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Letter, Sally Lambert, Richmond, to Elizabeth Galt, Williamsburg

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Author: Lambert, Sally; Galt, Elizabeth Judith
Abstract: She informs her of the birth yesterday of a new daughter, to be named Sally, to General and Mrs. Lambert. Describes her sister Eliza's visit to see Afong Moy, "The Chinese Lady," who was the first known female Chinese immigrant to the U.S. and was part of a touring exhibition, and comments on the practice of foot-binding. Discusses her reading. They are going to see a balloon ascension on Thursday. [Note: A note to Mary D. Galt requests her to spare Elizabeth to them a few weeks, as they are very anxious to see her.].
Issued Date: 1836-05-25
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10288/25768
Citation: Galt Papers (I)

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