Phila Sep 5/55 Dear Boswell, I have been absent from in Phila for a week 'till the day before yesterday. You had been to my office ([?] informed me) & appeard as if he had been on a [?]. On yesterday he again calld & seemd well tho evidently nervous. He said he had heard from you. I was compelld to leave the office for a few moments & beggd him to remain 'till I should return but he has gone before my return. He said nothing whatever about money. I sincerely regret that Priscella & myself should have been deprivd of the pleasure of your society this summer. I trust that we may see you during the winter or certainly in the course of the next summer. Public political opinion is [intivly] disorganized have no [?] path. The New York Loft- [?] venture have addressd a resolution on [?] [?] [?] they, without [?] in effect. Pennsylvania is but a little too //. [?]. Look equally [?] to a dis -memberment of the Democratic Party North & South. The main [?] & I fear altho I admit its [?] to be [?] of very [?]. I wish you to keep our advancd of the [?] of [?] in Virginia. How will the States stand as between [?] and Hunter. What Northern name would you all prefer. [?] [?] any friends [?]. My best regards to your Brother [?] & all [?]. Very truly yours Ro: Tyler [?] [?] G. Robert Tyler to Boswell Seawell