Dear Sir; I brought to your notice a few days ago the names of Mr Hilliard of Alabama and Mr Boulware of Virginia, the first for the mission to Belgium and the [] to Naples in the event of vacancies. I cannot commend either of those gentlemen too highly. The first has been one of the most active and talented men on our side in Ala- bama, and is prevented, as I believe, from sitting in the highest public places to which his District of country and party could elevate him by the general Ticket law lately passed by the Alabama legislature. Mr Boulware is well and intimately known to me, and comes re- commended to you by a letter from Professor Dew of Wm & Mary College, which I have had the honour heretofore to enclose you. And here ever my catechism, except to bid you adieu as preparato -ry to my return home. Very Respectfully & Truly Your Servant John Tyler March 15, 1841 Hon. D. Webster Dear Sir; I brought to your notice a few days ago the names of Mr. Hilliard of Alabama and Mr. Boulware of Virginia, the first for the mission to Belgium and the last to Naples in the event of vacancies. I cannot commend either of those gentlemen too highly. The first has been one of the most active and talented men on our side in Ala- bama, and is prevented, as I believe, from sitting in the highest public places to which his District of country and party could elevate him, by the General Ticket Law lately passed by the Alabama Legislation. Mr. Boulware is well and intimately known to me and comes re -commended to you by a letter from Professor Dew of W[illia]m & Mary College, which I have had the honour heretofore to enclose you. And here ends my atechism except to bid you adieu as preparato -ry to my return home. Very Respectfully and Truly Your Servant John Tyler March 15, 1841 Hon. D. Webster Hon Daniel Webster Secretary of State