. The Royal Agricultural Society was instituted in 1838. A profes- sorship of agriculture was founded at Oxford in 1840. In 1840 the College of Chemistry and Agriculture was founded at Kennington by Messrs. Nesbit. In the laboratories of this establishment these sciences, with geo- logy and botany, have been illustrated, and their application has been set forth by Mr. Nesbit's lectures and publications. In 1842 a college was founded at Cirencester, which received a charter under the name of the Royal Agricultural College, to which Pro- fessor Way, and afterwards Professor Voelc- ker, were attached; and there also the ap- plication of the sciences to agriculture has been taught. To Sir Humphrey Davy agri- cultural chemistry is much indebted, from whose time till that of Liebig no chemist applied himself to the application of chemi- cal principles to the growth of vegetables and to organic processes. Liebig gave the greatest scientific stimulus to agriculture by suggesting the use of vitrol or other acids to render the phosphates soluble, and there- fore more quickly available for the nourish- ment of the plant, which result was imme- diately acknowledged from its first trials in 1840 and 1841 j the effect of this solubility being to bring the turnip quickly past the fly. About 1840 guano was first introduced into England. It has, undoubtedly, been a great boon to agriculturists ; for, besides a large amount of nitrogen (the active princi- ple of horn, soot, and other ammoniacal ma- nures,) it contains phosphate of lime, a ma- nuring principle of bones, some being in a soluble state, and having therefore the pro- perties of dissolved phosphates. Coprolites were discovered to be manure about the same time (that is, about 1840); and, though their phosphate of lime is in a condition unadapted for solution by natural causes, by reducing them to a fine powder and treat- ment with acid it is dissolved. Thus we have opened up to us an amount of mineral manure of vast extent, the discovery of which has, happily, been simultaneous with that of a process necessary for its proper utilization. It is to deeper cultivation and the improvement of our waste lands that we have now to look for the extension of our acreage produce. The earliest records of substantial enclosures date from the earliest period of the reign of George the Third, in 1760. The passing of more than three thousand bills of enclosure in a reign of sixty years is a proof how rapidly the culti- vation of new land proceeded in that pe- riod ; and, while the rent-roll of proprietors has been doubled, tripled, and quadrupled by this cause,* the condition of the tenantry and of the labouring classes has been ame- liorated in a proportionate degree. England exported corn up to the end of the eigh- teenth century; but this period was about the turning-point — a sort of pivot-period, when exports and imports nearly balanced each other. The enclosure of land now be- gins to mark the consumption of a gradually- increasing population and trade. A com- mittee of the House of Commons, which set in 1797, computed the total quantity of land enclosed during that century at about four millions of Acres. We have in " Spack- man's Analysis of the Occupations of the People" a complete record of the progress of inclosure from the commencement of the present century to the year 1840, viz. — From 1800 to 1810 1,657,980 acres From 1810 to 1820 1,410,930 " Total 3,068,910 " Thus, during the first twenty years, the in- closures amounted to upwards of three mil- lions of acres. But while these twenty years present to our view the .phenomenon of immense inclosure, it must be stated that this took place under the stimulant of the highest range of prices for food ever known, except in cases of famine. At the close of the war in 1815, the average price of wheat had been during the preceding fifteen years 84s. 9d. per quarter, and dur- ing the succeeding five years it was 78s. 4d. From 1820 the whole scene changed, and the most trying period commenced, the causes of which are now apparent. Three million acres of moderate land had been taken in hand, and a metallic currency was resorted to. The inclosure from the year 1820 to 1830 only reached 340,380 acres, thus gradually bringing round the natural remedy for the over doses of inclosure which the war had prescribed. From 1830 to 1840 only 236,070 acres were inclosed, 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 457 showing that supply and demand had not yet righted themselves. Thus during the forty years we have an addition of three and a-half millions of acres to the cultivated fends, against an in ci ease of upwards of 8,000,000 in the population. By the census of 1801 the population of Great Britain was shown to be 10,472,048 j in the year 1841 it had increased to 18,664,761. Spackman then tells us that in the year 1800 we had under cultivation 42,000,000 of acres, which produced food for ten and a-h^f millions of people. The General Inclosure Act was passed in 1835. The fourteenth report, which has just been presented to parlia- ment, gives the following figures — Applications for inclosures since the pas- sing of the act 809 Exchanges 1,697 Partitions, &c 161 Total 2,667 Of this number 316 have taken place in the last year. Acreage of inclosures confirmed. . 281,949 Ditto ditto in progress. 208,687 Total 490,636 Or in round numbers half a million of acres. These returns embrace a period of five years, which were included in the last decennial period from 1830 to 1840, but I have no power of separating them. It is estimated that there are still 15,000,000 acres of waste lands capable of improvement, 6,000,000 of which would make arable land, and the re- mainder improved pasture; but as the high prices from 1800 to 1820 caused the inclo- sure of land to an extent never equalled, so in the proportion to the decline in prices, inclosure has also declined. Still, applica- tions for assistance to drain and improve waste land continue to be made ; and the English yeoman will, as he ever has done, adopt whatever improvements can be sug- gested by experience, as rent-paying prac- tices. A national report of the waste lands of England and theircapabilities would be an interesting and valuable document at this stage of our progress. Be it remembered that our population is increasing beyond a thousand per day, while the acreage of our island remains the same ; and that there is a certain limit to the high farming of richly- cultivated lands. — Amongst the many and varied practices that have aided the pro- gress of agriculture may be mentioned the practical results of chemistry and artificial manures. These have enabled the farmer to quadruple his green crops, to place the right manure in the right place, and to economize the cost of production. The art of draining is another marked improvement of the age, which dates its further develop- ment from the " Government loans" for this purpose, which loans were the result of early private practice, acting- on public opinion. The improvement in draining-tools and in draining-tiles has contributed to the success that has been attained, and is rapidly pro- gressing ; for without this auxiliary, upon certain soils cultivation is simply useless. The growing knowledge of atmospheric in- fluences has had its share in the work, and gone far to arouse the dormant intellect upon points relating to geographical posi- tion, the geography of plants, the influence of light and heat, seasons, winds, &c. The enclosing and improvement of waste land has also formed a prominent feature; and the improvement of local and farm roads is a link in the chain of progress. The atten- tion which has been directed to the educa- tion of the labouring classes, the improve- ment of their cottages, and the allotment system has not been without effect, each of these being an evident requirement for the improved class of men who are daily being called into request to perform the altered cultivation upon the farm. In effect the occupation of the man who thrashed the barn-floor for the natural term of the winter months, is gone. His son succeeds him as an engineer, or the director of a steam-en- gine ! The improvement in farm buildings is another requisite for the time, and has been liberally carried out for enterprising tenants. The " rotation of crops" has of necessity received much attention, alike in the field, in the laboratory, and in the dis- cussions of this duly The practical issue is this : the four-coA*se shift was invented and adopted for the purpose of improving the land ; this has been done to a heavy amount, and it now requires correction, by the introduction of another corn crop, ex- tending the four to a five-field course. The Scotch system is that of the six-field course — roots, white straw crop, seeds, white crop, beans, and white crop. The extension of root and other green crops since the intro- duction of artificial manures has contributed to the increase and excellence of our live stock, in a truly marvellous degree — a profit- 458 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August able result. Agricultural statistics have been the subject of many attempts; but although we have had many interesting statements with regard to agricultural produce, the movement has not been received very gra- ciously. Time alone can show how far an altered taste may lead to different results in future years. — Irrigation is a practice which, although chiefly confined to the western counties, has deserved well of the farmer. It has done its part in the production of green food in early spring, and abundance of hay at shear time, at a nominal outlay. This practice is well worthy the attention of proprietors and tenants of hilly districts, u where the plough cannot penetrate," but "the rippling stream can flow." At the re- quest of Mr. T. Dyke Acland, a paper " On Water Meadows as suitable for Wales and other mountain districts" was prepared by Mr. T. Barker, of Pusey (agent on the Pu- sey Estates), for the last Journal of the Bath and West of England Society. I mention this because the paper is not only well worthy the attention of all "hill farm- ers," but is about to be reprinted for gene- ral use, especially for the principality of Wales and the Westmoreland Lake districts. The grass lands of England have also re- ceived some attention of late, but by no means in an even ratio with the favoured arable lands. There is indeed, a nice point of distinction to be drawn on this head. Can we improve moderate grass land by top-dressing to a profit? or are they such as would pay best for cultivation? Local circumstances can alone decide, climate be- ing the ruling power. As regards the te- nure of land, the question of an equitable arrangement for ensuring good cultivation versus loss of time and capital, when tenants are changing farms, has been freely and fully discussed of late, and discussion is happily resulting in a -better understanding of the necessity for an arrangement. Pro- gress will effect much in this way ; and al- though we may be met in the outset by op- position and by surprise that there should be such a term as " tenant right," equity and improved culture will ultimately be- come the universal practice. In fact, the principle is being acted upon in present let- tings, to a considerable extent. The sub- ject of " agricultural customs and cove- nants" has been fully before the council of the Bath and West of England Society, and the result will shortly appear in the So- ciety's forthcoming Journal. Deep culture by the aid of steam-power is yet in its in- fancy ; but, as a consequence of progressive art, it will ultimately do much for agricul- ture, by deepening the tillage earth of count- less acres which cannot be profitably moved by any other power. This leads me to the remark that there is yet wanting a better comparative knowledge of the several pow- ers engaged in agriculture, such as steam, horse, water, and manual power. On the subject of ^orse power," we have an ex- cellent report in the last Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, by Mr. Morton. It should be well read, and weighed against the present papers that are being daily writ- ten upon steam-power, lest our zeal for " things new" should carry us out of our depth — or we might say below our depth. As regards manual labour, we are daily see- ing it supplanted by mechanical aid. From my present acquaintance with water power in a hilly country, T can strongly recom- mend it to all who have the power of water within reach of the farmstead. The enorm- ous additional weight of green food that has been produced of late has rendered practicable the maintenance of larger herds of cattle, increased flocks of sheep, &c, and thus supplied an additional weight of ani- mal food for the growing wants of the people, and the increasing foreign trade in English animals; while the fact that the price of meat keeps up, while corn has fal- len, has happily falsified some doleful fore- bodings. The practical value of these in- creased products is best illustrated by a quo- tation from Mr. Middleton's work. He ob- serves, * that every acre would support its man, on vegetable food ;" but, says he, " only let him change his diet to one meal per day of animal food, and he will require the pro- duce of four acres." In connection with root crops may be mentioned the intrinsic value of mangoldwurtzel. It is being cul- tivated to an enormous extent, and has hap- pily come to the rescue of many a farm where the Swedish t^-nip has become less hardy than in former years, or, more pro- perly speaking, less inclined to flourish on the same soil, once in four years, under the four-course system of husbandry. Autumnal culture has stood the test of experience, and remains as a valuable saving in the cost of clean farming ; but as respects light lands, the practice is yet a doubtful one. This class of remarks might be carried on for an 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 459 hour : there are indeed so many plans for every branch of our art, that I had better conclude by referring members to the pages of the Royal Agricultural Society's Jour- nal, and those of the Bath and West of England Society's Journal, as records of all that is good and worth recording. The ex- tension of commerce and manufactures has proved a valuable adjunct to the increase and consumption of agricultural produce. More raw materials, as flax, wool, &c, are required, manures from foreign lands are exchanged for goods, and we must not omit the precious metal, and its abundance to this country, whereby all things agricultural have shared in the golden harvest so un- expectedly supplied. The ultimate results of the gold discoveries it would be unsafe to predict ; suffice it to say that the effects of the increase of gold require the serious forethought of the statesman. Amongst the facilities that have recently been afforded to agriculture, we may mention the Government Drainage Act, the Inclosure Act, the New Poor Law Act, and the Tithe Commutation Act. The advantag*es afforded by the Fire Insurance offices, the Drainage, Building, Hail, and Cattle Insurance offices, have each in their way helped along the well-being of those that are prominently interested in them. — Thus far, I have given a glowing account of the ''progress of agriculture" from the early ages to the present time. But what shall I say of our disappointment and misfortunes? We have, in truth, had our vicissitudes and losses by the diseases of our live stock, wet harvests, failure in our root crops, and low prices for our cereal pro- duce, while the cost of manual labour has (from various causes) increased. Again, it must be mentioned that the English farmer has to depend upon his own exertions, and canno* look to Government grants or Gov- ernment assistance. He has no statistics or history of his art ; he has no adjustment of his weights or measures, no board of agri- culture, no minister or representative in the State. But yet he has held his ground, and continues to feed the people. The future of our agriculture is full of interest. There are subjects before us well worthy of con- sideration. Amongst them is a growing de- sire to treat agricultural pursuits upon " com- mercial principles." From this cause the occupation will become commercial, small farms will have to succumb to large ones, talent and capital will reap their reward ; education will progress, the tenure of land and security for unexhausted improvements will become matters of fact, as commercial transaction. The project of steam-power has been boldly launched, and the ingenuity of man is now at work to adapt it for general employment; but this is yet a venture, and has an eminence to surmount that will re- quire the talent of an age. The Royal and West of England Agricultural Societies have each offered a liberal prize for an Es- say " on Steam Cultivation. These prizes may bring out an amount of talent that may aid the movement ; but the " plant" as yet produced is far too costly for general adop- tion. There is yet considerable room for perfecting our breeds of live stock, that they may become more generally developed in " every district, and the right animals be cultivated in the right place." The economi- cal consumption of their food, early maturity, and a better knowledge of their diseases, are alike essential to our future good. The extension of draining is another very im- portant element; and it would be well if the Government grants were extended upon a liberal basis. The waste lands of England are again waiting for improvement, and offer an inviting field for enterprise in juxtaposi- tion to that of emigration to "a land we know not of." Artificial manures are yet in their infancy; it being no uncommon thing to realize and consume a crop of roots be- fore they are paid for, thus commercially- improving the farm by manures and sheep to the full benefit of every one, at little cost to the farmer. The improvement of grass- land is indeed a national subject, and must fol- low the advances of the arable lands. A se- ries of experiments upon grass-lands, con- ducted under the management of an agri- cultural society, would elicit much practical information as to the results of different ma- nures, the soil and situation being well con- sidered. Amongst other public questions, there yetremainsfor consideration an adjust- ment of the " weights and measures" by which agricultural produce is sold ; the es- tablishment of a better system of taking the corn averages; a reconsideration of the malt tax, agricultural statistics, the adjustment of the game laws, so as to substitute " winged game" for the four-footed trespassers; abet- ter understanding of the law of " customs and covenants," as regards the quitting of a farm ; an extension of the Government draining loan ; and lastly, the preparation 460 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August of a new and complete " Ordnance map," upon a large and comprehensive scale, under the direction of the Government (cheers.) From the British Farmers' Magazine. London, or Central Farmers' Club. EDUCATION AND DISCIPLINE OF THE YOUNG FARMER. The Monthly Meeting of the Club took place on Monday evening, March 7, at the Club-house, Blackfriars. Mr. Trethewy, in the absence of Mr. John Thomas, the President of the year, was called to the chair. The subject for discussion — introduced by Mr. R. Bond, of Kentwell, Long Mel- ford, Suffolk — was, "The education, dis- cipline, and introduction of the young far- mer to life." Mr. Bond said : Mr. Chairman and Gen- tlemen, we have this evening to consider and discuss an unusually important subject ; and it will be well for us to bear in mind, that we have not simply to determine a mere material question, embracing the cost of agricultural production, or the increase of our pecuniary gains ; but we have this evening to dwell upon the culture of mind, not matter — of man, not material. We have this evening to dwell upon the culti- vation of the cultivator of the soil himself; and much may fall from our lips which may tend not only to form a character and fix a future ; but I admit it will be a matter of regret with me if we do not succeed in propounding and moulding the formation of a system which shall be calculated to meet the increased educational require- ments of the age — a system which shall ultimately be instituted to exalt the intel- lectual standard of the agricultural char- acter, and which shall be destined to in- crease the mental, moral, and physical greatness of Old England. You will plain- ly perceive, gentlemen, upon the question of agricultural education, I am an advocate for action and co-operation ; and I am ex- tremely desirous to see the Central London Farmers' Club occupying the proud position of a pioneer, practically, in every agricultural movement of desirable progress and un- doubted usefulness, and I trust, in this in- stance, we shall this evening not only con- sider wisely, and discuss fully and freely, but that we shall resolve, prudently and firmly, to carry out to a successful is- sue some desirable agricultural educational movement. In this age of change, pro- gress, and improvement, no change has been more marked and decided than the altered position of our British agriculture within the past fifty years. Not half a century since, and the agricultural art was comparatively pure empiricism ; it was practiced without science, practiced without the light of reason ; and the stan- dard of agricultural intellectual attainment was necessarily low and meagre. Agricul- ture, as a purely imitative art, required no depth of knowledge even in its best quali- fied professors. There was nothing in a simple course of routine to tax the mental powers. But within the present century how marked the change ! We have now the widest field and the most extended scope for intellectual exertion; we have now the whole of Nature's laws opened up for our investigation and research. There is scarce a science but bears directly or in- directly upon the art by which we live ; and for a rational fulfilment and a thorough comprehension of agricultural practice, I know of no business or profession at the present day requiring a deeper knowledge or a higher degree of intellectual attain- ment. Agriculture is no longer a mere blind question of plowing and sowing ; but agriculturists now require to understand the object, reason, and result of every mechan- ical operation. They require to know why plowing benefits the land; why draining answers ; what the plant derives from the soil, what from the air ; why one manure as applied to the soil answers, why another fails to answer ; how light and heat affect the plant; how they influence the crop; why the animal thrives well upon one kind of food and not upon another — to say noth- ing of the structure of the plant, the anat- omy of the animal, the construction of ma- chinery, aud many other subjects requiring the greatest mental application to qualify any man to ' comprehend the intricacies of Nature's laws and the complications of Na- ture's operations, which it is the farmer's greatest success to subscribe to, to foster, and promote. With such a flood of light and scientific knowledge as the past fifty years have produced, has the agricultural educational system or the educational stan- dard of instruction kept pace ? We have this evening to express our opinion, and we 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 461 have to pronounce our verdict upon the fitness or unfitness of our, present system of education to the altered and elevated po- sition of British agriculture. It is neces- sary upon this subject we should speak out; and allow me to propound the question — Are the youths and young men of the ris- ing generation so educated upon the best principles of instruction that they are thereby best fitted to cope with their future position ? Are they so educated in the knowledge essential to their calling, that they will prove equal to the requirements of their business ? Are they so educated, that they are thereby fitted in intellectual attainments to the altered and scientific standards of their profession ? Will they prove thorough men of business, thorough in knowledge, thorough in judgment, and successful in practice — really thinking men ? Or will the result disclose the fact that there is rottenness at the core of our ex- isting system of education and discipline ? I know, well, such questions as the fore- going may be met w r ith the conservative plea that we have done well enough in the past. In such an opinion I fully agree. Without much education the farmers of England have cultured England to a degree of perfection unknown beyond her shores ; without severe educational training, we have succeeded in beating the world in ag- ricultural productions ; without a deep knowledge of science, we have practically solved the most scientific problems ; and, till recently, science has rather followed in our rear than advanced as our vanguard. But because we have succeeded practically, and that most successfully, shall we reject a proffered aid ? Shall we reject the help- ing hand of a helping handmaid ? Shall we, who have practically preceded science, close our minds to the enlightening truths of science ? Shall we, who deal in the cul- ture of Nature's products, close our eyes to the revelations and explanations of Na- ture's laws ? Shall we blindly continue in empiricism, when reason waits to reveal the rationale of every operation ? Can we afford to reject such knowledge for the rising generation of England ? for those who will quickly occupy our positions, who will have to uphold the honour of Eng- land's agriculture in a world-wide race — against some odds — in a world-wide com- petition ? Will they not need the stimu- lant and assistance of every adventitious aid ? ' I am well aware it may be said that the best-educated are not always the best farmers or the best men of business. This is perfectly true. I know of men whose school-history is a farce, and their educational chance was at best but a poor one. I know of such agriculturists ; yet those very men are possessed of such sound common sense, of such caution and pru- dence in the affairs of life, of such clear observation and shrewd reflection, of such prompt and defined judgment, that in any age they must be noted as men of no common mould : but let it be remembered, that facts and information are the basis of their correct reasoning, of all correct reasoning, of all soundness of judgment; and a greater knowledge, in their case, of Nature's truths, would but have made them more powerful men in Nature's laws, and in the practical operations of every-day agricul- ture. Such men, with a storing of scien- tific facts, would but have been more prom- inently the pioneers of progress ; and though I condemn the nonsense that a man cannot farm without a knowledge of the sciences, yet I broadly propound the fact that the truths of science, especially in our own heads and hands, are admirably calcu- lated to introduce us to more paying pro- cesses, and to insure to us increased pecu- niary returns. I am not ignorant of the marked improvement which has character- ized the agriculturist of the present age : I believe no section of society has more advanced in intelligence, knowledge, and position. Capitalists and capital have re- duced the small holdings, banished the old feudal system of favouritism in business, and supplanted a degrading subserviency by an exalting respect. Men are now rare who are agricultural bores or inveterate grumblers ; and though there is still the disposition in society to assume the fact that the agriculturist, however unlimited his capital or his ability, has no right to a po- sition in society, or to the modern refine- ments and amusements of life, yet England can boast of sons of the soil, high in intel- ligence, exalted in principle, and thorough in business — men of whom even England may justly be proud ; yet, notwithstanding this vast social and intellectual improve- ment, when I view the relative positions of the sciences bearing on agriculture, and the scientific culture of the agriculturist, I can plainly perceive a vast distance of 462 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August space. Scientific truth is far a-head. In- dividually I feel it. Thanks to the revela- tions of our Liebig, Lawes, Gilbert, Play- fair, Way, Ncsbit, Voelcker, Johnson, and others, that science is not in advance of our practice; but science is infinitely in advance of ourselves — she has much to suggest to us, much to tell us, much of which we cannot afford to be ignorant, and all of which the rising generation ought to know, ought to aspire to, must acquire ; that, as agriculturists, they may base their reasoning on correct data, and improve by their reflection and research the agricultural practice of the kingdom. The British yeoman has been always noted for that sound common sense, which, though no science, is fairly worth the seven — a com- mon-sense, which could neither be won by a fallacy, nor be deluded by a delusive theory. Profit has justly been his badge of disciplineship ; but it is necessary now to combine, in the same person common-sense with agricultural science; it is necessary that the future and rising generations of farmers should possess the highest intel- lectual attainments, and I believe it requires a severe discipline of study to master the intricacies of scientific agriculture, and a rare combination of powers correctly to car- ry out the principles involved in the most successful practical issue. I advocate a thorough proficiency in the sciences, be- cause I believe such knowledge is admira- bly calculated to increase the pleasure and profit of farming ; I believe it is the pre- cise knowledge necessary to prevent mis- taken outlays and wrong applications ; to insure the placing of the right manure in the right place, the giving the right food to the right animal, and the doing the right thing in the right way ; to lessen the cost of production and to increase the annual returns ; to win more fully the prize we all have in view, viz., mone^, or money's worth — to secure by scientific culture a secular success. I will now enter upon the question of education, and I purpose to con- sider the necessary changes in the course of study to be pursued, and the system of education necessary, in the agricultural schools of England. What then is our ob- ject in education ? It is to draw out the latent powers of youth; to culture for the future as well as for time; to discipline the heart as well as to inform the intellect ; to make happy men, respected men, men beloved by their fellow-men, and to insure success in life ? Let it be remembered that education is not a A mere matter of school- masters and of school discipline; parents cannot, in reality, delegate their responsi- bilities. Rely upon it, education commen- ces at a much earlier stage than we commonly recognize ; and from whom the child learns his mother-tongue, from the same does he imbibe his principles. We speak of breeding and blood, as if heredi- tary likeness arose from the simple fact of parentage; depend upon it, the force of imitation, and the power of influence and example have more to do in the formation of a character than the power of descent. We who are accustomed to the maxims of breeding admit, as a fact, that much size goes in at the mouth — that the quantity and quality of the food govern the physical development of the animal ; and rely upon it, the mental inclination and the disposition- al development of the child are governed more by those quick and early inlets to the soul — the eye and the ear — by the influ- ence of those around them, than by any inert inborn principle. We are daily be- coming more alive to this fact in the care- ful selection of servants, and in the choice of playmates and companions ; and I enter into this digression to show that the boy may have received a wrong impression long before reaching the hands of the school- master, and the tutor has probably to deal with a spoilt child, instead of a promising, well-cultured, well-trained boy; the twig has received the wrong twist, and to rectify the past, to antidote past poison, to regain wasted opportunities, and, at the last, to stand well in the race with so unpromising a colt, is more than we have a right to ex- pect; and I here express my conviction that more than half the failures and sorrows of life are traceable to the want of the proper fulfilment of parental discipline, ex- tending from childhood to the age of twen- ty-one years. I am a great advocate for the culture of the heart as well as the culture of the head ; no man is truly a man with- out it ; and it is especially the duty of pa- rents early to implant, to foster, and to up- hold sound Christian principle ; to culture in acts of reverence, in feelings of love and affection, and in deeds of unselfish kindness; to insist on obedience and truth- fulness. And it has been my observation that without this Christian security the 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 463 most successful secular life is at best but a f mistake, and the most hopeful intellectual attainments a comparative abortion. There must be the ballast of sound principle, or right feeling, and right doiog, as well as the sail or the steam-power of ability. Edu- cation cannot be purely secular to be suc- cessful ; and though my observations on this point may appear beyond the mark, yet 1 plainly assert that no education is perfect, no prosperity sure, no happiness complete, which is not based on Christian principle. I have informed myself, by an extensive correspondence, upon the course of agricultural study generally pursued throughout the kingdom. In the Colleges, such as Cirencester, Kensington, and Queen- wood, the whole course of study is enlight- ened, suitable, and satisfactory. In the local schools, generally, the sciences are much neglected ; in more than one-half of the prospectuses received from such schools the sciences are not even mentioned, and in many, where alluded to, it is a foot-note, to state — " taught if required." Now, it is not the fault of the school-master that this is the case : it is for us, as agriculturists, to make up our minds, to have clear views upon this point, and to express our wishes. It is for us to say whether these things ought thus to be. I observe there is the same dunniug at Latin and Greek as when I was a school-boy, and I dare say there is the same plausible reason given for the con- tinuance of the system, viz., discipline. Now there is no one a greater advocate for mental discipline than myself, but why the dead languages are so infinitely superior in their influence I cannot for the life of me conceive. To me it appears such studies may make boys word-searching mental-mem- ory machines ; but what is there to excite the observation, to induce inquiry, to lead to reflection and real thought ? Now, where the dead languages so essentially fail, the sciences so eminently succeed. The sciences dwell upon subjects of real utility — subjects which meet us at every turn j and such subjects of e very-day life are ever suggesting consideration and re- search. They constantly interest the boy, and teach him to use both his perceptive and reflective faculties. The boy sees a plant, and contemplates its construction ; he thinks over the process of vegetation, the works of the roots and rootlets, the ascen- sion of thg sap, the functions of the leaves, and the whole busy process of accelerated nature most actively working to manufac- ture food for man. lie sees a steam-engine, and at once examines its manufacture ; he understands its mechanism, and contem- plates the possibility of some mechanical improvement. All nature and art, to a mind scientifically cultured, are vast fields of interest, of observation, and thought. Surely, then, gentlemen, for those destined for agriculture, a study of the sciences is the course to pursue, to manufacture think- ing boys and intelligent thinking men. Give the boy an early bent to understand the why-and-because of all around him ; you thus place before him a deep mine of wealth, which it is discipline indeed to comprehend, and a study throughout life fully to acquire ; he never lacks a subject for intelligent thought, and you culture the mind, by a gradual process, to make constant efforts; the knowledge and facts acquired, all bearing upon agriculture, are literally power — power to apply in the manufacture of meat, and the manufacture of corn ; and you cultivate, at the same time, that indis- pensable guide in all the business transac- tions of life, viz., a thoroughly well-balanced judgment. Now, gentleman, what do the dead languages effect ? They simply train to a word-research, to the cultivation of the memory, and they teach the derivation of words. Too often the dead languages, in- directly, hav^even an injurious influence : they erect a wrong standard in the minds of youth ; boys view a high attainment in the classics as far transcending a common scientific knowledge of common things ; they despise the useful; and that acquisi- tion of the languages, which you intend as discipline and as a means to an end, they cling to and believe to be the end itself. When I turn to my own experience I can plainly perceive that two years' study of the sciences have proved of more benefit to me than many a*year's grinding at Latin : in my education every one pound's worth of science has yielded a larger return than each ten pounds expended in the classics. In the sciences I was interested, I could un- derstand their usefulness, and upon leaving school, it afforded me pleasure to prosecute my studies, and each day in the agricultu- ral world I find something to observe and learn and turn to practical usefulness. Upon the scholastic studies generally, I would observe, it is highly desirable every 464 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August boy should be able to read clearly and flu cntly, without hesitation and stammering; it is equally desirable he should be taught to write a good, plain, legible hand, apart from all curvilinear flourishes, rectangular excrescences, and the complete ambiguity which characterizes the writing of the present day. Let each boy, too, be especi- ally well-grounded in arithmetic ; by some means implant a taste for figures; for the system of good and correct accounts, in every matter of business, is one of the grand secrets of success in life. Of course there are grammar, spelling, and history to be learned; but I an} convinced upon these subjects there is much time wasted. I forget how many works on grammatical rectitude I succeeded in wearing up. I know several ; and that, too, in learning by rote rules which I never knew how to apply, and in attempting to rectify senten- ces which were designedly made wrong. In spelling, the same : it was my duty to correct misspelt words ; but I candidly be- lieve it would have been infinitely more to my advantage that I should never have seen the grammatical and orthographical mistakes, as the eye and the ear became habituated to and familiar with error. I am convinced I not only wasted time, but that I received a positive harm from the process. Again, let a knowledge of sa- cred and profane history be acquired ; but I must confess I could not, #or can I even now, see the utility of learning by rote the dates of the ascension and death of every monarch who has occupied the English throne. A knowledge of geography is, of course, desirable; also a knowledge of mathematics. I believe the plans of theme- writing and of close verbal questioning, upon every study, are most desirable, as en- suring a thorough grounding, which is the basis of accuracy, self-reliance, and after self-development. To me it appears, too, most desirable that the parent, if compe- tent, should regularly and carefully exam- ine his son, and thereby note his progress ; but for general, every-day, local schools to be useful, we require reform. We require a public board of agricultural examiners, who shall duly examine each candidate, in the first instance, at sixteen years of age, in all that constitutes a sound agricultural education ; we should thereby introduce competition and a standard of merit, and the most meritorious, painstaking, compe- tent master would have the largest propor- tionate number of successful boys. I ad- vocate such reform, to rid us of incompe- tent masters — to secure patronage to the de- serving ; and the mere fact of such an ex- amination would excite a spirit of emulation amongst the boys themselves ; and often, in their hours of wished-for idleness, would they remember they must render an account some day ; and that the fruits of indolence would be exposure and disgrace. Such a public system of examination would ensure the general adoption of the most desirable course of study, and force up schools to the necessary standard of proficiency. At the same time, such a system would embrace agricultural schools of every standing — the small as well as the large — and have a gen- eral influence for good. In ten years, so radical would be the change, that Dickens — who, in "Nicholas Nickleby" justly car- icatured the old system of education — would see an almost undreamed-of reforma- tion. Further : upon a youth leaving school, the necessity is obvious for continu- ed intellectual discipline ; and how requi- site it is for a young man to have continu- ally some intellectual object of attainment before him ! I note the present system : a boy leaves school at sixteen years of age ; he throws up his hat, and concludes his education finished, when, in reality, it is but just commencing. More than half the young men destined for agriculture in England actually waste, and worse than waste, the first four or five years of their freedom from scnolastic restraint. Theirs is a thorough desultory life ; they throw up all intellectual culture, and they have no intellectual standard of attainment to which to strive to attain. They probably assist in the farm-management; but as they have no responsibility, the farm occupies but little of their thoughts; as they feel but little interest, they observe but little; and the rat-hunt, the cricket-match, the run with the harriers or fox-hounds, the quadrille- party, the -shooting exploit, with other amusements, combined with a profusion of tobacco, are their real employments — their true business of thought and occupation. How are the evenings spent ? Often in a desultory, do-nothing industry, or in card- playing and smoking — in colouring a clay or idolized meerschaum — or, if in literature, in pursuing some trashy love-tale novel, in studying " Blaine's Encyclopaedia of Rural 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 465 Sports," or in reading the last number of the " London Journal." I speak, gentle- men, from facts, from my own observation ; and only in ridicule, I fear, can it be said that. such tailing will create promising candidates for future agricultural honours ! This is not a desirable course of discipline : reared in a desultory manner to sport and to spend, to study their own pleasure and indulgence rather than their interest, and a talent to be used and improved; that they have much to do, and but little time to do it in. I. want to sec minutes more valued than hours now are. Life is a race, and, all eke equal, the best training will make the best man, and secure the best place ; and T know well that the idle brain is, most surely, the devil's best workshop. What, then, is to be done ? Is it not de- sirable to adopt some course F Ifl it not advantage, it will be no matter of wonder! necessary to act? Is it not essential to in- or surprise if pleasure is their chief en- induce young men to cultivate habits of grossment in after-life, and if business, at- self-culture and of self-devlopment ? It is the commencement of their career of re-, most necessary — most desirable; and it is sponsibility, finds them deficient in know ledge and judgment. Such, gentlemen, is literally the case. I have seen young men m^ke grand mistakes upon their first start a positive duty, on our part, to act to ensure it. What man was ever a man worth call- ing a man without such self-culture ? Rely 'upon it, such is the upward educational in life, from absolute incompetency — cs- movement that we positively cannot stand pecially upon clay-farms ; and I agree with ' still. I even see it imperative upon us the observation of an old friend of mine, | that we combine to co-operate; and as that it would well answer the purpose of , every agricultural society in England looks many a young man, upon commencing' to the Royal Agricultural Society as its ag- business, to pay an elder to superintend and ricultural father, it is for us to take steps direct him in his management and super-: to induce our parent to act for the better vision for the first two or three years. I education of her agricultural children. I am in no way averse to a reasonable amount believe farmers' clubs generally, and every of sport and amusement ; I have had my agricultural society throughout the king- share, and that a large one, of hunting,' dom, would gladly combine to facilitate coursing, shooting, and the like, and I be- such a movement; and I know of no course lieve, too, without detriment; but let it be so effectual as the establishment of a pub- the condition that whilst sport is sport in j lie board of Agricultural Examiners. I reality and in earnest — whilst a young man strongly recommend two examinations : one rides across country with courage and judg- for junior candidates not exceeding sixteen ment, and sports as a sportsman — that years of age, (as before alluded to,) and one business and study are equally pursued for senior candidates not exceeding twenty- with the same spirit of indomitable energy one years of age. I would certainly throw and perseverance. We hear a great deal the examinations open to all candidates, as too much, now-a-days, of the old tale that' the only object would be to excite compe- " All work and no play makes Jack a dull tition ; and to grant an agricultural diploma boy." The truth is, that more work and to those competitors having attained to the less play would make Jack a bright boy, a, necessary standard of intellectual acquire- business youth, and a thriving, successful ment. It could be a matter oi no moment man. I am for pleasure in reason, but for whether the knowledge of the senior can- business in earnest; and in every case Ldidatafl was attained by study in the privaey desire to put aside the dreary, indolent,' of their own homes, or by attending a listless nonentity spirit which characterizes course of agricultural lectures. It would young men, both in their intellectual im- be for the board of examiners to recom- provement and in their business attainment mend the best works extant upon the va- and attention. I want to see young men rious subjects and sciences for examination fresh from school, not only breathing, but in the senior class; and it is highly neces- really living — living for an object — living sary so to act as to ensure general compe- for an end, and actually using the means to tition. The standard of merit may not be attain that end. I want diligence, and not set too high. Even the young man missing a passive indifference, to govern their con- 1 his mark and losing his diploma would in duct. I want them to feel that time is a reality be a gainer — and a very great talent not to be wasted and squandered, but 'gainer, notwithstanding — from the habits of 30 466 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August study and of mental discipline to which he I had cultured himself In his attempts to se- cure the distinction of the diploma. I am well aware that such a board of examiners , would have been of essential service to me; for though I continued to study chemistry, I geology, and some other sciences, after leaving school, without the slightest i nega- tion from those around me, yet I feel that the fact of a public examination would have been a sufficient inducement for me to have worked with redoubled diligence, pre- venting a foolish waste of time, training me in habits of mental and physical industry, and resulting in redoubled success. I do not think the middle-class Oxford Univer- sity examinations meet our requirements; the whole matter will be far better in our own hands; the whole scheme may be self- supporting. We must carefully avoid the error into which the Highland and Agri- cultural Society of Scotland has fallen. That society required candidates to attend, for a period of two years, classes in five or six of the different sciences prior to ex- amination. Such a requirement, of course, nullified the general usefulness of the scheme. The mistake is now rectified. In England or Scotland it must take a time for the competition to be great, or for the attendance to be large at the examinations, from the simple fact that the education of young men has been grossly neglected, es- pecially after leaving school; and it must take a time to rear any number of young men, intellectually cultured and qualified to come forward for examination, or to com- pete for the honours of the certificate or diploma. With the existence of such a board of examiners, how far more power- fully could a parent stimulate his son to do his utmost, and to how much better account could the present system of agricultural pupilage be turned ! In my own case, it would afford me pleasure to use my most strenuous exertions so to assist those gen- tlemen, at any future time resident with me, in their studies and preparation for ex- amination, that they should pass with credit and eclat. How far more gratifying, too, to parents and friends, to see each hour both usefully and profitably employed, in- stead of having to contend with the natural fireside habits of indolence, with habits of late rising, with general frivolity, and a thorough indifference to mental culture and business proficiency ! Seeing the vast im- 1 provement, the complete revolution, which the Royal Agricultural Society has effected in agricultural mechanics, in agricultural machinery, in the breeding and develop- ment of stock, and in agriculture generally, I think I am not too sanguine in expect- ing the same improvement and the same beneficial result when that society turns its powerful influence to the mental develop- ment and the scientific culture of the agri- culturist himself. There is an ample and wide field for action ; and it is my convic- tion that in carrying out the system of ag- ricultural educational examinations, lies hid in embryo the Royal Agricultural Society's most successful operations and her proudest triumphs. Having completed the educa- tional portion of my subject, I will now turn to consider the discipline, and after- wards the introduction of the young man to life. I am anxious at once to establish the masculine fact, that every man is the architect of his own fortune, and the carver of his own future. There is no such thing as undeserved success or unmerited failure. A man may sink or swim according to his ability in the battle or struggle of life. Whilst one man succumbs to circumstance, and becomes the creature of circumstance, another yokes circumstance to his car, and triumphs over his position, winning increas- ed distinction from the magnitude of the difficulties surmounted. I am extremely desirous to be clear on this point. I want to put aside all the maudlin enervating doc- trines of chance and misfortune. I want to establish a habit of real self-reliance. I want young men to see that they had far better trust to their own internal strength and competency, than to any extraneous aid. How many a young man has been ruined by his reliance on fortune ! How many a young man has been spoiled and rendered unfit for success in life by his expectan- cies ! Fortune at best is proclaimed a fickle goddess ; and though bachelor uncles and maiden aunts are all very well, they are certainly crochety beings, difficult to please and easy to offend ; and I had rather rely, ten thousand times over, upon the strength of my own right arm and upon my own internal power, than to trust to the whims, caprices, and uncertainties of suc- ceeding to dead men's shoes. Windfalls are always very acceptable, but they are broken reeds to trust to. Self-reliance is the qualification for success; and I am J 859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 467 convinced? if we are men of observation, of thought, of industry, of perseverance, of principle and prudence, we must succeed in life, we must triumph, we must conquer. It is a moral certainty. No circumstance and no material power can prevent it. What is failure but industry unapplied or misapplied ? or the fruits of labour under- valued and unhusbanded? In any case, trace the cause of unsuccess. What is it but a lack of the elements necessary for success ? what but a lack of prudence, of principle, of energy, of industry, or abil- ity ? I do not deny the existence of heavy overwhelming losses; but even these are usually traceable to the facts of hazardous speculations or imprudent outlays, and to the adoption of the man-or-the-mouse principle of sink or swim. In the com- mon course of matters, I am tired to the heart at the sound of misfortune : it is a lulliug misnomer for human neglect and human incapacity. Many a man may say, "How could I avert my misfortune?" I reply, such misfortunes are usually tracea- ble to habits of early neglect in education or in training, and to the eifect of neg- lected opportunities. How is it the mem- bers of a large family usually succeed in life far better than an only son ? What is it but the eifect of discipline, habit and culture? The many are early taught to cut their own way, trained in diligence, to and hardihood, habits of care, economy and reared upon the necessaries, and not upon the luxuries and supernumeraries of life — trained to produce, and not to squander ; to save, and not to spend ; whilst the only child learns the consuming to perfection, but not the producing ; to spend, but not to spare or to save. What is it but the one cultured to succeed, and the other cultured to failure in life ? But what is this enig- ma — success in life — of which we hear so much ? What is it, but the power to pro- duce exceeding the desire to consume ? — what, but the balance after deducting the actual consumption from the actual pro- duction ? Unfortunately in our day, so strong is the love of appearance, so great the appreciation of comfort, that men for- get the great secret of life is not so much in getting as in retaining — not so much in producing as in not spending. Unfortu- nately, spending is the order of the day ; there is a false show abroad ; but all men of sound sense will be content to walk if they cannot afford to ride, and to walk be- fore they attempt to run. How many young men appear to suppose that life is governed by " luck," and that success is a mere toss-up matter of chance ! Success is as much governed by fixed laws as the solar system, with this saving clause of ex- emption — that no rule is without an ex- ception. You see, gentlemen, I lay espe- cial stress upon habits, and especially upon the habits of self-reliance. I look to edu- cation to teach a man to use his brains, his eyes, and his ears, to show he has a head upon his shoulders, and to prove he does not pass through life half asleep; but I look to habits and discipline to effect much also. We are a bundle of habits ; and if any young man thinks he will succeed in the daily life of agriculture by informing his mind alone, he will find himself mista- ken. For success there must be habits of industry and not of sloth, of prudence and not of prodigality. But to enter more mi- nutely, most strongly do I recommend every young man to adopt the habit of early rising ; to carry out the habit of thinking nothing of trouble in business; to adopt active habits, and an active and prompt ex- ecution of every duty. Most thoroughly do I recommend the habit of correct ac- counts, and of noting down passing busi- ness events. I strongly urge that interest and advantage be studied, and not inclina- tion and pleasure — habits of self-denial, and not habits of self-indulgence. Settle it down as a fact that you can do anything if you try, and cultivate the habit of perse- verance. Men succeed by sticking. Cul- tivate the habits of cheerfulness. Bears with sore heads don't make friends. Culti- vate the habit of a frank, open-hearted, manly manner, combined with politeness ; for conceited borishness and pedantry don't assist to success. I strongly recommend young men also to the habit of manual labour, sufficient to understand what labour really is, and to acquire a practical know- ledge of the different operations of the farm. I think it well that young men should bear the yoke in their youth, and I give it as my experience that such a prac- tical acquaintance with labour proves of infinite service throughout life. It is a splendid thing to be trained to labour, both mentally and bodily ; also to spend with caution, and to act with care. Much more could I say upon habit — upon the habit of 468 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August thought, the habit of observation, and the like — but I trust we shall hear no more the common cry of "what can I do?" or "1 have no chance. " Every young man with health and strength may succeed in life if he will ; but his success must be the fruit of education, training, and discipline : and if he neglects these necessary means to an end, he will probably go by the wall. I don't call being born with a silver spoon in one's mouth success; and I don't call living on the leavings of a parent or a friend success. But I call that success which is earned by industry, ability, tact, and perseverance ; and I had rather have the chances of many a man with- out a sixpence in the world, possessing these qualifications, than I would the chances of another reared to nonentity and in habits of extravagance, though possess- ing thousands of pounds. Young men of England, look to it that your education is right, your training right, your own self- culture right ; and with such a commence- ment success in the battle of life is more than half ensured or secured. Above all, rely upon yourselves, cultivate the quiet assurance you can overcome every obstacle, that you are equal to every emergency; but see that the result equals your convic- tions, or conceit will prove your shame in- stead of competency your praise. We speak of patronage; but who can patron- ize a fool? We speak of friends; but who, in a business point of view, can be- friend the incompetent ? The world will look to worth and ability; and in every case it is upon men so qualified the world bestows its premiums. Who has a situa- tion to offer, and does not look about him for the best man ? Who has a farm to let, and does not search for the best tenant ? The world, from self-interested motives, will befriend the competent, while it throws men of incapacity to the dogs. And who does not know that there are more good situations in life than men qualified to fill them, and more good opportunities than men qualified to embrace them ? I make the allusion with extreme diffidence ; but in my own case, gentlemen, I have known what it is to start in life without two ten- pound notes in my pocket to keep each other company. I have known what it is to tight my way in the world ; and though I have had many a kind friend to whom to be grateful, I have had a taste of the dis- advantages and the difficulties of life. They are excellent discipline ; and to show young men there is something in self-reli- ance, I tell them plainly I would start again to-morrow without a sixpence in my purse, without a murmur and without regret. Further, to show the power of self-reliance, I know young men who were so reduced in circumstances by the depression consequent upon the repeal of the corn-laws, that they seriously contemplated an assignment of their affairs into their creditors' hands ; yet these very men, by dint of courage, tact, and perseverance, though possessing at that time scarce a pound they could call their own, yet these very men have so pushed out hither and thither, have so doubled their resources, and redoubled their exertions, that they have now thou- sands of pounds instead of a few pence, with which to bless themselves. What others have done others may do ; but young men must remember " life is earnest, life is real ;" and they must learn to trust to their own strength, to labour, and to wait. I have spoken upon the education of boys at school, of the education of young men, and the discipline of habit after leaving school, and I now come to the last portion of my subject, viz., the introduction of the young farmer to life — his commence- ment in business. I am no advocate for young men sticking at home and being tied to their mother's apron-strings ; but, as soon as qualified by stability of charac- ter and soundness of judgment — and the sooner qualified the better — let them com- mence business on their own account. By all means have them do something in some way to advance their own individual inter- ests. If young men commence with capi- tal, let it be with a moderate amount, bare- ly equal to their actual requirements, for a superfluity of the needful never teaches the real value of money — and to teach the worth of the one pound sterling is highly essential in the opening of life. A few judicious monetary difficulties, in cutting one's way and in making ends meet, will do a young man no harm ; difficulties are excellent tutors of calculation and careful outlay ; whilst the necessity for industry compels to exertion, and prevents many a foolish extravagance. If parents are so situated that they cannot afford to give their sons capital, it is doubly essential a father should early insist upon a son turning out 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 469 in the world, and working his own way. If there is no capital in the purse, there ought at least to be capital in the head, and young men of character, even in this competitive age, may succeed by trying. But young men must try: they cannot suc- ceed by inaction. There is nothing like working one's own resources, and having individual responsibility for progress. In the matter of a farm there is a great deal in a good start. If a young man wants a business so much or wants a cage for a lady-bird so badly that he is induced to pay a rental for a farm exceeding by 10 or 20 per cent, its annual value, he has no one to blame but himself. If a young man lays out his money in permanent improvements, upon bad security, or upon no security at all, he has no one to blame but himself. Rotten props will let down men as well as buildings. I see 'great mistakes are made in attempting too large a business upon inadequate means. Now, though it is all very fine to be thought a great man in a small way, yet it is most undesirable to half-stock and half-farm any land. I do not object to a young man borrowing a small proportion of his capital at a reason- able rate of interest, but I know of no greater folly than attempting to farm 500 acres of land with capital barely sufficient for 300 acres. For profit and comfort there must be sufficient capital. Of course, let every young man secure good land, good buildings, and a good landlord, with a prin- cipled agent, if he can ; but if he cannot, if the supply is not equal to the demand, by all means let him make the best of those persons and things with whom and with which he has to deal. I recommend every young man to take the judgment of an ex- perienced friend upon every point upon entering business, not only in the hire of the farm, but also in the purchase of the necessary stock and implements. I have seen many a young man, without much judgment or discretion, much imposed upon both at auctions and in private purchases. In the management of the farm do every- thing well and at the cheapest cost, and don't be afraid to calculate the cost to pro- duce a crop, or the cost to rear or fatten an animal. I am sure we look at a farm too much in the mass, instead of calculating the items, whereby we unknowingly lose in one or more departments of our manufac- ture, for the want of investigation. 8cru- i tiny leads to judicious and profitable out- lay. Cultivate a thorough judgment of stock, for purchases 10 per cent, too dear and sales 10 per cent, too cheap are serious I mistakes, and tell heavily against succese in life. Young men must know by obser- vation what constitutes a day's work: horses are expensive machinery, and if horses are kept well and worked 20 per cent, daily ■ below par, whereby 20 per cent, of horse muscle is necessarily kept beyond the ac- tual requirements of the farm, 1 say these again arc serious losses. The manual la- bour, too, of a farm is necessarily a heavy outlay, and a master receiving 20 per cent, minus his due in labour is in an unfavour- able positiou. Young masters must learn ! what constitutes a fair day's work for a fair j day's wages, and see, too, that they get i it. Also, in task work, a young man j may be much imposed upon by pay- ing a heavy percentage beyond the value of the work performed. Both horses and men demand serious attention and con- sideration, with good supervision and di- rection. The work of the farm should al- ways be forward, that it may be performed at the proper time and season. Not to make hay when the sun shines is mistaken economy. A man always just behindhand is not likely to overtake success. I most strongly recommend every young man an- nually to draw out a correct valuation of the live and dead stock, and of the cove- nants of the farm. I do it each year at October, and at the same time I draw out an actual balance-sheet of the annual re- turns and expenditure ; and I urge upon every young man the necessity of doing the same. The more we are men of fig- ures the more shall we be men of sound judgment, of deep research, and correct practice. Groping on in the dark has been the ruin of many a man. It is in- vestigation which prevents a continuance in losses; and it is always wise to know the worst, and meet our difficulties, not by avoiding them, but by research, by ac- tion, and as men. I feel it to be absolutely essential for every young farmer to study the agricultural literature of the day. The Royal Agricultural Society's Journal must be carefully read, also the " Farmer's Mag- azine ;" and it is highly important weekly to peruse the Mark Lane Express or BelVs Weekly Me umg tT ) or some other good ag- ricultural papet that young men may keep 470 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August pace with the practical and intellectual progress of the age. Again, the Royal Agricultural Society's shows, and the other important and local agricultural exhibitions, are excellent opportunities for comparison, information, and improvement. To see other than home systems of farming is de- cidedly necessary to prevent local preju- dices and those narrow notions which grow up under the shade of one's own barn- doors. I might say much upon the neces- sary amount of capital according to the) character of the farm; also in recommend- J ing thorough draining, deep cultivation, autumnal fallowing, good stock, good ma- nure, no false economy, and the like ; but, in concluding my observations, I prefer to address a few remarks to young men them- selves upon their own individual position and bearing. We cannot be blind to the fact that some men, upon their first start in life, make grand mistakes: they start with false views and false aims, and attain to a false position. In these days of ready credit, how many a man expends far be- yond the limit which his income prescribes or warrants, in personal comfort or exter- nal show, in handsome furniture and house decoration, in first-class dog-carts, and other extravagances ! Nor is this the worst : such a man usually resolves to cut a shine, be a swell, drive fast horses, attend balls, hunt, shoot, smoke and drink, give dinner parties, ape superiors, and usually comes to grief. This is not a picture of plodding industry, and I have drawn an extreme case of folly, to warn young men without adequate means against such a life of tom- foolery. Success is based upon labour ; and a slow, unpretending, economical start in life is a safe start. Let young men be con- tent to earn their position and their luxu- ries before they assume the one or indulge in the other, or they will find to their cost that they end their life as they should have commenced it — in labour instead of com- petency, and that a life of youthful extrav- agance leads to necessitous old age. Youth is not the time for self-indulgence and the jog-trot easy pace of indolence. Youth is the time for hard but substantial fare, hard every-day lodging and hard 'work. I am opposed in toto to the smoking, drinking, and pampering habits of young men in the present age. I am equally opposed to all the easy-chair habits and the semi-inaction far too common. As a young man I can knock on very well in life without much of the stimulants — beer, wine, and spirits, and without the enervating influence of tobacco and many other luxuries; and, what is more, I find myself better in health, better qualified for business, and better in pocket, without them. I am an advocate for mod- eration in everything ; and I think it a strange thing indeed if a young man is not at liberty to decline to injure his health or his constitution because of the voice of public opinion. I especially urge modera- tion, as I observe young men make fools of themselves in their hours of excitement. I observe in the hour of excess deeds com- mitted which entail an afterpiece of sorrow and regret; and how often the loss of character, of business, habits, and of for- tune may be traced to a wrong step here — to a departure from habits of temperance ! I am no ascetic : I can be as happy as any man in spirit ; but I do not need either a narcotic nor an opiate to lull or to cheer me, and I am not prepared to fall down to that public opinion which makes venial the seed-bed of vice. Intemperance is the source of more than one-half of England's sorrows ; and I warn the rising generation to flee her enticing calls. Safety here, and a young man of sense is proof against the foolish spree, secure from a youth-time of folly, and an old age of physical debility and mental repining. Some young men appear to consider the fast life a life of heroism, and a life wherein to glory. It leads to a life-time of shame ; and how is society strewed with the wrecks of youth- ful intemperance, vice, and folly ! No Scriptural axiom is more true than the one embodying the fact, u That the world will speak well of thee so long as thou doest well unto thyself." I have said much upon temperance as a preventive to folly ; but the only true safeguard is true Christian principle. Christianity is the fundamental basis of security; and shall I, who feel that I owe all that I have, all I am, and all I ever shall be, to its influence — I say, shall | I lack the moral courage to assert its power ? Shall I pass it by as a subject which has nothing to do with the business of life ? Shall I bow to the popular notion afloat in the world, that it is only fit for Sundays, and for elders when the fire of life has abated * Shall I admit that it has nothing to do with the discipline and the success of life ? I came to tell you my ex 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 471 perience ; and, as a young man, I tell the young men of England plainly, I have found Christian principle as a thousand- horse power within a man, to cheer and to urge him onward in the path of duty. I hate the hypocritical cant and the Jesuitical humbug which abounds. There always will be inpostors in any age ; but I know of no body of young men more imposed upon than those who wilfully determine to have nothing to do with true Christian principle upon any terms. True Christian principle is the highway to success in life ; for while it prevents indolence, sloth, and extravagance, a waste of time and a waste of money, it excites to industry and econo- my, to uprightness of character, and recti- tude of conduct. Are not those thus imbued — the men who prove Havelocks in their sphere ? — men armed with mod- eration, patience, and endurance — men possessing promptitude and perseverance ? Are not those the men who neither rack their bodies by excesses, or their minds by fear and feverish anxiety ? Are not those the men intellectually strong in tranquility, and physically strong from temperance ? Are not those the men who are kind-heart- ed, courteous, considerate, and unpretend- ing? Are not those the men who can con- trol their tempers and their passions, and live above the jealousies, animosities and envies which mar the happiness and peace of most men ? They are ; and, if such are the fruits of true Christian principle, are not such qualities and such fruits the es- sentials for success in life? Are they not the essentials to secure a peaceful and a happy home ? Are they not the essentials to constitute a cheerful and a happy man- hood? They are; and to every young man I recommend the Bible as his chart, and, when Christian precept has become his practice, may it be his good fortune to possess a sharer of his joys, to possess a helpmeet, amiable in temper and kind in disposition • to possess a wife adorned with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, adorned with the beauty of love and the jewel of sense • and thus may they be mu- tually blessed, and prove blessings to all around them. In conclusion, a good edu- cation, thorough training and discipline, are the groundworks of success in life. Agriculturally those groundworks have been and are at the present time, much neglect- ed • and, though parental and social influ- ence generally may do much to mould the character of youth, yet it is only by national combination and national exertion that the intellectual development, the scientific cul- ture, and the mental discipline of the ag- ricultural youths of England can be secur- ed. And most strongly do I urge upon you, gentlemen, upon parents generally, and upon the kingdom at large, the necessity for action, the necessity for a well-developed plan of agricultural ed- ucational examinations ; and such public examinations, I am convinced, would pre- vent the present waste of thousands of pounds annually in indolent and wrongly- directed efforts of instruction, and at the same time put aside the present incalcula- ble loss of many of the most precious years of a young man's existence, extending from the age of sixteen to twenty-one years — a loss, too, which cannot be estimated even by tens of thousands of pounds an- nually. And I long to see England made more great, more glorious, and more free by the improved intellectual culture and the improved mental discipline of the rising and future generations of Englishmen. Ventilating Hats. A great number of hard-shell hats arc made with a small opening covered with gauze in the crown of each, and with this arrangement it is supposed they afford ven- tilation for the head, and tend to keep it cool during warm weather. This is a mis- take, because ventilation can only be ef- fected by a current of air, and as there are no means provided for the inlet of air, but only for its outlet, in such hats, of course they cannot afford ventilation. The* true ventilating hat must have perforations at or near the band to secure the inward pas- sage of air, and quite a number of such hats are now manufactured and worn. Felt hats, being somewhat porous in their texture, afford partial ventilation. Silk plush hats being saturated with lac-var- nish are perfectly impervious to the atmos- phere. Scientific American. Do everything in its proper time. Keep everything in its proper place. Always mend clothes before washing. Rising early is an excellent habit. 472 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August The Effects of High Prices of Slaves ; Considered in reference to the Interest* of Agriculture, of Individuals, and of the Coniinoinnaltli of Virginia. In regard to every undertaking, or pursuit of business, requiring capital for the prose- cution, 'it would be admitted, as a gener- al proposition, that the less the price or val- ue of the stock or capital required, from which to obtain equal amounts of products, the greater would be the net profit of the business, and of every investment therein made. But though this truth, stated in general terms, would be universally admitted, and without question or doubt, still it would be excepted to by man}'', if not fey most persons in Virginia, as to the especially important subject of agricultural industry and invest- ments. For such exception and denial are necessarily implied in the opinion commonly entertained, that the high prices of lands, and of slaves, are evidences of the prosper- ous condition of agricultural interests, and of agriculturists, in the localities where such prices prevail. Land, and the labor required for its cul- ture, constitute the greater proportion of all agricultural capital employed. Greatly ex- pensive as these are, land and labor (and in Virginia it is mainly slave-labor), are but the most important of the materials and tools essential to the carrying on of the me- chanical operations of tillage, and what may be considered as the manufacturing of the products of agriculture. To whomsoever may be about to invest capital, or to enlarge his previous amount of investment in the busi- ness of agriculture, the less the price at which he can purchase land and slaves (they being nearly all the capital required), the greater will be his profits in the production of like amounts of crops, if sold at equal prices. If a certain farm, with a certain number and de- scription of slaves were bought at fifteen thou- sand dollars, and would yield annual crops for sale of the market value of four thousand dol- lars, it is obvious that the agricultural net prof- it, would be very far greater than it would have been if the same property had cost, and was worth in market price forty thousand dollars. The error of opinion, which is so common "on this subject, is the result of mistaking effects for causes. The increased price of land is generally a true indication of &pre- >diii From Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. Means of Preserving Timber. Oils are preservatives of wood, as is evidenced in the case of whaling ships, which seem to be proof against decay. Hot oil has been experimented with in impreg- nating wood ) but while it rendered it more durable, it injured the tenacity of the fibres. From tha well known preservative nature of arsenic, it would be effectual for preserving- timber, but its use is attended with much danger. Timber impregnated with a solu- tion of tannin is rendered preservative, by the tannin combining with the albumen, and forming an insoluble compound, in the same manner that leather is produced by the combination of the tannin with the gelatin of skins. Creosote is an excellent preservative of wood, and the efficacy of common tar, for this purpose, is attributed to the creosote it contains. The boiling of 480 1 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [July timber in wood tar renders it highly preser- vative, but it impairs its strength. About two gallons of creosote to every one hun- dred" gallons of water, makes a sufficiently strong solution for use. Burnett's process for preserving wood consists in the use of a chloride of zinc solution — one pound to every five gallons of water, and is applied in the same manner as the corrosive subli- mate. For ship timber it is much superior to the corrosive sublimate, because the com- pound which it forms with the albumen of the wood is insoluble in salt water, which is not the case with the mercury compound. The chloride of zinc, and the sulphate of cop- per are the most simple, and the best pre- servatives, considering the cost. Shingles for roofs of houses, boiled in a solution of the sulphate of copper or pure salt, will last many years longer than they otherwise would. From the New England Farmer. Ornithology. BY S. P. FOWLER. The family of wrens in the United States and Territories is composed of 12 species, and includes the genus regulus, (crested wrens) and the Troglodytes or proper wrens. The only species I have observed in Dan- vers are the house wren, winter wren, marsh wren, golden-crested wren and ruby-crown- ed wren. The common house wren, (Sylvia Domestica of Wilson,) which I intend more particularly to notice, is the most numerous species found 'in Massachusetts. It has become completely domesticated, is never seen in our woods and forests, and seldom noticed far from the habitations of men. With the protection it everywhere receives, it is singular it is not found more abund- antly, as it rears two broods of young in a season, and lays from six to nine eggs. Its habits are very peculiar and eccentric, pos- sessing individuality in a high degree. It is never moved by a particle of gregarious emotions so common in birds ; on the con- trary, two pair of wrens can never endure each other's presence in a* garden, a quarrel always taking place, and one of them is forced to quit the premises. Although quite a small specimen of ornithology, it is smart and courageous, petulant and imperi- ous. It seldom fails to assault the peacea- ble blue-bird, when preparing to breed in the neighborhood, by visiting its nest in the owner's absence, and committing outrages, of which one would suppose such little birds would not be found guilty, but leave such exploits to be performed by the cau- tious, piratical crow, or the handsome fili- bustering blue jay. These visits of the wren to the domicil of the blue-bird are for the purpose of demolishing its nest, or suck- ing its eggs, and if surprised in these felo- nious intentions by the return of the mild, but justly indignant bird which wears the blue coat, it evades its deserved punishment about to be inflicted, by fluttering to the ground on its short curved wings, when it conceals itself in the shrubbery or passing along under cover, a few rods, it rises again to the top of a tree, and utters its hurried, thrilling notes in defiance. While thus invading the premises of others, the wren is very careful of its own ; not a bird can come near them for honest and peaceful purposes, without a hostile threat, or severe scolding, such an one as no other songster, but the one in a drab colored dress, knows how to inflict. Not- withstanding all this, the little churl posses- ses good qualities, alike noticeable in birds as well as men. Its domestic habits are ad- mirable, taking the best care of its numer- ous offspring, being careful to warn them of the dangers, which beset their youthful fights, and of the cruel habits of the feline race, as every stealthy marauding cat, (our bird's greatest enemies and tonne nters) would be compelled to admit, could these felines, (which should be shot, every one of them, when found in a garden,) be made to testify. The wren is also an industrious bird, its industry being peculiar, and not noticed in other birds. It builds a large nest, if we regard its surroundings, compo- sing a foundation of short crooked sticks,! that one would suppose would be very difli-j cult to be managed by so small a bird. His 1 labors, (I here speak more particularly of the male,) are not confined to constructing in connection with his mate, a cradle for his young, but embrace other than this, a constant instinctive desire to labor, when nothing useful is produced, in building nests not wanted, and but half formed The wren is busy in this unproductive work, simply because he must be employed, cannot afford to be idle. We sec this industrious trait of character in men and think it commendable. I have never seen any thing like it in birds, with the exception of the one under considera- 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 481 tion, and it lias also been noticed in the house wren of Europe. This labor is usu- ally performed by the wren, when not par- ticularly engaged with its own affairs, by odd jobs, as we say, chiefly when the female is engaged in incubation, when time passes slowly with him, helping to fill up a long- day in June; with other engagements, stich as scolding at the cat, as soon as he gets his eye upon her, prying into every nook and corner of the garden, by creeping about more like a mouse than a bird, and striving to obtain a general meddlesome knowledge of the affairs of all birds in his neighborhood. This labor, as we have before intimated, consists in forming as many half-finished nests as he can find boxes in which to build. A friend of mine, desirous of getting as many of these birds to breed in his garden as possible, placed some two or three boxes in his grounds for their accommodation. In conversation he .observed to me one day, that his boxes were filled with wrens, and was much pleased with the supposed fact. Knowing the singular propensity of this bird to engage in useless labor, I remarked, upon examination he would probably find but one pair of wrens in his garden. Ah ! but, says he, I saw the birds go in and out of the boxes, and build their nests. I re- plied, we will examine them, and see if we can find eggs or young. Upon examination we found in all the boxes, but the one that was the true domicil of the wrens, nothing but a mass of short, crooked sticks ! I never had but one pair of wrens in my grounds at the same time, although I have heard persons say they had two pair in the spring, but one of them was caught by a cat. I suppose ; in this particular case, grimalkin's character had suffered unjustly, which so seldom happens in the imputed] cases of bird-catching, I am particularly, desirous here to notice. In my grounds the wren raises two broods in a year, and its sprightly and tremulous note is heard as late as the 20th of September. But little \ is known of its migratory habits j where it goes in autumn, and from whence it comes in spring, no ornithologist knows. It man- ages with its short wings to migrate beyond the limits of the union ; most probably to Mexico. It comes to us in the night, and its pleasing, lively note is first heard upon a pleasant morning in the early part of May. Knowing, friend Brown, your love for 31 birds, Fsend you with this communication an olive-jar expressly prepared for kitty wren. In these jars 1 have; found them more inclined to breed than in anything else, having had one of them in my garden for many years. The way and manner of placing it upon a pole, I have, I think, in- formed you. Danvensport, April 30th, 1850. The Influence of Salt upon the Growth and Health of Cattle. The practice of salting stock at regular intervals, of generally about once a week, is maintained by all good farmers. When cat- tle and other farm stock are allowed to par- take of salt at pleasure, it is found that in the season of the year when the grass is making its most luxuriant growth and is the most succulent, the consumption of salt is the greatest. Besides the beneficial effects of salt upon the animal system, its use serves as an important means to call to- gether at stated periods the large herds that are pastured on the prairies and plains. Stock that have been thus treated expect it and are ready to answer at the first call of the herdsman. Boussingault made some observations con- cerning the influence of salt upon the fat- tening of cattle. His experiments show that salt does not exert that beneficial influ- ence on the growth of cattle and the pro- duction of flesh which is usually attributed to it. His experiments extended over a period of thirteen months, and were made upon a number of steers, some of which had their rations salted, while others had not ; in other respects they were treated in a precisely similar manner. The results show that the increase in the proportion of flesh does not pay for the salt employed. It is, however, remarked that a saline diet does exert a beneficial effect on the appear- ance and condition of the animals, for the steers which were deprived of salt for eleven months appeared sluggish and of a languid temperament, their coats being rough, devoid of gloss and partially bare, while those which had been fed with salt were lively, had a fine glossy coat, and were sure to attain a considerably higher price in the market. From the observations of this distin- guished agriculturist and chemist, although it does not appear that there was an actual 482 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August cash profit in feeding salt to his steers, yet j from the slock, healthy appearance of those treated to it, it evidently contributed to j their health, and we believe nature not only demands, but requires it. — Valley Farmer. For the Southern Planter. Tobacco the Bane of Virginia Husbandry. No. 4. Let it be granted that a plantation with the proper equipment of hands under the tobacco system, can work out of the soil a larger income in dollars and cents for a limited number of years by the tobacco crop, than can be realized in cash by a farm- ing course — yet it may be shown, that the tobacco culture is an illustration of the Fa- ble of the Goose that laid the golden eggs — it may be worth the while in this progres- sive age to present the arguments on the other side, notwithstanding the above for- midable admission, sustained as it seems to be by " the Almighty Dollar." Not one jot or tittle of the charge against tobacco, as the most exhausting of all crops can be abated. The impoverished fields of the whole State, where it was once cultiva- ted as the staple crop, but for *he last quar- ter century has been abandoned because it no longer yielded a remuneration for the labor employed in its production, is conclu- sive evidence of the alleged fact. Every county of Virginia, from the sea- board to the head of tide-water, with seve- ral tier of counties . above, in their natural State one of the loveliest regions on earth, now presents a standing monument against the ruthless destroyer, in a wilderness of piney old fields and gullied hiil-sides, hith- erto the acknowledged fruits of the tobacco culture. It is now argued, that Virginia owes her late reduced state to the corn culture, and not to tobacco, and as a farther apology for tobacco, that the country ^was originally poor. The fact that corn has been continually a profitable crop, throughout all the counties where tobacco has ceased to be cultivated, is well known ; and it is equally well known that the corn crops have been steadily in- creasing in productiveness since tobacco has been given up, which is a sufficient answer to the unjustifiable assumption. And as to the original poverty of the country, we need only refer to one witness to the contrary, whose testimony will hardly be questioned ; the most authentic and earliest Historian of Virginia — the gallant and distinguished, and above all, the Christian gentleman, Capt. John Smith. See Smith's History of Virginia upon the point. If the testimony of this witness, added to the every-where- existing-frightful piney old-field and gullied hill-side monument, do not convince, it may be useless to resort to any further argument on this point. But let the subject be pre- sented under the only aspect likely to attract the attention of the mass of cultivators — the pound, shilling and pence aspect — and results may be shown upon bases of fair i calculation, that will bring the rival systems of the plantation and farm more nearly upon a par as to profits, than the larger cash in- I come from tobacco, claimed by its advocates, j t would seem to allow. It may be safely assumed, that three times | as many hands are necessary, and usually employed for a full-handed and well-found tobacco plantation, as for a farm of the same arable surface, upon a strictly farming system. We will make our calculations upon a medium sized plantation of twelve hands ; a farm of the same arable surface and* equal value would require four hands, and here of course in the all-important item of labor, the value of the hire of eight hands is fair- ly chargeable against the plantation, and forms a large offset against the tobacco cash income — but it is fair here to allow that the greater cost of utensils and machinery upon the farm than the plantation, must go in abatement of the offset referred to above. Nevertheless, when the increased annual value of the real estate of the farmer is taken into the account, (as it reasonably should,) it leaves but a small, if any, bal- ance of cash in favor of the plantation sys- tem, and if nearly equal at the outset, there must, soon, be a wide difference between them. If the planter, with all the modern pro- gress of agricultural science, aided by the new fertilizers, can improve or keep up the value of his land, (a question yet requiring further experience to settle,) it may be as- sumed, that he cannot improve his land in any degree of comparison with the farmer, for reasons already shown in my former numbers — the value of the real estate of the planter, if not positively at a stand-still, advances at a snail's pace in comparison 1850.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 483 with that of the skilful farmer. True, the farmer's improvements cannot be represented by any fixed quantity, for they depend upon the skill and energy of the manager, which is ever variable. The marked difference between the two is discoverable in many points. The planter may have a larger amount of dollars to meet his indebtedness when he sells his tobacco, than comes at any one time in the year into the hands of the farmer — but the planter has to draw upon his dollars to buy a part of his bread corn, almost all his meat, and the whole of his teams; the farmer makes and raises them all at home. The planting system is essentially connect- ed with the credit system— although the weed always commands the cash — yet the planter is kept behind the time, because it takes him a year and a half to compass his crop, while the farmer gets through all in a year. I If the planter has any surplus funds after j paying for his necessary supplies, thej' go ! to buy fresh lands and more hands to make | tobacco : the skilful farmer's investments go to the addition of his real estate, an in- vestment which never fails, as legally con- stituted bodies corporate sometimes do. — Moreover, the farmer's improvements are' identified with all the more rational endear- ments of home. Where, beside the broad acres under a course of improving husban- j dry, are seen the ever fresh and still grow- ' ing comforts of the garden, the verdant' lawn, the shade trees, and the blithe painted cottage, with the farm yard hard by, with ! all its interesting accompaniments, forming a little earthly paradise. Now let us com- pare with this the plantation and its domi- cile — often a dilapidation in the midst (technically speaking) of a standing tobac- co lot; if inclosed, fenced in with a worm fence made of mauled rails — including half an acre for a cabbage patch, called the gar- den, leaving a narrow margin of turf around the unpainted dwelling, because more could not be spared from the tobacco crop. These : form the well known features of the estab- 1 lishments of many of the devotees of the; tobacco culture. But after all it is still tri- umphantly harped that the planter can make a larger amount of dollars than the farmer ; but admitting it to be so, has not the time come when the reduced state of the fee simple value of the country calls for a change ? It is the highest aspiration of the regular tobacco maker to add to the number of his hands, buy fresh lands, and make larger crops of tobacco. Strange that the obduracy of agricultu- ral habit, in our enlightened community, and this progressive age, should hold so many still, spell bound to a system which the face of the country, from the sea-board to the mountains bears melancholy testimony to the ruinous effects of, in that it has con- verted one of the loveliest regions of the earth into a broad wilderness of pincy old fields and gullied hill sides — nor is it with- in the compass of human ingenuity to con- ceal the fact, that this wide spread ruin has been the work of the tobacco culture. But we may console ourselves that " all things are mutable and nothing fixed," and that the culture of tobacco in Virginia, must, in the nature of things, continue to run down, and must finally give place to the more rational, moral, and comfortable farm- ing system. The blessings of this change are apparent already in all the tide-water counties from which tobacco has been long- est excluded. Recently these counties are showing a degree of improvement, which will soon bring up the value of their lands to those of the best of the now remaining "tobacco-land" districts; the price of the former are* steadily advancing, while the price of the latter must inevitably fall under the short process of three successive crops, which always does the work of completely exhausting the richest soil for tobacco, until it is manured. But if the present high prices under the stimulating artifice of the lottery, gambling: principle, which of late years has been brought into the market, leads to keeping up the crop, the effects must be disastrous, morally, as well as agri- culturally. The mass of tobacco makers will judge of the arguments urging the abandonment of the crop, upon the exclusive principles of rural economy, but there are many indi- viduals of the highest class amongst them — that class that constitute " the salt of the earth," — to whom the matter may be pre- sented under a far more interesting aspect, than the pound, shilling and pence aspect. I shall therefore address my future numbers to those only that hold themselves responsi- ble for the morality of their calling. (Signed) John H. Cocke. « m m m > ■ To thine own self be true. 484 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August From the Gardner's Monthly. The Philosophy of Transplanting. What is the secret of successful plant- ing ? Why do some trees live, and some die under the operation ? Why do they not all live ? Why do any of them die ? Though comprising some of the simplest of questions, and affording as simple answers, who has ever heard a satisfactory one given ? Jupiter, when he undertook to receive the complainings of the sons of men, could not be more struck with the opposite nature of their wants and wishes, than a new beginner in the planting line must be at the varying and contradictory advice he is constantly re- ceiving. " Don't plant in fall," " Don't plant in spring," " Prune severely," " Don't prune," " Water at planting," " Don't water:" but we may as well stop. As to reasoning on the matter, who attempts it ? Some few do ; but how do they do it ? " Dogmatically, dictatorially and absurdly." " I have done with getting trees from Brown. Lost three-fourths of what I got from him last year." " Trees do best from a change of soil. Those I got from neighbor Smith's nursery all died. Those from Nebraska all lived." " It don't do to spit on your hands while planting trees. I set out two last year ; had to stop for that purpose while filling in one, and that one died; the other is doing well." Of course, you will say the last reasoning is absurd, but it is no more so than any of the others. Now, if we can only demonstrate why a transplanted tree dies at all, all the ques- tions about the time and season and manner of planting may be compressed into a small paragraph. It needs no reasoning to tell us an umbrella is useful in rainy weather, or that a well-corked bottle will keep the liquid safely inside for an indefinite period, and yet these simple facts might be so confused by words, and obscured by scientific verbi- age, that a score of opinions might be con- scientiously entertained of them. This is the way errors arise in the idea of tree planting. We read learned disquisitions on the functions of the leaves, and their relation to the roots — of the cellR and tis- sues, and of crude sap and sap elaborated ; and after all the terms in physiology have been exhausted to show the cause of the death of a transplanted tree, it all amounts to this matter-of-fact conclusion : that it died through being (hied np\ Through being dried up! You may as well tell us an animal dies for want of breath. And if it does, we may not be able to give the breath, but we may give the ne- cessary moisture to the tree. To make the matter plain, if we take up one of two trees, and leave it exposed for a few days, it dies, — it withers and shrinks away ; but the other lives on as ever. Evaporation is continually going on from the branches of trees. In the exposed tree the roots are prevented from supplying the waste ; in the other they maintain the balance ; so that the one dies and the other lives. Shall we now say that every case of death from transplanting is only a modification of this simple process ? Indeed, it is from no other cause. The tree has dried up. It is a remarkable circumstance that our physiological writers have, nearly, we may say quite, overlooked this matter of evapo- ration. Only a few days ago, we read a very learned disquisition, showing that trees should never be pruned at transplanting, because the speedy production of roots was a great object; and as the elaborated sap in the branches was the matter from which roots were formed, why the more branches the better for the roots. All true enough, my good friend, if you could prevent the moisture from drying out in the mean time; but there's the rub, — the more surface the more waste. A few day? ago, one-half of a large worm was thrown into the writer's aquarium, as food for the fish ; the other half was for- gotten, and left in the open air. A few hours after, and this half was entirely dead — dried up. The half in the water- tank had managed to get beneath a rock, safe from the watering mouths of the pikes and tadpoles, and twenty-four hours after, it was still there, as lively as ever. " That is the idea again !" we exclaimed, — the check to evaporation saved its life. It could not easily dry up there ; and so we carried the idea again to the tree. * Instead of laying neglected on the ground, we will say that it is actually plant- ed. The roots are more or less mutilated — that is a necessary result of removal, — and many not mutilated are not, even with the best care, so closely imbedded or surround- ed by soil, as to be able to obtain the same amount of moisture from the earth it could before transplanting. And now immedi- ately follows a bitter cold windy day, or a 1859.] TIIE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 485 hot and dry time, when the veryekiefl like brass, and all nature seems languid and debilitated ; the sap is exhausted faster than the roots, so circumstance;], can supply, and just the same as in the totally neglected tree, it dies — (hies up. But the result is not often so palpable. No cold winds or hot days perhaps follow for a long time, but the soil is cold, and un- favorable to the production of new roots, and so the tree stays in a state of rest, — .laying up no treasures, taking no thought of to-morrow, — and when the adverse time does come, its sandy foundation is discover- ed. It dies — it dries vp. So we may go on through a score of illustrations. Still the same explanations, the same reasoning, the same result : it dies — it dries up. From all this it follows, that to succeed in transplanting, all that is necessary is to have control of the evaporating power of the tree — to prevent, in plain language, the sap from drying out of the tree, until the roots have made new fibres, and thus able to supply whatever demands the branches may make on them for moisture. a There are, then, two periods when it is good to plant trees ; one is when there is very little evaporation going on from the top of the tree : the other when the roots are active, and the fibres are pushing with freedom and vigor, and the best time is when we can get the two to work together. This is not easy. When the thermometer ranges between 30° and 40,° little or no evaporation is going on — the air is saturated with moisture, and a tree might be dug up, and suffered to lie for a week with its roots exposed, without experiencing material in- jury. Such times we often find in Novem- ber and December, February and March, and at various times at other seasons. But the opposite objection arises; the ground is cold, and the roots, though not perhaps en- tirely dormant, are but little active. Again in the spring the roots are very active, and are ready to draw water almost as soon as the tree is transplanted ; but — again that implacable but — the wood has become soft and spongy, and the atmosphere warm and drying, and evaporation goes on so very, yc/y fast, that the advantages of the newly push- ing roots are more than balanced. In whatever way we look at the subject, this conclusion is apparent; that to be suc- cessful with tree-planting, evaporation from the branches must be checked until the new fibres push. Recognize this principle, and fcreea may be transplanted at any time of the year. What will our readers say to the doctrine that deciduous tree.: can be removed more successfully in May and June than at any other season ? But it is a fact. It must not be done in the usual way. The leaves have to be stripped off, and the young growth shortencd-in ; evaporation is arrest- ed, and the young roots, rejoicing in their newly -found liberty, push forth in all direc- tions, and sustain the tree at once. New buds and leaves start immediately, and the tree goes on apparently with very little check. Over and over again have we seen,, du- ring the past few seasons, trees taken up in May and June, and in xYugust and Septem- ber, and with the most complete success. And now, dear reader, do not think that we are offering you crude theories, that have yet to be elaborated by the pure air of prac- tice; or that we have taken an idea from some contemporary's sensation leaders, and with the aid of a few principles stolen from some learned physiologist's deductions, turn- ed out of the editorial machine a piece of iwork that is to astonish you. That is some- times true, and the authors or manufactu- rers get a, greater reputation for learning than the more honest fools, as Shakspeare calls them. But this idea of late spring planting is becoming very practical here. It is now understood by many^ of our prac- I tical planters. As we now write, (first week jin June) one of our most popular jobbing- gardeners is driving by our office, with a la.ge load of trees, which he would warrant :for a small percentage, to give you more satisfaction than trees planted in March. It is more trouble, to be sure, to prune .and strip the leaves from the trees, and the whole care required to control this evapora- tion costs more than trees set out in the usual time and way; but to many a man, labor is better worth five dollars in April, when every thing has to be done at once, than it is in June, when nearly all is finished up. Without making this chapter too long, it 'is impossible to go into the details of this jidea as we would like to do. The reader 'must apply the principle for himself. He must check evaporation till new roots are j produced, either by syringing, or shading, he must do all or pruning, disleafim I he can to insure a rapid formation of new 486 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August fibres. He must, in fact, experiment and observe a little for himself; and when he, as he soon will be, becomes master of the idea, he may remove things at any time of year when he has the most leisure and in- clination. From the Indiana Farmer. Straw and its Waste— Its Worth per Acre. BY J. J. MECHI,OF TIPTREE HALL, ENGLAND. Sir, This is a vital question for agricul- ture. For many years I have been gradu- ally more and more convinced that straw has a considerable value for feeding pur- poses, for which alone it should be used, in order to extract from it the largest profit. It is true that, when I have propounded this notion in the presence of practical farmers, their shouts of laughter have testi- fied to their disbelief; and I have smiled at their prejudices and miscalculation, in con- scious conviction that they would gradually have to surrender at discretion. The quantity of wheat straw removed from an acre of well-farmed clay, where the average is 40 bushels per acre, would be 2 tons per acre. Science has shown us that, plowed in and considered as manure, its worth is but $2.24 per ton ; while, used as food, it will, if properly prepared, realize a value of $10.00 per ton. Now what farmer would knowingly throw away $10 to $15 per acre, in so economic a business as farm- ing ? and yet, this is literally being done over millions of acres. It is denied that straw has a greater value as food than as manure, it would, by parity of reasoning, be desirable to compare the manurial and feeding values of oilcake, bar- ley, beans, peas, hay and roots. While my farming friends ridicule my dislike to plowing in straw, they would stand aghast at my proposing to them to plow in their barley-meal, linseed-cake, or other feed- ing material. But I can see no difference : the folly or error in eaeh caie is equal, and the loss com- paratively as great. Whence does this singular disbelief arise ? Simply because the straw, in an unprepared condition, is not in an available condition as food. I purpose to give a practical illustration of this question, by a statement of my own proceedings; but every one who would un- derstand the question in its most compre- hensive view, should study Mr. Horsfall's admirable papers on dairy management, in the Society's Journal. The whole feeding question may be considered as greatly de- veloped by these papers. The question of converting both our straw and our roots more advantageously than we now do, is a true breeches-pocket question for the British farmer ; nor are the pub- lic less interested in the more abundant supply of meat, which would naturally fol- low the more economic use for our straw and roots. The general appearance of thriving ani- mals is unmistakable. If, after feeding, they lie down contentedly, free from restless- ness, all goes on well. Such is the case with my ten young shorthorn bullocks, of Irish breed, about 30 months old, which were bought at $45 each, in 1858. They consume daily — 216 gallons cut wheat straw 6 do rapecake $0 60 3 do malt-combs 09 5 do bran 10 Moistened by 20 gallons of hot water (bean straw re- quires twice the quantity) ... 300 lbs. of mangel-wurtzel 64 In round numbers, they cost at the rate of $0.84 ' per week, independent of the wheat straw. If I value the wheat straw at $10.00 per ton, it would add $0.60 to their weekly cost. The roots I value at $2.50 per ton. The animals are in a fatten- ing and growing condition, and evidently are advancing remuneratively. This we can judge of by their appearance, as I have not, like Mr. Horsfall, a weighing machine for cattle. Nothing tests the value or force of food so soon as milking cows. I strictly ad- here to Mr. Horsfall's proportions of food for mine ; and the result is an ample sup- ply of milk, and an increase in condition. The food for each cow is as follows, daily : 20 lbs. straw chaff; 8 lbs. of hay ; 5 lbs. rapecake ; 2 lbs. bean meal £ lbs. bran ; f lbs. malt-combs ; 35 lbs. mangel or Swedes. Cost (without straw), $1.82 per week. The whole question may be said to hinge upon the condition in which the food is ad- ministered. It must be moist and warm ; and the animals must have proper warmth and shelter. As a general rule, this is not 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 487 the case throughout the kingdom ; hence much food is wasted or misapplied. Were T to give my bullocks the same quantity of cut straw in a dry state, they would not eat one-half of it; and, besides, they would be restless and dissatisfied. This I know from experience. I will now describe my mode of prepara- tion, and calculate the cost. I do not use the ordinary close steaming apparatus, but a number of cast iron pans, or coppers, each capable of containing 250 gallons. These are set in brickwork, with a 4-inch space around them, each space con- nected with the adjoining one by a 6-inch earthern pipe. Into these spaces, and around these cop- pers circulates a portion of the waste steam from the engine, after having passed through the cylinder. I should state that a close vessel of water, connected with the supply tank, is kept in a nearly boiling state by the waste steam be- fore it passes around the coppers, and a ver- tical four-inch pipe takes away the steam af- ter it has passed around the coppers, after heating the close vessel of water ; and then passes into the atmosphere. The coppers are all sunk into the earth, so as to stand level with the floor. By this means, when an extra supply of food is required, it may be piled up in a mound, and kept hot for two or three days. The straw, cut fine and sifted, is thrown into the copper, twenty-seven gallons at a time, and then the proportion of malt-combs, bran, and rapecake strewed over it ; then a pail of hot water (drawn from the hot water vessel close at hand) is thrown over it, and it is all incorporated by mixing with a steel fork, and well trodden down; then another twenty-seven gallons of chaff, with the other materials and hot water; another mixing and another treading down, until the copper is full and solid ; and if extra quantities are required, it may be continued in the same way above and around the coppers, but it must be moist and solid (if too wet the animals will not eat it.) The larger the mass the longer it remains hot. Practically, we can in winter manage, if our engine only goes twice a week ; but as a general rule we work it for grinding, irri- gating, thrashing, &c, more often than that. The mass of subterranean brick-work ab- sorbs the heat from the waste steam, and holds it for several days. The heat so obtained costs you nothing, for it would be wasted in the atmosphere. I think the time will come when farmers will turn it to several useful purposes. Animals will eat rapecake abundantly when so mixed and dissolved, but not when dry. This is an admirable food for all sorts of farm animals, and it should be admin- istered, more or less, through the whole year. I should say that our roots are cut either by a Gardner or Bentall, and mixed in the manger with the warm steamed chaff. There will be no blowing, no griping, or scouring with food so prepared, and the animals eat it as hot as they can bear it. In my earlier career, I reared first forty and then fifty calves, and sold them as fat bullocks, so treated, never having been off the boarded floor for two and a half years, and never having had straw under them. The ten bullocks I am now feeding are on sparred floors. The cost of cutting a ton of straw into chaff, one-fourth of an inch long, may be taken at 72 to 90 cents: The trials of chaff- cutters, as reported by the judges, in the Royal Agricultural Society's Journal, show that 112 lbs. or more of hay could be cut in three minutes by steam power. It would be well, however, to double that time or cost, because we know on such occasons every- thing is in "competing order," which could not be expected on a farm. Therefore, 48 cents a ton for hay, and 96 cents per ton for straw, would be a liberal cutting-up, allow- ance for steam power. If we are to consume all our bean, bar- ley, wheat, and oat straw, we must keep our animals on sparred floors, or on burned clay, and we must invest more capital in animals, and shall make much more meat per acre. If a ton of straw will make 30 lbs. of meat, and if two tons of straw 7 are grown per acre on our cereal and pulse crops, it would be four score of meat per acre over the whole of the cereals and pulse. 4 0h ! but where is your manure to come from, if you eat your straw ? Why your animal, by this mode of feed- ing, consumes 560 lbs. of rapecake with every ton of straw. This is better than lit- tering the yards by cartloads in wet weather, to sop up the water, and save some of the liquid manure which would otherwise be washed away by rain from untroughed roofs. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August But what feeding property is there in straw? A good deal of hilarity was excited at our London Fanners' Club the other day, by my stating that every 100 lbs. of wheat straw, contained the equivalent of 15 lbs. of oil. Since then I find I have understated the ease, and that really each 100 lbs. of straw contains — see Morton's admirable Cy- clopedia, vol. ii, page 1153 (Voclcker's an- alysis) — seventy-two per cent! of muscle fat and heat-producing substances, of which twenty-seven per cent, are soluble in potash, and thirty-five per cent, insoluble. The soluble fattening substances are equal to 18J lbs. of oil in each 100 lbs. of straw. In conclusion, I would recommend every feeder of stock to study Mr. Horsfoll's pa- pers in vol. xvii., page 260, and vol. xviii., page 150 of the Royal Agricultural Socie- ty's ' Journal. They will enlighten his mind, dispel his prejudices, and increase his profit. By Mr. Horsfall's mode of feeding you may get the manure without cost, and a handsome price for your straw and roots. The following facts, deduced from Mr. Horsfall's paper, will show T that 1,000 lbs. of Swedish turnips, or 100 lbs. dry are worth, 43 s as manure, whilst 100 lbs. of hay are worth $0 28£ 100 lbs. of straw 10 100 lbs. of bean meal 60 100 lbs. of oilcake 75 100 lbs. of Indian meal 25£ 100 lbs. of locust beans 10 Here is an instructive and interesting comparison with a vengeance ! A ton of Swedish turnips are worth, as manure, 96 cents per ton, or nearly half the manurial value of a ton of straw or locust beans. Oilcake, or rapecake are worth, as manure, $15.12 per ton. If by his system of feeding 14 lbs. per week of meat and 3 lbs. of internal fat can be gained by each full-sized animal (and I am sure this can, be done as an average,) I know of no other system which will exceed it in result, or equal it in economy. The consumption of straw, in the way here suggested, would produce a very great in- crease of meat, manure, and corn. If supplies of this warm food were con- veyed to sheep in our field in cold and rablc weather, many losses would be avoided, and our turnips would make more mutton. In order to provoke a discussion and ex- amination of this subject, I send this com- munication to several papers, and shall pro- bably enlarge upon it in some future paper. From the Gardner's Monthly. Improvement of the Soil. Mr. Editor : " Every one to his taste, sayin a j s a a trite old very true and I have no doubt one; and it suggests itself particularly to me just now, when taking up my pen to ng up my pen write you a few hints that occur to me about the subject named at the head of this chap- ter. I notice that many of your correspon- dents congratulate you that this subject has been brought up, and that subject has been explained ; but to me there have been few articles in any paper I ever read, that gave me more P i. easure than one on " Trenching Ground," and another on " Surface Manu- ring/' in some recent numbers of your jour- nal ; because I think that by getting at the soil question properly, we come to the bottom, — the root of all improved culture. Now r , sir, it seems to me that in the dis- cussion of this question, most practical men forget that there are tw r o distinct objects to be aimed at. The first is that in working soil we are to render it fit to retain the greatest amount of heat and moisture that will benefit the plants, and no more; and the second is that we should convey into the soil such elements, in the shape of manures, as will most effectually perfect the growth of the plants. A soil may contain all the fertilizing in- gredients desirable, — all the carbon and ni- trogen, — all the sodium, potassium, and what other iums go to make up the vocabu- lary of a chemist's treatise on the perfection of soils ; .but if it have not the capacity to retain heat and moisture in due proportion, — if it dry up the first hot June day, or re- main cold and swampy when other soils per- mit their tenants to bask in the warmth of a few spring days' suns, — it is altogether imperfect. Then, again, it may be perfect in this re- spect. It may be deep, and its particles finely disintegrated, and its capacity to re- tain heat and moisture so admirably balan- ced, that the most enthusiastic trencher could wi.sh no more ; and for all this, in the chief elements that constitute a fertile soil, it may be as poor as a miserable bit of humanity 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 489 who has no friends; and what under the sun can be poorer ? We find great difference of opinion to exist amongst men equally fanied for their practical knowledge. One manures en the surface, and finds great benefit from the application, and then, perhaps, he goes fur- ther, and deprecates all those modes of I practice which buries the manure far below the surface; another digs it deeply into the soil, and in the result obtains his every an-' ticipation. Looking at manures as fertilizing ingredi- ents, the one who employs them at the sur- face, evidently has the best of the argu- ment. The roots, properly so called, and which penetrate deeply into the soil, do not much towards supplying the plant with nutriment, — it is the fibres which are attained to the roots, or rather their points, . or spongioleSj as the physiologist terms : them, which collect the feeding matter. The roots are the drones, and the fibres are i the working bees of the vegetable hive. | Now, the fibres are invariably found in the greatest abundance near the surface, and there, as a necessary corollary, is the place to furnish the necessary food. But the roots, if they do not do much towards taking in substantail food, at least I absorb an incredible degree of moisture, I and the man who mixes his manure deeply in the soil, does a great deal towards incres- ing the power of the soil to retain moisture. All the vegetable matter he mixes in be- neath the surface assumes a sponge-like character, with the same absorbing proper- ty, which, as also like a sponge, it gives off to whatever surrounds it that may become dryer than itself. Let not, therefore, him who sees his neighbor mixing long strawy manure a foot or more below the surface, say in his heart, " Oh ! fool I" or him who espies the other raking at the surface, ex- claim, " Thou jackass !" but let each of them watch the process in either instance, and mark the result. With regard to trenching, Mr. Editor, I could never see what benefit was to arise from throwing good surface-soil two or three feet below the surface, when the most ex- pected of the poor subsoil brought up was that it should be ultimately made as good as the soil originally thrown below. It always seemed to me something of the rob- bing the hen to fat the goose kind of a s} r s- tem, by which something was made on twelve, but as niueh lost on the dozen. But if by trenching is meant deepening a soil, and making it, by mixing vegetable matter with the subsoil, to retain heat and moisture in all weather, why then I am with you, heart and soul, "And here's a hand, my trusty flere, And gie's a hand 'oihine." If you do not receive the assent of all prac- titioners, you will at least have that pleasure from one who likes to look at things Pro and Con. Summer Grazing— Grazing of Cattle. BY A PRACTICAL FARMER. A too frequent recurrence to the same subject needs every apology from stated writers; but the importance of the above subject to graziers, and the rapid increase of the numbers who read the Mark Lane Express, is a sufficient reason for again in- troducing the subject. I am not, however, about to write anything expressly new, or perhaps of much value to the experienced, grazier : but amongst the many readers of the above paper, there are young readers who w r ould like to " gain a wrinkle" from an old grazier, or to be reminded of some common things which may have escaped their present observation, it is for these I write a few remarks upon summer grazing in these papers. 1st, cattle; 2nd, sheep; 3rd, horses, &c, &c. The grazing of cattle, the fattening of cattle, the lands adapted for the profitable raising of cattle must be of first class order. No inferior grass lands will do it, unless aided by a liberal allowance of linseed-cake or other fattening food ; nevertheless, we have good grass lands of varied quality and power. The most powerful will fatten an ox of 100 stones weight without such aids ; and others of such sweet and nutritive herb- age on inferior soils as will fatten a Scot or Devon admirably. What I mean is, that the grazier must adapt his cattle to his land, or make up for either deficiency in artificial aids as food. No grazier should, however, attempt to fatten cattle on land not suited for such purpose; and this is soon gene- rally known by the experience of every oc- cupier, and On every occupation ; and new tenants often injure themselves by not ta- king timely advice on this point. The best bullock-lands ; These are usually grazed by 490 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August superior cattle, and I take it for granted that the general testimony and practice on such lands is correct, and in the average of years profitable. One thing I know, the occupiers of these beautiful lands are almost invariably to a man proud of them, and proud to see grazing upon them such splendid animals. This is one of the pleasures and gratifications of business. What grazier does not enjoy, intensely enjoy his evening stroll amongst a herd of first-class animals, all progressing favorably ; and may he not justly exult a little now and then in the prospect of showing them at his favorite fair, and to his old round of friends and customers ? I confess to such occasional pride, and I approve it. It gives stimulous to exertion, to care, to selection, to manage- ment in all its phases. This is all right ; but there is another view to be taken as to the most profitable grazing of such lands. It is not that every grazier possesses a long purse, and is able to buy such ornaments to his field. What must the poor grazier do ? I have seen some of the most powerful bullock lands grazed by very inferior cattle — aged cows, bull-legs, worked oxen, coarse steers ; in fact, such a class of animals as only such land " could move," and which was well known to the occupiers ; these ani- mals often come in at little cost, and pay handsomely. I once saw a large and beau- tiful field of first-class land grazed by aged cows and a few coarse animals which would not average above some six or seven hundred pounds each ; the profit was, I understood, very great. The care requisite in such a case is to obtain such animals as will bear a profit under such strong succulent herbage. If the animal is weak in body or constitu- tion, it is certain to go wrong. It is there- fore, manifest that first class land need not of necessity be grazed by first class ani- mals ; but it is necessary that every animal grazed on such land must possess a consti- tution and aptitude to fatten and improve. To graze profitably, the grazier must first take care to provide a good pasture. This he will do by " laying in" his fields early; so that he may commence stocking early. His next care will be to put in his stock in suitable weather, and in number proportion- ed to his keeping. He must not in any case overstock ; if he does, in all proba- bility he will lose his season. His stock must have a sufficiency of grass, but not more, or it will grow coarse and unpalatable, and the stock are thus confined to those sweet spots on which they delight to browse, often very bare and insufficient for their profitable advancement. Should such be the case, it is but to mow down gradually and daily every rough spot, and leave enough for every day's consumption. Cattle are very fond of partially- withered grass. There is great difficulty on this point in grazing lands subject to burning in hot weather ; such lands "require a covering;" but I can- not think they require such a covering as is sometimes, nay often, seen. I have seen some of those beautiful Herefordshire lands, having pastures which, while carrying their usual quantity of stock, would, I think, yield at the same time a ton or more of hay per acre, positively "up to the knees in grass." In Leicestershire I have seen the like ; yes, and in many other counties too. Now, if this could with safety be prevented, I doubt not but the grazing would be more profitable. To fatten cattle most speedily and advantageously, the grass requires to be ever new, and always in plenty. A bulk ck pasture — %. e., not too young; that would cause looseness or scouring; bat a good bite of strong-grown grass, but not old — just in accordance with the old adage, "twelve days old for a bullock." To insure this, it ' is often attempted to graze two fields alter- nately ; that is, to lay one in for three or four weeks, while the other is being grazed, and then to bring back the stock as soon as ready. But this plan is objectionable, as requiring a double number of stock for the tyne being, which tread down a large quan- tity of most excellent herbage. The better course is to " get off" the forward animals to market, lay in one field, and well dress it over ; i- e., knock the droppings and cut up the tussocks or rough places, that all the grass may be young and fresh, and then turn the backward animals into this beauti- ful autumn pasture ; they will on this sel- dom fail to get fat. The old-fashioned course is to reserve the best aftermath or eddish for this purpose, and failing this, to bring them into the hovel or byre for the winter. This is wofully expensive, and sel- dom pays. If a bullock will not fat by the above process of grazing, I would advise the graziers to quit him. It is customary with most graziers to reserve a few prime animals for Christmas. I know of no better course than to make the same provision for their benefit as for the backward ones except an 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 491 allowance of corn meal or cake amply suffi- cient to promote their rapid progress — no reasonable expense must be spared to get up a Christmas ox. Butchers will have perfection in their Christmas beef if possi- ble, and don't mind paying for it ; short of this it becomes good ordinary beef, and is bought accordingly; very good certainly: but it don't reach the top standard. To achieve this desirable point, each animal as soon as the pastures are done should have a separate byre or hovel where he can roam at pleasure. He must be supplied with the best of food, i. e., turnips, carrots, cabbage, hay — all of the best quality, the root cleaned and sliced or pulped, and given with the greatest regularity, and then the animal must be left undisturbed. If he can be kept stalled or in a dark stable or hovel all the better, and an occasional or daily groom- ing is very serviceable. Fatting animals sel- dom require the services of the veterinary practitioner : the chief point to- be observed in keeping them in a thriving condition is to change their keeping if requisite ; and this will be principally needed in untoward sea- sons, or upon an extraordinary flush of grass or similar deviations from common ordinary grazing, as in seasons of drought. The water becomes in many localities pernicious, when it will require much care to avert in- jurious consequences. Nearly all these matters depend upon the judgment of the grazier. " It is the eye of the master that grazeth the ox." The chief changes in keeping are from a nutritious to old pastu- rage, from bad herbage and bad water to an eddish or green clover or seeds ; or if dry food is indispensable an allowance of straw or hay is highly advantageous. — Mark lane Express. Practical Men. Professor Henry says : " Mere Practical Men. We have no sympathy with the cant of the day, with reference to 'practical men,' if by this term is meant those who act without reference to well established general laws, and are mere- ly guided by empirical rules or undigested experience. However rapidly and skilfully such a person may perform his task, and however useful he may be within the limited sphere of his experience, and in the practice of rules given by others, he is incapable of making true progress. His attempts at im- j provement are generally not only failures, involving a loss of time, of labor, and of materials, but such as could readily have been predicted by any one having the re- quisite amount of scientific information. It is the combination of theoretical knowledge with practical skill, which forms the most efficient and reliable character, and it should be the object of the agricultural colleges to produce educational results of this kind." >(* *t* *r* *t* *r» We are glad to see the above by Prof. Henry, as it particularly applies to agricul- turists. The future of agriculture will owe its progress to those who, in addition to pysical ability, will apply the lights of sci- ence to their vocation. No man can be a practical farmer who simply delves as a la- borer, without understanding, at least in de- gree, causes as well as effects. To succeed in a special locality by simply carrying out the practice of others, will not insure pro- gress elsewhere. Where natural law is fair- ly understood, then the operator can apply his knowledge to any locality or variety of circumstances. Farmers should at least know so much of the sciences, as will enable them to clearly comprehend the writings of those who investigate more clearly than them- selves. — Fai'mer and Planter. Sounding Shells. There are few persons who cannot remem- ber childish wonder with which they were filled, when a sea-shell was # first placed to the ear ; and the still greater wonder they experienced when told that the strange reson- ance which they heard was the roar of the sea ; this being the common explanation given to children. There are, doubtless, many adult persons who do not know the phenomenon of the sounding shell. It is caused by its hollow form and polished sur- face ; these enable it to receive and return the beatings of all the sounds which tremble in the air that surrounds it. — Scientific American. Wood ashes and common salt, wet with water, will stop the cracks of a stove, and prevent the smoke from escaping. A gallon of good strong lye put in a bar- rel of hard water, will make it soft as rain water. Half a cranberry bound on a corn will soon kill it. 492 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August For the Southern Planter. On Curing Tobacco Yellow. Tobacco should be very ripe when cut. In order to cure a fancy crop, it is necessary to select your tobacco as you cut it, in order to get a house full as uniform as possible of plants that ripen a yellow colour. I put my tobacco in the house as soon as possible after cutting it, putting six to eight plants on a stick four and a half feet long, placing the sticks at a distance on the tier polls, so that the tobacco does not touch after it is hung in the house. Commence firing immediate- ly with coal, at 100 degrees Fahrenheit twenty-four hours — the * next twelve hours 105°, the next six hours 110°, the next six hours 115° — then increase 2£° every hour until you attain 165°, and remain at that degree until your tobacco is thoroughly cured. The stalk should be dry when you quit firing. As soon as your tobacco is soft enough to move after it is cured, shove the sticks as close together as you can, that it may more effectually retain its colour. My barns are all 20 feet square, five tier in the body, and as tight as I can make them. I have nine fires to each house, made of coal— either pine or oak, or any other wood is equally as good. It is necessary to keep up the fires night and day. Caswell. Yanceyville, N. C, July 11th, 1859. For the Southern Planter. Super-Phosphate of Lime. Clarke County, Va., June 10th. We would invite the attention of the Farmers of Virginia to Rhodes' Super- Phosphate of Lime, sold in Baltimore. For the last six or eight years, I have been in the constant habit of using Guano upon my wheat, but the high price of Guano, and the continued failures of the clover crop when the season has been at all dry, induced me, with many of my friends, to try Rhodes' Super-Phosphate of Lime, and the result has been entirely satisfactory. At a cost of $45 a ton, in the place of $65, for Guano, we have the finest crop of wheat we ever harvested. One stubble field esti- mated by good judges, at from 30 to 35 hushels per acre. From my own experience of this year, and the use of it last year by some of my neighbors, I do not hesitate to say, that at the same price, I would prefer it, ton for ton, to Guano. Mr. Rhodes is an accom- modating gentleman, and deserves to be patronized. We are in no way interested in the sale of the Super-Phosphate of Lime, and only give our experience for the benefit of the farmers of Virginia. A Clarke County Farmer. From Jackson's Jlgrieulture and Dairy Husbandry. Ploughing. * * * The object of ploughing is to delve and turn over the soil in ridges, to destroy the surface vegetation by burying it underground, where it rots and forms a kind of manure; to bury the dung spread on the land ; to form furrows for different pur- poses ) and, generally speaking, to break up the hard mass of land, and prepare it for the action of the grubber, harrow, and other instruments. There are certain requisites to constitute good ploughing — a skilful ploughman, a steady team of horses, and a properly con- structed instrument. Before these can be brought to bear, however, it is essential that the land be tolerably even in its surface. If it be encumbered with large stones upon, or a short way below, the surface, or with whins or furze, or any kind of heights and hollows, it cannot possibly be ploughed to advantage or with neatness. A preliminary to good ploughing, therefore, is to level and clear the land, by lowering its protuberances, filling up its hollows, breaking up and cart- ing away its stones, rooting up stumps of trees, and, if required, draining its springs. All this has been done within the last seventy years, to probably nine-tenths of the arable land in Scotland. If the land be in a rude condition, and require these and other improvements, another preliminary to a right process of tillage will be its division into fields of from six to twelve acres ; the divisions to be hedgerows, walls, or palings, according to local circumstances. What- ever be the nature of the fences, they should occupy as little room as possible, and in moist situations they ought to have a sunk ditch on each side, to receive water from the siirface and small drains. In Norfolk, Nor- thumberland, the Lothians, and other high- ly improved districts, the fields in general are from fifteen to twenty-five acres in ex- 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 493 tent, each encompassed by fences and ditches, and to all appearance as beautifully trimmed on the surface as a garden. The following directions to ploughmen, given by Mr. Finlayson in his excellent treatise on the Plough, will be perused with advantage by all who are engaged in till- age : " Nothing can be more beautiful than a field commodiously laid off, and neatly ploughed. There is even none of men's handiworks that can please the eye more, and at the same time show more of its un- ruled accuracy, than a lawn which presents ridges of the same width, with furrow-slices running in straight equidistant lines; and that, too, with such minute exactness, as scarcely to be equalled by the gardener. "It is not the man who makes the greatest ado with the horses who opens his ridges best, but more commonly he who goes steadily and directly forward himself, and keeps such a command, by the reins, as to prevent them from deviating far from the right path, yet without laying too much stress on their precision, or checking them sud- denly, from one side to the other ; and he who can take a straight furrow at first, and continue so to the last, even on a ridge of fifteen feet, will finish with one, two, or three bouts less than. one who is all along undoing and overdoing, and that, too, inde- pendently of the ease to himself and his team, and the preference of the work in every respect. "If broadcast ridges are of unequal breadth, bent, or zig-zag, the work cannot be so uniform, and in the turnings much time is lost, and harm done to the land which is ploughed ; and with crooked drills there is a loss of ground, an unequal dis- tribution of manure, if such has been ap- plied, and the hoeings cannot be so effectu- ally done where they are far distant, or done at all, without soddening the mould, and in- juring the crop, where they are narrower. " In fine, the grand criterion of ease and proficiency i*, that of the ploughman's walk- ing between the stilts, and in the furrow, with a free step and erect body ; for thus he is more convenient for himself, has the horses and the plough better at command, and increases not the friction by his weight ; for thus he cannot go, excepting the horses and the plough are properly adjusted, and proceeding with the least possible obstruc- tion ; and thus, too, he is more graceful to look on, than when wriggling with one foot foremost, or moving jis if part of his muscles were under the domination of vio- lent spasmodic contraction. " It would perhaps be impossible to give any thing like a system, of rules for the most proper and convenient make, size, weight, turn, &c, of a plough for all the varieties of soil, or of diversity to be met with, even in the same ridge ; neither shall I make the attempt; but a few rules may be laid down, and observed as axioms in all ordinary circumstances, viz : "1. The horses should be yoked as near [q the plough as possible, without too much confining, or preventing them from taking a free step. " 2. When at work, they should be kept going at a good pace. "3. The chains or theets should, from where they are suspended over the backs of the horses, point in a direction leading through the muzzle, to the centre of the cutting surfaces of the coulter and share. " 4. . The implement, when taking the form of the dimensions required, should stand upright, and glide onwards in the line of progression, without swerving in any par- ticular way. " 5. The ploughman should walk with his body upright, and without using his force to one point, or showing appearance of inclination. " The untamed and liveliest, or most for- ward horse, should be put in the furrow, and only bound back to the right or off-theet of the land-horse, at or near the place where the backhand joins it, at such length, when stretched at the width required, as to pre- vent his end of the beam, or double tree, from being before the other. And further, the heads of the two should be connected together by a small rope, or chain, at the distance wanted, giving the furrow-horse power over the other ; that is to say, if ten- der-mouthed, it must be fixed well up on his head, and in the rings of the bit or curb of the other, so that he may have the*power of the head over that of the mouth of the land-horse." * * * Let the draught of the horse go in a di- rect line to the plough or swingle, trees ; for if the line be in any way bent, a portion of the power will be lost. Sometimes in Eng- land as many as five horses are yoked to a plough, two and two, with one in front; and in most cases of this kind, the power of the 404 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August foremost horses is partially thrown, away, or probably distresses the hind pair of animals. It is not convenient to yoke four or five horses abreast, but it should be fully under- stood that in that manner they would exert their power to most advantage. Two horses will, in general, do more work yoked abreast to a plough, than four yoked before each other in single file ; because some of the power of the foremost horses is always lost in its passage along the sides of the hind horses, and, in turning, the whole draught is imposed upon the hindmost in the row. * * * Unless on very strong soils, or where a great depth is required, two horses with a well-made plough will be found am- ply sufficient. Where four horses must be employ od, yoke them two and two abreast, and let the draught of the foremost pair proceed by a chain from their central swin- gle tree to the central swingle tree of the hindmost pair, thus passing between the hindmost and going in a direct line to the muzzle of the plough. By this means, the power of both pairs of horses goes unim- paired to the resisting object. Never, on any account, let the power of the foremost pair proceed by two chains along the sides of the hind horses to the outer ends of their swingle trees, for this would only cause a needless expenditure of draught. In Scot- land, where the economising of animal power has been carefully studied, all plough- ing whatsoever, be the land light or heavy, except when exerted on the subsoil, is per- formed with but two horses, and these inva- riably yoked abreast. It is a well-known maxim in tillage, that clay or tenacious soils should never be ploughed when either two wet or two dry. When too wet, it is tough, and the clods difficult to break ; and when too dry, the plough will scarcely penetrate the soil. In ploughing the first time for fallow* or green crops, it is of importaace to begin immedi- * Note. — Fallow in English and Scotch hus- bandry signifies leaving the land for a certain time in a bare, unproductive condition^ during which it receives rest from cropping, and is sub- jected to various processes of ploughing and harrowing, to destroy its noxious weeds. The original signification of the word (of Saxon ori- gin) is yellow, and has been applied to bare ara- ble fields in consequence of their general yel- low-brown appearance. Fallow-deer signifies yellow deer. ately after harvest, or as soon after wheat sowing as possible, in order that strong- tenacious soils may have the full benefit of the frost. On wet stiff soils, frost acts as a most powerful agent in pulverising the earth. It expands the moisture, which, re- quiring more space, puts the particles of earth out of their place, and renders the soil loose and friable. On such soils there is no rule of husbandry more essential than to open them as early as possible before the winter frosts set in. If left till spring, clay soils may be two Wet for ploughing, or if the season be dry, the earth, when turned up, will be in hard clods very unfit for vegeta- tion. Therefore, on farms having a propor- tion of clay and of light soils, it is necessary that the strong wet land should be ploughed 3d, the degree first, providing the weather will allow. In ploughing, three different points re- quire particular attention ; 1st, the depth cf the slice to be cut ; 2nd, its breath ; and in which it is to be turned This last operation depends much upon the construction of the plough, partic- ularly the mould-board, and the care of the ploughman. The breadth and depth of the furrow slice are regulated by judiciously placing the draught on the muzzle or bridle of the plough, setting it so as to be the depth and breadth required. The plough should be so regulated, that if left to itself, and merely prevented from falling over, it would cut a little broader and deeper than is required. The coulter is placed with some inclination towards the left or land side, and the point of the sock or share is slightly bent downwards. The degree to which the furrow slice turns over is regula- ted by the breadth and depth ; the propor- tion usually being six inches broad to nine deep. When the slice is cut in this propor- tion, it will be nearly half turned over, or recline at an angle of from 41° to 45°; and a field so ploughed will have its ridges longi- tudinally ribbed into angular drills or ridgelets. If the slice be considerably, greater in width than in depth, it will be almost completely turned over, and each successive slice will overlap that which was turned over immediately before it. When the depth materially exceeds the width, each slice will fall over on its side, and be somewhat overlapped by the next, leaving all the original surface bare, and only laid obliquely to the horizon. The first of these modes of ploughing on the 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 495 square slice, is the best adapted for stubble land after harvest, when it is to remain du- ring the winter exposed to the influence of frost, preparatory to fallow or green crop. The second, or shallow slice of considerable width, as five inches deep by eight wide, answers best for old ley land, because it covers up the grass turf, and does not bury the manured soil. The third is a most un- profitable and slow operation, which ought seldom or never to be adopted. The gene- ral breadth of a slice is from eight to ten inches, and the depth must depend on cir- cumstances, such as the nature of the soil and the object in view. It ought seldom to be less than four, or more than six inches, except on soils of uncommon depth and fertility, or for particular crops, such as carrots. Shallow ploughing, as four inches deep or less, ought always to be used when covering lime, which has a natural tendency to sink in the soil. * * * Ridges vary in breadth, and are raised more or less in the middle, according to the nature of the soil. On clay and retentive soils, the great object being to procure the free discharge of superfluous water, very narrow ridges are not to be recommended. Those from fifteen to eighteen feet,* the land raised by two gatherings of the plough, are most generally adopted, this width being considered more convenient for manuring, sowing, harrowing, and reaping, than those of a narrower description. On dry ground the ridge may be formed to any breadth thought proper. In many parts of Kent, entire fields may be seen without either ridge or interfurrows, the soil being of such a nature as to admit the water to pass off quickly. On the turnip soils in Berwick- shire, having a free bottom, it is usual to plough the land into ridges of from thirty to thirty-six feet, called band-win ridges, from being reaped by a band of shearers served by one binder. In finishing this kind of soil, more especially before being laid down to grass, it is customary to cast up a narrow ridgelet, or single bout-drill, between the broad ridges which guide the sower; and in the operation of harrowing, all the ridgelets are obliterated, giving a beautiful lawn-like appearance to the field * In Virginia many farmers prefer wider beds, ranging from 30 to 40, and in some cases 50 feet.— [Ed. when in pasture. To form the ridges Btraight and of uniform breadth, the best plough- man 01 the farm is chosen. With a pole shod with iron, he first marks off the head or end ridges, on which the horses turn when ploughing, and these should generally be equal in breadth to the bounding lines of the field, eighteen feet being little enough space to allow two horses abreast, to turn on. The forming of the head ridges first is ne- cessary to let the ploughman know where to step out his plough, when working the I other ridges of the field. If this is not at- tended to, the head ridges will be gashed, and by the tmning and cleaning of the plough, earth will be accumulated more in one part than another. This will render them not only unsightly, but in j-etentive soils will be apt to lodge in the hoffows thus formed, which several ploughings will scarce- ly fill up to their proper level. In forming the ridges of fields, the proper direction is to make them run north and south, as the grain will ripen more regularly than if running from east to west. On wet and retentive soils, however, the direction of the ridges must depend upon the acclivity of the field, and be formed so as to allow the free discharge of superfluous moisture. Having determined the breadth of the head ridge, the ploughman will measure off the half of the first ridge of the field, if it is to be so gathered, or one ridge and a half if it is to be ploughed flat. At this point he sets up a pole, and in a straight line at some distance, a second and a third, or more, as the irregularity of the surface may render necessary — the last pole being at the end of the intended ridge. He enters the plough at the first pole, and ploughs them all down successively, stopping at each, then setting the poles at the right distance for the next ridge. When he reaches the end he returns along his former track, corrects ing any deviations, and throwing a shallow furrow on the side opposite to his former one, which, when reversed, forms the crown of the ridge, and directs the ploughmen who are to follow. By skilful ploughmen, these lines are drawn with great accu- racy. In ploughing land, there are a variety of ways of forming the ridges. On dry soils, the plots of a ridge may be all laid in one direction, and those of the adjoining ridge turned the contrary way ; this is termed casting. On soils medium between light 496 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER: [August and strong, the ridges are split out, so that the crown of the old ridge becomes the furrow of the new; this, in Scotland, is culled crown and fur. On strong soils, it is necessary to form the ridges by twice gathering all the furrow slices in the direc- tion of the crown. In this case the ridges are preserved in their original situations, and the inter-furrows in the same places. It is customary, when breaking up these ridges to be worked as summer fallow, to split or cleave them, reversing the former operation by turning the furrpw slices out- wards, beginning at the furrows and ending at the crowns. In this operation the ridges are cut in two, the old water furrows care- fully opened up to serve as surface drains, and an additional series of water furrows formed aMhe crowns. In some cases, land is too steep to admit of using the plough in any of the ways mentioned. On such land, farmers, from a desire to have the ridges run directly up and down hill, sometimes draw all the fur- row slices down, and drag the plough up-hill again empty. It is much better, however, to form the ridges in a slanting [or hori- zontal] direction, for this renders the up-hill work easier for the horses, and in the event of heavy rains, the ridges prevent the ma- nure from being washed away. On strong tenacious soils a pair of good horses ought to plough three quarters of an acre in nine hours; and on the same land, after the first ploughing, or on light soils, an acre, and even a quarter more, is consid- ered a common day's work in Scotland. Throughout the year, an acre may be con- sidered as the average rate of ploughing, allowing for the difference of soils. The whole series of furrows in Vin English acre, supposing each to be nine inches broad, would extend to 19,360 yards, and adding 12 yards to every 220 for the ground trav- elled over in turning, the work of one acre may be estimated at 11 miles and nearly 5 furlongs. The late Earl of Mar calculated, that when ridges are 78 yards long, 4 hours and 39 minutes are lost in turning during 8 hours' work, whereas, when ridges are 274 yards long, only 1 hour and 19 minutes are lost during the same period of time. The proper depth of ploughing since the introduction of thorough draining, has be- come a subject of dispute. On this subject Sir John Sinclair remarks : — "Deep plough- ing, by bringing up new mould, is peculiarly favourable to clover, beans, potatoes, and turnips; and without occasional deep-plough- ing, these crops would diminish in quantity, quality, and consequently in value. It is of the utmost consequence, not only by sup- plying more pasture to the roots of plants, but, above all, by preventing the injurious effects of either too wet or two dry a season. This is a most important consideration, as, if the season is wet, there is a greater depth of soil for absorbing the moisture, so that the plants are not likely to have their roots immersed in water; and in a dry season it is still more useful, for, in the lower part of the cultivated soil, there is a reservoir of moisture which is brought up to the roots of the plants by the evaporation which the heat of the sun occasions." These remarks, coming from such an authority, must go far to recommend the practice of occasional deep ploughing, more especially with regard to its rendering the ground better adapted for the absorption of superfluous, and the retention of necessary, moisture. Subsoil Ploughing. — The ploughing of the subsoil is a new feature in Scotch hus- bandry, and deserves particular attention both from the speculative and practical ag- riculturist. To understand its value, we must revert to matters connected with the constitution of the soil in reference to vege- tation. As already stated, plants consist chiefly of certain elementary gases, in pecu- liar combination with earthy substances. Nature provides the gases to a certain ex- tent, both from the atmosphere and the ground ; but as the supply is inadequate for artificial and regular cropping, the farmer assists in the good work by a due adminis- tration of manures. These manures, how- ever, excepting in the case of lime, do not greatly supply the loss of earthy substances in vegetation. In taking a heavy crop of grain from the ground, we actually carry away a portion of the soil ; and if this be done repeatedly, the land must ultimately be diminished in bulk. To the eye of a common observer, the field after many years' cropping remains the same as ever, but in reality a portion of its contents has disap- peared, and what remains is a very differ- ent kind of substance from what existed before the cropping commenced. If any one has a doubt of the correct- ness of these observations, let him take the stalk of any plant, and, after drying, burn it to ashes ; then bray the ashes on a plate 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 497 of stoneware, and be will fiud that the pow- der contains small particles of ■ sandy ma- terial, which will feel harsh to the fingers, or scratch upon the plate. This sandy ma- terial is silica, el' which there is a portion in every vegetable product. Besides this, there arc in most vegetables carbonate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, alnmine or clay, oxide of manganese, and oxide of iron, Wbent. Silica, 13 Carbonate of lime, 12 Carbonate of magnesia 13 Alnmine, fraction. Oxide of manganese, 5 Oxide of iron, 2 It is probable that these proportions of earthy and metallic matter in vegetables will differ according to the nature of the ground ; but we may feel assured of the fact, that they are less or more essential to artificial cropping; and unless supplied or compensated in some manner by the farmer, his fields will in time deteriorate in their fertilising virtues, notwithstanding the ad- ministration of putrescent manures. It is true that nothing in nature is ever struck out of existence, and that the earthy mate- rial of plants is deposited somewhere ; but as it does not come back to the field whence it was removed, means must be adopted to supply its place. The process of earthy restoration may be accomplished by scattering new materials upon the fields, and this might be easily ac- complished in many parts of the country, so far as silica or fine sand is concerned, but the readiest and cheapest process in most situations will consist in trenching the sub- soil, and gradually assimilating it to the mould above. The subsoil, or that portion of the understratum which lies out of reach of the ordinary plough, may already be so good as to be available for bringing towards the surface, and in such cases it admits of easy and profitable management; but in most instances in our country, the subsoil is hard and stony, and will require to be trenched, and lie for a time in its under- ground position, before it is ready for mix- ing with the upper mould. The most efficient instrument for trench- ing the subsoil on a large scale, is the sub- soil-plough of Mr. Smith, of Deanston Works, near Stirling. When a field is to be trenched, a common plough, drawn by two horses, goes before, throwing out a large 32 all which, along with the elemental gases, can be detected by chemical experiments. An eminent foreign chemist having per- formed an experiment of this nature on the Beedfl of wheat, rye, barley, oats, and straw of rye, two pounds of each, he discovered that they contained the following number of grains of earthy or metallic matter. We omit fractions : Rye. Barley. Oats. Rye Straw. 15 66 144 152 13 24 33 46 14 25 33 28 1 4 4 3 3 6 6 6 raction. 3 4 2 open furrow of the active soil. The subsoil- plough follows in the wake of the common plough, slits up thoroughly and breaks the bottom, and the next furrow of active soil is thrown over it. This large subsoil-plough is a kind of horse-pick, breaking up without raising the under stratum to the surface. The atmospheric air being by this means freely admitted to the subsoil, the most sterile and obdurate till becomes gradually meliorated, and the common plough may ever after be wrought to a depth of from ten to twelve inches without obstruction. For this heavy ploughing most likely three horses yoked abreast will be required. The charge for subsoil ploughing may be estima- ted at twenty-four to twenty shillings per statute acre, being one-fifth of what a simi- lar depth with the spade would cost, and, upon the whole, be as effectually done. The expense of subsoil ploughing is no doubt considerable, but its advantages are incalcu- lable. " All who have ever studied or expe- rienced the most common gardening, must be aware of the important advantages of deep working ; and when it can be attained in the broad field of farming at so small a cost, they may easily believe that the whole will be more than doubly repaid in every succeeding crop, and abundantly even in pasture. When land has been thoroughly drained, deeply wrought, and well manured, the most unpromising sterile soil becomes a deep rich loam, rivab'ng in fertility the best natural land of the country, and from being fitted for raising only scanty crops of common oats, will bear good crops of from 32 to 48 bushels of wheat, 80 to 40 bushels of beans, 40 to 66 bushels of barley, and from 48 to 70 bushels of early oats per statute acre, besides potatoes, turnips, man- 498 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August gel wurzel, and carrot, as green crops, and which all good agriculturists know are the abundant producers of the best manure. It is hardly possible to estimate all the advan- tages of dry and deep land. Every opera- tion in husbandry is thereby facilitated and cheapened — less seed and less manure pro- duce a full effect, the chances of a good and early tid* for sowing are greatly increased — a matter of great importance in our preca- rious climate — and there can be no doubt that even the climate itself will be much improved by the general prevalence of dry land. When this subject was treated of in 1833, the system was beginning to be adopted in a few places in a very few dis- tricts of Scotland, England, and Ireland, and in most instances on a very limited scale. Since then, the intrinsic merits and evident outspeaking results of the system have raised its character, even with many of its former opponents; and one cannot now travel almost any where in the country without seeing, either on a large or a small scale, the operation of thorough draining going on. The deep ploughing is not yet so general, but it will undoubtedly follow; and it is to be regretted that, in the mean- time, some zealous and good farmers, not aware of its advantages, are filling their drains so near the surface as to mar the fu- ture thorough application of the system of deep working. In making a survey of the agricultural aspect of Scotland, and great part of Eng- land, it must be evident to every one skilled in agriculture, that by much the greatest proportion of the arable land, indeed we may assume three fourths of the whole, is under very indifferent culture, arising mainly from the want of complete draining and deep working; and looking even to the best farmed districts with the eye of an ex- perienced farmer in the thorough system, much of the land will be seen suffering un- der wet or damp. * * * All the operations by the plough, the harrow, and similar instruments, are intend- ed to loosen, pulverise, and mix the soil. The more effectually, therefore, that this can be done, so will the crops be the more * "Tid," a Scotcli term for that state of the ploughed soil which is most suitable for re- ceiving the seed — neither too moist nor too dry. productive. A plant, growing in a hard soil in its wild state, is always inferior in bulk to one which grows in a loosened or cultivated piece of earth. By cultivation, as every one knows, the character of plants is greatly changed and improved". The rea- son for this is, that the air and moisture, not to speak of manures, are enabled to reach the roots, and nourish their growth. Pursue this mode of improvement to its ul- timate limits, and we shall find that the more completely we can deepen the soil and reduce it to powder, the more bulky will the plants become, and the more heavy will be their crops. The fertility of a ploughed field is from the earth which happens to be loosened and powdered ; little or nothing is got from the clods. Let us hear old Jethro 'full on this subject : " I have had the experience of a multi- tude of instances, which confirms it so far, that I am in no doubt that any soil (be it rich or poor) can ever be made too fine by tillage. For it is without dispute, that one cubical foot of this minute powder may have more internal superficies than a thou- sand cubical feet of the same or any other earth tilled in the common manner ; and I believe no two arable earths in the world do exceed one another in their natural richness twenty times ; that is, one cubical foot of the richest is not able to produce an equal quantity of vegetables, ea&teris paribus, to twenty cubical feet of the poorest; there- fore it is not strange that the poorest, when, by pulverising, it has obtained one hundred times the internal superficies of the rich un- tilled land, should exceed it in fertility ; or, if a foot of the poorest was made to have twenty times the superficies of a foot of such rich land, the poorest might produce an equal quantity of vegetables with the rich. Resides, there is another extraordi- nary advantage when a soil has a larger in- ternal superficies in a very little compass ; for then the roots of plants in it are better supplied with nourishment, being nearer to them on all sides within reach, than it can be when the soil is less fine, as in common tillage ; and the roots in the one must ex- tend much farther than in the other; to reach an equal quantity of nourishment, they must range, and fill, perhaps, above twenty times more space, to collect the same quantity of food, liut in this fine soil, the most weak and tender roots have free pas- sago to the utmost of their extent, and have L859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 499 llso an easy, due, and equal pressure every where, us in water." It will be understood, from these expla- nations, that subsoil trenching — to increase the depth of permeable earth, and to sup- ply the deficiency caused by the absorption jf earthy substances by plants — is of great md lasting value. But to this ingenius process must be added that of thoroughly breaking the clods in the upper mould, and reducing the whole to a kind of powder, [f the ordinary course of ploughing, cross- ploughing, and harrowing, be unable to break the lumps of hardened mould, it should, as far as possible, be done by hand- labour with inallets.* When the mould is pulverised and loose, it is a powerful absor- bent of moisture from the atmosphere, and thus will nourish plants from mists and dews, in a far more effectual manner than if left in a concrete condition. It would be easy to produce further evi- dence of the value of subsoil ploughing, for all the purposes to which we have adverted ; but such testimony, we should think, can hardly be required, enough having been already said on the subject to convince the most sceptical, and to instruct the unin- formed. We conclude with the following valuable observations, delivered by the Mar- quis of Tweeddale at the Inverness meet- ing of the Highland Agricultural Society, in 1859, and which refer to his lordship's own mode of management : " The system I have adopted for the treatment of the lands of my own farm, where the soil and subsoil are of the weak- est, is as follows : A great proportion of the land is valued at five and ten shillings per acre. After it is drained in grass, the land is trench-ploughed, making the furrow from fourteen to sixteen inches, the soil being turned into the bottom of the furrow. The ploughing is done by two ploughs, each having a pair of horses. As the work is darder upon the horses that turn up the lill, they every hour change with the plough ;hat turns over the sod. The till remains ixposed to the frost during the winter ; in he spring the land is cross ploughed, the od is found quite rotten, ancf mixes with he till. Oats are sown, and the crop is bund considerably better than before the land was drained. After the crop is cut, the land is ridged up with a winter furrow, turnips being sown in spring. In ridging up the land for turnips, there is little or no appearance of till. The best crop of tur- nips to be found in the same district of the country, is not superior to that grown after this management of the land. The land, after the turnips are eaten oft* by sheep, is ploughed for barley ; there is an excellent crop, and the grass seeds are always well planted during the two years of grass that follow the barley, the fields having the ear- liest grass crop in the district. The largest number of sheep are fed on them, and are the fattest animals. The grass that former- ly grew on these fields was of the worst quality, and sheep would scarcely eat it. No extra manure or lime has been applied to these fields, except on a part of one of them, which remained six years without growing any thing an animal would eat, consequently it was left without stock. In the third year since it was in that state, it is growing as good a crop of turnips as can be seen in the country ; and no stranger who saw the land in fallow would believe it to have been what the peo- ple of the country knew it to be previous to its improvement. It is evident that the only extra work in following out this system is trench-ploughing once ; this, however, is done with the ordinary plough used for working the land, and the horses are never oppressed. It will be satisfactory to state, that I have an equal dread with other farmers to bring till, before the land is drained, to the surface. It is only after that operation is effectually executed, that I consider the till or subsoil, when properly pulverised, forms a new soil the most valua- ble and easy to work of any I know." [* Or by horse-power with the clod-crusher.] [Ed. So. Pl.] Items for Housekeepers. If your flat irons are rough, rub them with fine salt, and it will make them smooth. Oat straw is the best for filling beds ) should be changed once a year. If you are buying a carpet for a durabil- ity, choose small figures. A bit of soap rubbed on the hinges of the door will prevent their creaking. Scotch snuff, put on holes where crickets come out, will destroy them. 500 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August Cju Sknijjtrn planter. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Phosphates. The manner in which we may best and most economically restore to our lands the amount of inorganic manures abstacted from the soil by a given number of bushels of grain produced upon an acre, becomes a very important subject of interst and inquiry to all good farmers- -es- pecially as we are, year after year, devoting more and more attention to the raising of small grains and grasses. Economy in manuring is as necessary for our thrift as its proper observ- ance is essential in other arrangements of the farm to secure us anything to the credit side of the balance sheet. We do not expect to be understood in any other sense, when we speak of "'economical manuring," than as cautioning against waste of fertilizing material^, either by any injudicious application, or neglect in hus- banding our supplies. We shall have to rely principally, or at all events largely, upon ''con- centrated manures" as fertilizers — the high price and the constantly increasing demand for which warn us to make the most of them. We are compelled to use guano in a mode different from the old broad-casting method, or we shall receive a very small profit for a very short while. But if by means of "composts" (the guano being used as a constituent part of them always) we may make a manure suitable for using in a drill with which we may give to our wheat crop ammonia enough and no more than it wants, while we may leave in the soil a greater supply of phos- phatic and other mineral ingredients at a less cost than we pay for them in imported guanos,, we may reasonably expect a larger development of grain, and better, stands of clover, with a steady and general improvement of our farms. We do not pretend to decide to whom the honor belongs, of having first originated the theory that eight per cent, of ammonia is enough for the wants of a g'ow'ng crop; but we believe it. The gentle- men engaged in "manipulating" guano, always have in view the design of lessening the amount of ammonia contained in Peruvian guano, and increasing its value in phosphatic manures — contending for the economy of reducing the am- monia from 13 per cent, to 8, while the phos- phates are largely increased, and put up to 40 or 45 per cent. They say we will secure in this manner more grain and less straw. This is an end which it is very desirable to at- tain. The guanos so treated, are very thoroughly ground and prepared, so as to make every ounce of them available, either for broad-casting or drilling. Each year that we raise large crops of grain or grass, we are exhausting the earth's supply of phosphatic lime. We must look, then, for some source from whence we can draw sup- plies of this all-important item of fertility, as we cannot, every year, haul out enough putres- cent manure to supply the deficit caused by our increasing wheat crops. Two sources are pre- sented to us in Bone-Dust, and the Nevassa, Sombrero, and other guanos. We acknowledge a preference for a phosphate obtained from bones, because we believe it to be more easily soluble, and consequently of more rapid and perfect as- similation for plant food. We think the time has come when it is necessary for us to arrive at some satisfactory conclusion on this point, by experiments and a free comparison of experi- ences. We refer our readers to the experiments reported in our June number by Messrs. Coombs, Minor, Anderson, Raine, Walton, Lacy and Staton, in response to the queries of Mr. S. T. Stuart, of Fairfax, page 345, and to the com- munication of "A Clarke County Fanner," in our present number, of his experience with "Rhodes' Super Phosphate," while we earnestly beg for the report of every gentleman on the merits of these articles, who has had experience with them — being, as a practical farmer, as deeply interested in the subject as any of our readers can be. We have seen one very strongly marked case of improvement of the soil, and increase of profits in a crop, from an application of "home-made" super phosphate, by a gentleman of this county. We regret that we have not yet received his receipt for making it, and his own report of his experiments with it; but we shall publish it as soon as we do, with the hope that all of our readers will try his recipe and report results. Phosphatic guanos may not prove of as im- mediate benefit to growing crops as the bone dust, since they contain phosphate of lime as a 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 501 mineral, rather than an animal product. We have no doubt that the mineral phosphates can be rendered much more immediately soluble (and available for a present crop in proportion as they are soluble) by trituration with strong aeids, either the muriatia or sulphuric — the lat- ter of which is generally used on the score of economy. Earth, too, has solvent powers of no weak order, and sustains to the crpps she bears the relation of a ll matrix," for the reception, germination, nutrition and watering of the seeds, until their full development is effected by her retaining the requisite supplies, to secure this end, of warmth, moisture, air, and manures re- duced to their finest state of divisibility and solubility, which are furnished her either from natural or artificial sources. In fact the earth not only thus wins her title of "mother;" but she performs, for plants, what the stomach does for the animal economy in receiving, dissolving and thoroughly preparing the food offered, by which it is reduce:! to the condition necessary for the wants of life. We subjoin extracts from tables of analyses of different crops, that it may be seen how we abstract phosphatic manures from the soil. 1st. Tobacco. Liebig says "Tobacco re- quires only alkalies, and food containg nitrogen.'' The diference in the quantity of phosphates extracted from the soil by wheat is as (for wheat) 97.7 to (for tobacco) 16. The roots of tobacco, as well as wheat, extract phosphates from the soil; but they restore them again, because they are not essentially necessary to the development of the plant. "Indian corn contains in 100 parts a per cent, of phosphoric acid equal to 44.87. Oats 18.19. Wheat 46. Buckwheat 50.07." In the May number of the Planter, for 1857, will be found a thorough and interesting article, written by Professor Gilliam, on Super Phos- phate of Lime. We commend it to the atten- tion of those who are interested in the subject. For the benefit of new subscribers, we are strongly tempted to re-publish the Essay, and may do so at a future period. To our Subscribers and Friends. The Editor does not keep the books of "The Southern Planter," and consequently very sel- dom knows anything about the accounts there- in- -whether "due" or "over-due" stands along- side of anybody's name on the list. He is, how- ever, glad to enjoy " the run of the cash drawer," and feels as lively an interest as any other mem- ber of the establishment- not excepting the printer or his devil- -in keeping it well filled. He docs not hesitate, therefore, to invoke the aid of friends to accomplish this desirable end. Almost every friend to our paper (we hope) can influence several persons to become regular pay- ing subscribers— -and we want a host of just such men on our list. Will they not at once occupy a position on our books, and receive therefor our thanks and best efforts to serve them acceptably? In the meantime our old patrons who are in arrear, will very greatly oblige, and aid us, if they will at once remit the amounts due by them. We presume they can be subjected to little or no inconvenience by so doing, while we are sure they will, as a consequence, feel better. At all events — apart from the gratification we shall experience at such evidence of their recollec- tion — we shall be in better condition for com- plying with that necessary, but often incon- venient rule of "pay for what you get" — which a man residing in, or around Richmond, is so often reminded of, and may not neglect. We have written this much at the earnest request of the " book-keeper," and our task is Dun. H. E. Watkins, Esq., of Farmville, has the accounts of subscribers residing in Prince Ed- ward, Charlotte, Cumberland, and Buckingham counties, in his hands for collection. Mr. Tho. B. Montague has our accounts for collection which are due in Goochland — and Mr. George C. Reid our bills for Norfolk City and county. The Virginia Military Institute. The liberality of Col. P. St. Geo. Cocke— the former President of the Virginia State Agricul- tural Society — has thrown into the funds of this institution §20,000— with which it is intended to endow a Professorship of Agriculture. A great want in the education of young men — many of whom go from the college halls to take charge of farms— will thus be supplied. It is expected that Col. Cocke's noble lead will be followed by other generous spirits, who are alike interested in promoting the cultivation and ad- vancement of Agricultural science. We trust this fund may be largely added to so that our State may have within her borders the very best school, in all our glorious Union, for the education of not only her own sons, but of those of her sister States. It is with the greatest 502 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August pleasure we announce the appointment of Major Win. Gilham to the new Professorship of Agri- culture. Major G. is so well known to the citizens of our own State for his scientific at- tainments, his laborious, constant industry, his zeal in the cause of agriculture, together with the possession of all those accomplishments' and traits of character which serve to constitute and adorn the scholar and gentleman, that his appointment will, we believe, greatly add to the prosperity and reputation of our already popular Military Institute. Messrs. B. M. Rhodes & Co. We call attention to the advertisement of these gentlemen, who give a legal warrantee of the thorough preparation and genuine qual- ity of their " Super-Phosphate." Intending to keep it always up to the present standard, they authorize all their agents, in case of any failure on their part to do so, to refund to purchasers any money which they may have paid for the article manufactured by them. This is the proper course to follow. We commend it to the attention of all manufacturers of specific manures. Give us a fair statement of what your article is, and if it does not come up to rep- resentation, give us our money back. We will not then have so reasonable a fear, as we have at present, of being "humbugged." 4 ♦♦ ♦ » — Rural Register, Published by Sands & Mills, Semi-monthly ; each number containing sixteen 4to. pages. Price $1 00 per annum. We have received the first number of this paper, which is under the Editorial manage- ment of Samuel Sands, Esq., who was for many years the Editor of the American Farmer. The paper is well printed and well filled with in- teresting matter. We shall be happy to place it on our exchange list, and most cordially wish Messrs. Sands & Mills abundant success in their enterprise. ington, which is dedicated to the Ladies of the Mount Vernon Association. Cosmopolitan Art Journal. We return our thanks to the Publishers of this valuable and entertaining "Quarterly" for a copy of the last number, which contains its usual amount of matter to interest and instruct its renders, — besides engravings. The princi- pal engraving in the number before us, is the American Eagle, watching the spirit of Wash- The late Thomas Nelson of Hanover. The following resolutions have been sent us for publication. In giving them a place in our columns, we cannot refrain from expressing our own deep sympathy with the family of the de- ceased, in their severe bereavement. Captain Nelson was for many years a resi- dent of this city, and at one time the Collector of Customs in our port. He commanded the admiration and enjoyed the esteem of many of our citizens, who knew his worth as a faith fnl public officer, a devout Christian, and high- toned gentleman. " OBITUARY. " At a regular meeting of the " Farmers' Club of the Forks of Hanover" — "Resolved, That this Club has heard, with the deepest regret and sorrow, of the death of the late Mr. Thomas Nelson, of Oakland, a mem- ber of this Club, and tender their sincere sympathy to the widow and family of the de- ceased. " Resolved, That we have ever esteemed him j one of the brightest, most exemplary and useful of our members; and that, by his death, a va- \ cancy has been created in society which can j with great difficulty be filled. " Resolved, That the Secretary be requested to send a copy of the above resolutions to the family of the deceased, and forward them to the Southern Planter and the other Richmond papers for publication." American Institute, New York. We tender our thanks to the " American In- stitute," of New York, for a handsomely bound and illustrated copy of their "Transactions," which we have recently received. Campbell's Manual of Scientific and Practical Agriculture. We spoke of the above work before we had seen it in print, from memory ; we now speak of it with increased approbation after having seen it in print. We take pride in commend- ing it, because in addition to its high merit as a standard manual both for the Farm and the School, it is a Virginia work — a superadded merit, other things being equal, which entitles it to the special patronage of Virginia farmers, and being also adapted in its matter to the pe- culiarities of Southern planting and farming, it 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 503 deserves universal dissemination among Si. nth- em agriculturists. We have been particularly struck with the concluding remarks of the author, ami repro- duce them here for the benefit of young far- mers. "CONCLUDING WORDS. "In all parts of the brief outline here given, the author has aimed to be as coneise as was consistent with clearness* Much that has been said was intended as merely suggestive. The leading design has been to present the great principles of Science closely connected with Agriculture, aud to show how these princi- ples are involved in the daily business of the farm. " It is hoped that the young farmer will find some things so presented to his mind, as to in- spire him with new ardour in his honourable profession; and, at the same time, enable him to pursue it with unwonted pleasure. No pro- fession can ever give much mental pleasure or satisfaction to the man engaged in it, unless he has, first, a clear view of the principles which form the basis of his operations ; and, second- ly, a distinct understanding of the relation be- tween these principles and his own practice. "The life of the agriculturist, as well as that of men in other pursuits, may have its toils, its trials, its perplexities, and its disappointments ; but it has, at the same time, rare sources of pleasure and comfort. In the first place, it is the most independent of all departments of industry. It is true there is a mutual depen- dence pervading all the classes of society, but none have to rely so little upon the capricious patronage of their fellow-men as the successful cultivators of the soil. Hence, they are less seldom tempted to resort to trickery and decep- tion, than men in some other professions, in order to secure the favourable consideration of ' the public.' "Again, every farmer may feel that he is a member of that class upon whom a country like ours is chiefly dependent for its wealth and prosperity. The farming interests lie at the foundation of our national greatness. A paraly- sis in this department would evidently result in a paralysis of every industrial and com- mercial pursuit throughout this broad land. The farmers nourish ami enrich the nation. " The land-holders of our country, too, arc the conservators of the purest patriotism. They are always the most stable and reliable citizens of this, and every other land. No other class of the people have their interests so closely and completely identified with the general and per- manent interests of every part of the country — none can be more warmly attached to their na- tive soil — and none are found more ready at all times to raise the strong arm of resistance against every invasion of rights, from whatever source it may come ; and yet, no class of our citizens are so conciliatory and conservative in all times of great political excitement. Such considerations give a dignity and importance to agricultural pursuits which few other profes- sions can claim. "Besides lhe>e more general relations of the farmer to society, which shoull cause; him to feel no ordinary degree of satisfaction in the pursuit of his honourable calling, he has around him the more closely-associated interests of his own little 'republic' at home, in which he can ever imd much to alleviate any vexations which may arise to mar his comfort. A well-tilled farm, with it,s appurtenances all skilfully ar- ranged, and in good order — with its close, strong fences, its deeply-plowed fields, anil its well-selected, well-fed, and comfortably-shel- tered stock — presents to the mind of any man of taste, a most pleasing object of regard. How much, then, must that pleasure be height- ened, when he can say: 'All these are my own !' If. in addition to this, the happy owner can look over his broad fields, and view every step taken in their improvement and culture, with the light of Science before his mind — if he can trace each effect back to its true cause — how much more elevated still must be his pleasure, and how much more complete his satisfaction ! "There is yet a higher view, which the in- telligent tiller of the soil may take of all that he sees around him. When he beholds in the light and heat of the sun, in the air he breathes, and in the fertilizing shower, exhaustless sources of life and joy — when he has learned how nicely the balances of Nature have been adjusted in all her departments — his thoughts must often rise in gratitude to the all-wise Au- thor of these beautiful and benevolent arrange- ments. In every breeze that sweeps across his fields — in every shower that waters the thirsty land — in the growth of every plant upon his soil — in every shaking leaf, and in every blooming flower by the wayside — Sci- ence has taught him to see, and seeing, to adore the hand of Omnipotence." From the Southern Farmer. We cheerfully comply with the request of Mr. Bagley, and will be glad to submit to our read- ers, through this journal, any information which may be communicated in further response to his inquiries. We append the editorial of the Southern Farmer, and also Mr. Bagley's arti- cle.— [Ed. Tobacco Culture. We have had several articles on the culture of tobacco in reference to the permanent im- provement of the land, and the reader will find a very interesting one in to-day's paper from a planter of Lunenburg. Contrary to the general experience of the country, many planters contend that the tobacco crop is not incompatible with a general system of im- provement. If this has ever been the case at all, it is perhaps only since the introduction of 504 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August guano and other bought fertilizers. With the aid «'f these, it appears to he far more practi- cable now than in former times, when the to- bacco crop required all the manure, on the farm, to pursue an ameliorating system. Moreover the prices of tobacco will justify a liberal expenditure in its cultivation. The subject is certainly one of the highest importance to the agriculture of the State, es- pecially to the Southern portion. Whether the crop is unfriendly to general improvement or not, it will continue to bo grown. It is, therefore, a desideratum to know the best method of culture, "ombined with a gradual and progressive improvement of the soil. And intelligent planters could not confer a greater favor on the planting interest than in submit- ting their views and experience on the subject. We trust, therefore, there will be several re- sponses to the call of Mr. Bagley. The Southern Planter is requested by Mr. B. to ask the attention of its readers and cor- respondents to the subject. Cultivation of Tobacco with Regard to Improvement. Mr. Editor:— I am indebted to "J. G. P." of Nottoway and to "Cumberland" for the in- formation they have been kind enough to im- part in regard to the inquiries about the per- manent improvement of tobacco land. If I understand "J. G. P.," he advocates the five-shift rotation both for corn and to- bacco. Will he be good enough to inform us if he puts his theory into operation? Sup- pose he has on his farm twenty good hands ; now five acres to the hand for corn would re- qure one hundred acres for one field, and five sliifts would require five hundred acres of his farm for corn, and two acres to the hand for tobacco would take forty acres, or two hun- dred acres for five lots appropriated to wheat and tobacco — thus making seven hundred acres of arable land in a farm to be cultivated by twenty hands. All will perceive that the labor required to keep so many fields well fenced in, and free from brushes and briers would be immense, to say nothing about other objections. •'Cumberland" recommends a three-field system, and making a new tobacco lot every fear, seeding it in clover. Now, Mr. Editor, do not feel competent to instruct others in a matter so important as this, but I see very plainly the system the planters are pursuing in our country is reckless and ruinous in the extreme, and will tend only to poverty and bankruptcy; and in writing this my object is only to have the opinions of others on a sub- ject so important. I suggest a system like this: Make a new lot every year, by ruining all the manure you can, and then apply about three hundred pounds of Peruvian guano and one hundred pounds of some phosphatic guano to the acre, next year seed this land in wheat, and about the last of March sow and harrow in not less than two gallons of clover seed to the acre in order to secure a good stand of clover and exclude all other growth. Let it remain in clover the next year, and then put it in corn to be followed by wheat, thus having two lots in wheat every year. Contin- ue this rotation until you have made six lots and seeded them all to clover, or until you have improved all of your land as you may think best. But I give it as my opinion that the sine qua non to the improvement of land is first to lay it off, and plow in a manner to prevent washing. I do not mean the ordina- ry ineffectual and ridiculous mode of horizon- tal ditching and crooked corn rows, but a skillful, effectual and thorough system, for any other than such is worse than none, and I will here mention that after several year's experi- ence, and after reflecting on this subject per- haps more than any other person in our part of the country at least, I have now adopted a mode which is somewhat new, and which I am convinced is more practical and does bet- ter than any plan with which I am acquainted. This is a subject, Mr. Editor, of the greatest importance. Will you request that several others give their opinions as to the best and most practical way of improving land, and increasing our crops? Will the Southern Planter be so kind as to copy and request cor- respondents to give us light on the subject, and let all give their names in full, and all who write on such subjects should. For in- stance, if I knew who J. G. P. is, I could make some inquiries about his farm, and might find opt whether or not his theory and practice correspond. Don't tell us about what you think ; tell us what you are doing, and give us your names in order that we may judge for ourselves. WM. M. BAGLEY. Columbian Grove, July 15th, 1859. From the Am. Journal of Science and Art, Vol. XXVII, July, 1850. On Some Points of Agricultural Science. BY SAMUEL W. JOHNSON, Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry in the Yah Scientific School, and Chemist to the Connecticut State Agricultural Society. The Absorptive properties of Soils. — It has long been vaguely known, that the soil possesses a remarkable power of absorbing a great variety of bodies. How the soil absorbs odours (more properly the volatile matters that give the sensation of odour) has often been seen in the case of gar- 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 505 .merits upon which the fetor of the Ameri- can skunk has fallen. The Indians long tgo taught that they might be " sweetened" y burying them in the earth ; and indeed we are told that these people sweeten the carcass of the skunk by the same process to render it fit for eating. Dogs and foxes bury bones and meat in the ground, and af- terward exhume them in a state of com- parative freedom from offensive odour.* In the older treatises on agronomy we find allusion made to the power of soils to absorb gases, and this power, especially as exercised toward carbonic acid and ammo- nia, has been assumed to be of much agri- cultural significance, although the lack of precise experimental knowledge as to its extent, has been confessed and lamented. The absorptive power of the soil not only for odours and gases, but also for fixed mat- ters carried into it in a state of solution, is illustrated in certain commonly occurring instances. Thus the wells in densely pop- ulated cities, or in the vicinity of barn- yards, or filthy canals, remain sweet and pure for a greater or less period of time, though they must be constantly receiving waters that have been in contact with pu- trefying animal matters. The filtration of the foulest water through a thin stratum of loamy earth removes all unpleasant efflu- vium and taste. In the year 1850, it became known through two interesting articles published in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England,f that the soil exerts | an absorptive power toward certain substan- Jces, ammonia and potash especially, but not j toward hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric 'acids, so that if dilute solutions of hydro- chlorate, nitrate, or sulphate of ammonia or potash are filtered through, or agitated with a certain quantity of* soil, the salts are decomposed, the bases remain in insoluble combination with the soil, and the aeids are found in the solution united for the most part to lime. Previous to 1850, the absorbent power of the soil was explained as a result merely of the surface attraction of porous bodies. Thus Liebig in his " Chemistry applied to Agriculture and Physiology/' referred the condensation of ammonia in soils, to the surface attraction of oxyd of iron, alumina and humus, compared this power of soils to that exhibited by charcoal, which absorbs 90 times its volume of ammonia gas, and evolves it again moistening with water. He also says, deciding from analogy, but in the absence of experimental data, and erro- neously, " the ammonia absorbed by the clay or ferruginous oxyds is separated by every shoicer of rain, and conveyed in solu- tion to the soil." The separation of organic odours and col- ouring matters from foul water by contact with earth, has been considered analogous to the action of animal charcoal, by. which, for example, beer and wine may be depriv- ed of odour,* colour and taste, and to that * It is well known that some surfaces have a much greater power of attaching odours to them than others. Every person has observed that woolen garments retain smells longer than cot- ton or linen ones, and it appears that the colour with which a cloth is dyed affects its retentive- ness for some odours. It is a fact, as the writer has personally observed, that when a skunk has emitted its stench in the cellar of a house, the odour clings most perceptibly to silver ware which has been buried among napkins in the recesses of a " china closet" long after it has disappeared from every other article on the premises. It is probable that the soil, or some of its ingredients, " sweeten'' a garment as above stated, by first effecting a transfer of the odorous matter from the surface, and then de- stroying it by oxydation in the same manner as operated by ehareoal, and platinum black. See note in next column. t " On the absorbent Power of Soils." By H. S. Thomson. Vol. xi, pp. GS — 74; and "On the Power of Soils to absorb Manure." By J. Thomas Way, Consulting Chemist of the Royal Agricultural Society. Vol. xi, 317 — 3S0; also, vol. xiii, pp. 123 — 142 * Several years ago Stenhouse found that the disinfecting property of charcoal depends, not merely upon the condensation in its pores of odorous matters, but also upon their destruction by the condensed oxygen with which, doubtless, it is charged. The writer (after Stenhouse) has kept the carcass of a dead rat all summer long in the working room of the Yale Analytical Laboratory without its evolving any disagreea- ble effluvium, sjmply by burying it an inch deep in powdered charcoal. The only odour that is perceived, is a strong one of pure ummonia, and in time, all the putrefiable parts of the carcass disappear, the hair and bones only remaining. The animal matters enveloped in charcoal (or other highly porous body capable of condens- ing oxygen, as platinum black or platinum sponge; probably also most soils, especially those rich in humus) are completely oxydized to water, carbonic acid and ammonia (free ni- 506 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August of alumina which forms insoluble lakes with organic pigments. Way, in his comprehensive investigations before alluded to, after studying separately as far as possible the absorptive effect of each ingredient of the soil, was led as a last resort to invetigate the relations of the silicates to saline solutions. The simple silicates he found ineffectual and had re- course therefore to the complex silicates. He digested feldspar with solution of chlo- rid of ammonium but detected no reaction, and thence concluded that the fragments of granitic rocks could not perceptibly decom- pose saline solutions. In order to trace the action of such silicates as are formed to a small degree in the wet way in soils by the weathering of the granitic minerals, Way next prepared double silicates of alumina with the bases potash, soda, lime, an ammo- nia respectively. In the first place he procured an alumina-potash, or alumina- soda-silicate, by precipitating the soluble alkali-silicate with a salt of alumina; on digesting these double silicates with solu- tions of lime and ammonia, he succeed- ed in replacing the potash and soda by lime and ammonia, though but incom- pletely, for different preparations of his alumina-ammonia-silicate contained but 4.51 to 5.64 per cent, of ammonia instead of the quality equivalent to the partly dis- placed alkali which, according to him, in case of the alumina-soda-silicate, should be 15.47 per cent. Way gives as characteristic of this class of double silicates, that there is a regular order in which the commonest protoxyd bases replace each other. He arranges them in the following series : Soda — Potash — Lime — Magnesia — Am- monia : and according to him, potash can replace trogen ?) without the appearance of the inter- mediate and fetid products that occur in putre- faction. The sweetening of meat by charcoal (or earth?) consists in the oxydation (eremecausis) of the putrefying surface. Stenhouse found that platinized charcoal (charcoal ignited after moistening with chlorid of platinum) makes an excellent escharotic and disinfectant lor foul ulcers, and latterly the surgeon is employing permanganate of potash — an energetic oxydiz- Wig a^ent — for the same purpose. — Second Series, Vol. XXVIII, No. S2.—July, 1859. soda but not the other bases while ammonia replaces them all : or each base replaces those ranged to its left in the above scries, but nunc of those on its right. Way re* marks, that " of course the reverse of this action cannot occur." Prof. Liebig (Ann. de Chem. u. Phar., xciv, 380) has arawn attention to the fact that Way directly con- tradicts himself in describing the prepara- tion of the potash-alumina-silicate, which may be obtained by digesting either the lime-alumina or soda-alumina-silicatc in ni- trate or sulphate of potash, when the soda or lime is dissolved out and replaced by pot- ash. Way was doubtless led into the error of assuming a fixed order of replacements by considering these exchanges of bases as regulated after the ordinary manifestations of chemical affinity. His own experiments abundantly show that among these silicates there is no inflexible order of decomposi- tion, nor any complete replacements. Liebig, in the paper just cited, was led from this contradiction and from other con- siderations, to reject the conclusions of Way, especially as there was no direct proof that these double silicates exist in soils. The recent researches of Eichhorn, — " Ueber die Einwirkung verdiinnter Salzlo- sungen auf Ackererde," (Landwirthschaft- liches Centralblatt, 1858, ii, 169, and Pogg. Ann., No. 9, 1858,) have cleared up the discrepancies of Way's investigation (which is itself one of remarkable interest,) and have confirmed and explained his facts. As Way's artificial silicates «ontained about 12 per cent, of water, the happy thought occurred to Eichhorn to test the action of saline solutions on native hydrous silicates. He accordingly instituted some trials on chabazite and natrolite, an abstract of which is here given. On digesting finely pulverized chabazite with dilute solutions of chlorids of potassi- um, sodium, ammonium, lithium, barium, strontium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, sulphate of magnesia, carbonates of toda and ammonia, and nitrate of cadmium, he found in every case that the basic element of these salts became a part of the silicate, i while lime passed into the solution. The rapidity of the replacement varied exceed- ingly. The alkali-chlorides reacted evi- dently in two or three days. Chlorid of barium and nitrate of cadmium were slower 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 507 in their effect. Chlorides of zinc and stron- tium, at first, appeared not to react; but . after twelve days, lime was found in the "solution. Chlorid of magnesium was still tardier in replacing lime. Four grams of powdered chabazite were digested with four grams chlorid of sodium and 400 cubic centimeters w T ater for ten days. The composition of the original mineral (i,) and of the same after the ac- tion of chlorid of sodium (n,) were as fol- lows : Si0 3 i. 47.44 H. 48.31 A1 2 3 ,.... . CnO, 20.69 10.37 21.04 6.65 KO, 0.65 0.64 NaO, HO, 0.42 20.18 5.40 18.33 99.75 100.37 Nearly one half the lime of the original mineral is replaced by soda. A loss of water also has occurred. The solution sep arated from the mineral, contained nothing but soda, lime and chlorine, and the latter in precisely its original quantity. By acting on chabazite with dilute chlo- rid of ammonium (10 grams to 500 c. c. water) for ten days, the mineral was alter- ed, and contained 3.33 per cent, of ammo- nia. Digested twenty-one days, the min- eral, dried at 212°, yielded 6.94 per cent, of ammonia, and also had lost water. These ammonia-chabazites lost no ammo- nia at 212°, it escaped only when the heat was raised so high that water began to be expelled; treated with warm solution of potash it was immediately evolved. The silicate appears to be slightly soluble in dis- tilled water, the solution giving with solution of iodid of mercury in iodid of potassium, the yellow coloration indicative of ammonia. As in the instances above cited, there oc- curred but a partial replacement of lime. Eichhorn made corresponding trials with solutions of carbonates of soda and ammo- nia, in order to ascertain whether the for- mation of a soluble salt of the displaced base limited the reaction ; but the results were substantially the same as before, as shown by analyzing the residue after re- moving carbonate of lime by digestion in dilute acetic acid. Eichhorn found that the artificial soda- chabazite re-exchanged soda for lime when digested in a solution of chlorid of calcium; in solution of chlorid of potassium both soda and lime were BUMLtted from it and replaced by potash. So, the ammonia- ohabazite in solution of chlorid of calcium, exchanged ammonia for lime, and in solu- tions of ohloridfl of potassium and sodium, both ammonia and lime passed into the liquid. The aminonia-chabazite in solution of sulphate of magnesia, lost ammonia but not lime, though doubtless the latter base would have been found in the liquid had the digestion been continued longer. It thus appears that in the case of chaba- zite all the protoxyd bases* may mutually replace each other, time being the only element of difference in the reactions. Na- trolite, however, was not affected by diges- tion with chlorid of calcium. Eichhorn suggests that its soda is more firmly com- bined than that of chabazite. These observations of Way and Eich- horn promise to yield the most fruitful re- sults, not only to the theory of chemical ge- ology, as elucidating the formation and al- teration of minerals, but also to the science of agriculture. The explanation of the retentive power of soils which Way first proposed thus acquires an incalculable sig- nificance. It is plainly a true explana- tion, as now relieved from the constraint of a fixed order of affinities or replace- ments ; though not the only or a com- plete explanation. Voelcker, in some valuable researches on the absorbent power of a soil for the liquids of the dung-heap, (Journal Roy. Ag. Soc. of Eng., xviii, 149,) first showed that it is not always true that the bases displace lime from soils. He found to the contrary, in one instance, that lime was fixed and potash displaced. This result, as well as the opposite behaviour of ammonia-chaba- zite and natrolite towards solution of chlo- rid of calcium in Eichhorn's trials, indicate most clearly that different silicates suffer different displacements, though in general, certain bases react more speedily and more * Eichhorn's observations indicate that the combined (basic?) water of a silicate is also li- able to be increased or removed. May not the small amount of water of the many specimens of properly anhydrous minerals, be thus ac- quired ? May not in some cases the loss by ig- nition in minerals, be due to ammonia that has entered into combination in the same man- ner ? 508 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August largely or firmly retained than others. Ob- viously a great number of experiments are wanted on the behaviour of other silicates, native and artificial, towards saline solutions in various degrees of concentration, and at different temperatu.es, as well as in mixed solutions, before we can decide many inter- esting questions suggested by these results; but we have undeniably an important new generalization with reference to the reac- tions that may occur among minerals and in the soil. Economy of the Ammonia naturally ac- cumulated in the soil. — Since it has been proved that enormous quantities of ammo- nia exist in soils in a state of such inti- mate combination that the usual means (boiling with fixed caustic alkalies) fails to expel it,* the important question has arisen — how may this ammonia be rendered more rapidly available to vegetation than it is, so as in many cases to forestall the necessity for nitrogenous manures. The displacement of ammonia from the ammonia-chabazite by potash, soda and lime, indicates a partial solution of this question ; and may not the remarkably diverse effects of various saline manures, e. g. common salt, gypsum, sulphates of soda and magne- sia, and silicate of potash, as well as car- bonate and phosphate of lime, depend, to some degree, on reactions analogous to those above described ! We know that very small doses of salt and gypsum, to take familiar examples, often remarkably en- hance the productiveness of a soil, and as often fail to produce any good effect, either in small or large applications. Neither of the constituents of common salt is found to much extent in our usually cultivated plants, and soda is often entirely wanting. The action of common salt and gypsum, especially of the latter, is most frequently similar to that caused by ammoniacal ma- nures, whether these be applied to the soil or administered in gaseous form, as is now done in hot-houses by means of carbonate of ammonia, after the plan proposed by * In 1855 the writer found that there was no limit to the evolution of ammonia, when at- tempting to estimate it in soils, and Dr. Mayer, (Ergebnisse. Ag. Chein. Versuchc in Munchenj 1 Heft.) could not recover by boiling with caus-j tic potash nearly all the ammonia he purposely added to a soil. Ville, and is manifested in a more intensely green and luxuriant development of foliage, and increased content of water and of ni- trogen. The " fixing power " of gypsum cannot longer be considered a useful quali- ty of this fertilizer in the soil, not only be- cause, in the merely moist soil, sulphate of ammonia would react on carbonate of lime, as Boussingault long ago demonstrated, but for the reason that the soil has itself a greater and more than sufficient power to fix ammonia, whether it be present as car- bonate or sulphate. It is on the other hand the unfixing power of gypsum — its ability to liberate ammonia from the ammo- nia-silicates, that ma}' in some cases consti- tute its merit. General law of Displacement among Saline Fertilize?^. — We are every day drifting further from what but a few years ago was considered one of the most fixed and beneficial principles of agricul- tural science, viz : that a substance is chief- ly a fertilizer because it directly feeds the plant, and are learning from the numerous recent and carefully conducted experiments with manures, that in very many cases we cannot safely venture to predict what will be the influence of a given application ; but find in practice the strangest and most dis- cordant results, it being literally possible to show from the experience of the farm that almost every fertilizer in use has in some instances proved beneficial to every cultiva- ted crop, and in other cases has been in- different or even detrimental. We are therefore compelled more and more to regard the indirect action of ma- nures, and the principle brought out by the researches of Way and Eichhorn, ap- pears adapted more than any other yet dis- covered to generalize the phenomena of in- direct action, and enable us to foresee and explain them. Proofs are not wanting of the actual operation of this principle in the soil. Wolff (Naturgesetzlichen Grundlagen des Ackerbaues, 3d ed. p. 148,) found in fact that the ashes of the straw of buckwheat grown with a large supply of common salt, compared with the ashes of the same part, of that plant grown on the same soil mi- nus this addition, contained less chlorid of sodium but much more chlorid of potassi- um : there having occurred an exchange of bases in the soil. The probabilities already adduced in 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 509 favor of the view that ammonia is made available by gypsum, carbonate of lime, &c., are in point, and in the further course of this article other evidences will be brought forward to the same effect. May not the influence of lime and guano (or the carbonate of ammonia resulting from its de- composition,) in some cases be partly due to their fluxing the anhydrous or non-absorb- ent silicates of the soil, thus giving origin to absorbent silicates, as well as to their dis- placing effect on silicates already existing ? But it is of little use in the absence of decisive investigations to speculate on these topics except for the purpose of exciting re- search. A great field is opened here, and with this new clue to guide us it should be speedily explored. Not merely the bases, but, as a priori would seem entirely reasonable, the acids also appear to be capable of similar ex- changes and substitutions. Way, Licbig and others, have repeatedly observed that phosphoric acid is absorbed by soils, and from the trials of Voelcker before referred to, it would appear that among the acids there occur displacements analogous to those established between the bases. Thus in one experiment in which the drainings of a manure heap were passed through a soil, there were found in an im- perial gallon — Before After filtration through the soil. Silica, -75 238 Phosphates of lime and iron, 790 154 Sulphate of lime, 2-18 702 Carbonate of lime, .• 1746 7972 Carbonate* of magnesia, 1283 6*17 11 " potash, 85-27 4-29 Chloride of sodium, .22*85 18-90 " " potassium, 35-25 2644 In another case were found. Before After filtration through the soil. Silica, , 475 1508 Phosphates of iron and lime, 3632 i 3314 Sulphate of lime, 7-14 .trace. Chlorid of sodium r 5091 48-48 " " potassium, 30-32 39-49 Carbonate of potash, 148-69 85-93 The entire analyses have not been quoted, as I do not now intend to discuss these re- sults fully, but merely wish to direct atten- tion to the fact, that in both instances silicic acid (perhaps only as the result of an excess of carbonate of potash in the dung- liquor to which the soil was subjected) has been removed from the soil, and phosphoric acid has been fixed by it, while in one case sulphuric acid has been retained and chlo- rine lost by the soil, and in the other case the reverse has occurred. _ Liebig, in the paper before referred to, remarks that " a clay or lime-soil poor in organic matter, withdraws all the potash and all the silicic acid from a solution of silicate of potash ; whereas one rich in so- called humus (humic acid), extracts the potash, but leaves the silicic acid in solu- tion." Oxyd of iron and alumina, or some of their compounds which are at present in all soils, are the most obvious means of fix- ing the phosphoric acid of soluble phos- phates, and Thenard (Compt.' Rend. Feb. 1, 1858,) has experimenfcilly demonstra- ted that they do remove phosphoric acid perfectly from solutions of phosphate of lime in water saturated with carbonic acid. Deherain (quoted in Landwirthschaftliches Centralblatt, 1859, i, 94,) has shown on the other hand that carbonate of lime and ferric phosphate brought together with highly car- bonated water, give rise to phosphate of lime and ferric carbonate. According to the same experimenter, phosphate of alumi- na and ferric phosphate are also decom- posed by contact with solutions of the alka- li-carbonates. Thenard, in the paper just cited, asserts that silicate of lime and phos- phate of alumina decompose each other in carbonated water. However complicated 510 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August and obscure these re-actions may be, it is plain, that, henceforth, the effect of a so- lution of one base in displacing other bases from native hydrated aluminous [and fer- ric ?) silicates, and of one acid upon the compounds of other acids with oxyd of iron and alumina, must be considered in the theary of the action of saline manures. Water as the medium by which the ingre- dients of the soil enter the plant. — From his experiments on the absorbent power of soils, Way was led to question the influence of water in eifecting the distribution of plant-food in the soil, and Liebig in a re- cent paper on this subject (Ueber einige Eigenschaften der Ackerkrume " Ann. der Chem. u. Phar. cv., 109 et seq.*) has drawn the conclusion that this force in the soil is so powerful that ammonia, potash and phos- phoric acid when applied as manures are instantly made quite insoluble, so that we must relinquish the idea hitherto entertain- ed that plants appropriate their food direct- ly from an aqueous solution, and must adopt as an only alternative the doctrine that the roots of the plant themselves attack and solve their nutriment. Liebig is of the opinion that the bodies mentioned cannot be distributed in the soil by the ascending and descending streams of moisture which are perpetually circulating in it, in obedi- ence to gravitation and evaporation, and he adduces analyses of river, spring and drain- waters, which are almost free from potash and ammonia to sustain this view. On the other hand Eichhorn in the paper already referred to, found that pure dis tilled water dissolved from a soil much more of all the mineral matters required by vegetation than would be needful to sup- ply any average crop. Henneberg and Stohmann (iiber das Verhaltcn der Acker- krume gegen Ammoniak u. Ammoniaksal- zen, Ann. der Chem. u. Pharm. cvii., 170) found that when a soil had been saturated with ammonia, pure water removed it again to a certain extent. Thus 100 grams of soil were treated with 200 c. c. of a solu- tion of chlorid of ammonium (containing 0-693 grams ammonia) and absorbed 0-112 grams of ammonia; on removing one-half of the solution and substituting as much pure water the soil lost 0*009 grams of am- * See also his " Letters on Modern Agricul- ture," London, 1859. monia as the result of the dilution : by again replacing with water 100 c. c. of the thus diluted solution, 0-014 grams of am- monia were re-dissolved from the soil, and by five repetitions of this process 0-053 grams or nearly one-half the quantity of ammonia originally absorbed passed again into solution. Liebig himself in one of his papers (Ann. der Chem. u Pharm. cvi., 201,) has fur- nished the best illustration of the manner in which one base is made soluble by being displaced from its combination with the soil on the. addition of another base. He says — " If sulphate of ammonia in very dilute so- lution, is brought in contact with soil satu- rated with silicate of potash, and which does not give up a trace (?) of its potash to water alone, it instantly dissolves a certain quantity of this alkali, which may be easily detected by the common reagents." Liebig has not overlooked the case of acquatic plants whose roots do not enter any soil, for which, he remarks — u there must of course exist other laws for the absorption of their mineral food ) they must absorb it from the surrounding medium." But there appears to be no reason for supposing that acquatic plants differ from our cultivated crops in the manner of im- bibing or appropriating the nourishment which enters the roots, especially since Sachs and Stoeckhardt (Chem'tscher Ac- kersmann 1859, p. 28, et seq.) have shown that the cereals and leguminous grains, as well as clover and beets, not only germinate but attain a vigorous development and even blossom ; although their roots never come in contact with a solid soil, but merely float in water holding in solution the salts need- ful to supply them with mineral food. It must be borne in mind that the amount of mineral (fixed) ingredients in a plant or crop is but a minute fraction (accord- ing to Boussingault 1-1 5,000th on the average, according to Lawcs and G-ibert l-3,000th) of the quantity of water which a plant or crop under usual cir- cumstances transpires during its season of growth. We are not surprised then that agricultural plants are sufficiently fed when their roots are merely surrounded by ordi- nary well water which is daily changed, or by distilled water mingled with a little vege- table ash into which carbonic acid is daily conducted. We know that drain tubes and aqueducts are often choked by a mass of 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 511 rootlets which have grown from one little fiber that made its way into them through a narrow crevice, but why should the roots of trees and land plants thus develop in such water unless they find their food in it ? In Stoeckhardt's experiments loc. cit., it was observed that rye and oats only developed in a normal manner, in saline solutions, when these were diluted from six to ten thousand times ! and young clover plants grew luxuriantly, putting forth new roots, leaves and blossoms in profusion, when transferred from the soil to pure water sup- plied with carbonic acid, to which was added l-500th of clover ashes that had been neutralized with nitric acid. It is true that most river and spring waters yield by analysis but the minutest traces of potash, ammonia and phosphoric acid, but we cannot, perhaps, infer with safety that they are actually so deficient in these ingredients, for it may easily happen, as all chemists know, that in the evaporation of a large mass of water traces of salts are likewise carried off,* and in the ignition of saline residues, as is customary in the analy- sis of a water, much more loss of potash may occur from the ready volatility of chlo- rid of potassium. But admitting that our analyses are suf- ficiently accurate to base calculations upon, and that the soil-water never contains more potash for example than river and well waters; viz., from 2 to 10 parts in 1,000, 000,f it must be remembered that the plant is by no means compelled to limit itself for its supplies of mineral matter to that portion of water which it transpires. The root-cells of a plant placed in a saline solution at once establish osmotic currents, in virtue of the mutual but unbalanced at- tractions that exist between the cell-walls, the liquid of the cell, the surrounding liquid and the saline and organic matters in solu- *In Liebig's Chemistry applied to Agriculture and Physiology (5th German ed., p. 102, et seq.,) may be found an account of some of the more striking instances of this volatilization. My friend, Dr. Robert A. Fisher, permits me to mention the result of some of his researches that bear on this point. He found, in fact, that a quantity (very small indeed but still suflioient to be estimated by volume try) of caustic potash is carred off in the vapor when its aqueous solution is distilled. tEichhorn found in 1,000,000 parts of distil- led water that had been in contact with a soil for ten days, 57 parts of potash. tion in these liquids. The assimilating pro- cesses going on in the cells are constantly transporting matters forward into the newer growths , or else removing them from so- lution in the sap, and causing their depo- sition in the solid form. These are the prime disturbances that operate the currents, and to restore the matters thus removed from the liquids of the root-cells, external matters held in solution diffuse inwardly. If a plant has a large leal* surface exposed to the free air, from which water rapidly evaporates, water diffuses into the root-cells if it be present in the soil, and thus the nor- mal humidity of the structure is preserved. But if the plant be situated in a close hot-* house, or in a Ward's case, the atmosphere of which is constantly saturated with aque- ous vapor, there can be no evaporation of water from the leaves, there can be no trans- piration of water through the plant and no absorption of it by the roots, except to sup- ply what becomes a solid constituent of the tissues or is decomposed in the nutritive process. The same is true of potash or any other substance held in solution in the soil- water. As a result of this principle the land plant collects the potash, phosphoric acid, silica, &c, needed for its organization, from the vastly dilute solutions of these bodies which form the water of wells or of the soil, just as the fucus gathers its iodine from the ocean, although the marvellously delicate reagents which we possess for iodine scarcely enable us to detect this substance even in highly concentrated sea-water. Says Gmelin, (Handbook of Chemistry, Cavendish Soc's. ed., vol. ii, p. 248,) " the quantity of iodine contained in sea-water is so small that Tennant, Davy, Gaultier, Fyfe and Sarphati were not able to find it. Bal- ard, however, found it in the water of the Mediterranean and Pfaff in that of the Baltic, which is nevertheless very poor in iodine." Otto (Lehrbuch 3d ed., 1st Part, p. 452,) observes "while bromine is easily found if not in sea-water itself, yet in the mother-liquors obtained by its evaporation, and is prepared from them in large quanti- ties, it is still doubtful if iodine can be de- tected in them." Again, in a note — "It is worthy of remark that in preparing bromine from the mother-liquors of sea-water, iodine, so far as I know, has never made its appear- ance." Iodine can be detected in a solution of which it forms but l-300,000th part — Otto. 512 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August The st/trtiw/ power which is possessed by plants is Tally explained and defined by osmotic diffusion. Within certain easy limits the plant imbibes only those kinds of matter and those quantities, which it re- quires to develop its organism, and which diffuse into it in consequence of assimilation in the cells. These limits are not so nar- row or inflexible as to make the finding of the conditions of growth impossible, and within them, the plant lives and expands, but is itself influenced in its life and in the direction of its enlargement, by the quanti- ties, absolute and relative, of the nutritive or soluble matters, that happen to surround it. Could we grow two plants in precisely identical conditions, we should find their composition alike in all their parts. The variations in the composition and amount of the ash of plants is probably connected with the different relative development of the separate organs, and this again (in part) with the relative quantities of food present in the soil-water. Thus the ash of the plant is, to a certain extent, independent of the soil, but again, to a certain extent, is af- fected by it. The absorption of poisons by plants is entirely abnormal and does not af- fect our statement. Not only does the grand law of osmose (endosmose and exosmose) feed the plant out of such attenuated solutions, but, in all probability it* aids the formation of these solutions. Graham has shown in the case of alum and bisulphate of potash, that the unequal diffusive tendency of the members of a double salt is powerful enough to de- compose it, and he observed that solutions even of the neutral sulphates of potash and soda diffused their basic ingredients into lime-water, more rapidly than the acid; these stable salts thus undergoing partial decomposition. The investigations of Henneberg and Stohmann already cited, have proved that the absorbent power of a soil is not a purely chemical process, in the ordinary restricted sense; but is in part a physical phenomenon, i. e., it does not depend exclusively upon the presence in the soil, of a certain amount o£ some peculiar kind of matter, but is also related to the condition and to the relative! amount of acting surface of the various materials which react. Henneberg and Stohmann found that the time of contact between a solution of an am 1 ' monia-salt and a soil did not affect the, amount of absorption, — as much ammonia being taken up in four hours as in a week. This fact indicates that the absorbing sub- substance is in an extreme state of division, to whieh the pulverized chabazite of Eich- horn's experiments can bear no comparison. They found, too, that a given soil ab- sorbed out of an equal volume of liquid very nearly the same amount of ammonia from equivalent quantities of all its salts, the phosphate excepted. They observed, however, that the relative quantities of soil, water and the saline sub- stance, affected the results; thus from a stronger solution a greater absolute amount of ammonia was absorbed, while from a weaker solution a relatively greater quantity was taken up : and further, relatively more was absorbed by a given amount of soil, from a solution of given strength when the volume of the latter was increased. Finally they found, as has. been already remarked, that by diluting with pure water the solution from which a soil had saturated itself with ammonia, a portion of this body is re-dissolved. Thus it appears that the very surface-at- tractions which determine the solution of solid bodies, and occasion osmotic diffusion, also operate in the soil to influence th chemical affinities which are the prime cause of its absorptive properties. The chemical affinity of silicate of alumina for the bases, (probably too that of oxyd of iron and alumina for some of the acids) is modified by the mass of the reacting substances and by that of their solvent; or in other words, the cohesive force of the atoms of the com pound silicates, or the adhesive force of water, (solvent action) for the saline bodies, may neutralize or limit the chemical affinity which determines one compound and give origin to another. Hence the chemical sub- stitutions in the soil, and in the case of chabazite: hence, too, the perpetual presence of all the mineral food of plants in the water of the soil. We would not by any means deny the di rect action of the rootlets of plants upon the soil, an action which though exceedingly ob scure and as Prof. Liebig remarks in enunci- ating his new views "very difficult to forma conception of," we may admit in some cases Liebig in his letters on modern agricul- ture, p. 43, gives this instance: "We fre- quently find in meadows smooth lime-stones with their surfaces covered with a network 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 513 of .small furrows. Whcu these stones arc newly taken out of the ground, we find that each furrow corresponds to a rootlet, which appears as if it had eaten its way into the stone.." We may admit in this case that the rootlets have acted upon the stone, but are not therefore necessarily compelled to as- sume that the dissolved matters have enter- ed the plant or were dissolved as food, for in such lime-soils the excess rather than the deficiency of carbonate of lime is oftcner a hindrance to vegetation. In the case of the Lyoporflavcxr which contain alumina in large quantity combined with tartaric acid, (Berzelius) or malic acid (Ritthausen) we are, if any where, obliged to look to the plant itself, to account for the entrance into i it of a substance absent from all cultivated plants if our numerous analyses are to be credited, and one which is rarely found in river waters, and then in quantity so small as to excite the suspicion that it has been introduced in the reagents, or came from suspended matters. But it is evident from the facts that have been adduced that it is unnecessary to have recourse to any new theory to explain the ac- cess of the soil-ingredients into the plant. In fact it would appear that the view we have felt forced to sustain is the only one admissible in the present state of knowledge — the only one conformable to what we deem well established physical laws. Conclusion. — The /unction of the soil. — While the researches of Eichhorn are of the utmost value in aid of the theory of the ab- sorption of fertilizing matters by the soil, they do not suffice to give a full explanation of this process. Doubtless all the reactions that occur between hydrous silicates, sesqui- oxydsand saline solutions may take place in the soil; but in addition to these a number of other changes must go on there, as the soil is so complex and variable a mixture. The organic matters (the bodies of the humic acid group), which are often though not always present in no inconsiderable quantity in the water extract of fertile soils, can hard- ly fail to exert an influence to modify the action of the silicates. I have found that a peat (swamp-muck) from the neighborhood of New Haven, (containing when fully dry 68 per cent of organic matter) which is high- ly prized as a means of improving the porous hungry soils in this vicinity, and which when drained grows excellent crops, is capable of 33 absorbing 1*8 per cent of ammonia, while ordinary soil absorbs but 05 to -1 per cent. The great beneficial law regulating these absorptions appears to admit of the following expression: those bodies which are most rare and precious to the y rowing plant are by the soil converted into, and retained in, a condi- tion not of absolute, but of relative insolubili- ty, and are kept available to the plant by the continual circulation in the soil of the more abun da n t sa line ma tters. The soil (speaking in the widest sense) is then not only the ultimate exhaustless source of mineral (fixed) food, to vegetation, but it is the storehouse and conservatory of this food, protecting its own resources from waste and from too rapid use, and converting the highly soluble matters of animal exuviae as well as of artificial refuse (manures) into permanent supplies. Yale Analytical Laboratory, May 15th, 1859. Useful Information. The washerwomen of Holland and Bel- gium, so proverbially clean, and who get up their linen so beautifully white, use re- fined borax as a washing powder, instead of soda, in the proportion of a large hand- ful of borax powdered to about ten gallons of boiling water. They save in soap near- ly one-half. All the large washing estab- ments adopt the same mode. For laces, cambric, &c, an extra quantity of the pow- der is used, and for crinolines (required to be made very stiff,) a strong solution is necessary. Borax being a neutral salt, does not, in the slightest degree, injure the texture of the linen ; its effect is to soften the hardest water, and, therefore, it should be kept on every toilet table. To the taste it is rather sweet — is used for cleansing the hair, is an excellent dentrifice, and, in hot countries, is used with tartaric acid and bi-carbonate of soda as a cooling beverage. Good tea cannot be made from hard water, — all water can be made soft by adding a tea-spoonful of borax powdered to an ordi- nary sized kettle of water, in which it should boil. The saving in the quantity of tea used will be at least one-fifth. Jo give the black the flavoar of the green tea, add a single leaf from the black currant tree. — Scientific American. In the system of the universe every part is doubtless proportioned to the whole. 514 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, PROCEEDINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. At a quarterly meeting of the Executive Committee of the Virginia State Agricultu- ral Society, held at the Exchange Hotel on Thursday evening the 26th July 1859 ; PRESENT. Edmund Ruffin, President. Franklin Minor, R. H. Dulany, Colin Stokes, Hugh M. Nelson, B. F. Dew, Wm. Overton, W. C Knight, Wm. Gr. Crenshaw, and Wm. T. Scott. Mr. Crenshaw from the sub-committee appointed to receive proposals from, and negotiate with any cities, towns or Agricul- tural Societies of the State, in regard to the holding of the next Fair, submitted the fol- lowing : report : That no proposals from any city, town or society of the State had been received prior to the 16th of June last, when the Presi- dent of the Virginia Central Society opened a correspondence with your Committee, pro- posing terms for a practical union with the State Society in holding its annual Fairs, upon the grounds of the Central Society. The terms offered to the State Society -were such as for various reasons — disclosed in the following correspondence — could not "be acceded to. Your Committee knowing the decided and oft-repeated preference of the Executive Committee for Richmond as the place most suitable for holding the annual Fairs, and being themselves fully impressed with the im- portance of attaining so desirable an object, (if practicable) without detriment to the State Agricultural Society, submitted the various modifications which would be necessary to render the original proposition conformable to the constitution and acceptable to your Committee, and in view of the non-accept- ance of the proposed changes, offered an- other distinct proposition, the terms of which will be found in their letter of June 21st. Neither the modifications proposed nor the alternative offer of the Committee was acceptable to the President of the Society, but on the contrary, were both declared to be " utterly inadmissible." Yet, in further manifestation of the earnest desire of the Committee to effect an arrangement with the Central Society for holding the Fair, its President having emphatically declared, that the terms proposed by him, and ad- hered to in every particular except as to the duration of the contract, were more fa- vorable than those which had been accept- ed, last year, by the United States Society, your Committee — having expressed their willingness to accede to similar terms — offer- ed to unite with the Central Society on the basis of its contract with the United States Society, and to leave matters of detail in- volving departure from the terms of the I contract to arbitration, so as effectually to secure the Central Society from any changes which would operate to its disadvantage. To this proposition your Committee have received no respon.se, though they have seen from a communication to the u Rich- mond Enquirer " that the President of the Virginia Central Agricultural Society de- clares, " that we have had enough of for- eign Societies, * * * and as the State Society has placed itself in that category, we have done with it." As the communi- cation contains explanations, the benefit of which we would not deny 1o the writer, we append it to the correspondence. Your Committee report further, That having been favored with an interview with the sub-Committee of the Union Ag- ricultural Society of Petersburg, terms of union for holding the next Fair have been mutually agreed upon, and your Committee therefore recommend to the Executive Com- mittee the adoption of the following resolu- tion : Resolved, That the sub-Committee be au- thorized to make a contract with the Union 1859.] THE S0UTHE11N PLANTER. 515 Agricultural Society of Virginia and North Carolina for holding the Annual Fair in connection with them, on their grounds at Petersburg on the following basis : The free admission of the members of both Societies to the grounds ; — the Union Society to pay one thousand dollars towards the premium list, reserving one thousand dollars of the sum granted by Petersburg to them for the holding of Fairs, for the re- pairs of grounds, which are to be put in good order by them ; — the State Society to have all receipts and gate fees, and pay all expenses and the balance of the premium list — the police to be furnished by the Union Society free of cost to us ; and that all payments to the Union Society for mem- bership fees be reserved to them. "We sub- mit the annexed correspondence : Laburnum, June 16th, 1859. Dear Sir : My engagements in Court have been such since I had the pleasure of an inter- view with you, that it has not been in my power to hold another, and, as the time for announcing the Fair is rapidly approaching, I have concluded that it is best to delay no longer for a personal interview, but to ad- dress you this note, stating the terms upon which I propose a practical union of the State and Central Agricultural Societies. They are — 1. That the State Society shall hold its Fairs upon the grounds of the Central So- ciety, without liability for expenses or pre- miums. 2. The premiums to be awarded by the State Society. The subjects for premiums to be determined by the Committees of the two Societies, but the amount of the pre- miums to be controuled (if they desire) by the Central Society, which shall alone be responsible for the payment of the premi- ums. The Committees of Award to be ap- pointed by the two Societies. [The Fairs to be held in ike name of the State Society, which shall have the free use of all the fa- cilities under the controulof the Central So- ciety, but the local management, police, &c, to be under the exclusive controul of the Central Society.] 3. The State Society to hand over to the Central Society its present surplus fund, and to lend to the Central Society a sum equal to the principal of its annual sur- plus — say $12,000 — upon a credit of ten years, to be secured by a lien upon the Fair Grounds of the Central Society, but no in- terest to be paid upon it while this agree- ment continues. 4. This agreement to continue for five years and to be renewable thereafter for five years, at the pleasure of the State Society, upon a release of the debt of $12,000. Please to favor me with as prompt a re- ply as your convenience will permit- I am, most respectfully, your ob'dt servant, (Signed) JAS. LYONS. President Va. C. A. S. To W. G. Crenshaw, Esq., CJiairman of the Committee of the State Agricultural Society. Office of the Va. State Ag. Soc'y, ) Richmond June 21st, 1859. j James Lyons, Esq., President Virginia Cent. Ag. Society : Dear Sir : — Your favor of the 16th in- stant, was duly received and — without loss of time — was referred to the Committee of the State Society, charged with the duty of ma- king arrangements for holding the next An- nual Fair. The most respectful considera- tion has been given to each of the substan- tive propositions submitted by you, with an earnest desire, on our part, that the nego- tiation now begun may be conducted to a mutually satisfactory adjustment of the terms on which " a practical union of the State and Central Societies " may be effect- ed. We now proceed, in the spirit of cour- tesy and frankness, to answer your several propositions in their order. 1. Your offer to permit the State Society to ■ hold its Fairs upon the grounds of the Central Society without liability for expen- ses and premiums, considered in reference to such reasonable equivalent concessions on our part to the Central Society, as shall compensate for their remission to us of " liability for expenses and premiums " in- dicates a just and proper basis, or starting point, in relation to which all the minor de- tails of a general arrangement may be con- formably adjusted, and if such particulars can be so adjusted, we unhesitatingly ex- press, in advance, the high satisfaction it will afford us to enter into the arrangement, so far as we can do so consistently with our constitutional powers, which are limited to 516 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August the present year, and further, to extend | which, would be an assumption of the pre- 1 rogatives of the Farmers' Assembly. (See' Constitution, Sec 2.) 2. Your second proposition is in these words : " The premiums to be awarded by the State Society — the subjects for premi- ums to be determined by the committees of the two Societies, but the amount of the premiums to be controlled (if they desire) by the Central Society, which shall alone be responsible for the payment of the pre- miums. The Committees of Award to be appointed by the two Societies. [The Fair to be held in the name of the State Society, which shall have the free use of all the fa- cilities under the control of the Central So- ciety; but the local management, police, &c, to be under the exclusive control of the Central Society.] Inasmuch as you propose to assume the whole responsibility for the payment of the premiums, we cheerfully accord to the Com- mittee of your Society the privilege of con- current action with that of our own in de- termining the subjects of premium and the appointment of the Committees of Award. With equal pleasure we surrender to the Society — if they shall desire it — the right to control the amount of premiums to be offered, with this proviso, however, that the sums proposed as prizes shall not fall short of those embraced in the schedule of the State Society for its last Fair ; the privi- lege of enlargement being absolutely com- mitted to the discretion of the Central So- ciety. We accept as part of a general ar- rangement the free use of the facilities which are under the control of the Central Socie- ty, for holding the Fair in the name of the State Society, but, the remainder of the clause contained in crochets — " the local management, police, &c, to be under the exclusive control of the Central Society/' being in contravention of the Constitution, which provides, Sec. III., Article 7th, that the President "shall appoint and have di- rection of all marshals and other agents re- quired to carry out and give effect to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Ex- ecutive Committee for the Annual Fair," we are necessitated by the paramount au- thority of that instrument to decline ; nevertheless, we think the object of the Central Society can be substantially attain- ed by conference with the President, whose appointments of agents for local manage- ment, police, &c, we venture to premise will be made in accordance with the wishes of the Central Society, agreeably to rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Ex- ecutive Committee, and which, we doubt not, will be so constructed as to be in substan- tial harmony with the wishes of the Socie- ty, while they must conform to the IX. Sec- tion and 5th Article of the Constitution, and that such co-ordinate controul will be accorded to them as is not incompatible with the dignit}', rights and obligations of the President while holding the Fair in the name of the State Society. 3. Your third proposition is, " The State Society to hand over to the Central Society its present surplus funds, and to lend to the Central Society a sum equal to the princi- pal of its annual surplus, say $12,000, upon a credit of ten years, to be secured by a lien upon the Fair Grounds of the Central Society ; but no interest to be paid upon it while the agreement continues. In the 1st. Article of the XI. Section of the Constitution, it is provided that " all capital of the Society now or hereafter in- vested, shall be held a' fund sacred to the cause of agricultural improvement, of which the income only shall be subject to appropri- ation!' You will see in the above clause of the Constitution that the whole of your third proposition is without the sphere of our legal competency, and that the Farmer's Assembly only has authority in the premises; yet, we think there would be no objection on the part of the Executive Committee to recommend to the Farmers' Assembly to authorise such a loan as the one proposed, provided all other necessary arrangements could be satisfactorily made. And further- more: as the Central Society proposes to re- lease the State Society from responsibility for expenses and premiums, we deem it but just and reasonable, and coming within the scope of the powers of the Executive Com- mittee to make it, that an allowance be made to the Central Society of am amount in money equivalent to the privilege to be re- served to the life and such of the annual members of the State Society as shall have paid their dues, namely: the privilege of free admittance for themselves and for their families daily to the exhibitions of the So- ciety during the continuance of the Fair, and that the whole of the gate money and other incidental receipts of the Fair be 1859.] TITE SOUTHERN PLANTER 517 deemed to constitute part of the said allow- ance, but not to include the, initiation fees Of new members, nor the payments for the dues of annual members: neither is it to imply the right of the Central Society to charge higher tees for the privilege of ex- hibiting and contending for premiums with- in the fair grounds than the State Society has hitherto received. 4. Your fourth specification to this effect: "This agreement to continue for five years, and to be renewable thereafter for five years at the pleasure of the State Society upon a release of the debt of $12,000," comes not within the constitutional competency of the Executive Committee; and must, therefore, be remitted to the consideration of the Farmers' Assembly. Should the foregoing proposed modifica- tion of the terms proposed by you be deemed inadmissble, we would in further manifes- tation of our earnest desire to effect " the practical union of the Virginia State and Va. Central Agricultural Societies," by some other means more acceptable, submit the following alternative proposition : Presuming that the city of Richmond will agree to furnish the police, or means to pay the expense of it, as has been done formerly on several occasions; the Virginia State Society proposes to hold its Fair this year on the grounds of, and in connection with the Virginia Central Society, upon their grounds being furnished to us in good and complete order. The Fair to be con- ducted at the expense, and the gate-money and other incidental receipts to enure to the use of the State Society; the basis on which it is to be conducted, being the same as of all the Society's previous Fairs, namely: Admission or gate fees to be 25 cents for each person not entitled to free admittance; and the admission of stock, and other sub- jects of exhibition offered by persons not wishing to become members, three dollars. The free admission of all life and such an- nual members' as shall have paid their dues to be coutinued, and the free admittance of all members of the Central Society to be al- lowed on the same terms on which our own are admitted. The committee of arrange- ments for the Fair to consist of five persons, two of whom will be appointed on the nomi- nation of the Executive Committee of the Virginia Central Society, an arrangement t alike consistent with the requirements ofj the Constitution and with the objects which both of the Societies have in view. The contingent fund of the Society be- ing larger at this time than it was last year, (lie Executive Committee feel warranted in assuming larger peeuniary responsibility in conducting a Pair this year, than they were able to do then; in other words, they can afford to assume the risk of holding the Fair without the requirement of a guaran- tee of expenses. We «are, dear sir, with most respectful consideration, your obedient servants, WM. G. CRENSHAW, i FRANKLIN MINOR, \ „ FRANK G. RUFFIN, f Committee - CH. B. WILLIAMS, J LaburnUxM, June 22, 1859. Gentlemen : — I had the honor to receive, this afternoon, your letter of the 21st, in re- ply to mine of the 16th, and I hope you will pardon me for saying that I read it with equal surprise and regret, disappoint- ing as it does, utterly, the hope which I, in common with many others of its members and the friends generally of agriculture in- dulged, that the State Society would appro- priate, at least, its surplus funds to "advance and improve the condition of agriculture, horticulture, the auxiliary mining and me- chanic arts," as required by the second article of the first section of its constitution, and, to that end, would unite with the Central Society in holding a Fair. «. In this regret and surprise, the gentle- men with whom I have the honor to be as- sociated in the management of the Central Society, fully sympathize, and with the ex- pression of it, I should close this note, but for the fact, that} while you graciously con- sent to accept every privilege we have of- fered you, and claim others of an extreme character, you decline to co-operate with the Central Society in holding a Fair, and re- fuse to aid it with the advance, or loan of a cent, upon the ground that the constitution of the State Society forbids you to do so, and conclude by gravely submitting a pro- position in which you say, u presuming that the city of Richmond will agree to furnish the police or means to pay the expense of it, as it has done formerly on several oc- casions, the Virginia State Society propose to hold its (your emphasis) Fair this year upon the Fair Grounds of, and in connec- tion with the Central Society, upon their 518 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August grounds being furnished to us in good and Complete order." "The gate-money and Other incidental receipts to enure to the use of the State Society/' forbidding us to charge more than 25 cents gate fee for each person. In other words, the State Society will consent to hold a Fair upon our grounds if the city of Richmond will furnish the police, and we will give it every cent of our receipts, even including the rent of our own booths and buildings. It becomes me, therefore, in my opinion, to show that I have suggested nothing which is forbidden by your constitution, and why your proposition is deemed utterly inadmis- sible by the Executive Committee of the Central Society. 1st. As to the term of the contract pro- posed by me — you say that your power is limited to one year by the second section of your Constitution, and further, to extend which will be an assumption of the pre- rogatives of the Farmers' Assembly. I confess that I do not perceive such pro- hibition in the Constitution. It is true that the second section provides that the State Society "shall hold an annual Fair at such time and place as the Farmers' Assembly shall designate," but adds, " or in default thereof, as may be designated by the Ex- ecutive Committee." Now I understand you to concede, very properly, that "the Far- mers' Assembly have the prerogative" of contracting for five years as I propose; for, othe»vise, your making such a contract would not invade their prerogative, and such being the case, it seems clear that under the circumstances existing, you, as the Executive Committee, have the power, because "the default" provided for, has oc- curred for three years, I believe, (and pro- bably will occur henceforward and forever,) and in such "default" you are clothed with the whole power of the Farmers' Assembly, not only by the very clause you quote, but by the Oth article of the 6th section, which expressly provides that all powers of the Society shall be transferred to the " Farmers' Assembly," and in default of being exer- cised by that body, shall devolve, provis- sionally, on the Executive Committee. The term of five years was proposed, however, because we deemed it beneficial to the State S< ciety, and as it objects to it, we arc quite ready to limit the contract to one year, if otherwise its terms be such that we can with any propriety accede to them. 2d. You refuse to allow the Central So- ciety to have the control of the local man- agement, police, &c, because the 7th sec- tion of the 3d article of your Constitution provides that your President " Shall appoint, and have the direction of all marshals and other agents required to carry out and give effect to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Executive Committee for the An- nual Fair." Now, it is very obvious that this article pre-supposes that the State So- ciety had a place at which to hold a Fair, over which it had complete control, and that the case actually existing is a casus omissus. But the difficulty may be gotten over in two ways, viz : first by your Executive Com- mittee prescribing "no rule or regulation for the Fair," except that you will hold it on our Fair Grounds, under such rules and regulations as we may prescribe, provided they be first seen and approved by your Ex- ecutive Committee. Second, by your Presi- dent's agreeing to appoint such persons to be marshals and agents as we may nominate to him, and to enforce the regulations which we may have prescribed. As to our placing the large amount of property entrusted to us farther beyond our controul than this, it is impossible, with any- thing like fidelity to those of whom we are the agents, who look to us for the protection and preservation of their property from abuse or accidental destruction. 3d. You say that you cannot hand over to us your present surplus fund, nor lend us $12,000, the interest of it to be applied to the exigencies of the Fairs, because the 1st article of the 11th section of your Con- stitution provides that "all capital of the Society now or hereafter invested, shall be held a fund sacred to the cause of agricul- tural improvement, of \fhich the income only shall be subject to appropriation," and, therefore, you add, " that the whole of your [my] third proposition is without the sphere of our competency, and that the Farmers' Assembly only has authority in £he pre- mises." With all respect, I must be allowed to say that I do not understand this passage of your letter, especially when I read it in con- nection with the closing paragraph of that letter, in which you say that " the contin- gent fund of your Society is larger than it was last year, and the Executive Committee feel warranted in assuming larger pecuniary responsibility in conducting a Fair this year." j. 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 519 My third proposition was, that the State Society should hand over to the Central its present surplus funds, and lend to the Cen- tral Society $12,000. You reject the whole of it, because, as you say, it is beyond the sphere of your competency — making no dis- crimination between the transfer of a sur- plus fund and a loan of a part of your capi- tal. What, then, have you to expend upon a Fair this year more than you had last, un- less you mean to discriminate between sur- plus fund and contingent fund? which, I presume, you do not. Again : if you can- not appropriate your surplus fund, which I understand to be an annually accruing fund, not capital, and synonymous, therefore, with contingent funds, how can the Farmer's As- sembly do so ? inasmuch as it has the power to appropriate the income only, and you, the Executive Committee, have precisely the same power; or, you can incur no expense for a Fair, and the income of the State So- ciety must be perpetually reinvested in stocks until it becomes a great monument of its efforts, u to improve and advance the condition of agriculture" — but a monument, I fear, too much resembling that which the first Napoleon erected at the " Hotel des In- valids" — built of the trophies which he had taken from his victims. As to the loan, I presume, from your re- ply, that you misapprehended me. I did not propose that you should appropriate ahy part of your capital to the Central Society, but simply, that instead of lending the Cen- tral Society $7-0 per annum, of your sur- plus revenue, while you hold your Fair on our grounds, that you should lend the prin- cipal of that sum, upon ample security, de- manding no interest upon it while using our grounds. Can the Executive Committee make or i change an investment? If they can, there is nothing, allow me to say with all respect, in your objection. If they cannot, then they must have kept all their surplus funds uninvested since the last meeting of the Farmers' Assembly, and so must continue them until its next meeting. Permit me now to say a word or two as to your proposition to the Central Society. First, you assume that the City of Richmond will provide the police for the Fair, or money to pay for it, and, assuming that, you say that the State Society will hold its Fair upon the grounds of the Central Society, if they are furnished to it in ample order, it receiving the gate-money and all other incidental profits, and having the en- tire controul of the Fair; and, in return for this use of our grounds, the State Society will appoint a Committee of Arrangements for the Fair, to consist of live persons, and allow the Central Society the privilege of nominating two of them!!! Were it not for the high character which each of you sustain, I should regard this proposition as a wanton insult to the Cen- tral Society, intended to rebuke its pre- sumption for proposing any connection with the State Society. I cannot permit myself to believe — nay, am absolutely forbidden to believe, that such was your motive, and I frankly confess, therefore, that I am utterly at a loss to conceive what could have prompted you to make such an offer. By the time the Fair is held, the property of the Central Society will be worth at least $30,000 ; its officers will have bestowed, and must continue to bestow, much of their time and attention upon it, and the injury to it, arising from the Fair, will not be re- paired for less, probably, than $500. Do you really think the privilege of nominat- ing two members of the Committee of Ar- rangements an equivalent for the use of such property under such circumstances, and that the State Society renders the aid to agriculture which is justly expected of it, when it avows that such a privilege is the only contribution it can make for the purpose of establishing a suitable place for the permanent exhibitions annually of the products of the farmers and graziers, the artists and mechanics of the State, when the consequence must be, that unless, with- out such aid from the State Society, such places can be established by the liberality of the people, and Virginia will never wit- ness within he^r limits another Agricultural Fair or Cattle Show by her State Society ? If such be your opinion, I must be allowed to say, most respectfully, that I differ wide- ly from you ; and time, I think, will show that a great majority of the other members of the State Society concur in opinion with me. In concluding, allow me to repeat the deep regret which I and those with whom I have the honour to be associated, feel at the total frustration, as it seems at present, of our hopes that, in common with all the friends of agriculture in the State, and es- pecially in Richmond, the Central Society 520 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August would have found occasion for grateful ac- knowledgment to the State Society for its efficient encouragement of agriculture, the arts and manufactures, by a practical union with it in holding a great annual Fair at Richmond ; — but to add that we shall still be most happy to be authorized to make such acknowledgement by a change of the views and policy of the State Society which will warrant it, and to say, therefore, that I shall, to the latest moment practicable, be happy to receive any communication from you to that effect. I am, most respectfully, your ob't serv't,- JAS. LYONS, President Va. C A. S. To Messrs. Win. Gr. Crenshaw, Frank G. Ruffin, Franklin Minor, and Charles B. Williams, Committee of the State Agricul- tural Society. Office of the Va. State Agr'l Soc'y, ") Richmond, July 6th, 1859. j James Lyon's, Esq., President Va. Central Agr'l Society : Dear Sir. — Your letter of June 22d was received on the 28th, but owing to the in- disposition of one member of the Committee and the absence of another, an earlier at- tention to its contents has been impractica- ble. From the terms of your letter the Com- mittee regret to ascertain that there is no hope of their holding a Fair of the State Society in concert with your own, and as a matter of course, of holding one at all in the city of Richmond this fall. As you seem to have misapprehended somewhat the terms proposed by the State Society, as well as the tone with which they were submitted, it may not be amiss to give an outline of the correspondence, in the hope that such a recapitulation may aid in removing wrong impressions. Your letter of June 16th proposes a prac- tical union of the two societies upon the following basis : That the State Society shall hold its Fairs on your grounds, but in its name, for the next five years, and award tlfe premiums, but under your controul as to their amount; That it shall give you its present surplus (contingent) fund ; lend you $12,000 for ten years, without interest for five years ; and at the end of five years make a gift of that sum, if the contract for holding the Fair on your grounds be renewed for an- other term of five years, at the expiration of the first term, in consideration whereof the free use of the facilities under the control of the Central Society is tendered to the State Society for holding its Fairs in its own name, while on the part of the Central Society you propose to pay the premiums ; to controul their amount; and to retain the exclusive controul of the local management, police, &c, in your hands. To this our Committee reply, accepting, (conditionally) your offer to pay the pre- miums and expenses, and conceding the right to controul the amount of the premi- ums, provided the sums proposed as prizes should not fall short of those offered by the Society last year ; declining to accord to you the " exclusive" u local management, police," &c, because the Constitution of the State Society expressly imposes the responsibility on its President of appoint- ing all agents required to carry out the rules and regulations of the Executive Committee in whom this power is vested, and by whom it cannot be renounced, but offering to grant your object substantially by appointing such agents as you might approve. In regard to your demand of the present surplus (contingent) fund of the State Soci- ety, they agree in lieu thereof, to make you an allowance equal in amount to the priv- ilege to be retained to the Life, and such of the Annual Members of the State So- ciety, as shall be entitled thereto, of free admittance to the Fair Grounds, and to give you the entrance money of all the vis- itors, and the fees for exhibition, only stip- ulating that you shall charge our fee for exhibiting by those who are not members, thereby intending to exclude the sweep- stake feature of charging ten per cent, on all exhibitors, which was introduced and charged by the United States Agricultural Society last fall ; and not stipulating, as you allege, that you should be restricted in your charge on the entrance of visitors, this restriction applying only to ourselves, in the event of the acceptance of our alter- native proposition to which we shall pres- ently refer. They decline — because the Constitution forbade them to accede to it — your demand or a loan of $12,000 for ten years, without interest ior five years, and to become a 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 521 gift at a future time, but propose to recom- 1 present any ground of offence or even of mend to the Farmers' Assembly to author-' dissatisfaction. ize such loan on proper conditions; and, Bear with us in making one other re- they decline to make any arrangement for! mark. In submitting to you our altcrua- any term of years, because they had no'tive proposition, wo ventured to presume right to do it. In view of the possibility of these modi- fications being unsatisfactory to you, they further propose, alternatively, to hold the Fair at cheir own expense on your grounds, upon the basis of all their previous Fairs, and upon terms more favourable to you than Petersburg, accepted last year, and which they hoped would prove agreeable to you who had then agreed to give the United States Agricultural Society $12,000 to hold a Fair in Richmond ; or, in other words, to guarantee them against loss to that ex- tent. This hope they felt authorized to in- dulge, as they could not suppose that you held the interests of the State Society in less regard than those of the Society you paid so handsomely for accepting your liberal in- vitation. Your last letter declines the modifications proposed to your first proposition, and re- jects the alternative offer of the Committee. That letter proposes nothing new ; and con- sists mainly of arguments against the po- sitions of the Committee, which have not convinced them, and of inferences in which they do not concur. It is useless, there- fore, to state its terms, especially as in an effort to do so they might unwittingly weaken its force. It is only deemed pro- per to notice that part of it in which you say that, " were it not for the high charac- ter which each of you sustain, I should re- gard their (alternative) proposition as a wanton insult to the Central Society, intend- ed to rebuke its presumption for proposing any connection with that Society." Permit us to assure you, that so far from meaning such an outrage, we were actuated by an " earnest desire," courteously expressed, to unite with you on such terms as we thought conducive to your interests and ours ; and as the Union Agricultural Society of Pe- tersburg had last year accepted a less lib- eral proposition, and as you were not known to have been offended at the demand of $12,000 on the part of the United States Agricultural Society as the condition of their holding a Fair, we could not for a moment suppose that our offer to hold one that the city of Richmond would furnish the police, &c, but did not intend to be understood as making that a condition pre- cedent to our holding the Fair. We had just been considering your proposition to controul the local management, to furnish the police, &c, and did not doubt but that you expected in so doing the city would as- sist you as it had done last year ; we thought, therefore, that on the supposition of our holding the Fair, and assuming the local management, and the payment of the premiums and expenses, the city would be as liberal to us as it had been to you, and as it had been to us on several former oc- casions. We are, most respectfully, Your obedient servants, WM. G. CRENSHAW,) FRANK G. RUFFIN, ['Committee. CH. B. WILLIAMS, J Laburnum, July 9th, 1859. Gentlemen. — I have the honour to ac- knowledge your favour of the 6th instant, in reply to mine of the 22d ult., and with this acknowledgement should close the cor- respondence between us, were it not for the singular errors which you have embodied in what you term your " recapitulation" of the correspondence, and another superadded in the close of your letter. It is due to all parties concerned, but epecially to the Central Society, that those errors should be corrected, and with the correction of them, I shall close this cor- respondence on my part. The errors are — I. Mis-statement of the first clause of my proposal. That clause was : " That the State Society shall hold its Fairs upon the grounds of the Central Society, without liability for expenses or premiums. " In re-stating it, you omit the last clause, from the word " without," inclusive. II. Mis-statement of the third and fourth clauses of my proposal. The third clause was, that the State Society should hand over to the Central, its present surplus fund, and loan it $12,000, to be secured by a lien in connection with you for nothing, could I upon the Fair Grounds, but no interest to 522 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August be charged, while the agreement continues, (that is, while the State Society uses the Fair Grounds of the Central Society.) In re-stating it, you omit, wholly, to state the security proposed by us, and blend it with the fourth clause, making us, by your "recapitulation," ask of you a "gift" of $12,000, at the expiration of five years. Now, the fourth clause does not ask of you a gift, or anything else, at the expira- tion of five years. Its language is : " This agreement to continue for five years, and be renewed at the pleasure of the State Society, upon a release of the debt of $12,000." The wonder to me is that gen- tlemen of your intelligence could interpret this language into an appeal to you to go beyond your Constitutional " sphere," and make us a gift, when it plainly, and simply, extends to "the State Society," (and not to you its present Committee,) the privi- lege of renewing the contract for five years, provided that it (not you, its present Com- mittee,) slfall pay $12,000 to the use and benefit of agriculture, for the privilege, if it avails itself of it. We were willing to bear the toils and burthens of Agricultural Fairs for five years, while the State Society reaped the honours, and held the hoarded funds ; but we thought, and still think, that if we perform the task so satisfactorily that the State Society desired to renew the con- tract, it should, for the purpose of making our service more efficient, and our burthen lighter, pay at least $12,000 out of the $50,000, which the friends of agriculture and the arts and manufactures placed under its control for their benefit. And with all respect to you, we are of that opinion, and, indeed, find it more than difficult to con- ceive how the State Society could regard as a gift the expenditure by it in the cause of agriculture, of any portion of the funds which the friends of agriculture raised and put under its controul for the use and benefit of agriculture. Such expenditure by it being, in our opinion, nothing but an ap- propriation of a portion of the trust-fund to the uses and purposes of the trust, ac- cording to the intent and design of those who created it. In this opinion I should be most happy to have the concurrence of the State Society, because I believe the be- neficent ends of its creation would be there- by attained, and the great cause of which we are all the humble servants, advanced and promoted. But, whether you concur with us in this opinion or not, I hope you are convinced that I did not suggest to you the high misdemeanor of violating your. Constitution ; and that your agitation in behalf the Constitution has been quieted. That you are satisfied that it was no inva- sion of your " sphere" of duty to suggest, that your principals and masters might re- new a contract if they pleased to do so. III. You say that you proposed to recom- mend to the Farmers' Assembly to make us a loan of $12,000 "upon proper con- ditions." Pardon me for saying that you proposed no such thing, as you will see by referring to your letter. Your language in that let- ter is, "we think there would be no ob- jection on the part of the Executive Com- mittee to recommend to the Farmers' As- sembly to authorize such a loan, provided all other necessary arrangements could be made." To my comprehension (in all respect I say it) this sounds much more like the tale of " The House that Jack built," than a recommendation by the Executive Commit- tee to the Farmers' Assembly. You cer- tainly declare nothing in it, but that you have a thought, from which fact you infer that the Executive Committee may have a corresponding or somewhat similar thought, but whether they would excogitate that thought into a recommendation to the Far- mers' Assembly, or if they did what the nature of that recommendation would be, we are not advised, because no intimation is given of what is meant by " other neces- sary arrangements" to " be satisfactorily made." But what would a promise to make a recommendation to the Farmers' Assembly amount to, if you had made it ? About as much as a resolve to make an eel pie without first complying with Mrs. Glass's sage maxim, viz : "First catch your eels — then skin them," &c. When did you have the felicity to catch a " Farmers' Assembly;" and when do you think you will enjoy it again ? Never, probably, un- less the love of their great cause shall stim- ulate the farmers to get it up, in order that it may afterwards get rid of itself. But what is to become of agriculture in the meantime, and what to be done with the funds which the people have raised for the benefit of agriculture? Are they to re- main locked up in the coffers of the State 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 523 Society, as the vital principle of a nominal organization ? Was it to accomplish such an object that the State Fair was removed from Richmond ? I understand not ; for the Executive Committee- of the State So- ciety avowed that it removed the Fair from Richmond, because its contingent fund was not adequate to the expenses of a Fair, and the principal could not be touched, and therefore, it could not hold a Fair at Richmond, unless Richmond would advance a sum, which, added to the contingent fund, would defray the expenses of the Fair; and yet, when the Central Society, (the child of Richmond,) comes forward and offers to do the very thing which you required, by furnishing you with all the means to hold a Fair, and paying all its expenses, if you will give it your surplus fund ; you decline, and say " we have a thought, that the Executive Committee may have a thought, that the Farmers' Assembly (if it ever meets) ought to have a thought, that the thing ought to be done IV So much for the errors of your "recapit- ulation." But to them you have added another, and yet more remarkable error, in the allegation that the Central Society did more for the United States Agricultural Society than it is willing to do for the State Society, having given the former $12,000 to hold a Fair, while it will not permit the State Society to hold one " for noth- ing/ This is a most extraordinary error in- deed, and a most remarkable mis-statement of the case. Let me state the case pro- perly to you, and I entertain the most per- fect confidence that you will, when you read it, confess your error. The case, pro- perly stated, is this : The United States Agricultural Society offered a premium list of $10,000, and they consented to hold a Fair at Richmond if they were guaranteed against loss from that list, and the other necessary expenses of the Fair. This guar- antee the Central Society agreed to give, provided it should not extend beyond $12,000. The United States Agricultural Society accepted the guarantee, with the proviso. The Fair was held, we paid the premium list and other expenses, and had about $600 left. Now, what does the Cen- tral Socitety offer to the State Society? Does it offer less than it did to the United States Agricultural Society? No. But, on the contrary, it offers not a guarantee limited to $12,000, but, intending to pro- pose a premium list of $10,000, it offers the State Society an unlimited guarantee. It says to it, " Take our grounds, use all our facilities, hold the Fair, and award all the premiums in your name ; we will be at all the trouble, and keep everything in order, and pay all expenses, (no matter how large,) including the premiums; while you shall receive all the honour and eclat, if any ; and all that we ask in return is, that, to as- sist us in paying these expenses and pre- miums, you will contribute your " surplus fund." And, in the name of the great State Society of Virginia, not for the sake of agriculture, but in deference to certain constitutional doubts and scruples, you re- ject our offer ! Now, I appeal to you as candid gentlemen, as I know you are, to answer this question : Did the Central So- ciety offer more to the United States Socie- ty than it has offered to the State Society? And here let me add, that we claimed the controul of the premium list because we were afraid to entrust it to the State Society. One of the most important elements, if not the most important one, in a good Fair, is a large premium list ; and one of the prom- inent causes of the failures of the State Society, has been the absence of that ele- ment, and a small premium list. We in- tended to avoid that error, and have a large premium list ($10,000 at least ;) and, from the past action of the State Society, we in- ferred its future course, and were, there- fore, not willing to trust it, unconditionally, with the premium list. In conclusion, I beg leave to repeat the expression of the sincere regret which I, and those with whom I have the honour to be associated, feel at your determination, because the great cause of agriculture and the arts will suffer from it, we fear though we shall do all in our power to avert that con- sequence. Which of us is right the great body of the people must decide. And, as some of your officers or employees has fur- nished to the Examiner, or some one con- nected with it, (whose hostility to the Cen- tral Society is to me inexplicable,) an imperfect view of our correspondence, upon which an article, unjust to both parties, but especially to us, has been framed, I hope you will send to the Editor a complete copy of the correspondence, with a request that he will publish it, and I will cause copies of 524 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August it to be Bent to the Editors of the other papers for publication. With great respect, T am your obedient servant, JAMES LYONS, President Va. C. A. S. To W. G. Crenshaw, F. Gh Iluffin, C. B. Williams, Esqs. — Committee. Office of the Va. State Ag. Soc'y, ") Richmond, July 16th, 1859. j James Lyons, Esq., President of Va. Cent. Ag. Society. Dear Sir : — We had not the pleasure to receive your letter of the 9th instant,* but having seen what purports to be a copy of it in the " Richmond Enquirer " of the 13th, we proceed to answer it through the same medium : You call our attention to what you are pleased to term " the singular errors which (we) have embodied in what (we) term (our) ' recapitulation ' of the correspond- ence between us and another superadded in the close of (our) letter." In tracing an outline of a lengthy cor- respondence, it was not to be expeeted that there should be a full reiteration of all that had passed, but such a brief reference only to what had before been elaborately dis- cussed as would serve as an index to the correspondence. Yet, if in condensing * Note- -Armory, Richmond, JuJy ) 18th, 1859—7 P. M. 5 Dear Sir: — I have just heard of a grave error on my part, which involves Mr. James Lyons in an apparent lac? both of official and perso- nal courtesy. Thus : Mr. Lyons sent to me from his residence in the country his last communi- cation to your Executive Committee, with a note to send itto you. This note Idid not see, it having dropped from the bundle without my notice. Thinking this was but a copy to be put on re- cord, and that he had directly sent the original note to you, I rested quiet, not doubting but that all had been done rightly. I now learn that you never received, of course, the communica- tion, nor did your Executive Committee see it until in the "Enquirer/' I lament this mistake the more because it in- volves Mr. Lyons, when, even to this moment, he knows not of the error ; but I shall inform him in the morning. I ask it as a favor that you will explain this to the several gentlemen composing your Execu- tive Committee. Most respectfully, yours, C. DIMMOCK, Sec'y Va. C. A. S. C. B. Williams, Esq., Sec'y Va. State Agricultural Society, Richmond. ours, we have in anything come short of the full measure of justice due to the Cen- tral Society, we sincerely regret it, while we disavow such intention, and profess our perfect willingness, as in duty bound, to stand corrected. You too, we doubt not, will confess to a reciprocal obligation in re- lation to the State Society. We are sorry we left out the words in our reference to your first proposition, by the omission of which we incur the imputation of " mis-statement." But, if it was a " sin- gular error " on our part to have done so, in not citing the words " without liability for expenses and premiums" although we state distinctly in the next paragraph that " you propose to pay the premiums," (and the omission of the word " expenses " was merely accidental,) is it not truly marvellous that you, who are the first to complain, should have been the foremost to transgress your own rule, and should be found to have committed the self-same " singular error," when in attempting to restate our proposi- tion you omit the important fact contained in the words " the Fair to be conducted at the expense of the State Society ?" In other words — with " liability for premiums and expenses." Yet you have done this, not once but twice in your letter of June 22d. With respect to your second, third and fourth proposals, we refer to them and adopt them in their original form, as no restate- ment of them can add to their clearness, or make them more intelligible. It is unfortunate in referring to them that we should have used the term " gift," to which you so much object, albeit we are not sensible of tfce impropriety of its use, even in the sense in which you understand it, for you were willing in consideration of the interest of the $12,000 to grant us the free use of your grounds, facilities, &c, for five yews, but for the renewal of the con- tract for another equal term, you demand the surrender of the principal, in addition to the interest, without offering any addi- tional consideration for it. Is it not plain then, that the surrender of a debt without consideration, is of the nature of a gift or something very near akin to it ? But, if you will re-examine the passage of our let- ter in which the word occurs, you will at once perceive that we used it not in the ab- solute sense you supposed, but only in a qualified sense ; for we say " at the end of 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 525 five years, make a gift, of that sum if the contract for holding the Fair on your grounds be renewed," &c, " in CONSIDERA- TION "WHEREOF, the free, use of all tin- fa- cilities under the controul of the Central So- ciety is tendered to the State Society for holding its Fairs in ill oicn name; while on the part of the Central Society ; you r-RO- POSE TO PAY THE PREMIUMS, to COntroul their amount, and to retain the exclusive controul of the local management, police, &C, in your hands." As well might it be maintained that the free use implied the gra- tuitous use of the Society's grounds, as that the gift of the $12,000 loan upon a certain contingency, and for a specified considera- tion implied an absolute donation. Under similar qualifications we understand you to use the word " lending/' as it occurs in the following paragraph in your letter of the 22d ultimo, viz: " I did not propose that you should appro- priate any part of your capital to the Cen- tral Society, but simply that instead of lending the Central Society $720 per an- num of surplus revenue while you hold your Fair on our grounds, you should lend the principal of that sum upon ample secu- rity, demanding no interest upon it while using our grounds." Now as this paragraph reads, is it not a " mis-statement " of your own proposition ? And, is it not perfectly manifest that you use the term " lending " as synonymous with " hand over," as its use occurs in this correspondence, and in an entirely different sense, too, from that in which the word " lend" is used by you in the same sentence? The way being open for the correction of "mis-statements," we have to call your at- tention to one, and still another of yours, before we come to consider what you are pleased to call "a most extraordinary error" and "a most remakable mis-statement" on our part in relation to your arrangement last year with the United States Agricul- tural Society. "We cite, for remark, the following para- graph, bristling with a terminal accompani- ment of admiration marks arrayed like the pegs upon a ten-pin alley i " First, you assume that the City of Rich- mond will provide the police for the Fair, or money to pay for it, and, assuming that, you say that the State Society will hold its Fair upon the grounds of the Central So- ciety, if they arc furnished to it in ample order, it receiving the gate-money and all other incidental profit*, and having the en- tire controul of the Fair; and, in return for this use of our grounds, tin- State Society will appoint a committee of arrangements for the Fair, to consist of five persons, and allow the Central Society the privilege of iiciiiiuatiug two of them ! ! !" We have already shown that you omitted the fact that the State Society proposed to conduct the Fair at its own expense; but, if you will turn to our proposition, you will find another " mis-statement" or two, which we doubt not you will, on second considera- tion, deem to be constituent elements of our proposition, too important to have been over- looked in determining what our offer really was. 1st. It was important to have stated that, .upon the basis of our previous Fairs, stock and other subjects of exhibition offered by persons not wishing to become members, (for members pay nothing for entrance fees,) would be admitted to competition for the premiums of the Society simply by one pay- ment of three dollars. The importance we attach to it is : It shows that v;e pay the premiums we offer out of the ordinary re- ceipts of membership fees, gate fees, &c, without levying an excise of 10 per cent, of the amount of each premium offered, upon the exhibitors, for every article enter- ed for competition, as was done by the Uni- ted States Agricultural Society, conducting its Fair in connection with you and with your concurrence last Fall. A measure by which the funds were directly increased $1,500, and indirectly $2,000, the awards of premi- ums having been prevented to that extent — a new mode of encouraging and fostering agri- cultural improvement — the effect of which was to make the exhibitors, to the extent to which they were taxed, pay the premiums. Call you this "skinning of eels ?" Or is it a " monument" — after your copy-right pat- tern — to signalize your peculiar care for and identification of interest with "the farmers and graziers, the artists and me- chanics of the State," erected a la Napo- leon, u of the trophies which you have taken from your victims ?" 2d. It was of very great importance too, that you should not have overlooked and have omitted to mention that wt offered to allow free admittance of cdl the members of the Central Society on the same terms on •which our own are admitted. 526 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [August You may consider this of so little moment as not to be worth mentioning as any part of the " return," we proposed to make you, for the use of your Grounds, but, however, that may be, we thought far otherwise. When we were treating with you, on the basis of your first offer, we said, " as the Central So- ciety proposes to release the State Society from responsibility for expenses and premi- ums, we deem it but just and reasonable." * * * " that an allowance be made to the Central Society of an amount in money equivalent to the privilege to be reserved to the life" and annual members "of the State Society," and that the whole of the gate money and other incidental receipts of the Fair, be deemed to constitute part of said allowance. You say, " the injury to your Grounds, arising from the Fair, will not be repaired for less, probably, than $500." But, will not the receipts of all the annual member- ship fees, received from the members of your Society, more than quadruple the amount ? Where, then, is the propriety of your taunting question — " Do you really think the privilege of nominating two members of a Committee of Arrangements an equiva- lent for the use of such property under such circumstances, and that the State So- ciety renders the aid to agriculture which is justly expected of it, when it avows that such a privilege is the only contribution it can make for the purpose of establishing a suitable place for the permanent exhibitions annually of the products of the farmers and graziers, the artists and mechanics of the State, when the consequence must be, that unless, without such aid from the State Society, such places can be established by the liberality of the people, and Virginia will never witness within her limits another Agricultural Fair or Cattle Show by her State Society. We answer your question by asking an- other. When and where has the State So- ciety avowed that such a privilege is the only contribution it can make for the pur- pose of establishing, &c? and do you really think that we have offered you no other re- turn for the use of your grounds than the privilege of nominating two members of the Committee of Arrangements ? Having now disposed of your "mis-state- ments," we will proceed to pay our respects to the concluding part of your letter, which has reference to what you term ours. We are charged with a "yet more re- markable error in the allegation that the Central Society did more for the United States Agricultural Society than it is willing to do for the State Society, having given the former $12,000 to hold a Fair (omitting our explanatory clause, 'in other words, to guarantee them against loss to that extent/-) while it will not permit the State Society to hold one for nothing." "This," you say, " is a most extrordinary error, indeed, and a most remarkable mis-statement of the case." " The case properly stated," you add, " is this: The United States Agricultural So- ciety offered a premium list of $10,000, and they consented to hold a Fair at Richmond, if they were guaranteed against loss from that list, and other necessary expenses of the Fair. This guarantee of the Central Society agreed to give, provided it should not extend beyond $12,000. The United States Agricultural Society accepted the guarantee with the proviso. The Fair was held, we paid the premium list and other necessary expenses, and had about $600 left. Now, what does the Central Society offer to the State Society ? Does it offer less than it did to the United States' Society? No. But, on the contrary, it offers not a guarantee limited to $12,000, but (intending to propose a premium list of $10,000,) it of- fers to the State Society an unlimited guar- antee. It says to it, "take our grounds, use all our facilities, hold the Fair, and award the premiums in your name; we will take all the trouble, keep everything in order, and pay all expenses (no matter how large), including the premiums, while you .shall receive all the honor and eciafe, if any, [and if none, what? why the mere name of hold- ing a Fair!'] And all that we ask in re- turn is, that to assist us in paying these ex- penses and premiums, you will contribute your surplus funds." In other words — al- though you had just said that you offered the State Society an unlimited guarantee, paying all expenses, &c, (no matter how large,) we must, to assist you in paying, &c, just allow you to "eat the malt that lay in the house that Jack built" Let us now stop and subject all this to the test of analysis. You ask, "what does the Central Society offer to the State Society? Does it offer less than it did to the, United States Society?" You answer "No." We I 1859.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 527 say the offer was far less favorable to the State Society — in this: that you demanded the whole of its surplus fund, amounting to between three and four thousand dollars, while from the United States Society you asked not one cent! " But," you continue, " on the contrary, it offers not a guarantee of $12,000/' "but it offers to the State So- ciety an unlimited guarantee," &c. Why, then, if this offer was not less than that made to the United States Society, are you unwilling that the State Society should hold a Fair on the same terms? or, on the offer of the State Society to hold it on the same terms, minus any guarantee at all? Are we not justified in saying, you held the interest of the United States Society in higher regard than you did that of the State Society? — But this is not all. You engaged to do yet more — even to "hand over" to them your "surplus funds" after defraying all necessary expenses and premi- ums, not even retaining the receipts from membership fees, paid by the annual mem- bers. This abundantly appears, from your con- tract with the United States Society, setting forth that the Virginia Central Society pledged itself to pay "all the premiums and other necessary expenses of the United States Agricultural Society, provided the amount should not exceed the sum of $12, 000, and to pay over to it the surplus (if any) arising from the gate and entry fees, and fees of membership, paid by the annual members, after deducting all the expenses of the Fair, including premiums." It fur- ther appears, that so the President of the United States Society understood it, who, in his letter to you, (see Richmond " Enquirer" January 19, 1859,) remarked: "The basis of all our negotiations has been, that the United States Society were to bring all the weight of its 'prestige,' its 'machinery/ and the service of its officers, to the aid of the Virginia Central Society in advancing the success of the Fair: and, in return, were to receive, in addition to their premi- ums and necessary expenses, whatever sur- plus might remain after defraying the neces- sary expenses of the Fair." Now, the whole matter resolves itself into this: that the better arrangements offered us, required of us to pay fully one-fourth of all the premi- ums and expenses, under the specious de- lusion of an "unlimited guarantee," while the worse arrangement (and worse, indeed, it was to you,) offered to* the United State Agricultural Society, not only the guarantee of $12,000, but also to pay over to them the surplus profit* arising from holding the Fair. You appeal to us "as candid gentlemen," to answer this question: "Did the Central So- ciety offer more to the United Slates Society than it offered the State Society?" We have answered it in anticipation and with all candor, that you did; nevertheless, as on this point we seem to misapprehend each other, if you are desirous of accommodating the State Society with terms equal to those accepted by the United States Society, the whole matter is compressed within the com- pass of a nut-shell, and may not after all be difficult of solution. We propose, then, to unite with you on the basis of your contract with the United States Society, and if any of the details of the contract cannot be reconciled with the requirement of our Constitution, we are ready to submit to the adjudication of dis- interested persons mutually chosen, the ad- justment of the details in all cases of de- parture from those embraced in the said contract, so as to substitute others which shall in no event operate to the disadvant- age of the Central Society. In conclusion, we express the hope that you will not decline the proposed union upon the basis indicated, and that arrangements may be speedily made for issuing the Pro- gramme of a Fair to be held on your Grounds in October. We remain, dear sir, with respectful consideration, your obedient servants, WM. a. CRENSHAW, - ) FRANK G. RUFFIN, [ Committee. CH. B. WILLIAMS, ) Laburnum, July 20, 1859. To the Editors of the Enquirer : Gentlemen. — I have just read in your paper, the resume of the Executive Com- mittee of the State Agricultural Society, which, professing to be a reply to my last note, is a laboured attempt to draw off at- tention from its own errors, by a great out- | cry over certain omissions and inaccuracies. : In mercy to you and your readers, I shall •not review this last work of the Committee nor even point out its numerous errors and ' fallacies, because I am sure that even the : casual reader will be struck with its beau- 528 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August ties and sensible of its errors on the first reading. My purpose is simply to put myself right, in respeet to one matter, over which the Com.mittee rejoice much, as over a de- tected error, and to confess some of the "manifold sins and wickednesses/' which they ascribe to me. The first matter is the use of the word "lending," instead of the word "handing," in speaking of the annual surplus of $720. The word which I used was " handing," making the paragraph read, " In stead of handing to the Central Society $720 per annum, &c, you should lend the principal of that sum." But, as you know, I write unfortunately a bad hand, and one difficult to read, es- pecially when I write rapidly, as I gener- ally do, and in coj^ying my letter, the copy- ist made " lending" of " handing," and it escaped my observation. In doing this, (for which he is in no wise censurable,) the copyist made me mis-state my own proposal and make it absurd ; and I do not perceive that it is at all relieved of that quality by the remarkable assumption of the Committee that lending and handing were used as sy- nonymous terms. In the next place I have to confess my error in failing to comment upon the proposal of the Committee to per- mit the members of the Central Society to enter their own Fair Grounds during the Fair upon the same terms upon which the members of the State Society should be ad- mitted. I did not notice this offer, because, as the Committee say, I considered it " of so little moment as not to be worth men- tioning," and because it really seemed to me to be so ludicrous that I supposeed it was a lapse of ihe pen. In this, also, I have to confess that I was in error, for the Committee now assure me that the proposal was gravely made and "far otherwise" than unimportant ; and I now perceive its merits and' really confess that it partakes of that high order of wit which gives notice of its presence to the astounded listener by the peal which follows the unseen flash, and which rolls through the whole essay of the Committee like a pondrous ball over a ten- pin alley stuck full of pegs. Indeed, it is quite equal to the best of Jerremy Didler or Beau Hickman, when the one was seeking information and the other a dinner. If I had been as well in- formed then as I am now, I should not only have noticed it ; but certainly honoured it with " a terminal accompaniment of ad- miration marks, arranged like the pegs upon a ten-pin alley ;" but the truth is, that my poor learning had not instructed me that a ten-pin alley had pegs on it arranged like pins ; or that there was such a thing as " a terminal accompaniment." I will never be caught in the same fix again, however, for whenever I roll a ball over a ten-pin alley I shall keep a bright look out that it en- counters none of the pegs ; and I am sure I shall never hear a deep-mouthed fox- hound open upon the trail, or think of the Executive Committee, without recollecting that there is such a thing as "a terminal ac- companiment" — and thus instructed, I will examine, for a moment, the last view of " a terminal accompaniment/' presented by the Committee in its proposal to take the place and attitude of the United States Ag- ricultural Society ; and to refer to a board of arbitrators the settlement of all disputed details, after a deliberate effort to arouse old prejudices against that Society, by de nouncing it as an eel-skinning concern, and then to transfer the prejudice to the Central Society. Forbearing to say of this proposal many things which my learning in the new lingo of "terminal accompaniment" suggests, I content myself with saying, that we have had enough of foreign Societies, (though I mean not to reflect upon the United States Society ;) and, as the State Society has placed itself in that category, we have done with it. We shall never again seek the aid of a foreign Society to promote the cause of Agriculture in Virgiuia. The peo- ple of Virginia will sustain us, and, if they do not, the generous people of Richmond, to whose paternal care we owe our being, will. Of course we decline the tip end of the " terminal accompaniment" — the reference; because, as we cannot surrender ourselves to the foreigner, we cannot authorize others thus to surrender us; and, because the reference must be obviously unequal, and therefore unfair. The Committee have al- ready declared that they cannot accept our terms because of their constitutional diffi- culties, and in just respect to them, I am bound to suppose that those difficulties would not be removed by the opinion of a Board, and the reference would amount, therefore, to nothing more than the enquiry, whether the terms proposed by the State Committee should be accepted or not, excluding all L850.] til I! .nil 1! |,t; n P L \ \ I E R 529 consideration of our terms. This is "a terminal accompaniment," hanging alto- gether on one side. But we have no au- thority to refer to a Board to decide how k ye shall discharge the trust which has boon .1 in us. That would ho, illegally, to lelegate to others the power which lias been lelegated to us. This may be within the 4 constitutional sphere" of the Executive Committee of the State Society, but it is mt within ours. I must s;iy, therefore, to nir foreign friends, we shall continue our Worts, unaided by them, to give annually i Fair ami Cattle Show which shall advance he greal cause of agriculture and the arts, ind reflect some credit on our State, and ,ve hope to meet them there as our guests. JAMES LYONS, President Va. Central Agrl &oc'y. The report and accompanying resolutions fere accepted and unanimously adopted. The Committee adjourned until to-mor- row morning at half-past 8 o'clock. Wednesday morning, July 27th. The Executive Committee met pursuant to adjournment. PRESENT, Edmund Euffin, President, Minor, Dulany, Scott, Stokes, Crenshaw, Nelson, and Overton. On motion of Mr. Dulany, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously idopted : .Regarding it as highly important that the members of the State Agricultural So- ciety shall clearly understand the various propositions which have recently passed be- tween their Executive Committee and that bf the Virginia Central Society, and also the great necessity there is for procuring .mother meeting of the Farmers' Assembly, therefore, Resoloedy That a Committee of three be ippointed to address a circular letter to the members of the Society, setting forth brief- ly the several propositions of the Central Society and the State Society for a Fair in Richmond and urging the members of our Society to elect delegates to the Farmers' Assembly, and to exert themselves to ob tain a full meeting of that body, and a large attendance of the Farmers generally at the Fair to bo held in Petersburg. Committee, R. II. Dulany, F. Miner, \Y. (i. Crenshaw. The premium list was examined, reri and adopted, ami its publication ordered in the usual manner. On motion of Mr. Minor, Raolvedf That, hereafter, the subjects of experiments, Essays and other written Communications offered for premiums at the annual lair be referred to the Execu- tive Committee, who may retain them for careful examination and comparison, until the quarterly meeting in January next fol- lowing, when they shall announce their awards if agreed upon, or hold them for further consideration until the next stated meeting thereafter if they shall* think proper to do so. • The Secretary communicated the resig- nation of Col. Win. Townes as a Vice Pres- ident of the Society, which was accepted, and thereupon Lewis E. Harm, Esq., was elected Vice President to fill the vacancy. | On motion of Mr. E. Ruinn, the follow- ing " Special Premium" was ordered to be I added to the schedule adopted for the next i Fair : SPECIAL PREMIUMS For the successful and economical appli- cation, in actual operation, of steam-power to tillage purposes, as a substitute for team or animal power — to drain, and to work plows, harrows, rollers, clod-crushers, or any sub- jstitutes thereof, operating either to break, subvert, or pulverize the soil, or otherwise to prepare it for putting in seed, or for the | production of crops on level or moderately undulating land — a premium of $500. As conditions necessary for competing for, or obtaining this premium, it shall be required by the judges that full trials shall be made of the implements or machines of- fered, in practical labours and performance, and for as much time, before or after the annual exhibition as shall be deemed proper by the committee. And also that the op- eration shall be considered economical and profitable, and more so than the use of team labour for the same purposes, and on fields not less than fifty acres of size. Should there be more than one ma- chine competing for this premium, it will be awarded to the best, (if deserving it by sufficient merit,) — or if two be deemed deserving and of equal claims of merit, the premium shall be divided equally between them. 630 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [August Any person designing to compete must no- tify the Secretary of the Society (at Rich- mond. Va.,) of his intention at least forty day! before the Exhibition, and lie wiil then be notified when and where (on James river,) the machine must be brought and tried. It mib, also be exhibited on the Fair Grounds during the Exhibition. WILLIAM B. HARRISON^ WILLIAM C. KNIGHT, ROBERT DOUTHAT, JOHN A. BELDEN, RICHARD IRBY, W. W. GILMER, EDMUND 11UFEIN, Jr., ANNUAL REPORT The Secretary was directed to prepare the Annual lleport of the Executive Com* mittee. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. Messrs. Wm. C. Knight, Win. T. Scott,' Colin Stokes, and Ch. B. Williams, were appointed the Committee of arrangements to act in concert with the Executive Com- mittee of the Union Society in making all needed preparations for holding the Fair, the meeting of the Farmers' Assembly and the section or general meetings of the So- ciety. The Executive Committee then adjourn- ed to meet at Bollingbrook Hotel, Peters- burg, on Monday evening the 31st of Oc- tober, at 7 o'clock P. M. CH. B. WILLIAMS, Sec'y. RTJITIN'S PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GUANO. Peruvian Guano used alone is quite costly, an I is rarely attended with any permanent, and never with any considerable improvement. Phosphatic Guano used alone, though far less costly than the other, is yet not economical, because, being dissolve! slowly an I with difficulty, it rarely exerts any effect on the Wheat crop, and not much on the subsequent crop of ••<>-. The two used in intimate mixture, and costing less than Peruvian Guano, are sai I to be superior to either alone, that a fur less quantity of Peruvian Guano will produce a crop which would require a much larger application if used singly; and the Phosphatic Guano is made speedily operative on the Wheat, and permanently operati ve on the succeeding crop of clover, and on the land. One theory is, that the ammonia in the Peruvian liberates the phosphoric acid in the Phosphatic Guano, for the use of both wheat and clover. Another is, that the ammonia enables both Wheat and clo- ver to appropriate the phosphoric acid. Of the truth ol all this each man must judge tor him- self. The mixture would certainly seem to be judicious, because there is a growing demand for it from judicious, practical men — men whose names can stand a reference. Hitherto this demand has been met from Baltimore, or still farther North. I now propose to supply it from Richmond, with an article at least equal to any marie elsewhere. It shall contain 8 per ct. of ammonia, and not less than 45 per ct. of phosphate of lime. All who have heretofore t-atii-factorily used Manipulated Guano, may safely buy their supply of me ; and I ask those who have never tried it to try mine now by the side of Peruvian Guano. There is no secret in my ingredients or mode of manufacture ; and every farmer is at liberty to inspect the whole process. If he approves it, but thinks he can mix it more cheaply for himself, I will sell him the phosphates I use, and he may make the experiment, pro- vided he will buy enough of mine to compare them. All I claim to do is to grind and mix far better than the farmer can, to select a better phosphafe than he can, and to obtain it on better terms. My exp srience in the market alrea ly assures inc that it is far more difficult to ob- tain a good phosphate than a good Peruvian G.iano; and as, besides this, their complete effect depends on their thorough admixture, which can only be accomplished by perfect machinery, it is better l\>[- them to purchase the prepared article than the ingredients, when they are sat- isfied that they will get what they bargain for. That I profess to furnish all who deal with me. I have [ease I a large house on Cary street, opposite the Basin sheds, and lilted it up with com-- plete machinery, where 1 shall superintend the manufacture in person, and where 1 shall be happy to see all my friends. While I claim that this article, from the fact that it U reduced to a fine dry powder, will broad- cast better than Peruvian Guano, there is no question that for the same reason it will be vastly superior for the drill. Price, .$32 cash per ton of 2.000 lbs., and will vary according to changes in prices of ingre- dients. 1 have appointed the following persons as agents for the sale, from whom it can be obtained, on the same terms as from myself, viz: CRENSHAW* & CO., S. McGRUDER'S SONS, ALEXR GARRETT, PEYTON & ARCHER, Richmond; M. HOLLIXS & CO., Lynchburg. FRANK G. RTJFFIN. Richmond, July, 1859. In, SOUTHERN PLA&TER.— ADVERTISING Sill 4 Silver Medals— 3 Diplomas— 68 First Premiums! J. MONTGOMERY & BRO. 165 NoNh High Street, Baltimore, ma* inventors and manufacturers OF THKin DOUBLE SCREENED ROCKAWAY GRAIN FAN, Celebrated for their efficiency, durability and ease in working. We would state for the information of Farmera and the" trude, that our Fun is of t he largest siae — wiili InrgC and Fcreens, made of the host bright wire, on good strong frames. It is rriade especially for the Sou- Harket, where all implements ought to be of the best and strongest make. Wo do not hesitate for n it to say, that our Fan (considering the make, the number and quality of sieves, and the amount and of work it will do in a given time,) is from $10 to §15 cheaper than any' in the market. We have a BRANCH SHOP, at LYNCHBURG, VA., for the accommodation of those located in that section itrv. Our Fan is so universally known that it Is unnecessary for us to say more than it has not Mien in a trial any (hue during the last eight years, and cannot he heat. he present wheat crop is unusually full of cockle, every farmer ought to order one of our Double led Rockaway Fans at once, as it" is the only Fan in the market thut will clean the cockle from the ■ price of our Fans in Baltimore is $34 — and in Lynchburg $36. Orders addressed to us at either vill receive prompt attention. A liberal discount to the trade. respectfully refer to S. Sands, Esq., ex-editor of the "American Farmer," Baltimore, as to the charac- )ur Fan i and Win. Palmer, Sons «fe Co., our agents, Richmond, Va. 1859— ly J. MONTGOMERY & BRO., Baltimore, Md. BROOKHILL SCHOOL files North of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia. BELLES MINOR. M.D. ; A.M., Principal: i. R. Abbot, CSaB; Minor, Jr., Assistants. ession begins September 1st, 1850, and June 25th, I860, ivided into two equal ecess at Christmasi with two wee Subjects Taught : *lisli Language. in and Greek Languages. 3 Modern Languages. French, German, miiish, Italian. Anglo-SaxonJ thematics. 2 Elements of Natural Philosophy", Chem- try and Moral PhilbsnphyJ ilbgues, showing the plan of the School, ) those who desire it< SIMS— $250; to be paid half in advance; gtember and 1st February. Post Office and Depot, Charlottesville, na. iRENCEJj — The Professors and Visitors of uversity of Virginia ; Hon. W. C. Rives, m Depot. Albemarle*; Franklin Minor, Charlottesville; Lieut.' M. F. Maury. U, scrvatory. Washington : Rt. Rev. John Alexandria, Va. ; Charles T. Pollard and Jones. Esqs.. Montgomery, Ala; ; Hon C. f, Hnntsville; Ala. July — 3t 1 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE IN WAR* WICK COUNTY. This farm is located at the junction of Warwick and j James River, having a line view of both. It contains I 450 acres, of which about one-hall is cleared and in good heart; a large portion having beet] recently well limed. There are Oyster Shells enough at the land- ! ing to lime the residue, and wood ready cut to hunt j them; besides which there is an inexhaustible quanti- ty of Indian Cbre, one of the best of fertilizers. Nav- igable Water for large class vessels ; line oyster-plant- ! ing grounds, and fish at' the finest quality taken in abundance at the shore. The farm is well watered' (has a good sulphur spring on it,) and in as healthy as any spot in Virginia! convenient to church, schools* ; postoftice, &.v.. Within I5 hours' drive of Hampton and Old Point Comfort- The improvements consist of a good plain dwelling, ! with five robins, (not yet completed,) new large barn, I built df the hest materials, and other necessary out- nooses. Seventy bushels of wheat will he seeded this Fall. The stock, implements, &.c, on the place will ', be sold with it if desired. For terms and other infor- mation, applv to AUGUST & WILLIAMS, office: Southern Planter. oct 5S — tt' TURNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED! American Rata Bnga, per lb.. Imported do. do. Red Top Strap Leaf Turnip do. White Strap Leaf do. do. Early White Flat Dutch do. Long White French (Extra) do. YeliOw Aberdeen. do. Yellow Stone, do. And twenty-live oilier superio which sec mir Catalogues^ .1. M. THORBURN 2D!! 75 cts. 50 cts. 75 cts. 75 ctsi 75 cts. 75 cts. 50 cts. 75 cts! \ Co. Jul •-'» L5 John Street, Nev» \v\k> SOUTHKIIN PLANTER— ADVERTISING SHEET. MIL LEFEBVEE'8 SCHOOL, Grace Street, Between 1st and Foushee, RICHMOND, VA. The Dexi Bcssion of our School begins on the first day of October, 1869, ami terminates on the lar (.1 /une, I860. Our long experience in teaching, and the very liberal patronage we have received for so many ba\e both enabled and encouraged U8 to make important improvements in our Institution. A course of Literature, comprising English, Fr< neb, German, Italian and Spanish classics, (the foi through the medium of the French,) lias been successfully tried during the last session, and will be tinned and enlarged in the next. We hove engaged Mr. EDWARD C. Howard to take charge of the English part of this course, as the Rhetoric, Belles-Lettres and .first Reading classes of our Institution. Mr. II- is a gentleman highest qualifications— ond we (eel confident that bis services will be duly appreciated. We woul nestlv recommend our Literature class to graduating pupils. The new house which we have erected will greatly add to the convenieucc.ns well as to the com the young Ladies boarding in our family. Two Young Ladies only will occupy one room, except it: when three would desire to occupy the same chamber. HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A. M., Principal, Natural Philosophy • Literature, Moral and Mental Philosophy, French. WILLIAM G. WILLIAMS, A. B., Vice Principal, Astronomy, Mathematics, Chemistry, History EDWARD C. HOWAKI), Literature, Rhetoric, Belles Lettres, Reading MRS. GRACE BENNETT, MISS MARY C. GORDON, MISS ELIZA BARTLETT, MADAME L. V. BLANUHETT, SENOR CARLOS-CARDORVEZ MERA, MADAME MARIE ESI VAN. SIGNORIiNA ANTONIETTA ERBA, SIGNOR1NA MARIETTA; EKBA, JOHN A. CALVO, WILLIAM F. GRABAU, C. W. THILOW, HENRICH SCHNEIDER, O. ERICSSON, English Brandies. English Branches. English Brandies. Fr< neb Governess. Spanish and Ituliun. Vocal Music. Vocal Music. Piuuo. Drawing and Painting. Piano, Org;>n, Sacred Musi Piano. Harp. Guitar. For Board For Washing, ..... For Lights, ..... For Fuel, For English Tuition. . . . . For Modern Languages, each, For French, when studied exclusively of the Eiiglish branches, .... For Latin, . ... For Literature, ..... For Music on Piano, Guitar, Organ or Singing For one lesson (of ah hour) a week, For two lessons (of an hour) a week. For three lessons (of an hour) a week. ' TERMS. |200 CO j Eur four lessons {oi' an hour) a 20 00 J For Sacred Music in cla*s, 10 10 ; For the use of Piano, 10 00 For Drawing, from Models, . ; 40 00 For Drawing, from Nature, . 20 00 For Painting in Water Colors, . For Oil Painting, . Primary Department, for children under 1 years ot ag No extra charges. All letters to be addressed Id HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, Hickman au g— tf 40 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 80 00 120 (iO PAINTS. PAINTS. 'PAINT PUiiOILL, LADD & CO., DRXJOGrlSTS, No. 122 Main Street, corner 13th, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Offer al low prices, a large and well assorted stock of articles in their line— embracing PAINTS, COLORS, VARNISHES, OILS, &.G LEWIS' WHITE LEAD, MACHINE OIL, NEW J. WHITE ZINC, Horsehead brand, CHROME GREEN, VERDIGRIS. TERRA Dl SIENNA, LINSEED OIL, PARIS GREEN, CHROME YELLOW, TURKEY UMBKE, LA Ml' OILS, SPTS. TURPENTINE All Colors for Plliaterr, Coach Makers, and others, Dry and in Oil, Paint Brushes, Sand Paper, am large stock of best W [NDO¥ GLASS, dmprising n< made. We are also prepared to fake orders for Impoi Polished Plate, Sky Light and Ornamental Glass irticular attention to packing and I til goods — and the quality warranted PUKCELL. LAI Jon* I L»b & CO, Qnwfft ■±•2 Main Sliest. K.iql