Philadelphia August 16th 1852 Gentlemen, It would afford me great satisfaction to answer your kind invitation to attend a mass convention of the Democracy of New- Hampshire, at Hillsborough, on the 19th Mrh, by being personally present on so interesting and gratifying an occa- sion. But circumstances of a private nature will not permit me to indulge in the pleasure of such a []. [Without] unnecessarily consuming your time, permit me to congratulate you on the happy [ans...s] [...dash] [...] the Democratic Party foreshadowing success in November next. The triumphant restoration of the Government to the control & guidance of the party of the People, seems now to be assured and certain; And unless I have studied his history without reflection, we shall have in General Pierce, a President who will during his administration vigilantly guard all the provisions of the Constitution and the Right of the States from invasive and encroachment. He will take care to serve the whole Union and to preserve the Union whole. Very Respectfully Your old [de...] Robert Tyler To John H. George George to Morrison [...] B. Wililamson George H. Pierce [...] J. Vaughan Com. of [arrangement] Ro: Tyler to The Com: at Concord New Hampshire In reply to their Invitation to attend a Mass Convention of the Democracy August 16/52