5 a [Bounty] in [Land] was offered in [] [] for to every nation - grants of land were made [as] a reward of [merit] [and] [the} [madrate] [every] [agreed] [] [] [] [] by which any inhabitant of the colony might become a freeholder, all of [which] [tended] to create an independent [liberty] loving, [] ^[] [] & ^& the [] to [extend] the inhabited [liviely] of the Commonwealth. [Emigration] [got] steadily in - peace & security prevailed - the Settlers [began] [to] [] the [] ^[] of [] ^[] & a generation of [native] [born] Virginians were just maturing. "[Henceforward] ,says Mr Bancroft, the superior [powers] [were] held to [reside] in the hands of the [Colonial] [Parliaments] & of the King as King of Virginia. The [Country] [taken] were the basis on [which] Virginia [created] the [] of her [liberty]. [Its] reflections were wide & enduring & can be [heard] [thro] all following [years] of the [history] of the Colony. [It] [ever] [to] [burden] the Plantation [in] [its] [inforcing] the necessary of fundamentals & succeeding generations learned to [] [] [which] [] [] [old] [or] [the] [feast] [] often property of their [fathers] [DAMAGE] the [priviledges] which were [DAMAGE] conceded would never be [wrested] from the Virginians; [and] [as] [new] Colonies [arose] at the South, their [] [] [could] [hope] to [] England [alone] by [] []" as large as those [] by their [older] Rival: [] freedom became so [intimately] connected with the life, property, & state of society of Virginia, that they could never would be separated,,. But [it] thus it appears [as] [] [] in History that one year before the removal of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, fifteen years before [] Calvert landed at St Marys, the spit