Established 1840. THE Seventieth Year Southern Planter A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO Practical and Progressive Agriculture, Horticulture, Trucking, Live Stock and the Firfeside, OFFICE: 28 NORTH NINTH STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER PUBLISHING COMPANY. J. F. JACKSON, Editor. Proprietors. Vol. 70. OCTOBER, 1909. No. 10. CONTENTS. FARM MANAGEMENT: Editorial — Work for the Month 929 Value of a First-cIass Pasture 931 Suggested by the Septfrxnber Planter 932 Report of Committed on Soil Investigation and Experiments in Illinois 933 The Winter Cover 936 New York State Farming 937 Preventive for Wheat Smut 938 Fertilizers and Manures 938 Crimson Clover Seeding . .~~T 938 TRUCKING, GARDEN AND ORCHARD: 939 Editorial — Work for the Mouth Lime-Sulphur for use Against San Jose Scale 940 Virginia State Horticultliral Society 941 Should Nurserymen Grow Trees from Care- fully Selected Scions Only? .* 941 Paris Green Distributor 943^< •J LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY: Editorial — The Dairy Inspection Question. .• 944 Editorial — ^Dual Purpose Cows 944 The Dual Purpose Cows 945 The Dairy Industry in Virginia -, ,. . 947 The Dairyman's Cow .' 947 Oleomargarine Laws -r^. 949 Virginia Duroc Swine Breeders' Association 949 Hints to the Boys 949 THE POULTRY YXbD: Poultry Notes 950 Virginia i^ultry Show 951 Simple Fixtures Make Easy Money 7~951 The Farmers' National Congress 952 , The Carmai^ Peach 952 THE HORSE: Notes Morgan Stallion in Powhatan Lo ! the King Has Come The Nomination of Commissioner of Agri- culture .'t . MISCELLANEOUS: Ground Limestone Loudoun Heavy Draft and Agrimtural Af* sociation . .^ The Tenant Question The Tazewell Pair Good Advice from an Old Virginian — Some Experience and Suggestions Enquirer's Column (Detailed Index p. 1005) Publishers Notes Advertisements . .' 953 954 954 955 956 ?57' . 958 959 959 998 960 960 SUBSCRIPTION, 50o. PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Our Greatest Merchandise Sale! Of all our Wonderful Sales of the past none approaclies tlio one wc are advertising tortay. We propose to give the great biiylnti: public the benellt of our wonderful operations. No other concern on earth can mei't the prices we place CHICAGO ' HOUSE l%t% WRECKINGUUi on our poods. We are .offering the most staple merchandise at prices which In most Instances do not represent the original cost of manu- facture. If you fall to take advantage of this oiler you arc certainly oveilooking an oppor- tunity which may never again occur. Sheriffs', Receivers '& Manufacturers' SalesF OurWONDERFUL CATALOG We have published a BRAND NEW CATALOG, different than any other previously issued by us. It is twice as big; it gives the history of our busi- ness and tells all about our WONDERPULi OPERATIONS ; contains over 50,000 BARGAIN OFFERS in every line. Gives illustrations true to the articles described. It contains 16 pages in natural color reproductions showing all articles true to life in every detail. It describes more fully, the various articles offered in this adver- tisement. It is a book such as every BARGAIN SEEKING MAN OR WOMAN must have ia his or her possession. If you fail to secure a crfpy you will make a mistake. It Is FREE if you'll follow directions in this advertisement. fio*f to Anmwef Thi s AdveHI»emBnt The best way to answer this advertisement Is to FILL OUT THE COUPON In the lower left-hand corner. Tear the page ont and place a cross mark on snch articles as Inter* est you most. We will then MAIL YOU OUR UTERATUKE pertaining to the articles in well as send you a copy of our MAJIMOTH CATALOG; In addition we will describe more fully such articles aa most Interest you. If , however you do not wish to mutilate this page, write us on a post CARD telling us WHERE YOU HAVE SEEN THIS ADVERTISEMENT, and just what articles Interest you most. It your wants be In a general way only, then merely fill out the coupon in the lower left-hand comer, and we wlU MAU. YOU CUB GENERAL CATALOa. ( rurnitUre of high-grade, brand new furniture, carpets, pubs and linoleum; everything needed to furnish your homo complete. No shoddy furniture ia our stoclf. It Is the best that can be manufactured. It Is built for the taste 01 people who know peol quality. Our goods are bought at SherlHV', Receivers' and Manufacturers' l^alcB. That gives us a bisr advantaire over any pos- sible competition and the public gets the benoflt of our buying opera- tions. Write for prices on any ar- ticle you may require. Our general cataloe shows all our wonderful lurultiire stock. Whenln Chicago visit our monster furniture sale! rooms, the largest In America. OUR BINDING GUARANTEE RUGS— $6.50— exten- sive variety of beautiful patterns, oriental or flor- al deslgns,rlch color com- binations. These Rugs are reversible and may be used on either side, thus giving you the ser- vice of two floor cover- ings for the price of one. All absolutely new and perfect. We also cany all other high-grade Robs. Plumbing Material^^X^cil^ flat rim, cost iron,white enamel Kitchen Sinks, new but slightly defective. Price Includes strainer and ——— — - coupling. $6 buys an enam- e: Bnth Tub., $10 for a cast Iron, roll rim, white en- amelBnthTnb. $9.60 for white enamellow down tank Water €1 oset.complete out- „ '^ i* — ■ — fit. Wash Stands at 4)3.50. We turulsb everything needed In Plumblne Ma- terlal. Special Instruction Book malieafree. SteBl Rooting-l^^i New Steel Roof.-— ^^ - Ing. which we are selling at the fol- lowing prices Prelght Prepaid: Flat 91.60, Cor. fuarated, T Crimped or Standing Seam $1.85. At these prices we Prepay the Freight to all J points east of Ool..~i.«-u.>i.^>i,£ai«j I orado except Oklahoma and Texas; I qnotatlons to these points on appli- cation. Ourhlgh grade Galvanized Kust Proof Roofing at prices I S^K'^S '""o™ **-"* per square up. I Write today for Free Sample. We GUAR ANTEE that every article you purchase from us will be EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED in every way. If you secure any merchandise from us not exactly as repre- sented, we'll TAKE IT BACK at our FREIGHT EXPENSE and REFUND YOUE MONEY in full. We will in every In- stance "MAKE GOOD." We know full well the value of a SATISFIED CUSTOMER, and we will try our utmost to PLEASE YOU. We number over 100,000 customers who are regularly sending us their orders for general supplies, and we earnestly solicit just an opportunity to prove the virtue of oar business for your INDIVIDUAL PURPOSE. In every line of SUPPLIES and MERCHANDISE we can SAVE TOU MONEY, and BACKED BY OUR BINDING GUARANTEE you cannot "GO WRONG." Our CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS Is over H,000,000.00. We refer yon to any ban k or banker anywhere; to any expresscompany i to the mercantile agencies; to thepubUsber of thU op any other periodical; or, you can write direct to our Depository, THE DROVERS' DEPOSIT NATIONAL BANK. ONION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO. •»« oax a. We will ship ANT ARTICLE shown In this advertise- ment O. O. D., with PRIVILEGE OF EXAMINATION, pro. vlded you send us a deposit of 26% on account as evidence of gi,>od faith, the balance otter material reaches destina- tion and yon have had an opportunity to examine and see that you have secured the articles that you have ordered. Hthe goods are not what you expected WE WILL RE- FUND your purchase prioe.brlnglng goods back to Chicago at OUa EXPENSE. You are SAFE at all times In dealing with us. We would advise that you send ns an order at once selected from this advertisement. Gaso/nf e £if sffiies-ftrXTirh: ;rade, brand new Gasoline Engine at 848.75.tull7 guaranteed, complete in every — »»-■».'•. wf.-'uw •espect. Price includes Ignl- ler, battery, lubricator, and n fact completp outfit ready or use. This engine Is simple ■a operate. We wtll sell on (0 days' free trial, so you ake no chance In your pur. base. A five-year guaran. i m i i ^^_u ee against detective workmanship or material. Gaso« Ine Engines in all sizes. Complete s tock of Steam En. jrt;ie9;_Bollerg, Machinery. Write for Special List. Linoleum^' 81c per BQ. yd. Exactly like illustration. Abso- lutely new and perfect, no cracked or eollea pieces In the entire lot. We have hundreds of other beautiful patterns in rich colors, consisting of bea uti f ul tile and flor- al designs, in various patterns illustrati'd In our large free catalog'. GBnuine Leather Couch-^ 99.75. Qu arter sawed oak frame , diamond tufted top. ■ _.„.,_lHas a guaranteed pargMini on tempered spring — construction, war- ranted to give per- fect satisfaction. It is 76 in. long and »7 In. wide. It is uphol- stered with a good i<,.fw._ _., ., . " quality of genuine jggjPgr. It'8 the very besfbuy" in a leather couch. Water Pres» sure System Modem Air Pressure Water Works Supply Systems at prices ranging from$48 to 8200. They are strictly new and flrst-class in every detail. Our book of Plumbing and Ileat. Ing, which we mall tree of charge, tells all about them. Enjoy city comfort. \Hardware ^""*«'"» *' »0.25 Hatchets at. .$0.80 Locks up from .!lO These are samples from our General Catalog, our Wonderful Price Maker. Thereisn't an article in the Hardware Line but what we can furnish It to you at Extremely Low iPrlces. Our entire stock is new, nice, clean goods— just as good as yon can purchasean y- ^ — where, and Prices Are Right. You had better Get Our Quota. — tlons before you buy w- ^ ' ii ^~~"1 i from anyone else. :r<*i^ ' AfMA St J^rt«»*»«~-*^'=°"P'*^^ stock of "!•■* ~ ■■■••«"y» overhauled Black -ear although the area planted was so much larger. Up to August 1st the promise was for a crop of near 3,000,- 000,000 bushels. Now it is estimated that it will not ex- ceed 2,700,000,000 bushels, if so much. The average con- dition of the crop on September 1st was 74 as against S4 on August 1st and a ten-year average of 80. Since this report appeared condition has been further im- paired. With this prospect it may be fairly assumed tha corn will not be cheap again this winter. The con- dition of the crop in Virginia is 77 as against 89 last year and a ten-year average of 87. In North Carolina it is 78 as against 84 last year and a ten-year average of 83. In South Carolina it is 84 as against 81 last year and a ten-year average of 78. The average condition of the spring wheat crop was 88 when harvested as compared with 91 last month and a ten year average of 76. This crop has maintained a won- derfully high condition all through its season of growth and the result is a crop much above average, both in quan' tity and quality. The total yield is estimated at from 280,000,000 to 290,000,000 bushels, thus bringing the whole wheat crop up to a yield of about 700,000,000 bushels or a little more. This crop with our present population to feed and requirement for seed will not leave much surplus for export and the prime is not likely, in our opin ion, to decline. European requirements will not be so large as Russia is said to have made above an average crop and is exporting freely. The demands of our own population and not the export demand is now and will in the future be the factor which will largely dominate the price of wheat until we considerably increase the acreage or yield of the crop or both. In a recent speech Mr. J. J. Hill said that the normal increase of our popu- lation each year would call for an annual increase in the wheat crop of at least 15,000,000 bushels. To meet this our farmers will have to do much better in wheal production than they have done for a number of years past. The average condition of the tobacco crop In Virginia is 85 as against 90 a year ago and a ten-year average of 84. In North Carolina 77 as against 84 a year ago and a ten-year average of 81. In South Carolina 85 as against 83 a year ago and a ten-year average of 84. In Mary- land the condition is 75 as against 85 a year ago and a ten-year average of 84. In Tennessee the condition is 80 as against 90 a year ago and a ten-year average of 81. The crop is now all in the barns and curing and the indications are that the quality will be good though lighter and thinner in texture than a year ago. If the color should come up good the crop will find a ready mar- ket at good prices. Lugs have been selling well though not so high as a year ago when there was a heavy de- mand for this class of tobacco. The hay crop of the country is estimated at nearly 7,000,000 tons less than that of a year ago and the qual ity IS not so good, as much was injured by the June 930 THE SOUTHEKN PLANTER. [October, rains. Hay is likely to be in demand all the winter at a good price. Sweet potatoes and peanuts have made better crops than at one time appeared probable and are now being , etug. The harvesting and saving of the various forage crops atid, of late crops of hay and alfalfa should have atten- tion. At this time of the year these crops require much more time and care in curing than earlier in the sum- mer but if well cured they are better and more nutri- tive feed than crops saved when the sun is so hot. Do not hurry the hauling but let the crops cure out well in the windrows and cocks and see that these are well aired and sunned just before being stored in the barn to carry off all dew and gathered moisture. The harvesting of the corn crop will require attention. Do not let it stand until all the fodder is burnt up. Cut as soon as the corn is well glazed and dented and set up in shocks not too large but well put up and tied round the top so that they will stand a good wind with out falling. Do not waste time and corn pulling foddei and cutting tops. Save all the crop. It has cost time and money to make it and is too valuable to leave balf of it in the fieia. Don't delay filling the silo too long so that the frost catches the corn "and injures the fodder. Whilst it is not desirable to cdt corn for the silo wnen it Is in its most vigorous state of growth, as it is then so full of water that the product makes a sour silage yet at the same time it is important not to wait too long so that it becomes frst-bitten before being cut. It should have sufficient moisture in it to make it heat well so as to drive out the air and pack closely. The nearer it is to m-aturity without being dried up the better silage it makes. If the corn should become too dry before it can be siloed it should be watered as it is cut into the silo so as to ensure the heating, otherwise the product will mould badly. The heating destroys the mould germs. If you have cow peas or soy beans to silo let these be cut along with the corn and be well mixed as they run into the silo. Used in this way they make a most nutritious and well balanced feed but if siloed alone the product is a slimy, slippery silage which stock do not eat Avell. Cover the top of the silage with cut chaffed straw or waste marsh hay to the depth of a foot and water this freely so that it will pack down closely, and fill with mould and thus effectually seal the silage. The seeding of winter oats has been much delayed by the ground being too dry and hard to plow. The showers we have had will have put the land into plowing order and not a moment's delay should be allowed in pushing on the seeding as it is late now for putting In the crop but if put in deeply with a drill or if seeded broadcast and covered with a light furrow thrown by a plow or if cut in with a disc harrow the crop should make (sufficient growth before the winter sets in to stand well. The too shallow seeding and light cover- ing of winter oats is largely the cause of winter killing. The seeding of winted oats in deep furrows is now be- ing largely practiced in some of the Southern States The ridges left between the furrows seems to protect the plants and good crops are secured in this way on land on which the crop always formerly winter killed badly when sown in the ordinary way. In our last issue we wrote more fully on the seeding of this crop and to that issue we refer ourreaders. The preparation of the land for and the seeding of the wheat crop should have attention as from October 15th to November 15th is the best time for seeding this crop in the South. In our last month's issue we wrote very fully on the subject of the preparation of the land for wheat and refer our readers to that issue. We do not know that we can usefully add f^nything to what we then said. The great factor to be observed is the best pos- sible preparation of the land before seeding. This and not the quantity or quality of the manure or fertilizer used is what is going to be most potent in securing a good yield. Now that cow peas and the other legume crops are so much more generally grown we ought to see a considerable increase in the average yield of wheat in the South and there is plenty of room for this. We ought not to make a less average than 25 bushels of wheat per acre and ought easily to get 30 bushels and yet we only get an average of about 13 or 14 bushels. The leguminous crops will supply the nitrogen needed if only they are given sufficient phosphoric acid to make them grow luxuriantly. The addition of lime to make the potash available and further phosphoric acid to sup- ply the need of that great constituent of seed formation should ensure better yields. When the crop follows a lux- runiat growth of cow peas or soy beans or clover it is essential that these should be plowed down early in the fall or better that they should either be grazed off or be cut for hay leaving a long stubble to be cut into the soil with the disc harrow in preference to plowing down. The plowing down of heavy crops of these legumes is inadvisable in that that first, it is a waste of good feed; second, that it makes the land too puffy and light for the best growth of the wheat crop and destroys the capillarity of the soil and lastly it brings the nitrogen nodules on the roots to the surface where the nitrogen is lost by being dissipated in the air. We are strongly of opinion that the liberal use of raw ground phosphate rock will be found a great aid in securing better yields of wheat but it will require time for the results to be seen as the phosphoric acid in the rock is in a slowly available form. Experiments have shown that the wheat plant takes up its supplies of th's constituent largely in the later periods of its growth and by this time the rock phosphate should have become available when it is applied in conjunction with a leguminous crop cut into the land- Raw bone meal is always useful in growing wheat as it not only supplies phosphoric acid but also a small percentage of nitrogen which gives the wheat a start. Another great factor in securing a better yield is the use of greater care in selection of seed, not merely in selecting a variety which has been found adapted to the section but in the selesting only of the cleanest, heaviest seed. All light and shrivelled grains should be blown out and all weed seeds be eliminated. Heavier seeding is also needed. The sowing of a bushel of seed to the acre is not sufficient except upon very rich land. "lOO'.i. THE SOUTHEK.N I^LAXTKR. '.);;i i"\vo bushels is much more likely to make a profitable crop and we would never seed less than I'o bushels. Another point requiring attention is the soaking of the seed in a formalin solution to destroy all smut germs. The old blue stone and lime preparation is not ef- fective for this purpose. We have had reports of a number of crops this year where the yield was greatly reduced by the presence of a large proportion of smut ears in the crop. All this could have been prevented by using formalin on the seed and this at a very small cost. The proper way to use the formalin is to mix one pint or pound of formalin in 40 gallons of water. This is sufficient to treat 50 bushels of wheat. Spread the wheat on a tight, clean floor four or five inches thick, then sprinkle the formalin on it from a watering can and turn over with a shovel so that every grain is wet. Leit stand a little while and then sprinkle again and turn again. The wheat should absorb 3 or 4 quarts of the solution per bushel. Then pile and cover* with clean syacks or canvas for two hours and then spread out to dry and when dry it is ready for sowing. Be careful not to put the treated grain into sacks which have had untreated wheat in them or it may again take up the smut germs. Treat the seed just before it is wanted for sowing so that it may not have to stand long in the sacks or it may become heated and the vitality of the germ be destroyed. Almost every year we have to warn our readers against some attempt to palm off upon them some new variety of wheat for which extraordinary yields are claimed. Last year we warned against the Alaska wheat fraud for which a yield of 200 bushels or more per acre was claimed. As a fact this variety rarely harvested more than 25 or 30 bushels per acre and the wheat of such poor milling quality that no one wants to buy it. We have heard of several who, not- withstanding our warning, got bitten with this fraud- This year we have a letter from a subscriber enclosing us circulars and photographs from the Stoner Seed Wheat Company of Fincastle, Va., which is putting out this wheat on a contract which calls for the grower to pay $5 an acre for the seed and to deliver all the wheat pro ducpd back to the Stoner Wheat Company to be paid for at the market price of milling wheat. This wheat is reouired not to be seeded at the rate of more than half a bushel to the acre so that the grower is to pav for the seed at the rate of $5 per half bushel... The contract provides that this price is to be paid for the seed if the wheat makes 20 per cent, more than the average crops grown in the previous three years. This wheat is a variety of which we heard a few years ago and about which we wrote the Department of Agri- culture at Washington, suggesting that they investigate the matter. They did so and advised us that the wheat had no greater merit than any other wheat which had been carefully selected for a few years. In the face of this advice we advise our readers to be cautious about taking hold of this proposition. ered off then if a dressing of a ton of lime to the acru' can be given and a harrow be run over the land to break the crust and open out 'the matted sod the pasture will be in a good condition in the winter to receive. a toi) dressing of manure if it can be spared or an application of 200 or 300 pounds to the acre of raw phosphate rock or acid phosphate and in the early spring a light seed- ing of mixed grass seeds. The effect of such treatment will be to make a pasture upon which stock can be grazed profitably and which will each ^ear improve in stock-carrying capacity. A good pasture will return good money on the labor and cost of making it and .make the farm as a whole more profitable. Have all barns, horse and cattle stables and sheds cleaned out thoroughly and given a coat of lime warh inside and out if not painted outside first having all nec- essary repairs made to roofs, doors, windows and siding so that when it is time to bring in the stock they may be comfortable and dry. It is poor farming to try to warm buildings with live stock. Nails and boards are cheaper than good feed for this purpose. Don't forget to come to the State Fair at Richmond October 4th to 9th. We are going to have a grand ex- hibit of everything from the farms and gardens, and for them, and amusement galore day and night. We shall be there. Make our tent your headquarters and leave your baggage there or at our offices. We invite the attention of our readers to the article in this issue on Pastures from our friend, Mr. French. The fall is a good time to begin the work of cleaning out the bushes and bramble patches, scrub pines and sassafras. After all these have been cleared away and rocks gath- VALUE OF A FIRST-CLASS PASTURE. Editor Southern Plunlcr: Our Southern farmers fail, I believe, to realize the value of a first-class pasture, else there would be more of this class of pasture in our section. The writer has been privileged to travel over much of the South from Maryland to Mississippi, and will state candidly that not one, so-called pasture in a hundred is worthy the name bestowed upon it. Why this condition exists I do not know, unless it is as I have stated the farmer i.? not alive to the value of first-class fields of grazing crops. That first class pastures may be made in almost every sec- tion of the South country admits of no denial and is proven by the fact that in every section the writer has visited are found a rew really good pastures. Farmers who travel little, and so see little of the coun- try, have a very vague idea of what a real first-class pasture is. I have had men to take me out on their farms to inspect their live stock and during our drives or walks would ask me if I noticed what a splendid pas- ture they had, when the plain truth was that their fields were not producing one fourth the grass that they were capable of producing if properly handled, but were pro- ducing an abundance of plants that have no place in a pasture field. We must come to know that a pasture is valuable only in proportion to the pasture plants it con- tains, and the luxurience of their growth; and that brush, briars, thistles and weeds are not, and never will be, valuable pasture plants, and so have no place in a pas- ture field after !the farmer has had time to remove them. And, my friends, we will have a much greater amount of time to devote to our farms than we may now think we have when we learn to utilize the spare 932 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, minutes and hours as they pass. We have all seen stores that were dirty, everything in a muss, nothing much in its place, but the proprietor and clerks always found time to sit around the front door and gossip. We have seen other stores where all hands were tidy, everything In its place right where it could be located at a mo- ment's notice the show cases shining and everybody busy all the time. We would expect to see the owner of this store succeed and we would seldom be disappointed- We farmers may well learn the lesson from this, to utilize the spare time when actual farm work is not pressing in getting rid of things that have no place in a well con •ducted business farm. If I should ask every reader o The Planter whose pasture fields are entirely free o brush, briars, thistles, etc., to hold up his hand how many hands, think you, among the 50,000 would go up Again, were we to ask those whose pastures contained n galled or bare spots to answer. Here! do you believe our farmers would all speak at once? I doubt it. Then there are thousands of acres of so-called pasture that are nothing but swamps on which good animals should never be asked to graze because of the fact that grasses pro- duced in water-sobbed land are wanting in nutrition and unpalatable. Drainage will increase the value of these lands many fold and pay handsomely- That these wrong conditions may be changed at little expense and good pastures made in the South we know from experience on our own farm. This farm was only a few years ago as poor as anybody could imagine it to be, and we were laughed at when stating that we expected to have good, productive pastures on it. Time went on. The brushes and briars were grubbed out during odd times when the land was too wet or too dry to work propeny. A little grass seed was scattered about. The galled spots were ma- nured — as the manure crop grew — until to-day, although it is nothing like we expect to make it, we have some fairly good pastures. One hundred and twenty acres carries, seven months in each year, about 65 head of cattle, 150 sheep and lambs, around 100 hogs and five horses, and a gentleman visiting us last week remarked that the pastures contained enough for twice the stock they were carrying. But these fields are growing grass, ?rass only, and that good grass. Not a swampy or galled spot appears in the fields, nor is there a bush briar or thistle growing In the 120 acres, and the labor expended on these fields this year has not totaled $5 altogether. It has simply been given "a stitch in time" and keeping everlastingly at it. Pastures like these grazed wilh first- class grade beef cattle, sheep and hogs will pay better than 6 per cent, on $150 per acre, and they are possible over the greater , part of the South. But such pastures are not made by stringing three strands of barb wire around a brush lot. They require attention, fertilization, needing, mowing occasionally, and when small bushes appear the business way to do is to take the mattock and with one "lick" remove them once for all. The writer spent five weeks the past summer at the Mississippi Institutes, and for three weeks was asso- ciated with a gentleman who owns 3,000 acres of pas- ture (Burmuda grass and white clover) that is netting him $4 per acre per year grazed with common Missis- sippi scrub cattle that sell at 2i.'. cents per pound. And yet T saw thousands of acres of cotton in that same sec- tion that would not make $7 per acre or less than half what the labor was worth that was expended on the crop. Seeing these things the writer was Impressed more than ever with the utter folly of the single crop system and the neglect of grass, the greatest soil builder and holder we have and at the same time one of the cleanest money-making crops we can grow when pastured with first-class animals. Our soils are, many of them, decreasing in fertility. The remedy is grass and legumes fed to good animals. The labor problem is bothering many of us. The remedy is grass and good animals. Money matters are troubling many of us. The remedy here also is grass and good animals to graze it. Not good grass and poor quality of cattle, nor good cattle and poor grass, but good grass and good cattle. Think about it, fellow-farmers- A. L. FRENCH. Rockingham Co., N. C. SUGGESTED BY THE SEPTEMBER PLANTER. Editor Sloiithcni Planter: Lime Spreading. I have done a good deal of lime spreading in the past and always found that it paid to pile the lime and slake with water. Most of my spreading was done with shovels from a wagon, but the more recently invented lime spreaders seem to me to be as great an improve- ment as the manure spreaders are for manure. Of course, it is unpleasant to handle lime in any way, but there is less in this way and a more uniform spreading. Have used the spreader on a farm in which T am Interested this fall, and know that it is better than shovel spread- ing. Cotton Seed. Of course, all the cottonseed should pass through the oil mills and the meal be returned to the farms that grew the seed. But it is evident that this is not the case even to the extent that the product is manufac- tured, for the meal goes North and to Europe more than to the Southern farms, and it would be far better for the farmers if the seed were all kept on the farm if they are going to sell it off instead of exchanging seed for meal. Of course, there would be a waste, but there is a frightful waste from the farms of the South in let- ting the meal go away. Of course, it would be a great saving if all the cotton seed not used for planting was pressed for oil, but it is a worse waste to sell the seed to the mills and return none to the farm than it is to keep the whole seed and feed or use it as ma- nure. The fact is, that all the seed not used for seed should be pressed for oil and then enough cattle be kept in the South to use the meal and stop the frightful waste of fertility from the Southern lands. But there are thousands not near enough to an oil mill to make the exchange of seed for meal and hulls, and for them it is better to feed the seed on the farm than sell it outright. Red Clover. There is no doubt of the value of red clover to the Northern farmer, as Mr. Marsh suggests. The Northern farmers, as a class, understand this, but complain that they cannot grow red clover as they formerly did. The complaint is general all over the Middle States where T 1909.] THE SOUTHEKN PLANTER. 933 have attended institutes. It is largely the result of an increasing acidity In the soil through an increased de- pendence on fertilizers and a smaller attention to stock feeding, and also to a deficiency of lime, phosphoric acid and potash in many cases, and very generally the failure is due to the using up of the humus in the soil, so that it dries out and bakes so hard after harvest that a good stand of clover is often lost. But the present interest in alfalfa is of more value to the Northern farmer than the Southern one for with the same amount of effort, time and expense I have seen devoted to getting ten tons of alfalfa hay, I could have made forty tons from cow peas and crimson clover, and in the meantime would have done more for my land. Any one with a pet lot of strong land can grow alfalfa, but it will never take the place in the South for the im- provement of the land that peas and crimson clover fill. Around my home I can see here and there a little patch of alfalfa that has been nursed up by a good deal of expense, while all around the whole countryside farms have been redeemed from barrenness and made profitable by peas and crimson clover- Let the people who cannot grow these grow alfalfa, and let the Southern farmer stick to the crops suited to his conditions and which will redeem every waste place in the South if used intelli- gently. I can get more dollars worth of feed in one year from peas and clover than anyone can get in two years from alfalfa. Plows. It is very evident that where one leaves last year's corn stalks on the land and has weeds as high as the horses' backs he has need for something different from the Oliver plow, but the farmer who does not allow such a state of affairs can use the Oliver with success. It is not a plow for foul land nor heavy turning under of vegetable growth, and as a rule I do not want any of that to do unless I was trucking and could afford to waste good feed as manure. For foul land Mr. Smith is right in preferring the South Bend, and I would add the Syracuse. But for clean land and ordinary sod turn- ing, the Oliver is as good a plow as I ever used and lighter draft than the others of same size. Crop Rotation. Mr. Felts has probably as good a rotation as he could have for his purposes, and I am glad that he is giving to to the dogs in the neck. But I could never see why any one should bother with poles or stakes or scaffold to make pea vines into hay. I never used a stake in my life, have made hundreds of tons of the prettiest hay from cow peas and never had a load of spoiled hay in my life. It is easier cured than clover hay, for if caught in a rain it is not as seriously damaged as clover is, and in all my hay-making experience I have simply cured it in cocks, as I do red clover, only that it often has to remain in the cocks a little longer than clovei The main curing — the real curing — should be in the barn. But I am glad to note that Mr. Felts has found out that a good farmer does not need to buy nitrogen, and I bid him Godspeed with his motto. Dual Purpose. There are doubtless animals in the Short Horn and other beef breeds that have been developed to dairy type and are deep milkers, but such animals would never top the beef market. Mr. Luttrell in effect tells me to stick to the poor land and let cows alone. Now, I have not the slightest objection to the beef men boosting what they call dual purpose animals. But who ever hears an experienced 'airyman talking dual purpose? If I was feeding beef animals I would feed the Doddies, which have topped the beef market more frequently of late years than any other breed. But if Mr. Luttrell prefers half milk and half beef I have not the slightest objection, but I know that the same animal cannot be as good for milk and for the beef at the same time. Many of the fairs have offered prizes for dual purpose animals with- out getting any. Why do the breeders not show them? Mr. Luttrell says that "the dual-purpose cows, in many cases, are favorites as strictly dairy cows" Then just to that extent they are not dual purpose, and not beef animals. I would like to see one of those milking short horns. I tried hard once to get some, and paid $1,000 for two heifers and a bull calf that were claimed to be of the best milking strain, but got pure beef ani- mals and not milk enough to feed a calf. But if the beef men are satisfied with the half and half animals I do not see that any one should object. The dairymen are not anxious about them. Goats. Angora goats are all right where a man has a lot of bushes to be cleared, but no goat is in place on a clean and well-managed farm. Turn goats into woodland and there will be an end to the reproduction of timber. Th'^re is nothing that will rid an old field of sassafras sprouts better than goats. But where a man has good grass pastures he needs sheep more than goats. Winter Oats. That is an odd notion stated in The Planter that some think winter oats must occasionally be sown in spring to prevent their running out. In the South, if compelled to sow oats in spring, I would always sow the winter oats because they will give better weight in the South than the regular spring oats. But there is more danger that they will run out through careless seed selection than in any other way. If farmers would use the fan- ning mill thoroughly and get rid of the light oats and the cheat seed, which looks like a small oat, they would have stronger growth from the heavy seed and no cheat. Blow out everything but the heaviest of grain, both of oats and wheat, and you will not be bothered with run- ning out. W. F. MASSEY. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SOIL INVESTIGATION AND EXPERIMENTS IN ILLINOIS. This report contains matter which bears so pertinently on conditions affecting the fertility of land in Virginia and other Southern States that we gladly publish It. We are indebted to a gentleman in Tennessee for the privilege of its publication and commend it to the at- tention of our readers. — Ed. To the Board of Directors of the Illinois Farmers' In- stitute : Gentlemen— Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 4th, .5th" and 6th, your committee on soil Investigation and experiments inspected the experiment station fields located at Momence, Urbana, Odin and Vienna. Several men having extensive real estate interests in 934 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [ October y this and other States, together with representatives of trunk lines of railways, editors of agricultural publica- tions and others interested in the work, joined the com- mittee at various points, viewed the experiments and noted the results. Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins, director of the soil experiment work in Illinois, lead the party and in his usual forceful, convincing manner, at each of the fields visited, explain- ed in detail the plan of the field, the crop rotation prac- ticed, the treatment of the soil and the results obtained. The largest part of the first day was given to the in- spection of the field at Momence, in Kankakee county. This field is located on the peaty swamp land prevalent in that locality. All plant food elements are present in this soil in large quantities except that of potash. The addition of this element produces results which can be seen as far as the eye can distinguish the growing crops. The demonstration on this field is a clear one and can- not be misunderstood by any who are interested in the subject of soil improvement. Late in the afternoon the party reached the Urbana fields. The series of tests on these fields, intended to demonstrate a method whereby a grain farmer can main tain the fertility of the soil while continuing in the grain business, was thoroughly explained by Dr. Hopkins. It was conclusively shown that through a proper system of crop rotation, together with the practice of returning to the land the "crop residues," such as corn stalks, straw, green legume crops, etc., the land will more than hold its own, and where elements of plant food needed are supplied in quantities larger than necessary to pro- duce large crops, the soil is growing richer each year It was also shown that lime and phosphorus can be added with profit on the investment aside from the profit that comes from the gradual Increase of fertility. In the grain farming system, as conducted in these experiments, with no special treatment aside from the use of legume catch crops, the corn yield for 1905, 1906 and 1907 averaged 69 bushels per acre. Where one-half ton per acre of ground limestone was applied five years ago, the corn has yielded 72 bushels per acre, and with phosphorus added for six years at the rate of 25 pounds per acre per annum, the average yield of corn per acre has been 90 bushels for the last three years. The ad- dition of 100 pounds per acre of potassium sulfate further increased the yield to 94 bushels per acre. In the live stock system, where manure alone was applied, the corn averaged 81 bushels per acre for the same three years; the addition of lime made an increase of four bushels per acre; lime, phosphorus and manure increased the yield 12 bushels per acre, and the addition of potassium brought the increase up to 15 bushels per acre. One of the best crop rotations practiced in the systems of grain farming by the Station is the four-year rotation of wheat, corn, oats and clover. This affords opportu- nity for seeding clover with both wheat and oats, the one crop being plowed under as green manure for corn, and the other mowed once or twice in the early summer of the fourth year and later plowed under for wheat, after the seed crop has been harvested. Sometimes it is necessary or advi&able to substitute other legume crops, such as cow peas, soy beans alsike clover, alfalfa or sweet clover. In the grain farming the corn stalks are disked down, and the threshed straw from the clover is- returned to the land, also the wheat and oat stra'w, so far as practicable. The straw is applied in moderate amounts to the stubble ground where the young clover is growing, and also as a top dressing on the young wheat. Dr. Hopkins, in answer to questions as to how thick the top dressing should be, said: "As in all things agricultural, the farmers' judgment must be used and the local conditions must be considered, but surely an ideal system of grain farming is one in which legume crops find a prominent place, and practically all pro- - duce except the grain or seed is returned to the land — to some extent, of course, in the manure of the work horses, but in the large part by direct methods." The second day of the trip was spent in ' Marion county, the Odin fields being located in that county on the typical "hard-pan" lands of "Egypt." Experiments on these fields demonstrate the need and value of the application of limestone and the turning under of legumes. Humus is very lacking in this soil and as soon as the land has been treated with limestone, clover grown and by a few crops turned under, it begins to respond with better crop yields. The rotation practiced on the Odin fields is corn, wheat and clover, with the use of legume catch crops, usually cow peas, in the corn. Phosphorus and potash also show a profitable increase over their cost in crop yields when applied to this soil. Untreated land under this rotation of crops, averaged 10 bushels of wheat per acre for six years. On the treated land the average is over 27 bushels per acre for the same period. About 150 farmers gathered at these fields and listened attentively to the explanation of the work and the lecture by Dr. Hopkins. During his talk, the Doctor was inter- rupted many times by persons asking questions, or by those wishing some particular point repeated that thej might make note of it. A few of the points brought out follow : Dr. Hopkins — At least 75 per cent, of the farmers of Illinois are essentially grain farmers, and it is commonly reported that the percentage of grain farmers has been increasing for several years and is still increasing, not- withstanding the general teaching of the past that live stock farming should be followed. Q. What do you consider' of first importance in the treatment of this soil? A. Lime, — and ground limestone gives best results. Q. What next? A. Humus, decaying organic matter. Humus does not feed the crop; it holds moisture and assists in making available the plant food in the soil. The rate of avail- ability depends on the season. Q. What percent of the elements of plant food does a crop take from the land? A. I should say that with good farming a crop will use one per cent. Q. Will not a good system of crop rotation maintain the fertility of the soil? A. No sir. We can no more maintain the fertility of the soil by rotation of crops than we can maintain our bank account by rotating the privilege of drawing checks on the account between the various members of our fam- 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 935 ily. Proper rotation is good farm practice, but it will not furnish the needed elements of plant food. Q. Does the addition of potassium benefit this land? A. The application of potassium shows good results on the corn crop. Results of experiments indicate that a 60-bushel crop of corn requires about 50 per cent, more potassium than a 30-bushel crop of wheat; this may ac- count, in part, for the greater effect of potassium on corn, although about the same relations holds for phosphorus. An important difference probably exists in the relative feeding powers of the two crops, influenced by the dif- ference in root systems, different depths of feeding, and in the difference in season conditions. A further im- portant question is whether more or less of the ef- fect attributed to potassium may not be due to the stimulating action of the soluble potassium salt in liber- ating other substances from the soil instead of serving directly as plant food; if this proves true, from investi- gations now in progress, it will be advisable and more profitable to substitute some less expensive material, such as kainit, for the concentrated potassium sulfate in these experiments. It should always be understood that the plant food contained in all soils is almost entirely in insoluable form; that growing crops can take up plant food only in soluble form, and that one of the problems always to be considered is how to enable the growing crops to secure sufficient plant food for maximum yields. Q. Do you say that green clover or cow peas plowed under will make raw rock phosphate available? A. Yes, sir. The nitric acid formed by such decaying organic matter in the soil is seven times as much as is needed to make phosphorus available- As an average of the four years from 1904 to 1907 inclusive, wheat grown on this field in the rotation practiced, has produced 11 1-2 bushels per acre with no special soil treatment, all crops having been removed. Where one cow pea crop and some catch crops had been plowed under during the rotation, the average yield of wheat was increased to 14 bushels per acre. Where limestone had been applied and the cow peas also plowed under the average yield of wheat has been 18 1-2 bushels per acre. Where phosphorus has been applied in addi- tion to the u.=!e of limestone and green manure, the aver- age yield of wheat during the four years has been 27 bushels; and where potassium also has been included the average yield has been 29 1-2 bushels of wheat per acre. Q. How much limestone should be appled to this land per acre? A. Two tons of ground limestone to the acre shonlfl be applied, and five tons would be better. Heavit^r ap- plications will give greater profits per acre, but probably .ess profit per ton of limestone. It is not known how rapidly limestone in the soil will be used up. Probably after a liberal application has been made, addiiional ap- plications of one ton per acre every four or five years will be sufficient to keep the soil sweet, but further in- vestigations, extending over several years will be neces- sary to secure satisfactory information concerning some of these questions. Q. What is the cost of ground limestone. A. You can get fine ground limestone delivered at Odin in car load lots at $122 1-2 per ton, and for 97 1-2 cents per ton delivered at Centralia. It can be obtained at about 75 cents per ton from the Southern Illinois Pen- itentiary, Menard, 111., and with the assistance of the Gov- ernor of Illinois and the Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sion, a very low freight rate has been granted on ground limestone. The railroads are doing their part in this work — they are doing all they ought to be asked to do in this matter. Q. What is the method of applying the limestone? A. There is no spreader on the market that will sat- isfactorily handle such heavy materials as ground lime- stone or rock phosphate. The limestone should be spread as evenly as possible and this may be done with a shovel either from a wagon or from small sized piles placed at intervals through the field. A very good home-made spreader is described in circular No. 110 of the Experi- ment Station. A copy will be sent to any one on request. Just send a postal card to the station at Urbanna, and you will receive the circular; you can also have your name put on the mailing list for other bulletins issued by the station. Q. How much clover should be plowed under to pro- duce a crop of corn? A. A 100-bushel crop of corn requires about 148 pounds of nitrogen, thus to return the nitrogen removed by it would require a crop of clover amounting to two and one-half tons of hay together with the corresponding one and one-fourth ton of roots. A ton of clover contains only 40 pounds of nitrogen and it is well to keep in mind that the nitrogen contained in the clover roots will not exceed one-half of the amount contained in the total growth above ground. Q. How about manure? A. One ton of manure contains 10 pounds of nitrogen and it would take 15 tons of manure to supply nitrogen for a 100-bushel crop of corn, or 7 1-2 tons for a 50- bushel crop. On the Vienna field in Johnson county, the committee viewed the conditions which prevail in the Ozark Hill region. On these lands lime makes clover growing pos- sible, and the green manure supplies the needed humus. Results from treatment on these lands are as striking as on other experiment fields. The total wheat crop for six years on this untreated land was 16 bushels; on treated land 100 bushels, a difference of 84 bushels, or five times as much as the land produced without treatment. Clover on untreated land made two-thirds of a ton per acre; on treated land, two and a half tons; corn yields correspond- ingly. The various tests on the fields visited in Southern Ill- inois show conclusively that the soil first needs lime so it will grow legumes, then the legumes, then the le- gumes should be returned to the land to provide decaying organic matter which in turn will not only hold moisture and bring about a better physical condi- tion of the soil, but will furnish the nitric acid needful in making the mineral elements of plant food in the soil available. At this field, Chairman Allen addressed the farmers who had viewed the fields, after which Dr. Hopkins talked for an hour discussing the various results obtained from this and other fields of the State. Following are a few of the questions asked and the substance of the answers thev received: Q. Do you think this soil can be built up through a 936 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [Octobci-, system of live stock farming without the purchase of fertilizers? A. I do not. The history of nations shows that live stock alone without the purchase of fertilizers or food stuffs from outside sources does not keep up the fertility of the soil. In all countries a few farms and some mar- ket gardens can be kept fertile by the use of waste fer- tilizing materials from the cities, or even by the purchase of grain produced on other farms to be fed in connection with all of the produce of the farm and all manure ap- plied to the one farm, but there is no independent sys- tem by which the fertility of a farm can be kept up by merely returning to the land the manure that can De made by feeding only crops produced upon that farm. Even if this were possible the system would not be appli- cable because the world does not live upon animal pro- ducts only. Bread is the staff of life, and grain must be produced and sold from the farms. A live stock farmer operating a large farm is rarely able to apply more than ten tons of manure to the acre once in five or six years, whereas he will remove from the soil more plant food in two crops than the total amount applied in five years even if we do not take into consideration the loss of plant food by the ordinary method of handling manure. From the moment manure is voided it begins to decay, and loss of organic matter and of plant food also begins by decomposition, volatil- ization, and leaching. Q. Will you suggest a system that a strictly grain farmer may follow to build up this soil? A. Yes sir. First let the land owner give sufficient thought to his farm to plan a good crop rotation and then let him see to it that such a rotation is practiced. Such a course is practical on rented farms as well as on those operated by their owners. Let the grain farmer adopt a four year rotation, viz: First year — Oats, with clover seeding. Second year — Corn, the young clover having been plowed under in the spring as late as practicable, and after disking. Third year — Clover to be mowed once or twice in May or June and left lying on the ground. Only the clover seed crop to be harvested and removed. When the wheat, oats and clover crop are threshed, let the same wagons that haul the crop from the field to the machine haul back the straw and throw it out in windrows across the field. To or three extra teams may be required for this, but it is the best time and it is the most economical method of returning the straw to the land. Commonly all the threshed straw may be re- turned to one field, preferably, perhaps, to the field where oats have been harvested. The straw should then be spread over the land between the windrows as uniformly as possible to prevent smothering the young clover. An- other plan is to put the straw in the stack, afterward load it on wagons, haul it to the barns, spread it in the stalls and after it has soaked up as much liquid as it will hold, load it on the manure spreader and spread it on the field. At some time during a rotation of this kind, spread over the land 1,000 pounds of fine ground rock phosphate, to be plowed under with the decaying organic matter. This may be applied either to the wheat stubble or on the oats stubble. If the soil is acid, it must be treated with limestone, and if for any reason clover fails, soy beans or cow peas shuld be substituted. In this system the only produce to be sold from the farm is the grain of wheat, corn and oats, and the seed of clover, all stalks and straw to be returned to the land. This is a system that is not only possible but it is simple and easy and profitable. The only requirement of the land owner is that he furnish the lime and phosphate and see to it that the rotation is practiced. During the trip. Dr. Hopkins made many good talks and answered hundreds of questions put to him by interested farmers, but in all of his talks and answers to questions he was never heard to discourage exclusive live stock farming, or to advocate exclusive grain farming, but the burden of his thought seemed to be the necessity of urg- ing both live stock and grain farmers to adopt systems that will maintain and improve their soils. H. A. McKEENE, Secretary. THE WINTER COVER. Editor Southern Planler: Many will fail to sow crimson clover seed this fall be- cause of the high price of the seed, and many others too because there is not seed enough to go around. Of course it is desirable to have a legume crop as a winter cover, but where this has not been sown rye comes in very handily. Of course it is simply a saver of nitrates that might get away from us in winter, and a maker of organic materials to increase the humus m the soil. But even rye is better than bare ground in winter, and there is still plenty of time for sowing it. As a win- ter cover crop the rye should never be sown in less quantity than two bushels per acre, and the earlier it is in the ground the better winter cover and winter pas- ture you will have. A recent writer in one of the farm papers calls those of us who have been hammering away at the farmers to increase the humus content of their soil, "humus cranks." I do not know what the world would do if there were no cranks, no men with hobbies, that will help mankind. I must confess to being one of the humus cranks, for in all our efforts to improve the productivity of our soils, the increase of the humus is the important matter. A farmer in Eastern North Carolina has been for some years growing peas and other legumes solely for the increase of humus-making material in his soil, aided by applications of acid phosphate and potash. He has built up his soil to such an extent that he said he was ex- pecting to make three bales of cotton per acre this sea- son had it not been damaged by a storm, and he would certainly make two and a half bales, and about 100 bushels of corn per acre. I think that he would have done the same thing more economically had he used the legumes for feed and used the manure, but would perhaps have been longer in get- ting to the point of productiveness he has reached. And the wonder is that while one man in a section will bring his land up to the making of two and a half bales of cotton per acre, there are men all around him who ad- here to the old plan and make less than half a bale of cotton per acre and not corn enough to feed the mule that works it. 1909.J THE SOUTHEKN PLAN TEE. y37 One would suppose that an object lesson like this would make better farming all around the neighborhood. But it seldom does. The difference very largely is that the farmer mentioned above always has a winter cover on his land while the land of his neighbors lies with dead cotton stalks on it all winter, to be chopped down in the spring and the land planted to cotton again, aided by a little dribble of the poor 2-8-2 fertilizer. Mr. Costen of Northampton says that my advice to the sweet potato growers on the Eastern Shore to sow crimson clover as a winter cover to be turned for sweet potatoes is all right, for he has tried it. What a great saving of labor it would be in place of laboriously raking and hauling the pine leaves and woods trash all winter to turn this in for sweet potatoes. f^ good crop of crimson clover would save a large part of the fertilizer bill because the grower would only have to supply the crop with phosphoric acid and potash, the clover giving him an abundance of nitrogen. Cow peas in summer and crimson clover in winter make a team hard to beat. I have often been asked if peas sown among corn would injure the corn crop, and have always said that in my experience the presence of the peas is an advantage to the corn in any favorable season, for I have always be- lieved that the bacteria on the roots of legumes are ni trie ferments, oxidizing the free nitrogen in the soil air, and hence nitric acid which at once seeks a base in the soil and is a nitrate that is taken up by the pea roots and the roots of any other plant that may be pres- ent with the peas. The recent bulletin of the Kansas Station shows that this would seem to be correct, for they found that corn with peas sown among it made more corn than land alongside that had no peas sown on it. It would seem then that peas among corn are an actual help to the corn crop while getting organic nitrogen in the pea growth for future nitrification. W. F. MASSE Y. NEW YORK STATE FARMING- hklitor Sauthern Planter: After having been told so often that the South is be- hind in methods of farming, it is encouraging to travel and see that in spite of our many mistaken practices, we are still ahead of our neighbors in many ways. With this object in view I thought that a few comments on Northern farming, as seen by an outsider, would be in- teresting to your readers. We have been told again and again that the Northern farmer is up to-date in everything, until we have come to believe it. In this as in many other matters distance lends enchantment to the view and it will not bear a closer examination. The chief difference between the Northern and the Southern farmer is that the Southern man knows that he is behind and in spite of many ad- verse conditions is trying to catch up wth the proces sion, while the Northern man thinks that he is at the top, when the fact is that if he does not improve his methods, he will soon be left far in the rear. It is true that we do not see so many one-horse plows as in the South, but there are very few three horse rigs and none of the four horse outfits that we see in the West. The corn is still planted by hand, no up-to-date row planters being used, while the majority of the farmers still plant and dig their potatoes as well as ap- ply the fertilizer by hand. In putting in their crops, they "patch it up" if anything, worse than their South- ern brothers, it being a common thing to see in a ten acre hay field an acre of oats in one corner, barley in another and corn and potatoes in the center with no attempt to follow a regular rotation. This system leads to carelessness in handling of the land, and a stone or stump will be left until it gradually grows up with brush and spoils half an acre. Apparently no one ever thought of digging it out. While a swale that a dozen rods of tile would drain, will be allowed to spoil several acres of land and interfere with the economical cultivation of their best fields- The fact that they are losing the rent of the land never seems to worry them in the least. Very little attention is paid to rotation of crops or the growing of clover as a soil improver and dairy feed, it being easier to buy the nitrogen from the fertilizer agent and the meal from the feed dealer. In fact, many of the farmers are simply trading their milk check for their feed bill, with nothing left for profit. In buying fertilizer we see the same happy go lucky system pursued. The average farmer will say that he wants a $20 or a $25 goods and leaves the selection en- tirely to the fertilizer agent. We must say that the agent is justifying this trust reposed in him and in the ma- jority of cases is advising a better goods, and it is true in the North as in the South that more potash is being used each year with profitable results. Under such a system we are not surprised to find our old friend 2-8-2 very much in evidence just as he is In the South, in spite of all the hard knocks given him by the Southern Planter and other papers. The Northern farmers even go the Southern farmers one better and buy such low grade goods as 1-7-1, 1-6-2, and 8-3, and if any thing poorer was made, they would be glad to buy it. It is estimated that of the five millions spent for fertil- izers in the i^impire State, one third at least is useless filler. Better fertilizers are very gradually introduced. Prob- ably the most popular fertilizer among the best farm- ers is one supplying 2 per cent, nitrogen, 8 per cent, phosphoric acid and 10 per cent, potash, while the up- to-date cabbage and potato men use either the above goods or a 4-6-10 or a 5-8-8. Among the progressive dairymen who are growing clover in a short rotation, a combination without nitro- gen, containing 10 per cent, phosphoric acid and 8 per cent, potash, is very popular. Very little home mixing is done. Dean Cook, of the Canton School of Agriculture, is using with good results a mixture of 300 pounds of nitrate of soda, 1400 pounds acid phosphate and 300 pounds of potash, while the most fruit men are using equal parts of bone meal, acid phos- phate and potash in connection with clover cover crops. Probably 99 out of every 100 tons is ready mixed goods, as the Northern farmer does not take kindly to home mixing, but in many cases he buys some high soundin.s; name like "Sure Growth," "Plant Food," "Success," "Champion," or "Peerless," forgetting that, as a rule, the prettier the name, the lower the analysis. The North- ern man thinks that the Southern man is wedded to his old ways, but in this respect he lives in a glass house. Q. FRED MARSH 938 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, PREVENTIVE FOR WHEAT SMUT. Considerable loss ocurs to farmers each summer by wheat smut, according to the corespondence of State Zoo- logist Surface of Pennsylvania. A formaun dip has been recommended in a bulletin heretofore issued by Professor Surface, and letters have been recently received inquiring whether this is a reliable remedy for wheat smut, and how it should be used. The following answers to seven queries in one of these letters, in regard to the use of formalin, were made by Professor Surface: 1. Yes, it is a practical preventive for smut of wheat and oats. 2. You use one pint of commercial formalin (forty per cent, solution of formaldehyde) in thirty gallons of water. 3. Immerse the seed for at least forty minutes. 4. The best way to do this is to put the seed into a bag and let it stand in a barrel of formalin solution, and when you wish to dry it spread it on the barn floor and shovel it over occasionally. 5. The strength is gradually lost by evaporation when it stands open, but not quickly lost. 6. You can dip any number of sacks in the same ves- sel as long as you replenish it with the same percentage; or, in other words, return what is carried away by the previously removed sacks. You can keep the undiluted formalin in stock as long as you desire. 7. The diluted liquid is not at all dangerous to han- dle, and the unused seed does not need to be washed after it is dry, as it really does not poison it, as it merely kills the germs that are upon it. After it is once dry it is safe to feed it to stock or otherwise use it, if not used for seed. FERTILIZERS AND MANURES. The Ohio Experiment Station has carried on several series of experiments in the use of fertilizers and ma- nures on crops grown in systematic rotations. In one of these experiments, located on the farm of the main sta- tion at Wooster, on a soil peculiarly responsive to the action of fertilizers and manure, there has been produced from one of the treatments, a 14-year average increase to the value of about eight dollars and a half per acre annually in a rotation of corn, oats, wheat, clover and timothy. The cost of the fertilizer producing this in- crease has amounted to $23 for each five-year rotation, or a little more than $4.50 annually, thus leaving a net profit of $4 per acre, or enough to pay the rental of the land. I know of no similar test in which results equal to this have been attained for so long a period. But on the same farm, stable manure, used on a rotation of corn, wheat and clover, at the rate of eight tons per acre every three years, has produced increase to the value of more than $12 annually, or more than $4.50 for each ton of manure. In other words, eight tons ot manure has produced an increase greater by 50 per cent than that obtained from a fertilizer costing $23. It is true that manure is not always produced Avith- out cost, but the expert feeder expects that on the aver- age the increase in value of the animal fed will pay for the feed and care, leaving the manure free of cost- And this very fact, that the manure is looked upon as a product that has cost nothing, leads to neglect in its management, so that a very large proportion of the manure produced on our farms is lost before it ever reaches the field. — Prof. Charles E. Thorne, Wooster, O. CRIMSON CLOVER SEEDING. Editor Southern Planter: There has been heavy loss among the farmers in this State this year in failure to get stands of GTerman clover (crimson clover) owing to the protracted drouth which has been so persistent and general. The writer is one of those who has niet with this loss and in my case it has been a severe one, as the area seeded in corn has been a large one, and there is at this writing but little to show for it. And I find that generally in this part of the State and I suppose else- where, at best, seeding in corn at "laying by" time whether the seed be covered or not, is precarious and owing to the uncertainty of securing a stand I will have to abandon the practice unless something can be done to ensure better results. I am writing to know if some of your many sub- scribers who have had longer experience with German clover than we have, can help us out. From the few years of experience I have had with it I find this clover one of the most valuable soil improvers I have ever tried; but I meet with so many failures in get- ting stands, due in the main to dry spells which I be lieve we are more subject to in Piedmont Virginia during the summer months and September than they are in sections even as near as Richmond. I want to ask particularly what has been the experience of those who have seeded German clover in the pug (hulls) as there must be a good many farmers who save their seed at least for their own use, and beat them out or run them through a threshing drum which will leave a good deal of the seed in the hull. I am directed along this line of inquiry from noticing that where I have had oc- casion to throw the old clover straw there is always a good stand, and this year I gathered some of the ripe heads and sowed them in the pug over a plot of land, and notwithstanding their having been most unfavor- able conditions for germinating, the stand is excellent and plants seem vigorous. Now if there is anything in this suggestion, would it not be worth somebody's time to get up a machine that would simply get out all the seed in the pug, for sections where there is trouble in getting stands? If this applies to German clover may it not also apply to other clovers? Fluvanna Co., Va. C. E. JONES. We have subscribers who raise their own crimson clover seed and always sow it in the chaff and they tell us they rarely fail to make a good stand. The chaff evidently holds the moisture around the seed and keeps it nourished until the roots get hold of the soil. We have always held the opinion that very much of the loss caused by clover of all kinds dying out soon after being seeded and in the winter is caused by not sufficiently covering the seed. We always covered with a weeder or light harrow or cuHivator and rarely failed to make a stand. A subscriber wrote us some time ago t>iq+ he bad lost his stand for several years and then adopted the practice of sowing with his drill and since then had never lost a stand. — Ed. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 939 Trucking, Garden and Orchard. WORK FOR THE MONTH. The harvesting of the apple crop will require the atten- tion of orchardists this month, but as our crop this year is so largely a failure this work will not require the time which it usually does. In some orchards, however, there is a fair sprinkling of fruit and if this has extra care given in selecting and packing, the short crop over the whole country will ensure good prices. We are pleased to learn of the success of the packing associations which have been formed in handling the crop last year and we have no doubt but that all orchardists will find it ma- terially to their advantage to thus market their crops. Don't because the crop is short seek to dispense with the aid of these associations and thus fause them to be- come discouraged and close up. You will want them badly when you have a heavy crop to dispose of. There is no question but that this is the proper way to handle the fruit crop to the best advantage. Carefully sort over all products of the orchard and garden which are to be stored for winter use and take out all imperfect and damaged products and let these be used first. If stored away with the others they will only cause the spread of disease and loss. In our last issue we gave advice as to the best way to store these different liroducts and to that issue refer our readers. Don't be in too great a hurry to dig the winter Irish potatoes. Let them become fully matured before lifting and then sort them over carefully and store only sound and undamaged tubers and if our advice as to storing is followed you will have potatoes good up to next May. Mr. Foreman, of Tullahoma, little booklet on "How to Grow which can be had from him for crop for home use can be very ing them away in barrels in potatoes touch each other and room where they will be dry temperature will not go below Tenn.. who has written a and Keep Sweet Potatoes," 25 cents, says that a small successfully kept by pack- sawdust, not letting the keeping these barrels in a and warm, say where the 45 and not above 55. cember. They will make more growth during this month and the next than at any time in their life and a little frost never hurts them. Beets and mangold wurtzels should be pulled and stored before frost touches them. Kale and spinach should be sown at once for the spring crop. The plants for growing the spring crop of cabbages should be pushed on in growth, but do not forrce them too much. They should be short, sturdy plants ready to set out at the end of this month and in November. Get the land ready for planting them out and remember indoing this that cabbages want plenty of fertility in the land if they are to be successfully grown. Use the mineral fertilizer phosphoric acid and potash liberally but do not be too liberal in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers at this season. All of this that is needed is just to start them well and then in the spring give top dressings of nitrate of soda to force the growth and heading. Lettuce plants set out in frames or open ground last month should be pushed on with cultivation and fertilizer so as to head up this month and the next. Have means of protection at hand for immediate use in case of frost. Sow seed for lettuce plants to set out in the frames next month for the winter and early spring crop. This seed should be sowed in frames so that the young plants can be protected in cold weather. Potatoe onions and the Queen variety may yet be set out for the early spring green onions, but ,no time should be lost in getting this work done so that ,the bulbs may get well rooted and start growth before the cold weather sets in. The late fall cabbages should be pushed on as fast as possible by frequent cultivation and top dressings of nitrate of soda, so that they will head up in November and early December and then you can have fresh cabbage all winter by heeling the plants over to the north and plowing a furrow on to the base of the heads unless the section where the crop is grown is a very cold one and the winter a severe one. In such a case part of the crop should be pulled up and the whole plant with the root On should be stored in a kiln or pie, setting them head downward and packing them closely together so as to run tip to a point and then cover the whole well with straw and boards to keep out the wet. Rutabagas and turnips should not be pulled until De- Strawberry plants may be set out during this .month and November. They should just get well started before the cold weather sets in. Prepare the land well and use potash and phosphoric acid liberally. Orchard trees may now begin to be set out. We ^ have always advised fall planting of orchards in the South, as our experience has convinced us that the trees have a much better chance of growth when so planted than those set out in spring. Do not plant large three or four year old trees. The one and two year old trees always do bet- ter and you can then form the heads to your liking, and let this be low down. Some earth should be drawn up to the celery plants to keep them from spreading, but do not earth up to blanch the stalks until next month. They will make the best of their growth this month if the land is kept moist either by watering or mulching. 940 THE SOUTHERN PLANTEK. [October, LIME-SULPHUR FOR USE AGAINST SAN JOSE SCALE Concentrated Preparation: — Powdered Commercial Sul- phur Substituted for the Sublimed or Refined Sulphur — Cheaper — Spray Early. Editor Southern I'luiitcr: When the lime-sulphur preparation was first brought out in the Eastern States, the general recommendation was to use the flowers of sulphur in preparing it. We soon learned, however, that the flour sulphur was just as good and recommended it. Both are grades of refined sulphur.* Our tests soon showed us that the flowers of sulphur being very finely divided had a tendency to collect into little pellets, so the lime could not reach it and act on it promptly, and that the flour sulphur not being quite so fine, did not collect into pellets and more of it went into solution. These facts and the additional fact that almost chem- ically pure sulphur is mined in Louisiana^ impressed the writer with the idea, that it should not be neces- sary to purify this Louisiana sulphur to make it suit- able for orchard work; that all it needed was to be finely ground. The Crystalline Louisiana sulphur — the unground, lumpy sulphur — was tried a few years ago, and found to be unsuited, mainly because it did not go into solution quickly. We took up the question of getting this crystalline Louisiana sulphur ground in the fall of 1906, and there was finally placed on the market a brand of sulphur known as "Powdered Commercial Sulphur," guaranteed to be 99 1-2 per cent, pure sulphur. This is simply finely ground Louisiana sulphur. Samples of this sul- phur were obtained from what appeared to be two sources, and alalyzed.t The same relative quantities of lime and sulphur as recommended in our regular for- mula (30 pounds of lime, 30 pounds of sulphur to 100 gal'ons of water, cooked for 40 minutes) were used in this work. By this means something over 99 per cent, of the sulphur was dissolved. A sample of chemically pure flowers of sulphur was analyzed at the same time and in the same manner, with the result that a very small fraction over 95 per cent, went into the solution. This made a difference of 5 per cent, in favor of the powdered commercial sulphur, largely because the flowers of sulphur collected in small pellets, as indicated above. The powdered commercial sulphur is possibly a trifle coarser even than flour sulphur. It should be very finely ground to dissolve quickly enough for use in preparing the lime-sulphur wash. Its advantage to the fruit grower is the fact that, not having to be refined, it can be sold cheaper. These facts were brought out early enough in the past spraying season to enable us to give the powdered commercial sulphur a thorough test against San Jose scale. This was done by several or- chardists, one of whom used 1,000 pounds, finding it *In tbe process of pur'fication, crude sulphur Is heated in a specially constructed vat until tt passes off as a vapor and over into another vat. When this vapor conn eases the part that edges over first condenses Into a powder, knowT as flowers of sulphur, while the large bulk of It runs down on the sides of the vat as a liquid, after which It Is collected and ground Into a very line powder, forming what Is known as flour Bulphur. JWe understand this sulphur Is mined by forcing a jet of: steam Into the depths of the e»rth, by which the sulph'ir Is melted and forced out In tbe liquid state, leaving tbe impurities behind. fAnalyslsby W. 8, Vartln, formerly assistant In chemistryTTnThelVlr- glnla Polytechnic Institute. suited the purpose as well as any form of sulphur used previously. In fact, it is the writer's opinion that this form of sulphur was used quite generally the past winter. The use of powdered commercial sulphur will greatly cheapen the lime-sulphur wash, which taken in conjunc- tion with its effectiveness should place it further than ever in the lead, as the most effective and economical spray for use against the San Jose scale. No doubt, it can also be used in preparing the self-boiled lime- sulphur wash for summer treatment against plant dis- eases. The wash must be used very weak in the sum- mer as the regular strength will defoliate the trees. It should be pointed out in this connection that trees infested with San Jose scale should be treated at the earliest possible moment after a majority of the leaves drop. Do not neglect it until the rush of spring work comes on, when it is so likely to be neglected. Such materials may be purchased to far greater advantage by uniting with your fellow fruit growers, so as to be able to purchase in large lots. Concentrated Lime-Sulphur. There has been on the market for s me years a lime-sulphur preparation, which the manufacturers have been selling as a substitute for the home-made article, and many of the fruit growers who are not familiar with the process of preparing this material have purchased the prepared article. It will be quite a saving for the fruit growers to prepare this wash themselves, the difference in freight of the dry sulphur and the prepared article, should pay the cost of pre- paring the wash. The question of preparing the concentrated lime-sul- phur preparation at home was taken up recently by Prof. John B. Stewart, of the Agricultural Experiment Station, State College, Pa. His results were published in Bulletin No. 92 and any interested person can no doubt, obtain this publication by writing to the author. Briefly stated, the method of preparating is to use less lime than usually recommended — 50 pounds of best stone lime, 100 pounds of flour sulphur, 50 to 55 gal- lons of water, and he recommends that this mixture be cooked for one hour, after which it may be stored in any convenient receptacle, that does not expose it to the air. The product should then be diluted with water as re- quired for use, whch can be done very readily by using a Beaume spindle graduated -from zero to 36 degrees. As it is being diluted about ten pounds of best stone lime should be slaked and added to the solution. Ma- erial prepared in this way can be reduced with from 8 to 9 parts of water. The concentrate is about as strong as that purchased from the manufacturers, and will keep very well, as mentioned above by excluding the air — the lime should not be added, however, until one is ready to spray the solution on the trees. The recommendation to spray with lime-sulphur all trees in orchards that are infested with San Jose scale just as soon as the leaves drop, can not be too strongly emphasized. If necessary repeat the application again in late winter or early spring, but it should not be left till spring to then be neglected and the trees allowed to go to ruin. Do not depend upon the manufactured preparations 1909,] THE SOUTHERN FLAN TEE. 941 for they are costly and there is also a tendency to use them weak because of cost. The writer is familiar with sad cases of this kind where hundreds of dollars have been lost this year, even in small orchards, by the fruit being specked with scale. Blackstone, Va. J. L. PHILLIPS, State Entomologist. VIRGINIA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Information as to Exhibits at the State Fair and Else- where. The Executive Committee of this Society have decided in view of the short crop of apples, and failure of stone fruits generally this year, to confine our Society's en- gagements for making collections for exhibition at the State Fair, at Richmond, October 4 to 9, and at our Annual Meeting, to be held at Winchester, January 5 and 6, next. If found desirable, the apples shown at Winchester will be exhibited elsewhere, outside of the State. The Society's Exhibit at the State Fair will consist of apples purchased by the Society, and contributed by members, and will be shown as a collection of Virginia apples by the Society; those apples that are contribute J by members to the Society's collection will be shown with the grower's name attached, but those purchased will be shown as the property of the Society. This ex- hibit will be sent to the Pittsburg Exposition in October, with the cards of the contributors attached. All members are however invited to enter fruit for ex- hibit as individuals under the premium schedules pub- lished by the State Fair management, copies of which can be obtained on application to Mr. Mark R. Lloyd, General Manager, State Fair Association, 809 E. Main Street, Richmond. If the members thus entering their fruit, will use an identification card on their exhibits issued by this So- ciety (which can be obtained on application to Walter Whately, Secretary, Crozet, Va.,) their names will be listed and advertised by distribution at the Fair by Mr. H. C. Wysor, the Society's representative in charge of our exhibit; thus giving our members free advertising, and this will be in addition to the members competing for the premiums offered by the State Fair Association for the classes in which their entries are made. The schedules for entries, and premiums to be offered at our Annual Meeting, at Winchester, Va.,on January 5 and 6, 1910, can be had on application to the Secretary Special Premiums. The local Committee at Winchester uaving the Horti- cultural Meeting in charge offer the following: (1) For 25 boxes of any one variety: 1st prize, $7500; 2nd prize, $40.00; 3rd prize, $20.00. (2) Six boxes of any three varieties, two boxes of each, 1st prize $20.00; 2nd prize, $10.00. (3) Five boxes of any five varieties, one box of each 1st prize, $20.00; 2nd prize, $10.00; 3d prize, $5.00. (4) For the best two boxes of any variety outside of the Valley, 1st prize, $10.00; 2nd prize, $5.00, 3d prize, $2.00. (5) For the lai-gest apple, 1st prize, $3.00; 2d prize, $2.00: 3d prize, $1.00. Special Premium. Offered by Dr. J. B. Emerson of Albemarle Co., Va., open to competition from any State or Canada of $50 for the best five boxes (one of each variety) of Albemarle Pippin, Winesap, York Imperial, Ben Davis Grimes Golden, Jonathan, Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Paradise Winter Sweet, Rome Beauty. All growers in the countries named are cordiajly invited to enter for this compelit- tion, and to notify the Secretary of their entries by December 25th. WALTER WHATELY. Secretary. SHOULD NURSERYMEN GROW TREES FROM CARE- FULLY SELECTED SCIONS ONLY? Is This Question of Sufficient Importance for the Fruit Grower to Select Scions From His Best Trees that Bear Annually and have Trees Propagated From Them? Editor Southern Planter: There has recently been considerable discussion in re- gard to the selection of buds and scions for propagating purposes. For many reasons no operation can be of more importance than the selection of materials for propaga- ting purposes. The following is taken from the "National Nurseryman:" "Editor National Nurseryman. "It is, I believe, a well established and physiological principle that those plants propagated by means of seed, vary much more than those propagated from cuttings, and that selection plays a much greater part, in the former, in keeping the variety fixed, etc. "However, I believe it is also recognized that selec- tion should play an important part in keeping varieties up to a fixed standard, and even in improving the stand- ard where plants are propagated exclusively from cut- tings. This would appear to be true with the potato for instance. "It has been the custom of many nurserymen to cut propagating wood from the nursery row. The trees in the nursery being well cultivated, manured, etc., grow very rapidly, and also very late in the season. Because of their rapid and late growth, and the fact that the soil is not always given all the elements of fertility that are necessary to fully mature the wood, the scions from such trees would not be as well matured as scions taken under the best conditions from bearing trees. I have known in some cases where scions were cut continu- ously from the nursery row for a period of perhaps 25 years. "Will those who are informed and interested be so kind as to state their opinion on the following: "1st. Whether scions taken from the nursery row, as suggested above, would have a tendency to cause the trees grown from them to come into bearing later, or in any way affect their general fruitfulness? "2nd. Would cuttings from apple trees, for instance, that came into bearing their seventh year and continued to bear annually thereafter, be more likely produce trees that would bear well, than trees grown from scions taken from the nursery row, as mentioned above, or from trees that had reached their 20th year without bearing good crops? "3d. Would it be desirable for a fruit grower to 5»4l' TI-IE SOUTHERls^ PLANTER. cut scioDs from his apple trees and propagate trees from them for his own planting, or have responsible nursery- man to propagate them for him? "4th. Would it be important for nurserymen to grow and care for a scion orchard in the most improved man- ner, so that it will bear annually and well, mainly as a source of propagating wood? "If nurserymen can find time to give me an opinion on the above, I assure you it will be appreciated greatly." '1 wo of the replies to these inquiries are given below, one of which is a copy of a letter from Prof. William A. Taylor, Pomologlst in charge of Field Investigations of the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the other is a copy of letter from another well known horticulturist: "Replying to your inquiry of the 21st inst., regarding the advisability of continuous propagation of fruit trees from the nursery row, I would say that while so far as known to us, there is very little exact record of tests made under conditions that ar fairly comparable and, therefore, very little evidence upon which a conclusion could be safely based, I think that there can be no doubt that on general principles, it is better to propagate most fruit from the wood of thrifty and productive bearing trees, rather than from nursery stock. With most of the tree fruits, propagation from bearing trees would be considerably more expensive and would necessitate higher prices for the young trees grown in this way. This difficulty could to a considerable extent be over- ct)me by frequently "renewing" the nursery row stock from which scions are to be cut, thus keeping the trees from which scions are cut within one or two removes from bearing wood, and at the same time insuring that thrifty vegetative condition, which promotes ease and sureness of propagation. "I have known of nurseries in which this practice is common, and there is no reason known to me why it should not be found, practicable in all fruit nurseries. "In addition to its theoretical soundness, as regards preservation of fruit producing tendencies, this practice also tends to insure against perpetuation of errors in identity of stock as it necessitates annual or at least frequent re-examination of bearing trees by some respon- sible person. "Very truly yours, WILLIAM A. TAYLOR, "Pomologlst in Charge of Field Investigations."' "In reply to your questions of the 21st ult., the fol- lowing is written: "1st. It seenis to me that the scion determines gener- ally the nature of the limb that develops from it, there- fore, it is desirable to secure them from plants that are old enough to indicate their tendencies — whether of slow maturity, early fruitage, etc. "?d. Scions from an apple tree that bore fruit in its seventh year are more apt to produce limbs that bear earlier than scions from a tree of the same sort that did not bear until its twentieth year. "3d. It seems to me desirable for a fruit grower to cut scions from his best trees, or get a grafter to make the selection, provided that his trees are first class in every respect. "4th. It seems to me that it is important for nursery [October, men to use the best possible scions and to this end cer- tain exceptional trees might be treated, whenever found, with the special aim of producing first class scions." We hope to have comments on this subject from per- sons interested, and shall be very glad, indeed, if the discussion of this matter should lead our Experiment Stations to make some definite experiments. The bud and graft wood should be free from San Jose scale and other insect pests and plant diseases, such as crown-gall, peach yellows, little peach, etc., and the peach pits used in growing seedlings should be selected from trees that are free from peach yellows and sim- ilar diseases. If reasonabl-e care is exercised to see that the San Jose scale and peach yellows are held in check in the vicin- ity of the nursery, the main source from which the stock may become affected is from buds and scions used in growing the stock. If this wood is to be cut from the nursery rows, which is no doubt a very bad practice, every stick of it should be carefully scrutinized in a good light to see that no scale is p.resent, and if there is any found, no other cut- tings should be made from the nursery, certainly not from any block of stock within half a mile of this one Remember that this is the main source of San Jose scale in the nursery, and that it must be guaraed against like poison. As an added precaution, every stick of this propagating wood should be fumigated. Buds from other nurseries or outside places should be carefully inspected and then fumigated." Scions From Bearinn Apple Trees- We have often called attention to the fact that scions should be cut from bearing trees. While it is not easy to do this in all cases, it should certainly not be diffi- cult in case of the apple. In the first place, cuttings from the nursery row where the trees have grown rap- idly are immature and no doubt a much larger per cent, of the grafts made from them will die, than would be the case if the scions were taken from more mature bearing trees. The nurseryman in the latter case has the opportunity of selecting scions from the most thrifty fruitful, and otherwise desirable trees. If this were prac- t ced from year to year, we should be able no doubt to increase greatly the fruitfulness of our trees, as weU as cause them to come into bearing much earlier in life. The Scion Orchard (Apple). Every nurseryman should have his test orchard from which he expects to cut the propagating wood for nurs- ery work. This orchard should be guarded as the apple of his eye. It should be kept in the very best condi- tion for growing fruit as well as for scions. A nursery- man, however, who is not located in the commercial or- chard section will no doubt find it greatly to his advant- age to employ a reliable person to grow his scion or- chard- Certainly the wood should be renewed from bear- ing trees every few years. — See Prof. Taylor's letter above. This orchard should be protected from San Jose scale and crow gall especially. The trees for this orchard should be grown from scions taken from some of the best trees in the State — some that have borne young and borne continually each year. No tree should be planted unless it has a perfect root system, is low headed 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. and is absolutely free from infection with crown gall. The trees should be planted about 12 to 20 feet apart, headed low and kept pruned back so that all parts can be readilv sprayed. They should be thoroughly inspected twice each year, especially for San Jose scale and crown gall, and must be sprayed twice each year with lime-sulphur preparation. This is absolutely necessary. The following in regard to the scion orchard is quoted from Mr. Sherman, State Entomologist of North Carolina: "There should be no let up in the protection and care given this orchard, and the spraying with lime-sulphur wash should be done absolutely without fail, even if the scale is not known to be anywhere in the vicinity. This is not a case where they should be sprayed after the scale is found — they should be sprayed as a continual protection to the trees, and to kill any few scale-insects which might become established on the trees without the knowledge of the nurseryman. Do we make this clear? "Should the scale be discovered on a tree in this block which is used for buds and grafts, the entire tree (we say this without modification) should be cut off well be- low the ground and burned immediately. You cannot afford to take risks in this matter. If you have been spraying the trees regularly, as here advised, the scale is not likely to be widespread, but no tree on which i is found can be allowed to remain. Is this plain?" The above should also be adopted in regard to any or chard trees on the grounds of the nurseryman, and he should use his every effort to see that the same plan is adopted in regard to all orchards in his vicinity. As it has been demonstrated that scions from trees diseased with crown gall are more liable to produce trees affected by this disease, than scions from healthy trees; every tree found in the scion orchard affected with thi' disease should be routed out at once. Some nurserymen may consider the above too much trouble for growing nursery stock, or that it is too costlj to buy scions from a firm that will give such attentioi to growing them. The writer wishes to state franklj and candidly without intending reflection upon anyone that fruit growers should refuse to buy nursery stock from such a nurseryman. If the fruit grower demands good stock, he will get it, but he must at the same time be willing to pay a good price. Nurserymen or orchardists who will start a scion or chard along these lines, will be in a position to reap rich rewards when the friiit grower comes to demand pedi- gree trees free from insects and diseases. The samii will he in store for the nurseryman who will add to this low headed trees, and help to get commercial planters tc adopt this style of tree. Healthy Peach Buds and Pits for Propagating Purposes Peach, plum and apricot trees are subject to peacl yellows. This disease spreads from tree to tree anc from orchard to orchard, and is also distributed by mean of nursery stock. Peach trees in the nursery grow rapidly, and they ma\| he affected by peach yellows and not show the charac teristic appearance so the inspector can find it. This be ing the case, the inspector must rely upon watching thf trees after they have been planted in the field, to find out whether or not the nursery in question is sending on diseased trees. The fact that the disease is distributed by growing seedlings from seed taken from the diseased trees, and also by using buds from diseased trees for propagating purposes, makes it possible to almost eliminate the trou- ble by selection of seed and budwood from healthy trees. Some observations along these lines were presented to the American Association of Nurserymen lu Milwaukee in June, 1908 by Mr. J. L. Phillips, State Entomologist of Virginia. We wish to state here, however, that el- forts have been made to obtain peach seed for use in tho nurseries from Georgia, where peach yellows is not known to occur. All nurserymen should adopt this plan or some other equally as good for securing peach seed for pro- pagating purposes, even though it should mean somewhat greater cost. The scions used in propagating peach trees should be obtained from healthy trees also. The best means of get- ting them from healthy trees is to arrange to get them from sections where peach yellows does not occur. They should not be cut from any orchard if there is a single tree in that orchard affected with this disease. W. J. PRICE, JR., Blacksburg, Va. Asst. State Entomologist. PARIS GREEN DISTRIBUTOR. Editor Southern Planter: After years of experimenting I have adopted the fol- lowing plan for fighting the Colorado beetle. Wishing to aid my brother farmers in the yearly fight they have to make to save their potato crops I will give a brief description of it. It is so simple that anyone can make it. The picture shows how it is operated. Take two pieces of 1x3; nail them together 12 inches apart on two or three standards, bore four augur holes through each piece exactly opposite each other, and insert through the holes a hickory pole 3-4 to 1-inch diameter and of sufficient length to reach to the plants to be poisoned, the poles to work a little loose, bore holes in the poles to adjust the length required and as far apart as may be necessary to have the bottom of the hole over the center of the row. At the end of the pcle make a bag of close meshed homespun on a 1x3x9 piece and have a hole in the 1x3 to pour Paris green in. This contrivance will put on 20 acres of poison in a day with one mule and rider. Should it be desired to use plaster with the Green only make your bag a little larger and with a larger mesh of cloth. I always use the Paris green pure and have been doing it for 20 years. Charleston. S. C. JOHN S. HORLBECK. 944 THE SOUTHEEiV PLANTER. [October, Live Stock and Dairy. THE DAIRY INSPECTION QUESTION. Since writing on this subject in our last issue a fact has come to our notice which more strongly than any other We have heretofore mentioned condemns the methods of the Richmond City Health authorities and stamps them as unjust and injurious to our dairymen It appears that on account of the great shortage of milk and cream supplies required by the people of Richmond, and which shortage our dairymen and farmers were mak- ing efforts to meet until checked by the city authorities, additional supplies in large auantities have been brought into the city from New York State. These supplies have mainly come from a large dairy company in New York City which gathers its product from more than 300 dif- ferent farms in that State. The sources of these sup- plies have been allowed to send in their product to this city without being subjected to any inspection whatever by the Richmond City authorities. A Virginia dairyman i not allowed to send either milk or cream into the city until authorized by the health officers of the city, after local inspection by city officers who have been shown to be manifestly incompetent and unfair in their work. In- spection by the State authority is not admitted by the city authorities as sufficient for a Virginia farmer, whilst a New York farmer could send in his product with- out any inspection whatever by our State or local author- ities. Surely such discrimination against our own citi- zens should not be allowed for one moment and the authorities who have permitted it should be sternly com- manded to amend their ways. "What's sauce for the goose ought to be sauce for the gander." This only more forcibly illustrates what we have contended for, that the State authority should be invested with full and sole poW' r and authority in the premises and that every source of supply should be placed on the same footing and the city ! authorities be limited in their work to examination of products when delivered within the city limits. I DUAL PURPOSE COWS. Anent the controversy now running between Messrs. Luttrell, Thomas, Doak, Arbuckle and Massey as to the relative value of different breeds of cattle to the ordin- ary farmer for dairy and beef production the following communication from Professor Hill of the Chicago Uni- versity to the Breeders Gazette will be of interest. Pro- fessor Hill has just returned from England. Whilst there he attended the Tring Agricultural Show, a local county show in a strictly agricultural section of England. Of tbis show and the stock thert' exhibited he says: Our state fairs and thp International bring out greater numbers of highly -fitted animals for exhibition and greater crowds to study and admire them than were seen at Tring Show, but our show work is professional. For the most part the exhibits at the local shows there are produced by amateurs. The numbei- of exhibitors is great but the entries per exhibitor are low. A great num ber of the farmers in each county take pride in produc- ing colts or calves or pigs or lambs good enough to win in the local show. The good work quickly meets financial reward also because the landlords, the brewers and the Americans are ever ready to pay good prices for animals that can win. The farmer can bring his animals In from the pasture for a one-day show in natural condition with- out much trouble to himself or to the animals, but to be on the fair grounds a week means a serious interfer- ence with the habits of the animals and with the duties of the farmer. Shows lasting a week or a show circuit must be supported by professionals. The exhibits can interest the visitors for one day, but if it is extended over four or five days, races, side shows and gaming de- vices are naturally introduced to draw the crowds and retain their interest. Unfortunately at many American fairs these side attractions have overshadowed the agri- cultural exhibits. At the Tring Show no races, no side shows, no noise of barkers crying their attractions or inviting the unwary to try gaming devices were to be seen. The one non-agricultural exhibit was the ride by the Dragoon guards. Their gorgeous uniforms and their splendidly trained horses made their evolutions a great delight to all. The sheep dog trial might hastily be classed as non-agricultural because the dogs did more than would be required of them on a farm with a flock but their training and ready obedience might be called an agricultural asset. They drove wild sheep half a mile, through numerous gates, with only a panel fence at each side, so that the sheep could go around instead of through the gates. Another point of difference in the American and Brit- ish shows is the fact that the stallions and bulls which play so important a part in any American show, were seen only in yearling and calf classes. One hundred and fifty Shire mares and colts were shown. Some were only ordinary, but many of them would look well in our strongest shows. When American farmers take the pride and interest in their farm mares that is shown in Eng- land, they will not need to pay such high prices for im- ported stallions. Perhaps the most notable contest at the Tring Show was in the dairy division. The Aylesbury vale is a fa- mous dairy region. The tenant farmers have herds of beautiful Short-horn cows- I talked with a number of farmers who told me they sold any cow which did not produce fi^fty pounds of milk per day when fresh. Of the twenty-two Short-horn cows in the milk and butter contest seven produced over sixty pounds and one pro duced seventy-four pounds of milk. There were just un- der fifty pounds and they had been fresh an average of six weeks at the time of test. The Short-horns produced just a fraction under two pounds of butter per day on th( fair ground. To see the thousands of red, white and roan cows in England that weigh from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds, that give four or five gallons of milk per day, that produce calves which grow into htmdred-dollar steers at two years old and that bring seventy-five or one hundred dollars themselves when they are through their dairy service, is enough to convince any one that the dual-purpose cow is not a myth. Great as it was, the show of daii-y Short-horns wa? surpassed in numbers by the show of Jerseys. Fifty beauties, the cream of the cream breed were in evidencf 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 945 by their product as well as by their fawn-like beauty. Moat of them belong to the estates of the nobility. The tenant farmers say they cannot afford to keep the Jer- seys because they are so small and will bring so little for beef, but the lords and ladies are very fond of them and take great pride in their beauty and their fine pro- duction. The fifty Jerseys in the test averaged under forty pounds of milk and made one and three-fourths pounds of butter, an average which for that number in a show, yard test is excellent, but they were not able to stand higher than third in the butter test. A Short-horn cow got second prize with a production of sixty pounds of milk and two pounds fourteen and one-fourth ounces ot butter. Jerseys and Short-horns both were quite distanced by the cross-bred cows this time. Dulcie, a brindle four- year-old weighing 900 pounds, fresh two months ago, pro- duced three pounds and three-fourths of an ounce of good butter in one day and won the first prize. To make the showing worse for the prize breeds another cross-bred cow won fourth prize. The six cross-bred en- tries made an average production of butter of two and one sixth pounds and won first and fourth prizes. The .50 Jerseys got third prize and showed an average yield of about one and three-fourths pounds. The twenty Short-horns got second prize and made about a two- pound average. The larger numbers of the pedigreed breeds would easily explain the lower average yields. It would seem though that the larger numbers should cap ture more prizes in an open contest. This test and conversation with English farmers and breedei'S makes me think we have been laying too much stress on pedigree and fancy points. The farmer whose live stock must pay the bills should select and breed for product rather than pedigree." Mr. Henry Wallace of "Wallace's Farmer" who has recently returned from England, confirms what Professor Hill says as to the popularity of Short-horns and Short- horn grades amongst the tenant farmers of that coun- try. He says that it was stated to him that nine-tenths of the cows kept in England are Shorthorn grades and his observation confirmed this. In the great cheese making county of Cheshire high grade Short-horns are the pre- vailing type of cattle and these cows provide the means through which the tenants make a good living and pay rents of from $8 to $10 per acre per year for their farms and Mr. Wallace says that his visits amongst these farmers convinced him that they were a prosperous peo- ple and did not work so hard or so continuously as the average American farmer. The English tenant farmer he found had usually more capital invested in his busi- ness and stock in trade than would suffice to buy a farm In the Mississippi Valley; that he was more of a business man than a laboring farmer and this resulted in his making a good return on his capital, in fact much more than he could on the same money invested in the own- ership of the land he farmed. We can fully confirm this both as to the type of cattle usually kept and as to the condition of the tenants- The average tenant's capital on the farms of England is $50 per acre. The owner of the land is content if he can make 3 per cent, on his inveistment. The tenant can make much more than this on his capital used in stocking and working the farm and hence prefers to be a tenant rather than an owner, as he has full protection by law for his capital invested in improving the land. THE DUAL PURPOSE COW. Editor Souttiern Planter: To relieve the reader from Professor Massey's misap- prehension that I am a beef man, I ask to be indulged in a few more personal references. First, instead of be- ing carried away with some high-class individuals — for meat production, I rather dislike the type (its chubby heads, thick necks, prominent throat-latches and bris- kets are particularly unpleasing to me) in females. I do not consider such cows well adapted to Eastern con- ditions. So strongly do I feel this way that I have discard- ed as nearly perfect specimens of such a type as one of ordinary means could hope to buy or breed in a life- time, for instance Rubertress, a sweepstakes winner at Virginia State and other fairs, out of the thrice world's champion Ruberta. I am simply an average farm- er, keeping a small herd of cows for turning grass, roughness, or anything they will eat, into milk, biltter, calves, meat, hides — whatever will bring money. Now it is plain that a large part of this country's bovine popu- lation is kept by farmers just like myself who have from four to ten cows and expect them to yield milk for their own and other young on the farm which, as well as them- selves, are counted upon for laying on flesh when oppor- tunity offers in such form and quality as will bring a profi- table price. Probably three-fourths of those who read the Southern Planter look at cows from the same stand- point; are not in the dairy business; from lack of mar- ket facilities or other physical limitations and will never be. Hence is is that when taking this, the only correct view point for a vast majority of farmers that we ob- ject so strenuously to the unwillingness of such men as Professor Massey, Mr. Thomas, etc., to even acknowl- edge there is a dual purpose cow. Ever since the nota- ble Shaw, Carlyle vs. Hatcher, Hoard controversy men have been trying to push the "farmers" cow, the"dou- ble decker," the milking Short Horn and Red Poll off the map. Her owners as a rule, lacking the enthusiasm of the one-idea zealots, allow the Fairs in their judging and the press in its preaching to run largely under the influence of special-purpose dairy or beef strains. But farmers are not the simple "guys" which our city daily joke makers would have us believe. Whenever any breeders or et of breeders succeed in combining two or more important functions to a degree of perfection hith- erto unknown, in one animal, with sufficient enterprise to give the new strain or variety proper publicity they will surely win the bulk of the trade in both lines af- fected. To illustrate there was a time when the South- down had the run, at least in the general farming coun- try. Along comes the Shropshire claiming almost, if not equal quality and thrift with more size and a heavier fleece. For these reasons it now claims to be the near- est approach to an ideal sheep known to date, probably most numerous in its purity as well as in grades and crosses, .\lthough in no way directly interested in the breed I can scarcely pass a well fitted flock without tak- ing off my hat. Professor Massey agrees with me in 946 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, the propriety of combining two products from this one animal. Let me asli why. If a good mutton sheep may just as well be a good wool sheep a good beef cow may not as well be a good milk cow, a good table fowl also be a good egg layer, etc.? It is on this contention that Messrs. Arbuckle, Lut- trell, and myself base our belief that general purpose farmers want general purpose cows, a demand which the Short Horn and Red Poll is able to meet. We refuse to be ignored or called either beef or milk men (It re- minds me of the youngster's (an American born son of Erin with exalted ideas by hearsay of the "ould coun- thrie") essay on "Snakes in Ireland" which began by saying there were no snakes.) Mr. Thomas befogs the issue in at least two sections of his treatise. (1) In taking up a general statement made near the close of my first ai'ticle as if it were the the claim I had set out to prove, that they were larger milk producers individually than any dairy breed. I do not find this statement nor necessity for proof along that line, although as indicated by records oi various Short Horns submitted the showing would not be bad for even this manifestly unfair basis. In 1900 Canada and the United States counted up 469,851 registered Short Horns with but 158,515 Galloways, Angus and Herefords all put together. Without being able to place my hand on fig- ures I am quite sure none of them can compare with the Short Horn in price. My statement which brings the challenge viz.: that the Short Horns are making more beef than any special beef breed and more milk than any other milk breed might have been stronger and still within the truth. As a matter of fact we are perfectly willing to concede there is a place for the yellow Jersey and its yellower butter; the big Holstein and its blue milk. Let the man on a small place near a city market keep the black spotted kine and ship milk, another with corn land to finish hogs, a successful creamery close by or sufficient eauipment and experience to manufacture butter choose the Channel islands varieties in fawn color and black points, but the general farmer may well be- ware. Introduction of dairy blood has wrought the un- doing of practical cattle production for many a commun- ity. It is not merely a question of conformation and pro portion of flesh to fat. An equally important objection arises through the internal nerve force developed by such intense concentration on one object. The bulls are ac- knowledged more vicious and even the cows get too handy with horns and feet for ordinary fences, gates, etc. So even to grant that they consume less tood on account of smaller size — which is a mooted question — it would be fully offset by the extra difficulty in handling. An owner of say 150 acres or more with sufficient graz ing to carry calves to an early maturity in reach of an in- come from milk too could not do better than use select Short Horns or Red Polls. Suppose half or even less o the cows carry all the calves, milking, that bugbear of th dairy is cut half in two. A report recently went around that a Loudoun dairyman began milking Saturday noon, kept it up all night and Sunday and was scarcely able to catch up by Monday evening when his help got back from their Fourth of July booze. Again we might con- cede the superiority of the breeds Mr. Thomas champions for milk or butter production and yet prove that more net profit could be realized from cows by still another method, i. e. the sale of veal. When dairymen generally get into such a frame of mind that calves are considerd only a necessary nuisance to be gotten rid of at once, they may often be bought for a song and sold for $12 to $15 each. City markets want this meat and pay $8.50 to $9.50 per cwt. I fail to see what bearing the ex- ceptional sales of a few famous breeders has upon the question at issue. I shall not weary the reader by ref- erence to prices made by Short Horiis but in this connec- tion would remind readers of the well known fact that no breed ever went higher or oftener into four and even five figures. Furthermore it is not unlikely that such extravagant estimates upon the value of fashionable strains may occasion harm and loss both to the man and the breed. Certainly an effort to base or in any way es- timate the money value of the increase from a practical farmer's grade herd upon such unusual, I almost said fictitious prices, is not well supported by reason. When the solid old farmer begins to compare the like dreams with certain facts he has had rubbed into him by the scales in the market he is thoroughly disgusted. Jerseys especially lacking both in scale and quality for meat must suffer most in such a comparison. He may buy a Short Horn bull calf for $50 to $100 and eventually get his money back from the butcher but the male half of dairy interest is not wanted after the calf fat is gone. The American farmer is in love vi^ith dual purpose breeds. He likes to get meat and milk, meat and wool, meat and eggs from the same animal for it simply means economy of production. It surely takes less to raise and keep one animal than two. This man is found in every community, his number is legion. The breeder who carries such lines finds his goods half sold. His market is wide and buyers many. Only specialists can use the male surplus in the dairy line for breeding. The Island, with a little help from the ring leaders on this side will supply the comparatively few needed. So there is no outlook for cash except the milky way into can or churn. Probably that just suits the specialists who only want one income, which must come after a special man- ner. I trow most farmers will agree with me in not caring exactly how the money comes "jest so it ain't tainted" and would if anything prefer its coming from calves or other self-cared for product than milk because they represent less labor which is the one thing on the farm you can't always buy at any price. Notwithstanding some attractive claims made by crop specialists it is much easier for the average farmer to make an ordinary farm support a family and show fair profit from running several kinds of stock and crops, somewhat of a rotation all around. The natural increase of his flocks and fields will be more satisfactorily taken care of, his own time more fully occupied, hence less outside help needed. He will not turn hog sick, having gone head over heels into swine — which take to lice, trichina and tuberculosis until they eat their heads off, or the college-sent cholera re- lieves the premises and the hog market of its coming burden (which owner figured out he would unload in kieep- ing with Coburn's hoggish arithmetic.) Specializing doctrine is in order with organs lik« Hoard's Dairyman or Green's Fruit Grower but advice for rotation of crops and general purpose stock should li)Oit.J THE SOUTHEKX rLAMIOli. 94 < prevail in farm journals of the Planter's age and stand ing. Many city bred farmers are led astray by such foolish doctrine. Short Horn men in the business for beef only have bred and fed the thickest fleshed individuals they could find resulting in strains unexcelled for the manufacture of meat. A few, on the other hand, would, if possible, run every pound of the cows' nutriment out through her udder, producing a type spare of flesh and irregular in outline. We may concede the presence of two radically different although not essentially antagonistis types within both breeds, Red Poll and Short Horn, and still contend for the dual capacity in each breed as a whole, because it has always been the inspiration and guarantee of thei long lived and wide-spread popularity. The Short Horn has what must be to the mind of the specialist a most miraculous record, i. e. the actual combination in one animal. Jewel 2d, of outstanding excellence for beef and superior performance at the pail, having received two distinct awards of first in class at a leading English Dairy Show also best cow in a strictly beef competition at Smithfield. The Short Horn tribe belongs to the F. F. Vs. Its emas- culated male members gathered grass and grain into a self moving product and crossed the mountains to West- ern markets a hundred years before Harriman and his ilk learned to lay in wait for railroads. There were none to wait for. With the Virginian, pioneering-bent, they car- ried the best type of England's agriculture into the rich- est sections of Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Jllinois. Iowa and the Western States, made the blue grass sod yet thicker, the corn fields grow larger, wrought homes out of the wilderness where both are now living on th'- fat of the land. Some time there will be such a home- coming — probably at the State Fair at Richmond — tha* people of every kind will be convinced that nowhere do ancestors cut such ice as Short Horns and "Ole Virgin'i Fairfax Co., Va. W. B. DOAK. ter the business; and to give to consumers of dairy pro- ducts confidence that they are getting a clean, sanitary article. Our best citizens would cheerfully comply with the reasonable requirements of a State authority; and would take pride in doing a clean, honorable business. Inspection that adds expense, or inconvenience to the dairyman, without improving the product is a parasite on the business; and its ill effect concerns every tax- payer, and consumer of dairy products in the State. Many of the demands made by the Richmond inspectors appear to be simply to satisfy "city regulations," which the dairymen do not always regard as reasonable and right. As a result many are kept out of the business. Some who were doing a clean business have been com- pelled to quit. The citizens of Richmond are being taxed to support the authority that forbids that they shall have plenty of milk and cream. The owners of farms pre- vented from going into dairying will grow smaller crops, and will pay less taxes and will have less money to spend with the various other lines of trade, and they will have less enthusiasm for good roads, and other public improve- ments; and will not likely be quite as useful in their neighborhood and to the community at large. If the next session of the State Legislature will so leg- islate as to place control of the dairy industry solely in the hands of the State Dairy Commissioner the prosper- ity of the State will be enhanced and the members will do themselves much honor, and add millions to the wealth of the Commonwealth. Orange Co., Va. ALBERT MURPHY. THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN VIRGINIA. Kditnr Sfiuthrrn PJfiiifrr: The large crops on the dairy farms in different sections of the State, are object lessons, teaching the great possi- >iMtiPS of agriculture in Virginia when combined with dairying, and suggest that the dairy industry should have every possible encouragement. It is not reasonable that the pioneers in this infant industry which is being fostered by a competent State Dairy Commissioner, and promises to m.ake the Old Do- minion "blossom as the rose," should be required bv a city authority to go to greater expense in preparing for the business than is required bv the State inspector, or by the authorities at the Capital of the United States. One of our neighbors who was recently connected with the banking business in this State, has lately started a dairy, and ships his cream to Washington although it would be more convenient and take about one hour's ^^orter time to send it to Richmond. It is sent to Wash- ington because of the onerous conditions Imposed by the Richmond authorities. To bring the dairy business up to its highest possibilities in its usefulness to the producer and consumer, and its worth in stimulating every other Industry in the State, there should be snrh inspe^-t'on as would encourage the best farmers in the State to en- THE DAIRYMAN'S COW. Editor f^outheni Planter: Permit me to correct some errors which the compositor allowed to creep into my article in the September Planter. On page 854 a little below the middle of the second column the paper reads "we are not looking for occa- sional cows for feeding purposes." I wrote "breeding pur- poses." In the first line in the paragraph beginning near the top of the first column on page 85.5 the word is Shorthorn, not Southern. The first word in the last line of the article should be Now, not No. Before going into any further discussion of the dairy- man's cow from the standpoint of new matter, I want to answer some of Mr. Luttrell's questions, and analyze some of his statements, as contained in the September Planter. I think I should say to Mr. Luttrell that it is not my intention to raise a question of his veracity; he misun- derstands my argument if he giv s it such interpretation. In order to obviate just such charges as that and put records on oflacial basis, the Advanced Registry clubs have been organized, and the records that I quote in my let- ters are oflicial records. Every one of them is certi- fied to, not by the owner of the animal, but by a repre- sentative of some experiment station under whose super- vision the records were made. W'hen T ask Mr. L. to produce records, I mean official records; not that I doubt his word, but so that there may be a parity between the figures T give and the ones he gives. T have made no claim for the Holsteins, or any other dairy breed as beef producers, and would not advise their 948 THE SOUTH KKX PLANTEK. October, use for that purpose. The dairyman '.j after milk, nut beef, however. Mr. Luttrell gives the points that have been used by beef men — or as he terms them Jual-purpose men— in judging dairy ccr.s; and while they are all right as far as they go, L:iere is one single element that should be given hfty per cent, in the score which Mr. L. omits entirely. It simply shows the error of the old system of judging. No place was given in the score for milk pro duction. In my opinion the cow's ability at the pall should be given quite fifty per cent in the score, when the cow is being judged for her dairy qualifications. He also enquires concerning the necessity of the angu- lar conformation in the dairy cow. I will ti-y to explain why such condition exists. Let me state first that the difference between the angular cow and the smooth, sleek Shorthorn or Poll cow is largely one of flesh. On the same feed one cow will produce fat largely, while another will add no flesh but will produce milk more freely. Temperament is largely responsible for the dif- ference. Let me make myslf clear, if I can. By temper- ament, in this connection, I mean, among other things, the quality in the cow's make-up, which causes one cow to assimilate her food and reduce it to fat, and another to reduce it to milk. The best beef cows are the ones which turn the feed largely into beef, and the best dairy cows are the ones which turn heavy feeding into milk. I have known some Shorthorn cows, for example, that were good milkers but were poor fatters; in other words they were economical producers of milk but were not economical producers of fat. Therein lies the explanation of the difference between the angular and smooth types of cows. If a suflicient number of breeders of Shorthorns and Polls would fol- low the line of breeding indicated by the rough bony Shorthorn cow cited above they would soon produce strictly dairying cows; but few of them do — that sort of cow is rejected as a type for the breeding of beef, for the simple and sole reason that she is a hard keeper. You are entitled to all the honor you claim for your beef production, Mr. Luttrell, and, so far as that is con- cerned, for your own herd of cows. I venture to say however, that with all this heavy production of your cows you haven't made a single ofiicial record; not be- cause the cows haven't produced enough, for they surely have, but because the Red Poll Club hasn't felt the milk end of the business of sufficient importance to warrant the creation of an advanced registry club for the breed. Mr. Luttrell and other breeders well know that a bet of a hunded thousand dollars is no better than one of five thousand or ten thousand, but what is more to the point there is a vast difference between a test of five or ten cows and one of one hundred cows. Five or ten such cows might easily be found, but it might be difficult in- deed to find one hundred, in fact Mr. L. virtually ad- mits that in his statement; and wjiat is more, five or ten or even one hundred cows would not be at all repre- sentative of the breed. The fact that Mr. L. might have a herd of twenty large milk producers is no guaranty that the cows from the herd of some other Poll breeder would be equally good. I will name you the official seven days' fat record of one hundred cows of dairy breeding, Mr. Luttrell, can you do the same thing for any beef breed? I will answer the inquiry concerning the disposition of the bull calves of the dairy breeds by saying that a large number of them go for veal in one way or another; perhaps in the manner that mine do. I have neighbors who take my calves when three days old at $3 each and veal them. J cannot afford to use $150 worth of milk to make a $12 veal, nor to raise them for steers even If they would make decent steers. But 1 would like to make a like inquiry of Mr. Luttrell. What becomes of nine-tenths of the bull calves of the beef breeds? Do they bring $60 or $80 as yearlings on the Chicago market or do they become the average steers on that market which as calves consumed milk worth as much as they themselves were wor'th at weaning time? If there was no other market for the milk then it is a different prop- osition. Mr. Luttrell's description of my "farm of research" was humorous if nothing more. I would like now to look at this dairy question from a little different angle. From the last sentence of Mr. Luttrell's article I would judge that the beef men do not quite understand the position of the dairy breeders and dairymen in this cow selection business. If they think any dairyman advocates the extermination of the Red Poll and Shorthorns they misunderstand our position. It may be that I have not been explicit in my state- ments of what I understand to be the offices of the var- ious breeds. I am impressed with the idea that miscon- structions and misconceptions are very frequently occa- sioned by improperly stated definitions or premises. Let the beef breeders understand in the beginning that I do not claim a single thing for the dairy breeds in the way of beef production. The breeds that Mr. Luttrell and Mr. Doak represent are no doubt unsurpassed as eco- nomical beef producers. To the man who wished to raise steers as his main business I would certainly not recommend the adoption of any of the dairy breeds; to the man who wishes to go into dairying — and by dairy- ing I mean the economical production of milk — I certainly could not recommend any beef breed. If We will analyze this matter thoroughly we will find that there are virtually four phases or divisions of the cattle industry: 1. The pure-bred beef cattle breeder; 2. The pure-bred dairy cattle breeder. 3. The steer raiser and farmer. 4. The dairyman. Not all men are so situated as to be dairymen in the strict sense in which I use It. Either city or creamery market must be available. In each of the four divisions some one thing is paramount. The breeder of dairy cattle makes the breeding, not the milk production, his main business; the beef breeders make the breeding paramount. In other words the men in the first two classes depend on the sale of their pure-bred stock for the main Income from the business. But only a small number 'of the farmers In Virginia can hope to follow that branch of the business. The rest of us must be content with buying a pure-bred bull from one of the breeders and then do whatever will produce the great- est net returns. To be a successful breeder of any breed of cattle involves an outlay of a good deal more money than 75 per cent, of the farmers can afford. The pro- cedure that will do the most for the people of Virginia 1909.J THE SOUTHERN PLANTElli. 949 IS not that which a few breeders with plenty of money can do, but rather, that which will be within the means of the balance of the farmers and will show them the best net income. In simple language it means either the raising and feeding of grade beef cattle for beef on the one hand, or the production of milk and dairy products on the other. In either case we have need of the breeders — the beef breeders for the men who raise steers, and the dairy breeders for the dairymen. And there is room enough for all of us. There are certain elements that must enter into or be considered in choosing between raising and feeding of steers and taking up dairying,, and to my mind the principal thing to be considered is the availability of a market for the dairy products. I cannot take space this month for a further discus- sion of a choice, but hope to continue it in the Novem- ber Planter. Fauquier Co. O. A. THOMAS. in his next message to Congress, because of the vast and Important interests concernd. "This movement does not represent any spirit antago- nistic to oleomargarine. Our people do not object to the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine by licensed deal- ers, who will sell it as oleomargarine, under legal restric- tions; but they strongly protest against its sale as and for genuine butter. "If we stand together in our demand for a better and more effective oleomargarine law, our Senators and Con- gressmen will come to our aid, and thus protect, conserve, and advance daiiying and farming interests throughout the United States." OLEOIVIARGARINE LAWS. We have received the following communication from the Pure Butter Protective Association of Pennsylvania and invite the attention of our readers to it and ask that they at once write their Senators and Congressmen asking their support of the bill to be introduced for amendment of the law as to the sale of oleomargarine. We have no objection to people eating oleomargarine if they want it. but we do object to its being sold as butter. — Ed. Editor FSouthern Planter: "The dairying and farming interests are deeply con- cerned in the pressing need for better and more stringent Federal oleomargarine laws. A united and determined effort will be made when Congress convenes to secure proper remedial legislation. It is a well-known fact that in nearly all sections of the United States oleomargarine is palmed upon unsuspecting consumers in immense quantities as, and for. genuine butter. In other instances unscrupulous dealers will violate all oleomargarine laws in the most flagrant manner by ignoring the regulations regarding the selling and marking of packages, coloring of oleomargarine, etc., and it is believed that the time for marked changes in these defective laws has arrived. The Pennsylvania State and subordinate Granges, Penn- sylvania Pure Butter Protective Association, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, including the Dairy and Food Division, and various other State and ox)unty agricultural organizations, unitedly took the iniative steps early last spring to secure these much-needed changes, and a com- mittee representing these various active organizations em ployed the best legal talent available to formulate a proper national oleomargarine act. It is probabale that the Hon. Boies Penrose, of Pennsylvania, will introduce the pro- posed oleomargarine bill in the Senate during the early days of the next session, and it is confidently expected that the entire delegation in Congress from the Keystone State will show their loyalty and fealty to the agticultural classes by supporting and voting for the new bill. Many thousands of Pennsylvania dairymen and farmers have already petitioned President Taft and United States Senators Penrose and Oliver to take up this subject at the earliest practicable opportunity, and It is urged that the President should recommend changes in these laws HINTS TO THE BOYS. Editor Soufhern Planter: After ten days at the seashore I came home one glorious September afternoon and found the shady lawn with close- clipped grass was full of my "Reds." I was glad somebody had left the gate open, for I never saw a more beautiful sight. The outlook for poultry raisers was never more en- couraging than now. Poultry and eggs are higher than I have ever known them at this season, and though the season for eggs for hatching is over my Reds are still laying and paying well for all the good things I give them to eat. What I started out to say was that the other day I noticed one of my finest cockerels was not eating and had the general appearance of having been on a spree. I picked him up, found his crop full and sour watery stuff ran out of his mouth when I held his head down. Well, after holding his head down till I had emptied his craw. I put a good sized lump of baking soda down his throat and let him go. The next morning he was as hungry as the others and is entirely well now. There is a great deal of talk about the boy problem. If parents would take the trouble to look around they would see here and there some families with healthy, hnppy, good boys in them, and if they inquired closely they would find in nine cases out of ten those boys had a nice little hen house and could work off their surplus energy making coops and taking care of their chickens as well as learning the value of a penny. There are few town or city lots on which a poultry house could not be built that would go a long way toward reducing the meat bill if no more. I know of several small back yards in which rose comb Rhode Island Reds are raised success- fully. This past week I have had letters from the moun- tains to the sea praising my Reds and wanting some more. Blackstone. Va. LOUISE V. SPENCER. VIRGINIA DUROC SWINE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION. There will be a meeting of this association at Murphy's Hotel, Richmond, on Wednesday, the 6th day of October (Wednesday of the Fair week) at 8 o'clock in the eve- ning. All members and others interested in hogs are in- vited to be present. An instructive and interesting pro- gram will be arranged for the occasion. LESLIE D. KLINE, Secretary and Treasurer. 950 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, The Poultry Yard. POULTRY NOTES. With this month the show season begins and will con- tinue for four months. It has been many years since I have shown a bird of any kind. I have been asked many times why I do not show at the Fairs and poultry shows. I have said very little in these notes about show ing stock and I do not intend to say anything further than to give my reasons for not showing at these exposi- tions. In the first place I want to say that I am opposed to every kind and character of game of chance or gam- bling. If it were possible to judge a fowl by perform- ance for real merit and give a certificate of merit to the best specimens then it would mean something, but under the present system of showing and judging many exhibits are given premiums that are of no value excepting for show purposes. This is true, not only of poultry, but of all live stock, grains and vegetables. Take the corn show as an example. A man can take a small plot of land and put it in good condition, plant and cultivate a few hundred stalks of corn, select the best ears, a sin- gle armful, and win the prize. Does the judge know anything about the stalk, the character of the soil, the yield per acre, the proportion of grain to stalk or any of the factors that the farmer wants to know about the seed he plants? Does the poultry judge know anything about the real value as egg producers of the stock he judges? If a bird of any particular breed conforms to the standard requirements in color, shape and size it will win the prize over the bird that happens to be. defective in some point. Next, I see the great injustice to and disadvantage of the common exhibitor over the professional. Fairs and poultry shows are made up large- ly of professional exhibitors and fakirs. A few men will buy or raise a few birds of ten or fifteen different breeds then fit them for the shows and follow the circuit from start to finish. The birds are plucked, washed, dyed and| handled for weeks before the shows and kept in the) pink of condition for the shows and at the close of the season they are done and of very little value. This is true of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, everything that is professional. I have seen dairy cows at fairs that were blanketed, brushed, combed, horns polished and stained, tails trimmed and udders extended by not milking them for 24 to 36 hours. Anything to win. If we could show stock in good breeding condition and have it in its nat ural condition, then have it judged by practical men it would give everyone a chance to have stock on exhibi- tion and have it compared to other stock in like con- •dition. There is usually a class for fat stock and much of the stock on exhibition should be entered and shown in that class. Next is the judging. I believe that a majority of men are honest and judge stock to the best of their ability but I do not believe that a majority of men are free from prejudice. I do not believe that Leghorn breeders can judge Wyandottes, Brahmas or Cochins or vice versa Some years ago a young college professor judged the dairy breeds in a great fair yet this man had never owned a cow or milked one. Some years ago I was judging Poland China hog.'? at Hillsdale, Mich., and I ruled out a three-year-old sow. She was shown as a brood sow, yet had never farrowed a pig. The owner was very indig- nant and said that she had won 12 first premiums and 3 sweepstake prizes as the best brood sow. A herd of such prix.e winners would certainly be very profitable. 1 am giving these observations simply to show the value of show ribbons to the practical man. I know that this kind of talk will not make me popular with professional showmen, but I am not a candidate for office and not dependent on that mirage for my bread and honey. I do not wish to be understood to say that I condemn Fairs and shows, I do condemn some of the rules and methods. Fairs and shows are useful and helpful to show what can be done by skillful breeding and. feeding, but when stock of any kind is perverted into a mere tool to catch prizes the honest fair manager should re- fuse them stall room and the honest judge should rule them out. We have some of this same class of critters in the human race and what are they good for anyway? Take Harry Thaw and Evelyn for instance. Show birds among the genus homo. Who wants them or their kind in the family? Please do not delay your orders. Fortun- ately the supply is limited. The few pullets that we have left are beginning to lay in earnest. Not two eggs per day, but from three to five per week. We have only about 50 of our early hatched ones left. The degenerate who stole the bulk of them will certainly not enjoy them or the money realized for them. I think it wise to lay in a good supply of wheat at the present price. We can buy fairly good wheat now for feeding, at 90 cents to $1.00 per bushel. This has some onions and cockle in it but not enough to mater- ially increase the cost for feeding. As soon as the bulk of the crop gets into the hands (clutches) of the specu- lators the price will be much higher. There is no better egg producing feed than wheat and at the present price of eggs and the outlook for higher prices I can see a good profit in feeding good pullets and hens. I have a few three-year-old White Leghorn hens and I am think- ing of yarding them separate and keeping a record of their egg yield to determine whether it will be profitable to keep them at that age and if it is I will keep them another year or possibly keep them until they die of old age. This is an experiment that I have never known to be made and it would be very interesting to me to know how long a pen of say ten hens would live and produce eggs. I have ten of these three-year-old hens and I believe I will yard them and keep them to the limit of their natural lives. They laid more eggs this year than they did last year. I have no record of their av- erage for the first year. If they would continue to be profitable for 6 or 8 years it would add very much to the value of^ good strain. I believe that one reason why the chicks are not as vigorous now as they were years ago is because so many people sell their yearling and two- year-old hens and keep only pullets to breed from. I know from experience that turkeys will hatch much larger and stronger from eggs laid by hens that are 3 or 4 years old than from young hens. I have always been able to raise a larger percentage of the chicks from 1909.] THE SOUTHEKl^ PLANTEiR. 951 two-year-old hens than from pullets and may it not be true if We would make a careful test that much of the disease of young chicks and poults is due to this cause. It is certainly true that a very much greater per cent, of chicks are lost now than in years gone by. Thirty-five to forty years ago I raised Black Spanish and Light Brah- inas and seldom lost a chick. We did not hear any- thing about gapes, white diarrhoea, cholera, or in fact any of the common ailments of to-day. Hawks, minks, weasles, owls, rats and skunks were all that we had to contend with. Now it is all these, many diseases and worst of all thieves. I do not want to be a pessimist, but our courts certainly deal too slowly and leniently with criminals especially thieves of all kinds. HUSSELMAN. VIRGINIA POULTRY SHOW. The fourth annual exhibition of the Virginia Poultry Association will be held in Richmond, Va., January 13-19, 1910. The officers of the association are using their utmost endeavors to excel the previous shows, not only in attractiveness, but also in a larger number of high quality birds. We have been fortunate enough to secure the services of J. H. Drevenstedt, of New York, as judge, and he will be assisted by Prof. C. K. Graham, of Boston, and F. S. Morrison, of New York. The well-known reputation of these gentlemen precludes the necessity of an extended introduction by us. The comparison system of judging will be used, thus avoiding the long delays, ties and mistakes of the score card and insuring a prompt and accurate placing of the ribbons. We are well equipped with the latest improved show coops and fixtures and can thus give comfortable and attractive quarters to all birds entrusted to our care. We assure all our exhibitors fair and square treatment and proper care of their exhibits by experienced men and a prompt return of same at the end of the show. We extend a cordial invitation to all interested to join our association. We are glad to be able to state that our association is composed of wideawake gentlemen who have an enthusiastic interest in the development of the poultry business in this State. Our dues and fees are small — just enough to carry on the legitimate business of the association. An attractive premium list will be ready for distribu- tion by December 1st, and it gies full information as to all awards, including a magnificent string of silver cups and other specials. Competition is open to the world and we welcome all. For further information address W. R. Todd, secretary, 426 North Sixth street, Richmond. Va. SIMPLE FIXTURES MAKE EASY MON|Y. Editor Slouthrrn Plnvtrr: In response to repeated inquiries from some of your readers I wish to describe some of the fixtures which we use in raising pure-bred Plymouth Rock chickens in lots of several hundred without the use of incubators and brooders, and in keeping hens in small flocks. I will answer one question by saying that there is no one kind of hen house which is best any more than there is one style of house which is best for people. Very much depends upon the location, direction of wind, slope of land, character of soil, and proximity to other buildings. An earth floor is all right if on a dry soil and if filled well above the outside level. . One course of boards nailed on vertically and the cracks covered with half inch strips three inches wide will be sufficient for this climate if lined with tarred paper. My portable houses are built of half inch lumber for lightness and have shed roofs covered with tarred paper, but although doors and windows were left open on one side they were too hot for summer night, so I pryed up the roof along the back with a crowbar and put in 4-inch blocks, making a ventilation crack four inches wide along the whole west side with windows and door open on the east. This gives a draft over the roosts — not on them — and increases the egg yield in mid-summer. For permanent houses I rather like a shingle roof with good double pitch, the foosts eighteen inches below eaves, and a ventilation crack of ten inches along the eaves. This crack is closed with a board hinged to the slate of the house and is also screened with wire inside. I like a floor six inches under these roosts, making a two- story house, though the upper story may be almost all above the eaves and the lower need not be over tJ feet 6 inches high. Wherever railroad ties are being sawed there is apt to be a lot of short lumber for sale cheap. Chestnut tie boards, which are sawed in sizing down the ties, sell here for $1 per hundred feet at the local mills, and if damaged at even lower prices, and are the cheapest boards we can get. I can build a two-stoi-y house and side it vertically with tie boards, by putting a wide board around the bottom to bank the earth against and letting the ends of the siding boards rest on it. The opening under the eaves comes above these side boards, the plate being held up by a few 2x4 studding, which are set wide apart, and by the corner posts which are only 4 inches. The floor is laid of cheapest matched stuff or is doubled and covered with dry earth. Below is an earth-floored room. This is my most successful all-the-year-round house, and the sooner the weaned pullets are put into one the better. I have easy ladders going up through trap doors to the roosting room. I prefer the lower room, or living room, of the hens made with a large opening on the south as high up from the floor as possible. This also can be closed by a shutter hinged at the top. There must be glass enough to give light in bad weather. I have described these fixtures for the older fowls first because they are most needed from this season forward. There are still a lot of weaned chicks which should not be forced into a house with old fowls. I have tried various styles of coops and have aboirt settled on a coop about twenty inches to two feet deep and any desired or convenient length. These I make of any scraps of lum- ber which may be fourteen inches or more in length. The back of the coop is about fourteen inches high and the front as much higher as may be wished. Roof slopes one way and is covered with one thickness of tarred paper held down by plenty of lath. The cleats to which the roof boards are nailed fit outside the body of the coop, so roof does not slide off. The bottom is entirely sepa- rate and is made of boards running lengthwise or across the coop, as the lumber will cut to the best advantage. The cleats or strips on which the bottom boards are nailed 952 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. I October, rest on the ground, so that, if placed on a level spot, the bottom will be just off the ground. The body of the coop ffts down all around the bottom, outside, but not on it. In other words, the bottom fits the inside measurement of the coop, and as the coop is made of vertical boards all rainwater is carried down past the bottom directly to the ground, no matter how hard it drives against the sides of the coop. There must be a strip around bottom of coop to nail the side boards to, and this can be about an inch above their lowerends and can rest upon the bot- tom, making a tight inside joint. The front of coop is largely wire. I cover bottom of coop with dry earth and renew it weekly in dry weather, or simply brush off the droppings and leave the earth in wet weather. This is the cheapest dry coop I have been able to make and yet have it easy to clean and well ventilated. Coops for hen and brood are exactly like this except that they are smaller and square and have a sla.tted wooden door which can be replaced by a piece of wire of half inch mesh in warm weather. Our special coops for setting hens were described a year or more ago, but requests for description still come in These are perhaps the most important fixtures of all those which make possible the hatching of over one thousand chicks per year without other daily attention than that of little children. I make what we call a tri-nester, 4 feet long by 18 eigh, N. C, beginning 3rd of November next. Col. Ben- ehan Cameron of Stagville, N. C, is the President for this year. The last year's meeting was held at Madison, Wis. was a splendid success both in point of numbers in at- t nuance and in the work done. We are anxious to see the Raleigh meeting an equally successful one. Northern and Western farmers have always rallied strongly to the support of this institution but hitherto the Southern meetings have not been so well attended. This is a re- flection on our people which we hope they will remove at Raleigh. Every State is entitled to representation at the Congress and the Governor of this State has promised to appoint a large number of representative farmers as delegates to the Raleigh meeting and we trust that they will make a point of attending. The South-Eastern Pas- senger Association has published a tariff of fares, on the railroads running to Raleigh, quoting one fare for the round trip. From Lynchbug the fare will be $5.75; from Richmond $4.90 and from Danville $3.40. This will place the meeting within reach of our farmers at so samll a cost that it ought to be largely attended. Useful as is the Congress in an educational way its greatest help to agriculture is through the resolutions adopted. Resolutions from a body of intelligent, repre- s ntative, conservative farmers ,from almost every State in the Union are Bound to be influential. The influence depends much on the number of States represented, for inches wide, divided into three nests, each 16 inches wide! each State has a member of the resolutions committee. by 18 inches. The tri-nester is about two feet high in front and 18 inches at the back, the cover being cut into three separate lids for the three nests The front has one board about eight inches wide clear across at the bottom, and above this a good solid two or three-inch strip which projects at each end to form a handle. One narrow board in the back is also left long for same purpose. The top part of the front side of each nest is left open but fitted with a slatted door which drops in from the top like the door of the common rabbit trap. If a solid bottom of boards is put in, the coop can be moved while hens are sitting, which is a great help. I use earth and tramp it into the nests and in nearly the proper shape, then put in the soft material and shape it nicely and tramp it as solid as possible. If the nest is loose the eggs will settle down each in its own depression and the hen cannot turn them proi)erly and many will be broken. The tri- nester yard is 2 feet high by 4 feet square with two paritions, making three runs 4 feet by 16 inches. One side (at end of runs) is left open except for the top and bottom strips, which make the frame. This open side fits against front of tri-nester and gives each hen a pri- vate yard with covered nest at one end. If brought at night and placed in the nest and the eggs slightly warmed and gently slipped under her, not one hen in ten will refuse to sit. Let the hen sit on her own nest two nights before you move her. We keep twenty- five hens going through the early season, buying sitters as needed. Thus we are raising our pure Barred Plymouth Rocks by natural methods, but in a wholesale way. and they furnish the only easy money on the farm. Vienna, Va. W. A. SHERMAN. The Congress has been a strong factor in securing a national department of agriculture, the interstate com- merce commission, rural mail delivery, oleomargerine legislation, freeing denatured alcohol from taxation, in- creased appropriations for agricultural education. The Congress now stands for extension of the parcels post, national aid for good roads, improving inland water- ways, postal savings banks, conserving natural resources, especially soil fertility and forests. Federal aid to second- ary agricultural schools. THE CARMAN PEACH. Editor Southern Planter: In the Enquirer's Column of your September number I noted that the Carman peach was not included in your list of peach trees recommended to be planted In South- west Virginia. I think it will be doing your correspond- ent a favor to add it to the list. During the past six years while it has been under my observation, it has never failed to bear, and this season when all the other va- rieties of peach trees in my small orchard failed al- most entirely, the Carman bore a full crop. The tree is vigorous, healthy and productive. The fruit never rots, and is of the best quality. The tree blooms late; and the fruit ripens with us about the beginning of July; so that it is a rather early peach- , BartoM* Co., Ga. ROBT. H. COWPER. THE FARMERS' NATIONAL CONGRESS. The next meeting of this Congress will be held in Ral EVERY REASON. "Why does your new baby cry so much?" "Say, if all your teeth were out, your hair off, and your legs So weak that you couldn't stand on them, I rather fancy you'd feel like crying yourself." — October Llp- pincott's. 1909. J THE SOUTHEKN PLAXTKIi. The Horse. NOTES (W. J. Car/er.) "Broad Rock." When this issue of the Planter reaches the majority of its many readers the Virginia State Fair will have com- menced, as the opening day is fixed for Monday, October 4th with the curtain to be rung down on the following Saturday. The show, with its many and varied attrac tions will be on day and night. This will be the fourth annual exhibition of the Virginia State Fair Association and In the history of the organization the outlook was nev^r brighter. President Henry Fairfax, General Mana ger Lloyd and their associates in directing affairs have ample cause to feel elated over the outlook. The exhibit of live stock, agricultural and mechanical products of our grand old commonwealth will doubtless exceed the splen- did aggregation of former years, especially that of 1908 when the feast of good things provided came as a reve- lation to the big crowds passing through the gates, for on Wednesday, Richmond Day, the attendance was right around sixty thousand, a record likely to be broken this fall and which the character of Virginia's big State Fair richly merits. » Virginia bred steeple chasers have been strongly in evi- dence this season: in fact, when the number of horses in training and those that have started in races are con- sidered it may be said that this state has furnished the lion's share of performers over the jumps both in the United States and Canada. One of the useful horses of the season has been furnished in Young Blitzen, a chestnut gelding, five years old, by Blitzen "The Iron Horse," out of Molly Davis, by Gaberlunzie, who was bred by John H. Chafiin, of Richmond. Young Blitzen's career has been of the checkered sort and rather through force of merit than by favorable opportunities has the chestnut gelding made history for Virginia bred steeplechaasers. A win- ner in 1908 for Alvin and J. L. Garthright, whose colors he has carried again this season. Young Blitzen won at the Baltimore and Richmond spring meetings, while he was in good form again at the recent United Hunts meeting at Pimlico and after his successful essay for first money an offer of $2,000 was refused for the chestnut gelding. Young Blitzen will be entered at the Virginia State Pair meeting, during the week of October 4-9, and is likely to win one or more of the purses offered. The busiest horse of the year and probably the most con- sistent performer has been the old chestnut gelding, Grandpa, now ten years old, by Imp. Grandmaster, dam Philippa, by Darebin, who has been returned a winner at the big tracks and is apparently now in the best form of his extended career. Among others appearing in the Turf Guide are Lizzie Flat, by Flatlads, dam Lizzie M., by Eolus; Sandy Creeker, by Aloha, out of Turca, Bergood- dam by Tristan or Turca; Waterway, rated by some as one of the good horses of the year, by imp. Walter Level out of Runaway,by Algerine, son of Abd El Kader and the famous Nina, By Boston; Burgoo, by Imp. Potentate, out of Turca, dam of Sandy Creeker; Touchwood, by Norwood, dam Isolde, by Imp. Water Level; Sir Wooster, by Imp. Ardington, dam Lady Wooster, McCann's dam, by Woos- ter; Ballacalla by Imp. Ardington, dam Tentore, by Imp. Rigoletteo, from Vestlaia, White Garter's dam by Tom Ochiltree. Both Sir Wooster and Ballasalla were bred by Col. Robert Neville, at Pelham Farm, and the Arding- ton gelding was sold by his breeder this season to A. Henry Higginson, of Boston, for a price right around the $5,000 mark; Tourney, brown gelding, by Tournament dam Sally Suple, by Richilieu; Essex 11, by Judge Morrow,' dam Mimosa; Jimmy Lane, by His Grace, son of Eolus, dam Anna Page, by Hayden Edwards; Fin Mac Cool, by Chorister, dam Valorous, by Stalwart; Wood- side, by Norwood, dam, B 11 Andrews, by John Happy, and My Grace, by His Grace, dam Varsovienne by "Wilful. Among the largest owners and staunchest sup- porters of steeplechasing are men that figure as breeders also, including Col. Robert Neville, J. E. Lane, of Esmont and David Dunlop, of Petersburg. Thus far all of Mr. Dunlop's horses have been purchased after reaching win- ning form, but the Lane stable has been mostly made up of jumpers either bred or developed by the owner, who has made some good sales, which also applies to Col. Ne- ville, who has doubtless bred developed and sold more steeplechasers of real class than any other Virginia breeder. Expansionist, the chestnut gelding, by Norwood, out of Gemima, by Hiemdal, was in good form during the close of the Saratoga meeting, and with good weight up won a steeplechase, distance about two miles, finishing ahead of Grandpa, with O. K. in third position. Time 4.24. Ex- pansionist is now eight years old. Imperialist, a full brother to Expansionist, was one of the most useful steeple- chasers ever sent out from Virginia. Both horses were bred by Pitts & Dorrier, at Scottsville, Va., who owned both sire and dam. The latter, a daughter of Heimdal, from Gem, by Duke of Magenta, was bred at historic Bullfield Farm, in Hanover county, former home of Nina, Boston's greatest producing daughter, and her noted son. Planet, by Revenue; likewise other turf celebrities of former years. TheVirginia bred mare, Tearolaine, 2.14 1-4, by Teroleon dam Stamboulaine, dam of Captain Cook, 2.20 1-2, by Stam- boula, son of Stamboul, 2:07 1-2, is doing well this sea- son in the stable of C. F. Barnes, of Easton, Md., who piloted the chestnut mare to victory in the 2:15 trot, a contest of seven heats at Canal Dover, 0-, and the long- est trotting race of the season. Tearolaine took the third, seventh and eighth heats in 2:14 i-4; 2:16 1-4, 2:16 1-4. Second money went to Tellus. who took the second and sixth heats in 2:15 1-4, 2:18 1-4; and third to Stroller, who took the fifth in 2:16 1-2. Charley Thomas won the first heat in 2:16 1-4 and the fourth in 2:16 3-4, but had the hard luck to be shut out in the seventh. Five heats of this long drawn out contest were fought out on the first day and the remainder on the following one. Strol- ler was the original favorite, but the Virginia bred mare enforced recognition as the contest progressed. The daughter of Teroleon was again first in the 2:15 class, an early closing purse of $1,000, at Canton, O., a 954 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER [October, week later. Five heats were required to decide the lat- ter and Terolaine won the third, fourth and fifth, with Lady Bryan and Bervaldo standing second and third in the summary. Terolaine was bred by J. H. Wingate, of Roanoke, Va., for whom she won the 2:23 trot, purse $2,000, ai Richmond, Va., in 1907 in addition to several other early closing events of that season. She is now only seven years old and able to trot several seconds faster than her record indicates. Bergoo, the four-year-old bay gelding by Imp. Potentate, dam Turca, the mare of double paternity, by Tristan or Turco from Silver Blue, by Longfellow, is being cam- paigned along the line of the Canadian Circuit and won a Handicap Steeplechase, short course, at Fort Erie, 3:45. Bergoo, like his half brother, Sandy Creeker, prom- ises to make a useful horse over the jumps. This gelded son of Potentate was bred by General William T. Townes, of the Afton Green Stud, at Culpeper Va. Blameless, the Bllerslie bred gelding, 3 years old, by Fatherless, out of Auria, by Eolus or Eon, won recently at Victoria, B. C, where he carried 109 pounds and ran five furlongs over a fair track in 1:03 2-5. Aurie's dam was Sample, the dam of the Eolus stallions, Aurus and Aureus, both of whom were formerly in the stud at Ellerslie. Charlie Doherty, brown colt, 4, by Fatherless, dam Lizzie Truex, by Requital another product of Ellerslie, later fol- lowed the victory of Blameless by winning at 4 1-2 fur- longs in 0.57 3-4. Out of five starters in a steeplechase, distance about two miles, on the second day of the Sheepshead Bay meet- ing, four were Virginia bred horses, of which Grandpa, chestnut gelding, ten years old, by Grandmaster, dam Philippa, by Daraebin, was returned the winner, with Ex- pansionist second, Essex 11, the unsexed son of Judge and Mimosa, was third and Sandy Creeker, by Aloha, out of Turcaa, Bergoo's dam, brought up the rear with Bobbin Around fell. Time 3 : 53 2-5. Four days later at the same meeting. Grandpa won the Labor Day steeplechase, with 139 pounds up, defeating Kermath and Bigot, in 3:53 3-5; Grandpa was bred by A. S. Craven, in the Greenwood Stud, while Essex II came from the farm of J. W. M. Green at Fredericksburg, and Sandy Creeker first saw light at A. S. Payne's Annita Stud Farm near Charlottes- ville. MORGAN STALLION IN POWHATAN. To W. M. Nicholls, Fighting Creek Stock Farm, Pow- hatan Courthouse, Virginia, belongs the honor, so far as We are informed, of owning the only registered Morgan stallion in Virginia. Being an ardent admirer of this famous breed, Mr. Nicholls recently purchased of Dr. J. D. Massengill, Blountville, Tenn., Ralph Morgan, 5771. As will be seen from the accompanying photo, he is a beau- tiful horse, perfect in conformation and altogether a splendid type. He is two years and four months old, weighs 900 pounds and is 15.2 hands high. He is, there- fore, splendidly developed for his age and shows great promise. He is a good walker, a fast trotter and is broken to both single and double harness. We congratulate Mr. Nicholls on his purchase and hope he will be the means of reviving interest in this breed so celebrated for stamina and all-purpose usage a half century ago. RALPH MORGAN. The United States government, through the Bureau of Animal Husbandry, has been breeding these horses for the past few years, maintaining two stations for this sole pui'pose. "Uncle Sam" strongly recommends them and will be glad to mail circulars numbers 124 and 137 to interested parties on application to above department at Washington. B. M. S. LO! THE KING HAS COME. Editor Southern Planter: While at Leesburg Horse Show, where I officiated as judge of the draft classes, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Groome, of Warrenton, Va., who exhibited his im- ported Suffolk Punch stallion. As mentioned by me some months since in The Planter I have seen in the West in 1893, and since that year, many Suffolk Punch horses,, and I have yet to see a horse that it would pay any one to breed to — that is, com- paratively speaking. If the Suffolk advocates are breed- ing for a medium sized horse, and one with style, action and good clean limbs they can get a 1,500-pound or 1,600- pound Percheron stallion that, crossed on our native mares, will produce a "general purpose" horse — that is, he will be either an expresser, fire department horse, a good ordinary farm horse or general delivery animal, etc. Where has the Suffolk any advantage? He is not as active, clean-limbed or "showy," and only has one attribute that distinguishes him, and that is his color, which he almost invariably imparts to his get, and this sorrel and chestnut color is unpopular with a great many users and buyers. I am not speaking of Mr. Groome's horse particularly, as he is without doubt the best specimen in this country, having won over all comi)etitors in England, where these 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PI.AXTKR. 055 horses have been bred and raised for generations. I be- lieve tbis horse was placed second twice, and only beaten then by the same horse. Xow Mr. Groome gave an order for the best Suffolk that was for sale, specifying that he should weigh a ton. He got an 1,850-pound stalWon, weighed in high flesh, showing, as I have heretofore stated, that the 2,000-pound Suffolk is a rareity, and when attaining this weight is not a representative Suffolk, but a "sport" or "fluke," while the Percheron, properly fed and handled, often tips the beam at 2,400 pounds and occa- sionally 2,500 pounds, although you can find them of the lighter boned and coachy type, that weigh 1,000 pounds less, owing large to the horse's or colt's environment. A draft stallion should not weigh less than 1,850 pounds in working condition and 1,950 to a ton "in flesh." He should not measure less than 11 inches at the smallest point below the knee; should carry a good well spring rib and be wide across the chest and through the stifles and stand on a good set of legs with flat bone, good big feet; and even then the ton stallion bred to our native mares will get more "chunks," misfits" and "general pur- pose" horses than draft horses. Impractical men often take up an idea that they can improve the breeds by crossing with another, and thereby lose yeai-s experimenting and money that if expended in breeding in line, or to the same breed of stallion that their mares are from, would bring them in a few years valuable incomes. What more plainly illustrates the money in raising Percheron horses and breeding to good Percheron stal- lions than the teams of Swift, Pabst, Heinze and other high priced teams all over the country; horses that as geldings were bought at figures ranging from $380 to $6C0. the latter figure paid at auction by Armour for "Big Jim," weight 2,480 pounds. This horse was bought when horses were at their lowest figure. Sells Bros, are exhibiting the six-horse team of gray Percherons they claim to have paid Armour .$25,000 for. I will not call attention to any of the points of Mr. Groome's great king of horses, but every visitor to the State Fair should see this much-heralded wonder, for he is certainly one of the greatest horses in the world of his breed. A Rockingham farmer last year sold a 4-year-old gelding in his field hitched to a big plow to a shipper for $300. all he had the courage to ask. This gelding weighed a ton. Another farmer sold a pair of grade mares weighing over 3,500 pounds for $675. All of these were Percheron grades. Why has the number of Percherons in the United States increased 400 per cent, in the past sixteen years and the increase in Sui¥olk has been imperceptible? Simply because the users of horses have learned that no other breed can compete with the greatest of all draft horse — the Percheron. .TOHN F. LEWIS. Rockingham Co. We have known our correspondent so long and so well as an out-and-out Percheron man that we are not sur- prised that he only found confirmation of his formerly expressed adverse opinion on the Suffolk Punches in Mr. Groome's importation, although he is compelled to admit that he is the finest horse of the breed in this country. This is quite as much as we expected to get from him. The difficulty in arguing with Percheron men is that they f only admit one breed of horses to be worth consideration from a breeder's standpoint. We and the great majority of people believe that each of the different breeds has a place to fill and a horse of no other breed can so well fill this place as the one specially bred for it. We can be- lieve that the Percheron fills the bill for a heavy draft horse for city work fairly well, not in our opinion, how- ever, so well as a Clyde or a Shire (Mr. Lewis will, of course, say this is an Englishman's prejudice. Well, let it go at that! The Englishman the world over has the reputation for knowing a good horse and for having the ability to produce him fitted specially to meet different conditions and requirements and he is not afraid to back his products in these different lines against the world), but when it comes to a strictly farm horse for farm work a F'ercheron is not in it with the Suffolk Punch, nor is a grade Percheron bred in the manner suggested. If the horses of this breed had not proved their worth by their work the E'nglishman M'ould long ago have found it out and would have discarded the breed. They have made good on the farm in England for more than a hundred years and we believe they will do so here and be just the type of horse our farmers want to enable them to have teams capable of handling modern farm machinery and yet not so heavy and clumsy as to make the earth tremble when they walk over it. City pavements may carry the heavy Percherons but farmers don't want a horse moving over their fields with the weight of a steam roller. There is a place for both the Percheron and the Punch. Let them each fill thcise places and no unworthy jealousy exist between breeders of the different types. Practically they do not compete with each other in the market. The one is a city horse, the other a country one. We do not doubt but that Mr. Groome's horse will soon become a popular sire of farm horses and that we shall see steady improve- ment in the farm horse stock of the State. — Ed. THE NOMINATION OF COMMISSIONER OF AGRICUL- TURE. The State Democratic Committee, after canvassing the returns of the polling, decided that Mr. Koiner had been nominated as candidate of the party by a majority of 1,118 votes over Mr. Brown. That Mr. Brown should have come so near defeating Mr. Koiner is a matter of great credit to him and the discriminating and think- ing electors who voted for him. That Mr. Koiner should have been nominated again after the exposure made of his constant and continued failure to work in harmony with the State Board of Agriculture which by the con- stitution is charged with the care of the agricultural in- terests of the State and of his failure to keep and make a satisfactory accounting of his dealings with the funds of the Department as reported by the Legislative Audit- ing Committee is astonishing to us. We can only ac- count for such action by supposing that a large number of them never investigated or studied the conditions. Had they done so we are satisfied that Mr- Brown would have been nominated. We regret the result more for the fu- ture welfare and advancement of the agricultural inter- ests of the State than for anything personal either to Mr. Brown or ourselves. Some victories are more dis- astrous than failures and this is such a one. 956 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [Octobei, Miscellaneous. GROUND LIMESTONE. Editor Sotithern Planter: I wish to commend your interest in crushed limestone rock for agricultural purposes. To economically build up most of our Southern soils lime will have to be used and it seems most fortunate that the rock dust will take the place of the burnt lime, since many of the State have within their borders ample lime- stone rock. We have been working with the farmers of Tennessee for a few years to get them to use the rock dust, but a lack of uniformity of railroad rates has been the greatest barrier to its introduction. As a solution to the situation we have tried to en courage the manufacturers of rock crushing machines to get out a portable machine, such as could be operated with an ordinary threshing engine and produce from ten to twenty tons per day. Two firms have been working on this proposition and will have machines on the market within the next few months. One of these firms will exhibit their portable machine at the Tennessee State Fair this year. We believe that the portable machine will do more to introduce crushed limestone than even re- duced railroad rates, as farmers living more than a few miles from the railroad find it expensive to haul. The value and demand for crushed limestone rock for concrete construction is a competitive factor that must be recognized in the introduction of crushed limestone rock for agricultural purposes. The portable machine would adjust this competition. Our experiments in this State with crushed limestone rock are very much beyond what we had anticipated, and I feel sure that many of the lands which have been re- duced in fertility by single-crop methods or injudicious rotations may be practically redeemed by the use of crushed limestone rock, phosphorus, green manures and legumes. H. A. MORGAN. Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. bring out any single instance in which when most any form of calcium (sulphate of lime, phosphate of lime, car bonate of lime) was used rationally without good results I will not go so far as Mr. Wing did in his answer to the Country Life Commission, "that if the farmer could just get plenty of carbonate of lime all other things would be added unto him." However, there undoubtedly is some peculiar virtue in calcium — actual values far above what; the chemist finds by analysis. Witness the outstanding success limestone countries have achieved in all branches of live stock. Let every Virginian interested in land urge this measure upon his Representative before he goes to Richmond. W. B. DOAK. Editor Southern Planter: No measure of greater moment to Virginia farmers directly and to the entire State eventually can come be- fore the Legislature than the ground limestone proposi- tion suggested by The Southern Planter in behalf of the State Farmers' Institute. Illinois is using a large part of her convicts in crushing rock for public roads and grinding the purest limestone, which is sold to farmers for just enough to oifset wear and tear of machinery, superintendence of guards and other cash outlay, generally about 60 cents per ton at the quarry. The railroads then agreed on the very low rate of half a cent per ton per mile for hauling same. Such a general movement in the Old Dominion will work a revolution in its soil, variety and volume of its products. Persistent use of lime rock followed by sairfoin. etc., has completely changed the ap pearance of whole provinces in France. What I have seen of Virginia farming, both west and east of the Blue Ridge, in the limestone country and out of it. fails to Editor Southern Planter: I am exceedingly glad to see the move made for cheaper and more abundant ground limestone in your State. The idea of having the State do the grinding and sell It as it has done in Illinois for 75 cents a ton is a splendid one. It will bring millions of wealth to Virginia if it can be done. Why can it not he done? Is there any reason why the State should not do it? At present I tliink there is not a firm in Virginia making the stuff. There is room for everyone to make it, any way. Virginia ought to use a million tons this year. I question if there is an acre of land in the State that would not be helped by appli- cation of more carbonate of lime. Recently in Augusta county I saw a field of alfalfa that was beautiful on one side, poor and miserable on the other side. Dust from a lime crusher, carried by the wind to one side, has made that side so beautiful and good. There are a thousand such illustrative evidences in Virginia of the Immense good that can come from use of raw, unburned lime dust and no possible evil can ver come of it. Tell your legislators of the 6 tons to the acre of alfalfa that Hayes L. Morgan got by use of ground limestone in Rich Valley (on limestone land; mark you) of .the 1.209 tons of alfalfa hay that Mr. Jack is getting this year on the Rappahannock, from use of limestone. Tell him that ground limestone will make bluegrass everywhere possi- ble, and better blue grass where it is already established, that it will add millions to the value of Virginia farm lands and in no possible way can it harm anyone. It will do the prisoners good to take the exercise needed to break it and throw it into the crushers. It will increase the tonnage of the railways for it will give them crops to haul. For the sake of your State work up a campaign for this thing. With cheap ground limestone, and farmers taught to use it, you can redeem Virginia from the reproach of poor soil, return to her her young blood now wandering in exile, schools will flourish, villages grow and prosper, the country merchant, the blacksmith, the preacher, the laborer, every one in Virginia will be the richer for it. E. W. ARMISTEAD. 1909.] Tllh: SOUTlIEKiX PLANTEiR. 957 LOUDOUN HEAVY DRAFT AND AGRICULTURAL AS- SOCIATION- Tlie third annual exhibition of this association was held at Leesburg, Va., September 1st and 2nd. It was the pretty general opinion of the several thousands who paid to see it, that the show was a most creditable one, espe- cially as to quality. Notwithsanding the severe drought through which Loudoun county has passed this summer, the burnt pastures were not rellected to any appreciable extent in the stock shown, as it was in excellent condition. President Westmoreland Davis, Secretary W. A. Metzger and associates have laborcl indefatigably for several years to make this little county show a success and their labors are bringing forth good fruit. It has been our pleasure to attend these exhibitions from the initial one and we note a great improvement, not only in interest, but in the quality of the stock also. Loudoun county has the foun- dation well laid to become one of the greatest horse markets in the East if she will only avail herself of her opportunities. Let the farmers continue to support this show where friendly rivalry is a sure incentive to breei jng better stock and more of it- John F. Lewis, of Rockingham county, a prominent Pereheron breeder, placed the ribbons in the heavy draft classes, giving general satisfaction. A striking feature of the show was the exhibit of nine pure-bred Pereheron stallions, owned in the county. There was not a medicore one in the lot. The Virginia State Fair has never equaled this class in quality or quantity. Additional interest in this exhibit was due to the fact that several owners gave special prizes for the get of thei horses. Among them were E. B. White for the get of ■'Cassius"; H. C. Rogers for the get of "Artisan"; Berke- ley Ward for the get of "Colonel"; C. J. C. Maffett for the get of "Canoak"; Thomas R. Smith for the get of "Pragon." H. C. Groome, of Airlie Farm, Warrenton, Va., exhibited his imported Suffolk Punch stallion, "Sudbourne Don." As this was the first Punch ever seen in the county, he naturally created a great deal of interest and no little favorable comment. Westmoreland Davis and E. B. White exhibited each day an excellent lot of imported Pereheron fillies much to the delight of the crowd and credit of the exhibitors. All classes were well filled and many of them were leixceptionally strong. Especially so was that for best grade mare or gelding two years old. Fifteen entries faced the judge and gave him an uncomfortable half hour The cattle exhibit consisted of Guernseys, shown by Morven Park. H. T. Harrison and H. H. Trundell, all of Leesburg, Va. The swine department showed Berkshires. Large Blacks of England and Yorkshires, exhibited, respectively, by F. E. Saunders, H. T. Harison and Morven Park. The sheep exhibit consisted of Shropshires, exhibited by W. A. Harper and H. T. Harrison and Dorsets shown by Morven Park. In the agricultural department, upwards of fifty ex- hibitors showed excellent samples of wheat, corn, rye, oats, potatoes, apples and butter. Seventeen exhibitors made a splendid showing in the poultry department, especially considering the season of the yrar. By way of entertainment the afternoons were given over SCENES AT LOUDOUN HK.WY DR.AFT SIKUV 1. The crowd at the grand stainl. 2. Imported Pereheron Fillies — Selma Stock Farm. 3. A Smart Tandem — Mrrf. Davi.s Up. 4. Imported Pereheron Mares — Jlorvtii Park Instate. 5. Blue Ribbon Grade Draft Mare. 6. First Prize Six-Horse Team. to racing and steeplechasing, for which an attractive gram had been provided. pro- k 1)58 THE SOUT'HERN PLANTER. Octohrr, We append list of winners in the heavy draft classes: Best mare or gelding, 4 years or over, grade — C. E. Norman, Purcelville, Va. Best mare or gelding, 3 years, grade — M. H. Whitmore, Leesburg, "Va. Best mare or gelding 2 years, grade — E. B. White, Lees- burg, Va. Best colt, 1 year, grade — Berkeley Ward, Peonian Springs, Va. Best brood mare grade — C. E. Noorman, Purcelville, Va Best two-horse team, grade — C. E. Norman, Purcellville, Va. Best mare or gelding shown in harness, grade — F. M. Love, Leesburg, Va. E. B. White Special— R. L. Kidwell, Leesburg, Va. Best mare and foal, grade — Berkeley Ward, Paeonian Springs, Va. Best 1909 foal, grade — E. B. White, Leesburg, Va. Best six-horse team, grade — M. H. Whitmore, Lees burg. Va. Best four-horse team, grade — C. E. Norman, Puree ville. Va. H. C. Rogers Special — ^E'dgar McCray, Hamilton, Va. Berkeley Ward Special — (Winner not reported). Thom'as R. Smith Specials (2) — W. T. Brown. Leesburg Va., and W. L. Simpson, Purcelville, Va. C. J. C. Maffett Special— .J. G. Everhart, Areola, Va. Best three colts, mares or geldings, 3 years or under get of same stallion — E. B. White, Leesburg, Va. H. T. Harrison Specia" — C. E. Norman, Purcellville, Va. SHEPHERD. THE TENANT QUESTION. Editor Southern Planter: I note that some reference is made to the tenant sys- tem in your August issue, in Virginia. I have had the misfortune the last two years to be forced to become a tenant and in reading the various opinions I find nothing of the real side of the difficulty. In the first place I have never found a land owner who would keep his part of the contract, or a farm for rent that would feed the renter if it was all put in crop th first year or any year after if it was farmed according to the owner's ideas so far as I have heard them as yet. As to the owner feeding the tenant's family or stand- ing good for his debts I think in such a case it only shows the owner to be as much of a fool as thp tenant is a rogue. Now as to Mr. Massey's suggestions for a man tO work for wages I would like to hear what any owner would like to pay a man as wages or how he would estimate his value. I have seen tenants who think they are work- ing awful hard when they have in 25 acres of corn and a few peas, then others who are to lazy to do even half that yet the owners will offer $25.00 per month to all alike, they feeding themselves. They will furnish a ten- ant one mule and a pony plow and tell him that .he must put in corn. At times I have known that the land has been in corn for forty years straight and then they grumble if ho makes nothing. I have seen the owner offer a tenant land wherein he could not run a plow twenty feet without hitting a rock or a briar patch or sassafras thicket and expect him to clean it out for noth- ing as well as the fence rows and him only renting from year to year. On top of this the owner having the gall to ask two-fifths of the crop and the tenant to furnish everything but the land and the buildings — is this fair? I have seen tenants who had been compelled to turn ' under dead sage grass three feet high and put -same in corn next day. In such a case who has the least brains, the tenant or the owner?. As to the negro tenant, he is just what the land owner has made him and if he is not satisfactory who is to blame and why do the land owners employ him? It surely cannot be because he is cheap as he is certainly worth no more than he is paid and very -^ seldom that. Now as to getting Northern and Western farmers to come here. T am from the West though raised in the South and wish to say right here that unless the owners in Virginia wish to treat the Westerners as men who are their equals in every way they will never become ten- ants in Virginia. In many cases the houses offered them to live in would not be tolerated in the West for the hogs. As to working for wages, well a good man can get $45 and board for ten hours work per day the year around excluding Sundays and national holidays. Will Virginia farmers be willing to pay it? I think not. Let us consider a question of ability. I can put in 300 acres of various grains every year and care for it alone (excepting the harvest) and plow under a pea crop besldp where needed. Now can I afford to work for wages bet ter than work on shares? I rather think not. I kno\\ both IVTr. Grizzard and Mr. Massey tell the facts but whert is the difficulty? For vou must admit that the owners have less (or at least no more) brains than the tenants or these things could not be. I am right from a commamlty In the far West, settler] by good honorable old Southern gentlemen who lost all they had and fought through the war, went West and have done well, and such things do not exist there. A man is a man. be he a tenant or a wage worker or ownei-. so long as he so conducts himself. Otherwise he is forced to leave the neighborhood. But I know of no part of the United States wheie a man can do better at farming than in Virginia, and I would that I could get the use of all the vacant farms for a rental of ,say 6 per cent, of the investment without one dollar from the owner in cash or security for me in any- thing. The only remedy is for the owner to lease the land conditionally for a term of years compelling the tenant to follow some rotation satisfactory to both and to put in a stated number of acres. Give a tenant a clear farm with good fences or pay him for doing such work for you. If the land won't produce when the tenant takes charge thp owner should make it produce by supplying all the fer tilizer necessary the first year, as the tenant could not be expected in fairness to make the land and pay for the use of it besides. After the first year the rotation will take care of it with the addition of very little fertilizer. Give the tenant four good horses or mules, a gang plow, a four-horse disc drill and an IS-foot harrow and he won'i be all day p'owing and working one acre. I hope we shall hear more from both sides of this suli- ject — a vital one to Virginia. M. Florida. 1!)0!).] THE SOUTHEKN PLANTER. 959 THE TAZEWELL FAIR. Editor Southern Planter: The Tazewell Fair Association has just closed the most successful exhibition in the history of the county. In terest was manifested on every hand, both by exhibitors and visitors. The attendance was the largest In th history of the association, the attractions the most varied and the exhibits of highest class. Many things exhibited would have taken high rank at a State fair, and quite a number of articles shown will appear on the tables, in the stalls and in the coops of the coming "Virginia State Fair in October. The first prize bearded wheat (awarded to R. S. Moss, Burkes Garden. Va.) was pronounced by many (the representative of the Norfolk & Western ex- hibit being one) the best wheat ever seen. Apples, grapes potatoes, tomatoes, etc., shown would certainly push the products of any section of the State for first honors. The credit for the surprising success of the agricultural ex- hibit is largely due to the editor of The Clinch Valley News, who devoted his paper and his personal efforts to working up this, the people's, feature of a county fair Mr. LeaBaume's (Norfolk & Western Railroad) beautiful museum added much to the attractiveness of the agricul- tural section. The poultiT show was a surprise for quality to Judge Corey, of New York. A list of winnings will possibly ap- pear elsewhere in The Planter. The exhibition of cattle and sheep, while not larger than usual, was of high quality, the splendid Shorthorns, Hampshire and Southdown sheep from the Hon. H. C. Stuart's farms being among the entries. The contest, which, due to the limited number of entries, was between all breeds exhibited ( a difficult and hardly fair proposi- tion), was a close one between Mr. Stuart's Southdowns and Mr. C. R. Brown's Shropshires. The committee hung the blue on Mr. Stuart's ram. Mr. Brown's ewe and Mr. Brown's pen, the latter winning also second ram and second ewe. Mr. Stuart's magnificent Percheron stallion, winner of the blue at the International, 1906 was one of the attrac- tions of the fair to the critical horse judges of this great horse-raising county of Tazewell. The exhibition of saddle horses has never been sur passed in the history of fair-making in the county. Th blue ribbon for best saddler, to the chagrin of Tazewell fanciers, went to Russell county. Mr. A. A. Wysor being the winner. For. a report of the spectacular racing the interested are referred to the daily papers who keep better posted on such matters than your country correspondent. Who can estimate the impetus to the progress of agri- culture and stock raising .given by a county fair? Burke's Garden, Va. A. S. G. GOOD ADVICE FROM AN OLD VIRGINIAN. Editor f, Manure Spreader The "Fearlkss" Spreader, built narro^v, .spreads ^ride, because the circular beater distributes outside the wheels. Covers evenly a six and one-half foot .-rtrip, spread- ing' from a three foot box. Passes a farm sjate easily as an ordinary heavy wagon. Means fewer trips to the field and no driv- insT over manure already spread. Write at once for free booklet. HARDER MFG. COMPANY BOX S2 Cableikill,:«.Y. BANK OF RICHMOND Main and Ninth Streets. CAPITAL $1,000,000.00. SURPLUS $475,000.00. Special attention paid to out-of-town accounts. Correspondence invited. ) Three per cent. Interest Al lowed in Savings Department. Compounded Semi-Annually. 962 '1 ■ THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, WHICH IS YOU? Which of these women is you? One has consented to use a disk filled "bucket bowl" cream separator, and will spend twenty minutes twice a day washing the 40 to 60 disks it con- tains, as shown in the right hand pan. One has insisted on having a simple, sanitary Sharpies Dairy Tubular and will spend only twenty seconds twice a day washing the tiny piece in the left hand pan — the only piece Dairy Tubular bowls contain. Be the left hand woman. Insist on a Tubular. World's biggest separator factory. Sales exceed most, if not al' others combined. Write for catalog 290 The Sharpies ^Separator Co. West Chester, Pa Toronto. Can. Winnipeg, Can. Chicago, III. San Francisco. Cal. Portland, Ore. THE CAMBRIDGE. CORRUGATED Lancl R.oIler and Pulverizer THE3 BBST IN THE WORIiD. Used by the State T3St Farm, "Vlr_ ginla Agricultural College, Sweet Briar Institute, Miller M. L. School and some of the best farmers in the State. R. F. Harris & Co., Charlottesville, Va. Tlie • MOniaRCH" STEEL STUMP PULLER, The best and simplest on earth. N( cost to you, except freight, until It It ■et up and giving satisfaction. Nina years experience in this buslnesi Write for catalogue and prices. JOS. W. RITCHIE, Agent, RoBte 1, Grottoes, Va. WITH THE ADVERTISERS. The Youth's Companion has a prominent announcement on another page. The Page Woven Wire Fence Co. starts the season's advertising this month. Fleming Brothers are advertising their well known veterinary remedies in this issue. The Straub Co. offers our readers its excellent grinding mill again this Fall. Dickelman Mfg. Co. offers a good roofing on another page. The Enterprise Mfg. Co. has an at- tractive half page anouncement In this number. Fairbank, Morse & Co. offers the "Jack, Jr." engine this month. Write for particulars. The Vermont Farm Machine Co. is advertising its celebrated U. S. Cream Separator in this issue. This company will have an attractive exhibit at the Virginia State Fair. Horsemen will be interested in the advertisement of Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. of its well know spavin cure. Look up the advertisement of the Kelly Duplex Grinding Mill. Venable & Ford have a half page advertisement of attractive farm bar- gains in this issue. P. H. Gold is offering his entire herd of finely bred Berkshires. Look up his advertisement. The Sysonby Gardens have a prom- inent announcement of prize-winning poultry on another page. The King Weeder Co. has a half page ad in this issue to which atten- tion is invited. Ralph Izzard offers some finely bred Jersey bulls at farmers' prices. J. B. Gray, the veteran Poland- China breeder, has his usual Fall an- nouncement in this issue. Maj. A. R. Venable, Jr., has three advertisements in this issue offering a splendid Jersey herd bull, also some young stuff and his flock of R. I. Red fowls. THE STANDARD PUMPING ENGINE We have pleasure in calling the at- tention of our readers to the half page advertisement of the Standard Pumping Engine for water supply plants. This company, through its agent, the Sydnor Pump and Well Co. is now prepared to serve the farmers in this territory with an entire outfit for water supply for the house, kitch- en or barn. They will take great pleasure in submitting estimates on cost of installation of such a plant. Remember that it does not matter what your source of supply is, this company will deliver the water to any and every point at which it is wanted. See the Sydnor Pump & Well Com- pany's exhibit at the Virginia State Fair, also send for their catalogue. DEDERICK'S BALING PRESSES For hay and everything that can be baled —strong, serviceable, durable Presses, made from the best of materials, by workmen who are experts at press building. Backed by more than fifty years of sys- tematic developmentand Improvement. The Dederick was the/'rs< practical Baling Press —It is the best to-day. P. K. DEDERICK'S Sons 55 TivoLi St., Albant. N.Y. 1 im:rFPiMi!.«?t; Good for a lifetime of hard work. Our Catalogue will in- terest you— It's free. W\M jiuuilBil' "'"""i-jitZJ.r'MBIilllifJiii ..I Self-Feed 3-Stroke pi; Baling KldRK Press Latest addition to the great "Ell" family. Three strokes with automatic self-feed makes the gang hustle. Built on lines that make horse presses really valu able. Greatest leverage when pressure is hard- est. Low Step-over, Full Circle, Block Signals, etc. A little giant in strength. We've always led as hay- press builders— 18 different stvles. horse and belt powers. All in onecatalog and it's free. Wrlteforlt. Collins Plow Co., 118S Hampshire St., Quincy, III. SAWS! IAkf WOOD IN ANY POSITION I OM ANY GROUND _ . 4 Into 6 It. Through Man ^'^ * Poidino Daaf e 9 '*^'' "'"I? ^ man Sawing Machine DBalS & Croas-eiriSaw Slo OcordsdallyUlhsusual avorage for one man. Biras BABIjCi?==sia^=SEi« JO. BiWS DOWN Our 1910 Model Machine saws faster.runs easier and will last longer than ever. Adjusted in a minute to suita 1?- year-old boy or strongest man. Ask for catalog NO.M74 and low price. First order gets agency t)oldlag Sawlog Mach. Co.,lSS C. Harrisoa St., Cbteago. I". HARVEY BOLSTER SPRINGS I Soon save their cost. Make every wagon a spring i IwaBon, tberefore fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc., I I bring more money. Ask for special proposition. I I Hamj BpriBg Co., 733 17th St. , BaeiM, Wli. I Free Trial To You OSGOOD SCAX.E: WHte for Gatmloeue Indispensable on every farm^ saves the time »nd money yoo wouldspendon a public soale.and assures perfect accaracy »1. ways. Prfci'd within r reach; good fora life- 0»fro«d Scale Co*. noxZOSBfnKhauiton, N.V. Wo Will RiuP A RURAL MAIL BOX, W¥C WW III UIVC The best and handsomest Galvanized Steel Rural Mail Box made, to the first person sending address of party "iuvassmg for peti- tions for new Rural Route. -Write today.-^ ^ ■ 190S.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 963 FREE SAMPLE OF CONGO- Careful buyers instead of making their decision in the hardware store while the dealer is talking, prefer to get samples and study the matter over quietly and thoroughly at home. In the case of roofings this is easily done. The United Roofing and Man- ufacturing Companay, who make Congo Roofing, are willing to forward samples of all grades of their roofing, together with booklet telling about their famous guarantee bond, free of charge, to any one interested. The receiver is under no obligation to buy. The' manufacturers of Congo Roof- ing believe that their material stands Investigation pretty well, and are sat- isfied to let it talk for itself. If you are in the market for roofing you need not hesitate to ask the com- pany to send you a free sample. Ad- dress the United Roofing & Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Chicago or San Fran- cisco. $400,000,000 WASTE. One of the problems of the age is the prevention of the immense waste of natural resources that is going on in America. The United States gov- ernment is trying to conserve the wild game, the forests, water power, the land and other natural resources. But each individual farmer loses 10 per cent, of his output of "animal products," such as eggs, cheese, milk, meat, etc., from th$ ravages of insect pests. The total sum of money ac- tually lost in this way every year by the American farmer amounts to about $200,000,000— equal to about one- fifth of the total capitalization of all the national banks in the United States. These losses, caused by insects, could be largely prevented, if every farmer would regularly use Black Draught Disinfectant and Dip, to dis- infect all his animal and poultry houses and the animals and birds themselves. Not only that, but an ad- ditional saving could be made in the prevention of germ diseases, which probably cost the farmer another $200,000,000 per annum, by this same disinfection, properly carried out in accordance with the instructions that go with the medicine. H INCOME INSURANCE Has come to stay. Peonle want it The many wills left, providing annual incomes through trustees, attest this fact. Men want certainty- A lump sum of money left to a widow, is lia- ble to be borrowed, loaned, wasted, or lost by ba,d investment, or the in- come therefrom delayed or greatly depreciated. Money left with a Life Insurance Company, to be returned as an annual semi-annual, quarterly or monthly in- come is safe. Our interesting document No. 842 giving full particulars will be sent on request. T. A. Cary, No. 601 Mutual Assur- ance Society Building, Richmond, Va. THE 'YOUTHS COMPANION These nine issues FREE if you subscribe now The contents of the 1910 volume would cost ^30 if printed in book form. The paper will be filled with reading that young and old delight in — and every line of it "worth while." Good things for next year : 50 Star Articles — by Men and Women Famous in Some Profession or Field of Useful Achievement. 250 Good Stories — including Several Serial Stories; Stories of Character, Adventure and Heroism. 1000 Notes on Current Events and Public Affairs ; the Most Recent Discoveries in Nature and Science^ 2000 One-Minute Stories — Anecdotes and Miscellany; Timely Editorials, Children's Page, Weekly Health Articles, etc. Illustrated Aaaouncemeni and Sample Copies of the Paper Free. NOV. AND DEC. FREE New Subscribers who at once cut out and send this slip (or mention this publication) with $1.75 for the 1910 Volume of The Companion will receive All the November and December issues from the time the subscription is received, including the Thanksgiving and Christmas Numbers, and The Companion's "Venetian" Calendar for 1910, lith- ographed in thirteen colors and gold. Then The Youth's Companion for the fifty-two weeks of 1910 — -a treasury of reading that ^ould cost $30 if printed in book form. oq a THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. A KEEN LAD. "I had always heard that New Eng- landers were 'smart,'" a young phy- sician who has "graduated" from a village practice remarked the other day, "but I hardly thought it develop- ed at such an early age." He smiled reminiscently, then con- tinued: "Just after I settled in Dobbs Cor- ners a 12-year-old boy called on me one evening. " 'Say, Doc. I guess I got measles,' he remarked, 'but nobody knows it 'cept the folks at home, an' they ain't the kind that talks, if there's any good reason to keep quiet.' "I was puzzled, and I suppose I looked it. ■' 'Aw, get wise. Doc,' my small visitor suggested. 'What will you giVe me to go to school an' spread it among all the kids in the village?'" — Lippincott's. 964 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, Grind ear com, nhelled com, oats, rye» wheat, bar- ley, Kaffir corn, cotton seed* corn in shucks, (^hcuf oatd. orany kind of grain: coarse, medium or fine. The only mill in the world made with a double set of grind- ers or burrs. SIX SIZES 1 Easily operated. Never chokp. Fully guar- anteed. Especially adapted tor gaso* lino engines. Write for catalog and any information desired. DMPia MILL • MF6. CO. Boi 20 SpringliBld, Ohi, ROOFING =^eight Paid— Order Now Get Breese Bros, guaranteed Roofing now— while the factory price is still lowest and we pay freight. None other like it, or so good. Unqualified GUARANTEE. One-ply, 35-lb. roll. S1.35; two-ply, 45 lb. roll, S1.85: three-ply, 55-lb. roll, $2.25;— freight prepaid to points east of the west line of Minnesota, Iowa and Mis- sotiri, and north of south line of Tennessee— on orders of four rolls or more. Order from this advertisement or write for Sfenerous Free Samples to test. We save you money. THE BREESE BROS. CO. Roofing Dept.64 Clr.clnnafl Oi SAVE MONEY ON ROOFING $^ AA^"^'^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^- ^^^ °^ strictly high I 1^^^^ grade rooting, either rubber or flint coat sitr< ■ BB^H face, with cement and nails complete. * Most liberal offer ever made on first class roofing. Betterthan goods that sellatmuch higher prices. Don't spend a dollar on roofing until you have seen UNITO ASPHALT ROOFING You senit no money when you order Unite Roofing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Write today for free samples for test and comparison and our unparalleled selling plan. UNITID FACTORIES CO. Dept. A6,Clevaland,0. MONTROSS METAL SHINGLES Resist wear. Best roof- ing on the market. M ade by us for over 20 years' Satisfied users all over the country, storm, Lightn- ing and Fireproof. Orna- mental. Inexpensive. Cat'i logue gives full infor- mation. EASTLAKESHINQLE MONTROSS MBTAL SHINQLB CO., 113 Brie St., - - Camden, N. J. ROOF TROUBLES TEU ME YOUR Let me tell you, FREE, how to cure your roof troubles for keeps. ROOF-FIX cures roof troubles in your felt, gravel, shingle, steel, tin or iron roofs. The loiigest-lived roof-dress- ing made — for sound roofs. Oet my new free book about roofs and roofing. Write to ANDERSON, "The Roof-Fix Man" Uept. 6 1 Ely r la, Ohio A Neat Binder for your back num- bers can be had for 30 cents. Addreai our Business Department. THE REAL GOVERNOR. While Govprnor Wilson, of Ken- tucky was house-bound last winter, owing to a strained tendon in his leg, he was attended by "Jim," who had been general factotum to many Gov- ernors, and who was a source of much fun among State House attaches. The lame leg caused the Governor to move his office temporarily to the mansion, where he received many delegations. On one occasion Mrs. Wilson had waited luncheon for thirty minutes, and she told his Excellency that he must come down and eat with her. "My dear," said Mr. Wilson, "just as soon as I see that delegation of men down stairs I'll be with you." Mrs. Wilson was determined, and said. "Jim, you go down and tell them to wait." "Jim," frowned the Governor, as that worthy started off to obey the mistress of the mansion — "Jim, you know who is Governor, don't you?" "Yas, sir," grinned Jim, with seem- ing innocence, "yas, sir, I'll go down and tell the gemmen to wait, sar." — Lippincott's. ABSORBINE FOR SPRAINS. The readers of this publication will doubtless be interested in the follow- ing letter, which was recently receiv- ed by W. F. Young, Springfield, Mass., from one of his customers: "In the spring of '07 I sprained my horse very badly and tried many so-called cures and gave up in despair. 1 had seen your ad in many papers and last spring my horse got lame, and I thought I would give Absorbine a chance. To my surprise my horse began to get better and now he ap- pears like a 5-year-old colt, although he is only 26 vears old. — J. H. De- Witt, Shokan, N. Y." Mr. Young would be glad to send free pamphlet giving detailed infor- mation regarding treatment for re- moving soft bunches, swellings, re- ducing lameness, inflammation, etc. Write to-day. Absorbine for sale at druggists $2 per bottle, or sent ex- press prepaid upon receipt of price. W. F. YOTJNG, P. D. F., 109 Temple St., Springileld, Mass. HELPS TO HOME COMFORT. There are many houses whose weatherside rooms are cold in winter regardless of how hard the furnace is driven. There may be sudden chansres in the weather, or cold halls that cannot bp heated effectively with the regular heating apparatus. A port- able heater, such as the Perfection Oil Heater, will overcome these con- ditions nerfpctlv. The "Perfection" is an oil heater, handsomely flnisTTed in lapan and nickel, and is equipned with a patent burner and smokeless device which Prevents thp flame being turned too high or low, and the heater from smoking. With the "Perfection" at hand you Big Cut D On Our irect Price Send your name, quick, for Free Books and cut price on Quaker City Feed Grinders, so we can reserve one for you to just suit yotu needs and save you all jobbers', middle- men's and dealers' profits on Quaker City Feed Grinding Mills Now sold only direct from our big factory on our liberal prompt shipment plan on Free Trial — No Deposit, and Freight Prepaid Convince yourself at our risk that the Quaker City Mill grinds fastest, does the best work with least power and least trouble on your part. Ear com, shelled com, all grains — separate or mixed, coarse, medium or the finest table meal; try the Quaker on all of these. Grinds soft and wet com jost as well as dry corn. Write for Free Book, cut prices, gfnar- anty, free trial and prepaid freight offer. One of Our New 1910 Quaker City MiUs will just fit your requirements and make you good money. Specify Feed-Mill CataloKue. THE STRAUS CO. 3737 rabert Street, W. PhilaJelpfci«. Pk. SAW MILLS Whether you want a little mill for custom sawing or one that will cut 50,000 ft, of lumber a day, we have it for you in the Knight Mills of modem build and construction. We make eight sizes of mills (portable and staiioTiary) and a line of saw-mill appliances and ma- chinery that is abreast of the times. It will pay you to know about Knight Head Blocks, Set IVorks, Swing Saws, Single Sam and Gang Edgers, Self Feed Rip Saws, etc. Write ior free Catalog to tell you of the np-to-date things in our Une, Send for it today. THE KNIGHT MFC. GO. )S4 S. Hartet DEAN EAR CORN CUTTER. In 1, 2 and 4 hole size; Slices com from Va to 2 in.; does it rapidly; just the machine to prepare corn for calves, stock or fat cattle; no waste, they eat it all. Cutter returned at our expense if not satisfactory. Circulars free; write today. Enterprise Wind Mill Co., Dept. 11 Sandwich, III. BOILERS AND BNGINBS. 16-horse Traction, |300; 12-hora«, $260; 10-herse, $200; boilers and ea- Sines from 2 to 100 horse, all styles and sizes, new and second band; 4- horse gasoline engine, $75; 8-bor«a $160; 12-borse, |200: Saw-Mlll. |1SC; boilers, tanks and smoke-stacks. GASBT boii.|!:r wobks, Springfield, Ohio. mteasp maoHT paid $8,78 for « Bunr WbKb, SImI TlrM. with Robber TtrM, nU mff. wh«UKto4lii.trud. Buigr'TopltS.BO.SIu/oiaOIll Ikf •qiki lU: llanMSS.tI. Urn knu tar tmo. CuilnnPrMW Repair Wbeclt, ift.fiO. W.gon Umbrellft rBEB.w viBOOS. ClK»aMU.O. Please mention the Southern Planter. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 965 See That Generator? Bad. Be able to tell yoar blue dress from t>lack. See while you are trying, with- out Btrainlngr the eyes. No smoke, ne Sl«bes to break or lamps to clean, or fall or explode; no danger of kllUns you while you sl«ep. Leai work per month than one lamp. Costs less than Kerosene, and always ready at all tlmea. We will send you one ready to put up. Write us to-day. nDEJAL EP WORTH ACBTYl.BNB CO., «20 Elder St., JOHNSTOWN, PA. ited Wealth May Be Your^ below the surface of the ground in depoilta of coal, oil, gae, oree or metala. The sureet and most economical wa/todeterminewhat the ground contain! is by means of the 'American" Coring IMachine which will remove a jj=- coreof any size, any^ depth, thru any kind of shale or rock formation cheaper than by any other method. Our new catalog describes every method of well sinking and mineral prospecting— FBEE. The American Well Works, oibm * w«rk>, Aurora, III. First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. Sydnor Pump Company. Bichmocd. Virginia. can in a few minutes warm any room or liall in tlie house tliat liappens to be cold. It will supply suflScient heat when it is too warm to run the regu- lar furnace and too cold to do with- out heat entirely, and will prove a great factor in improving the comfort and, furthermore, saving trouble and expense in any household. At night there is nothing that will add more to the real comfort and coz- iness of a home than the Rayo Lamp. It gives a clear, steady light, perfect for reading or sewing, or any purpose and suitable for any room. It has latest improved burners and Is an un- usually safe, clean lamp for house- hold use. Being made entirely of metal except the shade, the danger of carrying a glass lamp about Is eliminated by its use. Perfection Heaters and Rayo Lamps are sold by all dealers. SYDNOR'S RHODE ISLAND REDS. W. D. Sydnor, formerly of Barton Heights, but now of EUerson, Hanover county, writes us that his birds are in fine shape and that he will have ' a fine exhibit at the State Fair. Though recently moved to his new location, he is rapidly getting in shape an up- to-date poultry breeding establish- ment. ^~ Rockford Engine Works. tO t h Dept. 85, Reckford, lU. ^L 9 s TheJOngine thai wiU pleate you ^H o Bttore yoa fufiSSk Bg Q ^ Goairaci or *J^HH«m|L^. /zTn •^ § bay write (or . fflg^S^^'^ ||[ 9 n ? our propost. -'i^' - ^^^^"-"^^ Hon Ncat-Nobbr-Haaly. < All Styles S to SO ta. p. NEW A«Sgon « More than a niiUlon and a quarter of them ar* In use and several hundred thousand ttumers say that they are the best investment they ever made^ They'll save you more money, more work, give be^ ter service and greater satisfaction than any othar metal wheel made— because Thoy'rs Made Bettar. By every test they are the best. Spokes united Co the hub. If they work loose, your money bnck. Don't buy wheels nor wagon until you read our book. It may save you many dollars and It's Ire*. ELECTRIC WHEEL CO., Box 146 Quinoy,llls. THE EMPIRE WAY IS THE 20 TEARS- SERVICE WAY Any old wheel may prove effl- 'cient in a ehort trial. But the ^ -Twheel that will give 20 yeara* Fservice, roughing it oa the farm* j f is the one that merits you r order. A customer writes . "Enclosed find Forderfor Empire wheels. I have had fa set of your wheels in almost constant j J asQ for 16 years and they are as good [ I M when I got them. '* We make them f I even better now. Quality is the Empire I idea all thro". We gain success Uiro' I I excellence. Oonstrnctlon is the vital 1 [point in making steel wheels. "The I 1 Empire Way" makes thorn indestruo- ' \ tible. For lasting service, and lack of I repair bills. Empire Steel Wheels can't \ \ be beaten. Remember the Guarantee. ^ Ask about Empi reWatrons. Catalog free. Dpire Mfg. Co. , Box 25B • QinncrJlt ^ BARGAMS M 2nd Hand Machinery. For Sale by The Watt Plow Co., RlchmoBdi Ta. One 8 H. P. Peerless Geiser Kns^tne and Boiler, on steel Trbeels. naed tvro months, and as sood as ne-w. One 8 H. P. Frlck Eclipse Boiler and Bng^lne, on wheels. In first-class or- der; jnst oirerhanled. One 12 H. P. Ames Bnirine and Boil- er, on Tvheels, Just overhauled in our shop, and in first-class shape. One 25 H. P. detached Brie Eniirlne. without boiler. One 20 H. P. Peerless (Geiser) Bn- slne and Boiler, on steel wheels. n8«d eishteen months, and tn llrst-clasa condition in every tray. One American Combined L,ath-Mlll and Bolter, -with t^vo inserted Tooth- Lath Saws and one Inserted Tooth Bolting: Saw. One 20-inch Sweepstakes Planer, Matcher and Molder complete, with countershaft and pulleys. One 12 H. P. Second-hand LiKhtninK Balance Gasoline Bniclnes, mounted, manufactured by the Kansas City Hay Press Co. THE WATT PLOW CO., 1426 F. Main St., Richmond, Va. 966 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, A Sample of PAGE FENCE-FREE! Let us Kend you an Bctunl sample of Page Woven Wire Fence and our vuluublo Quar- ter Centennial Catalog Free. See the real Page Wire! Kxamiue the method of weav- ing the wonderful Page Knot— the Knot that c'lin't eouie ofl'l Study the many styles of Page Fence and the Panorama of Pic- tures showing extreme tests which this splendid fence withstands. Head how. in our great mills and factories, we put elos- tU'lty, tensile strenitth and durability into High Carliou, Basic Open Hearth Steel Wire. Learn what this means in economy. Specified by D.S. Government as standard of quality- Approved by a million farmers. Write at once for Free Sample of PageFence and Grand Quarter Centennial Catalog. Page Woven Wire Fence Co. B»x2l8A Adrian, Mlohi 4.50BnysBest All-SteelFarm Gate Cheap as wood. Lasts a lifetime. 12 ft. long; 54 in. hitth. Resistsallkindsof stock. Also Farm Fence. Orn: meulanVire and ^V^oucht Iron Fences. Catalogue frei Write for Special Otfcr. The Ward Fence Co., BoxSI 7Pecatur, Ind. »ieo tkat the 2Mh CKNTVRY FARM GATB is th« most simple and practica farm gate 3ver produc ed. Do yov want to make men- ey? H. M. MTBRS, L.odl, Oklo. Sole owner Pata. U. S. and Canada. FARM FENCE 16 cts. a rod _ For a 26-lnch high Hog-tight Fence. Made of heavy wire, very stiff. strong and durable; requires few posts. Sold direct to the farmer on 30 DAYS FREE .;^TRIAU. Catalocriie free. Interlocking Fence Co. box 30 morton, illinois. 15 Cents a Rod For a 22-lnch Hog Fence ; 1 Be for 25.inch; 19c for 31-inch; 22 l-2c for Stinch; 8Jc for a 47-lnch Farm Fence. Btt-lnch Poultry Fence 37c. Lowest prices ever made. Sold on 30 days trial. Catalog free. \V rite for 1 1 today. KITSELMAN BROS., Box 14 MUNCIE, IND. STRONGEST MADE. Bull. strong chlck- en-tlght Sold to the user at WholeKoIe prices. We Pay Freight. Catalogue free. COILED SPRING FENCE CO., Box 53 Winchester, Indiana. Monarch Hydraulic Cider Press Great strength and ca- pacity; all sizes; alsc gasoline engines, steam engines savf mills, thresls. ers. Catalog free. Monarch Machinery Co., 610 CortlandtBldg..NewYorlr seeking in some way or another to secure a portion of the profits. They are not stopping to consider whether they have the best machines, whether they can do what the best machines can do, but determine to secure profits, if not one way then another. They hold out false inducements, alluring prices, and claim for the machines things that they cannot ful- fill; but the ordinary farmer does not know the truths or falsities of these claims, and how he is to discriminate surrounded by these conditions. Thi= is the situation of a great many men who would like to buy a separator, but are not well posted on the ma- chines, and, therefore, not able to de- cide from the advertisements and the talk of the sellers: in other words not qualified to judge between the claims of the different machines. The sensible view taken by a hard- headed, intelligent German farmer strikes us as being a pretty good plan for the ordinary farmer to follow. He says: "I did not know anything about the merits of the machines from an investigation of them myself because I am not an expert, neither am I an expert in medicine, and I therefore consult a doctor when any- thing is the matter that I do not un- derstand in regard to myself or fam- ily. I therefore looked around and ob- served that the experiment stations, the agricultual colleges, the majority of the winners in the butter contests and the large proportion of the up-to- cate scientific farmers were using the De Laval separator. Now this was as good an endorsement as I could hope for, acting just as these wise men who are experts in their lines and m the dairy business, whose ex- perience and knowledge and wisdom enabled them to select the De Laval This was all the evidence that I want- ed of the value of this well tried and highly appreciated machine, and T bought the De Laval and am glad that I did so." THE COMING CENSUS— INFORMA- TION WHICH FARMERS MUST FURNISH. Each person in charge of a farm will be asked to state the acreage and value of his farm— that is, the acre- ae-p and value of the land kept and cultivated by him; also the area of land in his farm covered with wood- land: and, finally, that which is util- ized for snecifled farm purposes. Each farmer will be asked to give the acreage, quantity nroduced and value of each crop, including grains, hay, vegetables, fruits, cotton, to- bacco, etc.. raised on the farm in the sencon 1909. Each farmer will be asked to report the number and value r>f all domes- tic animals, poultry and swarms of bees on the farm Anril IV,, 1910; also the number and value of young ani- mals, such as calves, colts, lambs, pies, and of young fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.. raised on the farm in 1909. He will be UTOLOADING SHOTGUN "V/^OU don't have to bother to *■ load a Remington Autoloading Gun. The recoil does all the work of ejecting the empt]r sh^l and throwing • loaded one into place. You pull and release the trigger (or each of the five shots. Pleasant to shoot because of slight kick. Absolutely safe because of the Remington Solid Breech Hammerless feature. Easy to handle and quick to point. Try one on ducks or erne. You will agree with the sportsman who wrote "I wouldn't take a $1000 for my Remington Autoloader if 1 couldn't gel another." Anyone can afford one, the price is so moderate. If your dealer can't show yoa one, write as for catalogae and literatare. THE REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, Ilion, N. Y. Agency, 315 Broadway, New York City ■W^AJSITEHD = Bills to Collect - In all portions of the United State*. No collection, no charee. Agencies wanted everywhere; 25 years' expe- rience. PAIiMGRE'S COLLECTION AGENCY, 911 Main St., Richmond, Va. a WNi HEAVIEST FENCE MADE HEAVIEST GALVANIZING IMost of your neighbors have fence troubles. You can avoid them by buying Brown Wiive Fence. Absolutely rust proof. 1 5 to 35c a rod. We pay freight. 160 styles, from extra close 1-inch spaced Poultry Fence, to the ^ strongest Horse, Cattle, Hog & Bull Proof Fences. Getcatalog nd free sample for test Brown Fence & V/ire Co Cleveland. O. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 007 SHIP HE YOUR OLD METALS HIDE5 RUBBER SCRAP IRON <5ar Lots a Specialty 50,000 Hides Wanted Write for Prices. SatiafiMStion Guaranteed. No CommiBBi(»iB. Ohbces Sbnt Samb Day Fkkight Bills Abb Mabkbd Paid. Clarence Cosby, B«Ukllsh«« 1890. RICHflOND, VA. Labgbbt Dbalbb i« Scrap Iron, Metals, Hidei, Etc., in the South. BEFERENCES: National Bank of Virgrioa, Bank of Richmond, Biadstreetfl and Don. further asked to state the number and kind of animals sold during 1!)0'J and the receipts from such sales, the number purchased and the amount paid therefor; and also the number slaughtered for food and the value of such animals. The law requires a report of the number of cows kept for dairy pur- poses in 1909, and the total estimated amount of milk produced on the farm; also the amount of butter and cheese sold and the amount received from such sale. In addition to the inquiry regard- ing animals, etc., on the farm April 15, 1910, as explained previously, the census will seek to ascertain the quantity and value of all eggs, honey and wax produced on the farm in 1909. Of the expenditures of the farm, the census schedule will call for a statement of the amount paid farm labor; the amount paid for feed for live stock, and the amount expended for fertilizers in 1910. If the farm changes owners or tenants between the crop year, 1909, and the date of enumeration, April 15, 1910, it is requested that the oc- cupant of the farm in 1910 shall se- cure the above information relating to the farm for the preceding year, 1909. The owner or tenant this year should leave his book record with his successor. The census act provides that the information shall be used only for the statistical purposes for which it is supplied. "No publication shall be made by the census oflBce whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment can be identified, nor shall the director of the census per- mit any one other than the sworn employees of the census office to ex- amine the individual reports. Furthermore, the information re- ported on the agricultural schedule will not be used as a basis of taxa- tion or communicated to any assessor. The act also states the fines or terms of imprisonment or both in cases of violation of the secrecy Im- posed upon supervisors, enumerators, special agents or other employees, t provides a penalty for false answers or for refusal to answer. Director Durand wants the farmers to keep books this year so that guess- work and recollections will be elimi- nated as far as possible from the thirteenth census and the farmers' organizations are coming to the front with cheering offers of co- operation toward producing a prac- tical, useful and believable census of America's farm population, operations and wealth. CONVINCING THE JURY. "The recent press reports touching the use of whiskey by juries in Ten- nessee," says a New York lawyer, "reminds me of an amusing incident in connection with a trial I once wit- nessed in Arkansas. "The defendant had been accused Crestline "Sunshine" Double Acting Barrel Spraying Pump For Spraying Trees, SbrobH, Etc., and for nil Dlseufectlng PurposeH With Solid BrnNa Upper and Lower Cylinders, all BrasM Plunser, Brass Valve Seat and Extra Larse Air Chamber. Fig-. 825 With Automatic Agitator and Two Spray Leads. The orchard and the fruit are the pride of the plantation, the pride of the farm. The returns from fruit acreage are greater from money and labor expended than from any other farm investment. Can you afford to raise poor fruit? Can you raise good fruit without spraying? How much money have you lost by not spraying as you should? Whether you have one tree or one thousand trees spraying will pay. The above pump is high grade and will outwear and outspray most any pump made, regardless of price. Out- fit as dhown complete, mounted on barrel, costs $18 net. Shipped at once from our large stock. Do not wait too long, order now and be ready for both fall and spring spraying. Complete descriptive circular of our "Sunshine" Sprayer is free for the ask- ing or is sent with each pump ordered. Ask MS. t THE CRESTLINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Pamps — Sinks— Hose, CRESTLINE, OHIO, U. .S. A. 968 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, AGRICULTURAL LIME. PLAIN ROCK OR SHELL LIME BAGS OB BULK SPECIAL FINE HYDRATED LIME FOB DBILLINQ. If in the market for any grade and any quantity of LAND LIME Write for our pricelist and particulars. T. C. ANDREWS & CO., Inc. NOBFOLK, .... y^_ N ATURAL Fine -Ground == Phosphate The Reliable Land Builder In rotating your crops don't fail to apply natural fine ground phosphate before plowing down your clover, stub- ble or grass sods. This is the best time to apply Ground Phosphate to the soli direct. At a cost of $1 per acre per crop each crop grown during the rotation Is safe to be increased 25 to 75 per cent., provided you use only the natural product, and not the "kiln bnmed." Our free booklet explains the difference. Agents wanted. Address, Farmers' Ground Rock Phosphate Co., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Rock Phosphate All grades Ground Phosphate Rock and Ground Limestone. Prompt ship- ments and guaranteed analysis. Agents wanted. SOUTHERN LIMB & PHOSPHATE CO., Birmingham, Alabama. kills Prairie Dogs, Wood- chucks, Gophers and Grain InsectB."The wheels of the Gods grind ilow, but exceedingly smalL" So the weevil, but you can atop their grind with FUMA CARBON BI-SULPHIDB KB Others are doing. It fumigates poultry houses and kills hen lice. IDdward R. Taylor, Penn Yan, N. Y. KILL SAN JOSE SCALE WITH~ SOAP mo. 3 FUMA nnnivtt cnvsric pot- Jaine* Oood, 0!(8 N. Front Street, Philadelphia. A Neat Binder for your back nam- bers can be had for 30 cents. Address our Business Department. of selling adulterated liquor, and some whiskey was offered in evidence. This was given the jury as evidence to assist in its deliberations. "When they finally filed into court. His Honor asked: " 'Has the jury agreed on a ver- dict?' " 'No, your Honor,' responded the foreman, 'and before we do we should like to have more evidence.' " — Lippincott's. HOW TO CONDUCT A POULTRY FARM. Everyone knows how to keep hens — or think they do. Their fathers kept them or their neighbors keep them and surely they know how. But the fact of the case is hosts of peo- ple don't know how, as is proved by the many abandoned poultry houses and neglected yards. The reason for failure in the hen business is because people haven't learned the important facts or truths or principles just spoken of; and in a nutshell it is this — you must main- tain the digestion of the fowl at its maximum performance by means of a suitable tonic, if you would get re- sults. This is known as "The Dr. Hess Idea," and its practice is working a complete revolution in the poultry in- dustry. The reason is on the surface. Growth and egg production are brought about by elements derived from digested food— therefore, the more food digested the more growth or eggs to repay the owner. At first glance this whole problem seems an easy one. If eggs and flesh come from food digested by the fowl, then it's a simple matter of giving more food. A great many, ignorant of the real nature of the hen, argue this way; back up their arguments by a corres- ponding course of action and literally kill the hen that has laid golden eggs for them. The whole error lies in supposing that the hen can digest — without as- sistance — anything and everyVi^ng you choose to give her. Only a cer- tain percentage of grain, or milk, or meat can digest; the balance p?.sse'5 off as waste matter. The business of the poultry man then, is to increa-53 the percentage of digestion because every particle of increase is that much more for the hen to turn into large, rich eggs, or add to her weight as sweet, delicious flesh. By all means, go into poultry, if you want a sensible, out-door life, but don't forget "The Dr. Hess Idea" and Poultry Pan-a-ce-a, because nothing else is at all comparable to it as a corrective of poultry ills such as roup, cholera, gapes, etc., and nothing else gets as many good dollars out of the business. Poultry Pan-a-ce-a is composed of simple elements and yet positively helpful ones. Iron is well known as beneflcial to the blood; bitter tonics act on the digestive organs and ni- Contrast a' dried out, weather-worn strap from a harness ignorant of oil, with the soft, glove-like springy quality of leather oiled with EUREKA Harness Oil Think how much better the leather looks ; how much easier it is for the horse ; and how much longer it will wear. Noth- ing like "Eureka" Oil to make a harness soft and black Ask your dealer. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (incorporated) FREE! Two Sacred Resurrection Plants (THE ROSE OF JERICHO.) These rare and curious plants grow and stay green by placing thcra in water. When taken out of water they dry and curl up and go to sleep. They will keep In this state for years. Simply place the whole plant Into water; it will open up and start to erow in about twenty minutes. We will send Farm News, the big- gest little paper In the world for the farm home, on trial 3 months for 6 cents. Send 4 cents to prepay postage and expense on the plants, and G cents for trial subscription to Farm News, only 10 cents in alL Either offer separately if desired. 'ARM NEWS, 133 Wasbiogton St., iSpriasHeld. OUI BBST, SIMPIiBST, MOST DURABLB STANCHIONS & STALLS stable: and bath. Up-to-Date Sanitary Fixtures. COLUMNS, PIPE, TANKS AND TROUGHS. CliARENCE COSBV, Richmond, Va. iirji^i.v,,v,iTi II II II II nil II II II nil 111111111111 Ornditisntal Iron FsncG LawT.'oburoi^.oeiii. eteriea^ublic Grounds. Also Wrought Iron Fence. Catalogue free. ■•Write for Special Offor. THE WARD FENCE CO., Box esO, Decatur, tod. PLANET JR. GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. Turn drudgery Into pleasure and in- crease your yield. 1909 catalogue free. S. L. ALLEN & CO., Box 1107-X. Philadelphia, Pa. Please mention the Southern Planter. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTElK. 969 ANNOUNCEMENT Having completed the grreater por- tion of the work on hand at the time of the withdrawal of my last notice, I wish to announce that I am again ready to take up my advisory work along agricultural lines, either by cor- respondence or personal visits, and I invite all those experienced farmers who are unprofltably employed, and the Inexperienced, who are In doubt as to the best mode of procedure, to write for terms. My charges, even Including traveling expenses, are in the reach of every man who desires to profitably cultivate 100 acres of land. Crop rotation, balanced rations and J fertilizer formulae are my specialties. PERCIVAL HICKS, North, Mathevrs County, Va. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Richmond, Va. A strengr, conservative, well-man- agred institution. A safe depository for all clasaes of customers. Capital Surplns, Depoaita, $1,000,000.00 800.000.00 6,000.000.00 JOHN B. PVRCBLL. President. JNO. M. MILLKR. Jr.. VIce-Fres. and Cashier. A Savings Department for tha Thrifty. FARMXKS Insure Your Buildings, Live Stock, Produce, Etc, In Virginia Division, FARMERS' MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Best ncurlty. Praperty Insured |S00,000. Arerave cost per |1,000 par year, $6.00. Territory limited to cown- ties of Cheaterfleld, Amelia. Powhatan, Nottoway, Dinwiddle, Prince Oeorge, Surry, Charles City, New Kent and James City. For plan and membership write to OHARLBS N. FRIBND, General Asaat, OHBSTER, TA. Orfranised January •, 1899. Write today for our free prospectus. It tells all about our new building; superb equipment; elegant auditorium; able fac- ulty; and our method of securing positions. DO IT NOW. E. M. COULTER, Box 767. Roanoke. Va. "PRACTICAL FARMING" Prof. "W. F. Maasey's latest and best book Is now on sale. It retails for 11.60, and is worth it. We shall be very pleased to send you a copy at above price and will include a year's subscription to The Southern Planter. Remember, we deliver the book and give you a whole year's aubgscription for the price of the book, $1.60. SOUTHERN PliANTBR. Richmond. Ta. Always mention The Southern Planter when writing advertisers. trates carry out of the system pois- onous waste matter that would other- wise cause disease. ABOUT STEEL SHOES. Public interest in steel shoes con- tinues unabated, and the big factory in Racine, Wis., that turns them out is almost snowed under with busi- ness. A great many subscribers of this paper are wearing these wonder- ful shoes. Never in recent years has an invention been brought out which promises to save the farmer such an enormous expense as will be effected when steel shoes are almost univer- sally worn. One pair of steel shoes outlasts from three to six pairs of the best leather-soled work shoes. This means a saving of $5 to $10 a year in shoe bills, besides the ad- vantage of wearing shoes that are ab- solutely waterproof, always easy and comfortable, and that never get hard, warped and run over at the heels. Its makers claim that if every sub- scriber of this paper would adopt Steel Shoes for field work in place of leather-soled shoes or rubber boots, the total annual saving would be thousands upon thousands of dollars. The rapid extension of the Steel Shoe business, which is now less than three years old, indicates that within a few years millions of farmers will be wearing them. The saving in shoe bills will be almost beyond estimate. An interesting little book, "The Sole of Steel," issued by the Steel Shoe Co , Dept. 255, Racine, Wis., gives full information in regard to these popular work shoes. Send for a copy of the book or turn to the company's advertisement in this issue and order a pair of Steel Shoes on the order blank furnished for that purpose. Mr. N. M. Ruthstein, the secretary and treasurer of the Steel Shoe Company, is the man who invented the shoe. Owing to the fact that the business of the Steel Shoe Company was so much bigger than anticipated, the company was not always able to fill orders promptly last season. The manufacturing facilities have been in- creased to such an extent that orders can now be filled as fast as received. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Virginia Poultry Association will be held in Richmond, Va., January 13- 19, 1910. The officers of the Asso- ciation are using their utmost endeav- ors to excel the previous shows, not only in attractiveness, but also in a larger number of high quality birds. We have been fortunate enough to secure the services of J. H. Dreven- stedt, of New York, as judge, and he will be assisted by Prof. C. K. Gra- ham of Boston, and F. S. Morrison, of New York. The well known reputa- tion of these gentlemen precludes the necessity of an extended introduction by us. The compairson system of judging will be used thus avoiding the long delays, ties and mistakes of the score 10 XMAS POST CARDS Printed In Colors and Cold THESE SIX AND FOUR MORE 10 The grandest ami most, heautifnl Xma-i Cards in tbe world, embcisscd and printed in many irorireous colors with bacU- K-round and borders of irold. Send 4 cents in stanjps, say you will show them to 10 friends; we will send them ana tell vou how von can Bret our jjreat Xmas Box containtne oOKTand Holiday Post Cards, absolutely free. Send today and we will ine\ndc as one of the 10 our magnificent 1910 Calenrlar Card, by C. Allan Gilbert, the celebrated artist. FARM NEWS, 118 Factory St., Springfield, Ohio PATENTS SECURED OR Ft E RETURNED Send sketch for free report as to patentability. Guide Book and What to Invent, with valuable list of Inven- tions wanted sent free. One million dollars ottered for one Invention; 116,000 for others. Patents secured by us advertised free In World's ProgreM. Sample free. BVANS * Wn^KHf 8, 848 F Street, Waahlnston, D. O. >^OU IINJV^EINT One client made $85,000 last year. Our free books tell you what to In- vent and how to obtain a patent. Write for them. Send sketch for free opinion, as to patentability. We advertise your patent for sale free. WOODWARD & CHANDLEE, Regis- tered Attorneys, No. 1237 F Street, Washington, D. C. WANTED, Man on Farm to attend to chicken and game raising. State experience number of children and their ages, also compensation required. B. W^. C„ Southern Planter. A Great Discovery. DROPSY CURED with vege- table remedies; re- moves all symptom of dropsy In 8 to 20 days; 30 to 60 days effects permanent cure. Trial treat- ment furnished free to every sufferer; nothing fairer. For circulars, testl- 'fp, monials and _^ _„„..^„, free trial treat- ment write DR. H. H. GREEN'S SONS, Atlanta« Ga. Berkeley Co., W. Va., June 19, 1909. I appreciate the Southern Planter more and more as I read each issue. CHAS. P. LIGHT. 970 THE SOUTHERI^ PLANTER. [October^ Schroeder & Husselman Real Estate Agents AND Farmers Office 1301 East Main Street .c^RICHMOND, VIRGINIA We have for sale many of the best farm bargains In the State. We are practical farmers and know what Vi'e are selling. We are not speculators. If you want to buy a farm for a home or for investment we can suit you. We have all sizes of farm, from 7 acres to 30,000 acres. We here give a few samples. Write us for full list. 75 acres, two miles from station, 11 miles from city; 50 acres cleared; fruit; good 8-room house and good outbuild- ings; good soil; seven minutes walk to church, school, store and post- office. Owner includes all crops, team, tools, implements, cow and calf, house- hold goods — everything necessary to go to work — for $4,000. 229 acres, 75 acres cleared, balance timber; colonial house of 8 rooms, brick foundation, large hall; large yard and large shade trees in yard; large new barn and other outbuildings; splendid land; 8 miles from station. Only $3,000. 200 acres, half cleared; 8-room brick house; all necessary outbuildings, everything in good repair; well and springs; timber enough to more than pay for the farm; three miles from railr.iad. This fine farm is yours for $3,500. 906 acres, 450 acres cleared and in cultivation, 100 acres fine bottom land; close to school, store and post-office; good new 8-room house with bath and furnace: large barns an! outbuildings; two acres in fruit. This farm will make 12 farms of 80 acres each and can be bought for $30,000. We will show you these farms at our expense. We guarantee title and a square deal. Send for new list of farms. SCHROEDER, & HUSSELMAN, 1301 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. — FARMS — IN Southside Virginia 910.00 to 930.00 per acre. With buildings, fruit, timber, sood water, best markets. Level land, productive soil. "Write for our Real Estate Herald with map and full information. PYLB & COmPANT, IBC Peterabnrg, Vlrslmla. VIRGINIA FARMS Near Washington City, convenient to the great Northern markets, suited for stock, dairy, poultry, fruit, trucking and general farming purposes: Wash- ington City Improved, unimproved and suburban properties; timber lands. Write for catalogue. NICOl, * RANSDELL, Box S. P., Manaaaas, Va. card and insuring a prompt and ac- curate placing of the ribbons. We are well eauipped with the lat- est improved show coops and fixtures and can thus give comfortable and attractive quarters to all birds en- trusted to our care. We assure all our exhibitors fair and square treatment and proper care of their exhibits by experienced men and a prompt return of same at the end of the show. We extend a cordial invitation to all interested to join our Association. We are glad to be able to state that our Association is composed of wide awake gentlemen who have an en- thusiastic interest in the development of the Poultry Business in this State. Our dues and fees are small — just enough to carry on the legitimate business of the Association. An attactive premium list will be ready for distribution by December 1st, and it gives full information as to all awards including a magnificent string of silver cups and other spe- cials. Competition is open to the world and we welcome all. For further information address W. R. Todd, Secretary, 426 North Sixth Street, Richmond, Va. A JOURNAL OF EASTERN TRAVEL, "TRAVELLER." While we were in Tokyo, the fall art exhibition took place, and here we saw many dainty landscapes painted in silk. The coloring and lines were soft and exquisite, and the birds and fish had the most life-like appearance. It was all charming, and I don't be lieve any other nation can produce oi copy it. Still it could not be called great. The golden age of Japanese art seems to be past, and the future is threatened by foreign influences; tending to weaken its individuaity. We saw a good many pictures painted after the modern German school, and could not help thinking how much bet- ter it would be to keep the old stand- ards which have given to the world the art of broken line and irregular outline, and the soft, harmonious blending of neutral tints which is so truly artistic. Our last hour was spent in the his- torical museum, where we saw screens, kakemonos or scrolls, old manuscript, fans and embroideries, lacqure and bronze, and both Shinto and Buddhist relics. To us the most interesting was the case containing Christian relics, for St. Francis Xavier and his helpers had proselyted such large numbers in Japan that in 1614, the Dimyo of Sendai went to Rome on a mission to the Pope, was well received, and returned, bringing holy pictures, rosaries, crucifixes and a book of devotions. Side by side with these are exhibited objects of a very different nature, those by which Chris- tianity was suppressed a century later. These are trampling blocks with fig- ures of Christ and the Virgin, on which those who were suspected of RARE BARGAINS IN Northern Virginia Farms A Few Specimens: No. 172. Contains 316 acres — (0 acrea In oak and hickory timber; 6 mllea from station, situated near the vlllagre; considered one of the best wheat and grain farms In Fairfax county. The land Is a little rolling; machinery can be run all over It. Tlte land Is all In good state of cultivation; well fenced and watered by spring's and running vtreams. Improvements are a good 7- room house with elegant shade, good ■table and all out-houses In good re- pair. Price $20 per acre. No. 194. Contains 176 acres, 26 acre* In good timber, balance Is cleared, 9 acres In orchard In full bearing, goed six-room house, old barn, good grran- ary, hen houses, dwelling In a grand oak -shaded lawn, spring at house, farm watered by streams and springs, situated on good pike. One hour'* drive from Leesburg, Va. Owner 1» anxloua to sell. Price |3,500. No. 208 — 600 acres ' Loudoun Blu« Grass land, 8-room brick house, In good repair, farm well fenced, elegantly watered, excellent bank barn, good or- chard, fine timber. Price |26.00 per acre. No. 201 — 406 acres, Loudoun Blue Grass farm 8-room brick and frame dwelling, elegant repairs, excellent barn 40x100, water in every field, well fenced, good orchard. Price |10,600. No. 202 — 476 acres. Blue Grass land, small 6-room house, land la good, well fenced, excellent water, good small or- chard, excellent situation, but build- ings are enly fair condition. Price, 19,000. No. 209. — 206 acres, beautiful little Loudoun County farm, 6-room dwell- ing, beautiful shaded lawn, water in all fields, good fences, land la amootb and level, good barn and outbuildings. Price $6,600. No. 210. — 273 acres, Loudoun blue grass land, well located in grazing ■ectlon, excellent orchard, well wat- ered, 6-room house and outbuildings In fair condition. Price $13.60 per acre. Write for complete description of these properties and Catalogue of other places. Wm* Eads Miller, HERNDON, VA. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTEIR. 971 Christianity were compelled to tread when their religion had gotten such a hold on the State as to threaten to become a power in the nation. The collection of grave ornaments from ancient times was also very in- structive. Besides bringing food and drink offerings to the dead, it was c-.istoniary to give them other things, such as a sword to a man, or a mir- ror to a woman. Human sacrifice was also common at the graves of the great. Human victims were buried up to their necks in a circle, and left there to perish. This custom was abolished two centuries ago by the Emperor Quinin. Being grieved by the groans of the victims around his brother's grave, he decreed the aboli- tion of the custom and the substitu- tion of clay images of men and ani- mals in their places . At a later day, .Jun sho or suicide by the sword be- came an honored custom with the Samurni. who at the death of his Lord, felt it his duty to follow him on his ghastly journey. Often on the street, we would see a funeral procession passing on foot, headed by priests and acolytes. The dead were carried, sitting in an up- right position, in a closed box, with flowers and candles around them. The mourners, in white, followed. Marriages are arranged by the eld- ers of the house, without regard to the feelings of the contracting par- ties. Marriages are now registered but the chief ceremony seems to be that the bride and groom drink sake out of the same vessel. Handsome gifts are exchanged and there are re- joicings and festivities on the occasic of a marriage. At the bride's home, funeral rates are performed to show that she dies to her own family when she enters that of her husband. Th house is swept out and the death fire is lit before the gate. Woman's rights in marriage are very lightly regarded, if indeed she is allowed to have any. She must subject herself absolutely to her husband's family, which may ir elude a large connection. Moreover, she may be divorced and sent away for the slightest cause, without any redress. Education, however, is slow- ly changing this state of affairs. With the education of the nation may come, perhaps, Christianity. Not Christianity in the form we worship, but adapted to their peculiar needs on the basis of the Greek and Roman Church. Expediency, in the first place, will demand it, because Japan now, as one of the first Powers, may no longer bow down to stocks and stones. They can pursue the same policy in religion as in affairs of State. They can cast aside the old system and take up a more progres- sive one. Buddhism has taught them of a gentle Savior, full of compassion, and has given them a calendar of saints and a gorgeous ritual. In ex- ternals there is scarcely a straw's dif- ference between it and Rome. SOME OF OUR BEST FARM BAROAINS FINE RIVEK PLAIMTATIO.V IIV VIRGINIA. 656 acres fertile land, g-ently rolling; 150 acres wood land; 116 acres rich river bottom; 100 acres clover and timothy; actual yield oats 30 to 40 bushels; ^t-^.'.nl'tf ,i, '''''®'"^; .^^ ^^ ^^ bushels; last year's corn crop, 3,500 bushels, l^xcellent residence of ten rooms; necessary outbuildings; R. F D • teleohone- Terms"%^r-?^'i°rd' clsh' '°'''- °'''"'' ""' '"^ ^^^^^ of %i5,000 to cloll'^estTte'. F.\RM AND TIMBER TRACT VERY CHEAI". 347 acres, two miles station; over million feet timbpr mr.-ti-., «,.,-o-:««i f/nT^'T^ i^""^ ''"" ^^"' ^"^'^ strong' red ?and!l5racres ^feared °"fcef- ent neighborhood; near village, churches and schools, roller mill r' f n- •phone; dwelling of five rooms; five barns for cattle Enoi^h tiJ^hk,. A i ' to pay for it. Offered at low price of $5,000 -l^nou&h timber on farm BEDFORD COXJNTV CATTLE AND GRAIN FARM. 320 acres $12,500. Eight-room dwelling; stock barn; two tenant houses- f'^.l^^^^J'^o^^^^ns-- orchard: 60 acres woodland; 40 acres boTtom"aSd-choco-' ft^.oH "^i; rolling; 65 acres timothy and clover, 60 acres sod; fenced and cross- fenced; handsome farms adjacent; 2Vi miles station, good road; telephonl- R. F. D.; schools and churches half mile. ".ciepiione, GOOD A^ALUE NEAR CITY. .„„ 140 acres; hour's drive of Lynchburg, $3,500; old-fashioned house, 5ix rooms, fronting public road; nice orchard; necessary outbuildings- 40 acres wood land, balance pasture and cultivation; rolling land; red and gray soil- produces good crops of wheat, corn, oats and tobacco. GOOD CAMPBELL COUNTY FARM. 340 acres, $5,500; 2% miles station, good road; 'phone line; R. F. D - strong red land, lies well, free from stone and stumps; 75 acres good creek bottoms; good crops of corn and tobacco on farm; 8-room brick house- fair outbuildings. Is cheap and will go quick. DAIRY OR TRUCK FARM. 176 acres, $4,500; one mile station, six miles city market house, good road; 20 acres creek bottoms, 50 acres wood and, balance cleared; lies well; good soil; fruit; 6-room dwelling; well located on public road and will make excellent dairy, poultry or truck farm. HANDSOME VIRGINIA ESTATE. 843 acres, $16,000; handsome brick residence, nine rooms, perfect condi- tion; cost $7,500; large oak grove; 150 acres in high state of cultivation, now in grass and crops; 200 acres good pasture, baance wood land and timber valued at $6,500: new fencing on the place cost $2,000; three miles county seat; excellent community; five miles railroad town; land lies well; soil red and chocolate; well watered; 75 acres creek bottoms. Owner ' very anxious to sell. Worth investigating. VENABLES® FORD, Lynchburg, Va. JOHN F. JERMAN HEADQUARTERS FOR VIRGINIA PROPERTY Main Office, Fairfax, Va.j Branch Office, Vienna and 1316 I St., X. W., Waah, D. O. If you want to buy a grain, dairy, fruit, truck, poultry or blue grass farm, city or village property. It will pay you to send for 80-page catalog. It is full of bargains. It contains all kinds of business propositions. It will pay you to buy a farm near the capitol, where you have good markets, and the benefit of steam and electric R. R. service. My catalog is free to you. I am always ready to show property, and try to help my clients make a good investment. My Blotto !■ <mtm<^XL4^^:iSt<±m. FLORIDA WANTS HOMESEEKERS AND HAS GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER. in the Land of Manatee (west coast) you can grow bigger crops at less expense them elsewhere. Fruits and vegetables grow like magic in the rich soil. A ten acre farm can be bought very re£isonably, and will net more than a hundred acres in any Northern State. Fruit Crops net $500 to $2,500 pet acre. Vegetables $1,000. Write for our booklet, written by a western man, containing full information and homeseeker's rates. J. W. WHITE, Gen'l Industrial Agent, Seaboard Air Line, NORFOLK. VA. Farms in Northern Virqinia DAIRY, GRAIN, STOCK, POULTRY, FRUIT. Near Washington and Baltimore, and in easy reach of Philadelphia and .s'ew York. Unlimited markets and unsurpassed shipping facilities. Reasonable in price. Near good live towns, schools an'd churches. Write us. CLAUDE G. STEPHENSON, (Successor to Stephenson an'd Rainey, Herndon, Va.) 974 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, aTTRaCTIVE MODERN HOME FOR satE Handsome 8-room house, gravitation water supply, bath, hen house, car- riage house, dairy, stable and cow shed, all in first-class repair; dwelling- has just been newly papered and paint- ed inside and out; good orchard of 250 apple trees, besides peach orchard and other smaller fruits, all in full ■bearing; 1% miles from the station; long distance and local 'phones in the house; good fishing and hunting in season Land is naturally strong blue- grass soil, and I will sell the build- ings with from 80 to 200 acres of land, according to the wishes of the pur- chaser. The apples and grazing' alone will pay a handsome interest on the investment. Will sell at a bargain. For further information apply Box (512. \Varrenton, Va. CO HIE TO VIRGINia 400 tracts of land in Va. farms — timber, mineral, fruit, oyster propo- sitions. My new catalogues con- tain properties in 26 counties, many of the best bargains in Va. I pay your railroad fare up to one thous- and miles. You have no expense for livery hire. Write for catalogue. Great bargains on new R. R. J. R. EliAM, Box 267, Cliarlottesville, Va. Timber For Sale A splendid piece of standing Oak and Pine Timber for sale, half mile from loading point on railroad, stand- ing on about 100 acres of land; esti- mated about 500,000 feet of good lum- ber. Will be sold cheap for cash or will have it cut on shares, taking one- third of net price for my part. Well located and 3asy to handle. Price, $1 500. W. M. WATKINS, SAXE. VA. A SNAP Must be sold to settle up an estate. Good farm, land lays well, well watered, productive, some good timber, young' orchard in bearing from 30 to 50 trees; house of seven rooms in fairly good re- pair, good corn house, tobacco house, stable roomy but out of re- pair. A good and productive farm right on the public road, in a good neighborhood, 7 miles from station, good road to station: 50 miles west of Richmond; healthy location, good climate. Price $2,700 if sold in the next 60 days before arrangements for another year are made. For further particulars apply to J. O. SHKI'HERn, Palmyra, Va. VIRGINIA COUNTRY HOMES A beautifully illustrated periodical. For free copy and list of 200 select properties in best parts of State ap- ply to H. W. HILLEARY & CO,;, Charlottesville, Va. Branch Offices — Richmond, Va., Fred- ericksburg, Va., Warrenton, Va., Cul- peper, Va. FARMS. IflBeral and Timber Iianda. Free list on application. W. A. PARSONS & COh Uar B. Mala St.t Richmond, Va. Davis Hotel Bids. Buff Orpingtons — everything to — — Hamilton. Minorcas — everything to F. W. Pen- dleton. Best pair Pekin ducks — Geo. H. Moss. Indian Runner Ducks — 1st pair, Mrs. M. Cassell; 2nd pair, Mrs. Grasberg. The beautiful pen of White Leg- horns exhibited by W. R. Todd, of Richmond, attracted much attention, as did also V. L. Sexton's white and black Orpingtons. The handsome silver cups offered by the Burke's Garden and Tazewell breeders both went to Dr. Witten for the best pullet and best cockerel in the show. Agricultural Exhibits. The agricultural exhibits, both in quantity and quality, surpassed the most sanguine expectations. The ex- hibit of fruits — ^apples, grapes, toma- toes and garden vegetables, etc., were as fine as ever seen at a county fair. The corn and wheat exhibits were specially good — both field and sweet corn, oats, rye, buckwheat, rutaba- gas, beets, pumpkins, potatoes, beans, etc., were as fine as ever seen. In all there were 150 exhibits. We give a partial list of winners: S. C. Compton, Falls Mills, won first on Arkansas Red Apples, and Mrs. Maggie Fuller, second. Best collection of apples, Dr. Dunnigan; second best, T. J. Brown. Best col- lection of grapes, A. M. Black. A. J. Copenhaver won first on black grapes and Dr. Dunnigan second. Other pre- miums will be announced later. C. R. Brown won first on field corn, and J. S. Gillespie second — two very fine specimenns. A. S. Greever first on yellow corn. P. G. Baugh first on best collection. J. A. Leslie first on sweet corn and Miss Martie Witten second. .Jas. Ed. Peery had the finest pump- kins and H. M. Saunders second best. Geo. W. Moss won first on smooth wheat, and Robert S. Moss first on bearded wheat and P. G. Baugh sec- ond on smooth wheat. F. M. Moss second on bearded wheat. James T. Peery won first on oats, C W. Hall, Falls Mills, won first on Irish potatoes — the finest specimens ever shown here. Rev. Geo. Buston sal' they were the finest he ever saw. P. G. Baugh won first on buck- wheat. Live Stock. Hon. Henry C. Stuart's fine stock, from his estate at Elk Garden, were the admiration of the large crowd. He won first on the following: : b St two-year-old heifer, best one- year-old heifer best cow and calf, best yearling bull, best herd — one aged bull and four cows. Best draft staMon. The stallion won champion ship in the International Stock Show in Chicago in 1906, and was consid- ered the best draft horse in the world. Premium for the best saddle CRITTENDEN'S Real Estate AND Loans Office I solicit your correspondence and patronage. Valuable infor- mation to home seekers. DeL,. S CRITTEIVDEJV, Ashburn, Loudoun County, Va. FOR RENT OR LEASE Farm of 235 acres, 6 miles west of Jetersville in Amelia County, Va. ; good improvements, splendid water, nice orchard, large yard with fine oaks; two dwellings, one in fair condition; good fences, stable and cow barn; rural de- livery; store and school house each about three-quarters mile 'distant; three churches accessible. Sixty acres open land, 40 more easily cleared. Soil suitable for corn, wheat, tobacco or grass. Rent, first year, $150, or less than 4 per cent, on investment. Address T. P. SHELTON, Burkeville, Virginia. VIRGINIA FARM AGENCY Opposite C. & O. Depot, Richmond Va. Timber Lands and Farm s at low prices Address, Deparment A. ViRGINM FARimS Poultry, fruit, dairy, grain, stock, truck farms, and colonial estates. Low prices, delightful climate, abundant pure water, large eastern markets, timber lands a specialty. Write for free illustrated catalogue. WILES LAND COMPANY, (Inc.) Ricbmond, Va. RBAii bstate: for salb. From the- Mountains to the Ocean. Catalogue free. Loans made on farms' Established 1875. GBO. E. CRAWFORD & CO., 1009 K. Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. Branch, Norfolk, Va. "In the Green Fields of Virginia**' Homes for nil; health for all; happi- ness and independence for all. All sizes of Farms at corresponding prices but ALL reasonable. MACON & CO., ORANGE, VA. Virginia Farms MOST SELECT LIST, and in aU sec- tions of the State. PREB CATALOQUE. R. B. CHAFFIN & CO, Inc. RicHmond, Va. Please mention tbe Southern Planter. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTEW. 1)75 KENDyiLCS SPAVIN ClIREi "ONLY SURE REMEDY" GadsdJn, Ala., Apr. 20, 1U09. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. lientlenien: Please send mo copy of your TKE\T1SE. I have been uslnttyour Spavin Cure for 20 years, and tknd It is the only sura remedy. It Is the best liniment I can get for horse and man. Yours truly, VV.J.McBee. That tells the whole story, and It Is the ex- perience that hundreds of thousands have had in the past 40 years, and It's the experience you will have— "It is the only sure remedy"— ForSpavin,Rfngbone,Curb,Splin4, Swellings and All Lameness Sold By Druggists— S1. 00 a Bofie.O bottles tor 86.00. Keep It on hand always, lie ready for the enierpreney. Kendall'L- stopsthe pain, starts the circulation, penetrates and removes the cause of the disorders. Ask (or a free copy of "A Treat- ise on the Horse." If not at dealers write to— OR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Falls, Vt. Moon Blindness CAN BE CURED Ci VISIO Wonderful Discovery DISEASES of the EYE successfully treated with thts NEW REMEDY. AN ABSOLUTE CURE for Moon Blindness, (Ophthalmia), Con- junctivitis and Cataract, Shying horses all suffer from diseased eyes. A trial will convince any horse owner that this remedy abso- lutely cures defects of the eye. Irrespective of the length of time the animal has been afflicted. No matter how many doctors have tried and fulled, use •VISIO," use It under our GUARANTEE; your money refunded if under directions it does not effect a cure- "YOU VAY F<)K KESILTS ONLY." S3.00 per bottle, postpaid on receipt of price. VIslo Remedy Ass'n., 1939 Wabash Ave., Chic ago, III. m Shoe Boils, Capped Hock, Bursitis are hard to cure, yet ^SORBINE will remove them and leave no blem-1 Ish. J>oe8 not blister or remove' the hair. Cnrea any puff or swelling. Horse can be worked. $2.00 per bottle.delivered.Book 6 D free. ABSORBUnE, JR., (mankind, $1.00 bottle.) For Boils, Bruises, Old Sores, Swellings, Goitre, Varicose Veins, Varicosities. Allays Pain W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 109 Temple St., Springfield, Mass. USE CRAFT'SDISTEMPERandCOUGH CURE A safe and sure pre- ventive and positive cure for all forms of Distem- per, Influenza, Pinkeye, Coughs and Colds in Horses, Sheep and Dogs, 50c and $1 .00 at Druggists or prepaid. Write for free booklet "Or. Craft's Advice." WELLS MEDICINE CO.. LAFAYETTE, IND. Send for Ronlilet Olorie Tr«ables- DEATH TO HEAVES NGWiOn S I>isteinp«rCDrs nuaraDlred or Hoocjr Back. ^f^.X'""' *i.0Oper can, at dealers, or Expreii Paid. ISTrs'Sale. THE NEWTON KF.MEUT tO. Toledo, Ohio. horse — A. A. Wysor, of Russell coun- ty; J. T. Smith, second. Best combination horse, Nathan Easterly; second. Dr. Melvin Croc- kett. Best saddle stallion, John W. Bu- chanan. Best saddle colt, John T Keesee. For the best pen of hogs, all breeds competing, C. R. Brown won first pre- mium. First and second premium on ewes, C. R. Brown. SHORT HEALTH TALKS. No. 1. — The House Fly. The common house fly,~" which makes its appearance in the spring of the year and remains as a guest until the return of cold weather, is generally regarded as little more than a nuisance. He insists on com- ing where he is not wanted, and al- ways appears in the wrong place; but, aside from this, he is not con sidered by most people as a menace to health. Recent work by experts, how- ever, has shown that the house fly is one of the most dangerous agents in spreading disease. This is due to the fact that the fly never "wipes his feet," and is not at all choice in his selection of a lodging place. The whole life-history of the fly contributes to make him filthy and obnoxious. The eggs are deposited in filth and manure, and remain for about ten days before they hatch out. vVhen first hatched, the fly has the form of a small worm, and as such crawls into the most obnoxious places. He loves the bodies of dead animals, the manure in the barn yard, the excrement in the privy, and feeds on these things. When the fly reaches maturity, he has a peculiar roving nature. He does not always care to remain in the barn yard or in the privy, but likes to leave these places and fly into the dining-room, where he lights on the vegetables, the dessert or the butter. As the fly's feet may gath- er germs wherever he goes, he natur- ally leaves some of them on every- thing he touches, whether it is the baby's bottle, the milk, or the fruit. These germs are often taken into the system, multiply, [develop, and cause disease. Typhoid fever, which causes so much sickness in the com- munity every year, is spread by the fly as well as by bad water and bad milk. The only good fly is a dead fly. There is practically no way to kill off all the flies, but, by screening the windows and doors, and by cov- ering the dishes containing food and drink, the number of flies can be much reduced. At the very least, the fly can be kept out of the sick- room. If the manure is removed frequently and is sprinkled often with lime, it will not be so attrac- tive a breeding place for the flies. If the closet is screened and the flies Wmmrmntrnd to Olvm Satlmtmctlon- Caustic Balsam I Has Imitators But No Competitors. A Safe, Speedy and Positive Cure tor Curb, Splint. Sweeny, Capped Hock, Btrainea Tendons, Founder, Wind Puffs, and all lameness from Spavin, Bingbone and other bony tumorSo Cures all skin diseases or "Parasites, Thrush, Diphtheria. Removes tJl Bunches from Horses or Cattle, As a Human Remedy for Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore Throat, etc., It Is Invaluable. Every bottle of Caustic Balsam sold Is Warranted to grive satisfaction. Price $1,60 per bottle. Sold by drugglsta, or sent by ex- press, charfres paid, with full directions for its use. QTSend for descriptive elrcalar manure as same is being recovered will add anywhere from 50 to 100 per cent to the productive capacity of such manure, and, confirmatory of this, it gives results compiled from bulletins of the Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Stations which are wonder- ful indeed. It also gives a compen- dium of results obtained by the Ex- periment Stations of Maryland. Penn- sylvania, Illinois, etc., in the applica- tion of fine ground rock phosphate to the soil direct, such results show- ing increases in crop yields all the way from 25 to 85 per cent. Our readers will do well to send for this Booklet, mentioning the Southern Planter. Northampton Co., Va-, .July 1, 1909. I do not want to miss a single copy of the Southern Planter. .T. T. CHURN. Always mention The Southern Planter when writing advertisers. FROM MISSOURI. The following amusing incident oc- curred some years ago in Northwest- ern Missouri: A gentleman went to a small prim- itive village for the purpose of in- specting some land which he had owned for a number of years, but had never seen. Reaching the place one evening, he secured lodging in a small house. The next morning he went to the back of the house, where, on a bench, was a tin washbasin and near at hand a barrel of water and a dipper. After washing his hands and face he took from his pocket a tooth-orush, In any quantity. Higher quality. Prompt delivery. Our price list giving com- plete information, prices, varieties, &c., FREE upon request. Clover Seed, Grass Seed, Millet Seed, Seed Grain, Seed Potatoes, Cane Seed, Etc., Etc. Write to-day. S. T. Beveridge & Co. 1217 E. Gary St, RICHMOND, . - VIRGINIA A. HORN, The Berry Man Soddv, Tennessee mSi'R. F. D. No. 3 Tlie liargest Berry Grower In the South. 500 acres in Strawberries. 50,000,000 plants for sale. A new plant field of 100 acres. Place Your Order Novr for Planta. I want every grower to Investi- gate my new "Tennessee Favorite." The very best berry grown for mar- ket — size, color, flavor and shipping qualities considered. Even in size throughout season. I picked and sold from one acre 4,456 quarts at a net profit of 11 cents a quart, making a total profit of $491.16, in the Spring of 1908. For the season of 1909 I shipped 194 crates per acre which net $2.52 per crate. To vouch for the truth of this statement I refer anyone to M. Fugazzl & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, who handled these shipments. In my thirty years' experience X have found nothing quite its equal. Does its best in low, strong land. To Introduce and to reach all grow- ers, only $4.00 per thousand. Try them. Other varieties: Aromas, Klondyke, Lady Thompson. Special Prices to Nnrserymen. References: The Citizen's National Bank, Chatanooga; Sam. A. Conner, Sheriff of Hamilton County, M. Fu- gazzl & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLAKTEIi. 977 w 1 1^ ] 1 IL^-^is ^ J/^ ^teH^" , Sr .^J PF' ml Poultry-Yard Insurance There's a way of handling and feeding poultry which practically amounts to a guarantee system. Poiiltrymencall it "The Dr. Hess Idea." and the "gist" of it is that the proctss of di^ailon has more to do witii filling the egg basket than has the quality or quantity of the food given. That is — a small feed, aw// digested, is better than a large feed half wasted through indigestion. Practice proves this true. Fowls receiving small doses of DR. HESS Poultry PAN-A-CE-A every day in soft feed lay more eggs; fat quicker; are more hearty, healthy, active and contented than those fed without it The reason lies in the tonic properties of the preparation. It acts beneficially on each organ — not as a stimulant or excitant, but as a strength gi'ver. Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a, given as directed, means z. paying poultry business to the man who gives it. It helps tide over and shorten the moulting season. It cures Gapes, Cholera, Roup, etc. It keeps young cliickens growing every minute, and when fowls have passed the profitable age it puts them in good condition to sell at a good price. A penny's worth feeds 30 fowls one day. Sold on a written guarantee. lA lbs. 25c; mail or express 40c; 5 lbs. 60c; 12 lbs. $1.25; 2S lb. pail, $2.50. ^ Except in Canada and Extreme West and South. .^^^^ '^^'!^'> ^f^ ^^^>^^«^,^^^^^^^ DR. HESS & CLARK, Ashland, Ohio ^.^^^^^m^^^f^'- Send 2cenli for Dr. Hess 48- page Poultry Book, free. tj— YuL^jJ ^IDtlV U^^^HJ Any farmer or stock feeder can increase his profit balance at the year's endby " ■ ' fc*#%r. %# ■ ^#W1%. I >Sr ^rl^ following out "The Dr. Hess Idea" in feeding farm animals. Vtgestion isan im- portant function to look after — food itself is not all. A strong digestion means the greatest preparation of food used and the largest ratio of growth and production made. Dr. Hess Stock Food gives great digestive power, therefore it makes more inilk in the cow and more flesh on the steer. It also relieves the minor stock ailments. Fed in small doses and sold on a written guarantee. 100 lbs. $5.00; 25 lb. pail S1.60 Except in Caikada and Extreme West and South. Smaller quantities at a slight advance. Send 2 cents for Dr. Hess Stock B ook, free. INSTANT LOUSE KILLER KILLS LICE f.rJ ff HcCne'a "RlBsIet" Barred Pljrmouth Rochs. Successive winners In strongest com- petition at Richmond and Washington, D. C. When looking around for your birds for the shows or for utility pur- poses, you should pause and look well at my beautiful young stock, the finest that I have ever raised. My "Ringlets" are unexcelled in size, vig- or, beauty and egg production. Write me. I will have birds that will please you, both in quality and price. Satis- faction guaranteed. In writing for prices, state for what purpose birds are wanted. I.BSLIC H. McCITE, Box 4, GREENAVOOD, VA. State V.-Pres. Am. Plymouth Rock Club Valley Farm Barred Rocks, S. C. B. Leshoma. My choice breeders for aale to make room for growing stock. CHAS. C. WINE, Mt. Sidney, Va. For High Grade, Pure nrrd Black Langshans WRITE TO A. M. B1..4CK, Taaewell, Vn. and, pouring some water on it from the dipper, proceeded to brusli liis teetli. A small boy of tlie tiouse watclied him for a few moments in unfeigned astonishment, then yelled: "Oh, mom, come quick and see the fellow sharp- ening his teeth!" — Lippincott's. A green Christmas maketh a slim coal-yard. A frog in the pond is worth two in your throat. A breach-of promise suit is a poor substitute for a wedding coat. There is nothing that will burn a hole in your pocket so quicKly as a cool million. The man who said, "Talk is cheap," never had to pay his wife's telephone charges. If, as some poet has said, all life is music, the tramp must have been set to rag-time. What a comfort it would be if the wolf at the door could be trained to chew up a few duns as they arrive! There was a time when a nundred thousand dollars seemed like a good deal of money, and, come to think of it, it seems so yet. RHODE ISLAND REDS Owing to continued ill health I have determined to discontinue breeding R. I. Red chickens except in a very small way. I, therefore, offer my stock of Hens and Cocks for sale at $1 each, except a very few fine birds. I have Hens and Cocks worth from $2 to $5 each. Of course, while moulting these birds are not attractive looking, but they are bred from best stock I could buy. Many hens very light colored. I will have a few very fine young birds I'lir sale later. Correspondence solicited. A. R. VENABLE, JR., Mllnwood Poultry Tard^, Farmville, Va. ROSE COMB Rhode Island Red Kggs from prize-winning stock for sale, 15 for $1, or 3 sittings tor $2.50. WHITE EMBDEN" GEESE. I,. E. SMITH, Appomattox, Va. Please mention the Suuiucra I'u-.iint. i 078 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, WHITE WYANDOTTES Fifty Alarch and April hatched PULLETS now ready to lay, for sale at very reasonable prices These Pullets are from the stock lliat made such an unusual record of winnings last year in the Vir- ginia and North CJarolina shows. Twenty-five Cockerels, very large and very vi hlte, from same matings, offered worih th>- money. Twenty splendid yearling breed- ing Hens and half 'dozen yearling Cocas at a bargain. Write explicitly just what you want. Standard-Bred Poultry Farms Burke's Garden, Va. I am now prepared to sell some fine PEKIN DUCKS ^^ young or old, hatched from prize win- ners at Jamestown Exposition, Madi- son Square, Philadelphia, Virginia Fair and Poultry Show, etc. Also some fine WHITE WYANDOTTE^ HENS AND ROOSTERS. EVELYN HEIGHTS FARM, W. W. Thomas, Prop. Catlett, Va. Sliver liRced WYANDOTTES. A fine lot of young- sters now for sale. Or- der early and get first pick. All farm raised and vigorous. Special prices in quantities. Write for prices stating how many wanted. DR. H. H. L,EE, Poplar Hill Poultry Farm. Lexington, Va., R.P.D. 4. TAYLOR'S White Wyandotte Chickens, White Holland Turkeys, White Muscovy Ducks, stock and eggs in season. R. RANDOLPir*TAYL,OR, Hickory Bottom Poultry Farm, R. F. D. No. 2. Beaver Dam, Va. SPRING BROOK POULTRY FARM Calpcper, Va., H. H. Scott, Prop. Breeder of Northrup strain Black Minorcas, Whitman strain of Brown Leghorns, and the best Silver-Laced Wyandottes. Six entries at Richmond and Herndon won 2 first, 1 second, 2 thirds and a club special. Eggs in sea- son. Stock for sale. —WANTED— LIVE WILD TURKEYS and native Pheasants for breeding pur- poses. R. t.. BLANTON, RIclimond, Va. Please mention the Southern Planter. HINTS BY MAY MANTON. Princess costumes are essentially smart in effect and promise to con- tinue their vogue for a long time to come. This one is made after one of the very latest models with a flounce that provides graceful and becoming fulness and flare while it is smooth fitting at the body portion and gives the cuirass effect. It can be made as illustrated and utilized for street wear or it can be made long and coUarless and become adapted to indoor occa- sions. It allows a choice of the pretty new Moyen age sleeves illustrated or the simpler ones shown in the back view and it is consequently adapted to almost all seasonable materials. Chiffon broadcloth with trimming of soutache and yoke and sleeves of Irish crochet is the new combination illustrated, but thinner materials as well as heavier can be utilized, and for the yoke and sleeves any lace, embroidery or other yoking material will be found appropriate. As shown in the back view the gown is made from crepe meteore and it suits such materials and the heavier ones equal- ly well. 6425 Princesse Costume, 34 to 42 bust. The costume consists of the fitted portion, flounce and sleeves. The fit- ted portion is made with the center front, side-fronts, backs, side-backs, S. C. W. LEGHORNS First Cockerel, second Pullet, first Pen at Tazewell, Va., Fair starts my show record for 1909-10. Free range, high grade, egg producers is my foun- dation stock. For eggs and stock write W. R. TODD, Richmond, Va. Glenview Orpingtons* S. C. BUFFS EXCLUSIVELY, I will not srell any »ggB for hatch- ing n«xt season. If you want some of the best stock «f Orpingtons in th» South, BUY NOW. Prices reasonabl*. State your exact wants. B. S. HORNB, Keawlck V«. ^TO MAKE ROOM For my young stock I will offer some of my choice WHITE PLY- MOUTH ROCK YEAR-OLD HENS in any quantity to suit at $15.00 per dozen. Also a few male birds to spare, from $2 to $10 each. Order direct from this ad. Eggs, $1.00 for 15; $4.00 per 100. C. M. WALKER, HERNDON, VA. MISS LOUISE V. SPENCER, Blackstone, Va. PURE BRED R. C. RHODE ISLAND RED STOCK FOR SALE. Member of R. I. R. Club of America. WHITE POULTRY YAHOS Breeds prize-winning White Wyan- dottes, White Guineas, White China Geese, White Holland and Narragansett Turkeys, White Muscovey, Mammoth Pekin and Wild Mallard Ducks. J. P. DUNSTON, Propr. LORRAINE. VA., BRAZILIAN DUCKS Great layers, beautiful white and large size, draies weight 10 to 11 pounds, ducks 6 to 7 pounds. They lay almost all winter. Price, $5 for trio. Address W^OODSON VENABLE, Farmvllle, Va. PEKIN DUCKS Fine large birds last springs hatch, also some two year olds, cheap if sold at once. A few S. C. Brown Leghorn cockerels. MRS. F. H. W^ILKINSON, R. F. D. 1. Alexandria, Va. 3the big three3 n THE SOUTHERN PLANTER Richmond, Va., 50c. a year. Southern Fruit Grower Chattanooga, Tenn., 50c. a year. THE INDUSTRIOUS HEN Knoxville, Tenn., 50c. a year. These three monthly publications win be sent for one year for only yi.OO. Address, SOUTHERN PLANTER, Richmond, Va. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 979 SYSONBY GARDENS, INC., Petersburg, Va. EGGS AND STOCK FOR SALE FROM OUR PRIZE PENS. BARRED, BUFF, WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS Bred from A. C. Hawkins' Royal Blue, Gardner & Dun- ning-'s and U. R. Fishell's strains. ROSE COMB and SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS- De Graff's strain. SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS-Wyckoffs Strain We have 2,000 birds to choose from — all Southern farm- raised. Baby Chicks an'd Eggs in season. Safe arrival guaranteed. All correspondence answered promptly. HOME=RAISED HORSES FOR SALE CHEAP Black Combination Gelding; 8 years old; 15% hands high; 1,050 pounds. Movements easy and graceful in har- ness and under the saddle. Reliable and safe in all harness. Compactly formed and beautif j1. Sorrel Mare; 6 years old; 15% hands high; 950 pounds. Fine family, farm and brood mare. Compactly formed. Drives nicely. Safe for ladies and children to handle. Black Mare; 7 years old; 15% hands; 1,050 pounds. Drives nicely. Works well everywhere. Black Mare; 5 years old; 15% hands; 1,025 pounds. Very handsome and stylish. Good traveler. Very com- pact. Works everywhere. Dark Bav Mare; 6 years old; 15% hands; 1.000 pounds. Gentle and stylish. Fast in harness. Pair 2 V4 -Year-Old Well-Matched Black Horse Mules; 14 hands; 800 pounds each Have been driven some. Bay Mare Mule; 3% years old; 15 Vi hands; 900 pounds. Thoroughly broken to all farm machinery. W. M. AVATKINS, Saxe, Charlotte County, Vn. and double under-arm gores. The flounce is gored and can be either tucked or gathered. Both the fancy and plain sleeves are made over fitted SADDLERS We are making special prices on fifteen high grade Saddle Mares; also Mule Mares, for the the next sixty days. If you want a saddler of any description, write us. J. F. COOK & CO., Lexington, Kv. FOR IHORG/ini COLTS and Fillies and High-Bred Fox HounJ Puppies. Address Dr. JOHN D. MASSENUILL, Blonntvllle, Tenn. LARGE VORKShlRES Herd-Headers and Duins of Herd Im- ported. Boar and Sow Pigs by massive im- ported boar out of big sows that raise 10 to 12 pigs to a litter. These are fashionable Yorkshires, but not as high priced as fashionable Berkshires We kept four fashionable Berkshires for a year, but they were too well bred to raise a pig. We got 48 pigs from four Yorkshire sows, same time, same care. We gave up Berkshires. Our Yorkshires come so fast and thick we are almost giving them away. Write for figures. OVERBROOK FARM. 8 W. Conway Street, Baltimore, Md. lUEADOW BROOK FARM FOR SALE. Large York- shires and Poland Chinas. Special low- price now on pigs in pairs not akin. Also Hampshire, down sheep. All stock registered or eligible. Round HIII, Va. J. D. THOMAS, 6436 Girl's Box Plaited Dress, 4 to 10 years. linings which are faced to form the deep cuffs of one, the under sleeves PURE-BRED BERKSHKRES POLAND-CHINAS TAMWORTHS Pigs from Registered Stock for sale. Several Berkshire and Tamworth Boars ready for service. J. C. GRAVES. Barbonrs^Ue, Va. Half Blood Hound Pups for sale. Brevi from a full blooded man trailer and deer or fox hound; given up to make the finest for bear, deer or fox. DIXON BROS., LEXINGTON. VA. J. A. STROTJGH, Breeder of pure bre(J BELGIAN HORSES stallions, Mares and Colts for sale; imported and native bred. CRIMORA. VA. 980 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October^ Mannsfield Hall Dairy Farm Fredericksburg, Va. JERSEYS Registered Bull Calves for sale at farmers prices. Golden Lad Strain LARGE YORKSHIRE SWINE From Registered Prize Stock $12 a pair, 10 weeks old Apply, Secretary Jerseys For Sale Imported and Imported in Dam 150 HEAD IN THE HERD To select from, and not a single ani- mal but what is for sale. We won first and junior championship on yearling bull, Eminent 14th, at the Na- tional Dairy Show; First on heifer not In millc, under two years; First and second on heifers under six months, and seven other ribbons on the twelve head we exhibited. Write to-day and get pedigrees, de- scriptions and prices. Address ALLENDALE FARMS SHELBYVILLB, KY. COQUETTE'S JOHN BULL (Herd No. 63980.) Weight about 1,405 when fat. a pure St. Lambert, whose grand sire. Canada's John Bull V.. No. 20092, sire of 11 tested 'daughters and grandson of Mary Anne of St. Lambert, who made 26 pounds 12% ounces butter in seven days. His dam. Coquette of Glen Rouge, II., No. 64931, made 22 pounds butter in seven days — a pure St. Lambert. He is a sire of eight descendants, who have done better than 14 pounds but- ter in seven days. Having sold my herd of Jerseys, re- serving eleven of my choicest yearling heifer.s, I offer this bull for sale at low price, considering his breeding. Address A. R. VElVABLiB, JR., Box 147, FarmvlIIe, Va. THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOARS, JERSEY BULL CALVES, DORSET BUCK LAMBS. 81r6 of cal^eB, FLYING FOX. «64S«, aon of Flying Fox, who sold (or |7,800 at the Cooper sale, 1902. All 'atock in best condition and gruar- anteed as represented. F. T. ENGLISH, CentreTllIe, Hd. Please mention the Southern Planter. of the other. The fancy sleeves are made in three sections and are finish- ed with narrow rolled-over cuffs. The closing is made invisibly at the back. I'he plainer sleeves shown in the back view, are finished at their lower edges with straight bands to match the gown. Sizes; 34, 36, 38 40 and 42. Box plaited dresses are always pretty for the younger girls and this one is made with body and skirt por- tions in one, held in place by means of a belt. In the illustration the ma- terial is one of the plaid novelties with trmming of plain color. Just as illustrated it makes an excellent sturdy frock for the first school days. If it were made of rose colored, pale green or blue cashmere and trimmed with Oriental banding it would become completely transform- ed and adapted to occasions of great- er dress. The dress is made with front and back portions and is ''Ox plaited at the center, front and center back and the skirt portion is laid in inverted plaits at the under-arms. The neck is finished with the fancy collar, there are epauletts over the shoulders and the closing is made invisible at the back. The sleeves are in two pieces each with rolled-over cuffs. The collar is finished separately and ad.iusted over the neck. The pattern 6436 is cut in sizes for girls of 4, 6, 8 and 10 years of age and will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper on receipt of ten cents. SOME NOTED SOUTHERN EDUCA- TORS. Mary Washington. Amongst the most distinguished of the Southern educators of the olden time, we may mention the two Le Conte brothers, John and Joseph. John LeConte was born in Liberty county, Georgia, Dec. 4th, 1818, being the son of Dr. Lewis Le Conte (1782- 1838) a noted botanist. John gradu- ated at Franklin College, Ga., in 1838, and received the degree of M. D. from the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1841. He settled as a physician in Savannah Ga. In 1846 he was made professor of natural philosophy at Franklin College, and in 1856 professor in the S. C. College. In 1869 he was made professor of physics and industrial mechanics in the newly founded University of Cal- ifornia, and in 1875 he became presi- dent of that institution. He was not only a very earnest, capable teacher, but a fine author on scientific sub- jects. He published a scientific jour- nal and proceedings of learned socie- ties, important papers on physical sci- ence. He also wrote a treatise on general physics which, when nearly completed, was destroyed by the burn- ing of Columbia, S. C, in 1865. His younger brother, Joseph Le Conte, was born in Liberty county, Ga., Feb. 26, 1823. He studied at a private school under the distinguish- ed Alexander H. Stephens, and grad- uated at Franklin College in 1 841 . B Registered ull Calves AT FARMER'S PRICES I am overstocke'J with Bull Calves (12 out of the last 16 dropped also bulls) an'd will dispose of them at rea- sonable prices. For $20 each 1 will register, trans- fer, crate and deliver at express office these elegantly bred Jersey Calves from my working herd averaging 7,000- pounds milk per cow per year. No better working herd in the State; both St. Lambert and Island breeding. RAIiPH IZZARD, Fredericksburg, Va. PURE-BRED JERSEYS AND POLLED DURHAimS (Or Hornless Shorthorns.. I have two fine 2 to S-months-old Jersey Bull Calves by a famous Ken- tucky bred bull. Price $35 each or t60 for both. Polled Durham Bull and Heifer Calves, yearlings and older dtock. Write for prices to JAMES M. HOBBS, 1521 Mount Royal Avenue. Baltlmiore, Md. Note — See my one-third page ad of Sheep, Hogs and Poultry elsewhere in this issue. Devon Herd Established 1884. Hamp- shire Down Flock Bstabllsbed 1880. DEVON CATTLE B1TLLS AND HBIFBRS, HAMPSHIRBDOWN SHBBP, RAMS AND KIVKS. ROBBRT J. FARRBR, Orangre, Va. PURE BRED Hereford Bull Calves, weighing about 600 pounds tot- sale. Price $50 each. J. li. PITTS. Scottsvllle, Va. Walnut Hills Herd. Twenty-flve ReglBtered Anffua fe- males and two bulls for sale. J. P. THOMPSON, Oranse, Va. Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Some fine registered Bull and Heifer Calves at farmers' prices. WM. M. WATKINS, Saxe, Charlotte Co., Va. JERSEVS Combination and Oolden Lad. For aale 46 Cows, 6 Heifers, 26 Bulls. S. E3. NIVBN, Landenberc, Pa. PREMIER BERKSHIRES The large, lenpthy, grrowthy kind. A fine lot of pigs, bred from flrst-claaa sows, ready for April delivery; prices right B. P. Rock eggs $1 for IE. J. T. OI^IVGR, Allen's licvel, Va. Always mention The Southern Planter when writing advertisers. ■ 1909.1 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 981 Rams of all kinds are gettins scarce so order at once, farmers, before It Is too late. I have the fol- lowing ready for prompt shipment: One exhibition registered, 3-year- old Shropshire Ram, weight 200 pounds, $45; 3 registered yearling Shropshire Rams, very choice, $30 each; 2 fair good yearling Shrop- shire Rams $20 each; 3 extra good Shropshire Ram Lambs, $20 each and 3 Shropshire Rams eligible to registry at $18 each; 2 fine year- ling Hampshire Rams at $25 each; Hampshire Ram Lambs, $18 each. Also Southdowns, Dorsets and Lin- coln Rams, Ewes and Lambs. Order to-day and you will never regret fcuylng a good pure-bred Ram. Now is the time to order your fall stock and get them In their winter quarters. I have fine 2, 3, 4 and 6- months-old Pigs and Shoats, both sexes, of Berkshlres, Poland-Chinas, C h e s t e White, Duroc- Jerseys, Yorkshires and Tamworths. Also some fine Service Boars and Bred Sows. Prices right for quality of stock, and courteous treatment as- sured. Send me a trial order. Address JAMES M. HOBBS, 1521 Mt. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. PURE-BRED CHICKENS, TURKEYS and DUCKS The early buyer always gets the best selection and lowest prices. I have choice birds of Barred, White and Buff Plymouth Rocks; White, Brown and Buff Leghorns; Black White and Buff Orpington. Extra fine stock of the three breeds of Orpingtons. Single and Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds, Black Minorcas, Black Polish, Silver Hamburgs, Light Brahmas and others. Pekln and Rouen Ducks. Bargains for early buyers. Farmers, don't delay ordering your White Holland and Mammoth Bronze Breeding Turkeys. They are going to be very scarce and high. I am booking orders for November shipment or earlier if desired. Hens, $3.50 to $4.50 each; Toms, $5 to $6 each. Virginia's Premier Rival 117^83 A blue ribbon winner at Va. State Fair, 1908. He Is one of the Great Boars of the Berkshire Breed, is not only a splendid Individual but has proven himself a wonderful breeder. His pigs are large, even size no "runts" fine length, full of quality with best of Berkshire heads. Anyone In search of a top boar pig to head a good herd, write me. My pigs are out of large prolific sows of best breeding. Prices reasonable and stock must please you. B. P. SOMMERS, S«mer«et, Xm. BERKSHIRE PIGS Biltmore strain, good individuals, of oithcr 8 '^x Ten fineJersey heifers and Plymouth Rock cockerels. . Everything guaranteed as represent- ed or money refunded. R. S. YOUNG. Only. Ya. Mr. J. Lsuigenderfer made $1350.00 last year from five of our 0. 1. C. 1-2 ton Sows. Positively only perfect stock shipped. Average weight, 150 lbs. at 4 mo. O. I. C. Hogs are cholera proof — 9CC our guarantee. Write today for Illustrated circular showing some of oar famous herd. Hie H. S. Nelson Co., 907 C«ton Bldg., Cleveland, 0. G. T. SCHOOLEY, HamlUon. Va. Breeder of Pure-Bred O. I. C. HOGS Pigs for sale at reasonable prices. Reg. P. Chinas, Berkshlrcn. |C. Whites. Largo stralni. All lages, mated, not akin. Brod ISows, Service Boars, Gu«mt«y [Calves, Collie and Beagle Pupa land poultry. Write for prlcea land circular. P. P. HAMII.TON, [Cocbranvllle, Cheater C*. Pm. Like his older brother, he studied medicine, taking the degree of M. D. in New York in 1845, and settling at Macon, Ga., as a physician. He also resembled his brother in quitting the practice of medicine in order to de- vote himself to natural science. In 1850 he studied natural history under Professor L. Agassiz, at Cambridge, and in 1853 was made professor of this branch at Franklin College. In 1856 he became professor of Chemis- try and Geology in the South Caro- lina College and in 1869 he went with his older brother to the California University where he was made pro- fessory of geology and natural his- tory. He not only wielded his pen in :he production of many important scientific papers, but published essays on education and the fine arts and "The Mutual Relations of Religion and Science." Professor Josiah Boyce, of Harvard University, many years ago a pupil of Dr. Joseph Le Conte of the California University, offers an eloquent tribute to the memory of his former friend and teacher, in "The International Monthly of September, 1901. "In those days," says Professor Boyce, "Prof. Le Conte's lectures treated in an elementary way of bot- any, zoology, and geology in succes- sion. The Professor had to work with- out assistants, and laboratory and field work were not then recognized parts of instruction in elementary col- lege courses In these departments. But what the courses lacked in thor- oughness, they made up as far as pos- sible in philosophical spirit, in breadth of view, in the before mentioned arch- itectural and artistic skill of exposi- tion, in depth of Insight into prob- lems. In a desir** to give our minds true freedom, and finally to what Le Conte himself recognized as the logic of science. Upon this last aspect of his topic, Le Conte laid no little stress We were certain, he told us, to for- get in later years, most of what he Registered POLAND CHINAS Sunshine and Per- fection blood. Choice lot of pigs now ready for shipment. Three months pigs, $6. Choice Gilts and Service Boars, from $12.50 to $15. All stock in fine condition, strong and healthy. F. \V. HOUSTON, Lexington, Va. Clifton Stock Farm. JOHN H. ROSE & Co., Richmond. Va. The Famona ShadovrleSB Angle Lamp Perfection in OH Llshtins- No. 203, as Illustrated, »5.70. The Angle Lamp gives more light, consuming less oil, than any lamp on the market. Don't hesitate in sending your order. The "Angle Lamp" is all we claim for it. JOHN H. ROSE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Stoves, Crockery, Enamelware, Glassware and Holiday Goods. 1427 E. Main, Richmond, Va. 982 THE SOUTHEKN PLANTER. [October, PINEHURST SHROPSHIRES HOME-BRED RAM. WARDWELL'S "LEAD THE WAY." In 1907 we won CHAMPION RAM at Chicago International, Michigan State and New York State Fairs, and every FIRST PRIZE at Vermont State Fair. In 1908 we won champion Ram at Indiana and New Tork State Fairs. This year we have bought at a cost of $900 the 1st Prize Royal Ram in England. Our rams are better than ever and we have reduced the price 30 per cent, from last year. Don't fail to send for our circular giving price and breeding of rams. We are making a special offering, so buy early and get first choice. We pay not only great care to get the BEST in importing, but even more care in selecting our breedine flock. This Is undoubtedly the reason our flock has such a great reputation. HENRY I,. WARDWELIi, Springfield Center, New York. WOODLAND FARM DORSET SHEEP No Ewes for sale, and only a few Rams left. We have three or four flock-headers among these, which we offer at reasonable prices. Better or- der before they are all gone. CHAS. B. WING, Successor to J. E. Wing & Bros., MecbanicsburK. Ohio. NOTICE I have sold all my DORSET LAMES for this sea.^on I am ready now to booi orders for my next crop of lambs, which I expect better than ever. My prices are right. Address H. H. ARBUCKLE, Edgewood Stock Farm, Maxwelton, W. Va. DORSET SHEEP I have to offer, this season, some very fine Dorset Rams; prices In reach of all. SAMUELi T. HEiNINGER, Bnrke'R Garden, Va. CHESTER WHITES Best hog on earth. Fall pigs now coming. Please let us have your or- ders. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. M. W^ISECARVER, Rnstbarg, Va. Always mention The Southern Planter when writing advertisers. had said. But he hoped and desired we should not forget the method of worlc In no one else with whom I have come in personal contact, have I ever found the same union of the love of details with the success in an artistically beautiful oral presen- tation, in elementary lectures of what he conceived to be meir system. Many as fascinating lecturers you may find, but such are seldom as thorough workers as he was. Many more pro- ductive men of science exist, but few are as true artists as Le Conte was." Mr. James P. Holcombe, an accom- plished scholar, lawyer, writer and educator of youth, was born in Lynchburg, Va., in 1820. He received his education partly at Yale and and partly at the University of Vir- ginia. Before the war he was profes- sor of civil, constitutional and interna- tional law at the latter institution and instructed many a young man who has since made his mark at the bar of the State. Just before the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. Holcombe, with Tyler, and other distinguished Virginians, was a member of the "Peace Com- mission" which went to Washington city and vainly strove to bring about an amicable adjustment of the issues at stake. During the war, Mr. Hol- combe was a member of the Confed- erate Congress. After the war he founded an admir- able school for boys, in Bedford county Va-, about fifteen miles from Lynchburg, Va. It was called "Belle Vue," an appropriate title, as it was located in a peculiarly beautiful and picturesque country. Here Prof. Hol- combe spent the closing years of his life, instructing youth and carrying on his reading and studies in his ad- mirable library. He was a man, not only of fine intellect and scholarship, but of high tone, refinement and del- icacy of feeling. He contributed some very valuable works to the litera- ture of the law. "Selections of leading cases upon commercial law, decided by the Su- preme Court of the United States." — 1847. "Digestion of decisions of Supreme Court of the U. S. from its organiza- tion to the present time." — 1848. "The merchants book for reference for debtor and creditor in the United States and Canada." Besides the above legal works he made a valuable compilation entitled "Literature in Letters" (1868) consist- ing of selections of famous letters, mostly English. A very notable Southern educator of a somewhat later period was Dr. J. L. M. Curry, a man of grat and varied gifts who played many roles in life and played them ali well, but whose lasting fame perhaps rests chiefly on his gifts and achievements as an educator. He was born in Georgia, but became a citizen of Ala- bama in early life and represented this State in the Federal and after- ward in the Confederate Congress. THE HISTORY OF A GREAT BERK- SHIRE BOAR. Mr. D. E. Barhart, of Bristow, Va., writes the readers of the Planter about his sensational boar, Earhart's Model Premier 116131. Mr. Earhart says this boar is truly a model in breeding, size, quality and finish and is destined to become one of -the great breeding boars of the world. He is from a long line of prize-winners, being a son of the great Baron Premier 3d, who was Junior Champion in the St. Louis World's Fair and he by the Grand Champion of the world at the same fair, Premier Longfellow. "His dam was Her Highness of Bilt- more, who was descended from a long line of English prize-winners and made for herself a great record in both the sale ring and breeding pen. This sow has produced many great boars but I doubt if any of them will equal Earhart's Model Premier. While just two years old and standing 2 ft. 9 in. high; he measures 8 ft. 3 in. from tip to tip with a heart girth of 5 ft. 7 in. and 5 ft. 6 in. around the loins. He is estimated to weigh near eight hundred pounds, and his short,' broad face, broad, long and even body, well filled and round- ed hams mark him one of the great- est boars of the breed. I have own- ed many great boars but as the sire of big litters of well developed pigs, Earhart's Model Premier beats them all. His pigs are nearly all his type with good fancy heads, broad, long and smooth bodies and while they mature quickly, they make hogs of great size and quality. He is mated to some of my most famous sows and has the best opportunity that could be given any great boar to make a record. I also have a choice lot of young boars and gilts 4 to 5 months old, sired by him and a number of young pigs of the best quality that I am offering at reasonable prices." Yours very truly, D. E. EARHART. Mr. Earhart says he will later write the readers of the Planter about an- other famous boar, Earhart's Combi- nation and would be pleased to hear from any who would like stock . from these great sires. TAMW^ORTH PIGS. From Registered Stock ^of Fine Breeding. Knowle of Cook Farm 5087 at head of herd. Sire 2nd prize boar at Royal Show, Eng., 1907., Dam 1st prize gilt at same show, 1907. VOIiNEY OSBVRN, Bluem^nt, Liondonn Co., Va BROOKDALE FARM, Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Red Polled Cattle. of best breeding. The cattle that suit the Virginia farmer best. Write for photographs and records. DORSET SHEEP. A Prime Yearling Ram and a Few Choice Ewes. J. D. ARBUCKLE, M. D., Casa, W, Va. 1909.] THE SOUTHEEN PLANTEK. 983 Want Ads. Rates 2 centa per word. Caah with order. Initials and flgrures count aa one word; 25 ents minlnvum charge. POULTRY, ETC. S. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS— I OF- fer for sale for Immediate or early fall delivery trios that will maki wonderful breeders. I can mate up cockerel either with splendid hens or with promising puUats. I believe I have the finest fancy-utility strain in existence, ind have in my yards today the finest lot of fowls that I have ever owned. I hava furnished winners for most of the big South- ern shows, and I have a hen now laying that has laid over 900 eggs. Trios, price $5 to $10. Dr. J. H. C. "Winston, Hampden-Sidnjy, Va. BURDECK STRAIN OF BUFF ROCKS. Bred for size and eggs only. Sent to Virginia show last year two cocks and one hen to be scored. There were five hundred birds en- tered, tut a small class in the Rocks (Theo. Whitman, judge). I won first and second cocks and first hen and Rock special for best surfaced Buff male. These cocks head my pens, but breed for only size and eggs. White for description of birds. John E. Morris, .Jr., State vice-president Guff Rock Club. Orange, Va. BILL OF SALE FOR THIS MONTH— 100 White, Brown and Buff Leghorn yearling hens, $1 each; 25 Rose Comb Brown Leghorn hens, 1 cock, $25: some breeding pens of Silver Laced, Columbian and Buff Wyan- dottes. Buff Orpington, R. I. Reds, 10 hens and 1 cock, J15; one pen each White Rock and Dark Brahmas, 8 hens, 1 cock, $15; yearling Duroc Registered Boar, first $20 gets him. Clarence Shenk. Luray. Va. AM SELLING OUT MY PURE-BRED stock Indian Runner Drakes, $1.25; Ducks. $2; April hatched White Hol- land Turkeys and a few fine old Hens and Gobler, Toulouse Geese, also two 1-year-old Ganders. A few line-bred Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels and Pullets for 80 cents: also some Hens for $1. Have one orange and one lemon tree with fruit now on it will sell cheap. Inghram Poultry Yards, Somerset, Orange county, Va. STANDARD-BRED POULTRY FROM $2 per hpad up. White Plymouth Rocks, Silver, Golden, Columbian. . Black and White Wyandottes, R. I. Reds, Pit Games. Indian Runner, Aylesbury. Blue Swedish. Mallard, T\^hite and Colored Moscow Ducks, Toulouse and Brown Chinese Geese. All bred from prize winning stock Dennis Bros. & Co., BInns Hall, Va. BARGAINS IN PURE-BRED UTILITY Poultry, $1 each. White Plymouth Bocks, White. Silver and Columbian Wyandottes, R. I. Reds. White and Brown 'Leghorns. Pekin, Indian Run- ner, Blue Swedish and Muscovv Ducks. Burlington Farm, Charles City, Va. HENS, HENS, CHEAP TO MAKE room; extra fine Barred Rock and White Wyandotte, also beauties in Cockerels. A few White Orpington Cockerels. Miss Clara Smith, Lanrlor Pkaultry Yards. Croxton, Va. FOR SALE — SINGLE COMB WHITE Leghorn Hens and Cocks. $1 each. T. C. Morton, Rice Depot, Va. WHITE WVANDOTTES FOR SALE— Don't be satisfied with anything but the best. Stock direct from Arthur G. Duslin. Must sell a few yearling Hens and six months' Cockerels to make room. Prices $1 to $3. Mrs. W. W Sproul, Middlebrook, Augusta county, Va. MAMMOTH BRONZE, WHITE HOL- land Turkeys, White Wyandotte, White Leghorn, R. I. Red Poultry. Choice stock bred from winners. Prices right, satisfaction guaranteed. Circular free. Fairview Farm, Shrewsbury, Pa. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE— 175 S. C. White Leghorn Hens and Pul- lets, 22 Cockerels, six Universal Hovers, four Incubators, 1,600 egg capacity. Fountains. Write for price. Willow Poultry Farm, South Mills. N. C^ __^ FOR SALE— S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS, also S. C. R. I. Red Cocks, Cockerels, Hens and Pullets froni prize winning strains and the best egg producing families. Order quick and get the best. Evergreen Farms W. B. Gates, Prop., Ri ce Depot, Va. BEAUTIFULLY MARKED PLYMOUTH Rock Cockerels and Pullets, also White Wyandotte Cockerels, 65 cents each. Weigh two to three pounds Extra fine Toulouse Ganders, $2.50 each. Blue Hill Poultry Yards, Somerset, Va. PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKERELS AND Pulets, also White Wyandotte Cock erels from 65 cents to $1; well mark- ed and vigorous. Extra fine Toulouse Ganders, $2.50 each. E. F. Sommers, Somerset, Va. CORRESPONDENCE SOL,ICITED CON- cernlng- young stock from finest pen of Crystal White Orpingtons in the world. Eggs for present late sea- son at half price, $2.50 per 15. Mrs. L. C. Catlett, Gloucester, Va. SINGLE COMB BROWN LEGHORN Pullets and Cockerels for sale; two nice cocks for exchange. Also White Rock Cockerels for sale. Stock guaranteed. Price $1 each. B. G. Bass, Rice, Va. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BRED to latest standard requirements. America's greatest laying and exhi- bition strains. Finest I ever had. Summer prices if ordered now. George H. Morris, Ashland, Va. FOR SALE— SINGLE COMB BROWN Leghorn Cockerels, Pullets and Hens. Fine laying strain; also Barred Plymouth Rocks, Bradley strain. Mrs. C. M Bass, Rice Depot, Va. ROCKLAND POULTRY FARM, YOUNG Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels; splendid values at $1 each. Next size 75 cents each. Mrs. Keesee Brooking, Somerset. Va. S. C. W. LEGHORNS— FOUR FIRST premiums at Roanoke Fair. Pullets from $1 up; Cockerels from $2 up. W. H. Densmore, R.. F. D. No. 3, Roanoke, Va. FOR SALE— LARGE COLORED MUS- covy Ducks; hardy and prolific. Only choice stock shipped. Write for prices. W-. B. Coleman, Mannboro, Va. R. C. SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE Cocks, $1.25 and $2.50; Cockerels, $1; Hens, $1 and $1.25. Mrs. Fannie Carter, Rice Depot, Va. BEAUTIFUL S. C. RHODE ISLAND Red Cockerels, $1. Mrs. Armstrong, Union Mills, Fluvanna county, Va. FOR SALE— C HOICE WHITE Plymouth Rock Cockerels, $1 to $5 during October. Eggs in season. VV. N.. Clemmer, Box 605, Staunton, Va. FOR SALE— TWENTY-FIVE BARRED Plymouth Rock Hens; good ones. Charlie Brown, Route 1, Cartersvllle. Va. SINGLE COMB R. I. RED PULLETS for sale, $1 apiece or six for $5. Wild Rose Poultry Farm, Gold Dale, Va. BABY CHICKS— 8 CENTS EACH— Shipped safely anywhere. Culver Poultry Farm, 948 Burnham, Benson, Neb. SOME NICE WHITE WYANDOTTES for sale. O. O. Harrison, Mt. Ulla, N. C. TWENTY-FIVE ROSE COMB LEG- horn Hens, 75c. each. Allen Wood, Route 4, Petersburg. Va. LIVB STOCK. FOR SALE — BEAU DONALD HERE- fords, a few choice calves, year- lings and cows of this popular fam- ily of Herefords. Also a few select Berkshire pigs by Premier Champion by Premier Longfellow, out of Roy- al Bachelor sows. Sweepstakes win- ner at Ky. State Fair, and one bay Saddle Filly, 3 years, weighs 1050 lbs, by old Denmark out of Ky. sad- dle mare, stylish and fast. Elkton Stock Farm, Forest Depot, Va. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN — HAVING lost my corn crop by high water, I will sell the following stock at bar- gain prices: One pair 4-year-old colts, well bred; 1 pair 9-year-old brood mares, fine farm mares; 1 pair 2-year-old mules; 10 head pure-bred Holstein cattle; 1 pure-bred Holstein bull; 10 head pure-bred Shorthorn cows; 1 pure-bred Shorthorn bull: milking strain of Shorthorns; several head Polled Angus cattle. Write for prices, terms and description. Oak Hill Farm, Wenonda, Va. FOR SALE— TEN ANGUS COWS. 8 Heifers, choice breeding, mostly Prince Ito blood; 5 Hackney brood mares. 2 Yearling Fillies. 5 trotting- bred Mares, 1 Yearling 1 2-j'ear and 2 3-year Fillies, all high class racing blood and should go fast; 2 Geld ings. 1 and 2 years; 1 Clydesdale Stallion, 2 years; 1 trotting bred Sallion. Don Piza, 27060. one of the best sons of the great Gambetta Wilkes. Myer & Son, Bridgeville, Del. FOR SALE — IMPORTED GERMAN Coach Sallion, 4 years old, 16 hands high, weighs 1,350 lbs., good flat bone, fine style and action, plenty of speed, a perfect eye and a nobla disposition. Have both German and American certificates of registration. A bargain for some ona interested in breeding good serviceable horses. Ad- dress. T. E. Roberts, Chase City, Va. FOR SALE — SADDLE STALLION, 5 vear.s old; blood bay; extremely handsome, stylish and spirited: un- trained but almost perfect in all saddle gaits; saddle bred on both sides and of distinguished ances- trage; disposition gentle and tract- able; thoroughly broken to ride and drive. Address F. G. D., R. F. D. No. 1, Scottsville, Va. LARGE YORKSHIRES— WE MUST reduce our breeding stock and offer three excellent sows and a very fine boar, also gilts, and pigs of both sexes. Will make remarkably low prices to quick buyers. Meadow Grove Farm, Ivy Depot, Va. 984 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [Octobei'. LJVJB STOCK (Continued). FOR SALE— KEGISTKKKD GUERN- sey Bull, bred at V P. I., and seven fine Jersey Cows and Heifers. If not sow previously will sell at my public sale of stock, crop and farm implements, November 3, 1909. Dr. Walter Stuart, Farmville, Va. SEVERAL. YOUNG REGISTERED AB- erdeen Angus bulls. Sired by Gold Nugget 26957, who was never beaten In the show ring, at farmers' prices. David I. Jaynes, Massaponax, Va., Member of the Aberdeen Angnis Breeders Association. FOR SALE — ONE PURE-BRED JBR- sey Bull Calf, 6 months old, parents eligible to registry; breeding good as any. Will sell at a bargain. E. L. Cousins, Rockdale Farm, Big Stone Ga p, Va., R. F. P. 2. FOR SALE— ONE JERSEY COW, SIX years old; not registered; bred to registered male; will be fresh in November. Price $50. Keesee Brooking, Somerset, Va. iPOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR young stock — One fine Kentucky Jack, good size, fine disposition and very sure, gets fine colts. Sold for no fault. Write for prices and terms. Samuel Hairsto n, Wenonda, Va. THIRTY DAYS' SALE OF THOROUGH- bred Jerseys and Holsteins, strippers and fresh cows; also one and two- year-old bulls at farmers prices. Dennis Bros. & Co., Binns Hall, Va. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR mules or heavy farm horses, 2 to 4 years old, 2 bull calves, 1 herd bull. Prince Barbara, 10 cows, 8 heifers. Myer & Son, Brldgeville, Del. FOR SALE— REGISTERED POLLED Herefords, Wilton, Anxiety and Howe strains. Prices moderate. Ap- ply Samuel T. Earle, Jr., 1431 Lin- den Ave., Baltimor e, Md. PURE-BRED YORKSHIRE PIGS from August litter, $6 each or $10 a pair at eight weeks old. W. B. Wells, Nort h Garden. Va. PONIEa— SEJVBRAli SHETLAND AOT) others for children, well broken. Cme pair matched roan mares, 6 years, kind; single and double. J. M. Cun- ningham, Brandy Station, va. WANTED— A MARE, SEVEN OR eight years; about fifteen hands; bay or brown Arcadia, Route 4, Ricn- mond. FOR SALE— THREE DUROC-JERSEY Boar Pigs two months old. Pedigree furnished. P. J. Boelte, News Ferry, Va. FOR SALE— REGISTERED BERK- shire Pigs. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. W. Adams, Ad dison, Va. FOR SALE— SIX GOOD GRADE Dairy Cows; coming fresh. M. O. A., care Southern Planter^ BEST BREEDING OF LARGE YORK- shires at bargain prices. W. E. Stick- ley, Stras burg, Va. FOR SALE CHEAP— FINE JERSEY Bull Can furnish registry papers. Box 286, Roanoke. Va. FINE SADDLE AND DRIVING HORSE for sale. Address Mrs. William Birch, New Glasgo w, Va. DOGS, PKT STOCK, ETC. WANTED— LIVE WILD TURKEYS and Pheasants for breeding purposes. R. L. Blanton. Richmond. Va. WANTED— TO BXJT AliL, KINDS Wild Birds and Animals, partlcularl;; Tame Deer, Wild Turkeys, White Squirrels, Peafowl, Otters, Red Foxei Oray Squirrels, Partridges, Pheas- ants, Beaver. State price when writ- ing. Dr. Cecil French, Naturalist, Washington, D. C. BY PAYING FREIGHT CHARGE AND $2 pound tax, we will ship you a good house, watch or hunting dog. State kind of dog' you want. Animal Relief Society, 2115 14th St., N. W., Washington, D. G. FOR SALE— ONE YOUNG COON DOG, one trained Ferret for rabbit and mink hunting Stamp for reply. James E. Gibson, Jr., Route No. 1, Charlottesville, Va. FOR SALE — NICELY MARKED sable and white female Collie Pup- pies from champion bred stock; $3 each. William Sheppard, Front Royal, Va. FOR SALE — REGISTERED BEAGLE Hounds of the choicest breeding. The best dog on earth for hunting rabbits. Address Evergreen Farms, W.. B. Gates, Prop., Rice Depot, Va DACHSHUND PUPS — PURE-BRED stock, imported from Germany in 1906, for sale. Capt. F. J. von Schwerdtner, Annapolis, Md. FOR SALE— SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS; 8 months old; very high bred. Cheap to make room. Charlie Brown, Route 1, Cartersvile, Va. FOX, DEER, COON AND OPOSSUM hounds and pups, $3.60 to $16 each. For bargains write me. E. F. Wil- mouth, Shelbyville, Ky. RUFUS-RED BELGIAN HARES. SOME fine stock for sale. Tillman E. Jeter, Paces, Va. BEAGLES— PUPS AND WELL-TRAIN- ed Dogs for sale. Best strain. James R. Parker, Cypress Chapel, Va. TWO NICE POINTERS; RIGHT AGE to break; fine blood. John Brown, Estes, Va. REAL ESTATE. TIRED OF FARMING? BOYS LEFT home? Why not exchange your farm for city income property in best city in United States? Frequently good trades can be made with peo- ple anxious to live in country My business is to bring such people to- gether and help them 'deal on basis fair to both. Send full description if you wish my services. No charge unless deal made; 33 years business record back of me. Clarence Pettit, Real Estate Exchange Specialist, Pittsburg, Pa. DAIRY AND POULTRY FARM FOR sale — farm of about fifty acres lo- cated fifty miles from Washington, in Fauquier Co., Va., 1% miles from station on Southern. Accessible to new creamery. Improvements: seven room house, horse stable, cow barn, poultry house, fenced and well wat- ered. Price $2,800. O. A. Thomas, Bealeton, Va. WANTED TO EXCHANGE CITY LOTS in Gulfport, Miss., for Shetland ponies, collies, blood hounds, er fancy poultry. J. D. Stodghill, Shel- b yville. Ky. FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS AT lowest prices on easy terms; great, est bargains in Virginia. Write for catalognie. Address J. R. Elam, Char- lottesville, Va. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN CUBA; GOOI' 8-room tile roofed house, 25 acre good land, quantity of fruit tree^^ never failing well with wind mill; one and one-half miles from city oi twenty thousand; fine location, high, dry and healthy; good for tobacco, oxanges or vegetables. Price, $2,000. Address S. T. Holmes, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. FOR SALE— A FINE FARM CONTAIN - ing about 500 acres, situated in Greensville county Virginia. Will sell as a whole or divide in two farms. Will sell cheap if sold be- fore December 1st. For particular.'^ address owner, B. D. Robinsoii Graysburg, N. C. «'INE ESTATE FOR SALE— THREE sets of handsome buildings; resi- dences contain 10, 9 and 8 rooms; five other settlements. Beautiful sit- uation, good gr&zing and farming land, 1,200 acres. Will divide. Price $25; close to town. A. H. Clement, Apcomattox, Va. FARM, 71 ACRES, 10 MILES FROM Richmond on R. and P. electric line and A. C. L.; new tin roof dwelling of eight rooms and large halls: 15(i young fruit trees just in bearing: clay loam, clay subsoil; lays well. Cheap at $4,500. H., care Southern Planter. NICE FARM FOR SALE — ON Ac- count of sickness, 50 acres open, 100 acras in good timber; telephone and school wagon; one mile to railroad and post office; cannery and barrel factory three miles; creamery in Wiliamsburg. O'Kern, Dlascond, Va. FARM FOR SALE, 241 ACRES. GOOD location, among the very best of neighbors. A bargain for same one. Address Owner, Route 1, Carters- ville, Va. WANTED— TO RENT ON SHARES OR money consideration my farm of over 90 acres in Chesterfield county; nine miles above Richmond. Address "Farm," Box 465, Richmond, Va. FARMS FOR SALE IN NORTH CARO- lina. — Get my large list before they are leased. State location, size and about price of farm wanted. R. E. Prince, Raleigh, N. C CLENDENING AND THOMAS REAL Estate Agents, Round Hill, Loudoun county, Va. Large list of farms and town property in the famous Val- ley, ranging in price from $10 per acre and upwards. WANTED— FOR A CLIENT, A TRACT of fine timber land, also chestnut boards. Address A. W. Mason, Hazleton, Pa. 110 ACRE TRUCK AND GRAIN FARM for rent near Richmond. Call per- sonally. Joseph A. Johr, Meadow. Va. POSITIOirS HBLP. WANTED — SINGLE MAN FOR WORK- ing manager of farm near Richmond, Va. Owner lives on place but work.s in the city. Farm in good condi- tion; necessary implements, team, etc.; excellent home for good man; salary or profit-sharing basis. Place only 3^4 miles from city and half mile from end of car line. Refer- ences required. J. W. B., care Southern Planter. EXPERIENCED FARMER, SMALL family, desires to rent farm or manage estate; has capital. Refer- ences exchanged. Diversified farm-' ing preferred. J. F. Engler, Route I. Easton, Pa.. 1909.] THE SOUTHEKN Pl.ANTKR. 1^85 POSITIONS — HBLP. (Continued.) BIG MONEY FOR AGENTS — WE want some good agents to sell Dr. Thornber's Herb Renovator, for the stomach, liver, kidneys, rheumatism, dyspepsia, headache, nervousness, i-.onstlpatlon and the blood. We ■will pay big commission for either men or women agents. Any one can make from $3 to $6 per day. Send 25 cents tor a full size box and agents terms. Paw Paw Remedy Co.. Roanoke, Va. WANTED — WORKING MANAGER FOR country place, full knowledge of farming and machinery. Give wages desired, references and full partic- ulars. Address R. B. care Southern Planter. WANTED— POSITION AS FARM MAN- agar, single, thoroughly competent, experienced in Western and So\ith ern farming. Address, "Farmer," Jet- ersville, Va. WANTED— POSITION AS FOREMAN and manager on a farm. Can give references as being sober, honest, straight and reliable and with the experience. R., Vashtl, Va. WANTED — MAN ON FARM TO AT- tepd to chicken and game raising. State experience, number of children and their ages, also compensation required. B. W. C, care Southern Planter. WANTED — SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS man (married) to work on farm near Richmond. References. Address A. B., care Southern Planter. "W^ ANTED— TWO YOUNG SINGLE men to work in butcher shop and help milk; good opening for first- class man. Forest Home Farm, PurcevUle, Va. WANTED. GOOD ALL-ROUND WHITE man for farm work, house, etc., fur- nished. Give age of self and family. Address E. G. Craig, Keswick, Va. SBBD, PLANTS, Etc. WANTED— TO BUY WHEAT SUIT- able for seed. Will make offer f. o. b. your station and furnish sacks. Send sample and state variety and quantity you have for sale. N. R. Savage & Son, Seed and Feed Merchants, Richmond, Va. CULTIVATE GINSENG— SEED FOR sale. Directions given for planting. R. F. Cecil, AltaVista, Va. IMPL.EMISNTS, MACHINERY, ETC. FOR SALE— 12 -HORSE POWER Aultman-Taylor Traction Engine in flrst-class working order. Price $250. Five-Horse Power Farquhar Vertical Engine, mounted on four wheels, good order. Price $140. Eight-Horse Power "Capital" Gaso- line Engine, mounted on wagon, In good running order. Price $275. For full description apply to Crutch- field Bros., Mayo, Va. FOR SALE— ONE HURST FOUR ROW potato sprayer with orchard attach- ment, in good order. P. J. Boelte, News Ferry, Va. FOR SALE— 100-EGG MANDY LEE Incubator. Late mo'del and perfect condition; $9. E. L. Dupuy, Black- stone, Va. FOR SALE— ONE SUCCESS MANURE Spreader; been used three times; good as new. Price $80. .T. T. Rogers & Son, Nassawadox, Va. • — ._ .^ — ^ MISCEIiLANBOUS. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE of limited means to enjoy the free advantages of Washington. Short- hand and typewriting Included in home expenses, and positions found for students. To live in Washing- ton Is a liberal education. Address Mrs. Novella Routt Reynolds, 1812 Belmont Road, Washington D. C. ON SALE TO QUICK BUYER ON Ac- count of bereavement, an excellent dairy business comprising cows, liorses, crops, furniture and Imple- ments. Lease to run four years. Near to good city an^ showing $50 weekly, easily doubled. Genuine, Apply B. C. R., care Southern Planter SHEET MUSIC- SHEET MUSIC— $1.00 worth of Sheet Music for 25 cents. Send us the names of five piano play- ers and 25 cents in stamps and w* will mail you four copies of popular sheet music. Southern Music Co., Box 30, Richmond, Va. "HOW TO GROW, STORE AND KEEP Sweet Potatoes, Vegetables and all Kinds of Fruits Grown on the Farm." This is a booklet of many years ex- perience, giving a simple and prac- tical method. Send 25 cents and get a booket by return mall. .1. A. Fore- man, Tullahoma, Tenn. WOODWARD & SON, RICHMOND, VA. Lumber, Laths, Shingles. Sash, Blinds, D o o r b. Frames, Mouldings, As- phalt Roofing. Yards and RICHMOND W^D VIRSINIA buildings covering ten acres. NITROGEN GATHERING BACTERIA for inoculating alfalfa seed, clovers, vetches and all other legumes. Guaranteed pure. Pamphlet free. Bacterio Supply Company, Box 99. Richmond, Va. WILL TRADE VICTOR TALKING Machine or Savage 22-caliber Re- peater for White Plymouth Rock Pullets. F. D. Wills, Farmville, Va. FOR SALE— GENUINE OLD SPANISH Mahogany Furniture (English made), varioud ornamental articles. Apply N. S., care Southern Planter. Always mention The Southern Planter when writing advertisere. He became a minister of the gospel and afterwards a college professor. He also served acceptably for several years as U. S. minister to Spain, and indeed filled this position so well that he was sent back there again to rep- resent our government at the coron- atiOH of the young king Alphonso. Dr. Curry was for a number of years the chief administrator of the Peabody and Slater funds, those im- portant endowments for the promo- tin of Southern education, and his wise counsels contributed no little to the proper and efficient management of these funds. His long experience as a professional educator in the touth, together with his exceptional opportunities for knowledge gained in the distribution of the income of the Slater and Peabody funds gave him better information than was probably possessed by any other man of the educational and social condi- tions of Southern people of both races. He appreciated fully the diffi- culties involved in the Southern race problem, and strove wisely and dili- gently to make those difficulties less and to promote the truest interests of both races- He also did a great deal to promote a good understanding be- tween the North and South. Pew men have been so generally esteemed and beloved by all parties. Diamond 241584. Farmington Stock Farm Near Charlottesville, Va. Pine Registered SHORT HORNS Bull and Heifer Calves, Yearlings and young calves from 4 to 6 months old. Pure-bred Sarred Ply- mouth Rock fowls for sale. R . Warner Wood, Eirdwood, Va CEDAR GROVE STOCK FARM HEADQUARTERS FOR RED POLLED CATTLE YOUNG BULLS AND HEIFERS. Also the home of the "North Carolina" Herd of DUROC'JERSEY HOGS Cherry Red Herd headed by N. C. Commodore, 24463; N. C. Colonel. 26087, and Orion T., 23711. , » ^ • More than twenty sows in service, each one of which is from notea prize winners. ,. ^ , ,. j ■»• Price for Pigs under 10 weeks old, $9 to $10 each; pedigrees furnished witn each pig. W^rite for prices on mature sows or bred gilts. W. A. THIGPEN, PROPRIETOR. CONETOE, EDGECOMBE CO., N. C. 986 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, Pure-Bred Angora Goats See Exhibit at Va. State Fair Ort. 5th to 9th. Shee p Shelters Flock headed by registered buck BAHAMA BILL,T65657 Trios for sale, two does bred to this famous buck withjbuck'oi entirely difierent strain of breeding $20.00 MORELAND STOCK FARM H. G. HUNTER. Owner. DOSWELL. VA. classes and sections as Dr. Curry, and his death which occurred in Feb., 1903, brought a distinct sense of loss, not only to the South, but to the whole country at large. WASHINGTON NOTES. Fare Better Than a Queen's. Secretary Wilson returned this week from a month's vacation on his farm, and in discussing the prosperi- ty of the farmers of the west and the high wages of the workingman in that part of the country, said. "The average laborer is to-day liv- ing better than Queen Elizabeth did in her time. Take the meat bills of the laborers here in this city to-day. You will find that they eat meat three times a day — most of them — and what is more, they are not con- tent with any kind; they must have the best cuts. They can afford them. As a result the price of meat is way up. While the farmers are pro- ducing more and more beef every year, they are not producing enough to meet the increase in population. I do not look for the prices to decrease materially soon." "Is it true," he was asked, "that the Western farmers are really in- vesting large sums of money in auto- mobiles?" "There is too much truth in those reports," he responded. " The farm- er is out of debt, he has paid for his farm, his fences and his machinery. He has money in his pockets and big crops to continue to come in. He is afraid to invest in Eastern securities, lest a year might bring trouble there. As a result he puts his money in lux- uries, instead of channels that might give a return. Why. folks in the East do not know what luxuries are. They must go West to find out from the farmer. "The farmer is still handicapped by lack of labor. Too many have gone from the farm to the sidewalk. I lioped that education along agricul- tural lines would remedy this, but the tide has not yet turned backward. One thing, however, the farmer today, by means of improved machinery, can do many times as much as the farmer accomplished ten years ago. He does JERSEY BULL CALVES at prices to justify farmers buying. They are from four to five months old, in good condition and solid colors. No better breeding can be found In this section Also a few^ Heifer Calves about same age. Everything we offer is of our own breeding on our own farms. Also a Guernsey Bull ready for service. No females for sale. M. B. Rowe ® Co., ""vSS^"^' Demand for B6rkshir6S Greater than supply If not ready to buy, let me book your orders at once to make sure of getting them. The record breaking price of ordinary stock hogs is bound to advance price of fancy Berkshires, \ so don't be caught napping. My herd, one of the oldest in the United States, represents the most famous blood worthy ancestors of England or America. Ask this paper of my reliability. THOS. S. WHITE, Fassifern Stock Farm, Lexington, Va. CLARK'S SAMPSON TOBACCO PRESS AND JACKS. Every tobacco grower should have one or more of these presses. Save money by using this press; make money pressing for others. The platform of this press is 3% feet wide and 4 feet long. The height in the clear is 4 feet. The press or jack stand is on top of the beam overhead. This is a very powerful press. Many Hundreds of Them Are Now In Use in tlie To- bacco Sections. We sometimes make them inuch larger for special work. It is used fpr pressing in barrels, hogsheads and cases, fruit, tobacco, dry goods, also for tank scrap, etc. It weighs about 560 pounds. The wood work is made of the best hard maple, ash or oak. The iron ^work is con- structed of the best malleable iron and steel, strongly bolted together. Write to-day for FREE BOOKLET and Special Prices. CUTAWAY HARROW CO., 8«1 Main St., HIGGANUM, CONN. When corresponding with our advertisers always mention Southern Planter. DOUBLE ACTION CUTAWAYrtY) HARROW^ 1909.J THE SOUTHEEN PLANTEK. 987 Allandale Registered Jersevs FOR sale; GOLDEN BARONET— Sire, Baronetti's Golden Lad 76908; dam, Baronelia 208304 by King Fox 64667, son of the great $7,500 Imported Champion Flying Fox 61441, Born September 20th 1907; solid dark fawn; an un- usually handsome young bull, now ready for service, beautiful head, per ect incurving horns, lofty carriage, deep girth, splendid loins anil withers, straight back, superb tail settings, broad hips, thin long tail with magnificent switch, skin loose and soft, splendid body, large and beautifully placed rudimentaries A grand individual, worthy to head any herd in Virginia. SEE THE GREAT EXHIBIT OF ALLENDALE BULLS AT THE VIRGINIA STATE FAIR WE HAVE THE QOODS, AND WE PROPOSE TO MAKE PRICES TO GET THE BUSINESS Allandale Farm, = Fredericksburg, Va. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. fOctober, Hygeia Herd Pure-Bred Holstein-Friesians It is no more expensive to maintain a good bull at the head of your herd than a poor one, and the former is certainly worth many times his cost. Therefore, write for pedigree and price oa one of the richly bred bulls which this herd now offers for sale. Addreaai W. F. Carter, Jr., Ag«nt. Croaet, Albemarle Coimty, Vlrdnla. W. FtUhnsh Carter, M. D^ Owaev, The breed holds the milk and butter rec ords of the world; the herd embraces some of its best families. it with ease, too, for a farmer sits at nearly all his work nowadayq." Weather Forecasts Valuable, Profenor Willis Moore, chief of the weather bureau, says of its agricul- tural service combined with rural free deliverv. that its forecasts reach more th- n 1,000,000 larmers daily. 'As many more farmers get our fore- casts by telephone, as a matter of fact, thousands of farmers put tele- phones into their houses for no other reason than to be informed about the weather — our forecasts, you under- stand, being for the day on which they are made, and practically for the day following. We have been of great service to the cranberry grow- ers of Wisconsin, the cane growers of Loufeiana and the orange growers of Florida, m giving warnings against frost. Cranberry marshes are flood- ed, cane is quickly cut and piled in windrows and smudges are started in orange groves as effective measures against frost. Let me add that the train dispatchers of all the railroads in the country get our morning and evening forecasts, and thus are en- abled to know about the coming cold waves in winter and each year save millions of dollars worth of perish- able merchandise, such as fruits, vegetables, certain kinds of chemi- cals, and other manufactures." "The wire worm is getting to be the worst insect pest in the whole State of South Carolina," aserted a native of that State, recently. "Close to Charleston the wire worm has ab- solutely destroyed an area of farm crops 20 miles long and 25 miles wide. Many farms have been aban- doned and the pest is speading, too, and unless some means is found to check its ravages, it eventually may spread over the whole State. For the past two years the government ex- perts have been down there studying the pest, but little real progress to- ward exterminating the worm has been made. The wire worm knows no discrim- ination in destroying crops. Usually he begins on the grass and after that is destroyed, he starts in on the corn and cotton. After finishing those, he eats up everything that is left." BIG UIIiKING, HIGH-GRADB OR RE2GISTKRBO HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN SOWS Are what the South needs. We furnish the kind that All the pall everj time they are milked. They are "mortgrage litters." Don't keep unprofltabfc scrubs. Send for free circular, "Cow Boarders." We furnish cows that — .win give from 7 te H gals, per day and 6,00t to 6,000 qts. a year. We recently sold Sweet Briar Institute, Sweet Briar, Va., a ear of high-grade Holstetn Cows. Go and look at them. They are fairly representative of what we offer. We are responsible „, .. and furnish the highest "Mortgage Lifters" — ^Milk Records of 12,000 lbs. references. Each a Year. All mall orders will receive the same attention as If personally selected. Write to-day stating wants. THE SYRACUSE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATIOIV, Vtlea, If. T. Two THE HOLSTEIN HERD HOLSTEIN-FRIESIANS A WORKING HERD, WORKING EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Holstelns are the BEST because: — Holstelns are larger and healthier than other dairy breeds; Holstelns produce larger and healthier calves than other dairy breeds; Holstelns yield more milk than other dairy breeds; Holstelns yield more butter fat than other dairy breeds; Holstelns produce milk that can be kept longer and shipped farther than that of other dairy breeds; Holsteins produce milk more easily digested that that of other dairy breeds; Holstelns are found in more countries, they occupy more territory and they probably produce more milk, ' cheese and butter than aO others Combined. Registered Bull Calves Ont of Heavy Producing Cottb for sale. JOS. A. TURNER, Gen. Mgr., Holllns Institute, Va. MEADOW FARM DAIRY I PURE BRED Holstein-Friesians. A WORKING HERD OF SEVENTY-FIVE REGISTERED COWS—ALL FIRST-CLASS Young Males and Females for Sale. ''""c'rrngi.'v.^^ta?" TELL, THE ADVERTISER WHERE YOU SAW HIS ADVERTISHBUBNT. 1-909.] THE SOUTHEKN PLANTEH. 989 MORVEN PARK PROPERTY OF WESTMORELAND DAVIS •Registered Percherons- Five years ago, we sent our representative to France with instructions to secure the best stallion and mares that could be selected. We then imported the French government approved and premium stallion "VIBRAYE" a prize winner himself, and a son of the celebrated "BESIQUE" for six years the winner over all France. The animals selected beside being prize winners are rich in "Brilliant" blood. Our Import- ed mares work every day,thus demonstrating their suitability for the needs of our farmers. We have now two year stallions and colts for sale. Registered Guernseys Throughout the North and the West, the Guernsey is the cow, and as our farmers require to increase the butter fat content of their milk, they will find the use of a Guernsey bull upon their herds most satisfactory. Our herd consists largely of animals selected by^us upon the Island of Guernsey and is headed by the great bull "France's Jewel VIIl" son of "La France VIII" who made 13,000 pounds of milk on grass on the Island of Guernsey. The herd is rich in France, Masher, May Rose and other fashionable sarains of Guernsey blood. Our herd is regularly tuber- culin tested by the Agricultural Department of the United States. We are still increasing our herd and have only bulls for sale at reasonable prices. —Large Imported White Yorkshires— These pigs are the bacon pigs of the West and of England. They are hardy and prolific. If your sows are of the lard type and give but a few pig", a Yorkshire boar will increase the size of the litters and improve the quality of the m^at. Our pigs have heavy coats of hair and do not sun scald. eighteen months of exposure without shade ard practically no shelter, we exhibited at the Virginia State Fair a boar which took the Championship of his breed. His skin was in a fine condition. We highly reeimmend the use of these boars to our farmers. WE ARE ALSO BREEDERS OF DORSET HORN SHEEP. For further particulars apply to LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT MORVEN PARK, NEAR LEESBURQ, LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA 990 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October^ ROSE DALE HERD ABERDEEN-ANGUS CATTLE We offer to the farmers and breeders of the East strictly choice Toungr Reg-lstered Bulls from weanlings to serviceable age. They are of the straight, broad-backed, low-down, compact, blocky type- Many of them show ring animals. They represent the blood of Mas- ter II., of Meadow Brook; Gay Lad, Jr.; Heather Lad II., Zaire V., Ermine Bearer, Blackbird of Corskle IV., Black Abbott, Abbottsford,- Coquette X., Etc. They are well grown out. In thrifty condition, but not pampered. Ctome and see them or write us your wants. Prices right. We can- please you. Angus cattle are our specialty. We raise no other stock but give them our undivided personal attention. ROSEDALE STOCK FARMS, JEFFERSONTON, VA. Soil Analysis Not Helpful. It is a common notion on the part of farmers that a chemist can tell by analysis just wht a soil may need, and prescribe just how that soil should be fertilized to attain the best results. This notion, however, is er- roneous, at any rate, so for as it re- lates to the East. Chemists can an- alyze the virgin soils of the West for instance, and the analyses may mean something, but it does not with Eastern soils. There are several reasons why soil analysis is not helpful. In the first place it is difficult for the farmer to take a sample which means anything. Soil samples taken three feet apart in the same field often analyze quite differently, and the question arises, which is right, if either. Then again, inasmuch as most eastern soils, other than sod land freshly broken, have been fertilized more or less and be- cause a considerable portion of the manurial constituents thus added are not used up, but are unevenly dis- tributed, other sources of errors are introduced. Moreover no chemist can distinguish with any degree of cer- tainty between plant food which is available this year and that which may not be available for a hundred years to come. The total content of each ingredient is determinable, but not its availability. A soil may be literally loaded with plant food, says Director Hill of the Vermont Experi- ment Station, which owing to its in- solubility the crop cannot use. Fur- thermore crop failures may be due to causes other than the lack of plant food; such, for instance, as soil acid- ity, lack of humus, inadequate tillage, faulty drainage, etc. Soil analysis may disclose a relative lack of plant food, or the presence of some deleterious matter, but further than this at pres- ent it cannot go, popular notions to +hp contrary notwithstanding. The Rural Free Deliverer. In its varied operations there is no public activity of more widespread Someone is going to get a flrst-class Angus herd header at SUIMiMY HOME F/kRWI this coming fall. Sire a Jilt, son of the great Erica bull Imported Equestor. Dam sired by the world-famous Gay Blackbird (the sire of the $3,050 Gay Lad that was champion of America during 1895-96). Second dam, a Nose- gay daughter of the great Beau Bill, champion during 1894 and sire of the dam of Vala, probably the most popular Angus female ever in the American Show Ring. Imported Equestor's sire w^as Equestrian, one of the greatest bulls ever at ■'Ballendalloch." Don't wait for the other fellow to get this first class bull, the product of the greatest champions of two continents, but write and have him booked for you at once. Write /I. L. FRENCH, Owner, Byrdville, Va» EVERGREEN F/iRMS I AM NOW OFFERING AT REASONABLE PRICES JERSEY CATTLE A few select Bulls, Heifers and Cows, all ages. BERKSHIRE HOGS Boars ready for service. Pigs at weaning time $5 each, either sex. FOWLS S.. C. Brown Leghorn, Brace's Strain of New York; S. C. R. I. Red, Bryant's- Strain of Massachusetts. ADDRESS W. B. GATES, PROPRIETOR, RICE DEPOT, VA. JERSEYS and BERKSHIRES. A few fresh Cows and some due to freshen early in the spring. A nice lot of Young Sows ready to be bred; excellent' breeding. Some good S. C. Brown Leghorn Cockerels and Pullets for sale. RIVER VIEW FARM. C. M. BASS, PROPRIETOR, RICE DEPOT, VA. YOUNG REGISTERED HACKNEYS FOR SALE. Two Registered Hackney Fillies, sired by General II., color, chestnut, two and three years old, respectively; and one Handsome Registered Hackney Stallion, by Hedrick (no kin to the fillies). These animals are especially breedy, well formed, and a good size for their ages. Address — T. O. SANDY, BTJRKEVIL.l,E, VA. When corresponding with our advertisers always mention Southern Planter. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTEE. 991 Hog Cholera W. p. HALL Ch, SON Proprietors, The Bee Hive Drug Store, Adrian, Mo. is a dangerous disease. If you permit it to spread through your herd, you may lose all your hogs. Dr. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, states: "In hog cholera, the first effect of the disease is believed to be on the intestines." Breeders have proven the truthful ness of this state- ment by using successfully Black-Draught Stock & Poultry Medi- cine to cleanse the intestines as well as to stimulate the liver and digestive organs. Note what W. P. Hall & Son, of Adrian, Mo., say regarding this medicine : "We have sold Black-Draught Stock & Poultry Medicine in our store for 16 years, and it best we have ever seen. I honestly believe you have the hog medicine of the world. The hog was very bad here. Nearly every hog in Adrian, except ours, died. By using Black-Draught Medicine we saved all of ours. W. P. HALL & SON, Proprietors, The Bee Hive Drug Store. is the cholera Stock BLACK-DRAUGHT STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE Sold bjr All Reliable Druggists and Dealers, P9 benefit and of greater popularity among the farming population than the rural free delivery. The thir- teenth anniversary of its establish- ment merits the recognition that it is to receive in October. The service has grown from its initial five routes with an appropriation of $10,000 to nearly 41,000 and an appropriation of $40,000,000 and reaches nearly a quarter of our entire population. This daily communication with the world ought to and unquestionably does make the life of the farm more attractive. During the long, hard days of summer toil, the recurrent presence of newspaper and magazine in the farmhouse offers a whole- some, even if brief, mental diversion from thoughts of tired muscles and anticipation of the early morning summons. Tn the more relaxed days of winter, the daily mail brings many an hour of uplifting recreation to many isolated housekeepers. Supple- mented by the rural telephone, it keeps the backwaters constanly eddy- ing in sympathy with the swifter cur- rents- Its quiet constant operation is worth a thousand nflficial commissions appointed to investigate the mental cnddition of the man who bends his back at the source of wealth. It makes not onlv better, but happier citizens and patriots. Its benefits are not merely theiretical. but visible and tangible. The rural letter carrier is the deliver r from loneliness and mo- notony; he is the ally of the district school teacher. BERKSHIRES! BERKSHIRES! Tou are cordially invited to visit our pens at State Fair, Richmond, Va., Oc- tober 4-10, and inspect our herd. The most noted strains represented. Stock always for sale. MOORE'S BROOK SANITARIUM CO., Charlottesville, Va. ENTIRE BERKSHIRE HERD FOR SALE. On account of change in business, I will sell the choice of several SOWS, one good 2-year-old BOAR, and fine lot of YOUNG GILTS of up-to-date breed- ing at bargain prices. Also two or three choice young 6-months-oId Boars. PHIL. H. GOLD, Winchester, Va. HILLCREST FARIHI BERKSHIRES A New York Dispatch states that Herd's Boars — Master's Compensa- tion No. 8434G; Sallle Lee's Last of Blltmore No. lll.ttST. We have some extra good pigs, from two to six months old, and the boar pigs are good enough to head any herd. The above pigs are out of daughter and granddaughter of Premier LfOng- fellow. Masterpiece and Lord Premi- er and such other noted Berkshlres. All stock as represented, or money refunded. W. R. FBNSOH. Richmond, Va. 992 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, Ft. Lewis Stock Farm RBGISTBRBD THE) BEST PLACH FOR BLOOD AND BERKSH/RES White Li«g:horn, «11 breeds of Plymoutli Rock, Block Minorca and Rhode Island Red Fewls. Eggs from these pure-blooded birds for sale. DR. W. li. NOLBN, PROPRIBTOR, SALBM. VA. Mrs. Nelson Sweezey of Sayville, has a flock of what are known as "relig- ious fowls" which answer to but one call or sound. When Mrs. Sweezey wants to feed her fowls she gathers them together by whistling a familiar hymn — "Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy" — When the fowls will hasten to her side, knowing that temporal food awaits them. From mere chicks the Sweezey fowls have been thus fed, and they refuse to answer to the ordinary call of "chick, chick," which brings other flocks to the feeding place. GUY E. MITCHELL. GET THIS BOOK ON SAWING WOOD QUICK. Here's a new 40-page color-illus- trated book on the greatest friend the farmer or wood sawyer ever had in a machine for sawing all kinds of wood and timber. It illustrates all about the Folding Sawing Machine with which nine cords of wood have been cut in ten hours by one man. Letters are reproduced in the book out of thousands received from users and owners of the Folding Sawing Machines which tell from actual ex- perience with it that the claims prove true. It Tuns easy, no backache, quickly folded like a knife and easily carried as it weighs only 41 pounds. .lust send your name and say you are a reader of this paper and get this book free. First order gets ex- clusive agency too if you want it in youT neighborhood. Address and ask for Catalogue No. M-74, Folding Sawing Machine Co., 158-164 East Harrison Street, Chicago. This saw has been in successful use over seventeen years and every man ought to investigate its merits. NEW GASOLINE ENGINE. A high grade Gasoline Engine of 1 horse power at a moderate price has at last been placed within th" reach of every farmer. There are a thousand and one things for which a 1 horse power en- gine can be used to great advantage. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. have placed on the market the ".lack Junior" en- gine (little brother of ".Tack of all Trades.") It is a 1 horse power hor- izontal evaporator tank engine en- tirely self-contained, which with the battery box is mounted on a wood base. By filling the tank in the iron base of the engine with gasoline and the evaporator tank of hopper jacket with water, the engine is ready to run. This is a 4 cycle engine practically frofit proof. All parts are carefully GLENBURN BERKSHIRES Great sons and daugliters of LORD PREMIER, PREMIER LONGFELLOW, MASTERPIECE, in herd. We'are overstoiked and will sell sows and gilts bred or open at just a little above pork prices. Pigs also at cut prices We have some nice Jersey (Jows and Heifers at bargain prices. DR. J. D. KIRK, Roanoke, Va. For Sale YOUNG BERKSHIRE BOARS TWO Grade Jersey Heifers ONE YEAR OLD FOREST HOME FARM. Purcellville, Va. Milton Farm BerkshjUres Milton Premier 113579 [ Premier Star II, 80865 I Ruby's Polly VII, 113,577 S Premier Star, 70004 I Ruby's Fancy's Sister, 96241 ( Premier Star, 70004. 1 Ruby's Polly III. n3688 Fall Pigs are now coming in. A few boars about ready for service and some fine gilts at $15 to $20 registared and transferred. ^ JOHN E. MUNCASTER, Route 5, ROq^ILIiE, MD. EXCELLENT SHORTHORN HEIFERS AND BUL^. By the Scotch topped Bull, Royal Lad, (advertio'ed by the old reli^le breeders, P. S. Lewis and Son as the best bull ever bred ^n their farm) by the Interna- tlonalwinner, Frantic Lad, son of The Lad for Me, champion of America in 1900. Also a few fresh Short Horn Cows. Pure Yearling SOUTHDOAVIV RAMS by Senat^or, a prize winner in Can- ada as a lamb and yearling. He was bred by Hon. George Drummond, the foremost SouthvJown breeder in America. R. J. HANCOCK & SON, "Ellerslle," Charlottesville, Va. DUROCS SHORTHORNS SHROPSHIRES Send for printed list of Durocs and DUROC PACTS. We have boar pigs and dhotes, three fine bred sows and two great herd boars, COSUHODORB KING and BEAT'S TOP NOTCHER, for sale, at farmer's prices. The great Waverly herd of Shorthorns, dual-purpose cows, in calf, heifers and young bulls. Fifty flna Shropshlres, rams, ewes and lambs, from Imported prize win- ners, from $15 to $25 each, registered. LESLIE D. KLINE, Vaucluse, Va. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 9{);{ designed and are very accessible. This engine is large enough to do very effective work pumping, running cream separators, churns, and other small machines, it is durable and will give excellent service. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. are prob- ably the largest manufacturers of gasoline engines in the world. They will be glad to send the book describ- ing fully the New Jack Junior one horse power engine to all interested parties. See advertisement in this is REPORTS. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Office of Ex- periment Stations. Experiment Station Record Vol. XX. So. IC. Bureau of Animal IiyJ^stry. Circu- lar 147. The origin of the vec.nt outbreak of foot and mouth die ease in the U. S. Biological Surves:. Bulletin 33. The Brown Rot in the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, Bull. 79. Fumigation. Investigations in California. Bureau of Plant Industry, Bull. 139. American Medicinal Barks. Forest Service Circular. Paper Birch in the North East. Forest Service Circular 166. The Timber Supply of the U. S. Farmers' Bull. 1iTeau of Afrriculture — Philippine Is land^ The Philippine Agricul- ture Review. MV- and April. 1909. .\rizona Bxperiment Station, Tucson. Ari. Bull 59. Oleander Poisoning of Live Stock. California Experiment Station, Berke- ley, Cal. Bull 202. Commercial Fertilizers. Colorado iJl^eriment Station. Fort Collins, Col. Thirtieth Annual Ke- Mound City Stock Farm Shires^ Percherons, Belgians, Coach and Hackney Stallions I will sell at my barn cheaper than any other firm In America. The reason I can sell cheaper l.s because my father lives In Eng- land and he can buy them for me and save all middlemen's proflt»- There is no place in America that you can make a better selection than at my place, for I handle five different breeds. My draft stal- lions weigh from 1,700 to 2.200 pounds; my high-stepping Hack- ne.vs and Coachers weigh from 1,200 to 1,400 pounvls. If you are In need of a good stallion in your community, write and tell me your wants and I will try and place one there. T will give you plenty of time to pay for .the horse Every horse is backed up with an iron-clad guarantee, and all of them are good enough to win in any company. Correspondence solicited and visitors welcome. If a good stallion Is wanted In your community please write me. W. B. BULLOCK, Proprietor, Mounasville, W. Va. Brancta Barn: New Church, Acco- iiinc County, Va. (Address me here.) Poland-Chinas A superior lot of Pigs by Gray's? Perfection. 7.S339; "Top Chief," Gray'.= Ideal, 65805, and other noted boars. Can furnish pairs not akin to those previously purchased. Come to head- quarters and get the best at one-half Western prices. Oldest herd in the State. J. B. GRAY, FrederlckHburg, Va. DO YOU SHIP APPLES? Southside Manufacturing Co., For Nice Fruit use the Oregon or New York bush el box. Send for Prices and Samples. Petersburg, Va. TELL, THE ADVERTISER WHERE YOU SAW HIS ADVERTISEMENT. BREEDING EWES BUY EARLY. Improve your farm and swell your bank account by stocking with Breeding Ewes. VVe are in po>'ltion to sell you tood 'ure-Qred Bucks and Feeding iambs, also Feed ng St«»rs. stock cattle and veHrhngs. Now Is the time to buy, anil iu the spring and summer will sell your fit entile sMeep and lambs at best market prices. We will sell you stock that will make you good money. Write us McComb & Block COMMISSION MERCHANTS For Sale of CATTLE, SHEEP, LAMBS, HOGS, CALVES AND FRESH COWS Best of reference furnished _ OFFICE AND pens: Established 1890. P. O. BOX 483 UNION STOCK YARDS, RICH'^'OND, VA. Phones: Office 1394., Residence 3224. 994 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, port of the State Board of Agri culture and State Agricultural College. Bull. 141. Grape Growing. Bull. 142. Tillage, Fertilizer, and Shade Crops for Orchards. Bull. 143. Cabbage Growing. Bull. 144. Celery Growing. Idaho Experiment Station, Moscow, Id. Report of the Director for the Year ending June, 1908. Illinois Experiment Station, Urbana 111. Bull 134. The Insect Pests of Clover and Alfalfa. Circular 119. The Use of Commer- cial Fertilizer. A Phosphate Problem for Illinois Landowners. Indiana Experiment Station. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Bull 134. The Estimation of Fat in Un- sweetened Evaporated Milk by Modified Methods. Bull. 135. Gowing Better Germs. Circular 115. Growing Onions for Seed. Kansas State Board of Agriculture, Topeka, Kan. Report for Quarter Ending March, 1909. Maryland State Horticultural Society, ..C. P. Close, Sec. , College Park, Md. Report of the Maryland State Horticultural Society, 1908. Maryland Experiment Station, Cni lege Park, Md. Bull. 133. Cabbage Experiments and Culture. Agricultural College Quarterlv, May, 1909. Feed Stuff Analyses- Massachusetts Experiment Station Amherst, Mass. Bull. 1?9. Bee- keeping in Massachusetts. Nebraska Experiment Station. Lin- coln. Neb. Bull. 110. Report of the Nebraska Seed Laboratory. New York Experiment Station, Gene- va, N. Y. Bulls. 307 and 311. Po- tato Spraying in Dtv Seasons. Bull. 303. Paying for Milk at Cheese Factories. Bull. 309. Some Newer Strawberries Bull. 312. Occhards Injured by Tus- sock Moth. Bull. 313. Two Factors Favoring Success with Alfalfa. Bull. 314. How Sod Affected an Apple Orchard. North Carolina Department Agricul- ture. Special Bull tin. Work in Se lecting Seed Corn. North Carolina Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. Scuppernong and other Muscadine Grapes. North Carolina Geological and Eco- nomic Survey, Chapel Hill, N. C Press Bull. 29. Drainage of North Carolina Swamp and Overflowed Lands. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Annual Report of the College. South Carolina Experiment Station, Clemson, S. C. Bull. 146. Sweet Potato Work to 1908. South Dakota Experiment Station, Brookings, So. Dak. Bull. 111. A Study of South Dakota B-itter With Suggestions for Improve- ment. Genasco Ready Roofing Trinidad Lake asphalt is the backbone of Genasco. It is the greatest weather-resister known. It makes Genasco cost a little more, and makes it worth it because it lasts so long. When you don't have leaks, damage, repairs, and renewals to pay for, you have real roof-econ- omy. Get Genasco— the worth while roofing for every building on the farm. Look for the hemisphere trade-mark, and you'll get the roofing backed by a thirty-two- million-dollar guarantee. Mineral and smooth surface. Write for samples and the Good Roof Guide Book. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Largest producers of asphalt and largest manufacturers of ready roofing in the world. PHILADELPHIA New York Saii Francisco Chicag:o When corresponding with our advertisers always mention Southern Planter. CONCERNING THAT ROOF Write us for prices on our products. We carry in stock at all times EVERYTHING for the ROOF PAINTED AND OALV. V. C. AND CORRUGATED SHEETS; TIN PLATE IN BOXES AND ROLLS; RUBBER ROOFING UNDER THE FOLLOWING BRANDS: Victoria Rubber Monarch Asphalt Reliance Guaranteed Lowest Market Prices without sacrifice of Quality VICTORIA METAL CO., Inc. 1007=9 E. Canal St. RICHMOND, VA. TELL. THE ADVERTISER WHERE YOU SAW HIS ADVERTISEMENT. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 995 Bull. 112. The Killing of Mustard and Other Noxious Weeds in Grain Fields by the Use of Iron Sulphate. Bull. 113. Progress in Variety Tests of Barley. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Madi- son, Wis. Bull. 166. Disinfection and Commercial Disinfectants Bull. 172. Tests of Dairy Cowis. Bull. 173. Milking Machine Experi- ments. The Conservation of Phosphates In Wisconsin Farms. Bull. 175. A Three-year Campaign Against Bovine Tuberculosis in Wisconsin. Bull. 176. The Improvement of Wisconsin Tobacco Through Seed Selection. The Virginia State Horticultural So- ciety, Walter Whately, Sec, Cro- zet, Va. Report of the 13th An- nual Session of the Society, 1908. Virginia Division Weather Service, Richmord, Va. Reports for May and June, 1909. West Virginia State Board of Agricul- ture, Charleston, W. Va. Report for QuE^rter Ending June 30, 1909 Horticulture. NEW MARKET— A THRENODY, by the Hon. A. C. Gordon. How shall the eternal fame of them be told? Who dying in the heyday of life's morn. Thrust from their lips the chalice of bright gold. Filled to the brim with joy and went forlorn. Into the abyssmal darkness of that bourn. Whence they who thither go, may never return. The cycling seasons pass in old pro- gression. Of beauty and of immortality, The ancient stars march on in far procession. The immemorial winds sweep o'er ine sea. The mountains drop their wine, the flowers bloom, While they who should have lived, sleep in an early tomb. No blight had touched the garlands that they wore. Dewy and fresh, with innocence and truth; No dead illusions nor spent glamour bore With promises upon them — their gay youth Caught but the bubbles on the break- er's brim. Nor e'er beheld life lines with eyes grown old and dim. Were they in love with death's forget- fulness. Thus to lio down with the enduring dead? Had wood and stream lost all ther loveliness. (See letter below) ^ l^*mmmim f^PJ'" RO OFING Colchester, Connecticut, September 4, 1908. Barrett Manufacturing- Company : Dear Sirs: The Amatite Roofing on my own grain store is giving much bet- ter service than I could believe it would at such a moderate price. It is by far the cheapest roofing on the market, when you consider the wearing qualities. Am going to use it on my other building. (.Signed) AMOS C. CASE. This is a type of hundreds of letters which we get regarding Amatite. It is better made; has better waterproofing material and weighs more per square foot than any other roofing of the same price. And Amatite has one distinction which makes it stand out above all others — it has a real mineral surface which does away entirely with painting. No other ready roofings compare with it from the stand- points of low cost, no maintenance cost and absolute protection. Sample and Booklet on request. SEND' FOR BOOKLET BARRETT MANUFACTURING COMPANY New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Cleveland, St. Louis, Pittsburg, New Orleans. Kansas City, liOndon, Eng. AT ONCE The Virginia Poultry] f Association WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL SHOW JANUARY 13-19, 1910, RICHMOND, VA. A fine string of silver cups and various other special prizes will be given and are fully described in our premium list, ready about De- cember 1st. Send in your name for one. J. H. Drevenstedt. assisted by Prof. C. K. Graham and F. H.. S. Morrison, will judge on first day of show. No delay; comparison sys- tem only. For other information write to W. R. TODD, Secretory, 420 North Sixth Street, Richmond, Va. When corresponding with our advertisers always mention Soutttern Planter. 996 TUE SOUTllEKN PLANTER. [October, Or morning's sunshine faded over head. That they sought surcease of life's sorrows there, l^eaving wan love to weep o'er boy- hood's sunny hair? All the old questionings rise to our lips. In the sad contemplation of youth slain; Life's hidden meaning and death's dark eclipse — The passion and the pathos and the pain; The unanswering answer that the wis- est reads, In the dim mystery that hangs be- hind the creeds. And yet — and yet — we old, whose heads are grey, Whose hearts are heavy and whose steps are slow; With journeyings on this rough and thorny way. We who live after them, what may we know. Of their exstatic rapture thus to have died. The marvellous, sleepless souls that perished in their pride. If the worn hearts and weary fall on sleep With a deep longing for its sweet repose, Shall not they unwise whom the high God's keep Die while yet bloom the lily and the rose? To each man living comes a day to die. What better day than when truth calls to liberty? Writ in the rocks, the world's prime val page Is old, past human skill to interpret it, Save where it speaks to grief of man's grey age. And with the end of all things is o'er writ. All things save one, that hath unfad ing youth And strength and power and beauty, clear eyed Truth. On mountain top — in valley — ^by the sea. Wherever sleep the patriots who have died In her honor, at Thermopylae, At Bannockbtirn, or where great rivers glide, To the wide ocean bordering our own shore Truth sees the holy face of freedom evermore. The blood-stained face of Freedom that hath wrought For man a magic and a mystery; Whose blade e'en when broken, yet hath bought A grave with the eternal for the free. Freedom and Truth — these went be- side them there. ONGO l^^ROOFING '\JU"E- OFFER to the con- sumer the best Ready Roofing proposition on the market to-day. We don't make Congo just to sell to a floating kind of trade and then forget about you. We make Congo to wear — to give satisfactory service. We not only vi^ant your trade, but your good will. We want every buyer of Congo to be a salisficd customer. That's our best ad- vertisement. fied that Congo is the longest wearing ready roofing on the market that we have made arrangements with the National Surety Company to issue a Guarantee Bond with eoery roll of Congo. These bonds cost us money, but they add not a cent to the cost of Congo to you. Before the National Surety Company would assume this responsibility, they convinced themselves beyond a reasonable doubt that Congo would do all we claimed for it. And there isn't another Ready Roofing on the market to-day that carries a like guarantee. Don't you think that a roofing in which the manufacturers show such confidence is worth investigating ? Send us your name and address and we will mail you a Congo sample free with our booklet telling all about it. To this end we have made Congo just as good as a ready roofing can be made. We have tested it in every possible way, and by long continued service. We are so satis- UNITED ROOFING AND MAN UFACTIJ RING COMPANY 600 WEST END TRUST BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHICAGO SAN FRANC1S0 I STRONGEST FENCE MADE When you buy our High Carbon Coiled Spring Fence you buy strength, service and durability combined. Twenty years of experience — bard knocks. Las taught us that the best fence is made from heavily galvanized CoMed Spring Steel Wire CLOSELY WOVEN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM Our Fence Is so closely woven that small pigs cannot "wriggle" through It, SoBtrong the vicious bull cannot "faze" it. We have no agents. We do not sell to dealers but sell direct to user AT WHOLESALE PRiCES FREIGHT PREPAID Coiled Wire provides for expansion and contraction and prevents sagging between posts. Every pound of wire in our fence is made In onr own wire mill from the best high carbon steel. We give 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL That our customers may be cure they are satisfied. We have a full Une of FARM AND POULTRY FENCE. Oiu> V/holeaale Prices will save yon money. Write today tor our 40 page free Catalogue. COILED SPRING FENCE COMPANY, Box 52 Winchester, Indlanam A Running Water Supply Plant that takes care of Itself— furnishes its own power— requires no attention or repairs— that RIFE HYDRAULIC RAM^o'tofTa',r?r?'r^r'"*"'^ stream, spring or pond. Ary capacity for all Home and Farm ne tlon. Town Plants, Rallroart Tanks, etc. Low In cost, hlgli in BatJsfactlon Guaranteed. Flans, Estimates and Book FREE. RIFE ENGINE CO., 2113 Trinity BIdg., New York 1909.] THE SOUTHERN FLANTEiR. 997 Marching to deathless death, forever young and fair. "Send the cadets in, and may God forgive" — Who spoke the word had welcomed rather death. Truth dies not and Liberty shall live. E'en tho' youth wither in the Can- non's breath, And at the order, debonnair and gay, They moved into the front of an im- mortal day. "Battalion forward," rang the sharp command : "Guide centre" and the banner was unfurled. Then as if on parade, the little band Trooped to the flag. A sad and som- bre world Thrills with the memory of how they went Into that raging storm of fire and carnage bent. A worn and weary world in sorrow weeps. For high hopes vanished at life's sunny morn. Yet Truth, with eyes that never falter, keeps Her gaze on Freedom's face that smiles in scorn Of death for them who wear the lau- relled crown. The early dead who die with an achieved renown. Creeds fade. Faiths perish. Empires rise and fall. And as the shining sun goes on his way. Oblivion covers with a dusty pall! The life of man, predestined to de cay. Yet is there one thing that shall never die The memory of the Dead for Truth and Liberty. A WONDERFUL PLANT. The Sacred Resurrection Plant is one of the wonders of the plant world. It lives naturally in water, and when placed in a small vessel containing a little water grows and thrives and becomes green in color; but when re- moved it dries and curls up, appar- ently asleep, and in this conditon will live for years. One need only to place it in water again, however, to bring It back to life. The publishers of Farm News, that interesting monthly pub- lished in Springfield, Ohio, have se- cured a limited number of these cur- ious plants which they are offering on another page- These publishers are also offering a line of beautiful Christ- mas post cards. See their announce- ment in this issue. Dupage Co., 111., July 26, 1909 I like the Southern Planter very much and get a great deal of valua- ble Information from its pages. W. G. BUCHANAN. Guaranteed for 15 Years — ■ No More Roof Expense When you use Dickelman Extra — your roof troubles are over. Our 15-year guaranty- stamped on every roll — and given to you in black and white protects you absolutely It shiiply means that you will have no more roof expense — no more roof troubles— for at least 15 years after the date you purchase. Most likely you will never have to roof the same building again. DICKELMAN EXTRA Galvanized Metal Roofing We guarantee it for 15 years, but know it will last twice that long. We kiimu that our reeling which was put up 2^ years ago is still in excellent conditimi — and should last 25 years longer. We do not simply icll you ox promise you our roofing will last for 15 years — '^^ gvarantce it. Ask your dealer about DICKELMAN EXTRA. If he doesn't sell it, write us at once for sample and our valuable roofing book — sent prepaid. Know w/y we can ^//(rra^/^^ our roofing for 15 years while others make vague promises that mean nothing. The secret of the durability of Dickelman Extra lies in the wonderful system of galvanizing — and the high quality of the materials used. The metal sheet we use for a base is made by a special process which leaves it tough — yet pliable and open-grained. So the galvanizing material fills up the "pores" — and actu- ally becomes a part of the finished sheet. This prevents it from cracking — scaling — wearing or rusting off. ^^Wi\^G The Dickelman Manufacturing Co. 6S Gorsniey St. ^^^FOREST, OHIO Send Now for Sample Get our book — and sample, so yon can test it to know for yourself its sa- periority. Here*s Something New From KeJamazoo Yeu can save enough real money in getting a Kala- mazoo, to buy most of your fuel — pay your taxes, buy a dress or suit of clothes or materially increase your bank balance. You get the best made — the most econom- ical — the most satisfactory stove or range to be had any- where at_any price. With an actual cash saving of from ?5 to $40 on your purchase. Hundreds of thousands of satisfied users have told us this is true. We make it easy for any responsible person to own |a Kalamazoo. We are the vuinufacturcrs. You get] lowest factory prices, 360-days' approval test, and our convenient terms. Take your choice — Cash or Credit , Write for Catalog- No. 400 and special terms. It gives you all the necessary mformation about buy- ing; and using a grood stove or range. Compare our prices and quality with others, prove for yourself what you save in buying a Kalamazoo for cash or on time. Freishl prepaid. Safe delivery guaranteed. ' Kalamazoo Stove Co., Mf rs. Kalamazoo. Mich. Tliii Oreo Thermam- cter MTct fuel and nulcM bakiiw cut* Direct to "%\i" TRADE MARK REGISTERED TELL. THE ADVERTISER WHERE YOU SAW HIS ADVERTISEMENT. 998 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, ENQUIRER'S COLUMN. All enquiries must reach us by the 15th of the month previous to the issue or they canot be answered until the month following. Seed Selecting — Sweet Potatoes — Peanuts. 1. Please inform me how to select seed corn. Is it best to plant from the lower ear and what is the best strain? Should seed corn be cut and shocked or stand until dry. 2. Is it best to bed small sweet potatoes for sprouts? Will they not run out by so doing. What time should they be harvested? 3. Please inform me where I might sell my peanuts and best time to sell. H. P. H. 1. In selecting seed corn the ob- ject is to get a type which will have as many desirable characteristics as possible combined in one plant. The ear should therefore be selected not merely for one fine feature alone. The character of the stalk should have consideration as well as the ear and the position of the ear on the stalk and the neck of the ear and the shuck on it should also be considered. The best type of corn is one with a strong short jointed stalks, not over tall and with good blades. The ear should be low down on the stalk and should have a short neck connecting it with the stalk, just suflficient to allow the ear to hang down when ma- tured. The shuck should be a close, well wrapped one, covering the whole ear, but not coarpe in texture. The ear should bo Ions; and cylindrical, that is. nearly the same circumfer- ence all the way from butt to tip. The grains should he set in regularly in rows running from butt to tip and the rows be clopely set on the ear. The butt and tip should be closely set with grains. The cob should not be large, only sufflclent to carry the rows of grain and the grains shonUl bp large and deep set in the cob. The selpction of the lower ears for seed will gradually tend to the repro- duction of this character of setting of the earq and a gradual shortening of the stalk. As to what is the best strain is a meatter of choice depend- ing largely on the location. Some corn doe=! better on low ground and some on high land and the strain se- lected should depend on the location in which it is to be planted. Seed com is best matured on the stalks and these should be left standing un- til thoroughly dry ■^/hen the ears should ho taken olT and be hung up in a dry airy place over the winter or be stored on racks in such a place so that the air can circulate through them. 5?. The small potatoes made on vires which have been grown from cuttings taken olf the slin raised plants after they have commenced to run freely make thp best seed from which fn grow slins for early planting. This does not cause the running out ^( MIXERI/ ^W OPEN JACKET Waterloo! J 'speedN -> [GOVERNOR 17 YEARS ON THE MARKEt The Waterloo Boy has ^\S YEAR atl the Good Points that ^OUARAMTEf go into any Gasoline Engine and it doesn't take the up-to-date farmer long to discover them and their value to him. It is the number of practical features embodied in an engine that determines the degree of satisfaction it will give to its owner. All gasoline engines have some good points, or there would be no sale for them and they would soon be taken off the market. Some engines have more good points than others, that's why some engines are better than others. Waterloo Boy f ^|; Gasoline ines hare all the grood points that go loto any gasoline enelne, besides many exclusive, patented fea- tures that increase their eflBciency and durability; make them marvels of simplicity and wonder- fully economical engines to operate. That's why we say the Waterloo Boy is the best engine for farm use. You can buy a Waterloo Boy for less money than you will be asked for engines containing half of the good points we build into our engines. Besides we will send a Waterloo Boy to any reponsible farmer and iethim try it for thirty days on his farm doing whatever work he has to do. We will pay the freight both ways and return his money if after a month's use he can- not pick out the good points for himself — if he can't see that it is the one and only engine that will give him complete satisfaction. Now, when you buy a gasoline engine you had better be sure that the engine yon get was made by a concern that makes gasoline engines and nothing else. Our efforts are all directed toward making and keeping the Waterloo Boy the best engine in the world. We have no other interests — no sidelines. Don't you want to try a Waterloo Boy? Don't you want to see how much labor and time it will save you? Remember we are offering you a free trial for 30 days. Better write us today for our catalogue and free trial ofEer. YEARLY CAPACITY 15000 ENGINES Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co., 20"^ W. Third Ave., Waterloo, Iowa. Horace L. Smith, Gen. Agent, 24 Bolllngbrook Street. Petersburg, Va. 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL CLARKS CUTAWAY TOOLS DOUBLE ACTION "CUTAWAY" HARROW WITH JOINTED POLE. I* "s made especially for every day " rk It w-ill increase your crops 25 to 50 per cent. This machme will cut from 28 to 30 acres, or will double-cut _, 15 acres in a day. It is drawn by two med- Bl- RIG ium horses. It will move 15,000 tons of n MB ^-.JrAne earth oue foot in a day, and can be set tO ^ ^^^S. CROPS move the earth but little, or at so great an angle as to move all the -^_. -^^ earth one foot. Runs true in line ^ "^ of draft and keeps the surface true. All other disk harrows have to run in half lap. , The Jointed Pole Takes All the Weight Off the Horses — ' Necks, and keeps their heeis away from the disks. We make 130 sizes nnd styles of Disk Harrows. Every machine fully wnrrantcd. Send for KREE Booklet with full purticnlnrs. CUT^'^AY HARROW COMPANY, 861 Main St., HICCANUM. CONN. Ground Phosphate Rock Superior to Bone or Acid Phosphate for Alfalfa and Clover, and at one-fourth the cost. See editorial, June Issue this paper, "Alfalfa In East- ern Virginia." FAR.MERS* LNIOX I'HOSPHATE CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA. I 1 1909.] THE SOUTHEKN PLANTED. 999 of the potatoes. They will continue to make as large potatoes as though grown from the larger potatoes and many more slips can be grown from the?'^ smaller potatoes in the same sized frame. The potatoes should be dug before frost cuts the vines. 3. Norfolk, Smithfleld and Peters- burg are the best peanut markets in the atate. We do not care to advise as to when is the best time to sell. A grower should watch the markets and decide this for himself. — Ed. Spoiled Herrings. Please let me know what to do with my herrings. They were put up by a packer and the worm has gotten in them. They are packed in dry, coarse salt. Would it do to make a brine and pour over them? MRS. W. E. COX. You should return the herrings to the packer and make him refund the cost or supply you with other herrings in the place of those returned. If they had been properly cured the worms would not have got into them. If you do not adopt this course you should carefully sort out all the wormy herrings and then resalt and repack the sound ones. We presume this might be done with brine or dry salt but have no had personal exper- ience in thp matter. — Ed. Fertilizer for Oats. What fertilizer would you advise to use on red soil for oats to be sown this Fall? The land is in peas for Tiay, and stubble will be cut in. Expect to follow oat crop with grass and clover next year. Campbell Co., Va. P. B. BECK. Use 250 pounds per acre of acid phosphate for the oats. For the grass and clover for which the land should be prepared after the oat crop has been harvested we would use raw "bone meal at the rate of 400 pounds per acre or from 500 to 1,000 pounds of raw ground phosphate rock per acre. — Ed. Lime for Land. Am interested in Virginia land that •needs lime. Write to ask whether "burned or ground limestone is pre- i^rred. Presume the action is quicker when the stone is burnt, but is the general impression that it Is better. Tb« cost of getting the burnt or raw lime stone to the property is to be considered. Out here some farm- ers use what is called an "end gate seeder" for sowing. Have often thoueht it could >>a used in sowina: fro ground lime stone on land and tb!«' could be clkeaplv done. Cedar Co., Neb. G. W. P. C. The effect of the lime is seen more quickly when the burnt stone is ap- plied, but it is more destructive of vegetable matter in the soil than the ground limestone. The burnt stone has a more vigorous action in chang- ing the physical and mechanical con- dition of the soil and for that reason TWENTY years ago the oil lamp had already been driven out of the city into the country home where gas could not follow — so we thought. In those days we would have laughed at the idea of a country home lighted witli gaslight. But like the telephone and free mail delivery gaslight has finally left the city to become a common rural convenience. In the year 1909, the up-to-date villager or farmer not only lives in a gas lighted house, same as his city cousin, but when he drives home on a cold, wet night he actually lights up his bam, his barnyard or porches on his house with this gas-light by simply turning an "ignition" button on a post or wall. * And this change seems quite like magic when you consider that this rural gaslight is home-made — made by the family itself right on the premises. Take fifteen minutes once a month to make all that can be used in a large house. The magic is all in the strangely, weird, manufactured stone known com- mercially as "Union Carbide." Tliis wonderful gas producing sub- stance, "Union Carbide," looks and feels just like crushed granite. For country home use it is packed and shipped from warehouses located all over the United States in sheet steel cans containing 100 pounds. Union Carbide won't burn, can't ex- plode, and will keep in the original pack- age for years in any climate. For this reason it is safer to handle and store about the premises than coal. * All that is necessary to make "Union Carbide" give up its gas is to mix it with plain water — the gas, which is then instantly generated, is genuine Acetylene. When piped to handsome brass chan- deliers and fixtures Acetylene burns with an intensely brilliant, stiff flame, that tlie wind can't affect. This flame makes light so white in color that it is commonly called "Arti- ficial Sunlight." Experiments conducted by Cornell University have proven that it will grow plants the same as sunlight itself. Phy s i cians re- commend Acetylene as a germicide and a remedy for eyestrain , and it is used as an illuminant in fifty- four ho.spitals in New York City alone. Then, too, Acety- lene is so pure that you might blow out the light and sleep all night in a loom with the burner open without any injurious effects whatever. -^^ On a c- coimt of its being burned in permanent brass fixtures attached t o walls and ceilings, Acet- ylene is much safer than smoky, smel- ly oil lamps w h i c h can easily be tipped over. For this reason the Engineers of the National Board of Insurance Under- writers called Acetylene safer than any illuminant it commonly displaces. In addition to all these advantages, Acetylene light is inexpensive. An Acetylene light of 24-candle power costs only about 3f cents for ten hours' lighting, while for the same num- ber of hours regular oil lamps of equal volume cost about 6 cents in kerosene, chimneys and wicks on the average. Consider this carefully and you will hardly wonder at the fact that there are today no less than 176,000 town and country homes lighted with home-made Acetylene, made from "Union Carbide." Once a month some member of the family must dump a few pounds of Union Carbide in a small tank-like machine which usually sets in one comer of the basement. This little tank-like machine is auto- matic — it does all the work — it makes no gas until the burners are lighted and stops making gas when the burners are shut off. The lights located in every room in your house, on your porches, in your horse and cow barns, or barnyards and chicken yards if you like, will all be ready to turn on with a twist of the wrist or a touch of the button at any time of the day or night. No city home can be as brilliantly or as beautifully illuminated as any one of these 176,000 homes now using Acety- lene. Won't you let us tell you how little it will cost to make ^^'•''^fe this time-saving, money-saving, beautifying light at your own home? Write us today h o w large your house and how many rooms you have, and receive our estimate aCLi7 books giving full information. \ddress Union Carbide Sales Co., Dppt. A, 1.57 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 1000 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [Octobt'v. we prefer to use it when first bring- ing the land into condition for crops. .Later we would use the ground lime- stone as it is equally effective with the burnt lime in preserving the sweetness of the soil. At present it is difficult to get the ground lime- stone In this State whilst the burnt lime is to b ! had in any quantity and is now being supplied at a reasonable price. It can be had at from $3.50 to $4.50 per ton on the lines of the rail- roads. We are not familar with the "end gate seeder" but from our un- derstanding of it we see no reason why it would not be capable of being used in spreading lime if only It can be So adjusted as to put on not less than a ton per acre- — Ed. Grape Vine Wanted — Potash for Corn. Will you (through the Planter) kindly tell me something about a grape called the Va. Dyer also where it can be had, etc. Also tell me how much muriate of potash to use in corn per hill for best results. W. M. PARRISH. Greensville Co., Va. We cannot find this grape in any of the fruit lists in our library. We never heard of it so cannot help you. Per- haps some of our subscribers know it. If so, please answer. Very little of the land in this State seems to re- quire potash for the production of corn. It is neded for tobacco, Irish potatoes and vegetables. We have had a number of reports that the use of it gave increased yield of corn and several of these came from the Tide- water section of the State where If anywherp it might have been expect- ed to give results as sandy light heavy clav lands. If you decide to try its effect we should apply at the rate of ?5 nounds to the acre of mur- iate of potash. — Ed. Grass for Roadside. I have a roadway up the side of a red clay hill. The bank on the one side is an eyesore, as I have not been able to gret erass on it. I have too lone a ptrptch of it to put sod on it in the usual way. Please tell me what to do with it. Warren Co., Va. C. L. MELTON. Grade the bank to a regular surface bv the URo of a hoe or mattock and then snrend a coat of farm yard ma- nure on it and sow in this a miyture of srnac! pport^ snob ampared with the before. Galloway much the best. If going to other spreaders." buy a dozen more they would all be Galloways." WM. GALLOWAY COMPANY, 219 Galloway Station, WATERLOO, IOWA Shingles? Yes, I Make 'em and Edge 'em too I will cut square, round or split blocks, and make wide or narrow shiniiles. I can cut Box Boards and Heading, too and and with a bigger saw T can bolt the stock and do many other useful stunts. I liave Power Feed, a 24 inch shingle saw, a handy edger, with 8- inch saw and feed belts, and will work for you for $75 r:.T:rsr: mighty good saw mills, tooi Sttrell Woodworking Machinery They have a nice book that tells a whole lot more about me and the other machines, and if you'll iust write to the folks they'll send you one. The address is AMERICAN SAW MILL MACHINERY CO. 137 HOPE STREET HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. The Real Thing in a Farm Power Use steam. Not complicated or always getting: out of order. Something you can under- stand and get service out of. Steam is the power for the farm as well ' ds for the shop and factory and farmers are fast finding it out. £:ls.leffel STEAM ENGINE and save disappointment. No coaxing and tinkering, wasting hours of time trying to "make it go." Sure, powerful, economical. Remember, Leffel engines are built for service, not merely to »ell. Styles and sizes to suit all purposes. Book free. Send for it before you buy any engine. James Leffel & Company Box 238 Springfield, Ohir "When corresponding with our advertisers always mention Southern Planter. 1909. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1001 Crops for Silo. 1 wish some one who has tried it would give their experience with en- silage made from other crops than corn; such as oats, clover, rye, millet, cow peas, etc. Would it do to partly fill a silo with any one of these in their season and complete the filling with corn at a later period in the season? ROBERT W. TRAVIS. Dunkirk. N. Y. Nearly all these different crops have been experimented with in the silo but none of them have been found to make a fine quality of sil- age used alone. They all make a slippery, slimy silage which is not re) ished by stock. They make good sil- age when mixed witn corn and espec ially is this the case with cow peas and soy beans which supply the pro- tein element which the corn lacks. Mixed with corn the silage thus made is nearly a balanced ration and stock do well on it. There is no objection to partially filling a silo at one time and then later completing the filling with another crop if this is properly done. When the first crop is put in It should be covered with cut straw oT chaff or waste hay and this be well wet so that it will pitck down and fill with mould to seal the silage. When It is desired to resume fillins this covering must be removed and the new crop be put right on to the old silage at once before the air has time to cause decay to the silage. The secret of making good silage is to cause rapid heating of the contents of the si 10 so as to expel the air and then to keen the air from getting to it again. — Ed. Horse Sunburnt. Strawberry Fertili- zer. Please answer the following in your valuable paper. How can a horse that was once black and is now tan from sunburn be made to regain it's original color? 1 have heard that if at shedding time they are kept in the sun they will not sunburn- Is this correct? How much Peruvian guann would you apply to half an acre of strawberries set out in the spring. T want to apply it in .Tuly on land that is very poor. -Albemarle Co., Va. H. B. l.APSLEV 1. The sunburnt hair will be all shed when the animal changes its coat and tho original color of course will come back with the new c^at. Wp know nf no means of preventing thit; gradual change of the hair ex- cent keening the horses under cover all the time. Tt would not bp nractl- cfll to keen the horses out in the sun all thp t'me during the sheddins of the coat hecnn^e of its being cast at a tme when this cannot well be done and at that timp the sun is not so hot a<; to matprfqlly affect the color of thp hair. Some horses are much more affected in this way than others. This is our NEW Cement Book Just Published FREE To Every Farmer ■We want every farmer and cement worker to send for this new edition of our Cement Book, ''Concrete Construction about the Home and on the Farm/' mmm It is larger and better than any previous edition, and it de- scribes and illustrates many new^ ways of using concrete. There are 160 pages and over 150 illustrations. The directions for making cement structures are given in plain language that everyone can understand, with tables showing the _ exact amount of material required for the work in hand. Send for this book now and get the benefit of many new ideas for this year's work. Wben you build, do not forget that ATLAS Portland Cement makes the best concrete and that the U. S. Government bought ATLAS for the Panama Canal. Ask your dealer for A TLAS. If he cannot supply you, write to The ATLAS Portland CEMENT Co. Dept. ^le 30 Broad Street, New York Daily output over SO, 000 barrel* —the largest in the world. / ,'^^ PDRTUNO %,, ATLAS NONE JUST AS GOOD Double Saving till Nov. 15th Sale ^h /(Cumai/ Velilcie bargains in our Special "KEEP BUSY Even atregfiilar prices you wU save mone.v if you buy now. Because leather, rubber an other materials are rapidly advancing inco; — and next year's prices will be higher. IJu.v before the advance— nt LE.SS than rejrulur prices— you make two 8avin(r>* in one. In order to keepall of our force emplrfjed durinsr the quiet season at full pay we will allow, if you mention this paper 5% off 1908-1909 Catalog Prices on all orders sent U3 before Nov, 15. 1909. This applipA on all Murray bufrtnes. phaetons^ surreys, pony vehicles, hamesB. sad- dles, etc. MT-thout reservation of any kind. Order Now and Save MoNE^-. Send for cat-'Inir, Or i f you have catalog ORDER at once and get a high srade Murray vehicle :it a bargain. The Wilber H. Murray Mfg. Co.. 321-T E. 5lli St., ClndnraH, Ohio 5% off 1908-1909 Catalog Prices. 1002 THE SOUTHERI^ PLANTER. [October, 2. We would not advise the use of Peruvian guano alone for top dressing strawberres. Peruvan guano is largely a nitrogenous fertilizer and its tenrency used alone would be to encourage excessive leaf growth. Strawberries and all the fruits need potash and phosphoric acid to induce fruit bud formation and firmness and color and flavor in the fruit. We would use acid phosphate at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre muriate of potash at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre, and Peruvian guano or ni- trate of soda at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. — Ed. Pulling Fodder. Which is best, to pull fodder first or cut the tops first. There seems to be a difference of opinion here among the farmers. Bedford Co., Va. jt<'. V. The best course is to do neither way but to cut down the whole stalk at near the ground and set up in shocks to cure out. In this way the whole crop is saved and not part of it. The crop has cost too much to make to waste any of it. It has been proved by careful experiments that nearly one half of the feeding value of the crorn crop is in the stalks, shucks and fodder and to leave any part in the field is to waste so much of the crop. The coarser part of the crop, the stalk and the fodder is need- ed to provide roughage for cattle and other stock. Every year thousands of tons of hay are brought into the State from the West and much of this is sold to farmers to feed to their stock whilst they are wastng food as full of feeding value as that they are buying. Buy a cutter and cut up the whole stalks with the fod- der on them and the greater part will be eaten and what is left will be in the best shape for turning into ma- nure to go back on the land. Actual experiments have proven that pulling the fodder and cutting the tops at the time when they make the best feed causes a much less yield of corn and that the loss thus occasioned in corn is more than the tops and fod- der are worth for feed, so that the whole labor of pulling the fodder, and cutting the tops is worse than lost. — Ed. POTASH The more thoroughly and practically the question is worked out, the more clearly it is demonstrated that Every Orchard increases in bearing and improves in the quality of Its fruit by fertilizing with Potash. Potash Pays To secure hardy stock and best yields use a fertilizer containing: at least 9 per cent, actual Potash. To increase the Potasb total 1 per cent, add 2 lbs. of Potash to each 100 lbs. of fertilizer. Send for Literature about soil, crops, ma- nures and fertilizers— compiled by experts. Mailed on request— Free. GERMAN KALI WORKS Atlanta, Ga., 1224 Candler BIdg. Chicago, Monadnock BIk. New York, 93 Nassau St. SAN JOSE SCALE Killed at a Savinq of 50 PerCent Read These Extracts from a few Reports DeVilblss Fruit Farm, Ft. Wayne, Ind.— Your spray is an absolute success. Twenty-five acres of my orchard was infested to a finish and I cant find a living scale now. Only wish I had language to make It stronger. Burr-Oaks Farms, Stevensville, Mich.— We found fewer scale after using your spray than from the other remedies combined . Used ihem all in the same way at the same time. W. 0. and C. F. Toms, Hendersonville, N. C — We used your spray with the greatest success. Our orchard of 3,000 treea is now practically free from scale We consider it the best remedy we have ever seen. G. W. Shields, Newtonville, O.— Had some trees literially covered with scale from top to bottom, branches encrusted with it, so gave your oil a severe test. Those trees are to-day a mass of new growth and I cannot find a living scale on them. Fertilizer for New Cleared Land. I kindly ask ypu to advise me in your next issue as to cultivating newly cleared land. I have forty acres of low black land, clay subsoil, which will be ready for a crop next spring. I expect to plant it in dorn, using 300 pounds of acid phosphate per acre. 2. What are the best crops to run , land like that in both spring and win- ter. 3. Is lime of any benefit to new land; if so, what kind is the best to use? 4. Will you tell me how to kill nut-grass? A YOTTNG FARMER. Perquimans Co., N. C- 1. This new land will want lime WRITE NOW FOR OUR FREE BOOK Gives in full scores of reports like above F. 6. STREET & COMPANY, - - 27 Railroad Street, Rochester, N. Y. INTELLIGENT SPRAYING The Rural New-Yorker stated editorially, Sept. 19th, 1908: — "The Rural Grounds now appear to be free from scale for the first time in 1 2 years. :«: * * It has been a long fight, excessively discouraging until the soluble oils came to the rescue three years ago. The prospect brightened at the first trial of these handy preparations, and repeated use seems to have resulted in victory," Spraying was omitted this year. "SCALECIDE" alone did more in three years than Lime-Sulphur and other dopes did in nine. Are you still in the Lime-Sulphur ranks? PKICICS :— In barrels and half barrels, 50c. per gallon; 10 gallon cans. SG.OO; 5 gallo.. cans, $3.25; 1 gallon cans, SI .00. Send for Booklet, "Orchard Insurance." i If you want cheap oils, our " CARBOLEINE " at 30c. per gallon is the equal of anything else. B. G. PRATT CO.. MFG. CHEMISTS, 50 CIIUKCII ST., NEW XOKK CITY. and probably potash before it will produce as it ought to. Nearly all the low black soils are deficient in pot- ash and they are sour and hence re- quire lime. Your best course is to apply at least a ton of lime per acre (use burnt stone or shells — whichever are the cheapest and easiest to get) during the winter or early spring and work it in lightly. In the spring wh n preparing for the corn crop ap- ply 250 pounds of acid phosphate and .50 pounds muriate of potash per acre. Sow cow peas in the corn at the last working and later sow crim- son clover for a winter cover crop 1909.] THE SOUTHEEN PLANTEE. 1003 and for a fallow to turn down in the spring. It may be well to sow a mix- ture of wheat, oats, and rye, three pecks to the acre, with the crimson clover, (12 pounds to the acre) to en- sure a cover as crimson clover may not take well the first year. If the cow peas are to be used to turn under the crimson clover and grain mixture can be sowed amongst the vines in August or September and the vines be left to die down and all be plowed under in the spring. 2. The year folowing, you should put the land in cow peas and cut these for hay and follow with oats using acid phosphate on both crops and following with crimson clover and then bring the land into corn again after which it should take grass and be mown for hay one year or two and then put to corn again. 4. The only way to get rid of nut grass is to keep the land in cultivated crops for two or three years. — Ed. Feed for Hens. Will you kindly give me through the columns of your magazine, the correct amount of food for 100 hens for a year and the best kind of food to feed? C. W. SLAUGHTER. Culpeper Co., Va. It will take about 1 1-2 bushels of wheat per hen per year of the small- er breeds. The larger breeds will re- quire more, say near 2 bushels. The average cost of keeping a flock of hens is $1.50 per year per hen. To bring the cost down to this it will be necesary not to feed wheat alone, at the present high price of this grain, but to make a mixture of wheat, cracked corn and oats and to feed part of this in the grain and part ground and made into a mash with some bran added. — Ed. Stonor Seed Wheat. A subscriber sends us a letter from the Stonor Seed Wheat Company, of Fincastle, Va., in which they enclose a form of contract to be entered into by farmers desiring to grow this wheat and asks our opinion in the matter. We have discussed this sub- ject in our article on Work for the Month, in connection with our advice on the seeding of the wheat crop. To this article we refer our readers. The wheat as we there state has been investigated by the Department of ATiculture and has no greater value than any other carefully selected seed wheat. It is of course likely to pro- duce a heavier yield than ordinary ?eed wheat which has gone through no process of selection from year to year but inasmuch as the Company requires the crop to be grown onlv for return to the Company at the market price of milling wheat there is no great inducement for any one to grow it and pay $5 for the seed to sow an acre — Ed. Corn Growing. I have seven acres of the very The Thing That Interests Dairymen Today is not which Company has made the most failures in its at- tempts to make successful Cream Separators, or which Company has abandoned or discarded the most inventions because (by its own admissions) of the inferiority of those inventions. The questions which interest dairymen are : Which is the best Cream Separator in 1909? And which will continue to be the best Separator in 1910 ? Tlie United States Separator holds the World's Record for close skimming. Its record has not been equaled by any Cream Separator, although numerous attempts have been made to equal it. Tlie United States has a solid one piece frame. No bolts, screws or rivets to work loose. Gearing enclosed in dust-proof case. Gearing runs in oil bath. Closest skimmer in the world. Simple and easy to clean. Light running. Longest life. The United States has the best point of all — perfect separa- tion — and cJso has more other good points than any other Separator. Selling Agents in every dairy section in the country, will grant a free trial. Send for Catalogue No. 168 VERMONT FARM MACHINE COMPANY BELLOWS FALLS, VERMONT Don't neglect to sts*s our exh bit of Oairy Implements at the Fairs at Richmond, Oct. 4-9 and Ralefgh, 18-23, Getting the most engine for yonr money does not mean buying the cheapest— it is a matter of securing an engine that wiU give reliable results year in, year out— the speed must be steady and uniform— absolute interchangeability of parts assured — actual power must equal rating. Every requirement of the man who wanta a simple, reliable engine is met by the WEBER GAS or GASOLINE ENGINE Sold Under Our Absolute Guarantoo Will lighten the labor of pumping, grinding, shell' ing and all kinds of farm work. Write today, telling us for what yon need power and we will send you our new handsomely illustrated catalog fully describing the Weber Engine best suited to your requirements. Sheffield Eas Power Co., 118 Winchester PI., Kansas City, Mo. Let It Furnish Power for You TELL, THE ADVERTISER WHERE YOU SAW HIS ADVERTISEMENT. 1004 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, finest of red clay land, have run same in clover and timothy four years, cut an average of three tons of cured hay per acre, during said time. I have broadcasted on this land about 300 t-^o horse loads of stable manure, and about 100 two horse loads of ashes. There is a good deep sod. I have just plowed and subsoiled this plot of land over 20 inches deep, harrowed, rolled and sowed in peas. As soon as I turn under or cut these I expect to seed in crimson clover, I want next year to do my part, to make the most corn possible on said plot of ground and would thank you to let me know through your valuable paper, how to •ultivate, kind of fertilizer, amount of fertilizer, and when and how to fertilize, etc. ISAAC H. DUNLOP. Chatham Co., N. C. Upon this piece of land, after what you have done, you ought to have no difficulty in getting a good crop of corr next year, even though you should not fertilize it any further. However in order to make it do the best pos- sible We should haul out and spread on the crimson clover during the win- ter and spring as much farm yard manure as you can spare up to the amount of 10 or 12 tons to the acre and with this would apply acid pho- phate at the rate of 50 pounds to each ton of manure. At planting time or immediately after plantin-- Wo would apply one hundred poun'^ of nitrate of soda per acre to giv- the crop a quick start. It shoul"-" then make a good stand and a heav? crop. — Ed. Worms in Pumokin Vines — Sweet Po toes as Feed for Stock. 1. Please tell me what will kill O' stop worms in pumpkin vines. The;' get in at the hill and joints. It is p white worm about one inch long tha' (ats the inside of the vine about thf time the pumpkins begin to bloom and frui. 2. What value are Irish potatoe'" as feed for horses and how man'i' would be enough for one feeding" How often should they be fed? If there any danger in feeding Irish po SUNFLOWER FARM. Chesterfield Co., Va. The insect which is doing the dam- age to the pumpkin vines is the squash vine borer which attacks all the cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, pumpkins and squashes). It is one of the most difficult insect troubles we have to control as when once it has got into the vines no remedies can reach it and it usually gets safely hid before its presence is noted. It is the caterpillar of a moth that lave its egg=? on the plants and as they hatch the grubs at once make their way into the vines. They usually be- gin fi hatch about July. About the only thins: that can be done is to prevent the worms hatching as far as p"ssiblp by destroying the eggs on the vines. The caterpiHarc leave the vineg when they have done ENTERPRISE Meat and Food Chopper "Enterprise" Meat and Food Choppers cut the meat with a revolving steel knife against a perforated steel cntting plato without tearing cr crushing. Easily cleaned. Tractically unbreakable and vrill last for years. The No. B "Enterprise" Chopper costs W/M^S maciiirnii only $1.76; No. 10, shown In cut, $2.60. They are standard family size, and not only save half the work at butchering time, but arc useful in the kitchen every day in the year. Made in 45 sizes and styles for Hand, Steam and Electric Power. We also make cheaper Food Choppers, but rec- ommend the above for the reasons given. Illustrated catalog free. Sold at Hardware and General Stores, etc. ENTERPRISE Sausage Stufffer and Lard Press Lessens the labor at butchering time. Two machines i:i one. Well made and does its work quickly and surely. Cyl- inder is bored true and pl.ato fits accur- ately. Pressure cannot cause meat to rise above tho plate. The Patented Corru- gated spout prevents air from entering casing, ensuring perfect filling and pre- servation of sausage. Maclune can bo changed into a Lard Press in a minute's time. Can also bo used as a Fruit Press. Tour dealer will be able to eupply you with the "Enterprise" Sausage Staffer and Lard Press. No. 2S— 4 quart Japanned Price $6.50 4 sizes Tinned and Japanned ENTERPRISE The "Enterprise" Bone, SheU and Corn Mill Is a good all-round mill for farmers, poultrymen, etc. and for compactness, strength and durability Is unexcelled. Handy for grinding: poultry food and making bone meal fertilizer. Mill shown in rutS8.50, weightraibs., grinds i;4 bu. corn per hour. Look for the nanio " Untcrpriso" on tho machlno you buy. Grind up dry bones, oyster and other shells, corn, etc., for your hens and watch results. Other lamo » ESTABLISHED 42 YEARSI W.T.HOODi&CO. OLD DOMINION NURSERIES RICHMOND, VA. = GROWERS OF HIGH GRADE NUR- SERY STOCK, FRUIT AND ORNA- MENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, EVER- GREENS. ROSES AND SMALL FRUITS I WRITE FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOG AND PRICES ' > ' Strawberry Plants Send $2.50 for 1,000 assorted Plants. Excelsior, Klondike, Lady Thompson and Aroma. JOHN LIGHTFOOT, Dept. 7. Cbnttanoogra, Tenn., R, F. D. itation, but jes' jumped up fer an an- swer like dis, I s'pose dey done dat so as to have de depot as near as possible to de railroad." — October Lippincott's. THE SENATOR CONFESSES. As every lawyer Knows, Senator Daniel is the author of a comprehen- sive treatise on negotiable instru- ments, which is generally considered 1909.] THE SOUTIIEEN PLANTER. 1011 Look at It! IT'S IN THE LANDSIDE AS TRONG ENSIBLE ERVICEABLE PLOW NO SHARP ANGLES T0|BREAK OFF TILTING OF HANDLES TO MAKE THE PLOW GO IN THE GROUND OCCASION TO BREAK THE THIRD COMMANDMENT The Model used by us===The Sloping Landside and Center Draff, Coupled wifh our Interlocking Landside Device===raakes our Plow retain its ORIGINAL SHAPE under any and all conditions. Each part bearing its own hurt en and transferring its strain direct to the foundation of our plows prevents straining away from its orginal positions of any of the parts, consequently our SUCK AND GATHER IS PRESERVED DURING ENTIRE LIFE OF PLOW, AND IS ABSOLUTELY ASSURED EVEN WHEN BOLTS BECOME LOOSE. JUST THE PLOW YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. BEFORE INVESTING YOUR MONEY IN ANOTHER CHILLED PLOW, Write to us for further particulars The Wm. J. Oliver Mfg. Co. KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. N. B.-WH Y Don't Other Manutacturers show LANDSIDE views of their Plows? 1012 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, to be the leading authority on the subject. A friend one day inquired how it was that in the midst of his arduous politcal duties, which must have demanded his constant atten- tion, he found the time to write two such exhaustive volumes. "Well," replied the Senator, "it happened this way: A young fellow I knew came up to me one day and said, 'Say, Mr. Daniel, does a sight draft bear interest?' And — would you believe it? — I couldn't answer that simple question. So I determined then and there to find out all about it. It took me a long time, but I did it." "Well, Senator," observed the friend after a short pause, "does a sight draft bear interest?" There was a moment's silence. "Hanged if I know!" was the ab- rupt reply. — October Lippincott's. COOPER'S DIP AT ROYAL SHOW OF ENGLAND 1909. Total exhibitors Users of Cooper's Dip Non-Users Total Sheep exhibited Owned by users of Cooper's Dip Others ^ Prizes given Taken by Cooper dipped sheep. Others Percentage of prizes won by Cooper dipped sheep Number of breeds shown Breeds In which prize winners used Cooper exclusively 183 172 11 15615 1475 85 378 547 31 94.6 23 17 Colleton Co., S. C, July 1, 1909. I cannot possibly do without the Southern Planter and farm. C. M. GRACE. Carteret Co., N. C, Aug. 16, 1909. I like the Southern Planter better than any farm journal I take. R. W. TAYLOR. Strawberry Plants October, November and March are the month.s to plant and we offer fine, well-rooted plants grown on new land, ready for Immediate ship- ment, the cream of many varieties Excelsior the earliest, Lady Thompson beginning a few days after; Bubach, very large,^ ripening in mid sea- son, an'd Aroma, large, and the most productive late sort. Price, 50 cents per 100; $3 per 1,000. J. B. WATKINS & BROTHKK, MIDLOTHIAN, VA, MEET ME ON **WAH HOO LANE'' VIRGINIA STATE FAIR RICHMOND OCT. 4-9, NIGHT AND DAY Ellis Champion Grain and Peanut Thresher, naniVFaeiuREo bv ellis kevstone hgriculturhl works, pottstown, pa. Grain and Peanut Threshers and Cleaners. fOVR SIZES. NOS. 1, 2, 3. and 4. FOR EITHER SreaM. LEVER OR TREUD POWER, All ot Which are guarante-d to elve entire satisfaction. Our THRESHERS and CLEANEKS have beeu thoroughly tested throughoii the United States, and pronounced by the irrowi>rs of GRAIN and PEA \UTS as the most complete and satisfactory Threshers of the perlc ' No grower of the above can aiTord to be without one. For Catalog and any other Information desired write to GEORGE C. BURGESS, General Southern Agent, Box 182, Petersburg, Va, 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1018 It Pays in Comfort, Cash and Health to Wear Ruthstein's STEEL SHOES! % Worn With Wonderful Satisfaction by Workers Everywhere! PATENTED Dec 41906 Others Pending > I FREE Send f r ou Book. 'The Sole ot Steel"— . better let— send lor a pair f Steel Shoes on the Order Blank below. GOOD-BYF} TO CORNS AND BrFNIONS! NO MORE SORB, ACHING FEET. You will not suffer from corns, bun- Ions, callouses and blistered, aching feet if you wear Steel Shoes. They are shaped to fit the feet and need no "breaking in." Easy on — easy off. No warping, no twisting, no curled-up soles. The rigid Steel Shoes force the nppers to keep their shape. They rest the feet by affording support exactly where It is needed. Don't torture your feet in hard, twisted, warped, leaky, shapeless leather-soled shoes. Don't sweat your feet and maxe them tender by wearing hot rubber boots, felt boots or arc- tics. SAVE »5 TO «10 YEARL,Y! Ad one pair of Steel Shoes will out- last three to six pairs of leather-soled shoes or at least three pairs of rub- ber boots, it is easy to see that the saving In shoe bills is great. At least $5 to $10 a year! SAVE DOCTOR'S BIM.S. Steel Shoes pay for themselves over and over again in the saving of med- icine and doctor's bills. They prevent sickness. Wear Steel Shoes and you need not duffer from Colds, Rheumatism. Neu- ralgia, Lumbago. Stiffness of the joints and other troubles and discom- forts caused by cold, wet feet. Keep your feet always warm, dry an'd com- fortable in Steel Shoes. Order BInn Steel Shoe Co., k for Dept. Steel Shoes. 2S5, Rnclne, Wis. Gentlemen. •- for $ -I ei in iclose payment for pair Steel Slioes. 1 Size Name Town ... ...State County R.F.D.... Dealer's name ^^^ EASY ON THE FEET! EASY ON THE POCKET BOOK! One Fair Outlasts 3 to 6 Pairs of leather Soled Slioes steel Shoes are setting the swiftest pace in sales of any work shoes in existence. They are so strong and durable, so easy and comfortable that farmers and all classes of workers are simply astonished. One pair will out- wear from three to six pair of the best leather soled shoes you can buy. There's the utmost limit of wear in every pair of Steel Shoes — and. comfort as long as you wear them. They are lighter than all-leather work shoes with thick and clumsy soles. They need no repairs! They are absolutely water- proof and will keep your feet warm, dry and comfortable in the coldest weather, in mud, snow or slush up to your shoe-tops. Do you wonder that many thousands of woi-kes on the plantations will wear no other kind of work shoes. Absolute Protection from Colds, Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Stiffness, Discomfort steel Shoes are as waterproof as Rubber Boots, and keep the feet warm and perfectly dry, regardless of rain, snow, slush or mud — no matter how cold the weather. They defy cold and wet, protecting the feet even from dampness and chill. Nine-tenths of all cases of rheumatism, colds, and sore throat result from wearing all-leather shoes which leak or absorb moisture. Pneumonia often develops as the direct result of cold, wet feet. Why taxe chances when Steel Shoes offer real protection, with comfort thrown In for good measure? HOW STEEL SHOES ARE MADE — STEE3L SOLES AND SIDE — ^WATERPROOF LEATHER UPPERS — ADJUSTABLE STEEL RIVETS IN BOTTOMS — HAIR CUSHION INSOLES. Steel Shoes solve the problem of the Perfect Work Shoe of all time to come. The soles of Steel Shoes and an inch above the soles are stamped out of a special light, thin, rust-resisting steel. One piece of seamless steel from heel to toe! As a further protection from wear and a means of giving a firm foothold, the bottoms are studded with adjustable steel rivets. Practically all the wear comes on these steel rivets. When steel rivets wear down, you can instantly replace them with new rivets. Steel Shoes never go to the Repair Shop, for there's nothing to wear but rivets. The cost is only 30 cents for 50 extra steel rivets. No other repairs are ever needed. The uppers are made of the very best quality of pliable waterproof leather, and firmly riveted to soles. There is greater strength and longer service and more foot comfort in Steel Shoes than in any other working shoes in existence. It's in the steel and the pliable leather, and the way they are put together. The thick, springy Hair Cushion Insoles are easily slipped out for cleand- ing and airing. These Insoles absorb perspiration and foot odors — absorb the jar and shock when you walk on hard or stony ground. They keep your feet free from callouses, blisters and soreness. MADE IN SIZES 5 TO 12; 6-INCH, 0-INCH, 12-INCH AND 1«-INCH HIGH STYLE Steel Shoes are made with tops of 'different heights, suitable for every pur- pose, from general field work to ditch-digging. •Steel Shoes. 6 Inches high, $2.50 a pair, are better than the best all- leather $3.50 shoes. Steel Shoes, 6 inches high, with extra grade of leather, $3.00 a pair, excel any $4.50 all-leather shoes.. Steel Shoes, 9 inches high, $3.50 a pair, are better than the best all-leather $5.00 Shoes. Steel Shoes, 9 inches high, with extra quality of leather, $4.00 a pair, are better than the best all-leather $5.50 shoes. Steel Shoes, 12 Indies high, $5.00 a pair, are better than the best ail- leather $6.00 shoes.. Steel Shoes, 16 Inches high, $6.00 a pair, are better than the best all- leather shoes regardless of cost. A STYLE OF STEEL SHOE FOR EVERY USE. V* e s'rongly recommend the inch High Steel Shoes at $3 a pair or the y inch High Steel.Shoes at 54 a pair for general woik under all condliioi s. For ail classes ofuse re lulrinsr high cut shoes, such as ditching, lumbering, hunting, etc., onr 12 inch or 16 inch iiian steel shoes are absolutely ladispeiisadle. They give the vlnwsl possible protection. Fill out, tear oflf and mail the Order Blank TO-DAY. STEEL SHOE CO., Dept. 255, Racine, Wis. 1014 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, THE TURKEY BUZZARD. Editor Southern flanter: It is with deep regret that 1 read in the last few issues of the Planter of a movement to exterminate the turkey buzzara or vulture. 1 don't know of any more serious blow to the Southern farmers than to have such a course followed as the extermi- nation of the buzzard. To my mind if these hog raisers would take care of their stock and not let hogs in- fected with disease remain above ground, they would help to stamp out disease instead of allowing it to spread as it now does. 1 have seen the turkey buzzard and black vulture, the two species, from Maryland to the west coast of Mexico and they have al- ways been doing a good work. Of course there may be times when there will be an exception to this rule. Will you kill our beautiful singer, the Southern mocking bird just because he eats a few grapes and raspberries? Who would bury the refuse fish and other undesirable matter washed up on the beaches of our sea coast? Surely not the man who is too lazy to haul these fish a few miles inland and put them on his farm, thus pro- ducing a fair corn crop from his run down soil- The countless cur dogs with which the South is infested and which Mr. Cal Husselman of the Poultry Department of your paper draws attention to, is the thing to legislate against. Unkept, unfed, he prowls around feeding as does the turkey vulture, destroying game in the shape of young rabbits and quail nests in the early summer. Hunting, hunting all the time for something to eat and should his trail lead into a farmer's poultry, this is just the same to him. These dogs are caus- ing the State the loss of thousands of dollars every year — while instead the State should be drwing an income from them. Let us have a Ave dollar tax on females and three dollar tax on dogs. See that it is well enforced and all cur dogs destroyed, then see if the buzzard hasn't been blamed for a good deal of harm that doesn't belong to him. I'm speaking from actual experience. I've lost as high as seventy-five dollars worth of stock in one night from these prowlers, and no TGdrGSS Warwick Co., Va. H. H. BAILEY. We are entirely with our cores- pondent as to the worthless dogs and shall be glad to co-operate in secur- ing legislation to reduce this evil but this in no way alters our opinion as to the importance of getting rid of the turkey buzzards. They are the prolific source of the spread of dis- ease amongst live stock and serve no good purpose in a settled community. It is the duty of every citizen to bury or burn all dead animals and every advanced civilized country recognizes this and do not rely upon the carrion birds to discharge this duty. It is an evidence of neglect of sanitary laws to rely upon the birds and a re- flection upon the community which suffers constant loss from their pres- ence. The mocking bird may eat a few cherries and other fruits and we think he is fully entitled to these for the good he and the small birds do in destroying the larva of injurious in- setcs and the insects themselves and RAISE POULTRY Cal Husselman's little book tells how to do It profitably. SOUTHERN POULTRY GUIDE 125 pp., cloth bound, Illustrated. It contains the meat of the Editor's 40 years' experience in the Poultry Business. Send $1 and we will en- ter your subscription to the South- ern Planter and forward the book promptly. SOXJTHERN PliANTBR, Richn^ond, Va. BUY BATTLE AXE SHOES The Best Shoe for THE FARMER Solid Made and Made to Stand The Wear Every Essential Feature of High Class Shoe Making is Embodied injBATTLE AXE SHOES HIGH QUALITY RIGHT STYLE Comfortable Pit Long Wear Low Price Ask your Dealer for this Celebrated, Widely= known and Widely=worn Brand of Shoes THE FARMER'S FRIEND Stephen Putney Shoe Co. Richmond, Va. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1015 OUR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM For Country Homes is a boon to the farmer. It furnishes him with pure running water for his bath room, kitchen, lawn, stables, drinking tanks and fire protection. It doesn't matter what your source of sup- ply is — shallow wells, cisterns, springs, lakes, rivers — our engines will give satisfactory results under all conditions. LET OUR AGENTS SUBMIT TOU AN ESTIMATE. Tliis cut illustrates our Pumping Engine and Water Storage Tank. The Pumping Engine uses gas or gasoline for fuel. STANDARD PUMP AND ENGINE CO., Cleveland, Ohio Sydnor Pump & Well Go.,As«"ts Richmond, Va. mr: National Pneumatic Water Supply FOR COnVTRT AND SUBCRBAN HOMBS. Gives all the advantages of a city water works and furnishes Are protection, which reduces Insurance rates. The accompanying sketch shows a complete water system .bath and kitchen plumbing. In connection with our WATER SYSTEM and plumbing equip- ment, we furnish plans and specifications and equipment for th« construction of septic sewer tanks which will dispose of your sewage In a moat satisfactory manner. Send us rough sketch showing location of well and plumb- ing fixtures and give depth of well. If you have a apring grfve distance from hou^e, fall from house to spring and fail obtain- able in spring, branch, and flow In gallons per minute. State how much water required per day, and we will furnish estimate A# cost f I*60 We furnish aystem In any capacity from 140 gals, up, and for the applicatioi> of any kind of power for pumping. Get our prlcea tm WlNTJMIIiljS, GASOLINB ENGINES, HOT AIR ENGINES, PUMPS OF ALiL KINDS. AND HYDRAULIC RAMS. IH- QUIRE ABOUT OUR BURNSOH RANGES. WRITE FOR CATALOG. GRAHAM DAVIDSON & COMPANY, Richmond, - Virginia. y-^''J-S^'"'-f.-i.„ ., u iiii'nn ^ HERE IS OUR GUARANTEE: You purchase a NATIONAL W^ATER SUPPLY SYSTEM, Install it according to directions fur- nished by us, operate it for one year, and if at th« end of that time you are not satisfied In every par- ticular, YOU CAN RETURN THE SYSTEM TO US, AND WTE WILL PAY THE FREIGHT CHARGES, AND REFUND TO YOU IN CASH EVERY DOI<- LAR YOU HAVE PAID US. 1016 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, we would do as much as lay in our power to protect all small birds. It is a disgrace to our civilizatinn to see how they are destroyed. But these birds when they eat the fruit do not carry about with them the germs of disease gathered from dead carcasses the comparison therefore is not in point. — Ed. THE TURKEY BUZZARD. Editor Southern Planter: Since writing you in April I have b en waiting to see how the stock men of this old commnwealth are looking after their interest and it would seem, that with the exception of about six persons they are all "still sleeping" or it may b? that their greatest enjoyment is experienced in growing thoroughbreds to feed buzzards. What else is it than that, when the whole land is infested with these expensive pests, legally protect- ed. Let all of Us call a halt for an instant and consider matters as they stand to-day. In the first place near- ly every issue of the farm papers has something to say about "How to cure disease," and "what remedies are the best" and "who prepares these reme- dies," etc. yes, and we will have to hear more on these subjects and es- pecially will it be needed so long as the disease factory — the buzzard — is being petted, fed, and protected by law and all of the stock men stand- off gazing at the damage as it pro- gresses fiom year to year. The an- swer to all inquiries as to the best way to cure these diseases can eas- ily be concentrated into these words. "Kill the buzzard, kill the buzzard." Do this and we reach the cause — de- stroy the cause of disease and dis- ease is no more. There must be a cause for every thing. I expect to hear lots of farmers call me a crank Call me anything you please, if every body will give the matter of the car- rying of disease by buzzards a min- ute's thought, the conclusion is insv itable — the buzzard must go, or else We will surely continue to get the re- ward of failure to a very great ex- tent in stock raising. I understand that the great State of Ohio has turned her back on the buzzard. Now let us do the same by asking the leg- islature to repeal the act protecting the buzzard. R. K. ANDERSON. Nelson Co-, Va. FEEDING NEW CORN. Many farmers in the corn belt in- stinctively associate the thought of new corn with "hog cholera," and the belief is common in some localites ■that the use of new corn will cause tho disease. This may indirectly be somewhat true, as the sudden change to new corn is not unlikely to pro- duce a feverish condition which would encourage the thriving of any latent disease germs. It is undenia- ble that swine appear to be more generally afflicted with disease about the time new corn is made use of, but an examination might show that such a conditon is rather to be ex- pected. When the new corn is given they greatly relish the soft, succu- lent fresh food, and, if permitted to do so, will eat enough to change tbeir probable constipation to acute diar- rhea, and put them in a condition which invites other iiilments. Much of the so-called cholera which comes in the autumn is but the diseased condition brought about by a sudden change from a limited, dry diet to a plethora of the appe- tizing new corn. The temptation to rush hogs off to market before cold weather approaches should not en- courage the farmer to make t6o sud- den a change in his methods of feed- ing. When the earliest corn is in full roasting ear stage, it may be given, stalk and all, in moderate quantity, without any change at first in the usual feeding. As the com hardens it may be given more liber- ally, but by gradual increase. By the time the corn is fully matured the hogs will have become well accus- tomed to it. The judicious use of new corn is purely an application of the judgement which should prevail in feeding at all times. Hogs that have access to plenty of green pasture are less liable to be disturbed by green or new com than 31ackle^oids Willi iimmmmmmM for protecting cattle against blackleg. SIIVIRL.E: SAF-E— SURE- NO DOSE TO MEASURE. NO LIQUID TO SPILL NO STRING TO ROT. KRESO DIP FOR ALI- LIVE STOCK Kills Lice, Mites and Fleas. Cures Mange, Scab, Ringworm. Disinfects, Cleanses, Purifies. ANTHRAXOIDS A saf-e: AIMXMRAX VAOCIIM FOR PROTECTING HORSES, MULES, CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS AND SWINE AGAINST ANTHRAX. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLETS UPON THESE PRODUCTS. branches: Nf w York, Kansas Cily, BaUImorv, N*w Orleana, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis, U. S. A. PARKE, DAVIS & CO DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. DETROIT. - MICHIGAN, ■ { U.S.A. V branches; London, Eag. Walkerrllle, Out, Montreal, Que, Sydney, N. S. W . St. Petersbarg, Roasta. Bombay, lodla. 1909.] THE SOUTHEKiN PLAxXTEli. 1017 Makes Peanut Growing Doubly Profitable Whether you grow peanuts extensively or not, the Ben- tkall Peanut Picker will prove the most profitable Invest- ment you ever made. "With one you can double and treble your profits. You and your boys can do the work of forty hands, and 4o it better. Think of It! Figure the wages of forty hands, then think of that much saved in hired help Such a machine will pay for Itself many times over. With one you can pick when the vines are In any con- dition, thus saving them for hay. and moreover, they keep the feed clean. The peanut vine is the equal of alfalfa as & forage crop, and worth from $12 to $20 per ton. This feature alone makes It an economy to own a Benthall Peanut Picker. Substantial^ Simple^ Economical These machines are built to stand up under wear, so simple they can't get out of order, and economical becausa the repair bill will amount to practically nothing. The machine will pick Spanish and Virginia varieties equally well. It can be run by a single horse, team or applied power. Prom Virginia and North Carolina, Texas and Tenne» see we are receiving testimonials from users who taaro become warm-hearted friends. Do Not Delay What Farmers Say Every peanut grower will eventually have one of tha«« pickers. If you, yourself, have not sufficient use for one, r«« can make it a valuable Investment plcklns peanuts f*r your neighbors. The machine can be moved as easily a« a wagoA. Last year we did not have enough machines to aka*t the demand. If you want to be sure of getting one, order now. Clip oft the below coupon, fill It out and mail to-4ar. and you will receive free our handsome catalog and foil Information- ^, Tliree cilpa of the BCiBsors betTreen ymm aad biKKer vraiAta. CUT HERE Benthall Machine Co., Suffolk, Vs. Qxntlxhxn: Please send ma fall Inlormatlen •bout the Benthall Peannt Flckei. Mr. W. T. Sampson, of Suffolk, Va., writes: "The machine is more than you claim for it. I have picked as high as 240 bags in nine hours and a half. I tiave picked approximately 5.000 bags this season, and m- legltlmate repair bill was the cost of one link to a chair Name- Address- THE AVERY FARM TRACTOR. The Avery Co., Peoria, Illinois, the well-known makers of farm Imple- meste ana machinery, sends us a photograph and description of the lat- est addition to their long line of labor saving implements and machinery. It is called the "Farm Tractor," and was designed by Mr. J. B. Bartholo- mew, President of the Company. This machine has a four-cylinder gasoline motor mounted in front. It is adapted to use either with a tight box or rack or, in fact, in any form of bed for hauling a load on the trac- tor itself, and will pull three or four 14-inch plows, a drag and scraper for use on public roads, or it will haul a load on an ordinary farm wagon and other vehicles behind it. This tractor does not have pneu- matic tires, but has steel rims per- forated with two-inch hardwood plugs inserted. This enables it to run smoothly and silently without damage to the streets of the city or town. It will travel on a public road at the rate of ten or twelve miles per hour, and will climb the steepest grades with its loads. It weighs about 4,600 pounds, and sells for $2,.^00. 1018 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, those previously kept in dry lots. Where they have ben pastured on rape or green, succulent food of that character, the risk is greatly dimin- ished. Pumpkins are excellent feed for hogs about to be put on green corn. They supply succulence, and their seeds serve well as a vermifuge. — From Coburn's "Swine in America." BEES IMPORTANT TO ALFALFA. It has been discovered that the honey bee is of even more importance to the alfalfa than the alfalfa is to the bee- Th wonderful strength and speed of the bees take them long dis- tances for their food and they have recourse to a great variety of plants. But the peculiar construction of the alfalfa blossom renders it unable to fertilize itself and its shape makes cross fertilization very difficult. In the marvelous "balance of good" in nature, alfalfa, like thousands of other plants, is aided in its lease on life by the insect world. It is not known just how many insects or birds as- sist this remarkable plant, but the honey bee is the most conspicuous, the most industrious, the most eager and certainly the most useful. Careful observations have been made of seed pods grown near col- onies of bees, and also of those so far from any bee colonies that it was safelv assumed no bees had visited the fields producing the pods. In every case it was found that those from nearby fields had from 50 to 75 per cent, more seeds than the others and that they were larger and more perfectly developed. In Colorado and Western Kansas, where bee cul- ture has been greatly developed in re- cent years, it is found that the alfal- fa seed crop in fields nearest to bee colonies is much heavier and of bet- ter quality than that of fields but a f&w miles away. At the Kansas experiment station a small plot of vigorous alfalfa was covered just before coming into bloom with mosquito netting support- el on sticks. It was therefore known that no bees or other insects could come into contact with the blossoms. Later a careful examination disclosed that the pods which had formed were entirely without seeds. — From Co- burn's "The Book of Alfalfa." HOW THE NORTH-WEST GETS SETTLERS. Through the columns of the Planter I wish to thank your readers for their articles on farm managers and tenants in reply to my inquiry for information along this line; also those who have written me personal let- ters in regard to the same. However, I was not a little disappointed in not seeing something from the farm man- agers and tenants themselves. I wish also to correct the address given after my article, viz.: Rood River, Ore., which should be Hood River, Ore., that valley and town made famous for its strawberries and Spitzenberg and Yellow Newtown Pippin apples. Some of the articles by Prof. Massey have been rather amusing to me from the advantage I have of being on the ground. Doubt- less some of Proressor Massey's opinions are correct. There is no question in my mind but that the South would enjoy a prosperous boom era if she would waken and do some lively advertising. Every town and hamlet here has its commercial club whose business it is keep prominently berore the prospec- tive homeseeker the advantages of its particular locality. In addition the transcontinental railroads are spending thousands of dollars in ad- vertising this Pacific Northwest. I have been a reader of the Planter for four years and in addition have been constantly writing for South- ern literature and State reports. Dur- ing this tme I have learned of many things that are the equal of Western advantages so much advertised. But so long as people will continue to come West, there will be found op- portunites and employment for them. In conclusion let me say that to those who may be inclined to come West, Hood River extends a wel- come. Young orchards six years old have sold for $1,600 per acre, and at seven years old have netted 10 per cent, on Wagons, Silos and Handy Trucks The Tornado Silo and Silo Fillers are the best. Cutters fit- ted with Spiral knives and shred- ding heads. In- changeable. Handy Trucks with wood or steel wheels or all steel as de- sired , four-inch grooved tire. Greatest labor saver on the farm. Postal us for catalog or any Information desired, or ask your nearest dealer for our goods. Boston and Virginia Farm Wagons, Barbour Virginia, Peters, King, Tatlor Canady and An- derson Buggies and Cartages. Fairbanks-Morse Gasoollne Engines, Tanks, and Steel Towers. Myers, Empire and Fairbanks-Morse Pumps. Water Wotks designed and installed anywhere, J. I. Case -.and Altman-Taylor Steam Engines, Concrete Block Machines and Mixtures, Magne- tos and Batteries. Kansas City Hay Presses, and Gasoline Traction Engines. New Idea Manure Spreaders. Repairs and machinery of all kinds and for all purposes. HOENNIGER ^ SIZEMORE CO., Inc., MANUFACTURERS AGENTS AND JOBBERS, RETAIL STORE 1433 East Main Srteet, - - Richmond, Virginia. ^iissiSii«:taxs:ississ$ssia:isi»aiGiisi^^ >c >zs >c >a >c >a3a« 1909.] THE SOUTHEKN PLANTEE. 1019 illNION rl^erc is [ Strengih' Capital, $200,000 Sorploa, 9400,000. DepoaltB, 91,600,000 NiON BAlf Save Systematically and Enjoy Indepenilence Early Don't wait until the "too late" period occurs before saving your earnings Start now— today! ^^^ , Just a little at a tinae when deposited regularly in this ^ ^B / IJ strong institution assures jou of future bapp ness, and ^ ^ / ^-^ prosperity. It makes you immune against worry. This is truly the only way to sjccess in life and one dollar will start an account in our savings department. Begin MOW to realize that dependence is lifa's most embarrassing posi tion. Sive— send u J that dollar to-day. i ^, : •'^ We Pay 3 Per Cent.^ilnterest Compounded Semi-Annually ' Dli[ONJANK.OF RICHMOND 1107 b. Main St.. Richmond, Va. Our methcd tf 'Banking by Mail" is highly intertstir.g- write, iet us explain it to you. ACCA STOCK FARM Trotting Horses and Jersey Cattle of the richest breeding and most fash- ionable strains of blood. Our herd of Jerseys has been selected with great care, and Includes choice representa- tives of families, both noted as pro- ducers and show ring winners. STALLIONS IN SGRVICE. Akar, 42021, chestnut horse, 4, by Aqullin. 2:19?i, son of Blngen, 2:06%; dam Pavetta, by Pistachio, 2:21%. Akar paced a trial in 2:15% with quarters better than 30 saconds last season at 3 years old. Berro, 41821, trotter, bay horse, 4, by Bingar, son of Blngen, 2:06%, dam Keshena, by Kremlin, 2:07%. Fee for either horse $25 season, with return privilege. Address, GRIFFITH & SAUNDERS, Acca Stock Farm, Richmond, Va. LASSITERS' STABLES HORSES & MULES For sale, singly and In carload lots. Choice Offerings Always on Hand at Popular Prices. Semi-weekly auction Sales on Wednesdays and Saturdaj's. JOSEPH LASSITER, 10th & Fmnklln Sta.. Richmond. Va. H. G. CARTER. W. J. CARTER. H, Q. CARTER & COMPANY Successors to F. H. DEANE & CO., HAY, GRAIN, MILL-FEED, 1105 East Cary Street, RICHMOND, VA. Can Cancer be Cured ? IT CAN. We want every man an'd woman in the United States to know what we are doing — we are curing Cancers, Tu- mors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or by X-Ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legisla- ture of Virginia. We guarantee our cures. KELL.-VM HOSPITAL, 1615 West Main St., Richmond, Va. FRED C. KELLAM, President. Stallion cards, folders and catalogues compiled; pedigrees of trotters and thoroughbred horses traced. My library includes Year Books, Trotting Regis- ters, Stud Books, Files of Turf Jour- nals and other references. Special at- tention to registration of horses. Address AV. J. CARTER, 1105 E. Cory Street, Richmond, Va., or, 1102 Hull St., Manchester, Va. FOR SALE SJONEmOGE JACK Contemplating a change In location, I am offering my prize winning Jack at a bargain price to a quick buyer. Three years old, sound, handsome and right in every way. A blue ribbon winner in 1906, 1907 and 1908 at the Virginia State Fair at Richmond, where he will be on exhibition agaili October 4-9, and may be examined by Interested parties. . . Address IRVING J. COFFIN. R. F. D. No. 5, Richmond, Va. JOSEPH A. TRAINUM, Practical Horseshocr. Horses balanced and lameness treat- ed. Satisfaction guaranteed. 18th and Cary Sts', Richmond, Vn. S. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS, "BLUB Ribbon" strain; extra fine cockerels for sale. Eggs for sitting at all times. SUNCREST POULTRY COM. PANY, Highland Park, Richmond, Va. MONTROSE Shetland Pony Farm Registered Shetlands, highest type and quality, both imported and na- tive bred. Choice brood mares, with foal and young stallions. Well mannered, perfectly broken ponies and youngsters for sale at attract- ive prices. Beautiful and intelli- gent little pets for children. In- formation cheerfully furnished. Ad- dress Dr. NASH P. SNEAD CARTERSVILLE Cumberland County, Virginia 102G THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. [October, $2,200 per acre. This season's crop of Gravensteins have been sold for $1.50 per bushel box F. O. B. The winter varietes have not yet been sold, and indications are that prices will be the highest ever recorded. D. L. DAVIDSON, Hood River, Ore. , The October Review of Reviews comes out with a group of striking articles on the discovery of the Norih Pole. Besides the character sketch of Commander Peary, which, while un- signed, is understood to have been written by one who has long enjoyed a close acquaintance with the explorer and an intimate knowledge of his work, there is a popular scientific ar- ticle on the discovery and its signi- ficance by Cyrus C. Adams, the geo- grapher, and these are followed by an extended interview with Dr. Cook reported by W. T. Stead from Copen- hagen. These three articles were ■written exclusively for the Review of Reviews during the month of Septem- ber after the world had been thrilled by the news fiashed from the Shet land Islands and from the distant coast of Labrador. The securing and publica- tion of these articles within so short a time is a feat unparalleled in month- ly magazine journalism. Robert S. Lanier. This survey of the railroad magnate's career and meth- ods was prepared after the announce- ment of Mr. Harriman's death on Sep- tember 9, and includes full and up-to- date information regarding the Harri- man system of railroads. A Neat Binder for your back num- bers can be had for 30 cents. Address our Business Department. Always mention The Southera Planter when writing advertisers. A remarkable article entitled "Har- riman the Absolute" is contributed to the October Review of Reviews by Lee's Prepared Agricultural Lime The great crop grower and land improver. Never falls when prop- erly used to give perfect satisfaction. It prevents rust and scab on wheat and oats, and insures a good stand and growth of clover or other grasses. Lee's Special Wheat Fertilizer Grows In favor and sales every season. We hear of no rust or scab, but all say the crop Is Increased eight to ten bushels of wheat, of fine quality, and they have fine stands of clover or other grass. Imported Thomas Basic Slag This valuable fertilizer is used almost exclusively in Europe on fall crops, such as grasses and turnips as well as grain. It has several ad- vantages over our phosphate. It Is insoluble In water, and being much heavier than the soils, Is not washed away by h»avy rains, but remains where distributed until dissolved by the humic acid of the roots of plants. It also contains forty to fifty per cent, of free lime. Its lasting results make It a cheap as well as good fertilizer. Lee's High Grade Bone and Potash For potatoes, cabbage and other crops. Plaster, Agricultural Lime, carload or less. ^Alnnufactnred By — Constantly on hand Land A. S. LEE & SON'S COMPANY, Richmond, Va. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, DEPARTMENT "A." May We Ship You a Ton of Lime and a King Spreader? We desire to quickly inlroilucc our Low-Priced King Lime Spreader Into every community. And to con- vince a neighborhood we'll ship a SAMPLE MACHINE and a TON OF LIME under our FREIGHT-PAID TRIAL PLAN, which we'll gladly explain to you. The King Spreader Is a wonder! Strongly and lastingly built, can be handled by boy, covers from 8 to 12 acres daily. Force feed, distributes lime, plaster and fertilizer of any kind evenly. No waste. No clog. Write quick. Address KING WEEDER CO., Richmond, Va. 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTEE. 1021 THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY 1302 East Main St., Richmond. Va. Headquarters for the best in fARM IMPLEMENTS. Implements that work easy and wear well are tha kind we sell. Our Descriptive Catalogue is one of the best and most complete of Implement catalogues, should have a copy. Mailed free on request. Every Farmer .^.iIBKICAN POLE SAWS. For cord wood or long poles. Furnished with bal- ance whejl beneath frame if so wanted. Btckford & Huff, man Fanner's Favorite Orutn Drilla are built to wear, to sow ac- curately and to satisfy every us- er. The Fertilizer distributor han- dles accurately any quantity of fertilizer from 55 to 960 lbs. to the acre. Each drill Is furnished with special gear wheels for plant- ing corn and beans in rows any desired distance. American Fence OHIO FEED AND ENSILAGE CUT- TERS. Combine the Fence and the Hog* and get the Dollars AmericaiiDoIlaps For hand or power. Furnished with or without Carrier or Blow- er. Special cata- logue telling all about them, sent free to any ad- dress. Buckeye Feed Mills and Powers, for grinding ear corn or small grain. The best mill for dairymen. It leads all others in fast grinding, in lightness of draft, in strength, in durability and especially in being the best 2-Horse Power for oper- ating Feed Cutters, Corn Shallers, Wood Saws, or any other light run- ning machinery. GALVANIZED HEAVY GAUGE V-CRIMP ROOFING. Makes the most economical and durable roofing known. Never requires painting or any attention aftsr laid and requires no tools except a ham- mer to put It on. Heavy gauge painted V-Crimp and also best grades of rubber roofing in stock at low^est prices. THE IMPLEMENT CO., 1302 East Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. Peerless Gasolins Engines, Farq iihar Engines, Saw Mills, Ellwood Poultry, Rabbit and Garden Fencing, Mandy Xiee Incubators and Brooders, Iron Age Farm and Garden Tools, Farm Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Barb Wira, etc 1022 THE SOUTHEKN PLANTER. fOctobei CLUBBING LIST In this list will be found prices on papers, magazines and periodicals which are most called for by our readers. We have club rates with nearly all reputable publications, and will quote them on request. DAILIES. WITH ALONE S. P. Times-Dispatch (7 Nos.)..$6 00 $6 00 Times-Dispatch (No Sun.) 4 00 4 00 News-Leader 4 00 4 00 Richmond Journal 3 00 3 00 Baltimore Sun 3 00 3 40 THRICE A WEEK. The World, New York 1 00 1 25 WEEKLIES. Times-Dispatch 1 00 1 25 Southern Churchman 2 00 2 25 Central Presbyterian 2 00 2 25 Harper's Weekly 4 00 4 00 Breeders' Gazette 2 00 1 50 CouBtry Gentleman 150 175 National Stockman 1 00 1 00 Hoard's Dairyman 1 00 1 25 Kansas City Star 25 60 Chattanooga News and Farm Journal 50 50 Memphis News-Scimitar. . 50 75 Cotton Journal 1 OO 1 00 SEMI-MONTHLY. Standard (Poultry) 1 00 60 Kimball's Dairy Farmer.. 50 75 MONTHLIES. Harper's Magazine 4 00 4 00 Review of Reviews 3 00 3 00 The Century 4 00 4 25 St. Nicholas 3 00 3 25 Lippincott's 2 50 2 50 Scribner's 3 00 3 25 Virginia Magazine 1 00 1 00 American 1^0 l 50 Cosmopolitan 1 00 1 35 Everybody's 150 175 Munsey 1 00 1 35 Argosy 1 00 1 35 The Strand 1 20 1 50 Success 1 00 1 20 Woman's Home Companion 1 25 1 50 Delineator 1 00 1 40 Field and Stream 1 50 1 50 Reliable Poultry Journal . . 50 75 Commercial Poultry 50 75 Industrious Hen 50 75 Poultry Success 50 75 Blooded Stock 50 65 Successful Farming 50 60 Southern Fruit Grower. . . 50 85 Shepherd's Criterion 50 75 When two or more publications are wanted, the price for them in most instances can be found by deducting 50 cents from "price with Southern Planter." We cannot, under any circum- stances, furnish sample copies of other publications. We will cheerfully quote our best price on any list of publications sub- mitted to us. A Modern Fable *' Glimpses of Thrift-Land" THIS is the name of a clever, at- tractive little Souvenir Book just published by the International Harvester Company of America. It is a fascinating story told in rhyme wherein a strange fairy unexpectedly calls on Farmer Brown and entertains him with an astounding tale that beau- tifully pictures the Land of Wealth and Happiness. This fairy. Prosperity, or "Prospy," as he calls himself, is such a strange- looking, half-human, half-elf person- age that Farmer Brown stares in open-eyed wonder at his visitor. And "Prospy" is a remarkable creature — a big golden-yellow ear of corn consti- tutes his body which is covered by a green coat and vest of corn husks. He wears a red-clover military cap sur- mounted by a combination plume of alfalfa and oats. In his right hand he carries a long spear which Farmer Brown notes is a gigantic stalk of bearded wheat. In his left hand this bold Emissary of Thrift-Land carries a big yellow shield. He has an extra supply of shorter timothy arrows strapped to his back. This make-up, together with his broad, bland smile, makes "Prospy" truly a curiosity to Farmer Brown, as indeed he would be to any- body. "Prospy" plays the role of a titled Son of the Soil, who generously ofifers to show Farmer Brown the short, straight road to Prosperity. We can't do justice to the beauty of this little book, "Glimpses of Thrift- Land." Nor does the picture of the outside cover begin to do it justice. Unfortunately the color scheme and numerous illustrations cannot be shown in this publication. In one place "Prospy" says: "Wonldst have a glimpse Of Thrift-Land fair— The smiling land With promise rare? Take my right hand. Your eyes shall see Less toil and true Prosperity." But Farmer Brown, sweating and working in the hayfield, is very skep- tical at first — doesn't take much stock in such a tale. "Lead on! Lead on! Said Farmer Brown; If you're no faker From the town. For I would learn What you suggest — I'm almost dying For a rest." Then "Prospy" goes on and fulfills his promise to show Farmer Brown the way to "Thrift-Land." We wish all of our readers who appreciate anything light, interesting and artistic, had a chance to enjoy "Glimpses of Thrift-Land" and see "Prospy," the little fairy. If you want to write the Interna tional Harvester Company of Amer- ica, they will send you, free, one copy of the booklet, "Glimpses of Thrift- Land." Then you will be able to see "Prospy" in all of his four-colored glory and hear the talk he puts up to Farmer Brown. If is certainly a strik- ing little story, most clevery told in rhyme and picture. A pretty souvenir in the shape of a monogram tie or stickpin or in lapel button form accompanies each copy of "Glimpses of Thrift-Land," provided you write "Prospy," care International^ Harvester Company of America, and send the names and address of some one or more persons whom you think might want a Cream Separator, Ma- nure Spreader, Gasoline Engine, Wagon, Feed Grinder, Hay Press, Auto Buggy or Disk Harrow. In writ- ing, our readers should be sure to state whether they want silver, gold or bronze finish. If you prefer a lapel button in gold finish, instead of a stick- pin, you may have it. The Monogram Stickpin, together with "Glimpses of Thrift-Land," are such attractive souvenirs that we are printing a small coupon this month for the benefit of the many who will want them. These presents will un- doubtedy go fast, so if you really want one, now is the time to send in the coupon. Then "Prospy" will be pleased to call on you with his illustrated pic- tures of "Thrift-Land" and the enter- taining story of how to get there. You should address him, "Prosperity," Room .., care International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, 111. Souvenir-Bringing Coupon To "Pro»py," care of International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated), Room 191 , Harvester Bldgr., Chicago, III. Dear Sir: — Will you kindly call on me at once with your "Glimpses o£ Thrift-Land?" I prefer Monogram Pin to be □ bronze, D silver, D gold finish, for name(s) of prospective buyers I enclose. Name Address R. P. D Please check kind of pin wanted. Would you prefer lapel batton to stlckplnf 1909.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 1023 SUBSCRIPTION OFFER The spendid service and saving rendered our readers last year tlirougli our subscription department will be duplicated again this season. We give liere a few very attractive offers. Remember we can save you money on practically any publication In the English language. Send in your lists for our lowest estimate. No. 1. Southern Phinter Monthly Hints 50c. Monthly Hints is for the farm, orchard and garden and is a valu- able little pampnlet prepared for us by Professor Massey. A copy wil be given free with every new subscriber or to every one who sends a new subscription. No. 2. Southern Planter. ^ ^ Southern Poultry Guide y dC* The Southern Poultry Guide is Cal Husselman's 40 years of prac- tical experience in the poultry busi- ness. The book is in crisp, consise shape, containing 12.5 pa^es. illus- trated. It is for men who raise chickens and not the fancier who exhibits them. No. 3. Southern Planter Farmer's Aceonnt Book 7Sc. This Account Book is the best and simplest one we have seen and retails for 50 cents. There is am- ple room for three or four years' record and in addition, it contains valuable tables of weights, meas- ure, gestation, etc. No. 4. Southern Planter mm p* Binder (for 12 Issues) J ^C>» This binder is a neat and simple devise for one volume of The Planter. As it is made of good Bristol hoard it will last indefin- itelv. No. 5. Southern Planter Practical Farming $1.50 Practical Farming is Professor JIassey's latest and best book, which retails for $1.50 and is well worth the price. It contains over 300 pages and deals in a. »iractical man- ner with pretty much every phase of farming. No. 6. Southern Planter Feed and Feeding $2.25 This book is Prof. W. A. Henry's greatest work and is recognized as the world's standard. Every stckman should have a copy of this work in his library. No. 7. Southern Planter. Swine in America $2.50 This is the latest and best hog book published. Its author is Hon. F. D. Coburn, who is an acknowl- edged authority. The work con- tains over 600 pages illustrated and retails for $2.50. Hog raisers should have this book. No. 8. Southern Planter. Farm and Fireside 50c. The Farm and Fireside is an ex- cellent farm paper of national repu- tation and circulation. It is pub- lished semi-monthly, making 36 farm papers you may have for the price of one subscription. No. 9. 50c. Southern Planter. Industrious Hen The IndUiStrious Hen Is a lively up-to-date Southern poultry month- ly and sells for 50 cents per year and you get it for practically noth- ing by ordering it with The South- ern Planter. No. 10. Southern Planter. Southern Fruit Grower 50c. These two monthlies sell for $1 per year and if you are at all in- lested in fruit we would unhesi- tatingly say that 24 issues of these two papers are well worth your 50 cents. No. 11. Southern Planter. Your County Paper $1.10 With one or two exceptions we can furnish any $1 county w^eekly In "Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina for the above price. No. 12. Southern Planter One Dollar Magazine $1.25 Under this offer we can furnish any of the popular magazines sell- ing for $1 per year for the above price. No. 13. Southern Planter Weekly Times-Dispatch $1.00 We can also furnish any other edition of The Times-Dispatch with The Southern Planter for the price of the former. No. 14. Southern Planter it I 'tf P Farm .lonrnal (2 Yrs.) *K I I ,^ Gardn Magazine *|./ » • » «^ This Is a very attractive combi- nation. Garden Magazine-Farming is the most beautiful publication of its kind in the world. It sells for $1 per year. The Farm .Tournal is unlike any other paper and num- bers its readers by the million. The above offer retails for $2.50. ORDER BY NUMBER TO AVOID ERRORS THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. Richmond. Va. 1024 THE SOUTHEKN PLANTER .» m [October, FRIEE TO YOU! ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Washing Machine Write us a postal card to-day and we will ship you at once this wonderful washing machine and wringer. It comes right to your depot without any trouble on your part. Try it for 30 days, give it the hardest kind of a test and then, if not sat- isfactory, send it back to us by freight and we will pay tn« charges back. If you do like It, we -will make the payments on such easy Installments that any- one can buy It. STOP SERIOUSLY TO THINK If you could imagine a fairer of- fer than this. Could we make It If the Spotless was not one of the best washers In the world. Moreover there are no strings to this offer, it is a square deal and Is just as it is written. All you have to do is to send us say two references that we may know who you are. Our Spotless Washer is honestly made of Se- lected Virginia White Cedar- is steam tight — has all Its mechanism enclosed — no danger of hands or clothing being caught — is ball bearing like a bicycle and is the only machine made in the world that is auto- matically lubricated; that is why It runs so easily. Send to-day for full particulars of this re- markable machine. The Spotless Company 122 SHOCKOE SQUARE, RICHMOND, VA. THE SOUTH'S MAIL ORDER HOUSE THE WATT PLOW CO. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Largest Dealers in Agricultural Implements in the South. A Popular Engine for Gsneral Work From 2 to 50 Horse Power. The Smalley Electric Pole Machine. Designed for rapidwork. It is the strong- est and most convenienton the market. Smalley Modern Silo Filler with SafetyBlow- er, and travelling table which makes the feed come continuously and increases, the capacity. The Chatta- nooga Reversi- ble Disc Plow. "Plows a coming and a Going" None better. Write for special circular and prices. Agents for the Acme Harrow. It will Crush, Cut, Turn, Smooth, and Level in one operation. We are Agents for the Celebrat- ed Deere Disc Harrows. All sizes always in Stock. The SUCCESS Spreader Ferti- lizes the Earth. A Soil Builder for Hungry crops. Be sure and get the Genuine Success with Roller Bear- ings which insures light draft. P'^ish and Moline Wagons for thea Farmer, Mer- chant and Saw* Mill Man, all sizes, low wheels and high wheels We give Mail Orders our special attention and invite vour cor- respondence. For Sale by THE WATT PLOW COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. 1426 East Main Street. ... 1438 East Franklin Street. INCOME INSURANCE HAS COME TO STAY. Pe ; svant it. The many wills left, providing Annual ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Incomes through Trustees, att(§st this fact. Men want certainty. A lump guDti of money left to a widow, is liable to be borrowed, loaned, or lost by bad investment, or the income therefrom delayed or greatly depreciated. Money left with the NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY to be returned as an annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly income, IS SAFE. The company has an unblemished record of 52 years — present assets over two hundred and fifty million dollars. Our interesting document No. 842 giving full particulars will be sent on request. T. A. CARY, No. 601 Mutual Assurance Society Bui ding, RICHMOND, VA. - - Corrugated V-Crimp Rooting - - painted and galvanized **Bestoid" Rubber Roofing Carey's Magnesia Cement Roofing Tarred Paper, Tin Plate, Lime, Ce- ment, Hardware, Terra Cotta Pipe, Wire Fence, Drain Tile, etc. SBND FOE CATALOQUB 1557 E. MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA. BALDWIN & BROWN. THE EVERLASTING TUBULAR STEEL PLOW DOUBLETREES. Tri^IeUeeli ^ X-Hook or wTlLTnTanJ ^ fci J ' "" ' ^^ Ringin Center Sulky Plows M " ^ i ! nu l ft I I . J j— — Jb^ as desired. Guaranteed not to Break or Bend, fl Send for Our Number 8 Catalogue We manafactnre a complete line of Oon- bletreeSf Slnglcttree8, and Neck Yokes of every description. Ask year dealer for tbem and take no other. This pattern, No. 105-A made In three sizes. / BUYERS GUIDE. The following are some of the houses handling the Everlastins Tubular Steel Doubletrees, carrying a stock of same and can supply customers promptly: Norfolk Farm and Supply Co Norfolk, Va. Hening: & Huckols Klchmond, Va. Watt Piow Company ." Richmond, Va. T. R. N. Speck , . . Staunton, Va. Bristow & Worsham Co Richmond, Va. Stokes, Williams & Co Blackstone, Va Seay-Dlllard Hdwe. Co Blackstone, Va B. K. Gill Rehoboth Church. Va. Duvall. Son & Co Farmvllle. Pdterson & Jefferson Petersburgr. Walker, Carroll, Adams Hdw. Co . Charlottesville, Va. Baker-Jennings Hdwe Co Lynchburg, Va, Anslie-Martln Co Lynchburg, Va. Graves-Humphries Hdwe. Co.. . .Roanoke, Va. Pittsburg Tubular Steel Whiffletree Companv, Sole Manufacturers, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania