Sherwood Forest May 21. 1852 My Dear Sir; Mr Saml B. Carey who is directly from the vicinity of the land in Kentucky and in fact is a principal agent in the working of the adjoining coal mines, will bear this letter to Richmond to be there mail'd. He gives me a description of the coal deposits on the land vastly exceeding any thing I had supposd. He says that there are some 500 acres underlaid with coal and that he thinks and in fact has no doubt but that there are from 5 to 7 strata of coal of the finest quality from the first stratum beginning near the surface and the last being some 300 feet below. Three different seams he says have been disclosed by himself independent of a vien of Kenel coal. I had supposed that a single seam of 5 feet constituted the whole of it. He estimates the coal on the land at 50,000,000 bushells. If a sale cannot be affected I think strongly of letting the mines be worked at half a cent per bushell by a company if one can be organiz'd. This would yield $1000 per acre and a million of bushells could be rais'd annually. All this however does in no degree vary my desire to sell the property, and if $20,000 can be got it is better it should be sold. The interest accruing is large, and a few years delay would augment the outlay and interest on the sums expended to a larger amount than it might command. The bargains offerd to capitalists in the purchase never was greater. Of that I am sure. I thought I would give you the above information derivd from Mr Casey as it would enable you more successfully to operate in the matter. My health I hope is gradually improving, altho I am still an invalid. We have sufferd excessively in our crops for the want of rain and the fly had threatend sad havoc with our wheat but a rain two nights ago has given a new face to things, and I begin to hope for better results than were anticipated by my brother farmers a few days ago. I hope that little Henry has got the better of the measles and that all are now well at Staten Island. With best and affectionate regards to all Yrs Truly J. Tyler Col. D.L. Gardiner J. Tyler Col. David L. Gardiner Castleton Staten Island New York