Letter 1 - "Officers of the late U.S. Ship Chesapeake," Hampton Roads, Ben Smith, W[illia]m Crane, W.H. Allen, J. Orde Creighton, Sidney Smith, and Sam[ue]l Brooke, to Rob[er]t Smith, Secretary of the U.S. Navy, Washington, 23 June 1807. 3 pages. Autograph Document Signed. "Sensible of the disgrace . . . in the premature surrender of the U.S. Ship Chesapeaketo the English Ship of Leopard. . . request that an order be issued for the arrest of Commander James Barron . . . ." Cover letter to Commodore James Barron from the Officers of the late U.S.S. Chesapeakeat anchor in Hampton Roads, 23 June 1807. 1 page. Autograph Document Signed. |