^^■^MaMaatanna— — THE SOUTHERN PLANTER; Seboteti to Agriculture, horticulture, ana the j£»cusenolt* Arts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts. Xenophon. 1 Tillage State and Pasturage are the two breasts of the —Sully. M C. T. BOTTS & L. M. BUR FOOT, Editors. Vol. III. RICHMOND, MARCH , 1843. No. 3. TOBACCO. (Continued from page 26.) Of Stripping and Prizing. Stripping- is begun as soon after the plants are thoroughly cured and seasoned, as the con- venience of the planter will permit. It is taken off the sticks in proper season or order, and packed in a large bulk for this purpose, and gen- erally in higher order than is proper for prizing, which enables the strippers to handle it with less waste, and to tie it more neatly. There are two facts generally believed to exist, in relation to the order of tobacco, which are unaccounta- ble. One is, that tobacco in order, or in a moist state, is no heavier than when dry. The other, that if it is taken down and bulked, as it is go- ing out of season, that is, as it is passing from a moist to a dryer state, it will return in the bulk to the highest state of order it had previously acquired. These opinions, however, seem to have been established more by prescription than recent experiment, for I can find no person that will absolutely assert the facts upon his own experience. But be it as it may, the latter fact is so generally believed as to be attended to in bulking tobacco. In stripping, the best planters make two qua- iiiies besides stemmed. For this purpose, every plant passes through the hands of the sorters, (the most experienced and judicious of the la- borers,) who pull off the two first, or ground leaves, without looking. Upon examination, the remainder of the plant may be found fit for the first class — perhaps two more leaves are to be taken off, or perhaps the whole is only fit for the second class. In this way, the first class is obtained, the leaves previously pulled off are again sorted for the second class, and what is unfit for this is stemmed. No definite idea of the quality of the different classes can- be well conveyed by description. It can only, and soon will be acquired by observa- tion and experience. The bundles of each con- sist of four or five leaves neatly wrapped around the head with another leaf. The stemmed to- bacco (about two-thirds of the stem only being taken out) is tied in large bundles, and when packed in the hogshead for pressing is untied and laid loosely, but in strait and uniform layers. After stripping, some planters hang up their Vol. III.— 7 tobacco again upon sticks drawn smooth and somewhat to a feather-edge, and as it comes in proper order for prizing, it is taken down and bulked, and closely and effectually covered till the time of prizing arrives — the months of April and May are thought the best time for this. — Others pack their tobacco in double winrovvs, that is, lightly lap the tails of the bundles, plac- ing the heads on the outside, and thus raise a bulk of three or four feet in height. It remains in this situation well weighted, but oftentimes without cover all the winter, and perhaps gets completely dry ; but returns in proper order for prizing in the warm weather of April and May. It is a matter of much doubt and dispute, which of these two modes is the best. Perhaps the latter is to be preferred, because it is the least trouble, provided the planter has plenty of house room, and can so order it as to leave the win- rows entirely free from interruption. Other planters more careless, carry on the operation of stripping and prizing together, without due re- gard to the order of the tobacco, which may account for the excess of inferior qualities, and diversity of prices exhibited in our markets. Prizing is the last operation^ but not the least important in the care and attention it requires. The size of our hogsheads are prescribed by law. They must not exceed four and a half feet in height, nor thirty-six inches in the diame- ter of the heads. In these we generally attempt to press 1,500 lbs. but we oftener fall below than go over it. The average is perhaps not more than 1,350 lbs. Our prizes are of the cheapest and simplest construction, generally fixed by the laborers who use them, and not exceeding two or three dollars in entire cost. The stump of a tree is generally used, instead of a post in the ground, until it rots, and the hogshead is pro- tected by a temporary shed, or a light portable roof straddled across the beam. I subjoin a sketch of the one most commonly used. This you will observe operates by an unceasing sus- pended weight, capable of being increased by the addition of stones to any required extent, and which is suffered to settle gradually to the desired point, by which all danger of bruising from sudden and violent pressure is avoided. — The important points in prizing, are to pack the tobacco neatly, in straight and regular laj'ers. This is best done by putting in only one bundle at a time, pressing and squeezing it closely 50 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. through the hands as it is done, to make it oc- cupy less space, by which it will exhibit a bet- ter appearance when it is opened for inspection. To make it descend always on a level in the hogshead, by never suffering the beam to be de- pressed below a horizontal position, and to cause the tobacco in prizing, not to leave the inside of the hogshead, which can only be effected by having different sets of press boards, correspond- ing to the different dimensions of the hogshead between the bulge and the head. Your friend, P. Minor. CORN-STALK SUGAR, POUDRETTE AND CINDERS. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Gentlemen, — While looking carelessly over a political paper some time since, I accidentally came across an extract from some southern agri- cultural journal, relative to the subject of making sugar and molasses from the sap of green corn- stalks. Since reflecting upon it, I have a desire lo try the experiment, merely for the sake of gratifying my curiosity. This little extract stated that the stalks were ground, but I should think "beating" them, in the manner of beating cider, would be a good substitute in a small way. If you have any knowledge on the sub- ject please give us a piece in your next number of the Planter, showing the whole process. The "Poudrelte" has been discussed with con- siderable animation, in our county and I am glad to see you design affording us an opportu- nity of testing its value. I tried an experiment last spring with the cinders from the charcoal of a blacksmith's shop, and was greatly surprised at its effects. I placed thein upon a small red lot, which was put in tobacco, and could see the difference, to a row, between that and the stable manure. The tobacco was larger and heavier where the cinder was placed, than the other portion of the lot. I cannot attribute it to any strengthening quality in the cinder, but it must have changed the na- ture of the land, so as to adapt to the wet sea- son we had during the whole summer. Do you think there could be any intrinsic worth in the cinder? This is not written for publication, but merely to satisfy my own curiosity on the subjects al- luded to. I hope the interest I take in farming will be a sufficient apology for troubling you. There is no subject which the people of Virgi- nia should be more anxious to investigate than the science of farming and planting, and no subject on which the laws of natural philosophy would act with a happier and more interesting effect. Wishing your useful periodical an extensive circulation for the good it may do, and as a meed for the interest you take in the farmer's welfare, I am your subscriber And obedient servant, C. Baskervili.e. Mecklenburg, Jan. 16, 1843. We have taken the liberty of publishing what was "not meant for publication," and will, in the first place, assure our correspondent, that no apology is needed for " troubling" us upon any subject connected with agriculture. — It will always afford us pleasure to respond, to the best of our ability, to his inquiries, either publicly or privately. We sincerely hope that the Poudrette will receive a fair trial in Virginia this year, not that it is, as some have ridiculously imagined, to take the place of farm yard manure, but after all has been raked and scraped from every hole and corner, then we belive it may be well eked out with Poudrette. In other words, we believe the farmer can make two or three hundred per cent, by manuring with Poudrette that portion of his land, that Would, otherwise, go unmanured. Its effect upon garden vegeta- bles is undoubted and most extraordinary. The. cinders from the blacksmith's shop, we have no doubt, were highly advantageous during the wet summer of the last year, in their action as mechanical receivers and dischargers of the gases obtained from the atmosphere, over and above the carbonic acid gas they may have assisted in forming. With respect to the corn-stalk sugar, we have seen specimens of it equal to any we have ever beheld. Whether it can successfully compete in the market with that from the sugar cane, has yet to be settled, and is certainly worthy of trial. The following directions for its manufac- ture, furnished by Dr. Naudain, of Delaware, are the most clear and precise that we have seen : " The fact that sugar can be made from the stalk of corn is one of recent discovery. It has already excited a deep interest in the public mind, and every thing relating to it is looked for with much interest. "The writer has become possessed of some facts which may materially aid others in the present experimental state of ihe business. For as yet it is experiment, although enough is known to convince the most sceptical that the probability is that sugar from Indian corn will be, at a future and not very distant day, one of the great staples of the country. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 51 " Without further remark, then, it should be remembered that as much corn-stalk as possible should be grown. To do this, the corn should be planted as broom-corn is commonly planted — very close in the row, probably a stalk every three oi four inches. The tillage will be the same as for broom-corn. When the young ears begin to appear it is necessary to pluck them off carefully, and to repeat the gathering as of- ten as is necessary so as to prevent the formation of any grain. Because if grain be allowed to form, it takes all the sugar from the stalk. — About the time that corn begins to harden, the making of sugar should be begun. It is not necessary to say any thing about a proper mill to crush the stalk and separate the juice, be- cause mills of the cheapest kinds only should be employed now, until the business would fully warrant an expensive outlay. It would proba- bly be found that the common cider mill, with plain cylindrical nuts, would be quite sufficient for a farmer who would raise a fourth or half an acre of corn for sugar for his family, and this quantity would be quite sufficient for satisfacto- ry experiment. " When the juice is separated from the stalk, about a table spoonful of white wash made of the best quick lime and about the consistence of thick cream, should be added to each gallon of the juice, and then the boiling should commence. The scum that rises should be carefully removed ; and the juice, if this process has been properly and carefully conducted, will be quite clear and nearly colorless. Then commences the process of evaporation; and when the juice has boiled down in about the proportion of eight gallons to one, the boiling will be completed, and it may be poured out into a shallow tight wooden box to grain. 11 It has been ascertained, although as yet the reason is unknown, that if the juice be boiled in a deep vessel, like the common cooking ves- sels, sugar will seldom be obtained; while if it be done in a shallow vessel, so that the juice at the commencement of the boiling shall not be more than three to five inches deep, sugar would be obtained without difficulty. It has been as- certained also that the sugar from corn will not grain so readily as that from the sugar-cane. — And in 3ome instances it has remained more than a week after the boiling before the sugar wa3 formed, and yet excellent sugar made. "It should be particularly remembered that the juice should be boiled as soon as separated from the stalk. It becomes acid very soon, and no sugar can be made if the juice be allowed to stand two or three hours before it is boiled. The juice will even spoil in the stalk before it is ground, if the stalk be cut off a few hours be- fore grinding. It is necessary then that every part of the process should be done with the greatest despatch. The 3talks should be brought to the mill as soon as cut, and ground imme- diately. The vessel for boiling ought to be pro- perly filled in an hour, or at most two hour's grinding. And the process of boiling down should immediately commence and be continued until completed. " Excellent syrup, superior to the best mo- lasses, will be obtained by observing the above directions, and boiling five gallons of juice to one gallon. " The juice of the corn-stalk is very rich in sugar when cultivated in the manner suggested. Tested by Beaume's sacbrometer, the instru- ment used to measure the strength of syrups, the juice of the corn-stalk weighs 10 to 10| degrees, which is about the weight of the juice of the best cane in the West Indies, and is richer than the juice of the cane in Louisiana, which is seldom heavier than 8^ degrees. "One gallon of juice will produce nearly l£ pounds of sugar; and an acre of good com will yield, if carefully expressed, from 700 to l,0CO gallons of juice." From the Farmers' Cabinet. HENS' EGGS. I notice in the Farmers' Cabinet for 4th mo. last, page 275, an inquiry as to the truth of the assertion, that hens' eggs which are round pro- duce female chickens, and those which are long or pointed, produce males. When a boy, I was in a situation to be able to indulge my fondness for fowls, and often raised chickens ; — without ever having heard of the above fads, I discovered that the eggs which approached the nearest to the roundness always produced females, and those which were pointed at one end always produced males — I acted ac- cordingly, and always succeeded in obtaining females or males according as I wished. After a lapse of a number of years, being in Philadelphia market, I happened to mention the fact to one who raised chickens for sale, and who preferred the males, because they grew larger — the information was received with some surprise; but I advised the person to try it, and afterwards was informed of the entire success of the experiment, all males being produced by selecting the long or pointed eggs. I since find the fact was mentioned by a writer over two thousand years ago. L. H. GOOCHLAND FAIR. We alluded in our last to the proceedings of the fall meeting of the Goochland Agricultural Society, a report of which was transr us by the Secretary just after the e/jJsStbh o^-v our December number, with a requ^ !St Pthat we CI LIBRARY w 62 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER would hand it over to the daily papers of the city, that it might be published before the pe- riod for our next issue. We accordingly com- plied with this request, and, much to our regret, the paper was misplaced, and we never regained it until just as our February number was going to press. Our limits will not admit a circumstantial detail of the proceedings of agricultural meet- ings, but we are always happy to receive their reports in full, because from them we are fre- quently able to extract matters of great interest to our readers. This meeting seems to have been one of peculiar interest, and it is not even yet too late to note some of its most prominent proceedings. For instance, we observe that the premium for the best cultivated farm was award- ed to Mr. Tarlton Fleming. We have seen Mr. Fleming's farm more than once, and we think all that have had an oppor- tunity of judging, will bear us out in saying, that the committee would probably have made the same award, if the whole Union, instead of the county of Goochland, had entered the lists. At any rate, we have never seen a farmer, at the North or the South, who excelled Mr. Fle- ming in the cleanness, neatness, and closeness of his cultivation. The second premium was awarded to Mr. John M. Vaughan, and the third, to Mr. Henrv Shelburn, "a poor man, who in early life had the misfortune to lose both his feet, and, with no other aid than a small boy, performed all the labor on his farm, which exhi- bited remarkable neatness and good manage- ment." To Dr. William L. Wight was awarded the premium ' : for the best piece of cloth for men's winter wear." With this premium we were particularly pleased, because we go very far for the protection of domestic industry, and we be- lieve the very best mode of encouraging home products, is the substitution of them, by indivi- duals, for articles of foreign growth. We have said we carried the doctrine of " protection" very far ; with farmers, especially, we would carry it to their own farms and their own firesides. If there is an exception on earth to the general rule of the value of a divison of labor, whereby one man devotes all his labor to one production, it is afforded by the peculiar nature and circum- stances of the farmer's occupation. The changes of the seasons, the complicated nature of his pursuit, the isolated character of his situation) the necessary redundancy of labor, at the South, compel him to combine many divisions of labor, and no matter how tempting the cheap- ness of "manufactured" products may appear, we believe as a general rule, with very few ex- ceptions, it is true, that he that makes most " within himself" and purchases least, is best off. We were very happy to see that the ladies came in, not only for a large share of the pre- miums, but also of the compliments of the So- ciety. To the latter, from what, we ourselves once saw at a fair in Goochland, we know they were pre-eminently entitled. We will now proceed to review DR. WIGHT'S ADDRESS. This is a very ingenious, scientific, and well written document. The Doctor after explaining the received theory of the parts performed by the soil, the atmosphere, and solar light, in the production of plants, lays great stress upon the value of the green ray, which is reflected. That plants are generally flourishing, when they look green, is what we all know, but to say that their vigor is owing to the reflection of the green ray, is no more reasonable, it seems to us, than to say that the reflection of the green ray is owing to the healthiness of the plant, which would be nothing more than to say, what has been familiar to every body for ages, that when a plant is healthy, it looks green. Again, why not say, that the vigor of the plant is owing to the absorption of the other six rays, rather than to the reflection of the green ray, which it rejects. Lime, the Doctor urges, is beneficial to plants by enabling them to reflect the green ray to greater perfection ; this he tested by growing plants in cotton, watered with rain water, hold- ing more or less of carbonate of lime in solu- tion. Those plants receiving the dissolved car- bonate of lime, gave off, through their leaves, more oxygen, and reflected more strongly the green ray. That carbon is necessary to the growth of plants, analysis has proved long ago, that carbonic acid gas is absorbed by plants un- der certain circumstances, and that the carbon is appropriated and the oxygen given off, is well known, and that carbonate of lime, which is composed of carbon, oxygen, and lime, in- creases the vigor of plants, has been satisfacto- rily ascertained, and that the increased vigor will be attested by increased greenness, is pro- verbial, and was, we should say, confirmed by THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 53 the result of the Doctor's experiments. He also notices the fact, attested by Mr. Ruffin, Mr. Pur- vis, and Sir John Sinclair, that the atmosphere incumbent upon limed lands is always a healthy one. 4fie calls to mind, also, the well known circumstance, that low, wet lands, where the cultivated plants present a pale, sickly appear- ance, are also the generators of that class of diseases, known as bilious. From these cir- cumstances, the Doctor infers that the healthi- ness of the atmosphere is intimately connected, in some way, with the power of plants to reflect the green ray of light. We would again re- spectfully inquire, if the old idea, that the vigor of the plant, evidenced by its greenness, promotes the wholesomeness of the atmosphere by its in- creased consumption of the deleterious carbonic acid expelled from the lungs of animals, is not as reasonable as the more novel hypothesis of Dr. Wight. But we have probably already devoted greater space, than will be agreeable to our readers, to this theory of the Doctor's. We will, therefore conclude by extracting what the Doctor, whom we know to be a practical man, declares to be the practical rules, to which his observations and experience have brought him: "1st. That as the growth and nourishment of plants appear to be alike dependant on the re- sults of the decay of organic, or animal and ve- getable matters, and upon those inorganic sub- stances which increase their action upon the! light, we are thus admonished of the necessity, I the absolute, indispensable necessity, of periodi- cally restoring to the soil, an amount of both those elements corresponding with that which , is taken from it by cropping. If one of those i elements only be returned, the productive powers j of plants will not be developed to the extent of j which they are susceptible. If both be with- held, the soil must, and will deteriorate, because' plan's are thus deprived of the means by which ' they live, and grow. Both, then, are essential i to the corruption of decayed plants, the leaven I of the salts must be added, to give rise to forms | of the highest beauty and usefulness. The su- periority of animal, or putrescent manures, as they are termed, over those of vegetable origin, is owing solely, it is conceived, to the alkaline salts, which the former contain. But as in these, the arnmoniacal, or volatile salts predominate, their effects are necessarily transient, and hence the utility and economy of using those of more fixed Character, as lime and ashe3. As regards the quantity of alkaline earths, or salts of lime, to be applied to an acre of land, my own expe- rience does not enable rne to decide. But is it not reasonable to suppose, that this question, as far as it relates to the action on the light, should be determined by their solubility? It is well known that plants can take up nothing except in the form of solution, and we have abundant evidence going to show that the effects of fifty or a hundred bushels of lime or ashes, have been distinctly visible for an equal number of years. Hence it would appear that the quan- tity of rain, which falls upon an acre of land, is not adequate to dissolve more than a bushel of these substances. If it were otherwise, if more were dissolved, plants would certainly take up a larger quantity, and the effects would neces- sarily be less permanent. If, then, this mode of reasoning be correct, a bushel of either of these salts enumerated, or what would be far prefera- ble, as they all have their peculiarities of action, a bushel of each will be fully sufficient for the attainment of their direct influence. To secure their indirect benefits in loosening the soil, and rendering it more permeable to atmospheric in- fluences, thus alleviating human toil, a much larger quantity will, of course, be required. Is the question here asked, whence is the magical influence of plaster compared with the other salts of lime if they act upon the same general principle? — the answer seems to be that it is referrable to its superior power of increasing the action of plants upon the light. Thus the ex- periments of Sir Isaac Newton have shown that bodies of an unctuous, or sulphureous nature, have a greater relative refractive power, than others, or than their densities indicate. Plaster is a sulphate of lime, consisting of sulphur, oxy- gen and lime. May we not hence fairly infer that it is the subtle influence of the sulphureous principle, upon that all important agent, light, which enables plaster to produce an effect ap- parently so vastly disproportioned to the cause* Consistently with this view the acknowledged pre-eminence of plaster and clover in the rapid improvement of land may be explained by the superior refractive power of the former acting through an appropriate medium in the broad leaf of the latter. Hence it is also that its powers are still more conspicuous in the tobacco plant and the pumpkin vine; its apparent bene- ficial effect being proportioned to the extent of surface through which its influence is exerted. Indeed, without the aid of those substances, which increase the action of plants upon the light, the broad leaves may be supposed to be less adapted to the purposes of profit and im- provement than the narrow leaved, since the operation of nature, a constant and close relation * Even admitting with Liebig that on the applica- tion of plaster a double decomposition ensues, whence results carbonate of lime and sulphate of ammonia, still the singular properties of plaster may be as- cribed to the increased action in the light which the sulphureous principle is known to impart. 54 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. obtains between the size and structure of the leaf, and the amount of these elements in the soil. Thus when a piece of land has been im- poverished by injudicious culture and left to re- cover by its own natural resources, it invariably clothes itself with a growth remarkable for the narrowness of its leaves. The pine presents us with a familiar illustration of nature's mode of adaptation of plants to soils, and conveys to us at the same time another lesson for imitation in returning good for evil. " 2dly. The essential elements of fertility, or- ganic matters and the salts of lime, having been supplied, the next object will be to counteract the operation of antagonist processes. Of these the chief are the presence of plants other than the proper occupants of the soil and an habitual , excess of water. The remedy for the first is through cultivation, and for the second through draining. By thorough draining is meant, the J deanston, or furrow system, which has conferred such distinction on the husbandry of Scotland. "The two preceding rules appear to compre- hend the distinguishing of the new or improved system of husbandry. These are, 1st. The al- ternation of crops, or the introduction of the ar- tificial grasses and of root culture into every system for the purpose of feeding stock or of ploughing into the land — the ultimate object being to replenish the earth in the most econo- mical manner, with the food of plants — with manures. 2dly. Draining and the application of lime, ashes, plaster, marl, &c. Draining and the application of the alkaline earths and salts ! are classed together, because their action is con- ceived to be identical — both enabling plants to J attract more food from the atmosphere, and at i the same time to adapt it more completely to their wants. This twofold purpose they effect through the formation of a substance whose subtle influ- ence upon light gives health, and vigor, and beauty to the vegetable creation. " Having already, I fear, trespassed too long on your patience, I must beg you to bear with rne a few moments longer. We have associated ourselves for the advancement of a cause, not only noble in its object, that of augmenting the means of human subsistence and human enjoy- ment, but moreover, eminently conducive, if rightly pursued, of that elevation of mind which should be the end of all our studies. The far- mer's life is a daily contemplation of a process which ceases to be realised as a miracle, and thus fails of its due impression, because we do not consider that the succession of events of which it is made up is nothing less than a bene- ficent adaptation to our present state of being — that it is an arrangement in perfect harmony with the dispensation under which we live. — Let us then resolve that henceforth we will rightly pursue it — that with diligence and hu- mility we will study those laws which Infinite Wisdom has ordained for the government of the visible Universe, and bring them into subser- viency to the happiness and virtue of mankind, by obeying, and thus 'honoring these laws when we see them clearly, and adoring their profundity when beyond our reach. If the works of nature be thus contemplated, the world from henceforth becomes a temple, and life itself one continued act of adoration.' " BLACKSMITHS' WORK. As many of our farmers have blacksmith's shops of their own, the following directions for working steel and making edged tools, plain and simple as they are, may be of great value to them if carefully enjoined upon their smiths, who are frequently great bunglers in this kind of work : " Working Cast Steel. — We have recent- ly obtained information on this subject, from the most skilful and celebrated workman in the United States, Capt. J. Hill, of Billerica, Massa- chusetts. We were a little surprised to learn the difference in the management of cast steel, from that of the German. There is something yet remaining mysterious with regard to the na- ture and management of this article, which no cyclopedia or other vehicle of intelligence have as yet developed. The process of manufactur- ing cast steel, it is not our purpose at present to describe ; but it is evidently composed of refined iron and carbon in very nice proportions. In the process of shaping it into cutting blades and other articles, it is heated and hammered in the manner of other steel : when tempered for this purpose, it is first heated to a full cherry red, and plunged into water till cold. It may then be held over a moderate charcoal fire, until the color of any part which has been filed or made bright after hardening, changes to a reddish or- ange color. This is the temper for cutting tools; but if a spring temper is required, it is heated over the charcoal till the color approaches a blue: or rather, blue inclining to red. In either case when the steel is brought to show these colors, it is to be plunged in oil — common lamp or linseed oil — which will not affect the color. If the steel is to be rendered soft for turning or cutting, it must be heated to a full red, and left to cool in partially ignited charcoal ; in this way it may be made so soft as to be cut or turned into shape as easily as copper, or even common pewter. But the most curious and peculiar pro- cess is that of welding. In welding iron, a white heat is indispensable, as every body knows: but not so with cast steel. When the steel is to be welded to iron, neither are to be heated above a full cherry red. The two parts are to be previously lashed or griped together, and in THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 55 that condition heated : they have then only to be immersed in calcined borax ; or to have the j prepared borax (borate of soda) sprinkled over the joint, and are ready to adhere by being hammered together. The borax for this pur- pose, i%p be prepared by being previously heated to a full red, -and kept heated till it becomes a soft powder like flour. What the chemical effect of the calcined borax on the metalic sur- faces is, is not perfectly understood, farther than that its affinity for oxygen is such as to deprive the jointed surfaces of any portion of oxygen which might prevent a ready union of the sur- faces. When small pieces of steel are to be welded, they are to be heated to the full cherry red, and immersed in the calcined borax, and j are then to be hammered together. The most; extraordinary point in the process is the factj that if the steel is but a little overheated, it will immediately crack into fragments; but by a shifted process, and with the use of borax, the cracks and defects may be healed and rendered sound and solid. We have witnessed the fact, that by a judicious management, a fine tem- pered cutting edge of cast steel may be bent, warped and hammered, and its shape materially changed, without breaking, or affecting the tem- per. More may be said on this subject in a fu- ture number ; but we close for the present with the remark that, even Anderson & Co. the cele- brated manufacturers of cast steel, are evidently unacquainted with all the merits of its peculiar properties. — American Mechanic. WINGED COULTER. The engraving represents an implement very highly recommended by Mr. James M. Garnett, in his report to the Board of Agriculture, for opening corn furrows. We have known it used ; for several years past greatly to the satisfaction of some of our best farmers. It is in fact no- i thing but the old-fashioned coulter, made some- : times in one shape, sometimes in another, with the addition of the wings, that may be placed higher or lower, or altogether removed, at plea- sure. The coulter is sometimes made with a double point, so that in case of wear or accident to the front, it may be reversed, and the other point brought into play. Mr. Garnett thus de- scribes the one figured in the sketch above : — " The letter A represents the bar of the coulter, 1 foot long, and made out of inch square iron. At the end D, it has a point which fits into a hole in the heel of the coulter B. This is 6 inohea long from heel to point, which is sharp, and about an inch and a half broad. The up- right part of the coulter should be about one and a half inches wide, and three-quarters of an inch thick. The letter C represents two small mouldboards of wood, about 6 or 7 inches long, and 4 wide. They are fastened on with screws or nails, and are to be used only for open- ing a furrow to plant corn, or any thing else planted in the same way. The advantage of this fixture is, that the furrow will be opened only to the required depth, whilst the coulter, which works several inches deeper, pulverizes the earth below the seed, and thus forms a soft bed for the reception of their roots. In using the coulter to prepare new grounds for the plough, or for other purposes, the mouldboards should be taken off. The letter E represents the screw bolt which fastens the end of the bar to what may be called the helve." 56 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, For the Southern Planter. GRASS, RUTA BAGA AND ROLLERS. Messrs. Editors, — I observe in the Planter of this month, that Mr. William Carter, on the Chickahominy, (a stream clear to me) had tried the mode called new, of renovating grass lands as practised in the East somewhere, and found it to answer to his entire satisfaction ; and, that he was convinced of the utter inutility of a cleans- ing crop where grounds required .reseedmg in grass. Now, I saw this done as far back as 1817, at Ricohoc, in the county of King & Oueen. The land had been put in herdsgrass by Col. Smith, and the then occupant of the estate broke up that portion of it for the purpose of planting in corn, but before it could be properly prepared, the grass made its appearance between the fur- row slices, plainly indicating that the effort to obtain a grain crop would be attended with more labor than could be bestowed on it, and upon being abandoned, a fine growth of grass ensued. On the Bordley meadows in the same county, it has been the uniform practice for se- veral 3'ears, but the harrowing is omitted, the rains, snows and frosts doing this part of the business pretty effectually. The ploughing is done from soon after harvest until late in the winter, and the seed, if requisite, sown from De- cember to February, on the surface, to be forced in place by the action of frost, rain and snow. 'En passant,' I have seen ruta baga made with less work than our anti-silk-stocking friend prac- tises. The ground intended for it is put in good heart the preceding fall and winter, and covered with a good coat of litter, no matter how coarse, and remains until the time for planting arrives ; then, season or no season, it is thoroughly bro- ken up, harrowed, and the seed dropped thin from a drill, by slakes, and well and firmly rolled in. A thin sprinkling of lime follows, and the crop rarely, if ever fails. The subsequent work- ing consists in the repeated use of the cultivator, and occasionally the hand-hoe, till the leaves have attained a size which will endanger their breaking. The thinning is done by degrees, as taking away the superabundant plants loo fast will cause them that are left to fall, and often perish. I have no hesitation in saying that this crop is generally sowed too early in our climate, and that the gathering of it at once is wholly use- less. Every other row may be used out, and the remainder secured by dipping a plough pret- ty deep on each side of them. Speaking of rollers, I have lately seen one that certainly is preferable to all others that have come under my observation. A shaft twelve inches square is pierced by three sets of arms, to which are attached felloes of suitable dimen- sions ; upon these are strongly nailed slats three inches wide, one and a half thick; inch and quarter winged gudgeons are inserted in the ends of the shaft, and the frame, which is so close behind as to keep the cylinder clean, has hounds and tongue like a wagon. The driver's seat is on the hinder part of the frame — the ma- chine stands four feet six inches, -carries a five foot row, and is an easy draught for two good horses; they should, however, be relieved occa- sionally during the day, in fact, an all-day's work is too much for any team to any ponderous ma- chine through ploughed ground. Oberlin. Query. Will M'Cormick's reaper answer to mow grass ? Has any one tried it 1 We thank our unknown friend for his com- munication, nameless as it is. We have no doubt his roller is an excellent one. M'Cormick's reaper, as at present constituted, is not exactly adapted, we should imagine, to mowing grass. We mentioned the subject to the inventor, when he was with us, and he ex- pressed to us his confidence in his ability to make such alterations as would render it perfect in this respect — he promised to try the experi- ment, if possible, during the approaching harvest. FEEDING POULTRY. Professor Gregoiy, of Aberdeen, in a letter to a friend, observes, " As I suppose you keep poultry I may tell you that it Las been ascer- tained, that if you mix with their food a suffi- cient quantity of egg-shells or chalk, which they cat greedily, they will lay, cccteris paribus, twice or thrice as many eggs as before. A well-fed fowl is disposed to lay a vast number of eggs, but cannot do so without the materials for the shells, however nourishing in other respects her food may be; indeed, a fowl fed on food and water, free from carbonate of lime, and not find- ing any in the soil, or in the shape of mortar, which they often eat on the walls, would lay no eggs at all, with the best will in the world." INDIAN CORN AND OLD FIELD PINES. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Gentlemen, — I have been a subscriber to your paper ever since it has been published, and I have noticed that nearly all your correspondents upon the subject of Indian corn agree, that the rows should be four and a half or five feet dis- tant. This is no doubt the proper distance for all the corn east of the Blue Ridge, but I once happened to be present, in the south-western part of Virginia, at corn planting time, and was surprised to observe the farmers laying off their rows from three feet, to three and a half, wide. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 67 I told them they would make no corn, and in- sisied that the rows should be wider. One gen- tleman told me to lay off a few rows in the old Virginia style, and I, being accustomed to the plough handles, laid hold, and run off a few furrows' irough the centre of the field, four and a half feet apart. In the succeeding August, I visited the same field, and, to my utter asto- nishment, the rows I had lain off were destitute of grain, and the fodder burnt entirely up. whilst the narrow rows were excellent and the fodder green to the ground. So, I concluded that the proper width of rows depends upon the nature of the soil. I noticed that the lands in Western Virginia dried much sooner after heavy rains than they did east of the Blue Ridge; this is the case in all limestone countries, where the corn must be planted thicker, for the purpose of shading the ground, and retaining the moisture in summer. I congratulate neighbor Drummond on his conversion to early planting. I have tried the experiment myself, and find that corn planted early will not grow as tall, but will yield more grain, and that of better quality, for it will weigh more to the bushel than the late planting. A writer on " Forest Trees," in your August number, 1842, observes that old field pine is "of little value." Now 1 consider a grove of such pines exceedingly valuable for garden posts, or posts of any kind ; if properly prepared, they will last as long as locust or any other timber. My mode of treatment is as follows : I take a drawing knife and draw off the bark as the tree stands, as high up as I want to use it: in this situation the tree, which will not die, remains a twelvemonth, when, in consequence of the sun's having drawn the rosin to the surface, it will have become a solid bulk of lightwood and will be ready for use. Your obedient servant, J. H. Fuqua. Amherst, January, 1843. ECONOMICAL PAINTING. The following cheap but durable method of painting, has recently appeared in a foreign journal, and as it appears rational in its princi- ples, we have no doubt of its being useful to many in the country, especially in these econo- mizing times: Take skimmed milk, one quart — fresh slacked lirne, six ounces — oil of linseed, four ounces — Spanish white, say whiting, five pounds. Put the lime into a vessel of stone ware, and pour upon it a sufficient quantity of milk to make a smooth mixture ; then add the oil by degrees, stirring the mixture with a small wooden spa- tula ; then add the remainder of the milk, and finally the Spanish white. Skimmed milk, in summer i3 often curdled, but this is of no conse- Vol. III.— 8 quence, as its fluidity is soon restored by its con- tact with the lime. It is, however, absolutely necessary that it should not be sour, for in that case it would form with the lime a kind of cal- careous acetate susceptible of attracting mois- ture. The lime is slacked by plunging it into water, drawing it out, and suffering it to fall to pieces in the air. For painting wiih the ochres, the commonest lamp oil may be used. The oil when mixed with the milk and lime, disappears, being entirely dissolved by the lime, and forms, with it, a calcareous soap. The Spanish white must be crumbled, and gently spread on the sur- face of the liquid, by which it is graduall}' im- bibed, and at last sinks. It must then be stirred with a stick. This paint is colored like distem- per, with charcoal, levigated with water, yellow ochre, &c. and applied to the woik in the usual method by brushes. — Mechanic. TIMBER. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Gentlemen, — Will you be good enough to ask through your valuable journal, whether timber lasts better, cut in winter than summer? If so, I should like to hear the rationale. I know the old theory that the sap is out of the tree in win- ter and has gone down to the root. Upon this I am very skeptical — seeing that the roots are full of sap in summer, and therefore they cannot well hold during winter their own and that of all the branches likewise. So let us hear what is the most lasting timber for posts 1 Does ches- nut under ground decay sooner than oak 1 In haste, yours truly, Whit'l P. Tunstall. We believe the most approved doctrine of modern times is, that the sap of trees becomes spissated, or thick, during the winter months, and ceases to flow, the vital energies of the tree being dormant, as it were, until called into ac- tion by the genial heat of summer. Under this view, many contend that the timber should be cut in the summer, rather than the winter, be- cause the sap, which is considered so injurious to the lasting properties of the wood, can be more readily expelled in a fluid state. Others contend, that the pores of the wood are more open in summer than in winter, and a great many talk a deal of nonsense upon the subject. We knew a very old experienced timber getter who asserted, that there was but one day in the year upon which timber should be cut, and that was the 28th day of August. To determine the matter by experience, requires a greater de- gree of exactness and a more extended obser- 58 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. valion, than usually falls to the lot of men en- gaged in the business. We should be very much obliged for any in- formation that will assist our esteemed corres- pondent. From the Farmers' Cabinet. THE POTATO. Mr. Editor, — It is, perhaps, not generally known to the subscribers of the Farmers' Cabi- net, that in the potato there are two parts, which, if separated and planted at the same time, one will produce tubers fit for the table eight or ten days earlier than the other. This fact has fallen under my own observation, and is the plan I now pursue in order to obtain an early supply for my table, fine and very mealy. The apex or small end of the potato, which is generally full of eyes, is that part that produces the ear- liest — the middle or body of the potato produces later, and always large ones. The butt or navel end is worthless, except for feeding stock, and, if planted, produces very indifferent small ones, and often none at all, the eyes, if any, being imperfectly formed. The potato being cut two weeks before planted, and spread on a floor, that the wounds may heal, separating the small end from the middle, then cutting off the navel or butt, the body or middle of the potato is then divided into two pieces lengthwise, taking care to have always the largest and finest selected, being convinced that if none but large potatoes are planted, large ones will be again produced — small things produce small things again, and therefore no small potatoes should be planted ; this practice is too prevalent, and may account for the many varieties and small potatoes met with in our markets. Who would not prefer a large mealy potato to a small one, that will take hours to boil soft, and then may only be fit to feed the cattle with ? For several years past I have adopted the plan of putting potatoes into the ground late in the fall, covering them with manure, sometimes with tanners' waste bark, and always have suc- ceeded in raising a fine early crop. Last fall I had taken up some as fine and large Mercer po- tatoes as anyone could wish; they were co- vered with tan six inches thick the preceding fall ; many weighed sixteen ounces. No parti- cular care or attention was bestowed upon them through the summer, the tan not permitting any weeds to trouble them, or to draw out the nour- ishment from the earth, they had therefore all the benefit of the soil, kept moist and clean by the tan, for tan will keep the ground moist and clean, and in an improved state in the driest season. I have found the great advantage of it to rny asparagus and strawberry beds, which are annually covered with it. The potato I consider so valuable and indis- pensable a vegetable, and having never seen a suggestion in print of separating the potato and planting each by itself, that I have been induced to send you this imperfect and hastily drawn up communication. Perhaps you may think it worthy a place in the Farmers' Cabinet, and if so, should be pleased to hear that some of its patrons will try the experiment of planting se- parately each part of the tuber, believing that the potato may be much improved by a due re- gard to the above suggestions. J. F. H. Lancaster, February 26, 1842. NEW HORSE SHOE. A simple but most ingenious invention has been laid before us in the shape of an improve- ment in the horse shoe. It is that of making that part of the shoe which is now solid con- cave ; by which the foot is enabled to take a grip, which with the ordinary shoe, is impossi- | ble. The principle is, in fact, that of the fluted ; skate ; and whilst the shoe is, of course, lighter than when manufactured on the usual principle, | it is equivalent in slippery weather, or on wood j pavement, to one that is roughed. The conca- vity runs entirely round the shoe, having a strong rim in form, equal in thickness to the hoof of the horse's foot, and another at the back, of half that thickness. This mode of for- mation, whilst it involves the use of a smaller quantity of iron, and consequently less weight, gives a far greater purchase, and is much more [ in accordance with the nature, form, and texture of the horse's foot. By preventing the necessity ' of turning up the shoe behind, it places the foot [in a more natural position, and thus assists in i bringing into operation the frog, instead of plac- | ing it out of action, and straining all the oiher parts of the foot. — United Service Gazette, Eng- land. For the Southern Planter. SOAP-STONE AND COAL-TAR. Messrs. Editors, — If yourselves or any of your numerous readers can give me any information relative to the application of oil and soap-stone to the roofs of buildings with a view to making them fire-proof, I would be very thankful for it. Having seen in agricultural papers so many puffs of what, afterwards proved to be worse than useless, I repose but little confidence in theories which have not been submitted to the touch-stone of experience. Will the mixture of oil and soap-stone, there- fore, render the roof of a house fire- proof ? and will it last long? or will it require frequent re- newal ? I would also inquire, gentlemen, whether THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 59 either of you, or your readers, has had any ex< perience in the application of coal-tar, and if so, what is the result of that experience? Very respectfully, An Inquirer. P. S. — If I mistake not, I think I have seen both of the above applications objected to. An Inquirer. We should be glad to receive any information upon the subjects alluded to above. GARDENING. Gardening time is upon us. And why should not farmers have as good gardens as villagers ? We always expect when we see a large enclo- sure attached to a village residence, that a well cultivated garden will be found within it ; and why should we not expect the same on every farm ? There is no good reason why. But sadly different, in many instances, is the case ! You see often the large farm and the small farm well cultivated, and the garden almost entirely neglected. Is the latter of less importance in its place than the former? By no means. Do the farmer and his family relish the products and fruits of the garden less than others, when they have them? Not at all. Then why this neglect? It proceeds entirely from a mistaken estimate of horticulture. The products of the garden are deemed of little moment, and those of the farm every thing. All hands are hurried and driven day after day on the farm, and the garden, which perhaps has only a wretched lit- tle bed or two, is often permitted to go to weeds, unless cultivated by the poor women, who gen- erally find their hands full with their children and domestic labors. Never was there a greater blunder than this in the cultivation of the earth. There is nothing furnishes a richer amount of healthful and delightful sustenance to a family than a good vegetable garden. Indeed, some fa- milies with verysmall garden spots, who carefully cultivate them, receive from them their chief sup- port. Go into their dwellings when their tables are set and you may see a profuse display of vege- tables ; and perhaps on entering the house of a neighboring farmer about the same time of day, and though there be an abundance of meat and bread, the display of vegetables will be lean and stinted ! A little judicious expenditure of time would entirely correct this incongruity, and furnish to every farmer a rich and delightful table of ve- getables through the year. In the first place he mu3t have his little garden spot fenced off with rails, if he is not yet able to do it with pickets. It must be a separate enclosure from the rest of the farm, and kept so faithfully. He must ap- propriate a day to ploughing and preparing and sowing his earliest beds — no matter what the hurry of business. After these are done well, as the season advances, and the time arrives for putting in the later vegetables, if he cannot spare time in the morning, let the team stop in the course of the day, and let them be well finished also, and the business is done until weeding time. When this comes, an hour in the morning early for two or three mornings in a week for a very few weeks, will keep the beds perfectly clean, until the vegetables are fit for the table, and then what will be presented ? — one of the finest spots on the whole farm — a luxu- riant garden, from whence a rich and healthful treat may be gathered — rendering comparative- ly but little animal food necessary, and furnish- ing decidedly the most economical as well as pleasant living for a family. To those farmers who have been in the habit of getting along for years with a dwarfish half- cultivated bed or two for a garden, we say, try the recommendation here given for one season, and we are sure you never need be urged to it again — for the advantages will be so sensibly felt, that of the two, the work of the farm will be rather suspended for a day, or a part of a day, if necessary, than the garden should not be seasonably and thoroughly attended to. A spot on the north side of the garden may be advantageously kept as a temporary nursery for choice fruit trees, (such as cherries, plums, and pears,) as they may be obtained from lime to time from neighbors and acquaintances, until permanent places may be selected for their future location. Having paid a good deal of attention to trees and agriculture, we write from observa- tion and experience. — Baptist Register. THE HARD TIMES. " It is an ill wind that blows no good," and we heard a shrewd old farmer observe the other day, that the low price of agricultural produce was already inducing many farmers to pay great attention to the improvement of their lands, who were formerly tempted to " skin" them for the large returns the market afforded. The idea is not an unreasonable one ; such is the cupidity and short-sightedness of human nature, that extra prices will alwaj's excite ex- tra production at the expense of improvement. It is true, that money making is the great ob- ject of agriculture, but it by no means follows that the most certain way to effect it is to im- poverish the land for the sake of a single crop. There is no state of the market in which a far- mer may not prejudice his own interest by rob- bing hi3 land, but it frequently happens, as at present, that prices of produce are so low, that 60 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER the best investment a farmer can make of his labor, is, to devote it to the improvement of his land, whereby, for the crop he would take from it now, he will receive twofold hereafter, when prices are better. If we have succeeded in extracting any com- fort out of the present state of things, we con- ceive we deserve at least as much credit as the man, who "Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every thing." BABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL. Mr. Choate, from the Committee on Naval Affairs in the United Slates Senate, has reported in favor of a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to purchase for the" United States the right to use Babbit's anti-attrition metal. The metal is used in machinery — especially in steam engines. The improvement which the inventor has secured by patent consists in the substitu- tion of a soft, unctuous metal, for the hard brass or composition heretofore used to sustain the journals and other moving parts of machines. This soft metal is enclosed in a new, improved manner, in ribs or ledges of harder metal, to prevent its being spread by the weight of the shafting or by pressure. The Committee con- sider that the improvement is one which the government ought to possess the right to use. It secures a great diminution of friction, and a consequent saving of fuel, and saves one half or more than one half the oil heretofore neces- sary ; lessens the cost of the original construc- tion of the brasses which receive the journals — since they may be made much lighter than be- fore ; lessens the expense of repairs, because the soft metal wears longer than the haid, and the ribs and ledges maybe relined at small cost: communicates increased efficiency to the engines by the diminution of friction, and prevents the heating of the journals, crank-pins, and other moving parts of the machinery. A CLOVER BOX A, Leather strap. B, Clover box. In the engraving above is represented a box, for sowing clover seed, no doubt familiar to many of our readers. Indeed, we had supposed it too well known to need description, else its ex- cellence would long ago have commended it to our notice; but within the last sixty days, we have been so frequently asked if we knew any implement which would sow clover seed evenly and regularly, that, late in the season as it is, we have concluded to describe this simple con- trivance, that is by far the best and cheapest we know for the purpose. The engraving is intended to represent a box eight or ten feet long, about four inches wide, divided into partitions six inches long. The box is tying on one of its sides, so that the interior with a view of the bottom, is presented to the spectator. In the bottom of each partition is an opening of about three inches square, in which is inserted a piece of tin or parchment, or stiff paper, perforated with a number of holes of sufficient size for the clover seed to pass through. In each partition the seed is placed. To the box is fixed a strap, which is passed over the shoulders of the sower, and, carrying the box before him, he walks over the field, agi- tating the box by his hand if it requires more movement than it receives from his walk. Small slides may be made to cover the holes in the bottom, to prevent the seed from dropping out before the sowing commences. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 61 Any good carpenter can make the box in a few hours, and it will be found extremely valua- ble for sowing, broadcast, any small seed. From the New England Fanner. MANAGEMENT OF SWINE. In the first place, there must be a good piggery. There is a greater failure in this respect than any other. The swine are loo cold in cold wea- ther, and too warm in warm weather. The owners of these animals do not sufficiently con- sider that they require to be comforiable, in order to thrive and do well. It is a lamentable fact, notwithstanding so much has been said and written on the proper management of swine, that many have hogs that are continually scold- ing and crying; not so much on account of being scantily fed, as for the want of a comfort- able piggery. I went by one of these miserable pens the other night, where the inmates were whining out something like the following: Oh! cruel master, why do ye Confine us in this piggery 1 ? Oh! here we lie, without a bed, Dirty and wet, from foot to head; Boreas comes in, from every crack, And bites our ears, our legs and back: Thus we shiver all the night; "We scold, we whine, and sometimes bite. Hard master! shall it always be, To have no better piggery? Who can suppose that swine will do well, when so uncomfortable and restless, and nature forces them to whine out such heart-rending complaints 1 A moment's reflection must con- vince every one that swine ought to have a dry, comfortable nest. Furthermore, it is highly ne- cessary that it should be so, that they can bask in the sun in cold weather, and have the benefit of the air and shade in the warm. There is no doubt but a third may be saved by good accom- modations. In the second place, there must be suitable food and good attendance. Sows that have pigs, ought to have different keeping from what hogs gen- erally have. In order to have their offspring do well, they not only must have meal, but a good supply of milk, or whey. This is soon imparted to their progeny, and, generally, (wiih good at- tendance) produces what the owner so much desires. Parturition having taken place, care should be taken for a few days not to over-feed. After which, the sow ought to be fed five times a day, and have about what the appetite craves. In other cases, roots, especially the potato, can be used to great advantage. This, I think, is the most natural for swine, and can be raised (all thing3 considered) wiih the least expense. Not only roots, but meal, ought to be cooked. I very well know that there is some expense about it — but where the accommodations are good, there will be undoubtedly a great gain. — Weaned pigs and swine that we are fatting, ought to be fed three times a day, and about such a time. Punctuality in this respect is highly important. Some contend lo feed twice per clay is as well, or belter, than oflener. But against this practice, reason and experience raise a powerful voice. Nature teaches that they re- quire not only a breakfast and supper, but a dinner. The food must be of good quality and dealt out liberally, but not to cloy. Meal should be made of a mixture of grain ; it is more pa- latable, and has a better effect upon the recipi- ents. By feeding swine three times a day, in a proper manner, the slomach may be duly dis- tended, but not so as to produce disease ; where- as, if the food that they have at three times, be given at two, it. will so distend the stomach as to have this effect. SETTING GATE POSTS. An experienced carpenter, who has put up a great deal of fencing in bis time, tells us, that he has found great advantage from reversing the posts, or setting them bottom upwards. He asserts that this simple arrangement will cause them to last doubly as long, and accounts for it by supposing that the pores of the wood are more closed and better protected from the mois- ture of the atmosphere, when their natural po- sition is reversed. For the Southern Planter. THE APRICOT. Messrs. Editors, — Thisdeliciousfruit is scarce- ly ever grown in the middle couniies of Virgi- nia, and is rarely found in the tide water coun- try. It is owing to the frequent failure of the tree to bear. It blooms early, and the young fruit is blighted. This evil may generally be corrected by planting the tree some five or six feet from the north side of a wall. The blossom is thereby retarded until the severe frosts are over. By this means I have as often succeeded with this excellent fruit as with peaches in or- dinary locations. Not the least recommendation of the apricot is i< ripens in July, when other fruit is scarce. Mine are said to be the only bearing trees in the couniy. I hope this communication will not be too late for those who may be induced to avail themselves of the present season for planting this valuable fruit. Yours respectfully, Thomas Meaux. Amelia, Jan. 25, 1843. 62 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, THE TOMATO. The celebrity of this plant has become asto- nishing. A few years since, prejudice reviled at its excellences with its most vindictive tauntings. Noiv, it is an article of so general popularity, scarcely a garden, or an apology for one, is to be found where it is not cultivated, and almost eve- ry voice is loud in proclaiming its excellences. The tomato has three kinds or varieties, to wit: the large common, the egg, and the golden drop. We prefer the two last kinds for culture, as they are firmer, or more solid in their texture and more delicate in their flavor. The tomato may be started in a hot-bed, or in boxes in the house in March. Then by care, large thrifty plants will be ready for putting out as soon as the sea- son of frost is passed. They do not require a rich soil ; this causes them to run too much to vine, but rather an excitement to push forward to perfection. We know of no more sure effec- tive to produce this, than to put say half or a third of a common shovel full of hen or pigeons' dung in the hill. It is admirably calculated for pepper or for tomatoes. After the early frost had killed the vines last fall, a friend of ours, of close observation and exact calculation, experimented feeding the to- matoes that remained to her cow. They were readily eaten, and the quantity of milk was in- creased. This certainly adds another to the thousand and one uses to which they have been applied. W. B. him to death for any other use. We will guar- antee that the animal has more sense than the man, and, if he could be consulted, would tell you, that if you are going to kill him, it is \eiy immaterial to him whether you convert his car- cass into beef or into corn and wheat. Now, if we were not afraid of shocking the delicate sen- sibilities of some people, we would recommend our farmers to proceed straightway to convert three-fourths of their dogs and cats into good wholesome vegetables in the way recommended by Mr. Drummond, and would even venture to urge, that there was no more impropriety in raising them for the express purpose, if they I could find their profit in it, than there would be in raising and fattening a nice young pullet for the table. We have received a communication com- menting in pretty severe terms upon what the writer was pleased to term, " the barbarity" of Mr. Drummond's plan of killing his old and useless horses, cattle, &c. for his compost pit. — In contrast with this inhuman conduct, is cited the treatment Dr. Parish, of Philadelphia, be- stowed upon an old and favorite horse of his. We hardly waited to finish this epistle, to throw it in the fire, and should not stop to no- tice it now, but that we have observed " stuff" of a similar character in some of the journals of the day. If any gentleman has a horse to which he has formed an attachment, in the name of common sense let hirn indulge his fancy in keeping and cherishing him as long as he pleases. And so, we can respect the feeling which preserves a favorite tree because it is linked with dear and cherished associations, but is this any reason for going without fire-wood, and leaving the forest untouched 1 We scorn the sickly sensibilit}', which will kill an old hard working ox for the purpose of converting him into beef, and cannot bear the idea of putting A NEW SPECIES OF MANUFACTURE. We learn that Mr. Stearns, of Woodstock, Vermont, is about to establish, at the State Dam in this city, a manufactory of satinet out of woollen rags and the usual amount of cotton warp. Flannel rags, old woollen stockings, old carpets, and every kind of woollen rags, except- ing broadcloth and cassimere, will be used. — These rags are converted, by a certain process, into a substance resembling wool, and are then spun into yarn. Rags of broadcloth and cassi- mere cannot be used on account of their being deprived of the adhesive quality necessary to form a firm thread. — Troy Whig. Patent Office, Jan. 25, 1843. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Gentlemen, — I take pleasure in transmitting a very beautiful sample of " Kloss's White Blue Stem" wheat and refer to the Hon. John Snyder's letter for a description of its origin and proper- ties. The same letter will inform those desirous of a larger quantity, where to apply. I also send a sample of Valparaiso wheat, just received from South America. I am, most respectfully, yours, H L. Ellsworth. Hon. Henry L. Ellsworth, Commissioner of Patents : Dear Sir, — The bushel of wheat I have sent you is the product of my county — Union, Penn- sylvania. Its origin is briefly this: My neigh- bor, Christian Kloss, saw, in his field of Blue Stem wheat, a single top-proud head ; he was struck with the contrast between it and the wheat of the whole field, this being the only white head in it, and much the largest. At THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 63 harvest time he secured the head and seeded it in his garden the coming fall ; (I do not recol- lect the time, perhaps six years since;) he di- vided the next years' produce amongst his neigh- bors, and last fall there was perhaps 1,000 bushels -if this seed sown ; one farmer had 4C0 bushels : it is called Kloss's White Blue Stem. The wheat I send is the growth of last year ; it will be recollected our country was filled with rust and smut, — this wheat escaped, yet, it is not quite as full in the grain as the crop of the preceding year ; it weighs G5 lbs. per bushel. — We have the Mediterranean wheat in our coun- ty — the White Blue Stem is considered far su- perior. Hoping it may prove useful to the agri- culturist, it being Pennsylvania staple, I hazard nothing in recommending it as the best wheat in the northern part qf the State, and quite the best I ever saw. Truly, yours, John Snyder. January 18, 1843. We beg leave to return to Mr. Ellsworth the thanks of our farmers for his constant and dis- interested endeavors to promote their interests. The samples sent have been made up into little packages of twelve grains each, and are ready at our office for general distribution. To our friend Mr. R. B. Haxall, the well known proprietor of the Columbia Mills, we have exhibited the specimens received from the Patent Office. The Valparaiso wheat he une- quivocally condemns ; he says it is an old ac- quaintance, has been frequently tried, and as often proved to be totally unsuited to our climate. The " Kloss' White Blue Stem" is a fine, plump, heavy grain, (although he hardly thinks it would weigh sixty-five) well worthy a trial, and cer- tainly extremely valuable, if in any way invul- nerable to smut and rust. the air through one aperture and exhaling it through a smaller aperture, ihus retaining one quarter of each inspiration, which tends to ex- pand the lungs. This instrument is the invention of Dr. J. S. Rose, of Philadelphia, a man of great talents who makes that, wide-spread disease, consump- tion, his sole study, and who, if his directions are followed, promises almost to banish from the land this baneful and inveterate foe to the hu- man race. He has written a treatise on con- sumption, which all who have weak lungs should procure and read. — Boston Bulletin. IMPORTANT INVENTION. We have been much interested in the effects of a small instrument having the appearance of a child's whistle, but performing the important operation of inflating and distending the lungs, and giving them a healthy action. It almost performs miracles. A friend who has just re- turned from Philadelphia, and who used one of these little tubes for a fortnight, measures about four inches more around the chest than when he commenced its use: his voice is fuller and stronger, and there is every indication of perma- nent improvement. This important little agent in removing consumption is formed on very sim- ple principles; the patient breathes entirely through a tube for four or five minutes, inhaling For the Southern Planter. TOBACCO. Messrs. Editors, — I have read with attention the extract in the last number of the Planter, from a pamphlet, published by Peter Minor, Esq. in 1822, on the "Cultivation and Management of Tobacco, from the Plant Bed to the Prize." It is interesting as well as instructive, thus to go back and learn the views and modes of ma- nagement which were entertained and practiced even twenty years ago ; especially, when we find them recorded by a practical man, and one who seems familiar with his subject. It is thus alone, that we are enabled to ascertain with ac- curacy the improvements which experience has brought to light. In the remarks which I am about to offer, I shall avail myself of your invi- tation, and attempt a review of some of the opi- nions advanced in the extract before me, as well as to point out some of the improvements which the experience of twenty years has, in my view, established. Our writer's remarks on the selection of a spot for a plant bed and the propriety of early and hard burning, are, I think, judicious. One great advantage of burning before Christmas (by which I mean late in the fall or early in the winter) is, that it enables you to burn your land harder, and thereby impart greater fertility to the soil, which, if done late in the winter, will make your plants late and inferior, and if fol- lowed by a dry spring, cause a failure. The rationale of this I have never seen attempted, — but may it not be owing to the soil becoming surcharged with so many caustic ingredients, (as the potash, the pyroligneous and other acids generate in combustion,) as to require exposure to the atmosphere and rains for several months, in order to become sufficiently neutralized to act beneficially on the plants'? Another advantage of early burning is, that, with the same amount of fuel, you can burn your ground much harder. At that season of the year your land is generally in better order, and is not as cold as it subse- quently is, and hence it requires less wood to produce the desired effect. So it is economy 64 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. boih of labor and fuel to burn early. I would add, that, labor and fuel would be still farther economized, if, instead of heaping the brush in your new grounds and burning it out of the way, you would pile if. on the spot selected for your plant patch, which, weighted with a little refuse wood, I have found to burn well, and an- swer every purpose. Our writer in speaking of the preparation of the plant bed, recommends ihat the ground be "broken up about two inches deep with the grubbing-hoes," &c. I feel fully persuaded he has fallen into an error on this point; for it is well known, that plants are very liable to suffer from drought in the spring; by breaking up the ground then as deep as practicable with the grubbing-hoe, (being careful always not to turn up any subsoil) you ensure a better supply of moisture. Some of the best planters I am ac- quainted with use the coulter altogether for this purpose, which not only saves hoe labor, but enables them to break their land deeper, which they think a matter of great importance. It would not be out of place to mention here, that there is a method of preparing plant patches adopied by some of our most successful planters, which I consider a great improvement, and as it seems to have been unknown to our writer, or at any rates not mentioned by him, I will at- tempt to describe it. I refer to the practice of underlaying wilh tobacco stalks. This is, no doubt, familiar to many of your readers, though probably not to all. After the patch is tho- roughly hoed up, chopped fine, and raked, com- mencing at one edge, a trench is made along its entire length with a broad hoe, the width of the hoe and about two and a half inches deep. The bottom of this trench is then covered with stalks, laid in with the hand one course thick, lengthwise and straight. When this is done, another trench is made similar to the first, and as near the first as possible without interrupting the stalks laid down ; the earth taken out in order to form this second trench, is placed on the stalks, and fills up the first trench ; the earth out of the third trench, in like manner, is placed on the stalks laid down in the second, and so on. By this means the whole patch is underlaid with stalks. The operation is simple and expeditious, and the plants are thus furnished with a manure better suited, both to their tastes and wants, than any other which can be found. It is best to select spots on alluvial branch flats to underlay, and the same spot may be burned and underlaid every 3 T ear for a score of years, and it will be- come better and better — the stalks enriching and preventing the soil from becoming close. It is only necessary for any one, who has never tried this plan, to try it, and he will be convinced that it is greatly superior to any which is practised, both for quantity and quality of plants. Seeding. — There is a very common mistake made, I think, in sowing our beds too thick, whereby the plants are small, yellow and sickly. The quantity of seed spoken of by our writer, viz: "a table spoonful to the hundred square yards," is the proportion I got from a successful planter, and have always adopted with good results. The first of February is recommended by our writer as the best season for sowing ; I think, however, we have succeeded best when we have sowed before Christmas. I have thought when we came to transplant, that the plants from early sowing had better roots; I suppose the tobacco seed, like oiher seeds, in the first stages of germination, shoots its root down into the soil, some time before the stalk makes its appearance above the surface. This fact we have often noticed in corn, snaps, &c. and it may be, that the tobacco seed, by having more time allowed it, becomes better rooted. Of one thing I am fully satisfied — that flies do not destroy an early sowed patch as readily as one which is later sowed. I have frequently seen the plants eaten by the fly, or more properly, Jtea, (for they have no wings, and seem to be the smallest of the grasshopper tribe, of a dark brown color,) until you could scarcely see a leaf left, and the early sowed, would put out from the bud and do well, while the late sowed would be so much crippled as to die. This I have attributed to the former being belter rooted, and consequently better able to resist injuries. Our practice is to sow when we burn, any time after the first of December ; before that time, it might be unsafe, as a warm spell might cause the seed to sprout too early, and render them liable to be killed by the frosts of winter. We then cover thick with naked brush, as soon as the ground is trod, which covering is never taken off at all until about two weeks before we transplant, unless the spring is unusually wet, or the patch hap- pens to be on land disposed to be springy — in either of which cases, we do so, that the sun and air may dry the soil. A thick coat of brush answers the double purpose of protecting the plants from the frosts as well as from the drought of spring. We manure our plants the first time when they are about the size of a ninepence, with fine stable manure, which should be kept carefully dry for the purpose, and then, in about two weeks, give them another top dressing of the same. The first dressing should be light, to avoid smothering the plant, and neither should be put on when the plants are wet with either dew or rain. The practice of manuring with stable manure early, when the horses are fed on hay, is inadvisable, on account of the grass seed ; but if put on after the plants have grown to the size above mentioned, the grass will never inter- fere. We never find it necessary to take off the brush, either to top dress or hand weed. These can both be done about as soon as the brush could be removed and replaced. We find no THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 65 difficulty in walking on the brush with baskets of manure and in scattering it broadcast over the surface ; it treads and bruises the plants less than if the brush was removed ; and where the land has been properly burned there is but little hand weeding necessary. By treating our plant patches j.s above described, we have never had our plants killed by frost, nor have we ever had Occasion to water them, and further, we have never failed to have an abundance in good time. You will, I trust, gentlemen, pardon the length at which I have dwelt on this part of the subject, when you recollect that a very large proportion of the failures in our tobacco crops, are to be ascribed, either to scarcity of plants at the proper season, or to small, sickly, indifferent ones, which cannot survive the shock of trans- planting. Our lands, owing to long cultivation, are not as free as they were formerly, and it re- quires rather earlier planting for the crop to come in ripe before frost. Good plant lands, too, are scarcer than they once were, and we must make up in cultivation and attention what we have lost in fertility. Having strong, large, vigorous plants, is half the battle. They resist drought, cut-worm, and all other enemies to which they are exposed, much better than small, delicate ones. Should this communication (which has grown much longer than I intended) be deemed worthy of a place in your columns, gentlemen, I may feel encouraged to follow Mr. Minor in the cul- tivation of the tobacco crop, — the diseases or accidents to which the crop is exposed, and the modes of prevention as far as I am acquainted with them. There is, I think, an error in his remarks on this subject, which must be regarded by the best planters of the present day as fun- damental. To this, should I write again, I will endeavor to call your attention. Yours, very respectfully, N. A. Venable. Lunenburg County. The great object we had in view in publish- ing Mr. Minor's pamphlet, over and above its intrinsic merits, was to call forth such comments, from just such a source, as those furnished us by Mr. Venable. We sincerely hope he will continue his review, and whilst his remarks are so entirely practical, he need not fear to weary either us or our readers by the clearness, and con- sequent length, of detail. If the readers of the Planter are not thoroughly instructed in the im- portant art of tobacco making, it will not be our fault. north and south, in order to admit the sun's rays every day on both sides of the row. Experienced agriculturists tell us that all plants, whether in the garden, field, or forest, if in rows, should be placed in the direction of Vol. III. — 9 ROOT CROPS. In a conversation with Mr. Dicken, who is an old fashioned Virginia corn grower, and not much given to " new fangled notions," he ex- pressed to us the opinion, that the farmers of Virginia were much indebted to Mr. Bement for his excellent essays upon the cultivation of roots, published in our columns. He says that for rearing calves he has never tried any thing equal to the ruta baga ; the finest he ever raised, was fed upon nothing but pasturage in the sum- mer, and chopped ruta baga in the winter. He entertains not the smallest doubt that every far- mer in Virginia should raise a crop of roots for the winter use of his cattle. For the Southern Planter. POUDRETTE. Gentlemen, — In running over the articles in the last number of your valuable paper, I was particularly struck with the one from your cor- respondent Za. Drummond, Esq. — it made every cord in my heart vibrate, and I felt, for one, that l was ready "to go hand in hand" with him, if not for " twenty-five years," at least to the close of my earthly existence, in attempting to im- prove that part of the Old Dominion which I call my own. I believe it was General Miller who, during our revolutionary struggle, when asked by his superior officer if he could storm a certain fortification of the British with an infe- rior force, modestly answered, " I will try sir" — he made the effort, and history has recorded the result. I have adopted this as my motto — I am determined to " try" what can be done. I re- member to have promised you some time ago a short account of my method of preparing ma- nures from human excrements. I will now re- deem that promise, hoping that it may be useful to many of your subscribers. First, I collect the slercoraceous matters separately in large vessels or hogsheads, after the urine has become putrid, which will require but two or three days in warm, and ten or fifteen in cold, weather. I then add sulphuric acid to the urine slowly ; if the urine is putrid, a powerful effervescence will immediately take place; the acid must be added until effervescence ceases. By this pro- cess, the carbonic acid in combination with the ammonia, is disengaged and driven off, and sul- phate of ammonia is formed, which has no vola- tility, except at a very high temperature. Thus you secure the ammonia formed by putrefaction, which, otherwise would escape. I then add the 66 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER liquid to the solid excrements, incorporating them well together, until a very thin batter is formed ; into this mass 1 stir in finely pulverized charcoal, according to my judgment, without regard to any precise quantity ; this done, I spread the mass upon boards made tight, in the open air — stir frequently until the whole is dry, then pul- verize with a spade, and barrel it up for the use of crops. My drying boards are protected from the wea- ther by a shed open to the south, so as to re- ceive the benefit of the sun. Manure made in this way I call Poudrette, and of its value I can speak in the highest terms. When properly made, it is inodorous, and the application to crops easy, and the effect powerful. I made an expe- riment with it last season upon sugar beet, in comparison with bone dust, bone dust and stable manure mixed, and stable dung alone. The beets manured with poudrette, came up quicker, grew faster, and maintained a decided superiori- ty to the last, making the largest and best beets ; the quantity of poudrette was only a small train to each drill. I used it also upon corn with en- tire success. In this experiment I subjected it to a very severe test ; I selected a very poor spot, put only one and a half gills to the hill as a top dressing, at the time of planting, and the result was truly astonishing, proving it to be beyond all doubt a manure of great strength and power, perhaps surpassing all others now known. It must in all cases be used as a top dressing ; such is its strength when planted with seed, the germ is destroyed, and consequently does not come up. I shall make about one hundred barrels this season, which I intend to use chiefly on corn the coming spring, from which I anticipate the best results. When I commenced I intended to say some- thing about what, I have been doing in bone dust, dead horses, pigs, dogs, cats, &c. but I am reminded in your editorial what great severity your correspondents may expect at your hands, and as my piece is already much longer than my " hand" I shall close. Sincerely yours, George Woodfin. February 6, 1843. Mr. Woodfin will please to recollect that al- though we may be a little squeamish about the length of our communications, we place no limit upon the quantity. THE FARMERS' REGISTER. We have received the first number of this well known work issued under the auspices of the new Editor. From this specimen we do not hesitate to express our confidence in Mr. Pleasants' ability to sustain the well earned re- putation of the " Register ;" to add to it, would be difficult and superfluous. Mr. Pleasants is an accomplished gentleman and handsome writer ; not only on his account, but for the honor and interest of Virginia, we hope the Register may live and flourish for a thousand years. For the Southern Planter. CORN CULTURE. Messrs. Editors, — Your February number contains two most excellent pieces on the cul- ture of corn, and while I subscribe most heartily to Mr. A. Shriver's close planting, I object to his four ploughings, and more particularly to his " thorough hoeing" " that is, chopping away the old hill and giving it fresh ground, cutting up every spear of grass." This is too much work. Mr. Shriver thinks wheat succeeds corn to ad- vantage. Now, wheat will not grow after corn in this part of Virginia. Again, Mr. W. C. Young's notions of "plough- ing in the fall" — "cross ploughing in the spring, and early planting, deep covering and anti-re- planting" system, is admirable. But, he too has too much work : " four ploughings and one har- rowing? We in this part of the Stale have a great deal of worn out old fields, which are much improved by ploughing, say once in two, three, or four years. Now, why not plant double the quantity in corn, and give it two ploughings instead of four. I know we shall make more corn, and I am persuaded our lands will be be- nefitted thereby, which should be with us the great desideratum. Yours, &c. A. Bailey, Jr. Rough Chreek Church, Va., Feb. 9, 1843. EMIGRATION TO VIRGINIA. We are happy to see that the natural gifts of the Old Dominion begin to be appreciated by northern emigrants. To good managers we have no doubt that every thing considered, the climate, the facilities of market, the society, &c. &c. the cheap, exhausted, but grateful soil in many parts of Virginia, offer the fairest oppor- tunity of investment that can be found in the Union. And now that the golden visions in the West have vanished, the less glittering, but more substantial advantages of the older States begin to be understood. The emigrants to the county of Fairfax, alluded to in Mr. Rives' ad- dress, are, we understand, highly delighted with their purchase, and are daily gaining accessions THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 67 to their numbers from the county of Dutchess, probably the richest and best cultivated portion of the State of New York. In allusion to this emigration, Governor Hill, in the last number of the "Y'^itor," remarks: " We have fully satisfied ourselves of the fact, that there are many thousands of acres of land in the States along the Atlantic seaboard now lying useless that may be purchased and culti- vated to better advantage and profit than the best lands offered for sale at the West. The Dutchess county farmers who have taken up land for improvement in Fairfax county, Virgi- nia, if their history for the next twenty years could be written, will turn out to be more uni- formly successful than an equal number with the same means who have removed to the far West. The new western lands may be more easily brought into cultivation ; but Commodore Jones has demonstrated, and the emigrants from Dutchess county will prove that the best and most profitable investment of all will be the ju- dicious expenditure and labor bestowed in re- claiming the worn-out lands of Fairfax county, Virginia." In this connexion, we will take occasion to mention, that we are authorized to sell a tract of land of 1,700 acres, lying in the county of Prince William, (the adjoining county to Fair- fax). The situation is remarkably healthy, the water excellent, and the wood abundant; the whole affording fine pasturage for sheep. It would afford a capital stand for a tavern and store. The whole tract can be purchased for three thousand one hundred dollars, cash, or for two dollars an acre, on a reasonable credit.-^- This is probably one of the greatest bargains to be had in Virginia, and northern Editors would no doubt be conferring a favor upon their sub- scribers by disseminating information of the op- portunity it affords. For the Southern Planter. M'CORMICK'S REAPING MACHINE. Messrs. Editors, — I find that you did not ap- prehend the purport of my 4th inquiry relative to C. H. M'Corrnick's reaper. When I asked "can the reaper be convenienily used unless the wheat ripens in large bodies," I did not mean to inquire whether it would be advisable to pur- chase one unless the farmer had large fields to reap, but simply to learn whether the machine could be conveniently used to cut small lands, when the grain ripens not in "large bodies," but irregularly in patches, as it sometimes does, or whether from the inconvenience of turning, you must embrace several a' res in a land to work the reaper to advantage ? As this inquiry is fully answered in a letter received by me from an intelligent practical far- mer, (Mr. Abraham Smith, of Rockingham,) and as he speaks in terms of high commenda- tion of the reaper, I shall take the liberty of sending you an extract, thinking that the expe- rience of this gentleman in the use of the ma- chine for three harvests, may be acceptable to many, who, like myself feel an interest in its success. Very respectfully, George A. Smith. February 8, 1843. "Dear Sir, — Yours of the 18th instant came to hand on yesterday. I shall endeavor to an- swer your inquiries respecting C H. M'Corrnick's Reaping Machine in the order in which you have made them. 1st. I have used one of them for three har- vests, and have found no reason to alter my cer- tified opinion. 2d. I never cut wheat with dew or rain on it, consequently cannot answer your question on that subject. 3d. It cuts grain on land not more inclined than six or eight degrees as well as on level land. Indeed I have worked it on land much steeper, and found that it did not do so well. It was inclined to run in or out of the grain. If above, it would run in, if below, run out. 4th. You must cut a way with the cradle to start it, and when a square is nearly finished, you will save time by finishing it with the cra- dle — too much turning with the machine is too great a loss of time. It is not profitable to in- clude less than three or four acres in a square ; for instance, if I wish to cut a twenty acre field, I would start through the middle of it, and cut backwards and forwards until it got too wide for profitable work — after which I would make two cuttings of the field. 5th. I have never seen it work upon bedded land, but have been informed that it has been worked on the James River lowgrounds, which is generally bedded, with advantage. 6th. I have never found the ground too wet on my land yet. I would suppose that when it was so miry as to let the wheels sink much, it would not work well. 7th. The cutter has a sickle edge, and if a good one, will cut well ten or twelve days ; I have two for my machine; the sickle can be ground. 8th. In wheat three feet high, and upwards, or if tangled, it will save grain better than any way 1 have ever seen — in fact it saves all. 9th. It will reap from twelve to fifteen acres a day, if well tended. It requires two active boys to drive and rake it alternately. 68 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 10th. The machine can be drawn by two horses, and is not liable to get out of order. All that is necessary is to have careful hands to work it. It must be kept off stumps, sprouts, and stones that are too large for the wheels to run over. I cannot say that mine is more liable to get out of order than the cradle. It matters not what machine you have, it must be kept in order or it will do badly." For the Southern Planter. HUSSEY'S REAPING MACHINE Being apprehensive that an impression pre- vails amongst farmers of the lower section of Virginia unfavorable to my Reaping Machine, and believing, as I do, that that impression has been formed in many instances from a want of correct information, I wish to occupy a small space in your valuable journal to correct as far as I can such erroneous impressions. To do so, it will be necessary to account for the apparent failures, or what has been called such. It can- not be denied that my first machines were very imperfect, but the work was always well done, the chief difficulties being the liability to get out of order, the failure to cut wet grain, and the severe labor on the shaft horse. The first has been obviated, so far as strength and good workmanship will do it; the second mea- surably so, and the third is entirely removed ; but carelessness and bad management in the field cannot be guarded against. My machine originally worked with two horses abreast, and rested on foufwheels ; it was afterwards changed to shafts, like a cart; the machines used on the James River were of the latter kind. The diffi- culty arising from the imperfection of these ma- chines was much increased by circumstances for which the machines should not be held account- able. In many fields where they were used the land was cultivated in ridges, with furrows much deeper than some farmers have since found ne- cessary, who have cultivated their fields with reference to cutting with the machine ; but this difficulty has been in a great measure obviated by improvements. Another cause of difficulty has been the entrusting the machine to incom- petent hands. The machine has in many in- stances been entrusted to a gang of negroes in one part of the field, while the overseer was at- tending on the cradlers in another part ; the consequence has been, the oil has been forgotten, the screws have been neglected, which were liable to shake loose, until some accident has happened ; but this liability is now guarded against. Besides this, farmers have sometimes not found so many acres cut as they expected ; this is not always to be attributed to the fault of the machine, but to a want of a reasonable pro- gress ahead, owing to that well known propen- sity of slaves to improve all possible opportunity to stand still. It has been my constant aim, for THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 69 years, to discover, and guard the weak points, and I think my present machines strong and durable. With your permission, I will insert some short extracts from letters which I have received The first is from Col. Edward Lucas, of Jefft son county, Virginia, writing for his brothers, he says, "I have now the pleasure to communicate to you the result of our experi- ment with your grain cutters, which have been highly satisfactory, indeed, they have exceeded our most sanguine expectations, and this too af- ter a fair trial of some eighteen days cutting with thern this year, and in comparison with cradles in the same field, we found the cutters (meaning the machines) much less liable to break, or be injured by running over rough, and hilly ground, and coming in contact with ob- structions, such as rocks, stones, and stumps, than we had anticipated. My brothers say they would not be without them for any consi- deration. They had four hundred and forty-five acres of heavy wheat, some of it unusually so, and much of it lodged and twisted, and sixty acres of oats, all of which, except forty or fifty acres, was cut by the cutters (two machines) in less than fifteen days, making as high as twenty acres some days, and could have gone up to twenty-five acres to the cutter, if the grain had stood up, and the mules had been urged to their fastest walk." Mr. William H. D. C. Wright, of Q,ueen Anns county, Maryland, in a letter, says, "The machine fulfilled its object to my satisfaction. Where my wheat was heaviest it gave full employment to fourteen binders." I could multiply such testimonials to fill your journal, if admissible. Many farmers say that the machine has made an additional saving of at least its cost in one year. As to rny own opinion, 1 arn aware that it will amount to litlte, but I will say this much, that I am ready to engage to cut thirty acres in one day with one machine, with good horses, in good wheat and on good ground, and the field shall be better cut than any cradled field that can be produced. — The machines used by Col. Lucas had shafts and rested on two wheels ; that used by Mr. Wright had a tongue and rested on four wheels. The restoration of the tongue and the necessary wheels, combined with my other late improve- ments in other respects, is found to be advan- tageous; it relieves the horses of an objectiona- ble weight, and adds much to the steadiness of the machine, the speed, and quality of the work being the same. I see in your last Planter an account of an- other reaper in your State, which is attracting some attention ; it shall be rny endeavor to meet that machine in the field, in the next harvest. — I think it but justice to give this public notice that the parties concerned may not be taken unawares, but have the opportunity to prepare therr.13elve3.for such a contest, that no advantage may be taken. Those gentlemen who have become prudently cautious, by being often de- ceived by humbugs, will then have an opportu- nity to judge for themselves. Respectfully, Obed Hussey. Baltimore, Jan. 30, 1843. VIRGINIA MANUFACTURES. The Messrs. Barnes have sent to our office, for the inspection of our country friends, some of the most splendid specimens of agricultural and other edge tools we have ever seen. Are the farmers of Virginia aware that we are sell- ing axes made by these gentlemen, for $1 25 apiece, or $14 a dozen, and warranting them to be equal to any made in the United States ? For the Southern Planter. BROOM-CORN HAY. Messrs. Editors, — For the last three years I have been in the habit of sowing the broom-corn seed, broadcast, mixed with the common field peas, which has made an excellent hay, when properly cured. The spring of 1842, through the middle of my patch I sowed a strip of about ten feet wide with Indian corn ; the whole being managed precisely in the same way, and to my surprise, when ready to cut, the broom-corn on each side of the Indian corn, looked like two walls — the broom-corn about five feet high, while the Indian did not much exceed two feet. Of course, it was all seeded very thick, and it must be thick, or it will be too coarse for good hay. So, I conclude that the broom-corn is much to be preferred. I have some of the hay on hand that is now two years old. My practice is to house it ; my stock eat it kindly. I try to sow it thick to prevent the stalk being large. I es- teem it best when the stalks are about the size of large oat-stalks, and from three to four feet high ; it should be cut just after the broom or head makes its appearance ; that, which is cut in the forepart of the day, should be shocked up after four o'clock ; it need not be spread the next day, but the day after, it may just be upset and opened — at evening it should be shocked up again, and if not too coarse, in a few days, it will be ready for the house. You need not fear rain while in the shocks. One word about the land and seed. Very rich land is not so good ; land that will produce from four to five barrels of corn per acre, is rich enough ; if the land is very rich, it will grow too large in spite of you. I think one bushel of broom seed and a half bushel of peas, clay- red or black-eyed, will make it thick enough ; it 70 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, may be sowed any time in May, upon land that water will not remain on long. I am now carting out the finest marl perhaps you ever saw ; my land has the greatest supply of it, and very convenient. It is as fine as wheat-bran, and after being exposed, becomes much whiter, little or no foreign matter in it. Yours, J. Bunch. Chuckatuck, Va., Feb. 8, 1843. P. S. — I find so many good things, and prac- tical ones too, in the Southern Planter, I wish I could pay back something for interest, say no- thing about principal — O, by the bye, I had like to have forgotten my cart-wheel composition ; it is the best (blacklead excepted) of anything I have ever used — it is both simple and cheap. I am now, and have been using it for some time ; try it before you condemn it. It is clean wood ashes mixed with any kind of common grease or train-oil, if you please. J. B. THE MANNER OF APPLYING MANURE. "We have received a communication from Mr. S. T. Redd, of Cumberland, on this important subject. After dilating upon the absolute ne- cessity of an improved system of husbandry, whereby we may restore to our lands the fertility of which the skinning system of our ancestors has deprived them, Mr. Redd goes on to remark, " I am clearly of the opinion, from my own experience, that all the manure raised during the last summer and fall, should at suitable times be carried on the land and scattered in the month of February. Although I expect many will differ from me, thinking that certain properties may be lost by exhalation ; but the fact is, being spread on in this month, the sun shines with such little heat, none of the properties are lost. It has time to saturate the soil in order to lighten and quicken it, so that whatever is planted upon the land, grows off instantly. One of my neigh- bors has been trying the plan for the last five or six years ; he is delighted with it, and thinks the manure acts better and the land produces more abundantly. Not only is there this ad- vantage in it, but it so quickens the soil, that the young tobacco plant will start to grow as soon as it would in new ground or second year's land, which is of considerable importance ; the young plant making such a quick start, soon gets out of the reach of what is commonly called among us the cut-worm, which is so very de- structive in cutting down the young plants when slow in starting. Your land should be fallowed previously to carrying out your manure, and it should be spread as carried out. I made an ex- periment last year upon two pieces of land of the same quality. I had manure spread upon one piece in the month of February, and the other at the usual time, just before planting ; the difference was very considerable. I have more- over frequently seen it tried with the same result. There are these advantages. The tobacco grows faster and generally larger — ripens much earlier, and makes generally richer tobacco. All I ask of those who differ with me is, to make a fair trial." POUDRETTE. We feel particularly anxious to call the atten- tion of our farmers and gardeners to this conve- nient, stimulating, and valuable manure. We had our own interest very much excited by the astonishing, and we guess, rather exaggerated accounts, we heard of its effects whilst we were at the North last fall. That it is one of the most powerful fertilizers known, and that it should be at least fairly tested by every farmer, who has an opportunity of obtaining a barrel, we do not hesitate to assert ; and this, because the experiment can be made at so small an ex- pense, and if it is all they say of it, it will prove the most important addition that has ever been made to the farmer's resources. That it is ever to supersede stable manure, or that the day will ever come when it will be to the farmer's inter- est to neglect his farm-yard and compost heap, we consider all humbug and nonsense. But that after the farmer has put out all the dirt, dung, and compost, that he can rake and scrape, that he may then purchase poudrette for the balance of his land, that would otherwise go unmanured, with a prospect of realizing two or three hundred per cent, on the outlay, we are strongly inclined to believe. All chemists agree in according to this sub- stance the very highest fertilizing properties. — Prof. Johnson, than whom none stands higher in the scientific world, says, " Wight soil' is probably the most valuable, and yet in Europe at least, the most disliked and neglected, of all the solid animal manures. It varies, no doubt, in richness, with the food of the inhabitants of each district — chiefly with the quantity of animal food they consume — but when dry, no other solid manure, weight for weight, can probably be compared with it in general efficacy. It contains much soluble and saline matter, and as it is made up from the constituents of the food we eat, of course it con- tains most of those elementaiy substances, which are necessary to the growth of the plants on which we principally live." We have heard it estimated that. one bushel THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 71 of poudrette contained at least as much fertiliz- ing power as ten bushels of stable manure, whilst the facility of putting it out, was much more than ten times as great. It has been ap- plied in *his country with great success to wheat and com. Upon potatoes, peas, turnips, and other garden vegetables, it is described as pro- ducing the most astonishing effect in hastening their maturity and increasing their products. — In a letter to the " United States Farmer" Mr. Jos. Tyrrell, of New Jersey, states, 11 In March last I planted six rows of early peas, four of the rows were manured with pou- drette sprinkled liberally over the seed. These came up five or six days before the others, they grew more luxuriant, came in blossom ten clays sooner, and yielded much more abundantly than those which had no poudrette. I have tested its merits as a manure for cucumbers and melons, and prefer it to any other for those articles." Mr. Lemuel Soper, of Long Island, makes the following statement : " I have used poudrette on corn at the rate of a gill to the hill, which produced as good corn as where I put a shovel full of yard manure in the hill. The worms were not as troublesome where poudrette was used as where other ma- nure was used. I also used it on wheat, at the rate of forty, sixty and seventy bushels to the acre. Where I used forty bushels to the acre, I got as good wheal as where I used forty wagon loads of barn-yard manure, and equally as good as where I used sixty or seventy bushels of poudrette to the acre. " I also used it on all kinds of garden vegeta- bles, and never had better success. I consider it better for corn in the hill than bone." Mr. W. F. Blydenburgh says, " ' On grass lands, in the month of May, it has a decidedly beneficial effect as a top dressing. I should think twenty bushels to the acre would double the crop for one year, but doubt whether it would show much on the second.' Mr. Bly- denburgh has used it on nearly all the variety of crops raised on Long Island, and with a view of testing its relative value with other manures. He says, 'I applied the article, last summer, to Indian corn, melons, and other vines, and ruta baga. On corn, a gill was put in the hill, against eight times the quantity of hog-pen ma- nure, and against five times the quantity of fish manure, the latter a compost of ' sting Rales' and earth, prepared the previous autumn, with results much in favor of poudrette for the first six weeks, after which its superiority became less manifest, until the general appearance and crop became so nearly equal that no difference could be perceived. * * * * In conclusion, I would say that for the hills of corn, poudrette has no rival, so far as the labor and expense on the one hand, and produce on the other, are to enter into the account. A gill to the hill is bet- ter than a larger quantity, unless the first four weeks after planting should prove to be very wet, or unless the ground is low emd moist. I have seen a striking instance of the good effects of poudrette on a field of oats, applied by one of my neighbors at the rate of fifteen or twenty bushels to the acre, on land of middling quality. The yield was increased at least 70 per cent." For the information of those who have alrea- dy ordered the article, as well as those who may conclude to do so, we copy the following direc- tions for its use, furnished by Mr. D. K. JWinor, of New York : " I recommend the use of 20 to 25 bushels to the acre for corn, on ordinary land. When the ground has been ploughed, and lays in furrows, I would spread by hand, at broadcast, about 14 or 15 bushels to the acre, and then harrow cross- wise of the furrows, mixing it thoroughly, with the soil. I would then mark out the rows with an ox chain, drawn on the ground, and drop the corn, and put about half a gill in the hill, and cover it up with the corn. This would require near 8 bushels, making about 23 bushels per acre, — or three-fourths of a gill may be put in the hill at planting, and an equal quantity spread on at broadcast, and well worked in at the first, or second hoeing — or, if not obtained in time for planting, the whole may be spread on, and tho- roughly worked into the soil, at the hoeing. It is undoubtedly most effectual when applied at planting; but still, very important benefit will be obtained from its application when applied at the rate of 15 or 20 bushels to the acre at the first or even second hoeing. "For wheat, to be followed by grass, I would spread on at the sowing from 15 to 20 bushels to the acre, to be harrowed in with the seed. — This will give it a vigorous growth in the fall, and enable it to stand the winter. I would also spread ten bushels more upon it in the spring, and pass a light harrow and roller over it. — When used as a top dressing for wheat or grass, without being harrowed in, it should ahuays be just previous to a shower. " It is found to act very favorably on grass seed, especially on clover. I have reports from Dutchess and Westchester counties, which say that where poudrette was used on wheat in 1839 and 1840, the grass, especially the clover, is much better than where other manure was used in the same field, so much so indeed, that it is readily perceived on going into the field. " For turnips, 25 or 30 bushels is a good 72 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. dressing. If the seed is sowed at broadcast, the poudrette should be applied in the same way and harrowed in with the seed. For buckwheat, 10 or 12 bushels ; and for oats, 15 to 20 bushels, according to the condition of the land, may be used, always to be harrowed in with the seed. For potatoes, a gill to the hill, to be put in with the seed, is sufficient on ordinary land ; a larger quantity will be likely to make more vines than are useful. " For cucumbers, melons, and other garden ve- getables, it may be used in small quantities at planting, and on melons, cucumbers and squashes, it will be found a preventive to the striped bug and other insects, if sprinkled over them in small quantity after they are fairly up. {t5°" I find the same prejudice and dislike, on first ac- quaintance with it, among insects, as among some men. On applying it to cucumbers anH melons, I was amused to see the yellow bugs, and other like fastidious insects turn their backs upon me, as I have often been to see gentlemen of delicate nerves turn up their noses at the men- tion of 'Poudrette' ! ! This circumstance, how- ever, may not render this valuable fertilizer, of less value, any more than the opinion of gentle- men of ' delicate nerves' renders the enterprise one of doubtful propriety. I am satisfied from my own experience, that it will be found very valuable on all garden vegetables, not only in producing a rapid growth, but also as a guard against insects." CORRECTION. A very intelligent gentleman has called our attention to the article on " Urine," at page 35 of the last number of the Planter. It is there stated that a pit of certain dimensions can be filled with loam, in Scotland, for about £41 16s. Our informant states that he is in progress of trying the plan recommended, and that, even in this country, where labor is so much higher, he is satisfied that the pit can be filled for about $22, which is the sum at which he has seen it estimated in other papers. He concludes that it is a misprint, and fears the error may deter some from trying what he conceives to be an invaluable experiment. WHITE CARROTS. This is a new species of that valuable root, and from its uncommon productiveness must be an important acquisition in the field root culture. For milch cows, and any other slock, it is a cheap and rich food. From our own experience we are enabled to say its growth excels the common orange carrot in its yield. Unlike others, it projects several inches out of the ground, like the sugar beet, or long turnip. In rich soil with deep tilth, the production is enor- mous. Twenty-two tons are said, by the Ame- rican Agriculturist, to have been raised per acre this year in Massachusetts. — Farmers' Cabinet. This is the root, our readers will remember, so highly recommended by Mr. Bement in his communication to the Planter. Since the pub- lication of the article, we have had frequent ap- plications for the seed, and we take this oppor- tunity of saying that we are in daily expecta- tion of a large supply from the North. CONTENTS OF NO. III. Tobacco — Of stripping and prizing, p. 49. Sugar — Directions for making from corn-stalks, p. 50. Cinders — From blacksmith's shop, a fertilizer, p. 50. Eggs — How to tell male from female eggs, p. 51. Goochland Fair — Notice of, p. 51. Address — Dr. Wight's reviewed, p. 52. Plaster — New theory of its operation, p. 53. Cast Steel — Directions for working, p. 54. Winged Coulter — An implement for cultivating corn described, with a cut, p. 55. Grass — The "new" method of seeding, an old one, p. 56. Rata Baga — Remarks on the cultivation of, p. 56. Roller — Directions for making one, p. 56. Poultry — Laying hens to be fed with egg shells or chalk, p. 56. Corn — Proper distance for planting, p. 56. Old Field Pines — How to convert them into valuable posts, p. 57. Painting — Cheap and durable method of, p. 57. Timber — When should it be cut? p. 57. Potato — Mode of planting, p. 58. Horse Shoe — A new improvement in, p. 58. Soap-Stoneand Coal-Tar — Inquiries concerning, p. 58. Gardens — Should not be neglected, p. 59. Hard Times— -The means of improvement, p. 59. Anti- Attrition Metal — Babbit's recommended, p. 60. Clover Seed — Box for sowing described, with a cut, p. 60. Hogs — Management of, p. 61. Gate Posts — Manner of setting, p. 61. Apricots— How they should be preserved from frosts in the spring, p. 61. Tomato — Varieties of, p. 62. Satinet — A new species of, p. 62. Wheatr— Kloss's White Blue Stem, p. 62. Consumption — Important invention for its cure, p. 63. Tobacco — Mr. Minor's pamphlet on, reviewed by Mr. N. A. Venable, p. 63. Root Crops — Mr. Bement's opinion of, corroborated by Mr. Dicken, p. 65. Poudrette — Experiments of Mr. Woodfin on, p. 65. Farmers' Register — Notice of, p. 66. Corn — Culture of, p. 66. Virginia — Emigration to. p. 66. Reaping Machine — Inquiries concerning M'Cormick's answered, p. 67. Reaping Machine — Hussey's represented, with an en- graving, p. 68. Axes — Messrs. Barnes' recommended, p. 69. Broom-Corn — Cultivated for hay, p. 69. Manure — When it should be hauled out and applied to the soil, p. 70. Poudrette — Its qualities as a manure tested by practi- cal experiments, p. 71. Carrots — The white, preferred, p. 72.