Pittsfield Sep. 21. 1849 Dear Robert: I am quite anxious to procure Five Bushells of wheat of Pennsylvania growth for seed and I have suppos'd that it might readily be done through some Miller or Commission Merchant of the City. Can you take so much time as to look it up. The Pennsylvania Blue stem is a highly approved variety with us and has only been introduced within the last three years. Of that I have enough. The other two varieties which we have are the early purple straw and Medi terranean. I want neither of them. You see therefore that the Blue stem, Purple straw and Medi terranean (the two last red wheat) is what I do not want. There are many other varie ties cultivated in Pennsylvania and of them I want a hardy wheat and a good bearer. The Zimmerman wheat is highly spoken of. Can 5 bushells of that be attained. If so get it for me and have it put in double bags, so that I may take it along when I return. If however the Zimmerman wheat cannot be obtained then any other recommended variety. An early wheat is preferable, but not what is called May wheat, that is too early. Com. Steward imported wheat from [?] with me it has proven too liable to dis ease. In short I depend upon your mak ing a good selection and I would greatly prefer the smooth headed wheat. It is so im portant to change one seed once in five years that almost any change would be advantageous and what may ap pear to you a trifling matter is to me quite important. Cannot Doctor Phipps aid you. By reason of his exten sive practice he might make a sound selection from among the Farmers about Bristol. I will pay when I come on. Now as to my movements. On the first of October (Monday week) I shall leave for New York where business will detain me for a day or two and having accepted an invitation to the agricultural show at Flushing Long Island on the 4th October we propose to leave on the 5th or 6th for Bristol where we shall remain most probably the sabbath and certainly do so if we can get to Philadelphia on the evening of that day so as to take the cars on Monday morning to Baltimore Write me all about it to New York so that your letter may meet me there and I could apprise you with more accuracy of the day on which we shall be with you. Alice I sup pose by this time has returned to Bristol. Of politics I will talk when I reach you. With love to all Yr Father J. Tyler Ro Tyler Esq. J. Tyler Robert Tyler Esq Att. at Law No 10 S[ou]th 7th Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania