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Letter, Joseph Prentis, Jr. to his son Joseph Prentis, at Colonel Woodley's Seminary near Smithfield, Virginia, July 29, 1829

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Author: Prentis, Joseph Jr.
Issued Date: 1829-07-29
Subjects: Legal Documents
Nansemond County (Va.)--History--19th century
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10288/22299
Citation: Prentis Family Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Description: Has taken his wife to Old Point, Comfort, Va., to try to restore her health by the "salt bath"; the rest of the family is well except for Maria Louise who has the "whooping cough"; hopes he has recovered from his "indisposition"; mentions the tickets his son has won at school.

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