Extract of a letter to Mr. Webster London 16 Sept. 1842 My Dear Sir The appointment of Mr. Riois, as my Secretary of Ligation, places me in a very embarrassing position toward Mr. Van Rensselaer. To the young gentleman himself I can have no objection. From what I hear of him, had I been uncommitted, no selection could please me better. But as it is, I am placed in a very mortifying position. I was led to think from usage, and from you having desired me to express my wishes to you as to a Secretary, that my recommendation, at least if the candidate named by me were above all exception, would be decisive with you. I therefore thought myself perfectly warranted in telling Mrs. Van Rensselaer in May last that I should write to you, requesting her son's appointment, as I did on the 2nd of June letting you know that I had spoken to her on the subject I stated, to Mrs. V. R. That (I thought) though I could but recommend, I felt confident