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Letters, 1881 October 31 & 25, Jno S. Tucker, Secretary, Yorktown Centennial Celebration, Washington, D.C., to Capt. James Barron Hope and ....

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Alternative title: Resolution of thanks for the "very eloquent and appropriate Centennial Poem delivered," signed by John W. Johnston, Chairman, 25 October 1881
Author: Yorktown Centennial Association (Yorktown, Va.)
Abstract: Two items from folder 41: Item 1: Jno S. Tucker, Secretary, Yorktown Centennial Celebration, Washington, D.C., to Capt. James Barron Hope, 31 October 1881. Enclosing a copy of a resolution which is listed below, 25 October 1881, Box-folder 2:41. Item 2: Resolution of thanks for the "very eloquent and appropriate Centennial Poem delivered," signed by John W. Johnston, Chairman, 25 October 1881. Enclosed within the above letter, 31 October 1881, Box-folder 2:41.
Issued Date: 1881-10-31
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10288/20049
Citation: James Barron Hope Papers (I), Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary

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