April 11 My dear Alexander I was too ill yesterday with a nervous headache to write to you. I thank you for your [attention] to [England] [] tells me for an [?] the proof thats of my article in [?] of the [?]. [] will look closely to morrow & correct the grammar as well as the [?] [?]. I wrote the article in the course of a day & night very hastily & trusted to the press to amend it. I hope all are well. Why has not May [answered] my last, or [?] she intend to [?] me dead. How is David. Does he dream badly [now] from falling! I hope he has recovered. Have you heard from [] [] []. Mary quite won my heart. Did May send [?] the [?] or not. I got a letter from the ex-functionary the other day. He is as lively as a cricket ap- -parently. Polk has killed me outright. I am glad that you were placed beyond a [contigengy]. I am just getting my [?] underway & I am going to lecture for the people here in a week or so. I will that [?] Selden has been elected Mayor. I hope to make a decent living. Give my love to your Mother & May not forgetting Old Dave. Look closely to the proof. [?] [with] [?] [?] to do I [?] sent you. I mean by Polk killing me that he has done his worse & [be] [did] to [], to injure my political influence & private affairs in the [bargain] but "[?] answer" [?] Ro Tyler Alexander Gardiner Esq No 143 Lafayette Place New York