Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/southernplanterd25sout THE SOUTHERN PLANTER; Bebotefc to ^grfculture, ^ortfculturcr, anfc the ^ousefiolti girts. Agriculture is the nursing- mother of the Arts. Xenophon. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State. Sully. C. T. BOTTS, Editor. Vol. II. RICHMOND, MAY, 1842. No. 5. CORN STALK SUGAR. We are indebted to H. L. Ellsworth, Esq., the most excellent commissioner of patents, for a very interesting pamphlet published under the superintendence of the National Agricultural •Society. It contains two articles ; one, on the subject of making sugar from the stalks of In- dian corn, and the other, upon the separation of the solid constituent of fatty substances for can- dles and other purposes. Some time during the last year, Mr. William Webb, of Wilmington, Delaware, exhibited in Philadelphia some specimens of sugar obtained from the stalks of Indian corn, that attracted considerable attention, and were much admired for their superior quality. All vegetables contain more or less of saccharine matter, and there are few substances in nature out of which sugar nKjy not be made. We had thought, however, that there was nothing yet discovered that could compete with the sugar cane. We, therefore, looked upon Mr. Webb's operations rather as curious, than likely to lead to any very practical results, and paid very little attention to the sub- ject. We confess that this pamphlet, which is neither more nor less than the publication of an address delivered by Mr. Webb upon the subject, places the matter in a new light, and renders the subject one of the deepest interest to our readers. Mr. Webb claims to have discovered a new and practical use for our great crop of Indian corn. If he is correct in his estimates, we are destined to become the sugar growers of the world. Maiz3 or Indian corn is our peculiar product, and Mr. Webb thinks that sugar can be obtained from it at less expense than from any other article known to the world. The many temptations offered by* eur pros- perous and happy government to the enslaved population of Europe, has already produced a tide of emigration that has filled the channels of industry at present open. In almost every branch we are producing to excess, and nothing is more wantin jt nan new resources for the sur- plus labor that we have already collected. This Vol. 2—13 desideratum, if his estimates are correct, Mr. Webb has obtained, and he deserves to be ranked amongst the benefactors who have added to the variety, and consequently, to the extent of the products of his country. We have said, that the fact, that sugar could be extracted from Indian com, was not new ; but Mr. Webb, by dint of sound reasoning and untiring experiment, has discovered the mode of management, by which the business may be made profitable. The corn should not be per- mitted to ear, nor the stalk to grow large. For this purpose, the corn is sowed in drills, and the ear nipped off in the embryo state, whereby the saccharine juice of the sap is retained in the stalk. By the bye, it seems, that M. Pallas, a citizen of that nation, which robs all others of the merit of discovery, had, as early as 1839, de- monstrated to the Polytechnic Society of Paris, the great saccharine properties of Indian corn, and the method of increasing them by separat- ing the ear from the plant immediately after the tasselling. This essay Mr. Webb had never seen, and al hough he arrived at the same re- sults, he went far beyond the speculations of the Frenchman ; he has actually made the sugar, of a quality pronounced to be far superior to any thing obtained from the beet with so imperfect an apparatus. He has found that the raw juice of maize is, in sicch trine matter, to the juice of Louisiana cane, as 10 to S, and to beet juice, as 10 to 3. He feels assured from calculations founded on f xp< riments, that from 800 to 1,000 lbs. of sugar can be obtained from an acre pro- perly cultivated in Indian corn. Mr. Webb en- deavors to demonstrate, in the first place, that sugar must be made elsewhere than in the tro- pics. Statistics, he says, prove that a greater quantity of labor is annually required in the West Indies for the production of the same amount of sugar ; that emancipation in some of the Islands, and the unpopularity of the slave trade, are daily lessening he only labor that has been hitherto foui.d for this laborious and toil- some production. So that whilst the demand is 98 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. hourly increasing, causes are daily operating to I lessen the supply from the tropics. Out of the tropics, the cane seldom matures, and he, there- fore, compares the corn with the cane in Loui- siana. The cost of seed is, as one to thirteen ; the expense of planting, one to fifty ; the culti- vation about the same, the manufacture infi- nitely less, and the product per acre equal. The beet, especially in this country, he thinks, will bear no comparison with it. The greater facility of cultivation, the peculiar adaptation of soil and climate, the greater freedom from foreign admixture in the juice, all combine to render the corn cheaper and more profitable than the beet sugar. In the manufacture of the sugar from corn, one of the* greatest advantages seems to be de- rived from the softness of the stalk, compared with cane, whereby, the power and machinery required to express the juice, are so much lighter and cheaper. Whilst we have endeavored to condense Mr. Webb's general views upon this important sub- ject, we have purposely omitted the detailed directions he gives for the manufacture of sugar ; for, although we hope much from his ingenious labors, we do not consider the profits of the bu- siness fully established, or that the day has come, or will perhaps ever come, when, as he infers, the process will be so simplified, as to render every man his own sugar maker. For the Southern Planter. DRAINING AND MANURING. JWr. Editor, — It may be safely affirmed that the two most prominent remedies for the im- provement of land consist in draining and ma- nuring. To have a good understanding of these will go far to the speedy restoration of our worn out lands. I know a piece of land on which a friend of mine has put hundreds of loads of ma- nure, and yet the land looks very poor, arising from the too great abundance of water retained in the soil. As I often see in your useful paper, communications on both these subjects differing somewhat from my own views, I beg leave through the Planter to state a few things in re- ference to both. 1st. As it regards draining. There are many, who, although convinced that water retained in the soil neutralizes the fertilizing qualities of it, yet, are deterred from draining on account of the labor and expense, especially if wood is scarce with them. Now, the plan I pursue is certainly the cheapest of any I have yet seen recom- mended. It is as follows: I dig my drain, if possible, three feet deep, but so narrow at the bottom as just to let two pine poles lie side by side. Within four inches of the bottom, I lay pieces of pine of the same size with the poles across the drain, about four feet apart, on which the pine poles are to rest. These cross pieces are to keep the long poles from falling down on the bottom of the drain, and being four inches from it, give abundance of vent to the water. When I put down the long poles, it is necessary to reverse them, laying the thick end of one with the small end of the other ; then, on the top of the poles put the pine brush thick enough to prevent the loose dirt from falling under the poles. I know some have been in the practice of laying down three poles in the bottom, but it does not answer a good purpose long, and in a short time, it is seen that the labor and poles are thrown away ; but as long as poles will last under ground, you have a good drain ; one, that will last longer than a box drain of plank. Moreover, in many places, the ground, through which you cut a ditch, is so soft that no box drain will be of any service, on account of its sinking; this you will see is remedied by the cross pieces, which can be made to stretch far enough across on both sides of the drain, as to resist the pressure ; or if you choose, drive a stop down on each side of the drain for the cross piece to rest upon, as I have done many times. If I were near a saw mill, and had plenty of outside plank offered to me for nothing, I would make use of them to lay on the cross pieces ; but as every body has pine poles, it is poorly worth while to be hauling slab plank from a distance. I have only to add, that I have made drains of stone, of plank, and of poles, and pre- fer the latter, for expedition and cheapness. I could say much on the importance of draining land, but as I fear I would be troublesome to you, I shall proceed to the next article.* 2d. On the most judicious method of using, manure. I take it for granted that a majority of farmers admit that manure ought not to be deeply covered, but kept near the surface of the earth, and shall not, therefore, give the why or wherefore, only observing, that it is one thing to put manure near the surface, and another, to put it on the top, and leave it exposed to the wasting influence of exhalation. If, for exam- ple, it be hauled out and spread on ihe crop of wheat in the spring, or laid on ihe top of corn, so much of it is wasted by the influence of the sun and wind. Now, I am not saying that no good will be done to the wheat and corn by the above plan of surface dressing ; what we are in pursuit of, is the most judicious method of using manure. Let a piece of land be taken which * We will "trouble" Mr. F. if he pleases, for all he has to say upon ihe subject of Draining - ; but would suggest to him the advantage of using his full name instead of hie initials. C THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 99 has been in corn the previous year, plough it up well — haul out all the manure that can be spared — let it be scattered on this land, and, afier oats has been sown, harrow it over with a large har- row, then sow clover and run a heavy roller over it, and when the clover and oats are above the ground, sow a bushel of plaster to the acre, and you have, in my judgment, the best way manure can be used, both as it regards saving it from waste and improving land. The harrow incor- porates it with the earth sufficiently to prevent the ammonia from escaping, while every clod is pulverized by the roller, and manure and earth together brought directly in contact with the seed sown. J. F. SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES. We see that the Charleston Transcript is en- gaged in a very able demonstration of the ca- pability of the South to manufacture her own products. We have been long satisfied of the fact, and it would be just as reasonable for Vir- ginia to send her wheat and tobacco to be ma- nufactured in New England, or in Europ2, as it is in South Carolina to transport her cotton thousands of miles, to have it returned to her in manufactured goods. The perfect command of her laboring population, the subordination and system to which they may be subjected, the very low price at which their labor is obtained, being nothing more than the mere price of the plainest food and clothing, all combine to enable the South to compete with any portion of the globe, especially in the manufacture of her own products. Whence originates the idea that the North can manufacture cheaper than the South ? We answer, from the fact, that the price of northern white labor has been compared with the price of southern white labor. Habits of southern luxury infect even the mechanics within their influence, and render them unable to compete with their more economical brethren of the North. Con- sequently, in all of those articles, in which the cost of transportation is not too great, the}' have been driven from the market by northern impor- tations. Where there is any thing like equality in natural advantages, the southern artificer can never compete with the northern workman, until he learns to reduce his expenses to the same standard. This he will not do, whilst nature invites him to a more generous living in the cul- tivation of the earth. Here, we see, that the North manufactures cheaper, simply because she is less blessed by nature ; because her people are poorer, and be- cause the low prices, which the operative re- ceivesafter all theexpensesof getting his products to a southern market are paid, are still more than he can make at another calling, although infinitely less than would satisfy the farmer of the South. But we have another great class of operatives in our negro population, that are ac- customed to no such expensive habits ; whose labor is obtained for their victuals and clothes, the very lowest price at which it can be afforded any where. This labor, we maintain, can be made to compete successfully with any other upon the face of the earth. The only question is, how can it be most advantageously employed, and the answer heretofore has been, in the cul- tivation of the earth. But now that an over- production has reduced the prices of cur great southern staples, of cotton, wheal and tobacco, we believe it may be most advantageously di- verted to manufactures. If thus, ihe increase of our population drives a portion of our people to encroach upon what has been heretofore the peculiar business of our northern allies, and they are injured by it, we most heartily sympathise with their afflictions, and wish to God we could continue to follow one branch of the business, leaving the other to them. But charity begins at home, and we believe that the only means of employing a large portion of southern labor ad- vantageously, hereafter, will be to appropriate it to manufactures. But we will be told that manufactures have been tried at the South, and have universally failed. Manufactures have been established, generally, at the South by joint stock companies, and such, we believe, will fail wherever they are tried, either at the South or the North. The old proverb is, " if you want your business done, get some body to do it for } t ou, if you want it well done, do it yourself." Joint stock compa- nies always "get somebody to do it for them," and they, if not the business, are in the end pretty sure to get done. Another great mistake, we think, that is generally made in the estab- lishment of southern manufactories, is in the inordinate and unnecessary erection of expen- sive buildings, extra finish about machinery, a great deal of which is intended more for orna- ment than use. We have sometimes been sur- prised in visiting a northern manufactory, the reputation of which had created the imagina- tion of a splendid and extensive establishment, to find the whole works probably under a wooden 100 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. cover, presenting an unpleasing contrast with some of the expensive factories we had left be- hind us. But when we got inside, we found cheerful, active, regularly paid workmen, instead of neglected machinery and abandoned imple- ments, and this, because the capital of the pro- prietors was engaged in conducting their busi- ness, instead of being locked up in brick walls, I with elegant fronts, and finely ornamented win- ' dows. If instead of forming a joint stock company, any three men will unite their capital, one of them, at least, thoroughly understanding the mechanical part of the business they propose to conduct, purchase a parcel of sprightly negro boys, and take care to keep enough of their capital in money, to conduct the business, we believe they may engage in almost any branch of manufactures, with the certainty of success, For the Southern Planter. SIDE WIPER. C. T. Botts, Esc,. Deai- Sir, — Some of your readers desire a plan throughout, for making a crop of corn ; as I have usually had good success on good land, with good seasons you shall have my mode. The preparation for, and mode of working the corn crop, differ frequently on adjoining farms; in some instances from want of skill, or indus- try, but in many, from a marked difference in soil ; stiff clay land should be broken in the fall ; all other soils with which I am acquainted in this section of the State, will yield by far a better return for the labor spent from spring ploughing ; first you save (after planting) near half the work; secondly, your land is not so liable to wash, and will be in a better state for a wheat crop. Col. Isbel has written a very sensible ar- ticle for your paper on this subject; he and I agree as to the time of breaking most soils, but we differ widely as to the manner of planting, and working the crop. My plan is to plough with a three-horse plough and cutter ; turn the sod or soil perfectly ; har- row until the land is in nice order ; sometimes on turf I use a heavy roller to expedite the pre- paration — lay off with a three-horse plough, on high land, 5 feet — drop the corn from l£ to 2 and 2£ feet, according to the strength of soil- cover with the coulter where it will answer, and follow with the hoe, chopping, and putting in nice order. Where the coulter will not answer, we cover with the hoe. When the corn is about four inches above ground, we run a two-horse harrow plump over it — follow with hoes and thin to two stalks in each hill; then, after a time, (the length of which depends on circum- stances) the sooner the better, we run what is called a side wiper, the best tool for corn I have seen, (used no where that I have heard of but in Albemarle.) It is made with a beam 4 feet 8 inches in length, morticed into one 2 feet 6 inches, at an angle of about 45 degrees ; the i THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 101 handles are fixed as to a shovel or coulter, one tooth rather larger than the common cultivator fastened at top with a screw, is placed near each end, and one passes through both the beam and end piece. Follow with the hoes, and thin to one stalk per hill, chopping nicely ; after a time we run the side wiper again, three times in each row, which leaves the land level, the three-horse furrow having by the various workings neen levelled also. After harvest, if convenient, we walk over, hoe in hand, and chop out the large weeds, briers or bushes, which may have sprung up. The last of August and first of September, we cut and haul our corn to a lot near the barn, stack half a barrel at first, afterwards more — start two-horse ploughs to fallow the land for wheat. What corn we are unable to haul so far, is stacked round the fences, and in roads left for oats, twenty feet wide. We frequently haul home more than two-thirds the crop. Thus, when we begin sowing wheat, our fallow and corn land are all ready to sow down and harrow in. The amount of food thus saved, and its quality would amaze you, and many of your low land subscribers ; when you visit Albemarle you shall see it. Mr. Dicken's plan is good for flat, slash, or wet land, but the listing is needless with us ; I have not a neighbor who does it. We begin usually in March to plough for corn — prepare and plant one-third or half, 15th of April, as nearly as may be — last April, one-third, or near it — and about the 10th May, the balance; thus we are rarely hard pressed in working corn. We make large crops of tobacco, and used to make good wheat crops, but have failed for years ; the making corn is looked on by some of us as a light job, but in soils which run to- gether, hold w T ater, and have but little strength it is a serious business. Every section of country has its peculiar mode of farming and planting ; could you find the best manager in each county, and prevail on them one and all to give you his plan for making one crop, or all crops, you would have just so many different schemes!! Com maybe cut and shocked without injury earlier than the fod- der will be ripe, if put up well with an oak split, or grape vine near the top to prevent its falling. Over the Ridge, many graziers prefer this food to hay. After the harrow is run over the corn, is the best time for plastering. COLLONUS. Leigh, March 6, 1842. At the head of this article will be found an engraving of the implement which our corres- pondent calls a " Side Wiper," and of which he sent us a drawing. in common life things which are considered va- lueless are compared to a dog, yet the fidelity and affection of that valuable domestic animal have always made him an object of gratitude and care with man. If we should disregard his comforts, or neglect to alleviate his maladies, we should be wanting in those noble qualities in which he has set us the example. Some years ago, when residing in the upper country, I had a very beautiful and favorite pointer. He became mangy over his whole body, and very much reduced, so that I expected to lose him. I had a friend residing in the neighborhood who owned a tan-yard. He was kind enough to take my dog for a week or ten days, and dip him in the tan-vat several times each day. He was then rubbed well with a mixture of tanner's oil and tar, and sent home. In the course of a short time the scales began to peel off, and new hair to grow out. He soon became the sleekest and prettiest animal I ever saw, and was never again affected with the dis- ease, or even visited by vermin for a year or two. I often thought, by his playful antics that he was conscious of his obligations, and wished to express with kindness a gratitude which he felt ; but the obligations were transferred to me, for he lived to afford me many an hour of sport and many a nice dish of game. The disease is evidently infectious, and those that are subjects of it should not be permitted to consort with those that are not. I hope the brief remarks above, may lead to the relief of many a valuable animal for the mutual protection and enjoyment of himself and owner. W. J. Dupuy. P. S. — In the case above related, I first re- sorted to the usual remedies, such as sulphur, &c. without effect. — Farmers 1 Register. In the last " Southern Planter," a writer gives us a remedy for the mange in dogs. Although PIGGERY. In the Western Farmer we find a description of Mr. H. S. Kellogg's piggery, which is very much lauded by the Editor. Like many others, it has stalls with a division for straw for bedding, and a passage in the rear. Its great peculiarity is a swinging board, hang- ing perpendicularly over the centre of the trough. This may be bolted to either side of the trough, at pleasure, throwing the trough in the passage, or in the stall, as it is fastened to the front, or the back. This is a simple, ingenious, and use- ful arrangement. The hanging board being fastened to the front of the trough, the feeder in the passage may fill the troughs without moles- tation or hindrance from the impatient grunters. When this is done, he brings the board towards 102 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. him, and fastens it on the side next the passage, which, like the magic uncovering at the " Ex- change Hotel," brings the repast within the reach of the hungry expectants. BENEFITS OF DEEP PLOUGHING. A gentleman some days since, while convers- ing with us upon the subject of agriculture, re- lated the following instance in favor of deep ploughing. He said that his father, some twen- ty-five years ago, bought a farm which had been nearly worn out ; that the surface soil was al- most a bed of floating sand with a clay subsoil ; that after cultivating it in the usual way, of shallow ploughing, for two or three years, he became vexed at the smallness of product, and determined to try the virtue of deep ploughing: that to effect this, he procured two double-horse ploughs, and made one plough follow in the track of the other, so that he penetrated the earth fully twelve inches, and threw up half that number of inches in depth, of the subsoil upon the top of the sand thrown down by the operation of the plough. This experiment was first tried upon a field of twenty acres, late in the fall, intended for corn the ensuing spring. The ground after being thus ploughed was har- rowed and suffered to remain until sufficiently frozen to bear teams, when fifty bushels of lime to the acre was spread thereon. In the spring, the usual quantity of barn-yard manure was carted out, spread and ploughed in to the depth of four inches; after which the ground was harrowed, and an additional quantity of lime, at the rate of fifty bushels to the acre, was spread thereon, and harrowed in. Our informant assured us, that while this operation of deep ploughing was going on, his father's neighbors admonished him of the danger of poisoning his land ; but that when the corn crop came to be gathered, they changed their tunes, as instead of getting, as formerly, three or four barrels to the acre, there were housed 143 barrels of good corn and upwards of seven barrels of nubbins, and that the fourth year thereafter, after the field had been in wheat and clover, it brought rising of ten barrels of good corn to the acre, besides six of refuse corn. As the above facts will speak for themselves, we shall omit all comment. The above is extracted from the American Farmer, and is only another added to the thou- sand testimonials of the advantages of a deep soil. Every large growth, corn especially, re- quires it. It affords the surest protection against a drought, because the deeper strata, into which the roots will penetrate, are preserved free from the parching influence to which the shallower ones are exposed. The roots of some vegeta- bles are known to penetrate several feet, and wherever the roots of a plant are inclined to go, there, if possible, it should find its food. Still the cost must be remembered. Deep ploughing is in itself more expensive than shallow, and the subsoil turned up can only be converted into a good soil, sometimes, at very heavy expense. We must remember, too, that the new theory is, that much the largest portion of the food of plants is obtained from the atmosphere, through their leaves. If this be true, and the great Liebig says it is, it may be questioned whether, under certain circumstances, the expense of deepening the soil for the roots, might not be better bestowed in originating gaseous products for the leaves. We only desire to awaken attention to the whole matter, so that the operator may duly consider, and expend his means to the greatest advantage. POWDERED MILK. Kirchoff, a Russian chemist, who discovered the process of converting starch into sugar, has recently made, it is said, several experiments on milk, by which it appears that fluid may be pre- served for use for an indefinite time. Fresh milk is slowly evaporated by a very gentle heat, till it is reduced to dry powder, which is to be kept perfectly dry in a bottle, well stopped, for use. When required, it need only be diluted with a sufficient quaniity of water, the mixture will then have all the taste and properties of new milk. For the Southern Planter. MAKING, PRESERVING AND APPLYING MANURE. 1. Making. The making manure is like the making of other things ; every one has his own way, and thinks it best. A great deal may be made by using the proper means, collecting every thing that would otherwise be lost, and deposit- ing it in a particular place. For instance, have a pen made near the kitchen — put into it from time to time all the ashes, trash, weeds growing on places where they are in the way. In this way I have seen a considerable quantity of ma- nure made. Then to the stable, farm-pen, and hog-pen, all which should be kept well littered with straw, leaves, or other coarse material that you may have. My own opinion is that more leaves may be put into a farm-pen than is ad- visable. I would keep all these places well lit- tered, and if more leaves were collected than was required for that purpose — pile them up in THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 103 the woods, apply lime or plasier, and in the spring spread and plough them in. By that means, one hauling is saved, and 1 think, equal benefit secured. In cleaning out slables, cattle-sheds, and hog- sties, I would spread the manure over the farm- yard — by which means the whole is more ra- pidly decomposed, and is of equal strength, be- sides that it prevents what is called fire fang in the horse manure. By so arranging the farm- pen that no water can get into it but what falls from the clouds, and none can pass out — all the liquid portion of the manure is absorbed by the litter and the whole mass made rich. In my travels, last year, I observed at a gen- tleman's house a plan that pleased me much. A pit was dug near to his stable, and when that required cleaning out, the manure was thrown into the pit with alternate layers of sand until filled, a covering of sand being the last, and a small trench connecting the pit with several smaller ones filled with litter, to absorb the liquid which escaped from the larger pit, by which means all was saved. 2. Preserving. The great secret of preserv- ing is to prevent the escape of the liquid portion of manure. It will not do to rely upon its being absorbed by litter — if it can pass off, it will go. Under the first head, " making," I have in- cluded necessarily the other means of preserving. After it is made, if it cannot be immediately applied, put it into a situation to prevent its heating, and cover it to prevent evaporation. 3. Applying. Manure is like money ; any body can make it, but few take care of it, and apply it properly. I consider the last of most importance. In the application of manure we all have some leading object in view ; one to make a large crop of corn, another a large crop of tobacco, and another a large crop of something else. It should be so applied, that whilst it secures us good crops, it also secures the permanent im- provement of our lands. This cannot be effected by those who have to rely upon their own re- sources, without giving back to the land in some form, a portion of its product. As the most ef- fective means of rapid and extensive improve- ment, I would so apply manure as to produce good crops of clover, using for that purpose the finest, and applying the coarse manure to the corn crop. When a good crop of clover is once secured, I should rely upon that for keeping up the improvement on the land which produced it. Corn is an exhausting crop — I have known one crop of it to consume the fruits of six years' improvement. But as we cannot do without it, the cultivator should be careful not to tax his land, either by too much crowding or by a care- less or injudicious mode of culture. Land may be kept in a state of improvement, and even be benefitted by a corn crop once in four or five years, if not grazed, or badly cultivated. To return to manure. My opinion is that land, like the stomach, may be over-loaded with food — and as it is best to err on the safe side, I prefer to appty my manure in " broken doses," so that none shall be wasted. I have known persons to fail in making a good crop by apply- ing too much manure — and with the loss of half that, and half the crop, few persons can afford to improve under such circumstances. It is, I think, bad policy to use any thing for the pur- pose of increasing the quantity of manure, that can of itself be applied as a top-dressing or otherwise — which takes off the produce of the land to add to the stock of manure. I contend that it is best to let it return to the land which produced it, by the natural course of decay. As already stated, manure should not be ap- plied in larger quantities than may be necessary to secure a good crop, and leave the land im- proved — otherwise if the season be a pushing one, the extra crop will take too much from the land — if it be a dry one, there will be a loss of crop and manure. It is, therefore, my opinion that it is best to apply so much manure only as may be necessary to secure a good crop and leave the land in a condition to produce a good crop of clover, by the aid of which the improve- ment may be continued and perpetuated. This appears to me to be the cheapest, and the surest, as it is the only way of effecting a general sys- tem of improvement, where the farmer has to rely upon the resources of the farm alone. I have tried it and my own experience has satisfied me that by these means a rapid and effective system of improvement can be kept up. William Miller. BREEDING. The duration of life in the swine, is said by naturalists, to extend to twenty or thirty years, who report that the boar continues to grow to the end of the term. Swine are ready for pro- creation at the age of seven months, but the male is unprofitable for that purpose until twelve months old, and is in his prime at two years. In other respects, the age of swine is maiter of small concern, since they are never kept until they are old; and it is the custom with many breeders to slaughter even their most prolific sows in the second year. The } 7 oung sows to be preserved for breeding, should be chosen with deep and capacious bellies, the full number of teats, and of the most extensive or widest general form. The term of gestation in swine is four months, or one hundred and fifteen days, with a very few days variation, producing thiee litters of from five to twelve pigs each, in about eigh- teen months, supposing the pigs to be weaned ; but in two or three months less time, the pigs 104 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. being suckled for roasters. I have, however, found, and more especially in the large breeds, that a litter of a moderate number is most pro- fitable, since in the most numerous litters there are generally several undersized and weak indi- viduals. Thus a litter of nine or ten good pigs may bring more profit than a litter of thirteen or four- teen. — Western Farmer. POTATOES. Mr. Daniel I. Curl is, in a letter to the Editors of the Cultivator, expresses the opinion that too much seed is generally used in planting Irish potatoes. The consequence is a great many small potatoes, instead of a lesser number and greater weight of good ones. This opinion, long entertained, has been, he says, confirmed by experiments made during the last season, which he presents in the following tabular form : "No. 1 — All large potatoes, had in number, 368, weight 40 1-4 lbs. " No. 2 — Six eyes in hill, cut from large po- tatoes, 292, weight 39 1-4 lbs. " No. 3 — Four eyes in hill, cut from large po- tatoes, 220, weight 44 3-4 lbs. " No. 4 — Two eyes in hill, cut from large po- tatoes, 230, weight 45 lbs. "No. 5 — All small whole potatoes, 260, weight 45 1-4 lbs. " No. 6 — Six eyes, cut from small potatoes, 262, weight 41 1-4 lbs. " No. 7 — Four eyes, cut from small potatoes, 270, weight 49 1-4 lbs." The season he says was a very dry one, but thinks that would not affect the relative results. The rows were all subjected to exactly the same treatment, there being no difference, except in the seed, which were all of the same variety. We infer, although it is not expressly stated, that the kind known as Pink Eye was the one used on this occasion. IMPORTANCE OF THE QUALITY OF THE SALT USED IN MAKING BUTTER. At a late agricultural meeting in Augusta, Maine, Dr. Bates stated that the Quakers in Fairfield were in the habit of buying the best description of coarse salt and cleansing it, and having it ground, and this salt they used in the manufacture of butter. The consequence was, the butter made by the Gluakers of Fairfield, had a better reputation and bore a higher price than the butter made in other towns. He held them up as worthy of imitation. He stated that the loss of the butter manufactured in this State was greater in amount every year than the sum raised for the State tax — more than two hundred thousand dollars. He believed that, if this fact was generally understood, if the peo- ple could be made aware of the loss incurred by bad manufacture, we should at once see an im- provement in this article of which so much is produced and which enters into our daily con- sumption. — Maine Farmer. CHOKED CATTLE. Mr. Josiah D. Smith, of the county of Hen- rico, desires us to say to his brother farmers, that after an ineffectual resort to the usual remedies, he relieved a choked ox, a few days since, by holding up his head, and pouring into his mouth a strong solution of soap in water. The relief was instantaneous, the turnip with which he was choked passing down immediately into the stomach. Mr. " Whalen," in the Cultivator, says, that for animals that have good teeth, there is no oc- casion for slicing Ruta Baga, that sheep eat them decidedly belter when fed whole, and cat- tle never choke on them. From the Farmers' Gazette. LUCERNE. JVLr. Editor , — I presume you have not forgot- ten my promise of the last year, to advise you of the result of my experiment on lucerne. I do this the more readily as I am informed se- veral neighboring planters intend making the like experiment. You will recollect that my communication stated, that I sowed on the 25ih of April, and that I thought it a month too late, at least. Of this I am now convinced, though my experiment is far from being full, it has been entirely satisfactory in one particular, that is, we can cultivate to profit. I will first state the errors I committed, for the purpose of enabling others to avoid similar ones. My rows were twenty-two inches apart, they should not have been more than fifteen at the utmost, perhaps twelve, would be better. The land that I sowed upon was not dry enough, though it was pine land, it should be a very dry soil, one that quickly absorbs water. It should be trenched (as recommended by Arthur Young) to at least the depth of twelve inches, and filled with the best undecomposed manure for two- thirds of the distance from the bottom, the seeds should be sown thick, the most regular and ex- peditious way is, to put them in a bottle with a quill through its cork. These are some of the errors that I committed — having the rows too wide apart ; not having a sufficiently rich and dry soil ; and sowing the seeds too thin. It is THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 105 a waste of time and money to attempt cultivating lucerne without a very rich and dry soil, kept entirely clean of every thing that might obstruct its growth, though when once firmly rooted it would be difficult to eradicate it, yet in its ear- liest stages it is a very delicate plant. I pulled up about the 1st of January a sprig that had a root more than twelve inches in length, the lateral roots were very short, and few, and hence my concl ision that it will admit of being planted very close, and should be made very rich to a considerable depth. In looking over some old papers sometime since, I found a very small pamphlet, entitled "A Treatise on the Culture of Lucerne in and about Richmond, Va., by Jacqueline Ambler, Esq." which is at your disposal, to make any extracts from that you may think interesting to your readers. Yours, A Planter. HIGH CULTIVATION MOST PROFITABLE. The following is an extract from a letter of E. Phinney, Esq. published in the transactions of the Essex Agricultural Society. Thousands of acres in this country are in annual cultiva- tion, the fertility of which has been so exhausted, that the product will not pay for the first plough- ing. To continue to work without improving them, is the height of folly. By reducing the quantity, and concentrating the manure, the same yield might be obtained with half the force, and a good profit made, where labor is now thrown away. But how far is this system to be carried 1 How much money should a farmer lay out upon one acre before he begins to improve another 1 This will of course de- pend upon situation and circumstances. In the neighborhood of a city, where land is high, and a ready market afforded for vegetables, many of which can be crowded into a small space, it may be advisable to spend a hundred dollars upon the improvement of an acre. But to a farmer in the interior, whose land costs him eight or ten dollars an acre, we should say, divide it between two or three. It is more likely that thirty barrels of corn will be obtained from three acres, than twenty from one. The difference will more than pay for the extra work. An ounce of fact is worth a pound of theory, and notwithstanding all we have seen and read of "extraordinary yields," we have observed, that your steady, prosperous farmer, was gener- ally your six or eight barrel man. When you hear of one who has made " at the rate" of fif- Vol. 2—14 teen or twenty barrels to the acre, it is generally done upon the tenth of an acre; if effected upon a larger scale, and the cost is counted, the experimenter is ready to exclaim with Pyrrhus, "one such achievement more, and I am undone." We of course refer to those products obtained by imparting artificial fertility to worn-out land. There is certainly a stopping point of expen- diture per acre, and we believe, in a greater part even of our poor land, that it is a long way this side of a hundred dollars. Nevertheless, we shall be glad if Mr. Phinney's observations shall have the effect of stimulating our farmers to the true point ; there is no great danger, yet awhile, of their going beyond it. The question is often asked, How can farm- ing be made profitable? I answer, by liberal manuring, deep and thorough ploughing, and clean culture. I will venture to affirm, without fear of contradiction, that no instance can be cited, where a farmer who has manured his grounds highly, made a judicious use of the plough, and cultivated with care, has failed to receive an ample remuneration for the amount invested — nay more, that has not received a greater advance upon his outlay than the aver- age profit derived from any other business. One great difficulty is, that most farmers seem not to be aware of the fact, that the greater the outlay, to a reasonable extent, when skilfully applied, the greater will be the profit ; they, therefore, manure sparingly, plough shallow, and the con- sequence is, get poorly paid for their labor. This has raised a piejudice and given a disrelish to the business of farming, especially among those who are in the habit and are desirous of realiz- ing something more from their occupation than a naked return of the amount expended. The farmer who is so sparing of his manure that he can get but thirty bushels of corn from an acre, gets barely enough to pay him for the expense of cultivation ; and in addition to this, by the ordinary method of ploughing, his field, at each successive rotation, is deteriorating, his crops becoming less, and in a few years he finds he must abandon his exhausted and worn-out fields, to seek a subsistence for himself and fa- mily in some other business, or in some other region, where the hand of man has been less wasteful of the bounties of nature. Instead then of his scanty manuring of ten cart-loads to the acre, which will give him but thirty bushels of corn, let him apply thirty loads. This additional twenty loads, at the usual price of manure in this part of the country, will cost him thirty dollars. But he now, instead of thirty bushels of corn, gets sixty bushels, and the in- creased quantity of stover will more than pay for the excess of labor required in cultivating 106 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. and harvesting the large crop over that of the small one. He has then added thirty bushels of corn to his crop by means of twenty loads of manure, which at the usual price of one dollar per bushel, pays him in the first crop for his ex- tra outlay. His acre of land is laid to grass after taking off the corn, and the effect of his twenty loads of additional manuring, will be to give him, at the lowest, estimate, three additional tons of hay in the three first years of mowing it, worth fifteen dollors a ton standing in the field. Now look at the result. His thirty dollars ex- pended for extra manuring was paid for in the first year's crop, and at the end of three years more he will have received forty-five dollars profit on his outlay of thirty dollars : and in addition to this, his land is improved, and in much better condition for a second rotation. There is no de- lusion in this. It is a practical result, of the reality of which any farmer may satisfy himself, who will take the trouble to try the experiment. From no item of outlays can the farmer de- rive so ample and so certain a profit, as from his expenditures for manure to a certain extent. This has been most strikingly verified by some of our West Cambridge farmers. It is not un- common among some of the farmers in that town, to put on their grounds one hundred dol- lars' worth of manure to the acre, and in more instances than one, the gross sales of produce from ten acres under the plough, have amounted to five thousand dollars in one season. This is the result of high manuring and judicious cul- tivation of a soil too which is exceedingly poor and sandy. BUTTER. We have frequently urged the necessity of keeping milk or cream at a moderate tempera- ture for churning. By artificial means, it must be kept cool in summer, and warm in winter. The following is an extract from a letter of Mr. C. N. Bement to the " Northern Light," upon the Management of Winter Butter : "The process of extracting cream from milk, adopted in the county of Devonshire, England, by which a superior richness is produced in the cream had long been known by the name of 'clotted' or 'clouded cream.' They use a four- sided vessel formed of zinc plates twelve inches long, eight inches wide, and six inches deep, with a false bottom one half the depth. The only communication to the lower part is by a lip, through which it may he filled or emptied. A plate of perforated zinc, is placed in the bot- tom, which is equal in size to that of the false bottom, with ringed handles, by which means the whole of the cream can be lifted off in a sheet without remixing with the milk. The milk, fresh drawn from the cow, is strained into | the pan, and remains at rest for twelve hours, when an equal quantity of boiling water is poured into the lower compartment, through the lip ; it is then permitted to stand twelve hours more, when the cream will be found perfect, and of such consistence that it may be lifted off with the finger and thumb. In a trial of twelve successive experiments with the above appara- tus, the following results were obtained : from four gallons of milk treated as above, produced in twenty-four hours, four and a half pints of cream, which after churning only fifteen minutes, gave forty ounces butter. The same quantity of milk treated in the common mode, in earthem ware pans, and standing forty-eight hours, pro- duced four pints of cream, which after churning ninety minutes gave thirty-six ounces butter. The increase of cream was twelve and a half per cent, and of butter eleven per cent. From the above suggestions, I caused a pan to be made six inches deep, to receive one of one-half the depth, which was set into the other, resting on the edge of the lower one, and care- fully soldered together ; near the top of the outer pan, a tube one inch in diameter was inserted, to admit the hot water, and on the opposite side a small hole was made to let the air escape when pouring in the water. With this double pan I tried several experiments, and the results, though varied, were very satisfactory. In one instance, eleven pounds milk, fresh drawn from the cow, and after standing twelve hours boiling water was introduced into the lower pan, and stood thirty-six hours more, when it was skimmed and twelve hours after the cream was converted into butter, with a spoon and bowl, in seven minutes, and produced five ounces. In another trial, eleven and a half pounds of milk, subject to the same process, except it stood only twelve hours after the hot water was put in ; skimmed and churned immediately, which took only one minute to convert into butter — pro- duce seven ounces. In the next case eleven pounds of milk was conducted in the same manner as before, except standing twenty-four hours after the hot water was put in ; skimmed and churned in eleven minutes, and produced six ounces of butter. Several other trials were made, with a view of ascertaining the best time to let it stand after the introduction of the hot water and the result was that in some cases it took four, seven, ten and a half, eleven and fourteen minutes to churn, and the quantity varied from eight to twelve ounces, and in no instance did the quantity of milk exceed twelve and a half pounds, which was the most successful as to quantity, giving one ounce of butter for every pound of milk, which rates at one pound of butter from six quarts of milk, which is equal to the celebrated 'Haskin's cow,' the reputed mother of Colonel THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 107 Jaque's ' Cream Pot' breed as noticed in Mr. Coltnan's Fourth Report. The milk with which the above experiments were made, was taken from a two year old heifer, a cross of the Dur- ham and Ayrshire, seventeen days after calving-, and a heifer's milk is never considered as rich as when more advanced in years. Allowing that we get, as we did in the last trial, one ounce of butter for every pound of milk, which will average twenty-three pounds daily, would be over ten pounds of butter per week. From the foregoing experiments I have ar- rived at the following conclusions: that the most profitable method is to let the milk stand twelve hours — then add the boiling water, then stand twelve hours more, then skim, and churn the cream from the evening and morning's milk at the same time. An improvement may be made in having the pans separate, but fitted tight where they come together, by which means they can be much easier cleaned and dried ; as in the above method it would be more difficult to dry them when to- gether. I am inclined to think too, that the same pans may be made useful in the summer when the weather is very hot, and the quantity and qua- lity of the cream much increased by filling the under pan with cold well or spring water, pre- vious to putting in the milk." The Editor adds, that Mr. Bement had sent him a sample of butter, made in thirty seconds, equal in quality to any he ever saw. ASHES. In answer to our correspondent's inquiry as to the operation of ashes on grass or on hoed crops, we would state they operate well on all dry and light soils, but they always have much more effect when the soil is full of vegetable matter which we wish to decompose than when it is destitute of it. Hence a handful of ashes — a gill — on a hill of corn, in green sward land, has four times as much effect as on land desti- tute of such matter. Leached ashes, in large quantity, improve the texture of light soils, render them more cohesive and more capable of retaining moisture. For this reason they should never be applied to heavy soils — the low, clayey grounds. At five or six cents per bushel they will prove as cheap as manure at one dollar for a load, (thirty bushels); they operate for a longer term. On grass lands we think dry ashes not suita- ble, alone, for a top dressing — there is nothing on which they can operate to advantage — but thej' may be mixed advantageously with any kind of vegetable matter. If mixed in large quantities with stable manures they may cause a more rapid decomposition than is desirable — but with peat muck they operate admirably. On corn lands one gill of ashes is enough for one hill, and this gill should be dropped on the surface as soon as the corn is planted — it then operates quicker and keeps away the worms. Massachusetts Ploughman. From the Northern Light. THE WOODLAND. BY W. BACON. In a climate like ours, where wintry winds hold such unlimited control over the seasons; where, in the intensity of cold, the mercury sleeps so many nights below zero ; in a country like ours, where cities are springing up on every hand, and populous villages, dresssd in the fresh- ness of yesterday, greet the eye at almost every corner; in our own country, where enterprise, smiling at the mockery of restraint, throws its curling smoke from every mountain and valley, rill and secluded dell; in such a country and in such an age, where every thing moves by steam, economy in fuel, and the protection of woodlands is a subject of universal interest, and may well call forth the attention of the philanthropist and the economist in its behalf. In remarking upon this subject, w r e shall pre- sent the results of our own observation, and if they are wrong, we hope someone more skilled in these matters will have the goodness to cor- rect them. First, then, too much indifference towards woodlands is manifested by the general practice of allowing them to lie in common with high- ways or pasture lands, where cattle without re- straint range over them, destroying all young shoots which are starting up to supply a new generation of trees, when the present crop shall have been removed. If this practice were uni- versal, fifty years hence, and we believe a much less period, would find our country as destitute of trees as the deserts of Africa. Where then would the supply for fuel and for building be found? Our coal mines might, in some mea- sure, remedy the evil ; but it would be in a very slight degree. The quarry might furnish mate- rials for fences and for buildings ; but there are innumerable purposes to which even the trea- sures of the quarry cannot apply. There is, in fact, no substitute for wood, no getting along without it, unless an individual would go through the world by a mere get along impulse. How, then, can the present course of wastefulness, which so generally exists, be tolerated, even by owners of lands kept in this sad predicament of commonalty ? Surely, it cannot be because the profits will not pay the expense of fencing, for no lands yield a greater profit in proportion to expenditure than forest lands. The present prices of fuel and timber warrant this assertion. 108 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. The second consideration we offer in regard to economy in timber land, is the time of felling. Here public opinion is at variance. So far as durability in the timber taken off is concerned, some suppose that winter is the best season, as in common phrase, the sap is down ; others pre- fer midsummer. As regards the two seasons for the operation, we do not imagine that any material difference can exist where favorable circumstances are brought to bear upon the ob- ject. There must be a circulation of sap in winter, else how can the buds retain their vitali- ty ? Indeed, we know there is, unless it is im- peded by frost, for we see it exude from the fallen tree. And in evergreens, which are cut down in December, the leaves usually dry and fall from the branches before spring. That sap flows more freely in spring and autumn we do not doubt, for every observer knows it does. But we consider the argument vain, and contrary to nature, that supposes that the vital fluid of trees does not, like that of animals, flow through the system at all times, unless impeded by counter- acting causes. Yet, as the flow of sap is most abundant in spring, when the freezing and thaw- ing of the earth, are the consequence of day and night; and in autumn, when like causes are in operation, we should give it as our un- scrupulous opinion, that these are the two worst seasons of the year for felling timber, either to insure its durability or a new crop from the roots of the trees fallen. Timber fallen in midsummer is rendered very firm and durable by immediately divesting it of the bark ; or if it is designed for fuel, splitting is immediately necessary, in order that the liquid matter it contains may pass off. Unless these processes are performed, as every farmer may well know, decay soon sets itself to work. Two chesnut rails, taken from the same tree, will give an example ; the one, if of a proper size, with the bark immediately stripped, will last thirty, forty, perhaps fifty years ; while one, with the bark on, will do well if it lasts a dozen years. Thus we see, that durability in timber depends somewhat on precautionary measures to make it so. For fire wood, if only the present profit is to be consulted, September is undoubtedly the best month for chopping, as by this the growth of the present year may be gained, and yet the wood, if properly prepared, have sufficient time for seasoning before winter, and will make a livelier, better fire than that prepared a year pre- vious. Yet this is only a temporary advantage, one for the present few days, while the many future ones have a claim upon operations. — Where timber is cut at this season, the land is slow to produce a new growth. The roots, ex- hausted by the labors of summer, send up feeble shoots, if they send up any; and these, for the most part, sicken and diebeforereachingmaturity. On the whole, all things considered, we think the weight of evidence goes strongly in favor of winter chopping. It is the season of leisure from other employments to the farmer; hence the appropriate one for this ; and timber cut at this season possesses every desirable quality, if means to establish those qualities are employed, for the wood cut now must be split and housed in order to make it excellent ; and the timber, whether for fences, buildings, or any other pur- pose, must pass through a seasoning process (unless employed under water) with the bark off, which may be divested in spring, in order to substantiate its full value ; and where repro- duction is desired, it is, of all "times and sea- sons," decidedly the best. When it is expected that a new growth will ensue, particular attention must be paid to the manner of felling the trees. Economy requires that the tree should be cut as near the ground as possible, as thereby wood w 7 ill be saved. And where trees are so cut, they much more readily throw up shoots, than when a high, unsightly stump remains. And these shoots will be of a healthier and more vigorous character. Care should also be taken, in chopping, that the stump be not left hollowing inward, like a dish ; for in this case it would become a reservoir for the rains, and the water collected there would be- come a fountain of mischief, working through the stump to the roots, which sustain the new plant, and inducing diseases which would defy remedy. Another error in regard to the management of woodlands, and which has no claim to appro- bation, save its popularity, is the prevailing prac- tice of chopping only the old trees and such as are beginning to decay. By this process, much valuable young timber must necessarily be de- stroyed ; the woodland becomes thin ; the winds pass through it with fury, twisting the remain- ing trees greatly to their injuty, and in the event making them a sickly, short lived affair. Cut clean as you go, is a motto which cannot be too clearly adhered to with regard to woodlands ; then there will be no lodging trees ; no regrets at breaking down young timber; no necessity for paths here and there, which, in many wood- lots occupy almost as much space as the wood itself. A new and even growth will spring up, which will protect itself from the violence of winds, and shield the earth and roots from scorch- ing sunbeams. As it advances in growth, the sickly plants will die out, and nature, by a pro- cess of her own, will prune such as remain to her own advantage. Where shoots start from stumps, however, it may be well to thin them with an axe the second year, for such shoots are liable to start in so great abundance as to ex- haust, to a great extent, the source of nourish- ment. This is especially the case with the chesnut. But let it be remembered, that from THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 109 woodlands so managed, cattle and sheep must be kept at a respectful distance, else the bump of destructiveness will manifest itself very se- riously to the injury of the owner of the lands. Where timber lands are cut off with a view of renewing their growth, then the winter months are the preferable time for performing the opera- tion. When trees are cut in spring or summer, shoots will start ; but they are less vigorous than those which spring from winter clearings, and more liable to decay. The period necessary for a forest to renew it- self varies with the sod and location to from twenty to thirty years. We have seen very pretty woodlots, of tall, handsome trees, which were said to have been entirely cut off twenty years before; and there are instances mentioned in which, by cutting off well covered woodlands, a new crop has appeared in that time, more va- luable than the one taken off. A new variety of trees is usually introduced to the soil. Evergreens never start from the stump or root of old trees, but are succeeded by birch, beech and maple. Beech, though a re- productive tree, is usually succeeded by maple and white ash. Thus nature gives a rotation of crops, which may, to some extent, account for the rapid growth of trees on lands which have been cut over. Mount Osceola, January, 1842. TOBACCO PRIZE The above engraving is taken from a model of a tobacco prize, furnished us by Dr. R. H. Nelson, of Hanover. He thinks it superior to any other in use, both in simplicity and cheap- ness. The Doctor's tobacco-house consists of two log-pens, twenty feet square, with a twelve foot passage between. In this passage the prizes are placed, the sides of the pens answer- ing to the frame work represented in the en- graving. Consequent^, all that is wanted is two uprights securely fastened to a cross piece above and another below. They can be so se- cured as to be immovable except at the expense of the house. The levers are moticed into the uprights in the usual manner, and the sword passing through the other end, with the stand for the weights, is after the common mode. The wheel and axle, by which the levers are raised, is peculiar, and we think an excellent contri- vance. The power here depends upon the dif- ference between the size of the wheel and the axle, and may be increased at pleasure. By pulling the rope which is coiled around the 1 wheel, a lad may raise both levers at once, and 110 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. enable a man to prepare the hogsheads for an- other prize. If it be desirable to raise or lower the sword to which the weights are attached, the power of the wheel and axle can be applied to this purpose also, by simply slipping the loop from the end of the lever, and hooking it over a pin in the sword. CHINESE METHOD OF PROPAGATING FRUIT TREES. Take about two quarts of moist earth and tie it around the limb, which you wish to make a new tree of, by means of a piece of old cloth, or any thing else that will keep in place. Let it remain several months, till the earth becomes full of small roots. Then cut off the limb just below the parcel of earth, and set it in the ground. The small roots soon become large ones, and the limb speedily forms a productive tree. If the earth be put on a good limb in April it would probably be fit to plant in November ; though I cannot say it would not require another year. This method may, in many cases, be better than grafting, cutting off roots and planting the sprouts that run up from them, or any other method in use among us for multiplying the number of trees bearing choice kinds of apples, or other fruits. — Vermont Chronicle. Care should be taken to include a bud or eye in the earth, and it will be better if one or two incisions are made through the bark, about one- third of the way round. With shrubs, it is more convenient to peg down a twig in the earth in which it grows. METHOD OF DETERMINING THE WEIGHT OF CATTLE. The following rules are given in an English agricultural work of established reputation. I cannot vouch for their exactness; but should they upon trial be found of use, the table, cal- culated upon these principles, might be easily published in a convenient form for general use, like an interest table : " The following method of ascertaining the dead weight of cattle by measurement when alive, has been adopted to a considerable extent. It is found to bean expeditious mode; and if not to be implicitly depended upon, at least fur- nishes a very important assistance to the judg- ment of the dealer. u Rule. — Take the girth of the beast by mea- suring round with a string or tape close behind the shoulder-blade, and the length by measuring from the fore part of the shoulder-blade, along the back, to that bone of the tail which is in a perpendicular line with the hind part of the but- tock. Multiply the girth (in feet) by itself, and that product by the length, and then again by 42; the last product, divided by 100, will give the weight in Smithfield stones of 8 lbs. each. If stones of 14 lbs. are required, the multiplier will be 24 instead of 42." — Baxter's Library of Agricultural Knowledge, p. 364. BONE DUST. An anonymous correspondent of the Albany Cultivator states that, he put twenty loads of long manure on an acre of good sward land in May, turned it under, and harrowed well. He then mixed twenty bushels of bone dust and twenty bushels of loam, and, when fermented well, put this compost in each hill, dropped his corn upon it, and covered in the usual manner. The experiment was a total failure. The Edi- tors think that the want of success in this case is to be attributed to the state of fermentation in the compost ; the heat produced being so long continued as seriously to affect the germinating powers of the corn. They say they have known a precisely similar result from the use of hog and horse manure applied to corn in the hill, or the seed planted on it, while the manure was in a high state of fermentation. They, however, admit that many failures have occurred with bone dust, notwithstanding its general beneficial effects, upon root crops especially, that are en* tirely inexplicable. SALT FOR HOGS. Swine that are kept mostly on fresh food such as roots, apples, &c. with but little seasoned food, require salt as often, and are as fond of it in its simple state, and as much benefitted by it too, as the sheep or cow. We have found, by recent experience, that a store hog, confined to fresh food, will eat an average one pint of salt per week. Farmers would do well to attend to this propensity, as by the free use of salt many ofi those fearful diseases to which hogs are subject during their confinement would be ameliorated. Yankee Farmer. BONE MANURE. Professor Coleman says, " The most success- ful application, which I have known, of bone manure, was, where it was mixed at the rate of about one part to eight with leached ashes on mould, and a fermentation brought on before they were applied. It was then spread lightiy in the furrows where carrots were sown." of a f of III lainei 'Ir.Ti, and ' THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Ill Care should be taken, that the bones used have not been subjected to heat, as the gelatine, which is separated by this process, is known to be the most valuable part of the bone. SCARE-CROWS, The best scare-crows we have ever used, were bright sheets of tin suspended from poles, by wires ; the poles of sufficient height, and in suf- ficient numbers, to be seen all over the field. Four or six, if judiciously placed, will effectually answer for a field of fifty acres. Our mode of fixing them was this ; we cut a pole of sufficient height, trimmed off all the limbs but the upper one ; to the end of this limb, we attached, by a strong flexible wire, a sheet of tin, and planted the pole thus provided firmly in the ground on the destined spot. The limb left at the top, should project horizontally far enough to allow full play to the tin. Thus attached, the slightest breeze gives motion to the tin, and consequently causes a reflection, so sudden as to effectually frighten off crows, or other birds addicted to picking up the corn. Three years successful use of such scare-crows, justify us in recom- mending them to our brethren. American Farmer. A writer in a South Carolina paper recom- mends the use of newspapers instead of sheets of tin, and thinks that there is great choice amongst them, in respect to the noise they make. We have received the following communica- tion from our friend Mr. Pedder, of the Far- mers' Cabinet, in relation to the article " The Level," p. 69, and our comments, in the last number, upon his "Boilers." We felt a little curious to see how he would extricate himself from the difficulty about that level, and congratulate him upon the ingenuity of his explanation. We most cordially reciprocate Mr. Pedder's kind wishes, and shall prize highly the present, alluded to in his postscript. We shall avail our- selves of the earliest opportunity to reduce it into possession. THE SPAN LEVEL, &c. Philadelphia, April 10, 1842. My Dear Sir, — I cry 'cave — but if confession of a fault makes one half amends, the comeliness of the bantling is a very fair apology for the other. You must know, I have always enter- tained a strong penchant for other people's chil- dren, especially if their parents are amiable and commanding the respect of good society ; so, meeting with a child of your's, I took him by the hand without examining his proportions, as I hold to the axiom in breeding, " like produces like;" nor was I sensible of the lad's deficiency, until our lynx-eyed correspondent, J. Lewis, by a glance at his lower extremities, directed my attention thitherward, when I found that he was short of one leg ! a sad defect certainly, and one that must needs ruin his standing in society ; but as all was sound about the head, our Potts- ville friend found it not difficult to set him up- right, and now he will be able to pursue the even tenor of his way without further trouble or assistance. You do me honor by the notice which you take of my boilers, but I am vejy desirous of knowing what are the difficulties which you suspect in the way of their working. There were sixteen of these fire-places erected at Mr. Lovering's Sugar Refinery, large enough to ad- mit cord-wood at full length, namely, four feet ; and at each burning, the quantity of w ? ood con- sumed was not less than four or five cords, yet, for the space of four years no difficulty has ever occurred, or any escape of smoke from the top of the chimney, after the fires are once lighted, although the fires are kept up for eighteen hours; the heat being augmented — merely by opening the iron covers — to such a degree as to liquefy the iron pots in the kilns in a very short space of time, if exposed to its violence, operating ex- pressly on the principle of the blow-pipe ; all which, however, can be regulated in an instant, and to any degree, by partially or wholly closing the covers, or putting in the slides ; all further operations being stopped as effectually and sud- denly as the turning off steam. Indeed I am anxious to hear what are the difficulties which you feel in prospect. Since writing the above, 1 have received your very interesting number for April, and can now proceed to relieve your mind from farther doubt respecting the working of the fires from the top, by assuring you that the draught of air from above, appears about as natural as for the "sparks to fly upward." The pressure of the atmosphere on the fire being cut off by way of the chimney, the air finds a quicker passage to it from imme- diately above, than it could by descending down it, and this determines the draught downwards through the pit so soon as the cold air is driven out of the chimney, which it very soon is, after the fire is lighted ; and then the operation goes on as naturally and rationally as though the air were to ascend by means of draught from below. The only way of clearing the ashes from the pit, is from above, but it is done most easily by a small scoop with a crooked handle ; and it will be a matter of astonishment to find how small a portion of ashes will remain, after the consumption of even a cord of wood, the com- bustion being so complete as to reduce all to 112 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. mere dust, so light as to be driven away before the blast. It may, however, be desirable to leave a loose brick at the bottom of the boiler for the introduction of a small scraper, by which the light dust, which might accumulate after a time, may be easily removed remembering, however, to close all tight before lighting the fire, for the least air entering that way, would effectually mar all proceedings. The brick-work around the boilers need only be four and a half inches ; the sides of the ash-pit will be stronger if nine inches, but very little impression will be made upon the sides or bottom by the fire, the rush of air from above, keeping all comparatively cool. The chimney need not be higher than customa- ry, nor is there any art required in the construc- tion of any part of the apparatus. I am, dear sir, very trulj 7 jour's, James Pedder. P. S. — It would oblige me if you could, by the hand of some friend visiting Philadelphia, j obtain a copy of my little book, " The Farmer's Land Measurer," which is left at the office to ! your address. Pray accept it, wiih the best : wishes for your health, and the success of your highly valuable work. RICHMOND MANUFACTURE. We have been presented by the author with a copy of a work, entitled Bolton on Stra- bismus, which, we are informed was written, printed, illustrated, and bound in this city, and which certainly does great credit to our artificers. We understand it to be a dissertation upon the defect of squinting, and although we are not qualified to speak of the scientific merits of the work, if we might be permitted to form an opi- nion from the talents, industry, and success of the youthful author, we should expect it to form a valuable acquisition to the medical profession. We wonder if the operation and remedies pro- posed would be applicable to the obliquity of vision that distinguishes some of our public cha- racters. If the Doctor will guarantee that all who are brought to him shall be made to see straight, we think we could pick him out a lot of patients, upon whom he might operate at the public expense. For the Southern Planter. STOCK. Albemarle, April 10, 1842. I am well pleased, Mr. Editor, at the inde- pendence you exhibit in the discussion of the merit3 of different kinds of stock. We are often egregiously imposed on in the purchase of crack animals, puffed in newspapers. A systematic plan is adopted, I believe, to defraud southern men, and I rejoice to find that some one dares to speak out upon what has long been a private grievance. With respect to this very "Cream Pot" cattle, referred to in your last, I am credibly informed, that a gentleman of this State, who had read a great deal about this stock in the northern papers, applied to Col. Jaques, to know for what sum he could obtain two yearlings of his stock ; the answer was, that, as he, Colonel Jaques, was anxious to extend the merits of his stock amongst the Southern people, and as the! applicant was understood to be a good farmer,; who would pay them all proper attention, &c. &c. &c. why, as a great favor, he might have the pair for the sum of $1,000. That, mark, you, was the Southern price; when subjected to* the hammer of the Northern auctioneer, theyi bring $32 per head. My advice to the farmers of the South would I be, in the first place reform your system of keep-, ing stock, then select and cross judiciously with, the best individuals of your neighborhood, ana never purchase an animal, unless you can havej an opportunity of seeing him yourself, or can: have him selected by some one, on whose judg- ment and integrity you can rely. A Sufferer. We are amused at the skill displa} T ed by our correspondent ; he lauds us for coming forward to expose impositions, whilst he backs us. him- self, under a mask. We do not believe that any concert for cheating Southern men exists at the North; impositions have been practised both there and here, we doubt not, to a considerable extent ; but as honest men as breathe are, we know, engaged, both here and there, in the use^ ful and honotable occupation of raising stock for market. We will not knowingly lend our- selves to subserve the interest of any individual by saying more of his stock than it deserves^ but any direct charge of imposition, or a state- ment of facts calculated to deteriorate the value? of a popular stock, must always be accompa- nied by the name of the author, to find its way into the columns of the planter. The statement made by "A Sufferer," with respect to the price required for a pair of his cattle by Col. Jaques, we know to be true, from a responsible source, and although it seems strange that he should so over-estimate his stock, still, the difference between the price asked by him and that at which they were sold, may be accounted for in a hundred different ways, without tarnishing the honor of that gentleman, who, we believe, •ai Gene THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 113 stands much higher than his cattle in the esti- mation of his neighbors. The advice of "A Sufferer" we think good, F"or the Southern Planter. In the last (April) number of the Southern Planter is a communication, signed William H. Richardson, in which the writer undertakes to define " the best farm hog of the several breeds, with which he is acquainted." This communi- cation, it appears (page 82,) "was written in consequence of a request on the part" of the Editor; and is so much in accordance with the Editor's sentiments, that he seems disposed to endorse every word of it. The Editor also seems to anticipate a "rating from some deeply interested in Berkshire stock for seeking the pub- lication of any article to their disparagement." This communication, with the approving re- marks of the Editor, I think, requires some comment. At the same time, I do hereby dis- tinctly state, that I am not deeply interested in this or any other stock of hogs ; and even if I were, I have not the slightest disposition to give the Editor a " rating" on this or any other score. But the Editor will allow me to say, that in my opinion he has somewhat departed from his usual prudence, in making the admission, that he sought an article to the disparagement of any stock whatever. We were not precisely pre- pared to expect, that that same Editor, who has for a year or more, devoted his time, his talents, and his whole energies to the improvement of the various branches of agriculture, should now undertake to disparage an important appendage to the same. But if the Editor must have a " rating" for this, J will not give it to him. I will let this rating come from another quarter — from the Southern Planter number for March, 1842, page 56— in which I find this strong lan- guage — " We have seen some Berkshires cer- tainly superior to any other hogs we ever saw." Now, there is no name signed to the above, but judging from the editorial word " we" which occurs twice, and from other characteristic cir- cumstances, I strongly suspect it was written by the Editor himself. If, however, this should not be " rating" enough, I refer him again to number for May, 1841, page 70, where, in a note ap- pended to Mr Shelton's communication, he will find all the " rating" that I have it in my heart to give him. With these few remarks, I will — for the pre- ent at least — take ray leave of the worthy Editor. But the communication must not be passed over in quite so summary a way. And here, if it be necessary to tell him so, I will state that I have the highest respect for general Richardson, and for Mr. Dicken, whose logs he seems so anxious to recommend. Both these gentlemen are my near neighbors, and my intercourse with them, has uniformly been so pleasant, that I wish they were still nearer to me. But notwithstanding my great respect, and even partiality for these neighbors, I cannot suf- fer some things in the General's communication to pass unnoticed. I beg leave, also, to make another remark — that in the comments which I am about to sub- mit, I shall have no special allusion to Mr. Dick- en's or any other breed of hogs. My object is not to disparage any man's hogs, but simply to vindicate a breed which, at the request of the Editor, has already suffered "disparagement." My object is not, therefore, to attack, but simply defend. Indeed I am very sorry that Mr. Dick- en's name appears at all in the communication. This circumstance hampers me no little. Mr. Dicken, I am sure, will believe me, when I say that I do not wish to decry his hogs, or to pre- vent the sale of his pigs. I care not how much his hogs are praised ; but I do care when I see a better hog disparaged. The points of difference between the General and myself, I am happy to say, are very few. If, for instance, he had contented himself to state that there are a great many inferior hogs among the reputed Berkshires, so much so, that many of Mr. Dicken's white hogs — or the white or black or any other colored hogs of many other persons — are superior to them, he would have had my hearty concurrence. But when he seeks to make the impression that the white hog is in fact the best^ and that when mixed wilh the Berkshire, a deterioration takes place, and that this deterioration is in proportion to the amount of admixture ; then I am constrained to join issue with him. Now, that this is the Gen- eral's meaning, I think I cannot be mistaken. Witness what he says about his own sow, page 81 — and of her two litters of pigs. The first time she had seven pigs — "four white like her- self—the other three tawny or reddish color, spotted with black" — which it seems " was the distinctive color of the Berkshires thirty-five years ago." One he sold to the writer of this. " That purchased by Mr. Turner though a very fine, is not near so large a hog as the white ones have proved to be, and both the spotted ones that I kept, turned out small hogs." Here it is distinctly slated that the four white ones which resembled the sow, were much larger than the three spotted ones which showed the Berkshire cross. But, as if not satisfied with the above, the General continues in a still more decisive strain. "The same sow has now a litter of ten pigs by another Berkshire boar, of which seven are white like herself, and three spotted, as before described. The white are de- cidedly the finest pigs." Thus, it seems, that this sow, breeding from two Berkshire boars, produced pigs which in both instances were fine 114 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. and promising in proportion as they resembled her, and that they weie small and inferior in proportion as they resembled the boar. Now, I do not call in question one iota of the General's statement; and it would constitute so knotty a case, that 1 know not how I could dis- pose of it, were it not that the General has dis- posed of it himself — the little, inferior tawny pig brought twenty dollars — whilst it took the four large superior pigs to bring thirty dollars? The Berkshires are then the fellows to fill the pocket after all. If the General succeed in disposing of the present litter as he did of the former, the three Utile Berkshires will produce more money, than the seven fine white pigs ; and this, in my opinion, is just about the relative value of the different breeds — three good Berkshires against seven of any other breed. But the General or Editor — it does not appear which— says that "Mr. Wrn. Miller, Mr. Wm. Hill, Mr. W. W. Guy, Mr. William D. Sims, and Dr. Hopkins have all tried and prefer these (white) hogs." Now here would be another tough case to solve, were it not for some stub- born facts, which again come in to my relief. These gentlemen have tried the white hog, it seems, and most of them have manifested their preference for him, by sending their sows to my Berkshire boar, and this they did when their favorite hog was more convenient, than the in- ferior Berkshire. Mr. Sims, also, though in possession of the white hog, has also manifested his preference, by buying the half Berkshires ; and this he did, when he could have got the preferred white hog, for one-founh of the money. How Mr. Guy and the Doctor manage their crosses, 1 am not informed, but presume that they stick to the su- perior hog. All the others, with Mr. Dicken himself, are backing out. But the General continues — "You remember, no doubt, the white boar exhibited by him (Mr. Dicken) at our first fair, last May, which was purchased by Dr. Lewis, of Lawrenceville. If I am correctly informed, the Committee on Swine had no little difficulty in deciding the premium between him and the boar President." Now I am sorry that my friend the General penned the above sentence. As it stands, 1 must notice it; but I would greatly prefer that it had never seen the light. A compliment is here evidently in- tended somewhere — if to the boar, (and I sup- pose this must be the case,) then it must be at the expense of the Committee. The truth is, I never intended that my boar President should be put in competition with that white boar or any other white boar. I intended that the con- flict should be confined between him and other fine hogs. If he obtained the victory, I intended it should be under circumstances that would do him some credit. But to get the premium over the hog alluded to, I never considered as any victory at all. But what were the facts in the case? The Committee on Hogs consisted of three persons — Mr. C. T. Botts, Mr. Sims, and Mr. Corbin Warwick. The arrangement was for the Committee to meet at nine o'clock, so as to make up their decision and hand in their re- port at eleven o'clock, at which time the exhibi- tion was to commence. At the appointed hour, the two first named gentlemen were present, but Mr. Warwick was absent. After waiting for him until they could wait no longer, it was determined to appoint another in his place; and as Mr. W. B. Sydnor happened to make his appearance at the time, he was appointed to fill the place of the absent member. The Com- mittee then went to work, and as J loas informed, two of them — Mr. Botts and Mr. Sydnor — had no difficulty at all in making up their decision. The only difficulty was with Mr. Sims, the third member. Mr. Warwick made his appearance before the business was concluded, and as I was again informed, had no difficulty in concurring with the majority of the Committee. 1 tell this thing just as it was told to me. If I am incor- rect, I call on the above gentlemen to slate wherein I am wrong, and then I will most cheer- fully correct it. This is all, that at present I choose to say about this transaction — if urged to it, I will state more. One other thing, in the General's communica- tion, I feel it my duty to notice. He says, (page 82) " it is but just to say of his (Mr. Turner's) stock, that it cannot be surpassed by all New York and New England together." I certainly thank the General for the commendation he has thus given to my hogs ; but at the same time, must in candor say, that in my opinion, they do not merit it in the unqualified terms he is pleased to employ. If his remark is intended to be con- fined to my sow Virginia and her progeny, then I can with the same candor say, that I believe he is correct. But I have other hogs called Berkshires, and I believe they are Berkshires, but compared with Virginia, I consider them as almost worthless. If Messrs. Allen & Bement, from whom I bought them, will give me one- half the money, that they cost me, they may have them and my hearty thanks to boot,— Whilst, therefore, I cannot take, and never have taken, even when I might have done it, ten dol- lars for the pigs of the latter, it requires no stretch of conscience whatever to receive ten dollars for all of Virginia's pigs that I can spare. I consider them as good and profitable stock even at this high price. From the above, it will be seen, that I heartily agree with the General when he says — "there are superior and inferior of ibis as of all other breeds." And I think I have traced out ihe line of demarcation with considerable accuracy. — Some few years ago, Mr. John Lossing, of Al- bany, imported a very fine Berkshire boar from THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 115 Reading in England, to which he gave the name of the town from which he procured him. A Mr. Beach, of Ohio, was so pleased with this hog, that he gave two hundred dollars for him, and carried him to the West. There, also, he was regarded as so fine an animal, that a hun- dred and two sows were stinted to him, during (the first year, at ten dollars a piece. I never saw this hog, it is true, but I have seen several of his descendants, and all of them without ex- ception, are really superior animals. My fine sow Virginia is one of his pigs. Dr. Harrison, of Prince George, also owned one of his pigs — a fine boar called De Wit Clinton. This hog, to- gether with some two or three of his pigs were at the general meeting of our Society last fall, and fine animals they were. Mr. Charles B. Williams also owns two fine young boars of the same breed, which fully sustain the high repu- tation of their sire. There may be others of the same breed in the State, or even in the neigh- borhood, for ought 1 know, but these are all I have seen, and I can truly say, that they are all superior animals. In fact, this hog Reading, seems to have arrested the rapid decline of the Berkshires, and to have restored them to their former superiority. One more remark, and I shall, for the present at least, be done with the General and his com- munication. He states that his white sow, breeding from two Berkshire boars, produced at each litter a certain number of pigs, some of which strikingly resembled the sow, whilst others as strikingly resembled the boar, and that those which were like the sow, were in both instances, the best pigs; from which, he draws the con- clusion, that the sow is the best breed of hogs. The case is a strong one, I will admit. But I really think there is a stonger case existing at my piggery at this very time, from which I draw directly the contrary conclusion. On the 5th day of March last, my sow Virginia pro- duced ten pigs. Now all who have read my hog essays, or are at all acquainted with my hog management, know that I am not in favor | of over-breeding my sows with their own broods, and that when I can do no better, I kill the ex- cess until the number to a fully grown sow, is reduced to seven. But this constituted a hard case. My theory or my fine pigs must one or the other be sacrificed, and I was exceedingly unwilling to give up either. From this dis- tressing dilemma I was happity relieved on the second daj' ; for on that day, another sow (nearly but not quite white) also produced ten pigs. It then occurred to me that by killing four of the latter, I could provide for two of the former, and then each sow would have eight ; and as both sows were at the time in good plight, and espe- cially as I promised to each good treatment, I finally compounded the matter as stated above. I will also mention, that the sire of each litter was the same hog. Here then is a case in which two full blooded Berkshires are placed with six half bloods, and these, half-brothers, to be nursed and reared by the same sow. For two or three weeks, I could perceive but little, if any difference between them. All were thrifty and grew apace. But after that time, the strong and distinctive points of the Berkshire began to develope themselves in the two strangers in the most striking manner. The six were as tall, and perhaps taller, but it was merely their long legs which made them appear so. The Berkshires had a firmness of hair, and a breadth on the back, a roundness and symmetry of body, to which the others, receiving their nourishment from the same source, were utter strangers. I would not state this case with so much con- fidence, were it not that I have tested it by the strictest scrutiny. Among other expedients to which I have resorted, this is one. When vi- sited by a number of my acquaintances (I will give their names if desired) I have conducted them to the pen, and merely told them that there were two full blooded Berkshires among the pigs, and asked them if they could point them out. In no instance did they fail to do so, and generally without any hesitation. Another fact I think still more striking. Two butchers came to buy some roasters. The}' were also taken to this pen, but not informed of the difference, and after surveying the pigs with the eye of a butcher, they offered me a dollar for ihe Berk- shires, but would give only seventy-five cents for the others. Thus, in the judgment of the butcher, who buys merely to kill and sell, a full Berkshire pig is worth thirty-three and a third per cent, more than a half Berkshire. I need scarcely say that the butcher and I could make no bargain, for one of the pigs was already en- gaged at ten dollars, and the other I intended to keep for my own use. J. H. Turner. We said w 7 e expected a "rating;" although we could hardly divine the objection that could be made to the part we took in Gen. Richard- son's attack upon Berkshires. To tell the truth, we felt, afterwards, that we deserved one for saying so, because w T e had no right to presume that any one would do us the injustice of find- ing fault with us for a manifest discharge of duty ; but we founded our calculations upon the blindness of prejudice, even in the best of man- kind, and the source of this attack proves that we did not err in our calculations, We believe not only that error is powerless, when truth is left free to combat it, but that truth itself emerges from obscurity into light in the conflict. It is for this reason, that we invite free and liberal discussion. Our desire, our dutv. 116 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, is, to get up a conflict and then act the part of an impartial conductor between the combatants. We afford the arena, our correspondents conduct the game, and the public keeps the score. We thought some verbal remarks of Gen. Richard- son's would lead to a conflict that would redound to the benefit and amusement of the spectators ; we persuaded him to enter the arena, and when we brought him on the stage, we introduced him with a few flourishes. Although, under such circumstances, we should have been justi- fied by all the rules of courtesy, if we had in- dulged in a little hyperbole with respect to the debutante, yet, in this instance it was unnecessa- ry, and we have not said a word in our editorial about the General that either is, or can be, de- nied. Indeed Mr. Turner endorses, pretty much, our remarks, but objects that we have on other occasions expressed the most favorable opinions of the Berkshire stock. Suppose we entertain them still; what then? should we, when a gentleman, who had even better opportunities of knowing than we had, expressed an opposite opinion, refuse to publish it, because it differed from our own, or should we even hesitate to in- vite the expression of opinions, because we have expressed others to the contrary ; or should we withhold from such a correspondent the poor boon of stating what we know to be true with respect to the circumstances under which he writes % Yet this is all we did, and what we have done with respect to other subjects, over and over again ; what we are bound to do in every case, The fullest and freest discussion is guaranteed, limited only by our opinion of the choice and taste of our readers. We will occasionally ex- press opinions of our own, but we do not think it necessary to reiterate them every time we give room to a correspondent, who differs with us. We have expressed opinions highly favorable to Berkshires; those opinions may have been changed by Gen. Richardson's statements, or they may be still entertained, or they may be held in abeyance awaiting the issue of this con- troversy. Nobody has a right to know, until we choose to inform them, and no owner of Berkshires has a right to require us, because we have once expressed an opinion in their favor, either to maintain that opinion, in spite of rea- son, or to express it on every occasion that the subject is mentioned. The opinions of Messrs. Miller, Hill, &c. was contained in a postscript to General Richardson's communication, and was published just as it was written. Having dodged the blow that was aimed at us, we leave these knightly combatants to con- duct their own contest ; they are well matched, and thoroughly versed in the courtly laws of arms ; a rich treat may be expected from the encounter. For the Southern Planter. It is astonishing how much may be made by applying odds and ends of time to collecting and spreading manure. Whenever a spare hour can be gained, independent of stated seasons, resort should be had to the woods ; leaves and trash should be raked into piles, and a little earth thrown on the top. As soon as it is partially decomposed, or rendered fit to answer as a co- vering to the land, that is, as soon as it is in a state not liable to be carried off by the wind, it should be hauled, at any time or season, upon land designed for the next year's crop. This deposit will operate as a cover to the land, shield- ing it from the summer suns and the winter frosts, afford food for the growing plants, and greatly improve the land. From the time that horses are stabled and the cows pounded or stalled in the fall, they should be provided with a plentiful supply of litter. The stables should be cleaned out twice a week, loading }'our cart from the stable-door, and car- rying it out at once upon the field designed for corn in the spring. Thus, the manure can be spread in half the time, and more equally than it could be, if suffered to lie in a pile all the winter. Besides it will be twice as effective. The product of the stable and barn } 7 ard during the spring and summer months should be depo- sited in a convenient reservoir, properly prepared, and intermixed with straw and trash. In the month of August, haul it out upon the field in- tended for wheat, and spread it before the plough, turning it under to a moderate depth. This process is to be preferred to surface manuring, after the plough ; because, when the land is stirred in seeding, the manure will be incorpo- rated with the soil, will preserve the moisture, and greatly invigorate the plant. Whereas, the surface dressing, at such a season, exposes the manure to great loss by evaporation. To prepare land for wheat, if the soil is deep and loamy, where }-ou have no manure to plough in, plough very deep, mixing a portion of clay, if possible, with the surface mould ; harrow ]eve], then, with a single shovel score or furrow it off at distances of ten inches from centre to centre. The wheat when sown will roll, principally, into the furrows ; harrow in the wheat the same way, that is, with the furrows. The harrow, if the soil is light, should be light also, that the teeth THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 117 may not reach the grain, and throw it out of the furrows. The wheat will, of course, come up in drills, it will be better protected in winter, will grow off better in the spring, and will make a more productive crop. Yours, respectfully, S. Davis. Frederick, Virginia. We have received another communication from Mr. Davis, in which he states that he has been a farmer, man and boy, for fifty years, and offers us the benefit of his experience on several subjects. We shall always be pleased to hear from such a veteran in agriculture. DRILL-BARROW The engraving is intended to afford a per- spective view of a drill-barrow, claimed as the invention of Dr. Horton, of Maryland, and given to the world through the columns of the Ameri- can Farmer. It is cheap, simple, and we be- lieve well calculated for drilling beet and turnip seed. Any man who can handle a saw and hatchet may make one for himself. The frame work speaks for itself. The side pieces may be made four feet long, two by three. The wheels may be cut out of oak plank one and a half inches thick, and made ten or twelve inches in diameter. They do not revolve upon the axle, but the axle revolves in the journals which sup- port it. To this axle is secured a seed-tight cylinder, made of tin or copper, larger in the centre, and tapering a little to either end. The centre is perforated with holes, two inches apart, large enough to pass a beet seed freely. The seed are introduced through a hole in the cylin- der, to which a cork is fitted. A narrow copper hoop with small holes, large enough to pass turnip seed, two inches apart, can, at pleasure, be passed up to the centre of the cylinder and placed so that the holes in the hoop may either be, or not be, over the holes in the cylinder. In the one case, the holes will be entirely stopped, and the seeds prevented from escaping when the implement is moved from place to place. In ! the other, the holes in the cylinder will be re- duced to the size for turnips. Rake-teeth may be inserted, as represented in the engraving, for breaking or removing clods and stones, and the seed may be covered by paddles behind, made to shift to any required angle. The roller is very useful in pressing the earth closely to the seeds. Our engraver is a long-armed, short-legged fellow, who has placed the handles to suit him- self, rather than the generality of mankind ; but these of course may be altered to suit the parti- cular form of the operator. We have known the principle of this machine, as exemplified in the cylinder, used in this neigh- borhood for some years, with great satisfaction to the owner, and have intended to give a de- scription of it. The copper hoop is new and ingenious; it saves the necessity of having dif- ferent cylinders for different kinds of seed. The implement we have seen, was divested of the teeth, paddles, and roller ; the side pieces in this, constituting the handles of that, which was in- tended to be rolled forward by a man, for the purpose of dropping the seeds in a drill already made, to be covered by an after process. The Doctor has certainly added to the convenience, although a little, to the expense of the imple- ment. 118 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER From the Maine Farmer. PREVENTION OF SMUT BETTER THAN CURE. Mr. Holmes, — I observed in a late number of the Kennebec Journal an advertisement of a smut machine, by Messrs. Pratt & Co. (if I right- ly recollect the name,) and recommendation of it by Mr. Gardiner, of the town of Gardiner. — From the high respectability of that gentleman, I have no hesitation in giving full credit to his statement. But 1 would respectfully suggest to him and all others interested in the subject, "whether it would not be preferable to prevent smut from growing among our wheat to devising methods for I he removal of that foul substance from it. I have for the sixteen years last past, with complete success practised the following method, viz : — Washed the seed wheat, and ' drained off the imbibed water through a com- mon basket. In this moist condition put it into a tight tub, long box, or trough, and for every which goes to prove the correctness of a doctrine advanced in 1838-9, by Edwin Quekett, F. L. S. published in the same journal for those years, "that ergot," a species of fungus to which rye is peculiaily obnoxious, "was caused by the in- troduction of the sporules of a peculiar fungus into the circulation of the affected grains, and their final deposition in the seed." If you think the publication of them calculated to do gocd, the}' are at your service. "Twelve grains of rye, of wheat and of bar- ley, all grown in the neighboring fields of Sur- ry, were selected, and placed in a plate which contained a little water — some ergots of wheat were then immersed in the water of the plate, and with a camel's hair pencil brush the spori- dta of the fungus adhering lo the exterior were detached in numbers, as the microscope proved, and the ergots were then removed. "A similar experiment was performed with the same number and variety of grains, but with bushel so prepared, dissolved two ounces of blue | lne f un cr US obtained from the exterior of an ergot vitriol in warm water, turned it into the wheat, and with a shovel stirred it so that the liquid shall penetrate the w T hole mass. This may be ascertained by the color. The w T heat will as- sume a greenish cast where the liquor has come in contact with it. of a large grass — Elymus Labulosus ; a glass shade covered each set of grains thus prepared. "In a few days germination commenced and was allowed to progress until the grains were beginning to appear wrinkled, from the appro- priation of the albumen ; and by this Time those This method of preparing our seed has be- lnat had perfectly germinated possessed green come almost universal in this neighborhood, and ' i eaves f mm two t0 { nree inches in lenglh. In we hear nothing of smut except from a distance. | lnis sta te the whole of the young plants were Our most extensive manufacturer of flour, after ta jj en j nt0 lne C0U ntry and planted close to- gether, in the third week of March last. "The greater number of grains of both expe- riments, failed in becoming perfect plants, so that at the present time,, when they are matured, there are but four of rye, (one infested from the fungus from the elymus and ihtee from the wheat,) three of barley, and four of wheat. On every plant of the rye, there are some plants possessing ergots, (nine having been obtained from the four plants,) some containing one spe- cimen, others as many as six ; but in the bailey is only one imperfect ergot, and in the wheat not any have been detected. "It was remarked that, in the rye ihere was only one ear that possessed a few health}' grains and no ergot ; in the others some had ergots without any healthy grains, and the rest pos- sessed neither ergots nor grains of any kind, showing how the fungus probably influences the formation of health}- grains in this plant, whereas, in the wheat and barley ihe sound con- dition did not appear to have been departed from. "If the cause of ergots, in this instance, had an external origin, it is singular that, as the plants grow intermixed and in a very small space, the bar-ley and the wheat should have es- caped, under the circumstances ; but the reason, I imagine, that the latter two possessed no er- gots, though treated as the rye, is that they are not so susceptible of infection ; for it is well having satisfactorily tried the experiment, was at the expense and trouble of circulating hand- bills through the whole region of his customers, three or four or five years since, and he informs us that in consequence of the use of this pre- vention he is not called upon to grind smutty wheat except in some raie instance, and in none where the above method has been practised. I published the foregoing in substance, in an agri- cultural paper printed in Bangor a number of years ago, and subsequently (if I rightly recol- lect) in the Maine Farmer, and have seen it no- ticed in the New England Farmer. Still I am so fully convinced of its importance that I ven- ture to reiterate it. Oliver Crosbv. In connexion with the above, we publish the following communication from a very scientific gentleman, whom we hope to recognise as an established correspondent of the Planter : For the Southern Planter. In a former communication I addressed some inquiries to our farmers, for the purpose of in- ducing them to institute experiments to ascertain the cause and nature of the smut in wheat, as upon this information alone can an efficient re- medy against the evil be based. Since then I have met with the following, published in the London Medical Gazette for October 8, 1841, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 119 known that rye is particularly liable to this dis- ease — more so peihaps than any other grass ; and that it becomes so, arises either from consti- tutional properties or its anatomical peculiarities. " I conceive, from these experiments that the production of ergot from the absorption of the sporules of the previously described fungus, by the fibres of ihe roots of the germinating grains, will be found to be the true cause of this singu- lar production; and that when they arrive at the grains, the}' convert it. into the body, known as ergot ; for it appears to me too much to ad- mit, in these experiments, that the many eigots on every plant could be the result of accidental circumstances, when it is well known that their presence is very rare in this country on the same grass." It would seem from these experiments that rye is more under the influence of the particular cause which produces the ergot ; but may not wheat be more liable to be acted on by the spo- rules of the particular fungus which constitutes smut? Should Mr. Gluekitt's views of the ori- gin of these maladies in grain be correct, the great importance, of the agitation of seed wheat in alkaline solutions, in preventing these dis- eases, could at at once be satisfactorily explained. These solutions possess powerful solvent proper- ties and would more effectually remove, by pro- per agitation, the sporules of the fungus which might adhere to the seed, than any that could be employed. B. 11 In consequence of the delay which the Corn Bill receives in Parliament, prices of grain and flour have advanced. Yours, respectfully, Evans & Trokes." TOBACCO AND COTTON. We are indebted to the kindness of our friends, Messrs. Cowardin & Davis, for a perusal of a letter, from which we make the following ex- tracts. The house of Evans & Trokes is well known in this city, and their reports command the entire confidence of our merchants. u Liverpool, April 1, 1842. " The stock of tobacco in the country, and generally in Europe, is too considerable to allow of other than moderate prices ; but when to this circumstance is to be added the still more dis- couraging fact of an uncommon large crop to come forward from the western country, with a full, though inferior, crop from Virginia, there can be but one opinion as to the prospects for the article, as far as its future prices are consi- dered. In strips it is now ascertained that little can be disposed of which does not possess that absorbing substance adapted to the new mode of manufacturing. 11 Our cotton market is in the most dismal state. It is most difficult to dispose of short staple, of ordinary and middling quality ; and for the better descriptions there is no very lively demand. SILK. Mr. John Gill established a silk manufactory at Mount Pleasant, in Ohio, during the year 1838. He now employs twenty hands, and pays them exactly the English prices, at which, the women and girls, who are principally em- ployed in the establishment, make good wages. Last year he manufactured upwards of nine thousand dollars worth of goods, and, although he sells them at less than the price of the foreign article, he managed to realize, under all the dis- advantages of a new undertaking, ten per cent, upon his capital. His fabrics are said to be all excellent, and some of them uncommonly beau- tiful. He exhibited a piece of lustring, which, by good judges, is pronounced to be superior to the best imported. DISTEMPER. We find Mr. J. O. Nicholson, in the " Plough- boy," describing exactly the disease to which foreign cattle are subjected with us, and con- firming, from trial, the efficacy of the remedy recommended by Col. Hampton, viz : sawing off the horns near the head. The bleeding, which was copious, says Mr. Nicholson, relieved the dulness about the eyes, and were the means of curing my cow. He advises after the bleeding is stopped, to bind cloths, plastered with tar, around the stump as a protection against the flies. The season is approaching when many of our readers will have an opportunity of trying this remedy. We should be pleased to hear the result. STEAM BOILER. The Editor of the American Farmer speaka in the highest terms of "Pickard's Convoluted Steam Boiler," and seems to give it the prefer- ence over that of Mott, that has heretofore borne away the palm. The price is not mentioned. The farmer now-a-days is almost afraid to buy a new article, no matter how good, lest a few days should produce another infinitely better. 120 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Richmond Markets, April 21, 1842. Butter — Mountain butter, wholesale 12£ a 16 cents for firkin ; 20 cents for roll. Cotton — 8 a 9 cents per lb. Cotton Yarns — Richmond and Manchester, (factory prices,) Nos. 4, 5 and 6, 19c; 7, 8 and 9, 20c; 10, 11 and 12, 21c; 13 and 14, 23c; 15 and 16, 24c; 17,25c; 18,26c; 19, 28; and 20, 28 cents. Cattle — For cattle on the hoof, from $4 to $5 50, are the general prices. Mutton — There is great variation in the quality ; indif- ferent sheep bring only from $1 to $2, while the finer qualities bring from that to $5 per head. Cheese — 8^ a 9 cents per lb. — none in market. Feathers — 38 a 40 cents per lb. for live geese. Fish— Mackerel, No. 3, $6. Herrings — No. 1, North Carolina, mac cut, $3 25. 50 ; No. 2, $3 ; Poto- Shad, $7a$7 50 per bbl. Flour — Demand limited ; sales at $5 75 — held at $5 87£. Grain — Wheat $1 a $1 10, are prices now paid for good red and white. Corn, 55 to 60 cts. per bushel. Oats, 40 a 45 cents. Very little grain coming into market. Hides — Green 5 cts. per lb.; Spanish 13 a 16. Iron — Pig, $25 to $35 ; Swedes, $100 per ton. English, $85 to $90; Tredegar, (Richmond manufactory,) $90 ; Up Country bar, $75 a $S0 per ton. Lumber — Clear white pine $36 ; refuse clear 32b. merchantable $22 ; refuse last sale at $14; flooring $15 a $20 per M. Lime — Thomaston 95 cents. Meal — 70 cents per bushel. Provisions — Bacon — Smithfield $5 50 a 6 50; Western 4£ a 5c — sales slow. Lard 5 a 7c Plaster — On the Basin bank $5 50 ; at the wharf $3 62£. Salt — $1 75 from the wharf. Steel — American blistered $135 to $140 per ton. Shot — 6 cents wholesale. Tobacco — Receipts continue light. Prices stea- dy. Lugs $2 25 a $2 50 a $2 75. Leaf $3 a $4 50, general sales — better kinds $5 a $7 75. Fine manufacturing $6 50 a $9 75. FREIGHTS. New York — Flour, per bbl. 25 cts. — very little going. Coal, 8 a 8| cents per bushel. To- bacco, $2 50 per hhd.; boxes 20 cts.; kegs 25 cents. Philadelphia — Flour, none going. Tobacco, $2 50 per hhd.; 20 cts. for boxes ; 25 cts. for kegs, none going. Coal, 7 cents per bushel, Richmond measure. On the Canal — To Lynchburg and interme- diate places, 10 cents per 100 lbs. EXCHANGE. Foreign — On London 13 a 13£ per cent, pre- mium. Domestic — New York Checks, 7| a8 prem. Philadelphia, 7| a 8 premium. Baltimore, 7| a 8 premium. North Carolina Bank Notes, par. South Carolina, 5 premium. Savannah, 2 premium. Augusta, 2 premium. Alabama, 23 a 25 discount. Tennessee, 15 discount. Specie, 6J a 7 premium. CONTENTS OF NO. V. Sugar — From corn-stalks, p. 97. Draining and Manuring — Essay on, p. 98. Manufactures — Capability of the South to manu- facture for herself, p. 99. Corn — Collonus' method of cultivating, with a cut of his "Side Wiper," p. 100. Mange — To cure in dogs, p. 101. Piggery — Description of Mr. Kellogg's, p. 101. Deep Ploughing — Advantages of, p. 102. Milk — Reduced to a powder, p. 102. Manure — Making, preserving and applying, p. 102. Breeding — Of swine, p. 103. Potatoes — Mr. Curtis' experiments, p. 104. Butter — Importance of the quality of the salt used in making, p. 104. Choked Cattle — To relieve, p. 104. Lucerne — On the cultivation of, p. 104. Profits of high cultivation, p. 105. Butter — Mr. Bement's experiments in making, p. 107. Ashes — When and where beneficial, p. 107. Woodland — Proper management of. p. 107. Tobacco Prize — Dr. Nelson's, with a cut, p. 109. Propagation of Trees — Chinese method, p. 110. Cattle — Rule for determining their weight by measurement, p. 110. Bone Dust — A failure, p. 110. Hogs — Should be salted, 110. Bone Dust — Advantageous mode of applying, p. 110. Scare-Crows — How to make them, p. 111. Boilers — Letter from Mr. Pedder in explanation of his, p. 111. Stock — Complaint of deceptions in, p. 112. Berkshires — Defended by J. H. Turner, 113. Manure — How to be collected and disposed, 116. Wheat — Proper method of sowing, p. 116. Drill-Barrow — Dr. Horlon's, with a cut, p. 117. Smut — Prevention, p. 118. Tobacco and Cotton — Prospects of English mar- ket, p. 119. Silk — Success of Ohio manufactory, p. 119. Remedy — Value of Colonel Hampton's remedy confirmed, p. 119. Boiler — Pickard's, recommended, p. 119.