THE SOUTHERN PLANTER; Beboteti to gtgrtculture, horticulture, rnttr the ^ouseftolO &rts. Agriculture is the nursing ] mother of the Arts. Xenop'iwn. Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the State.— tS«%. A C. T. BOTTS & L. m r . BURFOOT, Editors. Vol. III. RICHMOND, MAY, 1843. No. 5. PASTURAGE vs. TILLAGE. During the last winter we enjoyed the plea- sure of a fireside conversation with one of the most intellectual and experienced farmers in Virginia. We made a note afterwards of the most striking remarks of our friend, and it is to the benefit of this memorandum that we propose to treat our readers. As a conversation, it was of course varied and desultory, and he who reads what follows with any expectation of finding an able and profound essay upon agri- culture, will be sorely disappointed. But we wish we possessed the power of transferring to paper the zeal, the ardor, and interest, with which this gentleman, the builder of his own fortune, who has grown gray in the pursuit of his profession, dilated upon the joys, pleasures, and advantages of his favorite pursuit. How we who are mewed up in a city, from year's end to year's end, longed, while listening to him, for what old Gervaise Markham calls " coun- try contentments." But it was not so much the poetical and sentimental ideas, as the prac- tical remarks of our observing friend, that we intended to transfer to our columns; to these, therefore, we proceed without further comment. This gentleman, himself an inhabitant of the West, is very familiar with the agriculture of the eastern portion of the State, especially with the James River cultivation. He thinks the great error of the East consists in the want of grass and cattle. He is free to admit that crops of wheat, corn, and tobacco, will put more money in the pocket than grass, but he says the cultivation will take more out also, and that into the account must be taken the revenue de- rived from the superior improvement of the soil, from pasturage over tillage. In short, he con- tends, that when the cost of production and all the proceeds of the system are fairly considered, products, which are consumed on the farm, af- ford by far the be3t remuneration to the labors of the husbandman. He says too, that the pronenes3 of mankind to make improvident ex- Vol. III.— 13 penditures of money, for which our Southern people are so particularly remarkable, is in a measure checked by this system, which creates, as it were, a savings bank, in which their pro- ducts are deposited ; therefore, all that increase of wealth, which accrues from the improvement of the farm, may be offsetted, he thinks, against twice the amount obtained in money. Men mis- lead by the glittering, but false, show of the products of tillage crops, coming as it does all in a lump, too frequently miscalculate the clear profits of the two systems. He does not mean, of course, that every farmer should be a grazier, but he thinks that the farmers in Eastern Virgi- nia would do well to incorporate the grazing system with their tillage crops to a much greater extent than they do. He himself sells very little except pork and beef; he cultivates a farm of seven hundred and fifty acres; his annual sales average four thousand dollars, and his force consists of only six able bodied negro men, and a couple of others hired for a month or two dur- ing the busiest season of the year. Here is a product of six hundred dollars to the hand ; where is the tobacco planter that can equal it? But this is not all, in doing this our friend has converted a wilderness into a garden ; beginning originally with two hundred acres of Ohio bot- tom, he has so improved hundreds of acres of sandy barrens, as to increase their product from five, to seventy -five, and a hundred bushels of corn to the acre ; they are in fact now consi- dered the most valuable portion of the farm. If this great increase of wealth be, as it fairly should, added to the amount of annual sales, and if the outlay be estimated by the smallness of the force employed, we do not hesitate to say, that the clear profits of this gentleman's farming will compare favorably with the pro- ceeds of any other regular business whatever. All this, and more, much more, he thinks, could be effected with its additional facilities upon a James River estate. He laughs at the idea of this not being a grass country — he has seen our lands at all seasons during the extremes 98 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. of summer heat and winter cold, and he says, it is impossible to persuade him, that land groan- ing under the weight of its products, as he has seen some of the James River low grounds, could not, by proper management, be made to produce anything. He thinks it likely that lime may be wanting in our soil, but where, he asks, is the difficulty in supplying it. It is an entire mistake to suppose that when our grass turns yellow, it has been destroyed by the sum- mer heat ; it is then, on the contrary, in its most nutricious state ; succulent grass is never whole- some, and it is a standing proverb among gra- ziers, " the dryer the year, the fatter the cattle." When we commenced this article we expected it to consist, like the memoranda upon which it is based, of a medley of ideas, but we find that we have from memory so elaborated our notes, as to extend a single subject over a greater space than will probably be agreeable to the reader; we shall therefore conclude, for the present, re- serving the balance of our notes for future oc- casions, premising, that we may hereafter in- troduce them without any further allusion to the source whence they have been obtained, which, as we are compelled to conceal the name of the author, will detract nothing from the in- terest of his remarks. TIMBER. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Dear Sirs, — In answer to the inquiries made by Mr. Whit'l P. Tunslall, whether timber lasts better cut in winter than summer, I should say, from many years experience, that winter is the proper time to cut most timber;* because, if cut in the warm season while full of sap, it imme- diately turns dark, (or as we term it, mildews,) and remains heavy even after seasoning. This is particularly the case with the pine. We in this section of the State, have been for some years in the habit of cutting wood for market, and so evident is the difference, that an expe- rienced wood buyer will, on first sight, designate the wood cut in winter from that cut in summer ; the former being light and bright, while the lat- ter is dark and heavy, though cut more recently. I should say that locust or mulberry is deci- dedly the most lasting timber for posts, or any thing else for which it can be made to answer ; nor is good red cedar much inferior; the next that I know of is chesnut, particularly toward the top of the tree, which will last much longer in the ground than the lower part ; and ihis is * Carriage makers say ash (and perhaps there may be some other timber) should be cut in May or Octo- ber, as the worm will get into it, cut at any other time. the only reason why it is said that a post set in the ground with the top down lasts longer than if the root end is set downwards, because the further you go up a tree, the more solid, dry and dura- ble the timber becomes. This is especially the case with chesnut and oak. All timber placed in the earth should, if possible, be first seasoned. I should prefer chesnut to oak if it is to be placed in the ground. On the subject of the rising and falling of the sap, all that I can say is, that every year's sap adds a grain to the tree, for in all graining timber you can certaininly see dis- tinctly every year's growth, and that the sap of one year is the next converted into wood, which enlarges the tree that much in each year. With due regard, yours, J. Chowning. Lancaster Co., Va., 10th March, 1843. For the Southern Planter. SORREL ERADICATED BY LIME. JMessrs. Editors, — The farmers, as a class, are the soundest and most original thinkers in the world ; the nature of their occupation not only invigorates the mind, but affords them peculiar leisure and opportunity for reflection ; the lone forest and the solitary field are undisturbed by the din and confusion that mark the place of congregated men, and the even tenor of their lives secures the certain exercise of sober judg- ment. Whence then arises the almost universal prejudice against the science of agriculture 1 Is it, as some would have us believe, only the groundless objection of ignorant and conceited men ? For my part I am free to admit that I know many liberal and strong minded men, who turn with disgust from any scientific theory of farming. I do not mean to say that this is ex- actly right, but I do mean to assert that such men do very few things without a reason, and that they have grounds, and substantial grounds, for their prejudices ; not that they have any grounds for prejudice against genuine science, which is only another name for truth itself, but that they have much reason to be dissatisfied with the counterfeit presentment that has been so frequently set before them. I am sometimes not a little amused at the pomp and solemnity with which the theory of some closet professor is heralded forth : the agricultural papers laud it to the skies, and the sober minded countryman, who refuses to embark his labor in it until it is established by time and experience, is stigma- tized as an ass and a barbarian. What is the result? In less than a twelvemonth, the short- lived favorite is exploded by the discovery of some simple fact overlooked lay the author of its being, but the ass is never exalted above the professor. A few years ago we were told, that as alkalis neutralized acids, all we had to do, to destroy THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 99 sorrel, was to apply lime to the land, whereby the acid, of the soil should be corrected. What a beautiful theory, exclaims the agricultural writer. How true says the newspaper editor. Well, sir, I had been fooled before by these in- genioup theories, and should not have so much regarcLi all these exclamations, but actually a book, a whole book, was written upon the sub- ject ! Then, sir, I could no longer doubt, and I thought if there was any one theory in agricul- ture well established, it was, that lime neutral- ized the acid of the soil and prevented the growth of sorrel : my wife was full of the no- tion ; we had a morello cherry tree standing in the yard, the fruit of which was uncommonly sour and very objectionable, she said, because it caused the children to make such ugly faces in eating it ; lime, says she, will correct the acidity of the soil, and smooth the faces of the little ones. Lime was accordingly applied. The following summer we were disappointed at not finding the cherries as sweet as blackhearts, but my wife was almost sure they were not so sour as they used to be, and I am afraid she bored our neighbors a little in persuading them to her opinion. Jim, however, made as ugly faces as ever, which his mother declared was done in pure obstinacy, and she one day forced the little fellow to swallow without a distortion, until at length the efforts of restrained nature burst forth in a mighty screw, from which the poor boy's face has not recovered to this day. Ever since that period, she has denied the action of lime upon sour fruits at least, and when our friend, Dr. S., told her a few days since that the oxalic acid of the vegetable did not exist in the soil, but was formed in the growth of the vegetable, from constituents derived from the soil and at- mosphere, and when our neighbor, Mr. W., who has limed and marled to a great extent, assured her that although his land had been greatly im- proved, the production of sorrel had been much increased by the process, he having frequently seen the sorrel growing most luxuriantly through the thickest layers of marl, she insisted on it that I should inform you of the fact. But as she did not tell me particularly to mention the story of Jim and the cherries, and as she is a constant reader of the Planter, perhaps you had better leave that part out. Yours, G. P. * * * * * We prefer letting our friend " catch it" to marring the piece by extracting the story of Jirn and the cherries. THE CORN CROP. We have had occasion before to remark upon the incongruity of opinion as to the proper me- thod of cultivating the favorite and familiar crop of Indian corn. That we can find no two far- mers who can agree upon the simplest facts at- tendant on the growth of this indigenous plant, proves only how little of critical investigation has been bestowed upon the subject of agricul- ture. One tells you that the roots of the plant should never be disturbed, but that the surface should be kept clean with cultivators ; another says that you cannot plough too deep, and that nothing is more invigorating than severing the roots. If you want a large return, plant thick says A, if you do says E, your corn will fire and you will not make half a crop. Pull off your suckers, cries one ; sucker not your corn, says another, and so we have, upon each and every point, the most opposite and discordant opinions from the most practical and observing men. Much of this difference results, no doubt, from differences in soil, season, &c. ; but still we find men living side by side, subject to ex- actly the same influences, differing totally upon points, that one would have thought experience and observation should long ago have settled. What can we do in this dilemma, but select from the heterogeneous mass such articles as we think best calculated to present the different phases of this many sided question to our read- ers? The following is an extract from a letter from Mr. Wm. Woodson, of Goochland, to the Editor of the " Farmers' Register." The plan recommended by Mr. " Woodson" is the one, we know, pursued by many of our most expe- rienced and successful corn growers. " Nearly every farmer has his own peculiar mode of cultivating corn ; and if you think a description of mine will be of any service, I am willing to place it at your disposal. My plan is to prepare the ground, as near the time of planting as practicable, not by ploughing flush, but by listing. Three furrows are sufficient to form a list, the earth from the two last to be lapped immediately over the first, so that no hard or unbroken space may remain. When the lists are completed, they are checked at suitable distances. I prefer three feet each way, with one stalk or plant in a hill; and to plant the first of April, or as soon thereafter as possi- ble. Early planting is very desirable. My mode of cultivation is as follows: — As soon as the young plants have fairly made their appear- ance, 1 cause the wing coulter (an implement with a narrow iron wing extending into some- thing of a share, attached to a new ground coulter, which works deep and leaves only a small furrow) to be run very near the young corn ; even if the plants are a little loosened, so 100 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. much the better. The first ploughing is with the lists ; and the whole intermediate space is broken up, close and deep — as deep as one horse can draw. When this operation is finished, the next thing is to plough the land crossways; and so on alternately, with the same implement, during the whole course of cultivation, always running as deep as it will go. I continue the cultivation as long as practicable, even until the corn is tasseling and silking ; and the ground should have a thorough working, at least every eight or ten days. It cannot be worked too much or too deep. When the soil is kept clean and well stirred, the breaking of the roots is an advantage instead of an injury. The benefit derived from a free admission of the air into the soil is incal- culable ; and the frequent stopping of the roots causes them to throw out numerous rootlets which rapidly imbibe the nourishment from the earth. In short, the great secret of raising a good crop of corn is to work early, work well, work deep, and work incessantly. Cultivate no more than you can cultivate thoroughly. — All beyond that is overcropping, and will not yield a profitable return. Fear not to work in dry weather, provided the cultivation has been conducted with regularity. Stirring clean land, however dry, adds vigor to the growth ; but ploughing corn in the grass is death to it, in time of drought. I have said nothing about hoeing: I make no great use of the hoe, but it cannot be entirely dispensed with. I do not permit the grass to be cut up around the corn ; it is better to smother it while young, by draw- ing some loose earth over it. This may be done by following after the ploughs, in the early stages of cultivation ; and the soil will be left in a mellow state. The suckers should never be pulled up." A NOBLE EXAMPLE. We were informed by a friend a few days since that Mr. Moses H. Carter, of Henrico, who has a very fine bed of marl upon his plan- tation not only makes liberal use of it himself but throws his gates open to the neighborhood and invites his neighbors to'share with him in this bountiful gift of nature. The gentleman stated that as he passed his gate that morning, he ob- served seven carts coming out of it loaded with the richest marl. We do not know Mr. Carter, but cannot help expressing the admiration such an act of liberality is calculated to inspire. A great many very distinguished advocates of agricultural improvement would not do half as much to advance its progress as this quiet and liberal country gentleman. For the Southern Planter. Oakley, Mecklenburg, Va., March 16, 1843. Messrs. Editors, — Below you will receive the report of a committee, appointed to report upon the condition of the farm of Richard Russell, Esq., which it is requested by our club that you publish in your next number of the Southern Planter. Yours, most respectfully, &c. R. A. PURTEAR, Corresponding Secretary of the Upper Hole and Corner Club of Mecklenburg, The Committee appointed to examine Mr. Richard Russell's farm, and to inquire into his manner of conducting it, have performed that duty, and beg leave to report as follows : Beginning at the house, we would highly commend the ample and comfortable arrange- ments about the homestead — his own dwelling and out houses, the servants' cabins, stables, &c. On leaving the hill, our attention was first at- tracted by his hog pen. It contained a fine stock of hogs, and there seemed to be every ar- rangement necessary for the production of a large quantity of manure of fine quality, but we were not a little surprised to find that one who had been pursuing this plan for two or three years, was, up to this time, unprovided with either shelter for his hogs or even a cabin for the feeder, who must of necessity spend most of his time at the pen. We would say that this is not in accordance with his other movements, and would recommend that he should without delay furnish sheds for his hogs and a cabin for the feeder. Going a little farther, we find a most ample and finely arranged prize, barn, and stable, and farm yard for his teams, all answering well the purposes for which they are intended. We found his farm houses of every description in good condition and were particularly struck with the neatness and eco- nomy with which all his matters were con- ducted, even down to the corn stalks and other materials to be converted into manure. His teams were in unusually good condition, and his style of cultivation neat and effectual; his ploughs and plantation tools were generally in good order, and as an example worthy of the imitation of the club, they were either in use or housed and carefully protected from the weather. He has for two or three years past been pursuing the progressive plan of manuring, and proposes, as speedily as his means will allow, to manure the entire surface of his plantation. This sys- tem we cannot too strongly recommend as the only feasible means of restoring our exhausted country, and furnishing the agriculturist with a fair return for his labor. In a word, the farm and all of its appurtenances presented the most THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 101 vmequivocal evidences of a most diligent and skilful proprietor, whose example is well worthy of the imition of every member of the club, and of the community at large. P. C. Venable. Wm. Haskins. ~ f _ P. S. — To an invitation from the Hole and Corner Club of Mecklenburg, No. 1, addressed through the medium of the Planter, to all other agricultural associations, to hold an annual gen- eral meeting, we ask leave to reply, through the same channel, that such invitation is ac- cepted by us, the members of the Upper Corner Club of Mecklenburg, and we would respectfully suggest the 4th of July as the time, and the town of Clarksville as the place of meeting. Very respectfully yours, Reuben A. Puryear, C. S. FELLING TIMBER. At the request of a subscriber, we have had an engraving made of a machine which seems to have struck his fancy very much ; it is in- tended for felling forest trees, and is recommend- ed and described by Loudoun in his " Ency- clopaedia of Agriculture." Our own opinion is that there is no implement for this purpose, that ever we have seen, equal to a good axe in the hands of a good cutter. Our friend thinks that this machine is recommended by the great sav- ing of timber it will effect in consequence of the cutting point being so near the ground ; it is very true that the best portion of the tree is nearest the roots, but there is, we think, very little timber in this country that would justify the expense and trouble of this complicated ap- paratus. Loudoun, we presume, never saw a common cross cut saw in the hands of two stout negroes, or he would not have recommended this machine, as he has done, to his readers. But far be it from us to set up our opinion as the test of right and wrong, or to exclude from our columns all that does not meet our approba- tion. The following is the description of the machine in Loudoun's own words : "Sawing machines for foiling timber, of four different kinds, will be found described in the Highland Soc. Trans., vol. ix. p. 275. The most powerful of these appears to be a circular saw which consists, first, of a ground frame (a a), in form of the common hand-barrow, eight feet and a half in length by two feet and a half in width ; on one side of which is erected a ver- tical frame (b b), of three feet and a half in height. The second compartment comprehends | a traversing frame or carriage (c c) about five i feet in length, and two feet in height ; the ver- 102 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER tical bar (d) being prolonged upward, and hav- ing its top and bottom ends formed into pivots, on which the carriage, carrying all the working machinery, is made to swing. The saw (e), of twenty-four inches diameter, is fixed on the lower end of a vertical spindle, and immediately above it a bevelled pinion (J'), which is driven by the wheel (g); the winch handle, by which the power is applied, is fitted upon the same spindle. The saw pinion and the wheel (g) are in the proportion of one to five, so that, when the han- dle is turned with the ordinary velocity of forty revolutions a minute, the saw will make 200 revolutions in the same time. In order to keep the edge of the saw in contact with the saw- draft, a vertical spindle {h), carrying the pulley (i), of one foot in diameter, is placed at the out- ward extremity of the carriage; the pulley (i) is put in motion by the band (j) passing over a smaller pulley on the winch axle. On the spin- dle (h) there is also fitted a small drum (£), ca- pable of being disengaged at pleasure from the motion of the spindle by means of a clutch. — The cord (/), which passes round the pulley (m), in the ground frame, has one end attached to the carriage ; whde the other end, being at- tached to the drum, is coiled upon it when re- volving along with the spindle, thereby carrying forward the saw with a slow and uniform mo- tion. When the operation is completed, the small drum is disengaged, and the cord is al- lowed to uncoil, while the carriage is moved backward to prepare for the next cut. For the support and guidance of the carriage, an iron segment (n) is fixed upon the lower part, which slides through eyes in the ground frame ; and the machine is kept steady while at work, by two iron dogs (grappling irons), the hooks of which are driven into the roots of the tree. — The certificates accompanying the model of this machine bear ample testimony to its successful application on the large scale ; and show that jt can be worked, and carried from tree to tree, by two men. The machine here described is calculated for felling trees from eight to twelve inces in diameter." TOBACCO. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Gentlemen, — I take my pen to thank you for the favor which you propose to confer on me, in the presentation of some tobacco seed of the Spanish and Trinidad varieties. I shall take great pleasure in testing fairly their respective value, and will apprise you of the results of my experiments. I will endeavor to get some friend to do me the kindness to apply to you for them. While I am writing I will merely enumerate some of the varieties of tobacco with which I am acquainted, and the conclusions to which I have arrived, as it regards their comparative value. The Oronoko, (to which family the " Daniel Jones" and " White Stem," I think properly be- long,) is, I consider, the best tobacco we have, for new grounds, or light grey high lands, which are not very rich. It matures easily and well on lands too poor to perfect some of the other kinds. It requires, too, less skill in the curing. It cures by the sun alone better than any other tobacco, and commands the highest prices when cured in this way, for manufacturing purposes. As it requires less house room and less labor in curing, we are enabled to cultivate a greater number of hills of it to the hand, than of any other kind. Where fuel is scarce it recommends itself peculiarly. But on the other hand, it is the most brittle and tender of all tobaccos, and is consequently the most liable to injury from winds, which either break off the leaves (some- times in great quantities) or bruise them so as to induce the ripe fire or spot, which causes great waste. There are two varieties of the Frederick with which I am acquainted — the Little and Big or Green. The first has nothing to recommend it, being small and inferior ; the last is a fine tobacco ; one of the richest I know of, and the great length of leaf makes it present a most beautiful sample. The great objection to it is, that the leaves lie down too much on the ground, and are apt to get very dirty. The popularity of the Marine tobacco which was very great a few years ago, is now, and I think, justly too, on the wane. It has large stems and coarse fibres and offers no claim to our regard. The Pryor family stands deservedly high. — The Yellow and Blue are the kinds with which I am acquainted. The last is well spoken of by many of our best planters. But the first is my favorite of all the tobaccos which I have as yet tried, and the one which we principally cul- tivate. It is a leafy, rich, silky tobacco, and grows best on rich low ground lots, though it does well on high land lots if the soil is made very rich. It requires, I think, richer land to bring it to full perfection than any other kind, and consequently, it is useless to plant it on or- dinary new grounds, for it will never ripen. It sustains less injury from high winds, when growing — is less liable to waste with the ripe fire, and produces fewer lugs than any other variety* The two principal objections which * As an instance of the perfect leaf and small quantity of lugs which the Yellow Pryor affords, I will only mention, that in our crop sold in the spring of 1840, consisting of twenty-three hogsheads of this tobacco— averaging 1,648 lbs. per hogshead, we had only a hogshead and a piece of lugs, all the rest was passed by the inspectors and averaged us upwards of nine dollars per hundred lbs. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 103 can be urged against it is, that it is late, and that it requires more skill to cure it properly. — But when brought to the house ripe, and cured in Mr. C. Selden's way, (which is published in your number for July, 1842,) it commands the highest prices for the English market. His is the mod^l ve have uniformly found to be best when our tobacco is ripe. But all tobaccos cut green, or designed for manufacturing purposes, are, I think, decidedly injured by so much heat. They are cured up too green and are too bitter for American taste ; for these, I much prefer the mode of curing recommended by the majority of the committee of the "Agricultural Society of Powhatan," which report I would highly re- commend to the attention of all our planters, and which renders it unnecessary for me to fol- low Mr. Minor into a consideration of this part of his subject. Indeed, Mr. Minor's views are very good, and well worth a careful perusal. With these hasty thoughts, gentlemen, I con- clude, wishing you that success which your noble enterprize so well merits, I remain yours, respectfully, N. A. Venable. We have very frequent applications for to- bacco seed, and would be much obliged to our country readers for such parcels of the different varieties as tbey can spare, that we may be en- abled to accommodate our friends, and do' some- thing for the cause of agriculture, at the same time. For the Southern Planter. Messrs. Editors, — Permit me, through the medium of your journal, to call the attention of agriculturists to a system not in general use. — 1 would respectfully ask for it the consideration of the James River farmers, in especial. The merit of the innovation, if merit it possesses, be- longs to Mr. Isaac Medley, of Halifax, Virginia ; it has been adopted by some few of his neigh- bors, and by all with the most perfect satisfac- tion. Instead of narrow beds 10, 15, or 20 feet wide, we make them 40 or 45 feet. And in- stead of the headland, with its transverse furrow to receive the water from the main furrows, each main furrow is made to convey its own water into the ditch, direct. The advantages of this method over the old plan, are, in the opinion of those who have tried it, economy of time and labor, greater facility, of draining, and far greater comeliness in appearance. The first, because it does away with the headland and furrow, both objects of care and trouble ; the second, because having only one-third the number of furrows, we can afford to bestow three times the labor on each ; the last especially, inasmuch as it does away with the unsightly headland, which disfigures the field so much. I have heard one objection to this system, urged with much unction by those who had not tried it, and if you will pardon the necessa- ry tediousness of detail, I will endeavor to rebut it. It was said I could not plough near enough to a ditch bank, without the headland. I an- swer boldly, I can plough as near without, as with it, and thus; commencing on the centre of the bed, on arriving within, say, twenty feet of the ditch, instead of turning to the left as usual, we take the gee turn, that is, we turn to the right, and go back on the same bed, not on a different one ; and so continue until there is left unploughed on each side of the bed a space of feet in width. We then, on arriving at the ditch, cut a furrow parallel to it, and equal in length to the width of land, ploughed upon the bed. Pursuing this course, till the bed is com- pleted, we will have reached as near to the ditch as can be done in any way whatever, always too turning the earth from it, a circumstance of no small moment to the planter. These are some of the general advantages pertaining to this mode of culture ; for the hoe crop, it pos- sesses another, which I conceive to be a beauti- ful feature in the system : thus, after ploughing our fallow land as directed, in the spring, we run our corn and tobacco rows across the beds, at right angles to them, and so work the crop throughoutwith the hoe; each hand as he reaches a furrow draws the earth carefully out, taking heed to preserve it perfectly straight. Experience has given me confidence in this mode of culture, yet I fear I have practised upon it too indifferently to have rendered these advan- tages apparent. I can only ask that the expe- riment be made. It presents, when well exe- cuted, an appearance infinitely more pleasing to the eye than the old sj'slem, and surely it is entitled to the favor of every lover of beauty, for as much as it supersedes that eye-sore in agricultural landscape, the "headland." I was never more forcibly struck with this deformity than in a late visit to a portion of James River above Richmond. Here, with al- most every thing else to admire, we were con- stantly disturbed with the unsightly headland. To the surprising excellence of cultivation that we witnessed, permit me here to offer my most willing homage, a tribute as freely rendered, as it is richly merited. Striking the river at Elk Island, in company with a friend, we saw for the first time that superb estate, the finest per- haps in all Virginia : we were especially de- lighted with the highly improved condition of the lower half; without the labored finish that we witnessed afterwards, yet, as far as it went, the execution could not be excelled. All that was attempted was made perfect. The plough- ing and draining were irreproachable. It was with the most sincere regret that we heard a few days afterwards of the burning of the man- 104 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, sion house ; it was one of the most beautiful and classic country seats I ever beheld. Fol- lowing the banks of the canal, our admiration was particularly excited by Mr. Boiling's island estate, Mr. Fleming's highly cultivated grounds, Mr. Warwick's 'Beaverdam,' and several others. But it was not until we reached Mr. Richard Sampson's, that our admiration reached its ze- nith ; with but one objection, I can imagine no- thing finer than the appearance his farm pre- sented. Indeed, it is the opinion of those fami- liar with the countries of Europe, that there are few portions of it that can produce any thing superior to the better cultivated farms on James River, and I think we may safely so affirm, and I would pronounce that cultivation perfect, did not the ghost of that most hideous headland, rise before me, and forbid the decision. Banister. CABBAGE LICE. We are requested by Mr. Jos. C. Burton, whose name is well known to the Agricultural Society of Henrico, to state that for several years he has been in the habit of freeing his cabbage not only from lice but from the ravages of the yellow worm, by simply mashing a clod of dirt between his fingers, and sprinkling the dust over the cabbages, in the morning before the dew has been evaporated. Mr. Burton leaves it to phi- losophers to explain the fact, but he says many of his neighbors are ready to join him in vouch- ing for it. For the Southern Planter. Messrs. Editors, — 1 have been reading with much interest the several communications upon the cultivation of tobacco from the pen of Mr. N. A. Venable ; I have been struck with some of his positions with regard to the mode of cul- tivation to prevent fire, (or rot, as he terms it.) The cause to which he attributes it, that is too much rain, I think correct ; but to prevent its ruinous consequences, 1 resort to precisely the opposite course, namely, ploughing deep and thoroughly, so as to admit the rapid absorption of the water, which by his mode will either be altogether prevented or effected only at the ex- pense of a gulley between each row, which must carry off all the strength of the manure deposited in the hill ; if he will, on the first in- dications of the spot in tobacco run his coulters deep and well, both ways, so as to break the ground thoroughly, disturbing the roots of the plant sufficiently to cause it to flop in the sun, he will, nine times out of ten, arrest it altoge- ther, and greatly increase the product of the crop. This I never fail to do after the crop is nearly all topped, taking the heat of the day, and sub- stituting a pair of light stretchers, instead of the swingletree. I have been able effectually to divest myself of that troublesome insect, the cut- worm, by letting my hogs run in the tobacco lots for a week or ten days previous, to the last ploughing, before bedding or hilling ; it will be found effectual in all cases, for I speak from ex- perience. This being the first time I have taken pen in hand, I shall not touch on some other subjects relative to the tobacco crop until I see the fate of this, as I have no vanity to gratify, only a wish to be useful. Yours, A Planter. Nelson, April 7, 1843. It is always with reluctance that we publish any statement upon the faith of an anonymous signature ; especially does it look unfair to an- swer a gentleman who writes over his own name, from behind a mask : but the author of the above has furnished us with his name, which he withholds from the public only, we believe, from feelings of diffidence, which he has no cause to entertain. For the Southern Planter. A CHEAP PAINT. Take one bushel of unslacked lime, and slack it with cold water ; when well slacked, add to it 20 lbs. of Spanish whiting, 17 lbs. of salt, and 12 lbs. of sugar. Strain this mixture through a wire sieve and it will be fit for use after reducing it with cold water. This is in- tended for the outside of buildings, where it is exposed to the weather. In order to give a good color, three coats are necessary on brick, and two on wood. It may be laid on with a whitewash brush. Each coat must have suffi- cient time to dry before the next is applied. — For painting inside walls, take, as before, one bushel of unslacked lime, 3 lbs. of sugar, 5 lbs. of salt, and prepare as above, and apply with a brush. It is well calculated to preserve brick walls ; and is far preferable to oil paint. This paint will preserve rough boards much longer than they would be from dressing them and co- vering them with oil paint. You can make any color you please. For straw color, use yellow ochre instead of whiting ; for lemon co- lor, ochre and chrome yellow ; for lead and slate color, lampblack ; for blue, indigo ; for green, chrome green. These different kinds of paints will not cost one-fourth as much as oil paints, including the putting on. A BRILLIANT WHITEWASH. Many have heard of the brilliant stucco white- wash on the east side of the President's house THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 105 at Washington. The following is a receipt for making it, with some additional improvement, obtained from experience. Take a half bushel of nice unslacked lime, slack with boiling wa- ter, covering it during the process, to keep in the stearr. Strain the liquid through a fine seive or St.ainer, and add to it a peck of salt, previously well dissolved in warm water, three pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin paste, and stirred in boiling hot, half a pound of pow- dered Spanish whiting, and a pound of clean glue, first soaking it well and then hanging it over a slow fire in a small kettle, within a large one, filled with water. Add five gallons of hot water to the whole mixture ; stir it well, and let it stand a few days, covered from dirt. It should be put on quite hot. For this purpose, it can be kept in a kettle on a portable furnace. It is said that about one pint of this mixture will cover a square yard upon the outside of a house, if properly applied. Brushes more or less small may be used, according to the neatness of the job required. It answers as well as oil paint for wood, brick, or stone, and is cheaper. It retains its brilliancy for many years. There is nothing of the kind that will compare with it either for inside or outside walls. Coloring matter may be put in and made of any shade you please. Spanish brown stirred in, will make red or pink, more or less deep according to quantity. — A delicate tinge of this is very pretty for inside walls. Finely pulverized clay well mixed with Spanish brown, before it is stirred into the mix- ture, makes a lilac color. Yellow ochre stirred in, makes a yellow wash ; but chrome goes fur- ther and makes a color more generally admired. In all these cases, the darkness of the shade will of course be determined by the quantity of coloring matter used. It is useless to give par- ticular directions on this point, because it is al- together a matter of taste. It would be best To try experiments on a shingle, and let it dry. I have been told that green should not be mixed with lime ; the lime destroys the color, and the green ha3 a tendency to make the wall crack and peel. When walls have been badly smoked and you wish to have then a clear white, it is well to squeeze indigo plentifully through a bag in the water you use, before it is stirred in the whole mixture. If a larger quantity than five gallons is wanted, the same proportions should be observed. Messrs. Botts & Burfoot : Gentlemen, — While on a trip to Maryland a few weeks ago, I met with the above recipes, which if you think worthy a place in your pa- per, you are at liberty to use. I think you would do well to urge your readers to use more lirne on their hou3e3 and fences ; it not only adds greatly to the neatness, but is extremely pro- Vou III. — J4 motive of health. There can be no sort of doubt that it is a great preserver of timber, and the labor of putting on is but a small matter compared with the advantages derived from its use. I saw several beautiful carpets manufactured of wool dyed of the most beautiful colors, the recipes for dyeing which I obtained and will send you if desired. Geo. W. Craven We esteem a good household recipe given in a few lines as frequently of more practical va- lue than pages of fine spun abstract theory. — We hope Mr. Craven will not fail to supply us with the recipes for dyeing, and any other mat- ters of household economy with which he may be acquainted. For the Southern Planter. MANURE. Messrs. Editors, — I am pleased to see that your paper continues to stand high (deservedly so too) in the estimation of the farming commu- nity. Periodicals treating of agriculture, have generally contained too much theoretical and too little practical information, and my appre- hensions were, when the Planter was first esta- blished, that it would, ere long, be devoted to the theories of wild and speculative minds ; but so far, I am gratified to see, that such theories only are published as are capable of being tested by practice, which course I hope you will continue to pursue ; since, I think it will prove more beneficial to j t ou as it undoubtedly must to your subscribers. Although not a subscriber myself to your paper, since it is taken by a member of our family, justice requires me to say that I have read it with interest and profit, and as its pages are open to all interested in agriculture, I have taken the liberty of request- ing your opinion on the subject of which I am about to treat. My want of experience in the practical opera- tions of farming (this being my third year) will, I feel assured, be a sufficient apology for any incorrect opinions w hich I may advance or ad- vocate. My sole object is to elicit information, which no one, even with the experience of years, should hesitate to ask. The science of agricul- ture is rapidly engrossing the public mind ; in- deed it offers so extensive a field for investiga- tion that the chemist in his laboratory, the phi- losopher in his varied pursuits, and the states- man in the legislative halls, are now forced to give it that consideration which its importance demands. The particular subject appertaining to agriculture, of which I propose to speak, is the mode of making and applying manure. — The manner in which manures act, the best 106 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. mode of applying them, their relative value and durability, I am aware, admits of much discus- sion, and in fact have already produced much, both in this country and in Europe ; they will ever be debateable until the chemist has fully in- vestigated the subject and his theories have been established by practical results. As it is not my purpose to enter into any arguments to refute or establish any of the different theories, which have been from time to time advanced, I shall merely state the method pursued here gen- erally, and my reasons for adopting a different one. As I shall use the word fermentation fre- quently, it may be best before proceeding far- ther to state briefly its definition. Berzelius de- fines it to be that spontaneous destruction which vegetable substances undergo when exposed to air and water. Sir H. Davy gives the same with the addition only " of a certain tempera- ture." Liebig defines it to be that change which a compound organic substance undergoes when separated from its organism, and exposed to the influence of water and a certain temperature ; indeed chemists generally have given in sub- stance the same definitions, which may be stated as changes (with names corresponding, as vi- nous, acetous, &c.) which organic substances undergo when exposed to air, water and a cer- tain temperature. The last of these changes or putrefactive fermentation we shall only speak of. It is acknowledged by chemists that plants can only be nourished by substances soluble in water, (elastic fluids excepted) the roots being then capable of appropriating substances so pie- pared to the nourishment of the plant. The chemical process above defined is that which renders vegetable substances soluble, and which we should ever bear in mind when preparing our manure heaps. Our principal sources of manure are wheat straw, corn stalks, and leaves, all of which are from time to time hauled to our farm-pens and stables, and trodden in the former until required for use, but piled from the latter at each successive cleaning. Our object here being to manufacture manure for our to- bacco crop only, we have heretofore made only so much as we could, during the winter, com- mencing, say, in the last of October, and ending in April, laboring, as I conceive, under a great mistake, since double the quantity could be col- lected by littering our farm-yards during the summer, provided, however, such a course would not prove too disastrous to our stock, which, a little experience will very soon prove. The far- mers here have pursued the above course, it seems to me, either from immemorial custom, or regardless of the process of fermentation, upon which the whole action of manure almost de- pends. Whether then would it be better, in view of the chemical changes, so far as ascer- tained during fermentation, to pursue the old custom, or throw the farm-yard manure into heaps long enough before using it to induce a certain degree of fermentation, and that from our stables into such as to retard it as much as possible ? The latter mode I am in favor of, and am now adopting. I have left enough of my farm-yard untouched to try the relative value of the two methods. My objections to the old method, are, that we lose all the liquid manure from our stables by excessive fermenta- tion, and the farm-yard is not sufficiently decom- posed to afford nutriment to our tobacco when first planted. It seems to me both of them couid be avoided by pursuing the plan I am now adopting. My stable manure is thrown into such heaps as not likely to produce much heat, and of course not liable to undergo decom- position ; after my farm yard had been well lit- tered during the winter, and the litter as well trodden as possible, I determined a few weeks since to have it piled, and found upon examina- tion many leaves entirely whole, even in the dampest places, though impregnated, I suppose, with the various excrements of the cattle, parti- cularly the liquid. Seeing then so much vege- table matter undecomposed, and of course, unfit to be appropriated by the roots to the plant, my object was to form such heaps as to prepare enough by fermentation to give aid to the to- bacco early in May ; for which purpose, I di- rected several heaps to be made with layers of the coarsest at the bottom, as most likely to re- tain the liquid, upon which was thrown stable and farm-yard manure, intimately mixed, until a sufficient quantity had been thrown together, the whole of which was covered by fine ma- nure; all of this was done for the purpose of producing fermentation, but not to excess. The chief losses in this method (as in almost all others I have seen recommended) consist in the escape of gases, the danger of too great fermen- tation, and the loss of the liquid manure. These may be, in a great measure, if not entirely ob- viated. The first by covering each heap with earth, say to the thickness of two inches. — Would not lime answer better ? Much carbonic acid being evolved, the great affinity between it and lime would cause them to unite, and it would do equally as well as earth with respect to other gases, though this, we believe, is the most important one. The second is attended with great difficulty, indeed, to limit the degree of fermentation, we must make practical expe- riments, by a succession of which we may per- haps be enabled to come to some definite con- clusion. The third and last, though of great importance, might be obviated by placing some good absorbent for the foundation of every heap, for example, saw dust. It appearing to me all-important that tobacco should in its infancy have everything to favor its growth, as well as enough to sustain it Avhile approaching perfection, I think the above method THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 107 will enable us to attain both results. The so- luble matter obtained by slight fermentation will give it a good start, and the undecomposed ve- getable matter by gradually becoming soluble under the earth, will nourish it until it attains its full growth. The plan here recommended, with ih'if alteration, to scatter the manure from my stable over the litter in the farm-yard, I shall commence in April, using the lime and saw- dust as above hinted at. I have thus, I must confess, very unsystema- tically given my humble opinion with respect to making and using manure on tobacco, and shall be pleased to receive any modification or addi- tion to this which you may see fit to advance. Very respectfully yours, &c. Wm. H. Jones. Mecklenburg Co., Va., March 19, 1843. That a certain degree of decomposition is ne- cessary to the action of vegetable manures, and that too great a degree is hurtful to their ferti- lizing properties, we conceive, with Mr. Jones, to be a settled point. That stall manure thrown into piles for too great a length of time, becomes too much decomposed, and that the vegetable matter of the farm-pen is not sufficiently so, we know to be frequently the case. Therefore, we think Mr. Jones is very right in throwing his farrn-pen manure into heaps, whereby heat and decomposition will be produced, before carrying it out. To prevent excessive decomposition, and to retain the precious gases set loose in the operation, we know nothing better than the in- terposition of layers of earth between layers of the manure. As to the lime it is both a septic, and an anti- septic ; that is to say, in small quantities, it pro- motes decay, and in larger ones, it prevents it. With respect to its chemical action, that of course depends upon the gases and acids with which it is brought into collision. These may vary extremely in different heaps. It is per- fectly idle to talk about chemical action, until we settle the presence of all the chemical agents. As regards the carbonate of ammonia, now con- sidered the most valuable product of the decom- position of vegetable matter, the lime would, we should fear, especially if by the heat rendered caustic, have such an affinity for the carbonic acid of the ammonia as to resolve it into its gaseous and irretainable form. Yet we know many experienced farmers, who think that the best mode of using lime, is to mix it in with their compost heaps. To the Editors of the Southern Planter: Gentlemen, — It has been remarked by one of the most observant planters in this section of country, that "clover without the assistance of plaster, so far from being an improver, is an ex- hauster of the soil.'' If this idea is correct, — of which I have no doubt, — would not our sandy ridge lands be more benefitted by turning under a thick coat of weeds while in the flowering state and well powdered with charcoal, than by the heaviest covering of clover which they would produce by the application of plaster? We have an inexhaustible resource in our piney old fields for the best kind of charcoal, the advan- tage of which, on our farm-pens and stable-floors has been fully and satisfactorily tested, not only by solidifying the ammonia, and thereby en- hancing the value of the manure, but in the improvement of the comfort and health of the stock in consequence of its correcting all disa- greeable effluvia. But I have not heard of its being applied broadcast on the growing crop of clover or weeds, as a substitute for plaster. Our distance from market and the great weight of the article, render the general use of plaster too expensive for our small farmers. Will Mr. Za. Drummond give us another one of his excellent communications on the subject, or any other connected with it? In confirmation of the idea suggested by Mr. Venable in his last remarks on the culture of tobacco, that the crop was injured by plough- ing, after the plants were large enough to take the rot, I would state, that my crop last year suf- fered less from the rot or spot, than that of any of my neighbors, (although raised on light sandy land,) which is solely attributable to its not hav- ing been ploughed after the commencement of the wet weather. A Young Planter. Pittsylvania, April 4, 1843. THE GRASSES. We lately heard a gentleman, upon whose extensive experience we would rely with more confidence than upon the analysis of some che- mists, state that cattle preferred and fattened on first timothy and herdsgrass, then orchard grass, and then clover which is probably the least pro- ductive of solid fat of any of the cultivated grasses. He moreover declared that instead of laying off pasturage grounds into separate lots, and shifting the cattle from one to the other, the whole should be thrown into one field, in which the stock should be allowed to range at pleasure. By this latter arrangement the cattle obtain free access to the grass in any particu- lar stage of its growth that it may be preferred, 108 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. and when this is the case the natural saga- city of the animal leads him to correct the evil effects of the young and succulent grass with a bite of that, that is older and better cured. On the contrary, when they are suddenly intro- duced to a lot of untouched grass, all of the first growth, scours and distemper necessarily ensue, By the bye, on mentioning this last statement to a practical farmer in our neighborhood, he said that he had long remarked, that when he changed his cows from the exhausted com- mons, in summer, to a choice grass lot, they were peculiarly liable to be attacked with dis- tempers, for which he had never been able to ac- count, before. TOBACCO PRIZE The engraving represents a tobacco prize, a model of which was presented to us a few days since. We understand that it has given great satisfaction in Louisa, where it is beginning to be extensively used, and where they certainly know " a thing or two" about tobacco. The contrivance is so simple and so well illustrated by our excellent, artist, Mr. Hall, as to render a description useless — the principle is very much the same with one described by Mr. Richard Morriss in the first volume of the Planter. The inventor thinks that there is considerable advan- tage in having the power to come down evenly and squarely upon the hogshead, as is here ef- fected by the levers at both ends. He says too, that its portability is a great advantage, as it is frequently more convenient to convey the press from one house to another, than to transport the tobacco. For the Southern Planter. Messrs. Editors, — I see in the last number of your valuable periodical, a communication from 'An Inquirer," asking information about the use of oil and soapstone as a fire-proof paint for the roofs of houses. In painting my house a few years ago, this preparation was suggested for the roof, by a friend, who had used it a few months before, and as I was sometimes alarmed from fire, I procured the soapstone finely ground, and deter- mined to make the experiment. While the paint was mixing, I had two loose shingles painted over, — one with the oil (linseed) and soapstone, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 100 and the other with paint prepared in the usual way, in order that I might fairly test the differ- ence between them in resisting fire. Having painted each over twice, and allowing them to become thoroughly dry, I had an equal number of fire coals heaped on each, and the result was that the,' ne painted with common paint, burnt through a few minutes before the other, and that the fire laid on the other a good deal longer be- fore it produced any impression on it. So much for the fire-proof qualities. As an enduring paint, I doubt whether it is as good as the common paint, and I do not be- lieve, from the present appearance of the roof of my house, that it retains long its powers of re- sisting heat. When first put on, a good deal of the stone is left on the surface of the shingle, and it is that fact which gives it its fire-proof qualities, but as time advances, this becomes drier and drier, and finally having lost its con- sistency, it is easily washed off by the driving rains, and exposes the shingle. I am, in haste, yours, &c. A Subscriber. For the Southern Planter. COMMENTS ON THE JANUARY AND FEB- RUARY NUMBERS OF THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. JANUARY. Culture of Tobacco. — The remarks of Mr. Minor are generally very good, but I desire to put in a word or two. Why cover a plant bed before the second treading? It is mischievous and surplus work. After such clean raking, and so many coulterings and picking roots, I should never think of making a hill. If the nature of the ground requires raising, then the plough can be used ; otherwise by marking off with a coulter, and making a chop and a clap, the job is done. As to hilling for the purpose of improvement, by enlarging the surface, I must enter my protest, for at this season of the year evaporation begins, and consequently loss must be the consequence. Walloon tobacco is often seen on high and dry land. It is the pro- duct of an acid, not water. There is no use for grubbing after cut-worms or abandoning the crop, where the ground has been ploughed in the winter, for such ploughing destroys the worms. A Fence. — I fear this neat fence is rather slender for old Virginia negroes and hogs.* Mud. — I go in for the mud, and every thing friend Morriss says about it. If the dung is on * If necessary, a middle rail may be used, and then this fence, from the crossing and interlacing, will be so strong that even a thick-sculled negro may butt his head against it with impunity, (to the fence we mean.) — Eds. the route, I carry the mud to the dung ; if the mud is on the way, I carry the dung to the mud ; if matters are inconvenient, I spread mud alone. Pumpkins. — I think well of this communica- tion and intend to try the plan. Plaster. — ' Rusticus' is informed that sulphate of lime is not carbonate of lime, therefore, can be profitably used on it. Mud, again. — T. M. S. says that " bog mud is too light and spongy to get out on land alone." In answer, I say, that for every load of spongy mud he will send me, I will give him two or three of heavy quality in return. If friend S. will only lay up his mud for a time, so as to suffer its poisonous qualities to escape, it is then ready for use, on any land of different quality. FEBRUARY. Tobacco. — Mr. Minor has too much handling of tobacco in the field. The handlers should pick up with both hands until full, and two may lay their hands together ; and it is not necessa- ry, except to save from frost, to put any tobacco into shocks. I have tried the plan of putting tobacco into the house immediately after cutting, and letting it remain crowded until of the color of a hickory leaf, but shall never try it again. Except in windy weather it will certainly house- burn. The continual hard firing is also objec- tionable, as any purchaser will tell you. This essay is generally good, but behind the age. Clay Lands. — The spreading of undecayed vegetables and turning under matured crops, on clay grounds, as recommended by Mr. Allen, is well ; but I greatly prefer for this purpose, dung of the most heating and fermenting kind. I have tried both often, and know that there is no danger of suffering loss by evaporation when the manure has been ploughed down and mixed with the earth. The remainder of this para- graph from Mr. A. is excellent, and will bear me out in every assertion. When speaking of the adaptation of particular crops to his peculiar mode of fall ploughing, I must confess that I do not understand him ; but we perfectly agree as to the action of ashes. Corn Hay. — The broom corn is far preferable to maize for this purpose, under any and every consideration. Foot-Rot. — I never knew or heard of a case of foot-rot in Virginia. Cultivation of Corn. — Mr. Young, of Ken- tucky, plants his corn invariably from the 20th to the 25th of March ; but I guess he must va- ry now, for his day has come, and the ground is covered with snow, and stiff frozen. His corn rows are three feet by three, with four stalks in a hill, making 19,360 stalks to the acre — too thick for old Virginia ; plants so thick that only one ear grows on a stalk — that is 110 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. right; covers six inches deep — sandy land, I suppose; knows nothing about re-planting — neither do I ; runs the harrow over his com rows — the front tooth out, I suppose ; has rich land and makes great crops. This is the best part of the record. Value of Urine as a Manure. — In Scotland it may be well to scrape up the loam from a field, then cart it to the feeding stalls, to be saturated with urine, then cart back to the field again ; but in America we have abundance of lighter matters, which may thus be profitably used, and consequently a heavy item of expense avoided. Moreover 1 do contend that no ground should be scraped over, except for the purpose of level- ling ; for by scraping, the acid or raw earth is approached, which is mischievous to vegetation. Com Fork. — Where there are no stones, clods, or litter, this implement may answer a good purpose ; but I should never think of mangling the roots of any corn at its last working by sending the fork so deep into the ground as re- commended. Value of Seasoned Fire Wood. — This is a va- luable communication and should be attended to. Founder. — A sweat is more efficacious, and less troublesome than the remedy mentioned. A Thompsonian sweat. Cutting Food for Cattle. — Cut food is not only more valuable for cattle, but as manure it is rea- dy at once for the shovel, the land, the plough, and the crop. As my object is improvement, I may in my next comment on my comments, and hope I shall give no offence. Investioator. March 20, 1843. We think we speak the sentiments of our readers when we say, it gives them great plea- sure to hear from " Investigator" at all times, and that no form of communication is more agreeable than the one he has now assumed. For the Southern Planter. BUCKWHEAT. Messrs. Editors, — I have been a reader of yourvaluable periodical for nearly twelve months, and have during that time examined the pages of every number with much anxiety to find something from some of your numerous and able correspondents, upon the subject which stands at the head of this communication ; but I have looked in vain. Whilst almost every variety of subjects connected with agriculture and horticulture has been discussed by those who have contributed so largely to the mass of important matter contained in the Planter, buck- wheat has been, I believe, untouched. Is it be- cause gentlemen are not fond of buckwheat cakes, but rather prefer the old-fashioned Virgi- nia hoe-cake? I think, Messrs. Editors, that if many of your readers could sit down at the ta- ble of a Dutchman upon a cold frosty morning, they would not slight the hot smoking buck- wheat cakes so much in practice, as they have in theory. I have addressed you this communication not so much with a view to impart information in relation to this valuable grain, as to seek it ; for I honestly confess I know but little about the manner of cultivating it. I would be much obliged to some of your correspondents if they would tell me in the first place what kind of land is best adapted to its growth. 2dly. How it should be prepared. 3dly. The quantity of seed to the acre. 4thly. The time of sowing. 5thly. The time of cutting, and how much it will turn out to the acre. I have understood that it would kill blue grass and greatly improve the soil ; whether this is true or not I am unable to say. As the time for sowing must be near at hand, and 1 am so fond of the cakes, any infor- mation which might be given would be thank- fully received by Your obedient servant, Edw'd G. Ship. Madison Co., April 4, 1843. We have very little practical knowledge upon the subject on which our correspondent asks for information ; but in the course of investigations made in his service, we met with the following, which we extract from the "American Farmer," one of the most practical and reliable papers with which we are acquainted : "Buckwheat should not be sown before the last of June, and may be sown any time during the month of July. Its time of sowing should be graduated so as to bring its blossoming on at the period of early fall, when the weather *be- gins to get cool, as it will not fill well in hot weather. When sown in the spring, the chances are against its yielding any grain, or, at most, but very little, and should, therefore, never be sown at that period, unless wanted, to be ploughed under as a green dressing, for which it suits most admirably, as it extracts a very large portion of its food from the atmosphere, and hence it is, that it will yield fair crops from very poor ground. If sown on suitable ground, loam, or moderately good sand, and the seefson proves propitious, it sometimes yields from fifty to sixty bushels to the acre. This quantity, however, is rarely produced, and it is safer to anticipate from twenty-five to thirty bushels to the acre. It is greatly assisted in its growth, and the maturing of its grain, by having a THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Ill bushel of plaster to the acre sown, and ploughed in with the seed. "A very great advantage from the culture of buckwheat, arises from the lateness of the sea- son at which it may be sown. It can be seeded after the wheat and rye crops are harvested, on the stubt es ploughed in and harrowed ; thus enabling the farmer whose small grain crops may have proved light, or whose corn crop may promise badly, to grow a very excellent grain, and thus repair his losses. " It should be cut when about half the grains on the heads appear ripe, and as it is easy to scatter, it is best to get it out with flails, on I sheets, in the field, to prevent loss. " Half a bushel to the acre is the proper quantity of seed to sow." formed that if cattle are kept always fat their horns will be perfectly smooth, and that wrin- kles instead of denoting the years of life only mark the years of suffering and of poverty. — They are probably stamped by nature as an in- delible monument of the cruelty and negligence of a bad farmer. Human wrinkles too arise in a great measure from a similar cause, and al- though not upon the same authority, we think we may venture to say that the best way to fight them off, or to delay them at least, is to laugh and grow fat. For the Southern Planter. TOBACCO. Messrs. Editors, — My attention was attracted by an editorial at the 95th page of the last Planter, in which you give to your readers some ingenious views derived from a visitor, with re- spect to the character and nature of the tobacco crop. That the cultivation of tobacco induces a clean tilth, is undoubtedly true ; and that bet- ter means for saving and using manure, may, and must be resorted to, if we would preserve the fertility of our fields, I am not prepared to question ; but that tobacco is not an exhauster, I am not ready to admit. Your friend argues, that because the tobacco is a broad leaf plant, and does not mature its seed, that, therefore, by all the rules of agricultural science, it must draw its sustenanoe from the atmosphere, in- stead of the soil ; but he should have remem- bered that it is only prevented from maturing its seed by the artificial means of topping. It is a bold, vigorous plant, with a large and heavy stalk, remaining in the ground even beyond the time of perfect maturity, and nature, who can- not be always dragged into a co-operation with man, undoubtedly prepares, for the maturity of the seed, the sustenance, which the continued growth of the plant justifies her in believing will be required. Our country has no doubt been much injured by careless and improvident management, but I cannot help thinking that the present state of barrenness, to be witnessed in many parts of it, is mainly attributable to the cultivation of this exhausting crop. Your obedient servant, P. WRINKLES. We have a recipe to prevent wrinkles, not upon the human face divine, fair reader, but upon the horns of cattle. We are credibly in- For the Southern Planter. VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL SUPPORTERS. There are 5,500 species of plants in the ve- getable kingdom, differing from each other in their organization, roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, odors, aliments and medicinal pro- perties. This immense mass of vegetation, which adorns and beautifies the earth, is formed by the combination of five or six agents mar- vellously modified by the hand of God. Che- mical analysis proves that all vegetables, from the largest oak, down to the smallest blade of grass, are composed of air, water, light, heat, carbon and metalic, earthy, or alkaline salts. We propose making a few concise remarks on those great agents in the order they are named. Atmospheric air is composed of every prin- ciple from the earth capable of assuming the gaseous form. These gases after being com- mixed, result in oxygen, nitrogen and carbonic acid gases ; forming the fluid mass which sup- ports the vegetable and animal kingdoms. This element is compounded of two opposite principles, the one the source of flame, animal and vegeta- ble life, the other destructive to both, and pro- ducing by their different combinations the most diversified and beneficial effects. Atmospheric air effects the germination of seeds, the evolu- tion and growth of plants — is the cause of fer- mentation, combustion and animal heat — pre- serves water in a liquid state — sustains the clouds, bears up the feathered race — the cause of winds, the vehicle of smell and sound, and is the source of all pleasurable sensation derived from harmonious music ; it is the prime mover in most machinery — impels ships, blows fur- naces, winnows and crushes grain — insinuating itself into the pores and sap vessels of plants, and produces respiration in all living beings — whilst it is at the same time actively engaged in decomposing all inanimate matter. So that this fell destroyer, and life preserver, is continual- ly acting on the vegetable and anin al kingdoms, producing their evolution and growth, and per- forming many thousand agencies of minor im- 112 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. portance. It is elevated many leagues above the earth, and fills the deepest subterraneous cavities — being invisible, insipid, inodorous, pon- derous and elastic — of extreme rarefaction, obe- dient to the slightest motion, the least percussion deranges it, and its equilibrium, which is con tinually destroyed, is continually endeavoring to restore itself. Philosophers have made, with success, a number of experiments on the elasti- city of the air, and it has been applied to the greatest advantage in the arts. Atmospheric air is navigated and journeys of one hundred miles performed in an hour ! The time proba- bly is not far distant when aerial voyages will be made across the Atlantic ; such an idea is only absurd because the journey has not been performed. Should such an event occur, it will cease to be a novelty, and will not be regarded more than steam navigation or the growth of our crops. There is more mystery in the evo- lution and growth of plants, by the agency of air, than there could possibly be in a line of balloons wafted by this element from continent to continent. And why ? Because we are ac- quainted with the laws of aerostation. Bal- loons inflated with hydrogen gas, twelve times lighter than atmospheric air, will rise, and no- thing is wanting but air rudders to direct their course. Now I would respectfully ask, if we have as much information as it regards the growth and evolution of plants by atmospheric agency? Mr. Holland, a gentleman of scien- tific habits, has strikingly signalized aerostation of our day, for he traversed the continent of Eu- rope in eighteen hours. His balloon rose from Vauxhall Gardens (London) November 7, 1836, at half after 1, P. M. and passed over Kent, Canterbury, the British channel, and reached the continent three thousand feet above the level of the sea. Thence, passing over France, Italy, Germany, &c. he alighted in safety at half past 6 the following morning, two leagues from Well- burg in the grand Dutchy of Nassau. See Blackwood's Magazine for 1836. The weight of this fluid on every square yard of earth, is not less than twenty thousand pounds, and its pressure on our bodies twenty tons ; which would crush us to atoms, but for its internal spring or re-action. Without air, the vegetable and animal world is extinct ; there could be neither rain or refreshing dews to mois- ten the face of the earth, and the globe again would become a chaotic mass. Galen. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OP PATENTS. Mr. Ellsworth has introduced a new fea- ture into the annual reports of the Commissioner of Patents. He has undertaken to collect and furnish to Congress some agricultural statistics, from which we propose to make a few extracts, Although we give Mr. " Ellsworth" entire credit for the labor and industry he has exhibited, so very deficient and erroneous do we conceive his estimates of different agricultural products in different States to be, that we esteem it labor lost, and lay it aside as rather calculated to mis- lead, than to enlighten. " With all means and appliances to boot," it would be next to impos- sible to ascertain the amount of the varied pro- ducts of this vast country. The miserably de- fective reports of the census takers of 1840, are taken as the basis of Mr. Ellsworth's calcula- tions, and though his ingenuity and research have enabled him to detect some of their grossest blunders, we verily believe it would require a lifetime to correct one half their errors. But over and above these statistics Mr. Ells- worth embodies information upon several sub- jects of general agricultural interest, from which we extract some views upon the subject of SILK. Mr.EUsworth thinks that the prejudice against ■ this product, resulting from the multicaulis ma- nia, is rapidly yielding to sober judgment, and that the business is yet destined to be an impor- tant one to the country. The difficulties inci- dent to all beginnings are rapidly yielding to information and experience. The energy and intelligence of our people are proverbial, and if circumstances favor us, as Mr. Ellsworth thinks there is no doubt, that the Yankees will grow and manufacture the article in its highest per- fection. The production, it appears, doubles annually. The South, says Mr. Ellsworth, on account of its climate, affords peculiar facility for conducting its culture, and there is little doubt that it will one day, and that an early one, form one of our great staple productions. " The American raw silk, it is perfectly estab- lished, is in quality superior to the foreign arti- cle. A person for many years, as he declares, engaged in weaving of silk in different establish- ments in London, having had (as he says) for fifteen years from 250 to 300 lbs. of silk of every grade and name passing through his hands, weekly, expresses the following opinion as to the silk, &c. of our country." "I am qualified to affirm, from various expe- riments I have tried, that the silk is superior to any I have seen, from Italy, China, France, Piedmont, or Valencia ; where the worms are fed upon multicaulis, or Italian. Its brilliancy, THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, 113 strength, and scent, are superior. I am aware that exposure to the saline air, in the passage across the ocean, may be the cause of the loss of fragrance to imported silk : but the brilliancy is peculiar to American silk ; if reeled in proper manner,/ 'ith cleanliness." That tbe silk business has proved a disas- trous failure with several of our acquaintances, judicious, managing men too, we know; but this by no means proves that it may not be ul- timately made very profitable. The truth is, that induced by expectations of exorbitant gain, men rushed into the business without experience, skill, or information, what was to be expected when they had to contend with those that had all three ? We make the following extract from a letter received from a correspondent : GRUBS AND COLIC. It may be of interest to some of your readers to know that the remedy spoken of in one of your numbers for last year, (not having the paper at home I cannot refer to it) recommending rubbing the big vein in the neck with spirits of turpen- tine for either the colic or bots in horses, has been tried by me in a very violent case, with entire success, giving relief in about thirty mi- nutes. I rubbed the spirits also between the upper lip and the gums. I believe the disease to have been the bots. I read, with interest in your December num- ber, the reasons assigned for abolishing the bear- ing-rein in work horses, and mean, so far as I am concerned, to abolish it forthwith as being a useless and painful appendage. In haste. M. L. Spencer. BOMMER'S MANURE. The claims of Mr. George Bommer to the discovery of a process, by which masses of ve- getable and other matter can be readily and cheaply converted into manure of the most fer- tilizing qualities, has attracted much attention in the agricultural world, for the last twelve months. We were disposed, at first to ridicule it, as one of the numerous humbugs of the day; we never doubted the value, if we could have been assured of the authenticity, of the disco- very. When, therefore, we were at the North last fall, and heard Mr. Bommer spoken of as a scientific gentleman, and any thing but the char- latan we had imagined him to be, we were in- duced to inquire farther into a subject which was likely to prove so interesting to our readers. We met with many who had purchased the Vol. III.— 15 right, and who anticipated the most beneficial results, but with none, who had had an oppor- tunity of reducing the experiment to practice. After our return, attracted by various favorable notices in the northern papers, we were requested frequently by our subscribers to ascertain the particulars of method, price, &c. Accordingly, we opened a correspondence with Mr. Bommer, the result of which is, that he has appointed us his agents for the State of Virginia, and we are now prepared to dispose of the right of using this invention, with full and particular directions, upon the terms indicated below. Manure is the farmer's sheet anchor, and he who affords facilities, whereby its production may be increased, is certainly in a fair way to rival him, " who causes two blades of grass to grow where only one grew before." But hi increase of quantity is not all ; the capability of getting up a pile of manure in a few days, just where it is wanted, presents advantages almost incalculable in its consequences. The foreign substances (by which we mean those that the farmer would have to purchase) necessary to convert one thousand of straw into four thou- sand of manure, will not cost more than fifty cents. We make the following extract from Mr. Bommer's statement with respect to his inven- tion: This invention is the fruit of many years of exertion and chemical labor, and the result of repeated and various experiments. The secret of the invention to make the ma- nure, is accurately described and specified in my method secured by patent. The preparation of said manure is very simple and easy, and every farmer, by following my method, can ex- actly count upon certain success. This manure is a composition of animal, mi- neral, and vegetable substances, consequently designed by nature for the nutriment of plants. We may, therefore, abandon for the future, the partial use and application of every kind of merely stimulating manure, such as lime, plaster of Paris, ashes, &c. The merit of my method essentially consists in the following important points: 1. In being able to reduce in a short time all kinds of straw and ligneous weeds to a rich, unctuous and durable manure, such as wheat straw, barley, rye, buckwheat, and other black grains; stalks of Indian corn, rice, and other plants ; dried or green potato tops, leaves, stalks, and roots of all kinds of plants ; green or dried seeds, green rushes, sea-weeds, sea-rushes, hea- 114 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER ther-broom, stubble, in fact, every thing belong- ing to the vegetable kingdom, and a great many other things lying about farms which are often allowed to go to waste. Even the ground itself may be converted into the best manureor compost. 2. In the combination or alliance of fecun- dating substances, the use of which, when se- parated, would not and could not produce the desired effect. 3. In the production of a very considerable quantity of factious water, which, when com- bined with other ingredients, forming lees, fur- nishes the farmer with a fertilizing liquid, the commixture of which in either vegetable or mi- neral substances, gives a manure of the richest kind. 4. In the production of a quantity of nitrate of lime and caustic potash ; of ammonia and saltpetre — four substances which modern che- mistry has found to contain the most fecundating properties possible. N. B — Nitrate of lime and caustic potash are formed by the mixture of ingredients com- posing the lees, as chemical analysis will easily demonstrate. Ammonia and saltpetre are pro- duced by the lees combined with hj'drogen and azote thrown off by the high fermentation of the mass. The existence of the first is made known to the senses by the strong smell of am- monia when the heap is opened. From all this it is clear that my method em- ployed on farms, offers the following advantages : 1. That those who have straw will be able to change the same into manure immediately after the crop is housed, or at any required time. Those who have not straw may use any green or dry substance instead; and that those who have neither straw nor the substance above mentioned, may change the very soil itself into a very good earth manure, and in any spot they may choose. 2. That a farmer can make with the greatest ease, in a few days, earth manure, or compost, which will answer all the purposes of animal manure, and excel in their fecundating properties all other ordinary composts, which by other means can be had hardly in one year, more fre- quently only in three years. That this earth manure may be used in the spring to quicken the growl h of seed that has suffered from the rigors of the winter; to manure wheat previous- ly sown without manure ; it will be a great be- nefit in planting Indian corn ; for top dressing of artificial and other meadows ; it is of the greatest use in gardens, mulberry and other fruit trees, keeping at once the ground moist and producing rapid vegetation. 3. That the farmer will have the advantage of being able to make his manure heaps when, where, and as he pleases; he will be able to open them when they are in heat without losing any of the fecundating moisture. 4. By means of the lees, which this method will inform him how to make, it will be easy for him to give to his farm-yard manure more invi- gorating properties, and he may increase its bulk at pleasure. Farm-yard manure, in fact, should be used only as the leaven to make the different heaps required. 5. By the great quantity of moisture entering into the materials, the weight of such of them as are dry, will be increased fourfold ; that of the others is more than doubled. 6. This method enables the farmer to control entirely his manure heaps ; that is to say, he will be able to make them in all their parts equally good and fertilizing. The lees, which distribute the saline and soluble particles in a regular and uniform manner, will produce an even crop throughout the field. 7. By the high degree of heat to which in that course of making it attains, the germinating power of all weeds found in the materials thus submitted to decomposition will be utterly de- stroyed. Hence manure made after this method never re-produces weeds. 8. The farmer will also be able to graduate his manure. He may have it of any degree of strength he wishes. This will enable him to forward the growth of plants in a manner hither- to unknown. 9. By means of manure thus graduated at will, market gardeners will have their produce much earlier in the market than heretofore. — They will be able also 10 heat their hot-beds anew by means of the lees without disturbing the frames. 10. In fine, the lees by which the manure is made, are prepared cold and without any pre- vious chemical preparation ; the majority of the ingredients may be found at hand on almost every farm, and cost nothing ; and water, which is the basis of the system, is of no more expense. All here concur to render the method truly eco- nomical. Such are the principal grounds on which the system is recommended. My method rests solely upon facts which are the results of numerous experiments. I have explained it in simple terms, without making use of any technical expressions ; it is as easy to understand as 10 put in practice. Thus clearly and simply detailed, I present it to the public, having proved, by repeated public expe- riments in presence of enlightened farmers, that all I have said is true, and that the advantages to be derived from its adoption are real, and not visionary. To conclude — as this method is my property, secured to me by patent, I hereby give notice, that the pamphlets of my "Method," are all signed in my own hand-writing, and sealed, and can be obtained only of myself or my agents, authorized for this purpose, and that every me- THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 115 thod circulated or sold by any other persons, I declare false and counterfeit. To facilitate the purchase of the Method, the price is fixed at the following exceedingly mo- derate rates : For gardens of any extent, $6 For farms, under 200 acres, 10 For fai. is, from 200 to 400 acres, 15 For farms, over 400 acres, 20 For plantations of any extent, 25 For this small sum, the method becomes the property of the purchaser, for his own use forever. The application of this system is very simple, and the process plainly explained in my method ; but if any one of the purchasers should meet with any difficulty in its application, or should not realize the results that this method offers, they may apply to me for the instructions ne- cessary in order to a complete success in the operation. If there should be a final failure, which has never yet occurred, the purchase mo- ney shall be restored. George Bommer. The following commendatory notice of this valuable discovery, is from Professor Eli Ives, M. D , one of the Vice Presidentt of the United States Agricultural Society: "I have examined the pamphlet of Mr. Bom- mer on the subject of manufacturing manure. His method is founded on correct philosophical principles, agreeable to those recently advanced by Liebig. If the farmers can be induced to purchase the right, and thoroughly execute his plan of making manure, in my opinion, it will very much increase the value of their farms. E. Ives. New Haven, Feb. 11, 1842." The Connecticut Farmers' Gazette for De- cember, published at New Haven, contains the following certificate: " I hereby certify that, having made repealed trials of Mr. George Bornmer's method of mak- ing manure by fermentation, and having tested its effects in the rapid decomposition of the mass to which it has been applied, and having also witnessed the influence of the manure made by this process, in promoting the growth of vege- tation, I am prepared to regard the invention as an important accession to the farming interest ; and, although, having tried other modes of mak- ing manure with varied success, I am free to acknowledge that I have never been acquainted with any system of the kind that would com- pare with this for utility. Erastus Dudley. JYorlh Guilford, Mv. 23, 1842." The Editor adds — "We are well acquainted with Mr. Dudley, the author of the above certi- ficate, and we know him to be a man of sterling integrity. He is an intelligent farmer, and not likely to be imposed upon by every neiu thing. Inasmuch as he has tried Mr. Bornmer's method, and gives his unqualified testimony in its favor, we have no hesitation in commending his state- ment to the confidence of the public." Certificates from intelligent farmers might be greatly multiplied, but we consider them unne- cessary. For the Southern Planter. THE SEASON. JWessrs. Editors, — Perhaps you would like to contrast this present spring weather of yours with that which we are now enduring. Fancy if you can, that as I sit and write, I look forth upon one broad expanse of snow — no sudden fall of a few inches, but some good old substantial stuff that has been with us since the middle of November. Such a winter was never known here before, since white men knew the country. And the severity of it has been fatal to great numbers of cattle. Food of every de- scription for slock is nearly exhausted, and no immediate prospect of relief. Oats for seed are already sown in the insatiate maws of our starv- ing beas's, and when it does come seed time, many will be unable to sow. It is also feared, that the great burthen of snow that fell upon the wheat before the ground was frozen has smothered the greater part of that. If so, it will be a heavier blow than the loss of cattle, for wheat is our great staple. Please give us the sunny side of the picture, in contrast to this. Let us hear that there is a land where grass grows in the spring. Most respectfully, &c. Solon Robinson. Lake C. H., la., April 7, 1843. Matters are not quite so desperate wilh us as described by our respected friend in Indiana. — Although we had some spells of uncommon cold, we had a great deal of mild and beautiful weather during the winter. But our spring has been extremely backward ; until within a few days past, the elements have amused them- selves with spouting snow, sleet and rain, darting a few rays of the sun between, at lengthened intervals. The season is fully six weeks behind- hand ; oats, which should have been in- the ground in February, are now (the 25th of April) just sown. We presume that with a majority, corn is not yet planted, and some have hardly had an opportunity of breaking up their corn land. From what we can hear, however, the wheat is not unpromising, and the corn may yet do well: the oat crop, we should think, must necessarily be a short one. But now for the other side of the picture. 116 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, The dallying spring has come at last, arrayed in all her charms ; the grass has sprung, the buds have burst, the blackbird is rocking on the tops of the poplar trees, carolling and revelling in the soft beauty of a summer morning : all nature is vivified and refreshened, and you see the joyousness of returning spring impressed upon the glowing countenances of men. We sincerely wish that our friend's eye, suffering so long from the glare of his northern snow, could be relieved by a view of the beautiful green with which, within a few days, nature has clothed our woods and fields. We shall always be pleased to hear from so distinguished a friend to agriculture, as Mr. Ro- binson, if it is only to be chilled by a record of the weather in his inhospitable region. EXALL & BROTHER'S THRESHING MACHINE, The above engraving represents one of Exall's Geared Horse Power Threshing Machines. It is complete and ready for use. It is made in the very best manner, of the best materials and warranted to do as good work, and as much of it, as any other Machine in the State or out of it, with the same power. It has all the real improvements of twenty-five years' experience of one of the concern, with the addition of one or two important and acknowledged improve- ments recently made by the other. The whole arrangements of the gear and frame, and all other parts, have been well studied and carefully adjusted, to make it substantial and durable. Some of the improvements to which we claim the patent right, and not used by any other Machine makers, are the following : 1st. The Horse Wheel (B) has the flange covering the top ends of the cogs to prevent their breaking. It gives great strength and is a decided improvement. 2d. The Drum is driven by a spur wheel, to the pinion of which, at (C) is a ratchet, which, let the horses stop as suddenly as they please, allows the Drum to run down in its own time, without dragging with it the Horse Power and Horses, as is the case with other Machines. 3d. The Drum frame is of cast iron, with oil boxes and friction rollers — oiling itself for a day at a time, without admitting the dust to the bearing's. The friction rollers are large and well fixed, coming up through the bottom box, so that while the Drum is provided with good bearings, these rollers greatly relieve the friction and consequently the horses. The cylinder is the brace tooth, with bed to correspond, which is set on springs to relieve itself when over-fed. The teelh are wide so that they may be sharp- ened, and by reversing the ends of the Drum may be used on both sides and thus last twenty years. The Drum is set on a separate frame, so that it may be removed into a barn, if de- sired, and be driven by a band from the spur wheel at (C) which is in one minute made a band wheel by putting on it a hoop or tire (which is provided) to a pulley on the opposite end of the drum at (A). Thus it is adapted to suit all. PRICES OF MACHINES. The price of this Machine, payable in Rich- mond, is, for a 4 Horse Power which will thresh 300 bushels, $200 ; for a 2 Horse Power which will thresh 175 bushels, $175; delivered on boat, car, or wagon in Richmond. For a 4 Horse Power alone, $125; 2 Horse Power alone, $110; 4 Horse Drum alone, $75; 2 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 117 Horse Drum alone, $65. Stationary Machines put up on corresponding terms. CERTIFICATES. "Aylett's, King William, Va., 1843. "I have made many Threshing Machines within fifteen years past, and now thresh 2,000 bushels ' nd upwards of grain per annum, for myself and neighbors ; and I take pleasure in saying that I have never used, or seen, so good a Threshing Machine in all its parts, as one of Exall's, which I recently examined at their Ma- chine Manufactory in Richmond. It possesses more good qualities than any Machine I have ever seen ; while I cannot point out a single de- fect. The work is all good, and the Machine is cheap. John Sizer." "Little Dover, Goochland, April 5, 1843. " My father, Dr. Joseph Trent, bought one of Exall's Threshing Machines more than twenty years ago, which was stationed in his barn at this place, and also one of his Portable Machines about ten years ago, and I take pleasure in saying that they have both proved all they were repre- sented to be, and threshed out the crops of last year clean and well. Jos. G. Trent." Mr. William Miller, who was sent by the Henrico Agricultural Society to Albany, to at- tend the great State Agricultural Fair held there last fall, and examine such implements, &c, testifies that no Machine was there exhibited equal to the above, though many were presented; he having threshed his crop with one of ours, previous to his departure. Many certificates might be added if space would allow. We solicit a share of patronage from the farming public, as we intend to devote the whole of this year to the manufacture of Threshing Machines. Those who favor us with their orders are requested to send them in early, so as to allow sufficient time to finish them be- fore the threshing season commences. Exall & Brother. 0^=* We will also furnish a good Machine, with Drum and Band complete, 4 Horse Power, for $150 ; and do. 2 Horse Power for $125 ; 4 Horse Power alone, $100; 2 Horse Power, $75. The last is on a different plan, very sim- ple and warranted to work well, fast and easy. Shop on 12th Street, between D and E. E. &B. Richmond, April, 1843. The subscriber will receive and execute orders for the above. C. T. Botts. AGRICULTURAL CLUBS. It is impossible to estimate the benefits that these neighborhood associations are privately and imperceptibly conferring upon the cause of agriculture. We have lately received several orders for new implements, &c. from such asso- ciations, who have purchased them for the pur- pose of testing their merits. This alone is an invaluable feature in their organization, which we esteem far beyond any society, whose object is public exhibition, no matter how extensive or how magnificent. One club in Albemarle has ordered one of Barnaby & Moer's ploughs; from another, in Mecklenburg, we have received an order for Poudrette. How much better op- portunity will these gentlemen enjoy, at home, cf testing an implement fully and fairly, and how much more satisfactory to the community will be their report, than any that could ema- nate from a committee, who are directed to de- cide in half an hour, frequently, upon the most complex piece of machinery. This advantage alone, we repeat, by which the expense of purchasing and testing a new thing may be divided amongst a neighborhood, is calculated to have a wonderful effect upon the progress of agriculture, and ought to secure the establishment of such clubs in everj 7 squad of farmers. It is by means of this union and co-operation that information has been engen- dered and diffused in other occupations, and it is the growing popularity of this system, that encourages the hope that agriculture will not long be behind the other arts. PRESERVATIVE COMPOSITION. For a composition for coloring and preserving gates, roofs, and timber generally, from the wea- ther, melt twelve ounces of rosin in an iron pot or kettle, add three gallons of train oil, and three or four rolls of brimstone ; when they are melted and become thin, add as much Spanish brown, (or red or yellow ochre, or any other color you like, ground as usual with oil,) as will give the whole the shade wanted. Then lay it on with a brush as hot and as thin as you can. Some days after the first coat is dried, lay on a second. It is well attested that this will preserve plank for years, and prevent the weather from driving through brick work. — Exchange paper. For the Southern Planter. OLD FIELD PINES. Messrs. Editors, — In the March number of the Planter there was a communication, from a gentleman of Amherst, on the subject of Old Field Pines, with which I was very much de- lighted. He states, that if the bark is stripped off while the trees are standing and suffered to 118 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, remain a twelvemonth, they will make as lasting posts as locust or any other limber. Having fre- quently observed pine trees accidentally skinned, coated over perfectly with turpentine, and know- ing too, from experiment, that they could not be killed by belling, the first year, 1 was convinced of the truth and value of the statement in the Planter; and forthwith commenced the opera- tion of skinning, and did not cease until I had literally "skinned alive" some two or three hun- dred trees. In a conversation with some of my neighbors, a few days since, I mentioned the j subject and to my chagrin found they were per- j fectly incredulous, and disposed to laugh at me for my folly. Now, I should like to hear from the gentleman of A mherst, (Mr. Fuqua) whether he can avouch the truth of his statement, or whether he merely "told the tale as it was told to him." Has he tested the thing fairly? If you can spare a corner for the above, you will much oblige Yours, respectfully, J. R. G. Henrico, Jipril 5, 1843. P. S. — In cutting the mortices in posts for fencing, after the auger, a light axe, with a long, narrow blade, is greatly preferable to the mallet and chisel. I am sure it expedites the work a third if not a half. J. R. G. THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. This excellent periodical has just commenced its second year, with its typographical depart- ment much improved. As to the matter, it did not need, hardly admitted of, improvement. Mr. Alien, the Editor, is probably one of the most knowing slock men in America, and as a writer, his pen is particularly flowing, graceful, and easy. We commend this publication to breeders of stock, especially. From the Plymouth (Eng.) Herald. PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE PLACE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DUNG-HEAP. Farmers have generally found out the advan- tage of having a dung-pit instead of a dung- heap ; but still the rich drainage of the dung is much of it allowed to run away ; the urine from the stables, &c. does not half of it run into the dung, though it is the best part, the essence of the whole ; and the privy manure, which is better still, is mostly neglected altogether. All drainings from the stables, cow-houses, and styes, should run into the pit, and the over- flowings should be caught in another pit, to throw back in dry weather. The following is a cheap and effectual method of doing all this: — When convenient, the pit should be on the north side of a wall, or of some trees, to shade off the sun ; or under a shed, to keep off both sun and rain ; but these advantages cannot always be had without too much cost. Having selected the best place for your pit, first lay in way soil, peat, or any soil as different as possible from that of your farm, and give it a hollow surface, like a great tea-saucer. Upon this lay potato stalks, and any other vegetable matters, easy to ferment, and thereupon a layer of dung. Next a layer of vegetable matter, as peat, turf, bark, rotten weeds, ferns, leaves, or any kind of dead vegetable, to increase your quantity ; and so every week, cover your dung from the stables, styes, &c. with three or four times as much dead vegetable matter; thus making up your heap in alternate layers. The urine should all run into the pit from stables and all, by narrow drains, where it will not be much exposed to evaporation ; and another such drain should lead from it to a lower pit, to catch the overflowings when there are any ; and keep them to throw back upon the dung in dry times. This lower pit should be deeper and smaller than the other, and must never be allowed to overflow, as that would be waste. It may con- tain cabbage stumps, and other things difficult to work, which may be thrown back upon the heap as they rot. The lower pit may be used as a store of liquid manure, for watering young corn, in May or June ; which gives it a start, and much strength- ens its growth. In leaky ground, the bottom of the pits should be staunched with clay ; and stones or gravel stamped in, to harden it. The privy should discharge into the large pit, if possible, or else into the small one ; and coal ashes (but not wood ashes,) are good to throw where this comes out. Saw-dust or turf-dust from the stacks do very well. House- washings, as soap-suds, &c. should also be thrown on the heap; but the wash of the country, and heavy floods of rain should not be allowed to enter it, but be led into the meadows by other channels. In wet seasons, the top should be slanted to turn off the rain. Each layer of dung being covered with a layer of peat or other dead vegetable matter, the whole heap, when finished, should be crusted over with way soil, or other earth, to retain the vapors. The fermentation will be slower or quicker, as it is more or less covered and compressed. Wherever your heaps are made, whether in the yard or the field, give them a bed of some sort to absorb the drainage, and crust them over with soil, and mix all up with the dung before spreading. The drainage carries down the strength of the heap; sometimes enough to kill the seed in the place where the heap stood ; whilst it would have been of the greatest benefit if spread out with the dung. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER 119 MOLASSES FROM APPLES BY STEAMING. The following excellent method for making use of apples, for the twofold purpose of making molasses from them and converting the remain- der into excellent food for farm stock, has just been discovered to us by a friend. The apples are placi in a hogshead made tight for the pur- pose, and subjected to the operation of steam. The saccharine juice soon begins to ooze from them, anil drops down to the bottom of the hogs- head into the vessel covering the bottom, placed there for the purpose, from which it passes off to proper receivers. The juice is subsequently evaporated by boiling. Sour apples onlj' have been operated upon in this way. The quantity of molasses obtained from them is ten gallons j for every fifteen bushels of apples, or a gallon ! from a bushel and a half. This molasses differs from sweet apple molasses in possessing a pe- culiar tart flavor. The apples remaining in the hogshead, being softened and well cooked, are mixed with bread or meal and this constitutes an excellent article of food for cattle. Boston Cultivator. written a treatise on consumption which all who have weak lungs should procure and read. Boston Evening Journal. For the Southern Planter. CURE FOR POLL EVIL. As soon as the place comes to a head cut it open and place in the wound a small lump of arsenic. This will entirely destroy what is de- nominated proud flesh. This being removed, rub the sore with some simple healing ointment. This is a certain cure. W. AN IMPORTANT INVENTION. We have been much interested in the effects of a small instrument having the appearance of a child's whistle, but performing the important office of inflating and distending the lungs, and giving them a healthy action. It almost per- forms miracRs. A friend who has just returned from Philadelphia and who has used one of these tubes for a fortnight, measures about four inches more around the chest than when he commenced its use ; his voice is fuller and stronger, and there is every indication of permanent improvement. This important little agent, in removing consump- tion i3 formed on very simple principles ; the pa- tient breaths entirely through a tube for four or five minutes, inhaling the air through one aper- ture, and exhaling it through a smaller aperture, thus retaining one quarter of each inspiration, which tend.s to expand the lungs. This instru- ment is the invention of Dr. S. S. Bose, of Phi-' ladelphia, a man of great talents, who makes that wide-spread disease, consumption, his sole study, and who, if hi3 directions are followed, promises almost to banish from the land this bale- ful and inveterate foe to human life. He has SODA BREAD. A correspondent of the Neivry Telegraph gives the following recipe for making "soda bread," stating that "there is no bread to be had equal to it for invigorating the body, promoting diges- tion, strengthening the stomach, and improving the state of the bowels." He says, "put a pound and a half of good wheat en meal into a large bowl, mix with it two teaspoonsful of finely powdered salt, then take a large teaspoon- ful of super-carbonate of soda, dissolve it in half a tea-cupful of cold water, and add it to the meal ; rub up all intimately together, then pour into the bowl as much very sour butter- milk as will make the whole into soft dough (it should be as soft as could possibly be handled, and the softer the better,) form it into a cake of about an inch thickness, and put it into a flat Dutch oven or frying-pan, with some metalic cover, such as an oven-lid or griddle, apply a moderate heat underneath for twenty minutes, then lay some clear live coals upon the lid, and keep it so for half an hour longer (the under heat being allowed to fall off gradually for the last fifteen minutes,) taking off the cover occa- sionally to see that it does not burn. This, he concludes, when somewhat cooled and moder- ately buttered, is as wholesome as ever entered man's stomach. William Clacker, Esq. of Gos- ford, has ordered a sample of the bread to be prepared, and a quantity of the meal to be kept for sale at the Markethill Temperance Soup and Coffee Rooms. — Farmers' Magazine. EMBOSSING ON WOOD. The following method of embossing on wood, invented by Mr. Straker, is extracted from the Transactions of the Society of Arts ; it may be used either by itself or in aid of carving, and depends on the fact, that, if a depression be made by a blunt instrument on the surface of wood, such depressed part will again rise to its original level by subsequent immersion in water. The wood to be ornamented having first been worked out to its proper shape, is in a state to receive the drawing of the pattern; this being put in, a blunt steel tool, or burnisher, or die, is to be applied successively to all those parts of the pattern intended to be in relief, and at the same time is to be driven very cautiously with- out breaking the grains of the wood, till the depth of the depression is equal to the subse- quent prominence of the figures. The ground is then to be reduced by planing or filing to the level of the depressed part, after which the piece of wood being placed in water, either hot or 120 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. cold, the parts previously depressed will rise to their former height, and will thus form an em- bossed pattern, which may be finished by the usual operation of carving. From the Albany Cultivator. TO STOP BLEEDING. A few years ago, a valuable carriage horse of mine, took suddenly ill on a journey. A professed farrier in the village in which I was compelled to stop, advised bleeding in the mouth, which was done accordingly. But unfortunate- ly, after the animal bled more than a gallon, it was found impossible to stop the blood. We all thought the horse would bleed himself to death. At this crisis, a farmer happened to pass by, and directed an application of the fresh excre- ment of the swine. A small portion of this was immediately held on the wound made by the farrier's instrument, and in two minutes the blood was completely stopped. I have tried this simple though not very pleasant remedy, several times since, in similar cases, and with the same re- markable success. J. H. Young. MOLASSES FOR HORSES AND HOGS. From the Report of the Essex (Mass.) Temperance Society. From various persons we have facts fully sus- tained by their experience, " that three gallons of molasses, such as is not used for families, but sold only by the importers for fermentation and distillation, is worth as much as a bushel of corn. An experienced and good farmer says, "I had rather have one bushel of corn and three gallons of molasses for my hogs, than two bushels of corn without the molasses. I find also a good use for food of those apples that I used to suffer to go to decay, upon the earth. I refer to those, that through the defect by worms, or the action of the wind, fall from the trees. I now pick them all up, put them into a boiler, with potatoes, squashes, &c; and when boiled and become cold, — the life of the worms being destroyed by the process of boiling, — I then feed my hogs with this mixture, pouring over it a few quarts of molasses, very much in the same manner as we use the good molasses in our fa- milies, with bread, rice, hasty pudding, &c. — thus making a nutritious food, and dispensing entirely with the use of antimony, or any other regulating medicine for the animals." Another, who has had much experience as to the useful and noble animal — the horse — writes : " I now use molasses quite freely as food for my horses. If the hay is a little defective, I pour molasses upon it, and it is relished by the ani- mal. If I use oats, barley, or corn, I find the same process useful. It not only gives a relish to the fodder, — but is a good regulator of the bowels ; and since I have used molasses with their fodder, I have not lost a single horse by the ' worm of the maw,' generally known as the ' botts.' And the same is true in relation to other animals, oxen, cows, &c. They appear to thrive much better, by the use of molasses with their food." It is also among the reminiscences of a well known trader in horses in this country, that when he wishes to prepare for a speedy sale, those horses that he had purchased in a poor state, his method was to feed them somewhat plentifully with molasses; and in connection with other food, they were found to thrive with much greater rapidity than they otherwise were wont to do. CONTENTS OF NO. V. Grazing — An extension of the grazing system re- commended to the fanners of Eastern Virginia, p. 97. Timber — Should be cut in winter, p. 98. Lime — Its effects upon sorrel, p. 98. Corn — Mr. Woodson's mode of cultivating, p. 99. Liberality — An instance of, p. 100. Report—Of the Hole and Corner Club of Mecklen- burg, p. 100. Timber — A machine for felling, with a cut, p. 101. Tobacco — The character and qualities of different kinds, p. 102. Ploughing — Remarks on, p. 103. Cabbages — To free from lice and worms, p. 104. Tobacco — To prevent its firing, p. 104. Paint — Recipe for a cheap paint, p. 104. Whitewash — Recipe for a brilliant whitewash, p. 104. Manure — Proper management of farm-yard and sta- ble manure, p. 105. Grasses — Comparative value of timothy, herdsgrass, orchard grass and clover, p. 107. Distemper — Induced by change of pasture lots, p. 107. Tobacco Prize — Description of one, with a cut, p. 108. Comments — On the January and February numbers of the Planter, p. 109. Buckwheat — Directions for the cultivation of, p. 110. Tobacco — An exhauster, p. 111. Wrinkles — Preventive of, p. 111. Vegetable and Animal Supporters — Essay on, p. 111. Report — Of the Commissioner of Patents, p. 112, Silk — American capabilities, p. 112. Grubs — Value of remedy confirmed, p. 113. Bommer's Manure — Description of, p. 113. The Seaso?i — In Indiana, p. 115. Threshing Machine— Exall's described, with a cut, p. 116. Agricultural Clubs — Their value, p. 117. Composition — For preserving wood, p. 117. Old Meld Pines— Inquiry, p. 117. American Agriculkirist — Notice of, p. 118. Dung-Heap — Directions for managing, p. 118. Molasses— To be obtained from apples, p. 119. Poll Evil— Remedy for, p. 119. Lungs — Invention for exercising, p. 119. Soda Bread — Directions for making, p. 119. Engraving on Wood — Easy method, p. 119. Bleeding — To stop, p. 120. Molasses — Value of, as food for horses and hogs, p. 120.